Information of Ethernet Switches For Configuration and Port Settings Are Mentioned in Table-A Below. Table-A

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Switch configuration for CISCO Ethernet Switches

CISCO Catalyst 2960T- 24 SWITCH


Information of Ethernet switches for configuration and port settings are mentioned in Table- A below. Table-A Sl no Host !a(e )case sensiti*e+ I, Interface &--ress Ena.le secret ,asswor)case sensiti*e+ Ena.le /asswor)case sensiti*e+ 0irtual ter(inal )Telnet+ ,asswor)case sensiti*e+ Interface !a(e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

7HMIC-A 7HMIC-B 7HMI1-A 7HMI1-B 7HMI2-A 7HMI2-B 7SG&TG-A 7SG&TG-B 7TG1-A 7TG1-B 7TG2-A 7TG2-B 7TG3-A 7TG3-B 7SG1-A 7SG1-B 7SG2-A 7SG2-B 7SG3-A 7SG3-B 7SG4-A 7SG4-B 7FO -A 7FO -B 7FO!H-A 7FO!H-B

hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi hmi

hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1 hmi1

hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2 hmi2

vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1 vlan1

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Switch configuration for CISCO Ethernet Switches

If switch is to be configured first time do the following as per Table-#

Table-# Ste/s $tep-! $tep-& $tep-" $tep-, $tep-$tep-2 $tep$tep-5 $tep-6 $tep-!7 $tep-!! $tep-!& $tep-!" $tep-!, Configuration 1 connection %onnect the $witch to P% through $erial port. 'un the ()per Terminal and do the default settings for the %*+ port to which switch is connected. T)pe Enable at the command prompt. Press the Enter. T)pe $etup. Press the Enter. .ould )ou li/e to Enter initial configuration dialog0 .ould )ou li/e to Enter basic management $etup0 Enter the host name for the $witch3 and Press 'eturn. Enter Enable secret password and Press 'eturn. Enter Enable password and Press 'eturn. Enter 8irtual terminal 9Telnet: password and Press return. %onfigure $;+P ;etwor/ management <no=: Enter interface name used to connect to management networ/ from the abo>e interface summar) %onfigure interface >lan! IP address for this interface .ould )ou li/e to enable as cluster command switch If )ou to sa>e the configuration and use it the ne?t time switch 'eboots3 sa>e it in non->olatile 'A+ 9;8'A+: b) selecting The option &. 0alue

1es 1es 4 hmi hmi! hmi& ;* >lan! ! &.!2.&77.&74. ;* Enter )our selection <&=: &

,O%T SETTI!#S: if switch configuration is completed then do the port settings through .eb

browser. "#$%h&$'#ll#(in) $tep-! $tep-& @isconnect the switch from P%As serial port Install the program BCa>a & 'untime En>ironment3 $E >!.,.7D from ma?$tation 'elease ".& %@ to all the ma?$tation in order to enable the switch browsing from all the ma?$tation. p$tep-" %onnect the +a? stations to switch. #rowse the switch through internet browser. $tep-, T)pe the IP interface address 9mentioned abo>e: as entered in step: !" of the switch setting Ender address filed. $tep-T)pe the $witch name and Enable secret password 9mentioned abo>e: as entered in the stepand step-5 of the switch setting. $tep-2 Press the .eb console button. Press the Frant session button. Select /ort settings 2enu an- -o the following Interface Ga 7H! -I Ga 7H&" Ga 7H&, 3escri/tion blan/ blan/ Status Enabled Enabled 3u/le4 AET* AET* S/eeAET* AET* ,ort fast Enabled Enabled "low control *ff J *ff *n J *n

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Switch configuration for CISCO Ethernet Switches

3ual ,ower Settings for 3C Switch )2o-el' WS-2955T1C-62+: These settings are to be done b) connecting the switch Through h)per terminal $witchIenable Password: (+I $witch# configure terminal $witch 9config:#power-suppl) dual $witch 9config:#end $witch# show alarm settings $witch# %op) running-config startup-config $witch# 'eload $witch# %onfirm-I'eturn. Setting the /ower su//ly alar( o/tions' $witchIenable Password: (+I $witch# configure terminal $witch 9config:#alarm facilit) Power-suppl) rela) major $witch 9config:# alarm facilit) Power-suppl) notifies $witch 9config:# alarm facilit) Power-suppl) s)slog End $witch# show alarm settings %op) running-config startup-config &ssociate the Te(/erature &lar(s to a %elay' $witchIenable Password: (+I $witch configure terminal $witch 9config:#alarm facilit) temperature primar) rela) minor $witch 9config:# alarm facilit) temperature primar) notifies $witch 9config:# alarm facilit) temperature primar) s)slog End $witch show alarm settings %op) running-config startup-config This completes the $witch %onfiguration.

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