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Research On Cloud Computing Security Problem and Strategy: Wentao Liu

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Research on Cloud Computing Security Problem and

Wentao Liu
Department of Computer and Information Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan Hubei Province 430023, China
[email protected]
AbstractThe cloud computing is a new computing model which
comes from grid computing, distributed computing, parallel
computing, virtualization technology, utility computing and other
computer technologies and it has more advantage characters
such as large scale computation and data storage, virtualization,
high expansibility, high reliability and low price service. The
security problem of cloud computing is very important and it can
prevent the rapid development of cloud computing. This paper
introduces some cloud computing systems and analyzes cloud
computing security problem and its strategy according to the
cloud computing concepts and characters. The data privacy and
service availability in cloud computing are the key security
problem. Single security method cannot solve the cloud
computing security problem and many traditional and new
technologies and strategies must be used together for protecting
the total cloud computing system.
Keywords- cloud computing; cloud security; strategy
The cloud computing becomes the host issue in industry
and academia with the rapid development of computer
hardware and software. The cloud computing is the result of
many factors such as traditional computer technology and
communication technology and business mode. It is based on
the network and has the format of service for the consumer.
The cloud computing system provides the service for the user
and has the character of high scalability and reliability. The
resource in the cloud system is transparent for the application
and the user do not know the place of the resource. The users
can access your applications and data from anywhere.
Resources in cloud systems can be shared among a large
number of users. The cloud system could improve its capacity
through adding more hardware to deal with the increased load
effectively when the work load is growing. Cloud resources are
provided as a service on an as needed basis. The cloud itself
typically includes large numbers of commodity-grade servers,
harnessed to deliver highly scalable and reliable on-demand
services. The amount of resources provided in the cloud system
for the users is increased when they need more and decrease
when they need less. The resource can be the computing,
storage and other specification service. The cloud computing is
seen as the important change of information industry and will
make more impact on the development of information
technology for the society. The majority of cloud computing
infrastructure currently consists of reliable services delivered
through data centre that are built on servers with different
levels of virtualization technologies. The services are
accessible anywhere in the world, with The Cloud appearing as
a single point of access for all the computing needs of
consumers. The cloud computing changed the style of software.
The data can be stored in the cloud system and the user can use
the data in any time and in anywhere. The data often stored in
the private or personal system such as PC. The cloud
computing can guarantee the data security and the user do not
protect the data by himself again. So the cloud computing must
ensure the security of data stored in the cloud system. Many
companies provide the cloud computing platform such as
Google, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, VMware and EMC [1-7].
As the cloud computing system has more data which may be
the private data of user, the data must not be destroyed or
grabbed. Because the data in the cloud system may be
important for the user, the hacker may pay more attention to
get the data. The system must be protected more carefully than
the traditional system. The company uses the cloud system and
stores the data in it. The data can be seen by other people who
are not person of company. The company must have
confidence in the cloud computing if they want to store the
private data in the cloud system. Governance and security are
crucial to computing on the cloud, whether the cloud system is
in firewall or not. The security of cloud computing is the key
import problem in the development of cloud computing. The
traditional security mechanism cannot protect the cloud system
entirely. The cloud computing application is no boundaries
and mobility and can lead many new security problems. The
main security problems include data security, user data privacy
protection, cloud computing platform stability and cloud
computing administration.
The data storage and computing are not in the local
computer and server but in the amount of computer distributed
in the internet in the cloud computing. The cloud computing
move the tasks which are implemented in the personal
computer and private data center into the larger computing
center which are shared with total user and distributed in the
internet. It compose applications out of loosely coupled
services and one service failure will not disrupt other services.
The cloud computing system can be divided into two sections:
the front end and the back end. They connect to each other
through the internet. The front end is user who use the service
provided by the back end which is the cloud section of the
system. The cloud is a metaphor for the Internet, based on how
it is depicted in computer network diagrams, and is an
abstraction for the complex infrastructure it conceals. Cloud
Computing is about the delivery of computing resources from a
location other than that from the user. The computer hardware,
978-1-4577-1415-3/12/$26.00 2012 IEEE
software, computing resource and the service which include the
resource using and management are shared fully. The services
in cloud computing are ubiquitous and they can be accessed
from workstations and other devices, such as cell phones. The
virtualization has the ability to run multiple operating systems
on a single physical system and share the underlying hardware
resources. A virtual server can be serviced by one or more
hosts, and one host may house more than one virtual server. If
the environment is built correctly, virtual servers will not be
affected by the loss of a host. Hosts may be removed and
introduced almost at will to accommodate maintenance. The
virtual servers in the cloud computing system can be scaled out
easily and if the administrators check out that the resources
supporting a virtual server are being taxed too much in the real
environment and they can modify the amount of resources
allocated to that virtual server. The cloud computing is
developed from many technology such as parallel computing,
distributed computing, grid computing and other computer
technologies. The grid computing want to solve the assignment
of computing and resource storage and the cloud computing
want to share the computing, storage and application resource.
The grid computing do not rely on virtualization as much as the
cloud computing do and each individual organization maintain
full control of their resources. The user need not computing and
storage resource and dont provide the application in the cloud
computing. The resource and server can be provided by the
cloud computing. The cloud computing is divided into private
cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud according to the
difference of service object. The hybrid cloud is the
composition of two or more clouds and bounded by standard or
proprietary technology. Hybrid clouds combine character of
both public and private clouds. The private cloud is deployed
in the company and the security can be made easily. Private
clouds are virtualized cloud data centers inside firewall and it is
a private space dedicated to system within a cloud data center.
Private cloud refers to internal data centers of a business or
other organization not made available to the general public.
The cloud system infrastructures are owned by an organization
which sells cloud services to the general public or to a large
industry company. The public cloud is running in the internet
and the security is very complex. Public clouds are virtualized
data centers outside of firewall and the service provider makes
resources available to consumer on demand over the public
Internet. The cloud computing is highly virtualized and
standardized infrastructures and it can give more efficient and
application management. It has the character of massive
scalability and it can deliver more applications to large number
of users. The cloud has fault tolerant and highly reliable and
can give excellent service quality. Cloud computing allows for
elasticity, where capital and operational expenses for resources
are only incurred when they are needed The cloud computing is
on-demand service and it give computing capabilities as
needed automatically. It can use the service by many machine
such as desktop, laptop, PDA and mobile phone. The cloud
service model include SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS
(Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).
In the software as a service the consumer use the provided
application and don't manage or control the network, servers
storage and the application. It can reduce expenses and is easy
to use and access everywhere. It share instance of a software
application as a service accessible via internet browser or client
based role access and sharing rules. The service provider hosts
the software so the user dont need to install or manage or buy
hardware for it. All they have to do is connect and use it. The
examples of SaaS are Flickr, Google Docs, Siri, Amazon and
Cloud Drive.
In platform as a service the consumer deploys their
applications on the cloud computing system and controls their
applications but they don't manage servers and storage and
delivers a computing platform or solution stack as a service. It
share platform for custom software application configuration,
development, testing and deployment. It get the deployment of
applications without the cost and complexity of buying and
managing the underlying hardware and software layers and it
make raw hardware made available to the user through the
Internet but generally includes a specific operating system that
is pre-installed and supported by the Cloud vendor. The
examples of PaaS are Google App Engine, Amazon Web
services. In the infrastructure as a service the consumer get
access to the infrastructure to deploy their application and
system but they don't manage or control the infrastructure and
they control the storage and applications. It share managed
pool of configurable and scalable resources such as network,
middleware, database and storage servers. The examples of
IaaS is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The cloud has
the elastic character and resource allocation can get bigger or
smaller depending on demand. The cloud also has the
scalability and the cloud can scale upward for peak demand
and downward for lighter demand. The application can
modified when adding users or when application requirements
There are many cloud computing systems in the market
such as Google, Windows, IBM and Amazon. The Google
cloud computing system include GFS (Google File System),
MapReduce and Bitgtable. The GFS is a distributed file system
and which contains one master server and many block servers.
The file is segmented into stationary size such as 64Mb file
block stored in the bock server. The MapReduce is a
distributed programming mode and it can decrease the complex
of programming in the cloud computing. The MapReduce
include Map and Reduce operation and the Map use the Key
and Value to create new Key and Value. The Reduce operation
merges the same style of Key and Value. The MapReduce is
not only programming mode but also efficient parallel task
scheduling model. The programmer can provide their own Map
function and Reduce function to process data. The Bigtable is a
distributed and large scale database management system and
the data is stored in the table which is divided into many rows.
Many rows make a small tablet stored in the node. The
Bigtable depends on the distributed cluster task scheduling,
GFS and distributed locker service Chubby. Windows provide
the Azure operation system which want to create cloud
computing platform for the developer. The developer can make
the application on the cloud server, web, PC and data center.
The system supports general-purpose computing, rather than a
single category of application. Amazon provide the EC2
(Elastic Compute Cloud) and S3 (Simple Storage Service). The
EC2 can provide many services which ruing in the virtual
machine. The user can choose different virtual machine
according to the different requirement and upload it to the S3
and call the machine interface to finish the task. The Hadoop is
an open source distributed computing framework and provided
by the Apache. Many network stations use it to create system
such as Amazon, Facebook. The Hadoop cores are MapReduce
and HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System). The Mapreduce
can make the decomposition of tasks and integration of results.
The HDFS is a distributed file system and provide the base
support for the storage of file in the storage node. The
MapReduce contains job trackers and task trackers.
MapReduce [8] is a programming model Google has used
successfully is processing big data sets. A map function
extracts some intelligence from raw data and a reduce function
aggregates according to some guides the data output by the
map. MapReduce needs a distributed file system and an engine
that can distribute, coordinate, monitor and gather the results.
The HDFS is a master and slaver framework and which
contains data nodes and name node. The name node is a center
server and mange the name space in the file system. The data
node manages the data stored in it.
The cloud computing is a large scales distributed
computing mode and scale economic driven mode. The large
scale is the first character and it can provide more low cost
service for the user. The cloud computing uses the abstract
entities on the every layer function and provides cloud server
for the user. The cloud server is implemented by the
virtualization technology. The user can use the cloud server for
the cloud system in every place and using of every terminals.
The users dont worry about the concrete realization or place of
cloud server. The virtualization is the charter of the cloud
system and the application don't need the information of
hardware platform. The cloud system can make the application
in different place or different hardware. The cloud system must
provide reliability server for the user and the data in the cloud
center also must be protected. The cloud scale in the cloud
system can be extended dynamically and can meet the growth
of application and number of users. The application in the
cloud also can be extended according to the number of user.
The cloud system is running in the internet and the security
problems in the internet also can be found in the cloud system.
The cloud system is not different the traditional system in the
PC and it can meet other special and new security problems.
the biggest concerns about cloud computing are security and
privacy [9]. The traditional security problems such as security
vulnerabilities, virus and hack attack can also make threats to
the cloud system and can lead more serious results because of
property of cloud computing. Hackers and malicious intruder
may hack into cloud accounts and steal sensitive data stored in
cloud systems. The data and business application are stored in
the cloud center and the cloud system must protect the resource
carefully. Cloud computing is a technology evolution of the
widespread adoption of virtualization, service oriented
architecture and utility computing. over the Internet and it
includes the applications, platform and services. If the systems
meet the failure, fast recovery of the resource also is a problem.
The cloud systems hide the details of service implementation
technology and the management. The user cant control the
progress of deal with the data and the user cant make sure the
data security by themselves. The data resource storage and
operation and network transform also deals with the cloud
system. The key data resource and privacy data are very import
for the user. The cloud must provide data control system for the
user. The data security audit also can be deployed in the cloud
system. Data moving to any authorized place you need it, in a
form that any authorized application can use it, by any
authorized user, on any authorized device. Data integrity
requires that only authorized users can change the data and
Confidentiality means that only authorized users can read data.
Cloud computing should provide strong user access control to
strengthen the licensing, certification, quarantine and other
aspects of data management. In the cloud computing, the cloud
provider system has many users in a dynamic response to
changing service needs. The users do not know what position
the data and do not know which servers are processing the data.
The user do not know what network are transmitting the data
because the flexibility and scalability of cloud system. The user
cant make sure data privacy operated by the cloud in a
confidential way. The cloud system can deploy the cloud center
in different area and the data can be stored in different cloud
node. The different area has different law so the security
management can meet the law risk. Cloud computing service
must be improved in legal protection.
The data stored in the cloud system can meet the problem
of stolen and modified unlawfully. The data can be encrypted
before stored in the cloud system. But if the data size is very
large, it will need more time and computing resource. The
confidential data will be treated outer people of company and
the other people can access the data. Traditional techniques can
protect user data privacy and security in cloud the environment
to some extent. These technologies include encryption
mechanism, security authentication mechanism and access
control policy. Encryption mechanism depends on the
reliability of the difficulty of decryption. Encryption methods
include symmetric key encryption systems and asymmetric key
encryption system. Asymmetric key can get high security but
encryption and decryption is slow. Security authentication
mechanism currently has a complete set of technical solutions.
It uses the internationally accepted PKI technology, X.509
certificate standard and X.500 published standards of
information technology standards. Access control policy is
basic technology and is to ensure that network resources are
not illegal use. It includes network access control and directory
level security control. The user which can connect the cloud
system includes the cloud provider, operation and maintenance
personnel and the customer user. How to ensure customer data
is not illegal to steal or utilize by other cloud computing
providers is a major problem. The operation and maintenance
personnel are responsible for data storage and backup and
make the data classification management according to the level
of data security. Cloud computing storage security is primarily
related to data storage isolation, storage place, data recovery
and data long term survivability. Once the data is stored in the
cloud, the control of the data is transferred to the hands of
cloud computing providers. Some unscrupulous businesses can
get the customer privacy information by unfair means which is
easier from the customer. The cloud provider can transmit the
customer data from the server to another server and the user
can not know the data storage place. The data storage and
manipulation are related to the resources of cloud center in
cloud computing environment. The cloud provider is
responsible for security but the monitoring and auditing for
them become important problem. The cloud computing
services provided for customers are difficult to achieve full
transparency. Customers do not understand internal processes
of cloud computing and data storage location information. The
customers do not know what kind of situation data will meet if
an accident occurs. Customers should have the right of the
supervision and audit of cloud computing services in order to
fully ensure the security of customer data. The communication
of worms, virus and Trojan in cloud computing platform within
the network of internal and external must be controlled.
Malicious programs must be isolated promptly. Damage to the
system must be repaired immediately. The data traffic in the
cloud system and cloud computing system running status
should be monitored in real time. The abnormal action of
network and system must be detected and fixed timely. The
network attack detection and defense system must be deployed
in the cloud network. The service interruption and system
failures because of hackers must be amended. The disaster
recovery mechanism of cloud computing platform must be
realized which includes important system backup and data
disaster recovery. The emergency response mechanism and the
emergency response capabilities for emergency case must be
established and improved. The user information availability
privacy and integrity must be protected. The user system and
data security isolation and protection must be considered. The
network data transmission security can be protected by use of
data encryption and VPN technology. The management of user
data encryption and key distribution mechanism must be
designed carefully. The management and maintenance of user
data must be safe and effective. Data backup is very important,
data security recovery mechanism is also very necessary. The
user's data can be promptly restored if the abnormal behavior
of the system occurs. The cloud system can be considered as
service oriented architecture system which hide the underlying
details and provide transparent services to customers. The
cloud service can be considered as the web service and the
security mechanism in the service oriented architecture can be
used for reference. SOA achieves interoperability between
different systems and programming languages provides the
basis for integration between applications on different
platforms through a communication protocol. The web service
has many security mechanisms such as WS-Security, WS-
Reliability, WS-Trust, WS-Authorization, WS-Secure
Conversation [10].
This paper illustrates cloud concepts and demonstrates the
cloud capabilities such as scalability, elasticity, platform
independent, low-cost and reliability. The security problems in
the cloud system are discussed. Cloud computing has a very
fast pace of development and shows good prospects and great
potential. The cloud computing is related to many areas of
information management and services. The data privacy issue
becomes more prominent than the traditional network because
the data in the cloud computing environment is greatly
dependent on the network and server. There are many
customers who mistrust the security and privacy of cloud
computing customers and they do not want to move the data
into the cloud platform from the company or private system.
These problems have hindered the development of cloud
computing and the security issue is the core problem. The
cloud computing provider must make variety of measures to
protect the security in order to effectively solve these problems.
[1] Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, http://www.amazon.com/ec2/
[2] Google App Engine, http://appengine.google.com/
[3] Saleforce, http://www.salesforce.com/platform/
[4] Microsoft, http://www.microsoft.com/,
[5] VMware, http://www.vmware.com/
[6] IBM Blue Cloud project,
[7] OpenNEbula Project, http://www.opennebula.org/
[8] Dean, J. and Ghemawat, S. 2008. MapReduce: simplified data
processing on large clusters. Communication of ACM 51, 1 (Jan. 2008),
[9] Cloud Security Alliance:http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/
[10] International Business Machines Corporation,Security in a Web Services
World: A Proposed Architecture and

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