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Direct and Indirect Speech

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Nama : Nur Asfiya Khustina
NPM : 16213597
Kelas : 1EA22


Words spoken by a person can be reported to another person in two ways. These two ways of
narration are called direct speech and indirect speech. In direct speech the original words of
person are narrated (no change is made) and are enclosed in quotation mark. While in indirect
speech some changes are made in original words of the person because these words have
been uttered in past so the tense will change accordingly and pronoun may also be changed
accordingly. In indirect speech the statement of the person is not enclosed in quotation marks,
the word that may be used before the statement to show that it is indirect speech. Indirect
speech is also called reported speech because reported speech refers to the second part of
indirect speech in which something has been told by a person.

Reporting verb : The verb first part of sentence (i.e. he said, she said, he says, they said, she
says,) before the statement of a person in sentence is called reporting verb.
In all of the following example the reporting verb is said.
He said, I work in a factory (Direct speech)
He said that he worked in a factory. (Indirect speech)
They said, we are going to cinema (Direct speech)
They said that they were going to cinema. (Indirect speech)

Reported Speech : The second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by a
person (which is enclosed in quotation marks in direct speech) is called reported speech. For
example, a sentence of indirect speech is, He said that he worked in a factory. In this
sentence the second part he worked in a factory is called reported speech and that is why
the indirect speech as a whole can also be called reported speech.

Direct speech
When we use direct speech we quote the actual words said by the speaker.
She said, I am going to the market.
John said, I will be late today.
Alice said, Would you like to come with me?
Indirect speech
When we use indirect speech, we do not quote the exact words said by the speaker. Instead,
we express the idea in our own words. In order to report the words of the original speaker in
our own language, we have to make several changes in his/her sentence.


1. Reported speech is not enclosed in quotation marks.
2. Use of word that: The word that is used as a conjunction between the reporting
verb and reported speech.
3. Change in pronoun: The pronoun (subject) of the reported speech is changed according
to the pronoun of reporting verb or object (person) of reporting verb (first part of
sentence). Sometimes the pronoun may not change.

In following example the pronoun of reported speech is I which will be changed in indirect
speech into the pronoun (Subject) of reporting verb that is he.
Direct speech : He said, I am happy
Indirect Speech : He said that he was happy.
Direct speech : I said to him, you are intelligent
Indirect Speech : I said him that he was intelligent.
(You changed to he the person of object of reporting verb)

Change in time
Time is changed according to certain rules like now to then, today to that day, tomorrow to
next day and yesterday to previous day.
Direct speech : He said, I am happy today
Indirect Speech : He said that he was happy that day.

Change in the tense of reported speech
If the first part of sentence (reporting verb part) belongs to past tense the tense of reported
speech will change. If the first part of sentence (reporting verb part) belongs to present or
future tense, the tense of reported speech will not change.
Direct speech : He said, I am happy
Indirect Speech : He said that he was happy.
(Tense of reported speech changed)
Direct speech : He says, I am happy
Indirect Speech : He said that he is happy.
(Tense of reported speech didnt change)


We have seen that when the reporting verb is in the past tense, all present tenses inside the
quotation marks will change into their corresponding past tenses in indirect speech.

Direct speech : She said, I dont want to come with you.
Indirect speech : She said that she didnt want to come with me.
Direct speech : He said, I am writing a letter.
Indirect speech : He said that he was writing a letter.

When the reporting verb is in the past tense, past tenses inside the quotation marks will
change into their corresponding past tenses.
The simple past will change into the past perfect.
The past continuous will change into the past perfect continuous.
The past perfect and past perfect continuous tenses will remain unchanged.

Direct speech : He said, Burglars broke into my house last night.
Indirect speech : He said that burglars had broken into his house the previous night.
Direct speech : She said to me, I was waiting for my sister.
Indirect speech : She told me that she had been waiting for her sister.

Note : that sometimes we do not change a simple past tense into past perfect tense in the
indirect speech.

Direct speech : He said, I lived many years in the US.
Indirect speech : He said that he lived many years in the US.
Or He said that he had lived many years in the US.

Note : that the past perfect tense is used to lay stress on the completion of one past action
before another past action.

When the reporting verb is in the past tense, shall will change into should in indirect speech.
Similarly, will will change into would, can into could and may into might.
Direct speech : She said, I will work hard.
Indirect speech : She said that she would work hard.
Direct speech : He said, They will be arriving here by the next train.
Indirect speech : He said that they would be arriving there by the next train.


Besides the changes in the tenses and the pronouns, words expressing nearness in direct
speech are changed into words expressing distance in indirect speech. The rules are as
follows :
This will change into that.
These will change into those.
Here will change into there.
Now/just will change into then.
Today will change into that day.
Yesterday will change into the previous day or the day before.
Last night will change into the previous night or the night before.
Tomorrow will change into the next day.
Ago will change into before.
The next day/week/year will change into the following day/week/year.
Hence will change into thence.
Thus will change into so or in that way.

Direct speech : He said, I am too weak to work now.
Indirect speech : He said that he was too weak to work then.
Direct speech : She said, I will leave for New York tomorrow.
Indirect speech : She said that she would leave for New York the next day.

Note : adverbs of time or place do not normally change if the reporting verb is in the present
or future tense.

Direct speech : She says, My husband will come now.
Indirect speech : She says that her husband will come now.
Direct speech : She will say, I have to leave now.
Indirect speech : She will say that she has to leave now.

If the adverbs now, this, here etc., refer to objects present at the time of reporting the speech,
or to the place in which the reporter is at the time of the speech, they are not changed into
then, that, there etc.


1. Declarative Sentences

Direct speech : John said, I am very busy now.
Indirect speech : John said that he was very busy then.
Direct speech : She said to me, Please wait here till I return.
Indirect speech : She asked me to wait there till she returned.
Direct speech : I know her name and address, said John.
Indirect speech : John said that he knew/knows her name and address.
(Note that the tenses may not change if the statement is still relevant
or if it is a universal truth.)
Direct speech : John said to Peter, Go away.
Indirect speech : John ordered Peter to go away.
Direct speech : It is too late to go out, Alice said.
Indirect speech : Alice said that it was too late to go out.

2. Interrogative Sentences

There are two main kinds of interrogative sentences. Those which start with an auxiliary verb
and those which start with a question word such as what, why, when, where, how etc. The
following changes occur when an interrogative sentence in the direct speech is changed to the
indirect speech. Interrogative sentences beginning with an auxiliary verb are changed into the
indirect speech by using the connective if or whether. The reporting verb said (or any other
word used as the reporting verb) changes to asked, queried, questioned, demanded
of or enquired of in the indirect speech. Note that of is used
after enquired and demanded only when the reporting verb has an object. The most
common reporting verbs used to report a question are asked and enquired of. The reporting
verb queried is somewhat investigative. Demanded of is the strongest of all reporting verbs
mentioned above. It is used when an explanation is desired.

Note : that the indirect narration is always in the assertive form. In other words, the
interrogative sentences in the direct speech will change into assertive sentences in the indirect

Direct speech : She said to me, Are you unwell?
Indirect speech : She asked me if I was unwell.
Direct speech : She said to him, Am I to wait for you till eternity?
Indirect speech : She enquired of him if she was to wait for him till eternity.
Direct speech : The woman asked the stranger, Should I help you?
Indirect speech : The woman asked the stranger whether she should help him.

Note : that the auxiliary verbs should, could, would, ought to and might do not change in
the indirect speech.

Interrogative sentences beginning with a question word

When a question begins with a question word such as what, who, whom, when, where, why,
how etc., the same word is used to introduce the question in the indirect speech. In other
words, the question word becomes the joining word instead of that, if or whether.

Direct speech : Viola said to Rosalind, Where are you going?
Indirect speech : Viola asked Rosalind where she was going.
Direct speech : The teacher asked the new comer, What is your name?
Indirect speech : The teacher asked the new comer what his name was.
Direct speech : The wolf said to the lamps, Why are you all so sad?
Indirect speech : The wolf asked the lamps why they were all so sad.

3. Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences do not normally have an expressed subject. This is because the
subject you is usually understood. As a result of this, imperative sentences begin with a
verb in the simple present tense. An imperative sentence expresses ideas such as advice,
order, request, suggestion, instruction, permission, allowance etc. In order to change an
imperative sentence into the indirect speech, we use a to-infinitive. A that clause is also
possible in some cases. Note that instead of said we use one of the following reporting
verbs : Advise, command, request, suggest, threaten, order, forbid, decree, propose, entreat,
prompt, counsel, pardon, beg, persuade, instruct etc.

Notes :
After suggest, we use a that clause and not an infinitive.
The verb propose is not followed by an object.
The verb forbid itself conveys a negative sense. Therefore, we do not use not in the
following clause.

Direct speech : The old woman said to the boy, Please help me.
Indirect speech : The old woman requested the boy to help her.
Direct speech : I said to the child, Do not look down into the well.
Indirect speech : I warned the child not to look down into the well.
Direct speech : He said to me, Wait here till I return.
Indirect speech : He asked me to wait there till he returned.

4. Optative Sentences

It is sentence that indicates a wish, pray or desire.
If the reported speech begins with the word may, we change the reporting verb into

Direct speech : She said, May my son stand first in the class!
Indirect speech : She prayed that her son might stand first in the class.
Direct speech : He said to them, May you catch the train today!
Indirect speech : He prayed for them that they might catch the train that day.

5. Exclamatory Sentences

In reporting exclamations the indirect speech is introduced by some verb expressing
Direct speech : He said, Alas! My brother has met an accident.
Indirect speech : He exclaimed with great sorrow that his brother had met with an
Direct speech : He said, Alas! I am undone.
Indirect speech : He exclaimed sadly that he was undone.
Direct speech : He said, Bravo! You have done well.
Indirect speech : He applauded him, saying that he had done well.



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