youre famous all over Korea, and millions of teenage girls know your name, weight, and exactly how
many zits you have on the left side of your jaw. Jongin battles acne and awkward crushes on half of
SNSD and days where he cant stand his nose, and he survives those skirmishes better than he expects
to, despite the constant teasing of his band mates and the criticism of antis. Its all part of growing up,
and Jongins just doing that more publicly than most.
But there are some things that Jongin cant just...wait out, knowing itll get better when he gets older,
because theyre simply too embarrassing to tolerate. There are some things that Jongin is positive
arent, well, universal issues.
Things that Jongin can barely admit to, even inside his own head.
Jongin realises that he really does have a bit of a problem when he comes in his pants, on stage, without
even touching himself.
Its the usual routine. Hes dancing Two Moons with Yixing, the other members watching keenly from
the sidelines; only today the front of his pants feels uncomfortably tight, and hes pretty sure its not
because his dick has grown three sizes like the Grinchs heart. (Although he would love it if that were the
case). The material presses and chafes, and the friction is strange; Jongin can feel the slide of the
smooth polyester fabric against the cotton blend of his underwear. Hes far too aware of the resulting
tingle in his thighs, and coiling heat in his stomach. Jongins eyes widen in dismay.
The bass thumps loudly once, dropping the beat.
Jongin shifts, then comes.
There are cameras, and there are people, and there are eleven other sets of inquisitive eyes focussed on
him. Jongin panics and sprints the fuck offstage, hands held in front of the wet patch of his performance
pants. He never thought hed miss the ones with the dropped crotch, but he sure misses them now.
Theres a dark corner backstage where none of the staff are milling about. Jongin slumps against the
wall, breathing deeply. How the fuck did it get to this point? he thinks.
Jongin peels his hands off his pants. Theres a very visible patch there, and the bottom of his torso is still
tingling with the sensation of orgasm. Hes shivering, and its not the shiver of tiredness; its not the
shiver that overcomes him when hes been in the dance practise rooms for eighteen hours straight and
his muscles are no longer cooperating. This is a shiver of fuck, I want more.
Yixing runs backstage seconds later, when the cameras stop rolling. He regards Jongin with legitimate
concern. Are you alright? Is your injury acting up again?
N-no, Jongin says. His groin is hot and sticky with come. His mind is in shambles. No, Im...fine...
Oh. Yixing frowns, eyebrows knitting together with confusion. He doesnt sound convinced. Oh, okay.
It looked like something was wrong.
Yeah, something is wrong, Chanyeol snickers, waggling his eyebrows. Jongin glares, but Chanyeols
grin only gets wider. Viewers, please redirect your gaze to Exhibit A: Kim Jongins crotch.
Theres a long, uncomfortable silence. Jongin wishes he could crawl into a cave and expire. Jongdae,
always inquisitive, bends over to inspect it in more detail, and Jongins pretty sure that yep, hes going to
die of embarrassment any second now.
I think he came in his pants, Jongdae announces bluntly.
Yixing stumbles and almost falls flat on his face.
Joonmyun frowns. I see. Thats a problem.
Is this the first time its happened?
Well, Jongin mumbles, Im pretty sure you wouldve all noticed if it happened before. Jongin
strategically doesnt mention that time last week in the van when hed barely escaped spilling into his
jeans from the bumping of the vehicle over a patch of uneven road. Theres no reason to make things
more awkward than they already are.
So thats why your face was all funny last week in the van, Chanyeol muses aloud, face stretched into
a Cheshire grin. Jongin considers homicide.
Go die, Jongin mumbles, his face so hot it feels like hes melting.
Wait! Kyungsoos eyes are wider than saucers. Does this cant perform anymore?
I think he can still dance, Chanyeol says flippantly. Hell just cream himself every single time he does.
The fangirls will love that.
Notnot every time, Jongin protests. It hasnt happened
How did he dance before, though? Jongdae queries, looking almost as amused as Chanyeol. Minseok
raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow curiously.
The... Jongin winces. The pants. With the low crotch. They dont, you know, rub... He lets the
sentence trail off, because its enough information for everyone to get the picture.
Wow, Jongin, Sehun says, leaning against Zitao, who has an arm slung over his shoulders as he tries to
follow the Korean conversation. You are the actual lamest.
Quiet! Joonmyun commands. No one listens. No, really, listen to me! Jongin, I think you should see a
doctor. It has to be a medical condition, right? You can fix this! Joonmyuns plaintive cries fall on deaf
ears as everyone else continues to talk over each other.
Hey man, Baekhyun says, laying a hand on Jongins bicep. Jongin shrugs him off, but Baekhyun just
slaps his arm again. You know, I used to want to become a doctor. I could take a look for you if you
oh, fuck off
language, Jongin! Joonmyun reprimands.
Baekhyun, you wanted to be a vet, thats not the same thing
vets are doctors too!
Jongins dick isnt a dachshund!
Can we not? Jongin asks, biting down on his lip. Can we just not? Ill...Ill solve it. Its not going to be a
problem again.
Bring back the terribad pants ASAP, Jongdae advises. Do you want one of us to talk to the
coordinators for you? His smile reminds Jongin of a hungry lion.
Jongin cant even begin to imagine how that conversation would go down. The only certainty is that
whatever Jongin thinks is the worst Jongdae can do, the reality will be far more mortifying. No! Jongin
shouts, and then he closes his eyes. Ill He takes a deep breath. Ill handle it.
It looks like you dont even have to handle it, if you know what I mean
Chanyeol! Kyungsoo sounds like hes at the end of his rope.
You were all thinking it, though, Chanyeol says, holding both hands up to preemptively protect himself
from swats as both Baekhyun and Yixing raise their hands threateningly. Baekhyun, though, might be
too busy laughing to actually shut Chanyeol up.
Er...good luck. Kevin pats Jongin comfortingly, before turning around and leaving with the others.
Theres one person in the shadows who hasnt said anything the whole time. Jongins eyes scan over the
members retreating backs and land on Sehun*. Sehun* turns around at that moment. Their eyes meet.
Sehun* doesnt look concerned in the slightest. In fact, Jongin swears that hes smirking.
Sehun* smirking is never good news. Ever.
One day, Jongin thinks, he will live down coming on stage. Unfortunately, hes pretty sure that day is not
today. Or tomorrow.
Or any time in the next ten years, if Park Chanyeol has anything to say about it.
What if Jongin secretly has a voice kink? Chanyeol postulates over lunch. Like the sound of Kev-Kev
and I about to rock out to Two Moons is just too much for his dick to take.
No one gets off on your voice, Chanyeol, Jongin snaps, and Baekhyun blushes. A painful silence falls
across the lunch table, which Jongin thinks is really just too bad for everyone. He coughs. Anyway, no, it
doesnt have anything to do with you.
How many times have I told you not to call me Kev-Kev? Kevin asks, reaching over to Yixings packed
lunch with his chopsticks to steal one of his pickled radishes.
Then would you rather be called Fan-Fan? Chanyeol asks, stealing Yixings pickled radish from where
Kevins dropped it in his own lunchbox. Or Ken-Ken? Your pick.
He prefers Big Kev, Yixing says, blinking. At least in the bedroo
you know what? Kevin says, stabbing Chanyeols hand with his chopsticks. How about we drop this
and get back to the main issue here? Jongins...penile difficulties.
Way to throw me under the bus, Jongin mumbles, and Kevin smiles at him apologetically.
Most people that have these kinds of issues have problems getting it up, Kyungsoo grumbles.
Everyone turns to stare at him. Not...that...I have...those problems. Im just saying. Hes lucky he
doesnt have the impotence of a ninety-year-old.
Kevin now looks a little regretful at having changed the subject to this, or like hed rather be dead than
here, and Jongin doesnt blame him. Jongdae, though, is looking at Kyungsoo with a suspicious gaze.
Kyungsoo flushes and averts his eyes.
But really, Jongin, Chanyeol says, gesticulating wildly with cutlery to emphasise his point and nearly
taking out Baekhyuns eye. You need to learn how to control your carnal desires.
Oh my god, Jongin says, because Jongins problem is not his carnal desires, or any other kind of
desires; its just a physical response that he cant control.
Im trying to eat, Minseok says, longsuffering, and Baekhyun cleverly cuts in with a comment about
seeing Taeyeons underwear during the last SM Town show, and for the rest of lunch, Jongin is left to
stare miserably at his donkasu while Jongdae plies Baekhyun for colour and cut details. (There were
ribbons, I swear! Baekhyun says, and Jongdaes eyes are filled with stars.)
As lunch winds down, the members peel off one by one, until only a few of them are left lingering
around the table. One of those people is Sehun*.
Sehun* always eats slowly and steadily, chewing each bite as if hes trying to savour it. But today, hes
not eating at all. Hes just staring at Jongin, eyes glittering with a mixture of mischief and something else
Jongin cant quite place. Jongin studies the piece of fried pork held aloft between his chopsticks to avoid
the heat of that gaze, and the way it makes the hair on his arms stand with something like anticipation.
I could teach you, Sehun* says quietly.
Jongin looks up again from his lunch. Huh?
I could teach you. Sehun*s face is angelic, but Jongin can see the deviousness in the set of his brows
and in the quirk of his lips. Theres a lot implied in that statement, and Baekhyun sniggers. If you
wanted to learn.
I dont know what youre talking about. Jongin shoves another bite of rice into his mouth, and
concentrates on ignoring the way Sehun*s tongue flickers out obscenely to lick up one of his chopsticks.
Jongin really hates the way he can feel himself stiffening, heat pooling in his belly.
Thank god no ones staring at him from under the table.
Okay, Sehun* says airily. He leans back and his eyes flicker down to catch a glimpse of the tent
forming in the crotch area of Jongins pants. But let me know if you change your mind.
I wont, Jongin says, and he spits grains of rice all over the table because he hadnt swallowed yet.
Jongin, thats disgusting, Kyungsoo says, as Sehun* laughs, picking up his styrofoam container and
throwing it in the trash.
Yeah, Jongin, learn to swallow, Chanyeol quips. Talking before youve even chewed your food. Tsk
tsk. Do you do everything prematurely now?
Your face is premature, Jongin says, glowering. Now shut up or Ill punch you in the nuts.
Id threaten the same...but youd probably ejaculate, Chanyeol says as he too stands up from the
I hope you die in a terrible fire, Jongin grumbles to the wood, but he thinks its probably less effective
when his cheeks are so red.
Chanyeol laughs. I command fire, darling.
Then Ill get Minseok-hyung to freeze your ass.
Okay, kids, Baekhyun says, like hes not as much a child as the rest of them, now that were two
seconds away from I am rubber and you are glue, we should probably get back to work.
Fine, fine, Chanyeol says, and Jongin rolls his eyes until he catches sight of Sehun*, who still lurks by
the rubbish bin, hands in his pockets. Hes wearing one of his white tank shirts, and Jongin cant stop
himself from following the lean line of his bare arms all the way down to pretty wrists.
Offer still stands, Sehun* says, smiling an eye-crinkling smile, when Jongin catches himself staring and
guiltily looks back up to Sehun*s face.
Sehun* chuckles and walks out of the room, leaving Jongin alone with his thoughts.
The fabric of Jongins pants rubs against his erection hard enough that he has to bite back a groan.
Jongin buries his face in his hands.
He changes his mind promptly four days later, when he almost comes during an easy rehearsal from the
rub of his too-loose sweatpants.
Chanyeol laughs so hard he starts to cry, and Jongin doesnt think its fair that even an oversized giraffe
thinks hes a joke.
It doesnt even matter how tight your pants are, anymore, Chanyeol squeals, wiping away an actual
tear. This is Christmas in August, I swear. The statement is riddled with mirthful hiccups.
Maybe you need to get laid, Sehun says. Or jerk off enough that your dick is too tired to get an
Do you think I havent tried that? Jongin shifts uncomfortably, and that sets Chanyeol off laughing
again. Baekhyun tries valiantly to keep a straight face. Jongin considers telling them both that
sometimes he can hear them fucking, but hell save that card for later.
This is Christmas for the entire year, Jongdae says. It doesnt actually get any better than this. He
sounds awed at his own amazing fortune, and Jongin would strangle him but its not worth the jail time.
Now, now. Play nice, Sehun* says, and his voice is pitched low and even. Its not loud, but it cuts right
through Chanyeols donkey braying and finds its way straight to Jongins erection.
I hate you all, Jongin says, and he runs to the bathroom.
He jerks himself off quickly; too quickly, and the speed of his hand is uncomfortable as he pushes his
foreskin back to glide his thumb more easily across the slit, gathering moisture and spreading it
downward to ease the burn of his dry palm. He spits into the other hand, and then fists himself with
both together, fingers locked as he closes his eyes and huffs his way toward completion. It takes less
than a minute for him to come, jizz sliding down his knuckles and between his fingers, and Sehun*s
gleaming eyes at the forefront of his mind.
No, Jongin says aloud, and it echoes in the empty bathroom. No.
Only even as he says no, hes thinking about Sehun*s teasing smile and Sehun*s arms and Sehun*s
voice when he speaks Mandarin, ends of his words rolling into Beijing rs so it sounds almost like hes
purring. So the no ends up becoming a yes, as Jongin finds himself hard again already.
This sucks, Jongin thinks, and he can still hear Chanyeols mocking laughter outside the restroom and all
the way down the hall.
(Although Jongin is starting to think he might have internalised the sound.)
While it only takes Jongin four days to change his mind, it takes him seven more before he gathers the
courage to think about talking to Sehun* about it, but then its another thirteen before Sehun* comes
back from China...
All in all, it takes the next gruelling thirteen days of ejaculating in the most inconvenient times (and
placeshed almost shot his load into the fucking fruit basket after staring at the bunch of bananas for
too long) for Jongin to swallow his pride, actually act on that scrounged-up bravery, and consult Sehun*.
Jongin waits inside EXO-Ms dorms on the day of Ms arrival back in Korea, sitting at the edge of the
seat, half because hes nervous and half because letting his dick touch the seat might cause unwanted
reactions, and Jongins really not keen for any unwanted reactions today.
The door latch clicks.
Jongin jumps in his seat, and curses audibly at himself when a reactive tingle shoots through his torso
and hes inconveniently stirring in his pants.
Kevins the first one through the door. Jongin looks up from his groin, faltering under Kevins big yaoi
hands inquisitive gaze. The arch of his angry eyebrows clearly indicates that he was not expecting Jongin
here. Dont you have a photoshoot? What are you doing here?
Pitching a tent, obviously, Jongdae murmurs, eyeing Jongins crotch as he flings his bag down. Hey,
Dancing Machine #2, its late; are you planning on camping here for the night?
N-no, Jongin stutters. I just wanted to talk to
Then Sehun* walks into the room, face drawn and haggard, a shadow of stubble sprinkled on his chin,
and Jongin decides, no, maybe not today.
Sure, Sehun* had offered, but its unfair of Jongin to do this, to take Sehun*'s time for something so
ridiculous, not when theyre all running on three hours of sleep a day. Time is limited. He should be
dealing with this himself.
The other members had definitely been teasing him with their offers, hes sure of that. So what if hed
gotten off to Sehun*s voice that day in the dance practise roomand then again that night, the
Mandarin version of Baby Dont Cry drowning out his groansthis is his problem, and as much of a fuss
as Chanyeol likes to make, Jongin shouldnt be randomly dragging his bandmates into it.
Jongin meets Sehun*s eyes. Sehun* gives a small smile, the corner of his lips upturning. Maybe
Sehun*s playing along with this joke too, Jongin thinks, maybe hes just teasing, at Jongins expense.
Hey, Sehun* tries again, waving a hand in front of Jongins face. Looking for me?
"No," Jongin says. "Well yes, but no. I mean. It can. Wait. Until you're not tired." Jongin flushes, and
Minseok coughs awkwardly.
"We are SM idols," Sehun* says. "I'm always going to be tired."
"Not like this," Jongin says. "With the dark circles and stuff." Jongin studies his knees when Sehun*
offers him a tiny grin.
"What do you want, Jongin?" He doesn't have to look up to know that Sehun*'s smile has become
"It's about...that thing." Jongin knows he's mumbling too much to be understood. "That we discussed."
"I see," Sehun* says.
Well give you two some privacy. Yixing grins, then loops his arms around Kevins and Jongdaes necks,
marching out of the living room. Minseok simply shakes his head sadly, and follows suit, Zitao tailing
after him.
So, Jongin says.
Jongins had exactly two and a half previous sexual encounters.
The first time was in the second year of middle school, when a girl from his PE class had tried to give him
a handjob back in the lockers, and he came before shed even finished pulling down his zipper. The only
face more mortified than his at the time had been hers, and she'd backed away from him with wide eyes
and had never spoken to him again.
The second time was at the afterparty for Calvin Klein's show, and Jongin had been cornered by a (hot)
European model in the men's lavatory, and that time, Jongin had been shoved up against the sinks, and
all it had taken was the thrust of the man's thigh between his own two times before he'd come shaking
and shivering as the man explored Jongin's mouth. That had been less embarrassing, until Jongin came
again four minutes later, and then the man noticed. "Already?" The man had asked in mediocre-
sounding Korean, and Jongin hadn't really wanted to correct him.
(There other time, when he was in the third floor showers, next to some of SMs upper level
dance practise rooms, and Taemin had bumped into him and brushed his dick by mistake while heading
out of the room. Jongin likes to regard that as an accident, and he hopes Taemin never finds out.)
So it's not really like Jongin even knows what he'd asked for, yesterday, as Sehun* had stared at him like
a cat who had a mouse exactly where he wanted him. Still, Sehun* had seemed so confident, and Jongin
really does need help. There isn't anyone else to ask, either, since he's pretty sure that no one else in his
band has the same problems as he does, and seem more interested in laughing than helping.
"Are you sure you can help me?"
Very, Jongin learns, seems less and less like a boast as Sehun* takes his hand and begins to speak.
Sehun*s had exactly...
Actually, Sehun*s had so many sexual encounters that he cant even keep track. Jongin sits in awe,
slack-jawed, as Sehun* rattles off the outrageous things that hes done.
...and then the first time with a butt plug was first year of high school. The girl shoved it in pretty hard
too. Didnt use nearly enough lube, Sehun* says nonchalantly.
Oh. Jongin finds something stirring inside him just from Sehun*s words. He squashes the feeling
down, ignoring the way that the wet patch at his crotch is steadily spreading.
What about with guys? Jongin falters. Sehun* might know what to do with girls (and more than one at
once), but male and female anatomy are two different things. I mean, Im a guy, and
Sehun* grins. Dont you fret. I have experience with both chicks and dicks. He laughs. "Who do you
think taught Kevin how to fuck Yixing? I practically had to hold their hands."
Jongin blanches. That's...not something I needed to know.
Holding their hands while they were jerking each other off, mind you. Sehun* inspects his fingernails.
He sighs dramatically. Kevin almost tore off
so, Jongin says, taking deep breaths and gingerly lifting and holding the fabric of his pants crotch so
he gets a bit of relief from the constant friction. How are you going to help me?
Im going to train your cock, Sehun* says, as matter-of-factly as ever, and if Jongin was drinking
something, hed have spit it all over Sehun*s face.
This was a mistake.
Not at all, Sehun* says. Or dont you trust your hyung?
Its Jongin bites his lip. His mind runs through all the possibilities, and then Joonmyuns words from
two years ago flash in his mind. As a responsible leader, Joonmyun had insisted on taking
Jongins...sexual safety into his own hands and warning him with very emphatic and graphic descriptions
(and to be honest, Jongin would like to forget that experience very much). Youre not...
...diseased, are you?
Sehun* raises an eyebrow. Im an expert, Jongin. I take the utmost caution. Ive got papers if youd like.
Trust me, Jongin-ah.
Jongin trusts Sehun*, on most days, as much as he trusts a hungry pit viper, but on the scale of things,
thats more than he trusts anyone else on this particular subject.
Yes, Jongin whimpers, and even though Sehun*s smile is scary, Jongin still finds him incredibly
attractive. Okay. I guess so.
Well start soon, then, Sehun* says. As soon as possible. He disappears into his bedroom, leaving
Jongin alone in the living room, and its a long time before Jongin trusts himself to stand up and walk
home without making a mess.
When he gets back to EXO-Ks dorm, Chanyeol takes one look at him and snorts. Mustve been a hell of
a conversation.
One day, Im going to put arsenic in your food, Jongin informs him, straightening his back and ignoring
his hard-on.
Im going to die of hilarity long before I die of arsenic poisoning, Chanyeol replies. This is funnier than
your face-paint during MAMA filming. Id thought that was as good as it was ever going to get. Ive never
been so wrong. Baekhyun smacks his arm and he immediately quiets, tips of his ears flushing. Jongin
would be thankful if he didnt think slapping was some weird kind of foreplay between them.
Jongin slips into his room and puts on his headphones, and tries not to think too much about what
Sehun* might have in store for him as he listens to his music.
It had been decided months before EXOs official debut that Jongin would be the face of EXO-K, and
Sehun* would be the face of EXO-M. At that time, Jongin hadnt really known Sehun* all that well, but
theyd been forced to practise for their teaser videos together, and learn the choreography for all the
dance CFs they had lined up for them after debut, so naturally, they got close. During that busy period,
Jongin had recorded seven songs, learnt fifteen dances, and slept about three hours a night.
The song Jongin remembers the clearest (and wishes he didnt) is MAXSTEP.
He, Taemin, and Eunhyuk had learnt the choreography, in advance, for MAXSTEP from Gregg for last
years SBS Gayo Daejuns, and there had been a particularly...challenging section. Popping wasnt
Jongins favourite style of dancing, not because of how it clashed with the smoothness he was used to,
but because popping meant violently contracting his muscles, and when he contracted too hard...
Jongin forces those memories to the back of his mind.
The shooting for the MAXSTEP music video will be next week Monday, their manager tells them. He
regards Sehun* with suspicion. Its a sponsored shoot, so be on your best behaviour.
Yes, sir, Sehun* says, smiling. Their manager raises an eyebrow. Best behaviour, promise.
Jongin furrows his eyebrows. The glint in Sehun*s eyes isnt very reassuring.
MAXSTEP. Sehun* grins at Jongin as the door closes behind them. Hes standing awfully close to
Jongin, and Jongin tries to shuffle away, wary of Sehun*s predatory gaze. Just us two. You know,
dressing rooms are usually pretty spacious...
Jongins eyes widen. No. No!
Yes, Sehun* says. And I have just the thing to try first. Dont you worry your pretty little head about
Its not that Jongin is nervous. Its more that hes terrified, although hes not sure what hes more
terrified about; doing something that will humiliate him in front of everyone, or humiliating himself in
front of Sehun*. (If Jongin is honest with himself, hes wanted to look good to Sehun* for a while now,
but its hard to look good when Jongins body, which has always obeyed him so easily, seems to have a
mind of his own.)
At least making an MV is one of Jongins strong points. Dancing and performing is something that comes
naturally. His self-confidence could use the help.
So we have the dance portion of the video, the PD says, and Jongin nods along, and then we have the
close-ups. Youll each have different sets.
One of the creative assistants grabs Jongin by the elbow and pulls Jongin away from the main set, to a
smaller set thats so bright it hurts his eyes. He blinks, three times in quick succession, and then his
vision clears.
Its a pile of gold ingots surrounded by speakers. Metallic gold speakers.
This is where well be filming your solo shots! the creative assistant says, looking almost proud at the
golden mess in front of her. She points to the block of ingots in the middle. Thats where youll be
Sehun*s cackling evilly to one side.
Wanna swap pants? Sehun* offers, when theyre in the dressing room and the stylists have come
around with their costumes. He holds out his gold, low-crotched hammer pants. Kai, SMs golden child,
now even shinier! Look, you can colour co-ordinate with your set. And not jizz all over the bricks. Mostly
the latter.
Theyre called ingots, Jongin says, glowering, adjusting his many golden necklaces. He swears that
Jongdaes talked the production team into giving him as many weighty metal things as they could so he
would shrink down to Jongdaes height. And at least Im not wearing a dead raccoon around my neck
like Eunhyuk-hyung.
Kai? The stylist rushes through the door, holding something even more furry and more ridiculous than
Eunhyuks fur adornment. She hands it to Jongin. Sorry for being so late. This is your vest!
Oh. It looks like a dead skunk. Or like someone had murdered the Cheshire Cat and decided to use its
pelt as a robe. Sehun* snorts, patting Jongin on the back. "Oh, Jongin mutters, fuck my life."
Sehun* grins. No thanks. He leans in to whisper in Jongins ear. But Ill gladly fuck you instead. He
waltzes out of the dressing room before Jongin can come up with a clever response.
Jongin definitely doesnt think about how those bricks would feel digging into his back as Sehun* pushes
him down.
After all, Jongin is a professional now.
Jongin goes first when they shoot solo scenes. Of course he does. Just act, uh, natural, the PD says, as
Jongin ascends his throne of gold.
Dont do that, Taemin whispers as Jongin walks past him. Unless you dont want people to find you
attractive, that is. You already have to make up for that outfit. Taemin chuckles into his hand. You look
like my grandmother.
Youre the worst friend ever, Jongin growls, adjusting his fur. At least its soft, he consoles himself.
Taemin snickers. All my friends are the worst friends ever.
Jonghyun-hyungs going to smack you when he finds out that youve stolen his title of Bling King, my
lady, Taemin says snidely as Jongin walks away from him, stomping over to his ingots and settling
himself among them like it isnt absolutely bizarre. Jongin knows this is not the weirdest thing hes ever
done, nor is it the weirdest thing he will ever do, so he curls his lips into a stage smirk and bears down
on the camera, exactly the way that the companys taught him, and the way he knows his fangirls will go
crazy over. A smirk here, a lip-bite there, a tug on his necklace, that half-opened mouth that would have
anyone else looking like a goldfish. Hes got this down.
Watching, though, is much, much harder than filming, in both the literal and figurative sense. Jongin
finishes his solo sections easily enough, and moves to Set B so he can watch Sehun*. Sehun*s shots are
just as simple to shoot as Jongins, but something about the way Sehun* keeps licking his lips between
takes makes Jongin distinctly uncomfortable. Theres a room full of tired people shouting instructions
and asking for different angles and endless takes, yet every time Sehun*s tongue darts out from
between his lips to wet the parched skin, Jongin can feel volts of electricity raising hairs on end.
A familiar sensation sits in the pit of his stomach. Not now, Jongin thinks frantically, and then he sharply
looks back up at Sehun*, hoping Sehun* hasnt noticed.
Hes noticed. One of his eyebrows is lifted ever so slightly in amusement, and Jongin swallows tightly at
the delight that lurks at the corners of Sehun*s lips.
Alright, Sehun*, Kai, you two can take a break. Well see you again in thirty minutes to run through the
second group choreo. The PD sighs, rubbing his eyes. Dont wander too far.
Im sure we can entertain ourselves, Sehun* says in a low sweet voice that sends a shiver down
Jongins back. Well be in the dressing rooms.
Thats fine, the PD says, already redirecting his attention to Henry, who looks like hes dressed more
for an Arctic expedition than for a music video.
Be careful, Sehun*-hyung, Taemin says, gesturing at Jongins ensemble as Sehun* presses a hand to
Jongins lower back and starts pushing him toward the dressing rooms. Jongins apparently into
wearing his kills, now, so not even the cutest deer are safe.
Who said Im the prey? Sehun* queries, face still angelic, and Jongin cant suppress the shudder that
runs through him from his head to his toe at Sehun*s practiced innocence. The way that Sehun* had
said it...he has plans. Jongin sucks his lower lip into his mouth with nervousness.
Coming! Taemin pats Jongin on the head, before skipping off to the set. Jongin stares at his back, his
last lifeline gone.
You asked for my help, Sehun* says quietly. Jongin gulps. Taemins gone, so theres really no more
reason for Jongin to be dragging his feet. Sehun* sighs and pulls Jongin into the changing room. Hey,
you can back out if you want.
N-no, Jongin says, after a moment too long of silence. I want...I need your help. Sehun* smiles
triumphantly, then steps into Jongins space. Jongin unconsciously backs up, until hes trapped between
Sehun* and the wall. His heart is beating a mile a minute, and his stomach is twisted up like a pretzel, or
like Zitao when hes doing his weird acrobatic wushu shit in Ks living room while Sehun swears at him
and tries to watch television through the space between Zitaos head and his double-jointed left knee.
What are you
starting your lessons. Sehun* answers before Jongin can even spit out the question. Sehun*s so
close now its scary, and his hair smells like hairspray and debauchery. His mouth is obscenely close to
Sehun*s chin, and for the tiniest of moments, Jongin thinks Sehun* is going to kiss him. Then he comes
to his senses, and Sehun*s hand is flat on his shoulder and hes stumbling backwards, backwards
Jongins back hits the wall with a thud.
Ow, he mutters. His protests are lost when Sehun* drops to his knees, one hand resting loosely on
Jongins right hip. He bites his lip. Be gentle.
Gentle isnt in my vocabulary. Sehun* smirks as he reaches into the right pocket of his blinding gold
harem pants. Jongin doesnt know what hes got hidden in there (and its a valid confusion, considering
theres enough space that Sehun* could probably hide a pack-horse in just the voluminous right pant-
leg), but hes more than a little surprised when Sehun* produces a metal-looking ring.
Jongin stares at it for a second, perplexed, until Sehun*s slow smile gives him a clue. Is that
Yes, Sehun* says, and he rests a hand on Jongins side. His palm is warm though the thin fabric of
Jongins shirt, and he almost wishes that his fur monstrosity of a jacket was long enough that Sehun*s
hand would be separated from him by another, thicker, layer. But it isnt, and Jongin has to keep his
breath from stuttering its way out of his chest as he focuses his eyes on Sehun*s hand
instead of on Sehun*s twinkling eyes. It is.
I dont even know how it works, Jongin mumbles.
Im going to slide this down your dick, Sehun* says frankly, and Jongins not sure what kind of
television Sehun*s been watching to learn how to say all of this stuff in Korean, but its clearly not the
bizarre childrens shows that Yixing watches on Saturday morning with one hand in the cereal box and
the other around a bottle of peach tea as he repeats careful syllables after the little girl host. And then
you wont be able to come until I take it off.
Oh, Jongin exhales, and he can feel all the blood in his body rushing to his face.
Is that alright with you? Sehun* asks, but hes not really asking; Jongin can see that Sehun* is not
waiting for an answer by the way his shoulders are loose and his head is tilted cutely to the side, his
thumb rubbing slow, infuriating circles into his abdomen.
Where the hell did you even get that?
I stole it from Chanyeol, Sehun* informs him, tone nonchalant.
Wait, Jongin says, blanching, wait, you stole that from Chanyeol? So its probably been around
Chanyeols dick before?
Sehun* rolls his eyes. What was I meant to do? Kevin borrowed mine. Come on, its just a bit of metal,
deal with it
I dont want things that have been around Chanyeols dick around mine! Jongin bemoans, but
Sehun*s fingers are yanking down his zipper and his protests are lost in the thrill of...this. Thats indirect handjob Sehun* reaches past the elastic of Jongins underwear and curls his fingers
around Jongins cock, tugging it out so the head peeks past the fabric. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
hyung what are you
Sehun*s not looking at Jongin. Instead his eyes are fixed on Jongins mostly flaccid cock, and as he
stares, Jongin feels himself wanting to shift back uncomfortably. He doesnt, though, considering he had
asked for this. He also cant, snugly stuck between Sehun* and the wall. Whatever Sehun*s up to,
Jongin will grit his teeth and bear it.
I have to get this on for it to work, Sehun* murmurs, holding Jongins cock with one hand and slipping
the metal ring on with another. The metal is cold and shocking on Jongins sensitive skin, and Jongin
bites back a hiss and feels himself flush with horror and shame as his cock rapidly rises to full mast,
electric tingles running all the way up his inner thigh, pleasurable pressure building too fast for him to
Sehun*s fingers against his skin are so soft, and Jongin thinks even this, the lightest of touches, is going
to drive him insane. Its worse than the tight pants or the weird dreams because Sehun* is kind of, well,
super hot, and hes touching Jongin somewhere Jongins never really been touched before.
Sehun* gets it on halfway before Jongin cant take it anymore, and he can feel the telltale quiver of
release rippling through his body before he even manages to warn Sehun* to move away.
Shame choruses like an obnoxious dubstep refrain in his head as he tries to use his imaginary magical
powers to teleport himself right off the nearest cliff.
Hmm, Sehun* murmurs, Jongins come dotting his left cheek. Jongin buries his face in his hands.
Hmm. Youre more sensitive than I thought.
Fuck you, Jongin hisses.
At this rate, you wont even be able to, Sehun* says. He tucks Jongins cock, still raw and tingling, back
into Jongins underwear and gives it a little pat. Ill think of something else.
I thought you were going to help, Jongin says, and he hates how whiny he sounds. He also hates the
way Sehun*s touch had felt better than his own hand had ever felt. He hates that humiliating himself in
front of Sehun* like this, in private, is somehow even more embarrassing than just coming in his pants.
Or is this funny to you?
Jongin doesnt think its very funny. He doesnt want Sehun* to think its funny, either. He trusts Sehun*,
he thinks, to help him with his problem, and he doesnt know anyone else he could ask. It had been hard
enough to ask Sehun*, and Sehun* had offered.
I like challenges, Sehun* replies, after a moment of meeting Jongins embarrassed and angry stare. I
really like them.
Then Sehun* stands and steps back, and Jongin realizes that in his distraction, Sehun* had managed to
slide the ring all the way down to the base of him, and the metal isnt quite so cold anymore. What
does this thing do, exactly? Jongin asks, and Sehun* laughsif a laugh is the name for the demonic
sound that comes out of his mouth.
Lets just say, Sehun* replies, that you wont be coming at all until I let you. Well call this a warm
Ohoh, Jongin replies, and as the sound of Sehun*s voice rings in his ears, laden with promises,
Jongin feels the metal contracting around the base of him.
They both break away from each others gaze as the door to the dressing room opens.
Hey, Jongin, a voice says, and before Jongin can react, the door opens, and Taemin walks noisily into
the room. Pretty sure they want us alloh.
Jongin freezes, horrified. Sehun* doesnt move, and the memory of his breath is still tingling on Jongins
crotch. T-Taemin.
Oh. Taemin blinks, looks over to Sehun*, then to Jongins crotch, then back to Sehun*s face again,
eyes narrowing. He purses his lips. Youve, uh, got a bit of... Taemin pauses, as if hes unsure how to
break it to Sehun* that hes got a face-full of Jongins jizz. Jongin imagines even Taemin, whos been
saying filthy things with that maknae face for years might find it a bit difficult to say, oh gee whiz,
Sehun*, theres a bit of semen dripping onto your shirt, youd better catch that. Jongin uncomfortably
zips up his pants, and wonders if he can bury his face in the heavy fur about his neck, and when he
emerges again, this entire, horrible situation will be as though it never existed. Er, theres something on
your face.
Yeah, I noticed, Sehun* replies easily, like theyre talking about the weather, and not Jongins come on
Sehun*s face. Jongins rather quick on the draw.
I think you mean quick on the shoot, Taemin corrects. Hey Jongin, remember that time Gregg was
trying to teach you how to do that staccato pop with your hips and you
No, Jongin says pointedly. I dont. Sehun* reaches out and wraps a hand around Jongins wrist, and
Jongin thinks its supposed to be comforting, but instead it just makes his heart beat faster. Sehun*s
warm fingers press against his pulse. Moments ago, theyd been pressed... elsewhere, and Jongin
probably shouldnt think about it when Sehun* still looks so amused, despite his facial decoration.
I read somewhere, probably on Naver, that human beings tend to block out traumatic memories,
Eunhyuk says, and Jongin turns around to see he and Henry have returned from set to the dressing
rooms. Gregg and erections are not two words I would personally want to associate, so I can
This isnt happening right now, Jongin says, desolately, and Henry laughs. Its just not.
If you dont think Jongdae texted all the Chinese idols the moment that incident on stage occurred,
Henry says, you are underestimating him. Henry taps his chin thoughtfully. I think hes attempting to
barter gossip for a date with Amber, but I cant be sure...
Hey Sehun*, Eunhyuk says. Youve got something on your cheek.
"Say kimchi," Taemin says, and takes a photo of Jongin's miserable face and a frosted Sehun* with his
mobile. "Jongin, that's not a smile."
Hours later, when Jongin recovers from, well, what is probably one of the top five most humiliating
experiences of his life, he remembers the purpose of Sehun*s trip into his underwear.
He shifts uncomfortably, the ring still right around the base of his cock where Sehun* had left it.
can i take it off? he texts Sehun* later, and Sehun* sends him back several s and a If I
were you, Id do that in the shower
Jongin takes his advice, and its a good thing, because as soon as the pressure lifts, Jongin comes so hard
he almost blacks out.
The next day, even Hyoyeon texts to offer him a few words of comfort. dont worry about the
photo taeminnie took! everyone will forget about it soon ^^, her text reads, and
Jongin walks out of his room and sits down at the kitchen table with an impending sense of doom.
Hey, champ, Chanyeol says, a big, shit-eating grin on his face. He waves his phone in front of Jongins
nose, the incriminating photo bright on the screen. Baekhyuns right behind him, wearing a ridiculous
purple snapback the wrong way round. Jongin makes a swipe for the phone in Chanyeols hand, feeling
miserable inside. When all the ladies see this, they're really gonna want to call you oppa.
Give me that Jongin lunges, and Chanyeol stumbles his way out of reach.
Don't shit a brick, Jongin...I hear you've got enough of those. Chanyeol claps his hands like a seal, still
keeping his mobile out of Jongin's grasp.
Do you all just hate me or something? Jongin grumbles, shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
Not really, Baekhyun says. He just likes to laugh at your misfortune.
Dont think I didnt notice what was missing from my drawer, Chanyeol whispers, breath ghosting over
Jongins ear. Jongin stops mid-chew. But for the sake of your training, Ill let you keep it. Think of it as a
token of my support.
I-it wasnt my idea, Jongin mumbles, ears heating up. Chanyeol waggles his eyebrows, and Jongin
glowers at him. It was Lu
so I heard you got a lesson yesterday, Sehun says, walking into the kitchen. From Sehun*-hyung.
Even Joonmyun, whod been standing in the corner of the kitchen inconspicuously, carton of cereal in
his hand, is shaking with what Jongin presumes is laughter.
Does everyone in the world know about yesterday?
Well, Baekhyun muses, its kind of difficult to miss when you wake up in the morning and the first
thing you see on your phone is a photo of your two bandmates in compromising positions. Nice fur, by
the way. Very classy.
At that moment, Kyungsoo walks out of his and Jongins room, bags under his eyes.
Oh, youre up, Chanyeol says cheerfully. He loops an arm around Kyungsoos neck. Poor thing. Get
any surprise facials in your sleep?
Everyone turns to stare at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo looks mortified. No! Of course not! Why am I involved
in this now?
Because youre rooming with this dancing machine. Oh wait, name change, that should be jizzing
Jongin hurls his spoon at Chanyeol.
Children! Joonmyun picks up the spoon and drops it in the sink. He puts his hands on his hips, trying to
look stern. Stop this right now. Jongin has a very serious problem, and I think what Sehun*s doing to
help him is...very brave. Chanyeol sniggers. Joonmyun turns to Jongin. By the way, youre on
bathroom duty this week. You need to clean the shower. I chucked out the shampoo, because...there
were... Jongins heart stops. Joonmyun pulls a face. Lets just say, there were things in my hair
yesterday that really shouldnt have been.
Chanyeols positively howling with mirth by this point.
Okay, Jongin says, chair scraping on the linoleum as he stands up. He rubs his eyes. Okay. You have
fun here. Im...going to the dance practise room.
Make sure you dont end up on dance practise room duty too, Jongin hears Chanyeol shout, as he
makes his way out of the dorm.
Jongin decides today is as good a day as any to dump a carton of itching powder into Chanyeols
underwear drawer.
The dance studio is empty when Jongin gets there. It figures, he thinks, because this is one of their very
rare break periods, save for him and Sehun*, of course, because they have MAXSTEP promotions, and
their comeback timetables still havent been finalised.
It could become a problem, though, if this feeling at the base of his torso arises every single fucking time
he hears this song.
The bass reverberates around the studio. Jongins getting hard, again. Sehun*s method with the...cock
ring hadnt done much other that give Jongin the hardest orgasm hes had since his discovery of his
penile problems.
Not that thats anything to complain about, but Jongins meant to be learning how to control it, not
come even harder. Maybe thats something that he can be trained to do, Jongin thinks, as he scrolls the
song back to the beginning and takes his spot in the middle of the dance room, focussing on himself in
the mirror (and not his crotch).
He doesnt get too far. The moment the chorus starts, the door to the studio clicks, and Jongin whirls
around to see a hooded figure walk inbut he doesnt even need to see the face to know exactly who it
H-hyung, Jongin stutters, mouth going dry. Good morning.
I thought youd be here, Sehun* says, pushing the hoodie cap back to reveal a smirk. Howd the cock
ring turn out? Sehun*s smile stretches mischievously across his face, like he knows the answer already,
so Jongin doesnt skirt the issue.
I Jongin gulps. I almost blacked out.
Good, Sehun* says, trailing his hands over Jongins hips, pressing just hard enough to tingle but too
light to satisfy Jongins craving for his touch. Training should be fun.
You have a weird definition of fun. Jongin almost chokes on the words as Sehun*s hands creep up
under his sweaty tee, and start to tease at his perspiration-slick skin.
You aint seen nothing yet, Sehun* replies, tongue peeking out playfully to lick at the corner of his lips,
and Jongin wonders what Sehun*s tongue might feel like in his mouth. MAXSTEP? Lets run through
the routine one more time.
Jongin takes a desperate gulp of air and nods as Sehun* steps back, the lingering feeling of Sehun*s
fingertips driving him to distraction even as Sehun* bends over to restart the music.
Jongin normally practises late into the nights with Yixing, but this...this reminds him all over again of the
first time hed met Sehun*; this small, pretty, fragile-looking Chinese boy who couldnt possibly be an
entire three years older than him. It also reminds him of later, of the first time theyd rehearsed
together for their dance teaser, when Sehun* had proven there was more to him than meets the eye.
Jongin had thought Sehun* was beautiful, then. Or something.
Now, though, he knows that Sehun* is just as devious as he is beautiful, and definitely not fragileand
somehow that makes the attraction that Jongin has continuously tried to ignore for so long coil even
tighter and heavier in his belly.
Dont get distracted, Sehun* says, lower than usual, and Jongin shivers as he shifts into the beginning
of the choreography sequence. He meets Sehun*s eyes in the mirror, and flushes at his knowing gaze.
You look a little tense.
Hes laughing. Jongin is painfully hard, and Sehun* is laughing.
Gee, Jongin says faintly, I wonder why.
Sehun* gives up on the dance, and turns to look at Jongin face to face. The corners of his eyes crinkle.
Am I making things...hard for you, Jongin? Jongin doesnt get a chance to answer before Sehun*s eyes
dart down to below Jongins waist and find the answer there. Oh, in both senses, I see.
It was...the hardest Ive come in two years, Jongin mutters, barely audible over the music. Jongins not
sure, hes not sure about anything, but the shower taking off the ring, imagining doing things,
imagining having things done to him by Sehun*s hands, and Sehun*s lips...
Sehun*s grin widens, and he takes one step closer to Jongin. Did you think about me? Sehun* purrs,
and Jongin takes an involuntary step back. Dont be shy, tell hyung everything.
Maybe, Jongin says. He takes one more step back, trying to put some distance between the two of
them (mainly because if Sehun* gets any closer, he might poke Sehun* in the thigh with his fucking
boner), but Sehun* is persistent in his advances. The erection hed gotten from Sehun*s first lesson had
been kind of different from all the other timesrelief afterwards had been much less painful, and the
comfort of knowing that he could trust Sehun* and Sehun* knew what he was doing... I-I dont know,
hyung, but... Jongin gulps. I kind of...liked it when you were in control. I think it helped. Like I only had
to think about He forgets the rest of the sentence.
You know what? Sehun* says after a pause, licking his lips. He places a hand on Jongins shoulder,
then trails a finger down to Jongins collarbones, drawing patterns on his chest. Jongin shivers as
Sehun*s index finger brushes over his nipple. I think it might be time for lesson two.
Lesson Jongin inhales sharply. Hyung, I dont think
Its a good idea, Sehun* finishes. Trust me. He clicks his tongue against the back of his teeth. Leave
the thinking to experts.
Then Jongin finds himself bumping lightly into the mirror, Sehun*s knee wedged between his own,
nudging Jongins thighs further apart. The glass is cold against his shoulder blades, cooling the skin there
as Sehun*s touch makes other skin, more sensitive skin, burn hotter.
Sehun*s hands venture lower, skating across the waistband of his pants, teasing with alternating
scrapes with his nails and brushes with the pads of his fingers, like hes trying to drive Jongin insane.
What are you doing? Jongin asks, panicked, as Sehun* slowly peels Jongins briefs down his thighs. It
tickles, and Jongins so hard already that he whimpers as Sehun*s knuckles brush his dick.
Getting started, Sehun* says, backing Jongin up so that hes completely flush against the mirror.
Lesson two: how to resist coming all over the dance studio mirrors.
I think this lesson might be a fail, then, Jongin gasps as Sehun*s thumb ghosts over the dripping head
of his cock. Even as his cock is hardening and his body wants more, wants Sehun* commanding him, the
rational part of his mind is telling him to stop. Hyung, I really dontsomeone could walk in
No one else will be here today, Sehun* says, getting down on his knees in front of Jongin, staring up at
Jongin with wide, innocent-looking eyes. Plus, its not exactly news to anyone. Taeminnies photo made
the rounds, you know. Let them walk in on us.
Hyung, please dont Jongins not sure what Sehun*s going to do, but his breath on Jongins exposed
cock is too much stimulation, stomach dipping as his thighs tremble in anticipation.
You said it helped, Sehun* breathes, teasing at the tip with a flick of the tongue. Jongin groans
incomprehensibly. I just want to help you, Jongin-ah, Ill do whatever you want, and if that involves
Well Jongins protests are cut off when Sehun* grips Jongins hips and takes Jongins entire cock into
his mouth.
Fuck, Jongin groans, knees shaking with the exertion of having to hold up a body on the brink of
orgasm. Not even dancing for hours on end could make Jongins knees buckle like this. This is a skill that
only Sehun* has, fingertips pressing into Jongins hips to hold him still as his mouth makes Jongin want
to move. Yeah. Yeah, please, hyung, teach
Sehun* licks, tip of his tongue darting in and out from between pretty pink lips, lapping up Jongins
precome, fingers curling into Jongins skin with a force thats sure to leave bruises the next day. Sehun*
hums gently, vibrations travelling straight to Jongins cock, and Jongin throws his head back painfully
against the mirror.
Its in this moment, by some miracle, that Jongin remembers Chanyeols words about dance practise
room duty, and he freezes up.
I cant Jongin manages to breathe, threading fingers through Sehun*s tousled hair, yanking
Sehun*s head back. Im gonnacan we move somewhere where Sehun* moves one hand off
Jongins hips and makes a tight circle with his thumb and index finger at the base of Jongins cock, one
eyebrow raised inquisitively, and Jongin inhales sharply I wont come all over the fucking mirrors?
Well, Sehun* says, grinning, I think we can move onto lesson three at another location. Sehun*
chuckles, and its more hot air on Jongins spit-slick cock, and Jongin shudders. Should I be offended
that my mouth wasnt enough to make you lose it?
No, Jongin says. That was Jongin is pretty sure for a moment there, hed glimpsed heaven, so its
probably more a result of Jongins absolute exhaustion than of Sehun*s And maybe he shouldnt
think about it, when Sehun* is smirking up at him from his knees, one thumb rubbing circles into his
pelvic bone as the other keeps him from shooting his load into Sehun*s face. Maybe he shouldnt think
about how hot Sehun* looks like that either.
Lets take this somewhere else, then, shall we? Sehun* says, and then hes standing up, tucking Jongin
back in with a fond little pat to his clothed erection. My place is closer.
Theyre next door to each other, Jongin croaks, and Sehun*s smile is almost blinding in its pure evil.
But my place has Sehun* says, Ill make it a playtime youll never forget, and Jongins a
little worried about himself that he almost comes from the sound of the mysterious promise alone.
Its not the first time hes been in Sehun*s room, but it is the first time hes been in Sehun*s room
naked. Jongins super glad that none of the members questioned his sudden appearance at the M
dorms...but thats because the only other person that saw him come into the dorms was Yixing, and
Jongins quite sure Yixing knows exactly what hes here for.
Sehun*s toy collection is...impressive.
And entirely not the kind of toys that Jongin was expecting.
Well, some of them are quite fluffy (like those pink handcuffs), but for the most part...
Where the hell did you even get all this? Jongin asks, picking up something that looks like a riding
crop. I dont think they sell this stuff at regular toy stores here...
I had quite accommodating friends, Sehun* mutters absently, pushing Jongin down onto the floor
after he throws his pillows and a blanket down. He straddles Jongin, taking out a small bottle of some
mysterious liquid and a quite alarmingly large purple phallic shaped object. They were presents.
And would I happen to know these friends? Jongin asks, thinking of a certain Park Chanyeol, but
Sehun* shakes his head and places the toys on the empty bedspread next to Jongin.
Yonsei, my first year in Korea. They were birthday presents from my floormates, as a jokeremember
the Hello Kitty soft toys you saw in Yixing and Kevins room? They hid the toys inside kittys head. Nice
Oh. Oh. Sehun*s moving on top of Jongin now, leaning over so that his lips graze Jongins cheek, then
press gently against Jongins right ear. Sehun* smells of colognethe same cologne that hed gotten
while he was shopping with Jongin during their trip to Beijingand his breath, moist on Jongins ear,
reminds Jongin all too well that not even thirty minutes ago, those lips were wrapped around his cock,
sucking him to near completion.
Sehun* chuckes, throaty and low. Lesson three, he whispers, and Jongin bucks upwards, feeling an
unbearable surge of want. Lets see how long we can play before Jongin junior here decides hes had
enough fun, hmm? Ill take control. Youre okay with that?
Jongin nods hastily. Hes pretty certain that at this rate, hes not going to last even another minute.
So? Strip, Sehun* demands, pulling away from Jongin and swinging one leg over so hes no longer on
top of Jongin. Jongin stares at him, unmoving for five excruciatingly long seconds before he scrambles to
comply, hands tugging hastily at the pants that cant take themselves off fast enough. Sehun* watches
him, eyes devouring each bit of newly exposed skin, and his lips curl up when Jongins dick, red and
throbbing, flops out of his briefs and slaps his tummy. Youre so close.
Sehun*s words remind Jongin that, yeah, he is, and after he kicks off his sweats he reaches down to
touch himself, which has Sehun* moving closer to grab his hand. Ah ah ah, Sehun* says. The point is
not to come, Jongin-ah. He drops a kiss onto Jongins shoulder, and Jongin shivers. He nips a tiny part of
Jongins skin, just above Jongins collarbone, and the sharp pinprick of pain sends sensations straight to
Jongins already-erect cock.
Hyung, Jongin breathes, squirming under Sehun*s left hand, which slides up and down his ribs, in a
way that both tickles and makes Jongin want to beg for more.
Patience, Sehun* murmurs, biting gently on Jongins earlobe, then kissing down the line of Jongins
jaw. He sucks a spot right at Jongins jugular, right hand still clamped tightly around Jongins own, left
hand wandering from Jongins chest to his abs, then even lower, barely grazing the tip of Jongins cock.
Be patient, Jongin.
Jongin grunts in frustration, wrenching his hand out of Sehun*s grip. He can feel Sehun*s smile against
the skin of his throat, hot and pleased, and Jongin lifts his hips, seeking any kind of friction, but all he
finds is air as Sehun* moves himself just out of reach. Jongins sweating, every cell in his body tuned into
Sehun*s movements, and when Sehun* takes his touch completely away, Jongin whines at the loss.
There, there, Sehun* says, pushing Jongins bangs out of his face and running his hands through the
damp hair. Youre doing so well, sweetie.
Jongin swears at Sehun*s condescending tone, but the swears change tempo when Sehun* curls a hand
around him and starts to stroke, torturously slow. Jongin forces himself not to thrust into Sehun*s
loosely clenched fist. I cant
Yes, you can, Sehun* says. Hold it. Try your best.
He does, but hes too strung out, and hes been hard for too long, and it feels like both hours and
seconds before hes spilling over Sehun*s fist, chest heaving and body shaking.
Jongin glances over at the alarm clock by Sehun*s bed and registers the time.
That was six minutes, Jongin breathes. II think thats pretty good?
Pretty good, Sehun* affirms, wiping his hands off on Jongins t-shirt, a glint in his eyes, but who says
were stopping after one?
Jongin sits up, the insides of his thighs rubbing lightly against the bunched dirty shirt underneath him,
the contact sending a new wave of tingles through his body. Sehun* takes Jongins cock between his
palms, stroking it up and down, and even though its still raw and tingling from having just shot off a
load, Jongin can feel the pressure building yet again.
Turn around, Sehun* says, grabbing Jongins waist in an attempt to flip Jongin over. Jongin flings the
shirt off to the side and rolls over, his cock brushing against the rough carpet, and he winces, the friction
too much. Get on your hands and knees.
What are you doing? Jongin asks, but obeys Sehun* anyway. Sehun* grabs Jongin by the ass,
massaging in gentle circles, as he pulls the cheeks apart. Sehun* hums, and his following exhale makes
Jongin jump, startled, as it ghosts across his rim. What
Something new, Sehun* says. Just relax.
How am I supposed to relax when youre breathing on my butt? Jongin pants, the kneading movement
of Sehun*s fingers a dull, constant pleasure that bleeds up his back and down into his already quivering
thighs. Sehun*s hands disappear from his backside, and Jongin feels humiliated, on his hands and knees
on the floor, ass up in the air, with no idea what Sehun* is doing.
Theres the sound of a lid opening, some shuffling, and then theres a cold liquid trickling between his
buttcheeks, down his buttcrack. The sensation is so foreign, so new, that Jongin has to bite his lip to stop
himself from moaning loudly and obscenely. What Jongin presumes are Sehun*s fingers start spreading
the liquid in small circles around Jongins entrance, dipping in shallowly. Jongin tightens instinctively
around Sehun*s finger, unused to the intrusion.
Relax, Sehun* says, slapping Jongin on the ass. Sehun*s lubed fingers find their way to Jongins balls,
and he gives them a gentle squeeze and tug in the hollow of his cupped palms before gripping Jongins
cock and giving more small strokes. Dont you trust me?
Not at all, Jongin says, but he does, and he groans as Sehun* teasingly tightens his hold on Jongins
cock. Im here, arent I?
Then let me, Sehun* says. I promise to be a good teacher and take care of you.
Jongin breathes in sharply, clenching the muscles of his butt. His refractory period is usually longer, but
it seems to have disappeared today, maybe because of Sehun*s ministrations, or maybe because hes
never been this turned on in his life before, ever. Jongins not sure if thats a good or bad thingbut
from the way things are progressing, it doesnt seem like Sehun* will let him stop, even after a second
Sehun* reaches up and takes Jongins nipple between his fingers, pinching hard. Jongin hisses. Sehun*
settles back, his finger probing around Jongins entrance, slicked with more lube, and then hes dipping
in, not shallowly, but until the first knuckle, then the second, until Jongin can feel Sehun*s entire finger
inside him, a strangeness that hes never experienced before.
You alright? Sehun* asks, squeezing Jongins backside with his free hand, and Jongin gulps and
clenches his sphincter muscles around Sehun*s finger, before nodding and humming a muffled yes.
Good. Im going to put a second finger in.
Its at this point that Jongin has a slight out-of-body experience, a photo-clear image of how he must
lookshaking and barely holding himself together on all fours, his bandmate behind him with a finger
stuck up his assflashing in front of his eyes, and he flushes and cringes in complete embarrassment.
But it only makes him harder.
Sehun*s second finger presses inside, and Jongin lets out an obscene moan. The questing pads of
Sehun*s fingers crook down, and they find...something, and whatever it is sends a quake through
Jongins entire body, similar to the way he shivers when cold sneaks between the collar of his coat and
his scarf, except it also makes his cock leak. Then the fingers are slipping out, and Jongin pushes back,
wanting more of them, and more of that weird feeling.
Spread your legs apart more, Sehun* says, nudging Jongins knees out wider. Jongin rests on his
elbows, his arms shaking from supporting his weight for so long, and cranes his neck to see Sehun*
holding that purple dildo from before, frowning in apparent concentration. This might...stretch a little.
Is that going infuck, Sehun*-hyung, Jongin says, and Sehun* presses on hand to the bottom of his
spine and massages it soothingly.
You can take it, Jongin, he says, and he sounds too calm and too angelic as he increases the pressure,
pushing the toy deeper.
Jongin can only make garbled noises in response, drops of sweat rolling down his forehead to his jaw,
and it happens before he can stop it, the waves of his orgasm hitting him out of nowhere as the purple
dildo bottoms out inside of him, constantly pushing down on that spot and out on Jongins inner walls as
he spasms around it. Theres a slow burn, pinpricks of pain and heat near his entrance as hes stretched
by the toy, and its a strange new sensation, but his extended orgasm is making him lightheaded and
incoherent and good god, he wants this more than anything right now.
Sehun* doesnt wait, just begins a slow thrust with the toy, and Jongin muffles a sob by biting down on
his lip as he tries to keep supporting himself with wobbling limbs. Itll be easier to control yourself now
that youve come a few times, Sehun* says soothingly. Itll get easier.
Jongin isnt sure he believes him, especially not when Sehun* is speeding up his thrusts, calming hand
now serving more as an anchor as Jongin starts to move back into it.
The third time he comes, the edges of his vision fade out, and when he swims back to the shore of
consciousness, hes on his back, Sehun* sucking marks into the skin of his belly as his hands fist in
Sehun*s hair.
Okay, Sehun* says, strands of hair plastered to his forehead from exertion. He puts a gentle hand over
Jongins, unravelling Jongins fingers from his hair. That was seven minutes. I think we can make it even
Jongin, barely coherent, can only groan in what he hopes sounds like approval as Sehun* hitches
Jongins legs over his shoulders and pushes the dildo in once more, to the hilt this time. The slow burn
that was there the first time is now a faint tingle, the dildo sliding in a little too easily into his well-
stretched hole.
Were gonna aim for ten, Sehun* says, pulling out and thrusting in again, free hand curling loosely
around Jongins cock. Jongin garbles something out, sweating and aching, every touch blazing on his
skin. Sehun* fondles Jongins balls, tugging at them, and thrusts in again with the dildo. Jongin bites his
lip, moaning, and reaches up to entwine his fingers in Sehun*s hair again, preparing to shoot
When Sehun* backs away completely and pulls the dildo out, two fingers jabbing the stretch of skin
between Jongins balls and entrance.
The sudden movement startles Jongin, and he almost comes from the shock itself, but Sehun* digs his
fingers into that spot harder, curling his other fingers around the base of Jongins cock, squeezing hard,
and Jongins being brought back from the teetering brink to a safer place.
I Jongin croaks out in confusion, How did you do that?
Its a little something I learned in college, Sehun* says proudly, stroking Jongins cock again. Used to
stop me from coming too early during tantric sex sessions with my
Korean tutor. He shakes his head fondly in reminiscence. Between that and the constant vocab
quizzes, we used to go for hours.
Itit worked, Jongin says. Hes never been able to hold off an orgasm for this long before, and theres
no doubt that whatever Sehun*s doing, its working. I didnt come.
Good boy, Sehun* praises, looking pleased. Im not going to let you come. He picks the dildo up and
pushes it inside, pumping Jongins cock furiously. Jongin lets out a long, loud keening sound as he bucks
his hips up and arches his back, Sehun*s unpredictable actions driving him closer to the edge of that
cliff than hes ever been without falling off of it.
Every time Jongin feels like hes teetering on the brink again, writhing under Sehun*s masterful hands,
Sehun* pulls out and presses that spot, pulling Jongin back to reality. True to his words, Jongin doesnt
come. It happens again, and again, and again, until Jongins tearing up and practically crying from how
raw his cock is, frustrated at having been edged and not experiencing the release that usually follows.
Feel good? Sehun* asks, smirking. Jongin grits his teeth.
Please, hyung, I Sehun* pulls out fuck, please, let me Its almost infuriating how Sehun* can
tell exactly when Jongins close. Jongin reaches down, unable to resist any longer, to finish himself off,
but Sehun* takes his wrists and pins them down to the carpet, tutting.
Tsk tsk, bad boy, were working on not letting you come, Sehun* says. He loosens his grip on Jongins
wrists. But if youre that desperate...
Sehun* roughly grabs Jongins cock and points it up towards Jongins face.
What are you
Jongin trails off into a sharp gasp as Sehun* rubs circles with the pad of his thumb over the underside of
Jongins cock, probing at Jongins entrance with the dildo. This time, theres no edgingjust a constant,
pounding rhythmand then theres that spot a few inches inside Jongin that Sehun*s been avoiding,
but now hes hitting it directly with the tip of the dildo and the sheer pleasure is too much to take.
Jongin blows his load spectacularly onto his own face with a curl of his toes and a long, shuddering
A little taste of your own medicine, Sehun* says cheerily, as Jongin splutters and wipes his eyes. His
medicine, so to speak, is rather salty. Youre quite the distance shooter. Sehun* reaches a hand up to
Jongins face and wipes most of the mess off, trailing a finger down to Jongins chest and joining the dots
of come that have landed there. Ready to go again?
By the sixth time Sehun* teases Jongin repeatedly to the threshold and finally lets him come, wave after
wave of orgasm coursing through Jongins worn out body, theres no longer anything coming out of his
Youre dry, Sehun* remarks, looking at the clock. Thirty minutes this time. Im impressed. I think you
may be my best student yet.
You sure I havent been your only student? Jongin asks between gasps. Sehun* grins, putting the dildo
aside, scooting down so that his head is in between Jongins legs. Sehun* grabs Jongins thighs and
spreads them apart, licking a stripe up the underside of Jongins cock. Jongin squirms. H-hyung. We
shouldwe should stop, its been hours
just a bit longer. A little reward for you, Sehun* says, breath hot on Jongins cock. Any and all of
Jongins protests are promptly forgotten as Jongin grabs Sehun*s head and arches his hips so Sehun*s
lips brush against his cock. Eager, are we?
Shut up, Jongin grumbles.
Sehun* doesnt say anything back, just smirks and takes Jongins cock into his mouth, swallowing as the
tip hits the back of his throat, no teasingand Jongin loses himself for the umpteenth time in sheer,
unbridled pleasure.
Had a run in with a vampire, did we? Chanyeol asks when Jongin creeps quietly into the dorm at half-
Why the fuck are you awake? Jongin asks, and Chanyeol laughs, turning on the lights. Jongin squints
until his eyes adjust, and then he glowers at Chanyeol, who is wearing pajamas that make him look like
Tigger from Winnie the Pooh and shouldnt have room to make fun of anyone.
Jongdae called and said Sehun* had basically eaten you alive, is his reply, and Jongin tries, in vain, to
pull the neck of the sweatshirt Sehun*s lent him higher. Unfortunately, this just reveals a slice of
Jongins stomach, which is equally dotted with bite marks, and Chanyeol gives a low whistle. Damn.
Just shut up, Jongin says. Shut up, shut up, shut up.
Do you think Baekhyun would train me if I had
Im going to bed, Jongin says, and he tries not to think about Chanyeol and Baekhyun doing anything
at all like what he's just done with Sehun*.
Jongin looks so well-fucked we might have to give Sehun* the title of EXOs best dick, Jongdae says
when they all meet for a joint rehearsal the next morning in preparation for SM Town. Jongdae finds
Jongin and Yixing talking over a slight change in the Two Moons choreo, and proceeds to be his usual
charming self. Maybe Kevins time on the throne is coming to an end.
Jongin doesnt bother to inform them that Sehun*s dick hadnt even come into the equation last night.
Its not like he and Sehun* are sleeping together. Its more that Sehun* is...a particularly skilled teacher,
and Jongin is his attentive and completely strung out pupil.
I wouldnt be so sure about that, Yixing murmurs demurely, tucking a bit of hair behind his ear as he
Ive seen duizhang naked, Jongdae says. Its not that big. He sounds unsure of himself, though.
Hes a grower, not a shower, Yixing says wisely. Whatever you saw is nothing compared to what hes
packing if you know how to get him...excited.
What does he have then, Jongin mutters, a tree trunk?
Well, Yixing muses, now that you mention it, sometimes it really does feel like my ass is being
A whole new meaning to planting your seed, Jongdae adds maliciously, because he likes the tortured
look on Jongins face.
I wasnt really asking! Jongin says, covering his ears.
Sometimes I hear them through the wall. Jongdaes shit eating grin is so wide that Jongin barely
refrains from punching the huge target. Deeper, Ace, split me open!
He likes me to call him Ace when he wears the mini-skirts, Yixing explains defensively. I think its his
stripper name.
There was also something about a happy road too, Minseok adds when he joins them, looking
You mean a happy trail? Oh yeah, duizhangs is impressive. I thought I was looking at the Amazon
jungle, Jongdae finishes.
This is possibly the worst day of my life, Jongin says, as Jongdae seats himself on the stairs, crossing his
legs, and literally pats himself on the back with an extra smarmy smile.
Yo, Sehun says, walking over and plopping down on the stairs next to Jongdae. Kyungsoo and
Chanyeol make their way over shortly after too, having just finished the rehearsal run of DJs Got Us
Fallin In Love. Are we on break now?
Sehun* steps out from behind Chanyeol, smiling gently, and Jongins breath involuntarily hitches in his
Theres no doubt that Sehun*s worn outJongin can see it in the dark circles under his eyes, and the
way that his movements are held back, kind of sloppy. Heck, Jongin had woken up this morning with a
dull ache in his backside, dark bruises and red bite marks dotting his stomach and neck, and an extra
sensitive, painful-to-touch cockand hed been lying down gripping Sehun*s hair for the most part of
yesterday. Sehun* had been the one doing all the work, teaching and guiding Jongin through the steps
like a real teacher. And after those dance rehearsals on practically no sleep, he must be exhausted.
But in Jongins eyes, Sehun*s glowing.
Oi Jongin, is that a phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Chanyeol asks, waggling his
eyebrows with a leering smile.
Wow, Sehun remarks, looking Jongin up and down. His eyes settle on the marks on Jongins
collarbone, and Jongin moves his hand to try cover them. Rough night, I see. I think I might even be
jealous. Sehun pouts at Sehun*, who just gives a breezy smile and moves to stand next to Jongin.
Jongin, you should be careful, Jongdae says, looking pointedly at Sehun*, I hear devil sprites maintain
their youthful appearance by drinking the blood of virgins, he mock whispers, eyes wide.
If Jongin was a virgin, hes not one anymore, Chanyeol says, waggling his eyebrows. Thoroughly
debauched. He came in last night looking like hed been mauled by a bear.
Those are a nice set of marks, Jongdae says. Sehun*-hyung, do you have a secret set of fangs?
Im older than you, Sehun* says, flicking Jongdae on the head. Youre being disrespectful to your
But Jongdae looks older than everyone, Chanyeol pipes in. Creaky-jointed Jongdae. He was stiffer
than Jongins dick while dancing today, if thats even possible. Maybe we should ship him off to a
retirement home.
Like you should be judging his dancing, Yixing says, rolling his eyes. He pats Jongdae on the shoulder.
Leave our dancing machine alone.
Besides, Jongdae says, I politely didnt mention your set of inappropriately located hickies, and this is
how you repay me, Park?
EXO, MAMA stage rehearsal!
Well, I hate to interrupt what Im sure is going to be fascinating insight into Chanyeol and Baekhyuns
sex life, Sehun says dispassionately, but duty calls.
We dont have a sex life Chanyeol blusters, and Jongdae laughs loudly and incredulously over the
rest of Chanyeols protests and walks away.
Yixing actually looks genuinely disappointed, which Jongin is carefully not thinking too hard about, but
they all shift toward the stage. Chanyeol hangs back, about to taunt Jongin again, but Sehun* grabs the
back of Jongins shirt, pulling him backward and into Sehun*s chest. Jongin gulps, and turns around,
looking directly into Sehun*s eyes, which are still lively and bright despite the general exhaustion
written in the lines of his face. Sehun*s hand releases the fabric, and moves up, skating along the
bumps of Jongins spine until stalling between his shoulders. Jongin shivers. He leans forward, and
Jongin holds his breath.
Indonesia next week, Sehun* whispers in Jongins ear, hand sliding up and lingering on the nape of
Jongins neck. A finger trails down to press at a particularly dark bruise in the hollow of Jongins
collarbone. My hotel room, after daytime rehearsals. Take a shower before you come. Well start
lesson four.
Jongin can see Chanyeol making retching motions out of the corner of his eye, but he couldnt care less.
His heart twinges as Sehun*s soft fingers break away from his skin, and then Sehun*s bounding away
to wind his arm around Yixings waist as they head off to the main stage. Thats right, he thinks. Its just
a lesson, nothing more.
And yet, Jongin cant anticipate it enough.
He spends the next week getting off with the pure memory of Sehun*s lessons. The bruises and
scratches never really disappear, because Jongin doesnt let them, keeping the bruises on his own skin in
the most inconspicuous places, all the while pretending its Sehun*s hands stroking him off to an all-
too-fast completion.
Damn, Jongin, Chanyeol says, on the fifth day. If only your stamina lasted as long as those hickies.
Jakarta is humid and several degrees too hot for Jongins liking. Jongin steps off the plane and instantly
wishes there was a pool of ice somewhere that he could jump into, but at least the heats distracting
him from other things, such as his very inconvenient onstage bonersand the thought of whats
awaiting him that night in Sehun*s hotel room.
The moment rehearsals end, Jongin rushes off to his room to shower off the grime and sweat, just like
Sehun* had asked. Before he knows it, hes standing in front of hotel room 0420, clutching the knocker
Jongin worries his lower lip. Sehun* had told him to be here. Theyd decided on it, and hed been
waiting for this moment for a week. He should knock now, so Sehun* can let him in, and they can
progress with the lessons, but...
He neednt have worried so much. The door flies open, and Sehun*s standing there, wearing only a
loose white tank top and shorts, like hes been anticipating Jongin. Jongin jumps back in shock and gives
a little smile, trying not to stare at Sehun*s defined arms. H-hyung. Hey.
Hey. I was waiting for you. Sehun* takes Jongin by the wrist and attempts to pull him into the room.
You ready?
Jongin falters. Just like that? Youre not going to
What, Sehun* says, did you want me to pour you a glass of champagne and give you flowers? He
laughs to himself, and Jongin cant seem to take his eyes off of Sehun*s mouth. Sorry, Jongin-ah,
youre a bit underaged for the champagne, and Im fresh out of roses.
No, I just Jongin guesses theres nothing to talk about, really. Its not like anything about this
arrangement isnt transparent; between them, and to everyone else in EXO. Its not anything serious.
Well, Jongins problem is rather serious, but Sehun* is being a good friend, and Jongin is not trying to
make things difficult. Its fine. Im ready.
Good. Sehun* smiles. Come in here, Ive got everything prepared. Hopefully Yixing wont come back
unexpectedly. Ill lock the door.
Prepared? Jongin asks, and hes glad his voice only wavers a little. What kind of things did you have
Youd see if you got out of the hallway and came inside, Sehun* says, tapping Jongin with his index
finger on the nose, which makes Sehun* laugh again. Jongin really likes Sehun*s laugh, and all the lines
it creates around his mouth. Sehun*s laugh is also familiar, and it relaxes him enough that this time,
when Sehun* outstretches his other hand and tugs on his wrist, he falls over the threshold and lets
Sehun* hit the lock button on the automated door behind him.
Jongin enters the room, and there are two yoga mats laid out side by side. Sehun* smiles that angelic
smile of his. Lesson four: kegel exercises. Plus a little something else to help with the heat.
Jongin frowns, pursing his lips. That sounds...dangerous. Whats a kegel?
You know, Sehun* says, lying down on the yoga mat. He arches his hips up, and Jongin does a double
take and stumbles backwards, falling over his feet and onto the bed. Working your peeing muscles.
Clench and relax.
Peeing muscles. My peeing muscles? Sehun* nods in all seriosity. His hair falls into his angelic face, and
his eyes are alight with joy at his own brilliance. Jongin squints. This wasnt quite what he was expecting.
And this is supposed to help how?
Sehun* rolls his eyes and drags Jongin down viciously onto the yoga mat. Jongin meets the ground with
a thump, narrowly avoiding landing on top of Sehun*. His heartbeat increases, but he wills it to slow
down, despite the fact that he can still feel the warmth of Sehun*s fingers on the skin of his arm. I
dunno, I read it somewhere online, and the internets always trustworthy, right? Now come on, be a
good boy and lift your hips.
I really Sehun* does a pushup off the mat and firmly grips Jongins hips, pulling them off the ground.
Jongins protest dies in the back of his throat because all he can think about now is the memory of
Sehun*s hands on his cock, smooth and warm, stroking him to release two times in quick succession
holy fuck, hyung, Im gonna
Shh, calm down and think of Kevins high school graduation photos, Sehun* says. That horrific thought
helps for a split second, until Sehun*s hands shift on Jongins hips, and then the overwhelming feeling
This isnt helping! Jongin hisses, breathing laboured.
Okay, okay. Just conjure up something unsexy and squeeze! Sehun* commands. Jongin bites back a
groan, squeezing, but all it does is make him harder. Its the familiar pressure, the tension coiling itself in
his torso, threatening to let loose at any moment
Uh, Jongin chokes out, I dont think this
Dont think, stop talking and breathe, Sehun* says, and thats sexy, too, because Sehun* commanding
him toJongin swallows hard, and collects his scattered thoughts to focus on what Sehun* wants him
to do now. He shuts up, closing his eyes and concentrating on feeling the flow of air in and out of his
lungs. The tension subsides. Good boy. Sehun* murmurs. Good boy. Relax.
Im not a dog, Jongin growls, but Sehun*s smirk suggests otherwise.
Baekhyun seemed to think your dick was a dachshund. Now squeeze!
Lulu, we got snacks Its Yixing. Jongin cranes his neck to see an upside down Yixing, bag of snacks in
one hand. Yixing squints and snorts. Oh. Isnt this a bit tame for you?
Sehun* frowns. But I locked the door. How did you get in?
Um, I have a card key, you dumbass. Jongin can almost hear Yixing roll his eyes. You know, because
this is my room?
At that moment, theres a thump, and Jongin cranes his head again, this time seeing an upside down
...Oh. Hi. Uh, what on earth are you teaching him? Kevin asks, one eyebrow raised. Jongin looks back,
hands still bracing his hips, which are thrust up into the air. Childbirth techniques?
Hey, Sehun* says, putting his hands on his waist, did you forget who taught you how to maintain
your hard-on so you could shoot three loads to fulfill that bizarre fireman roleplay fetish
Why would you even bring that up in public, Sehun*
Im your hyung, too, Sehun* says, and if Jongin had thought that Kevin and Yixings presence would be
enough to kill his boner, he clearly hadnt anticipated just how arousing Sehun*s distracting fingertips
gliding along the half-exposed skin of his side would be. You should appreciate all the valuable
knowledge Ive blessed you with
but telling Jongin about the fireman
its not a fireman anymore, Yixing mumbles. Weve got to let him stop watching those American
rom-coms. Its Magic Mike nowdancing with his magic wand
okay, you can tell me all about Kevins magic wand later, but Im kind of busy, so out you get.
Sehun* kicks Yixing and Kevin out of the room, quite literally, but not before Jongin catches Yixings
snorting laughter.
Idiots, Sehun* mutters, returning to Jongins side to continue his torture of rubbing circles into
Jongins hip. He hoists Jongin up again, this time slowly working down the waistband elastic of Jongins
sweatpants. Jongin groans, and Sehun* plants a kiss on the groove of Jongins crotch, pulling the elastic
down further with his teeth. Keep squeezing. Dont stop. Sehun* tugs at the legs of Jongins pants, and
the fabric slides over Jongins half-hard cock, sending tingles up the base of Jongins spine.
Im Jongin kicks off his pants and braces himself, thighs trembling, squeezing.
Sehun* stands up straight, crossing his arms. Good. Jongin reaches a hand up to handle his cock, the
pressure unbearable. Sehun* grabs his wrist to stop him, hard enough to bruise. Ah, ah, youre not
allowed to touch yourself just yet, Jongin-ah. Be a good boy, listen to hyung. Sehun* leans over until
hes right next to Jongins ear. He drops his voice to a whisper. Are you listening to me? Are you going
to follow my every direction?
Y-yes, hyung. Jongin grits his teeth and clenches his fist. Sehun* smiles and lets Jongins wrist free. By
now, Jongins nipples have hardened into little nubs, visible through his t-shirt, and Sehun* doesnt miss
this. Sehun* walks around the room, excruciatingly slowly, until hes standing behind Jongin and Jongin
can no longer see him, then he circles his finger in spirals around Jongins left nipple, flicking it gently.
Are you still squeezing? Jongin nods. Good boy. Breathe. Dont be so tense. Relax.
How am I supposed to squeeze and relax at the same time? Jongin wants to ask, but he doesnt think
he can spare the concentration to form words right now. The squeezing is doing less to help than it is to
accentuate the throbbing in his groin.
Take deep breaths. Sehun* slides his hand down Jongins chest to his abdomen, just below his
diaphragm, and he rubs soft circles, fingers reaching just that little bit lower
Sehun*s hand doesnt even make it to Jongins cock before Jongin comes from sheer desperation. He
thrusts upwards wildly once, then his thighs buckle underneath him and he can no longer keep himself
arched in the air like Sehun* wants.
Tsk. Who said you could lie down? Sehun* chides, voice soothing yet commanding, and Jongin takes a
deep breath and props his hips up in the air again, cock still twitching from his orgasm. Wait there, I
need to grab something. You better not let your hips drop, or therell be a punishment.
Before Jongin can say anything back, Sehun* walks out of the room, closing the door with a click behind
him, and Jongins alone, the muscles in his thighs burning from holding himself taut for so long. Its like
hes back in dance class doing endurance exercises...only this time, he thinks wryly, hes half naked and
about two strokes away from coming again.
It feels like an eternity and a half before Sehun*s back, a length of black cloth in one hand and a small
clear plastic bag in the other. Sehun* pushes the door closed and gives Jongin a comforting smile, which
isnt very comforting in the grand scheme of things.
What a good boy, Sehun* purrs. Youve obeyed well. You can lie flat now.
Whats Jongin gulps as Sehun* kneels down next to him and deftly fastens the black cloth around
Jongins eyes, tying a knot at the back of his head, thathyung, I cant see
Thats the point, Sehun* explains. His voice is muted and husky. Less to focus on. He trails his fingers
down Jongins jawline, resting a finger on Jongins lips, the soft pad of his index unusually cold. Now,
you just need to feel.
Jongins pulse quickens. He cant see anything, which amplifies every little touch and every sound, and
thats...Jongin gulps. Thats thrilling.
Theres a momentary sting and a sharp coolness on his nipple, and Jongin makes a gurgling sound at the
back of his throat. The ice slips around from one nipple to another, leaving a trail of coolness where it
touches his skin.
Its cold. Where did you get that? Jongin breathes, curling his fingers and toes as Sehun* draws the ice
down from Jongins nipples over his stomach and circles his bellybutton.
Hotel rooms have a mini-fridge, Sehun* murmurs, pressing his lips to Jongins stomach where hed
just been circling with the ice. His lips are warm compared to the freezing ice trail. I froze it in the
morning. Thought it was too hot today to let this pass.
Sehun*s lips leave Jongins skin. Theres a rustling sound, and more sharp coldness as Sehun* sets two
cubes of ice on each of Jongins nipples and one on his bellybutton, wet, cold hands gripping Jongins
sides. Jongin shudders, a shiver running through his whole body. Hes burning at a fever pitch,
adrenaline pumping through his veins, the fast-melting ice dripping down the sides of his body the only
thing keeping him from overheating.
A clicka pen? A lid?sounds. Sehun* grabs Jongin by the knees and spreads his legs apart, the sudden
motion sending the cubes of ice on his body sliding off in cold trails, but Jongin promptly forgets about
that because theres a cool liquid dripping messily onto his balls, and Sehun*s finger spreads it down
and draws circles with it around his rim.
Feel good? Sehun* asks, slipping his finger in until the first knuckle. He pushes even further, curling his
finger, then taking it out and pushing it again. Tell hyung how it feels.
Yeholy fuck. The sharp freezing sensation that Jongin feels on his balls can only beHyung, fuck its
Its ice, Sehun* states matter-of-factly, of course its cold. He rubs the ice on Jongins balls, cupping
them and tugging them away from Jongins body, and Jongin writhes around on the mat, the tingling
sensation multiplied tenfold by the fact that he cant see a thing Sehun*s up to. Sehun* pulls at Jongins
balls, massaging them, then trails a cold finger feather-light down the insides of Jongins thighs.
A droplet of icy water trickles down Jongins balls.
Jongin comes with a full-bodied shudder.
F-fuck, are you trying to make sure I cant have children? Jongin manages to breathe out, his whole
body shaking from his orgasm. He can feel come leaking out of his cock, so hot compared to the ice
being rubbed in circles onto his balls. Sehun* pushes a second finger into Jongin and Jongin groans,
licking his lips. I mean, I dont think ice is good for
On the contrary, icing your balls increases testosterone levels, Sehun* says. Well, at least thats what
Baidu search said. He slaps Jongin on the ass. Turn around. Get onto your knees.
Lu Jongin says, but it turns into a pathetic whine as Sehun* flips him around, takes an ice cube and
presses it against his stretched rim. The shock of cold has Jongin quaking from the struggle to maintain
his balance, but Sehun* is relentless, pressing it inside of him until he can feel the cold burn deep inside
his body. Oh my
Are you squeezing? Sehun* asks, and he sounds so amused, so pleased, as he pulls his fingers free.
The ice cube is melting in the tight grip of Jongins inner walls, and it stings, the iciness almost numbing.
Y-yes, Jongin breathes. Itits cold.
Squeeze harder. Sehun* says, and proceeds to push another ice cube inside. This movement nudges
the first one in deeper, and Jongin squeezes, and theres a cold shock bursting on that spot inside Jongin.
Jongins arms go weak and the tension builds up much too fast in his torso and
Jongin comes again, thick white strings of come spurting onto the yoga mat.
Third times a charm, Sehun* mutters, chuckling. He snakes a hand up to give Jongins cock a few
rough pumps, milking out the last of Jongins come. But lets go for a fourth.
Its not a suggestion. Sehun* has complete control here. Jongin can only nod in agreement and turn to
lie on his back as Sehun* smooths cold hands up Jongins legs, grazing over Jongins inner thighs and
around Jongins cock, up to viciously pinch Jongins nipples. Sehun*s hands leave momentarily, and
then theres a rustle and a warm pair of lips kissing patterns on Jongins stomach, before an icy tongue
darts out from between them.
Sehun*s mouth is confusing, a mixture of the heat Jongin has come to find familiar and a chill that
travels down his erection with every bob of Sehun*s head. The combination is startling, and the
unsurety of whether the next lick up the underside of his shaft will be hot or cold has Jongins nerves on
edge, every ounce of his attention on the dry scrape of Sehun*s lips along over-stimulated skin and the
brush of his tip against the back of Sehun*s throat. He releases a whine so pathetic and helpless that its
embarrassing, and Sehun* chuckles, sending vibrations through him that make his eyes roll back into his
head. Lu...Han... he says, even though he can hardly feel his lips move, and his vocal cords are as
frozen as his balls. Its
His hands find purchase in Sehun*s hair, the dry strands coarse between his grasping fingers, and he
pulls. Sehun* punishes him by letting his teeth scrape, following the painful sensation with ice, and
Jongin feels like hes going to burst out of his own skin. Youre doing well, Jongin-ah, Sehun* says,
hoarse and far too calm, and his words whisper across his wet skin, curling Jongins toes. Tense those
Jongin does. He tries to focus on squeezing, just like Sehun* had told him. It works, for a bit, allowing
him to survive the drag of the flat of Sehun*s tongue around his base, sloppy and obscene, and the chill
of the icecube at his slit, but then Sehun* moans happily around him, like hes enjoying himself, or
enjoying the control, and Jongin slams his eyes shut despite the blindfold, clenching his jaw and grinding
his teeth together.
He accidentally lets himself imagine Sehun*s face, lips stretched around him, eyes shining with
amusement, and he wishes he could see it, but just the picture in his head sends him spiralling down,
abs as taut as they can go as his body quakes, orgasm ripping through him. Sehun* sucks him through it
as he comes, this time in Sehun*s mouth, ankles joined behind Sehun*s neck and hands scrabbling at
Sehun*s hair. Sehun*s fingers grip Jongins shoulders tightly, and Jongins thankful that at least this
time he wont have to explain to the makeup artists why he has a fresh set of angry bite marks all over
his body.
Im Jongin takes a couple of deep breaths, untangling his fingers from Sehun*s hair. Sehun*
unhands Jongin, sitting back, and Jongin sorely misses the warmth of Sehun*s hands on him.
Sehun* is far gentler when he undoes the blindfold, pushing Jongins sweaty bangs back from his
forehead and leaving a kiss that has Jongin shuddering in a whole different way on Jongins forehead.
He feels completely spent, his muscles contracting involuntarily in aftershocks, and Sehun*s hands pet
him calmingly through it, until he stills.
You did well, Sehun* says, and Jongin looks at him with wide eyes. Are you okay? His voice is
teasing, but theres a small thread of concern woven through the words that has Jongin nodding
hurriedly, because that was fucking amazing has too many syllables right now, and hes not sure hes
supposed to like school quite this much.
Good boy. His fingers trace Jongins throat, as if skirting the edge of an imaginary collar, and Jongins
body cant possibly be getting aroused at the thought. Every time you feel like coming, remember to
tense your muscles until the feeling goes away.
Sehun* tucks Jongins dick back into his underwear, giving it a little pat, and Jongin almost creams
himself again. Easier said than done, Jongin wants to say, but he nods dumbly, and hopes he doesnt just
remember Sehun*s voice, instead.
You should get some sleep, Sehun* says, not meeting Jongins eyes. Jongin licks his dry lips, still staring
at Sehun*s hardness, apparent through his shorts. He wants... But maybe, he thinks, Sehun* doesnt
want him to touch. Its not a reciprocal thing between them, whatever it is. Its Sehun* teaching Jongin,
as a friend. Sehun* getting hard doesnt mean...
Jongin knows better than anyone that an erection doesnt necessarily indicate desire. Its possible that
Sehun* is ushering Jongin out of the room because he wants to take care of it himself, and would only
be embarrassed if Jongin offered something he really didnt want.
The problem is that Jongin isnt sure of the boundaries. He takes a deep breath, and stands up on
wobbly legs. All right, he says. He hurriedly pulls on his clothes with shaky hands, and turns away from
Sehun* in case Sehun* lifts his head, to prevent Sehun* from seeing the confusion hes sure is written
all over his face. Ill...see you later?
Of course, Sehun* says. After China. His tone is strange. Jongins eyes flicker back over at him, and
get trapped there, staring at Sehun*s profile. Theres a thin sheen of sweat on Sehun*s brow, and hes
worrying at his lower lip.
Right, Jongin says, and his eyes linger a bit too long on Sehun*s swollen, pink mouth before he closes
the door.
It's been a week, and there have been no accidents on stage. There were a few close calls at the Jakarta
show, but Jongin had pulled through, managing to hold himself together until much later that night, in
the shower, when he had washed the sweat from his skin and curled a hand around his aching erection.
He had only stroked it twice before he came, and hed been still shuddering from his release when the
shower door had slid open, and Sehun*s arms had wrapped around his waist.
Sehun* had then pressed his lips to Jongins wet shoulder as his hands stroked soothingly at Jongins
tense belly. Such a good boy, Sehun* had said, breath hot against Jongins wet skin. He could barely
hear Sehun* over the pounding water, but the timbre of Sehun*s voice had made Jongin shudder
Im still not a dog, Jongin had said.
Id still like to give you a treat for your excellent behavior, Sehun* had replied, and his hands had
fallen to Jongins hips and pulled him back, out of the spray, one of his hands going down to tease at
Jongins balls.
When Sehun* had finally slipped that hand up to grip firmly at Jongins cock with a now familiar touch,
Jongin had been ready to sign up for his collar and his leash.
Now, though, over the course of their separation, M in China as K promotes alone in Korea, Sehun*'s
helpful lessons still ring in his head, and Jongin somehow keeps his arousaland the subsequent
consequencesat bay; at least during rehearsals and performances. At night, though, he thinks about
Sehun*'s quiet commanding voice, and the deliberate press of Sehun*'s hands, and he hardly has to
touch himself before he's coming all over his sheets, Kyungsoo none the wiser in the bed next to his.
Tonight though, relief doesnt come so easily. Hes come twice already, and hes still hard. Its like
something is missing. Unbidden, the remembrance of Sehun*s fingers stretching him open fills his
He imagines, against his will, being stretched by something larger. Warmer.
Like Sehun*s cock.
Oh, he thinks, as the image of Sehun* burying himself inside Jongin as he screams harder! and more!
has Jongin coming a third time, harder than the first two times combined. I see.
It occurs to Jongin, when he wakes up in the morning feeling disgusting, covered in his own body fluids,
that wanting to have Sehun*s cock pounding into his ass is not incredibly heterosexual.
Granted, hes not sure anything hes been doing for the past two weeks has been very heterosexual, but
its not like hes had a wealth of options to choose from. He couldnt have asked some woman off the
streets to help him with his premature ejaculation problem. He knows Sehun*. He trusts Sehun*.
And that time, with a dude, at the Calvin Klein afterparty...well, everyone experiments, and Jongin is
young. Jongin cant be tamed.
Only, wanting Sehun* to put his penis into Jongins butthole and make him beg for probably
going past the desire of trying something new, and Jongins not entirely sure how he feels about that,
beyond that would be so hot.
Its not that being gay is something hed be embarrassed about. It often feels like Jongins entire band is
gay, even if Baekhyun and Chanyeol think theyre being discreet (although Chanyeol thinking hes
discreet when he moans like hes a pornstar with a Batman voice emulator is rather ridiculous) and
Kevin often steers Yixing away from spilling all their sexytime secrets through sheer obliviousness.
Its just that Jongin had never considered himself gay, or bisexual, or interested in men, so it all feels
rather sudden.
But when he closes his eyes, and gives himself a moment to clear his head, the desire is still there.
Jongin wants Sehun*; wants to feel Sehun* shifting inside him, and he kinda, sorta, thinks Sehun* might
just like that too.
It wont be the most mortifying thing youve ever said to Sehun*, Jongin mumbles to himself as he
gathers fresh underwear and a towel, walking out of his room toward the shower. You can do this.
What, are you talking to yourself now? Sehun cracks from the living room. Are you giving your penis a
pep talk?
The last thing Jongins dick needs is more pep. Chanyeols voice cuts in over Sehuns.
He can hear Chanyeol cackling over the sound of MTVAsia blasting, and Jongin would snap backonly,
hes standing in the hallway covered in his own semen, so hes got more important things to do.
One day, Jongin mutters, as he walks into the bathroom and locks the door, theyll all pay.
He doesnt have a chance to catch Sehun* alone for a couple of days. Thats fine, because the longer it
takes, the more Jongin tries to talk himself out of it, and the more he realises that he cant.
He gets an opportunity when Zitao and Sehun* drop by EXO-Ks dorm on a Wednesday evening after a
rehearsal. Theyre going back to China, soon, and its strange to be rehearsing separately again. Jongin
misses the heat of Sehun*s eyes on him as they dance. But hes getting that heat now, and Jongin
figures its better here, in the safety of his dorm, than in front of their choreographers and manager,
because Jongin can feel things, unsurprisingly, getting uncomfortably tight down below.
Can to you? Sehun* raises an eyebrow with curiosity, and Jongin flushes. In private? Hes
about to gesture toward his room when he remembers that Kyungsoo is in there, reading. He flounders,
and Sehun* takes pity on him.
We can talk in my room, Sehun* says, as Zitao squeezes in between Baekhyun and Sehun on the sofa
and promptly clings to both of them. Im sure Zitao is fine left to his own devices.
Jongin follows Sehun* outside, and all the way to EXO-Ms dorm. Sehun* enters the keycode and walks
in silently, Jongin hot on his heels.
He hears Minseok laughing from Jongdaes room, and Sehun* sighs. Guess my room is empty. He
sounds...strange, almost hesitant.
Yeah, Jongin says quietly, heart in his throat.
Sehun* closes the door behind them, and then turns to face Jongin, face serious. If its all too much for
you, Sehun* starts, I can understand that. I know that my methods can be intense. We can stop, no
hard feelings Sehun*, Jongin thinks, sounds resigned, but Jongin...well, thats basically the opposite
of what Jongin wants, and he wills himself to form words.
No! Sehun* blinks, and takes a step back at the force of Jongins denial. Thats not
Sehun*s face relaxes, and Jongin hadnt realised how tense it was until the lines smooth away. Then
what did you want to talk about?
Playful Sehun* is back, which puts Jongin on edge, as it always does, because hes never quite sure what
Sehun*s going to do.
So, Jongin says, taking a deep breath. He looks Sehun* in the eyes. I think I want you to fuck me, he
blurts. Jongin falters momentarily. Like, not a lesson, but actually...fuck me. Jongin wants to be clear,
so he summons all the bravado he can muster. Like, with your cock. Not a toy.
Sehun*s eyes widen in fleeting shock, before his tongue darts out again to find the corner of his lips.
Jongin looks down at the ground, mortified at having admitted this. Maybe its a mistake. Jongin finds
himself hesitating a lot more recently than hed prefer to. It might just be his uncertainty with
everything Sehun* does and everything Sehun* makes him feelbut he breathes a little easier when an
index finger firmly pushes up on his chin, and Sehun*s smiling.
Theres also...something in Sehun*s eyes that makes Jongin feel strange, kind of like melting butter, and
not in a sexy way, just in an...I want to hold your hand kind of way, which scares him a little. But that
something in Sehun*s eyes looks like want, and so Jongin hopes his request isnt completely out of line.
He thinks back to the way Sehun* had refused to meet his eyes, back in the hotel, when Jongin had
wanted to touch him, and he wonders if Sehun* has been thinking that this is all just lessons for Jongin,
like Jongins been thinking it is for Sehun*.
I never thought youd ask for that, Sehun* says, soft smile settled between surprise and pleasure. But
yes, that can be arranged.
Arranging apparently means pushing Jongin down onto Minseoks bed that instant, a hand on his chest,
biting on Jongins earlobe. Arranging means Sehun* hastily running over and locking the door and
straddling Jongin, pinching at his nipples so hard through Jongins shirt that he has to bite on his hand to
stop from letting out a groan. Sehun* strokes Jongins face, one hand resting on the nape of Jongins
neck, the other tracing patterns down Jongins nose and over his mouth. Sehun*s so close to Jongins
face that Jongin can feel Sehun*s breath on his cheek; see the tiny scar on Sehun*s perfectly pink lips.
Now that Jongin thinks about it, even after so many lessons and so much time alone, theyve never
kissed before. Jongins not sure if its because Sehun* has wanted to keep that distance between them,
and keep a strict student-teacher boundary, or if it is because he himself has been too afraid to break
that wall, but in either case, neither of them has initiated anything to date. Sehun* has had that look in
his eyes tonight, different from all the other times. Jongins already come this far. Tonights a good time
as any to...
Can I... Jongin gulps. Can I kiss you? Jongins heart stops after he asks, because maybe hes reading
the situation all wrong and that isnt
I dont know, Sehun* says simply, and the disappointment threatening to crush Jongin is more than
hed anticipateduntil Sehun* grins, the edges of his eyes crinkling, and presses his body flush against
Jongins. Can you?
And then Sehun*s lips are on his, warm and soft and parting ever so slightly so Jongin can taste him, his
breath mildly minty. The room spins for a millisecond, and Sehun* parts his lips more and a hot tongue
slides in and Sehun* flicks his tongue along the ridges of the roof of Jongins mouth. Jongins running out
of air fast, but he doesnt dare to breathe because he doesnt want to break the spell; doesnt want this
euphoric moment to end.
You should breathe, Sehun* mutters, nibbling on Jongins lip, and Jongin inhales sharply, the sudden
intake of oxygen sending his head spinning. Through your nose. I dont want you to suffocate.
Youre a good kisser, Jongin says, pressing his lips against Sehun*s once more. Really good.
Like I said, Ive had a lot of practise. Sehun*s hand is now reaching down to toy with the edge of
Jongins t-shirt, and Jongin can feel the tips of Sehun*s fingersthe same fingers that have been inside
him, teasing him to climaxstroking gentle lines and hoisting his shirt up, running over the ridges of
Jongins abs, ghosting over his nipples. Have you ever kissed anyone before?
No, Jongin admits, and Sehun*s eyes go round, for a moment, before he leans down and claims
Jongins mouth again. Theres something possessive about it, this time, like hes trying to make sure that
Jongin will compare all future kisses to this one and find each and every one of them lacking.
Sehun* takes Jongins bottom lip between his teeth, biting gently, then tugs away and lets Jongins lip
slip through. Jongin makes a keening noise as Sehun* backs away completely, not ready to break
But if you think that Im going easy on you tonight, Sehun* growls, pulling Jongins shirt off, youre
sorely mistaken.
Are you implying something there with sorely? Jongin mumbles, arching his hips so Sehun* can
smooth a thumb over the lines of his hipbones and tug at Jongins sweatpants. Sehun* throws both the
shirt and pants to the floor, straddling Jongin and taking off his own top.
Maybe, Sehun* says. He takes Jongins hands in his own, rocking his hips delicately. Probably. The
friction of Sehun*s pants against Jongins bare cock would be enough to send him over the edge, if
Jongins hold-out time hadnt been steadily increasing with each of Sehun*s lessons. Huh, I see
youve been following instructions. I should reward you, shouldnt I?
Just an attentive student. Jongin reaches up and grabs Sehun*s shoulders. But youve been a...good
teacher. He gasps out the last phrase, because Sehun* rolls down teasingly with his hips, just enough
that Jongin can feel his hardness.
I know, Sehun* says, sounding almost smug. Sehun* sucks on Jongins left nipple, a hand stroking the
muscles surrounding Jongins ribs, a growing bulge digging into Jongins stomach. Jongins suddenly
reminded of the last lessonand how he had been sure that Sehun* was...hard, by the end of
everything, but didnt dare touch.
Hyung, Jongin asks, avoiding looking Sehun* in the eyes. About last time... His hand wanders down
the space between his and Sehun*s body, to rub at the protrusion digging into his lower abdomen.
Didnt you want...relief?
Well, Id be lying if I said I didnt, Sehun* murmurs softly. He kisses Jongin and slides off the bed,
turning his back to Jongin. But I dealt with that afterwards myself. I mean, I wouldve, but it
was getting late, and I wasnt sure if you would be okay withI didnt want you to think that was
something you had to do
Why wouldnt I be okay with it? Jongin sits up, bracing himself on the bed. You helped me, didnt you,
hyung? I wouldve gladly returned the favour. He exhales. I...wanted to return the favour.
I guess you can do that now, then, Sehun* says, unbuttoning his jeans and kicking them off on a pile
on the floor. He crawls onto the bed next to Jongin, edging his underwear down so the pink head of his
cock peeks up over the elastic, the foreskin pulling back. Jongins throat dries up, and he swallows,
staring at the precome glistening and leaking out the head of Sehun*s cock. Just saying, lessons not
over. Im keeping you on a tight leash and grading you on technique.
Sehun* reclines on the bed, spreading his legs, and Jongin scoots down until his head is between
Sehun*s pale thighs. He tugs at the elastic of Sehun*s underwear down further, noting the wet patch
at the crotch, and watches in fascination as Sehun*s cock springs out from his briefs, slapping his
stomach. Jongin darts his tongue out to lick his lips, then grips Sehun*s cock with a shaking hand and
brings it towards his lips.
Sehun*s precome tastes salty and slightly tart. Jongin can only work his tongue around the head of
Sehun*s cock the way he remembers Sehun* doing to him, tongue licking and flicking in rings between
the head and foreskin, sucking at the swollen head with a gentle pop of the lips. Sehun* groans, and
Jongin realises that its the first time that hes elicited any kind of reaction out of Sehun*.
Am I
Good, Sehun* encourages, gripping a fistful of Jongins hair. His other hand moves to the nape of
Jongins neck, and Jongin swears he feels that imaginary collar tightening around his neck with every
brush of Sehun*s fingertips. Good boy. Youve learnt well.
The rush of pride Jongin feels at Sehun*s praise goes straight to his cock. Jongin grips Sehun*s thighs
tighter and laps at Sehun*s cock, sliding his tongue up and down the shaft and kissing up the underside,
blowing on the tip.
Sehun* mutters something in Mandarin that Jongin cant understand, but it sounds like a curse, so
Jongin takes that positively and wraps his lips around Sehun*s cock, pushing down until the tip of
Sehun*s cock is hitting back of his throat. He chokes, unfamiliar with having something like a dick in his
mouth deep enough to gag him, and Sehun* gasps at the sensation.
Close, Jongin hears Sehun* murmur, rocking his hips steadily. Jongin swallows around the tip. So
close. Sehun* grips Jongins hair tighter and pulls Jongins head back, letting his hard cock out from
between Jongins lips with a soft plop.
Not yet, Sehun* breathes, pushing Jongin to the side. He swings a leg over Jongin and sits on the edge
of the bed, eyes closed. I cant come yet. Not before you. Jongins lying on his stomach, his cock
rubbing against sheetsMinseoks bedsheets. Sehun* turns back, rubbing and massaging the expanse
of skin between Jongins shoulderblades. I want to see you warmed up first, shall we say.
Youve seen me warmed up plenty of times, Jongin mutters, but he flips around anyway, letting his
cock spring up, and Sehun* grins, petting Jongins thigh on the sensitive inside, before slipping his hand
up up higher and stroking Jongins balls. Jongin squeezes his eyes shut, expecting the sensation of
Sehun*s smooth fingers wrapping around his cock at any moment now.
Hes not expecting the sharp tug at his balls.
Fuck! Jongin shouts, before clamping a hand over his mouth, because they are in the dorms and their
bandmates are right outside the door, and he should be more considerate. He looks down at Sehun*,
whos just there on his knees in between Jongins thighs, smiling angelically. Sehun* trails a finger
around the area where Jongins ballsack connects to his body and then gives another sharp tug. Holy
fuck, hyung, that hurts
As it should, Sehun* says triumphantly. He cradles Jongins balls in the cup of his palms, pulling and
rubbing, then dips his head down so he can lick at them. Sehun* takes Jongins left ball into his mouth,
the hot suctioning heat almost unbearable, and Jongin can feel his precome leaking out the exposed tip
of his cock. Down, boy, keep it down.
T-trying, Jongin moans. Its hopeless. No matter how much he squeezes and breathes and curls his
toes and fists the blankets, the sensation isnt dying down, and by this point, Sehun*s got both of
Jongins balls inside his mouth and the hot wetness of Sehun* lips, of his tongue, is surely driving Jongin
to his first climax.
Wait, this is Jongin throws his head back and gasps when Sehun* hums and sucks on his balls
particularly hard, Minseok-hyungs bed. Shouldnt we move to
Were not doing this on my bed, Sehun* says firmly, letting Jongins balls drop out of his mouth,
unless you want to wash and change my sheets when you shoot ten times over them. And I dont trust
your laundry skills, not from what Kyungsoos told me. Sehun* sniffs. Also, no one gets in my bed.
Thats just the way it is.
No whining, Sehun* commands, drawing circles over Jongins abdomen. Quiet, boy.
Im not
Sehun* grabs a Stitch soft toy off his bedside drawer and stuffs it viciously into Jongins mouth. The fur
and synthetic taste of the plush toy has Jongin gagging involuntarily, tongue dry from the material, and
he whines pathetically, his words muffled by the furry obstruction. Sehun* takes a thin belt from the
clothing rack and fastens it around Jongins mouth, toy and all.
Much better, Sehun* says, looking greatly pleased. You have a very nice gag reflex. He pushes
Jongins legs further and further apart, until Jongins almost doing the splits. And those years of dance
training really paid off, huh?
Mmph Jongin starts to reply, but quickly gives up when he realises that hes completely
incomprehensible through the toy. He nods instead, breathing heavily through his nose and shivering at
Sehun*s hands massaging his thighs, tugging his balls away from his body yet again.
Sehun* licks up Jongins perineum and sucks both of Jongins balls into his mouth. Jongin whimpers,
almost a whine, and Sehun* swallows around Jongins balls and Jongin lets out a loud, high pitched,
keening moan, gripping Sehun*s hair tightly, hoping that Sehun* understands its a signal for Im going
to fucking blow my load over your face.
Sehun* understands. He lets Jongins balls out of his mouth, tugging them away from Jongins body with
his hands, and clamps his lips over the tip of Jongins cock, giving three little flicks with the tip of his
tongue. Jongin shoots straight into Sehun*s mouth without an ounce of restraint. His whole body
convulses, once, twice, and he peeks down to see Sehun* swallowing everything, tongue flicking around
Jongins cock to lap up the drops that he couldnt catch inside his mouth.
We just saved Minseok a trip to the laundry, Sehun* says after a few quiet moments, licking white
strings of come off his lips. You taste nice.
Tell hyung how it was. Sehun* unbuckles the belt, pulling the Stitch soft toy away from Jongins
mouth, and Jongin lets out a guttural groan before gasping for air. Go on, permission to speak. Tell
Good, Jongin says between gasps. Sehun* bobs his head down and gives Jongins raw cock another
suck, then leaves Minseoks bed to pull out a box from under his own bed.
Only good? he asks, rummaging through the box. Jongin watches on with part anticipation and part
dread, choking out a short protest when Sehun* pulls out what looks like a long, curved black
boomerang. If thats the case, Jongin-ah, Im going to have to punish you harder.
What is that? Jongin asks, as Sehun* grabs his ass, massaging it a few times then slapping him sharply,
signalling for Jongin to turn around. Jongin obeys dutifully, and Sehun* pushes him down so his face is
almost touching the mattress and his ass is up in the air.
Youll see, Sehun* replies playfully. Jongin, unable to see, can only lie there and wait apprehensively,
then bite the bedsheets to muffle cries when he feels Sehun*s hands on his balls again, tugging away,
and a cold plastic clamping his balls and cutting into his thighs. Jongin tries to move, tries to straighten
his legs or turn around or do something so he can see what Sehun*s trying to do, but the moment he
tries to shift his legs the contraption clamped around his balls tugs them painfully away from his body,
and hes rendered immobile.
Hyung, Jongin whimpers. He tries to move again, only to be rewarded by another sharp pain in his
balls, which travels straight to his cock. He gasps, side of his face pressing into the bedsheets. Hyung,
Hurts? Good. Theres a coolness encircling Jongins rim, and Jongin realises that its Sehun*s lubed
fingers preparing to torture him some more. It should.
Lu Jongin wets his lips with his tongue. Sehun* pushes a finger in, playing with the rim and curling it
at the spot that he knows so well now. L-Sehun*-hyung, I Sehun* presses down firmly, and Jongins
involuntary buckle tugs his balls away sharply. Tears form in the corner of Jongins eyes.
Beg for me, Sehun* whispers into Jongins ear, his chest pressed onto Jongins back. Jongin can feel
Sehun*s erection pressing against his ass, and that alone is enough to get him crying out and moaning
Sehun* chuckles and pinches Jongins ass, wiggling his finger just inside Jongins entrance. Before long,
the tears are coursing down Jongins face unashamedly, dotting the white sheets beneath him.
Please, hyung, please, Jongin whines. Hes on the cusp, frustrated, turned on like crazy, yet unable to
move from this position. Every time he shifts even slightly, his legs force the humbler outwards and
theres that painful, sharp stretch of his balls by the black plastic clamping his scrotum. Please.
Please what? Sehun* breathes, a hand snaking around to play with Jongins nipples, then drawing
figure eights on Jongins defined lower torso. Tell hyung your wish. Then he hums the melody of
Genie, and Jongin can barely form words but Sehun* is singing.
Please fuck me, Jongin splutters out, a jolt of electricity running through him at how desperate and
dirty he sounds. Fuck me, hyung, no more teasing, just
Your wish is my command, Sehun* says, his fingers ghosting over Jongins cock before he grips
Jongins shoulders. Here it is, Jongin thinks to himself, but
Sehun* drags his nails down Jongins back, not hard enough to cut the skin but likely leaving pink lines in
his wake, and Jongin hisses at the sting. Then Sehun*s hands are settling on the globes of his ass,
massaging in slow, steady circles. He feels Sehun* drop a kiss, then, on the base of his spine, open-
mouthed and wet, and Jongin curls his back like a cat to get closer to the sensation, Sehun*s chin at the
cleft of his ass and lips pressing right above Jongins tailbone proving to send more shivers through his
body than he could have ever anticipated. The plastic device jostles between his thighs.
Sehun*s hands still, and he can feel the pads of Sehun*s fingers gripping him hard enough that hell be
surprised if there arent bruises there, later, and Sehun* pulls his cheeks away from each other. Jongin,
if his entire body werent already flushed, would probably have gone red now, as he feels Sehun*s eyes
taking him in. Its totally embarrassing, but Jongin is starting to think maybe, in some ways, he likes to be
embarrassed, since it only seems to make him harder.
Hmm, Sehun* says, Ive got to stretch you out, Jongin-ah. Jongins breath catches, because he
knows the feeling of Sehun*s fingers. He likes that, and the memory of the last time has him leaning a
little further down, pushing his ass a little higher into Sehun*s grip. Sehun* chuckles, withdrawing for a
moment, and when he returns, Jongin can hear the crinkling of aluminium, and the sound of scissors
way too close to his dick to be okay.
What are you doing?
Im going to make this as good for you as I can, Sehun* says. Ive gotta get you to relax enough that I
dont hurt you.
But the scissors Jongins trying to form coherent sentences, but its difficult when his entire body is
thrumming, begging for a release that Sehun* isnt going to allow. Even though this is not, exactly, a
lesson, Sehun* seems to enjoy pushing him to his limits, and Jongin, even though it aches and leaves
him wrecked, enjoys it too.
The lubed plastic sticks to his skin with the sweat, and Jongin doesn't understand the point, if Sehun*s
just going to stretch him with fingers, or maybe another of his seemingly endless supply of unusual toys.
Sehun*s tongue is unexpected. Jongin thinks his eyes are going to pop out of his head at the first firm
lick to the rim, a slow circle quickly followed by another, and another. Its just enough to make his thighs
wobble, but at the same time, its not nearly enough to satisfy him. Lu...Han...
Sehun* laughs, and his breath ghosts across the skin of Jongins ass, causing a shiver, and Jongin digs his
hands into the sheets, locking his elbows because hes shaking so much hes afraid theyll give out if he
doesnt focus on keeping them straight.
And then Sehun* is spreading him further apart, fingers digging into the flesh of his ass as he makes
more room. Jongin feels horribly exposed, but then Sehun* is dipping his tongue inside of him, wriggling
inside him in a way hes done, before, only this time its with his plastic sheathed tongue instead of
fingers, and its hot and slippery and Jongin cant even process the way the tongue feels along his walls.
Sehun*s tongue is short, but its quick and unpredictable, and Jongin doesnt feel like hes being
stretched as much as he feels like hes being slicked.
After another couple of minutes of the torture, Sehun* peels off the plastic, and quickly slides his lubed
index finger into Jongin. Jongin, whos been so busy trying to collect himself that hes dizzy, jolts at the
sudden entrance, and one of Sehun*s hands begins to trace a soothing pattern to the left of his spine.
That hand is urgent, the only hint that Sehun* needs this as much as Jongin does, and Jongin thinks
maybe thats why one finger quickly turns to two. Thats fine, Jongin thinks, rocking back toward the
intrusion, wishing Sehun* would hurry up.
When Sehun* has three fingers inside of him, he crooks them down, finding Jongins prostate easily,
remembering just how to quickly turn Jongin into a mess of pants and trembling limbs and need. Sehun*
presses his pinky up to Jongins rim, but hesitates, changing his mind and instead withdrawing
completely, leaving Jongin open and empty, his head pushed into Minseoks pillow, spit collecting in the
corners of his mouth.
Youve been good, Jongin-ah, Sehun* says, voice silky smooth, but his nonchalance is betrayed by
those shaking hands. He undoes the humbler and throws it back into the box, and Jongin feels the
instant relief of his balls being released from their prison. Jongin stretches his legs out and collapses
onto the bed, turning around to lie on his back, weak from the teasing. Sehun* eyes his cock, swollen
and red. Should I give you your reward now? Should I fuck you?
Yes, Jongin breathes. His voice is shaking, and he no longer has anything left in him to hide it. Sehun*
tsks, pulling away, and Jongin knows hes made a mistake with his words. Yes please, hyung, please
How much do you want it? Sehun*s voice is low now, a husky undertone to it. Jongin feels himself
hardening to the point where one light touch would set him off.
I dreamed about it, Jongin says. He squeezes his eyes shut and wills the feeling away. I put my own
fingers He gasps. I put my own fingers inside but it wasnt enough
Ill give you more than enough, Sehun* says, fumbling for another condom and ripping the packet
open with his teeth. He hands Jongin the lubed condom, and Jongin pinches the tip and rolls it down
Sehun*s erection, smoothing it out, just like Joonmyun had taught him, one embarrassing day in July
two years ago. Good boy.
Im always good
His sentence is cut off as Sehun* presses in, taking him hard, and Jongin scrambles for something to
grab onto as his entire lower body jerks up the bed, Minseoks silky sheets offering little resistance to
the strength of Sehun*s hips. Its nothing but gibberish spilling out of his lips as he adjusts to the feeling
of fullness that Sehun*s cock is giving him.
H-hyung, Jongin grunts. He hoists his knees back until theyre almost touching his shoulders, ankles
slung around Sehun*s neck. Sehun* looks so divine, sweat matting his forehead, lips parted in a perfect
O of concentration as he thrusts in once more. Harder, hyung.
And Sehun* pulls out and pushes himself in again, leaning down to gently kiss Jongin, and Jongins heart
stops, because the kiss is so tender and warm compared to the brute harshness of his other actions.
Sehun* presses kisses to Jongins nose, both of Jongins eyelids and licks up Jongins jawline, hands
wandering all over his chest, before bringing their lips back together.
M-more, Jongin whimpers, angling his hips so Sehun* can thrust in even deeper. Sehun* runs a hand
up Jongins leg, grabbing Jongins ankle and pressing his entire body weight into Jongin. Sehun*s lips are
soft and pliant, sucking the breath out of Jongin, and when Sehun* thrusts in once more, tip of his cock
sliding up against that glorious spot inside Jongin, Jongin tightens his sphincter muscle, and
Sehun* shivers, breaking their kiss, a moan escaping his lips. He bucks his hips in and out several times
in quick succession, and Jongin knows that Sehun*s come undone inside him. Jongin loops his arms
around Sehun*s neck and crushes their lips together, rocking the bed frantically, matching Sehun*s
shallow thrusting.
I-I Jongin cuts himself off with a whine as Sehun* pushes himself away from Jongin and pulls out,
stimulating Jongins prostate in the process. Sehun* moistens his swollen lips with the tip of his tongue,
peeling the condom off his own cock, and. Hyung, can I
Youve been good, Sehun* says, hand curled around Jongins cock, a finger on the other hand reaching
inside Jongins well-fucked hole and massaging upwards, at Jongins most sensitive area, which already
feels overstimulated and on the edge of painful. He presses once, fingers simultaneously flipping the
sensitive foreskin over the head of Jongins cock. You can come, but make it loud.
The last of Jongins restraint dissolves and he grips Sehun*s strong shoulders, Sehun*s tousled hair,
arching upwards and letting out a long, broken cry as he comes and comes and comes, riding the top of
a massive wave, ropes of white spurting out and attaching to Sehun*s face, chest, and his own body in
sticky, hot strings.
It takes a while to come down from his high. It takes a while, lying there spent, every fibre of his body
still riding on the crests of his post-orgasm wave.
Oh, Sehun* says, inspecting the creamy white come dotting Minseoks pillow and sheets. He grins,
lying next to Jongin and pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of Jongins lips. Seems like Minseok might
have to make a trip to the laundry after all.
Jongin ends up washing Minseoks sheets for him. Its only fair, after all, seeing how they locked him out
of his own room and jizzed all over his pillow (and almost onto that JJ Lin album proudly displayed on his
bedside drawer).
Sehun* sits on top of the dryer, tickling Jongin with his toes and trying to distract him, which has
Minseok walking back out of the laundry room as soon as hes walked in, doing an abrupt about-face at
the very idea that he might witness, first hand, what had laid carnage to his bedcovers.
It isnt a lesson when Sehun* hooks his fingers on the waist of Jongins sweats and drags him closer, the
dryer humming underneath Sehun* and against the front of Jongins thighs, and smooths a kiss just
below Jongins lower lip. Its just Sehun* being Sehun*, and Jongin wishes he would steal his way into
Jongins mouth.
He doesnt, and Jongin ends up stretching out his sore limbs and hoping Sehun* doesnt notice how hard
he is.
Hey guysoh. Kyungsoo walks into the room with a basket of EXOs dirty laundry under his right arm,
which he promptly drops and scrambles to pick up. Oh, uh, dont mind me. You...can carry on. He
dumps the clothes into the washer and hastily adjusts the settings before scuttling out of the room as
fast as Minseok had.
Are we really that scary? Sehun* asks, kissing the corner of Jongins mouth this time, his body flush
against Jongins, hooking his legs around Jongins waist. Jongin can feel his pulse quickening and his
erection digging into Sehun*s stomach now. It is scary, he thinks, how Sehun* can make him feel like
this in mere seconds.
I dont know about me, but youre terrifying, hyung, Jongin mumbles against Sehun*s cheek. The
dryer clanks to a stop, and Sehun* pushes Jongin away and jumps off, fishing the clean sheets out. But I
wouldnt have it any other way.
EXO-M leave to Hubei for group promotions, and it goes back to being just Jongin and his hand.
Jongin cant sleep that night.
He twists and turns in his bed, sheets particularly chafing on his naked skin, the sticky space-heater air
settling on him in waves of heat, and he reaches a hand down past the elastic of his boxers and tries to
recreate the sensation of Sehun*s hand curling around him, scorchingly blissful.
Sehun* is an adventure. Every single time with him, Jongins discovered something (several things, if
hes really counting) new about himself. Its not something that Jongin wouldve thought that hed be
doing in his wildest dreams, but Sehun* has been there, and Sehun* had promised him a solution, and
hes made the process so good that Jongins been unable to resist. And hes been so accommodating
that Jongin had begun to...look forward to being with Sehun*. A lot.
Now, with the latest experience fresh in his mind, Jongin realises he wants more.
He wants so much more.
Being completely immobilised and submissive under Sehun*s control had given him a the kind of
arousal that couldnt have come with just simple physical contact. There was a level of trust, of
understanding, of care needed. The things that Jongins feeling right now as he wraps his fingers around
his own cock and strokes languidly is absolutely no match for the frustration and sheer pleasure that had
coursed through him as Sehun* whispered foreign words into his ear and slid slender fingers one at a
time into Jongin, pressing gentle rows of kisses onto Jongins burning skin.
But Jongins not sure if this is what Sehun* wants. Sehun* sends off mixed signals, and Jongin cant read
him. Sure, he mightve been a bit too eager to...teach Jongin how to control his urges, and he mightve
gone past the boundaries that one time, but that could just be because Sehun* wants Jongins body.
Sehun*s had a lot of experience before. Sex to him is a platonic affair, with no emotional burden placed
onto it.
Sehun*s had sex with so many people, and Jongin is just one of them. The possessive instincts Jongin
feels stirring in the pit of his stomach when he runs his thumb across the bite marks on his skin leave
him reeling, and Jongin worries that hes...fallen into something that is ultimately going to be far worse
than the situation that Sehun* is helping him out of.
Squeeze. Sehun*s words spring back into Jongins mind. Jongin clenches, forces his thighs together,
tensing his muscles, fighting the pressure in his lower belly. The sensation recedes, even if recalling
Sehun*s voice creates a different sort of pressure in Jongins chest. It distracts from how badly he wants
to come, and Jongins thighs tremble but he holds out.
At least thats getting better, Jongin notes with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Its slowly getting better.
And lying in bed half undone because of a memory of Sehun*s whisper in his ear, Jongin never thought
that hed dread the day his debilitating condition was fixed, but without a doubt, Sehun*s fixing him.
Hes more in control now; what was once five strokes has now become ten, become twenty; and the rub
of fabric on his crotch during dance practise no longer fazes him as it had that fateful day on stage, when
everyone and their mothers had found out (literallyJongins mother had called when the program
aired, asking if the company was overworking him because hed run off the stage looking so distressed).
Hes being fixed, and if this means losing Sehun*, hes not sure if that is what he wants, even if it will
stop him from being the butt of all of Chanyeol and Jongdaes jokes over lunch.
Either way, thinking about Sehun* has him exploding embarrassingly fast, and Jongin tries to catch his
breath as everything spins for just a moment.
Jongin wipes his hand off on his pants, cock throbbing, and curls up on his side, a fresh set of curses
running through his troubled mind.
Can you not scream Sehun*s name so loud? Kyungsoo mumbles into his pillow. We have to get up
early tomorrow.
Sorry, Jongin whispers, cringing. I
Yeah, yeah, Kyungsoo says. Why dont you just confess already?
To what? Jongin asks, panicked, but Kyungsoos already fallen back asleep, and it takes Jongin a long
time, after that, to follow suit.
When Jongin jolts awake from what is possibly the most freaky dream hes ever had, the first thing he
sees is a blurry Kyungsoo hovering over him nervously.
Are you alright? Kyungsoo asks, looking anywhere but the area below Jongins waist. I
might want to head to the laundry room today. Again. This time with your sheets.
ImIm fine. Hes not. Flashes of the bizarre dream(1) Jongin had just had flicker in the back of his
mind, and he tries not to think about how...perfect Sehun* had felt around his dick as hed thrusted into
him. Jongin wonders if it would feel just like that in real life.
Kyungsoo coughs, leaving the room, and Jongin shifts under his blankets, feeling the dried come scratch
against his thighs. That dream...was no doubt telling him something. A subliminal message? A realisation
of his desires? Jongin scrunches his blankets in his hands, remembering back to the first time that he
and Sehun* had exchanged looksthe first time Sehun* had cornered him and offered to help, and how
Jongin, inexperienced and wanting relief, had accepted, and that had been it.
Maybe, Jongin thinks, this isnt all that there is to this relationship. He had liked being controlled, being
commanded and told what to dobecause that was the only thing he knew. Sehun* was his first. Being
submissive under Sehun* had helped out a lot with his condition, and Jongin had been more than happy
to continue that way and learn from Sehun*s guidancebut now, hes not so sure.
Maybe...he doesnt want Sehun* to play the teacher role anymore.
Maybe he can turn the tables around; be the one to make Sehun* feel the same way under his hands
and his commands as he had under Sehun*s. And, Jongin thinks, heart quickening, if he likes that as
much as he likes hinging on Sehun*s every word, then...
Jongin grits his teeth in resolve. Yes, he decides, he just needs to follow what his subconscious is telling
him, and act out what hed just seen in his dream.
He shifts, feeling something dry and crusty on his thigh, and he winces as he peels off the sheets and
looks down to survey the damage.
Another trip to the laundry room might indeed be in order.
But to actually follow through, Jongin needs Sehun* here. The problem? Sehun*s still in Hubei.
Waiting for Sehun*s return is a painfully hard process, both figuratively and literally.
To compare, its even more painful than that time Jongin had bitten his dentist so hed ordered an
unnecessary root canal. Although, Jongin thinks wryly, thats a different kind of pain. That was suffering.
This is also suffering, but its...exciting.
hyung he texts, youll be back soon...right?
soon~ comes the reply. lets schedule a halloween date, jongin-ah ^^
no costumes ;A;
you can dress up as a cowgirl! the last text reads. short leather skirt. or would you
rather dog ears, a collar and a leash?
Jongins tempted to answer both, which is alarming and completely against his newfound resolve, so he
texts Sehun* one last frowny emoticon, turns his phone off, and chews on his lower lip as he tries not to
imagine Sehun*s hand sliding up his skirt, the other hand tugging at a leash.
Its hard. Or rather, once again, Jongin is hard, and he cant blame it on his pants or on dancing or on
anything but the idea of doing the things Sehun* likes, under Sehun*s control.
So Jongin waits until the day he can finally turn the tables.
Its frustrating. Sehun*s so close, just one phone call away, yet so far away, and Jongin finds himself
yearning for Sehun*s touch more than he thought he would.
Its the second day of winter, and Jongin doesnt want to admit it, but the reason he had gotten up so
early in the cold morning (before Kyungsoo even had to shake him by the shoulders and drag him out of
bed) is because he wants to be the first one out to greet Sehun* when he finally comes back from China,
whenever that might be.
Hes lonely. Sure, the rest of the members are there, but its not the same. Now, Jongin thinks he kind of
understands why Yixing and Kevin always surreptitiously hold hands in the waiting room when they
think no ones watching, or why Baekhyun and Chanyeol are always together, even on their days off. Its
nice to have someone there. Theres something that comforts the raw neediness inside himand that
something is Sehun*.
Jongins train of thought is broken when theres a loud wham and raucous laughter ringing from one of
the roomsundoubtedly, that distinctive laugh is Chanyeol. It must be nice, Jongin thinks, slightly
envious, to be able to fool around whenever they want.
An urge builds up inside him. If he couldnt have Sehun*, then he could at least...pretend. Appreciate.
Indulge himself. Never in a million years did Jongin ever think that hed want to watch Chanyeol and
Baekhyun going at it, but...
The others are still asleep or in their rooms, so theres no chance of him getting caught, and even if he
did, he could excuse himself by saying that they were simply being too loud and he was going to shut
them up, and it would be completely plausible.
Jongin springs to his feet and pads towards the room. The door's open, just a crackeither Chanyeol or
Baekhyun must've forgotten to close it, and it would be so easy to just...peek...
Did you just spring a boner because I put on your snapback? he hears Baekhyun say, and theres a
note of intrigue to his voice that has Jongins stomach tightening because he thinks that what hes
listening to is
Jongin squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head furiously. This isnt right. He should go.
Only his feet are rooted to the ground, because Baekhyun says, Chanyeol. Take this off, and it reminds
him of the way Sehun* had talked to Jongin, the last time theyd... Its the thought of Sehun* that gets
Jongin hard, but theres also the curiosityJongins not exactly versed in sex, and he doesnt know...he
doesnt know how sex works when its not sex with Sehun*.
He hears the rustling of clothes, and they must be Chanyeols, because Baekhyun is making a low hum of
approval. Not fucking my ass, Jongin thinks sarcastically, as he palms himself through his pajama
pants. Jongin curses himself, and the way its so easy for him to get aroused, even as he swells under his
own touch. He can already feel the tightness in his balls, and the trembles in his thighs.
When Baekhyun says, I want to see you. Can I? Jongin imagines Sehun*, looking at him with those hot
eyes, asking Jongin to be quiet and then making him when he cant.
Youre asking if you can put your fingers up my butt. Jongin hadnt thought...hed always assumed that
they were already having sex, not that they were...
The click of the lube, a now familiar sound.
This is so weird, Chanyeol says, and Jongin bites his lips, hand stilling so he can listen more carefully.
Guilt is eating at him, but not enough to make him move, even if he wishes he could. Then he hears
Baekhyun sigh, and the sound reminds him of Sehun*s breath on the back of his neck, and he clenches,
just as Sehun* had taught him.
He manages to bring himself back from the precipice, but hes still frozen in front of Baekhyun and
Chanyeols door, and still touching himself over his pants. He hesitates, and then hes slipping his hand
under them, wrapping a hand around his cock and touching tentatively as Chanyeol starts to breathe
heavily, gasping Fuck, as the mattress starts to rock.
If Sehun* were here, maybe it would be Jongin on his back, and Jongin with fingers thrusting in and out
of his ass, and Jongin who is gasping, and whimpering for more
He doesnt remember to stop himself a second time, spilling into his sweats as Chanyeol wails more,
loud enough that Jongin would have heard it if the door was closed, p-please just let me come, and
Jongin strokes himself through his orgasm as Chanyeols whines reach a fever pitch.
He feels almost sick when he pulls his hand free, wiping it on his thigh and sighing. He hears Baekhyun
chuckle, and Chanyeol talking about his hat, and Jongin realizes hes standing outside his bandmates
door with jizz on his thighs and at least a months worth of embarrassment. Hes not sure how hes
going to manage to look Baekhyun or Chanyeol in the eyes later.
He escapes to the shower, and as he balls his sweats up in a pile to be washed, immediately, he
remembers Sehun*, climbing into the shower behind him, offering him rewards for being a good boy,
and making Jongin wish he was wearing a choker with Sehun*s name engraved in the leather...
Great, he thinks. Hes hard again.
Come home, Sehun*, he whispers, the sound swallowed by the shower spray as he once again takes
himself in hand.
Hey, champ, Chanyeol says to Jongin as he walks out of the shower, thighs still trembling. Chanyeols
lounging on the couch in the living room, looking casual. Jongin almost has an aneurysm, because not
even half an hour ago, hed been in front of Chanyeols bedroom door and...well. Chanyeol waggles his
eyebrows. Youre looking mighty fine this morning. Jongin hates that he knows at least half the reason
Chanyeol is in such a good mood.
Jongin walks to the kitchen counter, shakily pouring himself a cup of water and wills his pounding heart
to slow down. He narrows his eyes at Chanyeol. Okay. What do you have on me this time?
Oh, nothing, Chanyeol says breezily, too breezily for someone whod just been fingerfucked by his
bandmate, just... He turns his phone around to face Jongin, cackling mirthfully. Jongin squints at the
screen, then groans.
Its the music video for MAXSTEP that had just been released three days ago. Jongin had hoped that the
other members had forgotten about it but...of course, Chanyeol wouldnt give up such a golden
opportunity to make Jongins life miserable. Chanyeols paused it on a particularly unflattering frame of
Jongin in mid-motion, face contorted into a snarl. Gold harem pants, huh, Jongin? This might even be
worse than that new haircut of yours. Actually, I think you should just take both and go back to the 90s
where you belong. He mimics the dance from U Cant Touch This, and Jongin is hard-pressed not to
stand up and correct his footing, but that would be letting Chanyeol win, so he suffers through the
horrible rendition instead.
Debut. Frizzball, Jongin mutters scathingly.
Roger Federer, Chanyeol retorts, and Jongin cant think of a smart comeback this time that doesnt
involve spilling the beans about good fuck charms.
But Federer is very good at hitting balls, comes another voice, and Jongin spits out his mouthful of
water onto the counter. Jongin wipes his face with a sleeve and turns to see Baekhyun there, a smarmy
grin on his face. Jongin cant figure out if that grin is from managing to get Chanyeol off twice with just
his fingers, orHave you been hitting balls recently, Jongin? Or are your balls the ones being hit?
Dont talk about hitting his balls, Chanyeol says. Remember the voice kink theory.
I dont have a voice kink
It could be your voice, Baekhyun. We shouldnt take chances. And we all have to use this couch, you
know, Chanyeol blithely continues, as Baekhyun rolls his eyes. Dont want Jongin to come untouched
and leave stains on the sofa.
Snapbacks, Jongin mutters under his breath. Baekhyun cocks his head, and Jongin shakes his head.
Thankfully, the front gate to their dorm complex slams shut, and Jongin perks up. Gotta go, he says,
setting his cup down and running out the dorm before he has to endure even more of Baekhyun and
Chanyeols lame innuendos.
The first thing Jongin sees is Kevin strutting through the gate in a bright blue scarf and lensless glasses.
Hes petting
Is that a llama? Jongin asks, bewildered at Kevins sudden appreciation of soft toys, when Sehun*
steps out from behind Kevin, resting a hand on the toys white fur, and Jongin promptly remembers the
Stitch toy that had been stuffed into his mouth by those very hands. Sehun*s hands had been so soft.
Jongin shivers in anticipation.
Kevin looks mildly affronted, changing his hold on the toy so that its face is toward Jongin. Jongin
frowns. No, Kevin hisses, bird mouth curling into a tiny frown.
Its an alpaca. Yixing is a mix of placating and resigned. Hes named it Ace, Yixing says, rolling his
eyes. Kevin lovingly adjusts the little pirate hat atop the alpacas head. After himself. How much more
narcissistic can you get? That last part comes out a little too fondly, but everyone has their turn-ons,
and Jongins not one to judge.
Duizhang is one of those high maintenance types, Jongdae says, nodding wisely. Kevin glares at him,
and Jongdae grins and pretends to preoccupy himself with his luggage.
I dont Jongin frowns. Wasnt Ace your stripper
By the way, Kevin says pointedly, cutting Jongin off. We saw the MAXSTEP music video.
Nice pants, Jongdae remarks, looking thoroughly amused.
Why arent you making fun of Sehun*? Jongin whines, and Jongdae raises one eyebrow as if to say
weve been doing that for weeks and we need fresh meat.
Sehun* is by his side, suddenly, smelling of soap and possibly brandy, and he moves as if to hug Jongin,
but instead he stumbles into him, not so subtly sliding a hand up Jongins sweater. Hyung, Jongin
hisses, and Sehun* gurgles, burying his face in Jongins shoulder.
Definitely brandy, Jongin thinks, as he grabs Sehun*s hands. Jongin looks at Yixing accusingly, and Yixing
whistles innocently and averts his eyes. Dont worry, Jongin-ah, Sehun* says, and its been so long
since hes had Sehun*s weight pressed against his own that Jongin is unwilling to push him away, even
though there are hundreds of fansites just waiting to snap up a good photo and scream about
fanservice or Sehun* cheating on Sehun, even though Sehun currently has four girlfriends all over the
age of thirty that he calls on a rotating basis and doesnt even have time for Sehun*.
Speaking of Sehun, Jongin does a half turn and jumps when he sees Sehun leering at him. Aw, Jongin,
your boyfriend missed you, Sehun says, and its like acid in Jongins throat.
Im not his boyfriend, Sehun* slurs. Its a teacher-student relationship. Sehun*s fingers are dragging
along the line of his waistband, teasing the skin like hes trying to simultaneously raise Jongins cock and
crush Jongins heart.
Werent you sleeping in your room? Jongin asks, trying to change the topic and mask his
disappointment, and Sehun rolls his eyes.
How was I supposed to sleep with Chanyeol-hyung being so loud in the room next to mine? Sehun
inspects his fingernails. Now what was that you were saying about teachers and students?
I had this really hot teacher in high school, Jongdae says wistfully. I think my greatest dream, at that
time, would have been to have her with a few fingers up my ass as I cried.
You say things like at that time, Minseok says bemusedly, like thats not still your greatest dream.
Minseok flutters his eyelashes. The others might not understand the filthy things you say when you talk
in your sleep, but I do.
Park-seonsaengnim, man, Jongdae says. What a babe.
Sehun*s head comes to rest on Jongins shoulder, and Jongin exhales. Im taking Sehun* in to rest,
Jongin says, and Sehun* laughs.
What if I dont want to rest? he says, and Jongin narrows his eyes.
Youll be asleep in five minutes, Jongin says, choking on the last word as Sehun*s hand slips into his
pants to squeeze his ass.
Lovers spat, Jongdae says wistfully. Sehun*, you should spank him with a yardstick. Jongin, I need to
live vicariously through you.
Its not like that, Jongin says. Were just friends. Same as me teaching Chanyeol how to dance. We each other out.
You teaching Chanyeol how to dance didnt defile my bed, Minseok mutters under his breath, and
Jongin goes red from his face to the tips of his toes.
Im taking him inside, Jongin says. To the living room.
Im not super into watching, Sehun says bluntly, and then he gives Jongin a knowing look, and Jongin
iswell, Jongin is not going to think about it, at all, ever.
Later, when Sehun* has fallen into a cat-nap on the sofa, hair tied up into a little apple bun on top of his
head, Jongin corners Minseok in Ks kitchen, as Minseok does arcane things with milk, a few unnamed
spices, and hersheys syrup, that will somehow result in hot chocolate.
Minseok-hyung, Jongin mutters, keeping his voice low. Minseok turns around warily, and Jongin gives
the best begging puppy look that he can. Minseok takes one tentative step back, looking fearful, like hes
afraid that Jongins about to swallow him whole. Can Iswap tonightSehun*-hyung...
Ill sleep in the living room, Minseok says wearily, rubbing the back of his head. He grins. I dont
particularly want to deal with drunk Sehun* anyway. He likes to...take off his clothes...
Oh. Jongin feels his throat going dry. He gulps. Hes never been around a tipsy Sehun* before, so this
will be interesting. You could sleep in my
No, no, Ill stick with the couch, Minseok says, not even bothering to let Jongin finish his offer to let
Minseok use his bed. There is probably jizz everywhere in that room and I dont know how Kyungsoo
lives like that.
We clean very diligently, Jongin says, mortified. Well, he corrects, Kyungsoo does. But I would
Yeah, yeah, Minseok says. Try not to like, be so loud that I cant sleep.
Just, Minseok cuts in, hands on his hips, pursing his lips, youre buying me new sheets if you soil them
this time round. Those white flakes in my hair were most definitely not dandruff and Im trying not to cry
right now as I think about it. Minseok taps his hands on the counter as the milk starts to bubble. I think
he was anxious.
What? Jongin doesnt get what that has to do with anything.
Sehun*, Minseok says. He stirs his concoction. On the flight. He was anxious.
About what? Maybe Sehun* doesnt want to do things with Jongin anymore. Jongin hadnt really
considered that, but its possible
But then he remembers Sehun*s hands sneaking up his shirt and Sehun*s whispered innuendo, and his
stomach settles, a little, but not enough to ward off the uncomfortable churn completely.
I dont know, Minseok says. No one knows what Sehun* is thinking. Ever. But its probably about you,
since its always He stops. Never mind. Carry on. Dont hurt yourself.
Hurt myself? Jongin thinks about the bag of toys under Sehun*s bed. Thats also a never mind.
Sehun* rouses from his nap three hours later looking quite disoriented. Jongins been sitting at the foot
of the sofa for those three hours, wondering how to Sehun* about everything, and he almost
doesnt notice, until Sehun* crawls over to him and claps his hands over Jongins eyes, and then he lets
out a loud yelp.
H-hyung. Youre awake?
Mhm, Sehun* says, unhanding Jongin. He yawns. Miss me?
Like you wouldnt believe, Jongin wants to reply, but then he remembers what Sehun* had said
himself about this being a teacher-student arrangement, and he presses his lips together. Yeah, I
Sehun* pouts. You guess? What about those texts you sent me? Sehun* tries to get off the sofa, but
his legs give out underneath him and Jongin grabs Sehun* by the arm and pulls him back onto the
couch, feeling Sehun*s firm biceps in his hands.
How much did you have to drink on the plane? Jongin asks instead. You never drink. You said you
have low tolerance. Why did you drink today?
I wasnt drunk, Sehun* protests, undoing his hair and running a hand through it. Jongin reaches up,
brushing a few strands of hair out of Sehun*s eyes. I was only pretending so theyd leave us alone
look, it worked.
Indeed, all the other members are either back in their rooms and resting, or theyve gone down to the
practise rooms, even on one of their rare evenings off. That thought alone doesnt quite comfort Jongin
though. Sehun*s face had been flushed, and Minseoks words from before are still ringing in his head.
Alright, Jongin says hesitantly. If youre sure. Are you okay now?
Im okay in the sense that Im not drunk, Sehun* murmurs. He looks up at Jongin, lips curling into a
gentle smile. But Im not okay in the sense that Ive missed you. He links his fingers with Jongins. I
was really hoping to be greeted in the cowgirl skirt, to be honest.
I was just kidding about that, Jongin says, enjoying the feeling of Sehun*s palm flush with his own.
I Jongin studies the way Sehun*s shirt sleeves are pushed up, revealing his forearms. Sehun* has
nice forearms. Sehun* has nice everything. Tonight...
What about it? Sehun* asks, and his thumb is rubbing small circles on top of Jongins.
I asked Minseok-hyung, and he said...that we could have the room, Jongin says. If you want
I just said I missed you, didnt I? Sehun* leans forward, until his nose is almost touching Jongins. He
quirks an eyebrow. Besides, Im not quite sure were done with your lessons.
My lessons, Jongin says, the twist in his gut jabbing him once more. Of course. Right. Theyre just
lessons, arent they? he murmurs, hoping Sehun* picks up on his disappointment.
If Sehun* does, he doesnt let it show. Instead, he smiles comfortingly at Jongin, bumping their noses
together. You wanted to be taught, and someone needed to teach you, my young padawan. Sehun*
springs up from the sofa, cheeks tinted a rosy pink colour, and takes Jongin by the wrist, dragging Jongin
towards the room. If the rooms free, then I fully intend to take advantage of it tonight.
Well, here we are, Jongin says uselessly, folding his hands into the covers of Minseoks bed. Sehun* is
across from him, sitting on his own bed, just studying Jongin through his lashes. Those, Jongin thinks, are
dark, and Jongin feels the urge to run his thumb along them, and see if they tickle.
Hes not really sure if thats the kind of touching hes allowed, though, so he stays on Minseoks bed and
fidgets. I
Yes? Sehun* says, and just the invitation in his voice makes Jongin choke on his own saliva. Hes so
filled with want it seems criminal, and Jongins never really had to make the first move. Sehun* seems
content to watch him until he does, though, so Jongin presses his feet to the ground in preparation to
stand up.
There is a knock on the door. Not naked or anything? Its Minseok, Jongin thinks, his heart beating
faster even though theres nothing incriminating about what he and Sehun* or doing right now. Its the
worst kept secret in EXO that stuff, anyway, so it wouldnt have mattered much if hed walked
in to Sehun*s lips around his cock.
Jongin is so hard.
You can come in! Sehun* replies, and the door opens, Minseok peering in.
Jongin, why are you on my bed?
Were talking, Minseokie, Sehun* says, smiling serenely. Does it look like were doing anything else?
No... Minseok says, eyeing them both suspiciously. But I know you, Sehun*, and
Did you need something? Jongin asks desperately, and Minseok straights, and blinks. Right, right, I
need to protect my baby.
Your baby?
Minseok reaches out with both hands to reverently pick up his autographed JJ Lin album from the
bedside table. Yes, he coos. My beloved. I refuse to have it defiled. He glares. Or ruined by
wayward sexual fluids.
Hyung! Jongin shouts, and Sehun* just laughs. Its not that
Dont worry, Jongin, I know youre working on it, Sehun* says, and Jongin looks over at him with
hopeful eyes.
What is that expression on your face? Minseok clutches his album closer and moves toward the door,
rolling his eyes. Jongin, youre like an overeager, obedient little puppy. This one here, and he points at
Sehun*, needs a little bit more of a grown man, sometimes, too, you know.
Oh, go sleep with Kyungsoo or something, Im sure hes lonely without someone jizzing on his face at
night, Sehun* says, giving Minseoks ankles a gentle kick. Minseok yelps and jumps out of Sehun*s
Duizhangs the one that likes facials, Minseok says. Its a shame the public thinks its a beauty
Goodbye, Sehun* says dismissively, and Minseok chuckles as he closes the door behind him. He
pauses, when its only open a crack.
Dont you dare have sex on my bed, Minseok says, and Jongin squeaks out an okay as the door
Hyung, you think hes right, dont you?
About what? Sehun* asks, undoing his his top shirt button. About you being an obedient little puppy
or about me needing a grown man? Jongins silent. Well, you do follow instructions well
I Jongin licks his lips. I know. I do. Dont get me wrong, hyung, I like it, and Im thankful youre
helping me out with everything, but...
The rest of the words Jongin wants to say dont come out, so instead Jongin pushes Sehun* down onto
the bed and straddles him, before taking his mouth in a deep kiss, tongue sliding easily between
Sehun*s pliant lips and tasting toothpaste.
Sehun* doesnt say anything, just reciprocates, deepening the kiss. This is good. This is what, Jongin
realises, hes been craving. Sehun*s kiss is warm and romantic, and reminds Jongin of all those sappy
dramas that Zitao likes to watch in the living roomscenarios and cheesy scenes that hed scoffed at
before, but had secretly wanted. Sehun* hadnt prepared champagne or roses that night in Jakarta, but
tonight feels like a night that can change everything around.
Sehun* bites down on his lower lip, and Jongin lets his tongue linger there. Jongin takes Sehun*s
shoulders. Now he wants, more than anything, to hear Sehun* moan even half as loud as he had under
the torture of Sehun*s hands and mouth. He wants this, and he wants Sehun* to want it too, and
Can I... Jongin starts, and then he pauses, mustering his courage. Would you let me...
Let you what? Sehun* purrs, and Jongin almost loses his nerve, but then he thinks about his dream
and how nice it might feel to make Sehun* shiver in the same ways Sehun* had made him shiver, and he
steels himself.
Let me be in charge instead, he murmurs, into the sweaty skin of Sehun*s neck, and Sehun*s hand,
which had found its way into Jongins hair, tightens its hold, yanking hard enough that Jongin has to
muffle a whimper against Sehun*s throat. Let me
Alright, Sehun* says easily, before his voice drops lower, breath whispering against the shell of
Jongins ear. So take charge then, Jongin-ah. Jongin shifts, his erection pressing into Sehun*s belly,
because even though Sehun* is saying yes, his words still sound like a command. Jongin still wants to
follow it.
Okay, he says, sliding a hand up Sehun*s shirt, skating along his ribs and lingering in the dips and
valleys of his abs. Sehun*s skin is so soft beneath his fingertips, and even though its not what he wants
to do, if theres one thing hes learned from Sehun*, its the benefits of taking his time.
He carries Sehun*s shirt up with his hands, and Sehun* lets a moan escape from between his lips. Then
his presses his mouth together, which makes Jongin kiss him at the corner of his mouth.
You like it when I beg, right? Jongin asks. Well, I like it when you Jongin runs his tongue over his
teeth. I like it when you make noise. I like to hear He pulls Sehun*s shirt over his head, then tosses
aside his own. You. You know?
Thats fine, Sehun* says, lightly scratching at the thin, sparse trail of hair that leads down from
Jongins belly button. Undress me faster and maybe Ill get louder.
Jongins fingers drop to the fasten on Sehun*s jeans, undoing the button quickly and dragging them and
Sehun*s underwear down to mid-thigh, baring his half-hard cock. Jongin thinks it isnt fair, the way
Jongin is five seconds from coming undone and Sehun* is just watching him with a lazy smile and
twinkling eyes. Fine, Jongin says, with as much bravado as he can drum up, and then he scratches
along Sehun*s hip bones, lightly, just hard enough that Sehun* will remember hes been there but not
hard enough to leave a mark. Can you
If you want to be in charge, Sehun* says, youd better take the control. His hands both reach
upward, one to Jongins collarbones and the other to lie cupped around his neck, thumb moving back
and forth like a reminder that Jongin might as well be collared with how obedient he is to Sehun*s
every command.
Right, Jongin says, and then he licks his lips and gently runs his finger up the vein of Sehun*s penis.
Sehun*s breathing hitches, and so Jongin spits into his hand, before making a circle with his index finger
and thumb around the base of Sehun*s cock, and stroking up. Sehun* moves into the touch, getting
harder in Jongins grasp. Jongin does it again, adjusting his pace and hold based on the noises Sehun*
makes, and Jongin likes the way Sehun* tells him without words which things he likes best, like when
Jongins palm pushes back at his foreskin to rub across the sensitive head, or like when Jongins thumb
taps at the slit. Kick your jeans off.
Jongin moves to give Sehun* space, and he sort of expects Sehun* to take advantage of Jongin no longer
pinning him down to switch their positions and take over, but hes gratified when Sehun* doesnt,
instead just lying back down on the bed, arms resting innocently at his sides.
And Jongin is kind of at a loss.
Its not like before, when Jongin just had to follow Sehun*s lead. Now it is Jongin who has to say what
comes next, and Jongin just wants to make Sehun* happy. What do you want? Jongin asks, and
Sehun* looks at him with luminous eyes.
What do you want? Jongin licks at his lips.
I want to kiss you again, Jongin says, and then he does, crawling up Sehun*s naked body and claiming
his mouth. Sehun* cant help but take over the kiss, making Jongin whimper without even moving one
of his hands. Jongin feels himself on edge, heavy and swollen in his underwear, and he breaks the kiss
just to tear his shirt over his head. I want to kiss you more, now.
Sehun* laughs and doesnt say no, so Jongin crushes their bare chests together and worms out of his
bottoms as his tongue drags across Sehun*s small square teeth. Sehun*s mouth is just so hot, and
Jongin feels like hes melting.
I want to lick your nipples, Jongin says, and as he slides down, his now uncovered erection slides
against Sehun*s, which makes Jongin bite down hard on his lower lip. Its only made worse at Sehun*s
restrained hiss, which sends all the blood in Jongins body down to his cock. He feels lightheaded as he
sucks one of Sehun*s nipples into his mouth, rolling it carefully between his teeth before lapping at it
with a flat tongue.
Good boy, Sehun* says soothingly, petting Jongins hair. Good boy. What else do you want?
This probably isnt how you take control, Jongin thinks, as wryly as he can when hes so fucking aroused
and feeling like hes been about to come for the past five minutes. Its probably all wrong, but Sehun*s
hips are lifting unconsciously off the bed toward Jongins, and Sehun*s fingers are carding through his
hair, and Jongin is getting to take the time to explore Sehun* in a way he hasnt gotten to yet, so maybe
this is all he wanted, anyway.
I want to fuck you, Jongin says, making his voice low and rough. Sehun*s whole body shivers, and
Jongin likes that. He likes that a lot. And I want you to like it.
Jongin-ah, and Sehun* curls his fingers into Jongins hair, youre just full of surprises tonight, arent
you? Jongin isnt sure whether the breathlessness he hears is because Sehun* wants this too, or if
because Sehun* is laughing at him, but Jongin dips his tongue into Sehun*s navel, his chin bumping the
head of Sehun*s cock, and Sehun*s groan doesnt sound remotely like laughter.
II just want to make you feel good. Hyung, tell me what you like. Please. Sehun* deserves it, after
putting up with Jongin and all his hesitationits time that Jongin did something for Sehun* too, and
thats what Jongin himself wants as well, so...
Sehun* looks at Jongin, whos mindlessly running his thumb up and down the vein along the underside
of Sehun*s shaft, and Jongin flashes hot under his gaze. How much do you want to try tonight, Jongin-
ah? Sehun* asks. His words come out jagged as Jongin replaces his thumb with his lips. Just how many
surprises are you going to give me?
As many as you let me, Jongin says, taking the tip of Sehun*s cock into his mouth before going down
further, until it makes him gag, his throat constricting around it. He pulls up a little and Sehun* removes
his hand from Jongins hair to clasp at the comforter instead.
Jongin, stop, Sehun* says, and Jongin immediately lifts his head, a thin line of saliva connecting
Jongins mouth to Sehun*s cock. Youre so pretty and so obedient, Sehun* says. One of a kind.
Jongin closes his eyes, and tries to pretend that those words arent exactly what he wanted to hear.
Sehun* leans over his own and drags the bag out from under the bedframe, and Jongin opens his eyes
again at the sound of the zipper. Use this, Sehun* breathes, rummaging around inside his toy bag and
pulling out a leather strap with nine thin cords attached to the end. Jongin hesitates, before taking it in
his hand, curling his fingers around the rough material of the woven handle.
He can vaguely guess what its for, but to be safeWhats this?
Sehun* quirks an eyebrow, smile playing on his lips. He sits back down on Minseoks bed. Pretty
obvious, isnt it? Or have you never watched porn before?
Well, Jongin purses his lips, uh, I never really needed it to...
Right, right. Itsyou can whip me with it. Jongin takes the cat onine tails, running a finger down one
of the thin leather cords, eyebrows furrowed. He rolls the knot at the end between his fingers. It would
probably hurt, a lot, if Sehun* be lashed with this. Sehun* closes Jongins hand around the
worn whip handle and pushes it towards Jongin. Take it.
Okay, Jongin says, hands shaking. He grips the whip tightly and gives an experimental swish, the knots
of the cords flying around and catching on his own arm by accident. He winces, the sharp stinging pain
spreading in tingles over his skin, marked red. Im not sure how to
Gentle flick with your wrist, Sehun* says. He rolls onto his stomach. Whip my back with the knotted
tips of the cords.
Wont I hurt you?
If it gets too much, Sehun* says, then Ill...serenade you in Spanish.
What? Jongin blinks. Hyung, you dont even know Spanish.
Me no gusta, Sehun* sings in a barely passable accent. Senorita. At Jongins growing apprehension,
Sehun* smiles reassuringly. Jongin-ah, dont worry. Its safe. Youre not going to hurt me, he says,
and honestly, I would probably like to be hurt. He must see Jongins eyes widen at that point, because
he stops, cheeks flushed., we can talk about that. Later. want to be in control,
dont you?
Jongin runs his hand down Sehun*s back, skin pale and unmarred. On one hand, he kind of...does want
to do this. How thrilling it would be to leave lashes and swollen red bruises and marks therealmost
like marking his claim and territory? Jongin wants Sehun* to be his, and his only. It wouldnt be so
different from those bruises and scratches that Sehun* had left all over his body all those times, Jongin
supposesand if Sehun* likes pain, then thats exactly what Jongin will give him.
So Jongin tightens his grip and flicks down tentatively. The cords land on Sehun*s back, but only very
gently, and Sehun* hums in disapproval. Harder. You need to bring it down faster.
I think
Jongin-ah, dont think, just do. Hes heard this sentence so many times from Sehun* already, and as a
good student, he should remember it. Jongin squeezes his eyes shut and flicks his wrist downward
sharply, drawing his arm back just before the whip hits Sehun*s back, so that only the tips gather
enough momentum to leave a series of angry slaps across Sehun*s skin. This time, Sehun* hisses
sharply, trailing off into a groan. Thats the way.
The marks redden and swell up. Jongin runs a finger over them, pressing down, feeling the slightly raised
flesh, before he brings his arm up again, striking down harder than he had the last two times combined.
Sehun* lets out a cry, the muscles of his ass and thighs tightening visibly to brace him from the pain, and
the angry marks on his back have multiplied. Jongin lashes twice more, feeling a callous excitement
building up inside him, before he sees that Sehun* has the sheets between his teeth and tears in the
corner of his eyes
Oh my god, Jongin says, hastily setting the whip aside. Ihyung, youre crying
Im fine, Sehun* insists, but Jongins lost what little courage hes built up, and Sehun* must feel it too,
because he takes Jongins hand in his and squeezes it gently. Its okay, Jongin-ah, youve done well.
Youll get more comfortable with practise.
Yeah, Jongin mumbles. He ghosts his fingertips over the thin welt lines and red markings on Sehun*s
back, bending over to lick them. Theres a slight metallic tang in his mouthprobably from the one or
two lashes that had broken through skinbut its manageable.
Youre like a puppy licking at wounds and hoping they heal, Sehun* remarks, turning around. Jongins
eyes travel down to Sehun*s cock, and he feels a thirst parching his throat when he sees that Sehun* is
as hard as before and theres a new sheen of precome glistening at the tip. Sehun* strokes Jongins face,
forcing Jongins gaze back up to his flushed face, then pulls Jongin down and kisses him, slipping a
tongue between Jongins lips. Jongin can feel Sehun*s heartbeat thudding against his chest from where
hes now lying flush on top of Sehun*. Sehun* shifts, and then their erections are touching. Thats so
I want Jongin gulps, sliding up and down so their cocks are rubbing together. He breaks their kiss,
putting a hand flat on Sehun*s shoulder and keeping him down. Hes been assertive thus far, so surely,
he canI want to be inside you.
Do you want me on my hands and knees so you can stretch me? Sehun* offers, reaching a hand down
and stroking their cocks together with one hand. Or do you want me with my legs spread apart and
slung over your shoulders so you can pound into me? But even as he says this, he takes Jongins right
hand with his free hand and spreads his legs apart, bringing his knees up to his shoulders, and presses
Jongins fingers to the stretch of skin between his balls and his entrance. Theres lube in the bag.
Jongin takes Sehun*s prompt and scrambles to fish out the lube, flipping open the lid. Sehun*s still
stroking himself with slow, loose strokes, and Jongin tips the bottle upside down and squeezes some of
the lube onto Sehun*s balls, letting the viscous liquid drip down until it reaches Sehun*s hole. Sehun*
moans and clenches as the lube makes its way inside, and Jongin feels his cock throb in anticipation.
H-hands and knees, Jongin commands, like hes not insanely nervous. Sehun* smiles and flips around,
bracing himself on elbows and spreading his knees shoulder-width apart. Im going to put my fingers...
The first press of his finger to Sehun*s entrance has Jongin hesitating. You can do it, Sehun* says, like
hes trying to ease Jongin into loosening up around his digits rather than convince Jongin to slide his
finger in. Jongins in control here, physically, but its still Sehun* giving him the instructions and coaxing
Jongin. Dont you remember how it feels?
Jongin does. The steady push of the pads of Sehun*s fingers into his prostate until hes too dizzy to see,
to speak, to breathe. He definitely remembers, and that gives him the courage to slide in. Hes done this
to himself, but never to someone else. Theres more mobility like this, with Sehun* on his hands and
knees, and Jongin explores, shifting his lubed finger in circles and pressing against every bit of Sehun*s
walls to cherish the foreign tightness. The pants from Sehun* as he crooks that single finger help too,
and soon hes adding a second finger, and a third, as Sehun*s arms shake with the effort of holding
himself up.
I want to put my cock inside you, Jongin says, when all three of his fingers are sliding in and out of
Sehun*s ass with ease, and Sehun*s squirming underneath him. Im going to fuck you so hard, hyung.
Yes, good boy, Sehun* breathes, and the pride and satisfaction coursing through Jongin probably
shouldnt get him so giddy or make him feel so satisfied and hard, but he is, and if Sehun*s willing to
indulge him like this, then he really might be able to go through with this all the way. Good boy,
Jongin cant take it any longer. He wraps a hand around his cock, gripping the base in a tight circle like
Sehun* had taught him, clenching his pelvic floor muscles to stop himself from exploding the moment
the head of his cock touches Sehun*s ass, and positions himself at Sehun*s entrance.
He thrusts.
Sehun* is warm and impossibly tight around him, and Jongin very nearly loses himself there and then,
thighs shaking, before he squeezes his muscles, forcing himself to hold back, and hes teetering less
precariously on the brink. He recovers enough to give another few shallow thrusts, hands gripping
Sehun*s thin hips hard enough to bruise.
Harder, Sehun* says, rocking his hips back onto Jongins cock, and Jongin pulls out and draws the
motion out, until his entire length is sliding in and out of Sehun* at a building pace.
Xiao Lu, do you remember which of these lubes ended up not being edibleoh. Kevin has his hair
pushed back from his face with a stretchy headband, and hes holding two industrial sized bottles of
lube in his hands. Okay just real quick, Lu, the Hot Licks or the Liquid Silk?
Jongin thrusts again, almost by accident, his hips moving of their own volition, and he digs his hands into
Sehun*s hips to keep Sehun* from thrusting back. Oh my god, Jongin says, and he thinks its amazing
that he doesnt spill right then at the rebellious squeeze of Sehun*s muscles.
"Ken, please, can't you see we're busy?" The betrayed expression on Kevin's face would have made
Jongin laugh, were he not moments away from coming, cock buried in Sehun*'s ass.
Sehun*, how could you? Kevin says, voice catching, and Jongin leans forward, resting his chest against
Sehun*s back. The movement makes Sehun* shudder and clench around him, and Jongin whimpers
into the sweaty skin. You, of all people
Not now, Sehun* says, and his arms are shaking, so Jongin wraps one of his around Sehun*s waist to
help hold him up. Sehun*s ass shifts against his pelvis, and as soon as he hears Kevin close the door in a
huff, Jongin withdraws and then slams back in, causing Sehun* to suck in a lungful of air and then cry
out. Stupid Keith, I thought hed never leave. As he speaks, Jongin can feel him fluttering around him.
You like it when people walk in, Jongin gasps accusingly, and Sehun* hangs his head.
Maybe a little, he replies, in a jumbled mess of words, sounding as spent as Jongin feels.
After that, Jongin loses track of anything thats not the smooth slide in and out of Sehun*, or Sehun*s
filthy moans as he asks Jongin for it harder, faster, and Jongin struggles to comply, sweat pearling on his
back and getting into his eyes as he rolls his hips.
Sehun* comes with a guttural sound that pulls Jongin kicking and screaming down into orgasm after
him, and they fall into a pile of messy limbs and panting breaths as Jongin slips out.
Irrationally, Jongin tugs Sehun* closer to him, plastering themselves against each other in the mess
theyve made of Minseoks sheets underneath them, and it doesnt matter, because its so thrilling to
feel Sehun* shaking in his arms, for once as wrecked as Jongin himself.
Good boy, Sehun* says, curling his fingers around Jongins wrist, lips brushing Jongins cheek. Very
good boy.
Minseok-hyungs gonna kill us, Jongin mutters, stroking up Sehun*s arm. We did it again on his
Then well both die, Sehun* decides. Together.
Sehun* sounds touched out, and Jongin cant resist turning his head just enough to catch Sehun*s
mouth in a wet, open mouthed kiss. Sehun* allows it for a few moments before he takes over, guiding
Jongin into something more structured, tongue to teeth and cheeks as Jongin drowns in the heat of
Sehun*s mouth. I really, really like you, Jongin thinks, as he pulls Sehun*s lower lip into his mouth, the
way Sehun* had taught him, the first time they kissed.
I like your penis, Sehun* says, when they part. Ive decided to name it Crong.
Youre ruining the moment, Jongin says breathlessly, and Sehun* laughs.
Are we having a moment? he asks, and Jongin nuzzles their noses together.
I refuse to have my penis be named Crong, Jongin replies, and Sehun* kisses his chin, missing Jongins
mouth in his dizziness. You know the letter r is challenging for me.
You say that like youre going to be talking to your own dick, Sehun* teases. Shame on you.
You cant say the letter r either, Jongin points out, and Sehun* laughs again, before smothering him
in sloppy, overzealous kisses that lack structure or style. Jongin thinks...that he likes Sehun* like this.
Later, as Sehun* curls into Jongins side, one of his hands digging possessively into Jongins hip in a way
thats sure to leave bruises, it all of a sudden dawns on Jongin that hed only come twice over the course
of Sehun*s ministrations. Sehun* twists, throwing a leg over Jongins, cold toes scraping at the opposite
calf, and Jongin carefully, hesitantly, kisses the crown of Sehun*s head.
Sehun* stills, and Jongin thinks maybe hes made a mistake, but then he feels Sehun*s smile against the
skin of his neck, and he wonders if he can stand to graduate from this program, these lessons that
Sehun*s giving him, or if in the end, it will break his heart.
Its a rehearsal for Two Moons. Its Jongins first real test since Sehun*s, well, training, and Jongins not
sure what will happen.
Jongin bites his lip as the music starts, and Chanyeol cackles a bit before lifting his mic to his mouth.
Jongin slips into the familiar movements of the dance, moving past Kevin and smirking at Yixing. He
focuses on the movements, and on the music, and on breathing the way Sehun* had showed him.
When the music ends, and Jongins pants are mercifully dry, and he hadnt even been close to the edge,
Jongin feels a wave of triumph.
He cant wait to tell Sehun*.
Congrats, Chanyeol says, as Kevin resolutely refuses to look in his direction. Jongin isnt sure why;
there are so many reasons that Kevin should want to avoid Jongins gaze, but Jongin is sure its none of
those reasons, and probably something petty, instead, like blaming the presence of Jongins cock in
Sehun*s ass for Sehun* calling him Ken. You no longer ejaculate at three seconds worth of sex talk or
accidental touches. We should throw you a party.
Oh wow, I despise you, Jongin says, scrubbing at his face in mild embarrassment. Really, I do.
We could hire strippers, Chanyeol says. We should ask Kevin if Ace is available.
He isnt, Kevin replies with a glower, and Yixing winks at Jongin as he slips out of the conversation, in
an attempt to avoid the crossfire. Jongin gulps and follows suit, leaving the two tall men to argue it out
over whether Chanyeol joking that he wants to undress Kevins alpaca is funny or not.
We did Two Moons today, Jongin says, when Sehun* answers the door, and Sehun*s eyes widen as
he pulls Jongin into his dorm.
And? Sehun* says, his hand still wrapped tight around Jongins wrist, dragging him back toward
Sehun*s room.
Nothing, Jongin says, excited and tense. Nothing happened. I remembered everything you told me
and nothing happened. Thank you. He looks Sehun* in the eyes. Seriously. Thank you.
Youre welcome, Sehun* says, and he pats Jongin lightly on the arm. Glad to have helped.
Jongin really wants to kiss Sehun*, or really, for Sehun* to kiss himthrow him back against the wall
and take his mouth, the way hes become accustomed to. But Sehun* just sits down on his bed,
dropping Jongins wrist and gesturing to the space in front of him.
Thats when Jongin realises. Hes cured. Theres no reason, he thinks, for Sehun* to kiss him anymore.
So I guess this is it, Jongin says, sitting on the floor by Sehun*s bed, because Sehun*s still particular
about letting anyone sit on his bed. Youve taught me and now were done. The words are sticky in his
throat. He digs his fingers into his thighs so Sehun* wont see them shake.
Well Sehun* is quiet for a moment, and Jongin waits for the confirmation. Sehun*s just trying to
figure out how to let Jongin down easy, Jongin figures, because maybe he can see Jongins hesitance to
give up the way Sehun*s fingers feel gliding across his skin and the way Sehun*s cock feels in his
Its okay, Jongin says quickly, looking down at his toes. I know this was all...You were just being a
good friend. A good teacher. Trying to help me. For the band, right?
Hmm, Sehun* says, and its amused, so Jongins head jerks up because theres nothing funny about
Jongins quavering voice. But now that Ive gotten you all conditioned, it would be a shame to break in
someone new.
Jongin blinks, and tries to figure out what Sehun* is saying. Wait, you want
I mean, Sehun* says. I wouldnt mind if this continued. Sehun* crosses his arms, staring down at
Jongin from his higher perch, and his hair falls into his eyes. His lips look soft, too, and Jongin
remembers tracing the scar to the right of them with his tongue. Theres no pressure, of course. We
could just end things here
No! Jongin squeaks, and then he stubbornly keeps his hands from flying up to cover his face because
hes had Sehun*s cock up his ass, so he shouldnt be embarrassed by a few unexpected words between
them. I mean, I would like that.
Oh, thank god, Jongdae says from the doorway, and they both look up to see Jongdae cradling his
Chinese textbook as he and Yixing pass by what Jongin realizes is the open door to Sehun*s room. Now
you can both stop moping.
Kim Jongdae, Sehun* says pleasantly, are you not as attached to your testicles as I had previously
Both? Jongin whispers, turning back to Sehun* in surprise. Sehun* isnt blushing, but his mouth is
tight, the way it gets when someone calls him pretty on television and everyone agrees; a grudging
embarrassment mixed with rage. It makes Jongins heart do this girlish fluttering in his chest that he
would never admit to, even at gunpoint.
(The thought of Sehun* holding him at gunpoint, though, is kind of hot, and maybe they can explore that
later. Then theres another giddy trill as he realizes there is a later.)
Welp, thats my cue to check out of this conversation, Jongdae says, holding his crotch and
disappearing down the hall.
Sehun*, you finally got what you wanted, Yixing says obliviously, walking further into the room and
sitting next to Sehun* on the bed, ignoring Sehun*s scandalized fury. Im happy for you.
I dont know what youre talking about, Sehun* says, dismissively, but Jongin leans forward to rest his
head on Yixings knee. Yixing pets his head gently.
Sehun*s always wanted you. Even predebut, Yixing informs him, unaware that Sehun*s hands are
lifting as if to involuntarily strangle his best friend.
Liar, Sehun* hisses. Jongin, dont listen to him, hes full of lies.
But Jongin knows Yixing, and he knows Sehun* too, and he feels an embarrassed but pleased flush
crawling up his face and settling into his cheeks. Thats okay, he mumbles. I always wanted you, too.
Well, Ill leave you two alone, Yixing says, and exits, closing the door behind him. Sehun* shifts on his
bed, smoothing the spot on his duvet where Yixing had sat, and Jongin clears his throat.
So, Jongin says, looking up at Sehun* through his eyelashes. Does that door lock?
Yes, Sehun* says, sliding down to the floor and landing on his knees. He threads a hand through
Jongins hair, pulling him close enough that their mouths just barely brush. Jongin can feel the softness
of Sehun*s pink lips against his own, and Sehun*s breath, sweet and hot. But were not going to lock
Jongin shivers, and Sehun* undoes the top button of his fly. But what if someone walks in again?
Jongin whimpers, and Sehun*s hand casually drags across the waistband of his briefs, dipping lower
with each pass. His words press like a kiss to Sehun*s mouth.
We can only hope, Sehun* says, and Jongin surrenders to Sehun*s games, just like hes been taught.
They play their games: they switch between Kai and Sehun*, the faces of EXO, during the day, and
Jongin and Sehun*, when the cameras are off and theyre back in the dorms for the night. Its what they
all do, what they all have to do, but for the first time in a long time, Jongins content with this faade,
because he knows, at the end of the day, hell have Sehun* to take care of him, and teach Jongin more
about his own body than he ever learned in a ballet or jazz class.
Plus, Sehun*s into so much kinky shit that Jongins usually too trapped in one of Sehun*s various
scenarios to even think about coming without Sehun* commanding him to, which puts an end to a lot of
Jongins former problems and leaves him in very strange positions when Sehun* is in China. (Phone sex,
Jongin is coming to find, is not half as bad as hed thought it would be.)
During SM Town Bangkok, Jongin makes sure to stuff two condoms into Chanyeols hand when he tries
to snatch Jongins water bottle. For you, he says, when Chanyeol holds up one of the condoms to the
light. Baekhyun might want to warm up his vocal cords.
Kevin chokes on his water, and Minseok looks wryly amused.
Classy, Jongin, he says, and Jongin shrugs. Maybe that should be the subject of your next lessons,
since Sehun* finds you so teachable.
The show goes well, despite the rain that has them tripping and falling, plastering their clothes to their
skin and leaving them breathless with mascara in their eyes. Before Jongin can blink, its ended, and
theyre doing the encore.
Sehun*, whose face is shiny with sweat, make-up melting off under the stage lights making him look a
little rougher; a little less like a doll, is smiling as he and Yixing pour water over everyones heads,
catching Jongdae off guard and then swallowing him up in a hug. Baekhyun is doing something really
sketchy with Chanyeol that makes Jongin think maybe Baekhyun had warmed up his vocal cords after
Their eyes meet across the stage, and Sehun* approaches him slowly, never dropping Jongins gaze.
Jongin flashes hot, then cold, and he can feel arousal, but he can also feel a different sort of tightening in
his lower stomach, that might be...
When Sehun* reaches him, he lifts up a pair of toy deer antlers and sets them on Jongins head, smiling
as he adjusts them.
Youre mine, he says, and Jongin nods, giving Sehun* a small smirk.
Yeah, Jongin says, I am.
Sehun* sits next to him in the van on their way home, their thighs pressed together, and Jongin is...hes
really happy.
After the show, all of EXO pile into the lounge on their floor of the hotel. The whole floor is full of SM
artists, so theyre not afraid of making noise. Jongin is sure theyll see at least one drunk member of
Super Junior running through the halls within the hour. If theyre unlucky, theyll see six of them, and
theyll be naked. Joonmyun wont mind, as long as Kyuhyun is one of them.
Aww, you two look so happy, Chanyeol coos as they scramble for the comfortable places, and Jongin
hits him with his rescued teddy, pushing his antlers back up and scowling. Domestic bondage bliss, Im
Chanyeol, Jongin says, as the members all settle in various spots across the lounge. Jongin spreads
himself out on the couch, to save enough room for Sehun*, who downstairs on the first floor at the
convenience mart with Joonmyun bringing up the last of the snacks. Do you ever shut up?
Why should I? Chanyeol chortles gleefully, eyeing the teddy bear speculatively. Doesnt Sehun* have
a thing for plushies
Jongin flushes before frowning in an attempt to mask his embarrassment. Its none of your business
Oh my god, Chanyeol exclaims, almost flying out of his seat and hitting Jongdae in the face with his
arm in the process, he totally does, you
Look, Jongdae says, stealing glances at his phone, where he has undoubtedly saved at least five
pictures of Amber during her solo parts in Like a G6, some of us arent getting laid right now, so if you
could just Chanyeol is laughing, so Jongdae lifts a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. Do you really want to
laugh right now, Chanyeol? Do you really? Cause if you do, Im going to ask what you were doing with
those ears of buttered corn and a live ferret last weekend, and
Hes sorry, Baekhyun says, desperation in his tone. Hes really sorry.
Sehun* chooses that moment to come into the lounge and plop down on the couch, sprawling his legs
across Jongins as Baekhyun stands, dragging Chanyeol toward their shared bedroom in order to escape
Jongdae, whos leaning on Zitaos shoulder and laughing so hard there are tears forming in the corner of
his eyes.
Ferrets, Kyungsoo repeats dully, like someone had just sacrificed eight kittens to a pagan god right in
front of his eyes and hes afraid hell never feel happiness again.
No one moves to stop their escape, and Minseok even offers a lewd whistle to their backs, which has
Zitao looking even more confused and Kevin pressing a weary hand to his forehead, Yixing patting him
comfortingly on the back.
Jongin watches them go, content with Sehun*s casual twining of their fingers together as Chanyeol
closes the door behind him. He still hasnt gotten either of them, Chanyeol or Jongdae, back yet for their
constant mocking, but it can wait. Jongins got the time.
Besides, Jongins left Chanyeol a little surprise.
As discreet as Chanyeol and Baekhyun think they are, Jongins known, since that terrible day at the
beginning of November, that Chanyeols got a thing for Baekhyun in snapbacks, and even more
importantly (and tragically), he knows which hat Chanyeol likes Baekhyun in the most, because Chanyeol
moans things like turn the bomb logo toward me, Baek when Baekhyuns fingering him. They arent
the two loudest members of EXO-K for nothing.
Thats why Jongin had cut it into shreds and left the remains scattered across Chanyeols hotel bed, so
Chanyeol would see it the moment he turned on the lights.
Fuck that hat, Jongin thinks blissfully, as he leans his his head against Sehun*s, antlers bumping
Sehun*s cheek and slipping off his head. He turns up the TV volume to drown out the anguished wails
from Chanyeol as Baekhyun tries his best to console him.
So I really like these antlers, Sehun* whispers, as a hand slips up Jongins shirt to tease at the skin of
his waist. You should keep them. For later. I might make it worth yourand Crongs, too, of course
Jongin nods, and wonders if Sehun* will make him wear them as he fucks Jongin from behind. Jongin
doesnt think hell mind.
In fact, it makes him a little excited. ButYou still cant call my penis Crong.
Watch me, Sehun* says, cupping Crong in his palms, and Jongin forgets why he minded in the first
Were still here, Minseok says from the other couch, looking mildly affronted. Jongdaes hiding a
smile. And by the way, you two still owe me replacements for those sheets you soiled last time. They
were my favourite set, he mourns.
Buy him hot pink ones, Jongdae pipes in. Hot pink is the new black.
Sehun* looks like a little kid in a candy store. Hot pink sheets, he says, trying to keep the excitement
out of his voice. White would look very good on pink...if you get my drift.
No, Minseok says, as realisation dawns on him, but its too late.
(Sehun* ends up buying Minseok those hot pink sheets from the Hello Kitty store in Seoul when they get
back. Theyre decorated nicely by an overexcited Crong two days later.
Cutting up Baekhyuns snapback also doesnt turn out as well as Jongin had hoped. By the next week,
Baekhyuns taken to wearing beanies, and Jongin wants to throw himself off a cliff from all the sounds
coming through the paper-thin walls of the dorm.)