Assandra Laspie: Ph.D. in Marine Science in Progress, Expected May 2016
Assandra Laspie: Ph.D. in Marine Science in Progress, Expected May 2016
Assandra Laspie: Ph.D. in Marine Science in Progress, Expected May 2016
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Curriculum vitae updated May, 2014
Citizenship: American Phone: 804 684 7973
Address: c/o Virginia Institute of Marine Science [email protected]
P.O Box 1346
Gloucester Point, VA 23062
Ph.D. in Marine Science In progress, expected May 2016
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Dissertation Title: Bivalve predator-prey interactions in the Chesapeake Bay
Major Advisor: Dr. Rochelle D. Seitz
B.S. in Zoology (honors) December 2008
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Ph.D. Candidate May 2010 to present
Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of
William & Mary, Gloucester Point, VA
Dissertation topic: Bivalve predator-prey interactions in the Chesapeake Bay
Use of field and mesocosm experiments to understand the functional
response of blue crabs to armored and burrowing bivalves
Development of a mathematical model to explain the distribution of bivalves
in the Chesapeake Bay
Laboratory Assistant October 2008 to May 2010
Department of Zoology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Maintained cultures of capitellid polychaete worms under the direction of Dr.
Susan D. Hill
Used a dissecting microscope to isolate various life stages of specimens
Prepared culture media
Research Intern May 2008 to August 2008
Kodiak Laboratory, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Kodiak, AK
Developed a database of current research on the effects of experimental
pH/carbon dioxide manipulation on fish and invertebrates
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Designed and built carbon dioxide diffusion chambers for use in ocean
acidification research
Tested the effectiveness of recirculation of carbon dioxide gas in lowering the
pH of seawater
Designed a research plan to test the effects of ocean acidification on golden
king crab
Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant September 2007 to January 2008
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Assisted in experiments concerning neuroendocrinology of diabetes and
reproductive aging in the P.S. MohanKumar laboratory
Responsibilities included micro-pipetting, radioactive assays, cell staining
and observation, brain sectioning, data entry and statistical analysis
Monitored rodent specimens for hormonal changes in order to facilitate
Undergraduate Research Technician September 2005 to September 2007
Department of Zoology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
The Tittabawassee River Project in Midland, MI., was an environmental risk
assessment of several species of birds and mammals
Field team leader during the field season, requiring me to train, guide, and
advise colleagues
Field responsibilities included: data collection, assessment of reproductive
success, tissue sampling, bolus sampling, and bird trapping and banding
Laboratory responsibilities included: sorting insect samples, chemical
analysis of tissue samples, and necropsy of mammals, amphibians, and birds
Received training in managing toxic chemicals, radiation safety, the use of
off-road vehicles, the handling of birds and small mammals, avian blood
draw, and the procedures of wildlife euthanasia
NSF GK-12 PERFECT Fellow July 2013 to present
Peasley Middle School, Gloucester, VA
Guest scientist, 7
grade Life Science
Integrate marine-focused STEM material into lesson plans
Conduct lectures, demonstrations, and experiments in the classroom
Participate in the Green Team, an after-school program for students
interested in environmental science
Undergraduate Teaching Aide January 2010 to May 2010
Department of Zoology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
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Spring semester Ecology course
Graded assignments, held office hours and proctored exams
Gave a guest lecture on conservation biology
Undergraduate Teaching Aide January 2008 to May 2010
Department of Zoology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Taught two laboratory sections of Comparative Anatomy and Biology of
Vertebrates during Spring semester, 2008-2010
Taught an Honors Option laboratory section in Spring of 2008
Teaching responsibilities included performing and guiding full dissections of
the following specimens: cat, dogfish shark, mudpuppy, lamprey, freshwater
drum, and rock dove
Responsible for grading quizzes, laboratory practical exams, and written
assignments throughout the semester
Fredricks, T. B., Zwiernik, M. J., Seston, R. M., Coefield, S. J., Glaspie, C. N., Tazelaar,
D. L., Kay, D. P., Newstead, J. L., and Giesy, J. P. 2012. Reproductive success
of three passerine species exposed to dioxin-like compounds near Midland,
Michigan, USA. Ecotoxicology 21(4):1145-1154.
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. Seasonal trends in razor and soft-shell clam biomass in
Lower Chesapeake Bay: Effects of temperature, salinity, and predation. Oral
presentation, Benthic Ecology Meeting, Jacksonville, FL, March, 4
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. Seasonal trends in razor and soft-shell clam biomass in
Lower Chesapeake Bay: Effects of temperature, salinity, and predation. Oral
presentation, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Biological Sciences
Departmental Seminar; March, 2013.
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. Predator-driven shifts in soft-shell clam distribution.
Oral presentation, Atlantic Estuarine Research Society Meeting,
Williamsburg, VA, April, 2013.
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. Habitat-mediated predation on soft-shell clams in the
York River, VA. Oral presentation, Benthic Ecology Meeting, Savannah, GA,
March, 2013.
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. Habitat-mediated predation on soft-shell clams in the
York River, VA. Oral presentation, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Biological Sciences Departmental Seminar; February, 2013.
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Curriculum vitae updated May, 2014
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. The effects of habitat complexity and predation on
bivalve distribution and abundance. Oral presentation, Virginia Institute of
Marine Science Biological Sciences Departmental Seminar; May, 2012.
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. The effects of habitat complexity on bivalve diversity in
three Chesapeake Bay tributaries. Poster presentation, Benthic Ecology
Meeting, Norfolk, VA, March, 2012.
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. Bivalve predator-prey interactions in the Chesapeake
Bay and implications for management. Oral presentation, Virginia Institute
of Marine Science Biological Sciences Departmental Seminar; April, 2011.
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. Bay scallop restoration in Lynnhaven. Oral
presentation for the Lynnhaven River NOW Oyster Committee Meeting;
March, 2011.
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. Bay scallop survival, predation, and habitat preference
in Lynnhaven River, Chesapeake Bay. Oral presentation, Benthic Ecology
Meeting, Mobile, AL, March, 2011.
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. The feasibility of bay scallop reintroduction:
quantifying bay scallop survival in the Lynnhaven River. Oral presentation,
International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Charleston, SC, November,
Glaspie, C. N. and Seitz, R. D. Bay scallop survival in varying habitat types in
Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A. Poster presentation, International Conference on
Shellfish Restoration, Charleston, SC, November, 2010.
Stieler, C. N. Method development for diffusing gas mixtures into seawater for long-
term ocean acidification research. Oral presentation, Ernest F. Hollings
Scholarship Program Conference, Washington D.C., August, 2008.
Fredricks, T. B., Zwiernik, M. J., Seston, R. M., Coefield, S. J., Plautz, S. C., Stieler, C. N.,
Tazelaar, D. L., Shotwell, M. S., Kay, D. P., and Giesy, J. P. PCDF and PCDD
accumulation rates for three passerine species as part of a site-specific risk
assessment on the Tittabawassee River. Poster session presented at: SETAC
North America 28
Annual Meeting; 2007 November 11-15; Milwaukee, WI.
Fredricks, T. B., Zwiernik, M. J., Seston, R. M., Coefield, S. J., Stieler, C. N., Plautz, S. C.,
Tazelaar, D. L., Shotwell, M. S., Kay, D. P., and Giesy, J. P. Reproductive
success of three passerine species as part of a site-specific risk assessment on
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the Tittabawassee River. Poster session presented at: SETAC North America
Annual Meeting; 2007 November 11-15; Milwaukee, WI.
$84,000 EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship finalist, project entitled The
role of habitat in bivalve predator-prey interactions, expected award start date
September 01, 2014.
$2,550 VIMS Associate Dean of Academic Studies Student Equipment Request, project
funded entitled Video analysis of predation pressure, May 2014
$500 VIMS Associate Dean of Academic Studies Student Travel Award for travel to the
2014 Benthic Ecology Meeting in Jacksonville, FL, March 2014
$700 NSF GK-12 Student Travel Award for travel to the 2014 Benthic Ecology Meeting
in Jacksonville, FL, March 2014
$10,000 NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) Fellowship, lead PI,
project funded entitled Predator-prey interactions and global change: Response of
bivalves and crabs to long-term acidification. Awarded app. $10,000 for stipend, travel,
and living expenses at research location near Macquarie University, NSW, Australia,
February 2014
$1,000 VIMS Graduate Student Association Student Research Grant, project funded
entitled Predator-prey interactions and global change: Response of bivalves and crabs
to habitat loss and ocean acidification, October 2013
$40,500 NSF GK-12 PERFECT Fellowship, tuition and stipend for summer 2013 through
spring 2014, March 2013
$200 VIMS Graduate Student Association Travel Grant for travel to the 2012 Benthic
Ecology Meeting in Norfolk, VA, March 2012
$500 VIMS Associate Dean of Academic Studies Student Travel Award for travel to the
2011 Benthic Ecology Meeting in Mobile, AL, March 2011
$98,000 VIMS General-Funded Fellowship, tuition and stipend for summer 2010
through spring 2013, May 2010
$3,800 VIMS Foundation Hunter B. Andrews, Jr. Fellowship, awarded $1,900 per year
over two years, May 2010
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$14,500 NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship, tuition and stipend for fall 2007 through
spring 2008, plus travel and living expenses at internship location in Kodiak, AK
Michigan State University Honors College 2005-2008
Michigan State University Deans List, 2005-2008
Michigan State Universitys Valedictorian Scholarship, 2005
Michigan Merit Award, 2005
Mentorship Roles:
NSF Research Experiences for Undergrads (REU) Program 2013
Field School Internship Program 2013
Governors School Program 2010-2013
Committees and Professional Service:
Professional Development Committee member 2014
Co-president, VIMS Graduate Student Association (GSA) Executive Board
Webmaster, VIMS GSA 2011-2014
VIMS GSA Fundraising Committee member 2011-2013
VIMS GSA Student Health Advisory Committee representative 2011-2014
VIMS Honor Council member 2011-present
VIMS GSA Welcoming Committee member 2011
VIMS Green Team member 2010-present
Professional Society Affiliations:
Australia Marine Science Association (AMSA) 2014
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) 2014
Atlantic Estuarine Research Society (AERS) 2014
Reviewer, Grant Proposals:
VIMS Graduate Student Association Research Grant 2014
VIMS Graduate Student Association Travel Grant 2014
Reviewer, Scientific Journals: Reviewer, The Ecology and Management of Atlantic
White Cedar (Conf.Proc.) 2013
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Training and Certification:
CITI Responsible Conduct in Research Area I Disciplines Training 2013
CITI Responsible Conduct in Research Conflicts of Interest Training 2013
Communicating Ocean Sciences to Informal Audiences (COSIA) Training
VIMS Small Vessel Operator Training 2013
American Heart Association First Aid CPR AED 2012
William and Mary Van Safety Training 2011
PADI Open Water SCUBA Certification 2005