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Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Design and
Facilitator Guide

Table Of Contents
Design and Discovery Curriculum Overview

Understanding the Design Process
Session 1: J ump Into Design

Session 2: The Designed World

Engineering Fundamentals
Session 3: Materials for Design

Session 4: Getting a Charge From Electricity

Session 5: Making Machines

Session 6: One Problem, Many Solutions

Thinking Creatively
Session 7: The 3 Rs Of Problem Identification

Session 8: A Brief Focus on Your Design Problem

Session 9: A Solution Taking Shape

Making, Modeling, and Materializing
Session 10: Bicycle Breakdown: Systems, Components, and Parts

Session 11: Design Requirements and Drawings

Session 12: Planning for Models and Tests

Session 13: Making It! Models, Trials, and Tests

Session 14: Prototype Practicalities

Session 15: Develop It!

Session 16: Test It!

Final Presentations
Session 17: Fairly There

Session 18: Dress Rehearsal


Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide


Design and Discovery is a curriculum that can be implemented
in a variety of settings, depending on the format of your
program. Design and Discovery introduces students ages
11-15 to engineering through design. The curriculum is
organized into six sections which are further divided into 18
sessions. Each session is 2.5 hours and includes two to
four 20 90 minute hands-on activities.

Each activity includes a facilitator instruction page and a student handout with directions for
students. Many activities also include a student reading. Some sessions include a Home
Improvement activity, which should be completed at home with input from family members.
Key Concepts provide supporting information for the facilitator on new concepts introduced
in sessions 1-12.

Understanding the Design Process
In the first two sessions, students are introduced to the designed world through a shared experience
and then practice the 10-step design process that is revisited throughout the curriculum.

Session 1: Jump Into Design
Students re-think and re-engineer everyday objects. These hands-on activities reinforce a 10-step
design process that is used many times throughout the Design and Discovery curriculum.

Session 2: The Designed World
Students learn that design opportunities are everywhere. This session builds the ability to analyze
existing objects for improvements and helps students identify good problems to solve with design and

Engineering Fundamentals
These four sessions provide background in materials, electrical, and mechanical engineering principles
that students may want to incorporate in their designs.

Session 3: Materials for Design Students learn about four different classes of materials and test them
to understand their properties. They apply selection criteria to determine the best materials for different
applications, while learning to consider cost and environmental impact when choosing materials.

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Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Design and Discovery Curriculum Overview (continued)

Session 4: Getting a Charge From Electricity
Circuits are the building blocks of all electrical appliances. In this session, students explore simple,
series, and parallel circuitry with bulbs, batteries, wires, and breadboards. They then build on these
concepts by learning about short circuits, fuses, and then wiring an LED number display to light up their
favorite numbers.

Session 5: Making Machines
Students explore the mechanics of simple machines, and then apply what they learn to make a
mechanical toy of their own design.

Session 6: One Problem, Many Solutions
Wake up students observation skills by having them analyze the form and function of a digital clock
radio. Students compare clock radios to see how the functions are implemented in different designs.

Thinking Creatively
In these three sessions, students identify interesting and personally meaningful problems and develop
ideas for solutions.

Session 7: The 3 Rs Of Problem Identification
The 3 Rs Of Problem Identification invites students to revisit, refine, and research design opportunities
for a project of their own. Using a variety of techniques, students narrow down their list of design

Session 8: A Brief Focus on Your Design Problem
Preparing a design brief helps students to focus their understanding about a problem and propose a

Session 9: A Solution Taking Shape
Students delve deeper into their proposed design solution as they research patents for similar ideas
and consider the necessary parts to get from think to thing.

Making, Modeling, and Materializing
Throughout these three hands-on working sessions, students turn their thinking into things and begin
several cycles of building trials and testing their ideas.

Session 10: Bicycle Breakdown: Systems, Components, and Parts
Some ideas have complex solutions that need to be divided into manageable parts. Students use
bicycles to think about systems and components in a product they might design and engineer.

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Design and Discovery Curriculum Overview (continued)

Session 11: Design Requirements and Drawings
Design requirements help designers focus on the user and fine-tune design details. Drawings help to
further the process of moving from think to thing.

Session 12: Planning for Models and Tests
Students make their project ideas tangiblegoing from whats in their mind to things in their hand.
Students reflect on changes to their ideas and then plan what to constructa model of systems,
components, or the product itself.

Session 13: Making It! Models, Trials, and Tests
Let the construction begin! Pieces, parts, and connections become trials and models of a system, a
component, or the product itself.

In these three sessions, students refine their projects into working prototypes.

Session 14: Prototype Practicalities
Projects are taken to the next level as students plan how to develop their working prototypes. They
consider the product specifications, materials, and budget.

Session 15: Develop It!
This work session gives students time to construct their prototypes. Like all other stages in the design
process, students may need to make several prototypes as they conduct trials and tests of the product.

Session 16: Test It!
Conducting user testing allows students to try out their products, get feedback, evaluate the feedback,
and plan their revisions.

Final Presentations
Design and Discovery culminates with students sharing their projects. In the final two sessions,
students plan for and participate in an event to showcase their projects and get feedback.

Session 17: Fairly There
Students begin to prepare for a culminating celebratory event to share their projects and their
engineering and design expertiseeither a showcase or a mini-engineering fair. Preparation involves
planning the event and designing a display.

Session 18: Dress Rehearsal
Get ready for the big event! Practice makes perfect, as they say. Students practice their presentations
and receive feedback from their peers. Following the event, they reflect on their Design and Discovery

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Design and Discovery
Understanding the
Design Process

A 10-step Design Process is introduced and practiced
in this session. The design process used for students
project development is the same one that guides the
work of professional engineers and designers. In
Session 1: Jump Into Design, students learn how to
look at the world from a designed perspective by
examining and redesigning everyday objects. In
Session 2: The Designed World, students develop
skills by thinking creatively about designed things they
use. They also learn to identify problems that lead to
opportunities for new design solutions.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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Session 1
J ump Into Design
Understanding the Design Process

Jump Into Design orients students to a
design process that guides the work of
engineers and designers. Three hands-
on activities build understanding of the
role of engineering and design in producing effective solutions to
real-world problems.

In 1A: Build a Better Paper Clip students carefully examine the form
and function of standard paper clips. Given a set of wires and tools,
they are challenged to design a new paper clip that meets
predetermined requirements. This design challenge provides a
firsthand connection with a 10-step design process that is introduced
in a group activity, 1B: The Design Process. The design process
forms the foundation for work on students' own projects, and each
step is revisited in greater depth in subsequent sessions. In the final
hands-on design activity in this session, 1C: Toothpaste Cap
Innovations, students examine a designed solution to the problem of conventional screw-top
toothpaste caps as they walk through the steps of the design process.

For each student: straight pins, safety pins, and a variety of different types of paper clips
of varying sizes
20 feet (4 meters) each of 4 different types of wire cut into lengths of 1 foot (30 cm) for
designing paper clips
Several pairs of wire cutters and needle-nose pliers
Stack of scratch paper to test solutions
Additional materials for embellishment, such as beads, buttons, glue, etc.
Toothpaste cap samples: screw top and flip-top cap
Flip chart and markers, white board and markers, or computer to display discussion
Safety goggles

In This Session:

A) Build a Better Paper
Clip (60minutes)
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

B) The Design Process
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

C) Toothpaste Cap
- Student Handout

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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J ump Into Design
Key Concepts: Session 1

Throughout Session 1, students are introduced to the concept of design and engineering as a
formal process through a series of hands-on activities. They begin with redesigning a simple
objectthe paper clipin order to develop a common reference point as they begin their
experience with the design process. Another product example follows and is used to practice
and reinforce understanding. These experiences with the design process build the important
foundation for the rest of the activities in Design and Discovery as the design process forms
the basis of the curriculum.

Key Concepts

The Design Process: A systematic problem-solving strategy, with criteria and constraints,
used to develop many possible solutions to solve a problem or satisfy human needs and wants
and to winnow (narrow) down the possible solutions to one final choice.

The design process is a recognized set of generally defined steps designers and engineers
use based on a problem-solving strategy that leads to product development. It begins with the
identification of a problem through a series of exploratory and data-gathering stages, to the
creation of a solution. Though the process is introduced as a series of sequential steps, it is
important to understand that the process is not truly linearit is much more like a design cycle
since many of the steps are intended to be revisited as more information is gathered. Because
this forms the core of this curriculum, adults working with students must be comfortable with
the process and how it plays out in the subsequent activities.

If you recall "the scientific method" you were introduced to in science classes, you will
recognize the similarity of a sequenced set of steps, used as reference by professional
scientists. There are natural and logical steps that facilitate the desired outcome. However, the
scientific method and the design process are fundamentally different. While scientists propose
a "solution" up front (the hypothesis) and then test it through experimentation to see if it is
correct, designers identify the problem, define it as a design challenge, then brainstorm,
research, gather data, and test to identify what the correct solution should be. The "solution" is
arrived at later as a result of the process of data gathering and experimentation. Both
represent the formal process used by each profession from each field, though inquiry and
experimentation are at the heart of both.

Students are introduced to the design process in 1B Handout: The Design Process. Become
familiar with the steps.

1. Identify a design opportunity.
The design process begins with identifying a need. Notice that opportunities to design a
new product or redesign an existing one are everywhere. They often come from a

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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Key Concepts Session 1 (continued)

problem that has been experienced personally. The goal is to identify many design
opportunities and narrow them down later.

2. Research the design opportunity.
Gather a lot of information about the nature of the problem in order to help narrow down
your choices. Find out if other people experience the same problem and research any
existing products or solutions that may currently be used to solve the problem. Choose
a design opportunity to address. Write a problem statement.

3. Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem.
Try to come up with as many ideas as you can for solving the problem or addressing
the design opportunity. Brainstorming may involve the use of SCAMPER and other
techniques. Then, narrow down your solutions and choose one to three to pursue

4. Draft a design brief.
Write a design brief to help outline the problem. A design brief includes a problem
statement, a description of the user needs, a proposed solution, and often a sketch of
the idea or solution. This is a working document that can be changed.

5. Research and refine your solution.
Do a literature review and talk to experts in related fields and users to find similar
solutions and other approaches to the problem. Analyze your solution for feasibility,
safety, and practicality.

6. Prepare design requirements and conceptual drawings.
Define the criteria the solution must meet (design requirements) and sketch conceptual

7. Build models and component parts.
Analyze the project design for its systems, components, and parts. Consider
appropriate materials and methods for constructing a model. Now build a model of the
entire design and/or its systems.

8. Build a solution prototype.
Develop detailed project specifications, consider material properties required, choose
materials, and create a working prototype.

9. Test, evaluate, and revise your solution.
Evaluate the prototype for function, feasibility, safety, aesthetics, and other criteria.
Consider how it could be improved. Modify your prototype or create another and test it.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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10. Communicate the solution.
Present your design solution to an audience. Gather feedback and revise and redesign
your product as necessary.

More About the Design Process
Garratt, J ames. Design and Technology. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Petroski, Henry. Invention by Design; How Engineers Get From Thought to Thing. Cambridge:
MA: Harvard University Press, 1998.

Petroski, Henry. To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design. Reprint,
New York: Vintage Books, 1992.

Technology Student, www.technologystudent.com*
This site supports the UK's Design Technology course. The information covers a wide range of
topics, including the design process, electronics, and gear systems.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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Session 1, Activity A
Build a Better Paper Clip

Experience the design process by re-engineering an everyday object.

Design and engineer a new paper clip that meets requirements.

After careful observations of how different kinds of paper clips function and perform,
participants design a new paper clip that meets several requirements including a unique look.
They construct them using a selection of materials and prepare drawings of the various
designs. Each designer presents a new paper clip model.

For each student: straight pins, safety pins, and a variety of different types of paper
clips of varying sizes
20 feet (4 meters) each of 3 or 4 different types of wire cut into lengths of 1 foot (30 cm)
for designing paper clips
Several pairs of wire cutters and needle-nose pliers
Stack of scratch paper to test solutions
Additional materials for embellishment, such as beads, buttons, superglue, etc.
Safety goggles

Safety Guidelines
Safety goggles should be worn during this activity when either you or the student is cutting

Note About Wire
Wire needs to be flexible but have sufficient springiness to retain its shape after some bending.
Recommended: Steel or copper wire, 14 or 18 gauge. Floral stem wire (18 gauge steel) is
available in craft stores and floral shops.

1. Read 1A Reading: The Perfect Paper Clip.
2. Optional: Invite mentors to the first activity. Review the mentor section in
Implementation for more information on mentors.

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1A: Build a Better Paper Clip (continued)


1. Introduce students to their design notebooks. Remind students that the notebook is a
place to record ideas, inspirations, discoveries, sketches, and notes. They will begin
using the design notebook in this first activity to record their thoughts and ideas. Some
general guidelines include:
Leave a few pages blank at the beginning to create a table of contents.
Date and sign each page.
Number each page.
Never remove pages.
Do not erase.

2. Mentors could be brought in and assigned to students during this activity. They offer the
ability to provide guidance and prompt discussion while the students are designing their
paper clip.

3. At the start of this activity, identify the problem by introducing students to the Design
Challenge: The owners of P&C Office Supplies are seeking new designs for paper
clips. The company has come across hard times and believes a new paper clip design
could revive its once-thriving business. It is up to you to save their company. Use your
imagination and creativity to invent a new paper clip design. After researching their
paper clip sales pattern, the owners have come up with requirements for the design.
Please refer to them before you begin. (Refer to the handout with the design
requirements, and allow time for students to read it thoroughly.)

4. Describe the materials and tools for the design challenge. Discuss the different types of
wire the students will be using and what is meant by wire gaugethe size of the wires
diameter. The higher the gauge number, the smaller the diameter and the thinner the
wire. Pay special attention to the needle-nose pliers and wire cutters. Some students
may not have experience with these tools. Take time to show students the correct way
to hold and use the tools. Review the requirements with students before they begin
brainstorming solutions to the design challenge.

5. Before students begin designing a new paper clip, they should explore the existing
designs you have provided and make observations in their design notebooks. Remind
them that all these fasteners represent different solutions to the same problem
holding papers together.

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1A: Build a Better Paper Clip (continued)


1. Encourage students to experiment carefully with all the examples provided, exploring
the ability of various materials to hold paper.

2. Remind students to make sketches and take notes about their observations of different
materials and paper clip designs in their design notebooks.

3. Move among the students and discuss their observations about the materials and the
extent to which different materials bend and spring back, retaining the ability to "hold"
materials (evidence of Hooke's Law).


1. Monitor progress to allow at least 25 minutes for designing, engineering, and testing a
new paper clip prototype.

2. Remind the students to draw quick sketches in their design notebooks of their ideas
and note test results.

Supplementary Information
Paper Clip History
The radio show, "Voices of Innovation" (www.voicesofinnovation.org*), provides listeners with
two-minute sound portraits of engineering wonders and the people who developed them.
These sound clips can be downloaded and played for students.

The following clips talk about the invention of the paper clip:

The Early Office Museum (www.officemuseum.com/paper_clips.htm*) provides a brief written
history of the paper clip and a gallery showing early paper clip designs.

Paper Clips and Hooke's Law

Robert Hooke, a contemporary of Sir Isaac Newton, was an early advocate of the microscope.
He examined things like the points of needles and edges of razor blades, noting the qualities of
objects and thus making suggestions for improvements in their performance. He also identified
what has come to be called Hooke's Law: Ut tensio sic vis (Latin) which means, "As the
extension so the force." Each object stretches in proportion to the force applied to it. The more
we stretch something, the more resistance it offers in response. In engineering, this law is

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1A: Build a Better Paper Clip (continued)

applied to airplane wings, bridges, skyscrapers, and paper clips.

Read more about paper clips and Hookes Law: Petroski, Henry. The Evolution of Useful
Things: How Everyday ArtifactsFrom Forks and Pins to Paper Clips and ZippersCame to
be as They Are. Chapter 4: From Pins to Paper Clips. New York: Vintage Books, 1992.

Wrap Up
Each student presents a brief explanation and demonstration of his or her paper clip design.
Have students read 1A Reading: The Perfect Paper Clip, an excerpt from Invention by Design
by Henry Petroski. This can be done as a group, reading sections out loud, time permitting.
Otherwise, students can take it home to read.

Follow With
In the next activity, 1B: The Design Process, students become familiar with the design process
which they will use throughout the sessions.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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Build a Better Paper Clip
Handout: Session 1, Activity A

Exploration of Existing Paper Clips
Explore the paper clips and pins (two types of fasteners) that you have in front of you. Pins
were used to fasten paper together before the invention of the paper clip. Pay close attention
to your hands and fingers as you use each one to fasten together pieces of paper. What do
you notice?

You might notice the action needed to separate the paper clip loops so it slips onto the papers,
or the way your fingers direct the clip onto the papers. Each of these actions is unconscious,
and the ease with which the object is used indicates a successful design.

Explore the properties of the shape and the materials of each paper clip design. Observe the
operation of each design, make notes about each, and apply what you learn to designing a
unique, new paper clip. What is common about the way each shape works to do the job? What
properties in the material allow each to do the job of fastening paper together?

Investigation of Materials and Tools
Investigate the materials and tools provided to you. Notice the different types of wire. The
wires diameter is measured in order to determine its gauge. The higher the gauge number, the
smaller the diameter and the thinner the wire. The needle-nose pliers may be used to bend the
wire into specific shapes.

Design Challenge

The owners of P&C Office Supplies are seeking new designs for paper clips. The company has
come across hard times and believes a new paper clip design could revive its once thriving
business. It is up to you to save their company. Use your imagination and creativity to invent a
new paper clip design. After researching their paper clip sales pattern, the owners have come
up with requirements for the design. Please refer to them before you begin.

Try out all your ideas and make drawings of your designs. Choose one design to engineer and
test. Be prepared to present your model.

Your paper clip will be unique. It cannot look like any paper clip you have ever seen
before, but it may have features of other clips.
It can be no bigger than 2 inches by 2 inches (5 cm x 5 cm).
It must hold 10 pieces of paper together.
You may use other materials to enhance your design, but your main material must be

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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It must not have sharp ends.
You should use your design notebook to draw your various designs.

You may use this square to test for the paper clip size requirement.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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The Perfect Paper Clip
Reading: Session 1, Activity A

Why in the world would you study a paper clip as you learn about engineering and design?
Henry Petroski, a professor of civil engineering, has written many interesting books about
design and engineering in everyday things. In his book, Invention by Design, he devotes a
whole chapter to paper clips. He notes that the paper clip, although one of the simplest of
objects, can provide many lessons about the nature of engineering.

We take paper clips for grantedit seems as if they've always been around. In fact, they've
been in use only since the time of the Industrial Revolution. Before that, paper was held
together with straight pins. However, the straight pin was difficult to thread through more than a
few sheets of paper because it left holes in the paper, and it bulked up piles of paper.

With the developments of the Industrial Revolution, however, volumes of paper increased as
technology enabled business to expand nationally and internationally. The paper clip had a
clear advantage over the straight pin in holding together a group of papers, and eliminated
pricked fingers! The increase in technology associated with the Industrial Revolution also
allowed paper clips to be produced in quantities that kept the cost per clip low.

Early versions of the paper clip had problems that later versions sought to remedy. The paper
clip we know and love today, with its (almost) perfect design, did not start out that way. Earlier
models got tangled together, slipped off too easily, had too much "springiness" or not enough...

As Henry Petroski notes, the paper clip we are familiar with works because:

"... its loops can be spread apart just enough to get it around some papers, and when
released, can spring back to grab the papers and hold them. This springing action, more than
its shape per se, is what makes the paper clip work. Springiness, and its limits, are also critical
for paper clips to be made in the first place."

The most successful paper clip yet designed is the Gem* clip. The shape of the Gem clip was
introduced in England in the late 19th century by a company known as Gem, Limited. The
classic Gem has certain proportions that seem to be "just right."

Petroski quotes an architecture critic who had the Gem in mind when he wrote:

"Could there possibly be anything better than a paper clip to do the job that a paper clip does?
The common paper clip is light, inexpensive, strong, easy to use, and quite good-looking.
There is a neatness of line to it that could not violate the ethos of any purist. One could not
really improve on the paper clip, and the innumerable attempts to trysuch awkward, larger
plastic clips in various colors, or paper clips with square instead of rounded endsonly
underscore the quality of the real things."

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1A Reading: The Perfect Paper Clip (continued)

The Gem became to paper clips what Kleenex* is to facial tissue because of a patent issued to
William Middlebrook, of Waterbury, Connecticut, in 1899. The unique aspect of Middlebrook's
patent was that, although there were many inventors patenting all sorts of sizes and shapes of
paper clips, Middlebrook was patenting the machine that would form the paper clip

Petroski writes:

"The complexity of Middlebrook's machine is clear from his patent drawings, and it is apparent
that he was engaged in serious mechanical engineeringThe principles upon which the
machine works, bending wire around pegs, are well suited to the Gem design and it to them. In
short, Middlebrook's machine and the Gem were made for each other."

So the combination of a well-designed paper clip and a well-designed machine led to the
success of the Gem clip today.

The architecture critic aside, many believe that even the Gem could use improvement: It goes
on only one way; it doesn't just slip on; it doesn't always stay on; it tears the papers; it doesn't
hold many papers well.

This is what makes engineering and inventing so challenging. All design involves conflicting
objectives and thus compromise. The best designs will always be those that come up with the
best compromise.

Of course, inventors will always look for ways to improve upon an object. They will continue to
look for ways to make a better paper clip. Newer clips, for instance, may be plastic coated, or
shaped like Gems, yet their proportions never seem to be quite right. One improvement to the
paper clip has been the introduction of a turned-up lip on the end of the inner loop. This allows
the paper clip to slide onto the papers without actually opening the clip. As mentioned above,
design involves tradeoffs. This "improvement" adds to the bulk of bundled papers.

One key point to remember is that the laws of nature always bind invention, design,
engineering, and manufacturing. Change in one area of design may lead to design weakness
in another.

To inventors, the quest for the perfect paper clip remains elusive. Perhaps the simple paper
clip isn't so simple a device after all!

Adapted from:
Petroski, Henry. Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.

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Session 1, Activity B
The Design Process

Become familiar with the design process.

The experience with designing paper clips is formalized into a design process that guides
students throughout their design and engineering projects.

A small group discussion of the paper clip design activity collects the students' experiences
with the design process they experienced directly. The discussion moves to connecting their
experience to a general design process outlined on 1B Handout: The Design Process. A short
reading that clarifies the relationship among design, engineering, and scientific research wraps
up the activity.

Flip chart and markers, white board and markers, or computer to display discussion points.

Set up flip chart and markers, white board and markers, or computer to display discussion

Brief Discussion

1. Ask students to reflect on their experience with designing a new paper clip. You
might prompt them to think about:
What gave them their ideas?
What stages or steps did they go through as their ideas took shape?
What helped them move their idea into a prototype?

2. Ask students to share their experience with their designs. Have each person share.
Make quick notes on flip chart paper or white board. Call attention to areas of
common experiences.

Design Process Review

1. Look at the 1B Handout: The Design Process, and have students take turns reading
each step out loud.

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1B: The Design Process (continued)

2. Discuss any connections between the students' experience and the design process as
you go through each step.

3. Emphasize that the design process consists of several steps that are revisited
throughout the stages of designing a product. The process may go through cycles as
ideas are refined and information is gathered. Reinforce the idea that mistakes and
failures are part of the process and can help develop a better solution to a problem.

4. Introduce the idea that students will be using this process to identify a need that could
be met by redesigning, modifying, or improving an existing product or designing a new

Wrap Up
Ask participants to look around the room and discuss:

What things in the room were designed?
Which ones were engineered?
Why do people design things?
What frustrations do you have with products you use?
How would you improve those products?

Follow With
The 1C: Toothpaste Cap Innovations activity walks students through the design process using
a designed solution to the problems of conventional screw-top toothpaste caps.

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Design Process
Handout: Session 1, Activity B

Getting From Think to Thing
You will be using a design process to guide the development of your project from an idea to
the design of a prototype. The steps of the design process are iterative, or cyclical. That means
that throughout the stages of designing a product, you will revisit many of these steps as you
refine your ideas.

1. Identify a design opportunity.
The design process begins with identifying a need. Notice that opportunities to design a
new product or redesign an existing one are everywhere. They often come from a
problem that has been experienced personally. The goal is to identify many design
opportunities and narrow them down later.

2. Research the design opportunity.
Gather a lot of information about the nature of the problem in order to help narrow down
your choices. Find out if other people experience the same problem and research any
existing products or solutions that may currently be used to solve the problem. Choose
a design opportunity to address. Write a problem statement.

3. Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem.
Try to come up with as many ideas as you can for solving the problem or addressing
the design opportunity. Brainstorming may involve the use of SCAMPER and other
techniques. Then, narrow down your solutions and choose one to three to pursue

4. Draft a design brief.
Write a design brief to help outline the problem. A design brief includes a problem
statement, a description of the user needs, a proposed solution, and often a sketch of
the idea or solution. This is a working document that can be changed.

5. Research and refine your solution.
Do a literature review and talk to experts in related fields and users to find similar
solutions and other approaches to the problem. Analyze your solution for feasibility,
safety, and practicality.

6. Prepare design requirements and conceptual drawings.
Define the criteria the solution must meet (design requirements) and sketch conceptual

7. Build models and component parts.
Analyze the project design for its systems, components, and parts. Consider

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

1B Handout: The Design Process (continued)

appropriate materials and methods for constructing a model. Now build a model of the
entire design and/or its systems.

8. Build a solution prototype.
Develop detailed project specifications, consider material properties required, choose
materials, and create a working prototype.

9. Test, evaluate, and revise your solution.
Evaluate the prototype for function, feasibility, safety, aesthetics, and other criteria.
Consider how it could be improved. Modify your prototype or create another and test it.

10. Communicate the solution.
Present your design solution to an audience. Gather feedback and revise and redesign
your product as necessary.

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Form Follows FunctionWhat Does That
Reading: Session 1, Activity B

"The scientist seeks to understand what is; the engineer seeks to create what never was."
attributed to Theodore Von Karman, engineer (1881-1963)

Every thing is supposed to functionit's supposed to do something, to work. Engineering is
about function: Does the product work? Does it meet specifications? Can it be manufactured
efficiently? All of this involves solving problems. We are going to be problem solvers and
create things that function; we will think like engineers.

We will also learn the skills of good industrial designers. The form of an object (how it is
designed and constructed) should follow the task it is to perform. In other words, you must
know exactly what you want something to do before you can design and build it. How
effectively something functions is often related to its form, or the quality of its design.
Designers are concerned with qualities such as ease of use, efficient operation, and appealing
aesthetics. We will pay attention to form in our project development. Though we will not focus
on packaging design or marketing aesthetics, we will talk about the subtle but powerful
influences of the "visual attraction" and "tactile appeal" of a product. Our goals are to meet an
identified need with an idea that could work.

Science, Engineering, and Design: Where Do They Intersect?
While both engineers and scientists experiment and research problems, they differ in the kind
of problems they work on. Engineers tend to work on problems that are of immediate concern
to many people's daily lives. Scientific problems often build on basic understanding and may
not have an immediate application in daily life.

The work of designers and engineers overlaps as well. Both seek to develop solutions to
specific and immediate problems and needs. While design is involved in the entire process,
engineering is the more specific process of making the idea meet specifications and function.
One is useless without the other.

The First Step to a Good Design Is a Good Description of the Real Problem
The ability to really see a need, and then be able to describe that need, is at the heart of
successful product development. It requires a heightened awareness of the way people use
things, and an ability to observe one's surroundings. Watching for difficulties people
experience in doing a task, or how a particular product is used in an unintended way, takes
practice and skill. Our job will be to learn to watch for opportunities for improving a tool or

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Session 1, Activity C
Toothpaste Cap Innovations

A thorough review of the design process.

Experience with each step of the design process.

This activity takes students through each step of the design process by focusing on the
problem of toothpaste screw caps. This is started in a whole-group think-and-discuss format.
Students may then work with a partner to complete remaining steps.

Toothpaste tubes with flip-top cap (1-2 for each group)
Toothpaste tubes with screw cap (1-2 for each group)
Other examples of toothpaste containers (1-2 for each group)


The Process

1. Walk through the design process using the toothpaste screw cap as the identified
problem. Use the questions on the handout to guide discussion. Work with the whole
group on steps 1 to 3.

2. Have students work with a partner on steps 4 to 10.

3. Below is a sample of how the handout could be filled out. This activity can either be
open-ended, where the students come up with their own designs for a toothpaste cap,
or it can focus on the development of the flip-top cap as a design solution. The sample
"answers," which reflect the development of the flip-top cap, can be used to prompt
students during the activity.

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1C: Toothpaste Cap Innovations (continued)

Sample Responses

1. Identify a design opportunity.
What is the problem or need? Describe in detail.

The toothpaste screw cap poses many problems for people. When taken off, the cap
may be easily dropped into the sink drain, on the dirty floor, or even into the toilet. The
cap is usually placed on the sink and often leaves toothpaste on surfaces. Furthermore,
toothpaste usually gets onto the exterior of the cap. If the cap has grooves in it, it is
difficult to clean, which means that the next person to use the toothpaste will end up
with toothpaste on her hands.

2. Research the design opportunity.
What is important to know about the nature of this problem? Who are the "users" in this
case? How could you find out more about the "users" and their behavior?

In this case, the users are those who use toothpasteeveryone. However, a younger
person might have different complaints about the cap than an older person. User
information could be gathered by observing family members' use of toothpaste,
surveying, and interviewing people. A trip to the local pharmacy to see what else is on
the market might be helpful, too.

3. Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem.
What solutions can you come up with? Take five minutes to brainstorm as many ideas
as you can for solving this problem.

A flip-top cap, a pump, all-in-one toothbrush and toothpaste.

Steps 4 to 10 can be done in small groups or pairs. Students can complete the steps using
the flip-top cap example or any of the other examples brainstormed together.

4. Draft a design brief.
Clearly define the current situation or need in a "problem statement," and describe a
proposed solution. This is just the first part of the design brief.

The current most-popular toothpaste cap is a screw cap. This cap poses many
problems for the users, including: the cap falling off and getting lost or dirty, the cap
leaving toothpaste on the sink and on the outside of the cap. A flip-top cap could solve
this solution. This cap would remain on the toothpaste tube so that it could not be lost
or dropped. It would not be separately placed on the sink and would therefore not make
the sink top dirty.

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1C: Toothpaste Cap Innovations (continued)

5. Research and refine your solution.
What questions would be needed to gather the right data? Have other people tried to
solve this problem? Are some materials more appropriate than others? If so, what are
they? What about manufacturing costs associated with your idea? How would you
analyze solution for feasibility, safety, and implications of the idea?

I would need to do some research to see what types of toothpaste caps are out there. I
might do a patent search, look online, go to the library, and browse the toothpaste aisle
of the pharmacy. I would think that plastic would need to be usedsomething
lightweight, cheap (it's disposable), and nontoxic. I think this product could be
manufactured cheaply since many can be made at one time.

I think it is feasible to make this product since it is similar to what is already on the
market. In terms of safety, the cap would have to be able to screw on tightly so that it
would not present a choking hazard to young children. It would have to open and close

6. Prepare design requirements and conceptual drawings.
Outline design requirementsgeneral ways the product will meet the need of the
usersand draw a quick sketch of your best ideas here.

The cap would need to:

Fit on a standard toothpaste tube
Have an attached flip-top cap
Screw on to the tube
Create an even flow of toothpaste
Be made of a lightweight, cheap, nontoxic material
Be leakproof

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1C: Toothpaste Cap Innovations (continued)

7. Build models and component parts.
Does your solution have parts or components? What could you use to build a quick
model of your best solution?

A model could be built out of Styrofoam. The flip-top cap could be cut out of the
Styrofoam and attached with a piece of rubber. The nozzle might be a separate

8. Build the prototype.
What are the specifications for the product? What materials would you need to build a

The specifications for the flip-top cap are:
Plastic top with 3/8 in. (1 cm) opening
Dispensing nozzle
Outer tube: 1 7/16 in. (3.5 cm) diameter

9. Test, evaluate, and revise your solution.
How would you test your prototypes? What criteria would be useful to evaluate the
solution? How would you know if your solution was going to solve the problem? How
can I improve my solution based on feedback from my testing?

I would establish criteria, such as: It is easy to use, it stays clean, it stays sealed, and
the toothpaste flows easily. I would conduct user-testing focus groups and observe how
people used the product.

10. Communicate the solution.
How would I present my design solution to an audience? How would I gather feedback
from the audience?

I would present my solution through a presentation to peers and community members
or I would enter a local science and engineering fair. I would create a feedback form
that I would hand out to my audience so I could capture their comments and questions
and incorporate them into the next phase of revisions to my design solution.

Wrap Up
Have teams describe their solutions or results of specific steps.

Follow With
In Session 2, The Designed World, participants learn how to look for design opportunities

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Toothpaste Cap Innovations
Handout: Session 1, Activity C

In this exercise you will have the opportunity to better understand the design process by
applying it to a toothpaste cap. Currently, the most common toothpaste cap is the screw cap.
However, many people are dissatisfied with this cap and would like an alternative. What else is
on the market? What ideas can you come up with? The first question is done for you. As a
group, you'll do the next three together. The remaining questions you will do on your own.

1. Identify a design opportunity.
The toothpaste screw cap poses many problems for people. When taken off, the cap
may be easily dropped into the sink drain, on the dirty floor, or even into the toilet. The
cap is often placed on the sink and often leaves toothpaste on surfaces. Furthermore,
toothpaste usually gets onto the exterior of the cap. If the cap has grooves in it, it is
difficult to clean, which means that the next person to use the toothpaste will end up
with it on her hands.

2. Research the design opportunity.
What is important to know about the nature of this problem? Who are the "users" in this
case? How could you find out more about the "users" and their behavior?

3. Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem.
What solutions can you come up with? Take five minutes to brainstorm as many ideas
as you can for solving this problem.

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1C Handout: Toothpaste Cap Innovations (continued)

4. Draft a design brief.
Clearly define the current situation or need in a "problem statement," and describe a
proposed solution. This is just the beginning of the design brief.

5. Research and refine your solution.
What questions would be needed to gather the right data? Have other people tried to
solve this problem? Are some materials more appropriate than others? What are those
materials? What about manufacturing costs associated with your idea? How would you
analyze solution for feasibility, safety, and implications of the idea?

6. Prepare design requirements and conceptual drawings.
Outline design requirementsgeneral ways the product will meet the need of the
users and draw a quick sketch of your best ideas here.

7. Build models and component parts.
Does your solution have parts or components? What could you use to build a quick
model of your best solution?

8. Build the prototype.
What are the specifications for the product? What materials would you need to build a

9. Test, evaluate, and revise your solution.
How would you test your prototypes? What criteria would be useful to evaluate the
solution? How would you know if your solution was going to solve the problem?

10. Communicate the solution.
How would I present my design solution to an audience? How would I gather feedback
from the audience?

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Session 2
The Designed World
Understanding the Design Process

In This Session: This session builds appreciation for
the designed world around us and
prepares students for finding a design and engineering project. Students
learn to identify problems that lead to opportunities for new design
solutions. They also develop skills by thinking creatively about designed
things they use. The first activity, 2A: Design Opportunities Are
Everywhere, involves students taking a short field trip or walking tour to
practice recognizing problems and needs around them. The activity ends
with students developing a list of design opportunities that interest them
and could be used as the first step of their project development. The next
activity, 2B: Mapping Out a Problem, introduces Activity Mapping, a
technique used to help students identify problems and design opportunities.

In Activity 2C: Design Improvements, students learn about and
practice a seven-part creative technique for improving existing
designs known as SCAMPER. The next activity, 2D: SCAMPER
and Backpack, reinforces generative thinking using the SCAMPER
technique with another object, a backpack.

A Home Improvement activity, Improvement of Everyday Things,
has students make distinctions between functional and superficial
improvements with objects in their homes.


Water bottles in multiple styles

For each pair of students: 1 backpack (have students bring their own)

Additional backpacks with other designs

Clipboards (optional, but handy for taking notes during walking tour)

Chart paper for posters and markers

A) Design
Are Everywhere
- Student Handout

B) Mapping Out a
- Student Handout

C) Design
- Student Handout

- Student Handout

Home Improvement
- Student Handout

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The Designed World
Key Concepts: Session 2

In Session 2, students are introduced to three brainstorming techniques. Although many
strategies exist to encourage creativity, this session focuses on Activity Mapping,
SCAMPER, and Brainwriting. These techniques help students think creatively about
designed objects. Another important aspect of this session is a short field trip or walking
tour. Students use this field trip as an opportunity to practice recognizing design
problems. The final goals of this session include introducing students to the idea of
design opportunities and the development of a list of design opportunities that interest

Key Concepts
Problem Identification and Activity Mapping

The Activity Mapping technique allows for keen observation into processes needed to
accomplish a certain activity. Describing four process stages in detail helps determine if
any design opportunities might exist. In addition to the "packing for a trip" example
introduced in 2B: Mapping Out a Problem, another example of the four phases of Activity
Mapping for "brushing your teeth" is shown below.


Mouth Cleaning



Get Paste
Locate Brush
Wet Brush
Load Brush
Cap Paste


Rinse Mouth
Rinse Hands
Wipe Mouth
Dry Hands
Store Brush
Store Paste

Mouth Feels Clean
Looks Good
Tastes Good
Four primary user goals summarize what people are
trying to accomplish when engaging in daily oral care.

Prepare Preparation involves all the tool preparation
steps that need to be done before users actually brush
their teeth.

Mouth Cleaning Mouth cleaning begins when the
cleaning surfaces of the toothbrush are applied to the
inside of the mouth. This is the active part of the
brushing, where all efforts are physically focused on
the removal of food debris, night films, mouth
freshening, and gum maintenance.

Cleanup Cleanup has three elements: tool
maintenance, tool storage, and personal rinsing. Tool
maintenance is focused primarily on getting brushes,
sinks, and toothpaste rinsed and ready for next use.
Tool storage involves keeping a bathroom tidy and
getting the brush, paste, cups, etc. to a safe place
where they are less likely to be contaminated. Personal
rinsing refers to removal of saliva and paste from the
mouth and hands. Rinsing is followed by towel drying.

Assessment Assessment allows users to determine
whether theyve accomplished their personal goals with
respect to mouth cleaning. Methods include visual
inspection in the bathroom mirror, tactile inspection
with the tongue, and self-perception of a minty mouth
and fresh breath.

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Key Concepts Session 2 (continued)

Students can look back on the processes involved with any activity (in this case,
brushing your teeth) and see if any design opportunities can be identified. Students
could be asked these questions to help them isolate a design challenge.

What products are involved in each process?
Are there problems with any of these products?
What existing product could be improved or modified?
What new product could be designed?

The SCAMPER technique is a brainstorming method that builds one idea into several
ideas by asking questions about the actions represented by the SCAMPER acronym.
Alex Osborn, an early teacher of creativity, first introduced the idea of using questions to
spur idea creation in his book Applied Imagination. This technique was later adapted by
Bob Eberle and is now used often as a method for new idea generation. Students are
introduced to the SCAMPER technique by examining an everyday itemwater bottles.

Put to other uses

Some questions to ask students as they use this technique and some examples to
illustrate the concepts are shown below:

Substitute: What can be used instead? What can you use instead of the materials,
objects, places, or methods now used? Meatless burgers and disposable cameras are
examples of products that illustrate substitution.

Combine: Which parts or ideas can you blend together? What could be added? How
can I combine uses with something else? Can you combine materials? Scented markers
and clock radios are examples of combinations.

Adapt: What else is like this? What can be copied or imitated? How can it be adjusted to
fit another purpose? What else is like this? What has worked before? What would you
copy? Running shoes and hiking boots are examples of adaptations.

Minimize: Can it be smaller, lighter, less frequent, or divided? How can it be made
smaller or shorter? How can it take less time? Mini-staplers and pocket-sized cell
phones demonstrate how objects can be minimized.

Magnify: Can it be stronger, larger, higher, exaggerated, or more frequent? What
happens if I exaggerate a component? How can it be made larger or stronger?

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Key Concepts Session 2 (continued)

What can be duplicated? Repeated? Big-screen televisions and oversized floor pillows
illustrate products that have been magnified.

Put to Other Uses: Can it be used in a way other than how it was intended to be used?
Who else might be able to us it? What other market can it be used in? What else can it
be used for other than its original purpose? Old tires used as swings and drinking cups
used as pen and pencil holders illustrate the idea of "put to other uses."

Eliminate: What can you take away or remove? What parts aren't really necessary?
Cordless telephones and wireless keyboards are examples of eliminating something.

Rearrange: Can parts be exchanged or the pattern changed? Can any components be
interchanged? Can it be laid out differently? Ergonomic keyboards and recumbent
bicycles are examples of products that have been rearranged.

The brainwriting technique encourages students to produce ideas by silently recording
the ideas in their design notebooks. This technique gives every student a voice in
generating ideas. This is especially true for students who don't naturally speak out during
"talking out loud" brainstorming sessions. The goal of this technique is to encourage
more idea creation through the eventual sharing of students' written ideas.

Once ideas have been generated individually, they can be shared in a variety of ways.
For example, students could write three of their ideas on a piece of paper (leaving room
between the ideas) and pass the papers around the classroom. The other students could
note suggestions, provide feedback, or ask questions relating to each of the three ideas.
Students may now refine their ideas or list new ones based on the feedback and
suggestions provided by others.

More About Brainstorming
Eberle, Bob. Scamper: Games for Imagination Development. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press,
1996. This book provides a description of SCAMPER and also activities that can be
used with students to practice the technique.

Eberle, Bob. Scamper On. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press, 1997. This book provides more
guided activities encouraging students to think in creative ways.

IDEO. IDEO Method Cards: 51 Ways to Inspire Design. San Francisco: William Stout
Architectural Books, 2003.
IDEO, a design firm, publishes cards illustrating methods they use to inspire innovative
ideas. Sharing these methods with students will provide additional ways to look
creatively at design solutions.

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Key Concepts Session 2 (continued)

Michalko, Michael. Cracking Creativity: The Secrets of Creative Genius. Berkeley, CA:
Ten Speed Press, 1998.
This book provides creative thinking strategies, stories, and exercises to use with

Michalko, Michael. Thinkpak: A Brainstorming Card Deck. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed
Press, 1994.
Thinkpak is a deck of cards focusing on the SCAMPER technique. The cards may be
used to develop new and innovative ideas through the practice of the SCAMPER

Osborn, Alex. Applied Imagination. New York: Scribners, 1953.
This book discusses the idea of brainstorming and the study of creativity. Published in
1953, this book influenced the development of creative thinking techniques and idea

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Session 2, Activity A
Design Opportunities are Everywhere

Learn to identify problems, needs, and opportunities for design improvements.

Students generate a list of problems that they see as opportunities for design solutions.

This activity helps students begin identifying problems that they could use for their own
design project. Through a short field trip or walking tour, students expand their
awareness into many possible opportunities for designed solutions. This outing can be
as simple as a walk within the facility where you meet or a walk across the street to a
park. A field trip to any convenient public place such as a department store or a mall will
work well.

This activity should involve mentors and other experts as resources for students to
interview about problems or needs. Students collect their observations and information
and begin creating a list of possible opportunities for designing new solutions. Students
will revisit and refine this list of problems and begin to work on solutions in Sessions 7
and 8.

Clipboards (optional, but handy for taking notes during walking tour)


1. Identify the location and make any arrangements for a walking tour of public
places. As an alternative: make arrangements for a panel of guest speakers
(mentors) to bring problems or needs from their lives.

2. Make arrangements for mentors to join you during or after the walking tour.

3. Review the Field Trips section in Implementation Strategies

Asking Questions

1. Introduce the field trip task using the handout.

2. Lead a warm-up discussion about students' experiences with problems or product

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2A: Design Opportunities are Everywhere (continued)

What problems are you aware of?
Think about something in the physical world that frustrated you recently.
What do you find frustrating?
Have you ever broken your arm or been in a wheelchair? If so, what was
most difficult about this experience?
Is anyone left-handed? What do you find most challenging as a left-handed
What things, services, or processes that you use regularly could be

3. Point out that these same questions could be asked of anyonefriends, parents,

4. Ask students to think of other questions to ask.

Walking Tour

1. Orient students to the field trip, the location, logistics, and responsible behavior.

2. During the field trip be sure to stop, observe, and identify problems. This should be
reinforced with the entire group. Students should jot down notes as they see
problems that interest them.

3. After the field trip, students complete a "brainwriting" exercise to generate
problems that interest them. Have students share a couple of their ideas with the
rest of the group. Encourage students to share any ideas that were triggered as
they listened to each other. For example, "That's a great idea. Have you thought
about?" The sharing of ideas may trigger other ideas.

4. Encourage students to take the list home and talk to family and friends to add to
their list of design opportunities. This list will be added to throughout Design and

5. In the future, have students practice looking at the world differently by taking time
before an activity to ask them specifically about a designed object. It could be
something as simple as a chair, pencil sharpener, or notebook. Ask them what
needs are being met by the design. Have them conjecture why it was designed
the way it was. This brief practice of looking at designed objects may help
students find other design opportunities to add to their list.

Wrap Up
End with a brief discussion about how design is all around us. Remind students to
keep looking at the world as a designed environment. Have them think about what
they use and interact with every day as being intentionally designed.

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2A: Design Opportunities are Everywhere (continued)

Follow With
Activity 2B: Mapping Out a Problem introduces students to a problem identification
technique called Activity Mapping.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Design Opportunities Are Everywhere
Handout: Session 2, Activity A

Problem identification: What makes a good problem to solve?
Many important engineering and design ideas start with a problem or need. You have
the capacity to solve important problems and make amazing things happen. Good ideas
are inside you. Good problems often start with things you know about or have some
personal connection to. Perhaps it's something that bothers you and you think about how
it could be different. Maybe you have a relative or friend who struggles with something.
Sometimes a problem to solve just comes from an idea of yours that sounds like a fun or
easier way to do something.

In this activity, you will practice identifying design opportunities. Some of these
opportunities may be problems, while others may be needs or simple improvements.

Who knows about problems? What kinds of problems are there?

Health problems: Doctors and nurses would know, researchers too. Safety problems:
Emergency room staff would know, firemen and police would know.

Problems of a specific group: The elderly, the very young, people in wheelchairs, left-
handed people, short people, deaf people. Try to understand through experience
what it would be like to be in their shoes. Research the associations or organizations
of these groups.

Inconvenient problems: What bugs you? Always losing your keys?

Make a list, in your design notebook, of the people or organizations you could call for
more information about problems or things that don't work well enough.

Where can you find problems to solve?
The answer is: everywhere. With attention and focus on designed things you see and
use wherever you go, you will see all kinds of problems just waiting for your ideas and
creativity. You will be taking a trip today to observe a public place (a mall, a park, or a
store). Look for problems to solve. Watch how people use things in that place. Look for
problems to solve. Study a few objects and items in that place. Look for problems to
solve. Take notes in your design notebook.

What problems would you like to solve?
They can be big problems or small problems. You decide. Creativity takes practice and
patience. And it takes a few good strategies. One strategy is called "brainwriting."
Brainwriting is different from brainstorming because you don't talk. You write your ideas
on paper, quietly.

Write down "problems" or "design opportunities" you are aware of (these may be from
the field trip). Include things that exist that could use improvement. Write this list in your
design notebook.

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2A Handout: Design Opportunities are Everywhere (continued)

Save this list. Revisit it as you work through the other Design and Discovery sessions.
Add new design opportunities as you think of them.

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Session 2, Activity B
Mapping Out a Problem

Introduce and practice Activity Mapping, a creative technique for identifying design

Learn and practice the Activity Mapping technique.

This activity introduces a brainstorming technique, Activity Mapping, where students
analyze an activity, think about the steps in this activity, and identify problems and
design opportunities.

None needed

ZIBA Design Activity Mapping

1. Activity Mapping is used as a way to identify processes, the products used in the
processes, and problems that arise in the processes. Use the Activity Mapping
example below to model strategies for identifying design opportunities. Examine
the processes and products involved with packing for a trip and consider if
opportunities for improvement exist. This technique is used by ZIBA Design,
www.ziba.com*, an international design firm that has designed products for many
global companies, including FedEx, Microsoft, Intel, Fujitsu, Black & Decker,
Sony, Pioneer North America, Dial, and Clorox. Students practice using Activity
Mapping as a group by exploring the processes used in brushing teeth.

2. Explain that Activity Mapping has four primary user goals that summarize what
people are trying to accomplish when engaging in an activity.

Activity Mapping

1) Pre-activity: Describes what is done before the activity

2) Activity: Explains what is involved in the activity

3) Post-activity: Includes what is involved after the activity

4) Assessment: Involves how one knows if the activity has been successful

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2B: Mapping Out a Problem (continued)

3. Using chart paper, ask students what is involved for each phase of "packing for a
trip." In the example below, "prepare" is the pre-activity, "packing" is the activity,
and "unpacking" is the post-activity. The Activity Mapping should look something
like this:





Check weather
Make a list of items
Wash clothes
Locate needed items
Buy any needed items

Fold and lay out clothes
Put items in luggage
Check list
Secure luggage

Put clothes in drawers
or hang up
Put toiletries in bathroom
Place shoes in closet
Store luggage

Packed for the right weather
Had enough clothes
Did not need to buy any
additional items
Four primary user goals summarize what people are trying to
accomplish when engaging in packing for a trip.

Prepare Preparation involves gathering all the information and items
needed to pack your luggage completely.

Packing Packing means making sure all items will fit inside your
luggage or bags securely, ensuring there is a place for everything.

Unpacking Unpacking has two main elements: removing and storing
items, and storing luggage. All clothes, toiletries, shoes, and
miscellaneous items should be stored in appropriate locations
closet, dresser, and bathroom. Luggage storage involves putting any
suitcases or bags out of the way.

Assessment Assessment allows users to determine whether they've
packed correctly for the weather and the circumstances. Methods
include taking an inventory of items not used and any items that were

4. Ask students what products are involved in each process. Ask them to consider if
there are any problems with any of these products, any suggestions they have
for improving a product or inventing a new product. What could make life easier
for people when they pack for a trip? Explain that this is one way to identify
problems and begin to consider solutions.

5. Students can apply this tool to identifying other problems and ultimately coming up
with solutions.

Error Analysis

Error Analysis (used by the IDEO* design team) is another technique for identifying
problems or design opportunities. With this method, students list all the things that can
go wrong when using a product. For example, some of the possible things that could go
wrong when using a

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2B: Mapping Out a Problem (continued)

backpack include: a stuck zipper, easily torn material, or poorly adjusting shoulder
straps. Any of these features could be identified as a design opportunity and researched
further to come up with a solution to the problem.

Wrap Up
Remind students of the 10-step design process introduced in Activity 1B. Discuss how
the Activity Mapping technique addresses the first step in the processidentify a design
opportunity. By using the Activity Mapping technique, problems can be identified by
analyzing something they have experienced personally. One of these identified design
opportunities could be one they pursue for their independent project.

Follow With
Activity 2C: Design Improvements introduces students to SCAMPER, a brainstorming
technique that helps them generate ideas for improving existing designs.

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Mapping Out A Problem
Handout: Session 2, Activity B

Problem Identification and Activity Mapping
As a group, you'll do a practice Activity Mapping on packing for a trip. This is a useful
tool for identifying problems. Activity Mapping has four primary user goals that
summarize what people are trying to accomplish when engaging in an activity.

Activity Mapping

1) Pre-activity: Describes what is done before the activity

2) Activity: Explains what is involved in the activity

3) Post-activity: Includes what is involved after the activity

4) Assessment: Involves how one knows if the activity has been successful

Answer the following questions in your design notebook.

What products are involved in each process?
Are there any problems with any of these products?
What suggestions do you have for improving a product, or inventing a new product?
What could make life easier for people when they pack for a trip?

This process is one way to identify problems and begin to consider solutions.

Now, do your own Activity Mapping, in your design notebook, for a common activity you
experiencefor example, making a sandwich, washing the dog, or cleaning your room.
This process may help you identify a problem or design opportunity. If you identify a
problem, add it to the list you began in 2A Handout: Design Opportunities Are

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Session 2, Activity C
Design Improvements

Introduce and practice SCAMPER, a creative technique for improving existing designs.

Learn and practice the SCAMPER process.

Students learn about and use SCAMPER, a systematic technique for generating ideas
about improving existing designs. This technique can be used to develop possible
solutions to design problems, such as ones found during the walking field trip or Activity
Mapping process. To get students started, they study a variety of water bottles and use
SCAMPER to generate ideas about water bottle improvements.

Put to other uses


Water bottles in multiple styles (ask
students to bring in examples)

Clipboards (optional, but handy for
taking notes during walking tour)

Chart paper for posters and markers


1. Read through the SCAMPER technique for expanding thinking about

2. Practice using SCAMPER to come up with an improvement yourself!

Note: The SCAMPER technique may be used on a variety of items. You may
substitute something else for water bottles in this activity or use additional items
as extra practice.

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2C: Design Improvements (continued)

Other possible items include: headphones, shoes, wrenches, hand drills, watches,
telephones, umbrellas, and coats.


1. Distribute water bottles among groups of students.

2. Present each step of the SCAMPER process using water bottles as an example.
Use the student handout to go through each step.

3. Assign a different letter of SCAMPER to seven groups and have them create and
display posters of the SCAMPER technique using the letters and keywords from
the handout.

4. Provide time for groups to study different types of water bottles. Have participants
come up with additional water bottle improvements using their assigned
SCAMPER step and add it to their posterinclude sketches of their ideas.

5. Share posters and ideas with the whole class.

6. Together, compare two different water bottle designs and determine which step of
SCAMPER was applied.

Wrap Up
Discuss any other strategies for generating new ideas and approaches to existing

Follow With
Activity 2D: SCAMPER and Backpack applies the SCAMPER technique to another item,
a backpack.

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Design Improvements
Handout: Session 2, Activity C

Ready to SCAMPER? SCAMPER is a technique that gets you to think about improving
an existing design. It is an acronym that helps you remember seven different ways to
think up new improvements. It is useful for being creative in a systematic way. It
generates ideas you might not have on your own. Try it!

S Substitute one thing for another.

C Combine with other materials, things, or functions.

A Adapt: Can it be used for something else?

M Minimize/Magnify: Make it larger or smaller.

P Put to other uses: Can you put it to another use? In this case, use it for another
vegetable? If you make it larger, would it work for some other food?

E Eliminate/Elaborate: Remove some part or material, or make one section more
detailed or refined.

R Reverse/Rearrange: Flip-flop some section of the item, move parts around.

Here are some improvements that can and have been made to water bottles. Can you
think of any more improvements by using the SCAMPER technique?

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2C: Design Improvements (continued)

SCAMPER Questions to Ask Water bottle
Substitute What could be used
instead? What kind
of alternate material
can I use?
Different bottle
Plastic bottle is
unbreakable, unlike
Combine What could be
added? How can I
combine purposes?
Add straw into top Straw allows access
to bottom of water
bottle without lifting
and tilting bottle
Adapt How can it be
adjusted to fit
another purpose?
What else is like
Use squirt top for
watering plants
Directed stream gets
water to the plant
Magnify What happens if I
exaggerate a
component? How
can it be made larger
or stronger?
Larger bottle More water for better
Minimize How can it be made
smaller or shorter?
Smaller bottom of
Can store in car's
cup holders easily
Put to other uses Who else might be
able to use it? What
else can it be used
for other than its
original purpose?
Turn upside down Hand washing
Eliminate What can be
removed or taken
away from it?
Eliminate the handle More volume for
water storage
Elaborate What can be
expanded or
developed more?
Larger base Lower center of
gravity helps keep
water bottle from
Rearrange Can I interchange
any components?
How can the layout
or pattern be
Move handle from
side to top
Better ergonomics
for hauling large
amounts of water
Reverse What can be turned
around or placed in
an opposite
Water spout at
Easier to dispense
water into cups

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Session 2, Activity D
SCAMPER and Backpack

Apply the SCAMPER technique to the components of a backpack.

Improve a backpack design using SCAMPER.

Students look at the different components of a backpack and apply the SCAMPER
technique to each component. They are introduced to sketching by enhancing an
existing drawing with their improvements.


For each pair of students: 1 backpack (Have students bring in their own and then
make comparisons with others.)

Additional backpacks with other designs


1. Distribute backpacks to students.

2. Ask the students to compare the backpack to the drawing on the handout.

3. Call attention to different components of the backpack. Notice how a product can
be broken down into parts:

Large pocket
Small outside pocket
Shoulder straps

4. Explain the task: Use SCAMPER to improve one part or all.

5. Walk through the first two letters of SCAMPER as a group, and then continue the
process in teams.

6. As they work through the process, encourage students to sketch and make notes
about possible improvements in their design notebooks.

7. Have them draw improvements in their notebooks or on the handout that shows a
drawing of a backpack.

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2D: SCAMPER and Backpack (continued)

8. Share improvement ideas for each SCAMPER letter and discuss:

What component was improved or used differently?

What idea comes to mind first?

How many ways do you think this product could be changed?

Wrap Up
Introduce the Home Improvement activity, Improvement of Everyday Things.

Follow With
Session 3, Materials for Design, is the first of three sessions that provides engineering
fundamentals needed for project development.

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SCAMPER and Backpack
Handout: Session 2, Activity D

The Backpack, Improve It!

Apply SCAMPER to each of the backpack parts. Sketch and make notes about
your improvement ideas. Make your drawings in your design notebook.

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Improvement of Everyday Things
Home Improvement: Session 2

Know the difference between a superficial improvement and a functional improvement.

Students study household objects with similar functions. They distinguish functional
improvements from superficial improvements. A functional improvement is something
that improves the performance of the product. A superficial improvement, such as a
color change, does not affect the performance.

Directions Before Going Home

1. Review the list of objects on the Home Improvement handout.

2. Discuss and add to the list as a group. Agree on three to five items that students
will bring in.

What else could be included here? (Remember, we are trying to find
familiar, everyday items that can be found anywhere.)

Remind students that the task is to identify objects with functional

Next Day

1. Share the three things that best represent functional improvement.

2. Follow-up discussion could address the following questions:

What is more common, functional or superficial improvement?

What examples can you think of that we couldn't bring in, but could talk
Example: different cars, stoves, lamps, chairs, etc.

Did anyone find a superficial improvement that reduced the object's
function? (Form that messes up function.)

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Improvement of Everyday Things
Handout: Session 2, Home Improvement

Where Do You See Improvement?
The following list represents common items found in most household kitchens, garages,
or junk drawers. These items have been specifically designed to serve one need. In
some cases, the variety of these items represents improvements in functionality; in
others, the variety merely represents aesthetic appeal. Functionality is an engineer's job,
and it is important to recognize the difference between "appeal" factor and meaningful
improvement in functionality.

Bring three things from this list of items that best represent functional improvement:

Cheese grater

Cherry pitter

Nail cutter

Cup lids for hot liquids

Candle holder


Napkin ring

Can opener

Tooth floss container


Key ring

Lemon peeler

Can opener

Potato peeler


Toothpick dispenser

Be prepared to explain the functional improvement.

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Design and Discovery

In these sessions, students are introduced to basic
engineering concepts that they can later apply to their design
projects. In Session 3: Materials for Design, students learn
about material classes, properties, and cost considerations
when selecting materials. In Session 4: Getting a Charge from
Electricity, students explore electrical circuits as they learn to
wire simple, series, and parallel circuits. Session 5: Making
Machines, introduces the principles of simple machines and
gives students an opportunity to apply these principles to
mechanical toy designs. In Session 6: One Problem, Many
Solutions, the difference between form and function is
introduced as students compare alarm clocks.

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Session 3
Materials for Design
Engineering Fundamentals

In this session, students learn
about the principles behind
materials selection. Like materials engineers, they learn to
differentiate and select materials based on their properties. In 3A:
Properties of Materials, students test samples of metals, ceramics,
polymers, and composites to compare their properties. They test for
density, ductility, strength, fatigue, electrical and thermal conductivity,
and optical properties. In 3B: Materials Application, students apply
their knowledge of material properties to solve real-world problems
faced by materials engineers. When materials engineers select
which materials to use, they also consider the cost of materials. In
3C: Materials Choice, students gain an understanding of the
economics of material selection through a cost analysis of a
beverage container made of different materials. They then think
innovatively about how to design a beverage container that can be
put to another use.

A Home Improvement activity, Materials Scavenger Hunt, has students looking at objects and
analyzing what materials were used to make them.

Note: The supplies listed are suggestions. Alternate supplies may be substituted to
demonstrate and test material properties.

For Demonstration
1 brick, 1 block of wood, and 1 block of Styrofoam*, all the same size, recommended: 2
inches x 4 inches x 8 inches (5 cm x 10 cm x 20 cm)
Optional: balance scale
2 chocolate bars with caramel filling (1 frozen, 1 at room temperature)
3 12-oz. (355 mL) or 16-oz. (473 mL) beverage containers: 1 plastic, 1 aluminum, and 1

For Each Small Group
1 wooden craft stick, 1 plastic cable tie, 1 paper clip
8 inch x 1 inch (20 cm x 2.5 cm) strips of heavy-duty aluminum foil, heavy-duty plastic
bags, and paper
2 buckets: 1 large and 1 small, such as 10 quart (9 liters) and 5 quart (4.7 liters)

In This Session:

A) Properties of Materials
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

B) Materials Applications
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

C) Materials Choice
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

Home Improvement
- Student Handout

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Session 3, Materials for Design (continued)

5 lbs. (2.2 kg) of sand, rice, or beans (as weights). Batteries work too. Or, balance
scale if available
2 2-inch (5 cm) C-clamps
Candle, matches
"D" size battery, wire, bulb (also used in Session 4)
Flashlight (also used in Session 4)
Piece of ceramic tile (4 inch x 4 inch) (10 cm x 10 cm)
Samples of a transparent material (such as a plastic bag), a translucent material (such
as a hazy plastic cup), and an opaque material (such as a colored plastic bucket)

Note: The property tests in 3A: Properties of Materials, can be done as stations, and therefore
the following supplies may be purchased for one station: buckets, sand, rice, or beans, C-
clamps, battery, wire, bulb, flashlight, ceramic tile, candle, matches, sample transparent,
translucent, and opaque materials.

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Materials for Design
Key Concepts: Session 3

Session 3 is about materials. In order to select suitable materials for use in a product, it is
important to know the differences among the classes of materials and their related properties.
Students need to build familiarity with material classes, material properties, how materials are
selected and used, how cost is considered, and the environmental impact of materials.

Key Concepts
Materials are so important to engineering and design that there is a whole field of engineering
devoted to materials. Materials engineers envision, design, prototype, and test new or modified
materials for products. They provide expertise on materials selection and properties for a given
product. Some materials engineers develop materials processing methods and even create new

Materials Classes
Materials are grouped into categories or classes based on their chemical composition. Material
selection is determined by the capabilities and qualities of materials, or their properties. The
chart below shows four classes of materials, their definitions, types of materials within the class,
properties, and examples of usage.
Definition Examples Properties Applications
Metals Metals are combinations of "metallic
elements," such as iron, gold, or lead.
These elements, when combined,
usually have electrons that are
nonlocalized and as a result have
certain physical properties. Alloys are
metals like steel that combine more
than one element.
aluminum, iron,
gold, lead,
platinum, brass
Strong, dense,
ductile, electrical and
heat conductors,
Electrical wiring, structures
(buildings, bridges),
automobiles (body,
springs), airplanes (engine,
fuselage, landing gear
assembly), trains (rails,
engine components, body,
wheels), shape memory
materials, magnets
Ceramics Ceramic materials are inorganic
materials with non-metallic properties
usually processed at high temperature
at some time during their
porcelain, glass,
Lower density than
metals, strong, low
ductility (brittle), low
thermal conductivity,
corrosion resistant
Dinnerware, figurines,
vases, art, bathtubs, sinks,
electrical and thermal
insulating devices, water
and sewage pipes, floor and
wall tile, dental fillings,
abrasives, glass windows,
television tubes
Polymers A polymer contains many chemically
bonded parts or units that are bonded
together to form a solid. Plastics, for
example, are a large group of organic,
man-made compounds based upon a
polymer of carbon and hydrogen.
nylon, liquid
Low density, poor
conductors of
electricity and heat,
different optical
Fabrics, car parts,
packaging materials, bags,
packing materials
(Styrofoam*), fasteners
(Velcro*), glue, containers,
telephone headsets, rubber

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- Synthetic
- Natural
Composites are two or more
distinct substances that are
combined to produce a new
material with properties not
present in either individual
material. Biocomposites are
composites found in nature.
Fiberglass (glass
and a polymer),
plywood (layers of
wood and glue),
concrete (cement
and pebbles)
Wood, cotton, silk
Properties depend on
amount and
distribution of each
type of material.
Collective set of
properties are more
desirable and possible
than with any individual
Golf clubs, tennis rackets,
bicycle frames, tires, cars,
aerospace materials, paint,
wooden craft stick, paper

Materials Properties
The definitions for eight material properties are below.
Property Definition
Density How heavy objects are that occupy the same volume
Ductility How easily a material stretches when force is applied
Strength How much weight a material can hold without failing or breaking
Fatigue How easily a material withstands repeated stresses
Electrical Conductivity Whether or not electricity passes through the material
Thermal Conductivity How easily heat passes through the material
Optical Properties How easily light passes through (transparent, translucent, opaque)
Corrosion If the material degrades easily because of the physical environment

Material Cost
Materials are usually sold by weight or by size. Material costs are therefore given as cost per
unit weight or cost per unit volume. Many materials are initially made in bulk (such as cast metal
ingots). They are usually shaped into standard stock items (for example, a sheet or tube) before
being bought by a manufacturer. As a result, the cost of a material to a manufacturer is often
higher than the cost of the raw material. Also, as a general rule, the more a material is
"improved," for example by alloying, the more expensive it becomes.

Material costs are not fixed, but are strongly affected by the marketplace and international
trading, and by changes in the stability of the supply of the raw materialswhich can be
disrupted by wars and global politics. Some materials, such as steel, have had a very stable
price for many years. Others, like aluminum, have varied by as much as a factor of 3 in the last
decade. The cost of newer materials steadily decreases as their usage increases. The most
accurate information on material price can be obtained by contacting material suppliers. Note
that the price will depend on the form the material is supplied in (as a raw material, or formed
into a sheet or tube), and that bulk discounts can be significant.

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Key Concepts Session 3 (continued)

Material Recycling

Aluminum Recycling: Aluminum is easily and frequently recycled. It is sorted at a sorting plant
using magnets that separate steel and aluminum. Aluminum is a chemical element that cannot
be found in the earth in its pure form. Therefore, extraction becomes quite a complex and
energy-intensive process that takes aluminum oxide from bauxite and then removes the oxygen
in a smelting process to produce aluminum. The recycling of aluminum is relatively easy, and
saves up to 95 percent of the energy required to refine it after original extraction. This
significantly increases the need for keeping refined aluminum within the material stream rather
than letting it become waste, thereby placing a premium on its recycling.

Glass Recycling: Glass is a highly effective recycled material and a very stable, nontoxic
material when disposed of. Glass recycling is heavily dependent on the appropriate color
separation of the material. In addition to color considerations, glass recycling must remove other
impurities that are common, such as porcelain, ceramics, cork, and paper from labels, which all
cause problems in the subsequent manufacturing process.

Paper Recycling: The recycling of paper and cardboard is the most easily attained and most
effective. The quantity of paper recycled has increased. The quality of paper recycling depends
on the process used. Paper cannot be recycled forever. Each process reduces the fiber length,
thus reducing the ability of the fibers to stick together without the use of additional adhesives.

Plastics Recycling: The primary problem with plastics recycling is cross-contamination of
resins. If one type of plastic is recycled with another, it can significantly degrade the quality of
the end product. Therefore, a careful process of sorting is required to ensure this does not
occur. There are different methods used to sort plastics. Once the material has been sorted, it
can be remanufactured using a number of different techniques including extrusion, blow
molding, and injection molding, and reused in many different applications. Certain packaging
functions do not allow the use of recycled materials, particularly packaging of foodstuff.

The Plastic Coding System
The use of coding facilitates sorting for plastic recycling. It ensures that plastic containers and
materials of various resin types can be identified so that they can be properly collected, sorted,
and recycled. Plastics are numbered 1-7 based on their material composition.
Type of Plastic Common Uses
1 =PET or PETE
Soft drink bottles, some fruit juices, alcohol beverage bottles
2 =HDPE High-
density polyethylene
Clear HDPEmilk jugs, distilled water, large vinegar bottles, grocery
bags Colored HDPEliquid laundry and dish detergent, fabric
softener, motor oil, antifreeze, bleach and lotion

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3 =V or PVC
Vinyl/polyvinyl chloride
Vegetable oil bottles, mouthwash, salad dressings
4 =LDPE Low-density
Bags for dry cleaning, bread, produce and trash, and for food
storage containers
5 =PP Polypropylene Battery cases, dairy tubs, cereal box liners
6 =PS Polystyrene
Yogurt cups, clear carryout containers, vitamin bottles, fast food,
spoons, knives and forks, hot cups, meat and produce trays, egg
cartons, clamshell carryout food containers
7 =Other types of
Squeezable ketchup bottles, most chip snack bags, juice boxes
(individual servings)

More About Materials
American Plastics Council, www.americanplasticscouncil.org*
This site provides everything that you ever wanted to know about plastics.

Materials World Modules, www.materialsworldmodules.org*
These modules provide more in-depth activities for students and can be ordered from
Northwestern University.

Design inSite, www.designinsite.dk*
This Danish Web site is a designer's guide to manufacturing. It provides information about
materials, materials properties, and material use in products.

Demi Guide to Sustainability, www.demi.org.uk*
This guide explores design for sustainability, environmental issues of design, and how to
design materials and products with sustainability in mind.

Inquiring Minds, www.tvo.org/iqm/site_contents.html*
This site provides clear explanations and pictures that make learning about plastics easy. The
site also includes short videos, for example, "How Velcro Works."

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Session 3, Activity A
Properties of Materials

Understand four classes of materials and be able to differentiate materials based on their

Students know the differences between materials and can conduct tests to compare properties
of materials.

Students test samples of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites to compare their
properties. They test for density, ductility, strength, fatigue, electrical and thermal conductivity,
and optical properties.

For Demonstration

1 clay brick, 1 block of wood, and 1 block of Styrofoam*, all the same size
(recommended: 2 inches x 4 inches x 8 inches) (5 cm x 10 cm x 20 cm)
Optional: balance scale
2 chocolate bars with caramel filling (1 frozen, 1 at room temperature)

For Each Small Group

1 wooden craft stick, 1 plastic cable tie, 1 paper clip
8 inch x 1 inch (20 cm x 2.5 cm) strips of heavy-duty aluminum foil, heavy-duty plastic
bags, and paper
2 buckets: 1 large and 1 small, such as 10 quart
5 lbs. (2.2 kg) of sand, rice, or beans (as weights). Batteries work too. Or, balance
scale if available
2 2-inch (5 cm) C-clamps
Candle, matches
"D" size battery, wire, bulb (also used in Session 4)
Flashlight (also used in Session 4)
Piece of ceramic tile (4 inch x 4 inch) (10 cm x 10 cm)
Piece of ceramic tile (4 inch x 4 inch) (10 cm x 10 cm)
Samples of a transparent material (such as a plastic bag), a translucent material (such
as a hazy plastic cup), and an opaque material (such as a colored plastic bucket).
Other materials may be substituted.

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3A: Properties of Materials (continued)

Note: The property tests can be done as stations, and therefore the following supplies may be
purchased for one station: buckets, sand, rice, or beans, C-clamps, battery, wire, bulb,
flashlight, ceramic tile, candle, matches, sample transparent, translucent, and opaque

Safety Issues
Be sure to have students use safety precautions when testing materials. During the thermal
conductivity test, students use candles to heat materials. Demonstrate how to hold each
material between 1 and 2 inches (2-4 cm) from the flame.

1. Familiarize yourself with the four classes of materials addressed in this session: metals,
ceramics, polymers, and composites.
2. Conduct the properties tests yourself.
3. Distribute supplies to each pair or group, or set up testing stations. Decide if students will
do all the tests first and then discuss the results or if a discussion will take place after
each test.
Debrief Home Improvement
1. Ask students to share their objects from the Home Improvement in Session 2.
2. Using the objects, discuss functional versus superficial improvements.
Materials Around Us
1. Ask students what types of materials they see in objects around them. Tell them to list all
the materials.
2. Now, have students look at their lists and group together the materials that they think are
3. Ask students how many different types of materials there are. Discuss their
categorizations and then explain the five different classes of materials used by materials
engineers. There are five main types of materials: metals, ceramics, polymers,
composites, and semiconductors (not addressed in this session). Give an overview of
each material with examples. Read 3A Reading: What Are Things Made Of?
4. Have students recategorize their lists based on these classes.

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3A: Properties of Materials (continued)

Why Do Materials Matter?
1. Use an example in the room, such as a chair. Ask what materials the object is made of.
Together, list each part of the object and the material it is made of.
2. For each part of the object, ask why that particular material was selected. For example,
why does a chair have metal legs and a plastic seat? The legs need to be made of a
strong material to hold a lot of weight; therefore, they are metal. The chair should be
fairly light so that it is easy to move around. It should also not wear with use; therefore,
plastic is used.
3. In pairs or small groups, have students describe a few objects, identify the materials
used in the object, and hypothesize as to why those particular materials were selected.
4. Explain that students are going to learn more about the differences between materials by
testing them. The qualities of materials (such as strength, weight, etc.) are called
material properties.
5. Materials engineers are familiar with material properties. When they choose materials,
they base their selection on the required properties (strength, stiffness, etc.).
Testing Material Properties
1. To understand material properties, have students compare materials by conducting the
tests listed below. These tests can be done in pairs or small groups. Stations can also
be set up and students can rotate through the stations. Have students record their test
2. Be sure to explain that understanding material properties will help students when
planning what materials to use for their projects. They will be able to select materials that
make the most sense for their required use.
3. It is important to point out that properties of materials may differ within the same class of
materials, depending on the type of material, the thickness, and the size of the material.
Therefore, the tests results are not conclusive for each material class. The point is for
students to understand how to differentiate materials based on their properties and to
learn how to test materials' properties. Students can apply these tests when determining
what materials to use for their design projects.
4. After each test, have students consider examples of objects where that property
characteristic is important.
Density Test
Question: Which materials are denser?

Materials: 1 clay brick, 1 block of wood, and 1 block of Styrofoam (The materials should all be

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3A: Properties of Materials (continued)

the same size. Other materials that are the same size, but different densities may be
substituted.) Balance scale (if available)
1. Explain: Discuss what density is. Density is a measure of the mass of material per unit of
volume. Simply put, if mass is a measure of how much "stuff" there is in an object (or
how much matter an object has), then density is a measure of how tightly that "stuff" is
packed together. The formula to determine density is:
Density =


2. Demonstrate: Show an example of how to use the formula. Use objects that are the
same size (length, width, and height): a brick, a block of wood, and a block of Styrofoam.
Call up three students to measure the length, width, and height of each object. Record
the volume (L x W x H). (Measurement should be the same for all these objects.) Now,
using a balance scale (if you have one), weigh each object and record its mass. Then
use the formula to determine the density of each object. Without a scale, lift the objects
and rate them from heaviest to lightest, 1, 2, and 3, and determine the volume using
these numbers.
3. Rate materials: high, medium, or low density.
Results: The brick (ceramic) has the highest density, followed by wood (composite).
Styrofoam* (polymer) has the lowest density.
4. Discuss design issues: Think of examples of other objects where high density is
important (paperweight, building material). Think of examples of objects where low
density is important (baseball bat, tennis racket, backpack). You may want to discuss
new composite materials that are used in sports equipment to make them lighter in

Ductility Test
Question: How easily does the material stretch when force is applied?

Materials: For optional demonstration: 2 chocolate bars with caramel filling (1 frozen, 1 at room
temperature). For testing: 1 wooden craft stick, 1 plastic cable tie, 1 metal paper clip
1. Demonstration (optional): To demonstrate the concept of ductility, break chocolate bars
one at a time. What happens? Does it bend or crack first?
Results: The unfrozen bar will stretch and bend before breaking (ductile), while the
frozen one will not stretch but rather break immediately (brittle).

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3A: Properties of Materials (continued)
2. Test: Bend the wooden craft stick, a plastic cable tie, and a paper clip. What happens?
Which one is most ductile? Ask what would happen if a piece of ceramic tile were part of
the test.
3. Rate materials: most ductile to the least ductile.
Results: The plastic cable tie (polymer) will bend easily and return to its original form and
is therefore the most ductile. The metal paper clip will bend and almost return to its
original form and is therefore ductile. The wooden stick (composite) will bend but not
break immediately, however, it will not return to its original form and is therefore less
ductile. A piece of ceramic tile would break when bent and is therefore not ductile.
4. Discuss design issues: Ductility is important in designing products which can only be
allowed to bend by a certain amount (bridges, bicycles, furniture) or that need to be
flexible when used and return to their original shape when not in use (rubber bands,
plastic shopping bags). Ductility is also important in springs, which store energy (vaulting
poles, bungee ropes). Brittleness is important for objects that maintain their shape
regardless of how much force is applied (ceramic floor tile, wooden shelves).
Fatigue Test
Question: How much repeated stress can cause the material to fail or break?

Materials: 1 plastic multipurpose cable tie, 1 wooden craft stick, 1 metal paper clip. The same
materials from the ductility test may be used.
1. Test: Bend each item back and forth as you count how many times it takes to break.
Record the times. Be sure that students use the same amount of strength or stress when
bending the material back and forth, over and over. Because strength varies from
student to student, the participants should recognize that there may be variety in the
data collected.
2. Rate materials: high, medium, low fatigue resistance.
Results: The plastic cable tie (polymer) has the highest fatigue resistance, followed by
the metal paper clip. The wooden craft stick has the least fatigue resistance.
3. Discuss design issues: For what objects is fatigue important? (Anything used
repeatedlypaper clip, eating utensils, bridges, airplane wings) For what objects is
material fatigue not important? (Anything that is disposable or doesn't experience
repeated stresses.)
Strength Test (Tensile Test)
Question: How much weight can the material hold without failing or breaking?

Materials: 8 inch x 1 inch (20 cm x 2.5 cm) strips of heavy-duty aluminum foil, heavy plastic bag,
and paper; 2 buckets (1 large and 1 small, such as 10 quart [9 liters] and 5 quart [4.7 liters]); 5
lbs. (2.2 kg) of sand, rice, or beans (as weights), batteries or balance scale; 2 2-inch (5 cm) C-

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3A: Properties of Materials (continued)
1. Test: Attach a bucket with a C-clamp to the material to be tested and attach the material
with a C-clamp to a table. Be sure to have a larger bucket below to catch the weights.
Fill the bucket slowly with weights. How much weight will it take until the material
breaks? Record results and compare.

Strength test

2. Rate materials: strong, medium, and weak in strength.
Results: The aluminum (metal) should be the strongest followed by the paper
(composite) and then the plastic (polymer).
3. Explain: It may be surprising that paper is so strong. This is a good place to explain
more about composites. Composites are two or more distinct substances that are
combined to produce a new material with properties not present in either individual
material. Composites are often made to create a stronger material. There are synthetic
composites that are manufactured and natural composites or biocomposites. Plywood is
a manufactured composite. Thin sheets of wood are stacked and glued so that the end
product is stronger than each material on its own. Whereas, wood, a natural composite,
is made up of cellulose fibers.
4. Discuss design issues: Material strength is important in structural applications (brick,
stone, and concrete for bridges and buildings). Material strength is also important in
transportation applications (airplanes, cars, bicycles).
Electrical Conductivity Test
Question: Does electricity pass through the material easily?

Materials: 1 "D" size battery, 1 piece of wire, 1 small bulb (8 inch x 1 inch) (20 cm x 2.5 cm)
strips of aluminum foil, paper, and plastic bag, piece of ceramic tile
1. Test: Make an electrical circuit with each material and see if the bulb lights by
connecting the bulb, battery, wire, and each material.

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3A: Properties of Materials (continued)

Electrical conductivity test

2. Rate materials: yes or no if the bulb lights.
Results: The only material that will make the bulb light and therefore conducts electricity
is the aluminum foil.
3. Discuss design issues: When is it important to use a material that conducts electricity?
(When an electrical charge needs to be transported.) When is it important to use a
material that does not conduct electricity? (Anything that covers electrically conductive
material, such as plastic on a TV, plastic around wire on electrical cord.)
Thermal Conductivity Test
Question: Does heat pass through the material easily?

Materials: candle, matches, plus same test materials used in electrical conductivity test
(aluminum foil, paper, plastic, and ceramic)
1. Test: Investigate the ability of materials to transmit heat by holding each material (at one
end with the other end at the flame) a few inches from the candle flame for 15 seconds.
Take the material away from the flame and compare how hot it is and how far the heat
traveled through the material. A material that is very hot and where the heat has spread
has higher thermal conductivity than a material that does not feel as hot and where the
heat has not spread. Record results and repeat.
2. Rate materials: high conductivity, medium, low
Results: Aluminum has the highest thermal conductivity, followed by paper, ceramic, and
then plastic.
3. Discuss design issues: Thermal conduction is the rate of passage of heat through a
material, such as metal. Thermal insulation is a barrier to the conduction of heat.
Knowing how conductive a material is helps determine if the material is suitable to
include in home construction, clothing, sports shoes, cooking products, and spacecraft
design, for example. What are examples of objects that need a material that is a thermal

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3A: Properties of Materials (continued)
conductor (baking sheets, heating radiators)? When is the use of insulation materials
necessary (polystyrene and paper cups for hot drinks)?
Optical Properties Test
Question: How easily does light pass through it? (Transparent, translucent, opaque)

Materials: flashlight, samples of a transparent material (such as a plastic bag), a translucent
material (such as hazy plastic cup), and an opaque material (such as a colored plastic bucket)
1. Test: Compare materials by shining a light through them or hold up to a light.
2. Rate materials: transparent, translucent, opaque.
3. Explain: Light passes through a transparent material, and images can be viewed through
it. Light passes through a translucent material; however, images cannot be seen easily
or at all through it. Light cannot pass through an opaque material, and images cannot be
seen through it.
4. Discuss design issues: What are examples of objects made from transparent materials
(car windshields, eyeglasses, plastic food containers), translucent materials (shower
doors for privacy and glass mugs for decoration), and opaque materials (room-darkening
curtains or blinds, sunscreens for car windshield)? When are these properties important?
Help the students find examples of these three characteristics in materials or objects
where the passage of light and viewing of objects matters and may or may not be
desired. In many cases, optical materials are chosen for their aesthetic qualities and not
optical properties.
Wrap Up
Discuss students' results. Results may vary. Explain that when materials engineers test
material properties, they do multiple tests, at least 10. So, students would have to do many
tests to gather consistent results.

Follow With
In the next activity, 3B: Materials Applications, students apply problem-solving skills to real-
world material problems.

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Properties of Materials
Handout: Session 3, Activity A

Materials engineers design new materials and determine which materials are best used for
certain structures and devices. They determine this by understanding the properties of materials
so that they can select the most appropriate material or combination of materials for a particular

In this activity, you will test materials to learn about their properties. After each test, record your
results. Charts can be made and completed in your design notebook. For each property, come
up with examples of objects where each property is important.

Material Properties Definitions

Property Definition
Density How heavy objects are that occupy the same volume
Ductility How easily a material stretches when force is applied
Strength How much weight a material can hold without failing or breaking
Fatigue How easily a material withstands repeated stresses
Whether or not electricity passes through the material
Thermal conductivity How easily heat passes through the material
Optical properties
How easily light passes through it (transparent, translucent,
If the material degrades easily because of the physical

Density Test
Question: Which materials are denser?
Materials: a clay brick, block of wood, and block of Styrofoam* (all the same size)
1. Demonstration: Compare the density of a brick, a block of wood, and a block of
2. Rate materials: high, medium, and low density.
Rating (highest to lowest density) Material Tested Material Class

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3A Handout: Properties of Materials (continued)
3. Discuss design issues: Think of examples of other objects where high density is
important. Think of examples of objects where low density is important.
Ductility Test
Question: How easily does the material stretch when force is applied?
Materials: 1 wooden craft stick, 1 plastic cable tie, 1 paper clip
1. Test: Bend the wooden craft stick, a plastic cable tie, and a metal paper clip. What
happens? Which one is most ductile? What about ceramic tile, what would happen if you
bent a piece of tile?
2. Rate materials: from the most ductile to the least ductile.
Rating (most ductile to least ductile) Material Tested Material Class

3. Discuss design issues: Ductility is important in designing products which can only be
allowed to bend by a certain amount or that need to be flexible when used and return to
their original shape when not in use. What are examples of applications where ductile
materials are needed?
Fatigue Test
Question: How much repeated stress can cause the material to fail or break?
Materials: wooden craft stick, plastic multipurpose cable tie, metal paper clips (same materials
as used in the ductility test)
1. Test: Bend each item back and forth as you count how many times it takes to break.
Record the times. Be sure to use the same amount of strength or stress when bending
the material back and forth over and over.
2. Rate materials: high, medium, low fatigue resistant.
Rating (most fatigue resistant to least) Material Tested Material Class

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3A Handout: Properties of Materials (continued)
3. Discuss design issues: For what objects is fatigue resistance important? For what
objects is material fatigue not important?
Strength Test (Tensile Test)
Question: How much weight can the material hold without failing or breaking?
Materials: 8 inch x 1 inch (20 cm x 2.5 cm) strips of: heavy-duty aluminum foil, heavy plastic
bag, and paper; 2 buckets (1 large and 1 small, such as 10 quart [9 liters] and 5 quart [4.7
liters]), 5 lbs. (2.2 kg) of sand, rice, or beans (as weights); 2 2-inch (5 cm) C-clamps
1. Test: Attach a bucket with a C-clamp to the material to be tested and attach the material
with a C-clamp to a table. Be sure to have a larger bucket below to catch the weights.
Fill the bucket slowly with weights. How much weight will it take until the material
breaks? Record results and compare.

2. Rate materials: from strongest to weakest in strength.
Rating (strongest to weakest) Material Tested Material Class

3. Discuss design issues: Material strength is important in structural applications. What are
examples of this? Material strength is also important in transportation applications. What
are examples of this?

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3A Handout: Properties of Materials (continued)

Electrical Conductivity Test
Question: Does electricity pass through the material easily?
Materials: battery, wire, bulb, aluminum foil, paper, plastic bag, and ceramic tile.
1. Test: Make an electrical circuit with each material and see if the bulb lights.

2. Rate materials: yes or no if the bulb lights.
Rating (yes or no) Material Tested Material Class

3. Discuss design issues: When is it important to use a material that conducts electricity?
When is it important to use a material that does not conduct electricity?
Thermal Conductivity Test
Question: Does heat pass through the material easily?
Materials: candle, matches, same materials used in electrical conductivity test
1. Test: Investigate the ability of materials to transmit heat by holding each material a few
inches (centimeters) from the candle flame for 15 seconds. Take the material away from
the flame and compare how hot it is and how far the heat has traveled. A material that is
very hot and where the heat has spread has high thermal conductivity. Record results
and repeat.
2. Rate materials: high, medium, or low conductivity.

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3A Handout: Properties of Materials (continued)

Rating (highest to lowest thermal conductivity) Material Tested Material Class

3. Discuss design issues: What are other examples of objects that need a material that is a
thermal conductor? When is the use of insulation materials necessary?
Optical Properties Test
Question: Does light pass through the material easily? (Is the material transparent, translucent,
or opaque?)
Materials: flashlight or bulb and battery, plastic bag, plastic cup, colored plastic bucket
(Alternate materials may be used.)
1. Test: Compare materials by shining a light through them.
2. Rate materials: transparent, translucent, or opaque.
Rating (transparent, translucent, opaque) Material Tested Material Class

3. Discuss design issues: What are examples of objects made that are transparent,
translucent, and opaque? When are these properties important?

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What Are Things Made Of?
Reading: Session 3, Activity A

From the Stone Age to the Information Age, humans have made use of a wide array of
materials to improve their lives. Stroll through the halls of a museum and you will see that major
epochs have been shaped and even defined by certain materials. From iron and steel to textiles
and microprocessors, materials have a seemingly infinite range of properties and applications.

Not surprisingly, the field of materials science covers a wide range of disciplines. Materials
engineers contribute to the field by evaluating materials for how well they distribute stress,
transfer heat, conduct electricity, and meet other design specifications.

New materials are constantly being invented, and new uses for existing materials continue to
emerge. In recent years, for example, researchers from Nike have figured out how to grind up
used athletic shoes and create a new material for resurfacing running tracks and basketball
courts. Researchers from Patagonia have developed a method to reuse the plastic in soda
bottles to make a synthetic fiber that is spun into soft fleece for making sportswear.

Let's take a look at four of the major classes of materials.

Metals are a class of materials that include metallic elements, such as iron or gold, and
combinations of metals, known as alloys. Metals usually are good conductors of heat and
electricity. They tend to be strong but can be shaped, and can be polished to a high gloss. Iron,
for example, has been important as a building material ever since humans learned to change its
properties by heating and cooling it.

Ceramics are compounds made of metallic and nonmetallic elements and include such
compounds as oxides, nitrides, and carbides. The term ceramic comes from the Greek word
keramikos, which means burnt stuff. The properties of ceramics are normally achieved through
a high-temperature heat treatment process called firing. Ceramics tend to be good at insulating,
highly durable, and resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments. For example,
dentists have developed a way to use ceramics for fillings despite the special demands of
materials used inside the mouth. In adapting ceramics for dental use, materials scientists had to
develop ceramics that would not be affected by acids, would have low thermal conductivity,
would be resistant to wear from chewing, would not expand or contract when exposed to heat or
cold, and would be appealing cosmetically.

Polymers occur when molecules combine chemically to produce larger molecules that contain
repeating structural units. Plastics, for example, are a large group of organic, man-made
compounds based upon carbon and hydrogen. The basic building block of a plastic is the
polymer molecule, a long chain of covalent-bonded atoms. Plastics are processed by forming
and molding into shape. Usually, they are low density and may have a low melting point.
Polymers have a wide range of applications, from synthetic fibers like nylon and polyester to car
parts and packaging materials like Styrofoam*. Velcro*, a synthetic fabric used for fasteners, is

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3A Reading: What Are Things Made Of? (continued)

a well-known application of a polymer.

Composites can be synthetic or natural or biocomposites. Synthetic composites are
manufactured whereas biocomposites are found in nature. Wood, silk, and cotton are examples
of biocompsites. Composites consist of more than one material type, such as metal and
ceramic. Fiberglass, a combination of glass and a polymer, is one example. Plywood, another
composite, is made up of thin sheets of wood stacked and glued. The properties of composites
depend on the amount and distribution of each type of material, but the idea is that the
combination of materials will create a material with more desirable properties than possible with
any individual material. One common use of composites is for sports equipment, such as golf
clubs, tennis racquets, and bicycle frames.

Pizzo, Patrick P. Exploring Materials Engineering, Chemical and Engineering Department, San
J ose State University, (September 15, 2003). www.engr.sjsu.edu/WofMatE*

The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society. Materials Science and Engineering Career
Resource Center. www.crc4mse.org*

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Session 3, Activity B
Materials Applications

Evaluate properties of materials for specific applications.

Students apply problem-solving skills to select materials based on their properties.

Using students' materials properties test results from the previous activity, students determine
the best materials for a variety of material usage problems.



Using Materials

1. Introduce the activity by explaining that students will work in groups to solve four
materials problems. Each problem involves identifying materials properties,
recognizing which materials have these properties, and selecting materials for the
product. Each group will solve all the problems and then share and compare their

2. For each problem, have each group answer the following questions:
Which properties are important to solving the problem?
Which materials have the important properties?
What types of materials would you use to make this product?

3. Have students make a sketch of the object and label the materials.

4. Have groups present their solutions.

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3B: Materials Applications (continued)

#1: Acme Foodstuffs has a problem. Acme started making a new product that requires using
hot corn syrup. The corn syrup must be portioned out with a spoon into large bottles while it is
still hot (350F, 175C). The operator will be using a big spoon that she will be holding for more
than an hour a day. The company needs a new spoon to serve this purpose.
Important properties: thermal conductivity, density, fatigue

#2: A new golf club manufacturer would like to make lightweight, sturdy, and electrically
nonconductive golf clubs but doesn't know where to start. The golf club heads should be hard
and wear-resistant and must withstand repeated strokes of high force against the golf ball.
Important properties: density, strength, fatigue, electrical conductivity

#3: Hang Dry Clothespin Manufacturers is undertaking an aggressive campaign to encourage
people to conserve energy by hanging their clothes out to dry. They would like to come up with
a new modern clothespin that will appeal to the masses.
Important properties: fatigue, ductility, strength, density

#4: Phantom Phone Booths is trying to come up with a new public phone booth for the 21st
century. Not only will the public phone booth contain pay phones, but will also be a private
place for people to use their cell phones and plug in their laptop computers. The booth must be
private, but allow for daylight to pass through and allow people to see if it is occupied.
Important properties: optical, strength

Wrap Up
Hold a discussion for each problem, comparing the solutions and discussing the benefits and
challenges of certain material choices.

Read 3B Reading: Meet a Materials Engineer.

Follow With
In 3C: Materials Choice, students consider cost and environmental impact when selecting

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Materials Applications
Handout: Session 3, Activity B

Using the materials properties test results from the previous activity, you will solve each
problem to determine the best materials for particular uses.

For each problem, determine the following:
Which properties are important to solving the problem?
Which materials have the important properties?
What types of materials would you use to make this product?

Make a sketch of the object for each problem and label the materials.


#1: Acme Foodstuffs has a problem. Acme started making a new product that requires using
hot corn syrup. The corn syrup must be portioned out with a spoon into large bottles while it is
still hot (350F, 175C). The operator will be using a big spoon that she will be holding for more
than an hour a day. The company needs a new spoon to serve this purpose.

#2: A new golf club manufacturer would like to make lightweight, sturdy, and electrically
nonconductive golf clubs but doesn't know where to start. The golf club heads should be hard
and wear-resistant and must withstand repeated strokes of high force against the golf ball.

#3: Hang Dry Clothespin Manufacturers is undertaking an aggressive campaign to encourage
people to conserve energy by hanging their clothes out to dry. They would like to come up with
a new modern clothespin that will appeal to the masses.

#4: Phantom Phone Booths is trying to come up with a new public phone booth for the 21st
century. Not only will the public phone booth contain pay phones, but will also be a private
place for people to use their cell phones and plug in their laptop computers. The booth must be
private, but allow for daylight to pass through and allow people to see if it is occupied.

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Meet a Materials Engineer
Reading: Session 3, Activity B

Stephanie Kwolek: Developing a Miracle Fiber

Marketers call Kevlar* a miracle fiber. Police officers who wear vests reinforced with the stuff
call it a lifesaver. And the chemist who developed the ultra-strong but lightweight synthetic
material calls her famous invention "a case of serendipity."

Used in the manufacture of everything from bulletproof vests to puncture-resistant bicycle tires
to flame barriers, Kevlar came about through a combination of scientific know-how, ingenuity,
teamwork, persistence, and the willingness to follow a hunch.

Back in 1964, Stephanie Kwolek was working as a research chemist for DuPont. "I loved to
solve problems, and it was a constant learning process. Each day there was something new, a
challenge, and I loved that," Kwolek told the Smithsonian Institution in an interview after she
had retired.

One of Kwolek's design challenges in the lab was to develop long chain molecules called
polymers, used to make nylon and other synthetic fibers. Researchers saw a market for a new
generation of materials that would be strong but lightweight and that would not melt, even at
high temperatures.

An unexpected lab result led to the breakthrough that eventually yielded Kevlar. Ordinarily, a
dissolved polymer solution looks like molassesthick but translucent. When Kwolek dissolved
certain polymers in a solvent, she wound up with a solution that looked watery and cloudy.
When Kwolek stirred the solution, it separated into two layers. She tried filtering the solution
and ruled out contamination as a factor. When she analyzed the flow and cohesive properties
of the solution, she became more intrigued by her observations. "It had a lot of strange
features," Kwolek later recalled. "I think someone who wasn't thinking very much, or just wasn't
aware or took less interest in it, would have thrown it out."

Instead of tossing the mystery concoction, Kwolek set out to see what would happen if the
solution was spun in a machine used to produce synthetic fibers. The coworker in charge of

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3B Reading: Meet a Materials Engineer (continued)

the spinneret was skeptical and told her the solution was too watery to spin. She persisted,
however, and he eventually agreed to run a test. "It spun beautifully," she recalled later.
Researchers tested the spun fibers and found that they had remarkable strength and stiffness.
Kwolek had revolutionized the polymers industry by developing the first liquid crystal polymer

It took a full decade of teamwork, testing, and product development before the first bulletproof
vests made of Kevlar reached the market. By the time Kwolek was inducted into the National
Inventor's Hall of Fame in 1995, the vests were credited with saving the lives of more than
3,000 law enforcement officers.

Kwolek retired from DuPont in 1986 with 17 patents to her name. She is a recipient of the
Lifetime Achievement Award for innovation and invention given by the Lemelson-MIT Program.
In 2003, at age 80, she was inducted in the National Women's Hall of Fame.

Brown, David E. Inventing Modern America: From the Microwave to the Mouse. Boston, MA:
The MIT Press, 2001.

Howell, Caitlyn. "Kevlar, The Wonder Fiber." Innovative Lives. Washington, DC: Smithsonian
Institution, 1999. www.si.edu/lemelson/centerpieces/ilives/lecture05.html*

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Session 3, Activity C
Materials Choice

Students understand factors other than material properties when choosing materials.

Students will be able to select materials with cost and environmental impact in mind.

This activity introduces students to other factors, aside from material properties, that go into
materials selection. Using a beverage container, students compare the cost of making a
beverage container from different materials in order to understand the economic tradeoffs
when choosing materials. Environmental impact is introduced to students as they design a
container that can be reconstituted to make another product or reused for a secondary

For display: 3 12-oz. (355 mL) beverage containers: 1 plastic, 1 aluminum, and 1 glass
Note: 12-oz. aluminum beverage containers are the most common size in the U.S. 16-oz (473
mL) containers may be used instead if it is difficult to find plastic or glass 12-oz beverage

Display a 12-oz (355 mL) plastic, aluminum, and glass beverage container to each group.

Materials and Cost

1. Begin a discussion of cost. Explain that cost is often one of the most important design
considerations when choosing materials. In most designs the aim is to minimize the
cost. For most products material cost dominates design. This makes it difficult to
introduce expensive, high-performance materials. Cost only becomes less important
when product performance is everything to the customers and they are prepared to pay
for it. Examples are top-of-the-line sports products (racing bicycles, sports cars, golf
clubs) and medical implants (hip prostheses and heart valves).

2. Introduce beverage containers as a materials and engineering challenge. Containers
must satisfy a number of physical and structural criteria, must be inexpensive, and
should have a minimal impact on the environment.

3. Introduce the challenge: Your class has decided to go into the fruit juice business. You
have already come up with delicious recipes and are now considering how you will

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3C: Materials Choice (continued)

package the drinks. As employees, you have been asked by the owner (the facilitator) for
your input on which type of beverage container to use. You are to do a cost analysis of
aluminum, plastic, and glass, and make a case for one of these materials.

Cost Analysis of Beverage Containers
(This cost analysis is in U.S. dollars using pounds as the unit of weight measurement. It would
need to be adapted for use with another currency.)
1. Explain that many cost factors go into determining what type of material to use for a
product. Tell each group to analyze the charts and determine which type of material they
feel is best for packaging the fruit juice. They should prepare an argument to support
their position.
2. Explain that the first chart shows the number of containers produced per pound of
material, the raw material cost per pound (in USD), the average shipping cost per pound,
and the production cost per container.
Material Number of 12-oz./16-oz.
Production Cost/
Aluminum 33.3/25.0 $0.70 $0.25 $0.10
Glass 2.3/1.8 $0.03 $0.25 $0.06
Plastic 14.3/11.1 $0.50 $0.25 $0.04

Using this information, have students rank aluminum, glass, and plastic in the total cost
to produce and deliver 1,000 containers.

Step 1: Determine the weight of 1,000 containers. For example, aluminum:
1 / 33.3 = 0.030; .030 x 1,000 = 30 lb per 1,000 containers.

Step 2: Determine the material cost. For example, aluminum: 30 x 0.70 = $21.00 per
1,000 containers.

Step 3: Determine the shipping cost. For example, aluminum: 30 x. 0.25 = $7.50 per
1,000 containers.

Step 4: Determine the production cost. For example, aluminum: 1,000 x 0.10 = $100 per
1,000 containers.

Step 5: Add the material cost, shipping cost, and production cost. For example,
aluminum: $21.00 + $7.50 + $100 = $128.50 per 1,000 containers.

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3C: Materials Choice (continued)
Step 6: Compare the total cost to produce 1,000 containers for each material. Plastic is
the cheapest followed by aluminum, and then glass.
3. Explain that the next chart shows the total cost of returning the material to a state where
it can be reused to make a new container instead of using raw materials. This includes
the market price to purchase and reprocess scrap material. Note that this processing
includes cleaning the material, shredding or grinding, and melting. The chart also
includes the cost of disposing the material into a landfill as an alternative to recycling.
Material Scrap/lb. Process Scrap/lb. Disposal/lb.
Aluminum $0.35 $0.15 $0.02
Glass $0.01 $0.01 $0.02
Plastic $0.10 $0.50 $0.02

Have students calculate the cost to purchase scrap material and reprocess it, and
compare this amount to the cost of the raw material (in the previous chart) plus the cost
to dispose of the material. This can be calculated for 1,000 containers. For each
material, determine if it is more economically advantageous to recycle scrap material or
dispose of it in a landfill.

Step 1: Compare the price to purchase the raw material and dispose of it with the price
to purchase scrap material and reprocess it. For example, aluminum, new material plus
disposal cost: 0.70 + 0.02 = 0.72

Step 2: To get the price for 1,000 containers, multiply the above number by 1,000. For
example: 0.72 x 1,000 = $720

Step 3: Determine the price for scrap material and reprocessing. For example, aluminum
scrap material and reprocessing: 0.35 + 0.15 = 0.50

Step 4: Multiply by 1,000 to get the price for 1,000 containers. For example: 0.50 x
1,000 = $500.

Step 5: Do the above steps for each material and compare. Students will see that it
makes sense to recycle aluminum and glass, but it is cheaper to dispose of plastic.
4. Explain that global warming has been linked to the increase in carbon dioxide emissions
to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is emitted by the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels
are burned to create energy that is used to manufacture and transport materials.
Manufacturing beverage containers using recycled materials decreases the total carbon
dioxide emissions because reprocessing consumes less energy than processing the raw
material. The following chart summarizes the pounds of carbon dioxide emissions

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3C: Materials Choice (continued)
avoided by using recycled materials. Ask: from which material do you gain the most
benefit by recycling?
Material Lbs. of CO
Avoided Per Lb. of Material Recycled
Aluminum 4.5
Glass 0.2
Plastic 0.8

Results: It is clear that it is cheaper and better for the environment to recycle aluminum,
which explains why aluminum is probably the most recycled material.
Make a Case
1. Now that each group has done a cost-benefit analysis of three different types of
beverage containers, have each group prepare an argument to lobby to the head of the
beverage company to use plastic, glass, or aluminum beverage containers. Groups may
also consider other factors aside from cost, such as materials properties, taste, and
2. Hold a debate to convince the company owner (in this case, the facilitator) how he or
she should package the new beverage.
3. Discuss the tradeoffs between economic decision making and total cost decision making
that incorporates environmental benefits.
Container Design: Extending the Life
1. Now that each group has chosen which material makes the most sense from a cost
perspective, each group of students will consider how the life of the beverage container
can be extended by coming up with a secondary use for the container.
2. Present the following design challenge: You have been asked to design a beverage
container that would not be considered waste after its use. Consider how the container
might be recycled and reconstituted for another use or how the container might be
redesigned to achieve a secondary use.
3. Provide a few examples of this to get students to think innovatively.

Emium (an Argentine container company) redesigned the shape of a bottle so that it
could be a building block that can be attached to others to fulfill a wide range of
recreational or functional structures. The bottles can be attached to one another
lengthways or sideways by pressing the protruding knobs of one into the cavities of the
other. The scope of use for these bottles include: children's toys or playhouses, furniture,

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3C: Materials Choice (continued)
shelving, boxes, partitions. www.emium.com.ar/ingl*

Patagonia (United States, outdoor apparel company) became the first company to adopt
a post-consumer recycled fleece into its product line. The fleece fabric is manufactured
from PET soft-drink bottles. From 3,700 recycled 2-liter plastic soft-drink bottles, 150
long-sleeved fleece pullovers can be manufactured. This saves a barrel of oil and avoids
approximately half a ton of toxic air emissions being released into the atmosphere.
4. Have groups sketch their ideas.
Wrap Up
Have students share their designs. As an optional extension (to be done at home), they
can create models of their designs.

Read 3C Reading: Meet an Environmental Engineer.

Follow With
In Session 4: Getting a Charge From Electricity, students learn the fundamental principles
behind electrical engineering.

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Materials Choice
Handout: Session 3, Activity C

Did you know that when you purchase a beverage, you pay more for the packaging than the
beverage itself? So, what does it take to produce a beverage container and how are decisions
made about what type of container to use?

The challenge: Your class has decided to go into the fruit juice business. You have already
come up with delicious recipes and are now considering how you will package the drinks. As
employees, you have been asked by the owner for your input on which type of beverage
container to use. You are to do a cost analysis of aluminum, plastic, and glass, and make a
case for one of these materials.
1. This chart shows the number of containers produced per pound of material, the raw
material cost per pound, the average shipping cost per pound, and the production cost
per container.

Using this information, rank aluminum, glass, and plastic in the total cost to produce and
deliver 1,000 containers. You will need to first determine how much one container
Material Number of 12-oz./16-oz.
Aluminum 33.3/25.0 $0.70 $0.25 $0.10
Glass 2.3/1.8 $0.03 $0.25 $0.06
Plastic 14.3/11.1 $0.50 $0.25 $0.04

2. The next chart shows the total cost of returning the material to a state where it can be
reused to make a new container instead of using raw materials. The chart also includes
the cost of disposing the material into a landfill as an alternative to recycling.

Calculate the cost to purchase scrap material and reprocess it and compare this amount
to the cost of the raw material (in the previous chart plus the disposal cost.) Do this for
1,000 containers. For each material, is it more economically advantageous to recycle
scrap material or dispose of it in a landfill?
Material Scrap/lb. Process Scrap/lb. Disposal/lb.
Aluminum $0.35 $0.15 $0.02
Glass $0.01 $0.01 $0.02
Plastic $0.10 $0.50 $0.02

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3C Handout: Materials Choice (continued)
3. Global warming has been linked to the increase in carbon dioxide emissions to the
atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is emitted by the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are
burned to create energy that is used to manufacture and transport materials.
Manufacturing beverage containers using recycled materials decreases the total carbon
dioxide emissions because reprocessing consumes less energy than processing the raw

The following chart summarizes the pounds of carbon dioxide emissions avoided by
using recycled materials. From which material do you gain the most benefit by recycling?
Material Lbs. of CO
Avoided Per Lb. of Material Recycled
Aluminum 4.5
Glass 0.2
Plastic 0.8

4. What type of beverage container do you think the juice company should use? Make a
case for aluminum, glass, or plastic.
Extending the Life of the Container
Design challenge: You have been asked to design a beverage container that would not be
considered waste after its use. Consider how the container might be recycled and
reconstituted for another use or how the container might be redesigned to achieve a secondary
use. Be innovative! Sketch your design idea.

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Meet an Environmental Engineer
Reading: Session 3, Activity C

Cindy Butler
Project Manager, Energy, Environment, and Systems Division
CH2M Hill, Portland, Oregon

They might be called in to clean up an industrial site. Design a way to avoid groundwater
contamination. Plan a new project so that it meets environmental regulations. Get the mold out
of a tropical high-rise hotel ventilating system. These problem-solving activities, and many
more, are all in a day's work for environmental engineers.

Cindy Butler is a project manager in the environmental division of a large engineering and
consulting firm, CH2M Hill, in Portland, Oregon. The best part of her job? "On a weekly basis,
sometimes daily, I learn something I didn't know before."

Laying the Foundation
When she was growing up in upstate New York, Butler had friends whose parents were
doctors and lawyers. Her dad worked for Xerox. "He was the only engineer I knew," she says.
"Otherwise, I wouldn't have had any idea what engineers do."

She took his advice and pursued engineering studieswith a vengeance. Within five years of
finishing high school, she had earned dual bachelor's degrees (one in civil engineering and
another in an interdisciplinary major called engineering and public policy) from Washington
University in St. Louis, plus a master's in civil and environmental engineering from Carnegie
Mellon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

During college, she also found time for an internship that gave her some practical experience
and exposure to the field of environmental affairs. "The internship experience is key. It helps
you find out what interests you, and what doesn't." Her days were jam-packed, she admits.
"Between school and work, I became pretty good at time management."

Some of her favorite classes were in civil engineering, taught in the evenings by professors
who spent their days actively working in the field. "I liked the real-world applications and
discovered I was more interested in applications than theory," she says. Although she started
in electrical engineeringher father's fieldshe eventually shifted her academic focus to civil
and environmental engineering.

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3C Reading: Meet an Environmental Engineer (continued)

Focus on People
On a typical day at CH2M Hill, where she has worked for three years, Butler might meet with
clients. Scope out a project. Analyze a budget. Pull together a team of engineers and planners
to work on a specific project. Talk with staff from a regulatory agency. "Lots of communicating
and lots of problem solving," she says. "Interpersonal skills are a big part of the job. Even if
you're doing research, you work on a team. There might be a few engineers who sit in a
cubicle and crank numbers," she adds, "but not most of us. It's a people-oriented career."

The projects she manages might involve cleaning up the chemicals left behind at a former
wood processing site, or solving groundwater contamination at a chemical plant. "We do a lot
of site investigations, testing, and remediation," she explains. Sometimes, that means visiting a
site to get a firsthand look. "It helps you see what you can't get from a mapthe 3-D reality of
the space."

Earlier in her career, Butler did more of the hands-on work. "You start by collecting soil and
water samples, then move into analyzing data," she explains. Now she takes a longer view,
keeping a big project on track and meeting the client's goals.

She appreciates the depth of resources found at a large firm like CH2M Hill. The company is
involved in everything from building roads and designing transportation systems to cleaning up
Superfund sites to industrial design projects. "People are eager to share what they know. I like
to be challenged and keep learning something new. I think that's a common personality in the
sciences," she says.

On the Cutting Edge
One of the most exciting aspects of engineering, Butler adds, "is being on the cutting edge.
Engineering is always on the forefront, whether it's in designing new cars or coming up with the
next biomedical breakthroughs."

For students considering the field, she shares an insight worth keeping in mind when the
courses get challenging: "I think you work harder in college. It's grueling, and you can't afford
to fall behind. You have to learn all the structural building blocks, and that means you do a lot
of work manually so that you understand the concepts. Later, much of that work will be
automated. But you have to learn the fundamentals first."

When the going gets tough, she adds, "remember that it's OK to ask for help." Peer tutoring
programs and informal study groups are common practice at engineering programs, laying the
groundwork for the teamwork of the real world.

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Materials Scavenger Hunt
Session 3 Home Improvement

Look at common objects and determine whether their materials make a difference in function
and effectiveness.

Gain an understanding of the connections between materials and function.

Students walk through their homes looking at objects and analyzing what materials were used
to make them.

1. Explain that the young engineers will walk through their home like a detective, looking for
objects and what they are made of, and why the materials matter.
2. Remind students, when they are looking at objects, to consider what properties are
required for the product and why those materials were selected. Provide a few examples
such as: an outdoor mat may need to be waterproof and nonslip, thus rubber is often
Ask students to consider the flooring in their home. Do they have different flooring in different
rooms? Why? Consider how soft carpet materials, vinyl, and wood flooring serve different
purposes based on functional needs.

Next Day
Share and compare observations, discussing how and why particular materials are used.

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Materials Scavenger Hunt
Handout: Session 3, Home Improvement

Walk through your home like a detective. Look for objects where the choice of material matters!
Write about each item in your design notebook; its uses, the properties it requires, and how the
materials meet those properties.

What is it?

What does it do?

What properties does it require?

How and why do the materials matter?

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Session 4
Getting a Charge FromElectricity
Engineering Fundamentals

In this session, the students
work in pairs to explore
electricity basics. These pairs
can remain the same
throughout the session or
change with each activity. 4A: Basic Electrical Concepts in a Flash
reviews simple circuitry using a common household item: a flashlight.
You may find that some students have built circuits before, and this
is a review. The goal is to prepare them for any electrical circuitry
that they may need to incorporate into their own projects later. An
extension to this activity involves looking inside a dissected lightbulb
that is prepared in advance. This can be done with a demonstration,
in small groups, or may be skipped if you don't have enough time.

In 4B: Turn It On and Off, students learn the differences between a
simple, series, and parallel circuit. Here, they are introduced to using
breadboards. They wire circuits on the breadboards with switches
and buzzers (optional). In 4C: Short Circuits, students learn about
short circuits and the relationship between resistance and the
current. An optional activity teaches them how to prevent a short
circuit by making a fuse. In 4D: Light-Emitting Diodes, students make their favorite numbers
light up with an LED display. With each activity in this session, the students learn different
electrical symbols and use the symbols in drawing diagrams. Electric House Hunt, the Home
Improvement activity, entails having the students look at their own house from an electrical


For Each Pair of Students
1 flashlight with batteries (preferably "D" size)
1 wire kit
1 wire cutters
1 breadboard (experimenter socket)
1 switch (knife switch)
1 mini buzzer (3VDC)
1 small screwdriver
1 rectangular piece of aluminum foil about 1 inch by 2 inches (2.5 cm x 5 cm)
1 LED number display (0.3 inches (8mm) LED number display)
In This Session:

A) Basic Electrical
Concepts in a Flash
- Student Handout

B) Turn it On and Off
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

C) Short Circuits
- Student Handout

D) Light-Emitting Diodes
- Student Handout

Home Improvement
- Student Handout

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Session 4, Getting a Charge From Electricity (continued)

1 blinking 2.8 volt LED
Gloves for each student
Safety goggles for each student

Wire kit Breadboard


Mini buzzer

Two Per Pair of Students
Screw-base lamps (2.47 volts
Miniature lamp holders (for E-10 screw-base lamp with screw terminals)
"D" size batteries (may be taken from flashlights)
"D" size battery holders

Bulbs and bulb holders

"D" size batteries and

For Demonstration
A few household clear lightbulbs

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Getting a Charge From Electricity
Key Concepts: Session 4

In Session 4, students get a hands-on experience with wiring electrical circuits of various
kinds and purposes in order to better understand how electrical devices work.

Key Concepts
All matter is electrical. Every atom of matter has a positive nucleus surrounded by negatively
charged electrons. Depending on the material, electrons are somewhat free to move. Electricity
is the result of the stationary and moving charges of protons and electrons. Sometimes
electrons can be rubbed from one surface to another where they build up as static electricity;
this accumulated electric charge releases as a spark, as when you separate a sweater from
socks that have tumbled in the dryer. An electrical charge can also move through matter such
as metal wires. The flow of charge is electric current.

A circuit is a complete path for electrons to flow through. The electrons flow from the negative
terminal of a battery through wires connected to devices that convert electric energy into other
forms such as light or sound components. A circuit must have a complete path for the electricity
to begin flowing from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of a battery.

A conductor is a material (usually a metal, such as copper) that allows electrical current to pass
easily through. This is opposed to an insulator (such as plastic coating around wires), which
prevents the flow of electricity through it.

Series Circuit
A series circuit is wired with only one path for the current to flow through all the devices in a row
and back to the starting point. The same current flows through each part of a series circuit. If the
circuit is broken at any point then no current will flow. For example, if this circuit were a string of
light bulbs, and one burned out, the remaining bulbs would also turn off.

Parallel Circuit
A parallel circuit is one that has two or more paths for the electricity to flow. It is like a river that
has been divided up into smaller streams, but all the streams come back to the same point to
form the river once again. For example, if the loads in a circuit were light bulbs and one burned
out, the other bulbs would remain lit. Current continues to flow to the other light bulbs because
there is still a complete circuit from the negative to positive terminals of the battery.

Measuring Electricity
Volts, amps, and watts measure electricity. Volts measure the "pressure" under which electricity
flows. Amps measure the amount of electric current. Watts measure the amount of work done
by a certain amount of current at a certain pressure or voltage. The relationship of these
measurements can be thought of as water in a hose. Turning on the faucet supplies the force,
which is like the voltage. The amount of water moving through the hose is like the electrical
current, known as amperage. You would use lots of water that comes out really hard (like a lot
of volts) to wash off a muddy car. You would use less water that comes out more slowly (like

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Key Concepts Session 4 (continued)

less volts) to fill a glass. The total water used in each would be like measuring the watts or
power needed. A multimeter is an instrument that can be used to measure voltage, resistance,
or current across an element in an electrical circuit.

1 watt =1 amp multiplied by 1 volt
1 amp =1 watt divided by 1 volt

Ohm's Law
Ohm's Law is the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance. It was named after the
German physicist George Simon Ohm (1787-1854). He determined that:
Current (amps) =Voltage (volts) / Resistance (Ohms)

This relationship is used in designing any electric device, such as a toaster. In the U.S.,
electricity is supplied to household outlets at 110 volts. As with any heating element that gets
hot when current flows, a toaster has high resistance of 10 ohms. Using Ohm's law and
dividing voltage (110 volts) by resistance (10 ohms), a toaster needs 11 amps of current
flowing through it. (This is way above the amount of current that the "D" cell batteries used in
this session can supply1.5 amps.)

The electronic breadboard provides a quick means for temporarily connecting circuits. A
breadboard has numerous holes into which wires attached to electrical components may be
inserted. The holes are conductive sockets, some of which are connected internally. A
breadboard is set up with rows and columns. The two long sets of holes along the outside
(called channels) are connected. Within each of the two columns down the center of the
breadboard, there are two sets of five holes. Each set of five holes in the middle of the board is
connected, but the sets of holes are not connected to each other. It is easiest to use 22-gauge
wire when wiring a breadboard. It is helpful to get as many colors of insulated wire as possible.
The different colors help with organizationit is easier to see what goes where, and different
colored wires can be used for different purposes.

Short Circuit and Fuses
In your standard household outlet, there is a wire that brings the electricity. This is called the
hot wire. There is another wire, called the neutral wire, that allows the electric current to flow
back. A third opportunity to carry electricity is called the "ground." It is either a bare wire or a
metal wrapping for the other two wires. The metal wrapping is called sheathing. It usually
doesn't carry electricity. Its sole purpose is to carry electricity during an emergency back to the
ground. If a hot wire becomes loose at some metal electrical box (such as an outlet box, a
switch box, or a junction box, where several wires meet and are connected), and touches the
box that is grounded, the electricity will be able to flow with no resistance. This is called a short

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Key Concepts Session 4 (continued)

circuit and will often result in more electricity flowing than the wires are supposed to permit.
The wires may become very hot, and if the box is shaken, then sparks may fly where the wire
touches the box. This could potentially start a fire. To prevent this from happening, a special
kind of switch called a circuit breaker or fuse will trip or blow, and no electricity will flow to the
circuit. The circuit breaker or fuse is a safety device that stops the flow of electricity before it
enters the hot wire.

The lever you flip is attached to a metal piece that can move so that it makes a break in the
circuit, preventing electricity from flowing through until you flip it back.

Diodes are small one-way valves for electrical current. Diodes permit current flow in one
direction and not in the opposite direction. A diode has two electrodes, called the anode and
the cathode.

LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, are diodes that emit light of one form or another. They are used
as indicator devices. For example, an LED may light to indicate that a machine is on. They are
useful because they have a low power requirement, are highly efficient, and have a long life.
They come in several sizes and colors. An LED consists of two elements of processed material
called P-type semiconductors and N-type semiconductors. These two elements are placed in
direct contact, forming a region called the P-N junction. Integrated circuits (ICs) are complex
circuits inside one simple package. LED displays are packages of many LEDs arranged in a
pattern. The most familiar, and the one used in Session 4, is the 7-segment display for
showing numbers (0-9). This is available in two versions: common anodes with all the LED
anodes connected together and common cathodes with all the cathodes connected together.
An LED passes current only when the cathode is negative with respect to the anode.

More About Electricity
Electricity Online, library.thinkquest.org*.
This Web site includes thorough lessons with animated demonstrations for student
understanding of the theory and practical applications of electricity.

Rapid Electronics, www.rapidelectronics.co.uk*.
This is a good place to see pictures of electronic components.

Science Hobbyist, www.amasci.com/elect/elefaq.html*.
Find answers to frequently asked electricity questions at this site.

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, www.ieee.org/organizations/eab/precollege*.
This is a pre-college education site.

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Session 4, Activity A
Basic Electrical Concepts in a Flash

Become familiar with electronic basics (a simple circuit) and what an electrical engineer does.

Students can make and diagram a basic circuit.

Students deconstruct a flashlight in order to learn how to build and diagram a simple circuit.

For Each Pair of Students

Flashlight with batteries (preferably "D" size), wire kit
Safety goggles

Optional lightbulb dissection (for the facilitator): a few household clear lightbulbs, wire cutters

Safety Guidelines
Each student should have gloves and safety goggles to be worn throughout Session 4.

For optional bulb dissection: Prepare a few dissected bulbs to hand out for observation. Using
the wire cutters, make little snips around the base of the bulb. Cut all the way around the base
just above the ceramic insulator and carefully pull the base off.

Debrief Home Improvement

Discuss the materials that students found in their homes from the Home Improvement in
Session 3.

Introduce Session

Explain that the purpose of this session is to help students learn basic electricity and
electronics, something they may need in their designs.

A Flashlight

A flashlight offers an excellent tool to begin exploring electrical engineering concepts. Begin by
discussing the purposes of a flashlight. Ask students to consider how these needs are met by

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4A: Basic Electrical Concepts in a Flash (continued)

the design of a flashlight. Discuss the difference between necessary (such as the bulb) and
useful (such as protective cover over bulb) parts of a flashlight.

A Circuit
1. Distribute one flashlight to each pair of students. Have students look at the flashlight and
consider how it works.
2. Instruct students to take the flashlight apart to see how it works. Have them take out the
bulb and batteries.
3. Hand out one wire to each group. Explain that they should make the lightbulb light using
only one battery, the bulb, and the wire.

Circuitry Diagramming
1. Introduce the symbols for wire, battery, and lamp (see handout).
2. Ask the students to draw a diagram using the symbols of how they made their bulb light.

Simple circuit

3. Discuss what was necessary to light the bulb. (The wire had to go from one end of the
battery to either the side or bottom of the bulb. Whichever bulb part, side or bottom,
wasn't touching the wire had to touch the other end of the battery.)

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4A: Basic Electrical Concepts in a Flash (continued)
4. Explain that this is called a "circuit," which must have a source of electrons (battery) and
a way for the electrons to flow from and back to that source. An easy way to understand
a circuit is to think of it as a "circle." Define simple circuit: A combination of elements or
components that are connected to provide paths for electrical current flow to perform
some useful function.

5. Define an electric current: subatomic particles called electrons flowing through wires and
electronic components. It is similar to the flow of water through pipes. J ust as water is
pushed through pipes by a pump, electric current is pushed through wires by a battery.
In an electric current, like charges repel and unlike attract. That is, two negatives will
repel each other; a negative and a positive will attract each other.
Optional Extension Activity: Bulb Dissection Demonstration
1. Distribute dissected lightbulbs. Have the students look inside the dissected bulb. In
many bulbs, it is possible to see how one end of the filament is connected to the bottom
of the bulb (A) and is connected to the side (B). In some bulbs, however, you may only
be able to see the weld mark on the side of the bulb.

2. Looking inside the bulb, discuss how the bulb works. The current from the battery flows
from one side of the metal side through the wire up to the filament. The filament is a very
thin piece of wire that produces light and heat when an electrical current runs through it.
The filament goes back down through the insulator (the little glass ball that holds the two
wires apart) and down to the bottom of the bulb.

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4A: Basic Electrical Concepts in a Flash (continued)

Wrap Up
Have students share their diagrams and discuss what challenges they faced when making a

Ask them if any ideas for design opportunities (needs, problems, or improvements) occurred to
them today. They can add these to their list.

Optional: Read and discuss 4A Reading: What Do Engineers Do?

Follow With
In 4B: Turn It On and Off, students gain an understanding of the different types of circuits.

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Basic Electrical Concepts in a Flash
Handout: Session 4, Activity A

Who invented the flashlight? It all started with an idea to light up a flower pot. J oshua Lionel
Crown invented a flower pot that would light up when a button was pressed. However, it didn't
sell. In 1898, he sold the idea to his salesman, Conrad Hubart, a Russian immigrant. Hubart
took parts of the flower pot idea and turned them into an "electric hand torch." Because the
bulbs and the batteries weren't very powerful, the torch gave only a "flash" of light. The
company became the American Ever-Ready Company. Although Hubart arrived from Russia
with no money, he died in 1928 with an estate worth over $15 million. Ever since then the
company has kept going and going and going...

You should have a flashlight and some wire in front of you. A flashlight is a great way to
understand how a simple circuit works. Take the flashlight apart and try to make the lightbulb
light with a battery and a wire. This is called a simple circuit. Do the following activities and
record your results in your design notebook.


1. Draw a diagram of the circuit to show how you made the bulb light. Use the symbols
2. What additional features do you think would make a flashlight better or more useful?
What would this flashlight look like? (Draw a sketch.)

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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What Do Engineers Do?
Reading: Session 4, Activity A

Engineers help to design and manufacture just about everythingfrom the tallest skyscrapers
to the smallest computer chips, from cars to space shuttles, from miracle fabrics to artificial
heart valves. Even though their efforts are all around us, the work of engineers can seem like a
mystery to those outside the profession.

"You grow up knowing what teachers and doctors and lawyers do. But unless your parents
happen to be engineers, you probably don't have a clue what their work involves," says a
woman who grew up to be a successful environmental engineer.

What do engineers really do? Let's take a look.

Types of Engineering: The " Big Four"
In the most general terms, engineers are problem-solvers. They apply the concepts of
mathematics and science to solving real-world challenges.

The engineering profession includes many different disciplines. In fact, engineering may offer
more career options than any other profession. Engineers are a diverse group, contributing to
projects that improve the quality of life on every continent. A background in engineering can also
lead to a career in law, education, medicine, or public policy.

Here's a look at four of the largest categories within the profession: chemical engineering, civil
engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and mechanical engineering.

Chemical Engineering
Take a walk through your grocery store, pharmacy, or paint store, and you'll see hundreds of
examples of what chemical engineers create. Chemical engineers combine the science of
chemistry with the principles of engineering to produce better plastics, fuels, fibers,
semiconductors, medicines, building materials, cosmetics, and much more. Their know-how has
helped to develop reduced-calorie sweeteners, lead-free paint, fibers that can withstand the
heat of forest fires, and thousands of other products.

Chemical engineers work in a variety of settings, from research laboratories to food-processing
plants to pharmaceutical companies. They tackle challenges relating to agriculture,
environmental pollution, and energy production. Sometimes they even work at the molecular
level to create brand-new synthetic materials.

Interested in the field of chemical engineering? Visit the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers (AIChE) (www.aiche.org*) to learn how a chemical engineering background can
prepare you for a career in manufacturing, research, biomedicine, quality control, law, sales and
marketing, and related fields.

Civil Engineering
Civil engineers help to create the building blocks of modern society. From dams and highways
to bridges and buildings, the products of civil engineering are all around us. Civil engineers

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4A Reading: What Do Engineers Do? (continued)

belong to one of the oldest and largest branches of engineering. They use cutting-edge
technologies and advanced materials to solve challenges in new ways.

A background in civil engineering opens the door to a variety of career options. According to the
American Society of Civil Engineers, areas of focus include construction engineering,
environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, as well as
transportation, urban planning, and water resources.

Interested in the field of civil engineering? Visit the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),
(www.asce.org*.)Also visit Manufacturing Is Cool!,(www.manufacturingiscool.com/cgi-
bin/mfgcoolhtml.pl?/home.html*,) a K-12 site developed by the Society of Manufacturing
Engineers which offers curriculum, displays, and resources.

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical engineering has been one of the fastest-growing fields in recent decades, as
breakthroughs in technology have led to rapid advancements in computing, medical imaging,
telecommunications, fiber optics, and related fields.

Electrical engineers work with electricity in all its forms, from tiny electrons to large-scale
magnetic fields. They apply scientific knowledge of electricity, magnetism, and light to solving
problems that relate to cell phones, computer software, electronic music, radio and television
broadcasting, air and space travel, and a wide range of other areas. According to the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a background in electrical or computer engineering can
lead to a career in aerospace, bioengineering, telecommunications, power, semiconductors,
manufacturing, transportation, or related fields.

Electrical engineers often work in teams with other specialists to develop sophisticated devices
such as lasers to use in medical treatments, or robots that can perform complex operations in
space. In addition to technical expertise, engineers contribute problem-solving skills and
interpersonal communications to successful team projects.

To find out more about the fields relating to electrical engineering, visit the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (www.ieee.org*.)

Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineers turn energy into power and motion. What does that mean? "Anything that
moves or uses power, there's a mechanical engineer involved in designing it," explains a
member of this large branch of engineering.

Mechanical engineers work in all areas of manufacturing, designing automobiles or sporting
goods, water treatment facilities or ocean-going ships. In a field like biomechanics, their
expertise can improve the quality of life by designing artificial joints or mechanical heart valves.

Interested in the field of mechanical engineering? Find out more about mechanical engineering
from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), (www.asme.org*).

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4A Reading: What Do Engineers Do? (continued)

Other Engineering Disciplines

Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Aircraft, space vehicles, satellites, missiles, and rockets are some of the projects that are
developed by aeronautical and aerospace engineers. They get involved in testing new
materials, engines, body shapes, and structures that increase speed and strength of a flying

Aerospace engineers work in commercial aviation, national defense, and space exploration.
Some engineers work in labs testing aircraft, while others investigate system failures such as
crashes to determine the cause and prevent future accidents. They are specialists in fields such
as aerodynamics, propulsion, navigation, flight testing, and more.

Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural engineers work with farmers, agricultural businesses, and conservation
organizations to develop solutions to problems relating to the use and conservation of land,
rivers, and forests. They look for solutions to problems such as soil erosion. They also develop
new ways of harvesting crops and improving livestock and crop production.

Agricultural engineers also design and build equipment, machinery, and buildings that are
important in the production and processing of food, fiber, and timber. For example, they might
design specialized greenhouses to protect and grow exotic plants such as orchids.

For more information about agricultural engineering, visit the American Society of Agricultural
Engineers, (www.asae.org*.)

Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineers, or bioengineers, use engineering principles to solve complex medical
problems in health care and medical services. They work with doctors and medical scientists to
develop and apply the latest technologies, such as microcomputers, electronics, and lasers.

Biomedical engineers might develop biomaterials to speed tissue repair in burn victims, or
design medical devices that aid doctors in surgery. They might help to build bionic legs, arms, or
hands to improve the lives of accident victims.

The biomedical field is changing rapidly as new technologies emerge. Bioengineers work in
hospitals, government agencies, medical device companies, research labs, universities, and
corporations. Many biomedical engineers have degrees in chemical or electrical engineering,
and some go to medical school.

To find out more about biomedical engineering, visit the Biomedical Engineering Society
(BMES), (www.bmes.org*.)

Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineers develop methods to solve problems related to the environment. They
assist with the development of water distribution systems, recycling methods, sewage treatment

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4A Reading: What Do Engineers Do? (continued)

plants, and other pollution prevention and control systems. Environmental engineers often
conduct hazardous-waste management evaluations to offer solutions for treatment and
containment of hazardous waste. Environmental engineers work locally and globally. They study
and attempt to minimize the effects of acid rain, global warming, automobile emissions, and
ozone depletion.

To learn more about the work of environmental engineers, visit the American Academy of
Environmental Engineers, (www.aaee.net*.)

Industrial Engineering
Industrial engineers make things work better, more safely, and more economical. They often
work in manufacturingdealing with design and management, quality control, and the human
factors of engineering. They are problem-solvers who analyze and evaluate methods of
production and ways to improve the methods. Based on their evaluation, they may determine
how a company should allocate its resources.

Interested in the field of industrial engineering? To find out more, visit the Institute of Industrial
engineers, (www.iienet.org*.)

Materials Engineering
Materials engineers work with plastics, metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and composites to
make products. They develop new materials from raw materials and improve upon existing
materials. Whether it's creating higher performance skis or a biodegradable coffee cup,
materials engineers can be found applying their expertise.

Materials engineers specializing in metals are metallurgical engineers, while those specializing
in ceramics are ceramic engineers. Metallurgical engineers extract and refine metals from ores,
process metals into products, and improve upon metalworking processes. Ceramic engineers
develop ceramic materials and the processes for making ceramic materials into useful products.
Ceramic engineers work on products as diverse as glassware, automobile and aircraft engine
components, fiber-optic communication lines, tile, and electric insulators.

Mining Engineering
Mining engineers figure out how to get valuable resources out of the ground. Along with
geologists, they locate, remove, and appraise minerals they find in the earth. Mining engineers
plan, design, and operate profitable mines. They are also responsible for protecting and
restoring the land during and after a mining project so that it may be used for other purposes.

For more information about mining engineering, visit the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and
Exploration Inc., (www.smenet.org*.)

Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear engineers research and develop methods and instruments that use nuclear energy and
radiation. They may work at nuclear power plants and be responsible for the safe disposal of
nuclear waste. Some nuclear engineers specialize in the development of nuclear power for

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4A Reading: What Do Engineers Do? (continued)

spacecraft; others find industrial and medical uses for radioactive materials, such as equipment
to diagnose and treat medical problems.

Petroleum Engineering
Petroleum engineers are found wherever there is oil, working to remove oil from the ground.
Petroleum engineers might be involved in drilling or developing oil fields. They might also
ensure that the oil drilling process is safe, economical, and environmentally friendly.

To learn more about the field of petroleum engineering, visit the Society of Petroleum
Engineers, (www.spe.org*.)

Systems Engineering
Systems engineers are like team captains who are responsible for bringing all the pieces of an
engineering project together and making them work harmoniously, while still meeting
performance and cost goals, and keeping on schedule. Systems engineering takes an
interdiscipli0nary approach to a project, from concept to production to operation. Systems
engineers consider both the business and technical needs of a project.

Discover Engineering www.discoverengineering.org/home.asp*
Engineer Girl! The National AcademiesNational Academy of Engineering
Baine, Celeste, Is There an Engineer Inside You? A Comprehensive Guide to Career
Decisions in Engineering, 2d ed. Ruston, LA: Bonamy Publishing, 2001.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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Session 4, Activity B
Turn It On and Off

Understand series and parallel circuits using a breadboard.

Participants learn how to use a breadboard to wire series and parallel circuits. They are also
able to wire a switch to the circuit.

Apply principles of a basic circuit to wire more complicated series and parallel circuits on a
breadboard. Then apply this knowledge to wiring a switch. Wiring a buzzer is optional.

For each pair of students: 1 breadboard, 2 batteries ("D" size), 2 battery holders (should have 2
wires attached), 2 screw-base lamps, 2 lamp holders, 1 wire kit, 1 small screwdriver, 1 knife
switch, 1 buzzer (optional)

1. In addition to the materials already distributed to each pair in 4A: Basic Electrical
Concepts in a Flash, now give each pair a breadboard with battery and bulb holders,
another lamp, a switch, and a buzzer (for optional activity). In advance, attach a piece of
wire 3-4 inches (7.5-9 cm) in length to each terminal of the battery holder. (You may
need screwdrivers for this.)
2. Familiarize yourself with wire. Wire is measured in gauge which refers to the size of the
wire. The higher the gauge number, the thinner the wire. The lower the gauge number,
the thicker the wire and the more amps capacity it has to carry current further from the
electrical source. This activity uses 22-gauge wire that is stripped 0.25 and bent 90
degrees. You may need to strip the wire if your wire is not pre-stripped. Use a wire
stripper to strip insulation from wire and a wire cutter if wire needs to be shortened.
Introduce Breadboards
1. Distribute breadboards and explain what a breadboard is. Explain that the purpose of the
breadboard is to provide a flexible way to test circuits using a grid of pre-wired circuits.
Electrical engineers use them to experiment with circuits before soldering them
permanently to a circuit board.
2. Show how a breadboard is arranged: The two long sets of holes (called channels),
labeled X and Y on the diagram, are connected horizontally. The power supply is
connected to these rows. The other rows of holes (A-J ) are connected vertically in blocks
of five, (A-E) and (F-J ) on the diagram. Each block of five holes is not connected to each
other across the center between rows E and F. To make connections you only need to

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4B: Turn It On and Off (continued)
stick the uninsulated ends of the wires into a set of holes. Underneath the plastic cover
are little metal pieces that hold the wires and allow current to flow through them. Take off
the plastic cover to demonstrate this.


Build a Simple Circuit
1. Instruct the students to begin wiring a simple circuit with one battery (in battery holder)
and one bulb (in bulb holder) to explore how the breadboard works.
2. Insert the end of one of the battery wires into one of the holes in row X.
3. Insert the other battery wire into one of the holes in row Y. Ask if this is a complete
circuit. (No, the holes in the two rows are not connected to each other.)
4. Insert one of the wires from the bulb holder into row X and the other into row Y. (The
bulb will now light because current is flowing from the battery through the channel to the
lamp and back to the batterya complete circuit.) To understand how the breadboard is
arranged, instruct students to move the wires around, testing which connections produce
a complete circuit.

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4B: Turn It On and Off (continued)

Simple circuit

5. Challenge students to wire the breadboard to light the bulb using two additional wires so
that the lightbulb is not plugged into the power channels (rows X and Y).

Simple circuit

6. Explain that the bulb lights because electricity travels around the circuit in a circle.
Build a Series Circuit
1. Define series circuit: A circuit that contains only one possible path for electron flow
supplied by a common voltage source.
2. Instruct the students that they will now build a series circuit with two batteries and two
3. To build a series circuit, explain that they will need two batteries and two bulbs. Tell
them to identify the positive (cathode) and negative (anode) terminals of the battery.
4. For the first battery, have them attach the positive wire to channel X on the breadboard.
Next, tell them to attach the negative wire to any set of five holes in the middle of the
5. For the second battery, instruct them to attach the negative wire to channel Y on the
breadboard. Next, tell them to attach the positive wire to the same set as with battery

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4B: Turn It On and Off (continued)
6. For the first bulb, they should now plug one wire into channel X on the breadboard. Then
they should plug the other wire into one of the five sets of holes in the middle of the
boardand make sure it is not plugged into one of the sets of five holes that the
batteries are plugged into.
7. Have them take the second bulb and plug one wire into channel Y on the breadboard.
Now direct them to take the second wire and plug it into the same set of five holes that
the other bulb is connected to. Both bulbs should now light!
8. Explain that the two bulbs and battery are now wired in a "series circuit." Remove the
wire from one bulb and see that the other bulb goes out. Describe how increasing the
number of bulbs reduces their brightness in a series circuit. Some students may
remember old-fashioned Christmas lights in which one bulb burning out turns out all of
the lights on the string.
9. Instruct the students to make a diagram of a series circuit using the symbols.

Series circuit

Build a Parallel Circuit
1. Define parallel circuit: Circuit that contains two or more paths for electron flow supplied
by a common voltage source.
2. Explain that students will now make a parallel circuit with two batteries and two bulbs,
keeping the two batteries wired as before in the series circuit.
3. Instruct them to remove the two bulbs from the breadboard from the previous steps.
4. Direct them to take the first bulb and plug one wire into channel X on the breadboard
and plug the second wire into channel Y. Now the bulb should light! Have them repeat
this step for the second bulb. Both bulbs should now light!

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4B: Turn It On and Off (continued)
5. Have them remove one wire from one of the bulbs and note that the other bulb remains
lit. This is a parallel circuit. Tell them to repeat this for the other bulb.
6. Explain that parallel circuits are the types of circuits that are found in a house. Obviously,
when you turn off your lamp, it doesn't turn off your TV. Connecting bulbs in parallel
allows each to shine equally brightly.
7. Tell them to make a diagram of a parallel circuit using the symbols.

Parallel circuit
Add a Switch
1. Have the students look at the flashlights and ask what the purpose of a switch is. (It
breaks and connects circuits.) Explain that the switch can be used to interrupt the circuit
without removing a wire.
2. Essentially, students will be wiring a simple circuit and adding a switch. It is preferable to
try to let them do this on their ownthrough inquiry. However, if they are struggling, you
may give "hints" along the way to help them. Encourage students to "plan" the circuit
design. They should study the switch and think about wiring it so it works.
3. First, have students wire the switch by attaching wires to the terminals of the switch
(total of four wires).
4. Now tell them to wire a simple circuit.
5. Instruct them to remove the bulb wire from row X and place it in one of the sets of five
holes in the middle of the board (rows A-E). They should then take another wire and
insert one end in row X. Then, they should insert the other end of that wire into one of
the sets of five holes in the middle of the breadboard (rows A-E). Have them make sure
it is a different row than the one that the bulb wire is plugged into.
6. Have them take one of the switch wires and insert it into the same set of five holes in the
middle of the breadboard as the bulb wire.
7. At this point, direct them to take the second switch wire and place it in the same row of
five holes in the middle of the breadboard as the short wire (as in step 4).

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4B: Turn It On and Off (continued)
8. Tell them to open and close the switch to turn the bulb on and off.
9. Show the students the symbol for switch (on their handout) and have them draw the
diagram with the symbols.

Wiring a switch

Optional: Add a Buzzer
1. Discuss doorbells and ask students how they think a doorbell works. Discuss the
purpose and function of a doorbell. Ask them what electrical components they think
doorbells have.
2. Ask them to show you how to wire a buzzer on the breadboard. Use the procedures from
the previous activities to wire a parallel circuit and then a series circuit, but replace the
light bulb with a buzzer.

Series circuit with buzzer

Parallel circuit with buzzer

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4B: Turn It On and Off (continued)
3. Challenge the participants to use two batteries, a light, a switch, and a buzzer.

Parallel circuit with buzzer and switch

4. Show them the symbol for speaker (see handout) and have them draw a diagram with all
the symbols.
Wrap Up
Discuss the differences between a simple, series, and parallel circuit. Explain that parallel
circuits are the most common.

Read 4B: Meet a Computer Engineer. A computer engineer is one type of electrical

Follow With
In the next activity, 4C: Short Circuits, students learn more about basic electrical concepts.

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Turn It On and Off
Handout: Session 4, Activity B

You may find that you want to develop a prototype for a product that calls for the use of light or
sound. If this is the case, you'll find that you need to wire some circuits. This activity will help
familiarize you with the different types of circuits.

In this activity, you will be wiring on a breadboard. Electrical engineers use breadboads to test
circuits before soldering them to a circuit board. The purpose of the breadboard is to provide a
flexible way to wire circuits. Underneath the plastic cover are little metal pieces that hold wires
and make connections between holes. You only need to stick ends of wire into the breadboard
holes to make connections between electrical devices like lightbulbs and batteries.

A breadboard is arranged this way: The two long sets of holes (called channels), labeled X and
Y on the diagram, are connected horizontally. The power supply is connected to these rows.
The other row of holes (A-J ) are connected vertically in blocks of five, (A-E) and (F-J ) on the
diagram. Each block of five holes is not connected to each other across the center between
rows E and F.



Directions for Wiring a Simple Circuit
1. Insert the end of one of the battery wires into one of the holes in row X.
2. Insert the other battery wire into one of the holes in row Y. Trace the flow of electricity. Is
this a complete circuit?

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4B Handout: Turn It On and Off (continued)
3. Insert one of the wires from the bulb holder into row X and the other into row Y. What
happens? Trace the flow of electricity. Is this a complete circuit?
4. Explore how the breadboard circuitry is arranged. Move the wires to new holes and
predict if the bulb will light or not. Trace the flow of electricity in each new arrangement.
5. Try to wire the breadboard to light the bulb using two additional wires so that the
lightbulb is not plugged into the power channels (rows X and Y). Draw a diagram of this
in your notebook.
Directions for a Series Circuit
1. To build a series circuit, you will need two batteries and two bulbs. Identify the positive
(cathode) and negative (anode) terminals of the battery.
2. For the first battery, attach the positive wire to channel X on the breadboard. Next,
attach the negative wire to any set of five holes in the middle of the board.
3. For the second battery, attach the negative wire to channel Y on the breadboard. Next,
attach the positive to the same set as with battery one.
4. For the first bulb, plug one wire into channel X on the breadboard. Plug the other wire
into one of the five sets of holes in the middle of the boardmake sure it is not plugged
into one of the sets of five holes that the batteries are plugged into.
5. Take the second bulb and plug one wire into channel Y on the breadboard. Plug the
second wire into the same set of five holes that the other bulb is connected to. What
6. Make a diagram of a series circuit in your notebook.
Directions for a Parallel Circuit
1. Remove the two bulbs from the breadboard from the previous steps, but keep the
batteries wired as they were for a series circuit.
2. Take the first bulb and plug one wire into channel X on the breadboard and plug the
second wire into channel Y. What happens? Now repeat this for the second bulb. What
3. Remove one wire from one of the bulbs. What happens? What do you notice about the
brightness of the bulb? This is a parallel circuit. Repeat this for the other bulb.
4. Make a diagram of a parallel circuit in your notebook.
Adding a Switch
If you decide to work on a project that requires some electronics, you may find that while you

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4B Handout: Turn It On and Off (continued)

need a light or sound, you probably don't always want to have it on. Therefore, you'll need to
learn to wire a switch. It should be easy now that you know how to wire a circuit.
1. Wire a simple circuit.
2. Be sure that the switch is wired and ready to go.
3. You will probably need to remove a wire and place it elsewherewhich wire is this?
Remove it and place it where you think it should go.
4. How will you connect the bulb wire and the switch wire? (Hint: you may need to use a
third wire that is not the bulb or switch wire.)
5. Where should the two switch wires go? Place them where you think they should go.
6. Try to open and close the switch to turn the bulb on and off. Does it work? If so,
congratulations! You can now wire a switch. If not, keep trying!
7. Draw a diagram with symbols of a circuit with a switch in your notebook.
Wiring a Buzzer (Optional)
Ding dong! Ever wonder how a bell works? Here's your chance to wire a buzzer. It's easy now
that you know how to wire circuits and a switch.
1. Wire a buzzer to the breadboard.
2. Now wire a light, switch, and buzzer with two batteries.
3. Draw a diagram using the symbols. You can use the speaker symbol for the buzzer.

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Meet a Computer Engineer
Reading: Session 4, Activity B

May Tee
Computer Engineer
Portland, Oregon

A career in computer engineering has taken May Tee around the world, from the Pacific
Northwest to New York to Italy. She has worked on everything from software applications for
high fashion design to cutting-edge technical projects for the computer industry. Currently, as
an engineer for IntelInnovation in Education, she helps to develop online learning tools that
teachers use with their students. What kind of student might be well-suited to her profession?
"If you like fast change, new challenges, and being able to solve problems creatively," she
says, "computer engineering could be the field for you."

An Unexpected Path
Tee grew up in Malaysia, dreaming of becoming an artist. She didn't see her first computer
until she was in junior high school, and then was unimpressed. "The teacher did all this stuff to
make the screen print out 'Hello.' I thought, that's it?" She was baffled by the whole idea of
computer engineering. "I thought engineers only built concrete things, like bridges. But a
computer screen is two-dimensional, not tangible. I had no clue what a computer engineer

Her high school teachers encouraged students to consider professions like medicine, law, or
architecture. "In a developing country like Malaysia, those are the areas that are most needed,"
she says. Because she excelled in chemistry, she first planned to become a pharmacist. She
came to the U.S. to start college and quickly changed gears. "Even though I was doing well in
chemistry, I didn't like all the memorization. I only like the problem-solving part of chemistry."
She explored other fields. "I took an accounting class, where I sat in the back row and fell
asleep. When I wasn't sleeping, I was busy doing my homework for computer science. That
class was much more interesting."

Tee says she was fortunate to have "a very good first instructor, so I fell in love with computer
science. It takes a teacher who is knowledgeable in the field, and also good at teaching and
explaining." Computer science can be hard to grasp at first, she admits, because the
programming is hidden from what you see on the monitor. As she learned more about the field,
she was attracted by "the problem-solving aspects. It's mathematical, logical. I used to play

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4B Reading: Meet a Computer Engineer (continued)

chess, which takes step-by-step reasoning, so that's a thinking process I have."

After her first two years of college in Portland, attending both Portland Community College and
Portland State University, she completed her degree in computer science at the University of

Launching Her Career
Tee graduated from college in 1996, when the technology sector was booming. The growth of
the World Wide Web opened new opportunities, too, especially for a computer engineer with
an eye for design and passion for visual art.

Her first engineering job, with Step Technologies in Portland, involved working on solutions
using Microsoft software. She worked alongside veteran engineers, all with 10 to 15 years of
experience. "I was the guinea pig, hired fresh out of college. They wanted to see what ideas
some young blood would bring to an organization, and I was looking for someone to mentor

After three years there, she had a solid technical foundation and was ready for new
challenges. "A lot of computer engineers have a creative side. They are photographers, artists,
or musicians, something that's their passion." She followed her own passion and spent a few
months in London studying art.

Back in the U.S., she took part in a complex project for Intel involving how users interface with
computers. That let her bring together the technical side of how computers work with the
graphic elements that affect the user's experience. "I could play with how things look on the
screen, and saw how the right visual elements could help the user."

Tee's next projects took her to New York to work for Prada, a leading fashion house, and then
on to Italy to see how computers are used in all facets of the textile industry. She enjoyed
taking on each new set of challenges, using her technical skills to create a better result. "I
began working directly with the people who use the software, seeing how they behave and
what works for them. I could see the kind of frustration people have if the software does not
meet their needs."

Each new assignment has made Tee's work more satisfying. "I realize I can make a difference
visually, and that helps people feel like this is a usable tool. I love that part-to communicate to
people through the software. It makes my work interesting and satisfying."

Always Something New
Currently, in her role of developing interactive tools for online learning, Tee works with diverse
colleagues. She attends meetings to talk with clients and understand the design requirements
and instructional purpose for each tool. She meets with graphic designers who bring in

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4B Reading: Meet a Computer Engineer (continued)

expertise about color, typefaces, animations, and other visual elements. Human factor
engineers add another perspective, bringing an analysis of how well tools will work for
intended users. And through the whole process, Tee collaborates with fellow computer
engineers, figuring out the technical solutions that will make everything work smoothly on the
World Wide Web. "You learn so much from all these other people," she says.

Tee says her career moves may not be typical for engineers, but the variety has kept her
excited about computer engineering and learning new skills. "I love the constant stimulation.
It's the right fit for me," she says. "The creative part of computer science lets me fulfill my
desire to be able to solve problems creatively, like an artist.

Advice for Students
Tee advises students heading into computer engineering to seek out the best professors they
can find. "Ask your classmates. They always know who the best teachers are." And she
encourages students to learn all they can by interviewing engineers and arranging internships.
"That's the best way to see all the different aspects of the field. It's not just sitting in front of the

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Session 4, Activity C
Short Circuits

Understand short circuits.

Students wire a series and parallel circuit to understand short circuits.

See what causes a short circuit by understanding the relationship between resistance and the

For each pair of students: 2 lamps, 2 "D" batteries, 1 wire kit, 2 lamp holders, 2 battery holders,
1 breadboard, 1 rectangular piece of aluminum foil about 1 inch by 2 inches (2.5 cm x 5 cm)
(for optional fuse activity)

Distribute materials to each pair.

Put two pairs together. Explain that they are going to explore what happens in a short circuit. A
short circuit is when electricity flows with no resistance and then more electricity flows than the
wires are supposed to permit. The wires become very hot and sparks may fly. To prevent this
from happening, a special kind of switch called a circuit breaker or fuse will trip or blow, and no
electricity will flow to the current. This is a safety device that stops the flow of electricity before
it enters the hot wire.

Wiring for a Short Circuit
1. Instruct one pair in the group to make a series circuit
with two bulbs and one battery.
2. Have everyone in the group look at the series circuit.
Instruct the students to hold a wire very briefly so that
one end touches one terminal on one side of the bulb
holder and the other end touches the other terminal
on the same holder. Ask what happens?
(The other bulb gets very bright and the wire gets very hot.)
3. Explain that the bulb has resistance to the current flow. By replacing the lightbulb with
the wire you are almost eliminating the resistance so the current increase is very large.

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4C: Short Circuits (continued)
This large amount of current creates excessive heat that can burn out bulbs and melt
4. Instruct the other pair to make a parallel circuit with two bulbs and one battery.
5. Repeat the same activity as in #2 with the parallel
circuit. Ask what happens.
(Both bulbs go out.)
6. Explain that this is known as a short circuit. This
means that the current in the wire across the "short"
circuit is high because the resistance is so low. In a
sense, it is easier for the current to flow through the
wire than through the resistance of the bulb. The current flowing through the other lamp
is too low to cause the bulb to light.
Optional: Fuses
Review what happened when parallel circuits were short circuited. (The lights went out, and the
wire got very hot.) Explain that the more devices like lights, motors, or buzzers that are added to
a parallel circuit, the more the current flows through the wires close to the battery. If the amount
of current flowing through a wire increases, the wire gets hotter. If that happens, wire can get so
hot that it starts a fire. Fuses are designed to burn and break the circuit before the wires get too

Wiring a Fuse
1. Instruct the students to wire a parallel circuit with two batteries and two bulbs. Be sure
everyone has wired a circuit in which both lights and batteries are wired in parallel. Have
them refer to the wiring diagram on their handout. Tell them to ignore the fuse symbol for
2. Now have them change the wiring by moving one end of each bulbs wire from one
power channel to the same inside block of holes (either A-E or F-J ). They should then
insert one end of a new a wire into the same block of holes in that channel and one end
of another wire into the empty power channel. They should then touch the ends of those
two wires together to test the circuits. The bulbs should light. Give the following
A. Make a fuse by cutting a piece of aluminum foil (see handout for shape).
B. Hold the two extra wires to the ends of the fuse (aluminum foil).
C. Short out the circuit by holding another wire so that one end touches one terminal
of one of the bulb holder and the other end touches the other terminal of that
same bulb holder. Be very careful; you may see smoke!

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4C: Short Circuits (continued)
D. Discuss what happened (the fuse burned and broke the circuit) and instruct
students to write their observations and the reasons why they think it happened
in their notebooks.

Wrap up
Discuss situations that would cause a short circuit; for example, a tree limb falling across a
power line, a hair dryer that is plugged in falling into the bathtub, or a clothes dryer that is
plugged into a circuit that cannot handle that much power.

Follow with
In 4D: Light-Emitting Diodes, students learn about LEDs and make numbers with LEDs.

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Short Circuits
Handout: Session 4, Activity C

Imagine what happens when a tree falls across a power line, a hair dryer that's plugged in falls
into the bathtub, or a clothes dryer is plugged into a circuit that can't handle that much powera
short circuit occurs. The current takes the easy route, the one with less resistance.
1. Your pair will join with another pair. One pair should make a series circuit with two bulbs
and one battery.

2. Everyone in the group should look at the series circuit. Hold a wire very briefly so that
one end touches one terminal on one side of the bulb holder and the other end touches
the other terminal on the same holder. In your notebook, explain what happens.
3. The other pair should make a parallel circuit with two bulbs and one battery. Repeat the
same activity as above with the parallel circuit. Explain what happens.
Fuses (Optional Activity)
Have you ever had to change a fuse? If so, you probably know that fuses are designed to break
a circuit before the wire gets too hot and catches on fire. In this activity, you'll see how a fuse
1. Wire a parallel circuit with two batteries and two bulbs. (Ignore the fuse symbol for now.)
2. Change the wiring by moving one end of each bulb's wire from one power channel to the
same inside block of holes (either A-E or F-J ). Then insert one end of a new a wire into
the same block of holes in that channel and one end of another wire into the empty
power channel. Now touch the ends of those two wires together to test the circuits. The
bulbs should light.
A. Make a fuse by cutting the shape below out of a piece of aluminum foil.

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4C Handout: Short Circuits (continued)
B. Hold the two extra wires to the ends of the fuse (foil).
C. Short out the circuit by holding another wire so that one end touches one terminal
of one of the bulb holders and the other end touches the other terminal of that
same bulb holder. Be careful. You may see smoke!
Record your observations and explain what caused this to happen.

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Session 4, Activity D
Light-Emitting Diodes

Learn about how light-emitting diodes (LEDs) work.

Students learn how to wire an LED number display.

Students explore wiring an LED number display. The number display uses eight LEDs to form
numbers. Students experiment with different wiring combinations to light different LEDs in the
display to make various numbers.

For each pair of students: 1 blinking LED (2.8 volt) of various colors, 1 LED number display (0.3
inches LED number display), 1 breadboard, 1 wire kit, 2 batteries in battery holders, wire

1. Learn about LEDs.
LEDs form the numbers on many digital clocks, tell you when your curling iron is on,
send messages from your TV remote to your TV, and do many more things. There are
all sorts of LEDs. Some emit infrared light (your remote control) and others produce light
of different colors. The color is determined by the material used in the diode. As
electrons move from the N-type material to the P-type material, electrons drop to a lower
orbit and release energy. The distance the electrons have to drop depends on the
material and determines the color of light.
2. Assemble materials and practice wiring the number display.
Watch a short video clip that demonstrates how to make the LED display.
View a Video
Watch a short video clip that
demonstrates how to make the
LED display.

To view the video, select a
player and then click on your
connection speed.

Select a Player

Dialup High Speed

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4D: Light-Emitting Diodes (continued)

1. Have students review the brief background information about LEDs on their handouts.
2. Lead a brief discussion about LEDs that students have seen in objects they use.
3. Distribute blinking LEDs and batteries and have students get a feel for how LEDs work
by making them blink with a battery. They may need to use an extra wire to reach both
sides of the battery since the LED leads are short, or they can use a breadboard.
4. Use the diagram on the handouts to explain how an LED works and why LEDs are used.
LEDs have several advantages over conventional incandescent lamps. They don't have
a filament that will burn out, so they last much longer. Additionally, the small plastic bulb
is designed to be durable. LEDs also fit more easily into modern electronic circuits. But
the main advantage is efficiency. In a conventional incandescent bulb, the light-
production process involves generating a lot of heat (the filament must be warmed).
LEDs generate much less heat. A much higher percentage of the electrical power is
going directly to generating light, which cuts way down on the electricity demands.
Studying an LED Number Display
1. Distribute materials to each group. Have students study the LED number display and
explain that there are eight LEDs arranged to form numbers when lit.
Wiring an LED Number Display
1. Power the breadboard by connecting two batteries in series to the power tracks.
2. Insert the LED number display so the pins on one side of the chip are in the E row and
the other side are in the F row and the decimal point is at the bottom edge. If the display
does not fit snugly on the breadboard, check to see that all pins are straight and press
3. Wire one cathode (referred to as a common cathode on the diagram) to the negative
power track.
4. To light the different LED segments, experiment with connecting wires between the
positive track to the different anodes.
5. Encourage students to take notes as they try different connections to light different

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4D: Light-Emitting Diodes (continued)

Wrap Up
Allow time for these electrical engineers to make a diagram with the LED symbol. Remind
students to add to their list of design opportunities. They may be noticing problems with
electronic devices.

Introduce the Home Improvement activity, Electric House Hunt, where students take a close
look at their house to understand the electrical parts in a house.

Follow With
Session 5, Making Machines, introduces students to simple machines and mechanical
engineering concepts.

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Light-Emitting Diodes
Handout: Session 4, Activity D

What Is an LED?
LED stands for "light-emitting diode." Basically, LEDs are tiny bulbs that fit easily into an
electrical circuit. But unlike ordinary bulbs, they don't have a filament that will burn out, and they
don't get very hot. They are illuminated solely by the movement of electrons in a semiconductor
material. The light is emitted from the material used in the diode. Diodes are electrical
components that allow the current to flow in only one direction. LEDs have an additional feature
of lighting up when current is flowing through.

LEDs are everywherethe numbers on digital clocks, the light on a curling iron or on the TV
remote control perhaps. Collected together, they can even form images on a TV screen or
illuminate a traffic light. Several LEDs are needed to display a number.

Try to make an LED light using a battery. What did you need to do?

Wiring an LED Number Display
In this activity you will experiment with different combinations of wiring to light up eight different
LEDs that make up a number display. Study the LED Number Display chip and the information
on the back of the packaging:

LED display (next to a U.S. nickel
Diagram of pin

Table of Pin Designations
1. Anode F 14. Anode A
2. Anode G 13. Anode B
3. No Pin Cathode 12. Common Cathode
4. Common Cathode 11. No Pin
5. No Pin 10. No Pin
6. Anode E 9. Anode RHDP
7. Anode D 8. Anode C

Follow the instructions below to light up the LED number display:

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4D Handout: Light-Emitting Diodes (continued)

1. Power the breadboard by connecting two batteries in series to the power tracks.
2. Insert the LED number display so the pins on one side of the chip are in the E row and
the other side are in the F row and the decimal point is at the bottom edge. If the display
does not fit snugly on the breadboard, check to see that all pins are straight, aligned
over holes, and press firmly.
3. Wire one cathode (referred to as a common cathode on the diagram) to the negative
power track.

Close-up of LED number display
with breadboard
LED number display circuit

4. To light the different LED segments, experiment with connecting wires between the
positive track to the different anodes. Take notes on the results of your tests in your
design notebook.
5. Try wiring the other cathode to the negative power track. Which wiring lights each
segment? Did you figure out how to light up the right hand decimal point (RHDP)?
6. Now wire the necessary segments to display your favorite number.
7. Challenge: Can you wire a switch so that it displays your lucky number and then the
lucky number of your partner? For example, one position of the switch will show the
number "2" and the other position will show the number "6."
8. Bigger challenge: Wire a touch screen to display a number. How do you make a touch
screen? How about using two pieces of aluminum foil arranged so that when you touch
them in a particular place they complete a circuit? Take it from there!
9. Make a diagram of your circuit using an LED symbol.

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Electrical House Hunt
Session 4, Home Improvement

Identify electrical units in the home.

Students look at their homes from an electrical point of view by locating the circuit breakers,
LEDs, and switches.

Explain to students that they will be investigating the electrical units in their homes in order to
identify the things they have learned about in this session. They will need to find out where the
circuit breakers are, find 10 household items that use LEDs, and find 10 household items that
have switches.

Next Day
Have students compare their lists with a partner.

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Electrical House Hunt
Handout: Session 4, Home Improvement

Have you ever considered the electrical units in your house? We are all accustomed to flipping
a switch to turn on the lights or pressing a button on a microwave, but have you thought about
how these things work? Here's a chance to take an electrical hunt through your home. Record
your findings in your design notebook.
1. Locate circuit breakers (these act like fuses to prevent fires from short circuits). Where
are they located?
2. Find 10 household items that use LEDs and list them.
3. Find 10 household items that have switches

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Session 5
Making Machines
Engineering Fundamentals

This session really puts things
in motion. In 5A: Design, Build,
Make It Go, students make
rolling toys from a set of everyday materials in a mini-design
challenge, and then recall prior experiences with simple machines.
To understand that most machines are made of many smaller
machines, students study the component machines in a lawnmower
through a Web-based tutorial, in 5B: Not-So-Simple Machines.
Students also participate in a mini design challenge to create a
simple machine. The activity 5C: Gears, Cranks, Crankshafts, and
Belts is an exploration of gears, cranks, crankshafts, and belts, and
culminates in the design, conceptual drawing, and initial construction
of a mechanical toy. As a Home Improvement activity, Build a
Mechanical Toy, students take their plans and materials home and
finish their toy.

Examples of Stored Energy Toys
Rubber band airplane, windup toys, paddleball, yo-yo, Slinky*, etc.

One "Rolling Kit" Per Student
1 film canister with lid, with holes drilled in both ends
2 size #30 or #31 rubber bands (dimensions 2.5" x 1/8" x 1/36" [6.5 cm x 3 mm x 0.7
mm], #31 is slightly heavier)
2 washers (either " or " [1.25 cm or 2 cm] outside diameter)
1 piece of thick drinking straw the length of the canister

Simple Machine Examples
Wedge: chisel, saw, screwdriver, scissors, door wedge, thumbtack, pins
Wheel and axle: doorknob, roller skates, eggbeaters, pencil sharpener, skateboard
Screw: nuts and bolts, jar lid, lightbulb, key rings, corkscrew
Pulley: flagpoles, clotheslines, blinds, crane, fan belt
Lever: see saw, wheelbarrow, hammer, crowbar, bottle opener, oar, fork, baseball bat
Inclined plane: wheelchair ramp, slide, hill, roller coaster, escalator
In This Session:

A) Design, Build, Make It
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

B) Not-So-Simple
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

C) Gears, Cranks,
Crankshafts, and Belts
- Student Handout

Home Improvement
- Student Handout

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Session 5, Making Machines (continued)

Simple Machine Challenge
1 washer (either " or " [1.25 cm or 2 cm] outside diameter) per group
1 plastic or paper cup per group
Meter sticks
Brads, clay or play-dough, clothespins, craft glue, craft sticks, dowels, drinking straws,
foam pieces, gears, hot glue, magnets, paper clips, pipe cleaners, plastic bags, plastic
spoons, plastic/paper cups, pulleys, rope, rubber bands, scissors, spools, springs,
string, tape, wire

Optional Mechanical Parts
Gears set
Wheels set
1/4"-wide rubber band "belts" (size #64)
Small wooden dowels (Bamboo skewers will work.)

One Crankshaft Kit Per Student
Small box (8 oz. milk carton will do)
3 pieces 16-gauge steel wire: one 8" (20 cm) length, two 3" (7.5 cm) lengths
1 straw
Electrical tape or long bead (for crank handle
Several pairs of needle-nose pliers

Tools that use moving parts: eggbeaters, hand drills, winged corkscrews, flour sifters,
ice cream scoopers, nut grinders, and manual can openers
Miscellaneous gears, belts and wheels, wire, art supplies, and other materials of choice

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Making Machines
Key Concepts: Session 5

Session 5 explores fundamental physical science concepts of mechanical engineering. A
rolling-toy design challenge begins students thinking about machines. Students go on to explore
the mechanics of simple machines and learn that most mechanical devices are really a set of
simple machines working together. They learn how machine action can be transferred or
change direction by experimenting with gears, wheels and belts, and crankshafts. The session
culminates in the design, conceptual drawing, and initial construction of a mechanical toy.

Key Concepts
Simple and compound machines make work easier by multiplying the force we are able to exert.
Imagine trying to break a piece of wood apart using your bare hands. Now think how an ax
helps you accomplish this task. The ax is a wedge, one of six simple machines.

Machines provide mechanical advantage to make work easier. "Work" is defined as the
application of force to move a load over a distance.
Work =force x distance

Any machine makes work easier by reducing the force required to move a load. This is known
as mechanical advantage. Machines can change the force we exert but not the amount of work

Simple Machines
There are six basic or simple machines, which alone or in combination make up most of the
mechanical devices we use.
1. Lever: A see saw is a lever familiar to everyone. A lever is a stiff rod or plank that
rotates around a fixed point, or fulcrum. Downward motion at one end results in upward
motion at the other end. Depending on where the fulcrum is located, a lever can multiply
either the force applied, or the distance over which the force is applied. There are three
kinds of levers, and which kind you have depends on where the fulcrum is set. These
are all levers: see saw, wheelbarrow, hammer claw, crowbar, bottle opener, oar, fork,
baseball bat, and scissors.
2. Inclined plane: The inclined plane can be best described as a ramp or slanted surface,
which decreases the amount of force needed to move an object to a higher level. On an
inclined plane, the object travels a longer distance, but it takes less force. These are
examples of an inclined plane: wheelchair ramp, slide, roller coaster, and escalator.
3. Wedge: A wedge is an inclined plane with either one or two sloping sides. It converts
motion in one direction into a splitting motion that acts at right angles to the blade.
Nearly all cutting machines use the wedge. A lifting machine may use a wedge to get
under a load. The following are all examples of wedges: chisel, saw, screwdriver,
scissors, door wedge, thumbtack, pin, and nail.

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Key Concepts Session 5 (continued)
4. Screw: The screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder. The advantage
offered by the screw is that as it turns, rotary motion is converted into a straight motion.
This motion can be used to move things apart (as in a car jack), or bring two objects
together (a screw drawing two boards together). These devices are screws or have a
screw component: jar lid, light bulb, piano stool, clamp, jack, wrench, key ring, and
5. Wheel and axle: When a wheel is locked to a central axle, as one is turned the other
must turn. A longer motion at the edge of the wheel converts to a shorter more powerful
motion at the axle. In reverse, a short, powerful force at the axle will move the wheel's
edge a greater distance. The wheel and axle are the basis of these devices: doorknob,
roller skates, eggbeaters, manual pencil sharpener, and skateboard.
6. Pulley: A single pulley reverses the direction of a force. When two or more pulleys are
connected together, they permit a heavy load to be lifted with less force, because the
force is spread over a greater distance. Fixtures on flag poles, clotheslines, blinds,
cranes, and fan belts all rely on the pulley.
Compound Machines
A compound machine is made of simple machines acting together to perform work. For
example, a rotary pencil sharpener is made up of a wedge, and a wheel and axle. Students will
see that many mechanical devices are made up of component simple machines when they
explore eggbeaters, winged corkscrews, manual can openers, and other everyday household

Compound machines redistribute force with gears, belts, and crankshafts. Energy transfer
between components of simple machines is what makes a compound machine work. Gears,
belts, and crankshafts are mechanical components that often tie simple machines together, by
either transferring a force or changing its direction.
Gear: The common or "spur" gear is a wheel and axle with lever "teeth." When force is applied
to the gear, its teeth mesh with those of another gear, transferring the force to that gear. When
one gear is larger than another, the turning rate changes. Adjusting relative gear sizes, or gear
ratios, gives us a way to change how force is expressed. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle with
multiple gears has changed force by adjusting gear ratios. Gears can change the direction of a
force when their teeth are beveled, or when they are set at an angle to another gear. You can
see this change in direction when you observe a rotary eggbeater in action.
Belt: Belts work with wheels and axles to transfer energy. A belt attached between two wheels
or shafts transfers force from the one that is powered to the one that is not. A belt can change
the direction of a force when the wheels or shafts are set at different angles. It is advantageous
to use belts when you want to connect components that are far apart. As with gears, if a belt
connects wheels or shafts of different sizes, these will turn at different rates.
Crankshaft: Crankshafts turn rotary (circular) motion into reciprocal (up and down) motion.
Students will see how force changes direction when they make their crankshaft toy.

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Key Concepts Session 5 (continued)

Potential and Kinetic Energy
Energy can be stored and then released in machines. Stored energy is called potential energy.
Released energy is called kinetic energy. Think about a windup airplane. When you wind the
propeller attached to a rubber band, your human energy is stored as potential energy in the
wound rubber band. When you let go, the unwinding rubber band releases energy and powers
the plane's propeller.

Friction is the resistance encountered when one body moves while in contact with another.
Friction is the friend and the enemy of machines. In car brakes, friction from the brake shoe
pressing against the drum is what causes the vehicle to slow. In this case, friction is an
essential function. In other devices, friction causes problems. When component parts meet
each other, friction between them can waste energy, produce unwanted heat, and degrade
materials. To make machines run well, engineers choose materials carefully and design
components to work together efficiently.

More About Simple and Compound Machines

Boston Museum of Science, http://www.mos.org/sln/Leonardo/InventorsToolbox.html*
The Inventor's Toolbox on this site provides information on simple machines.

Science Center, Columbus and Toledo, Ohio,
(Macromedia Flash Player* is required.)
This site is best used as a guided demonstration.

The Franklin Institute, http://sln.fi.edu/qa97/spotlight3/spotlight3.html*
Simple Machines section shows six simple machines in action.

University of Texas,
The Mechanisms site is a good review of the concepts of simple machines and mechanics.

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Session 5, Activity A
Design, Build, Make It Go!

Recall and gain experience with motion and energy transfer.

Make a rolling toy that travels 3-5 feet (1-1.5 meters) as an introduction to energy transfer.

Students are given a set of materials and challenged to make a toy that rolls 3-5 feet (1-1.5
meters) on its own power. A follow-up discussion about design and students' tinkering
experiences past and present help students recall engineering concepts of mechanical
engineering. A "recipe" for success is provided so the presenter can make a working version of
the rolling toy in advance and later guide the students' efforts.

Examples of Stored Energy Toys
Rubber band airplane, windup toys, paddleball, yo-yo, Slinky*, etc.
One "Rolling Kit" Per Student
1 film canister with lid, with holes drilled in both ends
2 size #30 or #31 rubber bands (dimensions 2.5" x 1/8" x 1/36" [6.5 cm x 3 mm x 0.7
mm], #31 is slightly heavier)
2 washers (either " or " [1.25 cm or 2 cm] outside diameter)
1 piece of thick drinking straw the length of the canister

Rolling kit

1. Bring in stored energy toys to review concepts of potential and kinetic energy.
2. Make holes in the flat ends of the film canisters and lids. The holes can be drilled with
1/4" (0.64 cm) drill bits.
3. Cut drinking straws into lengths. They should be the length of the canister. (You can also
use small pieces of a broken pencil if the straw is not strong enough.)

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5A: Design, Build, Make It Go! (continued)
4. Place the other materials (2 rubber bands, 2 washers, piece of drinking straw) inside the
canister and put the lid on. This is a "design kit."
5. Write the design challenge on the board or poster paper: Using any or all of the
materials in your tiny design kit, make a rolling toy that travels 3-5 feet (1-1.5 meters) on
its own power. It does not need to go in a straight line.
6. Provide measuring tapes or precut lengths of string. Watch a short video clip that
demonstrates how to make the rolling toy.

7. So that you can provide guidance as the students engage in the work, make a rolling toy
of your own using the following "recipe" for success (but let the participants design their
own varied solutions to the challenge!):
Put the rubber band halfway through one washer and thread it back through the
loop of the rubber band. Pull on the washer to secure it.
Poke the rubber band through the hole in the end of the film canister so the
washer is on the outside.
Adjust the rubber band so that the washer is flat on the canister.
Thread the other end of the rubber band through the hole in the lid and place
the lid on the canister.
Put the loop of the rubber band through the second washer and then put the
end of the straw through the loop. If there is slack in the rubber band, you may
need to make a knot above the straw for a snug fit.
Adjust the straw so most of the length extends beyond the canister.
Turn the straw at least 30 times so the rubber band twists.
The second rubber band can be wound onto the non-capped end of the
canister, to correct for its smaller circumference.

View a Video
Watch a short video clip that
demonstrates how to make the
rolling toy.

To view the video, select a
player and then click on your
connection speed.

Select a Player

Dialup High Speed

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5A: Design, Build, Make It Go! (continued)

Put your toy on the floor and let it go! (No one said the toys had to go in a
straight line.)

Debrief Home Improvement
1. Have students share and compare their lists from Electric House Hunt in Session 4.
2. Discuss how electrical units might be incorporated into their projects.
Tinker With Toys
1. Before the students begin the activity, introduce toys that move by storing energy. Lead
a demonstration-discussion about stored or potential energy that transfers to kinetic
energy as you operate each toy. Ask questions to engage students in a discussion about
energy: Where does the energy to move the toys come from? How is energy stored in
these toys? How is energy transferred in the toys in order to make them move? Remind
the students to keep these principles of energy transfer in mind as they begin the design
2. As students come in, give them each a "rolling kit," direct their attention to the "Rolling
Toy Design Challenge" on the board, and challenge them to build their rolling toy.
3. After 15 minutes or so of work time, give participants a 5-minute warning, and then let
them demonstrate their toys to one another. (No one said the toys had to go in a straight
line.) If they fail to make the toy roll, assure them that there is a method that works, and
encourage them to continue trying later.
4. Guide a discussion, asking questions that cause budding engineers to reflect on the
design process they just engaged in (successful or not), such as:
Is there any one "right" solution for this challenge? Why or why not?
What would you do differently if you had more time? Different materials?
Can anyone tell about their process; when and why they might have switched to
a new idea?
What did you learn from watching each other?
It is said you have to have a breakdown before a breakthrough. Can anyone
relate to that?

Develop Concepts
1. Develop the concept of energy transfer: Tell student pairs to discuss how the toy is
powered and be ready with an agreed-upon explanation for the group. Have them report,
and probe for answers to these questions:

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5A: Design, Build, Make It Go! (continued)

Where does the energy come from, and where does it go?
At what point is energy transferred from you to the toy?
At what point does potential (stored) energy change to kinetic (released)
Is this a machine?

Wrap Up
Explain that many devices are made up of mechanical component parts that transform energy
in order to perform work. The next activities will give students more experience with moving
parts. They may want to include moving parts in their personal design projects later on.

Have students read and then discuss 5A Reading: Slinky.

Follow With
In 5B: Not-So-Simple Machines, students study simple machine examples from everyday life.

The definitions of work and mechanical advantage are developed, and students participate in a
design challenge involving simple machines.

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Design, Build, Make It Go!
Handout: Session 5, Activity A

Make a Rolling Toy Design Challenge: Using any or all of the materials in your kit, make a
rolling toy that travels 3-5 feet (1-1.5 meters) on its own power. (It does not need to go in a
straight line.)

If you get stuck along the way, here are some hints:
Consider a windup toy. How does it work? Take a look at some toys that store and
release energy to produce some kind of motion.
Windup toys convert potential energy into kinetic energy as they unwind.
How is the energy stored and released? (Often this is a spring.)
What could be used instead of springs to store and release energy?

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Reading: Session 5, Activity A

Patented by Richard J ames, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania for J ames Industries. Filed 1
November 1945 and published as GB 630702 and US 2415012.

This is the familiar toy which consists of coils that move
downstairs, along the floor, or from hand to hand. Richard
J ames was a mechanical engineer working for the U.S. Navy.
While he was on a ship undergoing trials, a lurch caused a
torsion spring to fall accidentally from a table to the floor. Its
springy movement made him think. When he saw his wife Betty
that night he showed her the spring and said, "I think there might
be a toy in this." Two years of experimentation followed to
achieve the right tension, wire width, and diameter. The result
was a steel coil with a pleasant feeling when handheld, with an
ability to creep like a caterpillar down inclined planes or stairs, and an interesting action when
propelled along the floor. Betty came up with the name of Slinky*, from slithering.

J ames managed to persuade Gimbels, the department store, to give him some space at the
end of a counter. He would demonstrate the toy and hope to sell some of his stock of 400. It
was a miserable November night, and Betty and a friend were on hand to buy a couple to
encourage sales. They never had the chance, as crowds gathered around and the entire stock
went in an hour and a half. A company, J ames Industries, was set up to make the product. A
machine was devised which coiled 24 meters in 10 seconds. The price for a Slinky was $1 in
1945, which had increased to $2 by 1994. More than 250 million have been made, with some
variations, including brightly colored plastic models. The only substantial change in the design
is that the end wires are now joined together to prevent loose wires damaging, for example, an
eye. The trademark was registered in the United States in 1947 and in Britain in 1946.

Besides the obvious fun possibilities, the toy has been used by science teachers to
demonstrate the properties of waves. NASA has used them to carry out zero gravity physics
experiments in the space shuttle. And in Vietnam, American troops used them as mobile radio

Reproduced with permission:
Van Dulken, Stephen. Inventing the 20th Century, 100 Inventions That Shaped the World. New
York: New York University Press, May 2002. www.nyupress.nyu.edu*

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Session 5, Activity B
Not-So-Simple Machines

Reinforce concepts about simple machines.

Students identify the six types of simple machines found in everyday objects and participate in a
challenge to see how machines aid work by providing mechanical advantage. Students
understand that it may take more than one simple machine to perform a task (creating a
compound machine).

Students study simple machine examples from everyday life. The definitions of work and
mechanical advantage are developed, and young engineers participate in a design challenge to
see how simple machines operate as component parts of more complex machines. A final
discussion sets the stage for the next activity, where moving parts are explored.

Simple Machine Examples
Wedge: chisel, saw, screwdriver, scissors, door wedge, thumbtack, pins
Wheel and axle: doorknob, roller skates, eggbeaters, pencil sharpener, skateboard
Screw: nuts and bolts, jar lid, lightbulb, key rings, corkscrew
Pulley: flagpoles, clotheslines, blinds, crane, fan belt
Lever: see saw, wheelbarrow, hammer, crowbar, bottle opener, oar, fork, baseball bat
Inclined plane: wheelchair ramp, slide, hill, roller coaster, escalator

Simple Machine Challenge
1 washer (either " or " [1.25 cm or 2 cm] outside diameter) per group
1 plastic or paper cup per group
Meter sticks
Brads, clay or play-dough, clothespins, craft glue, craft sticks, dowels, drinking straws,
foam pieces, gears, hot glue, magnets, paper clips, pipe cleaners, plastic bags, plastic
spoons, plastic/paper cups, pulleys, rope, rubber bands, scissors, spools, springs, string,
tape, wire

1. Learn about simple machines.
Simple machines help us do work. You are doing work when you use force to cause
motion. When you exert a force (such as pushing or pulling) on an object over a
distance you are doing work. Simple machines make work easier by lowering the
effort required to move an object or by increasing the distance an object moves.
Work =Force x Distance.

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5B: Not-So-Simple Machines (continued)
Simple machines provide a mechanical advantage when the machine puts out more
force than is put in. An automobile jack shows a good example of mechanical
advantage. The relatively small amount of force a person applies to the handle
produces a large enough force to lift a heavy automobile. The automobile jack
exhibits mechanical advantage.
2. Prepare a short demonstration of simple machines using a Web site. If time allows, view
the COSI Science Center Web site (www.cosi.org/onlineExhibits/simpMach/sm1.html*)
as an introductory presentation with your students. Allow about 10 minutes to go over
the main concepts. Prepare for the presentation by following the steps below:
Spend time at the site and browse through all the pages you'll use.
Connect a projection device to one networked computer for presentation on a
screen or blank wall.
Browse all the pages you'll be using in advance so they will be cached in the
computer (this reduces load time during the presentation).

1. At The Essence of Simple Machines, move the cursor over the simple machines, and
watch them work. Notice that all of them have a force applied to them to complete work.
Click on each machine and watch it go. During the tour of the Web site, highlight the
definitions of work and mechanical advantage.
2. Return to the home page and click at the left and right links (in red) to learn about
machines, work, and mechanical advantage. Ask students to give an example of how
simple machines make work easier.
3. At the home page, go to the bottom link, Find the Simple Machine. Follow the directions
and see if the students can spot all the machines in a lawnmower.
1. In a whole group discussion, demonstrate and define some basic termswork, simple
machines, and mechanical advantagewhile showing examples of simple machines.
(As an option, you may also bring in pictures of people using simple machines for the
purpose of this review.) Ask students to sort the examples into the six simple machine
categories: wedge, wheel and axle, screw, pulley, lever, inclined plane.
2. Keep the examples of simple machines sorted on a table so students can refer to them
during their design challenge. Next, arrange students into groups of at least three to
complete the simple machine design challenge.

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5B: Not-So-Simple Machines (continued)

Design Challenge

Using at least one simple machine, design and construct a device that can move a washer that
is placed 24 inches (60 cm) away from your group, 90 degrees, to a cup that is also placed 24
inches (60 cm) away. See diagram below:

Design Requirements
Each group must use at least one simple machine in the device they build.
The washer must be moved from its location to the fixed location of the cup without
direct contact from any student.

Think about:
What process will you go through in order to design a solution?
Which simple machines can be used to solve the problem?
What process will you go through in order to design a solution?

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5B: Not-So-Simple Machines (continued)


Brads Plastic bags
Clay or play-dough Plastic spoons
Clothespins Plastic/paper cups
Craft glue Pulleys
Craft sticks Rope
Dowels Rubber bands
Drinking straws Scissors
Foam pieces Spools
Gears Springs
Hot glue String
Magnets Tape
Paper clips Wire
Pipe cleaners

Have students share their solutions. While students are sharing, ask questions that cause
students to reflect on the design challenge they just engaged in. Get students to discuss some
of the key concepts in this session (work, mechanical advantage, compound machines) and
how those concepts are related to their design solution.

Some questions you might ask:
What simple machines did you use?
Was your device made up of more than one machine?
How did using a simple machine give you a mechanical advantage?
How did the use of simple machines make the work easier to complete?

Supplementary Information
Simple machine sites:
Inventor's Toolbox: The Elements of Machines:
and the page it links to: Gadget Anatomy:
Edheads Simple Machines: http://edheads.org/activities/simple-machines

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5B: Not-So-Simple Machines (continued)

Wrap Up
Discuss ways students might use simple machines in inventions. Challenge kids to find the
mechanical action in the moving parts they'll use in the next activity.

Have students read and then discuss 5B Reading: Meet a Mechanical Engineer.

Follow With
In 5C: Gears, Cranks, Crankshafts, and Belts, students put moving mechanical parts to work.
Collect a variety of mechanical devices that have visible moving parts (for example:
eggbeaters and hand drills), enough for one device per group of three students. Consider
asking students to bring devices from home in preparation for this activity.

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Not-So-Simple Machines
Handout: Session 5, Activity B

Use what you know about simple machines to create a solution to the following design

Design Challenge
Using at least one simple machine, design and construct a device that can move a washer that
is placed 24 inches (60 cm) away from your group, 90 degrees, to a cup that is also placed 24
inches (60 cm) away. See diagram below:

Design Requirements
Each group must use at least one simple machine in the device they build.
The washer must be moved from its location to the fixed location of the cup without
direct contact from any student.
You may use only the materials provided.

As you go through the design process, think about:
1. What problem is being solved?
2. Which simple machines can be used to solve the problem?
3. What process will you go through in order to design a solution?
Be prepared to share your design solution.

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Meet a Mechanical Engineer
Reading: Session 5, Activity B

Alma Martinez Fallon
Northrop Grumman Newport News

Mechanical engineers help to shape nearly everything in the built environment, but their impact
on communities isn't always visible. "Anything that moves, heats, cools, rotates, or flies, there's
a mechanical engineer involved in it," says Alma Martinez Fallon. She engineered mechanical
systems in support of nuclear submarines and aircraft carrier design before moving into
management ranks at one of the nation's largest shipbuilders, Northrop Grumman Newport
News. Although mechanical engineers are involved in the design and production of everything
from cars to power plants to refrigerators, she adds, "the only time most people hear about
engineers is if something fails."

As president of the Society of Women Engineers and an active member of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fallon is helping to make sure that more young people know
what engineers do and why the field offers a world of opportunities.

How She Got Interested
Fallon excelled at mathematics through high school, "but I didn't know where I could apply my
skills, other than to teach." She didn't know any engineers in her neighborhood of Queens,
New York, where her parents settled after immigrating from the Dominican Republic. And she
didn't want to be a teacher.

Fallon says she took a "nontraditional path" into her profession. She worked full-time after high
school and didn't return to college until age 25. By then, she had met some professional
engineers who encouraged her to apply her interest and aptitude in math to an engineering

At Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, she was one of a handful of women in her
engineering classes. She was drawn in by the subject, as well as the chance to "give back to
the community. Engineering touches everything. It's been a great fit for me," she says. "I like
the practical side of applying math and science to problem solving. I was hooked right away."

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5B Reading: Meet a Mechanical Engineer (continued)

Entering the Profession
To help pay the bills during college, Fallon took advantage of an opportunity to combine her
studies with work experience. While still an engineering student, she began to learn about
shipbuilding design and construction. The practical experiences shaped her course selection,
and she decided to focus her undergraduate studies on mechanical engineering. When she
graduated, Newport News offered her a position as an associate engineer, working on the
design and engineering of Seawolf class submarines.

Before long, Fallon was discovering what many mechanical engineers find rewarding about
their work. "Designing something and seeing it workgetting to see it run on a shipthat's a
lot of fun," she says. Fallon's initial plan was to stay at the company for a few years to gain a
solid technical foundation. Instead, she found herself moving up through the engineering ranks
and into management. She also expanded her skills by earning a master's degree in
engineering management from George Washington University. Now a 15-year veteran of
Newport News, she manages a group of about 100 engineers, planners, and analysts involved
in planning and manufacturing engineering.

Applying Diverse Skills
As a manager, Fallon draws on a wide range of skills, not all of them taught in engineering
school. "You have to be able to communicate, to be strategic, to motivate people. You have to
help excite the organization, move the goals and objectives forward, and provide results. It's
different from what an engineer learns in school," she admits, "but I use my engineering
training to work through the organization as a leader."

What does she like best? "The ability to develop people, to help them grow as individuals.
That's number one. Also, I'm results oriented. My area can take on a difficult problem, and
seeing it through to resolution and implementation can be very rewarding."

Advice for Students
For students thinking about a future in engineering, Fallon has some specific advice: "Stick to
your math and science." In addition, she suggests looking for "programs outside of class that
can expose you to career choices in the area of math and science." In her own career, she can
see the value of mentors. "During my time at Newport News, I have found individuals who
have taken an interest in supporting me." Now she has moved into the mentor role, helping
young engineers as they enter the profession. Today's students can take advantage of online
opportunities, she adds, no matter where they live. "Through e-mentoring, you can find a
mentor who's interested in helping you."

The future looks bright for students who pursue mechanical engineering as a career, Fallon
says. "Demands of the workplace continue to increase, especially as technology continues to
be enhanced," she says. "Anything that moves, anything that involves heating or cooling,
anything that generates power, there's a need for mechanical engineers to design and produce

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5B Reading: Meet a Mechanical Engineer (continued)

it. The demand is going to be there."

In her role as president of the Society of Women Engineers, Fallon is an advocate for
improving the number of women entering the field. Although women account for only about 20
percent of engineering school graduates, "some universities are doing very well. We want to
understand why," Fallon says, and then find ways to build on that success.

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Session 5, Activity C
Gears, Cranks, Crankshafts, and Belts

Study moving machine parts to learn how force can be transferred or change direction to
accomplish work.

Make a crankshaft mechanism and use it with other parts in a unique mechanical toy.

After an introduction to the moving parts of machines (gears, cranks, crankshafts, belts, and
wheels), students investigate these parts and make a crankshaft mechanism. Students begin
work on a mechanical toy of their own design. They complete work on the toy at home.

Optional Mechanical Parts

Gears set
Wheels set
1/4"-wide rubber band "belts" (size #64)
Small wooden dowels (Bamboo skewers will work.)

One Crankshaft Kit Per Student

Small box (8 oz. milk carton will do)
3 pieces 16-gauge steel wire: one 8" (20 cm) length, two 3" (7.5 cm) lengths
1 straw
Electrical tape or long bead (for crank handle)
Several pairs of needle-nose pliers


Tools that use moving parts: eggbeaters, hand drills, winged corkscrews, flour sifters,
ice cream scoopers, nut grinders, and manual can openers
Miscellaneous gears, belts and wheels, wire, art supplies, and other materials of choice
Crankshaft model (see below)

1. Collect a variety of mechanical devices that have visible moving parts (example:
eggbeaters, hand drills), enough for one device per group of three students. A mounted

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5C: Gear, Cranks, Crankshafts, and Belts (continued)
manual pencil sharpener in the room (cover removed) can serve as one device.
(Consider asking students to bring devices from home at the end of the previous day.)
2. Collect tools, including needle-nose pliers, rulers or measuring tapes, and scissors.
3. Prepare a model crankshaft in a box. See 5C Handout: Gears, Cranks, Crankshafts, and


Exploration: Look at Moving Parts
1. Distribute a variety of mechanical devices (egg beaters, etc.) that have visible moving
parts, one to each group of three students. Ask these questions, and have each team
answer and demonstrate:
Can you count the moving parts?
How do the moving parts connect to one another?
Can you name any of the moving parts (crank, gear, moving shaft, blade,
Can you find places where the force or motion changes direction? (Example:
corkscrew wings press down causing the cork to pull up.)
Demonstrate how the device operates to perform work.

2. Introduce the concept of "mechanism." A mechanism is a set of moving parts that
changes the direction of a force or motion. The next three component sets act as
View a Video
Watch a short video clip that
demonstrates how to make
the crankshaft toy.
Select a player and then click
on your connection speed.

To view the video, select a
player and then click on your
connection speed.

Select a Player

Dialup High Speed

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5C: Gear, Cranks, Crankshafts, and Belts (continued)

Optional: Set out an array of connecting gears of different sizes, and show
students how the direction of a force can be changed when they are flat or
connected at the 45-degree bevel. Use skewers as cranks. Challenge students
to find the relationship between the size of the gears and the relative number of
times one turns another. Note: a single speed bicycle could be used instead.
Ask: How many times does the small green one turn when the large red one
turns around once? (A large gear might turn once, turning a smaller gear three
or more times. This is the gear ratio.)
3. Demonstrate belts and wheels and how one wheel can turn another: With the help of a
student assistant, put axles (such as a pencil) through two wheels, and connect the
wheels with a rubber band "belt." Point out that one wheel is the drive wheel, and turning
it causes the other wheel to move, by force of the turning belt. Ask:
Where have you seen wheels and belts in action (fan belt in car, conveyor belt
on the grocery store checkout counter)?
What if a large wheel and belt turned a small wheel (recall ratios, as with
4. Introduce the crankshaft by showing a wire crankshaft made from a
paper clip bent into the shape shown. Show how a crankshaft
changes the direction of a motion from rotary to reciprocal.
5. Give students 10-15 minutes to investigate the components. Encourage them to
consider using these parts in combination in mechanical devices they might make.
1. Make the crankshaft device, following directions on the handout. Students should take
this basic device home and turn it into an appealing toy.
2. Have students engage in a short planning activity before they go home.
Wrap Up
Allow at least 30 minutes to get ready for the Home Improvement activity. Introduce the Home
Improvement design challenge, and complete steps 1-5. Have designers present their toy
ideas to the group for feedback. Direct them to take their materials home and finish their toy.
The journal notes and sketches will be helpful for communicating their ideas to family members
who can help.

Follow With
In Session 6, One Problem, Many Solutions, students consider the many designs of clock
radios, and see how electrical and mechanical components make clocks tick.

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Gears, Cranks, Crankshafts, and Belts
Handout: Session 5, Activity C

Make a Crankshaft Device
Do you remember playing with jack-in-the-box toys when you were small? They have a crank
mechanism something like the toy you will make today. With this crankshaft toy, you will see
how the direction of a force can be changed mechanically. Turning the crank around and around
makes other parts go up and down!

Small box (8 oz. milk carton will do)
3 pieces 16-gauge steel wire: one 8" (20 cm) length, two 3" (7.5 cm) lengths
1 straw
Electrical tape or long bead (for crank handle)
Needle-nose pliers

1. Cut off the top of a milk carton to make a small box
with one side open.
2. Turn the box so the opening is on the table, and drill
or poke a hole toward the top third of the box at the
same height on opposite sides.
3. Drill or poke two holes in the top, about an inch or 2
1/2 centimeters apart. They should be in a straight
line with the other two holes.
4. Cut two short pieces of straw about 1/3 the width of the box.
5. Wrap the end of one of the small pieces of wire around one piece of straw. Tighten the
wire so that it pinches the straw while allowing for another wire to pass through. Repeat
with the other wire and straw.
6. Take the long wire; make two 90-degree bends, an inch or 2 centimeters apart,
leaving one side slightly longer than the other. The longer end becomes the crank
7. Thread a straw with wire attached onto each end of the wire to the bend.
8. At the outside of each straw, make another 90-degree bend, making a U with the
center section.
9. Find the halfway point of the center section of wire between the straws. Using this as a
guide, bend the outer wires away from the center at that point.

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5C Handout: Gears, Cranks, Crankshafts and Belts (continued)
10. From the inside of the box, place the crack handle end of the wire through one of the
side holes.
11. Reach into the underside of the box and gently turn the smaller wires so they poke
through the holes in the top of the box.
12. Place the other end of the wire into the other hole. You may need to bend this and then
re-straighten. Make a bend in the wire to secure it on the outside of the box.
13. Bend the crankshaft end to make a handle. Secure a large bead or electrical tape on the
crank to finish the handle.
Crank the handle and watch the wires go up and down. It may need some adjustment to get the
best motion. Now it's all up to you! How will you turn the up-and-down motion into something

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Design A Mechanical Toy
Session 5, Home Improvement

Discover ways to use moving parts, and get ready to make a unique mechanical toy at home.

Students use the crankshaft mechanism that they built in the previous activity as the basis for a
mechanical toy. They should sketch out details of the design, jot down notes, and then finish the
toy at home.

During the Session
Complete steps 1-5 before inventors go home:
1. Ask students to consider what they'd like their mechanical toy to do. Have them make
concept drawings in their journal to show what the toy might look like when completed.
Encourage them to make a series of sketches; this is a thinking step.
2. Instruct them to describe their toy's function (what they'd like it to do) and then its form
(finished toy and component parts).
3. Encourage them to keep drawing and writing and revisingthese steps will help them
refine their plan.
4. Tell them to use their writing and drawing to explain their plan to a friend and the
5. Make changes as needed, collect materials, and begin!
At Home
1. Spend time fine-tuning the device so it works reliably.
2. Add fun elements to turn it into an eye-grabbing plaything.
3. Bring it in the next day for everyone to enjoy!
Examples of toys: jack-in-the-box, two dancers or acrobats, articulated animal (one cloth
sleeve covers both wires to cause a rocking motion effect), wacky wires (twist top wires into
spirals, thread beads onto them for an up-and-down motion).

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Design A Mechanical Toy
Handout: Session 5, Home Improvement

Your mechanical toy can be as unique as you want it to be. Spend some time planning the toy
and then finish making the toy at home. Plan your mechanical toy in your design notebook.
1. Describe your toy's function. What would you like it to do? How will it do this?
2. Draw your plans for your mechanical toy.
3. Spend time fine-tuning the device so it works reliably.
4. Add fun elements to turn it into an eye-grabbing plaything.
5. Bring it in the next day for everyone to enjoy!

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Session 6
One Problem, Many Solutions
Engineering Fundamentals

This session places students in
the shoes of both engineers
and product designers as they
apply analytical skills to
understand how the
requirements of a product are metin this case, a clock. To prepare
for this session, you'll need a digital alarm clock and a mechanical
clock for each participant, pair, or group. These can be donated by
parents or guardians throughout the first sessions or purchased at a
thrift store. It is important to know that they will be taken apart and
may not be easily put together again.

In 6A: Clocks of All Varieties, students look closely at the clocks and
as a class come up with design requirements for clocks. In 6B: Form
Meets Function, they see how the requirements are met in different
clock radios as they consider form and function. The activity 6C: Tick Tock: How a Clock
Works has the students disassembling the clock radios to see how the electronics and
mechanics work to make a clock "tick."

A clock radio for each participant, pair, or group. Ideally, there is one clock radio for
each pair.
Windup mechanical alarm clocks for each participant, pair, or group (at least one for
Flip chart and markers

In This Session:

A) Clocks of All Varieties
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

B) FormMeets Function
- Student Handout

C) Tick Tock: Howa Clock
- Student Handout

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One Problem, Many Solutions
Key Concepts: Session 6

In Session 6, students think as engineers and product designers and analyze the design
requirements of a clock radio. As they compare different clock radio designs they begin to see
the necessary tie between form and function. The comparison of mechanical and electric clocks
allows students to see how the same design requirements can result in very different products.
Writing design requirements is the key to getting what you want in a product.

Key Concepts
In this session, the focus is on developing accurate design requirements. Consider the basic
requirements for a clock radio. A clock radio must play, have alarm settings, sit on a shelf with
numbers visible, be reliable, have volume control, and have a mechanism for changing radio
stations. The manner in which the product requirements are met can be extremely varied.

Requirements define what the project is ultimately supposed to do. Later on, students will
develop requirements for their design project. They also develop specifications which define
how requirements will be met. Design requirements are general product goals, while product
specifications are much more detailed and should be clear enough to hand off to a production
group to build. User requirements are another type of requirement designers and engineers rely
on to describe the needs, goals, and characteristics of the proposed users.

Design Requirements
Requirements provide general statements of what you want your product to do or what qualities
you want it to have. For example, a requirement you might have for a stereo is a way to control
the volume. You might also require the stereo be able to hold multiple music CDs at one time.

Design Specifications
Specifications provide more detail and are often measurable. The specifications provide detailed
statements that might deal with materials, proportions, and exact placement of specific
components. Specifications guide the engineering of a product. A design specification for a
stereo might state that the stereo will hold five music CDs which are loaded into a compartment
at the top of the stereo.

Examples of design requirements and specifications are embedded throughout the Design and
Discovery curriculum:
1C: Toothpaste Cap Innovations
8B Handout: Sample Design Brief
12A Handout: Thinking Again About Design

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Session 6, Activity A
Clocks of All Varieties

To examine one object and see the different ways it can meet requirements.

Students will begin to consider the relationship between form and function.

Participants study a clock radio and consider how it meets requirements.

A clock radio for each student, pair, or group. (Ideally, there is one clock radio for each
Flip chart and markers

Gather digital clock radios beforehand. These should be clock radios that can be disassembled.
Broken clocks are finethey do not have to work. (Ideally, each student will have one clock

Set up a flip chart on which to write the requirements.

Each participant, pair, or group should have a clock radio in front of them. Present the following
questions to discuss as they look at their clock radios.
1. List the main functions of a clock radio.
2. Describe all the things yours can do in addition to the basics listed above.
3. Describe its size, shape, and materialseverything you can seein detail.
4. Now think carefully about where it sits in a bedroom. How it is it used? What does a user
have to do to use a clock radio? Be very specific. You are collecting data about a user.
5. When it is it used?
6. What are the conditions (time of day, user's attitude, etc.) under which someone usually
uses it?
Wrap Up
Discuss and share responses. Generate a group list of the basics of what a clock radio is
supposed to do. (The radio must play, be easy to set alarm, sit on a shelf with numbers visible,
be reliable, have volume control, and include the ability to change radio stations, etc.) Explain

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6A: Clocks of All Varieties (continued)

that these are called requirements.

Read 6A Reading: Meet a Project Manager.

Follow With
In 6B: Form Meets Function, students compare clocks and consider how problems are

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Clocks of All Varieties
Handout: Session 6, Activity A

Have you ever been in an electronics store and seen how many different types of clock radios
there are (or TVs and stereos, for that matter)? Clock radios are an excellent product for
understanding form and function. To begin, look at one clock radio and consider what the basic
requirements of a clock radio are. Record your observations in your design notebook.
1. List the main functions of clock radio.
2. Describe all the things the one in front of you can do in addition to the basics listed
3. Describe its size, shape, and materialseverything you can seein detail.
4. Now think carefully about where it sits in a bedroom. How it is it used? What does a user
have to do to use a clock radio? Be very specific. You are collecting data about a user.
5. When it is it used?
6. What are the conditions (time of day, user's attitude, etc.) under which it is used?

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Meet a Project Manager
Reading: Session 6, Activity A

David Thorpe
Senior Project Manager
ZIBA Design

Hello, my name is David Thorpe. When I was young, I was always making things, drawing and
writing. I made puppets, wrote my own comic books, built things from a big bucket of Lego*
blocks (not the prepackaged kits), and built tree houses, forts, and rafts for our pond. I went to
college at Stanford University thinking that I was going to be a computer programmer, but after
a few semesters of "flipping bits," I changed to the Product Design program in the Mechanical
Engineering department. The Product Design program teaches problem solving, brainstorming,
and sketching skills to engineers along with the technical aspects of engineering. After college,
I worked at Hewlett-Packard designing and engineering inkjet printers for four years and then
joined ZIBA Design in 1993.

A Typical Day
My day usually consists of a combination of meetings to make sure everybody knows what
they are supposed to be doing, group brainstorms, and then some detailed design work on my
own. I alternate between design on the computer and rough concept sketching. There is
usually a lot of informal interaction with others in the office as we bounce ideas off one
another, get updates on other projects, and banter back and forth.

Most Interesting Thing About My Job
I really enjoy the diversity of projects that I work on and interacting on a daily basis with
talented, creative co-workers.

My advice to younger people entering the design or engineering field is to understand both the
technical and creative side of both. There are plenty of great designers and engineers, but not
as many that can bridge both disciplines.

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Session 6, Activity B
Form Meets Function

To understand what is meant by "form follows function."

Students will understand the difference between form and function and how form usually follows
function. They will draw a design for a new and improved clock radio.

Students examine various clocks in order to understand form and function.

A clock radio for each participant, pair, or group

Gather all the clock radios on one table for students to view at once. Show the requirements
sheet that the students created in the last activity.

Clock Radio Requirements
1. Have the students gather around the table with the clock radios and pose the following
What do you notice about the radios around the table?
In what ways are the radios the same? Different?
Why are the radios all different?
Choose one requirement and examine five clock radios. Record how the five
different clock radios met this requirement.
How do the requirements force products to be similar in function, yet allow for
How do the requirements force products to be similar in function, yet allow for
What does it mean when people say "form follows function"? How does this
relate to the clock radios?

Form and Function
1. Explain that engineering is about function: Does the product work? Does it meet
requirements? Can it be manufactured efficiently, etc.? The form of an object (how it is
designed and constructed) should follow the task it is to perform. In other words, you
must know exactly what you want something to do before you can design and build it. In
the case of clock radios, once the electrical and mechanical aspects of the product are
developed, many creative forms can follow.

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6B: Form Meets Function (continued)
2. Encourage students to think like engineers, but with the benefit of the skills of good
industrial designers who are attuned to the subtle but powerful influences of the "visual
attraction" and "tactile appeal" of a product.
3. Pair students and have them each take a clock radio. In pairs, have them examine and
compare two clock radios very closely. For each function, tell them to discuss the form it
took on each clock and what they like or dislike about the form on each clock radio.
4. Ask the pairs to pick one requirement and improve upon it. They can draw a sketch of
their ideal clock radio in their design notebooks.
Wrap Up
Have pairs share their sketches of their new and improved clock radio designs.

Follow With
Students will take a look inside the clock radio to see the inner workings in 6C: Tick Tock: How
a Clock Works.

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Form Meets Function
Handout: Session 6, Activity B

In this activity, you will look at the clock radios closely and observe how the requirements are

1. Record the requirements that the class came up with for clock radios.
2. Choose one requirement and explain how five different clock radios met this
3. In pairs, consider one requirement and how you could improve upon it. Now, individually,
draw a sketch of your ideal clock radio. This can be done in your design notebooks.

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Session 6, Activity C
Tick Tock: How a Clock Works

To understand how clocks use electrical and mechanical components to make them tick.

Students will disassemble the clock radios and mechanical clocks
to see electrical and mechanical components at work.

Students learn about the electronics and mechanics behind clocks.

A clock radio for each participant, pair, or group. Ideally
there is one clock radio for each pair.
Wind-up mechanical alarm clocks for each participant, pair,
or group (at least one for demonstration)

Each student (or pair) should have a clock radio and a wind-up alarm clock (if feasible). Provide
enough screwdrivers (both flat head and Phillips, in different sizes) for them to take the radios

Inside a Clock
1. Ask students if they have ever looked at a clock and thought about how it works. Explain
that they will have the opportunity to get inside clocks to see how they work and to
compare mechanical and electric clocks. Explain what is needed to make a clock tick:
A source of power. In an electric clock radio, this is an electrical power supply,
typically either a battery or 120-volt AC power from the wall. In a mechanical
clock, the weights and springs provide the power.
An accurate time base that acts as the clock's heartbeat. In an electric clock,
there is a time base that "ticks" at some known and accurate rate. In a
mechanical clock, the pendulum handles this.
A way to gear down the time base to extract different components of time
(hours, minutes, and seconds). In a digital clock, there is an electronic "gearing
mechanism" of some sort. Generally, a digital clock handles gearing with a
component called a "counter." In a mechanical clock, gears serve this role.

Dual Alarm Clock
View a short video of a student
sharing her Dual Alarm Clock
design solution.

To view the video, select a
player and then click on your
connection speed.

Select a Player

Dialup High Speed

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6C: Tick Tock: How a Clock Works (continued)

A way to display the time. In a digital clock, there is a display, usually with either
LEDs (light emitting diodes) or an LCD (liquid crystal display). In a mechanical
clock, the hands and face do this.

2. Have the students explore the electrical and mechanical components of their clocks.
They should be able to identify the following:

3. As a demonstration, or individually, have students disassemble a mechanical clock to
see how the gears work.
Wrap Up
Students can wander around the room and look at the insides of the different clock radios.
Remind students to add to their list of design opportunities. They may want to consider
electrical or mechanical ideas.

Follow With
In Session 7, The 3 R's Of Problem Identification, students begin to consider their own design

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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Tick Tock: How a Clock Works
Handout: Session 6, Activity C

In this activity, you will have an opportunity to look inside clocks and see the inner workings of
both mechanical and electrical clocks. As you examine the clocks, notice that they have the

A source of power. In an electric clock radio, this is an electrical power supply, typically
either a battery or 120-volt AC power from the wall. In a mechanical clock, the weights
and springs provide the power.
An accurate time base that acts as the clock's heartbeat. In an electric clock, there is a
time base that "ticks" at some known and accurate rate. In a mechanical clock, the
pendulum handles this.
A way to gear down the time base to extract different components of time (hours,
minutes, and seconds). In a digital clock, there is an electronic "gearing mechanism" of
some sort. Generally, a digital clock handles gearing with a component called a
"counter." In a mechanical clock, gears serve this role.
A way to display the time. In a digital clock, there is a display, usually with either LEDs
(light emitting diodes) or an LCD (liquid crystal display). In a mechanical clock, the
hands and face do this.

Now identify the following components in the clocks:


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Design and Discovery
Students now delve into their own projects as they learn to identify
problems and come up with innovative solutions. In Session 7: The 3
Rs of Problem Identification, students gather information about the
problems they have identified through market research, narrow down
their problem, and begin to develop a solution using brainstorming
techniques. Session 8: A Brief Focus on Your Design Problem, helps
students look at their design ideas from the perspective of the user
as they continue to develop their projects. They then gather all of
their ideas into one document, a Design Brief, which is used as a
blueprint throughout their project development. In Session 9: A
Solution Taking Shape, students have an opportunity to go on the
Internet to explore other innovators and to search the patent Web site
to see what ideas may be similar to theirs.

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Session 7
The Three Rs of Problem Identification
Thinking Creatively

So many problems to solve and
improvements to make. How do
you decide which one to tackle?
In this session, students revisit
and refine their broad list of
problems, needs, and improvement ideas (started in Session 1,
Jump Into Design) to identify one design opportunity as their project.
They use a variety of observation and data collection strategies to
consider what exactly needs fixing, developing, or improving.

In the first activity, 7A: Revisit, students revisit their list of design
opportunities started earlier in Session 2, The Designed World. Here,
they develop the criteria for choosing a problem to pursue. In 7B:
Research and Refine, students refine their list of problems and
conduct market research by gathering information about the nature of the problem. They do
this by going off site to conduct a survey and collect data about the user, the user's
preferences, and the realities of the user's life, environment, and behaviors. The SCAMPER
brainstorm technique is used in 7C: SCAMPER to Solutions to help students begin to think
about the solutions for the design opportunity. By the end of this session, students should each
have one project in mind and about five possible solutions.

Clipboards (optional)

In This Session:

A) Revisit
- Student Handout

B) Research and Refine
- Student Handout

C) SCAMPER to Solutions
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

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The 3 Rs of Problem Identification
Key Concepts: Session 7

In Session 7, students use product research to gather information about the nature of their
design problems in order to narrow their choices. Students then learn about user needs by
conducting surveys and using the data to choose one design opportunity that is compelling to
them. Once students know the design challenge they want to pursue, they move to Step 3 of
the design processBrainstorming Possible Solutions to the Problem.

Key Concepts
During this session students are introduced to product research methods to help refine their
design problem. These methods include asking potential product users probing questions and
studying user data through surveys and observations. Understanding the user of the product is
critical to product design. This process, called market research, focuses on the collection and
study of user preferences toward new or existing products.

Surveys allow for gathering data about a user, a user's preferences, and the context of a user's
life and environment. When designers understand their users, they can design with them in
mind. A survey provides a way for designers to get specific information about a user.
Questions used in a survey should help gather data about the problem and the user.

Some question examples include:

What do you find frustrating about this particular product?
What aspects of the product do you find useful?
What changes would you like to see made to this product?
Would you purchase this product if (describe change)?
How often do you use this product?

Surveys do have drawbacks because participants might give information about what they
believe, not on what they do. An integrated approach to product research is often necessary to
get a better understanding of the user.

An additional method for gathering information is through observations. Ethnography is a field
of product research that uses observation as a method for gathering information. Ethnographic
studies can be conducted by sending an observer to watch people use a specific product. By
observing behavior researchers discover user needs that are not being met and possible
design solutions that might meet those needs. IDEO www.ideo.com *, a product design firm,
uses ethnographic studies as a method to come up with design solutions. IDEO designed a
concept vacuum cleaner that follows the user during cleaning, after conducting many user
observations to understand the limitations around current vacuums. The model they designed
addressed numerous issues that frustrated vacuum cleaner users.

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Key Concepts: Session 7 (continued)

More About Product Research
Industrial Designers Society of America (Editor) and Goodrich, Kristina (Introduction). Design
Secrets: Products: 50 Real-Life Product Design Projects. Gloucester, MA: Rockport
Publishers, 2001.

Kelley, Tom. The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity From IDEO, America's Leading
Design Firm. New York: Doubleday, 2001.

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Session 7, Activity A

Add and prioritize the list of problems and improvements that students began in Session 2,
The Designed World.

Identify three problems or improvements (design opportunities) to focus on.

Students generate additional ideas to add to their list of design opportunities, looking for
needs, problems, or improvements. They then go through a prioritization and selection process
to narrow their list.


Be sure to ask students to take out their list of design opportunities from 2A Handout: Design
Opportunities Are Everywhere. (They should have been adding to this list throughout the

In this activity, students revisit their list of needs, problems, or improvements that they began
earlier. This is Step 1 of the design process: Identify a Design Opportunity. Students should
see that opportunities are everywhere and often come from a need, problem, or improvement
to an existing solution.

Expanding the List
1. Provide some time for learners to add other ideas to their list that may have come up
throughout the previous sessions. In doing so, their ideas should come from
observations that they've made based on frustrations with particular everyday objects.
2. Give some examples here. For example, perhaps some students in the class are left-
handed. They may have trouble using a computer mouse which is designed for a right-
handed person. They might like to see adaptations made to a mouse so that it is suitable
for a left-handed person.
3. Have students look around the room and choose something in the room. Now, ask them
to consider what problems they have using this item. This might be a problem with the
entire product or with one part of the item. Now, ask them to come up with a way that
they would like to see it improved. Go around the room and ask students to share. You

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7A: Revisit (continued)
might find, for example, that someone doesn't like the pencil sharpener in the room. She
doesn't like the fact that you have to constantly take out your pencil to see if it is
sharpened. She would like to see the sharpener indicate when a pencil is sharpened.
Remind them to think about function as opposed to form, the way it works as opposed to
the way it looks. Ultimately, the goal is for them to re-engineer a product to make a
functional improvement.
4. Students can also apply the Activity Mapping technique that they learned in 2A: Design
Opportunities Are Everywhere, to help them identify a problem. They can do Activity
Mapping individually for a problem that interests them. This is a useful strategy if they
have difficulty coming up with a design challenge. Suggest that they choose an activity
that is routine for them and try to identify problems in that activity. For example: eating
breakfast, going grocery shopping, washing their dog, taking a hike, and so forth.
Activity Mapping
1) Pre-activity: Describes what is done before the activity

2) Activity: Explains what is involved in the activity

3) Post-activity: Includes what is involved after the activity

4) Assessment: Involves how one knows if the activity has
been successful

5. Now, have students add additional design problems to their list and be as specific as
they can. Remind them of the question: "What problems would you like to solve or what
improvements would you like to make on a current product?" Encourage the young
designers to dream!
Refining the List
1. Ask the group to come up with some questions to help each other narrow down their list
of design opportunities to select a few to focus on. Working in pairs, students should ask
each other probing questions to help clarify what the need, problem, or improvement is
and which holds the most promise for solutions. Sample probing questions are:
What about this product is frustrating?
Do you know of any similar products that have been adapted from this product?
What would you like to see this product do?
What part of the product would need to be changed, the whole thing or one
Would other people benefit from this improvement? If so, who?

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7A: Revisit (continued)
2. Another option is to have students place their lists of design opportunities on their desks
and walk around to look at everyone's list. Students may read the lists and write
comments next to the problems that their peers addressed. They can then use the
comments to help them narrow down their list.
3. Each student should be ready to select the top three design opportunity choices.
4. Ask them to consider where they could gather the most data about other people's use
and impressions of the problem or improvement that they have identified.
Wrap Up
Students share their top three design opportunities with the whole group. Then, they discuss
where they could gather the most data about the problems and improvements that they

Follow With
In 7B: Research and Refine, students learn how to conduct a survey to gather more data about
problems and improvements.

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Handout: Session 7, Activity A

You will now begin to think about what design project you will work on and use the design
process to plan your own design. This exercise will help you sort through and prioritize your list
of problems and improvements. Remember the first step of the design process:
Identify a design opportunity: Opportunities are everywhere and often come from
a need, problem, or improvement to an existing solution.
Add to your list. What problems would you like to solve or what improvements would you like to
make on a current product? Write down everything that comes to mind. No editing; you can do
that later. Have fun dreaming! Feel free to use the Activity Mapping as part of your
brainstorming process. Do this in your design notebook.
Activity Mapping
1) Pre-activity: Describes what is done before the activity

2) Activity: Explains what is involved in the activity

3) Post-activity: Includes what is involved after the activity

4) Assessment: Involves how one knows if the activity has been successful
After reviewing the list with your partner, now prioritize the list and select your top three based
on your discussion with your partner and your interest in pursuing this problem. Next to each,
explain why you chose that one.

Where could you gather data about other people's uses and impressions of the problems and
improvements that you identified?

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Session 7, Activity B
Research and Refine

Students gather data about design opportunities to help them select a design project.

Students collect data about design problems and choose one to solve with a design project.

Students observe, shadow, and interview people to collect data on how people interact with
products, what frustrations people have, and how products can be improved. Students then
focus on one design problem. This one design opportunity may change as ideas are refined in
an iterative design process.

Clipboard for surveying (optional)

Review students' lists and ideas for data collection.

Arrange for a walking field trip. Ideally, the location will reflect the students' feedback from the
previous activity about places to collect data. This might mean a visit to the local grocery store,
the mall, the hardware store, and so forth. If possible, arrange for mentors to attend this
session. If mentors are available to come along, divide students into groups (with a mentor for
each group) and send them to different places. If a walking field trip is not possible, ask
mentors to visit your site and have students survey mentors about product use.

Students should have their lists from the previous activity, 7A: Revisit.

In this activity, students focus on Step 2 of the design process: Research the Design
Opportunity. This is where they gather lots of information about the nature of the problem.
They find out about the user, the users' preferences, and collect data about the context and
realities of the users' life, environment, and behaviors. In short, market research. The idea is
for students to get feedback on the design opportunity before refining their choice even further.

Explain that students can use a variety of methods to collect data on the design problem.
Introduce the methods and have them prepare for the field trip. The methods may also be used
as students collect data on their own time.

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7B: Research and Refine (continued)

1. Encourage students to observe and record behavior within its context, without interfering
with people's activities.
2. Explain that this helps to see what people actually do within real contexts, what
problems people face, and how they overcome the problem. For example, the student
who created the dual alarm clock needed to observe how people use alarm clocks. To
do this, she might wake up early and observe how her family members use the functions
on an alarm clock. Or, she might observe how people explore the functions on an alarm
clock when shopping for a new clock.
1. Suggest that students go along with people to observe and understand their day-to-day
routines, interactions, and contexts. This may help reveal design opportunities and show
how a product might affect or complement users' behaviors.
2. Tell students to take notes and bring along a camera (if available) to take photos.
1. Introduce the narration method. Explain that students can ask participants to describe
aloud what they are thinking while they perform a process or execute a specific task.
2. Explain that this is a useful method to understand users' motivations, concerns,
perceptions, and reasoning.
Interviewing and Asking the Five Whys
1. Explain that students can gain insight into a problem by talking to people about it. Have
them prepare interview questions ahead of time and identify the type of people they plan
to interview.
2. Demonstrate how to use the Five Whys method, which asks "Why?" questions in
response to five consecutive answers. By doing this, people are forced to examine and
express the underlying reasons for their behaviors and attitudes.
1. Encourage students to survey a variety of people to learn more about their design
opportunity. Surveying can reveal trends in attitudes and behaviors.
2. Be sure that students have survey questions prepared in advance and decide how they
are going to conduct the survey (by asking people the questions or by having them fill
out a survey form).

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7B: Research and Refine (continued)
3. Students should survey at least 10 people.
Preparing for Data Collection
1. Have students decide how they will do their data collection.
2. If students are surveying or interviewing, have them prepare questions. Questions might
be about uses frustrations with a product, changes to a product, frequency of usage of a
product, and so forth.
3. If students are observing or shadowing, have them make a list of the kinds of things they
will be observing, for example, how people are using a product, what kinds of things
people appear to be having trouble with, and so forth.
4. Be sure that students are prepared. They can draft a script with an introduction,
explaining who they are, what they are doing, and the purpose of their work.
5. Have them practice the script in pairs.
Research Etiquette
1. Remind students to respect their participants, who are often strangers who are willing to
give their time and share their thoughts and feelings.
2. Here's some principles to share with students:
Approach people with courtesy.
Identify yourself and your intent.
Describe how the information will be used and why it's valuable.
Get permission to use the information and any photos that you take.
Keep all information anonymous and confidential.
Let people know that they can choose not to answer questions or stop
participating at any time.
Keep your opinions to yourself.
Maintain a relaxed and nonjudgmental atmosphere.

Doing Market Research
1. Students are now ready to get out in the field and do market research.
2. Encourage students to continue this work on their own.

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7B: Research and Refine (continued)

Narrowing the Design Project
1. Back in class with their market research in hand, students should spend time sorting
through the data that they collected. In doing so, their goal is to narrow their list of design
opportunities. They should think about which problem would be most possible for them
to work on. They can begin to do this by listing the pros and cons for each possibility
based on their research. Remind them that they are still focusing on problems; however,
it's natural to have ideas for solutions "popping up," and this may guide them as they
narrow their focus.
2. As they narrow down their choices, remind them to consider what aspect of a particular
design they would like to see improved or developed. They could decide to choose the
whole product or just a part of the product.
3. In small groups, students share their lists of pros and cons and get feedback from each
other to help them choose one design opportunity.
4. They are now ready to make a decision. Encourage them to make a decision by
selecting one or two problems that are most compelling to them. Explain that their
decisions are not permanent; they may find that they change their design choice a few
times throughout this process. Do not force or rush the process!
Developing the Problem Statement
1. Now that they have narrowed their list to one design opportunity, they need to formulate
a "problem statement" that expresses the "heart" of the situation.
2. Discuss the features of a problem statement using the toothpaste example:
Begins with a clear, concise, well-supported statement of the problem to be

Teeth brushing can be a messy operation. Toothpaste often gets all over the
cap and even on the sink. Sometimes the cap is dropped onto a dirty floor or
into the sink drain. Includes data collected during the survey/observation in
order to better illustrate the problem.

After observing my family members brushing their teeth, I noticed that they all
use toothpaste with a screw cap. I observed my younger sister leaving the cap
off and on the sink, my dad putting the cap down on the sink and leaving
toothpaste behind after putting the cap back on, and my mom dropping the cap
on the floor. When talking to people about their use of the screw cap, they
reported similar problems.

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7B: Research and Refine (continued)

Establishes the importance and significance of this problem.

These problems with the screw cap seem to be widespread. With a little
innovation, this problem can be solved.

Describes the target population.

While I realized that everyone uses toothpaste, I also observed that it is
primarily women who purchase the toothpaste. Therefore, my product design
will need to appeal to women in particular.

3. Tell them to write the problem clearly so that it could be explained to anyone.
Wrap Up
Have students discuss how easy or difficult it was to narrow their lists and why this was the

Follow With
In 7C: SCAMPER to Solutions, students begin to consider solutions to their problems.

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Research and Refine
Handout: Session 7, Activity B

You will now have a chance to do some market research on the three design challenges.

Choose a Method

This method involves observing and recording behavior within its context, without interfering
with peoples activities. J ust watch people and record what you see.

Tag along with people to observe and understand their day-to-day routines, interactions, and
contexts. Be sure to take notes and bring along a camera (if available) to take photos.

This method involves asking participants to describe aloud what they are thinking while they
perform a process or execute a specific task.

Interviewing and Asking the Five Whys
Talk to people about the design problems. Be sure to prepare questions in advance. Use Five
Whys method, which asks Why? questions in response to five consecutive answers.

Survey a variety of people to learn more about their design opportunity. Be sure to have survey
questions prepared in advance and decide how you are going to conduct the survey (by asking
people the questions or by having them fill out a survey form). Survey at least 10 people.

1. Prepare your opening script for introducing who you are and what you are doing.
2. Develop an observation, shadowing, or narration plan. Prepare questions for
interviewing and surveying. Remember, you probably do not want too many questions.
In a survey; you are looking for short answers.
3. Come up with a list of things that you will be looking for as you watch people interact
with the products.
4. Practice with a friend.
Approach people with courtesy.
Identify yourself and your intent.
Describe how the information will be used and why it's valuable.
Get permission to use the information and any photos that you take.

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7B Handout: Research and Refine (continued)

Keep all information anonymous and confidential.
Let people know that they can choose not to answer questions or stop participating at
any time.
Keep your opinions to yourself.
Maintain a relaxed and nonjudgmental atmosphere.

Review the Results
5. Using your results, write the pros and cons next to each item.
6. Select one design opportunity that seems most compelling.
Develop a Problem Statement
7. Write a clear problem statement. This is intended for someone who knows nothing about
this problem. The problem statement should:
Begin with a clear, concise, well-supported statement of the problem to be
Include data collected during the survey/observation in order to better illustrate
the problem.
Establish the importance and significance of this problem.
Describe the target population.

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Session 7, Activity C
SCAMPER To Solutions

Students brainstorm possible solutions to their design project.

Students generate several solutions for their design project.

Using the SCAMPER process, students develop a list of possible solutions to their problem or


1. This activity is Step 3 of the design process: Brainstorm Possible Solutions to the
Problem. Now that students have one design project in mind, they are ready to consider
solutions to their problem. In doing so, they should first consider what the desired
outcome is. That is, how will they know when the problem is solved? The goal of this
exercise is to have them come up with five solutions to their design challenge. This is
similar to what they did with the backpack in 2D Handout: SCAMPER and Backpack.
However, now they are doing SCAMPER for their own design projects.
2. Ask: What is the desired outcome of the design? What do you want the product to do?
3. From the previous activities, students should be familiar with the creative thinking
processes. Revisit the SCAMPER technique for brainstorming. Have students review
SCAMPER and the SCAMPER process applied to a backpack from 2D: SCAMPER and

Substitute (What else can be used instead? Other ingredients? Other materials?)
Combine (Combine other materials, things, or functions.)
Adapt (Can it be used for something else?)
Minimize/Magnify (Make it bigger or smaller.)
Put to other uses (New ways to use as is? Other uses if modified? Other people or
places to reach?)
Eliminate/Elaborate (Remove some part or materials, or make one section more detailed
or refined.)
Reverse/Rearrange (Flip-flop some section of the item or move parts around.
Interchange components? Different sequence? Turn it upside-down?)

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7C: SCAMPER To Solutions (continued)
4. Using SCAMPER, learners should try to come up with different solutions for their design
challenge. Remind them that they do not have to use all the steps of SCAMPER during
this process.
5. SCAMPER should help them generate several ideas for solutions to their design
Revisit Activity Mapping
1. Using the Activity Mapping from 7A Handout: Revisit, students can focus on one of the
cycles (pre-activity, activity, post-activity, or assessment) where they identified problems
and can now brainstorm solutions.
Solution Criteria
1. Now that learners have a number of ideas that can serve as possible solutions to their
problem, it's time to evaluate them systematically. Have them generate a variety of
criteria and analyze their solutions with the criteria. This might include such things as:
It is practical.
It can be made easily.
It is safe.
It will not cost too much to make or use.
It is a new idea.
It is not too similar to something else.
It addresses the problem.

2. Have students review each solution. Using the criteria, they should identify and evaluate
the relative strengths and weaknesses of possible solutions.
3. Depending on which of their solutions meet the criteria, ask students to further narrow
their list of solutions to three that they will investigate in greater depth.
Wrap Up
Remind students to keep careful notes of their decision-making process in their design
notebooks. Have them review their notes and ensure that they are keeping clear records of their

Have students read 7C Reading: Meet a Design Planner.

Follow With
In Session 8, A Brief Focus on Your Design Problem, students prepare a design brief.

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SCAMPER To Solutions
Handout: Session 7, Activity C

You will now begin to think of the solution for your design. In doing so, it is important to
consider the outcome of the designwhat do you want the product to do? Use SCAMPER to
come up with some solutions. You do not have to use all the steps of SCAMPER.

Substitute (What else can be used instead? Other ingredients? Other materials?)
Combine (Combine other materials, things, or functions.)
Adapt (Can it be used for something else?)
Minimize/Magnify (Make it bigger or smaller.)
Put to other uses (New ways to use as is? Other uses if modified? Other people or places to
Eliminate/Elaborate (Remove some part or materials, or make one section more detailed or
Reverse/Rearrange (Flip-flop some section of the item or move parts around. Interchange
components? Different sequence? Turn it upside-down?)

What are your design solution ideas? Write them in your design notebook.

What criteria will you use to choose a solution? Use the criteria to narrow your solution list to
three solutions. Circle the three solutions above.

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Meet a Design Planner
Reading: Session 7, Activity C

Bob Sweet
Senior Project Manager/Senior Design Planner
ZIBA Design

I started with ZIBA Design in 1994. The new Director of Research was looking for someone with
solid writing skills to crank out research reports. With a college degree in English and a fair bit of
journalism experience, I soon found myself collecting data in the field, moderating focus groups,
and brainstorming with designers. After a year, I left ZIBA Design for two years in Romania,
where my wife had taken a job doing business development work. I returned to ZIBA Design in
1997 as a research analyst, then design planner, and project manager. Initially, I thought of
myself as a creative person, let other people deal with the clients, I'll just gather information and
write reports. But the more I've worked with clients, the more I've gotten to enjoy understanding
their industries, how they operate and the types of problems they're trying to solve. That last bit
is important; it involves much more than research or product concepts.

A Typical Day
Every day is truly different. It depends on what the workload is, who the clients are, and what
stages my projects are in. In research mode, I'm out on the road interviewing an airline
mechanic, spying on consumers at Target, or following a FedEx courier up and down the Sears
Tower. In report mode, I'm working with a group of ZIBITES to pull together a good story for the
client (report and presentation). In project management mode, I'm probably running around the
office, making phone calls to vendors, generating proposals and contracts, keeping the project
team together and focused on a vision, touching base with the client to exchange information,
getting people the tools and materials they need to get their jobs done.

Favorite Things About the Job
I like working with very creative people who have different skills, training, and backgrounds than
I do. I like working with clients from many different industries; everything from consumer goods
(air fresheners, power tools, sports equipment) to services (banks and overnight package
delivery). I like putting together and telling stories. That's really the heart of what we do-use
research and design to tell stories about which products to make, or how they should be made.

Advice to Young People
No matter how distasteful it might seem, network like crazy. Go beyond product design and
development. Learn all kinds of businesses and make good connections. All of your
experiences, such as traveling, cooking, writing, biking, climbing, and fishing, will help you in
product development.

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7C Reading: Meet a Design Planner (continued)

About ZIBA Design
ZIBA Design is an international design firm that has designed products from many global
companies, including FedEx, Microsoft, Intel, Fujitsu, Black & Decker, Sony, Pioneer North
America, Dial, and Clorox. www.ziba.com*

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Session 8
A Brief Focus on Your Design Problem
Thinking Creatively

In preparing a design brief,
students refine and focus on a
problem to solve from the
perspective of the users' needs.
They write a problem statement,
a description of the context for the problem, and a proposed solution.
They also draw a sketch of their idea, and come up with suitable
materials for constructing a solution. To understand a design brief,
they look at the design brief of a former Design and Discovery

In the first activity, 8A: User Profile, students dig into who the users
of their product will be and how they will design the product to meet
the users' needs. In 8B: Sample Design Brief, students read and
discuss the parts of the design brief as a group, analyze the sample,
and think about writing their own. In the third activity, 8C: My Design
Brief, students prepare their own design brief. They end the activity
with a short (brief!) presentation of their problem and proposed solution. The final activity in this
session, 8D: Mentor Matching, gives students the opportunity to consider their mentor needs
so that an appropriate mentor match can be made.


In This Session:

A) User Profile
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

B) Sample Design Brief
- Student Handout

C) My Design Brief
- Student Handout

D) Mentor Matching
- Student Handout

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A Brief Focus on Your Design Problem
Key Concepts: Session 8

In Session 8, students begin to formalize their ideas by developing a design brief. A design
brief is another formal tool written by professional designers and engineers to begin to gather
and describe important details about the idea, the solution, and other facts. While the design
process informs the steps that students follow to develop their projects, the design brief is used
to record their own ideas and guide them through the design process. In this session, students
start to think about realistic aspects of their projects, such as who will be using their product.
This is a perfect time to bring in mentors who assist students as they develop their projects.

Key Concepts
Design brief: A written plan that identifies a problem to be solved, its criteria,
and its constraints. The design brief is used to encourage thinking of all aspects
of a problem before attempting a solution.
Creating a Design Brief
A design brief is the blueprint or road map for a project. Writing down ideas helps students think
through the problem and their ideas for a solution. The design brief is an evolving document that
can and should be changed throughout the design process. In helping students develop their
design brief, it is best to encourage them to think big and not limit themselves at this stage.
They should do what they can to understand the problem through observation and visualizing a
solution. At this point, they may even have multiple solutions. They should not see the design
brief as limiting their thinking, but rather as a place to record, track, and communicate their

Session 8 provides an example of a design brief for your use, and using it as is will be helpful
and sufficient. The act of writing down ideas and plans strengthens critical thinking.

Students are introduced to a design brief in 8B Handout: Sample Design Brief. Read an
example of a design brief (listed below).
Sample Design Brief
Erika is a Design and Discovery student. She has played the string bass for a
few years and remembers as a beginner struggling with keeping her fingers
together. This is Erika's design brief.

Project Name: Bass Space
1. Describe the problem. Write a statement that focuses on what's wrong
and not working. Recall the features of a problem statement:
Begins with a clear, concise, well-supported statement of the problem to be

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Key Concepts: Session 8 (continued)

Includes data collected during the survey/observation in order to better illustrate
the problem.
Establishes the importance and significance of this problem.
When people start playing the string bass, most beginners cannot hold their hand
correctly, preventing them from being able to play properly. As a string bass
player, I have had personal experience with this and have seen other beginner
string bass players also struggle with this.
2. Describe how the current product is used. Provide a context for the
problem and explain any related solutions that resemble or relate to the
problem but have failed to address the problem.

Currently, there is not a product for this. Sometimes, a string bass teacher
may tell her students to tape their fingers together.
3. Describe a typical user (user profile). This addresses who uses the
product and how their needs are or are not met. How will they benefit
from a different product?

A typical user is a beginning string bass player. They struggle with
holding their hand correctly and keeping their fingers in place. They will
benefit from a product that helps them keep their fingers and hands in the
correct form to learn to play the string bass. They will be much more
comfortable and able to practice for longer periods of time.
4. Propose a solution. Describe how it will work, and how it solves the
problem. Explain the features.

I'm not sure what type of material I would use, but the Bass Space would
allow the player to keep her two middle fingers together and separate
from her pointer finger and pinky. It would be adjustable in size depending
on the size of the person's hands.
5. Draw a quick sketch of your ideas. This is a rough sketch and can
include drawings of different angles of the solution.

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Key Concepts: Session 8 (continued)

6. Describe the basic requirements that will best suit the proposed
product. For example, this describes the quality (for example: flexible or
sturdy), and the type of materials (for example: metal or plastic.)

The material needs to be stiff yet flexible to allow hand movement, it
cannot break easily, it has to be adjustable for different size hands, will
need to slide on and off easily, must be low on the fingers to allow the
fingers to bend, must be cost efficient, must hold hand correctly, and it
must be comfortable.
User Considerations
As students develop their projects, it is important for them to remember that not all users will
be like them. In the real world, design agencies develop user profiles and usability
requirements by gathering information about users. There are different strategies for this
definition and observation of different kinds of users, conducting formal usability studies, or
doing surveys. They will want to understand, for example, people who are most likely to use a
new product and people who are hesitant to use new products. Interviews are another means
to acquire user data.

Learning about users takes place through observation as well as interviews. It seems that
when people are asked questions, as is typically done in market research, they may not

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Key Concepts: Session 8 (continued)

answer honestly. There is a difference between what people say and what they do. Students
begin to consider who might use their products. Developing a user persona helps them to keep
in mind the end user throughout the design process. Encourage students to observe people
using similar products to the one they are improving upon or creating and keep in mind the
typical user as they develop their project.

More About Design
The resources provided below are design agencies. Reviewing these Web sites may be helpful
in learning how professional companies develop products.

IDEO, www.ideo.com/*

ZIBA Design, www.ziba.com/*

ECCO Design, www.eccoid.com/*

I.D. Magazine, www.idonline.com/*

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Session 8, Activity A
User Profile

Learn how to define the user of the product.

Identify a typical user of the product in order to help focus the development of the product.

Students look at a variety of familiar objects from the perspective of a typical user. They learn
how to identify users of products and ultimately define their user base for their projects.


Bring in a variety of familiar objects that appeal to different ages and genders. This might
include toys (for different ages), kitchen items, tools, and so forth.

1. Show the group one of the familiar objects. Ask them:
Who typically uses this product?
What is their gender? Age? Experience with this type of product?
How is the product designed for this type of person (user)?
Where does the user use this product?
What motivates the user to use it?
Now, describe a scenario of someone using this product:

Give the person an identity (name, age, gender, occupation, etc.).
Describe the setting in which the person is using the product.
Explain what the person's goals are. What do they want to get out of this
Tell how they use this product.
Summarize how their goals are met by this product.

2. Follow the first procedure for a few other familiar objects.
3. Ask students how this exercise can help them with their projects. Creating an identity of
the user helps the experience of designing something become more concrete. Without

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8A: User Profile (continued)
narrowly defining the user, a product that tries to please too many different types of
people will most likely fail.
4. Now ask students to consider their own projects and who they see as the typical user.
They should come up with a user scenario on their handouts.
Wrap Up
Students can share their user scenarios in small groups and get feedback from each other.

Have students read 8A Reading: Meet an Industrial Designer.

Follow With
Activity 8B: Sample Design Brief provides a model of how to draft a design brief.

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User Profile
Handout: Session 8, Activity A

In this activity, you will have an opportunity to consider how designers and engineers design
products for specific types of people. You will look at familiar objects and come up with user
scenarios, and then develop a user scenario for your idea. Do this in your design notebook.

Think about your product idea. Consider the following questions:
Who will use this product?
What is the person's gender? Age? Experience with this type of product?
Where will they use this product?
Why will they use this product?
What will they be doing to operate or use this product?

Now, using the above information, describe one person who will be the user. What are their
characteristics, and the scenario in which they will use the product? You may include a
drawing of the person using the product, if that helps.

What considerations will you need to keep in mind when you design the product to meet the
needs of the user?

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Meet an Industrial Designer
Reading: Session 8, Activity A

Dana Reinisch
Industrial Designer
ZIBA Design

Hi, my name is Dana Reinisch and I am a 32-year-old woman who grew up all over the United
States. We moved around the country a lot, and finally when I was in high school we settled in
southern California. I am an Industrial Designer at ZIBA Design.

My Job
I have worked as an Industrial Designer for four years at ZIBA Design, which is a product
development firm in Portland, Oregon. I have designed a wide range of products including
kitchen appliances, computer printers, medical products, and watches.

While growing up, I always had a strong interest in the arts (drawing, graphics, jewelry making)
and the sciences. In high school, I took a lot of classes in both these areas where I excel. I have
always looked at products very differently from my friends. I want to see how I can improve
them functionally and aesthetically. In college, I majored in fine arts with a minor in art history
and received a BA in fine arts from Lewis and Clark College. After college I applied to a product
design program at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. I attended school there
on the campus and for a semester at their campus in Switzerland. I completed two internships
and graduated with a BS in industrial design.

A Typical Day
My typical day really depends on what I am working on and where in the design process I am.
Some days I am brainstorming and sketching with other designers on new product concepts.
Other times I will be modeling products in 2-D and/or 3-D on the computer. I may also be
sanding foam or designing a hard model to physically represent my design ideas. In designing a
product, I typically work with the client and other disciplines in my company. Frequently we have
design reviews at ZIBA Design with just the design team. In presenting the design to the client, I
will create a presentation and story around each of the design concepts with images and word
call outs.

Favorite Things About Job
Working at a design consultancy, I get to work on a wide variety of projects. I have exposure to
many different companies and get to see how they work. Having worked on so many different

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8A Reading: Meet an Industrial Designer (continued)

products, I also understand different manufacturing processes from sheet metal bending,
injection molding to paper tube winding.

Advice to Young People
As far as advice goes, there seem to be many different routes a designer can take. You can
work for a consultancy that works on many types of products for large corporations, work for a
corporation designing one specific type of product, and/or design your own products. Industrial
design involves a lot of hard work, good sketching and visualization skills, and having an open
and creative mind.

About ZIBA Design
ZIBA Design is an international design firm that has designed products for many global
companies, including FedEx, Microsoft, Intel, Fujitsu, Black & Decker, Sony, Pioneer North
America, Dial, and Clorox. www.ziba.com*

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Session 8, Activity B
Sample Design Brief

Learn the contents of a design brief.

Students learn how to write their own design brief.

Group review of a sample design brief for a string bass hand holder allows students to study the
contents and purpose of a design brief before writing their own. Following a short introduction
on what a design brief is and what it does, students read the sample design brief. A group
discussion of each part of the brief assures that students understand what they will be preparing
in the next activity. They have time at the end to review their notes and share their plans for the
design brief with a partner.


Review 8B Handout: Sample Design Brief.


Design Brief
1. Introduce the activity as Step 4 in the design process, Draft a Design Brief. Explain that
they will be writing a design brief after studying a sample.
2. Describe what a design brief is and what it does.

What it is. A design brief is a short description of a design problem and a proposed
solution. It describes the typical users and their needs, and states a proposed solution in
terms of how it will solve the problem. A design brief includes a sketch or sketches of the
solution. The design brief provides a planning tool for the project and is a living
document that may be changed throughout the design process.

What it does. The design brief is a way to clarify the problem that the designer-engineer
is trying to solve. It doesn't provide a lot of detail about the solution but puts on paper the
thinking and research about the problem to solve. Often the act of writing and
communicating the problem and proposed solution helps the designer move along in the
design process. The design brief also serves to introduce the idea to others for
3. Have students read 8B Handout: Sample Design Brief.

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8B: Sample Design Brief (continued)
4. Review and discuss each section:
1. Describe the problem. This is a statement that focuses on what's wrong and not
working. Recall the features of a problem statement from 7B, Research and
Refine. A problem statement:
Begins with a clear, concise, well-supported statement of the problem to
be overcome.
Includes data collected during the survey/observation in order to better
illustrate the problem.
Establishes the importance and significance of this problem.

2. Describe how the current product is used. This provides a context for the
problem and explains any related solutions that resemble or relate to the problem
but have failed to address the problem.
3. Describe a typical user (user profile). This addresses who uses the product
and how their needs are or are not met. How will they benefit from a different
4. Propose a solution. This explains how the product will work, and how it solves
the problem. It describes the features.
5. Draw a sketch of the solution. This is a rough sketch and can include drawings
of different angles of the solution.
6. Describe the basic requirements that will best suit the proposed product.
This describes the quality (for example: flexible or sturdy), and the type of
materials (for example: metal or plastic).
5. Provide time and direction for students to review their work from Sessions 2 and 7,
thinking about their problem, the users' needs they hope to meet, and their idea(s) for a
6. Have them discuss their problem with a partner or a mentor and get feedback about
what they will write. They should make notes of words that help communicate their idea
with their partner. They should sketch a few views of their solution.
Wrap Up
Organize students for writing rough drafts of the design brief.

Follow With
Students write and present their own design brief in 8C: My Design Brief.

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Sample Design Brief
Handout: Session 8, Activity B

A Design Brief
What it is. A design brief is a short description of a design problem and a proposed solution. It
describes the typical users, the users' needs, and states a proposed solution in terms of how it
will solve the problem. A design brief includes a sketch or sketches of the solution. The design
brief provides a planning tool for the project. The design brief is a living document and may be
changed throughout the design process.

What it does. The design brief is a way to clarify the problem that the designer-engineer is
trying to solve. It doesn't provide a lot of detail about the solution but puts on paper the thinking
and research about the problem to solve. Often the act of writing and communicating the
problem and proposed solution helps the designer move along in the design process. The
design brief also serves to introduce the idea to others for feedback.

Erika was a Design and Discovery student. She has played the string bass for a few years and
remembers as a beginner struggling with keeping her fingers together. This is Erika's design
Sample Design Brief: Bass Space (patent pending)

1. Describe the problem. Write a statement that focuses on what's wrong and not
working. Recall the features of a problem statement:
Begins with a clear, concise, well-supported statement of the problem to be
Includes data collected during the survey/observation in order to better illustrate
the problem.
Establishes the importance and significance of this problem.

When people start playing the string bass, most beginners cannot hold their hand correctly,
preventing them from being able to play properly. As a string bass player, I have had
personal experience with this and have seen other beginner string bass players also
struggle with this.
2. Describe how the current product is used. Provide a context for the problem and
explain any related solutions that resemble or relate to the problem but have failed to
address the problem.

Currently, there is not a product for this. Sometimes, a string bass teacher may tell her
students to tape their fingers together.

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8B Handout: Sample and Design Brief (continued)
3. Describe a typical user (user profile). This addresses who uses the product and how
their needs are or are not met. How will they benefit from a different product?

A typical user is a beginning string bass player. They struggle with holding their hand
correctly and keeping their fingers in place. They will benefit from a product that helps
them keep their fingers and hands in the correct form to learn to play the string bass.
They will be much more comfortable and able to practice for longer periods of time.
4. Propose a solution. Describe how it will work, and how it solves the problem. Explain
the features.

I'm not sure what type of material I would use, but the Bass Space would allow the
player to keep her two middle fingers together and separate from her pointer finger and
pinky. It would be adjustable in size depending on the size of the person's hands.
5. Draw a quick sketch of your ideas. This is a rough sketch and can include drawings of
different angles of the solution.

6. Describe the basic requirements that will best suit the proposed product. For
example, this describes the quality (for example: flexible or sturdy), and the type of
materials (for example: metal or plastic.)

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8B Handout: Sample and Design Brief (continued)
The material needs to be stiff yet flexible to allow hand movement, it cannot break easily,
it has to be adjustable for different size hands, will need to slide on and off easily, must
be low on the fingers to allow the fingers to bend, must be cost efficient, must hold hand
correctly, and it must be comfortable.

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Session 8, Activity C
My Design Brief

Refine and describe a problem to solve and a proposed solution.

Each student introduces his or her idea by completing and presenting a design brief.

Students use this time to prepare a draft of the design brief and draw rough sketches in their
design journals. They write a final draft and draw sketches on the design brief handout or in
their journals. Each student uses the design brief to give a short presentation about the problem
and proposed idea.



1. Students work on their own design briefs.
2. Allow enough time for presentations and wrap up. Announce a deadline for the final draft
and sketches.
3. Students should plan a 2-minute presentation of their problem and the proposed
State the problem and describe the needs of the user.
Describe the solution.

Wrap Up
Have students reflect and write about: In what ways did writing my design brief help me with a

Follow With
Activity 8D: Mentor Matching allows students to consider the help they may need with their

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
My Design Brief
Handout: Session 8, Activity C

Writing your own design brief should help you clarify your ideas and think about them
systematically. This is a working document; it will be your road map as you develop your ideas.
Be sure to do this in your design notebook. First give your project a name.
1. Describe the problem. Write a statement that focuses on what's wrong and not
working. Recall the features of a problem statement:
Begins with a clear, concise, well-supported statement of the problem to be
Includes data collected during the survey/observation in order to better illustrate
the problem.
Establishes the importance and significance of this problem.

2. Describe how the current product is used. Provide a context for the problem and
explain any related solutions that resemble or relate to the problem but have failed to
address the problem.
3. Describe a typical user (user profile). This addresses who uses the product and how
their needs are or are not met. How will they benefit from a different product?
4. Propose a solution: Describe how it will work, and how it solves the problem. Explain
the features.
5. Draw a quick sketch of your ideas. This is a rough sketch and can include drawings of
different angles of the solution.
6. Describe the basic requirements that will best suit the proposed product. This
describes the quality (for example: flexible or sturdy), and the type of materials (for
example: metal or plastic).

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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Session 8, Activity D
Mentor Matching

To identify appropriate mentors for students.

Students establish what type of mentor would be most helpful to them and are matched with a

Because students may be doing some of their work on their individual projects outside Design
and Discovery time, having mentors can be invaluable. This activity allows students to consider
and articulate their needs so they can be matched with the most appropriate mentor.


Become familiar with the available mentors.

1. Explain to students that you are going to try to match them with a mentor who can help
them with their project since some of the work will be done on their own time.
2. Have them answer the questions on the Student Handout.
Wrap Up
Be sure to encourage students to speculate what their needs will be. Of course, their project
ideas and needs may change. Be sure to review the Mentor section in Implementation for tips
on mentor matching.

Follow With
Session 9, A Solution Taking Shape, gets students investigating their solution ideas.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Mentor Matching
Handout: Session 8, Activity D

To help you with the remainder of your project, you will be assigned a mentor. Please answer
the following questions so you can be matched with a suitable mentor.
1. Please describe your proposed project.
2. What sort of mentor do you feel would be helpful to you?
Describe qualifications and areas of expertise.
3. What can a mentor do to help you?

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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Session 9
A Solution Taking Shape
Thinking Creatively

This session involves online
research using computers with
Internet access. It is ideal for
each student to have his or her
own computer to use during
this session. If you do not have
access to computers, try to arrange a visit to the local library where
students can use computers. In this session, students plan out one of
their design solutions by following Steps 5 and 6 of the design

The first activity of this session, 9A: Invitation to Invent, exposes
students to inventors and inventions throughout history, to see how
others applied creative thinking to solve problems. In the second
activity 9B: Patents, students use the U.S. government's official
patent Web site to dig into the world of patents, looking for products
that might be similar to their idea. This helps them refine their
solution. In the third activity, students visit the Web site, HowStuffWorks, which provides them
with online tutorials about the inner workings of things.

The Home Improvement activity, Project Analysis, provides students with guiding questions
and encourages them to talk to others about their project idea before making a final decision
about their solution.

Computer with Internet connections
Optional: Parts Catalogs

In This Session:

A) Invitation to Invent
- Student Handout

B) Patents
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

C) HowStuff Works
- Student Handout

Home Improvement
- Student Handout

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A Solution Taking Shape
Key Concepts: Session 9

In Session 9, students concentrate on the improvement and refinement of their design solutions
by gathering information about inventors and inventions through the research of patents. The
session concentrates on the improvement and refinement of students' design solutions by
gathering information about inventors and inventions. The use of the Internet is critical in making
this research process effective. As students begin to explore the development of inventions on
various Web sites, they may think of new ideas that will further refine their design solutions. Key
to this session is the idea that designers and inventors take many different approaches to
solving problems, and the result is a wide variety of design solutions.

Key Concepts
A patent is granted to the inventor by a country's government, and it gives the inventor the right
to make, use, and sell an invention for a set period of time. In the United States, this time period
is up to 20 years from the date the patent application is filed. Patents cannot be renewed. They
may be extended through a special act of Congress under certain circumstances. You can
search patents at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office www.uspto.gov* to see if an invention
has already been patented by someone else.

Gaining a patent can be a costly and involved process. A patent attorney or agent is often
sought out when applying for a patent, due to the complexity of the procedure. A patent
application needs to be completed and submitted to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. A
patent application consists of several parts: (1) the abstract; (2) the specification; (3) the claims;
and (4) drawings. A brief abstract summarizes the invention. The specification describes the
method and process of making and using the invention. Claims conclude the specification
section and legally define the boundaries of patents. The claims describe any unique features of
the invention that need to be protected. The final piece of the patent application is drawings
which illustrate the invention.

Trademarks protect words, names, symbols, sounds, or colors that identify goods and services
from those sold by others. Trademarks can be renewed indefinitely. Some trademark owners
use a TM (trademark) or SM (service mark) symbol to indicate that they are claiming rights to
the use of the trademark. The Nikeswoosh is a familiar trademark symbol. The designation
is used once a trademark is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Copyrights provide the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or license original
writing, music, and works of art. Copyright covers the expression of ideas and not the idea itself.

More Information on Patents and Inventions
Kid Primer, www.uspto.gov/go/kids/kidprimer.html*
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office publishes a Web site for kids, and it offers a great
question-and-answer section on patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

Enchanted Learning, www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/us.shtml*
This site proudly depicts U.S. and Canadian inventors and inventions categorized by time
period, type of invention (food, science/industry, medicine, etc.).

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Key Concepts: Session 9 (continued)

The Great Idea Finder, www.ideafinder.com/history/of_inventions.htm*
Investigate invention facts and myths at this site.

The Lemelson Center, http://invention.smithsonian.org/home/*
This site is an exploration of the world of invention. Explore the playful side of invention with
virtual exhibits and tools.

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Session 9, Activity A
Invitation to Invent

To "think outside the box" for creative solutions to problems.

Students gain insight into the creative thinking process and apply these insights to their design.

Students develop the ability to think beyond the obvious by exploring invention Web sites for
inspiration and ideas for their own projects.

Computers with Internet connections

Ideally, each student will work on his or her own computer. Students can work effectively in
pairs but need to take turns at the keyboard and mouse. Another option with limited computer
access is to rotate students into the computer area and provide reading and discussion activities
using printed materials from the patent and invention Web sites.

If no computers are available, you may print out the suggested examples from each Web site.

Thinking Outside the Box
1. Do a quick exercise to get kids to "think outside the box." Try this exercise: Ask students
what half of 15 is. Most likely they will say 7 1/2 or 7.5.
2. Encourage them to think about it in new ways and ask again, "What is half of 15?" You
may want to model an answer such as "1 and 5"; write "fifteen" on the board and erase
the lower half; separate fifteen by writing "fif" and "teen"; or the Roman numerals X and
V; or say "siete y media" which is "7 and 1/2" in Spanish; and so on.
3. Ask the students, "Remember back when we started how you thought there were only a
couple of answers to the question 'What is half of 15?' Well, now you know, there's
always another answer!"
Simple Inventions That Changed Lives
1. Students may find inspiration at the Rolex* Awards for Enterprise Web site,
2. Show them Inventions under Special Features.

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9A: Invitation to Invent (continued)
3. View a couple of the examples of the simple but effective solutions to problems. Discuss
the inventions and what makes them successful.
4. Emphasize that students do not need to come up with complex solutions; sometimes the
simpler, the better.
Why Didn't I Think Of That?

Give students a little time to explore others' inventions and how they came to be.
1. Direct them to National Inventors Hall of Fame, www.invent.org/index.asp *.
2. Have students view a timeline of inventions, www.cbc.ca/kids/general/the-lab/history-of-
invention/default.html* and look for trends in inventions. Discuss: What kinds of things
were invented first? Most recently? How does history affect inventions?
Wrap Up
Discuss what they learned about execution of an invention plan.

Follow With
In the next activity, 9B: Patents, students access the U.S. Patent Web site to identify and learn
from similar design solutions to their own.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Invitation to Invent
Handout: Session 9, Activity A

Have you ever thought about who invented bubble gum and how? In this activity, you will have
some time to peruse others' inventions and learn about what inspired them. Let their inventions
inspire the creative thinker in you!

Simple Inventions That Changed Lives
1. Go to the Rolex* Awards for Enterprise Web site, www.rolexawards.com/*.
2. Click on Inventions under Special Features.
3. Look at a couple of the examples of the simple but effective solutions to problems.
4. What makes these inventions successful?
More Inventions
1. Go to National Inventors Hall of Fame*, www.invent.org/index.asp*.
a. In the upper left-hand corner, move your cursor to Hall of Fame (in light gray
b. Underneath Hall of Fame, click on Invention Channels.
c. Notice that you can choose from the following categories: computer;
communications, agriculture, electricity, chemistry, imaging, medical, industrial,
and Nobel Prize Winners.
d. Click on Chemistry.
e. Notice that within this category there are various inventions to choose from. Click
on Kevlar.
f. You find that Kevlar* was invented by Stephanie Louise Kwolek. Remember her?
g. Repeat this procedure for other categories and inventions. Check out the
Imaging category and click on multiplane camera: Who was the inventor?
2. Select one invention that interests you and read about how it was invented. On the
National Inventors Hall of Fame, you will need to select the Invention Channels, and
then choose a category. Consider the following:
a. What is the invention?
b. Was the invention accidental or intentional?

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9A Handout: Invitation to Invent (continued)
c. What problem was the inventor trying to solve?
d. Was it an adaptation of something already invented or something completely
e. What kinds of things did the inventor need to know about or learn about when
developing the invention?
f. What was the impact of the invention?
g. What other inventions can you think of that have been adapted from this
invention? How are they improvements?
3. Now view a timeline of inventions, www.cbc.ca/kids/general/the-lab/history-of-
invention/default.html* and look for trends in inventions.
a. What kinds of things were invented first?
b. Most recently?
c. How does history effect inventions?

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Session 9, Activity B

Use research on similar design solutions to refine ideas.

Solutions are further refined or revised after research.

In this activity, students explore the U.S. Patent Web site (or choose a patent office for your
country) to find and learn from patents similar to their idea.

Computers with Internet connections

Ideally, each student will have a computer to work on for this activity. If computers are not
available, you may print out suggested examples of patents from the Web site.

Patent Scavenger Hunt
1. Introduce patents by having students go on a short scavenger hunt around the room.
Have them look at manufactured objects (furnishings, electronic devices, appliances) in
the room and see if they have a manufacturer's label on them with a patent number (or
the words Patent Pending.)
2. Discuss the purpose of patents. At the very basic level, according to the U.S. Patent
Office, "A patent is a grant issued by the U.S. government giving inventors the right to
exclude all others from making, using, or selling their inventions within the United States,
its territories, and possessions." The patent system protects inventors and records new
Patent Search for an Idea or a Problem
1. A patent search can provide useful information at any point in the design process. It can
be used to see if someone else has had the same idea or a similar idea and to get ideas
to enhance one's design.
2. Begin by having students learn how to search the U.S. Patent and Trademark Web site,
www.uspto.gov*. (Note: This site may load slowly.) For non-U.S. students, find the
patent office for your country from the Worldwide Patent offices Web site,
3. Explain that students can use the patent site to search the problem that they are
addressing to see what solutions others came up with for the problem, or they can

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9B: Patents (continued)
search their solution to see if there are similar solutions to theirs. Show how to conduct a
4. First, choose a problem, such as toothpaste getting all over everything when it is used.
Ask students what key words they would search with for this problem (for example,
"messy" and "toothpaste"). Conduct a search, and choose a sample patent to explain
the information on the patent. Now, ask how they would conduct a search for this
problem by a product, for example, someone might come up with a toothpaste cap that
makes less of a mess. Search "toothpaste" and "cap" and see what patents exist.
Discuss how this search would help someone designing a new type of toothpaste cap.
5. Note: If you do not have computer access for all students, it is suggested that you print a
few examples of patents (the first page) and the images.
Patent Search for Your Design Solutions
1. Now that students are familiar with how to do a patent search, they can conduct a
search for their own design solutions. This process helps them to see if anyone else
thought of an idea like theirs, and if so, how those solutions are similar to or different
from their ideas.
2. To begin, they will need to come up with key words to search. Help students come up
with key words for their own search.
3. Once they conduct a search and find the results, they can explore each separate patent
to find out about other inventors' approaches to problems and see that there are quite a
variety of engineering solutions, materials, and design ideas for the same problem!
4. As they conduct the search, they should ask themselves the following questions:
a. How do other inventors view the nature of the problem?
b. In looking at the various patents that are similar, are the inventors designing for
the same "user"? How do the different solutions show that inventors may
consider different aspects of a user's life, environment, and behaviors?
c. What materials have other inventors used to address the problem?
d. What do other inventors' sketches/designs look like? What are the
similarities/differences in the design solutions?
e. What components have other people used? Have they considered similar or very
different components for their design solutions? Have they used the same
essential components but arranged them in a different way? Do different parts of
the various inventions captivate you?

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9B: Patents (continued)
f. How can you recombine their ideas to improve on the solution to the original
5. Students may find themselves stimulated by the ideas on the patent site. They may want
to use others' ideas to improve upon their own design ideas and solutions. Encourage
them to mingle their ideas and see what new and creative ideas they can come up with.
6. Students should not get discouraged if they find a patent of a similar idea to their design
solution. Remind them that many patents are never made and that there are often slight
differences in designs that seem similar.
Wrap Up
Students should be keeping detailed records in their design notebooks; be sure that they record
any changes and additions throughout the process and date everything!

Have students read 9B Reading: Meet a Student Engineer.

Follow With
Next, students explore How Stuff Works by visiting a Web site.

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Handout: Session 9, Activity B

In this activity, you will become familiar with the U.S. Patent Web site (or the patent site for your
country) and find inventions that are similar to your own ideas. Many times another solution can
help you refine your own ideas.

Patent Search for a Problem or Idea

Go to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Web site, www.uspto.gov*.
1. We'll practice with the example of finding other solutions to the toothpaste problem. Click
on Patents.
2. Click on Search, under Patents on the left side of the Web site.
3. Under Issued Patent, click on Quick Search.
4. Come up with key words to search. For example, in term 1, enter toothpaste, and in term
2 enter cap, and click on Search.
5. Your results: Notice the different patent titles that address toothpaste caps.
6. If you click on one of these, you'll find information about that patent design. Click on
images at the bottom to see sketches of the idea. Explore each separate patent to find
out about other inventors' approaches to problems and see that there are quite a variety
of engineering solutions, materials, and design ideas to the same problem!
Patent Search for Your Design Solutions
1. Now that you are familiar with how to do a patent search, you can use the patent site for
your own research on design solutions. This process will help you see if anyone else
thought of an idea like yours, and if so, how those solutions are similar to or different
from your ideas. It should also help you plan your solution. Here's how to do a search:
a. Decide if you are going to conduct your search by the problem or solution.
b. Come up with key words to search.
c. Once you have some results, explore each separate patent to find out about
other inventors' approaches to problems and see that there are quite a variety of
engineering solutions, materials, and design ideas to the same problem!
d. As you conduct the search, ask yourself the following questions:
How do other inventors view the nature of the problem?

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9B Handout: Patents (continued)

In looking at the various patents that are similar, are the inventors
designing for the same "user"? How do the different solutions show that
inventors may consider different aspects of a user's life, environment,
and behaviors?
What materials have other inventors used to address the problem?
What do other inventors' sketches/designs look like? What are the
similarities/differences in the design solutions?
What components have other people used? Have they considered
similar or very different components for their design solutions? Have
they used the same essential components but arranged them in a
different way?
Do different parts of the various inventions captivate you? How can you
recombine their ideas to improve on the solution to the original problem?

2. In your design notebook, describe any revisions on new ideas you have for your solution
based on the patent site research.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Meet a Student Engineer
Reading: Session 9, Activity B

Ryan Patterson: " All Technology Should Be Assistive"
While he was still in high school, Ryan Patterson invented an electronic device to improve the
lives of deaf and hearing-impaired people. His Sign Language Translator uses a golf glove
equipped with wireless microprocessor circuitry to translate American Sign Language into letters
that can be read on a small, portable handheld display screen, eliminating the need for a human

Patterson says the idea came to him when he was watching a
group of deaf people try to place an order at a fast-food
restaurant. They needed an interpreter to translate American
Sign Language so that the restaurant staff could understand
them. Patterson saw an opportunity to harness technology to
solve a communications challenge. "All technology should be
assistive, if it's worth anything," he believes.

To make his idea work, Patterson embarked on a research
and engineering project that required learning several
computer programming languages and overcoming technical
challenges that sometimes "felt like I was hitting a concrete

It's all been worth the effort, he says. The invention earned
Patterson top honors and generous college scholarships at
prestigious science fairs, including the Intel International
Science and Engineering Fair in 2001 and the Intel Science
Talent Search in 2002. It also catapulted him into the media
spotlight, including coverage in People Magazine, interviews with CNN, and a spot in the
National Gallery for America's Young Inventors.

Currently an engineering student at the University of Colorado, Patterson continues using
problem-solving strategies to solve new challenges and engineer new products. As an
undergraduate, he has his own research laboratory outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment. "I
feel like the luckiest person in the world," he says.

An Early Start
Patterson's interest in engineering goes way back. As a toddler, his favorite toys were extension
cords and screwdrivers. By elementary school, he was asking questions about electricity that
stumped his parents and teachers. A teacher recruited J ohn McConnell, a retired particle
physicist, to mentor the inquisitive young student. For the next seven years, the two spent
nearly every Saturday working together in the mentor's workshop on projects that involved
electronics and other technical fields.

For Patterson, those early experiences "helped me get a foundation in science." His mentor
introduced him to technical concepts through hands-on activities, such as building robots and

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9B Reading: Meet a Student Engineer (continued)

wiring electronic circuitry. McConnell was also modeling what it means to be a scientist,
engaged in the process of asking questions and seeking answers.

By high school, Patterson was ready to work independently on his own research projects. His
mentor was still there as a sounding board and supporter. For example, Patterson faced a host
of technical challenges in making his glove device work. His mentor "taught me what a scientist
does when he gets stuck: He researches, reads books, and consults experts. J ohn taught me I
could email experts, like the people who make chips or circuit boards, and ask them my
technical questions. I went through the same cycle that a professional engineer would do."

One quality came instinctively, says the mentor. "Ryan has the tenacity to dig and dig and dig."
McConnell says he could see that drive in the student the first time they met. "You could see he
had that focus, that intensity. I said to myself, 'Wow! This kid is extraordinary.' I realized I had to
do something to encourage him."

Value of Patience
As he has pursued college studies in engineering, Patterson has also come to appreciate the
importance of patience. "It can take years of development before an idea is available for people
to use," he says.

For now, work on his Sign Language Translator is on hold while Patterson tackles other
problems. A current research project involves using a handheld device to assist persons with
cognitive disabilities, such as brain damage, function more easily in daily life. "This could lead to
an assistive technology that helps a person understand where he is, instead of having to rely on
a caregiver," he explains.

What keeps Patterson motivated, whether he's studying for a tough engineering class or
working on his next invention? "You do it for the love of it," he says simply. "Once you get a past
a challenge, your confidence grows. It's just like being a mountain climber. Why do they keep at
it? It's the same kind of thing for me."

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

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Session 9, Activity C
How Stuff Works

Begin planning the development of the design project.

Develop an initial idea of how to proceed on the design project.

Students should now have their design solutions narrowed and begin thinking about how they
are going to create their product. This activity will help them to begin to think about the systems,
subsystems, parts, and components of their design. Using the Web site, HowStuffWorks,
students learn about the parts and components of things. In an extension activity, they also
examine parts catalogs that they might need.

Computers with Internet connections
Optional: Parts catalogs


Sample Search on HowStuffWorks
1. Introduce junior engineers to HowStuffWorks*, www.howstuffworks.com*. Explain that
this Web site can help them understand how to make their idea happen, to get from
"think" to "thing".
2. Walk them through an example of a mechanical toy using directions on their handout.
Your Own Search on HowStuffWorks
1. Students should now see that their pursuit of knowledge can be endless. Or, they can
read what they need to know about torque or gears and get back to their own designs!
2. Before conducting a search, students should ask themselves the following questions:
What is my design similar to?
What are the different parts of my design?

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9C: How Stuff Works (continued)
3. To conduct a search that will help them with their own designs, they can do the
If it is an adaptation to an existing product, search for the product. Learn about
how the product is made, including the systems, components, and materials.
Search for a similar product and see how that is made.
If they are planning to make a change to a particular part of a product, search
for the part (such as gears in the example) to learn more about that part.
4. Instruct them to search the site to learn more about how they might go about developing
their design.
Optional Extension: Parts
1. Bring in some parts catalogs.
2. Have the students spend some time looking through the catalogs and identifying what
parts are available for their designs. They can begin to generate a list of materials for
their project.
Wrap Up
In small groups, students can share their ideas for design solutions and get feedback from one
another. They should revisit their design brief and make notes and any changes necessary.

Introduce the Home Improvement activity, Project Analysis, where students carefully examine
their solution ideas.

Follow With
In Session 10, Bicycle Breakdown: Systems, Components, and Parts, students learn more
about parts and components as they meddle with bicycles.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
How Stuff Works
Handout: Session 9, Activity C

In this activity, you will begin to plan the development process of your design. The Web site,
HowStuffWorks*, can help you learn about how things are made.

Sample Search on HowStuffWorks
1. Go to http://www.howstuffworks.com*.
2. Go directly to the left side of the page where it says Explore Stuff.
3. Let's say you want to build a mechanical toy, and that the toy will need wheels and
gears, but at this point you know little about them.
4. Type gear into the Search field.
5. Notice that HowStuffWorks gives you results from the Web and from HowStuffWorks.
For this activity, we will use results from HowStuffWorks.
6. At the bottom of the page, click on Next... and keep clicking on Next. You have a lot of
7. Perhaps you should narrow your search. But before you do, look through some of the
results; the perfect link may be right on the first page, as the best matches to your
search term are listed first. Even on the first page, you have quite a choice: How
Bicycles Work; How Gears Work; How Gear Ratios Work...
8. Click on How Gears Work.
9. Notice the terms gear reduction, power, and torque link to more information. The
amazing thing about the HowStuffWorks Web site is that you can delve as deeply as you
wish into a subject area. Before you click on the next link, however, go to the end of this
article and notice the Table of Contents area. You can click on a link related to How
Gears Work and investigate the Basics; Spur Gears, Helical Gears, Bevel Gears...
10. Go back and click on torque.
11. What do you find here? Everything you may have wanted to know about torque,
complete with illustrations. But if not, go to the end of the article and see the links.
Your Own Search on HowStuffWorks
1. Before conducting a search, ask yourself the following questions:
What is my design similar to?
What are the different systems or components of my design?

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9C Handout: How Stuff Works (continued)
2. To conduct a search that will help you with your own design, do the following:
If it is an adaptation to an existing product, search for the product. Learn about
how the product is made: the systems, components, and materials.
Search for a similar product and see how that is made.
If you are planning to make a change to a particular part of a product, search for
the part (such as gears in the example) to learn more about that part.
3. Search the site to learn more about how you might go about developing your design.
4. Remember to take good notes in your design notebooks. Record keeping is very
important in this process!

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Project Analysis
Home Improvement: Session 9

To carefully examine solution ideas.

Students review their solution and consider the feasibility from different angles such as safety,
cost, and durability. They get feedback from other people about their solution.

Before Going Home
Tell students that they need to carefully examine their solution before proceeding to the next
steps. They should be sure that their solution is feasible. It is not too late to revisit the other
problems and/or solutions from the earlier sessions if they come across stumbling blocks.
Encourage them to talk to as many people as possible about their idea. They will need to do
testing throughout their project development to ensure that their project is safe, durable, and
works the way they want it to.

Next Day
Students should be prepared to check in with the leader before moving ahead.

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Project Analysis
Handout: Session 9, Home Improvement

Now that you have narrowed your design solution, you are ready for the second part of Step 5
of the design process: Refine Your Solution. Analyze the solution for cost, safety, and
practicality. Give your design project more thought and answer the following questions about
your design solution. You will need to do testing throughout your project development to ensure
that your project is safe, durable, and works the way you want it to. Respond to the following
questions in your design notebook.
1. Is my idea practical? If so, how?
2. Can it be made easily? How?
3. Is it as simple as possible? Explain.
4. Is it safe? How?
5. Is my product durable? Will it withstand use, or will it break easily? Explain.
6. Will it cost too much to make or use? Explain.
7. Is my idea really new? Explain.
8. Is my idea similar to something else? Explain.
9. Will people really use my product? How?
Now, survey your friends and family using these same questions and see what they think about
your idea.

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Design and Discovery
Making, Modeling,
and Materializing

These sessions prepare students for making a model of their design
idea. In Session 10: Bicycle Breakdown: Systems, Components, and
Parts, the bicycle is used as an example for helping students think
about the systems in a product and how to identify the systems,
components, and parts of their own project ideas. In Session 11:
Design Requirements and Drawings, students develop design
requirements for their projects and draw their ideas in order to help
them plan their models. Session 12: Planning for Models and Tests,
further prepares students for building their models as they think
through materials and consider the principles of collapsibility. Session
13: Making It! Models, Trials, and Tests is a model-making working

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Session 10
Bicycle Breakdown:
Systems, Components and Parts
Making, Modeling, and Materializing

This session uses the
mechanisms of a bicycle to help
students think about the
systems in a product that must
be designed. It offers student
engineers a strategy for tackling a complex solution that they might
have in mind. It provides practice with breaking big ideas into
manageable, designable parts by identifying systems and/or
components that need design and engineering. This session requires
either a field trip to a bike shop or assistance from adult bicycle
enthusiasts among the leaders, parents, mentors, or other
volunteers. If a field trip is not possible, then you will need to have students bring in bicycles for
demonstration and study.

In the first activity, 10A: Systems and Synergy, students learn the difference between systems,
components, and parts as they identify them on a bicycle. The second activity, 10B: Sum of the
Parts, involves a field trip to a bike store or a demonstration on a bicycle's systems,
components, and parts.

8-10 bicycles and tricycles of different kinds, shapes, and sizes (brought by the
students and mentors)
Additional specialty bicycles (recumbent, folding or collapsible, track and racing bikes,
BMX freestyle, fat tire coaster bikes)
Bike repair stands (to raise and support bikes off the floor for study)
Bicycle parts, 1 or 2 examples of each system or a few parts in each system:
1. Drive systems: pedals, cranksets (crank and chainwheel), chains, axles, wheels
2. Steering system: handlebars, front wheel, headset bearings
3. Brake systems: brake levers, cables, and calipers (attached as a system)
In This Session:

A) Systems and Synergy
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

B) Sumof the Parts
- Student Handout

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Session 10, Bicycle Breakdown: Systems, Components, and Parts (continued)

4. Structural system parts:
Frames: without any components attachedany size, style
Wheels: different sizes and designs (some missing spokes or out of true
is fine)
Handlebars: downswept and straight
Seats (or saddles): different shapes and designs

Markers (highlighters) of different colors
Old rags or paper towels for wiping grease and dirt off hands and bikes
Optional: Erector* set (toy construction set)

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Bicycle Breakdown: Systems Components and Parts
Key Concepts: Session 10

Students begin planning the development of their design solutions by first looking at how
designed objects can be broken down into systems, components, and parts. In Session 10,
students look at a familiar objectthe bicyclein order to understand how this process
happens. Students get hands-on experience with bicycle systems either by visiting a bike shop
or by bringing experts in to demonstrate the systems.

Key Concepts
Designed things can be deceiving. At first glance, they can appear functional and seem so
simple to use. But being simple to use does not necessarily mean something is easy to
engineer. An important skill is the ability to analyze, to break a design solution into the smaller
systems, subsystems, components, and parts that work together to make a functioning product.
A valuable design step is having students look at devices as systems and start asking and
answering questionsWhat are the subsystems that make up the my design? What kinds of
components and parts will I need to design to build the system as a whole?

Systems are important to engineering and design. They make the design and production
processes much easier. Imagine if you had to design a Boeing 777 airplane, a huge and
complex task. However, the task becomes more manageable if the Boeing 777 system is
divided into subsystems and then further into components and parts. One team might be
assigned to design the wing system, another team of engineers designs the landing gear
system, another team designs the fuselage system, and so on.

A mechanical system is made up of subsystems, components, and parts that connect to
perform a function. Help your students understand these terms:
System: A group of related subsystems or components that form a whole
functioning device.
Subsystem: A system of components and parts that is part of a larger system.
Component: A group of parts that work together that perform a specific function
in a system or subsystem.
Part: The smallest piece of a design.
In the case of mechanical systems, the boundaries between a system, subsystem, component,
and part are relative and are determined by the complexity of the starting system. Think about
using the brakes on a bikethe braking subsystem of the bicycle system. There are several
components (each with parts) that make up the brake subsystem. On most bikes today, you
stop by grasping brake levers. The lever is a component that has parts to attach to the frame
and other parts that connect to cables that move as you pull. As cables are pulled, the brake
arm component has parts that squeeze together on brake shoe parts that grip on the wheel and
slow it down.

In the case of a simpler device, a flip-top toothpaste cap, the system could be the toothpaste
dispenser. A subsystem is the cap. There is no real separation between the final part or
component, the hinged cap.

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Key Concepts: Session 10 (continued)

More About Systems
The American Association of the Advancement of Science states the following science literacy
benchmarks in its Project 2061 (www.project2061.org/tools/benchol/ch11/ch11.htm*): "By the
end of the 8th grade, eighth grade, students should know that
"A system can include processes as well as things.
"Thinking about things as systems means looking for how every part relates to others.
"Any system is usually connected to other systems, both internally and externally. Thus
a system may be thought of as containing subsystems and as being a subsystem of a
larger system."

Exploratorium Science of Cycling, www.exploratorium.edu/cycling/index.html*
At this site, explore the wheel, drivers and gears, frames and materials, braking and steering,
aerodynamics, and human power.

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Session 10, Activity A
Systems and Synergy

Learn about analyzing a complex product for its designed systems and components.

Students understand the difference between systems, components, parts, and connections that
make up designed products.

Following a warm-up activity about what the students already know about bicycles, students
discuss a short reading about bicycles and compare the systems, components, and parts of a
bicycle to other "wholes."

Markers (highlighters) of different colors

1. In advance, send home information or announce that students should bring or ride
bicycles to this sessionone bike for every two to four students will work. Let them know
that you are interested in a variety of bikes: all sizes, types, state of repair, etc. Ask for or
send home information requesting help to locate bike enthusiasts to help out with this
session. Ask for any parts on the materials list.
2. Get familiar with bicycles, the history of their development, and how they work:
The Exploratorium: www.exploratorium.edu/cycling/index.html*
HowStuffWorks: www.howstuffworks.com/bicycle.htm*
The Pedaling History Museum: www.pedalinghistory.com*
Debrief Home Improvement
1. Check in with student's progress on the Home Improvement for Session 9, Project
2. Discuss how students will test their projects. Have them share their ideas with the group.

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10A: Systems and Synergy (continued)

Bicycle Brainstorm
1. Warm up with a 15-minute discussion to collect what the group knows about bicycles in
two areas. Write questions on flip chart paper or the board and add responses:
What do we know about what bicycles do?
What do we know about bicycle parts?
What do we know about what makes bicycles work?

2. Conduct this as a brainstormanything that anyone knows is fair game. The goal is to
get students thinking about bicycles. Save the responses for the wrap up to the next
activity, 10B: Sum Of the Parts.
Systems, Components, and Parts
1. Introduce the purpose of the activity: To analyze a designed product and separate it into
systems and components, and practice with a strategy for breaking complex solutions
into manageable, designable parts by identifying systems and/or components that need
design and engineering.
2. Have students read 10A Reading: What's a System? Take turns reading aloud. Discuss
and share understanding about the difference between systems, components, and parts
in other contexts:
Analyze systems in another means of transportation such as a car or boat.
Analyze systems in a different context: For example, a house and the systems it
has, such as plumbing or heating. Try analyzing a non-mechanical context such
the body and its systems (skeletal, circulatory, and digestive systems).

Bicycle Systems, Components, and Parts
1. Using the chart on the handout and any bicycle systems, components, and parts that
you have, explain the chart.
2. Once they have an understanding for systems, components, and parts, students should
color code the systems of the bicycle on their handout.
Wrap Up
Call students' attention to the definition of synergy at the top of the reading. Ask them: What
does this mean in relation to a bicycle? In relation to a design team?

Follow With
The activity 10B: Sum Of the Parts gives students a hands-on exploration and study of four
bicycle systems.

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Systems and Synergy
Handout: Session 10, Activity A

Sample Title
The bicycle can be organized into four major systems (see table below). Sometimes a bigger
system is made up of smaller systems, or subsystems. Systems can also share the same
components. For example, every system listed below makes use of the wheels.

A bicycle has four major systems:
Major System Purpose Example Components
1. Drive System Power you along efficiently under your
own steam
Pedals, chain, gears, wheels,
transmission subsystem
a. Transmission Subsystem Shift gears and allow you to adjust for
changes in terrain
Gear shifter, cables, derailleur,
derailleur gears, hub gears
2. Braking System Make the bicycle stop reliably at a
moment's notice
Wheels, caliper brake subsystem, or
coaster brake subsystem
a. Caliper Brake Subsystem Apply pressure to rim of tire Brake lever, cables, caliper arms,
brake pads
3. Steering System Turn the bicycle Handlebars, stem, wheels, frame
4. Structural System Support and connect you and the other
systems together during operation
Frame, handlebars, wheels,
suspension subsystem
a. Suspension Subsystem Allow wheels to move up and down to
absorb bumps in a road
Shock absorber with spring and
damper parts

Using the diagram below, highlight the different systems. Each system should be one color
include a color key.

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Whats a System?
Reading: Session 10, Activity A

System: A group of related subsystems or components that form a whole functioning device.

Synergy: The combined power of a group of things when they are working together which is
greater than the total power achieved by each working separately.

Important problems often have very simple solutions. But what is simple? A solution may be
very elegant and seem obvious until you start to examine how to make it. Designed things can
be deceiving. At first glance, they are so functional and seem so simple to use. But being
simple to use does not necessarily mean it is easy to engineer. A very important skill is the
ability to analyze, to break down your design solution into the smaller systems and
components that work together to make a functioning product. It will help you to think about
systems within your product as you design and create a prototype.

Systems are very important to engineering and design. They make the design process much
easier. Imagine if you had to design a Boeing 777 airplane, a huge and complex task.
However, the task becomes more manageable if you were on a team to design the wing
system, another team of engineers designs the landing gear system, another team designs the
fuselage system, etc.

Are Bicycles Simple?
Bicycles are everywhere; they are so familiar you almost take them for granted, right? Most of
us have ridden bicycles or tricycles. It's pretty easy to think about different things you expect a
bicycle to do. Take a minute to analyze how you use a bicycle: You sit on it comfortably, make
it go, you make it stop, you make it go fast on flat places, and you make it go up steep hills. In
many ways bikes seem so simple. Yet each of these things that you expect a bicycle to do
requires a different system. Each system has essential components, and each component may
be made of several parts.

What Makes a System?
A mechanical system is made up of components and parts that connect to perform a function.
Think about using the brakes on a bike. There are several components (each with parts) that
make up the brake system. On most bikes today, you stop by grasping brake levers that have
parts to attach the levers to the frame and other parts that connect them to cables that move
as you pull. As cables are pulled, brake arms squeeze together on brake shoes that grip on the
wheel and slow it down.

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Session 10, Activity B
Sum of the Parts

Learn about the mechanisms of four bicycle systems: Study the components, the parts, and
connections for each.

Students identify and distinguish systems (drive, braking, steering, and structural) and
components (frame, wheels, and seats) in a bike.

During a field trip to a bike shop or on-site with students' own bikes and loaned parts, students
study four systems on a bicycle: power, braking, steering, and structural. They isolate and
observe the operation of each system. They also study examples of individual components and
parts removed from the bicycle in a rotation through "study stations" organized around the four

8-10 bicycles and tricycles of different kinds, shapes, and sizes (brought by the
students and mentors)
Additional specialty bicycles (recumbent, folding or collapsible, track and racing bikes,
BMX freestyle, fat tire coaster bikes)
Bike repair stands (to raise and support bikes off the floor for study)
Bicycle parts, 1 or 2 examples of each system or a few parts in each system:
1. Drive systems: pedals, cranksets (crank and chainwheel), chains, axles, wheels
2. Steering system: handlebars, front wheel, headset bearings
3. Brake systems: brake levers, cables, and calipers (attached as a system)
4. Structural system parts:
Frames: without any components attachedany size, style
Wheels: different sizes and designs (some missing spokes or out of true is
Handlebars: downswept and straight
Seats (or saddles): different shapes and designs

Old rags or paper towels for wiping grease and dirt off hands and bikes
Optional: Erector* set (toy construction set)

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10B: Sum of the Parts (continued)

1. Set up an outside location where the bike study will take place.
2. Gather all bike materials. Arrange for four facilitators to lead bicycle systems "study
stations" among the bicycle enthusiasts who are willing to help (parents, mentors,
3. Send guest facilitators copies of the session materials. Have them be prepared to
facilitate a short hands-on demonstration/experience of the components and parts for
the system at their "study station" of a system: drive, braking, steering, and structural
4. Organize placement of bikes and parts for hands-on study of systems, components, and
parts. Set up workspace for:
Bike systems study: teams of two to three students to study four systems on
one bike
Components and parts study: "study stations" of components and parts grouped
by each of the four systems
Specialty bicycle study: recumbent, racing or track, folding, coaster, BMX, and

Optional: Bike Shop Field Trip
As an option to having students bring bicycles, it may be easier to arrange a field trip to a
bicycle shop where students can study bike systems, components, and parts as outlined in the
procedures. If this is possible, be sure to familiarize the bike shop manager with the purpose of
the field trip. Meet together and plan the experience ahead of time together.

Examining Bicycles
1. Have students read the handout and get organized for studying the bicycles.
2. Divide students into teams to examine and observe the mechanisms (components,
parts, and connections) for four systems on the available bicycles. If bicycle stands are
not available, demonstrate how to turn the bike over and with one person supporting it
so that the wheels turn freely during the observations. Or, with smaller bikes
demonstrate how to be a human bike stand: Hold the rear tire off the ground by
straddling the rear tire and raising the bike with the seat. Hold on firmly.
3. Rotate teams to each study station to examine and operate components and parts. Have
students jot down notes about how parts connect and work together in each system.
Their notes may be sketches.

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10B: Sum of the Parts (continued)
4. In a whole group, have a rider demonstrate each specialty bike. Have students identify
each of the systems.
Optional: Erector Set Vehicles
In the classroom, students can use Erector sets for hands-on construction and application of
systems. Ask students to build model vehicles (cars, scooter, bicycles, and so forth) to
demonstrate their understanding of systems

Wrap Up
Return to the classroom and revisit the three lists that were generated during the 10A: Systems
and Synergy activity. Ask, what do we know about what bicycles do? What do we know about
bicycle parts? What do we know about what makes bicycles work?

Ask students to share or write about new understanding of bicycles as a result of studying its
systems, components, and parts.

Discuss what do you know about bicycles now?

Take a bike ride!

Follow With
In Session 11, Design Requirements and Drawings, students develop design requirements
and technical drawings for their design and engineering project.

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Sum of the Parts
Handout: Session 10, Activity B

Chances are you have had some experience with bicycle mechanisms. Perhaps you've had to fix or
adjust something on a bicycle or have watched while someone else did quick maintenance during a ride.
Have you ever really looked at a bike and studied how it works? A bicycle has a set of mechanical
systems that are familiar and easy to observe.

Study four systems on your bicycle. You'll also be able to observe and operate the components and parts
of each system that are removed from a bike. This will give you another way to observe how things
connect and work together.

Systems Study
1. Drive system: Support the bike with the rear wheel off the ground (turn the bike on its side, use a
stand, or have a partner hold the bike up.) Slowly power the bike using the pedals and study how
the energy you add transfers through the drive system to the wheels. Switch partners.
2. Braking system: Study how the brakes work as you press and release the brake lever. Trace the
operation of the brakes through components and their parts. Notice the connections.
3. Steering system: Study how you steer a bike. Trace the steering through the handlebar to the
wheels. Notice the connections.
4. Structural system: Study the frame and how all the systems connect to it.
Components and Parts Study
Observe and take notes about how parts connect and work together in each of the systems. Which
systems seem simple and require few parts? Which systems seem complex and require more parts and
complicated connections? Which systems seem easy to break down? Which systems seem easy to
repair? Your notes may consist of words or sketches.

Drive system:

Braking system:

Steering system:

Structural system:

Specialty bikes: Identify and study the four systems in each of the specialty bikes. Compare them to
the systems in the more traditional bicycle. What did you observe?

Optional: Using an Erector* set for parts, make your own model vehicle. Try to incorporate the four
systems you studied: structural, drive, steering, and braking.

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Session 11
Design Requirements and Drawings
Making, Modeling, and Materializing

In this session, students refine
their design efforts with product
requirements and drawings.
In 11A: Checking in on the
Design Process, they look at a
checklist of steps that follow the design process to determine how far
they've come, and look ahead to the next steps. Next, in activity 11B:
The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design, students learn how
a designer considers the needs of the user to define minimum
requirements for a design, and students then develop design
requirements for their own projects. In a third activity, 11C:
Conceptual Drawing: Thinking on Paper, students learn how drawing
helps the thinking process, then put pen to paper to make a series of
conceptual drawings. By the end of the session, students have a
more fully developed project and are ready for the next steps,
modeling and testing their ideas.

Pencils and pens, rulers, graph paper (if not in design notebooks)

In This Session:

A) Checking in on the
Design Process
- Student Handout

B) The Perfect Fit: Meeting
Needs Through Design
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

C) Conceptual Drawing:
Thinking on Paper
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

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Design Requirements and Drawings
Key Concepts: Session 11

Session 11 aids students in furthering their design plans by helping them to come up with
design requirements for their project and by providing instruction for translating their ideas into
drawings. The session helps students develop a better understanding of the visual aspects of
the project as they make detailed drawings of their projects to communicate needs and to help
refine the project.

Key Concepts
A key component of the design process is the making of sketches and diagrams to go along
with the project. In fact, many products have come about because of "napkin drafting," a more
crude and simplistic way to communicate ideas. Encourage students to doodle, sketch, and
make diagrams before the actual construction occurs. This session concentrates on using
elements of mechanical drawing to show the students how the visualization of a project can help
to refine the needs of the design.

Although mechanical drawing is commonly carried out by computers now, especially in the
revision stage of design, drawings are still the most widely used communication tool in the
engineering community. The primary reason for this is because drawings often serve as
documentation of requirements. Drawings are used to produce quotes, determine
manufacturing methods or processes, and inspect parts to ensure they meet the requirements
defined within the drawings. Making a readable drawing is key to assuring that design team
members can look at it and understand what's required.

Drawing the design of the project is an important step in refining the project and identifying
some issues with the design. It is a good idea to stress to the students that if they change
something in the design to get around an issue, they should write out what the issue was and
why they changed it. Remind the students that in three months, they might not remember why
they made that change and might try to change it back.

Drawing Methods
This session serves as an introduction to basic drawing techniques. It begins with students
learning to draw lines and circles using graph paper. Students should come to understand that
showing their project from all angles and with component parts will help them to identify
potential problems and to refine the project without having to build it first. It is useful to have a
basic understanding of the different types of sketches.

Orthographic sketches show a three-dimensional object in two dimensions by displaying the
front, top, and side view. When drawn, each view is evenly in line with each other. The front
view is located at the bottom left. The top view is directly above the front view. The side view is
directly to the right of the front view.

Other types of sketches include (not addressed in the session) include: isometric, oblique, and
perspective. An isometric sketch is a three-dimensional drawing in which the horizontal axes
form a 30-degree angle with the true horizontal line. An oblique sketch is a pictorial drawing in
which the front view of an object is shown as true size and shape. The top and side view is at a

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Key Concepts: Session 11 (continued)

30-degree angle. A perspective sketch is a pictorial drawing in which lines move "away" from
the view and converge.

More About Conceptual Drawing
Lo, J ack. The Patent Drawing Book. Berkeley, CA: Nolo Press, 1997.

Walker, J . R. Exploring Drafting. Tinley Park, IL: Goodheart-Wilcox, 1996.

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Session 11, Activity A
Checking in on the Design Process

Understand the design project timeline.

Students know where they are and what comes next on their design project.

Students review a checklist for their design project and look ahead to what they will be doing. It
is not a direct and linear progression through the series of steps. The steps may be repeated,
and there may be small cycles between some of the steps. While they see that checklist steps
follow the design process, students also discuss the non-linear nature of design.



1. Introduce the session by asking students to think about where they are with their
projectcloser to the beginning, or to the end? Somewhere near the middle? How can
they tell? Introduce the checklist handout as an organizer for the work they have done
and will be doing in order to complete the design projecta refined working prototype.
2. Discuss the steps in the checklist and point out that while the checklist follows the design
process, the design process is not linear with one step always following another. Some
steps are revisited time and again; others cause the designer to change direction. The
process changes as the designer's ideas change.
3. Review the schedule. Discuss goals and work time available in and out of class time.
4. Allow time for students to review their progress, complete the checklist, and discuss any
questions that come up.
Wrap Up
Discuss any questions about the design process and review expectations for the project work

Follow With
In 11B: The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design, students define design requirements
for their project that focus on the needs of the user.

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Checking in on the Design Process
Handout: Session 11, Activity A

The Design Process: Getting From " Think" To " Thing"
The checklist below is adapted from the design process steps. This is a tool to keep you
organized and thinking about where you have been and where you want to go.

1. Identify a design opportunity. (Session 7)
Identified many design opportunities (needs, problems, or cool things to design).
Narrowed the list of opportunities to three for further research.

2. Research the design opportunity. (Session 7)
Refined my design opportunities with interviews and other data-gathering research.
Selected one design opportunity to address.
Wrote a problem statement to clarify and explain to anyone what I will solve with a
design solution.

3. Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem. (Session 7)
Expanded my possible solutions using SCAMPER and other research.
Evaluated my solutions using criteria that we determined.
Narrowed my solutions to three possibilities.
Began thinking about the types of materials I could use for my solutions.

4. Draft a Design brief. (Session 8)
Wrote a design brief with a problem statement, a description of user needs, a
proposed solution, and a sketch of the solution.

5. Research and refine your solution. (Session 9)

Researched and refined my proposed solution using the U.S. Patent Office Web
site and other resources.

Took notes and wrote down information from my research.

Interviewed experts and possible users to analyze my project for feasibility, safety,
and other implications of my solution.

Researched materials and methods that would be appropriate for constructing my

Conducted a project analysis to consider any changes to my solution.

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11A Handout: Checking in on the Design Process (continued)

6. Prepare design requirements and conceptual drawings. (Session 11)
Developed design requirements that focused on the needs of the user.
Completed conceptual drawings.

7. Build models and component parts. (Sessions 12, 13, and 14)
Analyzed my project design for its systems, components, and parts.
Planned models to build and what each model would test or be able to demonstrate.
Built a model or models of components of my design.
Developed a project plan for completing my design.

8. Build the solution prototype. (Session 15)
Conducted further research, model building, and testing, as needed to complete a
working prototype.
Developed specifications.
Completed first working prototype.
Analyzed prototype for functional improvements.

9. Test, evaluate, and revise your solution. (Session 16)
Prioritized improvements needed and built new or revised prototype to meet
Evaluated prototype for function, feasibility, safety, aesthetics, and other criteria.

10. Communicate the solution (Session 18)
Presented my solution to an audience.
Gathered feedback and made appropriate changes to prototype.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 11, Activity B
The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design

Fine-tune a project design by taking a closer look at the needs of the user.

Students fine-tune their project design by producing parallel lists of user needs and the project
design requirements that address those needs.

The activity starts with an example of a productthe Terry* bicyclethat was improved when
the needs of the user were given a closer look. Students look at the design innovations that
improved this product and the user needs that prompted the improvements. Next, students
consider the needs of their intended users and write design requirements for their own projects.

Print pictures of the Terry bicycle from www.terrybicycles.com/index.html*.


A Look at Design Requirements: The Terry Bicycle, www.terrybicycles.com/index.html*.
1. On 11B Reading: The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design, read together the
story of Georgina Terry, a bike racer who saw that there was no production of women-
specific bikes and started her own company to produce bikes for women. Ask: Given the
woman bicyclist's physical needs, what design features should be considered in making
a better bike for her? List these user features on the board one at a time.
User Needs Design Requirements
Shorter arms
and torso
Shorten the distance from the handlebars to the
seat (the cockpit length) by making the top tube
length shorter.
Smaller hands Shorten reach to brake levers.
Make narrower handlebars.
Shorter legs Shorten crank arms for more efficient spin.

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11B: The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design (continued)
2. Explain: Many everyday bikes have a good deal of adjustability. The seat can be moved
forward, the brake lever reach adjusted, and the seat stem raised. Higher performance
road bikes are another problem. The big difference is when a bike is sized more
compactly for women, a new problem arises. The tight geometry of the racing bike
doesn't work with regular racing wheels; you run into toe-wheel overlap, where the tips of
your shoes hit the front wheel when turning and pedaling at the same time. This was the
biggest problem Terry took on in her new design.
3. Discuss how she might have solved this problem. Then explain that she solved the
problem by designing a new, smaller front wheel, allowing the bike to have the same
geometry with the smaller frame. Suggest that this new problem get added to the list.
4. Ask: What was her new problem? What was the design solution? Show students
pictures of the Terry bike.
Terry's biggest innovation:
User Needs Design Requirements
Smaller bicycle frame causes
toe-wheel overlap
Smaller front wheel

Your Design Requirements
1. Have student designers look at their users' needs, and turn them into minimum
requirements. Suggest that they refer back to the user characteristics and scenario that
they came up with in 8A Handout: User Profile.
2. Suggest that students use the same process that Georgina Terry used. She looked at
the users' needs to determine the requirements. Discuss specific factors that designers
consider when they look at their users' needs, and suggest that students consider these
as well:
Appropriate weight and size
Ease of use (functionality)

3. Have students fill out the chart on their handout.
4. Provide work time, and encourage students to discuss their ideas with one another as
they work. When they finish, have students get in groups of four or five and explain their
users' needs and design requirements to each other. Feedback from members of the
group will help designers refine their efforts.

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11B: The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design (continued)

Wrap Up
Have students refer to the design process checklist and ask them which step they are on (Step
6). Ask if there are any steps they want to revisit after looking at design requirementsa
common next step is a return to a previous step!

Follow With
The next activity, 11C: Conceptual Drawing: Thinking on Paper, gives students a chance to
analyze their projects in a visual way.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design
Handout: Session 11, Activity B

Your Design Requirements
Now consider the user of your product and what requirements might be necessary in order to
meet the needs of the user. Refer back to the character identities and scenarios that you did in
8A Handout: User Profile. Make a chart like the one below in your notebook and fill out the
User Needs Design Requirements

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design
Reading: Session 11, Activity B

Many products have been improved when the needs of the user were given a closer look,
including the Terry* bicycle. After looking at this design innovation based on the users' needs,
you'll consider the needs of your intended users.

A Closer Look at Design Requirements: The Terry Bike Success Story
Georgina Terry, a bike racer, felt disadvantaged when she raced using a man's bike. She
thought she could perform better if the bike fit her better. Even though she had a bicycle that
was designed for a rider her height, and even though she had adjusted the seat and
handlebars just so, it still didn't seem right. She realized that her bike might be designed
perfectly for a man her height, but a woman is put together differently, and needs a different
bike design.

She looked into the physical differences between men and women, and here's what she found
out: When a woman and man of the same height are compared, the woman typically has
longer legs, shorter arms, and a shorter torso than the man. She has smaller hands and feet, a
wider pelvis, and less muscle mass as well. Design requirements for a women's bicycle
emerged from her research:

User Needs Design Requirements
Shorter arms and torso
Shorten the distance from the handlebars to the seat (the cockpit
length) by making the top tube length shorter.
Smaller hands Shorten reach to brake levers.
Narrower shoulders Make narrower handlebars.
Shorter legs Shorten crank arms for more efficient spin.
Smaller bicycle frame causes
toe-wheel overlap

The Problem
When a bike is sized more compactly for women, a new problem arises. The tight geometry of
the racing bike doesn't work with regular racing wheels; you run into toe-wheel overlap, where
the tips of your shoes hit the front wheel when turning and pedaling at the same time.

The Solution
How do you think she solved this problem? After studying pictures of a Terry bike, what was
her solution? Add her solution to the design requirements chart above.

The Terry bicycle is popular with women, because, as she puts it, "a woman isn't just a smaller
version of a man." In her first year, 1985, she sold 20 women's bikes; the following year,
1,300;then 5,000, and today it's a multimillion-dollar enterprise.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 11, Activity C
Conceptual Drawing: Thinking on Paper

Learn how conceptual drawings help fine-tune a design.

Learners make conceptual drawings of their projects that show all the parts of the design.

Student designers take their project another step farther along the design process as they make
conceptual drawings of their project ideas. They learn that the drawing process is a helpful part
of refining a design concept, bringing to light practical concerns that need to be resolved, such
as how component parts fit together. Drawing from a variety of perspectives helps illustrate all
the features of a design and helps the designer communicate ideas to others.

Pencils, pens, rulers, graph paper (if not in design notebooks)


Drawing Basics
1. Pass out rulers and pencils for initial drawing. Students are usually more comfortable
drawing, initially, in something that can be erased and corrected. Rulers help with
straight lines.
2. Learning how to use graph paper is a good first step in developing mechanical drawing
skills. The grid provides a ready scale that aids in sketching proportionally by counting
the squares within the object to be drawn.
3. Explain and have students practice drawing a straight line using the following method:
Place a dot where you want the line to begin and one where you want the line to
end. In sketching long lines, place one or more dots between the end dots.
Tell students to swing their hand in the direction that they want the line to go,
and then back again a couple of times before touching pencil to paper. In this
way, they get the feel of the line. They should then use the dots to guide their
eye and hand to draw the line.
Draw lines with a series of short strokes instead of one stroke. This provides
better control of the direction of the line and the pressure of the pencil to paper.
Suggest holding the pencil about an inch from the point to help with seeing the
drawing. Vertical lines are usually sketched downward on the paper. Slanted

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
11C: Conceptual Drawing: Thinking on Paper (continued)

lines may be drawn from either end toward the other. For better control, students
can rotate the paper.
4. Tell students to sketch lightly at first. Essential lines can then be darkened.
5. To sketch circles and arcs, instruct students to do the following:
To draw a circle on grid paper, decide the diameter of the circle and the
placement and then make tick marks at the 12 o'clock, 6 o'clock, 9 o'clock, and
3 o'clock positions.
Draw the arcs between the tick marks. Alternatively, use a straight line to draw a
circle. Do this by drawing two straight lines that cross each other at right angles.
The point at which they cross is the center of the circle. The four lines radiating
from the center will serve as the radii of the circle.
Measure an equal distance on the on each radius from the center. Sketch a
Now sketch a circle, using the angles of the square as a guide for each arc.
6. Use this as practice to get the students out of the "I can't draw" mindset. Have students
draw three different views of an object with a lot of straight lineslike an overhead
projector or the blackboard or an easel and stress to them that you do not want a 3-D
view of the object, but you want to see what it looks like from the side, the top, and the
front. Using the graph paper, they can apply the basic drawing techniques.
7. Have students trade drawings with someone else that they normally don't work with, and
see if each student can identify parts.
Drawing Different Views
1. Discuss how that, in addition to drawings made along the way, final drawings are made,
too, before a product can go into production. Why? Drawings are needed if the designer
applies for a patent; also, before the product is manufactured, drawings aid
communication between the designers, engineers, and the manufacturer.
2. Discuss how seeing the object as a set of shapes is important to sketching ideas. If you
know how to draw each of the shapes, then drawing the object is easier. Explain that
designers show an object from several views. Have students look at the first drawing on
the handout and discuss what the different views show about the object. Tell students
that drawing their project might involve two or three drawings, one of each unique side,
and maybe the inner workings as well. They may want to label parts and use arrows to
show how parts move.
3. For the second set of drawings, have students to try to match the objects shown in 3-D
on the top row in their front, side, and top views.
(answers: A=3, B=2, C=1, D=4, E=9, F=8, G=5, H=6, and I=7)

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11C: Conceptual Drawing: Thinking on Paper (continued)
4. Ask students if they recognize the next set of drawings (different views of the crankshaft
toy). Can they tell what views they are seeing? Have them label each figure with its
viewpoint: top, interior, and side. Each drawing helps show different aspects of the
device. Then, direct them to look at the last drawings done by former Design and
Discovery students.
1. Before having students draw their projects, do a visual imagery activity. Have students
close their eyes or rest their heads on their arms and try to picture their project. Speak
slowly with thinking time between the questions and statements.
Try to get a picture of your project in your mind. Can you see it?
Try to picture the user using the product. Can you picture the device doing its
Imagine its size. How big is it?
Can you picture the materials it's made of?
How about the parts? Try to imagine each of them. Imagine one part connecting
to another. Can you see how they work together?

2. Ask students to look up and talk about their ability to visualize their design. Ask how
knowing what it looks like helps a person design a product (knowing the end result
makes it easier to design; it's a way of refining and improving a design; lets the person
look at parts in relation to the whole; conceptual and practical problems that need work
will become evident).
Begin Drawing
1. Decide if you prefer students to use pencil or pen at this point. However, it is
recommended that students get used to drawing with pen so that they keep a record of
their drawings and changes made to their drawings.
2. Start students on drawing a series of sketches of their design in their design notebooks.
The first sketches will help them think through their design; others will be attempts at
showing it as they see it in their mind's eye. Suggest that they may want to start with the
most obvious features of the design and then move toward the ones that have not been
resolved. Labels, notes, and arrows showing the motion of moving parts are helpful.
3. If the student doesn't know what the internal workings of their project will be, have them
concentrate on the outside views and what is needed for the project to interact with the
user. Have them go through the user needs and requirements (11B Handout: The
Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design) and make sure all of them are addressed.
4. Discuss that drawings are used to describe and document designs. It is important that
the sketch is easy to understand and tells the story behind your design intent.

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
11C: Conceptual Drawing: Thinking on Paper (continued)
5. Encourage students to draw repeatedly and not worry about making a perfect
renderingthis is a thinking step, and the successive drawings are a helpful record of
their thinking process. Remind them to draw the device from top, side, and front views,
and even an interior cutaway view if it is helpful.
6. After 10 or 15 minutes of drawing, have students pause for a moment, and encourage
them to talk about their efforts. Ask them to recommend tricks and tips they are finding
that might be helpful to their fellow drafterstheir suggestions can be really encouraging
at this stage. Remind students to draw their design from all sides, and draw each view
large enough to label parts and motion, and then have them continue.
7. Emphasize that the drawing doesn't have to be perfect, but that the resulting figure
should be clear and detailed enough to tell someone who doesn't know anything about
their project what it is and does.
Wrap Up
Have students talk about their drawings and show them to one another. What do they like about
them? What new design considerations came up as a result of drawing? Is there a drawing
technique they can recommend? The next step will be to model their design, and having a
strong image of it will be helpful. Suggest that students continue drawing and refining their ideas
before the next session.

Also suggest that students may want to make other visual representations of their ideas such as

Read 11C Reading: Meet a Communication Designer.

Follow With
Session 12, Planning for Models and Tests, has students planning models to test their ideas.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Conceptual Drawing: Thinking on Paper
Handout: Session 11, Activity C

Drawing From All Sides
Drawing your ideas can help you visualize your plan and will be very useful when you make
your model. You may find it helpful to draw the different components and parts of your project
from different perspectives. You will probably have several drawings of your project as your
ideas evolve.

This activity begins by learning some basic mechanical drawing techniques. You'll learn how to
draw a line and a circle on graph paper. You will then use these techniques to draw an object in
the room. This should be done in your design notebook.
1. Compare the 3-D drawing of the object below to the three views of the object on the
right. What do the three views show you about the object that you didn't know from the
3-D version?

2. Match the object in the top row with its orthographic sketch.

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11C Handout: Conceptual Drawing: Thinking on Paper (continued)
3. What object is shown here? Label the different figures: interior, top and side.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________

4. Here are some samples of past Design and Discovery students' drawings. Can you tell
what they are?

5. Now, in your design notebook, try your hand at conceptual drawings for your project. Be
sure to draw different views as well as individual drawings of the components and parts.
Make many drawings. You can't have too many. Make your drawings large enough to
label components and show the direction of any movement that may be appropriate to
your design.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Meet a Communication Designer
Reading: Session 11, Activity C

Chelsea Vandiver
Senior Communication Designer
ZIBA Design

Hello, my name is Chelsea Vandiver. I am a senior graphic designer at ZIBA Design. I studied
graphic design at the University of Washington. After graduation, I worked as a conventional
graphic designer, designing packaging, letterheads, and brochures that were destined for the
recycling bin days after coming off the printing press. I didn't find the work satisfying. I knew
that I wanted to add value, not clutter to people's lives. Fortunately, I found a job at a product
development firm. Now, at ZIBA Design, I work on projects like signage systems, user
interfaces, and products that improve people's day-to-day lives.

A Typical Day
I spend a large part of my day participating in collaborative brainstorms and work sessions with
an inspiring group of product designers, environmental designers, brand specialists, and
engineers. The beauty of working together on a multidisciplinary team is that the result is larger
and greater than what any of us could have developed on our own.

I've worked at ZIBA Design since 1997, and every day I learn something new. Each project
has its own set of unique challenges that force me to continually grow and expand in new

My advice to younger people entering the design or engineering field is to not be afraid to
collaborate and share your work with your friends and teachers.

About ZIBA Design
ZIBA Design is an international design firm that has designed products for many global
companies, including FedEx, Microsoft, Intel, Fujitsu, Black & Decker, Sony, Pioneer North
America, Dial, and Clorox. www.ziba.com*

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 12
Planning for Models and Tests
Making, Modeling, and Materializing

This session prepares students
for building models and testing
systems or components of their
design project. This is Step 7 of
the design process. In an
opening activity, 12A: Thinking Again About Design, students review
their experience of the design process and think about their revisions
up to now. They see that the design process is not linear; there are
cycles or iterations of review, testing, revision, and change. In the
second activity, 12B: Materials and Modeling Plans, students survey
available materials for constructing models and plan their first
constructions. In the final activity 12C: Structural Considerations,
students learn about collapsible objects and the principles of
collapsibility. They then review structural considerations related to
storing, moving, and assembling their projects.

A variety of materials to build models.
Supplies for Structure

Foam (Styrofoam* in sheets and several shapes, including foam tubes for pipe
Foam core board
Balsa wood (sheets and pre-cut strips from craft supply stores)
Modeling clay
Aluminum foil
Pipe cleaners and plastic straws
Cardboard (tubes, boxes of all sizes, flat pieces)
Paper (including poster board or card stock weights)
Erector* set
Lego* set
Dowels, bamboo skewers

Other Optional Structural supplies

Recyclable materials such as wine corks, aluminum soda cans, bubble wrap,
packaging peanuts, and twist ties
In This Session:

A) Thinking Again About
- Student Handout

B) Materials and Modeling
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

C) Structural
- Student Handout

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 12, Planning for Models and Tests (continued)

Sample items (for students to acquire and use in larger constructions): PVC pipe and
connectors, lumber (plywood and 2x4s) of different sizes

Parts and Materials To Connect Things

Rubber bands
Rubber tubing
Tape (duct, masking, packaging, and electrical)
Glues (epoxy, superglue, glue sticks, glues for hot glue gun, and rubber cement)
Nuts and bolts, washers, assorted screws
Nails, thumbtacks


Several sets of each: pliers, saw, hammer, screwdriver, hot glue gun, and tin snips

Collapsible Items Suggestions

Umbrella, folding chair, window blinds, stackable cups, sleeping bag, fold away rain
jacket, tent, fold up map, pop-up book, paper lantern, easel, ladder, pocket scissors,
glasses, Swiss Army knife, measuring tape, stackable measuring cups and spoons,
balloon, inflatable raft, rubber band, plastic bag, jump rope

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Planning for Models and Tests
Key Concepts: Session 12

In Session 12, students begin to make their ideas tangiblegoing from what's in their mind to
things in their hand. They build initial models. This could be a model of the overall design, a
model of a single working component, or a test of materials for a single part. Later, students will
build working prototypes to test form and function of their designs.

Key Concepts
Both models and prototypes are constructions that determine if a design or components of a
design will work in both form (how does it look and feel) and function (does it work?). Both
models and prototypes are used to:
Test and trial a concept.
Test and trial the way something looks or feels to the user.
Try out dimensions and fit between components.
Test a mechanism or subsystem of a design.

Models tend to be smaller in scope than prototypes; they are not as concerned with
representing a final product in functionality, size, materials, and scope.

Model: Models can be visual representations of a total design that is nonfunctional. Or, they
represent some aspect (form or function) of a specific component.

Prototype: Prototypes tend to demonstrate some aspect of the design as a whole, either its
form, function, or both.

More on Models and Prototypes
The Intel QX3 progression of models and prototypes in 12A Handout: Thinking Again About
Design. In Session 12, students study the progression of models and prototypes in the
development of the QX3 digital microscope.

Dial* soap dispenser models and working prototypes in 14A Reading: ZIBA Designs a Soap
Dispenser. In Session 14, students study the progression of models and prototypes in the
development of the Dial soap dispenser.

Models Plus
The company, Models Plus, Inc., has a nice display of prototypes. View prototypes for a
Motorola cell phone and learn what materials were used to make the prototype.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 12, Activity A
Thinking Again About Design

Understand that the design process involves many cycles of revision as each step presents new
information and ideas for refinement of a design.

Students know that change and possibly even complete redesign of their solutions are part of
the process of good engineering and design.

This activity begins with a review of the design process as students have experienced it up to
now. A group reflection and discussion encourages them to think about the value of the
revisions to their idea along the way. The design process has many cycles or iterations that lead
to changes and improvements to their original solution. A review of Intel QX3 microscope
prototypes reinforces the process of modeling, testing, and prototyping.


1. Students will need their notebook, design brief, design requirements, drawings, and any
other notes about their design project.
2. Try to arrange for mentors to attend this session.
3. Optional: Arrange for actual prototypes and/or models from a design firm, if possible.
Project Progress
1. Have students take a few minutes to review and think about the changes to their projects
as they have moved through the design process. Discuss and share examples:
Do you have exactly the same solution in mind since the beginning?
Which steps take longer?
Which steps produced the most change to your original idea?
Developing a design brief (Step 4)?
Getting research and feedback from others (Step 5)?
Analyzing feasibility of solution (Step 5)?
Developing design requirements and drawings (Step 6)?

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12A: Thinking Again About Design (continued)
2. It is likely that all students will have modified and revised their projects to some extent
already. Discuss how this is an important part of the process:
The design process is really not a set of linear steps but has many cycles
(or iterations) of revision and change that lead to improvements to their
original solution. In fact, with each step that makes the idea more real
(moving from "think" to "thing"), revisions get more comprehensiveeven
to throw out a solution and back up to an earlier idea.
Models and Prototypes
1. Distinguish prototypes and models
Model: Models can be visual representations of a total design that is
nonfunctional. Or, they can represent some aspect (form or function) of a
specific component.
Prototype: Prototypes tend to demonstrate some aspect of the design as
a whole, either its form, function, or both.
Students will eventually build a working prototype of their idea, but at this step, they
construct models. These allow students to test or trial their concept, try out dimensions
and fit between components, or test a mechanism or some system in their project.
2. Review QX3 microscope development. Discuss the progression of prototypes shown in
the images on the handout.
3. Review other examples of models and prototypes. Take a look at the Leatherman* Web
site to see the history of this useful product, from idea to inception,
www.leatherman.com* (Go to About Leatherman and select History.)
Follow with
Activity 12B: Materials and Modeling Plans has students surveying the materials for building
models and planning what they will build.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Checking in on the Design Process
Handout: Session 12, Activity A

The steps of the design process rarely happen one after another but often are repeated or
revisited in many cycles (or iterations) of change that lead to improvements. For example,
drawing your idea may have caused you to revise your requirements in some way. In fact, with
each step in the process that makes your idea more real (moving from "think" to "thing"),
revisions can get more comprehensive as you see new ways of looking at your ideayou might
even throw out a solution and go back to an earlier idea.

It's time to make project ideas tangibleto go from what's in your mind to things in your hands.
You are now at the stage of building modelsa way to test, revise, and improve your design.
Models allow you to see your idea as a "trial run." You might build a model to test dimensions
and fit between components. Or you might build a model to test a mechanism or some system
in your project. Eventually you will build a prototypea model that works.

Model: A small but exact copy of something
Prototype: A working model of a machine or other object used to test it before producing the
final version

Even your first working prototype will go through revisions. Follow the progression of prototypes
that resulted in the Intel QX3 microscope:

QX3 Requirements
Fun to use computer microscope
Meet $99 retail cost target
Must really work technically
Must be mobile, capture images at the source
Easy to use; plug-and-play simplicity
Everything included ("just add specimen")
No batteries, no AC adapter, no external lighting
Fully exploit computer capabilities: capture, time lapse, collection, printing

Proof Of Concept, May 1998

This is the first model to test the concept of
transferring a magnified image to a computer
for viewing, saving, and manipulating. This is a
demonstration or "works-like" prototype. It
used a standard off-the-shelf microscope,
external lighting, with circuitry and a ribbon
cable for connection to the computer. It was
tested with kids to see if they felt that a
computer-connected microscope had "play
value" (was fun). It also allowed the engineers
to ask kids questions about what they would
want to look at and what magnifications were
interesting to them.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
12A Handout: Thinking Again About Design (continued)

Microscope in a Box, May 1998

This version was an exciting breakthrough... in function. The
box fit in your hand and included the necessary lighting and
electronics for capturing the image. It proved that you could
take the microscope to what you want to see instead of
bringing the object to the microscope. Clearly, this version
proved the function (with form to follow). The key was that
this prototype had the light source on the top (as opposed to
the bottom for conventional microscopes). It didn't have a
base and could be pointed at just about anything in the
environment. It allowed children to explore objects that were
opaque or too large or heavy to fit under a traditional
microscope. This was a major fun feature. Kids wanted to
look inside their mouth, in their ears, and the weave on their
sweaters, their pets, and so on. This later became the
"handheld" mode of operation of the QX3 product, where the
unit can be lifted out of the base and used exactly like that.

A First Look, J une 1998

This version is all form and no functionality; it was the very
first industrial design foam model to combine the traditional
microscope mode (in the base) and handheld mode into a
single design. The vertical piece is removable. This model
represents desired form (without function). This version was
developed prior to knowing the size and dimension
A Working Prototype,
October 1998

Here is the first working prototype with full functionality. It
works, but the wires on the outside belong inside. The ideal
shape or color weren't right yet, and the designers didn't
know yet what they should be.

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12A Handout: Thinking Again About Design (continued)

Getting Closer, J anuary 1999

This second working prototype has functionality, but the
power supply is still on the outside. This one was called the
"albino" model. The shape is very close to final. The
engineers knew that everything inside (electronics, optics)
would fit inside this shape; it also fit the size of kids' hands
well, and looked good.
Looking Good, February 1999

This version tested a new look for a debut at a national toy
tradeshow. It looks good with transparent plastic, but it wasn't
fully functionalthe power supply was still external.
Presenting QX3,
September 1999

The final productthe QX3 is born!

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 12, Activity B
Materials and Modeling Plans

Learn about available materials and plan model(s) to build.

Know about available materials, select those useful for their needs, and plan model building.

After a brief introduction to the variety of materials available for modeling, students have time to
study the materials and plan what models they want to build. The materials are organized into
three groups: materials for structure, materials for connections, and tools.

A variety of materials to build models.

Supplies for Structure
Foam (Styrofoam* in sheets and several shapes, including foam tubes for pipe
Foam core board
Balsa wood (sheets and pre-cut strips from craft supply stores)
Modeling clay
Aluminum foil
Pipe cleaners and plastic straws
Cardboard (tubes, boxes of all sizes, flat pieces)
Paper (including poster board or card stock weights)
Erector* set
Lego* set
Dowels, bamboo skewers

Other Optional Structural Supplies
Recyclable materials such as wine corks, aluminum soda cans, bubble wrap,
packaging peanuts, and twist ties
Sample items (for students to acquire and use in larger constructions): PVC pipe and
connectors, lumber (plywood and 2x4s) of different sizes

Parts and Materials To Connect Things
Rubber bands

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12B: Materials and Modeling Plans (continued)

Rubber tubing
Tape (duct, masking, packaging, and electrical)
Glues (epoxy, superglue, glue sticks, glues for hot glue gun, and rubber cement)
Nuts and bolts, washers, assorted screws
Nails, thumbtacks

Several sets of each: pliers, saw, hammer, screwdriver, hot glue gun, and tin snips
1. Gather the materials well in advance of this session. Send home information to parents
and request donations of used building materials or any of the suggested recyclable
items. Purchase what is not supplied or donated.
2. On the day of the session, lay out the modeling materials organized by: a) things to build
with, b) things for connecting and attaching, and c) the tools.
1. Introduce the modeling materials. Explain, demonstrate, and answer students' questions
about any unusual or unfamiliar materials or tools. Build a common vocabulary as you
introduce and students study the materials.
2. Plan what to model. Have students write down the following questions and answers in
their design notebooks:
What do you want or need a model of? (List at least three possibilities.):
For each model possibility
Is this a system or a component of your design project?
What will this model help you understand about your idea?
Will it be a small or full-scale version?
What will you need to build it?
What materials on hand will work for your model?
What is not on hand for building your model?

3. During this planning time, students should select and manipulate different materials as
they plan. Encourage them to make notes about the materials that they study: their
flexibility, strength, and their suitability as a modeling material. Note: It may be helpful to
have students review the 13A Handout: Making Models.

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12B: Materials and Modeling Plans (continued)

1. While students are planning, have mentors meet with students and discuss their plans.
Mentors should help students articulate the purpose of the model and answer the above
questions as they plan. It is important that students are intentional during the model
building. They should have a purpose, something they'd like to test or trial in each
2. Remind them that they can model different systems, subsystems, and components as
well as the whole product. Encourage them to make large enough models so that they
can see, test, and understand the systems, parts, and components.
Wrap Up
Ensure that each student has a plan and a clear purpose for constructing at least one model.

Have the students read 12B Reading: Meet a Modelshop Manager.

Follow With
Activity 12C: Structural Considerations provides the opportunity for students to consider the
structure of their projects.

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Materials and Modeling Plans
Handout: Session 12, Activity B

In this activity, you will start to plan your model. Like anything, the more planning you do in
advance, the better your chances of achieving what you want. It's best to put answers to the
questions below in your design notebooks.
1. What do you want or need a model of? (List at least three possibilities.)
2. For each model possibility, consider the following questions and answer them in your
design notebooks:
Is this a system or a component of your design project?
What will this model help you understand about your idea?
Will it be a small or full-scale version?
What will you need to build it?
What materials on hand will work for your model?
What is not on hand for building your model?

3. As you plan, you may select and manipulate different materials. Be sure to make notes
about the materials that you study: their flexibility, strength, and suitability as a modeling
Tip: When planning your model, it is better to plan to build a bigger model so that the details can
be seen, tested, and understood.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Meet a Modelshop Manager
Reading: Session 12, Activity B

Bruce Willey
Modelshop Manager
ZIBA Design

I'm originally from St. Paul, Minnesota. I've worked at ZIBA Design for almost eight years. I
decided to study modelmaking after I had graduated from college and taught English in J apan
for two years. I enrolled at Bemidji State University in Minnesota and took Industrial
Technology and modelmaking courses for two years. I performed a three-month internship at
an architectural modelshop in Boston, Massachusetts. After that I got a job at the Industrial
Design Center for NCR in Dayton, Ohio. I worked there for five years, then I visited Portland,
got a job offer, and moved here. I became the manager of the modelshop about four years
ago. In each case, my managers and co-workers have mentored me. Since a new person
often brings new skills into a workplace, I sometimes have taught my manager and I've been
taught by those who work for me.

A Typical Day
In a typical day I discuss the current and upcoming work schedule with the other modelshop
staff and project managers and their team members who bring us the work to do. I will often
order modelmaking supplies by phone or Internet from a variety of vendors, and I might have
to arrange to have an outside modelshop do work for us if we don't have the time or resources.
I have to fill out paper or electronic forms to order things or hire outside shops or schedule
projects. There is a project meeting or a group meeting or a management meeting or a
brainstorm meeting on almost any given day.

If there is still any time left or if there is a tight deadline, I will do model work too. Sometimes
that is just spending a couple of hours painting things or using a table saw or band saw to cut
material up and using hand tools like chisels and files and sandpaper to form it. Sometimes I
work on very complicated models that take weeks to finish and involve planning, measuring,
using computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided machining (CAM) software, sanding,
polishing, painting, and careful assembly.

Favorite Thing About Job
I like having such a wide variety of different activities to do every day.

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12B Reading: Meet a Modelshop Manager (continued)

Advice To Young People
You have to decide if you are interested in how things go together and work. You should be
comfortable using tools and working with your hands. You will be using math and science and
art skills. Any kind of commercial and industrial arts classes and art or craft classes or hobbies
will help you a lot. All designers and engineers and almost all modelmakers use computers
very frequently. Take computer classes and classes that expose you to advanced technology.
Watch carpentry shows and similar programs to see if you are interested in solving problems
by designing and making things.

About ZIBA Design
ZIBA Design is an international design firm that has designed products from many global
companies, including FedEx, Microsoft, Intel, Fujitsu, Black & Decker, Sony, Pioneer North
America, Dial, and Clorox. www.ziba.com*

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Session 12, Activity C
Structural Considerations

Consider structural decisions about the project before making a model.

Students consider and make structural decisions about their project.

Will it fold? Expand? Roll? Inflate? Many products are collapsible; they fold out for action and
fold up for storage. Students take a look at some of these objects and consider collapsibility
issues for their project.

Samples of collapsible items such as umbrella, folding chair, window blinds, stackable cups,
sleeping bag, fold-away rain jacket, tent, fold up map, pop-up book, paper lantern, easel, ladder,
pocket scissors, glasses, Swiss Army knife, measuring tape, stackable measuring cups and
spoons, balloon, inflatable raft, fireplace bellows, rubber band, plastic bag, or jump rope.

Bring in as many samples of collapsible items as possible. Alternatively, have students bring in
collapsible items. Spread them all out on a table.

Prepare cards with the collapsible principles below for students to sort the objects.

Collapsible Items
1. Have students gather around the collapsible objects on a table.
2. Ask what the items have in common. Define collapsible: Objects that can be folded and
unfolded again and again.
3. Review the chart below. Ask them to sort the items into different mechanical categories
by collapsible principles (written on cards). Many collapsible objects apply more than
one of these principles
Collapsible Principles Definition Examples
Stress 1. Something that is stressed
(compressed) for storage and
relaxed for action
2. Something that is stressed
(stretched) for action while
relaxed for storage
Sleeping bag, rubber band

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12C: Structural Considerations (continued)

Definition Examples
Folding Soft materials that are flexible and
directionless can be folded
Clothes, blankets, towels, tents,
curtains, flags, plastic bags, jump
Creasing Something that can be folded along
preset lines or creases giving an object
(folded and unfolded) neater
appearance, may also facilitate the act
of folding and unfolding
Maps, pup-up books, newspapers,
Bellows Used where a flexible and sealed
connection is needed
Airport bellows gates, hanging fabric
shoe-shelving, paper lanterns
Assembling The whole is separated into parts for
J igsaw puzzles, Lego* blocks,
motorized wheel chairs
Hinging Objects with flexible joints Laptop computers, pianos, mobile
phones, handheld computers,
umbrellas, ladders, glasses, folding
scissors, scooters, folding bicycles,
strollers, pocket knives
Rolling Objects that are rolled and unrolled
Extension cords, tape measures, roll-
up dog leashes
Sliding Collapsibles that expand and contract
as their parts slide open or closed
Telescopes, car antenna, sliding
ladders, autofocus camera lenses,
Nesting Two or more objects that fit together to
occupy less space than they do
Russian dolls, measuring
spoons/cups, shopping carts
Inflation Something that blows up to expand Balloons, inflatable rafts, inflatable
neck cushions
Fanning An object that has a pivot that holds its
leaves together to allow multiple
leaves to be viewed at the same time
Fans, sample color swatches, fan-
mounted Allen wrench keys
Concertina Collapsibles that have a number of
equal rods connected by pivots to form
a string of Xs which can be expanded
and retracted
Retractable mirrors/lights

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12C: Structural Considerations (continued)
4. Explain that collapsibility is never the purpose functionit is always the support function.
Discuss the benefits of each collapsible item (such as space saving, can perform
different functions when open and when collapsed, safety.)
Structural Considerations
1. Ask students to consider what structural principles would improve their own projects. In
doing so, they can consider the following questions:
How will their project be stored?
How will their product be moved?
Will their product need to be disassembled? If so, how?
Where will their product be placed? Are there any structural considerations to
keep in mind based on its placement?
2. Students can sketch any structural improvements to their projects.
Chart adapted from Mollerup, Per. Collapsible: The Genius of Space-Saving Design. San
Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2001.

Wrap Up
Review and share students' ideas.

Follow With
In Session 13, Making It! Models, Trials, and Tests, students build models and test the results.

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Structural Considerations
Handout: Session 12, Activity C

Have you ever noticed how many products change shape depending on their usage or non-
usage? For example, an umbrella is quite different when in use and when not in use. In this
activity you will study collapsible items and make structural considerations for your project.
1. In your notebook, fill in the "Examples" for each Collapsible Principle like chart below.
These may be items that are in your class or items that you discuss.
Definition Examples
Stress Something that is stressed
(compressed) for storage and
relaxed for action

Something that is stressed
(stretched) for action while
relaxed for storage

Folding Soft materials that are flexible
and directionless can be
folded to create new direction

Creasing Something that can be folded
along preset lines or creases
giving an object (folded and
unfolded) a neater
appearance; may also
facilitate the act of folding and

Bellows Used where a flexible and
sealed connection is needed

Assembling Something whole is separated
into parts for storage

Hinging Objects with flexible joints
Rolling Objects that are rolled and
unrolled repeatedly

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12C Handout: Structural Considerations (continued)

Definition Examples
Sliding Collapsibles that expand and
contract as their parts slide
open or closed

Nesting Two or more objects that fit
together to occupy less space
than they do individually

Inflation Something that blows up to

Fanning An object that has a pivot that
holds its leaves together to
allow multiple leaves to be
viewed at the same time

Concertina Collapsibles that have a
number of equal rods
connected by pivots to form a
string of Xs which can be
expanded and retracted

2. What structural principles would improve your project? Consider the following questions:
How will your project be stored?
How will your product be moved?
Will your product need to be disassembled? If so, how?

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Session 13
Making It! Models, Trials, and Tests
Making, Modeling, and Materializing

Students' design projects move
to the tangible and testable.
This session provides time to
build and test models of
components, systems, or the
product itself. In the single activity for the session, 13A: Making
Models, students are encouraged to be methodical as they build and
report on their models, tests, and results in their design notebooks. This is a session where
mentors can support students' work and help them take time to reflect on results and be
thoughtful about appropriate next steps.

A variety of materials to build models.

Supplies for Structure

Foam (Styrofoam* in sheets and several shapes, including foam tubes for pipe
Foam core board
Balsa wood (sheets and pre-cut strips from craft supply stores)
Modeling clay
Aluminum foil
Pipe cleaners and plastic straws
Cardboard (tubes, boxes of all sizes, flat pieces)
Paper (including poster board or card stock weights)
Erector* set
Lego* set
Dowels, bamboo skewers

Other Optional Structural supplies

Recyclable materials such as wine corks, aluminum soda cans, bubble wrap,
packaging peanuts, and twist ties
Sample items (for students to acquire and use in larger constructions): PVC pipe and
connectors, lumber (plywood and 2x4s) of different sizes

In This Session:

A) Making Models
(150 minutes)
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

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Session 13, Making It! Models, Trials, and Tests (continued)

Parts and Materials To Connect Things

Rubber bands
Rubber tubing
Tape (duct, masking, packaging, and electrical)
Glues (epoxy, superglue, glue sticks, glues for hot glue gun, and rubber cement)
Nuts and bolts, washers, assorted screws
Nails, thumbtacks


Several sets of each: pliers, saw, hammer, screwdriver, hot glue gun, and tin snips

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Session 13, Activity A
Making Models

Learn how models contribute to design.

Build models, evaluate results, and consider design modifications.

Students work on their models of the project or trials of components, systems, or subsystems.
They are encouraged to be methodical by keeping records of what they plan to construct and
why, and what the results show for next steps or modifications to their design. Mentors assist
with constructing and testing their models by helping students analyze design issues as they
build their models.

A variety of materials to build models.

Supplies for Structure

Foam (Styrofoam* in sheets and several shapes, including foam tubes for pipe
Foam core board
Balsa wood (sheets and pre-cut strips from craft supply stores)
Modeling clay
Aluminum foil
Pipe cleaners and plastic straws
Cardboard (tubes, boxes of all sizes, flat pieces)
Paper (including poster board or card stock weights)
Erector* set
Lego* set
Dowels, bamboo skewers

Other Optional Structural supplies

Recyclable materials such as wine corks, aluminum soda cans, bubble wrap,
packaging peanuts, and twist ties
Sample items (for students to acquire and use in larger constructions): PVC pipe and
connectors, lumber (plywood and 2x4s) of different sizes

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13A: Making Models (continued)

Parts and Materials To Connect Things

Rubber bands
Rubber tubing
Tape (duct, masking, packaging, and electrical)
Glues (epoxy, superglue, glue sticks, glues for hot glue gun, and rubber cement)
Nuts and bolts, washers, assorted screws
Nails, thumbtacks

Several sets of each: pliers, saw, hammer, screwdriver, hot glue gun, and tin snips

Safety Guidelines
1. Cut away from the body.
2. Never push into the palm.
3. Stabilize what is being cut.
Invite mentors to this session

1. Have students review the handout.
2. Discuss some model building tips:
Use found materials to construct models. Point out that the initial model for the
Apple* computer mouse, for example, was a butter dish with parts glued to hold
the rolling ball.
It is easy to get carried away by the fun of making an exciting model, but the
materials must not outshine the design concept.
The range of materials used in model making is endless. Experiment with
different materials or use them in inventive new ways.
Respect the physical properties of materials. Revisit the materials' test results
from 3A: Properties of Materials. Try running materials' property tests for
materials you may be considering.

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13A: Making Models (continued)

Know the differences between adhesives. Read labels on glue to understand
which glues work best for different applications. Use the least amount of glue
Always place cardboard or some sort of cutting board underneath the material
being cut.
For straight cuts, cut against a metal edge.

3. Emphasize the value of good records as students build and learn about their design.
Point out that they need to take the time to be methodical and write down what they plan
to do and why. As they build and think about what the modeling process shows them,
they should keep records about what the design issues come up as they build models.
When students complete a model, they "test" it, gather data about results, and write
notes about modifications and next steps which may be another model, depending on
time available.
4. Clean up and organize storage or transport of models home for further work.
Wrap Up
Have all model makers show what they built and state one or two things that they learned in the

Optional: Have students read 13A Reading: Meet Materials Engineers.

Follow With
Session 14, Prototype Practicalities, allows students to develop the next stages of the project.

Note: If you are running a two-week summer camp, you may need to end project work with this
session and move to Session 17: Fairly There.

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Making Models
Handout: Session 13, Activity A

It is helpful to keep good records of your model-building efforts. Good records allow you to
adjust your design based on what you learn from each model you build. For each model record
your plans, purpose, tests and results, and next steps using the questions below. Use your
design notebook for these records.

What do you want to build a model of? Is this a system or component of the product? Is this a
full-scale model?

What will this model help you understand about your design?

Tests and Results
What did your model show you about your design? What features did you test? Does it meet
requirements? Did it function as intended? Did the form suit you? Are the materials suitable?
What modifications do you need to make? What new ideas do you have for your design?

Next Steps
What do you want to do next? Adjust this model? Build another version of this model? Build a
model of something else?

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Meet Materials Engineers
Reading: Session 13, Activity A

Pratima Rao and J ill Barrett
Materials Engineers

When it comes to designing or improving a product, finding just the right material is a critical
step. From artificial knees to firefighters' uniforms to fiber optic cables for the ocean floor,
everything that gets manufactured benefits from the expertise of materials engineers. Two
Design and Discovery mentors developed an early interest in materials engineering.

Early Interests
When J ill Barrett was growing up, she and her two sisters routinely turned their garage into a
laboratory for conducting science and engineering investigations. Their enthusiasm wasn't
dampened even when they ruined the family pots and pans by cooking up a pot of paper pulp.
Looking back, Barrett can see how developing projects for school science fairs was a natural
step toward her career in materials engineering. She earned a bachelor's degree in materials
science from North Carolina State University and did master's studies in metallurgical and
materials engineering at the Colorado School of Mines.

For Pratima Rao, being on a high school Science Olympiad team motivated her to pursue
scientific studies in college. She originally planned to become a doctor. During her
undergraduate studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, she decided that
materials engineering was a better fit for her interests. She also liked the idea of contributing to
the development of new and improved materials that would benefit society. Rao eventually
earned a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering.

On the Job
Materials engineers work on a range of projects, from large industrial plants to laboratories
where research focuses on the molecular structure of substances. Plastics, metals, wood,
textiles, medicine, ceramics, and semiconductors are only a few of the fields where
breakthroughs have come about through the efforts and insights of materials engineers.
"Materials engineers are on the cutting edge in almost every field," says Rao.

Barrett's career has involved her in everything from steelmaking to testing the properties of

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13A Reading: Meet Materials Engineers (continued)

components that go into basketball shoes. She typically gets involved after initial product
development is underway and brings her expertise to focus on process improvement during

Rao has worked in the field of photonics, improving photosensitive glass used in the
telecommunications industry. She enjoys taking scientific research concepts and applying
them in practical ways in manufacturing. She also likes the hands-on nature of her work, from
melting powders to making glass samples to operating a transmission electron microscope.
While she worked at Corning, Inc., in New York, she was part of a research team that received
a patent for an invention called "Lens Array and Method for Fabricating the Lens Array."

Materials engineers often work as part of a team, contributing their technical knowledge to
evaluate a product or improve the production process. As Barrett explains, "You talk with the
design team about how a product is supposed to work. You ask a lot of questions about
different materials: Is it too sharp? Too brittle? Will it break easily? Will it melt if exposed to
heat? Can it be molded?" Engineers also pay attention to costs, evaluating whether using a
certain material will be economical or drive production costs over budget.

Designing tests to evaluate whether different materials will meet design specifications is
another part of the job. The engineer's role is not only to find what works but to rule out what
doesn't. "You should never be afraid of failure," Barrett stresses. "Failure teaches you more
than success ever will."

Being able to communicate and ask good questions are important job skills, too.
"Communicating your ideas clearly is crucial to your success," Barrett says.

Career Preparation
Barrett and Rao credit their career success to family support and encouragement. "My parents
always told me I could be anything I wanted. I heard that early and often," says Barrett. During
college, they found themselves in the minority as women in engineering. Both women say they
benefited from internships and hands-on experiences that gave them insights into the real
world of engineering. Rao says persistence is a quality worth cultivating, and so is "learning
how to ask for help. This is a valuable lesson. Support from others is important as we work to
overcome obstacles." Barrett shares a final tip for anyone considering a career in engineering:
"Make friends. Make lots of friends. They'll help you every step of the way."

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Design and Discovery

Now that students have developed a model, they are
ready to move towards creating a working prototype of
their idea. In Session 14: Prototype Practicalities!,
students create project specifications, consider
materials, and prepare a budget. Session 15: Develop
It! is a working sessions for prototype development. In
Session 16: Test It! students conduct user testing to
collect feedback from users and plan revisions to their

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Session 14
Prototype Practicalities

In this session students begin
planning how they will construct
their prototypes. In 14A:
Prototype Planning, prototypes
are reintroduced as students
strategize plans and create their specifications for developing a
prototype. In 14B: Prototype Materials, students consider what
materials they will use to develop their prototypes. Finally, in 14C:
Budget, they use a spreadsheet program to develop budgets for the
project. The Home Improvement activity, Your Work Schedule, helps
students structure their time for working on their prototypes.

Spreadsheet software program
Materials to demonstrate what may be used in prototypes:
Canvas fabric
Bubble packing
Cotton balls
Duct tape
Steel wool pads
String or twine
Masking tape

In This Session:

A) Prototype Planning
(30 minutes)
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

B) Prototype Materials
- Student Handout

C) Budget
- Student Handout

Home Improvement
- Student Handout

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Session 14, Activity A
Prototype Planning

Understand what a prototype is.

Students will be ready to begin building their prototypes.

This is the first part of Step 8 of the design process: Build the Prototypedevelop project
specifications and create a working prototype. Revisit the difference between a model and a
prototype. Students begin to think about how they are going to develop prototypes and get ideas
from one another.



What Is a Prototype?
1. Have students refer back to the design process checklist in 11A Handout: Checking in
on the Design Process, Step 8: Build the Prototype.
2. Ask students the difference between a model and a prototype (this was introduced in
12A: Thinking Again About Design).
Model: A visual representation of a total design (or some aspect of the
design) that is nonfunctional.
Prototype: A working model used to demonstrate and test some aspect
of the design or the design as a whole. A prototype is produced before
the final version.
3. Discuss the purpose of prototypes (learning, communication, integration, and
Learning: Prototypes are often used to answer two types of questions: "Will it
work?" and "How well does it meet the users' needs?"
Communication: Prototypes allow better communication of product ideas. They
are visual, tactile, three-dimensional representations of a product.

Integration: Prototypes are used to ensure that components and subsystems of
the product work together as expected.

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14A: Prototype Planning (continued)

Milestones: Prototypes are used to demonstrate that the product has achieved a
desired level of functionalityproviding tangible goals and demonstrating

4. For an example of the development of a prototype, refer to 14A Reading: ZIBA Designs
Dial Soap Dispenser.
Prototyping Suggestions

Discuss the following prototyping suggestions:
1. Prototype early and often: Don't wait until you have the final design. To see if something
will work, make a quick prototype.
2. Divide and conquer: Divide large problems into smaller challenges and solve these
through prototyping.
3. Flatten the problem: Translate three-dimensional problems into two dimensions to make
simpler prototypes that demonstrate a concept.
4. Make it simple: Use simple materials; the goal is to test an idea or a concept quickly and
cheaply so that you can improve the design.
5. Go big (or small): Build a full-scale version of the prototype. Something that looks good
on paper may not feel good in your hand or be too small or big to manufacture.
6. Mix it up: Mix up your materials when prototypinguse anything that will make it easy to
build and test your concept.
From Requirements to Specifications
1. Have students take turns getting feedback from each other (and mentors) about their
ideas for creating prototypes.
2. Explain the difference between requirements and specifications. Requirements are
general ways that the designer-engineer will meet the needs of the users. Specifications
are more specific and often measurable needs for the product design; they serve as
guidelines for designing and engineering the product.
3. Have students develop a set of specifications for their prototypes. Spell out in precise,
measurable detail what the product should do and what is required in order to achieve
this. This can be done by building on their chart that they developed for design
requirements in 11B Handout, The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design. Ask a
few students to share their design requirements charts and discuss the specifications
that they might include in their charts.

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14A: Prototype Planning (continued)

Name of Product: Bass Space Brief Description: A device used
to hold a beginner bass player's
fingers together in the correct bass
playing position.

User Needs Design Requirements Design Specifications
Device needs to fit different
sized hands
Material needs to be ductile
so that it can change form
depending on size of hands
Thermoplastic material that
can be molded onto one's

4. Remind students that as they plan their prototypes, they will have lots of sketches of
their ideas before developing the prototype and may develop a few prototypes.
Wrap Up
Be sure that students have a clear idea of the difference between making a model and building
a prototype.

Follow With
In 14B: Prototype Materials, students consider materials for their projects.

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Prototype Planning
Handout: Session 14, Activity A

Now that you have a model made, it's time to move on to the next step: building a prototype.
Remember the differences between a prototype and a model. Plan your prototype in your
design notebook.
Model: A visual representation of a total design (or some aspect of the design)
that is nonfunctional.
Prototype: A working model used to demonstrate and test some aspect of the
design or the design as a whole. A prototype is produced before the final version.
1. What ideas do you have for developing your prototype?
2. What suggestions do your peers have for you?
3. In 11B Handout: The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design, you should have
come up with your design requirements. You are going to use those to develop design
specifications. Requirements are general ways that the designer-engineer will meet the
needs of the users. Specifications are more specific and identify measurable needs for
the product designthey serve as guidelines for designing and engineering the product.
Using the chart from 11B Handout add specifications to the chart.
Name of Product: __________________ Brief Description: ____________________

User Needs Design Requirements Design Specifications

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ZIBA Designs a Soap Dispenser
Reading: Session 14, Activity A

ZIBA Design designed a new Dial* soap dispenser for commercial use in restrooms. Follow the
process that ZIBA engineers and product designers used to develop this product.

Sketch of Dial Soap Dispenser

A new Dial soap dispenser needed to meet the following requirements:
Dispenser has a semi-translucent cover for viewing soap levels.
Dispenser uses a rounded push button for easy interaction.
Spout needs to indicate where soap comes out.
Space should be available on the inside of the cover for distributor label.
The Dial brand should be recognizable.

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14A Reading: ZIBA Designs a Soap Dispenser (continued)

This first sketch shows the initial concept from a front, and side view.

Computer Model

This shows a computer model of the soap dispenser. A computer model is used to help product
designers plan the design and dimensions more accurately than a hand-drawn sketch. This
computer rendering is used to guide the development of the soap dispenser model.

Mechanical Model

The next step is figuring out how the parts of the dispenser will work. In this case, a model was
made of the mechanical component, the soap-dispensing mechanism. With this model,
engineers can trial and test how the mechanism will work.

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14A Reading: ZIBA Designs a Soap Dispenser (continued)

White Foam Visual Model

A white foam visual model is a quickly built model to evaluate early visual concepts and different
product configurations. A white foam model is used for non-detailed, configuration explanation
in the early phase of a design project. A front and side view are shown here.

Urethane Functional Model

A urethane foam model is a more detailed model used to evaluate a refined visual design.
Details such as parting lines for manufacturing, and button details can be shown.

Mechanical Functional Prototype

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14A Reading: ZIBA Designs a Soap Dispenser (continued)

A mechanical functional prototype is a complete mechanical and visual model used to evaluate
all aspects of a product before proceeding to the manufacturing stage.

Production Product

The production product is the final design that rolls off the manufacturing line and is sold to

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 14, Activity B
Prototype Materials

Consider the materials for developing a prototype.

Students decide what materials they will use for their projects.

In this activity, students explore possible materials for developing their prototypes. Ideally, this will
involve a visit to a local hardware store where they can get a sense of the materials available to them.

Materials to demonstrate what may be used in prototypes:
Canvas fabric
Bubble packing
Cotton balls
Duct tape
Steel wool pads
String or twine
Masking tape

Materials to demonstrate what may be used in prototypes: wood, foam, plexiglass, fiberglass,
metal, canvas fabric, bubble packing, cotton balls, tubing, sandpaper, sponges, steel wool pads,
string or twine, glue, masking tape, and duct tape.

Invite a guest who is knowledgeable about materials, such as a machinist, a product designer,
material engineer, handy person, and so forth.

Plan a visit to a hardware store in advance.

Bring in sample materials to show possible materials for prototypes.

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14B: Prototype Materials (continued)

Consider Materials
1. If possible, show sample prototypes and ask students what types of materials they see
used. Remember that the goal of a prototype is to test and ultimately demonstrate how
the final product will work.
2. Explain that material choice should be based on property characteristics of the design.
For example, do they need a material that bends? Do they need something to be
strong? It makes sense when choosing materials to think of it this way:

Function desired property material selected
3. Have students sketch the prototypes that they are planning. In doing so, they should
label the properties that each part of their prototypes requires. Then, have them refer to
the properties' test results from 3A: Properties of Materials and decide which class of
material makes sense for each application. They may want to run material property tests
to compare materials.
4. If possible, hold a feedback session with a guest expert on materials. In a whole-group
discussion, have students share their ideas for their prototypes and the materials they
are considering. They should also refer to their specifications to see what materials will
meet these specifications. Ask for advice from peers and the experts.
5. Remind them that when selecting materials, it is important to consider the following:
How much does the material cost?
How big will the prototype be? How much of each material will they need to
Where can they find the materials?

6. Explain that deciding what materials to use and where to find them will take some
exploration. This exploration may include:
Taking a trip to a hardware store to get ideas
Looking at parts catalogs to get an idea of what's available
Talking to a variety of people about different options for materials

Wrap Up
Review students' material choices to be sure their selections are realistic.

Follow With
The next activity, 14C: Budget, gets students planning their materials budgets.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Prototype Materials
Handout: Session 14, Activity B

Building a prototype can be fun and challenging. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
1. Make it large enough. Remember that others will want to see the detail, and you will
want to make sure all the parts work.
2. Pay attention to detail. Be sure that you show all the parts and components.
3. Make it strong. Use durable materials.
4. Make it "green." Use recyclable materials when possible.
5. Make it realistic. The prototype should be as close to the real product as possible.
Answer the following question to plan your prototype:
1. What materials are you considering using for your prototype?
2. Now, in your design notebook, draw a sketch of your prototype and label the materials.

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Session 14, Activity C

Consider the budget for developing a prototype.

Students create a budget for their materials using a spreadsheet.

In this activity, students begin to develop a budget for their materials using a spreadsheet.

Spreadsheet software program, computers

1. Be sure, if you are going to have students develop budgets on a spreadsheet program,
that you have enough computers with the appropriate software for students to do so.
2. You may want to set up a basic template that will help novice spreadsheet-users get
3. Decide what students' budgets will be (if you are providing the resources).
Make a Budget
1. Get students started on a spreadsheet to prepare a materials budget for their project.
Use an electronic spreadsheet program to do this. If students are not familiar with
spreadsheets, this may take some time to explain how to set up a spreadsheet.
2. Include the following in the budget: material, quantity, and price. Students should list the
materials that they selected in the previous activity, figure out how much they will need
of each material, and the price for that quantity.
3. Depending on who is doing the shopping for the material (the facilitator or the student),
students either give their budgets and materials lists to the facilitator or take them home
to serve as a shopping list.
Wrap Up
Review students' budgets to be sure they are realistic. Discuss the Home Improvement activity,
Your Work Schedule, which helps students plan their work time outside of class.

Follow With
In Session 15, Develop It! Students work on their prototypes.

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Handout: Session 14, Activity C

Using a spreadsheet program, prepare a budget for your project. Include the materials, how
much you will need of each material, the cost for each material, and the total cost.

Materials Quantity Cost

Total Cost =

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Your Work Schedule
Home Improvement: Session 14

Help students to structure concentrated work time for developing their prototypes.

Students develop a method for structuring their time. This chart that shows progress of a project
may be done electronically or on paper. The calendar should include their work sessions, class
meetings, mentor meetings, science and engineering fair deadlines, and so forth.

Bring in examples of calendars and other schedule organizers.

1. Decide how you would like students to develop a calendar: Will you leave it up to them
to choose or will you choose for them?
2. Provide examples of calendars and other schedule organizers.
3. Have periodic check-ins with students to see if they are on track. This may be done face-
to-face or by email.
4. Suggest that students pair up with a partner for frequent check-ins to make sure they are
both on track.
Next Day
Review students' calendars. Be sure to schedule regular meetings with them to check on their

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Your Work Schedule
Handout: Session 14, Home Improvement

By now, you will have set goals for yourself such as participating in a science fair. Because you
will probably be doing much of the work for the remainder of the project at home, it is important
to pace yourself and budget your time wisely. Creating a work calendar can help with this.
Here are some suggestions for your calendar.

Get a Yahoo personal account and use the Yahoo Calendar.
If you use Microsoft Outlook* for email, you can use the calendar there.
Make your own calendar.
Use a store-bought calendar to plan your work schedule.

Things to include in your calendar:

Work time and specific deadlines
Personal dates such as vacations, family trips, and school events
Class meetings
Mentor meetings
Partner check-ins
Leader check-ins
Science and engineering fair deadlines

Review your calendar and ask yourself:

Do you have all fixed deadlines on the calendar?
Do you have projected completion dates for goals and subgoals?
Did you include research and information gathering time?
Did you allot realistic time blocks to allow for setbacks?

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 15
Develop It!

Student designers' ideas take
on new forms as they develop
their prototypes. These should
be working prototypes with full functionality. Of course, students may
find that as they refine and test their ideas they develop several
working prototypes. This session has one activity, 15A: Prototype
Work Session, devoted to prototype development.

Materials to demonstrate what may be used in prototypes:
Canvas fabric
Bubble packing
Cotton balls
Duct tape
Steel wool pads
String or twine
Masking tape

Several sets of each: pliers, saw, hammer, screwdriver, hot glue gun, and tin snips
In This Session:

A) Prototype Work Session
(150 minutes)
- Student Handout

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Session 15, Activity A
Prototype Work Session

Learn how to develop a working prototype.

Build a working, fully functional prototype.

Students work on their prototypes of the project. Be sure to have them keep records to
document their progress. Encourage a culture of experimentation. The goal is not to get the
prototype done, but to try out different ways that the product could work and find the best
solution. Mentors should be available to assist with the development of prototypes.

Materials to demonstrate what may be used in prototypes:
Canvas fabric
Bubble packing
Cotton balls
Duct tape
Steel wool pads
String or twine
Masking tape

Several sets of each: pliers, saw, hammer, screwdriver, hot glue gun, and tin snips


Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
15A: Prototype Work Session (continued)

Debrief Home Improvement
1. Check in with students to review their calendar from the Home Improvement activity in Session
2. Show samples of students' schedules.
Work session
1. Discuss the purpose of a prototype. Refer back to the purposes from 14A: Prototype
Planning: learning, communication, integration, and milestones. Be sure to emphasize
that prototypes are still part of the experimental stage.
2. Remind students that they are wearing two hats: that of an engineer and that of a
designer. As an engineer, they should be sure that the prototype demonstrates that the
product is feasible, possible, manufacturable, and cost-effective. As a designer, they
should keep in mind the idea of user-centered design and continue to ask: Is it useful,
usable, and desirable?
3. Have them take out their design specifications from 14A Handout: Prototype Planning so
that they can use the specs when developing their prototypes.
4. Reiterate the value of good records as they develop their prototypes. Remind them that
they need to take the time to be methodical and write down what they plan to do and
5. Discuss the value of testing and data gathering. Give examples of kinds of testing and
how to be systematic. For example, stress and load testing on straps. This can be done
by adding successive weights to measure up to specifications. Determine how much
weight the strap can hold.
6. Clean up and organize storage or transport of prototypes home for further work.
Wrap Up
Have each junior engineer stand up and show what he or she developed so far and state what
he or she is planning to do next.

Follow With
In Session 16, Test It!, students develop the next stages of the project.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Prototype Work Session
Handout: Session 15, Activity A

It is helpful to keep good records of your prototyping efforts. Good records allow you to adjust
your design based on what you learn from each step of the process. The questions below can
help with this record keeping.

How do you plan to build your prototype

What will this prototype be able to do?

Will the prototype meet your specifications? How will you test this and what data will you

Next Steps
What do you want to do next? Adjust this prototype? Build another version of this prototype?

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 16
Test It!

Being an engineer requires
trial and error! Students learn
this as they continue with the
design process: Step 8, Build
a Solution Prototype and Step 9, Test, Evaluate, and Revise. As they
develop working prototypes, students test and evaluate the
prototypes for function, feasibility, safety, and aesthetics, and make
modifications. This process of testing and modification continues until
they have a final working prototype. In the first activity, 16A: User
Testing, students gather feedback from users as they try out their
ideas on an audience. In 16B: Evaluation and Revision, they consider the feedback from the
user testing and prioritize the revisions.


In This Session:

A) User Testing
(90 minutes)
- Student Handout

B) Evaluation and Revision
- Student Handout
- Student Reading

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Session 16, Activity A
User Testing

To get user feedback on function, appeal, and value of the product.

To know if the product does what it is supposed to do.

Developing a product does not happen in a vacuum. It is important to remember that the goal is
to develop something that others will use. In this activity, students conduct user testing to
determine their next steps.


Invite a variety of people to participate in user testing. Ideally, you will ask students to
characterize a typical user of their product (as they did in 8A: User Profile) and invite people
who represent these users.

Review user testing rules for Intel ISEF-affiliated fairs if students are participating in a fair,

User Testing Techniques
1. Ask students to refer back to 8A Handout: User Profile and 11B Handout: Meeting
Needs Through Design. Have them look at the user characteristics and scenarios that
they created. Ask them if this has changed, and if so, who their user is now.
2. Explain that they will conduct user testing to see how their product is received by others.
3. Remind them that when they talk to users, they will need to step away from their
personal involvement and understanding of the product and focus on the user. They
should listen carefully to what people say, jot down notes, and then decide which
comments seem helpful and valid, and which do not.
4. Testing more than one prototype is preferable because the comparison helps people see
what they like and what they don't.
5. Explain that the best feedback comes when the designer is as invisible as possible.
They can give the user the minimum information necessary and then let the user try the
prototypes. The designer should step back and observe.

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16A: User Testing (continued)
6. After giving the user time to use the product, designers may ask questions. Be sure that
these questions are objective and do not contain any biases. Another strategy is to have
the user verbalize what he or she is doing and thinking while trying out the product.
User Testing Strategies
1. When observing, designers should look for:
What does the user do with this product?
What are the user's perceptions of the product?
How successful or unsuccessful does the user think the product is?
How does it meet or fail to meet the user's needs?
How safe is the product?

2. When interviewing, designers can ask the following questions:
What do you like and dislike about this product?
What do you think this product should do?
What could be done to make you want to use this product more?
What do you think of the way this product looks (the aesthetics)?
Is this product efficient, safe, and comfortable to use? If not, how could it be
improved to make it more ergonomic?
What do you see as some problems with this product?
What can be done to solve these problems?
3. If students are participating in Intel ISEF-affiliated fairs, be sure that they understand the
user testing rules. They can look at the ISEF Rules Wizard,
www.sciserv.org/isef/students/wizard/index.asp*. This site indicates specific instructions
and safety precautions for testing on humans or nonhumans, the testing location, types
of testing, groups to be tested, and chemicals involved in testing.
4. Conduct user testing.
Wrap Up
Discuss how students will use the feedback from the user testing.

Follow With
In 16B: Evaluation and Revision, students analyze the feedback from their user testing and plan
their next steps.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
User Testing
Handout: Session 16, Activity A

User testing will help you to know if your product does what you want it to do. For example,
does it work the way it is supposed to? Do people like the way it looks? It's best to conduct user
testing with people whom you think will be using this product and have more than one prototype
(if possible) for them to compare.

In order to make the user testing most useful, answer the following questions and select
appropriate people to do the user testing and appropriate conditions to conduct the testing.
1. Who will be the users of your product? Refer back to your characterization from 8A: User
Profile and 11B: The Perfect Fit: Meeting Needs Through Design. Note if this has
changed or not.
2. Where will they use your product?
During user testing you will probably want to ask questions, observe the user, and listen to the
user explain what he or she is doing while trying out the product.

Sample Questions
1. What do you like and dislike about this product?
2. What do you think this product should do?
3. What could be done to make you want to use this product more?
4. What do you think of the way this product looks (the aesthetics)?
5. Is this product efficient, safe, and comfortable to use? If not, how could it be improved to
make it more ergonomic?
6. What do you see as some problems with this product?
7. What can be done to solve these problems?
Additional Questions
Write your own questions in your design notebook.

1. What does the user do with this product?
2. What are the user's perceptions of the product?
3. How successful or unsuccessful does the user think the product is?

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16A Handout: User Testing (continued)
4. How does it meet or fail to meet the user's needs?
5. How safe is the product?
Additional Observations
Add other observations to your design notebook.

Other Notes
What else will you be looking for?

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 16, Activity B
Evaluation and Revision

Evaluate feedback from user testing to plan changes to the prototype.

Students will have conceptualized and prioritized changes to their prototype.

Students plan their modifications based on the valuable feedback from user testing.



1. Students should use the chart on the handout to categorize and prioritize the feedback
they received from their user testing.
2. Next, have them plan which revisions they will make and how they will make these
3. Students can get feedback from their peers and/or mentors in planning their next
4. They should consider additional materials they will need and make any necessary
changes to their budgets.
5. Check in with each student to ensure they are on track.
6. Remind them to continue work on their prototypes at home.
Wrap Up
Review the charts and discuss what changes are realistic.

Have students read 16B Reading: Meet a Project Manager.

Follow With
Session 17, Fairly There, helps students and facilitators make presentation decisions.

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Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Prototype Materials
Handout: Session 16, Activity B

Now that you have feedback from your user testing, you need to organize the information in order to
figure out which suggestions you will incorporate into your revisions. Make a chart in your notebook. After
completing the chart, decide which revisions are most feasible and what your process will be.

Priority Problem Criteria Revision

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Meet a Project Manager
Reading: Session 16, Activity B

Michael Moon
Project Manager
ZIBA Design

My name is Michael Moon, and I'm one of ZIBA Design's project managers. I've been here
about four years, working in both the research and interactive groups before becoming a
dedicated project manager. My role can be summed up as "the guy who makes sure our work
makes it to market."

A Typical Day
As a project manager I work with the project team to create a schedule, set deadlines, and
define deliverables. I'm also the clients' main contact, working with them to understand their
needs and making sure we can meet them. At the end of the day, it's my job to make sure that
projects finish on time and on budget, while maintaining the high quality of work ZIBA Design is
known for.

My background is not typical for someone in this industry. I studied at Cornell University,
majoring in English, economics, and political science. Though this is not the recommended
education for someone seeking a job as a designer or engineer, the breadth of my studies,
combined with a lot of exposure to technology growing up, allowed me to apply my skills to user
research and design planning, as well as to developing the structures behind Web sites and
computer applications.

Favorite Things About Job
The best part about my job is seeing the projects I've worked on make it onto store shelves, into
product catalogs, and onto the Web. Because we put so much effort into understanding the way
people work, what they need, and the kind of experiences that can improve their lives, seeing
our work making a difference is the ultimate reward.

About ZIBA Design
ZIBA Design is an international design firm that has designed products from many global
companies, including FedEx, Microsoft, Intel, Fujitsu, Black & Decker, Sony, Pioneer North
America, Dial, and Clorox. www.ziba.com*

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Design and Discovery
Final Presentations

Design and Discovery culminates with students showcasing their
projects. Session 17: Fairly There describes the different types of
fairs that can be planned, including information on how students can
participate in an Intel ISEF-affiliated fair (International Science and
Engineering Fair). Students are also given direction on how to
prepare a display board for a fair. Fair preparation continues as
students practice presenting to their peers in Session 18: Dress

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Session 17
Fairly There
Final Presentations

Fairly There helps students
prepare for the fair. Before
beginning the session,
facilitators should read through the session and decide what type of
fair they wish to have the students do: a Solutions Showcase or a
Mini-Engineering Fair. They should also familiarize themselves with
the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF).

In the first activity, 17A: Fair Choices, students learn from past fair
participants and an engineer about the benefits of participating in a
science fair. This introduces fairs to the students, and they organize
committees to begin planning for the event. The second activity, 17B:
Design Your Display, is a work session where students prepare
display boards for the fair.

Science/engineering fair forms
3-panel display boards
Colored paper
Rubber cement
Scrapbooking supplies
Glue sticks
Other art materials

In This Session:

A) Fair Choices
(60 minutes)
- Student Handout:
- Student Handout:
- Student Handout:
Intel ISEF- Affiliated
- Student Reading:
Intel ISEF Finalists
- Student Reading:

B) Design Your Display
- Student Handout

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Session 17, Activity A
Fair Choices

Learn what is needed to participate in a science/engineering fair and begin to plan for

Students begin preparing for the fair that they are going to participate in.

Here's an opportunity to become inspired by former Intel International Science and Engineering
Fair (Intel ISEF) participants and a young woman whose science camp and science fair
experiences inspired her to pursue a career as an engineer. After students hear from these
young engineers, they plan their own fair.

Science/engineering fair forms

Decide which fair(s) you would like to prepare for. More information on each of these is
available in Participating in Fairs .
Intel ISEF-affiliated fair
Solutions Showcase for parents and community members
Mini-Engineering Fair for younger students and peers

In advance, conduct research on science and engineering fairs to determine which fairs your
students could participate in. These might be regional, local or even school fairs. It is important
to note that all participants who attend the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel
ISEF) must participate in and be selected by their local Intel ISEF-affiliated fair. Each affiliated
fair can send two individual project finalists and one team project to compete in the Intel ISEF.
More information about Intel ISEF-affiliated fairs is available at Science Service,
www.sciserv.org/isef/aff_fairs*. Also, be aware that participating in an Intel ISEF-affiliate fair with
an engineering project will require some adaptations to fit the scientific methodology.

Prepare copies of necessary paperwork for the science/engineering fair.

If possible, invite a local science/engineering fair representative to answer students' questions
about the fair.

What Is a Science/Engineering Fair?
1. Ask students if any of them have participated in a science fair. If so, have them share
their experiences.

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17A: Fair Choices (continued)
2. Discuss the purpose of science fairsconduct a brainstorm of students' ideas.
Science/Engineering Fair Testimonials
1. Have students read 17A Reading: Intel ISEF Finalists, which profiles three projects:
Crayon Creations
Recycled Plastic
To Live or Not to Live? A Machine to Test for Signs of Life in a Chicken Egg
2. Students can also see more Intel ISEF student and project profiles at Intel ISEF Profiles
of Success, www.intel.com/education/isef/profiles.htm.
3. Discuss these examples and what students think made these projects Intel ISEF
4. Ask students what the participants gained from their experience.
5. Have students read and then discuss 17A Reading: Engineer's Inspiration: Interview
With Jenna Burrell. Ask students to consider influences, both people and events, in their
lives. Do they have a mentor? What is the value of mentors?
6. Now refer to one of the following (depending on which you plan to have your students
prepare for).
A Solutions Showcase for Parents and Community Members
1. Consider having a volunteer student committee plan the details of the event, such as
guest speakers, common dress or standard of dress, snacks, sequence of events, and
room arrangement.
2. Students might like to make individual invitations for family, friends, and their mentors.
Have the details of date, time, place, and duration of the event on display for them to
3. A chalkboard or chart pad in the presentation area should be set up so students can
write or illustrate key points of their presentation as they talk.
4. Assign photography duties to a parent volunteer, and ask that they photograph each
student during presentations.
5. Optional: Make a computer slideshow, with a few slides for each student. The slideshow
can serve as a backdrop for each student during his or her presentations. It might

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17A: Fair Choices (continued)
include a drawing or photograph of the design, design specifications, or other
information that supports the presentation.
A Mini-Engineering Fair for Younger Students and Peers

The Audience
1. Discuss who will be invited to the engineering fair. This may be decided by the leader, or
in some cases, by the students.
2. Possible audiences include peers, younger students in a similar program, community
members, and parents.
The Format
1. Discuss the format of the event, including the time, length, and locationthese may be
2. Explain the purpose of the event:
a. To recognize students' hard work and celebrate their accomplishments
b. To share engineering expertise with others
c. To practice presenting projects to an audience in a similar format as an Intel
ISEF-affiliated fair
d. To get feedback on their projects: display boards, prototypes, and presentations
e. To participate in a service project

3. Consider inviting a keynote speaker to the event. This might be a community figure or an
engineer, for example.
1. For more efficient planning, divide students into the following committees to plan the
engineering fair.
Logistics: This committee is responsible for room layout, student
assignments/rotations, organization, prizes, and food.
Advertising: This committee is responsible for promoting the event. This may
take the form of flyers, newsletter/newspaper articles and advertisements,
posters, emails, or a bulletin on the school TV network.
Engineering activities: This committee is responsible for selecting and
structuring the engineering activities for the visitors. These may include scaled-
down versions of some of the activities done during Design and Discovery, such

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
17A: Fair Choices (continued)

as 1A: Build a Better Paper Clip, 2D: SCAMPER and Backpack, or 5C: Gears,
Cranks, Crankshafts, and Belts. Younger students may want to choose some
activities from the PBS program, Zoom Into Engineering*,
www.asce.org/150/zoom.html*. This group is responsible for getting the material
list to the leader.
Passport Scavenger Hunt: This committee is responsible for planning and
creating the Passport Scavenger Hunt. A passport is given to each visitor and
includes specific questions about each project. When the visitors ask the
questions, they get a stamp from each project. Each visitor with a complete
passport gets a prize. This group will need to collect and compile questions from
all the groups. If there will be different age groups of students at the fair, they
may need to prepare different age-appropriate passports. They can get creative
with the passportsinclude photographs of the projects, and so forth.

2. All groups: Set aside 5 minutes at the end of the session for each committee to share
their plans. Tell students that they need to write up questions about their project for the
passport scavenger hunt. Depending on who is invited to the fair, students may need to
write different questions for different age levels.
An Intel ISEF-Affiliated Fair
1. Having already decided which fair you would like students to participate in, distribute the
forms for students to fill out. This may require them to get parent signatures. Also, they
may want to wait awhile until they are absolutely sure about their project before
completing the forms. Review the forms in detail.
2. If possible, invite a local fair representative to answer questions about the fair.
3. Be sure that local fair dates and deadlines are clearly communicated.
4. Have students complete the handout.
5. Note that it is highly recommended that, even if students prepare for an Intel ISEF-
affiliated fair, you still have a culminating fair for Design and Discovery.
Wrap Up
Allow time for students to ask questions about the science/engineering fair.

Follow With
In 17B: Design Your Display, students create their display boards.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Solutions Showcase
Handout: Session 17, Activity A

You will have the exciting opportunity to share your ideas with an audience. The group will
decide who to invite.
The details of the showcase are:


1. What committee are you on? What does your committee need to do?
2. You may be asked to prepare a slide for a slideshow. If so, plan it with storyboards in
your notebook.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Mini-Engineering Fair
Handout: Session 17, Activity A

In order to prepare for the Mini-Engineering Fair, you will join a planning committee. Depending
on the committee you are on, your responsibilities are the following:

This committee is responsible for planning the organization of the event.

1. Room layout: How will the room be arranged? Where will the display boards be? Where
will the engineering activities take place?
2. Student assignments/rotations: What assignments will there be, such as greeters,
activity leaders, and so forth?
3. Organization: What will be the order of activities for the event? How will everything be
4. Prizes: What type of prizes will there be? Where will you get them? You may want to
consider trying to get prizes donated from a business.
5. Food: Will you serve food? If so, what?

This committee is responsible for promoting the event. This may take the form of invitations,
flyers, newsletter/newspaper articles and advertisements, posters, emails, or a bulletin on the
school TV network.

Engineering Activities
This committee is responsible for selecting and structuring the engineering activities for the
visitors. These may include scaled-down versions of some of the activities done during Design
and Discovery, such as 1A: Build a Better Paper Clip, 2D: SCAMPER and Backpack , or the
crankshaft toy for example in 5C: Gears, Cranks, Crankshafts, and Belts. Younger students may
want to choose some activities from the PBS program, Zoom Into Engineering*,
www.asce.org/150/zoom.html*. Be sure to give a materials list to the leader so that he or she
can get the materials for the event.

Passport Scavenger Hunt
This committee is responsible for planning and creating the Passport Scavenger Hunt. A
passport is given to each visitor and includes specific questions about each project. When
visitors ask the questions, they get a stamp from each project. Each visitor with a complete
passport gets a prize. This group will need to collect and compile questions from all the groups.
Depending on the age of the visitors, you may need to create different passports for different
age groups. Be sure to make enough copies of the passports for all the intended visitors. Feel
free to get creative with the passports.

Develop questions about your project to include in the passport. You will need to write different
questions for the different ages of children who will be at the fair. Give questions to the Passport
Scavenger Hunt committee.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
An Intel ISEF- Affiliated Fair
Handout: Session 17, Activity A

Science/engineering fairs offer an opportunity for you to share your ideas, be recognized for
your hard work, and compete for prizes. Participating in a fair requires advanced planning and
being aware of and closely following the guidelines. Complete the following information to help
you get started with the planning process.
1. What is the date of the local fair?
2. Where is it held? What is the address?
3. Who can I contact if I forget or need more information?
Phone Number:
4. I have completed the following forms:
5. The name of my adult sponsor is:
6. I have a pretty good idea of what more I have to do to be ready for entering the local
science fair. Here are the things I still need to do:

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Intel ISEF Finalists
Reading: Session 17, Activity A

Crayon Creations
Malvery, Arkansas, U.S.A.

The Inspiration
Meghan is an Intel ISEF "old timer," having competed for two years. In her first year, Meghan
designed "Crayon Creations" to recycle old crayons. Her dad is an art teacher at an elementary
school for the deaf, and she felt the students wasted too many crayon bits in his class. She
wanted to devise a way to melt the broken pieces of crayons into new shapes using a simple
machine and invented Crayon Creations.

The Original Crayon Creation Machine
In her first year, Meghan invented a chrome crayon machine that:
Melted crayon bits into interesting new shapes
Used safe heat from a light bulb
Could be completed in a day
Was easy enough for young children to use
Made crayons that kids would actually choose to use again

Overcoming Roadblocks
Meghan notes, "I had one teacher who did not think the idea was worth pursuing. She was a
roadblock. But I knew it was a good idea and kept at it. When I won at state she finally said,
'Good job.' My dad supported me. I've had a lot of fun. It's meant a lot of long nights, and hard
work, but it's been a really good payoff."

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17A Reading: Intel ISEF Finalists (continued)

Design Improvements
In her second year, Meghan wanted to continue her research on Crayon Creations. She wanted
to make improvements to the machine from the prior year. The modifications include:
Three "hoppers" and feeding tubes so that more crayons can be melted at a time
Plastic tubing for feeding tubes instead of brass so that it is possible to tell how full the
machine is (and to give the machine more visual appeal)
Pop rivets to attach the hoppers to the machine instead of a metal epoxy, to make the
machine more durable
Addition of a dimmer switch to control heat from the light bulb and air temperature
inside the machine
Addition of a thermometer to measure the inside temperature of the machine

Definition of Success
"I wanted a two-year-old to be able to use it and I've done that this year. I have a friend that has
a two-year-old son and he plays with it and he loves it!"

Recycled Plastic: The Building Blocks of Tomorrow Phase II
Moultrie, Georgia, U.S.A.

The Product
Amanda set out to produce a replacement for conventional bricks. The new bricks are made of
recycled plastic soda bottles and will lessen plastic's impact on landfills. Amanda is now 15
years old yet first thought of her idea two years ago. To make her "Building Blocks" the first year
at Intel ISEF, Amanda mixed cement, sand, and recycled plastic soda bottles. In her second
year, Amanda's goal was to find an aggregate to replace sand that would increase the strength
of the bond between the plastic and cement. She tested her new bricks for strength and

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
17A Reading: Intel ISEF Finalists (continued)

durability. The tests performed included: water and sound absorption, thermal conductivity, and
compression strength. Her product met or exceeded industry standards for conventional brick
and concrete blocks in all tests that were performednow that's a success story!

Lightbulb Moment
"I was watching a home improvement show, and I saw that they were creating boards for
decking. They'd used Styrofoam*, taking out the air and mixing it with sawdust. So they had this
new board that wouldn't warp and absorb water. The next day the show was about mortaring
brick and the brick-making process. I thought if there was some way that you could combine
these two, it'd be a very good thing for the environment. I began to research this project and
noticed that landfills were overflowing with garbage. Eleven percent of the weight and 24
percent of the volume in landfills is plastic. Type I plastic, the kind used in soda bottles, is the
most common plastic in landfills, so it's the most accessible. If you're going to take some of that
out you can prolong the life of the landfill. I decided to use plastic as the recyclable material in
my bricks."

"Building Block" Benefits
Prolongs the life of landfills by reducing the amount of plastic disposed
Manufacturers can receive tax incentives from the government for producing recyclable
Recyclable products are in demand by the public
Superior sound absorption makes the product ideal for retaining walls near freeways

This Year's Breakthrough
Amanda explained that last year the plastic and the cement did not stick to each other well. This
year she thought of using clay. Because it has the same chemical composition as sand but is
finer, the brick's components adhere much better. About her breakthrough idea, Amanda says:
"My dad was taking me home from school and on the highway they were building a technical
college. As we passed it, he looked over and said, 'there's a lot of red clay right there.' I
wondered if that would work instead of sand. It was out of the blue. We went to get some clay,
tried it, and it worked!"

"I had a lot of parental support because both my parents are teachers. My dad's a math teacher
so he helped me out with the equations that I didn't understand.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
17A Reading: Intel ISEF Finalists (continued)

To Live or Not to Live? A Machine to Test for Signs of Life in a Chicken Egg
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand

Invention Inspiration
"We live in the city but we have a hen and a rooster at our home. I wanted to test the eggs to
see which to incubate."

The Problem
Atchavadee explained: "At present, testing whether the embryo in a chicken egg has developed
and is alive, is done by visual inspection, by holding the egg against a light source and
observing how well the tissue has developed. This method can only be used reliably during the
first 3-15 days after the egg has been laid and its accuracy depends to a large degree on the
expertise of the inspecting individual."

Invention Design
"Our machine is based on the observation that a living embryo is moving continuously. The egg
is placed onto a spring that is set in motion by the embryo's movement. An attached needle
makes these vibrations visible, and a sensor converts them into digital signals that are fed into a
computer for visual display and further processing."

"Tests have shown that our machine can be used reliably from the twelfth day after the egg has
been laid onwards. Being portable, it is well suited for practical applications, and it can easily be
enlarged to handle many eggs at a time."

"My father is in the Department of Livestockhe helped me with biologyand my mother is a

Path to Intel ISEF and Future Plans
Atchavadee was the winner in Thailand of Intel ISEF and has applied for a patent for her
invention in Thailand. In the future, she may study math or engineering because it's fun and
because she enjoys making and designing things.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
An Engineers Inspiration: Interview with J enna Burrell
Reading: Session 17, Activity A

Who Is Jenna Burrell?
J enna Burrell is a young woman who is an Applications Concept Developer for Intel's People
and Practices Research (PaPR) group. The group is composed of engineers, designers,
psychologists, anthropologists, and social scientists who give Intel a fresh perspective on
designing technology that meets real world needs. They do so by engaging in ethnography; the
study of people to observe what people really do in their daily lives. In doing so, they are looking
for new concepts to develop things that people can use. Essentially, the group provides insights
into the relationship between human behavior and technology.

Here's what J enna Burrell has to say about the work she does.

People and Practices Work Group at Intel
We are in charge of going out and exploring environments, lifestyles, and the work processes of
people. We don't necessarily think about technology, but just look at people and how they do
their jobs, you know, how they keep themselves entertained, even in other countries. For
example, other people in the group have studied families in Europe and recently studied people
in Latin America.

After interviewing and exploring an environment, the next step is to take the needs people
haveneeds they may not even be aware ofand see if there are ways that technology can
aid those work processes or help people in those different environments. We are trying to find
new places for computing technology in a way that makes sense.

Burrell's Current Project
I am looking at alternative environments for technology. Right now I'm doing a study on
computing in agriculture. We [the People and Practices Research group] spend some time
visiting local vineyards and interviewing vineyard managers, workers, and wine makers. Out of
that we've come up with an idea for a way of sensing information in the vineyard. I've been
responsible for programming these little sensing devices to detect temperature and keep track
of that kind of information over time and to communicate wirelessly. The hardware for the device
was originally designed at UC Berkeley, and we are trying to take it to the next stepfrom
hardware to something that actually has an application.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
17A Reading: An Engineers Inspiration: Interview with J enna Burrell

Burrell's Role in Her Work Group
I do just about every part in the process: interviewing, concept or idea development, and
programming. I have a bachelor's degree in computer science, but I tried to structure my
undergraduate program so that it was very interdisciplinary because I was also interested in
social science and art. I also took a lot of psychology and organizational behavior classes.

I got my start working in manufacturing at Intel as an intern. I spent a summer studying
fabrication technicians (the people wearing the "bunny suits" in the manufacturing "clean
rooms") and their work process and how automation technology was or wasn't supporting that
work process.

Working in a Group
As a group we all try to cross-pollinate and share ideas and talk about the themes we think are
interesting. All day long, people are constantly emailing links to news articles or things like that. I
think a lot of my projects come out of my personal interest. Since I am a woman in engineering,
I think it's great that I'm able to take what interests me, bring it in, and try to open other people's
eyes to what's interesting or valuable about that trend or technology.

What's to Love About the Job
I love the diversity and flexibility of my job. I pretty much pick my own projects so I can figure out
what I'm interested in and go after them. We try to accomplish something significant in a three-
month time frame but then, if it's going well, I might pick a second stage of the project and
continue for another three months.

Early Influences on Career Choice
We always had a computer in the house. I had unrestricted access to computers my whole life
and I got a lot out of it. I programmed and designed Web pages early on. It was always a hobby
that I was really passionate about.

I was also involved in a number of different programs: I did science fairs in middle school. I liked
them, although it was always hard picking a topic, but once I got going it was always really
interesting. I liked being self-directed and pursuing my own questions and structuring a whole
study. For the eighth-grade science fair, I was looking for evidence of ice age floods in a local
nature preserve. I did all sorts of data gathering in the field and took pictures. I had a science
teacher who said, "This is really good. You should consider pursuing science further in high
school and as a career." I liked that project but don't think I took it that seriously until he made
that comment.

The summer between eighth and ninth grade, I participated in Pacific University's science camp
for girls. This was another experience where I said to myself "Oh, people think I should pursue
science and I like it and maybe that makes sense, I mean, it's certainly a practical thing to do
there are good job prospects..." At the science camp, I got along well with all the girls involved,
and it was rewarding in that sense. We did a lot of fun interesting projects. For instance, we built
a telescope out of cardboard and some little lenses and stayed at the beach for the weekend to
look for tide pools. We also worked with computers. At that point, I think I realized I had above-
average knowledge of computers. I already knew how to work with databases and spreadsheets

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
17A Reading: An Engineers Inspiration: Interview with J enna Burrell

so I thought "Okay, I guess this is an aptitude that I havethat's good to know."

Two professors ran the camp. They were both women, and one was a physics professor. In
fact, everyone involved in teaching and running the program was in science. That was valuable.

School Choices
In high school, my parents encouraged me to take science classes so I took physics and
advanced chemistry and biology.

When I decided to go to college I was interested in art and computer science about equally. I
thought computer science sounded like a bit easier path in life because after graduating there
would be no question that I'd have somewhere to go. I continued to feel like I had an aptitude for
computer science in my early college computer science classes. Some people were struggling
yet I seemed to be doing fine, so I kept going.

Recent Graduate of Cornell University
I graduated in 2001 from Cornell University. I grew up in Oregon, went away to school, and now
I'm back. I don't consider myself to be purely an engineer just because I do so much of this
other work. I think that it is a really good fit for me because I've got broad interests. I like
engineering, but I also like talking to people, exploring vineyards, or wandering around Intel
fabrication sites!

Mentors Important in Career Development
I benefited from a lot of great mentors. The summer I spent as an intern with Intel, I had a
manager who understood my interests and my abilities. He was the person who asked me to do
the project studying the fabrication technicians and their work process. He was very sensitive to
the kind of person I was and what my interests were and was able to find me the position within
Intel that really fed that interest.

I also worked in a research lab at Cornell University, the Human Computer Interaction Lab. The
professor that ran the lab was also really encouraging. For example, I did this project design
"Location Aware Hand-Held Tour Guide," and she encouraged me to do things like write papers
and submit them to conferences. J ust having someone say "this is the next thing I think you
should do," and "I think you can do it" helped a lot. In fact, I remember one day she came into
the lab and said, "You should write a paper about this and submit it to the Universal Usability
Conference" and handed me the guidelines. So I went home that weekend and wrote up what
I'd been doing and what my findings were and submitted it to the conference. I got in, went to
the conference, and presented my paper! Having that extra kick was really great.

Girls: Go where the boys aremore women are needed in computer science and engineering.
I learned how to relate to guys really well because I didn't have any choice. There were just
more men than women so I was around a lot of guys, not only in computer science, but in my
math and science classes. I always thought, "this is stupidthere should be more women here",
but I don't think I ever felt intimidated or out-of-place. From a social aspect though, it would have
been nice to have more girls.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 17, Activity B
Design Your Display

To create presentation boards for the fair.

Students summarize their projects on presentation boards. This work party gets students started
on their presentation boards for the fair. In the process, students learn some graphic design

3-panel display boards
Colored paper
Rubber cement
Scrapbooking supplies
Glue sticks
Other art materials

In advance, tell students to bring things they may want to put on their boards.

If possible, arrange for a graphic artist to visit, explain graphic design principles, and help with
the boards.

1. Each student (or project group) should be given a 3-panel display board.
2. Using a sample display (or other design samples), conduct a mini-lesson on design
principles (or have a graphic artist present them.) Review the design principles on the
handout, asking the junior designers to point out examples of the design elements on the
3. Before beginning the display boards, suggest that students create a mock-up version to
4. Discuss the purpose of the presentation boards and the types of pieces that can be
included on the boards.
Typed description of the problem and solution
Photographs of different stages of the project
Graphs showing survey results
Project explanations (tests and revisions)

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

17B: Design Your Display

Design brief

5. Now, have a work party for students to begin working on their displays. It is useful to
have computers and printers available to make charts, do word processing, and so forth.
You may need to show students how to make charts.
Wrap Up
Students will probably need to complete their presentation boards at home. Tell them that at the
fair, they should be prepared to answer people's questions!

Follow With
In Session 18, Dress Rehearsal, students get ready for the fair.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Design Your Display
Handout: Session 17, Activity B

You will now design your display for the fair. If you are planning to participate in another science
fair, this will give you an opportunity to practice and get feedback on your project and display.
When designing your presentation board, it is important to keep in mind several design
principles. Attention to the principles of graphic design will make your presentation more exciting
and easier for others to use. Good design should attract viewers' attention to your project, and
then guide their understanding of the information you wish to convey.

Establish a style for your display and stick to it. Too much variation will make your
display seem disjointed. Be consistent with all the elements.

Keep questioning whether your message is being conveyed clearly. Do the illustrations
and charts convey what they are supposed to?
Think about the clarity of your visual presentation. Is it cluttered? Question any possible
unnecessary elements like cute stickers, doodles, patterns, etc.

Attention to Detail
J udges will notice if a display has grammar and spelling errors. Get people to proof your
Make a checklist of the points you want to cover in your display and double-check that
you present each.
Make sure all your pieces are cut out with straight lines (use a ruler) as this will make
your presentation look more polished and professional.

Elements of Your Design

Limit your color palette to two or three colors. Use tints and shades of these. A large
number of colors make designs seem less planned and inconsistent.
Determine how color will be used and why. For example, you might want all your
headers to be one color and text blocks to be another, so the headers will stand out.
Keep in mind that different colors have different connotations and a power of their own.
For instance, red usually demands attention. It can be used effectively for this purpose,
but only if used in moderation.

Pick only one or two fonts for the text so your display will look consistent and unified. A
large number of fonts, like too many colors, can seem disjointed and confusing.
Decide on one or two techniques for emphasis in your type style. Some possibilities are:
bold, italic, all caps (capitalizing all the letters of a word), color, and choice of font.
Don't use underlining if you have italic available. Underlining was designed to represent
italic for typing since typewriters don't have italic.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
17B Handout: Design Your Display

Avoid writing words vertically (with the letters stacked) as this will minimize readability.
All caps are less readable than standard text, so if you choose to use them, do so only
with small quantities of text, such as titles.
Narrow columns of text are easier to read than wide columns of text. Left-justified or full-
justified text is easier to read than centered text (for longer items).

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 18
Dress Rehearsal
Final Presentations

Get ready for the big event! In
this session, students plan
their presentations in 18A:
Presentation Prep and practice them before their peers in 18B: Take
One! Friendly feedback from peers helps students further refine their
presentations and get ready for the fair. In 18C: Fair Logistics, the
final details are worked out, and the venue is prepared for the fair.
The Home Improvement activity, Project Reflection, gives students
the opportunity to reflect on their own progress and their experience
in Design and Discovery.


Flip chart and markers
Video camera
Videotapes (one 15-minute tape per student)
Supplies for hands-on activities (if needed)
Copies of Passport Scavenger Hunt (if needed)
Copies of feedback forms
Room decorations
Prizes for scavenger hunt

In This Session:

A) Presentation Prep
(70 minutes)
- Student Handout

B) Take One!
- Student Handout

C) Fair Logistics
- Student Handout

Home Improvement
- Student Handout

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 18, Activity A
Presentation Prep

Develop presentation criteria and plan presentations.

Students plan their own presentations.

The facilitator gives a mock presentation to the students. The students then critique the content
and presentation skills and develop criteria for their own presentations. They then plan their own

Flip chart and markers
Prepare a brief presentation of a product that you "designed." This can be any product. Include
the product, drawings, and models of the product. These can be pretty crude.

Sample Presentation
1. Do a mock presentation for the students, modeling the content and delivery for their
presentations. After the presentation, ask them to consider the following:
What did the presenter need to do in order to organize the presentation?
How was the presentation organized?
What did the presenter show during the presentation?
What presentation skills helped the presentation?
What could the presenter do to improve the presentation?
What will you need to explain in the presentation?
What will you need to show in the presentation?
What presentation skills will make your presentation successful?

2. Based on the discussion about the sample presentation, conduct a brainstorm on a flip
chart of the following:
What will you need to explain in the presentation?
What will you need to show in the presentation?
What presentation skills will make your presentation successful?

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
18A: Presentation Prep (continued)

Presentation Criteria
1. Length of presentation: This will vary depending on the number of students, time
available, and structure of the presentation. Most likely, if you are doing a Solutions
Showcase, a 5-10 minute presentation with 3-5 minutes for questions and feedback is a
workable time allotment. If you are doing a Mini-Engineering Fair, then students will be
presenting either one-on-one or more informally to small groups.
2. With the group, develop criteria to help students prepare for their presentations. Criteria
could include these items:

Presentation Content
Problem clearly described
Solution clearly explained
Design process articulated
Drawings, models, and prototypes explained
Documentation on hand for questions

Drawing, Models, and Prototypes
Design drawn in detail
Models show how project works. Model may include parts and components
Prototype is a working prototype
Drawings, models, and prototypes explained in detail

Presentation Skills
Presenter speaks clearly and explains project in detail
Presenter is knowledgeable about all aspects of project and can answer questions
Presenter is well prepared
Speaker holds interest (maintains eye contact, uses gestures, varies voice

Your Presentation
1. Provide designers time to prepare their presentations. They can begin by completing the
2. They can prepare note cards or an outline for their presentation.
Wrap Up
Time permitting, students may practice their presentations with one another. Encourage
students to practice their presentations at home.
Follow With
The next activity, 18B: Take One!, gives students time to practice their presentations and
receive feedback from their peers.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Presentation Prep
Handout: Session 18, Activity A

To help you prepare for your presentation you will have an opportunity to see a sample
presentation. Consider the following as you watch the presentation:
What did the presenter need to do in order to organize the presentation?
How was the presentation organized?
What did the presenter show during the presentation?
What presentation skills helped the presentation?
What could the presenter do to improve the presentation?

As a group, we will come up with criteria for the presentations to help you develop a successful
presentation. Record the final criteria that we develop.

Use the following questions to guide your own presentation preparation.
1. How will you start your presentation?
2. Describe the problem as you see it. Capture what's wrong or not working in a problem
statement. This will be built upon what you wrote in the design brief. You will need to add
more specific information to what you wrote.
3. Describe how your project works, and how it solves the problem. What is the rationale
for your solution? What are the benefits of your solution?
4. How will you use your drawing to help explain your project?
5. How will you use your model and prototype to help explain your project?
6. What do you really want others to know about your project?
7. What challenges did you face throughout this design process? How did you overcome
8. What kind of feedback do you want?
9. How will you end your presentation?

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 18, Activity B
Take One!

This activity gets students ready to share their ideas and projects in a more formal way.

Students are ready for the fair.

Students brainstorm guidelines to give each other constructive feedback during their
presentations. They then practice presenting to their peers and receive constructive critique
from one another to refine their presentations.


Flip chart and markers
Video camera
Videotapes (one 15-minute tape per student)

Have a flip chart ready to record the brainstorm.

Set up the camera on a tripod. Ideally, purchase enough 15-minute videotapes so students can
take them home and watch them.

Friendly Feedback Guidelines
1. Explain that students will have a chance to practice their project presentations.
2. Discuss the purpose of practicing the presentations for each other. Ask students to
consider what type of feedback they would like from their peers (this was question nine
from the previous activity, 18A: Presentation Prep.)
3. Together, use a flip chart to brainstorm some guidelines for giving friendly feedback to
each other, such as:
Offer suggestions not just criticism.
Say something positive before saying something negative.
Consider how your comment will help the presenter.
Take turns.
Be polite.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
18B: Take One! (continued)
4. Review the criteria from the previous activity so that students can keep this in mind when
watching each other.
Practice Presentations
1. Ask learners to have the criteria handy and be prepared to take notes based on the
criteria. They should take notes on a separate piece of paper and not write on the backs
of the paper. Explain that after each presentation, they will have an opportunity to
provide verbal feedback.
2. Explain the format of the presentations:
Introduce project
Explain what type of feedback you would like to receive.
Present project using drawings, models, prototypes, and display boards.
Ask for questions.
Receive friendly feedback.

3. Videotape presentations so that each student can view them at home.
4. Have students present, answer questions, and receive feedback.
5. Have students tear their papers and distribute their feedback to each other.
6. If time permits, pair up students and have them plan with a partner how they will
incorporate the feedback that they received.
Wrap Up
Ask students to consider the feedback that they received and revise their presentations
accordingly-they should try to find some practice time before the fair.

Follow With
Activity 18C: Fair Logistics helps students plan the final details for the fair.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Take One!
Handout: Session 18, Activity B
Feedback for Designers
During the presentations, remember to refer to the criteria that you developed in the previous
session and jot down notes on separate pieces of paper to give your peers friendly feedback.
Your notes can take the following format:


Project Title:


Areas of Improvement:

Suggestions for Improvements:

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Session 18, Activity C
Fair Logistics

Students get last-minute details together for the fair.

The fair is organized.

Students should set up the room for the fair and prepare any other logistics needed.


Supplies for hands-on activities (if needed)
Copies of Passport Scavenger Hunt (if needed)
Copies of feedback forms
Room decorations
Prizes for scavenger hunt


Setting Up
1. Students should complete the feedback forms on the handouts so that the facilitator can
make several copies for each of the projects.
2. The room should be set up. Depending on the format of the fair, you may have the
chairs arranged facing a presentation area (for a Solutions Showcase) and the display
boards around the edge of the room.
3. For a Mini-Engineering Fair, you will probably have tables scattered throughout the room
with the display boards and projects on the tables. You will also need to set up stations
for the engineering activities.
4. Be sure to have a place established for the welcoming address and/or keynote speaker.
5. The event should open with a welcoming address and/or a keynote speaker.
6. If serving food, designate a food area.
7. Decorate the room.
8. Have prizes ready for the scavenger hunt.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
18C: Fair Logistics (continued)
9. Prepare certificates for the Design and Discovery students and plan time to present
10. Be sure to document the event with photographs.
11. Discuss students' roles.

Share the following tips with students:

Be enthusiastic. The more enthusiastic you are the more others will be interested in
your project.
Dress professionally. Your attire represents your attitude towards the event. Dress for
Be confident. You worked hard and you deserve to show off your work. Don't hesitate
to share your knowledge with others.
Smile. A smile invites people to talk with you.
Initiate feedback. Here's your opportunity to get feedback from others about your ideas.
Ask lots of questions and record the feedback.

Wrap Up
Encourage students to visit each other's projects during the fair.

Introduce the Home Improvement activity, Project Reflection, where participants reflect on their
experience. This will be completed after the fair.

Follow With
Session 18 Home Improvement, Project Reflection, allows students to reflect on their

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Fair Logistics
Handout: Session 18, Activity C

To make the fair a valuable experience, you will want to get feedback from the visitors. Decide
what kind of feedback you would like and prepare some questions. The facilitator will make
copies of the questions to distribute to the guests. You may find that you want to take your
design project a step further based on the feedback. Write your questions on a separate piece
of paper.

I am looking for the following feedback:

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Project Reflection
Home Improvement: Session 18

To reflect on the fair, students' Design and Discovery experience, and to plan for next steps.

Time should be set aside after the fair to reflect on the fair and students' Design and Discovery
experience in general. Students who are planning to attend another science/engineering fair can
begin to plan their project and presentation board revisions.


1. After the fair, students should review the Project Feedback forms.
2. Ask students to take some time to answer the reflection questions individually.
3. Be sure to check in with students who are planning to participate in another science fair.
Discuss their revision plans.
4. Thank students for their hard work and participation in Design and Discovery. Encourage
them to pursue their interests in science and engineering.

Design and Discovery Curriculum Facilitator Guide

Copyright 2004, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Project Reflection
Handout: Session 18, Home Improvement

Project Reflection

1. In general, how do you feel about the fair? What did you like or dislike about it? How
would you change it if you were to hold the fair again?
2. How did Design and Discovery meet or not meet your expectations?
3. Would you recommend Design and Discovery to a friend? Why or why not?
4. How did Design and Discovery influence the career you are considering?
5. How do you feel about your project?
6. Do you plan to submit your project to another science fair? If no, why not?
7. What changes are you planning to make on your project or presentation board?

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