Personal Statement English PHD Statement of Purpose
Personal Statement English PHD Statement of Purpose
Personal Statement English PHD Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose 1
Notice that this writer does not begin with a personal anecdote? The approach here is
powerful in part because it allows a central, guiding question to inform the writers plans for
future scholarship. This fits the guiding principle that personal statements are narratives of
professional development, but it resists efforts to interpret narrative conventionally. The
writer recognies that there is an apparent conflict between her scholarly interests!writing
pedagogy and the study of race and ethnicity in literature!but then turns that tension into
her greatest strength. "he shows how her two scholarly interests inform and enrich one
another. This gives her statement, and her professional identity, a focus that appeals to
admissions committees.
What happens when students write about race and ethnicity? How is this writing
affected by students personal identities, academic disciplines, and social contexts? Where
can the study of student writing intersect with conversations in ethnic studies? As I pursue a
Ph in !nglish, these "uestions will drive my research#
Having studied writing pedagogy in college and having developed writing
assignments for !$% students while teaching in &apan, I continued to pursue my academic
interest in student writing during my first semester in '(onns )A program# In a case study,
written for my graduate seminar in the *heory and *eaching of Writing, I analy+ed an essay
in which a student from the !nglish ,,- course that I was teaching put her own life
experience into conversation with .ichard .odrigue+s piece /*he Achievement of esire#0
)y approach was similar to one I ta1e when writing about published literature2 I coupled a
close reading of the students essay with attention to the essays context as well as the
language theories of )#)# 3a1htin, Hans45eorg 5adamer, and Paul .icoeur# As I read my
students wor1, I observed that she at times glossed over racial and cultural distinctions
University of Connecticut English Ph.D. Statement of Purpose 2
between herself and .odrigue+# *he fact that I was still considering reasons, even after the
semester, for why the student did this confirmed my particular interest in student writing
about race and ethnicity#
In my literature seminars I have ta1en an interdisciplinary ethnic studies approach,
drawing on history, politics, and religious studies to examine issues of race and ethnicity in
literary texts# In a Harlem .enaissance course, for instance, I wrote on the relationship
between playwright 5eorgia ouglas &ohnsons political agenda and her portrayal of
blac1ness# $or a 6ative American %iteratures seminar paper, I considered how 7herman
Alexies novel #light enacts as well as revises American Indian naming practices# And, in a
course paper for *he 3ible and %iterature 8included as my writing sample9, I analy+ed how
6ative mythology interrupts discourses of (hristian patriarchy in *homas :ings novel
$reen $rass %unning &ater# )y exploration of discursive power in this novel came to bear
immediately on my study of student writing during a Writing Across and 3eyond the
(urriculum seminar in which I researched ethnic minority students initiation into academic
discourse communities as well as their culturally4influenced resistance to such communities#
*he Writing Across and 3eyond the (urriculum seminar, coupled with my previous
experience wor1ing on an across4the4disciplines textboo1 pro;ect, also deepened my curiosity
about the ways that context affects writing# 3y studying how individual students writing on
race and ethnicity changes as students move, for example, from a $reshmen !nglish
University of Connecticut English Ph.D. Statement of Purpose 3
classroom to a history classroom, a nursing classroom, or a non4academic community, I
intend to contribute to scholarship in Writing Across the (urriculum<Writing in the
isciplines 8WA(<WI9# I will draw on ethnographies and case studies by WA(<WI
scholars such as Anne 3eaufort, Anne Herrington, and (harles )oran as I develop
methodologies and theoretical framewor1s for my own study# At the same time, WA(<WI
scholarship has focused on contexts effects on writing in a general way, and I hope that my
specific study of writing on race and ethnicity will open possibilities for more topic4driven
studies of writing across and beyond the curriculum#
A paper that I wrote for the Writing Across and 3eyond the (urriculum seminar
became the basis for an !nglish ,,- summer pilot course that I taught last &une# 7ince my
research suggested that meta41nowledge about how to approach writing in different contexts
transfers from $reshman !nglish to other settings more than any other s1ill, I gave my
students framewor1s to use when observing and discussing the wor1 of various writing
communities# I drew the framewor1s from discourse community theory, activity theory, and
3eauforts theory of 1nowledge domains# )y students then used the framewor1s as they
analy+ed writing communities at '(onn, ranging from '6!7(= to the field hoc1ey staff# I
learned from my students both about how writing wor1s in diverse contexts at '(onn and
how the framewor1s I had culled could be stretched in directions I>and possibly the
theorists>had not anticipated# While my research on student writing about race and ethnicity
University of Connecticut English Ph.D. Statement of Purpose 4
will not have pedagogy as its only focus, I anticipate that it will have implications for
teaching and that I will develop it, in part, through interactions with students in classroom
As a Ph candidate at '(onn, I would loo1 forward to continuing the professional
relationships that I have begun to foster here# Wor1ing with Professors (apshaw 7mith and
*ilton has given me moorings in ethnic studies# I have also developed theoretical perspectives
on writing via coursewor1 with Professors .ecchio, Winter, and eans# In addition, I have
wor1ed with Professors .ecchio and Winter on the $reshman !nglish teaching orientation,
the !nglish ,,- summer pilot pro;ect, and collaborations between $reshman !nglish and the
Writing (enter# As a graduate assistant in the Writing (enter, I am currently wor1ing with
Professors eans and *onry as I research race and ethnicity in writing as well as writing
center collaborations and as I carry out collaborative pro;ects with $irst ?ear Programs and
$reshman !nglish# I have developed my interest in student writing about race and ethnicity
through my wor1 with '(onn professors, and I 1now that the resources and feedbac1 they
bring would be invaluable as I carry out my doctoral research#
)y ultimate goal is to research and teach writing, rhetoric, and ethnic American
literatures as a Professor of !nglish# In addition, I aim to serve as a writing program
administrator for first4year writing, creative writing, writing centers, or WA(<WI initiatives#
)y experience in '(onns )A program and my familiarity with the research, teaching, and
University of Connecticut English Ph.D. Statement of Purpose 5
administrative opportunities here leads me to believe that '(onns Ph in !nglish, more than
any other program, would prepare me for my goals#
*han1 you for considering my application#