The majority of candidates attempted to address the questions as set with an appropriate length of answer. Some candidates produced weak and generalised answers that tended to contain unnecessary and / or irrelevant detail. A number of candidates still do not answer questions in the correct sequence and answer all part (a) questions first, followed by part (b) and then part (c)
The majority of candidates attempted to address the questions as set with an appropriate length of answer. Some candidates produced weak and generalised answers that tended to contain unnecessary and / or irrelevant detail. A number of candidates still do not answer questions in the correct sequence and answer all part (a) questions first, followed by part (b) and then part (c)
The majority of candidates attempted to address the questions as set with an appropriate length of answer. Some candidates produced weak and generalised answers that tended to contain unnecessary and / or irrelevant detail. A number of candidates still do not answer questions in the correct sequence and answer all part (a) questions first, followed by part (b) and then part (c)
The majority of candidates attempted to address the questions as set with an appropriate length of answer. Some candidates produced weak and generalised answers that tended to contain unnecessary and / or irrelevant detail. A number of candidates still do not answer questions in the correct sequence and answer all part (a) questions first, followed by part (b) and then part (c)
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers 2011 PAKISTAN STUDIES
Paper 2059/01 History and Culture of Pakistan
General Comments
There were few rubric errors this year with most candidates able to answer the required three questions in the set time. The majority of candidates attempted to address the questions as set with an appropriate length of answer. Many candidates produced some excellent responses that were both relevant and focused. The depth of knowledge of such answers was of a high standard. However, some candidates produced weak and generalised answers that tended to contain unnecessary and/or irrelevant detail. Also, a number of candidates still do not answer questions in the correct sequence and answer all part (a) questions first, followed by part (b) and then part (c).
However, it is pleasing to note that the part (a) questions continue to produce few problems for the vast majority of candidates who answered these with confidence and produced an appropriate length of answer which was up to about 10 lines maximum in length. The only exception to this was Question 2 (a) which was poorly answered.
Comments on Specific Questions
The most popular questions answered this year were 1, 2 and 3.
Question 1
This was a very popular question and some candidates achieved very high marks. In part (a), the short answer question was well answered with most candidates gaining 3 or 4 marks on the achievements of Shah Wali Ullah in reviving Islam.
In part (b), the question focused on the reasons why the British were successful in extending their control of the sub-continent. For those candidates who had prepared well for the examination this caused few problems and many of their answers were accurate and relevant, scoring a good mark within Level 3. However, a large number of candidates produced generalised or descriptive answers of Britains conquest of India emphasising its strength. Some candidates wrote about the weaknesses of the Mughal Empire and then repeated much of their answers in part (c) which followed.
Part (c) focused on the reasons for the decline of the Mughal Empire. Most candidates had little problem in answering this question as their knowledge was very good. However, to achieve the maximum mark they needed to write more about the Marathans after dealing with the other well known reasons. Many candidates wrote little about the Marathans, and therefore few candidates were able to score more than the maximum of 10 marks for Level 3. There were also those candidates who wrote largely descriptive answers. These answers identified the reasons why the Empire declined, e.g. corrupt, weak successors, no law of succession, the British etc., and achieved a mark in Level 2. To achieve a mark in a higher level for a part (b) or part (c) question, answers need to explain why these reasons failed to prevent the decline of the Empire.
Question 2
This was also a popular question and was generally well answered. However the vast majority of candidates scored few or no marks in part (a), since Kanpur was unknown to most of them. They failed to note that Kanpur is, in fact, Cawnpore which they may well have known, although in modern day textbooks it is now referred to as Kanpur.
1 General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2059 Pakistan Studies June 2011 Principal Examiner Report for Teachers 2011 In part (b), the question focused on the reasons why Sir Syed Ahmad Khan founded the Aligarh Movement. For candidates who had prepared well this caused few or no problems and many answers were accurate and relevant and scored maximum marks. The majority of candidates were able to reach Level 3 by explaining at least one reason for the foundation of the Movement.
Part (c), which was on how Pakistani regional languages have been successfully promoted since 1947, produced mixed responses. The crucial point of the question was the way in which they were promoted rather than a description of them. Most candidates were knowledgeable about all of these languages but fewer could successfully explain how they were promoted. In order to reach Level 4, candidates had to explain how regional languages including Punjabi (given in the question) had been promoted. The question needed to be answered by explaining the promotion rather than by describing where and how it is studied, heard and read. However, most candidates were able to address the question and achieved marks well into Level 3 or even Level 4 if they dealt with Punjabi and other regional languages, although there was much repetition of radio, TV and newspapers in their answers. Candidates should be aware that references to Urdu were irrelevant to this question and gained no credit.
Question 3
This was a popular question. The part (a) short answer question on the Rowlatt Act was well answered and many candidates gained 3 or 4 marks.
Part (b) required candidates to explain the reasons why the Government of India Act of 1935 was so important to the future of the sub-continent. Many candidates demonstrated sound knowledge of the Act and were able to confidently explain its importance rather than merely describing the terms of the Act, which was not what was required. In addition, many candidates were able to recognise the long-term implications of the Act, although not all were able to express this as a coherent answer to the question. As a result, the majority of candidates were able at least to reach the bottom of Level 3.
Part (c) was a well known topic and the question on the reasons for the partition and reversal of Bengal was well answered. Many candidates found little difficulty in explaining the reasons why Bengal was partitioned in 1905 and then reversed in 1911. Candidates who were able to go into detail and explain each side achieved a mark in Level 4.
Question 4
There were some competent answers to all three parts of this question. Candidates who answered it knew some facts about the Nehru Report and were able to score 2 or 3 marks for part (a), although few were able to score near or maximum marks. Candidates needed to concentrate on the question, which was very straightforward, rather than discuss irrelevancies relating especially to Jinnahs 14 Points and further tensions between Hindus and Muslims.
In part (b) candidates had to explain why the Gandhi-Jinnah talks failed in 1944. This was mainly well answered; candidates who gave a number of explained reasons for the failure of the talks achieved a mark in Level 3. A number of candidates gained maximum marks by explaining more than three good reasons.
The part (c) question on Allama Iqbal and Rehmat Ali tended to attract extensive narratives of the careers and work of the two individuals. Few candidates were able to explain their importance to the Pakistan Movement and fewer still were able to do this in a comparative manner. As a result, many candidates were only able to score a mark within Level 2. Such questions require an explanation to achieve a Level 3 or 4 mark and descriptions, especially regarding the careers of such individuals, will only attract a Level 2 mark.
Question 5
In the short answer questions most candidates knew some of the problems faced by Nawaz Sharif, although there were often generalised descriptions associated with allegations of corruption without substantiation. Many candidates were able to score at least 2 marks on this question.
In part (b) many candidates wrote good answers on the reasons why Zia-ul-Haq introduced his package of Islamic laws, whilst others saw it as an opportunity to describe all they knew about them, which was not the point of the question. His desire to counter the policies of his predecessor was well known but little else. Many saw his motive as being linked to somehow influencing international perceptions without being able to substantiate this claim. Nevertheless, many candidates produced competent answers and scored within Level 3. 2 General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2059 Pakistan Studies June 2011 Principal Examiner Report for Teachers 2011
In part (c) there were some good answers to the question about the reasons for the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. Many candidates had a good knowledge of these factors, especially those relating to social, economic and geographical reasons, but there was substantial confusion relating to the politics of the day. In order to achieve a mark in Level 4, candidates needed to discuss political factors as well as others and to explain why these factors resulted in the creation of Bangladesh rather than merely describe them. Few candidates were able to do this well and many answers tended to be awarded Level 2 for a straightforward narrative of the reasons or at best Level 3 for other factors. Many candidates found it difficult to discuss the political reasons and explain why they led to the creation of Bangladesh. There was little comment on the role of India in this. 3 General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2059 Pakistan Studies June 2011 Principal Examiner Report for Teachers 2011 PAKISTAN STUDIES
Paper 2059/02 Environment of Pakistan
Most candidates responded very well to the new type of question paper. Answers were more concise and neatly presented. Most managed to complete their answer in the lines provided and many gained maximum marks in the restricted space, even for the questions with 6 marks. The answers of those who needed more space to write often had two or three lines of introduction, which gained no marks or were repetitive.
Candidates should be discouraged from writing at the edges of the paper, as this area cannot be scanned. If they extend their answer to another page this must be clearly referenced. Lines should be drawn where answers are placed on unlined spaces of the paper.
The number of entries for this paper continues to increase. There is a range of achievement but many answer the questions well, showing good knowledge and understanding, a good standard of English and clear handwriting.
Question 1
This was a very popular question, which most candidates chose to answer.
(a) Most candidates achieved full marks for each of the parts of this question.
(b) Most candidates achieved full marks for all parts of this question.
(c) Most candidates gave a full answer, but some were unnecessarily repetitive. A good answer explained the climatic and environmental restrictions on water supply as well as human causes such as poor maintenance of the canal system, conflicts between users, theft and wastage.
(d) Most candidates explained how the problems arise and what the effects are on the crops and income of farmers. Better answers stated that bad management of a perennial water supply can cause this, and that the cost of land reclamation is high.
(e) Many candidates easily achieved full marks here. Those who did not failed to fully explain the causes of the water pollution or did not restrict their answer to the people who rely on this water supply. Few answers distinguished between pollution of river water and sea water, and grouped them together as one.
Candidates showed a good knowledge of diseases and how they are caused, and appreciated that there are other problems such as the cost of water treatment and the reduction of fish stocks and food supply that can affect businessmen.
A few candidates gave examples from case studies including pollution in the River Ravi and oil spills in Karachi port.
Question 2
This was a less popular question and some candidates struggled with parts (b)(iv) and (c)(ii). See my comments below.
(a) Most candidates achieved full marks for each part of this question.
4 General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2059 Pakistan Studies June 2011 Principal Examiner Report for Teachers 2011 (b) Most candidates showed a better knowledge and understanding of barani wheat cultivation than in previous years, but this was often shown to be learned knowledge instead of knowledge applied to the climate graph Fig. 2.
The climate graph showed clearly the months of wheat growth, and candidates needed to refer to the months of planting and harvesting from this graph. Also temperatures and rainfall were those learned from their textbook, not those on the graph. However, there were good answers which related the given monthly temperatures and rainfall to the stages of cultivation, and stated the units of temperature and rainfall in their answers.
(c) (i) Most candidates showed a knowledge and understanding of subsistence farming. The answers that gained fewer marks were those that did not explain why these methods gave lower yields.
(ii) This was a question in the form To what extent? so it required candidates to give reasons why training and land reform might not be successful.
Most gave a good account of how training could increase yields but they also needed to explain the problems such as lack of understanding through illiteracy or lack of funds. Some candidates did not understand the subject of land reform. Those who did gave some good answers including how the more fair and efficient distribution of land could make it easier to use machines and irrigate, and how farmers would be more motivated to improve their methods. To achieve high marks, candidates needed to explain that legislation for land reform had failed over the past years, and that the landlords still had strong powers over their tenants.
Question 3
This was a popular question. Some candidates struggled with parts (b)(ii) and (c)(ii).
Answers would have benefitted from a fuller knowledge of the uses of industrial goods produced in Pakistan, and the importance of education for development.
(a) Most candidates achieved full marks but there was some duplication of answers, for example, limestone and chalk, power and coal, machinery and the rotary kiln.
(b) Most candidates gained all three marks in (i). For part (ii) better answers explained the benefits of a good education including the application of learned knowledge. Good candidates explained the need for literacy and numeracy, speaking English, and use of computers as well as being able to communicate with their customers and present themselves well.
(c) (i) Many candidates showed good photographic interpretation skills and achieved high marks. Others gave vague answers showing that they had not looked at the photograph carefully enough. Vague answers such as buildings were not acceptable.
(ii) Some weaker candidates repeated their answer to (i) but better answers referred to the need for accommodating the increasing industrial and population growth, as well as the qualities of concrete as a strong, durable material that gives a modern and secure appearance to the area, as well as having the potential for improving slum areas.
(iii) This part was generally answered well. Many candidates showed a good knowledge and understanding of the factors influencing the location of industry. Not all achieved full marks in the disadvantages because they wrote only about pollution and neglected the social effects such as increasing population and pressure on certain types of infrastructure and services.
5 General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2059 Pakistan Studies June 2011 Principal Examiner Report for Teachers 2011 Question 4
This was a popular question. Some candidates found part (d) challenging. The topic of population movements, particularly the measures that can be taken to improve the conditions that they can sometimes create, and the problems they pose for the authorities would merit further study.
(a) (i)(ii) Most candidates answered parts (i) and (ii) correctly.
(iii) Most candidates explained that there were more educational institutions and more wealth to pay for education in urban areas, and that young people were more likely to leave school at a younger age in rural areas. Other expected answers were that literate people moved from rural to urban areas, or that women are more likely to be educated in cities.
(iv) Candidates who wrote about the opportunities for unskilled labour in factories, construction and in the houses of richer people achieved high marks. These workers accept lower or less regular wages and poorer working conditions. The response because the literate would not do the jobs was vague and needed to be more specific.
(b) This question was answered well. Most candidates recognised the slum area and explained how the polluted and unhygienic environment and poverty and illiteracy of the people lead to the spread of disease. Many candidates showed a good level of understanding with the application of their learned knowledge, including case studies.
(c) Many candidates gained good marks for this question. Those who started by giving the push factors from villages soon ran out of lines to write on. These were irrelevant to the question. A good answer referred to the benefits of regular, paid work and the elements of higher living standards.
(d) The topic of self-help schemes has not been explicitly included in an examination paper before, although it is in the syllabus. Some candidates did not fully understand what such a scheme is and others showed only a limited knowledge.
A good answer explained how the dwellers in slums could be helped to improve their living conditions when they are provided with some good materials and the means to use them. The benefits extend to an increase in literacy and health of the area.
Candidates also had a good knowledge of the disadvantages for such a scheme in Pakistan such as lack of money and high risk of failure as well as the limitations of size and time scale of such a huge project.
Question 5
The climate of Pakistan is important in so many facets of Pakistan. It is important for candidates to have some knowledge and understanding of the patterns of rainfall and how these create both benefits and problems for the country.
(a) Candidates showed a good knowledge of where the monsoon wind comes from, but were less knowledgable about where it goes after entering Pakistan. Some candidates did not distinguish between the main monsoon from the Bay of Bengal, and the secondary monsoon from the Arabian Sea.
(b) (i) Most candidates showed that they can read climate graphs accurately, but do not always apply the figures to the question. This question asked them to compare the distribution of rainfall during the monsoon months. A monthly approach is not the best one to adopt. It takes too long and does not consider the distribution of rainfall. A good answer looks at the total amounts during the period, when the maxima were, and how the amounts of rainfall compared at this time.
In general candidates did not recognise that the time and the amounts of rainfall maximum were different in the more western city of Peshawar.
6 General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level 2059 Pakistan Studies June 2011 Principal Examiner Report for Teachers 2011 (ii) A good answer showed an understanding of the factors affecting monsoon rainfall, but most failed to explain that as the air rises over higher land, humidity increases and more rain falls, or that as the air moves away from the coast, the moisture content and therefore rainfall decrease.
Some candidates did not read the question properly and wrote about the amounts of depressional and convectional rainfall. Others did not understand the role of the pressure inversion over southern Pakistan in preventing convection currents.
(c) (i)-(iii) Many candidates gave correct answers. Some candidates, however, seemed not to have looked at the maps on the question paper; the answers Northern Mountains and Northern Areas were not shown as having the highest rainfall.
(iv) Most candidates showed that they understood the value of winter rainfall in the north to areas further south in the Indus Plains. These areas are irrigated by the water to fill reservoirs in the spring so as to increase water supply for HEP. In the foothills it may feed rabi crops.
The disadvantages are that most rain turns to snow and ice, or falls when it is too cold for cultivation. This may lead to soil erosion and landslides in areas where trees have been cleared, and restriction of land use by snow cover and avalanches.
(d) Most candidates achieved some marks for explaining the cooler, fresher weather, clearing of dirt and dust and a fresh water supply. Those who did not achieve full marks did not confine their answer to urban areas or the arrival of the monsoon. Thus the explanation more water for agriculture was irrelevant, as was more HEP which is a longer-term benefit. 7