Tofel Confirmation
Tofel Confirmation
Tofel Confirmation 1/2
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Your Profile Information
Name: vamsi krishna n banda
1301 W Jef f erson St
Apt 5E
Morton, IL, 61550
United States
ETS ID: 9610293
Registration Information:
Test Center Name:
MeritTrac Services Private Limited - Hyderabad
Test Center Address:
101, Hotel Palace Heights
Mezzanine Floor, Abids
HYDERABAD, AP, 500 001
Registration Number: 0000000020429151
Test Date: December 07, 2013
Reporting Time: 09:30 AM
Start Time: 10:00 AM
Testing Accommodations
Important Identification Information for Test Day
Your identif ication document (ID) will be checked bef ore you are admitted. A valid ID with your name, signature and
photograph is required. The name given when you registered must exactly match the name and signature on the
identif ication document you present at the test center. If your ID contains accented characters that are not ref lected in your
test registration, you will still be permitted to take the test. If you arrive at the test center without acceptable identif ication, the
test center administrator will not admit you and you will f orf eit your test f ee.
Make sure your registration shows ALL names as they appear on the ID document you will bring to the test center. Multiple
f irst/given or last/f amily names should be entered together in the appropriate box. For example, if your name is "Jean-Louis
Smith-Davis," enter "Jean Louis" in the First/Given Name(s) box, and enter "Smith Davis" in the Last/Family Name(s) box.
If testing OUTSIDE your country of citizenship, PRESENT YOUR PASSPORT as your primary identif ication document. Please
check the ID requirements and exceptions in the TOEFL
Identification Requirements.
If you do not meet the ID requirements, ETS may automatically cancel your test scores.
Modifying Your Score Recipients
You can update your score recipients no later than 10:00 pm, local test center time, the day bef ore your test appointment.
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Reschedule Policy
You must reschedule your registration no later than 3 f ull days bef ore your test date (not including the day of your test or the
day of your request), or your test f ee will be f orf eited. Example: The deadline to reschedule a Saturday test date is Tuesday.
Payment must be received prior to rescheduling. The reschedule f ee is US$60.
Cancelation Policy
You must cancel your registration no later than 3 f ull days bef ore your test date (not including the day of your test or the day
of your request), or your test f ee will be f orf eited. Example: The deadline to cancel a Monday test date is Thursday.
Test Fee Refunds
If you cancel your registration by the 3-day advance deadline, you will receive a ref und equivalent to half of the test f ee you
paid. The remainder of your payment will be retained to cover expenses f or processing your registration and holding a seat
f or you at the test center. Ref unds will be in the same currency and at the same exchange rate as the original payment. Cash
ref unds are not available.
Ref unds will not be given if you do not f ollow proper registration procedures or f ail to present acceptable identif ication
documents at the test center.
Instructions for Test Day
Report on time to the designated test center with your identif ication document(s). If you arrive af ter the reporting time, you
may not be admitted into the test session.
Dress appropriately to account f or temperature variations at the center. Other than your identif ication document(s), no
personal items such as cell phones, pagers, handbags, or study materials will be allowed in the testing room, and a secure
storage area may not be available. Please plan accordingly.
Instructions Prior to Start of Test
Please be aware that all test takers will not begin the Speaking section of the test at the same time. Other test takers may be
speaking while you are working on another section of the test. If you think you will be distracted, we suggest you wear your
headphones during the entire test session.
Follow the instructions on the screen. Be sure that your microphone is properly positioned and adjusted to allow f or the best
possible recording. Speak directly into the microphone at your normal speaking volume. Raters have been trained to ignore
irrelevant noise when scoring speech responses. They f ocus on the speaker's words and screen out background noise.
For More Information
Complete identif ication requirements and additional test day procedures are in the TOEFL
test takers who plan to pursue graduate or business education around the world also take the GRE
General Test. There's never been a better time to take the GRE revised General Test f eaturing the new test-taker f riendly
design and the new ScoreSelect
option that lets you decide which scores to send to institutions so you show them your
personal best. Register now to get your pref erred test date and location!
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ETS, the ETS l ogo, LISTENING. LEARNING. LEADING., TOEFL, and TOEFL i BT are regi stered
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