Path Cardiovascular Quizz
Path Cardiovascular Quizz
Path Cardiovascular Quizz
Cardiovascular review
#treptococcus viridans
#treptococcus viridans
#taph Aureus
#taph Aureus
$reponema %allidum
$reponema %allidum
#treptococcus %yogenes
#treptococcus %yogenes
A *itral stenosis
A *itral stenosis
+ardiac failure
+ardiac failure
+ #epticemia
+ #epticemia
, Atrial my'oma
, Atrial my'oma
E Infective Endocarditis.
E Infective Endocarditis.
#ubacute b/c of e'isting
#ubacute b/c of e'isting
lesion of valve
lesion of valve
(hat nail/s!in lesion is found in this condition
(hat nail/s!in lesion is found in this condition
acterial endocarditis
*itral Incompetence
*itral Incompetence
*itral #tenosis
*itral #tenosis
6t Atrial my'oma
6t Atrial my'oma
+ardiac arrhythmia
:ormal finding
A Hypovolemia
A Hypovolemia
Autonomic neuropathy
Autonomic neuropathy
E drug induced
E drug induced
Reducing preload
Reducing preload
Reducing afterload
Reducing afterload
prop to %
prop to %
+oarctation of aorta====$>R:ER#
+oarctation of aorta====$>R:ER#
, +onns syndrome
, +onns syndrome
E %haeochromocytoma
E %haeochromocytoma
(hat genetic disease is this often associated "ith)
(hat genetic disease is this often associated "ith)
It "ill decrease
It "ill decrease
It "ill increase
It "ill increase
Assymetrical pulses
Assymetrical pulses
ounding pulse
ounding pulse
6eft atrium
6eft atrium
6eft ventricle
6eft ventricle
Right atrium
Right atrium
*itral regurgitation
*itral regurgitation
Aortic stenosis
Aortic stenosis
Rt ventricular hypertrophy
Rt ventricular hypertrophy
Right ventricular hypertrophy===+&R
Right ventricular hypertrophy===+&R
c5 +ardiomegaly
c5 +ardiomegaly
d5 Hypertension
d5 Hypertension
e5 Hyperdynamic circulation
e5 Hyperdynamic circulation
*ost li!ely diagnosis is )
*ost li!ely diagnosis is )
6ying do"n
6ying do"n
Hand grip
Hand grip
4isometric e'ercise5
4isometric e'ercise5
*itral stenosis
*itral stenosis
%ulmonary hypertension
%ulmonary hypertension
+ardiac failure
+ardiac failure
A *ediastinal tumour
A *ediastinal tumour
*yocardial infarction
*yocardial infarction
+ Acute ,elirium
+ Acute ,elirium
, Aortic dissection
, Aortic dissection
E %ulmonary embolism
E %ulmonary embolism
%redisposing factors)
%redisposing factors)
>nstable angina
>nstable angina
%rin0metal angina
%rin0metal angina
+onversion disorder
%anic attac!
An 8/ yrs old diabetic "ith hypertension and a history of An 8/ yrs old diabetic "ith hypertension and a history of
Rheumatic heart disease presents "ith left sided "ea!ness. &n Rheumatic heart disease presents "ith left sided "ea!ness. &n
e'amination pulses are e'amination pulses are irregularly irregular irregularly irregular2 Eugular veins sho" 2 Eugular veins sho"
absent absent HaI "aves HaI "aves and E+B sho"s and E+B sho"s absence of H%I "aves absence of H%I "aves *ost *ost
li!ely diagnosis is li!ely diagnosis is
AV bloc!
Ventricular $achycardia
Cardiac failure & cardiomyopathy
+or pulmonale
+or pulmonale
,iastolic dysfunction
,iastolic dysfunction
Venous insufficiency
#lo" !
A 2. yrs A 2. yrs lady delivers lady delivers normally and develops breathlessness2 normally and develops breathlessness2
fatigue and s"elling of her feet to"ard the end of the day 2 fatigue and s"elling of her feet to"ard the end of the day 2
"ee!s after delivery. she has raised EV%2 heaving apical impulse "ee!s after delivery. she has raised EV%2 heaving apical impulse
displaced laterally and systolic murmurs at ape' and tricuspid displaced laterally and systolic murmurs at ape' and tricuspid
areas2#12#7. she also has tender hepatomegaly2 basal rhales and areas2#12#7. she also has tender hepatomegaly2 basal rhales and
pedeledema. +'ray sho"s cardiomegaly2 pulmonary edema and pedeledema. +'ray sho"s cardiomegaly2 pulmonary edema and
eDection fraction is 7/K.#he li!ely has eDection fraction is 7/K.#he li!ely has
efore valsalva
efore valsalva
,ilated cardiomyopathy
,ilated cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Aortic stenosis
Aortic stenosis
Valsalva and standing venous return
Valsalva and standing venous return
Inspiration and sGuatting venous return
Inspiration and sGuatting venous return
E'ercise bp/cardiac output/gallops
E'ercise bp/cardiac output/gallops
E'amination of a patients carotid pulse reveals E'amination of a patients carotid pulse reveals 2 2
impulses impulses in AR and *# in AR and *# or pea!s in a patient during ventricular or pea!s in a patient during ventricular
systole. (hich of the follo"ing physical findings systole. (hich of the follo"ing physical findings
probably "ill be associated "ith this pulse) probably "ill be associated "ith this pulse)
A rumbling diastolic murmur beginning "ith an &pening snap A rumbling diastolic murmur beginning "ith an &pening snap
*# *#
,ecrease in systolic pressure during inspiration ,ecrease in systolic pressure during inspiration pulsus parado'ic2 pulsus parado'ic2
cardiac temponade cardiac temponade
EDection #ystolic murmur along lt sternal border in H+*=== EDection #ystolic murmur along lt sternal border in H+*===
ans"er ans"er
%ulmonary #tenosis
%ulmonary #tenosis
+oarctation of aorta
+oarctation of aorta
Aortic stenosis
Aortic stenosis
A ; yrs old child presents for routine e'amination at a
A ; yrs old child presents for routine e'amination at a
clinic and is found to have a systolic murmur at the left
clinic and is found to have a systolic murmur at the left
second intercostal space near the sternum. His heart
second intercostal space near the sternum. His heart
sounds are as follo"s. (hat is the most li!ely
sounds are as follo"s. (hat is the most li!ely
diagnosis) insp #3 A2 %2 e'p #3 A2 %2
diagnosis) insp #3 A2 %2 e'p #3 A2 %2
A Innocent murmur
A Innocent murmur
+ Aortic stenosis
+ Aortic stenosis
, %ulmonic #tenosis====RC*RC*V%)
, %ulmonic #tenosis====RC*RC*V%)
%ulmonic stenosis
%ulmonic stenosis
Innocent murmur
Innocent murmur
Valvular disease
A 2/ yrs old man diagnosed "ith *arfans syndrome A 2/ yrs old man diagnosed "ith *arfans syndrome
complains of fatigue and shortness of breath. &/E you notice complains of fatigue and shortness of breath. &/E you notice
his his head nodding2 collapsing pulse2 detect a "ide pulse head nodding2 collapsing pulse2 detect a "ide pulse
pressure p 432//7/5 and his phonocardiogram is as follo"s. pressure p 432//7/5 and his phonocardiogram is as follo"s.
(hat is the most li!ely diagnosis) (hat is the most li!ely diagnosis)
A +arotid atherosclerosis
A +arotid atherosclerosis
, Aortic #tenosis
, Aortic #tenosis
E %ulmonic #tenosis
E %ulmonic #tenosis
$ricuspid stenosis
$ricuspid stenosis
*itral stenosis
*itral stenosis
$ricuspid regurgitation
$ricuspid regurgitation
, #1 and #7
, #1 and #7
A A#,
A A#,
*itral Incompetence
*itral Incompetence
+ $ricuspid Incompetence
+ $ricuspid Incompetence
, *itral #tenosis
, *itral #tenosis
Congenital heart disease
A 31 months old baby presents "ith paro'ysms of dyspnea A 31 months old baby presents "ith paro'ysms of dyspnea
follo"ed by loss of consciousness for 3=2 minutes. #he is often follo"ed by loss of consciousness for 3=2 minutes. #he is often
seen sGuatting after playing. &/E you detect clubbing2 central seen sGuatting after playing. &/E you detect clubbing2 central
cyanosis2 a lt parasternal heave and an eDection systolic murmur cyanosis2 a lt parasternal heave and an eDection systolic murmur
at left 2nd intercostal space Her chest 'ray sho"s a boot shaped at left 2nd intercostal space Her chest 'ray sho"s a boot shaped
heart and heart and decreased pulmonary vascularity decreased pulmonary vascularity. $his is due to . $his is due to
>neGual division of $runcus Arteriosus by conotruncal septum >neGual division of $runcus Arteriosus by conotruncal septum
6ooping defect
6ooping defect
Fallots tetralogy
Fallots tetralogy
$ricuspid Atresia
$ricuspid Atresia
Hypoplastic ventricle
Hypoplastic ventricle
(hat embryological defect has caused this
(hat embryological defect has caused this
+oarctation of Aorta
%ulmonic stenosis
%ulmonic stenosis
A V#,
A V#,
Fallots tetralogy
Fallots tetralogy
+ A#,
+ A#,
Aortic arches
Aortic arches
Endocardial cushion
Endocardial cushion
+ardiac looping
+ardiac looping
(hich cardiac defect is associated "ith this syndrome
(hich cardiac defect is associated "ith this syndrome
Summary: Congenital efects
A %ulmonary edema
A %ulmonary edema
+ +ardiac $amponade
+ +ardiac $amponade
, 6
, 6
E Hypovolemia
E Hypovolemia
+ +ardiac $amponade
+ +ardiac $amponade
, %leurisy
, %leurisy
E Viral myocarditis
E Viral myocarditis
(hat is the causative organism
(hat is the causative organism
b5 $racheobronchial obstruction
b5 $racheobronchial obstruction
e5 +onstrictive pericarditis
e5 +onstrictive pericarditis
A ;/yrs old patient presents to ER "ith acute onset of shortness A ;/yrs old patient presents to ER "ith acute onset of shortness
of breath and severe stabbing chest pain.. He under"ent a of breath and severe stabbing chest pain.. He under"ent a
prostatectomy 1 "ee!s ago and prostatectomy 1 "ee!s ago and "as in bed for 2 "ee!s "as in bed for 2 "ee!s as he as he
developed surgical "ound infection . &/E you find him in developed surgical "ound infection . &/E you find him in
severe respiratory distress "ith p 8//;/ Heart rate 33//mt severe respiratory distress "ith p 8//;/ Heart rate 33//mt
respiratory rate 7//mt &'ygen saturation of 99K on room air. respiratory rate 7//mt &'ygen saturation of 99K on room air.
He is cyanosed2 EV% is raised2 trachea is central and reath He is cyanosed2 EV% is raised2 trachea is central and reath
sounds are reduced on the right side. E@B?#3J1$1 *ost li!ely sounds are reduced on the right side. E@B?#3J1$1 *ost li!ely
diagnosis is diagnosis is
Acute *I Acute *I
+ %ericarditis + %ericarditis
A ,V$
A ,V$
+ coarctation of Aorta
+ coarctation of Aorta
AV fistula
AV fistula
#urgical scar
#urgical scar
$race the seGuence of valvular events after the %
$race the seGuence of valvular events after the %
"ave on the E+B
"ave on the E+B