Dheeraj Kumar Pepsi
Dheeraj Kumar Pepsi
Dheeraj Kumar Pepsi
I, D ee!"# $um"!, declare that the Project Report e t!tled " Dem"3d "3"&y2i2 "t Pe72i i3 G "8i"b"d# ha$ %ee co&pleted %' &e ( der the $(per)!$!o o* M!' S"3#ee9 G"!: +Co&pa ' G(!de, a d M2' P!iy"3;" +Fac(lt' G(!de,Th!$ re$earch !$ &' or!.! al /or0 a d !t !$ $(%&!tted ! part!al *(l*!ll&e t o* the re1(!re&e t$ *or the de.ree o* Ma$ter o* 2($! e$$ Ad&! !$trat!o - It ha$ ot %ee $(%&!tted %e*ore, e!ther /hole or ! part, *or a ' de.ree or e3a&! at!o at th!$ ( !)er$!t' or a ' other ( !)er$!t'-
Th!$ project !$ the o(tco&e o* the .reat deal o* co5operat!o o* the reta!ler$ a d co $(&er$- I a& )er' .rate*(l to M!' S"3#ee9 G"!: 4TDM G "8i"b"d !e:i%36 *or the!r *r!e dl' $(pport a$ /ell a$ .(!da ce- S!&(lta eo($l' I /o(ld al$o l!0e to ac0 o/led.e a d Tha 0$ M!' <i;"2 G"ut"m 4Se3i%! Cu2t%me! E=e1uti9e6 /!th all The Sale$5&a o* the Sa 2e)era.e$ I d!a Ltd- *or the!r co t! (o($ S(pport a d *r!e dl' .(!da ce, /h!ch helped &e to ( der$ta d the So*t dr! 0 &ar0et o* Gha6!a%ad a d do &' jo% /!th &ore cred!%!l!t'-
I /o(ld al$o l!0e to tha 0$ &' .(!da ce t(tor$ >M2' P!iy"3;" 40"1u&ty5 Membe!6 a d all the *ac(lt!e$ o* M2A depart&e t *or the!r .reat S(pport a d .(!da ce-
For &a a.e&e t career !$ !&porta t to de)elop &a a.e&e t $0!ll$, ! order to ach!e)e po$!t!)e a d co crete re$(lt$, alo . /!th the $hop ! $(ra ce co cept$- The e3po$(re o* real $hop ! $(ra ce $!t(at!o e3!$t! . ! pract!cal tra! ! . !$ re1(!redcorporate /orld !$ )er' &(ch eeded- To *(l*!ll th!$ eed th!$
the 8ar(
$(per)!$!o o* Mr- Sa jee) Gar. +Terr!tor' 9e)elop&e t Ma a.er,- It /a$ &' .ood *ort( e to .et tra! ! . ! )er' health' at&o$phere a$ I .ot a&ple opport( !t' to )!e/ the o)erall /or0! . o* &ar0et! .-
I the *ollo/! . pa.e$ a atte&pt ha$ %ee &ade to pre$e t a co&prehe $!)e report co)er! . a$pect$ o* &' tra! ! .-
Ac0 o/led.e&e t 9eclarat!o Pre*ace PART5A E3ec(t!)e S(&&er' Co&pa ' Pro*!le PART5B I trod(ct!o to the top!c Methodolo.' O%ject!)e 9ata a al'$!$ ; ! terpretat!o F! d! .$ Co cl($!o S/ot a al'$!$ Reco&&e dat!o 2!%l!o.raph' <(e$t!o a!re
RATIONAL STUDY: S(cce$$ !$ e)er a de$t! at!o %(t a jo(r e'- Cro$$! . &!le$to e a*ter o e a other /!th $peed a d accelerat!o - A re t le$$ p(r$(!t o* e3celle ce, propelled %' the $pr!t !* d' a&!$& a d !t .a)e a &o&e t(& $cal! . .reater he!.ht$- It ha$ %ee a .reat e3per!e ce to /or0 /!th the PEPSI Co&pa '-
car%o ated $o*t dr! 0 +CS9, &ar0et- The co&pa '?$ prod(ct$ are@
Pep$! cola M!r! da le&o M!r! da ora .e B5(p Mo( ta! de/ Sl!ce A1(a*! a M! eral Cater The co&pa ' !$ ! per*ect co&pet!t!o /!th coca5cola co&pa '-
The $a.a o* Pep$!@ there are &a ' /ho *eel that Pep$! had the *!r$t &o)er ad)a ta.e ! I d!a- L!ttle do the' 0 o/ a%o(t Pep$!, ! !t!al *ora' ! to I d!a $o*t dr! 0 ! d($tr' /a' %ac0 ! 1D=>E Coca5Cola had e tered ! the co( tr' j($t a 'ear %ac0 ! 1D==- Ho/e)erA latter Pep$! /!thdra/$ *ro& the co( tr' ! 1D>1 d(e to %ottl! . pro%le&$ The $eco d ate &p /a$ %etter pla e- O D th No)e&%er 1DFB the .o)t- o* I d!a?$ Project appro)al %oard +PA2, appro)ed Pep$! Co&pa '?$ $eco d appro)al to e ter the co( tr' the re$t a$ the cl!chG .oe$ ! the h!$tor'- Pep$! /a t to %eco&e the lar.e$t $ell! . $o*t dr! 0 %ra d ! the co( tr' /!th ! a $pa o* decade- E)e the co ected e**ort$ o* the .lo%al .!a t Coca5Cola a d ert/h!c0 parle %ra d$
co(ld o l' pale ! co&par!$o Pep$! Co&pa ' ha$ %($! e$$ ! tere$t$ ! three area$@ $o*t dr! 0$, $ ac0$5*ood$ ; 1(!c0 $er)!ce re$ta(ra t$ Pep$! co&pa '?$ $o*t5dr! 0 %ra d$ ! cl(de@ PEPSI5COLA MIRIN9A ORANGE MIRIN9A LEMON SLICE BUP MOUNTAIN 9EC PEPSI 9IET E8RESS +SO9A, A<UAFINA
Re$ta(ra t$ cha! $@ P!66a H(t, Taco 2ell a d He t(c0' *r!ed ch!c0e re$ta(ra t $'$te& ! the /orld-
To $tart /!th, Let ($ $ee ho/ the t/o cola .!a t$ de)eloped ! to .ol!ath?$ o* the $o*t dr! 0 ! d($tr' *ro& the!r h(&%le %e.! ! .$-
Pep$!5Cola Co&pa ' 5 Pep$!5Cola +*or&(lated ! 1FDF,, 9!et Pep$! +1D>:, a d Mo( ta! 9e/ +! trod(ced %' T!p Corporat!o ! 1D:F,
Fr!to5La', I c- 5 Fr!to$ %ra d cor ch!p$ +created %' El&er 9ool! ! 1D74,, La'K$ %ra d potato ch!p$ +created %' Her&a C- La' ! 1D7F,, Cheeoto$ %ra d chee$e *la)ored$ ac0$ +1D:F,, R(**le$ %ra d potato ch!p$ +1D=F, a d Rold Gold %ra d pret6el$ +ac1(!red 1D>1, Mo( ta! 9e/ la( che$ !t$ *!r$t ca&pa!. LMahoo Mo( ta! 9e/ --- !tKll T!c0le 'o(r ! ard$-L
9or!to$ %ra d tort!lla ch!p$ are ! trod(ced- The' are de$t! ed to %eco&e the &o$t pop(lar $ ac0 ch!p ! the U-S-Pep$! e ter$ Napa a d Ea$ter E(rope-)A, Pep$! Ge erat!o ad)ert!$! ., LCo&e Al!)eO Mo(Kre ! the Pep$! Ge erat!o L ca&pa!. that a&ed a d cla!&ed a /hole .e erat!o +1D>75>B,, ! trod(ce$ e/ the&e@ LTa$te that %eat$ the other$ cold-Pep$! po(r$ !t o OL -)AB North A&er!ca 8a L! e$ +NA8L,, a pre&!er tra $portat!o co&pa ', jo! $ Pep$!Co- NA8L re&a! $ a $tro . co tr!%(tor to Pep$!Co ( t!l !t !$ d!)e$ted ! 1DF:-)A) 2old, &oder Pep$!5Cola pac0a.! . ($! . red, /h!te a d %l(e !$ ! trod(ced- LMo(K)e .ot a lot to l!)e, Pep$!K$ .ot a lot to .!)e,L %eco&e$ the ad)ert!$! . the&e Fr!to5La' ! trod(ce$ F( '( $ %ra d o !o *la)ored $ ac0$- Mo( ta! 9e/ cha .e$ !t$ $lo.a to LGet That 2are*oot Feel ! K 9r! 0 ! K Mo( ta! 9e/-L -),( Pep$!Co $ale$ pa$$ the J1 %!ll!o &ar0- The co&pa ' ha$ 7>,III e&plo'ee$- Pep$!Co &o)e$ *ro& Ne/ Mor0 C!t' to e/ /orld head1(arter$ ! P(rcha$e, N-M- The e/ corporate head1(arter$ *eat(re a %(!ld! . %' o e o* A&er!caK$ *ore&o$t arch!tect$, Ed/ard 9(rrell Sto e +1DI451DBF,, $et o a ca&p($ o* 1:: acre$ a&!d a o(tdoor $c(lpt(re .arde - Pep$! !$ the *!r$t co&pa ' to re$po d to co $(&er pre*ere ce /!th l!.ht /e!.ht rec'cla%le, pla$t!c %ottle$-),Pep$!Co Ch!e* E3ec(t!)e O**!cer 9o ald M- He dall a$$(&e$ the po$!t!o o* cha!r&a o* the 2oard o* 9!rector$ o the ret!re&e t o* Her&a C- La'- La' &a! ta! $ a act!)e role ! the corporat!o
( t!l h!$ death 9ece&%er >, 1DF4-A drall E- Pear$o !$ appo! ted pre$!de t o* Pep$!Co, a po$!t!o he hold$ ( t!l h!$ ret!re&e t ! 1DF:-),* Mo( ta! 9e/, ac1(!red %' Pep$!5Cola ! 1D>:, $/!tche$ !t$ ad)ert!$! . a d pac0a.e .raph!c$ *ro& h!ll%!ll!e$ to act!o 5or!e ted $ce e$- Sale$ cl!&% a d Mo( ta! 9e/ /!ll %eco&e o e o* the 1I %e$t5 Sell! . $o*t dr! 0$ ! the U !ted State$-),. Food$ I ter at!o al, later called Pep$!Co Food$ I ter at!o al +PFI, a d $(%$e1(e tl' a&ed Fr!to5 La' I ter at!o al, !$ e$ta%l!$hed to &ar0et $ ac0 *ood$ aro( d the /orld- The th!rd Mo( ta! 9e/ $lo.a appear$ LP(t A L!ttle Mahoo ! Mo(r L!*e-L -),+ Pep$!Co $ale$ pa$$ the J4 %!ll!o &ar0- Pep$!5Cola %eco&e$ the *!r$t A&er!ca co $(&er prod(ct to %e prod(ced, &ar0eted a d $old ! the *or&er So)!et U !o -),C Pep$!Co ha$ :D,III e&plo'ee$- Pep$! L!.ht, /!th a d!$t! ct!)e le&o ta$te, !$ ! trod(ced a$ a alter at!)e to trad!t!o al d!et cola$-# Hello S( $h! eL %eco&e$ the $lo.a *or Mo( ta! 9e/-),A The Pep$! Challe .e, ! trod(ced ! 9alla$, Te3- ! 1DB=, %eco&e$ a at!o al ca&pa!. - Aro( d the at!o , co $(&er$ $elect Pep$!5Cola a$ the %e$t ta$t! . cola- Pep$!5Cola %eco&e$ the $! .le lar.e$t $ell! . $o*t dr! 0 %ra d $old ! U-S- $(per&ar0et$- Ad)ert!$! . ca&pa!. !$ LHa)e a Pep$! da'OL LP(pp!e$,L %eco&e$ o e o* A&er!caK$ %e$t5lo)ed ad$-
-),, Pep$!Co ac1(!re$ P!66a H(tA 9a a d Fra 0 Car e' *o( ded I c- P!66a H(t ! 1D=F- It !$ $p( o** alo . /!th Taco 2ell a d HFC %($! e$$e$ a$ Tr!co Glo%al Re$ta(ra t$, I c- ! 1DDB-Pep$!Co pa$$e$ the J7 %!ll!o &ar0 ! $ale$- Pep$!Co $toc0 $pl!t$ three5*or5o e-),B Taco 2ell !$ ac1(!red- Gle 2ell e$ta%l!$hed taco 2ell ! the &!d 1D>I$- It !$ $p( o** alo . /!th P!66a H(t a d HFC %($! e$$e$ a$ Tr!co Glo%al Re$ta(ra t$, I c- ! 1DDB- Later %eco&e$ MUM-),) Ope ! . o* Pep$!Co Re$earch a d Tech !cal Ce ter ! 8alhalla, N-M-
Pep$!Co reache$ J= %!ll!o ! $ale$- Pep$! ! trod(ce$ t/el)e5pac0 ca $-)B( Pep$!Co Food Ser)!ce I ter at!o al +PFSI, !$ *or&ed to *oc($ o re$ta(ra t$- Pep$! !$ P1 ! $ale$ ! ta0e5 ho&e &ar0et-)BPep$!Co pa$$e$ JB %!ll!o ! $ale$-# Pep$!?$ .ot 'o(r ta$te *or l!*eOL !$ the e/ ca&pa!. - Pep$!Co la( che$ Pep$!Co Food S'$te&$ +PFS,, !t$ re$ta(ra t $(ppl' co&pa '- PFS !$ $old to A&er!So(rce ! 1DDB-LG!)e &e 9e/L $(cceed$ the $lo.a LReach *or the S( , Reach *or a Mo( ta! 9e/-L -)B* Pep$! Free a d 9!et Pep$! Free, the *!r$t &ajor %ra d ca**e! e5*ree cola$, are ! trod(cedI a(.(rat!o o* the *!r$t Pep$!5Cola operat!o ! Ch! a-)B. o)er$ea$ de)elop&e t o*
The 2ottler Hall o* Fa&e !$ e$ta%l!$hed to reco. !6e the ach!e)e&e t a d ded!cat!o ! ter at!o al %ottler$-# 9e/ It to It,L the&e !$ ! corporated to %ra d Mo( ta! 9e/-)B+ Pep$!Co !$ re$tr(ct(red to *oc($ o
!t$ three core %($! e$$e$@ $o*t dr! 0$, $ ac0 *ood$ a d
re$ta(ra t$- Tra $portat!o a d $port! . .ood$ $e $e$ are $old- Ca' e Callo/a' %eco&e$ pre$!de t o* Pep$!Co- Her&a C- La' A/ard o* E3celle ce e$ta%l!$hed at Fr!to5La' to reco. !6e /orld5cla$$ $ell! . e3celle ce-)BC Pep$!Co !$ o/ the lar.e$t co&pa ' ! the %e)era.e ! d($tr'- The co&pa ' ha$ re)e (e$ o* &ore tha JB-= %!ll!o , &ore tha 17B,III e&plo'ee$- Pep$!K$ $(cce$$*(l LE terta! &e t Mar0et! .L $trate.' !$ e3te ded, /!th $! .er$ L!o el R!ch!e a d T! a T(r er a d actor M!chael N- Fo3, a&o . other$- Pep$! d!$tr!%(te$ prod(ct$ ! Ch! a-)BA Ca' e Callo/a' %eco&e$ cha!r&a o* the 2oard o* 9!rector$ a d ch!e* e3ec(t!)e o**!cer ! Ma' /he 9o ald M- He dall ret!re$- Pep$!5Cola $po $or$ the *!r$t Ce$ter 5prod(ced co $(&er the So)!et U !o , appear! . d(r! . the Good/!ll Ga&e$- Pep$!Co 2oard o*
co&&erc!al !
9!rector$ )!$!t$ the PeopleK$ Rep(%l!c o* Ch! a to &ar0 the ope ! . o* Pep$!K$ $eco d %ottl! . pla t ! Ch! a-)B, LM($ta .,L a 9!et Pep$! co&&erc!al, %eco&e$ the *!r$t ad e)er to appear ! a ho&e )!deo ca$$etteThe ca$$ette, LTop G( ,L %eco&e$ the lar.e$t5$ell! . )!deo e)er- Pep$! $po $or$ to(r$ o* &ajor &($!c $tar$, ! cl(d! . M!a&! So( d Mach! e, 9a)!d 2o/!e a d T! a T(r er--)BB
Pep$!5Cola I ter at!o al e ter$ a la d&ar0 jo! t )e t(re a.ree&e t ! I d!a- Corld/!de reta!l$ $ale$ o* 9or!to$ %ra d tort!lla ch!p$ h!t J1 %!ll!o - It !$ the /orldK$ lar.e$t $ell! . $ ac0 ch!p$ %ra dPep$!Co ! trod(ce$ Share Po/er Stoc0 Opt!o pro.ra& *or all e&plo'ee$, %eco&! . the *!r$t lar.e corporat!o to a/ard $toc0 opt!o $ too )!rt(all' all *(ll5t!&e e&plo'ee$-)B) Pep$!Co ac1(!re$ Cal0er$ Cr!$p$ a d S&!th Cr!$p$, t/o o* the U !ted H! .do&K$ lead! . $ ac0 *ood co&pa !e$- Pep$!Co e ter$ top 4= o* Fort( e =II ra 0! . /!th $ale$ o* J1=-: %!ll!o , !t !$ (&%er 47- The Co&pa ' ha$ &ore tha 7II,III e&plo'ee$-))( Pep$!Co $toc0 $pl!t$ three5*or5o e- Pep$!Co ac1(!re$ a co troll! . ! tere$t ! Ga&e$a, Me3!coK$ lar.e$t -))Pep$!Co ac1(!re$ a e1(!t' ! tere$t ! Cedel SA, the lead! . &a (*act(rer o* chocolate a d coo0!e co&pa 'Pep$!Co pro*!t$ e3ceed J1 %!ll!o *or the *!r$t t!&e-
co *ect!o er' ! Pola d S ac0$ o/ ! cl(de operat!o $ ! 47 co( tr!e$- Pep$!Co p(rcha$e$ a e1(!t' po$!t!o ! Cart$ o* Colorado, I c-, the lead! . &a (*act(rer a d &ar0eter o* &o%!le
&ercha d!$! . e1(!p&e t- It !$ $old ! 1DD=-))* Pep$!Co p(rcha$e$ a e1(!t' ! tere$t ! Cal!*or !a P!66a H!tche - It !$ $old ! 1DDB- Pep$!5Cola ! trod(ce$ e/ LGot to Ha)e ItL ad)ert!$! . the&e a d la( che$ the LGot to Ha)e ItL card- Pep$! ! trod(ce$ e/ $lo.a L2e Mo( . 5 Ha)e F( 5 9r! 0 Pep$!-L Pep$!5Cola %e.! $ d!$tr!%(t!o o* L!pto K$ l! e o* read'5to5dr! 0 tea$ at!o /!de-
-)). Fr!to5La' la( che$ e/ 9or!to$ %ra d Tort!lla Th! $- C!th! *!)e &o th$ o* la( ch, Tort!lla Th! $ %rea0$ ! to the ra 0$ o* the 1I lar.e$t5$ell! . $ ac0 ch!p$ ! the U-S- Pep$!5Cola I ter at!o al ! trod(ce$ Pep$! Ma3, a $o*t dr! 0 /!th ( !1(e %le d o* $/eete er$ that del!)er$ &a3!&(& cola ta$te ! a o5$(.ar prod(ct- Fr!to5La' at!o all' la( che$ Ca)' La'K$ Or!.! al a d A( Grat! *la)or$- Pep$!5Cola ! trod(ce$ A1(a*! a %ottled /ater ! to te$t &ar0et-))+ Pep$!5Cola !$ *!r$t &ajor $o*t dr! 0 &a0er to %e.! prod(c! . a d d!$tr!%(t! . !t$ prod(ct !
8!et a&- Pep$!Co $ale$ reach J7I-: %!ll!o - There are :BI,III e&plo'ee$ /orld/!de, &a0! . Pep$!Co the th!rd lar.e$t e&plo'er-))C Pep$!5Cola ! trod(ce$ LNoth! . el$e !$ a Pep$!L the&e l! e- Pep$!5Cola !$ top ad $corer ! S(per 2o/l- Pep$!Co /!ll ! trod(ce La'K$ %ra d potato ch!p$ ! -))A LPep$! St(**L ( )e!led- Co $(&er$ $a)e po! t$ *or &ercha d!$e- Pep$!Co a o( ce$ pla $ to $p! o** !t$ re$ta(ra t %($! e$$e$ a$ a ! depe de t p(%l!cl'5traded co&pa ' $ell !t$ *ood d!$tr!%(t!o co&pa ' a d *oc($ o !t$ core %e)era.e a d $ ac0 *ood %($! e$$e$- The $p! 5o** !$ co&pleted Octo%er >, 1DDB- Shareholder$ rece!)e o e $hare ! the e/ re$ta(ra t co&pa ', Tr!o Glo%al Re$ta(ra t$, I c-, *or e)er' 1I $hare$ the' hold ! Pep$!Co, I c-Pep$!Co !$ o/ a J4I %!ll!o co&pa ' /!th appro3!&atel' 1:I,III e&plo'ee$ /orld/!de-)), Pep$!5Cola ! trod(ce$ e/ ad)ert!$! . ca&pa!. /!th the the&e LGe erat!o Ne3t-L Pep$!5Cola North A&er!ca %ottl! . operat!o $ %eco&e a $eparate ( !t called The Pep$!5Cola 2ottl! . 4I &ar0et$ thro(.ho(t the /orld-
Ha/a!!- The e)e t !$ held d(r! . the $a&e t!&e a$ *!r$t %ottler?$ co *ere ce-))B Pep$!5Cola ! trod(ce$ t/o5l!ter pla$t!c %ottle /!th %(!lt5! L.r!p ha dleL that &a0e$ !t ea$!er to .r!p a d po(r-# Pep$!Co prod(ct$ co tr!%(te &ore tha a ' other pac0a.ed .ood$ co&pa ' to the $ale$ .ro/th ! U-S- $(per&ar0et$, &a$$ &ercha d!$er$ a d cha! dr(. $tore$- Trop!ca a Prod(ct$, I cac1(!re$ Al!&e to$ 9el 8alle S-A-, o e o* Spa! K$ lead! . ch!lled j(!ce a d $o(p co&pa !e$-))) Pep$! la( che$ LThe No' o* ColaL ad)ert!$! . ca&pa!. - I March, The Pep$! 2ottl! . Gro(p, the /orldK$ lar.e$t Pep$! %ottler, %e.! $ trad! . o the Ne/ Mor0 Stoc0 E3cha .e- It !$ l!$ted ( der the $'&%ol P2G- The J4-7 %!ll!o p(%l!c o**er! . !$ a&o . the %!..e$t ! !t!al p(%l!c o**er! .$ ! $toc0 &ar0et h!$tor'*((( Pep$!5Cola re)!)e$ !t$ LPep$! Challe .eL ad)ert!$! . ca&pa!. - Challe .e ! cl(de$ Pep$! O e a d 9!et Co0e a$ /ell a$ re.(lar cola- Pep$!5Cola tea&$ (p /!th Mahoo I c-, the %!..e$t /e% a)!.at!o co&pa ', ! a &(lt!&ed!a &ar0et! . ca&pa!. a!&ed at tee $ a d 'o( . ad(lt$*((Pep$!5Cola Co&pa ' la( che$ 9ole $! .le5$er)e j(!ce$ ! )e d! . &ach! e$, cooler$ a d other reta!l Pep$!5ColaK$ o(tlet$ *la.$h!p %ra d thro(.ho(t /!ll ha)e e/ the ta.l! e, U !ted LThe No' o* State$Pep$!-L
Trop!ca a P(re Pre&!(& a d <(a0er Oat&eal la( ch the Heart a d So(l Mate$ S(pport Net/or0 *eat(r! . (tr!t!o t!p$, &ot!)at!o al &e$$a.e$ a d coach! . ad)!ce, to help co $(&er$ t(r health' ha%!t$ ! to l!*e5lo . cha .e$*((. Pep$!5Cola la( che$ S!erra M!$t at!o all'- Pep$!Co la( che$ LGet Act!)eQSta' Act!)eKK
pro.ra&- Pep$! 8a !lla !$ la( ched ! the U !ted State$- Pep$! ( )e!l$ a e/ ta.l! e@ LPep$!- ItK$ the Cola-L It !$ the %ra dK$ *!r$t &ajor ca&pa!. $h!*t $! ce 1DDD a d h!.hl!.ht$ ho/ Pep$! .oe$ /!th e)er'th! . *ro& *ood to *( *((+ /"&& St!eet J%u!3"& a&e$ I dra Noo'! o e o* C( /%me3 t% /"t1 +I L! e to Lead, Mar.o Po$e', pre$!de t o* the 9FC M29C pre$e ted 2o% Go 6ale6 /!th Pre$!de t?$ A/ard *or &er!tor!o($ $er)!ce to the co( c!l o)er the 'ear$- Pep$!Co !$ &e t!o ed a&o . 4> co&pa !e$ that ear ed Go)er a ce Metr!c$ I ter at!o al?$ +GMI, h!.he$t .o)er a ce rat! .*((C Mi&e2t%3e2
Fr!to5La' ! trod(ce$ 9or!to$ 2lac0 Pepper Nac0 9!et S!erra M!$t %eco&e$ S!erra M!$t FreeSo2e La( che$ S(.ar5Free No FearPep$!Co la( che$ LS&art SpotL $'&%ol ! Ca ada Trop!ca a Tea&$ C!th Ce!.ht Catcher$ to O**er Trop!ca a L!.ht R Health' a$ Part o* KPo! t$K Pro.ra&
Trop!ca a T/!$ter Soda La( ched ! Apr!l The F(ddr(c0er$ re$ta(ra t cha! $!. ed a B5'ear, =-> &!ll!o .allo a.ree&e t /!th Pep$!5 Cola North A&er!ca to $er)e Pep$! prod(ct$-
Pep$!5Cola North A&er!ca add$ to !t$ port*ol!o o* 9ole 1IIS j(!ce$ T R(%' Red Grape*r(!t T a$ /ell a$ a e/ l! e o* =IS j(!ce %e)era.e$ called 9ole L!.ht$-
Gatorade ! trod(ce$ Gatorade E d(ra ce For&(la Pep$!5Cola North A&er!ca a o( ced !t /!ll add Sple daU %ra d $/eete er to a e/l' re*or&(lated Pep$! ONE, creat! . a *(ll5*la)or cola ta$te /!th o l' o e calor!e-
Fr!to5La' 2r! .$ Ca$a%! F( '( $ to Co t! e tal U !ted State$ <(a0er $ ac0 %ar$ re5la( ched /!th e/ %ra d! ., pac0a.! . a d ad)ert!$! . Pep$!Co Cele%rate$ :Ith A !)er$ar'
Pep$!Co I ter at!o al a o( ced the appo! t&e t o* P!o eer Food$, a lead! . So(th A*r!ca *ood a d %e)era.e co&pa ', a$ !t$ *ra ch!$ee ! the Rep(%l!c o* So(th A*r!ca-
Trop!ca a ha$ la( ched KTrop!ca a Se $at!o $K, a e/ l! e o* pre&!(& *r(!t j(!ce$ ! Spa! Pep$!Co la( che$ <(a0er M!l0 Ch!ller$ Gatorade Part er$ /!th NFL to Ed(cate H!.h School Foot%all Coache$ o Proper H'drat!o 9(r! . Pract!ce
Pep$!5Cola North A&er!ca La( che$ Mo( ta! 9e/ P!tch 2lac0 II <(a0er I trod(ce$ Ce!.ht Co trol I $ta t Oat&eal 9!et Pep$! Pre$e t$ the NFL Roo0!e Challe .e 55 C! er Rece!)e$ S(per%o/l T!c0et$ *or L!*e
Trop!ca a La( che$ All Fr(!t S&ooth!e$ Pep$! !$ cho$e a$ the e3cl($!)e %e)era.e pro)!der *or So(p H!tche I ter at!o al, I c- a d The Or!.! al So(pMa
Pep$!Co 9o ate$ J4 M!ll!o to Pa0!$ta Earth1(a0e 8!ct!&$ Pep$!Co La( che$ Ne/ Sa&%a 9r! 0 ! A($tral!a Pep$!5Cola North A&er!ca La( che$ M9V E er.' Soda Pep$! Part er$ /!th Har)e'K$, S/!$$ Chalet a d M!le$to eK$ Re$ta(ra t$ Pep$!Co LT/!$to$L Cro(to $ La( ched ! R($$!a Gatorade La( che$ Propel Calc!(& 5 F!r$t Calc!(&5E r!ched F!t e$$ Cater Fr!to5La' La( che$ <(a0er Oat$ ! I d!a Cal0er$ to La( ch Ne/ 2ee* Ner0' Prod(ct ! the U-H- ( der !t$ No%%'K$ %ra d Pep$!Co Health ; Cell e$$ La( che$ E)er'da' S&art Mo)e$ Ma.a6! e Pep$!Co, C! d' Cra/*ord a d Ha2OOM 2(!ld F!r$t S&art Spot Pla'.ro( d ! Ca$h! .to , 9-C-
Pep$! Latte La( che$ ! Tha!la d Trop!ca a Fr(!tC!$e Ca&pa!. La( che$ Mo( ta! 9e/ Spo $ored ESPN V Ga&e$ 9e%(t ! the M!ddle Ea$t Pep$!Co La( che$ Pep$! Capp(cc! o ! Ro&a !a <(a0er La( che$ 8a !lla Mo.(rt Cr( ch Cereal 2r!t)!c La( che$ Pep$! Ma3 C! o
*((A Mi&e2t%3e2
<(a0er S ac0$ U )e!l$ 2rea0*a$t Coo0!e$ 9or!to$ ( )e!l$ e/ pac0a.! ., ! cl(d! . a (pdated lo.o Pep$!Co La( che$ Pep$! L!&o ! Per( Pep$!Co Co&plete$ Ac1(!$!t!o o* Stac'K$ P!ta Ch!p Co&pa ' Trop!ca a No/ O**er! . ON /!th 2e ecol Pep$!Co Food$er)!ce Part er$ C!th Crac0er 2arrel to Ser)e Up Fr!to$52ra ded Me ( Ite& Pep$!Co Food$er)!ce Po(r$ T/o Ne/ Acco( t C! $@ Fa&o($ 9a)eK$ o* A&er!ca a d Ro( dta%le P!66a
Pep$! Cele%rate$ 4Ith Co $ec(t!)e S(per 2o/l C!th Ne/ 9!et Pep$! Ca&pa!. North A&er!ca Co**ee Part er$h!p La( che$ Ne/ Star%(c0$ 2e)era.e$, Star%(c0$ Iced Co**ee, Star%(c0$ Iced Co**ee L!.ht a$ /ell a$ Stra/%err!e$ a d Cre&e Frapp(cc! o a d Star%(c0$ 9o(%leShot L!.ht
Pep$!Co I d!a re5la( che$ M!r! da So2e La( che$ Ne/ So2e L!*e Cater Cheeto$ 0!c0$ o** the %!..e$t &ar0et! . ca&pa!. ! !t$ h!$tor' /!th LU derco)er Che$ter,L a ! te.rated co&&( !cat!o $ plat*or& that a$0$ co $(&er$ to help Che$ter Cheetah reco)er the $tole rec!pe *or Cheeto$
I $elected c!t!e$ cro$$ the U !ted State$, Pep$! d!$tr!%(te$ &ore tha three &!ll!o *ree ca $ o* e/l' re*or&(lated 9!et Mo( ta! 9e/, &ar0! . the lar.e$t $! .le5da' $a&pl! . e**ort ! co&pa ' h!$tor'
Fr!to5La' a o( ce$ the la( ch o* a e/ l! e o* $ ac0 ch!p$ called La'K$ Se $at!o $ a d To$t!to$ Se $at!o $
Fr!to5La' la( che$ To$t!to$ M(lt!.ra! A e/ $ ac0 %r! .$ *la)or o* *o(r /hole$o&e .ra! $ to o e o* A&er!caK$ *a)or!te tort!lla ch!p$
Sa&K$ Cl(% tea&$ /!th A1(a*! a to LRet(r the Car&thL to local co&&( !t!e$ thro(.h a at!o al lar.e5$cale rec'cl! . pro.ra&- The =I co&&( !t!e$ to collect the &o$t A1(a*! a %ottle$ a d depo$!t the& at de$!. ated collect!o locat!o $ rece!)e a J1,III .ra t *ro& Sa&K$ Cl(% ! add!t!o to a a$$ort&e t o* *leece jac0et$ &ade *ro& rec'cled pla$t!c %ottle &ater!al
La'K$ I trod(ce$ Hot K Sp!c' HC Ma$terp!ece 22< Potato Ch!p$ Gra&&' a/ard /! ! . art!$t Mar!ah Care' /r!te$ a d record$ or!.! al r! .to e$ *or the Pep$! Cool To e$ ; Motorola Pho e$ pro&ot!o -
R!ce5A5Ro ! ! trod(ce$ a e/ l! e o* /hole5.ra! $!de d!$he$ Pep$! No! $ 2!part!$a All!a ce, Adopt$ Ne/ School Pol!c' to Pro&ote Health!er L!*e$t'le$ *or Ele&e tar', M!ddle a d H!.h School St(de t$
Fr!to5La' c(t$ $at(rated *at ! La'K$, R(**le$ %' &ore tha =IS /!th &o)e to N(S( W S( *lo/er O!l
Pep$! ( )e!l$ e/ 9ole Spar0ler$ a d S!erra M!$t Cra %err' Spla$h Pep$!Co a o( ce$ that !t /!ll %e the o**!c!al, e3cl($!)e *ood a d %e)era.e part er o* the h!.hl' a t!c!pated S(per&a Ret(r $ *!l&
Star%(c0$ a d Pep$!Co $!. a d!$tr!%(t!o a.ree&e t *or Etho$ Cater Pep$!Co, the Nat!o al Hoc0e' Lea.(e +NHL, a d the Nat!o al Hoc0e' Lea.(e Pla'er$K A$$oc!at!o +NHLPA , $!. a e3cl($!)e &(lt!5'ear %e)era.e a d $ ac0 deal
Pep$!Co, Nat!o al Hoc0e' Lea.(e a d Nat!o al Hoc0e' Lea.(e Pla'er$ A$$oc!at!o $!. &(lt!5'ear deal, .!)! . Pep$!Co e3cl($!)e r!.ht$ ! the %e)era.e, $port$ %e)era.e, %ottled /ater a d $ ac0 cate.or!e$- C!th th!$ deal, Gatorade %eco&e$ the o**!c!al $port$ dr! 0 o* NHL
Pep$!Co Me3!co cele%rate$ the o**!c!al la( ch o* the R8!)e Sal(da%le? pro.ra& !ll($trat! . the!r co&&!t&e t to pro&ote health' l!*e$t'le$ *or co $(&er$ a d e&plo'ee$ a d to.ether help red(ce the r!$0 o* (tr!t!o 5related health pro%le&$, ! cl(d! . o%e$!t'
9!et Pep$! la( che$ Na66, a e/ l! e o* 6ero5calor!e cola$ a)a!la%le ! r!ch *la)or$ l!0e 2lac0 Cherr' Fre ch 8a !lla a d Stra/%err!e$ ; Crea&
Pep$!Co ! trod(ce$ 2e ; Nerr'?$ M!l0$ha0e$, a r!ch, crea&' dr! 0a%le treat ! three cla$$!c *la)or$55Cherr' Garc!a, Ch( 0' Mo 0e' a d Chocolate F(d.e 2ro/ !e
Trop!ca a de%(t$ Trop!ca a P(re55a e/ l! e o* 1IIS pre&!(& j(!ce$ Pep$!Co !$ added to the 9o/ No e$ S($ta! a%!l!t' North A&er!ca I de3 +9NSI, <(a0er Oat$ de%(t$ !t$ e/ <(a0er Oat&eal Cr( ch, /ar& oat&eal /!th the cr( ch' te3t(re o* cold cereal-
I dra Noo'! a&ed Ch!e* E3ec(t!)e O**!cer o* Pep$!Co a$ o* Octo%er 1, 4II> Fr!to5La' de%(t$ act!o c(p$ Fr!to5La' 0!c0$ o* !t$ at!o /!de rollo(t o* La'?$ /!th 1IIS P(re S( *lo/er O!l Pep$! ac1(!re$ IZZE %e)era.e co&pa ' Ar%'?$ a&e$ Pep$!5Cola a$ !t$ Food a d 2e)era.e S(ppl!er A/ard /! er Golde Corral re$ta(ra t$ a d Pep$! a o( ce a &(lt!5'ear a.ree&e t &a0! . Pep$! the cha! ?$ pre*erred %e)era.e $(ppl!er ! all locat!o $
Gra d&a$ Coo0!e$ relea$e$ 4 l!&!ted5ed!t!o R*all *a)or!te$? *la)or$XSp!ced Mola$$e$ a d Fall F(d.e Ch!p
Cold Sto e Crea&er' a o( ce$ a &(lt!5'ear a.ree&e t &a0! . Pep$! !t$ e3cl($!)e %e)era.e $(ppl!er
Fr!to5La' North A&er!ca $!. ed a.ree&e t /!th the All!a ce *or a Health!er Ge erat!o *or a e/ pol!c' *or $ell! . o(r *ood$ ! $chool$
Fr!to5La' la( che$ e/ 2a0edOTo$t!to$ Scoop$O Tort!lla ch!p$, /!th lo/er calor!e a d lo/er *at %e e*!t$
Pep$! $!. $ =5'ear $po $or$h!p re e/al /!th Major Lea.(e 2a$e%all Propert!e$ &a0! . Pep$! the "O**!c!al So*t 9r! 0 o* Major Lea.(e 2a$e%all#
P2SG Par0/ood a d Fr!to5La' head1(arter$ a$$oc!ate$ ra!$e &ore tha J1-F &!ll!o dollar$ ! the A&er!ca Heart A$$oc!at!o Cal0
Pep$!Co a o( ced ! te t to ac1(!re Na0ed N(!ce Co&pa ' Federal Trade Co&&!$$!o clear$ Pep$!Co *or Na0ed N(!ce Co- p(rcha$e Pep$!Co a o( ce$ !t /!ll ac1(!re Ne/ Zeala d $ ac0 co&pa ' 2l(e%!rd Food$
"Corporat!o $ o* the Mear-# M! or!t' 2($! e$$ Ne/$ a&e$ Pep$!Co Cha!r&a a d CEO Ste)e Re! e&( d "E3ec(t!)e o* the Mear-# Pep$!5Cola to la( ch Pep$! Ed.e, the *!r$t *(ll5*la)ored cola /!th =IS le$$ $(.ar, car%oh'drate$ a d calor!e$ tha Corporate C!t!6e $h!p report ! !t$ 4II7 A (al Reportre.(lar cola- Pep$!Co p(%l!$he$ *!r$t
*((, Mi&e2t%3e2
Pep$!Co $!. $ Mar!a Sharapo)a *or I ter at!o al e dor$e&e t o* Gatorade a d Trop!ca a Trop!ca a la( che$ Trop!ca a Health' Heart /!th O&e.a57$, the *!r$t at!o al ora .e j(!ce to ! cl(de o&e.a57$
R(**le$ ( )e!l$ e/ pac0a.! . to re*lect !t$ $/!tch to 1IIS p(re $( *lo/er o!l Pep$!Co a o( ce$ Re! e&( d e/ 9!)er$!t' ; I cl($!o Leader$h!p A/ard ! $p!red %' Ste)e
Mt- 9e/ a d AMP E er.' $po $or the C! ter V Ga&e$ A1(a*! a la( che$ A1(a*! a Al!)eXa lo/ calor!e, )!ta&! 5e ha ced /ater %e)era.e <(a0er Oat$ de%(t$ e/ <(a0er L!*e Chocolate Oat Cr( ch Cereal Flat Earth Fr(!t a d 8e.eta%le Cr!$p$ h!t $tore$ at!o all' Fr!to$ Cor Ch!p$ cele%rate$ B=th A Near Ea$t cele%rate$ !t$ :=th A !)er$ar' /!th retro pac0a.! .
Trop!ca a la( che$ Trop!ca a Fr(!t S1(ee6e, a 4I5calor!e dr! 0 /!th real Trop!ca a *r(!t j(!ce
La'?$ la( che$ RShare the No'? pro.ra& to help the Ma0e a C!$h Fo( dat!o ra!$e *( d$ Pep$!5Cola North A&er!ca la( che$ 9!et Pep$! MAV Oh 2o'O O%erto %ra d de%(t$ 1II5calor!e Ner0' 2!te$ ! or!.! al %ee* a d ter!'a0! t(r0e' *la)or$
IZZE La( che$ IZZE E$1(e, a lo/5calor!e, oth! . art!*!c!al %e)era.e ! three *la)or$@ Spar0l! . Ma dar! , Spar0l! . 2lac0 Ra$p%err' a d Spar0l! . L!&o -
Propel ( )e!l$ e/ RF!t Ha$ a Feel! .? ca&pa!. a d Ne/ Po/der Pac0et$ *or O 5The5Go 4=
Ne/ <(a0er M! ! 9el!.ht$ la( che$ o**er! . .reat ta$te a d port!o co trol ! a $at!$*'! . $er)! . o* &! ! $ ac0 ca0e$
9!et Pep$! Na66 ! trod(ce$ e/ Cara&el Crea& *la)or Gra d&a?$ Coo0!e$ o**er! . l!&!ted5ed!t!o *la)or$ *la)or$ *or $pr! .@ Iced Le&o a d S(.ar
Pep$!Co la( che$ S&art Spot 9a ceO I !t!at!)e /!th cele%r!t!e$ Mar!o Lope6 a d LaCha 6e to help A*r!ca A&er!ca a d H!$pa !c *a&!l!e$ lead health!er, &ore act!)e l!*e$t'le$
Cal0er$ !$ the *!r$t &ajor *ood %ra d ! the /orld to d!$pla' a car%o *ootpr! t red(ct!o lo.o o !t$ pac0$
So2e 2e)era.e$ la( che$ So2e E$$e t!al E er.' Pep$!Co A o( ce$ 4=S 9!)!de d I crea$e a d Ra!$e$ Share Rep(rcha$e Tar.etA Noo'!
EPA Na&e$ Pep$!Co 4IIB ENERGM STAR+R, Part er o* the Mear Pep$!Co Ma0e$ Lar.e$t Corporate P(rcha$e o* Re e/a%le E er.' Cert!*!cate$ Pep$! la( che$ "9e$!. O(r Pep$! Ca # Nat!o al Pro&ot!o Trop!ca a ( )e!l$ Ne/ Or.a !c L! e T Trop!ca a Or.a !c <TG *ac!l!t' ear $ a E er.' a d E )!ro &e tal 9e$!. +LEE9, "Gold# cert!*!cat!o *ro& the U-S- Gree 2(!ld! . Co( c!l
PCNA a d Fr!to5La' la( ch "Shre0 the Th!rd# Nat!o al S(&&er Pro&ot!o I dra Noo'! rece!)e$ the O(t$ta d! . A&er!ca %' Cho!ce A/ard Pep$!Co &a0e$ Fort( e &a.a6! e?$ R1II 2e$t M2A E&plo'er$? l!$t 9!et Pep$! La( che$ Ne/ Loo0, Ne/ Ad Ca&pa!. a d Ne/ Att!t(de T 9!et Pep$!K$ LMore Cola Ta$teL
Pep$!Co jo! $ U-S- Cl!&ate Act!o Part er$h!p a$ part o* !t$ co&&!t&e t to $($ta! a%!l!t' L!pto ! trod(ce$ L!pto P(reLea* EPA Ho or$ Fr!to5La'?$ No e$%oro *ac!l!t' *or !t$ $($ta! a%!l!t' e**ort$ to co $er)e e er.' a d re$o(rce$
Cold Sto e Crea&er' a d Mo( ta! 9e/ No! Force$ to I trod(ce 9e/ Iced Mo( ta! 9e/ U )e!l$ ( !1(e, l!&!ted ed!t!o al(&! (& %ottle$ To$t!to$ ! trod(ce Flo(r Tort!lla Ch!p$ a d t/o e/ 9a!r' 9!p$ Nat!o /!de Pep$!Co a&ed a 4IIB Cor0! . Mother R2e$t Co&pa ' *or M(lt!c(lt(ral Co&e ? Pep$!Co /! $ t/o a/ard$ T2e$t E )!ro &e talQC!ldl!*e Ca&pa!. Mar0et! . E)e t 55 at F!*th A (al Ca($e Mar0et! . Halo A/ard$ a d 2e$t Ca($e
Fr!to5La' tea&$ (p /!th the Ma0e5A5C!$h Fo( dat!o to help ch!ldre /!th l!*e5threate ! . d!$ea$e$
9( 0! ? 9o (t$ la( che$ So2e E er.' Coolatta Pep$! /! $ Ce%%' A/ard *or !t$ e3ec(t!o o* the L2e$t Sport$ Ce%$!teL Pep$!Co a d Pep$! A&er!ca$, I c jo! tl' ac1(!re Sa dora, a Lead! . N(!ce Co&pa ' ! U0ra! e
Pep$!Co ear $ $pot ! 2lac0 E terpr!$e Ma.a6! e?$ R:I 2e$t Co&pa !e$ *or 9!)er$!t'? La'?$ a d 9or!to$ Ca&pa!. $ /! Top PR A/ard$
<ARUN BE<ERAGES LIMITED Che Ra)! Ha t Na!p(r!a a o( ced that he /a ted to %eco&e a *ra ch!$ee *or *a$t *ood cha! P!66a H(t, h!$ *a&!l' 55 e$pec!all' h!$ *ather 55 /a$ horr!*!ed- L!0e &o$t co $er)at!)e Mar/ar! )e.etar!a *a&!l!e$, $a' a$$oc!ate$, the' d!$appro)ed o* a ' %($! e$$ /here &eat /a$ o the &e (2(t Na!p(r!a /a$ Kt a%o(t to %e $topped %' $(ch tr!*l! . co $!derat!o $S7e1i"&tie2 2e$t PEPSI 2ottler ! the /orld
$ey St"ti2ti12 "b%ut <ARUN BE<ERAGES LIMITED He"dDu"!te!2 I3du2t!y Ty7e St"tu2 C%m7"3y Si8e 0%u3ded /eb2ite C%mm%3 Tit&e2 I d!a Food ; 2e)era.e$ P(%l!c Co&pa ' Operat! . =,III e&plo'ee$ 1DF= [email protected](p-co& J%b C($to&er E3ec(t!)e Ma a.e&e t I *or&at!o E3ec(t!)e Ma a.er E3ec(t!)e Medi"3 A:e Medi"3 Te3u!e Ge3de! 4D 'ear$ 1-= 'ear$ Male Fe&ale )*E BE S'$te& ,E CE -.E ,E
Ra)! H Na!p(r!a +RHN,, o e o* Pep$!Co I d!a?$ lar.e$t *ra ch!$ee %ottler, $a'$ that de$p!te a $l(&p ! Pep$! $ale$, he !$ .o! . ahead /!th capac!t' e3pa $!o pla $ /!th a ! )e$t&e t o* R$ 1II crore o)er a per!od o* e3t $!3 &o th$The ! )e$t&e t /!ll $ee $ett! . (p o* t/o e/ pla t$ thro(.h 8ar( 2e)era.e$ +a %ottl! . co&pa ' o* RHN a d part o* the R$ 1,4II5crore Na!p(r!a Gro(p, at 2h!/ad! a d Na!p(r ! Raja$tha a d al$o a *ora' ! to the &a (*act(re o* cro/ $ a d pla$t!c $hell$ *or .la$$ %ottle$, RHN cha!r&a Ra)! Na!p(r!a told FE- O e o* the lar.e$t *ra ch!$ee %ottler$ *or Pep$!, the Na!p(r!a .ro(p collect!)el' *or&$ a%o(t := per ce t o* Pep$!?$ total *ra ch!$ee %($! e$$Accord! . to 8ar( 2e)era.e$ pre$!de t5*! a ce Mr RP Ga dh!, the co&pa ' !$ $pe d! . R$ >I crore to $et (p a e/ %ottl! . pla t at 2h!/ad!, Raja$tha , /!th a ! $talled capac!t' o* FI la0h ca$e$- A 1=5acre plot---
Head1(artered ! P(rcha$e, Ne/ Mor0, /!th Re$earch a d 9e)elop&e t Head1(arter$ ! 8alhalla, The Pep$! Cola Co&pa ' %e.a ! 1FDF %' a NC Phar&ac!$t a d I d($tr!al!$t Cale% 2radha&, %(t !t o l' %eca&e 0 o/ a$ Pep$!Co /he !t &er.ed /!th Fr!to La' ! 1D>=- U t!l 1DDB, !t al$o o/ ed HFC, P!66a H(t, a d Taco 2ell, %(t the$e *a$t5*ood re$ta(ra t$ /ere $p( o** ! to Tr!co Glo%al Re$ta(ra t$, o/ M(&O 2ra d$, I c- Pep$!Co p(rcha$ed Trop!ca a ! 1DDF, a d <(a0er Oat$ ! 4II1- I 9ece&%er 4II=, Pep$!Co $(rpa$$ed Coca5Cola Co&pa ' ! &ar0et )al(e *or the *!r$t t!&e ! 114 'ear$ $! ce %oth co&pa !e$ %e.a to co&peteCorporate .o)er a ce 4D
C(rre t &e&%er$ o* the %oard o* d!rector$ o* Pep$!Co are I dra Noo'! C-E-O-, Ro%ert EAlle , 9! a 9(%lo , 8!ctor 96a(, Ra' Lee H( t, Al%erto I%ar.Ye , Arth(r Mart! e6, Ste)e Re! e&( d, Sharo Roc0e*eller, Na&e$ Sch!ro, Fra 0l! Tho&a$, C' th!a Tr(dell, a d R!)er H! .O Octo%er 1, 4II>, *or&er Ch!e* F! a c!al O**!cer a d Pre$!de t I dra Noo'! replaced Ste)e
Re! e&( d a$ ch!e* e3ec(t!)e o**!cer- Noo'! re&a! $ the corporat!o K$ pre$!de t, a d %eca&e Cha!r&a o* the 2oard ! Ma' 4IIBM!0e Ch!te !$ the Pre$!de t o* Pep$!5Co I ter at!o al 9!)!$!o -
0ORMER TOP E?ECUTI<ES AT PEPSICO Ste)e Re! e&( d Ro.er E r!co 9- Ca' e Callo/a' Noh Sc(lle' M!chael H- Norda 9o ald M- He dall Chr!$topher A- S! cla!r Al*red Steele
LOBBYING I the US, /or0! . /!th !t$ co&pet!tor Coca Cola Co&pa ', Pep$!Co !$ a &ajor lo%%'! . *orce /or0! . to .a! *a)ora%le le.!$lat!o *or the %e)era.e ! d($tr'- I 4II=, Pep$!Co $pe t JB:I,III o lo%%'! ., ! 4II>, JFFI,71F, ! 4IIB, J1 &!ll!o , a d ! 4IIF, J1,1B>,III- I 4IID, lo%%'! . e3pe $e$ ro$e to J:-4 &!ll!o or earl' a 7II perce t ! crea$e- M(ch o* the ! crea$ed lo%%'! . e3pe $e$ are d(e to the ! d($tr'?$ *!.ht a.a! $t ! crea$ed ta3e$ o $o*t dr! 0$- For 4IID, Pep$!Co ha$ 71 lo%%'!$t$ at F d!**ere t *!r&$ lo%%'! . o !t$ %ehal* Pep$! M($!c !$ a pro&ot!o al &($!c la%el that !$ $ee o Mahoo- It ha$ &a ' part$ l!0e the Pep$! M!c Pa$$, the &o$t *a&o($ ! Ho($to , Te3a$- It al$o co tract$ art!$t$ to ad)ert!$e /!th Pep$! a d other Pep$!Co prod(ct$ Pep$! M($!ca !$ $ee o the Lat! o cha el M( 4, o the $ho/, Pep$! M($!ca-
Gree La%el So( d !$ Mo( ta! 9e/K$ record la%el that .!)e$ *ree do/ load$ pro&ot! . ( $!. ed art!$t$ Pep$!Co %ra d$
Pep$!Co o/ $ = d!**ere t %!ll!o 5dollar %ra d$- The$e are Pep$!, Trop!ca a, Fr!to5 La', <(a0er, a d Gatorade- The co&pa ' o/ $ &a ' other %ra d$ a$ /ell Pep$!, Ca**e! e5Free Pep$!, 9!et Pep$!QPep$! L!.ht, Ca**e! e5Free 9!et Pep$!, Ca**e! e5Free Pep$! L!.ht, C!ld Cherr' Pep$!, Pep$! L!&e, Pep$! Ma3, Pep$! T/!$t a d Pep$! ONE Other U-S- car%o ated $o*t dr! 0$, ! cl(d! . Mo( ta! 9e/, Cr($h, M(. Root 2eer, S!erra M!$t, Trop!ca a T/!$ter Soda a d Fra/., B Up +Glo%all', o(t$!de the USA, I 4II= Pep$!Co la( ched St! . E er.' 9r! 0 +car%o ated, ! 8!et a&Z=[, a d ! $o&e A$!a co( tr!e$ ! 4I1I ! cl(d! . Pa0!$ta , Ph!l!pp! e$ ; Mala'$!a I 4IIB, Noo'! $pe t J1-7 %!ll!o o health!er5alter at!)e %ra d$ l!0e Na0ed N(!ce, a
Cal!*or !a &a0er o* $o' dr! 0$ a d or.a !c j(!ce Pep$!co ha$ al$o rece tl' ac1(!red a =IS $ta0e ! U-S-5%a$ed Sa%ra 9!pp! . Co&pa '
PARTNERSHIPS Pep$!Co al$o ha$ *or&ed part er$h!p$ /!th $e)eral %ra d$ !t doe$ ot o/ , ! order to d!$tr!%(te the$e or &ar0et the& /!th !t$ o/ %ra d$ Frapp(cc! o Star%(c0$ 9o(%leShot
Tee&, Pep$!K$ a $/er to Spr!te a d B(p, d!$co t! (ed a*ter Pep$!Co %o(.ht B(pAll Sport, a l! e o* $port$ dr! 0$- All5Sport /a$ l!.htl' car%o atedA ! r!)al$ Gatorade a d Co0e5o/ ed POCER ade /ere co tra$t,
o* <(a0er Oat$ +! e**ect ac1(!r! . Gatorade, &ade All Sport e3pe da%le, a d the %ra d /a$ $old to a other co&pa '
A$pe Soda, a apple5*la)ored $o*t dr! 0 +late 1DBI$5earl' FIK$, Cr'$tal Pep$!, a clear )er$!o o* Pep$!5ColaFr(!tCor0$@ Fla)or$ /ere Stra/%err' Melo , Peach Papa'a, Ta .er! e C!tr($, Apple Ra$p%err', a d P! 0 Le&o ade- T/o other *la)or$, Pa$$!o Ora .e a d G(a)a 2err', /ere a)a!la%le ! Ha/a!! o l'-
No$ta@ la( ched 1DD=, L/!th G(ara a,L the *!r$t e er.' dr! 0 la( ched %' a &ajor $o*t dr! 0 co&pa ' ! the US-
Mat!0a@ R( ! A(.($t 4II1, !t /a$ a teaQj(!ce alter at!)e %e)era.e, $/eete ed /!th ca e $(.ar ; co ta! ! . G! $e .- 9ra.o *r(!t Pot!o , Ma.!c Mo&%! , M'th!cal Ma .o, R!$! . Star*r(!t, S0'h!.h 2err'
Ma6a.ra @ la( ched 1DD= Mr- Gree +So2e, Pat!o +$oda,@ l! e o* *la)ored dr! 0$ +1D>I5late KBI$, Pep$! Ed.e, a &!d5calor!e )er$!o o* Pep$!5ColaPep$! 2l(e, a %err'5*la)ored, %l(e )er$!o o* Pep$!5ColaPep$! Ho a@ la( ched 1DDB, a co**ee5*la)ored )er$!o o* Pep$!5ColaS&ooth Moo$@ la( ched 1DD=, a *la)ored &!l05%a$ed dr! 0Stor&@ la( ched March 1=, 1DDF, replaced %' S!erra M!$tM!ra da L!&e@ La( ched ! the $eco d hal* o* the 1DDI decade+! I d!a, %(t *a!led
0ORMER BRANDS Pep$!Co o/ ed a (&%er o* re$ta(ra t cha! $ ( t!l !t e3!ted that %($! e$$ ! 1DDB, $ell! . $o&e, a d $p! ! . o** other$ ! to a e/ co&pa ' Tr!co Glo%al Re$ta(ra t$, o/ 0 o/ a$ M(&O 2ra d$, I c-- Pep$!Co al$o pre)!o($l' o/ ed $e)eral other %ra d$ that !t later $oldCal!*or !a P!66a H!tche +%o(.ht 1DD4, $old %ac0 to or!.! al *o( der$ ! 1DDB, Che)'$ Fre$h Me3 +%o(.ht A(.($t 1DD7, $old Ma' 1DDB to N- C- Ch!ld$ E1(!t' Part er$, 9KA .elo Sa d/!ch Shop$ +$old A(.($t 1DDB to Papa G! oK$, Ea$t S!de Mar!oK$ +U !ted State$ *ra ch!$e$ T %o(.ht 9ece&%er 1DD7, $old earl' 1DDB,
Hot K No/ +%o(.ht ! 1DDI, $old ! 1DDB, Noll!%ee +%o(.ht ! 1DD:,$old ! 1DDB, HFC +%o(.ht Octo%er 1DF> *ro& RNR Na%!$co, $p( o** Octo%er 1DDB to *or& Tr!Co , later M(&O 2ra d$,
North A&er!ca 8a L! e$ P!66a H(t +%o(.ht ! 1DBB, $p( o** Octo%er 1DDB to *or& Tr!Co , later M(&O 2ra d$, Stol!ch a'a Taco 2ell +%o(.ht ! 1DBF, $p( o** Octo%er 1DDB to *or& Tr!Co , later M(&O 2ra d$, C!l$o Sport! . Good$
DI<ERSITY Pep$!Co rece!)ed a 1II perce t rat! . o the Corporate E1(al!t' I de3 relea$ed %' the LG2T5 ad)ocate .ro(p H(&a R!.ht$ Ca&pa!. $tart! . ! 4II:, the th!rd 'ear o* the report-ZF[ TAMPERING 9(r! . the $(&&er o* 1DD7, Pep$!Co &a a.ed to $ta)e o** a r( a/a' hoa3 perta! ! . to alle.ed prod(ct ta&per! .- S'r! .e$ /ere cla!&ed to ha)e %ee Seattle, the thro(.ho(t the U-S- o)er the *o( d ! ca $ o* 9!et Pep$!X*!r$t !
*ra(d(le t cla!&a t$, report$ o* *o( d h'poder&!c eedle$ cea$ed- 2' N( e 1=, 1DD7, co $(&er$ reported *! d! . a %(llet, p! $ a d $cre/$ ! the!r 9!et Pep$!- Pep$!CoK$ $(%$e1(e t ha dl! . o* the $!t(at!o )!a care*(ll'5/orded pre$$ relea$e$ a d 8NR$ !$ *re1(e tl' c!ted a$ a te3t%oo0 e3a&ple o* ho/ e3actl' to ha dle *al$el' $pread r(&or$ a%o(t a co&pa '-
PEPSICO IN INDIA Pep$!Co .a! ed e tr' to I d!a ! 1DFF %' creat! . a jo! t )e t(re /!th the P( ja% .o)er &e t5 o/ ed P( ja% A.ro I d($tr!al Corporat!o +PAIC, a d 8olta$ I d!a L!&!ted- Th!$ jo! t )e t(re &ar0eted a d $old Lehar Pep$! ( t!l 1DD1, /he the ($e o* *ore!. %ra d$ /a$ allo/edA Pep$!Co %o(.ht o(t !t$ part er$ a d e ded the jo! t )e t(re ! 1DD:- Z1I[ Other$ cla!& that *!r$tl' Pep$! /a$ %a ed *ro& !&port ! I d!a, ! 1DBI, *or ha)! . re*($ed to relea$e the l!$t o* !t$ ! .red!e t$ a d ! 1DD7, the %a /a$ l!*ted, /!th Pep$! arr!)! . o the &ar0et $hortl' a*ter/ard$- The$e co tro)er$!e$ are a re&! der o* LI d!aK$ $o&et!&e$ acr!&o !o($ relat!o $h!p /!th h(.e &(lt! at!o al co&pa !e$-L I deed, $o&e ar.(e that Pep$!Co a d The Coca5Cola Co&pa ' ha)e L%ee &ajor tar.et$ ! part %eca($e the' are /ell50 o/ *ore!. co&pa !e$ that dra/ ple t' o* atte t!o -LZ11[ I 4II7, the Ce tre *or Sc!e ce a d E )!ro &e t +CSE,, a o 5.o)er &e tal or.a !6at!o ! Ne/ 9elh!, $a!d aerated /ater$ prod(ced %' $o*t dr! 0$ &a (*act(rer$ ! I d!a, ! cl(d! . &(lt! at!o al .!a t$ Pep$!Co a d The Coca5Cola Co&pa ', co ta! ed to3! $, co tr!%(te to ca cer, a
%rea0do/ o* the !&&( e $'$te& a d ca($e%!rth de*ect$- Te$ted prod(ct$ ! cl(ded Co0e, Pep$!, B Up, M!r! da, Fa ta, Th(&$ Up, L!&ca, a d Spr!te- CSE *o( d that the I d!a 5prod(ced Pep$!K$ $o*t dr! 0 prod(ct$ had 7> t!&e$ the le)el o* pe$t!c!de re$!d(e$ per&!tted ( der E(ropea U !o re.(lat!o $A Coca ColaK$ 7I t!&e$-Z14[ CSE $a!d !t had te$ted the $a&e prod(ct$ ! the US a d *o( d o $(ch re$!d(e$- Ho/e)er, th!$ /a$ the E(ropea $ta dard *or /ater, ot *or other dr! 0$No la/ %a $ the pre$e ce o* pe$t!c!de$ ! dr! 0$ ! I d!aThe Coca5Cola Co&pa ' a d Pep$!Co a .r!l' de !ed alle.at!o $ that the!r prod(ct$ &a (*act(red ! I d!a co ta! ed to3! le)el$ *ar a%o)e the or&$ per&!tted ! the de)eloped /orld- 2(t a I d!a parl!a&e tar' co&&!ttee, ! 4II:, %ac0ed (p CSEK$ *! d! .$ a d a .o)er &e t5appo! ted
co&&!ttee, !$ o/ tr'! . to de)elop the /orldK$ *!r$t pe$t!c!de$ $ta dard$ *or $o*t dr! 0$- Co0e a d Pep$!Co oppo$ed the &o)e, ar.(! . that la% te$t$ are Kt rel!a%le e o(.h to detect &! (te trace$ o* pe$t!c!de$ ! co&ple3 dr! 0$A$ o* 4II=, The Coca5Cola Co&pa ' a d Pep$!Co to.ether hold D=S &ar0et $hare o* $o*t5 dr! 0 $ale$ ! I d!a-Z17[ Pep$!Co ha$ al$o %ee acc($ed %' the P(th($$er' pa cha'at !
the Pala00ad d!$tr!ct ! Herala, I d!a, o* pract!c! . L/ater p!rac'L d(e to !t$ role ! e3plo!tat!o o* .ro( d /ater re$o(rce$ re$(lt! . ! $carc!t' o* dr! 0! . /ater *or the pa cha'atK$ re$!de t$, /ho ha)e %ee pre$$(r! . the .o)er &e t to clo$e do/ the Pep$!Co ( !t ! the )!lla.e-Z1:[ I 4II>, the CSE a.a! *o( d that $oda dr! 0$, ! cl(d! . %oth Pep$! a d Coca5Cola, had h!.h le)el$ o* pe$t!c!de$ ! the!r dr! 0$- 2oth Pep$!Co a d The Coca5Cola Co&pa ' &a! ta! that the!r dr! 0$ are $a*e *or co $(&pt!o a d ha)e p(%l!$hed e/$paper ad)ert!$e&e t$ that $a' pe$t!c!de le)el$ ! the!r prod(ct$ are le$$ tha tho$e ! other *ood$ $(ch a$ tea, *r(!t a d da!r' prod(ct$- Z1=[ I the I d!a $tate o* Herala, $ale a d prod(ct!o o* Pep$!5Cola, alo . /!th other $o*t dr! 0$, /a$ %a ed %' the $tate .o)er &e t ! 4II>,Z1>[ %(t th!$ /a$ re)er$ed %' the Herala H!.h Co(rt &erel' a &o th laterZ1B[
F!)e other I d!a $tate$ ha)e a o( ced part!al %a $ o the dr! 0$ ! $chool$, colle.e$ a d
SO0T DRIN$S MAR$ET IN INDIA I d!a !$ o e o* the top *!)e &ar0et$ ! ter&$ o* .ro/th o* the $o*t dr! 0$ &ar0et- The per cap!ta co $(&pt!o o* $o*t dr! 0$ ! the co( tr' !$ e$t!&ated to %e aro( d > %ottle$ per a (& ! the 'ear 4II7- It !$ )er' lo/ co&pared to the corre$po d! . *!.(re$ ! US +>II\ %ottle$ per a (&,- 2(t %e! . o e o* the *a$te$t .ro/! . &ar0et$ a d %' the $heer )ol(&e$, I d!a !$ a pro&!$! . &ar0et *or $o*t dr! 0$The &ajor pla'er$ ! the $o*t dr! 0$ &ar0et ! I d!a are Pep$!Co a d Coca5Cola Co, l!0e el$e/here ! the /orld- Coca5Cola ac1(!red a (&%er o* local %ra d$ l!0e L!&ca, Gold Spot a d Th(&$ Up /he !t e tered I d!a &ar0et *or the $eco d t!&e- Pep$! Co?$ $o*t dr! 0 port*ol!o al$o co $!$t$ o* M!ra da a d BUp alo . /!th Pep$!- The &ar0et $hare o* each o* the co&pa ' !$ &ore or le$$ the $a&e, tho(.h there !$ a co *l!ct ! the e$t!&ate$ 1(oted %' d!**ere t $o(rce$ The &ajor ! .red!e t ! a $o*t dr! 0 !$ /ater- It co $t!t(te$ clo$e to DIS o* the $o*t dr! 0 co te tAdded to th!$, the dr! 0 al$o co ta! $ $/eete er$, Car%o d!o3!de, C!tr!c Ac!dQMal!c ac!d, Color$, Pre$er)at!)e$, A t! O3!da t$ a d other e&(l$!*'! . a.e t$, etc-
CONSUMPTION PATTERNS IN INDIA I T!er 1, 4 a d 7 c!t!e$ ! I d!a, 4DS o* I d!a co $(&er$ report co $(&! . car%o ated
%e)era.e$Q$o*t dr! 0$ d(r! . a *!3ed t!&e o* the da' $(..e$t! . co $(&pt!o ha$ %eco&e a ro(t! e part o* the!r da', /!th &o$t co $(&pt!o ta0! . place d(r! . the Ka*ter oo to e)e ! .K t!&e per!odNot $(rpr!$! .l', co $(&pt!o !$ h!.he$t ! T!er I c!t!e$ $(ch a$ M(&%a!, 9elh!, Hol0ata, Che a!, H'dera%ad a d 2a .alore- The le)el o* co $(&pt!o !$ $ee to ! crea$e /!th r!$! . ho($ehold ! co&e$ +/!th the e3cept!o o* the h!.he$t ! co&e le)el, /h!le decrea$! . /!th a.eThe I d!a $o*t dr! 0$ &ar0et !$ ot ( der a ' re.(lat!o - Pre)e t!o o* Food ad(lterat!o act 1D=: doe$ ot ! cl(de $o*t dr! 0$- No e o* the 2IS $ta dard$ that e3!$ted %e*ore A(.($t 4II7 had a ' .(!del! e$ or $et cr!ter!a *or the re$!d(e le)el$ o* pe$t!c!de$ ! the $o*t dr! 0$- 2(t d!**ere t l!e a.e c!e$ ha)e $et $ta dard$ *or the re$!d(e le)el$ o* pe$t!c!de$- The E(ropea Eco o&!c
Co&&( !t' +EEC, $et$ the &a3!&(& ad&!$$!%le co ce trat!o o* ! d!)!d(al pe$t!c!de$ a d related prod(ct$ ! dr! 0! . /ater at I-1 part$ per %!ll!o to e $(re that the to3!c!t' !$ ot da .ero($ to h(&a %e! .$- For a *e/ pe$t!c!de$ l!0e aldr! , d!eld! a d heptachlor epo3!de the ad&!$$!%le l!&!t !$ e)e &ore $tr! .e t, !-e-, I-I7 part$ per %!ll!o -
PEPSICO IN BURMA Fro& 1DD1 ( t!l 1DDB, Pep$!Co !$ o e o* the &o$t ota%le co&pa !e$ to do %($! e$$ ! 2(r&aPep$!CoK$ %($! e$$ part er, The! &!l!tar'j( ta, /h!ch ha$ %ee )!olat!o $ ! the /orldPep$!CoK$ ! )ol)e&e t pro&pted o e o* the %!..e$t 2(r&a5related %o'cott$ ! ca&pa!. /a$ o a par /!th tho$e a.a! $t Te3aco a d U ocal, r( c(rre tl' a.a! $t Total O!lPep$!Co *or&all' %e.a the!r ! )e$t&e t ! 2(r&a ! No)e&%er 1DD1 /he the' ope ed a %ottl! . pla t ! the the 5cap!tal Ra .oo , de$p!te the call %' A( . Sa S(( H'! a d the Nat!o al Lea.(e *or 9e&ocrac' *or co&pa !e$ to a)o!d do! . %($! e$$ ! 2(r&a ( t!l !t ret(r ed to de&ocrac'- The ca&pa!. a.a! $t Pep$! /a$ ! !t!ated %' the A$!a 5%a$ed 2(r&a R!.ht$ Mo)e&e t *or Act!o - The ca&pa!. later .a! ed .ro/! . $tre .th ! the Ce$t a$ 2(r&e$e h(&a r!.ht$ .ro(p$ *oc($ed o ca&pa!. $ a.a! $t co&pa !e$ ! a d Petro5Ca adaChe Petro5Ca ada le*t 2(r&a, Ca ad!a a d U-S- %a$ed 2(r&e$e de&ocrac' .ro(p$ $harpe ed the!r *oc($ o Pep$!Co- The ca&pa!. rece!)ed a &a$$!)e %oo$t /he , ! 1DD>, the Free 2(r&a Coal!t!o too0 the lead ! *orc! . Pep$! o(t o* A&er!ca ( !)er$!t!e$- Th!$ ! cl(ded the $crapp! . o* a &(lt!5&!ll!o dollar deal at Har)ardThe ca&pa!. al$o $pread to E(rope, /here the UH5%a$ed or.a !6at!o , Th!rd Corld F!r$t, adopted the %o'cott- I re$po $e, ! 1DD>, Pep$!Co atte&pted to $tep o(t o* the $potl!.ht %' $ell! . !t$ $hare o* !t$ 2(r&e$e jo! t )e t(re to !t$ part er %(t reta! ! . !t$ 2(r&e$e *ra ch!$e a.ree&e t- A( . Sa :I 2(r&a, ! cl(d! . the o!l .!a t$ Te3aco, U ocal, A&oco, h!$tor'- The T( , /a$ a oted %($! e$$ part er o* the r(l! . 2(r&e$e r!.ht$
S(( H'! re$po ded, LA$ *ar a$ /e are co cer ed, Pep$!ZCo[ ha$ ot d!)e$ted *ro& 2(r&aL a d %oth h(&a r!.ht$ a d e )!ro &e tal .ro(p$ co t! (ed the pre$$(re o Pep$!- E)e t(all', /!th the
2(r&e$e re.!&e hold! . )!ole t a t!5de&ocrac' rall!e$ a d pre$$(re *ro& aro( d the /orld &o( t! ., Pep$!Co a o( ced ! Na (ar' 1DDB that !t /o(ld c(t all t!e$ /!th 2(r&a- Ho/e)er, to th!$ da', Pep$!Co ha$ ot ad&!tted that !t /a$ &orall' /ro . to ! )e$t ! 2(r&a a$ $o&e other co&pa !e$ ha)e (po lea)! . the co( tr'PEPSICO IN ISRAEL U t!l 1DD1 Pep$!Co /a$ ot $old ! I$rael, *or /h!ch !t /a$ cr!t!c!$ed %' &a ' ! the U !ted State$ /ho %el!e)ed !t /a$ $(pport! . the Ara% %o'cott o* I$rael- Pep$!Co al/a'$ de !ed th!$ alle.at!o , $a'! . I$rael /a$ $!&pl' too $&all to $(pport a *ra ch!$e- A$ a re$(lt, the I$rael! &ar0et /a$ ta0e o)er %' Pep$!K$ r!)al Coca Cola, a d to th!$ da' Pep$! ha$ a )er' $&all &ar0et $hare ! I$raelPEPSI BOTTLERS O A(.($t :, 4IID Pep$!Co a o( ced that !t had reached a *! al &er.! . a.ree&e t /!th !t$ t/o lar.e$t %ottler$ The Pep$! 2ottl! . Gro(p, I c a dPep$!A&er!ca$, I c %oth o* /h!ch !t had pre)!o($l' $p( o** ! the 1DDI$- The total co$t o* the tra $act!o !$ e$t!&ated at JB-F %!ll!o -Z4:[ The &er.er /a$ appro)ed %' $hareholder$ o* %oth %ottl! . co&pa !e$ o Fe%r(ar' 1B, 4I1I a d /a$ co&pleted o Fe%r(ar' 4>, *or&! . a e/ /holl'5o/ ed d!)!$!o o* the Pep$!Co North
A&er!ca 2e)era.e$ ( !t, Pe72i Be9e!":e2 C%m7"3y +P2C,- Al$o ! cl(ded ! the &er.er /a$ a e/ a.ree&e t /!th the 9r Pepper S apple Gro(p ! /h!ch P2C /o(ld $oo %e ta0! . o)er the %ottl! . a d d!$tr!%(t!o o* the 9r Pepper, Sch/eppe$ a d Cr($h %ra d$ ! tho$e &ar0et$ /here the' /ere *or&erl' d!$tr!%(ted %' P2G a d PAS thro(.h a 4I5'ear l!ce $! . deal +P2CK$ predece$$or$ ha)e %ee %ottl! . a d d!$tr!%(t! . Cr($h ! &o$t o* the!r &ar0et$ $! ce Fe%r(ar'
4IID,- It !$ c(rre tl' ( 0 o/ !* a d /he P2C /!ll al$o d!$tr!%(te 9r Pepper a d Sch/eppe$ ! the re$t o* !t$ terr!tor' +a$ tho$e &ar0et$, $(ch a$ the Ch!ca.o &ar0et, al$o ha)e 9PS5o/ ed %ottler$ $er)! . tho$e area$,- Add!t!o all', ! tho$e area$ o* the US that are $er)ed %' P2C5 a d 9PS5o/ ed %ottler$, the %ottl! . r!.ht$ to certa! other 9PS5o/ ed %ra d$ $(ch a$ 8er or$ a d Ha/a!!a
P( ch /o(ld %e tra $*erred to the 9PS %ottler$- The ! ter at!o al operat!o $ o* %oth *or&er %ottler$ /ere tra $*erred d!rectl' to the /holl' $eparate Pep$!Co I ter at!o al ( !t
O<ER<IE/ Pep$!Co !$ a /orld leader ! co )e !e t *ood$ a d %e)era.e$, /!th 4II= re)e (e$ o* &ore tha J74 %!ll!o a d &ore tha 1=B,III e&plo'ee$The co&pa ' co $!$t$ o* Fr!to5La' North A&er!ca, Pep$!Co 2e)era.e$ North A&er!ca, Pep$!Co I ter at!o al a d <(a0er Food$ North A&er!ca-
le)el o* a%o(t JF= %!ll!o -Ma ' o* Pep$!CoK$ %ra d a&e$ are &ore tha 1II5'ear$5old, %(t the corporat!o !$ relat!)el' 'o( .- Pep$!Co /a$ *o( ded ! 1D>= thro(.h the &er.er o* Pep$!5Cola a d Fr!to5La'- Trop!ca a /a$ ac1(!red ! 1DDF a d Pep$!Co &er.ed /!th The <(a0er Oat$ Co&pa ', ! cl(d! . Gatorade, ! 4II1-
Pep$!Co o**er$ prod(ct cho!ce$ to &eet a %road )ar!et' o* eed$ a d pre*ere ce 55 *ro& *( 5*or5'o( !te&$ to prod(ct cho!ce$ that co tr!%(te to health!er l!*e$t'le$Pep$!Co?$ &!$$!o !$ "To %e the /orldK$ pre&!er co $(&er Prod(ct$ Co&pa ' *oc($ed o
co )e !e t *ood$ a d %e)era.e$- Ce $ee0 to prod(ce health' *! a c!al re/ard$ to ! )e$tor$ a$ /e pro)!de opport( !t!e$ *or .ro/th a d e r!ch&e t to o(r e&plo'ee$, o(r %($! e$$ part er$ a d the co&&( !t!e$ ! /h!ch /e operate- A d ! e)er'th! . /e do, /e $tr!)e *or ho e$t', *a!r e$$ a d ! te.r!t'-#
Pep$!Co +$'&%ol@ PEP, $hare$ are traded pr! c!pall' o the Ne/ Mor0 Stoc0 E3cha .e ! the U !ted State$- The co&pa ' !$ al$o l!$ted o the A&$terda&, Ch!ca.o a d S/!$$ $toc0 e3cha .e$Pep$!Co ha$ co $!$te tl' pa!d ca$h d!)!de d$ $! ce the corporat!o /a$ *o( ded-
CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP At Pep$!Co, /e %el!e)e that a$ a corporate c!t!6e , /e ha)e a re$po $!%!l!t' to co tr!%(te to the 1(al!t' o* l!*e ! o(r co&&( !t!e$- Th!$ ph!lo$oph' !$ e3pre$$ed ! o(r $($ta! a%!l!t' )!$!o /h!ch $tate$@ "Pep$!Co?$ re$po $!%!l!t' !$ to co t! (all' !&pro)e all a$pect$ o* the /orld ! /h!ch /e operate T e )!ro &e t, $oc!al, eco o&!c 55 creat! . a %etter to&orro/ tha toda'-#
O(r )!$!o !$ p(t ! to act!o thro(.h pro.ra&$ a d a *oc($ o e )!ro &e tal $te/ard$h!p, act!)!t!e$ to %e e*!t $oc!et', a d a co&&!t&e t to %(!ld $hareholder )al(e %' &a0! . Pep$!Co a tr(l' $($ta! a%le co&pa '-
PEPSICO HEADFUARTERS Pep$!Co Corld Head1(arter$ !$ located ! P(rcha$e, Ne/ Mor0, appro3!&atel' := &! (te$ *ro& Ne/ Mor0 C!t'- Ed/ard 9(rrell Sto e, o e o* A&er!ca?$ *ore&o$t arch!tect$, de$!. ed the $e)e 5 %(!ld! . head1(arter$ co&ple3- The %(!ld! . occ(p!e$ 1I acre$ o* a 1::5acre co&ple3 that ! cl(de$ the 9o ald M- He dall Sc(lpt(re Garde $, a /orld5 accla!&ed $c(lpt(re collect!o ! a .arde $ett! .Ma$ter$ $(ch a$ A(.($te Rod! , He r! La(re $, He r' Moore, Ale3a der Calder, Al%erto G!aco&ett!, Ar aldo Po&odoro a d Clae$ Olde %er. *oc($ the collect!o o* /or0$ o &ajor
t/e t!eth ce t(r' art, a d *eat(re$ /or0$- The .arde $ or!.! all' /ere de$!. ed %' the /orld *a&o($ .arde pla er, R($$ell Pa.e, a d ha)e %ee e3te ded %' Fra ]o!$ Go**! et- The .ro( d$ are ope to the p(%l!c, a d a )!$!torK$ %ooth !$ ! operat!o d(r! . the $pr! . a d $(&&er-
It ca %e $a!d /!th a%$ol(te certa! t' that the RHN Gro(p ha$ car)ed o(t a $pec!al !che *or !t$el*O(r $er)!ce$ to(ch d!**ere t a$pect$ o* co&&erc!al a d c!)!l!a do&a! $ l!0e tho$e o* B%tt&i3:, 0%%d C "i3 a d Edu1"ti%3- Headed %' Mr- R- H- Na!p(r!a, the .ro(p a$ o toda' ca la' cla!& to e3pert!$e a d leader$h!p ! the *!eld$ o* ed(cat!o , *ood a d %e)era.e$The %($! e$$ o* the co&pa ' /a$ $tarted ! 1DD1 /!th a t!e5(p /!th Pep$! Food$ L!&!ted to &a (*act(re a d &ar0et Pep$! %ra d o* %e)era.e$ ! .eo.raph!call' pre5de*! ed terr!tor!e$ ! /h!ch %ra d a d tech !cal $(pport /a$ pro)!ded %' the Pr! c!pal$ )!6-, Pep$! Food$ L!&!ted- The &a (*act(r! . *ac!l!t!e$ /ere re$tr!cted at A.ra Pla t o l'-
<"!u3 Be9e!":e2 Ltd' !$ the *la.$h!p co&pa ' o* the .ro(pThe .ro(p al$o %eca&e the *!r$t *ra ch!$ee *or M(& Re$ta(ra t$ I ter at!o al Z*or&erl' Pep$!Co Re$ta(ra t$ +I d!a, Pr!)ate L!&!ted[ ! I d!a- It ha$ e3cl($!)e *ra ch!$e r!.ht$ *or Norther ; Ea$ter I d!a- It ha$ total :> P!66a H(t Re$ta(ra t$ ; 1 HFC Re$ta(ra t ( der !t$ co&pa 'Ce d!)er$!*!ed ! to ed(cat!o %' ope ! . o(r *!r$t $chool ! G(r.ao ( der &a a.e&e t o* 9elh! P(%l!c School Soc!et'- The $chool$ o* the .ro(p are r( ( der a Re.!$tered Tr($t a&el' Cha&pa 9e)! Na!p(r!a Char!ta%le Tr($tCo&pa !e$ are &ed!(& $!6ed, pro*e$$!o all' &a a.ed, ( l!$ted a d clo$el' held %et/ee I d!a Pro&oter$ a d *ore!. colla%orator$-
The .ro(p added a other *eather to !t$ cap /he the pre$t!.!o($ Pep$!Co "I ter at!o al 2ottler o* the Mear# a/ard /a$ pre$e ted to Mr- R- H- Na!p(r!a *or the 'ear 1DDF at a .l!tter! . a/ard
cere&o ' at Pep$!Co?$ ce te !al 'ear cele%rat!o $ at Ha/a!!, USA- The a/ard /a$ pre$e ted %' Mr- 9o ald M- He dall, *o( der o* Pep$!Co I c- ! the pre$e ce o* Mr- Geor.e 2($h, the :1$t Pre$!de t o* USA, Mr- Ro.er A- E r!co, Cha!r&a o* the 2oard ; C-E-O-, Pep$!Co I c- a d MrCra!. Ceather(p, Pre$!de t o* Pep$! Cola Co&pa '-
BUSINESS SEGMENTS O0 R$J GROUP The RHN Gro(p !$ d!)!ded ! to three %($! e$$ $e.&e t$5 2e)era.e, Food a d Ed(cat!o - It ha$ a lead! . &ar0et po$!t!o ! each o* !t$ three %($! e$$ $e.&e t$- O(r %ala ced port*ol!o prod(ced a $ol!d %($! e$$ per*or&a ce- Prod(ct$ a d $er)!ce$ that loo0 to the *(t(re e $(re that /e /!ll %e /ell5placed ! .ro/th &ar0et$-
I the total %e)era.e &ar0et o* 7:I M!ll!o ca$e$ the d!$tr!%(t!o !$ a$ ( der@
O(t o* Pep$!?$ total prod(ct!o ::S !$ &a (*act(red %' Na!p(r!a *a&!l' o/ ed 2ottl! . Pla t$ Gro(p ha$ .o e *or %ac0/ard ! te.rat!o to &a (*act(re pre5*or&$ *ro& re$! , /h!ch !t $(ppl!e$ to other %ottl! . pla t$ al$o-
Gro(p ha$ pla $ to ope 11 &ore re$ta(ra t$ d(r! . the c(rre t 'ear Gro(p !$ al$o d!$c($$! . *or the re5la( ch o* "HFC# cha! -
I d!a 2e)era.e$ ! d($tr'?$ $!6e !$ R$- FIII Crore$ a d !t !$ do&! ated %' t/o pla'er$ )!6 Pep$! ; Co0e o l'- Th!$ h!.h pro*!le ! d($tr' ha$ lot o* pote t!al *or .ro/th a$ per cap!ta co $(&pt!o ! I d!a !$ F %ottle$ a 'ear a$ co&pared to 4I %ottle$ ! Sr! La 0a, 1: ! Pa0!$ta , /h!le 14 %ottle$ a per$o ! NepalThe RHN .ro(p !$ I d!aK$ lead! . $(ppl!er o* reta!ler %ra d car%o ated a d No 5Car%o ated $o*t dr! 0$, /!th %e)era.e &a (*act(r! . *ac!l!t!e$ ! I d!a a d Nepal- It$ e3per!e ce ! the %e)era.e ! d($tr' date$ %ac0 to the $!3t!e$ /he !t had the *!r$t *ra ch!$e at A.ra-
Pe72i, Mi!i3d" O!"3:e, Mi!i3d" Lem%3, M%u3t"i3 DeG, ,UP, S&i1e M"3:%, S&i1e O!"3:e, E9e!9e22 S%d" a d AD"u"Hi3"'
It ha$ the l!ce $e to $(ppl' %e)era.e$ ! the terr!tor!e$ o* Ce$ter U-P-, part o* M-P-, hal* o* Har'a a, /hole o* Raja$tha , Goa, 7 d!$tr!ct$ o* Mahara$htra, D d!$tr!ct$ o* Har ata0a a d /hole o* Nepal- The .ro(p ha$ ! total 1F %ottl! . pla t$ ! I d!a ; Nepal a d !$ re$po $!%le *or prod(c! . a d &ar0et! . ::S o* Pep$! re1(!re&e t ! I d!a-
The la$t decade ha$ %ee a per!od o* d' a&!c .ro/th *or o 5alcohol!c dr! 0$ a d ha$ /!t e$$ed co&pletel' e/ $e.&e t o* the *ood &ar0et ! I d!a ta0! . $hape- To cap!tal!6e o the RHN .ro(p?$ $!. !*!ca tl' !&porta t relat!o $h!p /!th Pep$! Food$, !t dec!ded to )e t(re ! to Food$ $ector, /h!ch !$ $eco d lar.e$t %($! e$$ *or Pep$! all o)er the /orld- Fa$t *ood !$ the &o$t happe ! . th! .$ acro$$ the /orld The .ro(p %eca&e the *!r$t *ra ch!$ee *or M(& Re$ta(ra t$ I ter at!o al Z*or&erl' Pep$!Co Re$ta(ra t$ +I d!a, Pr!)ate L!&!ted[ ! I d!a- It ha$ e3cl($!)e *ra ch!$e r!.ht$ *or Norther ; Ea$ter I d!a- O(t o* => operat!o al P!66a H(t re$ta(ra t$ ! the co( tr' 4B re$ta(ra t$ are o/ ed a d r( %' !t$ co&pa '- The$e re$ta(ra t$ are located at 9e*e ce Colo ', Ala0 a da, 8!0a$ P(r!, Gree Par0, Harol 2a.h, Ne/ Fr!e d$ Colo ', Co a(.ht Place, 2a$a t Lo0, Greater Ha!la$h,
Na!p(r +4,, A.ra, No!da +4,, Far!da%ad +4,, Cha d!.arh +4,, L(dh!a a, Nalla dhar, A&r!t$ar, G(r.ao +7,, H($ha&%!+Gha6!a%d, a d Hol0atta +4,All the$e re$ta(ra t$ are &a0! . .ood pro*!t$ ; are do&! at! . the &ar0et- The a&e o* %($! e$$ e t!t' !$ 9e)'a ! I ter at!o al Pr!)ate L!&!ted-
EDUCATION The R H N Gro(p ha$ %ee a$$oc!ated /!th e3celle ce ! ed(cat!o - It $tro .l' %el!e)e$ that ! )e$t&e t ! 1(al!t' care a d ed(cat!o *or 'o( . &! d$ !$ e$$e t!al *or the *(t(re .ro/th a d
de)elop&e t o* o(r co( tr'- The .ro(p?$ *ora' ! to the $chool ed(cat!o !$ ! te ded to pro)!de e3cept!o al opport( !t!e$ *or the de)elop&e t o* the acade&!c a%!l!t!e$ o* the $t(de t$- The $chool$ r( %' the .ro(p e co(ra.e $t(de t$ to %eco&e creat!)e, ! o)at!)e a d !&a.! at!)e- The' ha)e a /!de ra .e o* co5c(rr!c(lar act!)!t!e$, /h!ch are a$ !&porta t a$ the acade&!c d!$c!pl! e$School l!*e &er.e$ /!th a plethora o* act!)!t!e$ to $(!t e)er' $ched(le, tale t a d ! tere$t ! the area$ l!0e ! door a d o(tdoor .a&e$, $/!&&! ., art a d c(lt(re, &($!c a d dra&a, Mo.a a d &art!al art$, co&&( !t' $er)!ce, etc- The $choolK$ approach to ed(cat!o ha$ %ee de$!. ed to e $(re that the $t(de t$ real!$e the!r tr(e pote t!al a d .ro/ (p to %eco&e co&plete ! d!)!d(al$ a d re$po $!%le c!t!6e $The .ro(p?$ *ora' ! to pre5$chool ed(cat!o !$ ! l! e /!th ed(cat!o al project$ o* the .ro(p- "Ce $ee o co&pet!t!o %eca($e pre5$chool ed(cat!o !$ a !che &ar0et- There !$ o $pec!al!6ed /a' o* teach! . pre5$chooler$ here#, $a'$ Na!p(r!a- The 'ear 4II1 /!t e$$ed the *(rther $pread o* the .ro(p?$ port*ol!o /!th the ope ! . o* !t$ *!r$t $chool at G(r.ao ( der the &a a.e&e t a.ree&e t /!th 9elh! P(%l!c School Soc!et'- To e3pa d ! the *!eld o* ed(cat!o !t ope ed !t$ $eco d $chool at Na!p(r ( der the &a a.e&e t o* $a&e $oc!et'-
The Gro(p ha$ e tered ! to a jo! )e t(re part er$h!p /!th M%de!3 M%3te22%!i I3te!3"ti%3"& 4MMI6 Si3:"7%!e, to ope pre5$chool ed(cat!o al ! $t!t(t!o $ acro$$ the co( tr'- For&! . a e/ e t!t', Moder Mo te$$or! I ter at!o al +MMI, I d!a ! /h!ch the Gro(p /!ll ha)e =1 per ce t e1(!t' $ta0e, the co&pa ' ! )e$t$ R$ 4II5crore ! )e$t&e t ! the I d!a operat!o $ ! the e3t *!)e 'ear$-
MMI I d!a pla $ to ope *o(r $chool$ %' Apr!l 4II: a d a$ &a ' a$ 1: $chool$ %' 4II=- The co&pa ' /!ll %e ope ! . !t$ *!r$t $chool ! G(r.ao - The lo .5ter& a.e da ! cl(de$ $tart! . 4I $chool$ each 'ear /!th a ! )e$t&e t o* R$ = crore ! each $chool-
1- Fr!to5La' 2ra d$
4- Pep$!5Cola 2ra d$
7- Gatorade 2ra d$
:- Trop!ca a 2ra d$
=- <(a0er 2ra
D- 1I-L!*e cereal
47- <(a0er 9!pp$ .ra ola %ar$ 4:- R!ce5A5Ro ! $!de d!$he$
I !t!all' !t *aced $o&e tro(%le ! e ter! . the &ar0et d(e to $tro . re$!$ta ce *ro& &o$t o* the do&e$t!c $o*t dr! 0 ! d($tr' a d ad)ocate$ o* the $/ade$h!- The I d!a l!%eral!6ed a d pro)ed to %e a other %arr!er- Pep$! re&o)ed the$e %arr!er$ %'5 eco o&' /a$ ot
Pro&!$! . the .o)er &e t to *oc($ co $!dera%le $ell! . e**ort$ ! the r(ral area to help eco o&' de)elop&e t-
O**er! . to tra $*er the *ood proce$$! ., pac0a.! . a d /ater treat&e t tech olo.' to I d!a-
Th!$ record !$ %a$ed o h!.h $ta dard o* per*or&a ce, d!$t! ct!)e co&pet!t!)e $trate.!e$ $(per%l' e3ec(ted a d the per$o al a d pro*e$$!o al ! te.r!t' o* !t$ people %($! e$$ pract!ce a d prod(ct$-
I 1DDB Pep$! co $p( o* !t$ three pr! c!pal re$ta(ra t$ %($! e$$5p!66a5h(t, HFC a d TACO %ell !
to a d ! depe de t p(%l!cl' held co&pa ' called TRICON .lo%al re$ta(ra t$ I c- Pep$! Co- I c/orld head1(arter !$ located ! p(rcha$e- N-M- appro3!&atel' := &! (te *ro& Ne/ Mor0 C!t'-
Pe72iI2 Bu2i3e22:5
Pep$! Cola !$ a /orld cla$$ co&pa ' ! lo/ &ar.! h!.h )ol(&e %($! e$$, /h!ch &ea $ $ale$ o* h!.h )ol(&e o* the prod(ct ! order to %e pro*!ta%le a d co&pete ! the .lo%al &ar0et- Pep$! Co deal$ ! car%o ated $o*t dr! 0 &ar0et CS9$ *all ! t/o cate.or!e$5Cola a d *la)or- Cola$
co ce trate o Pep$! /here a$ *la)or$ deal /!th ora .e a d le&o a d other *la)or$-
I CO2O Pep$! a d o/ the %($! e$$ !-e- &a0e$ $ale$ a d del!)er$ the prod(ct- Th!$ allo/$ *or co $!$te t proce$$ a d e $(re$ 1(al!t' o* o(r prod(ct$- I N8 Pep$! a d late$t o e part' $hare the o/ er$h!p ! a local %ottl! . operat!o - Th!$ help$ Pep$! ! &a! ta! ! . $tro . trade &ar0 o the other part'?$ reco(r$e$ a d e3pert!$e- Co ce trate !$ the cr!t!cal ! .red!e t ! the prod(ct!o o* Pep$! prod(ct a d !$ &a (*act(red ! 1= pla t$ all aro( d the /orld ! cl(d! . I d!a- Th!$
9el!)er! . Pep$! Cola, Pep$!?$ three core %ra d$ are Pep$!, M!r! da a d B5(p$-
GLOBAL STRATEGIES ADOPTED BY /HICH PEPSI BECOME NO'- DRIN$ TODAY: Pep$! pol!c' o* l!$te ! . clo$el' to !t$ $ale$&a -
Apart *ro& the cap!tal co$t o* the pla t a d e1(!p&e t, the %ottler ha$ to ! )e$t ! %ottle$, carat, tr(c0$ a d the cool! . $tr(ct(re +8!$! cooler, !ce%o3, at the reta!l po! t-
The %a$!c o%ject!)e o* ad)ert!$e&e t !$ $ale$ pro&ot!o - Sale$ pro&ot!o e3pe d!t(re ha$ %ee ! crea$! . a$ a perce ta.e o* %(d.et e3pe d!t(re a (all' a d the .ro/th !$ l!0el' to co t! (e ! *(t(re- O(r cele%r!t!e$ $!. ed %' the Pep$! Co are a$ *ollo/$@
Rah(l 9ra)!d
Mohd- Ha!*
M()araj S! .h
Har%haja S! .h
So(ra) Ga .(l'
Zaheer Hha
Aj!t A.ar0ar
Ci3e 2t"!2:5
Haree a Hapoor-
Shahr(0h Hha -
Ad a Sa&!-
Fardee Hha -
A&!ta%h 2achcha -
Go)! da-
Ra ! M(0harjee-
Te33i2 2t"!2:5
Mahe$h %h(pat!-
0%%tb"&& P&"ye!2:5
C'r($ 2roacha-
2ha!ch( . 2h(t!a-
The $t(d' !$ co d(cted *or 8ar( 2e)era.e$ Ltd- Greater No!da, a &ajor pla'er ! the car%o ated $o*t dr! 0 +CS9, &ar0et- The co&pa '?$ prod(ct$ are@
Re$earch ðodolo.' !$ a /a' to $'$te&at!call' $ol)e the re$earch pro%le& ! )ol)! . a $t(d' o* )ar!o($ $tep$ that are .e erall' adopted %' a re$earcher ! $t(d'! . h!$ re$earch pro%le&-
P!%b&em DeHi3iti%3
I the *!r$t $tep re$earch !$ *or&(lat! . a re$earch pro%le&- It !$ $a!d A problem well defined is half-solved. Pro%le& ( der the $t(d' /a$ *! d! . o(t the co¶t!)e $t(d' o* Pep$!5Cola a d Coca5Cola %ra d pre*ere ce, pac0a.! . a d 1(a t!t'-
*5 Re2e"!1 De2i:3
"Re$earch de$!. !$ the pla , $tr(ct(re a d $trate.' o* ! )e$t!.at!o co ce!)ed $o a$ to o%ta! a $/er to re$earch 1(e$t!o a d to co trol )ar!a ce-#
.5 0ie&d /%!;
The project report co)ered &o$tl' the !$olated area o* 2a da a d $(rro( d! . area o* the& th!$ /or0 ha$ do e *ollo/! . area ha$ %ee co)ered@ Banda, Attara, Fatehpur, Maudaha, Karvi, Kabrai, Hamirpur
Re2e"!1 De2i:3
A re$earch de$!. !$ $!&pl' the *ra&e/or0 or pla *or a $t(d', ($ed a$ a .(!de ! collect!o a d a al'6! . dataA re$earch de$!. !$ the arra .e&e t o* co d!t!o *or collect!o a d a al'$!$ o* data ! a &a er that a!&$ to co&%! e rele)a ce to the re$earch p(rpo$e /!th eco o&' ! proced(reTh($ a re$earch de$!. e $(re that the $t(d'5
For&(lat! . a pro%le& E$ta%l!$h! . pr!or!t!e$ Gather! . ! *or&at!o I crea$! . the a al'$t?$ *a&!l!ar!t'
Clar!*'! . co cept$
*5 De21!i7ti9e Re2e"!1
I a de$cr!pt!)e re$earch &ea $ de$cr!%e the pro%le& o* re$earch a d *! d the $ol(t!o A o)erall "R!.!d# E3plorator' re$earch de$!. ha$ %ee ($ed *oc($! . atte t!o o @
9e$cr!%e the character!$t!c$ E$t!&ate the proport!o o* people ! a $pec!*!ed pop(lat!o To &a0e $pec!*!c pred!ct!o To deter&! e /hether certa! )ar!a%le are a$$oc!ated
Re2e"!1 De2i:3
Re$earch O%ject!)e$
S!t(at!o A al'$!$
Sampling Plan
Re$earch I $tr(&e t
Re$earch 9e$!.
Co te t Method
Data Source
9ata A al'$!$
2' pr!&ar' data are &ea t tho$e /h!ch are or!.! al, that !$, tho$e ! /h!ch l!ttle or o .ro(p! . ha$ %ee , the ! $ta ce %e! . recorded or !te&!$t a$ e co( tered, the' are e$$e t!all' ra/ &ater!al-
Seco dar' data tho$e alread' ! e3!$te ce a d /h!ch ha)e %ee collected *or $o&e other p(rpo$e tha the a $/er! . o* the 1(e$t!o at ha d-
Catalo.(e$ o* co&pa ' are $t(d!ed ! d!**ere t %ra d$ a)a!la%le ! the &ar0et-
9!**ere t &a.a6! e$ a d e/$ paper$ are $t(d!ed to collect the ! *or&at!o a%o(t pre$e t $ce ar!o o* cold dr! 0 &ar0et-
9o/ load the ! *or&at!o a)a!la%le o the /e%5$!te o* the co&pa !e$-
The ! *or&at!o !$ al$o o%ta! ed *ro& the pre)!o($ report o* the co&pa !e$-
I th!$ project primary data collection method ha$ %ee ($ed- I /h!ch a 1(e$t!o ha$ %ee dra*ted /h!ch ! cl(ded 1I 1(e$t!o to &a0e a $(r)e' o reta!ler pre*ere ce a d accepta ce to/ard the $o*t dr! 0 co&pa '?$-
Sa&pl! . !$ the proce$$ to .et the $a&ple *or the lar.e pop(lat!o - Pop(lat!o ca %e de*! ed a$ the lar.e collect!o o* data, !-e-5 co&&od!t', ce $($, t!&e etc-
Ty7e %H 2"m7&i3:
P!%b"bi&ity 2"m7&i3:
A pro%a%!l!t' $a&pl! . !$ choo$er ! $(ch a /a' that each &e&%er o* the ( !)er$e ha$ a 0 o/ cha .e o* %e! . $elected-
He ce ! th!$ project /or0 Probability sampling design i.e. Random sampling /a$ adopted a$ a de*! !te pla *or o%ta! ! . a $a&ple *ro& the pop(lat!o - The $elect!o tech !1(e /a$ a Strat!*!ed ra do& $a&pl! . a re$tr!cted pro%a%!l!t' $a&pl! .
The o%ject!)e o* a ' $t(d' de* ! p(rpo$e *or /h!ch $t(d' !$ ta0e (p- It $pec!*!e$ the .oal$ to %e ach!e)ed- The project o $o*t dr! 0$ !$ to *! d o(t the &ar0et $hare o* Coca Cola )!$5a5)!$e Pep$! the %a$!c o%ject!)e o* th!$ re$earch !$ to *! d o(t the a $/er$ o* the *ollo/! . 1(e$t!o $@
1- To acce$$ the &ar0et $hare o* Coca Cola )!$5a5)!$e Pep$!-
7- To F! d Mo$t Pre*erred-
7- To co cl(de a d $(..e$t the co&pa ' &ea$(re$ a d &ea $ to ! crea$e !t$ $hare a d ! $ale$ a d (p.rade !t$ o)erall per*or&a ce th($ to !&pro)e corporate !&a.e-
ROUT RIDING The %e)era.e ! d($tr!e$ are to %e &ore $pec!*!c, the $o*t dr! 0 ! d($tr!e$ ha)e o e o* the &o$t act!)e et/or0$ ! ter& o* !t$ prod(ct!o , $(ppl', d!$tr!%(t!o , &ar0et! ., co $(&pt!o a d al$o per$o al relat!o $ at the )er' $eco d le)el o* !t$ d!$tr!%(t!o $o&e t!&e $a!d >9e!y H"2t m%9i3: 1%32ume! :%%d2' et/or0- That !$ the rea$o !t !$
Ro(t r!d! . !$ ece$$ar' *or *!ll! . the co $(&er?$ eed$- It !$ o e t'pe o* d!$tr!%(t!o cha el *or the prod(ct- Co $(&er$ al/a'$ th! 0 that /he the' ha)e eeded the prod(ct, the prod(ct $ho(ld %e a)a!la%le-
9(r! . the )er' ! !t!al a.e there /a$ a re1(!re&e t to e3erc!$e ro(t r!d! ., the o%ject!)e o* /h!ch /a$@
Ro(te r!d! . !$ a %a$!call' acco&pa '! . Pep$! )a $ alo . /!th ro(te a.e t$ a d ( der$ta d! . the /a'- The' co d(ct &ercha d!$! . act!)!t!e$ r!.ht *ro& the char.ed )a $ lea)e the depot- The ro(te r!d! . pha$e /a$ *or the ! !t!al te da'$ ! /h!ch /e had co)ered d!**ere t ro(te$-
The ro(te r!d! . !$ a cr(c!al pha$e %eca($e the act(al deal! . /!th the c($to&er$ ca %e )er' e**!c!e tl' ( der$tood thro(.h th!$ proce$$ /h!ch !$ !&porta t at all le)el$ o* dec!$!o $ &a0! . ! the ! d($tr'-
The ro(te !-e- the Pep$! )a $ /ere char.ed a d le*t the depot %' B@7I ! the &or ! ., acco&pa !ed %' the ro(te a.e t- The ro(te a.e t$ /ere .!)e the ro(te pla er$ a d the part!c(lar$ o* the prod(ct, *la)or$ a d 1(a t!t!e$ alo . /!th the %!ll! . &ater!al$- The )a $ had to co)er the e t!re ro(te a d the ro(te a.e t had to do &ercha d!$! . a d $ale$ a.a! $t ca$h, /h!ch /a$ a $!. !*!ca t *eat(re o* th!$ ! d($tr'-
Tar.et$ /ere .!)e t/!ce or thr!ce ! a /ea0 that /a$ a challe .e *or the& a d a*ter ach!e)! . the$e tar.et$ the RA?$ /ere a/arded /!th $o&e $pec!al ! ce t!)e$- A$ there e3!$t$ a pla act!)!t!e$ o* the ro(t a.e t$ a d ( der$ta d the %e)era.e &ar0et 'er l!0e Coca5Cola- So !t had a lot to do /!th $che&e$, d!$co( t$ a d other ! ce t!)e$-
The ro(te$ /ere allocated o the %a$!$ o* ! d!)!d(al area$ a d de&a d o* the prod(ct ! the part!c(lar area- The RA?$ ha)e %ee re$po $!%le *or acco&pl!$h&e t o* the!r $ale$ tar.et$ o there ro(te$ a d /a$ .!)e ! ce t!)e$ o ach!e)! . the tar.et$-
Not o l' th!$ RA?$ al$o ha$ re$po $!%!l!t' o* &o)! . the *la)or$ a d pac0$ ! proport!o alo . /!th the proper d!$pla' o* the prod(ct *or proper )!$!%!l!t' a d arra .e&e t o* prod(ct$ ! %ra d order$ alo . /!th "8ISI p(r!t'-#
The RA?$ had re$po $!%!l!t' o* $ett! . (p Mo opol' PEPSI $ale$ co( ter$ /here o prod(ct e3cept that o* PEPSI /o(ld %e a)a!la%le a&o . the $o*t dr! 0$ a d e$pec!all' o* coca cola- The$e Mo opol' $ale$ co( ter$ e jo'ed %e e*!t$ ! ter&$ o* d!$co( t, $che&e$ 8ISI?$ +Fr!d.e$,, d!$pla' %oard$, .lo/ $!. %oard$, /all pa! t! .$, %a er$, po$ter$ a d other ! ce t!)e$-
The RA?$ had to ach!e)e the!r $ale$ tar.et$ a d $(rre der the da!l' $ale proceed$ /!th the co cer ed c($to&er e3ec(t!)e$ alo . /!th the ro(t pla er$ a d %!ll! . &ater!al$ a d .et pa$$ alo . /!th the deta!l$ o* $ale$ o there ro(te-
The e t!re act!)!t!e$ o* the RA?$ /a$ co trolled %' the c($to&er e3ec(t!)e$, /ho al$o a$$!$ted the RA?$ ! ach!e)! . there tar.et$ a d /here ! char.e o* the $ale$ per*or&a ce ! there a$$!. ed area$-
A c($to&er e3ec(t!)e had *!)e to $!3 RA?$ ( der h!& a d /a$ re$po $!%le *or there per*or&a ce a$ /ell- He /a$ al$o co cer ed /!th the pro&ot!o al act!)!t!e$ o h!$ ro(te$ a d ha dl! . o* pol!c' &atter$ ! the corporate re.ard! . $(ppl' to ! d($tr!al ca tee $ a d ca*eter!a$-
Ce a$ $(&&er tra! ee$ /ere re1(!red to $t(d' a d a al'6e the act!)!t!e$ o* RA?$ a d the *a&!l!ar /!th the &ar0et- Ce had %ee pro)!ded &ar0et a al'$!$ $heet$ %' M9C ! /h!ch _/e /ere re1(!red reocc(r$ o a part!c(lar ro(te-
A!e "2 H%&&%G2:
The 1(a t!t' o* the cold a d /ar& $toc0$ o* all %ra d$ a d *la)or$ a)a!la%le at the o(tlet alo . /!th the o(tlet deta!l$I 1(!r! . a%o(t the $at!$*act!o o* the reta!ler$ ! ter&$ o* $ale$ o* PEPSI prod(ct$, $che&e$, d!$co( t$ co&%o o**er$ a d the %e e*!t$ o* the pro&ot!o al o**er$-
I 1(!r! . a%o(t the %eha)!or a d the &ercha d!$! . o* RA?$ ! co&pa !e$ a.a! $t RA?$, co&pa ' or prod(ct, !* a '-[
I 1(!re a%o(t the per*or&a ce o* the )ar!o($ %ra d$ a d *la)or$ pac0$ a d c($to&er?$ re$po $e to tho$e %ra d$ or *la)or$ a d al$o to ed(cate the reta!ler$ a%o(t )ar!o($ $che&e$ a d ! ce t!)e$ to ! crea$e $ale$ )ol(&e-
At la$t the a$$e$$&e t o* the e**ect!)e e$$ o* the pro&ot!o al &ater!al$ a d act!)!t!e$ l!0ed 9PS %oard$, Glo/ $!. %oard, $!. a.e, /all pa! t! .$, %a er$, rac0$, $hel)e$, co( ter$, 8ISI?$ a d al$o !&pact o* at!o /!de ad)ert!$! . o %ra d$ lo'alt' %' the c($to&er$-
The ! *or&at!o $o collected /a$ re1(!red to %e *!lled ! the &ar0et a al'$!$ $heet +$pec!&e ! e3t co t! (o($ pa.e$, a d reported to the M9C alo . /!th other ! *or&at!o ! order to the!r $er!o($ e$$-
Raj a.ar
Ha)! a.ar
Sha$tr! a.ar
Ra!l/a' Stat!o
2($ Sta d
Call C!t'
9adar! Road
Loh!a Na.ar
8!ja' Na.ar
Pratap 8!har
Patel Na.ar
Na d Gra&
Go)! dp(ra&
I d($tr!al Area
To .o &ar0et a d $(r)e' a d &eet 14I $hop0eeper a d *! d data :IS ch!ldre ,a d=IS 'o(th a d 1IS old-
To .o &ar0et a d $(r)e' the $ale$ o* $o*t dr! 0$ a d *! d o(t that there are :=S &ar0et $hare capt(re %' Pep$! a d :=S $hare o* &ar0et capt(red %' co0e a d o l' 1IS &ar0et $hare$ are holded %' other %ra d$-
To &eet &a ' people a d *! d o(t the re$(lt that to ($e o* Pep$! $o*t dr! 0 ! Gha6!a%ad /a$ &ore the other $o*t dr! 0-
9(r! . $(&&er tra! ! . o* t/o &o th$ per!od$- The$e *! d! .$ are %a$ed (po Pep$!Co2ra d perce ta.e /!$eFro& Ma' to N( e pare ta.e ! crea$e ! $ell! . o* /hole Pep$!Co 2ra d !$ =IS-
I Apr!l the perce ta.e $hare o* Pep$!Co *la)or /a$ =BS that co&e$ to =1S ! &o th$ o* N( e- Th!$ $ho/$ the decrea$e a%o(t >S-
I &o th o* N(l' the $ale o* Gha6!a%ad /a$ FI,III crate$ I the &o th o* N(l' the $ale o* Gha6!a%ad /a$ =I,III crate$- So there !$ decrea$e a%o(t :IS *ro& N( e to N(l'-
The a (al $ale o* Gha6!a%ad la$t 'ear 4II= /a$ aro( d 7,=I,III a d th!$ 'ear e3pected a (al $ale !$ aro( d 7,B=,III crate$-
So *or the e d o* &' S(&&er Tra! ! ., I *o( d that Co0e?$ Th(&$Up 2ra d !$ &ore de&a ded ! $o&e area$ o* Gha6!a%adco&par!$o to Pep$!?$ Cola *la)or$I
It?$ $ell! . tech !1(e o* ro(te a.e t$ o* the Pep$! /h!ch %oo$t (p the $ale o*
I *o( d that the $er)!ce o* o(r d!$tr!%(t!o $'$te& !$ .ood ! e)er' areaThe r(ral area$ o* Gha6!a%ad, /here p(re dr! 0! . /ater !$ ot a)a!la%le, Pep$! !$ a)a!la%le there-
PRICE LIST Fu"3tityKb%tt&e 4II &l 7II &l =II &l 4 l!ter 4II &l +Tetra Sl!ce, 4=I &l +9!et Pep$!, 77I &l +Ca , 1 l!ter +A1(a*! a, 4=I &l +Sl!ce, 4 l!ter +M!r! da Ora .e, P!i1eK1!"te 1:> 1D4 ::: 7>D 41F 7B> :BI 1I7 1D4 74: N%' OH b%tt&e2 i3 1!"te 4: 4: 4: ID 4: 4: 4: 14 4: ID
A$ per the co cl($!o !$ co cer ed the $trate.' lead *or the $ale$ pro&ot!o $ o* Pep$! a d !t$ other %ra d /a$ to pro)ed to %e $(cce$$*(l a$ !t$ perce ta.e $hare ! the &ar0et a$ co&pared to Coca5 Cola ha)e .rad(all' %ee ! crea$ed- Th!$ al$o led to ! cre&e t ! total $hare o* Pep$! co&pa ' %ra d ! /hole %e)era.e$ &ar0et ! Gha6!a%ad-
Co&pa ' %elo .$ to the FMCG $ector $o the de&a d /!ll e)er d!e-
Pro*e$$!o al a d ded!cated &a po/er- +Start! . *ro& the h!.her5le)el &a a.e&e t to the $ale$5&a Pep$!?$ e&plo'ee$ !$ ha)! . .reat de.ree o* ded!cat!o a d pro*e$$!o al att!t(de to/ard$ $ell! . the prod(ct$- O the other ha d co&pa !e$? operat!o al $ta** al/a'$ tr!e$ the!r &a3!&(& $tre .th to &eet the de&a d a d (t!l!6e the reco(r$e$ to &a3!&(&-,
More e&pha$!$ o &ar0et pe etrat!o - +Co&pa !e$ e**ort$ o* pro)!d! . the Pep$! a d other prod(ct$ to the c($to&er?$ door$tep are /or0! . )!$5`5)!$ /here)er the tra $portat!o po$$!%le dealer$ are appo! ted-, 5 !$ ot
I co&par!$o to Coca5Cola?$ red color, /h!ch !$ %r!.hter a d ha)e &ore )!$!%!l!t' Pep$!?$ %l(e color pro)!de $e $e o* rela3 e$$ ! the %r!.ht $( ' da'-
I the r(ral area$ a d o(t$0!rt$ o* the c!t' /here there !$ &a3!&(& pop(lat!o !$ !ll!terate, Pep$! !$ ha)! . a ed.e- +A$ co&pared to Coca5Cola, pro o( c! . Pep$! !$ lot &ore ea$' rea$o *or &ore de&a d o* the Pep$! a d !t$ %ra d$-,
More pop(lar!t' a&o . the 0!d$ a d *e&ale 'o(th- +2eca($e o* the $/eete ed ta$te Pep$! a d !t$ other %ra d$ attract$ the 0!d$ a d *e&ale &ore- M!r! da !$ *o( d &ore pop(lar a&o . 0!d$-,-
Reta! a%!l!t' o* the T-8- ad)ert!$e&e t$ o* Pep$! !$ *ar &ore ! co&par!$o to Coca5Cola+Pep$!?$ T-8- ad)ert!$e&e t ! /h!ch Sach! Te d(l0ar /h!$tle$ at the e d ha$ &a3!&(& reta! a%!l!t'-
Other tha
Te d(l0ar, Sha e Car e a d Carl Hooper, ad)ert!$e&e t ca&pa!. /h!ch co&p ra!$e$ o* A&!ta%h 2achcha , Har! a Hapoor a d Ad a Sa&! a d late$t ad)ert!$e&e t$ o* Pep$! a d Mo( ta! 9e/ +9o the 9e/, are )er' *a&o($- O the other ha d Coca5Cola?$ ad)ert!$e&e t ca&pa!. o* "tha da &atla% Coca5Cola# a d A&!r Hha ?$ *!)e r(pee$ add ha)e the &a3!&(& reta! a%!l!t'-
-' Coca5Cola?$ red color ha$ &ore )!$!%!l!t' tha Pep$!?$ %l(e color- +2eca($e o* the %r!.ht color o* Coca5Cola !t !$ &ore )!$!%le e)e *ro& the d!$ta ce a$ co&pared to Pep$!,
Pep$!?$ $! a.e$ are *ar &ore $cattered a$ co&pared to Coca5Cola- +2eca($e o* th!$ at $o&e place$ !t loo0$ that the &ar0et !$ capt(red %' Coca5Cola-,-
Lo/ pla t capac!t' %eca($e o* /h!ch co&pa ' !$ ot a%le to &eet !t$ de&a d d(r! . the pea0 $ea$o - +8ar( 2e)era.e$ I d!a Ltd-, Pep$!?$ Greater No!da pla t ha$ o e co t! (o($ a$$e&%l' l! e *or prepar! . tetra a d *o(r co t! (o($ a$$e&%l' l! e$? /h!ch are *!ll! . aro( d 1=,III %ottleQda', /h!ch !$ ! $(**!c!e t to co&plete the de&a d d(r! . the pea0, $ea$o $-,-
Le$$er pla t (t!l!6at!o d(r! . the o**5pea0 $ea$o $- +9(r! . the /! ter $ea$o a$ the de&a d !$ )er' lo/, pla t a d re$o(rce (t!l!6at!o .oe$ do/ -,
Lac0 o* a(to&ato ! the ad&! !$trat!)e depart&e t ! the pla t, /h!ch re$(lt$ ! /a$ta.e o* t!&e a d $o&et!&e$ ! re$o(rce$ al$o-
OPPORTUNITIES -' 9e&a d !$ &ore tha the prod(ct!o - +2eca($e o* the heat the de&a d o* the $o*t dr! 0 ra!$ed dra$t!call' /h!ch !$ the .ood opport( !t' *or the co&pa ' a r!)al %ra d$ are al$o *! d! . !t d!**!c(lt to co&plete the de&a d- There*ore Pep$!Co- Ha$ to ! crea$e the prod(ct!o -,
)!a%le to &a0e !t $tro .er, a$ th!$ ca re$tr!ct the e tr' o* the other
H!d$ de&a d *or the M!r! da &ore a$ co&pared to a ' other ora .e *la)or $o*t dr! 0 %ra d-
%e)era.e$, /h!ch /a$ &ore or le$$ capt(red %' the "Froot!# t!ll o/-
THREATS -' pla t capac!t' !$ )er' lo/ the co&pa ' !$ ot a%le to &eet the e3!$t! . de&a d d(r! . the pea0 $ea$o $,*' Pep$! !$ ot p!c0! . (p the e&pt' %ottle$ o* Coca5Cola o the other ha d Coca5Cola !$
e3cha .! . the Pep$!?$ e&pt' %ottle$ /!th the *!lled %ottle$ o* Coca5Cola- +Th!$ !$ h!tt! . the Pep$! ! t/o /a'$, firstly o(r %ottle$ are .ett! . t(c0ed /!th the Coca5Cola a d creat! . $horta.e o* e&pt' %ottle$ o* Pep$! ! the &ar0et, a d secondly /he o(r $ale$&a .oe$ to d!$tr!%(te the re5 *!lled %ottle$ ! the &ar0et, he te d$ to &eet /!th the lac0 o* $ale$ at the e d o* the da' de$p!te o* the ! crea$! . de&a d %eca($e /here)er he .oe$ he *o( d the e&pt' %ottle$ o* Coca5Cola e)er'/here /h!ch he !$ a$0ed ot to p!c0ed (p-
There !$ lot o* co&pla! t$ are co&! . (p a%o(t the !&p(r!t!e$ or lea0a.e o* .a$ or lea0a.e o* car%o ated /ater- +C!th! the la$t 7I da'$ I &et aro( d =I $(ch co&pla! t$ %eca($e o* /h!ch reta!ler$ /ere )er' a .r' /!th the co&pa ',-
So&e o* the *!ll! . e1(!p&e t$ ! the pla t are 1(!te old /h!ch o e o* the rea$o $ *or lo/ prod(ct!o !$-
There !$ o proper pol!c' o* d!$tr!%(t! . the &ercha d!$! . a$$et$ o* the co&pa ' to the reta!ler$+Ma ' o* the reta!ler$ ha)e $o &a ' th! .$ tho(.h the!r $ale$ are lo/ %(t *e/ o* the& do ?t ha)e a 'th! . ! $p!te o* lar.e $ale$-,-
PROBLEMS 9(r! . &' $(&&er tra! ! ., I *o( d d!**ere t t'pe o* pro%le&$ the et $ale o* o(r prod(ct- O the %a$!$ o* &' $(r)e' I /a t to $(..e$t the$e pro%le&$@
Reta!ler?$ pro%le&$@
RA ; reta!ler$ accord! . to
Fe/ RA repre$e t /ro . $che&e /!th d!**ere t prod(ct *or the!r per$o al pro*!t-
There are lac0! . $o&e le)el o* lo'alt' %et/ee co&pa ' repre$e tat!)e$So&e co $(&er$ *! d %ad 1(al!t' %ottle$So&e t!&e$ there are ot c(rre t replace&e t$ o* *a(lt' %ottle$-
-' There $ho(ld %e &(t(al ! teract!o %et/ee h!.her ; lo/er a(thor!t' o re.(lar %a$!$ $o
that the' ca /or0 a$ a tea& ; a$ a *a&!l'*' .' The co&pa ' $ho(ld *(l*!ll all the co d!t!o /h!ch the' 0 o/ *orThe co&pa ' $ho(ld al$o ta0e $o&e $(..e$t!o a d ad)!$e %e*ore decl! e$ ; la( ch! . a
prod(ct +' C' A' The co&pa ' $ho(ld propa.ate the!r e/ $trate.'The co&pa ' $ho(ld pro)!de e/ a d ! o)at!)e $che&e to e ha ce There $ho(ld %e proper /a' *or ad)ert!$e&e t a d $che&e$$ale$ o* )ol(&e-
The Eco o&!c$ T!&e$ The 2($! e$$ Toda' The H! d($ta T!&e$
-,- Hotler, Ph!l!p, Mar0et! . Ma a.e&e t, 9elh!, Pear$o Ed(cat!o P)t- Ltd-, 4II:
*6- Hothar!, C-R-, Re$earch Methodolo.', Ne/ 9elh!, C!$h/a Pra0a$ha P)t- Ltd-, 4II7
N"me %H Out&et@ 5 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa C "33e&:5a---aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--Add!e22:5aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-P %3e N%'@5aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
Z [ Z [ Z [
[ [ [
Fue2ti%3 N%' .:5 Are 'o( $at!$*!ed /!th PEPSI prod(ct$ ; !t$ $er)!ce$E
[ [
[ [ [
[ [ [
Fue2ti%3 N%' A:5 /h!ch %ra d o* Pep$! the c($to&er &ore l!0e$ to dr! 0E
[ [ [ [