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OCT. 96 SEPT. 95
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
FOREWORD Rev. 0 Total number of pages 18 September 1994 Issue in conformity with the E.E. C. directives This specification replaces and supersedes the following specifications: a) 03703.CMP.STA.SPC - ELECTRICAL CABLES FOR INSTRUMENTATION b) 06139.CMP.STA.SPC - INSTRUMENTATION CABLES Total number of pages 18 October 1996 Revised paragraph 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS
Rev. 1
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.2.1 1.2.2. 1.2.3. 2. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.4.1. 2.4.2. 2.4.3. 2.4.4. 2.4.5. 2.5. 2.5.1. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 2.9.1. 2.10. 2.10.1. 2.10.2. 2.10.3. 2.10.4. 2.10.5. GENERAL Scope References standards European standards Reference standards for shipboard plants (when required for OFF-SHORE installations) Reference internal documents FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Definitions Prototype cable Similar cable Symbols and abbreviations Operative environment Functional Requirements General characteristics Particular characteristics Constructive characteristics Lengths Transportation / Storing arrangement Boundary Conditions Application limits Ergonomics Safety Requirements for Quality Management and Assurance Additional requirement for review Tests and inspections Documentation Documentation with the tender Documentation for approval Documentation to be used by the Company for the plant design Test documentation Final technical documentation
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
1. 1.1.
GENERAL Scope This specification sets out the minimum requirements and the testing plan for the supply of electric cables for instrumentation. For all the aspects not covered by this specification, reference is made to the project technical documentation, and in particular to: Technical Data Sheet (T.D.S) Inspection Data Sheet (I.D.S.) Requested Documentation Data Sheet (R.D.D.S.), The technical requirements of this Functional Specification are based on considerations relevant to performances and efficiency. All the requirements refer therefore to objective logic and then cannot be discriminatory. Any proposed alternative shall be evaluated if its operative and performance validity, as requested by this document, is demonstrated.
References standards The Standards and the Publications relevant to the electric cables for instrumentation are listed here below. As far as applicable, a priority reference shall be given to the EN standards and to the CENELEC harmonisation documents or, in their absence, to the CEI, CEI/UNEL standards and to the IEC Publications. The requirements of Laws and Rules issued by the local Authorities or Legal Bodies, under which jurisdiction the plants shall be installed, shall be always respected.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
European standards
20 - 11 20 - 13 20 - 14
Technical characteristics and test requirements for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables. Extruded insulated power cables for rated voltage from 1kV up to 30 kV. R2 rating polyvinyl chloride insulated cables having an insulation degree larger than 3, for electric system with rated voltage from 1kV up to 20 kV. Cables - Partial discharge measurement. Rubber insulated cables of rated voltage up to and including 450/750 V. Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltage up to and including 450/750 V. Calculation of the cables rating. Part 1.Continuous current (100% load factor). Tests on cables which do not propagate fire. Conductors for insulated cables. Junctions and terminations for power cables for voltage Uo/U not exceeding 600/1,000 V a.c. or 750 V d.c. Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for rigid and flexible electric cables (elastomeric and thermoplastic compounds). Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 1: Test methods for general application. Section 1: Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - tests for determining the mechanical properties. Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 1: Test methods for general application. Section 2: Thermal ageing methods. Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 1: Test methods for general application. Section 3: Methods for determining the density Water absorption test - Shrinkage test. Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 1: Test methods for general application. Section 4: Tests at low temperature.
20 - 16 20 - 19 20 - 20 20 - 21 20 - 22 20 - 29 20 - 33
20 - 34
HD 505.1.1 S3 () 811 - 1 - 1 ()
20 - 34/1 - 1
EN 60811-1-2 () 811 - 1 - 2 ()
20 - 34/1 - 2
HD 505.1.3 S1 () 811 - 1 - 3 ()
20 - 34/1 - 3
HD 505.1.4 S1 () 811 - 1 - 4 ()
20 - 34/1 - 4
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
HD 505.2.1 S1 () 811 - 2 - 1 ()
20 - 34/2 - 1
EN 60811-3-1 () 811 - 3 - 1 ()
20 - 34/3 - 1
HD 505.3.2 S1 () 811 - 3 - 2 ()
20 - 34/3 - 2
HD 505.4.1 S2 () 811 - 4 - 1 ()
20 - 34/4 - 1
HD 505.4.2 S2 () 811 - 4 - 2 ()
20 - 34/4 - 2
HD 505.5.1 S2 () 811 - 5 - 1 ()
20 - 34/5 - 1
HD 405.1 S1 ()
332 - 1 ()
20 - 35
HD 405.2 S1 () ---
332 - 2 () 331 ()
20 - 35/2 20 - 36
Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 2: Methods specific to elastomeric compounds. Section 1: Ozone resistance test - Hot set test Mineral oil immersion test. Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds. Section 1: Pressure test at high temperature Tests for resistance to cracking. Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds. Section 2: Loss of mass test - Thermal stability test. Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 4: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Section 1: Resistance to environmental stress cracking - Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air - Measurement of the melt flow index - Carbon black and/or mineral content measurement in PE. Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 4: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Section 2: Elongation at break after preconditioning - Wrapping test after pre-conditioning - Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air - Measurement of mass increase - Long term stability test (Appendix A) - Test method for copper -catalysed oxidative degradation (Appendix B). Test methods for insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables. Part 5: Methods specific to filling compounds. Section 1: Drop point - Separation of oil - Lower temperature brittleness - Total acid number Absence of corrosive components - Permittivity at 23 C - D. C. resistivity at 23 C and 100 C. Tests on electric cables under fire conditions. Part 1: Test on a single vertical insulated wire or cable. Tests on electric cables under fire conditions. Part 2: Test on a single small vertical insulated copper wire or cable. Tests on electric cables which do not propagate fire.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
754 - 1 () 754 - 2 ()
20 - 37
20 - 37/2
20 - 37/3
20 - 37/4
20 - 38/1
Electric cables - Test on gases evolved during combustion. Test on gases evolved during combustion of electric cables - Determination of degree of acidity of gases (corrosivity) by measuring pH and conductivity. Measurement of the density of fumes evolved during the combustion of cabled in pre-defined conditions. Part 1: Test equipment. Measurement of the density of fumes evolved during the combustion of cabled in pre-defined conditions. Part 2: Test procedures and requirements. Rubber insulated cables which do not propagate the flame and having a low emission of toxic and corrosive fumes and gases. Part 1 - Rated voltage Uo/u up to 0.6/1 kV. Rubber insulated cables which do not propagate the flame and having a low emission of toxic and corrosive fumes and gases. Part 2 - Rated voltage Uo/u larger than 0.6/1 kV. Guidelines for the utilisation of low voltage cables. International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 461: Electric cables. Colours of the cores of flexible cables and cords. Power cables - Identification - Designation Current rate - Dimensional data.
2232 ()
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
Reference standards for shipboard plants (when required for OFF-SHORE installations)
92 - 352 () 92 - 375 ()
18 - 2
18 - 11
18 - 16 18 - 17 18 - 21/38
Electrical installations in ship. Part 352: Choice and installation of cables for low-voltage power systems. Electrical installations in ship. Part 375: Telecommunication and radio-frequency cables. General instrumentation, control and communication cables. Electrical installations in ship. Part 351: Insulating materials for shipboard power cables. Electrical installations in ship. Part 376: Shipboard multicore cables for control circuits. UNAV tables using. Fire retardant electric cables with low emission of fumes, toxic and corrosive gases. Electrical installations in ship. Part 359: Sheathing materials for shipboard power and telecommunication cables. Electrical installations in ship. Part 350: Low voltage shipboard cables. General construction and test requirements. Electrical installations in ship. Part 353: Single and multicore cables with extruded solid insulation for rated voltage 0.6/1 kV.
18 - 42
Explicate notes for tables in paragraphs 1.2.1 and 1.2.2. 1) The titles of the IEC Publications, when these are correspondent to the CEI and CENELEC reference standards, are the translation of the relevant original titles. 2) The reference standards and the publications with the indication() are fully correspondent to the CEI national ones. Differently, the treated matter is identical, but the requirements can be different. 1.2.3. Reference internal documents 06795.MAT.STA.STD : Fire retardant instrumentation cables with low emission of smokes and toxic corrosive gases, rubber insulated for rated voltage: Uo / U = 0.6 / 1 kV for sections > 1 mm Uo / U = 0.45 / 0.75 KV for sections 1 mm 06796.MAT.STA.STD : Fire retardant instrumentation cables with low emission of halogenhydric gases, PVC insulated for rated voltage: Uo / U = 0.6 / 1 KV for sections > 1 mm Uo / U = 0.45 / 0.75 KV for sections 1 mm
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
2. 2.1.
Reference is made to the standards listed in paragraph 1.2 for definitions and terminology. The followings definitions are used, too: 2.1.1. Prototype cable: it is made up by the same materials as the cables to be supplied. it has the same fabrication characteristics, with the admitted tolerances, of the cables to be supplied, but it may have a different number of cores and a different section of conductors. it is either part of the supply or has been fabricated using the same fabrication procedures of the cables to be supplied. it has passed positively the type test. 2.1.2. Similar cable: it has constructive characteristics, nominal data and performances only partially equal to those of other cables for which the prototype exists. 2.2. Symbols and abbreviations Reference is made to the standards listed in paragraph 1.2 for symbols and abbreviations. 2.3. Operative environment The electrical cables for instrumentation shall be designed and fabricated for the environmental conditions of the installation site as indicated in the Project Specification/Data Sheet. All the environmental conditions which may affect the life and the full integrity of materials shall be taken into considerations, as: minimum and maximum temperature presence of polluting and corrosive substances presence of fouling and/or moulds; solar radiation effects.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
2.4. 2.4.1.
Functional Requirements General characteristics The general characteristics of the instrumentation electric system necessary for the identification of cables by the Supplier shall be specified by the Company in the Data Sheet. The following typical applications with cables suitable for installation in fire hazardous areas are defined to be used in the project: a) fire ratardant cables b) fire ratardant cables with low emission of fumes, toxic and corrosive gases. in particular for: intrinsically safe plants (AD-I) safe (non intrinsically safe) plants and not safe plants.
Special characteristics The cables shall have at least the characteristics listed here below. Any deviation shall be approved in writing by the Company. a) Resistance to hydrocarbons. b) Resistance to special environment stresses. c) Non propagation of the flame, in accordance with the tests stated in the Harmonisation documents CENELEC HD 405.1 S1 e HD 405.2 S2. d) Non propagation of the fire, in accordance with the tests stated in the IEC 332-3 or CEI 20-22 Publications. The non metallic mass or material volume used for the test and their category shall be indicated in the Project Specification/Data Sheet in compliance with the applied Normative references, as listed here below:
CEI 20 - 22
IEC 332 - 3
--A B C
e) Fire resistance, if requi red, in accordance with the tests stated in the IEC 331 or CEI 20-36 Publications. f) Low emission of corrosive gases, in accordance with the tests stated in the IEC 754-1 or CEI 20-37 Part 1 Publications. The maximum amount of gaseous halide acids, in terms of Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) per sample mass unit shall be = 0.3%. g) Low emission of toxic gases, in accordance with the tests stated in the IEC 754-2 or CEI 20-37 Part 2 Publications. The maximum toxicity index of the cable shall be = 2. h) Low emission of opaque fumes. The maximum amount of fumes shall be such that the maximum optical density "D" is = 1.5. The test shall be in accordance with CEI 20-37 Part 3. Alternatively, the minimum light transmission shall be measured, in accordance with ASTM D 2843, and it shall be > 40%.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
Constructive characteristics Formation and identification of cables The formation, identification and special requirements shall be specified in the Data Sheet.
Conductors With reference to the CENELEC HD 383 S2 document, the conductors can be one of the following types: Class 1: Class 2: Class 5: single-wire rigid cord flexible cord
The conductors of the cables, object of this specification, shall be made of one of the following materials: Electrolytic annealed tinned copper for rubber insulated cables Electrolytic annealed untinned copper for PVC insulated cables. Cores identification The cores of the conductors shall be identified by coded colours, in accordance with the CEI/UNEL normative references. In the absence of any indication, the cores shall be identified as follows: Two cores cable: Three cores cables: Four cores cables: Multiple cores cable: Cable for thermocouples: BLACK - LIGHT BLUE BLACK - BROWN - LIGHT BLUE BLACK - BROWN - BLACK - LIGHT BLUE BLACK colours of the cores as per ANSI-MC-961 STD.
Insulating material The insulation shall be obtained by a compact layer of thermoplastic material, having uniform thickness and a plain surface. It shall be applied on the conductor by extrusion and shall have fabrication characteristics and thickness suitable for the cable.
Lapping The conductors shall be lapped by synthetic, not fibrous and not hygroscope material with such flexibility and strength to provide an uniform and strong protection to the cable bends lapping. A non hygroscope material band shall be provided under and above the lapping, to avoid any its movement.
Shielding One of the following types of shielding could be required: a) Shield for conductors (single, couple or triad) obtained with: a single aluminium tape wound and overlapped for at least 15% of its width. two aluminium tapes, the second covering the spaces between the waps of the first one, with an overlapping on both the sides of at least 15% of the tape width.
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b) Electrostatic shield obtained with: aluminium helicoidal wound tape with a minimum overlapping of 15% of its width. aluminium band longitudinally applied with a 6 mm minimum overlapping, with he t exception of cables with a diameter on the lapping lower than 20 mm, on which a minimum overlapping of 20% of the band width is accepted. The shielding lapping shall be in no point in contact with the armour of the cable. A polypropylene or other similar material tape with features and wound such that the mechanical and electric characteristics of the lapping are equal or better than those obtained with an aluminium band, can be used in substitution of the aluminium one. This type of lapping shall have waterproofing properties for the core of the cable or the group of conductors. A longitudinal tinned copper wire shall be provided in continuous contact with the aluminium tape, maintained in place by a propylene lapping or other equivalent material. c) Electromagnetic shield obtained with: spiral wires or rip cords long pitch helicoidal wound, such that an uniform layer is obtained. braiding. Any type of electromagnetic shield shall be in annealed electrolytic copper, with the same quality of the copper used for the fabrication of the conductors. It shall be laid such that the 80% of its surface shall be overlapped. The metallic elements of the shield shall have always a safe electric continuity all along the cable. Weldments shall be used for the junctions (if any). Twisting of the conductors If requested, each couple or cable (two cores, three cores), shall be twisted 30 times on each linear metre. Armour The protection of the cable by metallic armour shall be obtained with one of the following configurations: wired, copper plaited and/or rip corded lapped. The wired or rip corded armour shall be provided by a single layer with the elements, of the galvanised type, long pitch helicoidal wound and adhesive each other; the rip cords, in particular, shall be sided by their shortest side. The rip corded armour shall not be utilised for cables with diameters at the first sheathing lower than 20 mm. The band armour shall be obtained by a couple of bands, previously bitumen, spiral wound in the same direction, such that the second shall cover the gaps between the wasps of the first one with an overlapping of at least a third of its width, with the sided edges bend and welded to obtain a continuous pipe. The band armour shall not be utilised for cables with diameters at the first sheathing lower than 10 mm.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
Internal sheathing When requested and/or always for armoured cables, an internal protective continuous and compact sheathing shall be provided. This sheathing shall be applied by extrusion, adhesive to the lapping on the cable core but not sticked to the covered components, such that its removal is made easy.
External sheathing The cable shall be covered by an external sheathing having the same characteristics of the internal one. For special utilisation, the external sheathing can be of a special type, identified by a different colour.
Markings The following reference data shall be put indelibly on the cable external sheathing: Manufacturer mark Identification tag, followed by the Normative reference for the special requirements (if any). The identification tag shall be repeated all along the length of the cable, at intervals of 1 m. Progressive numbering (if any) to identify the length of the cable, repeated at interval of 500 mm. The difference between the number shown on the external and the internal end of the coil shall give the value of the total length, with the accepted tolerances.
Accessories and ancillaries When requested, they shall be indicated in the Data Sheet.
Sizing lengths The following information shall be provided for each cable type and formation: total quantity number and nominal length of each coil. The minimum length shall be as follows, when not otherwise required: one core cable : two cores cable : cable with external diameter 40 mm : cable with external diameter > 40 mm: 500/1000 m 250 m 500 m 300 m
A 3% maximum tolerance shall be accepted on lengths for the multiple cables. A + 5% tolerance shall be accepted for mandatory length coils. Shorter lengths shall be accepted, with the exclusion of multiple cable mandatory length coils, in a total number of coils lower than or equal to 10% of the total required number. Their length shall be, however not lower than: 300 m for 500 m coils 100 m for 300 m coils. The percentage of acceptance shall be applied separately to each type of supplied cable.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
manufacturer's name or marking and type number of the cable. type and designation of cable (number of cores, section, rated voltage , etc.); actual length of the coil (in metres); any special marking indicating compliance with the Normative references; fabrication date; progressive number of the cable reel; weight of the cable reel including the wound cable; Company's identification code; Company's order number.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
Field of application The content of this specification shall not be applied to submarine cables.
Safety No safety requirements are defined. The Contractor, however, shall guarantee that the electrical cables for instrumentation, object of this Functional Specification, shall be fabricated adopting good practice.
Requirements for Quality Management or Quality Assurance, where appropriate, are contained in the Specification enclosed in the Tender documents.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
2.9. 2.9.1.
Additional requirement for review Tests and Inspections The cables, extent of the supply, shall be available for inspection, during or after the fabrication. All the final tests shall be carried out under the responsibility of the Contractor or his authorised Representative, and shall be witnessed and approved by the Company's Inspectors or authorised Representatives. The Contractor shall provide all the equipment, the personnel and whatever is necessary for the execution of the tests. The inspections and the tests shall be, at least, those specified in the applicable Normative references and/or the Inspection Data Sheet. Generally, inspections and tests shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures indicated in the Normative references and/or the following requirements: The procedure for the tests requested but not specified in the Normative references, shall be described in the Inspection data Sheet. The procedure for the execution of other inspections and tests not requested by the Rules and this specification shall be defined on a case by case basis. The ancillaries type-test shall be requested when they are in conformity with the normative references. The Contractor shall verify their execution and provide all the relevant documentation. For the ancillaries acceptance tests reference is made to the provisions for the type tests. They shall be, however, submitted to the inspections listed in the Inspection Data Sheet. The final tests shall be carried out in conformity with the following classification: Type test Acceptance test Special test. All the relevant documentation, as copies of certificates, drawings, specifications, test procedures, forms filled with the test data shall be made available to the Company for review.
Type test Scope of the type test is to verify the conformity of a specific product with the normative references and with the original project. The type test shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, who shall carry out it on prototypes or specimen of the cable. Any recognition of cables similar to those object of the supply, like prototypes, shall be exclusive right of the Company, who reserves the right to require for them any test among the type ones. When the results of a test are unsatisfactory, the test shall be repeated on two specimens. If the result of this second test is unsatisfactory, even for only one of the two specimens, the complete supplyshall be rejected.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
Acceptance test Scope of the acceptance test is to ascertain, through the review of the documentation and the execution of significative tests and inspections, the conformity of the supplied cables to the technical requirements set out in the original project and to the prototype and its compliance with the Company's requirements. The acceptance test shall also reveal the existence of any material or fabrication defect. The acceptance test (individual) shall be carried out by the Contractor on all the cables to be supplied. For this purpose, the following two different test typologies are defined: Routine tests Mandatory tests on cable's specimens. a) Routine tests(on all the cables lengths ready for shipment): dimensions of conductors electric resistance of the conductor voltage and isolating resistance tests continuity test for the core, the shield and the armour of the conductors dielectric rigidity test, as per BS-6346.
b) Mandatory test on material specimens made up by cables lengths randomly selected and in the quantity specified in the Normative references. The following inspections and tests shall be carried out on the whole length, on limited sections or specimens of the cable materials: measurement of the external diameters test of the density of the insulating material and of the internal and external sheathings. dimensions of the plaited wires.
The 10% of the coils (a minimum of two) shall be extracted from the supply. the supply shall be accepted, if all the tests shall be satisfactory. the supply shall be rejected, if two or more coils shall result unsatisfactory. other two coils shall be extracted from the supply, if a single coil shall result unsatisfactory.
Of these last ones: the supply shall be accepted, if both the coils shall be satisfactory. The defective coil shall be rejected. the supply shall be rejected, if one or both the coils shall result unsatisfactory.
c) Special tests They include all the tests and inspections not included in the type or acceptance tests, and that the Company may require specifically.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent
2.10 2.10.1.
Documentation Documentation with the tender a) Company's Data Sheet, filled in all the parts and complete with attachments (if any). b) Useful information for the evaluation of the tender: information on the cables type and their typical formation. dimensions and weights of the cables and of their packing.
Documentation for approval The approval given by the Company to the documentation, if necessary, shall be relevant only to the formal review of the parameters indicated in the project documents.
Documentation to be used by the Company for the plant design This documentation shall include all those documents needed for the execution of the design of the plant and for the installation of the cables, object of the supply.
Test documentation The test documentation shall include, at least, the following documents: full certification relevant to the type, acceptance and special tests. list of inspections and tests carried out,with the description of the procedures and the utilised instruments.
Final technical documentation The final documentation, with the exception of catalogues and publications provided by the Contractor and sub-Contractors (if any), shall include the following data: name of the Contractor name of the Company identification tag, defined by the Company title of the document reference to the Company's order.
The documentation shall be subdivided as follows: a) Design and installation instruc tions b) Operative instructions c) Maintenance instructions The inclusion of the description and the drawings in catalogues or publications provided by the Contractor will be accepted, provided that: the catalogues (or publications) shall contain all the data and the requested information in their final form; the catalogues (or publications) shall be relevant to the supplied types and the materials, object of the supply, are clearly identified among those shown in the document. The documentation submitted to the Company's approval shall be included in the final documentation, in the revision approved by the Company.
Il presente documento RISERVATO ed di propriet dell'AGIP. Esso non sar mostrato a Terzi n sar utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli per i quali stato inviato. This document is CONFIDENTIAL and the sole property of AGIP It shall neither be shown to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent