Rio Advertising Brief

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ENGLISH BISCUIT MANUFACTURERS Advertising Brief: Peek Freans RIO 3rd August 2006

The cream biscuit category is the second biggest category in the biscuit market. RIO is the No. brand in this category !ith 56% share o" tota# cream market$ "o##o!ed by %rince 26% &'()$ *am +earts 8% &,o#son) - %eek .reans /and!iches 4%. (nder the Rio brand !e ha0e t!o 1roducts one is RIO 2oub#e Treat - other is RIO 3ani##a. Rio 2oub#e Treat o""ers 2 "#a0or combinations one is the RIO /tra!berry 3ani##a 4ream - the other is the RIO 4hoco#ate 3ani##a 4ream. /e##ing three times more 0o#ume then its com1etition %rince by '($ RIO is more 1o1u#ar in the %un5ab 1ro0ince &'ahore$ 6u5ran!a#a$ 7u#tan$ .aisa#abad) as com1ared to /ind. 4om1etition is a#so acti0e in this category and is hea0i#y ad0ertising their cream biscuits brands. A#most !% o" the 0o#ume is coming "rom the abo0e cities. Among the "#a0or 0ariants Rio /tra!berry 3ani##a contribute a#most !% to the tota# brand sa#es. As !e are the market #eader !e need to further strengthen our leadership position through expending our user base and building our brand personality in order to grow the Brand E uity of RIO!

N""d For Ad#"r$%&%ng

%eek .reans Rio 2oub#e Treat !as #aunched in August "##$. +o!e0er$ the ad0ertisement used "or this #aunch !as an announcement ad and$ being so$ did not attem1t to bui#d the brands personality or %reate any sort of e&otional bond with the %onsu&er! 7oreo0er$ its 1ur1ose being 1rimari#y to announce the arri0a# o" the ne! brand$ the ad had short #i0ed re#e0ance and a11ea#. The inno0ati0e 2oub#e Treat 1roduct conce1t that !as introduced 3 years a go - no! needs to be "o##o!ed u1 !ith communication !ith a singu#ar theme that is re#e0ant to the target markets 1re"erences in order to 1osition the brand more e""ecti0e#y. This 1ositioning shou#d be in #ine !ith their #i"esty#e and acti0ities and "u#"i## their aspirations need this should ai& to %reate the e&otional bonding that is %urrently &issing and re'ignite as well as &aintain %onsu&er interest in the brand! Rio doub#e treat !as #aunch !ith an inno0ati0e 1roduct doub#e cream "#a0or in one biscuit !hich !as a uni8ue - creati0e 1roduct in the entire biscuit category$ Rio doub#e treat itse#" is an inno0ati0e - creati0e brand. And ,ids a#so !ant to inno0ate9create di""erent things !hich they imagine or ins1ire$ we need to build this %onne%t between RIO (O)B*E +REA+ , -I(.! /e need to give the& a platfor& through whi%h they %an bridge the gap between their i&agination0Inspirational %hallenges!

Targ"$ Mark"$
The ad0ertising !i## target a## cream biscuit consumers and !i## inc#ude current consumers o" both RIO as !e## as %rince. These ha0e been identi"ied as s%hool'going kids1 both &ale and fe&ale1 aged between 2 to 3" years and belonging pri&arily to .E4 A'B1 4 , ( +hese %hildren5s are &odern1 young1 %reative , fun loving kids1 and wants aspiring experien%es to do %reative and %hallenging things in life and are energetic and "ond o" 0arious e:tra;curricu#ar acti0ities such as !atching T3$ #istening music$ dra!ing$ co#oring$ 1ainting$ com1uter90ideo game etc. and di""erent outdoor acti0ities 7uch o" their energy ho!e0er is s1ent in trying to achie0e a ba#ance bet!een studies and the e:tra curricu#ar acti0ities o" their choice. <iscuits in genera# en5oy a 1ositi0e association !ith 1#ay;time and these e:tra curricu#ar acti0ities because these re1resent "un and a snack during or a"ter "un time enhances their en5oyment. In terms o" re#ationshi1s$ sharing good times !ith "riends 1#ays an im1ortant 1art in their #i0es and they en5oy 1#aying !ith them and sharing things !ith them. 3a#ues that these chi#dren ho#d c#ose to their heart are hard !ork$ se#"#essness and sharing !ith "riends and communication that high#ights these 0a#ues tends to ha0e higher reca##. A#though they en5oy and a11reciate "antasy in ads they 1re"er it to be se1arate "rom the rea# !or#d. In most ad0ertisements they 1re"er #ightness and comic e#ements but !ou#d #ike it to be meaning"u# and re#e0ant to the conte:t and can o"ten be 8uite critica# o" ad0ertisements in this res1ect.

'()"c$%#" o* Ad#"r$%&%ng+
To gro! the brand by strengthening the brand 1ersona#ity and bui#ding brand e8uity =nab#e the target market to identi"y !ith the brand on an emotiona# #e0e# - de0e#o1 strong associating and emotiona# connect !ith the target audience. 4reate high reca## o" the brand 4on0ince consumers that %. Rio is a modern$ "riend#y$ and creati0e brand !hich they can re#ate to as >their? brand (ti#i@e the brand imagery to e0oke 1ositi0e associations !ith 0a#ues9"ee#ings that are he#d dear by the target market in order to achie0e the abo0e Resu#t in higher brand #oya#ty and subse8uent#y re1urchase

Brand ,o&%$%on%ng
+arget: /choo#;going ,ids$ both 7a#e - .ema#e$ aged bet!een A to 2 years and be#onging to A$<$4 - 2 Brand: %reek .reans RIO is Personality: A 7odern$ Boung$ .un;#o0ing$ 4reati0e - Acti0e 4o&p Fra&ework: /and!ich 4ream biscuit Rational Benefit: O""ers the best tasting cream$ nutrition and 0ariety o" "#a0ors Reason to believe: 2ue to the best 8ua#ity ingredients o" creams$ g#ucose$ eggs$ mi#k and !heat "#our a0ai#ab#e in 1re"erred "#a0or combination o" 0ani##a$ stra!berry9 0ani##a - choco#ate90ani##a E&otional Benefit: To modern$ young$ creati0e - "un #o0ing kids$ Rio o""ers as1iring e:1erience to do creati0e and cha##enging things in #i"e

R"-u%r"d Fro. $/" Ag"nc0C

Three di""erent thematic conce1ts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; D th August 2006 /u11orting materia# &%O/$ Outdoor - %ress);;;;;;;;;;;; st /e1tember 2006 The commercia# needs to be ready "or airing by;;;;;;;6th /e1tember 2006

,rac$%ca1 Con&%d"ra$%on&+

The !ord >%eek .reans? has to be mentioned at #east 3 times in the "i#m. The 1roduct shou#d be sho!n at #east 3 times so that it is c#ear#y registered in the minds o" the consumers. The #ast "rame o" the commercia# shou#d inc#ude The %ied %i1er #ogo$ the ad0ertising ca1tion #ine and a shot o" a## the 0ariants The budget "or de0e#o1ment o" this ad0ertisement is ca11ed at Rs. 2.D mi##ion on 3Dmm "ormat. The agency is re8uired to de0e#o1 a 30 second T34 !ith t!o ada1tations &20 seconds and 0 seconds).

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