Clan Skryre have been enhancing some of their diabolical inventions. They are able to monitor some of the plans of their enemies in other clans. Clan Eshin has been sending operatives to the human city of Mordheim. Lord Morskittar has charged Ikit Claw to oversee the operations.
Clan Skryre have been enhancing some of their diabolical inventions. They are able to monitor some of the plans of their enemies in other clans. Clan Eshin has been sending operatives to the human city of Mordheim. Lord Morskittar has charged Ikit Claw to oversee the operations.
Clan Skryre have been enhancing some of their diabolical inventions. They are able to monitor some of the plans of their enemies in other clans. Clan Eshin has been sending operatives to the human city of Mordheim. Lord Morskittar has charged Ikit Claw to oversee the operations.
Clan Skryre have been enhancing some of their diabolical inventions. They are able to monitor some of the plans of their enemies in other clans. Clan Eshin has been sending operatives to the human city of Mordheim. Lord Morskittar has charged Ikit Claw to oversee the operations.
The leaders of Clan Skryre have stumbled across an
important secret. They have been enhancing some
of their diabolical inventions theyve sold to various clans. By including arcane scrying devices they are able to monitor some of the plans of their enemies in other clans. The original idea was to forewarn Lord Morskittar or any of the Clan Skryre Warlock Masters if an assassin was close by or plotting his downfall. However this devious plan has unearthed something more important to Clan Skryre. Apparently Clan Eshin has been sending operatives to the human city of Mordheim to gain possession of a large quantity of warpstone (which is what the skaven call wyrdstone). This has to be stopped. If Clan Eshin is left to monopolise this treasure then it will be the most powerful clan amongst the skaven. Of all the clans, Clan Skryre rivals only Clan Moulder in its need for warpstone. It is the main source of power in all of their diabolical inventions. They also realize that its sources are getting scarcer, and so they must do all they can to maintain their stockpile. Lord Morskittar has charged Ikit Claw himself to oversee the secret operations in Mordheim. He has also modified some of the more appropriate weapons of the skaven armies for use in the cramped streets. Training his chosen Warlock Engineers in how to do battle above ground in a human city, he has sent them forth to secure the warpstone in Mordheim for Clan Skryre. The other clans must not find out about Clan Skryres involvement in Mordheim. Lord Morskittar has decided that it will be more beneficial if only his clan and Clan Eshin know about this warpstone deposit. He will not risk losing this opportunity to maintain his position as the most powerful leader of the clans. Because of this, Clan Skryre must not deal with any other clan when preparing its members for Mordhiem, in case they find out about Clan Skryres plans. Ikit has also declared that any Clan Eshin troops encountered are to be wiped out and their warpstone reclaimed for Clan Skryre. They should not be able to report to their superiors about seeing Clan Skryre in the city. A Clan Skryre warband is led by an insane Warlock Engineer, and accompanied by his apprentices. Slaves are never too far behind the Warlock Engineers. They need test subjects for the arcane experiments that each hopes will gain him a foothold in the upper hierarchy of Clan Skryre. The insane weapons of the Warlock Engineers give a Clan Skryre warband the edge they need against the horrors of Mordheim, however many can be very unstable if the luck of the Horned One doesnt shine on the day. Clan Skryre Clan Skryre equipment lists The following lists are used by the Clan Skryre to pick their equipment.
Choice of warriors A Clan Skryre warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns (representing your resources) that you can use to recruit and equip your initial warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 15. Warlock Engineer: Each Clan Skryre warband must have one Warlock Engineer: no more, no less! Overseer: Your warband may include a single Overseer. Apprentice Warlocks: Your warband may include up to three Apprentice Warlocks. Verminkin: Any number of models may be Verminkin. Weapon Specialists: Your warband may include up to 6 Weapon Specialists. Slaves: Any number of models may be slaves. Starting experience A Warlock Engineer starts with 20 experience. Overseers start with 8 experience. Apprentice Warlocks start with 0 experience. Henchmen start with 0 experience. Clan Skryre special equipment This equipment is only available to Clan Skryre, and no other warbands may purchase it. See the Trading section for full rules on acquiring rare items.
poison wind globes 15+ 2D6 gold crowns Availability: Rare 6, Clan Skryre only These fragile spheres of glass are filled with toxic warpstone-derived fumes produced by the Warlock Engineers in their secret laboratories. Range Strength Save Modifier Special Rules 6 Special Special Poison wind, Drop SPECIAL RULES Poison wind: Obstacles do not affect the deadly gas inside the globes. Ignore penalties to cover when rolling to hit. This also means that they ignore armour saves. A globe wounds any target and those in base-to-base contact on a 4+. Drop: If a model rolls a 1 to hit with a poison wind globe, he has dropped it or the fragile sphere has broken in its hands. Resolve a hit against the model that dropped it (and any in base-to-base contact). A model may voluntarily drop a globe instead of using a weapon in close combat. warp blades 40+D6 gold crowns Availability: Rare 8, Clan Skryre only These arcane tools come in the shape of large blades and are attached to any pole the skaven has handy. SPECIAL RULES Tap into the winds: Warp Blades may be attached to any spear, staff or halberd. It gives its bearer the knowledge of the Chain Lightening spell. whip 5 gold crowns Availability: Common, Clan Skryre only Slaves are a common sight in Clan Skrye warbands, and an Overseer with a whip knows how to keep them in line. Range Strength Special Rules Close Com As user Cannot be parried SPECIAL RULES Cannot be parried: The whip is a very flexible weapon. Attempts to parry its strikes are futile. A model attacked by a whip may not make parries with swords or bucklers. warpfire thrower 65 + D6x10 gold crowns Availability: Rare 11, Clan Skryre only Modified for use in the cramped streets of Mordheim, this deadly device shoots a burst of flaming, liquefied warpstone all over its horrified targets. Range Strength Save Modifier Special Rules 1D6 5 -2 Move or fire, Corrosive fluid, Warpstone injection, Unstable SPECIAL RULES Move or fire: You may not move and fire a warpfire thrower in the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up from knocked down. Corrosive fluid: When your model fires the warpstone thrower, draw a line 1d6 long and 1 wide. All models touched by its path are hit D3 times. Warpstone injection: To operate the warstone thrower a model with a warpstone pump must be in base-to-base contact. For each warpstone token used up in the warpstone pump, you may add a d6 to the weapons range and its width increases by 1 (up to maximum of 3 wide). Unstable: If you roll a 1 on any die that is determining range, you have caused a misfire, consult the Instability Chart below. ratling gun 40 + D6x10 gold crowns Availability: Rare 10, Clan Skryre only A smaller version of the one used in Skaven armies, the Ratling Gun used by Clan Skryre warbands can still cause tremendous pain to its enemies. Range Strength Save Modifier Special Rules 12 3 -1 Move or fire, Warpstone injection, Unstable SPECIAL RULES Move or fire: You may not move and fire a ratling gun in the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up from knocked down. Warpstone injection: To operate the ratling gun a model with a warpstone pump must be in base-to- base contact. For each warpstone token used up in the warpstone pump, you may fire an extra D3 shots. These extra shots may be split amongst more than 1 model and must all be rolled to hit separately. All targets must be within 6 of the first. Unstable: If a 1 is rolled when rolling to hit, you have caused a misfire. Do not continue to roll for any more hits and consult the Instability Chart below. jezzail 170 + D3x10 gold crowns Availability: Rare 9, Clan Skryre only The jezzail fires bullets of refined warpstone that explode on impact, making a mockery of the thickest armour. Range Strength Save Modifier Special Rules 36 6 -3 Move or fire, Pavise, Prepare Shot, Reliable SPECIAL RULES Move or fire: You may not move and fire a jezzail in the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up from knocked down. Pavise: The barrel of the jezzail is too long to aim without help. To fire a jezzail a model with a skaven pavise must be in base-to-base contact. Prepare shot: A jezzail takes a complete turn to reload, so you may only fire it every other turn. Reliable: If a 1 is rolled to hit, then roll another dice. If that is a 1 then the jezzail has a serious problem. The jezzail has backfired and hits the model carrying it. skaven pavise 15 gold crowns Availability: Common, Clan Skryre only This heavy shield is very effective against missile attacks, and is often used to support a Skaven carrying a jezzail. SPECIAL RULES Save: The pavise counts as a shield and also confers a cover save against ranged attacks, but is too bulky to be used in close combat. Using the core rules, this would give its bearer a +2 save against ranged attacks. warpstone pump 40 gold crowns Availability: Rare 6, Clan Skryre only SPECIAL RULES Save: The metal covering the unstable mechanisms inside the warpstone pump is very thick (for good reason!). A model with a warpstone pump counts as wearing heavy armour. He may not wear any additional light or heavy armour if he carries a warpstone pump. Warpstone injector: Warpstone tokens may be placed inside the warpstone pump by the model carrying it at any time. The effects of this are listed under the various entries of weapons that can make use of this ability. Unstable: If the model is wounded by a black powder or fire-causing weapon then its equipment may be damaged. Roll D3 on the Instability Chart. gas mask 5 gold crowns Availability: Common, Clan Skryre only This protective device gives a slight increase to a warriors survival against the poisonous gases developed by Clan Skryre. SPECIAL RULES Save: If a model wears a gas mask, then he is only affected by poison wind on a 5+ instead of a 4+. upgraded warp-energy condenscor 100 + D6x10 gold crowns Availability: Rare 8, Clan Skryre only This allows the bearer to view the winds of magic more easily and so the better controls them. SPECIAL RULES Energy condensation: A warrior with this item gains +1 to his rolls to see whether he can cast spells successfully or not.
supercharged chain-lightning modulator 60 + 3D6 gold crowns Availability: Rare 11, Clan Skryre only This improved generator enhances the strength of Clan Skryre wizardry. SPECIAL RULES Power accumulation: With this device, the strength of the chain lightning spell is raised to 4. It also produces a crackling sphere of electricity around the warrior, giving him a 5+ save against spells (including his own!). warpstone tokens 1 wyrdstone shard Availability: Special, Clan Skryre only To maintain a (sort of) sustainable source of power for their weapons, the Warlock Engineers have a developed a way of refining shards of wyrdstone into tokens that can fuel their devices. SPECIAL RULES Warpstone boost: A skaven wizard can consume one warpstone token before he casts a spell. He gains +1 to his rolls to see if can cast spells successfully that turn. Warpstone refining: A warlock engineer or apprentice engineer may elect to convert a wyrdstone shard into d3 warp tokens before you sell wyrdstone. He may not look for rare items if this is done. This is the only way to produce warpstone tokens. Warp Fuel: Warpstone tokens are used in warpstone pumps, see the entry under the weapon you want to use a warpstone token in for the details. Instability Chart D6 Result 1 Ka-Boom! The warpstone pump has some major malfunction, and explodes. All models within 3 take a strength 4 hit. The warpstone pump is destroyed, remove it from your warbands equipment 2 Burst pipe. A pipe carrying the boiling run-off of liquid wyrdstone bursts and sprays a gout of flame all over the warpstone pump carrier. He suffers a strength 3 hit in the hand-to-hand combat phase for the next D3 turns. Models in base to base suffer the same fate and these hits are worked out before any others in close combat. 3 Jammed. The pipes and gears of the warpstone pump have been lightly damaged and does not function. The warrior must spend his next shooting phase repairing it. 4 Whoops!!! A blockage in the weapon causes a cloud of green steam to surround the warrior. Its shots are all fired at a single random target (friend or foe!) within 12 by the half blinded and disorientated skaven, 5 Aaargh! The weapon backfires, hitting the model who is carrying it. The barrel of the weapon is also clogged, rendering the weapon useless for the rest of the game. 6 Overload. The weapon builds up excessive pressure and destroys the barrel of the weapon, remove it from your equipment. However it still fires and the shot is extremely powerful. If using a warpfire thrower, treat the shot as having a range of 24, and a width of 3. If you are using the ratling gun, you get an extra 3 shots at strength 4 (re-roll any 1s to hit).
Fraskitt, the Warlock Engineer, sniffed the air and adjusted the dial on his arcane helmet. Eshin Clan close-close, hide, he snarled to his fellow rats. They ducked back into the open sewer and waited. A small whimper issued from the back and some chains softly clinked. Fraskitt glared at Oskk, their mighty Overseer, and Oskk new what that meant. He pushed his way through the skaven backed up in the tunnel until he came to the slaves. His giant fist slammed into one of their snouts, and the slave fell to ground. Quite! whispered Oskk through clenched teeth. A slinking figure appeared in the shadows across from where the Clan Skryre warband was hiding. Fraskitt motioned his Weapons Specialists forward and slipped a warpstone token into his mouth. A line of black-garbed skaven skulked into the street. Friskitt muttered some words and twisted a dial on the device attached to his halberd. One of the Clan Eshin skaven turned towards the sewer, perhaps picking up on the strange sounds with his sensitive ears. If he did notice something, it was the last thing he ever heard. A bolt of blue electricity arced from Friskitts warp blades and slammed through the assassins body, leaving him smoking on the ground. The electricity jumped to the stunned skaven next to the charred body, jolting him into the air. Knives shredded the air around the sewer but found only the thick wood of the pavise, which almost took up the entire entry. A massive boom then shook the ground as the Jezzail fired. The shot smashed a gaping hole into the building behind the frantic skaven of Clan Eshin. The Weapons Specialist then began the struggle of reloading the archaic weapon. A massive figure lurched forward from the ambushed skaven and leaped towards the sewer that still concealed the Clan Skryre warband. Its roar resulted in the musk of fear spreading amongst Friskitts robes. Oskk! Charge the slaves quick-quick! All else ready poison-wind globes. Clan Skryre skill tables Combat Shooting Academic Strength Speed Warlock Engineer Overseer Apprentice Warlock
1 Warlock engineer 70 gold crowns to hire These techno-mages are equipped with complex harnesses that allow them to visualize the ever mutating winds of magic. They can then tap into the flow of power and use its energy for their destructive spells. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 7 Weapons/armour: A Warlock Engineer may be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Skryre Heroes Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Warlock Engineer may use his Leadership instead of his own. Wizard: An Warlock Engineer is a wizard and uses the Magic of the Horned Rat. See the Magic section for details. Hates Clan Eshin: The Warlock Engineer is under orders to eliminate any influence of Clan Eshin in Mordheim. He hates all Skaven (not Rat Ogres or hired swords) in a Clan Eshin Skaven warband.
0-1 Overseer 45 gold crowns to hire The presence of a Clan Skryre Overseer instills a great deal of fear and discipline into the ranks of slaves they watch over. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld 6 4 3 4 3 1 5 1 6 Weapons/armour: A Clan Skryre Overseer may be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Skryre Heroes Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Slave Driver: An Overseer strikes fear into his slaves. They may use his leadership if they are within 3. If he is armed with a whip, this increases to 6. Slave Master: Though he works them to their limits, an Overseer knows that its in the warbands best interest to keep them alive. Skaven Slaves ignore the Easy come, easy go rule if the Overseer wasnt taken Out of Action in the battle. 0-3 Apprentice warlocks 18 gold crowns to hire Apprentice Warlocks are the young students of Clan Skryre. Recently initiated into the secrets of the clan, they make up for their lack of knowledge with their ambition and energy. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld 5 2 3 3 3 1 4 1 4 Weapons/armour: An Apprentice Warlock may be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Skryre Heroes Equipment list.
henchmen (bought in groups of 1-5)
Verminkin 20 gold crowns to hire Verminkin are the Clanrats of Clan Skryre. The strongest amongst them are initiated into the secrets of the clan and begin their training to become Warlocks. All the Clanrats of Clan Skryre dream of rising to the status of a Warlock Engineer one day. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 Weapons/armour: Verminkin may be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the Clan Skryre Henchmen Equipment list. 0-6 Weapon specialists 20 gold crowns to hire Teams of skaven trained in the use of the insane devices of the Warlock Engineers, often accompany Clan Skryre warbands to support them with powerful firepower. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 Weapons/armour: Weapon Specialists may be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the Weapon Specialist Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES Hazardous occupation: If a Weapons Specialist ever rolls Lads got talent and becomes a hero, he may only choose from the Clan Skryre Heroes Equipment list for his weapons and armour. He gladly gives up his dangerous job and his insane weapons go into the warbands stash. Skaven slaves 10 gold crowns to hire Skaven Slaves are often pushed ahead of Clan Skryre warbands as a screen against missile fire or to test the strength of the enemy. Warlock Engineers send them to be butchered without hesitation, and other Skaven do not care about their fate at all. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld 5 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 2 Weapons/armour: Slaves are armed with various scavenged weapons. They count as being armed with a single dagger. SPECIAL RULES Life is cheap: Slaves are worthless to the Warlock Engineers. Members of a Clan Skryre warband may shoot into a close combat that only contains enemies and Skaven Slaves. Randomise hits. Easy come, easy go: Skaven Slaves are often used as living experiments and their lifespans are mercifully short. After rolling for Injuries, roll a d6 and remove that amount of slaves from your warband. They havent survived their ordeal in Mordheim. Numerous: Skaven Slaves may be used to increase the Clan Skryres warband numbers up to 20. Experience: Skaven Slaves dont survive long enough to gain experience. Worthless: A Warlock Engineer doesnt expect much from slaves, and is therefore not unsettled if Skaven Slaves break or get cut down in battle. In fact, thats what theyre there for! When testing to see if a Clan Skryre warband needs to take a Rout test, each Skaven Slave taken out of action only counts as half a model. Therefore, a band of 5 Skaven and 10 Skaven Slaves (15 models) would only have to take a test if 4 models fell (4 Skaven or 8 Skaven Slaves, or some combination thereof ).
Clan Skryre Magic Chain Lightning Difficulty 7 Lightening arcs from the complex devices attached to the warlocks weapon and into his enemies. The spell has a range of 24 and has a strength of 3. Roll to hit a target using the warlocks ballistic skill. If the spell hits, then on a 5+ it arcs to the next closest model within 6. The spell will continue to arc to the next model within range until you either run out of targets or you roll under 5. If a 1 is rolled to see if the spell arcs, then the warlock suffers a hit at the strength of the spell as his warp blades overload! The spell may also be used if the warlock is in close combat. If this option is chosen, then it automatically hits the warlock, as well as everyone else in base-to-base contact.