Erin H. Ross
Erin H. Ross
Erin H. Ross
3128 Pheasant Creek Drive ! Northbrook, Illinois 60062 ! Phone: (847) 917-0576 ! E-Mail: [email protected]
Educati on:
Uni versi ty of I l l i noi s at Urbana-Champai gn
Bachelor of Science in Special Education
Expected Graduation: May 2014
GPA: 3.84/4.0
Student Teachi ng:
The Auti sm Team, Champaign, Illinois
Functional Life Skills Classrooms January 2014-May 2014
Consulted to Edison Middle School, Franklin Middle School and Stratton Elementary School to provide
insight to teachers on how to shape behavior and enhance students communication skills
Implemented The Zones of Regulation in a social skills group of five fourth graders resulting in students
using skills to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors
Organized an adaptive Physical Education class for a sixth grader with autism to help him learn the
routine and exercises to be included in a P.E. class with his peers
Restructured student with autisms schedule using the Links curriculum to learn skills to make her own
snack, identify objects, follow instructions such as come here or wait
Earl y Fi el d Work:
Mahomet Seymour Juni or Hi gh School , Mahomet, Illinois
Co-Taught and Self-Contained Language Arts
August 2013-December 2013
Differentiated instruction and co-taught students how to conduct research, write a bibliography and
include in-text citations in an eighth grade language arts classroom
Met common core standards by adapting grade-level curricula for students in sixth, seventh and eighth
grades with high incidence disabilities
Garden Hi l l s El ementary School , Champaign, Illinois
Self-Contained Life Skills Classroom January 2013-May 2013
Instructed TEACCH and Discrete Trials stations for students with autism
Trained paraprofessionals in classroom management while supporting instruction
Communicated daily with parents through a journal and followed-up on parent inquiries
Provided families with resources including a weighted blanket for a son with autism and enrollment in
Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) List
Participated in staff meetings, IEP meetings, and PBIS meetings
Dr. Howard El ementary School , Champaign, Illinois
Emotional and Behavioral Disorder Self-Contained Classroom September 2012-December 2012
Improved a resistant students handwriting and mechanics by designing an individualized writing
curriculum related to his interest in the World Wars
Implemented Direct Instruction and evaluated students needs to match with curriculum through
administering Barton and Corrective Reading to first and third graders
Conducted ecological inventories to determine inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities to
provide instruction in the least restricted environment
Work Experi ences:
Champai gn-Urbana Speci al Recreati on, Champaign, Illinois
Program Coordinator August 2012-May 2014
Lead social events for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities resulting in modeling life
skills (i.e. money management, communication skills, social skills)
Coached swimming and track practices for Special Olympics for adults with intellectual and
developmental disabilities preparing them for the District, State and National Qualifiers
Erin H. Ross
3128 Pheasant Creek Drive ! Northbrook, Illinois 60062 ! Phone: (847) 917-0576 ! E-Mail: [email protected]
Si nai Templ e, Champaign, Illinois
Hebrew and Religious School Teacher August 2010-May 2014
Facilitated instruction on Jewish holidays and biblical stories for three through twelve year olds
Fostered students understanding of the prayers that formulate a service
Strengthened students Hebrew by practicing script writing, grammar, conversational skills and reading
Home Sweet Home Foundati on, Deerfield, Illinois
Co-Founder of Organization May 2012-May 2013
Crafted mission statement for the organization: Home Sweet Home Foundation furnishes residential
living arrangements for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities that are operated by
charitable organizations
Researched the need for residential services in the state of Illinois and the United States resulting in an
understanding of where funding for adults with disabilities lies once they turn 22
Keshet, Northbrook, Illinois
Camp Counselor June 2007-July 2013
Unified the camp group by including camper with disabilities
Encouraged camper with autism to try new activities (i.e. water skiing, archery and horseback riding)
Cl earbrook, Northbrook, Illinois
Home-Based Support Service Provider February 2010-June 2012
Partnered with 17 year old with disabilities to improve daily living skills, money management and
communication skills
Extracurri cul ar Acti vi ti es:
Ameri can-I srael i Student Coal i ti on, Champaign, Illinois
Campus Relations Coordinator September 2011-May 2014
Built and maintained relationships with current and former leaders of various student organizations to
keep them informed of the U.S.-Israel relationship and its effect on both a national and a state level
Best Buddi es I nternati onal , Champaign, Illinois
President January 2012-December 2012
Planned seven events per semester for 330 members to include buddies in social opportunities on
Directed The Spread The Word To End The Word campaign on campus by setting up information tables,
selling t-shirts and holding fundraisers at two local restaurants
Interviewed prospective board members to construct a board of 15 people to plan events, and manage
groups of 10 buddy pairs
Illinois Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver
James Scholar
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Recipient of the William Chandler Bagley Scholarship
Ski l l s:
Hebrew (Fluent)
Spanish (Basic)