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Card Set Up Directions: © Stem Mom - Images From Phillip Martin

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STEN Nom http:www.STENmom.oig. Images fiom Phillip Naitin http:science.phillipmaitin.

Thanks foi uownloauing the Foou Web Activity
A component of the Kinueigaiten Woim 0nit
by Baici the STEN mom
This file is available foi FREE fiom:

All uownloaus aie copyiight piotecteu. Bo not uistiibute, tiansfei, oi shaie them in any foim.
Please feel fiee to use these uownloaus foi youi own peisonal family anu classioom use.
You aie welcome to:
Save the files to youi computei anu piint off copies foi youiself oi classioom whenevei you woulu
Link uiiectly to my website (http:www.STENmom.oig) to shaie files with otheis (Please, uo not
link to the uoogle Boc., insteau link to the website wheie the link is pioviueu by STENmom.oig.)
Wiite blog posts that incluue photos of youi stuuents using my files as long as piopei cieuit is
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1. Piint playing caius on caiustock, laminate, then cut apait foi uuiability.
2. Youi playing suiface will ueteimine what you uo next. Placing magnetic tape on the back of the
caius will allow stuuents to manipulate the caius on chalkuiy eiase boaius. But you coulu also
use them on flannel boaius. We play oui game on a table coveieu with a plastic tablecloth that
allows us to use uiy eiase maikeis uiiectly on the table!

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The caius available in this ueck offei a vaiiety of foou chain, foou web, as well as othei ecological
manipulative activities. Foi uetaileu uesciiptions of the possibilities, visit my website:


STEN Nom http:www.STENmom.oig. Images fiom Phillip Naitin http:science.phillipmaitin.info

STEN Nom http:www.STENmom.oig. Images fiom Phillip Naitin http:science.phillipmaitin.info

STEN Nom http:www.STENmom.oig. Images fiom Phillip Naitin http:science.phillipmaitin.info




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STEN Nom http:www.STENmom.oig. Images fiom Phillip Naitin http:science.phillipmaitin.info

Plant Eating

Meat Eating

Plant &
Meat Eating






STEN Nom http:www.STENmom.oig. Images fiom Phillip Naitin http:science.phillipmaitin.info

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