Noopolitik PDF
Noopolitik PDF
Noopolitik PDF
In political science Noopolitik from the Greek Noos (knowledge) and German Politik (politics) is the network-based
geopolitics of knowledge. The term was invented by defense experts John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt in a seminal
RAND corporation study of 1999 and often appears in connection with that of smart power.
Difference with Realpolitik
Noopolitics is an informational strategy of manipulating international processes through the forming in general
public by means of mass media of positive or negative attitude to external or internal policy of a state of block of
states to create a positive or negative image of ideas and promulgated moral values. (Baichik A.V., Nikonov S.B.
Noopolitik as global information strategy // Vestnik St.Petersburg University, Ser. 9. 2012. Issue. I. p.207-213
Noopolitik differs from realpolitik. Although realpolitik is commonly equated with hard power, and seemingly
noopolitik with soft power, both are broader in their embodiment of a form of organization. Specifically, realpolitik
is not limited to hard power and coercion, but embodies a hierarchical form of organization. Likewise, noopolitik is
not limited to reliance on knowledge and soft power, but embodies a networked form of organization.
Versus Foucault's Biopolitics
Tiziana Terranova (2007) describes the use of the term 'noopolitics' by Maurizio Lazzarato (2004). "'Noopolitics'
supplements the biopolitics of the species described by Foucault" (Terranova 2007, 139). "Against the militarization
of communication accomplished by new techniques of power, it is possible to think about the constitution of such
publics as counter-weapons, which work by expressing, inventing and creating possible worlds where the moment of
resistance (the 'no' by which one refuses to watch, listen or believe) is the starting point for an affirmative activity"
(Terranova 2007, 140). Noyer & Juanals (2008) have also discussed Noopolitik as a means of social control.
especially in connection with RAND's Byting back program which was published as research into counter
In the Knowledge Economy and the BRICS
While the term initially appeared in association with the concept of the US Revolution in Military Affairs,
Noopolitik has also come to describe an interest in the Knowledge Economy and in particular innovation and R&D
to leverage growth and political reach in international relations. Thus Noopolitik may be defined as the use of
innovation and knowledge to leverage political intercourses by other means at the international level. Such
"knowledge race" may be either a means of asserting political independence or of generating a sudden gap in the
geopolitical balance of power. The attitude of the People's Republic of China and the ANZUS in the Pacific Ocean
has been described as such by Idriss J. Aberkane (2011).
Therefore, comparable to the Heartland, the Heartocean inevitably disputed by powers of which none may prevail alone in the future without
a decisive innovation will become the scene of a commensurate Great Game with the two same grand stakes. This will be the fate (or doom) of
multilateralism on the one side and the global knowledge race on the other. (...). As stated by Seth Cropsey (2010) commenting on Chinas
noopolitik move of deploying new anti-ship missiles
in the ocean keeping the Pacific pacific.
The two issues are well summarized.
for the People's Republic of China
Professor Li Xiguang of Tsinghua University described the stakes of Smart power for the People's Republic of China
in a 2010 article on Noopolitik in the Global Times
Soft power is the power of making people love you. Hard power is the ability to making people fear you. Over the last 500 years, all the world
powers gained their hegemony through hard power, but the US has gained its hegemony through combining hard power and soft power, both
striking at and assimilating its opponents. The US has built its soft power by making its values and political system, such as the US
interpretation and definition of democracy, freedom and human rights, into supposedly universal values.