Rio Advertising Brief
Rio Advertising Brief
Rio Advertising Brief
The cream biscuit category is the second biggest category in the biscuit market. RIO is the No. brand in this category !ith 56% share o" tota# cream market$ "o##o!ed by %rince 26% &'()$ *am +earts 8% &,o#son) - %eek .reans /and!iches 4%. (nder the Rio brand !e ha0e t!o 1roducts one is RIO 2oub#e Treat - other is RIO 3ani##a. Rio 2oub#e Treat o""ers 2 "#a0or combinations one is the RIO /tra!berry 3ani##a 4ream - the other is the RIO 4hoco#ate 3ani##a 4ream. /e##ing three times more 0o#ume then its com1etition %rince by '($ RIO is more 1o1u#ar in the %un5ab 1ro0ince &'ahore$ 6u5ran!a#a$ 7u#tan$ .aisa#abad) as com1ared to /ind. 4om1etition is a#so acti0e in this category and is hea0i#y ad0ertising their cream biscuits brands. A#most !% o" the 0o#ume is coming "rom the abo0e cities. Among the "#a0or 0ariants Rio /tra!berry 3ani##a contribute a#most !% to the tota# brand sa#es. As !e are the market #eader !e need to further strengthen our leadership position through expending our user base and building our brand personality in order to grow the Brand E uity of RIO!
Targ"$ Mark"$
The ad0ertising !i## target a## cream biscuit consumers and !i## inc#ude current consumers o" both RIO as !e## as %rince. These ha0e been identi"ied as s%hool'going kids1 both &ale and fe&ale1 aged between 2 to 3" years and belonging pri&arily to .E4 A'B1 4 , ( +hese %hildren5s are &odern1 young1 %reative , fun loving kids1 and wants aspiring experien%es to do %reative and %hallenging things in life and are energetic and "ond o" 0arious e:tra;curricu#ar acti0ities such as !atching T3$ #istening music$ dra!ing$ co#oring$ 1ainting$ com1uter90ideo game etc. and di""erent outdoor acti0ities 7uch o" their energy ho!e0er is s1ent in trying to achie0e a ba#ance bet!een studies and the e:tra curricu#ar acti0ities o" their choice. <iscuits in genera# en5oy a 1ositi0e association !ith 1#ay;time and these e:tra curricu#ar acti0ities because these re1resent "un and a snack during or a"ter "un time enhances their en5oyment. In terms o" re#ationshi1s$ sharing good times !ith "riends 1#ays an im1ortant 1art in their #i0es and they en5oy 1#aying !ith them and sharing things !ith them. 3a#ues that these chi#dren ho#d c#ose to their heart are hard !ork$ se#"#essness and sharing !ith "riends and communication that high#ights these 0a#ues tends to ha0e higher reca##. A#though they en5oy and a11reciate "antasy in ads they 1re"er it to be se1arate "rom the rea# !or#d. In most ad0ertisements they 1re"er #ightness and comic e#ements but !ou#d #ike it to be meaning"u# and re#e0ant to the conte:t and can o"ten be 8uite critica# o" ad0ertisements in this res1ect.
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To gro! the brand by strengthening the brand 1ersona#ity and bui#ding brand e8uity =nab#e the target market to identi"y !ith the brand on an emotiona# #e0e# - de0e#o1 strong associating and emotiona# connect !ith the target audience. 4reate high reca## o" the brand 4on0ince consumers that %. Rio is a modern$ "riend#y$ and creati0e brand !hich they can re#ate to as >their? brand (ti#i@e the brand imagery to e0oke 1ositi0e associations !ith 0a#ues9"ee#ings that are he#d dear by the target market in order to achie0e the abo0e Resu#t in higher brand #oya#ty and subse8uent#y re1urchase
Brand ,o&%$%on%ng
+arget: /choo#;going ,ids$ both 7a#e - .ema#e$ aged bet!een A to 2 years and be#onging to A$<$4 - 2 Brand: %reek .reans RIO is Personality: A 7odern$ Boung$ .un;#o0ing$ 4reati0e - Acti0e 4o&p Fra&ework: /and!ich 4ream biscuit Rational Benefit: O""ers the best tasting cream$ nutrition and 0ariety o" "#a0ors Reason to believe: 2ue to the best 8ua#ity ingredients o" creams$ g#ucose$ eggs$ mi#k and !heat "#our a0ai#ab#e in 1re"erred "#a0or combination o" 0ani##a$ stra!berry9 0ani##a - choco#ate90ani##a E&otional Benefit: To modern$ young$ creati0e - "un #o0ing kids$ Rio o""ers as1iring e:1erience to do creati0e and cha##enging things in #i"e
,rac$%ca1 Con&%d"ra$%on&+
The !ord >%eek .reans? has to be mentioned at #east 3 times in the "i#m. The 1roduct shou#d be sho!n at #east 3 times so that it is c#ear#y registered in the minds o" the consumers. The #ast "rame o" the commercia# shou#d inc#ude The %ied %i1er #ogo$ the ad0ertising ca1tion #ine and a shot o" a## the 0ariants The budget "or de0e#o1ment o" this ad0ertisement is ca11ed at Rs. 2.D mi##ion on 3Dmm "ormat. The agency is re8uired to de0e#o1 a 30 second T34 !ith t!o ada1tations &20 seconds and 0 seconds).