Tax Business 04spring
Tax Business 04spring
Tax Business 04spring
A Newsletter from the Tax & Corporate Practice Group
edicaid is a joint federal and state assets (the “Community Spouse Resource Allowance” or
Editor’s Note…
As the services required of our Corporate Practice
Group expands, we continue to search for candidates with
In This Issue. . .
exceptional credentials and experience in tax, corporate and
estate planning to join our firm and enhance the capacity of Medicaid Planning
this department. Your referral of suitable candidates would Technique Eliminated ............1
be appreciated and can be sent to my attention at
Richard J. Flaster
[email protected]. Notice to IRS of Taxpayer
Again, with the objective of broadening our base of readership, we are still Address Change ......................2
planning to turn to e-mail transmission of this Report rather than distributing copies
by mail. If you provide us with your e-mail address and the e-mail addresses of
Tax Differences for Insured
colleagues who would be interested in receiving Tax and Business Law Report, we
would be pleased to include that information in the newsletter’s database. Please S Corp Stock Buy-Outs ............3
send that information to me at [email protected].
Tax planning
taxpayer, it must send it to the taxpayer’s “last Corporations, partnerships and LLC’s
known address,” and the taxpayer is then Sales, mergers and acquisitions
deemed to have received the notice. In a recent case, IRS rulings
the Tax Court held that the taxpayer’s filing of Form
Tax litigation
2848 Power of Attorney (authorizing his new accountant
to represent him before the IRS) put the IRS on
Tax collections/liens
notice of the new address and became the taxpayer’s Business Corporate Services
Alan H. Zuckerman
“last known address.” Hunter v. Comm., T.C. Memo Business formations
2004-81 (3/23/2004). Structuring ownership arrangements
Based on this conclusion, the Tax Court dismissed a deficiency against Corporate control/management contracts
the taxpayer, because the IRS did not send the notice of the deficiency to Shareholder disputes
the address of the taxpayer as listed on the Form 2848. Contracts
Sales, commercial mergers and
• Other federal courts have reached similar results with respect to a Securities and finance
taxpayer’s address as set forth on a Form 2848 Power of Attorney. Buy-ins/Buy-outs
See Rizzo v. Davis, 43 AFTR 2d 79-985 (W.D.Pa. 1979) and Johnson
Employee agreements and terminations
v. Comm., 45 AFTR 2d 80-775 (5th Cir. 1980).
Trademark and copyright licensing and
• To avoid this issue, the taxpayer should file a Form 8822 (which is the protection
official IRS form for notifying the IRS of the change of address)
whenever the taxpayer changes addresses. Wealth Preservation and Transfer
Estate planning
Drafting wills, trusts and other estate
Medicaid Planning Technique Eliminated (continued from page 1) planning documents
naming the State as a remainder beneficiary upon the death of the healthy Administration of estates and trusts
spouse. However, in a recent case, a Medicaid applicant declined the invi- Guardianships and conservatorships
tation and sued the State’s Commissioner of the Department of Human Litigation involving trusts and estates
Services. He lost at the trial level, with the Court upholding the State’s Asset protection
rejection of the CSAT as an unavailable resource. Johnson v. Guhl, 91 F Business transfers from one generation
Supp 2d 754 (D.N.J. 2000). Now, the Third Circuit has upheld that to the next
lower court decision, finding that even though the CSAT is an irrevocable
Technology, E-Commerce and Internet
trust, which provides a stream of payments to the healthy spouse, the
healthy spouse is not prevented from sharing those payments with the Contract agreements
applicant spouse, and this makes the payments available resources for the Protecting intellectual property rights
applicant spouse. Johnson, et al. v. Guhl (3rd Cir., No. 01-3774, 2-6-04). Licensing
Government regulation
Observations Venture capital
• The CSAT has been eliminated as a Medicaid planning technique in Employee Benefits
New Jersey. Design and implementation of
• The budget crisis atmosphere prevalent in New Jersey for the past few qualified retirement plans
years has prompted the State to look at every opportunity to expand Employee Stock Ownership Plans
the scope of the applicant spouse’s “countable resources” for purposes (ESOPs)
of determining Medicaid eligibility. Further, in recent revisions to the Stock options, phantom stock and SARs
Medicaid Regulations, the State has also eliminated the commercial Plan qualification, IRS audits and
and private annuity Medicaid planning technique, by treating these compliance issues
annuities as available resources (on the rationale that such annuities Cafeteria plans and other welfare
can be sold on the secondary market and converted to cash).
benefit programs
• Despite the elimination of these techniques, Medicaid planning can Employee benefit trusts
still save thousands of dollars if undertaken far enough in advance of Deferred compensation arrangements
needing Medicaid benefits.
f life insurance is proceeds by a cash-basis corporation should cause any income or basis-increase
I utilized for an
S corporation’s
buy/sell redemption
engendered by the insurance proceeds to be allocated solely to the post-death
period and, hence, only to the surviving shareholders.
Accrual Basis Taxpayer. In contrast, a recent Private Letter Ruling has
arrangements, confirmed that if the S corporation is an accrual basis taxpayer, the right to the
receipt of the insurance proceeds accrues as of the date of death (viz., when the right to the
insurance proceeds insurance benefit becomes fixed and certain). This date controls whether income
Richard J. Flaster
will create a new tax or basis increase resulting from receipt of insurance proceeds must be allocated to
basis position for the the pre-death period. Presumably,
remaining shareholders, with the it would then be allocated between the
magnitude of the difference dependant deceased and surviving shareholders
upon several factors, including whether: on the basis of their relative propor- …the items of income and
• The agreement provides for stock tions of shareholdings as of that date.
ownership to be effectively termi- Further, if the corporation and basis-increase will be allocated
nated as of the date of death or shareholders do not elect an interim
on a pro rata per diem basis
upon the date of the actual physical closing of the books, then the items
transfer of the stock; of income and basis-increase will be throughout the year.
• The corporation closes its books allocated on a pro rata per diem basis
on the date of transfer pursuant to throughout the year.
a Code §1377(a)(2) election or
allocates income and loss on a Observations:
proportionate per diem basis; • For a cash basis S corporation: To maximize the increase in basis to the
• The corporation uses the cash or surviving shareholders in an insurance-funded redemption that is effective as
accrual method of accounting; of the date of death, the election of an interim closing of books should cause
and/or, the entire basis-increase resulting from the insurance to be allocated to the
surviving shareholders. (This result should be generally equivalent to that
• The shareholder died early or late
achieved in a cross-purchase arrangement.)
in the taxable year.
• For an accrual basis S corporation: To maximize the increase in basis to
Cash Basis Taxpayer: If the
surviving shareholders in an insurance-funded redemption, do not elect the
corporation is on the cash basis method
interim closing of books. Otherwise, the pro rata per diem allocation method
of accounting and the agreement
will allocate more of the resulting basis-increase to the surviving shareholders,
provides that shareholdings become
particularly if the deceased shareholder died early in the corporation’s taxable
effectively redeemed by the corporation
year, so that the post-death period comprises a greater proportion of the full
as of the date of death of a shareholder
year than the pre-death period.
(even though the mechanics of transfer
are inevitably deferred), this should • Query: Is the basis allocated to the deceased shareholder absorbed by the usual
preclude the shareholder’s estate from basis-step-up procedures of Code §1014 and thus wasted? It would seem so.
sharing in post-death allocations of However, to the extent it is allocated to the estate of the deceased shareholder,
pass-through items giving rise to either such basis-increase should result in a capital loss to the estate.
taxable income or basis increase.
As a cash basis taxpayer, it seems that This report is for general use and information, and the content should not
the date of collection of the insurance
be interpreted as rendering legal advice on any matter. Specific situations may
proceeds will govern the date that will
raise additional or different issues and such information should be coordinated
determine income or basis-increase
arising from the receipt of the insurance with professional legal advice.
proceeds. If the corporation and
shareholders consent to an “interim
closing of the books” as of the date of Visit our Web site at:
death under Code §1377(a)(2), then
the later receipt of the insurance
Bellmawr, NJ
Permit No. 58