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Nutritional recommendations for
in open-field, tunnels and greenhouse
Botanical name: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.
Synonyms: tomate; pomodoro

1. About the crop ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Growth patterns .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Growth stages .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Fruit development ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Crop uses ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Growing conditions ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Growing methods........................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Soil type............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Climate................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Irrigation ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.5 Specific sensitivities of the tomato plant............................................................................................................. 6
3. Plant nutrition ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Dynamics of nutritional requirements.................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Main functions of plant nutrients..........................................................................................................................10
3.3 Nutrients deficiency symptoms .............................................................................................................................14
3.4 Leaf analysis standards...............................................................................................................................................22
3.5 Overall nutritional requirements ...........................................................................................................................23
4. Fertilization recommendations................................................................................................ 24
4.1 Soil-grown tomatoes...................................................................................................................................................24
4.1.1 Haifa NutriNet web software for Nuti gation programs ...........................................................24
a) Base-dressing.................................................................................................................................................24
b) Nutrigation (fertigation)........................................................................................................................25
4.1.2 Poly-Feed water-soluble NPK fertilizers .............................................................................................27
4.1.3 Multicote Agri controlled release fertilizer .......................................................................................27
4.1.4 Foliar nutrition...................................................................................................................................................28
4.2 Soilless-grown tomatoes...........................................................................................................................................29
4.2.1 Straight fertilizers .............................................................................................................................................29
4.2.2 Poly-Feed water soluble NPK fertilizers ...............................................................................................34
Appendix I: Nutrigation (fertigation) ....................................................................................... 35
Appendix II: Plant analysis guide ................................................................................................. 36
Appendix III: Haifa specialty fertilizers........................................................................................ 37
Appendix IV: Conversion tables ................................................................................................... 40

1. About the crop
1.1 Growth patterns
Tomato cultivars may be classified into three groups by their growth patterns, which are
recognized by the arrangement and the frequency of leaves and the inflorescence on the stem.
a) Indeterminate growth the main and side stems continue their growth in a continuous
pattern. The number of leaves between inflorescence is more or less constant, starting from a
specific flowering set (Fig. 1a). Cultivars of indeterminate growth are usually grown as
greenhouse or staked tomatoes.
b) Determinate growth the main and side stems stop growth after a specific number of
inflorescences that varies with the specific cultivar (Fig. 1b). Processing tomatoes are often
belong to determinate cultivars.
c) Semi-determinate growth - branches stop growth with an inflorescence, but this usually occurs
at an advanced growth stage. Cultivars of this group are usually grown as out-door, non-staked

Table 1: Number of leaves between inflorescence in different growth patterns
No. of leaves before inflorescence
Indeterminate Determinate
inflorescence 6-14 4-6
inflorescence 5-7 2-3
and further inflorescences 3-5 0-1

Figure 1a: Indeterminate type of
tomato growth
Figure 1b: Determinate type of tomato

1.2 Growth stages
Growth stages of plants, in very general terms, can be split into four periods:
Establishment from planting or seeding during vegetative growth until first flower
From first flowering to first fruit set
From fruit ripening to first harvest
From first harvest to the end of last harvest.
These growth periods also represent different nutritional needs of the plant (see section 3.1).
The duration of each stage may vary according to growing method, variety characteristics and
climatic conditions (Table 2).

Table 2: A typical example of a growth cycle in central Israel by growth stages
Variety VF121
Growing method Greenhouse
Number days to first flowering 30
Number days to first harvesting 65
Growth stage Stage duration (days) Crop age (days)
Planting 1 1
Vegetative 14 15
First flowering 15 30
First fruit set 10 40
Fruit growth 20 60
Starting harvest - until end of last
21-145 81-210

1.3 Fruit development
After fruit setting, fruit ripens over a period of 45 - 70 days, depending upon the cultivar, climate
and growth conditions. The fruit continues growing until the stage of green ripeness.
Three fruit developmental stages are noted.
Ripening occurs as the fruit changes color from light green to off-white, pink, red, and finally dark
red or orange. Depending on the distance and time to market, harvest may occur anytime between
the pink to dark red stage, the later stages producing more flavorful fruit.

Table 3: Stages of fruit ripening
Stage Description
Breaker Red stains appear on fruit skin
Pink Tomato turns pink, not yet ready for consumption
Red The tomato is red and completely ripe for consumption

1.4 Crop uses
Tomatoes are consumed fresh, and are being processed to pickles, sauce, juice and concentrated

2. Growing conditions
2.1 Growing methods
Soil or soilless, protected crop (greenhouse or high plastic tunnel) or open field.
2.2 Soil type
Tomatoes can be grown on soils with a wide range of textures, from light, sandy soils to heavy, clay
soils. Sandy soils are preferable if early harvest is desired. Favorable pH level: 6.0-6.5. At higher or
lower pH levels micronutrients become less available for plant uptake.
2.3 Climate
Temperature is the primary factor influencing all stages of development of the plant: vegetative
growth, flowering, fruit setting and fruit ripening. Growth requires temperatures between 10C and

Table 4: Temperature requirements during different growth stages:
Growth stage Temperature (
Minimum Maximum Optimal
Germination 11 34 16-29
Vegetative growth 18 32 21-24
Fruit setting (night / day) 10 / 18 20 / 30 13-18 / 19-24
Formation of lycopene 10 30 21-24
Formation of carotene 10 40 21-32

Light intensity is one of the major factors affecting the amounts of sugars produced in leaves
during the photosynthesis, and this, in turn, affects the number of fruits that the plant can support,
and the total yield.

2.4 Irrigation
Tomato plants are fairly resistant to moderate drought. However, proper management is essential
to assure high yield and quality.
The water requirement of outdoor grown tomatoes varies between 4000 - 6000 m/ha. In
greenhouses up to 10,000 m
/ha of water are required. 70% or more of the root system are in the
upper 20 cm of the soil. Therefore, a drip system equipped with a fertigation device is advisable.
On light soils or when saline water is used, it is necessary to increase water quantities by 20% - 30%.
Water requirements will differ at various growth stages. The requirement increases from
germination until beginning of fruit setting, reaching a peak during fruit development and then
decreasing during ripening.

Mild water stress during fruit development and ripening has a positive effect on fruit quality:
firmness, taste and shelf-life quality, but may result in smaller fruit. Late irrigation, close to
harvesting, may impair quality and induce rotting.
Water shortage will lead to reduced growth in general and reduced uptake of calcium in particular.
Calcium deficiency causes Blossom End Rot (BER) (see page 15). On the other hand, excessive
irrigation will create anaerobic soil conditions and consequently cause root death, delayed
flowering and fruit disorders.
Water quality: Tomatoes tolerate brackish water up to conductivity of about 2-3 mmho/cm.
Acidic (low pH) irrigation water is undesirable, as it might lead to the dissolution of toxic elements
in the soil (e.g. Al

2.5 Specific sensitivities of the tomato plant
Sensitivity to soil-borne diseases
Tomatoes are prone to soil-borne diseases caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria. Therefore it is
recommended to avoid growing tomatoes on plots that used for other sensitive crops (peppers,
eggplants, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, cotton, soybeans and others) on recent years. A regime
of 3-year rotation between small grains and tomatoes is recommended.
Sensitivity to salinity
Under saline conditions, sodium cations compete with the potassium cations for the roots uptake
sites, and chloride competes for the uptake of nitrate-nitrogen and will impede plant development
(Fig.2) and reduce yield.

Figure 2: Inverse relationship between top dry weight and concentration of plant tissue chloride
the higher the chloride in the plant composition, the lower its dry weight.

0 20 40 60 80 100
Top dry
weight (g)
Cl (mg/g)

Salinity will result in a potassium deficiency in the tomato plants, leading to a low fruit number per
plant. Corrective measures under such conditions must include the following steps:
Abundant application of potassium, as this specific cation can successfully compete with
the sodium, and considerably reduce its uptake and the resulting negative effects. (Fig. 3)
Abundant application of nitrate, as this specific anion successfully competes with
chloride, and markedly reduces its uptake and adverse effects.
Also, calcium helps suppressing the uptake of sodium. When sufficient calcium is
available, the roots prefer uptake of potassium to sodium, and sodium uptake will be

Figure 3: Multi-K potassium nitrate reverses the adverse effects of salinity in greenhouse tomatoes
(Source: Satti et Al. 1994)

Salination of the nutrient solution markedly decreased dry weight of the plant, fruit size and plant
height. The addition of 4 or 8 mM Multi-K potassium nitrate to the salinized nutrient solution
markedly increased EC values of the nutrient solution but reversed the said adverse effects caused
by the NaCl. Several parameters were improved even over the control as a direct result of the
treatment with Multi-K, i.e., fruit size and plant height (Fig. 4).

Figure 4: The effect of salinity and Multi-K potassium nitrate on vegetative parameters and fruit
size in Pusa ruby greenhouse tomatoes.

Montecarlo Pearson
Salinized +Multi-K

Zinc improves tolerance to salt stress
Zinc nutrition in plants seems to play a major role in the resistance to salt in tomato and other
species. Adequate zinc (Zn) nutritional status improves salt stress tolerance, possibly, by affecting
the structural integrity and controlling the permeability of root cell membranes. Adequate Zn
nutrition reduces excessive uptake of Na by roots in saline conditions.
Sensitivity to calcium deficiency
Tomatoes are highly sensitive to calcium deficiency, which is manifested in the Blossom-End Rot
(BER) symptom on the fruits. Salinity conditions severely enhance BER intensity. Recently, it was
found that manganese (Mn) serves as antioxidant in tomato fruit, hence its application to tomatoes
grown under salinity can alleviate BER symptoms in the fruits. Special care must be taken to avoid
growing conditions, which enhance BER phenomenon.

3. Plant nutrition
3.1 Dynamics of nutritional requirements
Nitrogen and potassium uptake is initially slow but rapidly increases during the flowering stages.
Potassium is peaking during fruit development, and nitrogen uptake occurs mainly after the
formation of the first fruit. (Figs. 5 and 6).
Phosphorus (P) and secondary nutrients, Ca and Mg, are required at a relatively constant rate,
throughout the life cycle of the tomato plant.

Figure 5: The uptake dynamics of the macro- and the secondary nutrients by a tomato plant
(Source: Huett, 1985)

Uptake rate
0 5 10 15 20
Transplanting Vegetative
Flowering &

Figure 6: Daily uptake rates of plant nutrients by processing tomatoes yielding 127 T/ha
(Source: B. Bar-Yosef . Fertilization under drip irrigation (

As can be seen in figures 5 and 6, the greatest absorption of nutrients occurs in the first 8 to 14
weeks of growth, and another peak takes place after the first fruit removal. Therefore, the plant
requires high nitrogen application early in the growing season with supplemental applications
after the fruit initiation stage. Improved N use efficiency and greater yields are achieved when N is
applied under polyethylene mulches via a drip irrigation system. At least 50 % of the total N should
be applied as nitrate-nitrogen (NO3

The most prevalent nutrient found in the developed tomato plant and fruit is potassium, followed
by nitrogen (N) and calcium (Ca). (Figures 7 and 8)

Figure 7: Element composition of a tomato plant
(Atherton and Rudich, 1986)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Uptake rate
Days after planting

Figure 8: Element composition of a tomato fruit
(Atherton and Rudich, 1986)

3.2 Main functions of plant nutrients
Table 5: Summary of main functions of plant nutrients:
Nutrient Functions
Nitrogen (N) Synthesis of proteins (growth and yield).
Phosphorus (P) Cellular division and formation of energetic structures.
Potassium (K)
Transport of sugars, stomata control, cofactor of many enzymes, reduces
susceptibility to plant diseases.
Calcium (Ca) A major building block in cell walls, and reduces susceptibility to diseases.
Sulphur (S) Synthesis of essential amino acids cystin and methionine.
Magnesium (Mg) Central part of chlorophyll molecule.
Iron (Fe) Chlorophyll synthesis.
Manganese (Mn) Necessary in the photosynthesis process.
Boron (B)
Formation of cell wall. Germination and elongation of pollen tube.
Participates in the metabolism and transport of sugars.
Zinc (Zn) Auxins synthesis.
Copper (Cu) Influences in the metabolism of nitrogen and carbohydrates.
Molybdenum (Mo) Component of nitrate-reductase and nitrogenase enzymes.

Nitrogen (N)
The form in which N is supplied is of major importance in producing a successful tomato crop. The
optimal ratio between ammonium and nitrate depends on growth stage and on the pH of the
growing medium.
Plants grown in NH4
-supplemented medium have a lower fresh weight and more stress signs than
plants grown on NO3
only. By increasing the ammonium nitrate rates, the EC increases and
consequently the yield decreases. However, when doubling the rate of Multi-K potassium nitrate,
the EC increases without adverse effect on the yield that increases as well (Table 6).


Table 6: The effect of nitrogen form (NO3
and NH4
) on tomato yield - showing the advantages of
nitrate-nitrogen over ammoniacal nitrogen. (source: U. Kafkafi et al. 1971)
: NH4
N g/plant
potassium nitrate
100 : - 6.3 - 1.7 2.5
70 : 30 6.3 4.4 2.4 1.98
63 : 37 6.3 8.7 2.9 1.20
59 : 41 6.3 13.2 3.5 1.00
100 : - 12.6 - 3.1 3.43

Potassium (K)
Ample amounts of potassium must be supplied to the crop in order to ensure optimal K levels in all
major organs, mainly due to the key role K plays in tomatoes:
1. Balancing of negative electrical charges in the plant
As a cation, K
is THE

dominant cation, balancing negative charges of organic and mineral
anions. Therefore, high K concentration is required for this purpose in the cells.
2. Regulating metabolic processes in cells
Main function is in activating enzymes - synthesis of protein, sugar, starch etc. (more than 60
enzymes rely on K). Also, stabilizing the pH in the cell at 7 - 8, passage through membranes,
balancing protons during the photosynthesis process.
3. Regulation of osmotic pressure
Regulating plants turgor, notably on guard cells of the stomata.
In the phloem, K contributes to osmotic pressure and by that transporting metabolic substances
from the source to sink (from leaves to fruit and to nurture the roots). This K contribution
increases the dry matter and the sugar content in the fruit as well as increasing the turgor of the
fruits and consequently prolonging fruits shelf life.
Additionally, potassium has the following important physiological functions:
Improves wilting resistance. (Bewley and White ,1926, Adams et al ,1978)
Enhances resistance toward bacterial viral, nematodes and fungal pathogens.
(Potassium and Plant Health, Perrenoud, 1990).
Reduces the occurrence of coloration disorders and blossom-end rot.
(Winsor and Long, 1968)
Increases solids content in the fruit. (Shafik and Winsor,1964)
Improves taste. (Davis and Winsor, 1967)

Figure 9: The effect of K rate on the yield and quality of processing tomatoes

Lycopene is an important constituent in tomatoes, as it enhances the resistance against cancer.
Increasing Multi-K application rates increases lycopene content of the tomato. The function is
described by an optimum curve (Fig. 10).

Figure 10: The effect of Multi-K rate on lycopene yield in processing tomatoes

Multi-K was applied, as a source of potassium, either by itself or blended with other N and
P fertilizers, to processing tomatoes. The different application methods, side-dressing dry
fertilizers or combined with fertigation, were compared in a field trial (Table 7). Multi-K
increased the yield (dry matter) and the brix level as can be seen in Figure 11.

Yield (ton/ha) Mean fruit weight (g)
kg K
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
y = -1.735x
+ 57.473x + 228.676
= 0.53

Lycopene yield
(mg / plant)

K rate (g / plant)

Table 7: Layout of a field trial comparing different Multi-K application methods and rates,
as a source of K, combined with other N and P fertilizers:
Method of application N-P2O5-K20

Base-dressing and
1) 10 days prior to transplanting:
65% of N & K rates, and the entire P
2) 26 days after transplanting (initial flowering):
10% of N & K rates
3) 51 days after transplanting (initial fruit-set ):
25% of N & K rates as Multi-K
Base-dressing and
Fertigation I
10 days prior to transplanting:
30% of N, P & K rates, 350 kg/ha of Multi-K in a
blend: 12-20-27.
During the entire plant development stages, 70%
of N-P-K as Multi-K + Soluble NPKs + Multi-P
(phos. acid), 12 weekly applications by fertigation
Base-dressing and
Fertigation II
(34% higher rate)
10 days prior to transplanting:
30% of N, P & K rates as 400 kg/ha, a Multi-K in a
blend: 12-20-27.
During the entire plant development stages, 70%
of N-P-K as Multi-K + Soluble NPKs + Multi-P
(phos. acid), 12 weekly applications by fertigation

Figure 11: The effect of application method and rates of Multi-K potassium nitrate
on the dry matter yield and brix level of processing tomatoes cv Peto.

Dry Matter Brix
Fertigation I- Multi-K
Fertigation II- Multi-K
Dry matter yield

Calcium (Ca)
Calcium is an essential ingredient of cell walls and plant structure. It is the key element responsible
for the firmness of tomato fruits. It delays senescence in leaves, thereby prolonging leaf's
productive life, and total amount of assimilates produced by the plans.
Temporary calcium deficiency is likely to occur in fruits and especially at periods of high growth
rate, leading to the necrosis of the apical end of the fruits and a development of BER syndrome.

3.3 Nutrients deficiency symptoms
Tomatoes are rather sensitive to excess or deficiency of both macro- and micro- nutrients.
Examples of common deficiencies, particularly in soilless culture, other than those of N and P, are: K
deficiency, affecting fruit quality; Ca deficiency, causing blossom-end rot; Mg deficiency, in acid
soils and in the presence of high levels of K; and deficiencies of B, Fe and Mn in calcareous soils.
The chlorosis symptoms shown by the leaves on Figure 12 are the direct result of nitrogen
deficiency. A light red cast can also be seen on the veins and petioles. Under nitrogen deficiency,
the older mature leaves gradually change from their normal characteristic green appearance to a
much paler green. As the deficiency progresses these older leaves become uniformly yellow
(chlorotic). Leaves become yellowish-white under extreme deficiency. The young leaves at the top
of the plant maintain a green but paler color and tend to become smaller in size. Branching is
reduced in nitrogen deficient plants resulting in short, spindly plants. The yellowing in nitrogen
deficiency is uniform over the entire leaf including the veins. As the deficiency progresses, the
older leaves also show more of a tendency to wilt under mild water stress and senesce much
earlier than usual. Recovery of deficient plants to applied nitrogen is immediate (days) and
Figure 12: Characteristic nitrogen (N) deficiency symptom

The necrotic spots on the leaves on Fig. 13 are a typical symptom of phosphorus (P) deficiency. As a
rule, P deficiency symptoms are not very distinct and thus difficult to identify. A major visual
symptom is that the plants are dwarfed or stunted. Phosphorus deficient plants develop very
slowly in relation to other plants growing under similar environmental conditions but with ample
phosphorus supply.
Phosphorus deficient plants are often mistaken for unstressed but much younger plants.
Developing a distinct purpling of the stem, petiole and the lower sides of the leaves. Under severe
deficiency conditions there is also a tendency for leaves to develop a blue-gray luster. In older
leaves under very severe deficiency conditions a brown netted veining of the leaves may develop.
Figure 13: Characteristic phosphorus (P) deficiency symptom

The leaves on the right-hand photo show marginal necrosis (tip burn). The leaves on the left-hand
photo show more advanced deficiency status, with necrosis in the interveinal spaces between the
main veins along with interveinal chlorosis. This group of symptoms is very characteristic of K
deficiency symptoms.
Figure 14: Characteristic potassium (K) deficiency symptoms.

The onset of potassium deficiency is generally characterized by a marginal chlorosis, progressing
into a dry leathery tan scorch on recently matured leaves. This is followed by increasing interveinal
scorching and/or necrosis progressing from the leaf edge to the midrib as the stress increases. As
the deficiency progresses, most of the interveinal area becomes necrotic, the veins remain green
and the leaves tend to curl and crinkle. In contrast to nitrogen deficiency, chlorosis is irreversible in
potassium deficiency. Because potassium is very mobile within the plant, symptoms only develop
on young leaves in the case of extreme deficiency.
Typical potassium (K) deficiency of fruit is characterized by color development disorders, including
greenback, blotch ripening and boxy fruit (Fig. 15).
Figure 15: Characteristic potassium (K) deficiency symptoms on the fruit

These calcium-deficient leaves (Fig. 16) show necrosis around the base of the leaves. The
very low mobility of calcium is a major factor determining the expression of calcium
deficiency symptoms in plants. Classic symptoms of calcium deficiency include blossom-
end rot (BER) burning of the end part of tomato fruits (Fig. 17). The blossom-end area
darkens and flattens out, then appearing leathery and dark brown, and finally it collapses
and secondary pathogens take over the fruit.
Figure 16: Characteristic calcium (Ca) deficiency symptoms on leaves

Figure 17: Characteristic calcium (Ca) deficiency symptoms on the fruit

All these symptoms show soft dead necrotic tissue at rapidly growing areas, which is generally
related to poor translocation of calcium to the tissue rather than a low external supply of calcium.
Plants under chronic calcium deficiency have a much greater tendency to wilt than non-stressed
Magnesium-deficient tomato leaves (Fig. 18) show advanced interveinal chlorosis, with necrosis
developing in the highly chlorotic tissue. In its advanced form, magnesium deficiency may
superficially resemble potassium deficiency. In the case of magnesium deficiency the symptoms
generally start with mottled chlorotic areas developing in the interveinal tissue. The interveinal
laminae tissue tends to expand proportionately more than the other leaf tissues, producing a
raised puckered surface, with the top of the puckers progressively going from chlorotic to necrotic
Figure 18: Characteristic magnesium (Mg) deficiency

This leaf (Fig. 19) shows a general overall chlorosis while still retaining some green color. The veins
and petioles exhibit a very distinct reddish color. The visual symptoms of sulfur deficiency are very
similar to the chlorosis found in nitrogen deficiency. However, in sulfur deficiency the yellowing is
much more uniform over the entire plant including young leaves. The reddish color often found on
the underside of the leaves and the petioles has a more pinkish tone and is much less vivid than
that found in nitrogen deficiency. With advanced sulfur deficiency brown lesions and/or necrotic
spots often develop along the petiole, and the leaves tend to become more erect and often twisted
and brittle.
Figure 19: Characteristic sulfur (S) deficiency

These leaves (Fig. 20) show a light interveinal chlorosis developed under a limited supply of Mn.
The early stages of the chlorosis induced by manganese deficiency are somewhat similar to iron
deficiency. They begin with a light chlorosis of the young leaves and netted veins of the mature
leaves especially when they are viewed through transmitted light. As the stress increases, the
leaves take on a gray metallic sheen and develop dark freckled and necrotic areas along the veins.
A purplish luster may also develop on the upper surface of the leaves.
Figure 20: Characteristic manganese (Mn) deficiency

These leaves (Fig. 21) show some mottled spotting along with some interveinal chlorosis. An early
symptom for molybdenum deficiency is a general overall chlorosis, similar to the symptom for
nitrogen deficiency but generally without the reddish coloration on the undersides of the leaves.
This results from the requirement for molybdenum in the reduction of nitrate, which needs to be
reduced prior to its assimilation by the plant. Thus, the initial symptoms of molybdenum deficiency
are in fact those of nitrogen deficiency. However, molybdenum has also other metabolic functions
within the plant, and hence there are deficiency symptoms even when reduced nitrogen is
available. At high concentrations, molybdenum has a very distinctive toxicity symptom in that the
leaves turn a very brilliant orange.
Figure 21: Characteristic molybdenum (Mo) deficiency

This leaf (Fig. 22) shows an advanced case of interveinal necrosis. In the early stages of zinc
deficiency the younger leaves become yellow and pitting develops in the interveinal upper
surfaces of the mature leaves. As the deficiency progresses these symptoms develop into an
intense interveinal necrosis but the main veins remain green, as in the symptoms of recovering iron
Figure 22: Characteristic zinc (Zn) deficiency symptoms.

This boron-deficient leaf (Fig. 23) shows a light general chlorosis. Boron is an essential plant
nutrient, however, when exceeding the required level, it may be toxic. Boron is poorly transported
in the phloem. Boron deficiency symptoms generally appear in younger plants at the propagation
stage. Slight interveinal chlorosis in older leaves followed by yellow to orange tinting in middle and
older leaves. Leaves and stems are brittle and corky, split and swollen miss-shaped fruit (Fig. 24).
Figure 23: Characteristic boron (B) deficiency symptoms on leaves

Figure 24: Characteristic boron (B) deficiency symptoms on fruits

These copper-deficient leaves (Fig. 25) are curled, and their petioles bend downward. Copper
deficiency may be expressed as a light overall chlorosis along with the permanent loss of turgor in
the young leaves. Recently matured leaves show netted, green veining with areas bleached to a
whitish gray. Some leaves develop sunken necrotic spots and have a tendency to bend downward.

Figure 25: Characteristic copper (Cu) deficiency symptoms.
These iron-deficient leaves (Fig. 26) show intense chlorosis at the base of the leaves with some
green netting. The most common symptom for iron deficiency starts out as an interveinal chlorosis
of the youngest leaves, evolves into an overall chlorosis, and ends as a totally bleached leaf. The
bleached areas often develop necrotic spots. Up until the time the leaves become almost
completely white they will recover upon application of iron. In the recovery phase the veins are the
first to recover as indicated by their bright green color. This distinct venial re-greening observed
during iron recovery is probably the most recognizable symptom in all of classical plant nutrition.
Because iron has a low mobility, iron deficiency symptoms appear first on the youngest leaves. Iron
deficiency is strongly associated with calcareous soils and anaerobic conditions, and it is often
induced by an excess of heavy metals.
Figure 26: Characteristic iron (Fe) deficiency symptoms

3.4 Leaf analysis standards
In order to verify the correct mineral nutrition during crop development, leaf samples should be
taken at regular intervals, beginning when the 3
cluster flowers begin to set. Sample the whole
leaf with petiole, choosing the newest fully expanded leaf below the last open flower cluster.
Sufficiency leaf analysis ranges for newest fully-expanded, dried whole leaves are:

Table 8: Nutrients contents in tomato plant leaves
A. Macro and secondary nutrients
Conc. in leaves (%)
Before fruiting During fruiting
N 4.0-5.0 3.5-4.0
P 0.5-0.8 0.4-0.6
K 3.5-4.5 2.8-4.0
Ca 0.9-1.8 1.0-2.0
Mg 0.5-0.8 0.4-1.0
S 0.4-0.8 0.4-0.8

B. Micronutrients
Conc. in leaves (ppm)
Before fruiting During fruiting
Fe 50-200 50-200
Zn 25-60 25-60
Mn 50-125 50-125
Cu 8-20 8-20
B 35-60 35-60
Mo 1-5 1-5
Toxic levels for B, Mn, and Zn are reported as 150, 500, and 300 ppm, respectively.

3.5 Overall nutritional requirements
Table 9: Overall requirements of macro-nutrients under various growth conditions
Yield (ton/ha) N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO
80 241 62 416 234 67
150 417 108 724 374 110
60 196 50 336 203 56
100 303 78 522 295 84
100 294 76 508 279 80
200 536 139 934 463 138
120 328 85 570 289 86
240 608 158 1065 491 152

4. Fertilization recommendations
The recommendations appearing in this document should be regarded as a general guide only.
The exact fertilization program should be determined according to the specific crop needs, soil and
water conditions, cultivar, and the growers experience. For detailed recommendations, consult a
local Haifa representative.
Disclaimer: Any use of the information given here is made at the readers sole risk. Haifa Chemicals
Ltd. provides no warranty whatsoever for "Error Free" data, nor does it warrants the results that
may be obtained from use of the provided data, or as to the accuracy, reliability or content of any
information provided here.
In no event will Haifa Chemicals Ltd. or its employees be liable for any damage or punitive
damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the data included.

4.1 Soil-grown tomatoes
4.1.1 Haifa NutriNet web software for Nutigation programs
Haifa fertilization recommendations are available in the online Knowledge Center on our website,
www.haifa-group.com. Use the NutriNet web software, accessible through our website or directly
at www.haifa-nutrinet.com to assist you in working out the recommended fertilizer rates at
different growth stages according to the expected yield under your growing conditions.
The following is an example of recommendations of open field grown tomatoes on sandy loam
soil, as determined by NutriNet, with the assumption of split scheduled fertilization into:
a) Base-dressing (pre-plant) fertilizers followed by:
b) Nutrigation (fertigation) at different growth stages, on sandy-clay soil when the expected yield
is 120 ton/Ha:

a) Base-dressing:

b) Nutrigation (fertigation):

Total amount of fertigated fertilizers

Table 10: The total contribution of plant nutrients from each fertilizer as calculated by NutriNet:
Ferti l i zer kg/ha N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO
Ammonium nitrate 34-0-0 374.4 123.6
Haifa MAP 12-61-0 139.3 16.7 85
Multi-K13-0-46 1080.4 140.5 497
Calcium nitrate (26% CaO) 119.2 17.9 31
Magnesium sulfate (16% MgO) 112.5 18
Total 1826 311 85 497 31 18

Table 11: Recommended nutrient rates per ha per day and per growth stage as calculated by
Phase Days from sowi ng /
pl anti ng
kg/ha/day kg/ha/phase
N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO N P2O5 K2O CaO MgO
Planting 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Vegetative 2-15 0.57 0.14 0.93 0.07 0 8 2 13 1 0
Flowering 16-30 0.6 0.13 0.93 0.07 0.07 9 2 14 1 1
Fruit set 31-40 0.6 0.2 0.9 0.1 0 6 2 9 1 0
Fruit growth 41-60 1.2 0.3 1.9 0.1 0.05 24 6 38 2 1
harvest 61-65 1.2 0.4 1.8 0.2 0 6 2 9 1 0
Harvest 66-120 2.36 0.65 3.78 0.24 0.15 130 36 208 13 8
Harvest 121-170 1.78 0.48 2.84 0.18 0.1 89 24 142 9 5
Last harvest 171-210 1.78 0.48 2.85 0.18 0.1 71 19 114 7 4

Total 344 93 548 35 19

Table 12: Recommended fertilizers rates per growth stage
Phase Days from
sowi ng /
pl anti ng
Ammoni um
ni trate
Hai fa MAP*
Mul ti -K
Mul l ti -
Cal *
Magnesi um
sul fate
(16% MgO)
Planting 1 3 0 2 0 0
Vegetative 2-15 24 3 28 4 0
Flowering 16-30 26 3 30 4 6
Fruit set 31-40 18 3 20 4 0
Fruit growth 41-60 71 10 83 8 6
harvest 61-65 18 3 20 4 0
Harvest 66-120 382 59 452 50 50
Harvest 121-170 262 39 309 35 31
Last harvest 171-210 209 31 248 27 25
Total 374 139 1080 119 113


= Potassium nitrate
Haifa MAP = Mono-ammonium phosphate
Haifa Cal = Calcium nitrate

Fertilization and fertigation rates may vary according to cultivar, growing method, climatic
conditions, growth stages and expected yield. By using Haifa NutriNet (www.haifa-nutrinet.com)
program on-line, you may obtain Haifas recommendations most suitable to your growing
conditions by selecting the expected yield, growing method and growth stages.

4.1.2 Poly-Feed water-soluble NPK fertilizers
Table 13: Fertilization program for processing tomatoes. Expected yield: 50 ton/ha
Growth stage Days Poly-Feed
Planting to flowering 25 20-20-20 8
Flowering to fruit set 30 14-7-21+ 2MgO 15
Fruit set to harvest 40 14-7-28+ 2MgO 18

Foliar Feeding: To boost growth apply Poly-Feed Foliar Vegetative Booster every 15 days.
Volume: 200 L/ha. Concentration: 0.5% - 1%.
Table 14: Fertilization program for tomatoes in tunnels. Expected yield: 150 ton/ha
Growth stage Days Poly-Feed
Planting to flowering 25 20-20-20 8
Flowering to fruit set 20 14-7-21+ 2MgO 15
Fruit set to 1
harvest 35 14-7-28+ 2MgO 17
Harvest to Last harvest 100 14-7-28+ 2MgO 18

Table 15: Fertilization program for tomatoes in greenhouse. Expected yield: 160 ton/ha
Growth stage Days Poly-Feed
Kg/ha/day Total kg/ha
Planting to flowering 8 15-30-15 8 64
Flowering to Fruit set 25 19-19-19 13 325
Fruit set to 1
Harvest 30 18-9-27 17 510
Harvest to Last Harvest 110 16-8-32 17 1870

To cure and prevent magnesium deficiencies, apply Magnisal by Nutrigation or foliar spray.
To cure and prevent calcium deficiencies, apply Haifa Cal by Nutrigation or foliar spray.

4.1.3 Multicote Agri controlled release fertilizer
An N:P2O:K2O ratio of 2:1:3* is recommended, as pre-plant application. This
application will take care of the nutritional requirement of the plot for the entire
growth season.
Multicote Agri granules should be incorporated into the soil, 10cm deep and
10cm away from the planting row.
Consult a local Haifa representative for detailed explanations and instructions.
Table 16: Multicote Agri application recommendations tomato in greenhouse
kg/ha Analysis* Longevity
2,500 - 4,000 17-9-27 8 months
* The actual choice of formula should take into account soil type and addition of compost
and any other factor that may affect the nutritional status of the soil.


4.1.4 Foliar nutrition
Foliar feeding is a fast and highly effective method of supplementing and enriching plant nutrients
when needed. Foliar application of Haifa water soluble fertilizers provides needed plant nutrients
for normal development of crops when absorption of nutrients from the soil is disturbed, precision-
timed foliar sprays are also a fast-acting and effective method for treating nutrient deficiencies.
Foliar application of the correct nutrients in relatively low concentrations at critical stages in crop
development contributes significantly to higher yields and improved quality.
Determine safe foliar applied rate:
To verify the safe rate under local conditions, it is advisable to spray recommended rate on a few
plants. After 3-4 days check the tested plants for scorching symptoms.
Preparation of tank-mix:
Dissolve Haifa water-soluble fertilizes in about half of the tank volume, and add to the spray tank.
When applying together with crop-protection agents, addition of wetting agents is not necessary.
To ensure compatibility of tank-mix components, a small-scale test should be performed prior to
actual application.
Table 17: Haifa water-soluble fertilizers for foliar application:
Fertilizer Curing Treatment Recommended concentration
Haifa Bonus Potassium deficiency 1 % - 2 %
Haifa MAP Phosphorus deficiency 0.5 % - 1 %
Haifa MKP Phosphorus and potassium
0.5 % - 1 %
Magnisal Magnesium deficiency 0.5 % - 0.75 %
Poly-Feed N-P-K and micronutrients deficiency 0.75 % - 1.5 %

4.2 Soilless-grown tomatoes
4.2.1 Straight fertilizers
There are different growth media with different physical and chemical characteristics. The
following are general fertilization recommendations for all soilless growth media.

Fertilizer stock solution: Once dissolved, not all fertilizers are inter-compatible with each other.
Therefore, they have to be split into two fertilizer tanks: A and B, according to their compatibilities.
Fertilizers containing phosphorus (P) or sulfur (S) should be dissolved in Tank A only, while
fertilizers containing calcium (Ca) or magnesium (Mg) should be dissolved in Tank B. Chelated
micronutrients should be dissolved in Tank B, as well.

The concentration of the fertilizers stock solution depends on:
1. The ambient temperature (higher ambient temperature enables higher concentration)
2. The injection rate - how many liters of the fertilizer solution will be injected into each cubic
meter (1000 liters) of the irrigated water
Dividing the injection capacity by one cubic meter should be the concentration of the fertilizer
solution. If, for example, the injector delivers 5 L into each cubic meter of the irrigated water,
multiply the amount of fertilizer dissolved in the tank by 200 (1000 L / 5 L = 200).

Examples of fertigation regimes in soilless grown tomatoes:
The following example was prepared to fit Dutch conditions (low transpiration and low water EC).
Considerable and proportional reduction in the concentration of the macronutrients should be
required to offset for lower quality water prevailing in other conditions.
Table 18: Nutrition database for tomatoes. Growth medium: rockwool.
Parameter Nutrient solution (ppm)
EC (mS/cm)
N- NH4 16.6
N- NO3 223.9
P 46.5
H2PO4 145.5
K 371.5
Ca 216.5
Mg 58.3
S, total 140.9
SO4 422.8

Table 19: Recommended water-soluble fertilizers and their rates, to prepare the above
recommended solution:
Fertilizers g/m

Plant nutrients g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg* S*
nitrate 50 8.5 8.5
Multi-K 400 52 152
Haifa SOP 400 168 60
Haifa Cal 1150 178.2 218.5
MgSO4 600 60 78
Haifa MKP 0 45.4 56
Total 238.7 8.5 45.4 376 218.5 60 138

An Italian system for fertigation management in close-loop soilless culture of tomato are:
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg* S*
200 14 30 310 160 35 80

Table 20: Recommended water-soluble fertilizers and their rates to prepare a fertilizer solution for
the above Italian system:
Fertilizers g/m

Plant nutrients g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg* S*
nitrate 0
Multi-K 600 78 228
Haifa SOP 200 84 30
Haifa Cal 850 131.7 161.5
Magnisal 0
MgSO4 350 35 45
Haifa MAP 100 12 27
Haifa MKP 0
Total 209.7 12 27 312 161.5 35 75.5
EC value should be maintained at ~ 2.07 mS/cm
* conversion factors: P x 2.29 = P2O5 ; K x 1.20 = K2O ; Ca x 1.40 = CaO ; Mg x 1.66 = MgO ;
S x 3.00 = SO4

Table 21: Fertilizer recommendations for hydroponic (perlite, rockwool, and NFT) tomatoes in
Florida (http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/CV216):
Growth stage
1 2 3 4 5
Transplant to
cluster to
cluster to
cluster to
cluster to
Final delivered nutrient solution concentration (ppm)**
N 70 80 100 120 150
P 50 50 50 50 50
K 120 120 150 150 200
Ca* 150 150 150 150 150
Mg* 40 40 40 50 50
S* 50 50 50 60 60
* Ca, Mg, and S concentrations may vary depending on Ca and Mg concentration in water and amount
of sulfuric acid used for acidification.
** 1ppm = 1mg/liter

Table 22: Recommended water-soluble fertilizers and their rates to prepare a fertilizer solution
from transplant to various growth stages as indicated in Table 21:
A. From transplant to 1
Fertilizers g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg* S*
Haifa SOP 150 63 23
Haifa Cal 500 77.5 95
MgSO4 400 40 52
Haifa MKP 200 45.4 56
Total 77.5 0 45.4 119 95 40 75

B. From 1
to 2
Fertilizers g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg* S*
Haifa SOP 150 19.5 57
Haifa Cal 500 77.5 95
MgSO4 400 40 52
Haifa MKP 250 56.75 70
Total 97 0 56.75 127 95 40 52
* conversion factors: P x 2.29 = P2O5 ; K x 1.20 = K2O ; Ca x 1.40 = CaO ; Mg x 1.66 = MgO ;
S x 3.00 = SO4

C. From 2
to 3
Fertilizers g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg* S*
Multi-K 400 52 152
Haifa Cal 500 77.5 95
MgSO4 400 40 52
Haifa MAP 180 21.6 48.6
Total 129.5 21.6 48.6 152 95 40 52

D. From 3
to 5
Fertilizers g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg* S*
Multi-K 400 52 152
Haifa Cal 500 77.5 95
MgSO4 500 50 65
Haifa MAP 180 21.6 48.6
Total 129.5 21.6 48.6 152 95 50 65

E. From 5
cluster to Termination
Fertilizers g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg* S*
Multi-K 530 68.9 201.4
Haifa Cal 500 77.5 95
MgSO4 500 50 65
Haifa MAP 180 21.6 48.6
Total 146.4 21.6 48.6 201.4 95 50 65

Table 23: Recommendations for greenhouse soilless grown tomatoes, in Israel, according to the
growing stages (NH4/NO3 ratio=0.1- 0.2):
Physiological stage
Concentration in the irrigation solution (dripper) (ppm)
N P* K* Ca* Mg*
Planting and
120-150 40-50 180-220 100-120 40-50
Flowering 150-180 40-50 220-270 100-120 40-50
Ripening and harvest 180-200 40-50 270-300 100-120 50-80
* conversion factors: P x 2.29 = P2O5 ; K x 1.20 = K2O ; Ca x 1.40 = CaO ; Mg x 1.66 = MgO ;
S x 3.00 = SO4

Table 24: Recommended water-soluble fertilizers and their rates to prepare a fertilizer solution as
indicated in Table 16 (above):

A. Planting and establishment
Fertilizers g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg*
Multi-K 200-300 26-39 0 0 76-114 0 0
Haifa SOP 250 0 0 0 105 0 0
Haifa Cal 520-600 81-93 0 0 0 99-114 0
MgSO4 400-500 0 0 0 0 0 40-50
Haifa MAP 150-180 0 18-22 41-49 0 0 0
Total 107-132 18-22 41-49 181-219 99-114 40-50

B. Flowering
Fertilizers g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg*
Multi-K 300-430 39-56 0 0 114-163 0 0
Haifa SOP 250 0 0 0 105 0 0
Haifa Cal 520-600 81-93 0 0 0 99-114 0
Magnisal 100 11 0 0 0 0 9
MgSO4 300-350 0 0 0 0 0 30-35
Haifa MAP 150-180 0 18-22 41-49 0 0 0
Total 131-160 18-22 41-49 219-268 99-114 39-44

C. Ripening and harvest
Fertilizers g/m
NO3 NH4 P* K* Ca* Mg*
Multi-K 440-500 57-65 0 0 167-190 0 0
Haifa SOP 250 0 0 0 105 0 0
Haifa Cal 530-600 82-93 0 0 0 101-114 0
Magnisal 170 19 0 0 0 0 15
MgSO4 350-650 0 0 0 0 0 35-65
Haifa MAP 150-180 0 18-22 41-49 0 0 0
Total 158-177 18-22 41-49 272-295 101-114 50-80
* conversion factors: P x 2.29 = P2O5 ; K x 1.20 = K2O ; Ca x 1.40 = CaO ; Mg x 1.66 = MgO ;
S x 3.00 = SO4

4.2.2 Poly-Feed water soluble NPK fertilizers
Table 25: Recommended composition of nutritional solution for soilless-grown tomatoes
A. In temperate or cold climate with low sun radiation and soft water (e.g. North and North-East
Europe, North France, UK, Japan, Korea)
Concentration in irrigation water (ppm)
Poly-Feed formula
N P K Ca Mg
190 50 310 150 45 14-10-34+ME 1.1
Some acid and Haifa Cal calcium nitrate should be added to adjust the pH and to complete calcium

B. In hot climate with high sun radiation and hard water (e.g. Middle East, Mediterranean countries)
Concentration in irrigation water (ppm)
Poly-Feed formula
N P K Ca Mg
170 45 225 105 40 17-10-27 1.0
Some acid and Haifa Cal calcium nitrate should be added to adjust the pH and to complete calcium

Appendix I: Nutrigation (fertigation)
Balanced irrigation & fertilization regime ensures optimal nutrition throughout the growth season.
Application of top-quality water-soluble fertilizers through the irrigation system is the optimal
method for providing balanced plant nutrition throughout the growth season.
A balanced Nutrigation regime ensures that essential nutrients are placed precisely at the site of
intensive root activity, and are available in exactly the right quantity when plants need them.

Evaporation considerations
The amount of water required per application can be determined by the coefficient of transpiration
and the evaporation data from a class A pan. For example, average evaporation readings in the
central part of Israel, expressed in mm/day, are given in table 26:

Table 26: Evaporation rates from Class A Pan in central Israel (mm/day)
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
4.4 5.9 6.8 6.9 6.6 5.7 4.3 3.0

Plants, usually, are less influenced than an exposed pan to the prevailing climatic conditions, such
as: sun, wind, humidity, etc., and will transpire less water. As an example, the percentage of
transpiration by tomatoes, known as transpiration coefficient, is illustrated in Table 27. The
coefficient increases according to the growth stage of the plant as the growing season evolves.

Table 27: Transpiration coefficients in tomatoes, according to the growth stages.
Growth stage Planting Blooming Blooming Fruit set Fruit set - Harvesting
0.4 0.6 0.8

The following example of the amount of irrigation water, calculated from data collected on the
losses of the evaporation A pan and multiplied by the transpiration coefficient is shown in Table 28.

Table 28: Example of water consumption of outdoor grown tomatoes, in Israel.
Month Evaporation
amount of
irrigation water
Blooming May 5.9 0.4 2.36 23.6
Fruit set June 6.8 0.6 4.08 40.8
Harvesting July 6.9 0.8 5.52 55.2
* - via transpiration.

If the irrigation cycle is not daily, then the daily amount has to be multiplied by the number of days
between irrigation cycles as shown in Table 29.

Table 29: Example of required amount of water for out-door grown tomatoes.
Growth stage Month Amount of required
irrigation per day
Irrigation cycle
Amount of water /
irrigation per cycle
Blooming May 23.6 3 71
Fruit set June 40.8 5 204
Harvesting July 55.2 4 222

Appendix II: Plant analysis guide
Nutrient Sufficiency Ranges
(source: A & L, Agronomy Handbook, Ankerman & Large, Eds.)
N P K Mg Ca S Na B Zn Mn Fe Cu Al
% ppm
From 3.00 0.30 2.50 0.50 2.00 0.50 0.01 40 35 100 100 8 20
To 6.00 0.80 5.00 1.00 6.00 0.90 0.01 60 50 200 200 20 200

Plant sampling
Growth stage Plant part to sample No. of plants or
leaves to sample
Prior to or during
early bloom stage
or 4
leaf from growing tip 20-25
e tomatoes
Prior to or during
Young plants: leaves adjacent
to 2
or 3
Older plants: leaves from 4

Appendix III: Haifa specialty fertilizers
Pioneering Solutions
Haifa develops and produces Potassium Nitrate products, Soluble Fertilizers for Nutrigation
and foliar sprays, and Controlled-Release Fertilizers. Haifas Agriculture Solutions maximize yields
from given inputs of land, water and plant nutrients for diverse farming practices. With innovative
plant nutrition schemes and highly efficient application methods, Haifas solutions provide
balanced plant nutrition at precise dosing, composition and placing. This ultimately delivers
maximum efficiency, optimal plant development and minimized losses to the environment.

Potassium Nitrate
Haifa's Potassium Nitrate products represent a unique source of potassium due to their nutritional
value and contribution to plant's health and yields. Potassium Nitrate has distinctive chemical and
physical properties that are beneficial to the environment. Haifa offers a wide range of potassium
nitrate products for Nutrigation, foliar sprays, side-dressing and controlled-release fertilization.
Haifa's potassium nitrate products are marketed under the Multi-K brand.

Multi-K Products
Pure Multi-K
Multi-K Classic Crystalline potassium nitrate (13-0-46)
Multi-K Prills Potassium nitrate prills (13-0-46)
Special Grades
Multi-K GG Greenhouse-grade potassium nitrate (13.5-0-46.2)
Multi-K pHast Low-pH potassium nitrate (13.5-0-46.2)
Multi-K Top Hydroponics-grade potassium nitrate (13.8-0-46.5)
Enriched Products
Multi-npK Enriched with phosphate; crystalline or prills
Multi-K Mg Enriched with magnesium; crystalline or prills
Multi-K Zn Enriched with zinc; crystalline
Multi-K S Enriched with sulfate; crystalline
Multi-K B Enriched with boron; crystalline or prills
Multi-K ME Enriched with magnesium and micronutrients; crystalline

Nutrigation (fertigation) delivers pure plant nutrients through the irrigation system, supplying
essential nutrients precisely to the area of most intensive root activity. Haifas well-balanced
Nutrigation program provides the plant with their exact needs accordingly with seasonal
changes. Decades of experience in production and application of specialty fertilizers for
Nutrigation have made Haifa a leading company in this field. Haifa keeps constantly up to date
with contemporary scientific and agricultural research, in order to continuously broaden its
product line to better meet the requirements of crops and cropping environments.
Haifa offers a wide range of water-soluble fertilizers for Nutrigation. All products contain only
pure plant nutrients and are free of sodium and chloride
Multi-K Comprehensive range of plain and enriched potassium nitrate products
Poly-Feed Soluble NPK fertilizers enriched with secondary and micro-nutrients
Haifa MAP Mono-ammonium phosphate
Haifa MKP Mono-potassium phosphate
Haifa Cal Calcium nitrate
Magnisal Our original magnesium nitrate fertilizer
Haifa Micro Chelated micronutrients
Haifa VitaPhos-K Precipitation-proof poly-phosphate for soilless Nutrigation
Haifa ProteK Systemic PK fertilizer

Foliar Feeding
Foliar Feeding provides fast, on-the-spot supplementary nutrition to ensure high, top quality yields
and is an ideal feeding method under certain growth conditions in which absorption of nutrients
from the soil is inefficient, or for use on shortterm crops. Precision-timed foliar sprays are also a
fast-acting and effective method for treating nutrient deficiencies. Foliar application of the correct
nutrients in relatively low concentrations at critical stages in crop development contributes
significantly to higher yields and improved quality. Haifa offers a selection of premium fertilizers for
foliar application. Haifa offers a selection of fertilizers for foliar application:
Haifa Bonus High-K foliar formulas enriched with special adjuvants for better absorption and
prolonged action
Poly-Feed Foliar NPK formulas enriched with micronutrients specially designed to enhance the
crop performance during specific growth stages
Magnisal, Haifa MAP, Haifa MKP, Haifa Cal and Haifa Micro are also suitable for foliar

Controlled Release Nutrition
Multicote, Haifa's range of Controlled Release Fertilizers includes products for agriculture,
horticulture, ornamentals and turf. Multicote products provide plants with balanced nutrition
according to their growth needs throughout the growth cycle. Multicote products enhance plant
growth, improve nutrients use efficiency, save on labor and minimize environmental impact.
Single, pre-plant application controlled-release fertilizer can take care of the crops nutritional
requirements throughout the growth season. Controlled release fertilizers are designed to feed
plants continuously, with maximal efficiency of nutrients uptake. Controlled release fertilizers save
labor and application costs. Their application is independent of the irrigation system, and does not
require sophisticated equipment.
Taking advantage of MulticoTech polymer coating technology, Haifa produces Multicote line of
controlled release fertilizers.

Multicote Products
Multicote for nurseries and ornamentals; NPK formulae with release longevities of 4, 6, 8, 12 and
16 months
Multicote Agri / Multigro for agriculture and horticulture
CoteN controlled-release urea for arable crops
Multicote Turf / Multigreen for golf courses, sports fields, municipals and domestic lawns

Appendix IV: Conversion tables
From To Multiply by From To Multiply by
P P2O5 2.29 P2O5 P 0.44
P PO4 3.06 PO4 P 0.32
H3PO4 H2PO4 0.98 H2PO4 H3PO4 1.38
K K2O 1.20 K2O K 0.83
Ca CaO 1.40 CaO Ca 0.71
Mg MgO 1.66 MgO Mg 0.60
S SO3 2.50 SO3 S 0.40
S SO4 3.00 SO4 S 0.33
N NH4 1.28 NH4 N 0.82
N NO3 4.43 NO3 N 0.22

1 meq Correspondent
element (mg)
1 mmol Correspondent
element (mg)
Weight of ion
14 mg N NH4
14 mg N 18 mg NH4

14 mg N NO3
14 mg N 62 mg NO3

31 mg P H2PO4
31 mg P 71 mg P2O5
31 mg P HPO4
31 mg P 35,5 mg P2O5
15.5 mg P K
39 mg K 47 mg K2O
39 mg K Ca
40 mg Ca 28 mg CaO
20 mg Ca Mg
24 mg Mg 20 mg MgO
12 mg Mg SO4
32 mg S 48 mg SO4
16 mg S Na
23 mg Na -
23 mg Na Cl
35.5 mg Cl -

From To Multiply by From To Multiply by
Acre Hectare 0.405 Hectare Acre 2.471
Kilogram Lbs 2.205 Lbs Kilogram 0.453
Gram Ounces 0.035 Ounces Gram 28.35
Short Ton MT 0.907 MT Short Ton 1.1
Gallon (US) Liters 3.785 Liters Gallon (US) 0.26
Kg/Ha Lbs/acre 0.892 Lbs/acre Kg/Ha 1.12
MT/Ha Lbs/acre 892 Lbs/acre MT/Ha 0.001

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