OT Prayer Initiatives
OT Prayer Initiatives
OT Prayer Initiatives
Prayer 1
A. Abrahams Intercession for Sodom: Genesis 18:17-33
Gen 18:17 And Jehovah said, Shall I hide from Abraham that which I am doing? Gen 18:18
And Abraham shall become a great and powerfl nation, and all the nations of the earth
shall be blessed in him? Gen 18:1! "or I have #nown him, so that whatever he ma$
command his sons and his hose after him, even the$ ma$ #eep the wa$ of Jehovah, to do
righteosness and %stice& to the intent that Jehovah ma$ bring on Abraham that which 'e
has spo#en of him( Gen 18:)* And Jehovah said, +he cr$ of Sodom and Gomorrah is great,
and their sin is e,ceedingl$ heav$( Gen 18:)1 I will go down and see if the$ have at all done
according to the cr$ coming to -e( And if not, I will #now( Gen 18:)) And the men faced
arond from there and went toward Sodom( And Abraham was still standing before
Jehovah( Gen 18:). And Abraham drew near and said, Is it so? /ill 0o ct off the
righteos with the wic#ed? Gen 18:)1 2erhaps there are fift$ righteos within the cit$& is it
so 0o will ct off and will not spare the place for the sa#e of the fift$ righteos ones that are
within it? Gen 18:)3 "ar be it from 0o to act in this wa$, to pt to death the righteos with
the wic#ed( "ar be it from 0o( +he Jdge of all the earth, shall 'e not do right? Gen 18:)4
And Jehovah said, If I find fift$ righteos within the cit$, in Sodom, then I will spare all the
place becase of them( Gen 18:)7 And Abraham answered and said, 5ehold, I pra$, I have
nderta#en to spea# to the 6ord, and I am dst and ash( Gen 18:)8 2erhaps there will be
lac#ing five from the fift$ righteos, will 0o destro$ all the cit$ for the five? And 'e said, If
I find fort$ five there, I will not destro$( Gen 18:)! And he contined still to spea# to 'im
and said, 2erhaps fort$ will be fond there( And 'e said, I will not do it becase of the fort$(
Gen 18:.* And he said, 2lease do not m$ 6ord be angr$, that I ma$ spea#& perhaps thirt$
will be fond there( And 'e said, I will not do it if I find thirt$ there( Gen 18:.1 And he said,
5ehold, I pra$, I have nderta#en to spea# to the 6ord& perhaps twent$ will be fond there(
And 'e said, I will not destro$ becase of the twent$( Gen 18:.) And he said, I pra$, let not
m$ 6ord be angr$ that I ma$ spea# onl$ this time& perhaps ten will be fond there( And 'e
said, I will not destro$ becase of the ten( Gen 18:.. And when Jehovah had left off
spea#ing to Abraham, 'e was finished( And Abraham retrned to his place(
2. Abraham understands a number of things about Gods character and
a. God is a !ust !udge " the !udge of a the earth
b. #e does $hat is right
c. #e is mercifu for the sa%e of the righteous
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IHOP-Long Island T. McCarthy
Prayer 2
3. &ecause of the trust #e has in Gods 'haracter( )#e is bod enough to
intercede on behaf of the cit* #e $as ed to intercede in this $a*( . . .
b* the ove $hich s+rings from the consciousness that one,s o$n
+reservation and rescue are due to com+assionate grace aone- ove( too(
$hich cannot conceive of the guit of others as too great for savation to
be +ossibe. .his s*m+athetic ove( s+ringing from the faith $hich $as
counted for righteousness( im+eed him to the intercession . . . .his
)seeming* commercia %ind of entreat* is(/ as Delitzsch observes( )the
essence of true +ra*er. . . . It is the ho* ( 0anadeia1
0shameessness " im+ortunit*1 of $hich our 2ord s+ea%s in 2u%311:8(
the shameessness of faith( $hich bridges over the infinite distance of
the creature from the 'reator( a++eas $ith im+ortunit* to the heart of
God( and ceases not ti its +oint is gained. .his $oud indeed be neither
+ermissibe nor +ossibe( had not God( b* virtue of the m*sterious
interacing of necessit* and freedom in #is nature and o+erations(
granted a +o$er to the +ra*er of faith( to $hich #e consents to *ied- had
#e not( b* virtue of #is absouteness( $hich is an*thing but bind
necessit*( +aced #imsef in such a reation to men( that #e not mere*
$or%s u+on them b* means of #is grace( but ao$s them to $or% u+on
#im b* means of their faith- had #e not inter$oven the ife of the free
creature into #is o$n absoute ife( and accorded to a created +ersonait*
the right to assert itsef in faith( in distinction from #is o$n./ Keil and
Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament
A. Abimeech saved from sinning against God and Sarah
Gen )*:1 And Abraham plled p stakes from there to the land of the 7egeb, and lived
between 8adesh and Shr, and sta$ed in Gerar( Gen )*:) And Abraham said with regards to
his wife Sarah, She is m$ sister( And Abimelech the #ing of Gerar sent and too# Sarah( Gen
)*:. 5t God came to Abimelech in a dream b$ night and said to him, 5ehold, $o are
abot to die becase of the woman $o have ta#en, she being married to a hsband(
Gen )*:1 And Abimelech had not come near her( And he said, 9 6ord, will 0o sla$ even a
righteos nation? Gen )*:3 And did he not sa$ to me, She is m$ sister? And she, even she
herself said, 'e is m$ brother( In the honor of m$ heart and the prit$ of m$ hands I have
done this( Gen )*:4 And God said to him in a dream, 0es, I #now that $o did this in the
honor of $or heart, and I also withheld $o from sinning against -e( 9n accont of this I
did not allow $o to toch her( Gen )*:7 And now retrn the wife of the man, for he is a
prophet, and he will pra$ for $o, and $o shall live( And if $o do not retrn her, #now that
d$ing $o shall die, $o and all that are $ors( Gen )*:8 And Abimelech started p earl$ in
the morning and called for all his servants( And he spo#e all these words in their ears( And
the men were greatl$ afraid( Gen )*:! And Abimelech called Abraham and said to him,
/hat have $o done to s? And in what have I offended $o that $o have broght on me
and on m$ #ingdom a great sin? 0o have done things to me that oght not to be done( Gen
)*:1* And Abimelech said to Abraham, /hat did $o see that $o have done this thing?
Gen )*:11 And Abraham said, 5ecase I thoght, Srel$ the fear of God is not in this place,
and the$ will #ill me for m$ wife:s sa#e( Gen )*:1) And $et she reall$ is m$ sister, daghter
of m$ father& onl$ not daghter of m$ mother( And she became m$ wife( Gen )*:1. And it
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IHOP-Long Island T. McCarthy
Prayer 3
happened when God made me wander from m$ father:s hose, even I said to her, +his is
$or #indness which $o do to me: at ever$ place where we come there, sa$ of me, 'e is m$
brother( Gen )*:11 Abimelech too# sheep and o,en, and male slaves, and slave;girls, and
gave to Abraham( And he retrned his wife Sarah to him( Gen )*:13 Abimelech said, 5ehold,
m$ land is before $o( 6ive where it pleases $o(Gen )*:14 And he said to Sarah, I, behold, I
have given a thosand of silver to $or brother( 5ehold, it is for $o a covering of the e$es to
all who are with $o( And with all this $o are reproved( Gen )*:17 And Abraham pra$ed to
God, and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his concbines, and the$ gave birth( Gen
)*:18 "or Jehovah had completel$ closed p ever$ womb of the hose of Abimelech becase
of Sarah, the wife of Abraham(
A. Abrahams save oo%s for a bride for Isaac
Gen )1:7 Jehovah, God of 'eaven, who too# me from the hose of m$ father and from the
land of m$ birth, and who spo#e to me, and who swore to me, sa$ing, I will give this land to
$or Seed& 'e shall send 'is Angel before $o, and $o shall ta#e a wife from there for m$
son( ( ( ( Gen )1:1) And he said, Jehovah, God of m$ master Abraham, I pra$, case her to
meet before me this da$, and show #indness to m$ master Abraham( ( ( ( Gen )1:11 And let
the girl to whom I shall spea# this: 2lease let down $or pitcher that I ma$ drin#& and she
will sa$, <rin# and also I will water $or camels& let it be her 0o have approved for 0or
servant, for Isaac( And b$ this I shall #now that 0o have shown #indness to m$ master( Gen
)1:13 And it happened before he had finished spea#ing( 5ehold= >ebe#ah came ot, she who
was born to 5ethel the son of -ilcah, the wife of 7ahor, the brother of Abraham, with her
pitcher on her sholder( Gen )1:14 And the girl was ver$ good of form, a virgin, a man not
having #nown her( And she went down to the well and filled her pitcher and came p
&. Shared &essing and 4ivine Guidance
Gen )1:)7 And he said, 5lessed be Jehovah, God of m$ master Abraham, who has not left
off 'is #indness and 'is trth with m$ master, I being in the wa$, Jehovah gided me to the
hose of the brother of m$ master( ( ( ( Gen )1:.3 And Jehovah has blessed m$ master
mch, and he is great( And 'e has given to him floc#s and herds, and silver and gold, and
male slaves and slave;girls, and camels and asses( ( ( ( ( Gen )1:1* And he said to me,
Jehovah, before whom I wal#, will send 'is Angel with $o and prosper $or wa$( And $o
shall ta#e a wife for m$ son from m$ famil$, from m$ father:s hose( ( ( ( Gen )1:1) And
toda$ I came to the well( And I said, Jehovah, God of m$ master Abraham, I pra$, if 0o will,
prosper the wa$ in which I am abot to go( ( ( ( (Gen )1:18 And I bowed and worshiped
Jehovah, and I blessed Jehovah, God of m$ master Abraham, who had gided me in the tre
wa$, to ta#e for his son the daghter of the brother of m$ master(
2. &essing God for the %indness sho$n to Abraham " the save is ta%ing
hod of the +romises made to Abraham and the reated bessing for
3. Abraham decares that #is Ange 0Gods1 +ros+er the saves $a* and
the save ma%es that his o$n +ra*er
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IHOP-Long Island T. McCarthy
Prayer 5
5. .he save $orshi+s the God of Abraham- seeing God as the one $ho
eads him in )the true $a*/.
A. Isaac +ra*s for 6ebe%ah to conceive because she is barren and 6ebe%ah in7uires
of the 2ord concerning her circumstances
Gen 28:29 And Isaac $as a son of fort* *ears $hen he too% 6ebe%ah( the
daughter of ðue the Aramean from :adan-aram( the sister of 2aban the
Aramean( to him for a $ife. And Isaac +ra*ed to !ehovah for his $ife for she was
barren. And !ehovah $as entreated for him( and his $ife 6ebe%ah conceived. And
the sons strugged together $ithin her. And she said( If this is right( $h* am I this
$a*; And she $ent to as% !ehovah. And !ehovah said to her( .$o nations are in
*our $omb- even t$o +eo+es sha brea% from *our bod*. And one +eo+e sha
be stronger than the other +eo+e- and the eder sha serve the *ounger. Gen
28:25 And her da*s $ere fufied to bear. And behod< .$ins were in her $omb.
&. !acob 6eminds God of #is :romises and :ra*s for 4eiverance from
'ircumstances of his o$n =a%ing
Gen .):4 And the messengers came bac# to Jacob, sa$ing, /e came to $or brother ?sa,
and also he is coming to meet $o, and for hndred men are with him( Gen .):7 And
Jacob was afraid, and he was ver$ distressed( And he divided the people with him, and the
floc#s, and the herds, and the camels, into two camps( Gen .):8 And he said, If ?sa comes
to the one compan$ and stri#es it, then it will be, the compan$ that is left shall escape( Gen
.):! And Jacob said, 9h God of m$ father Abraham and God of m$ father Isaac, Jehovah,
who said to me, Go bac# to $or land and to $or #indred and I will deal well with $o( Gen
.):1* I am not worth$ of all the mercies and all the trth which 0o have done for 0or
servant, for I passed over this Jordan with m$ staff, and now I have become two companies(
Gen .):11 <eliver me, I pra$, from the hand of m$ brother, from the hand of ?sa& for I fear
him, lest he come and stri#e me, mother to sons( Gen .):1) And 0o said, dealing I will deal
well with $o, and I will ma#e $or seed li#e the sand of the sea, which cannot be nmbered
for mltitde(
8. 6eminds God of #is +rior direction to eave and the +romises that $ere
+art of that direction
>. A$areness of Gods %indness and merc* to$ard him
7. :ra*er for deiverance from his brother
8. 6eminder and sef-affirmation of +romises regarding his future
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