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Peer To Peer Networks

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Peer to Peer Networks

The Client Explorer helps you manage all your client data files. Users on a network can Types of Network installs................... 2
share the same database so that the index is constantly up-to-date for all to see, and files Network Configuration....................... 3
never disappear in forgotten local folders. Client Explorer Server Install - Peer
If you run ProFile on a network and intend to share databases or manage client files be- to Peer Networks.......................... 4
tween different workstations, you must install and configure a ProFile database server on Share database between worksta-
at least one networked computer. The ProFile Server ensures that different machines can tions.............................................. 5
share Client Explorer data across the network. Note: If your computer is not on a network, Use ProFile on a Network.................. 6
you should not use the ProFile Server installer.
The following instructions are intended for network administrators or for ProFile users who
are knowledgeable in systems and network configuration.

What can we share on our network? Network configuration

Before installing on a network, make sure that your
ProFile is designed for users in a network environment as well as licence agreement covers the number of users who will
those on stand-alone workstations. On a network you may choose have access to the software. If you have any questions,
any or all of these options: please call us at 1.800.452.9970

• Share the same ProFile program loaded on a network drive,

• Share a single database to manage and query client files System requirements:
stored anywhere on the network,
To use ProFile, we recommend the following:
• Share a server folder for storing all client data files in one lo-
cation, • Pentium 100 MHz (preferably faster)

• Share common option settings between all or some users, • 32-bit Microsoft Windows 98/2000/Me/XP

• Share word processor client templates, and/or • 64 MB RAM (preferably more)

• Share an EFILE reports folder on a network server (for ProFile • SVGA video or better monitor (800x600 minimum resolution)
T1 and TP1 users).
• CD-ROM drive
ProFile has many features that are well suited to a network envi-
• Approximately 200 MB hard drive space (for the installation of
ronment. Audit and review features are designed to offer a flexible
the complete ProFile suite)
system for reviewing files prepared by others. Shared data folders
indexed in a single database give senior preparers and partners • HP LaserJet III or compatible laser printer with 2 MB RAM
instant access to the files prepared by junior members of the firm.
• Internet Explorer 5.5 or better for Help Dock, NetFile, Tax Ad-
ProFile database features such as the query filter, reports and
vice and Credit Card Service
data export are also easy to use on a network. As long as client
files are stored in shared folders, the index lets a partner search • 56K or better Internet connection if you choose to download
and filter client files from all workstations to produce comprehen- software from our web site (DSL or cable preferred)
sive reports.
• Network sharing of files or databases requires either TCP/IP,
Of course, it is your choice whether or not you take advantage of or IPX/SPX Network protocol, through the Microsoft NWLink
network features. If the preparers or planners in your office are IPX/SPX / NetBIOS driver (Novell IPX/SPX driver not support-
individually responsible for certain clients, each user can keep a ed). ProFile does not support NetBEUI.
separate database, store client files on a local hard drive, and con-
figure ProFile options locally. • EReview requires a MAPI email client (Outlook Express 4.0,
Outlook 97, Netscape 4.03, Eudora 3.0, or better).

Types of Network installs

Stand-alone install
If you decide to install ProFile at each individual workstation, you can use your server to distribute the installation program and share
updates with all users on the network. This is more efficient than sharing the CD and ensures that all users have access to the same

Copy GPSetup.exe from the CD (or any ProFile install program from the web) to a shared folder on your network server. Email your team
to let them know when a new version is available. Each user can then browse through Network Neighborhood to run GPSetup.exe and
install ProFile to his/her workstation.
For additional convenience, you can even create a shortcut from each workstation to GPSetup.exe in the shared server folder.

Workstation Install
On a network, you may find it advantageous if all workstations run ProFile from the same .EXE file, installed on a network server. Using
this setup, the network administrator can load a new version of ProFile on the server and instantly update the software at all worksta-
tions. Note that if you are using windows NT4, 2000 or XP, you will need to be logged in as an administrator in order to complete a work-
station install. (We recommend a workstation install to a maximum of 20 users. A higher amount may slow down your workstations.) Do
not run a workstation install on a laptop computer that uses ProFile while disconnected from the network.

The advantage to this process is the speed of installing updates throughout the season. There are no performance problems since Pro-
File is loaded into the RAM memory of each workstation that launches the shared .EXE file. Keep in mind however, that for any length of
time your server is unavailable, no workstations will be able to run ProFile (unless users install the latest version of ProFile locally).

1 Install ProFile in a shared folder on your server (for example, e:\


2 In this folder, look for two icons: “Workstation Install” and “ProFile.

3 Workstation Install is a shortcut with this target property:

”e:\shared\profile\profile.exe” /register

4 To set up ProFile on a workstation, the user needs to browse through

Network Neighborhood and double-click this shortcut in the shared
network folder. The “/register” parameter updates the Windows™
registry at the workstation, and tells Windows where to find all the
module files when the user launches ProFile.exe.

5 After launching with the Workstation Install shortcut, configuration is

complete. To run ProFile next time, a user will need to double-click
the ProFile.exe icon in the server folder. In fact, Workstation Install and the ProFile.exe icon both launch the program; however, the
register command associated with Workstation Install makes the launch a bit slower, and is only necessary for the first launch of
the software at each workstation. Now each user is running ProFile directly from the server.

6 You may want to create a desktop shortcut at each workstation that runs ProFile.exe from the network server. You can do this using
standard Windows™ features.

Network Configuration
There are 3 different types of network setups:

• Peer to Peer – Peer to Peer networks have no central com-

puter (server). Each computer on the network can share its
resources and access resources on another computer

• Novell/Linux - Since Novell and Linux are not able to run Win-
dows programs or services, the ProFile server install must be
done on a system other than the file server.

• Server Client Install (Windows 2000/NT) – This is a network

in which a master computer (server) does nothing more than
store data and provide services. Returns are not completed
on this machine.

When you set up your network, keep in mind that you will need to use a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) network name common to
all users on your network. This resource, developed by Microsoft, allows users to access files over a network. You may also choose to
use a mapped network drive (such as a T: drive).

What are UNC file names?

UNC stands for Universal Naming Convention, a system that lets networked computers recognize each other without assigning or sub-
stituting drive letters on each local machine. We recommend UNC for users sharing client files or using Client Explorer features on a

UNC file names are not only important in the Client Explorer. An options package stores the location (pathways) of your database, tem-
plates and shared data folders. When you are configuring options for an options package, always browse for files through Network Neigh-
borhood, even if the target files are on the workstation you are using!

The reason for UNC filenames? Each computer assigns drive letters to drives (C:, D: etc...). Let’s say you store a client file on your
network drive L:\RETURNS. Another user may want to access that file, but at a different workstation where the network drive has been
mapped to G:\RETURNS. The shared database will think the file is on L:\RETURNS and will deny access to the second user (because
ProFile cannot locate the file).

The solution is to use UNC file names. All computers have a name (look under the Microsoft Windows™ Start Menu: Settings > Control
Panel > Network > Identification.) If your server computer is called SERVER, then the same network drive (identified as L:\Returns or G:\
Returns above) would also be known as \\SERVER\RETURNS. Every computer on the network can recognize this path name, no matter
what drive letter is configured on each machine.

Client Explorer Server Install - Peer to Peer Network

Workstation where all/most ProFile

datafiles are stored. Run the Setup Wizard
on this workstation.

Note: If you want to share databases from more than one computer
on the same network, or if you want to install a shared database on a
server, you must first install ProFile on the computer(s) that will share a

Once you have designated a workstation, install and configure the Pro-
File Server:

1. Insert your ProFile CD in the CD-ROM drive of the computer,

(or double-click the gpsetup.exe download) on the computer
where you want to install a shared ProFile Server. Follow 8
the installation prompts to install ProFile.

2. Launch ProFile.

3. Go to Options > Database.

4. Select Use Client Explorer.

5. Click Setup Wizard and click Next.

6. Select Use Client Explorer and click Next. 9

7. Select Yes and click Next.

8. Select Make this computer a Shared Database Server and

click Next.

9. Give the ProFile Server a name and click Next.

• Give the Database a more descriptive name if you want, especially

if you will share multiple databases on your network.

10. Click Finish.

You will now be able to point other workstations to the shared data-

Share database between workstations
To point other workstations to the shared database you have in-

1 Launch ProFile from another workstation (other than the work- The path shown under
3 ‘Database folder’ C:\
station on which the Server is installed). Shared ProFileData is
local to the database
2 Go to Options > Database. server machine.
4 5
3 Select Use Client Explorer.
4 Select Shared Server. ProFile will search for databases shared
on the network.

5 Select a ProFile Server from the drop-down list.

6 Highlight the database on the server that you wish to use. Client Explorer Options

7 If your server is properly set up, you should see your data-
base name appearing in the list under the ‘Database to use’
section. This step will have to be repeated at every worksta-
Client Explorer
To view the Client Explorer window, click on OK and select
tion where ProFile is installed.
Goto > Client Explorer.
8 Click OK to exit the Client Explorer setup.

File Directories
Make sure that the file directory for each module is pointing to the
network server:
Select Options > Environment > File.

ProFile Client Explorer

The first time you open the Client Explorer, it will not display any cli-
ent files. If you have existing ProFile or competitor files, you must
have ProFile scan your hard drive and create an index of them in
the Client Explorer. Indexing should only have to be done on one
workstation. Once you have created the index on your primary
workstation, all other workstations will display the files.

File Directories

The directory that appears under the File Directory section should
be a UNC network name (i.e. \\server\share) or a drive mapping
that is common to all ProFile users across the network. Otherwise,
other users will not be able to access the files via the Client Ex-
plorer. 5
Index Client Explorer

To create an index in the ProFile Client Explorer:

1 Click the [ Index ] button of the ProFile Client Explorer.

2 [ Browse ] to enter the folder location of your files. This

should be a UNC file path or the drive letter where all your
ProFile data files are stored. Remember: If you are using a
drive letter, it should be common to all ProFile users on your
network. Otherwise, the Client Explorer will not function prop-

3 Click [Ok] to begin indexing your files. A status box will ap-
pear on the screen showing you the progress of the indexing
process.Once ProFile has created the index, the dialog box
will disappear and you will see client names on the tab of the Index Client Explorer
Client Explorer.

4 If your client files are stored on more than one computer you
will have to repeat the index process for each workstation
where data is stored. The ProFile database server will keep
a common index of all the files on the network regardless of
which computer the files are stored in.

Use ProFile on a Network

Store files in a network directory
ProFile allows you to store client files anywhere on a shared server or shared local hard drive. Since a shared database tracks client files
anywhere on the network, your file management is easy, no matter where files are stored.

Hint: Using this same configuration, you can also share a file template for any or all of your ProFile modules. A file template lets you set
common information once for all your new client files.

For each ProFile module, you can set a default folder where you store your client files (if you don’t set a default, ProFile will select the
same folder where you last stored a file of this type).

1 Go to Options > Environment.

2 Select the File tab.

3 At the bottom of the dialog box, click the pathway next to a module. This will place a cursor on the screen so that you can edit de-
fault location for your files.

4 Type the pathway to the shared network folder where you want to store client files. Use the UNC network pathway rather than the
letter of a mapped network drive (\\server name\folder name not F:\folder name). [We recommend that you use UNC file paths,
however, if you have a common reference - i.e. a common mapped network drive, this is acceptable as well.]

You can set this pathway at each workstation, or set it once and save to an options package that everyone loads. When any user saves a
new client file, the Save dialog box will default to this network files folder.

Options Administration
ProFile can store your options configuration in the Windows™ registry, or in an options package in the folder that you specify. If you store
options in the Windows™ registry, those settings apply only to the workstation where you have configured the options. If you create a Pro-
File options package, you can easily share settings across a network for all users. Open Options > Options administration:

1 Choose one of these options to determine how ProFile will 3 Select Prompt to save changes if you want ProFile to remind
store and load your configuration settings. youto save configuration changes into the options package
you were using during the session.
• Select 1 to store your entire
options configuration in the 4 Click [Browse] to search your hard drive for
machine’s registry. the Settings folder where you will store your op-
tions packages. When ProFile creates your new
• Select 2 to store your configu-
options package, it creates a new folder inside
ration in an options package
the folder you select here. If you are using op-
and load that package each
tions packages over a network, make sure you
time you start ProFile.
enter the path to this directory using a UNC file
• Select 3 to store configura- name. If you do not want to use the default Set-
tions in different options tings folder, you will need to create a new folder
packages and choose which using Windows™. For example, you may want
package to use each time to create a shared settings folder on a network
you start ProFile. This choice server. Highlight the folder that will store your
is ideal if several users share options package(s) and click OK.
a machine and each wants to
5 Click [New] and type the name of an op-
customize ProFile.
tions package. ProFile will create a folder by this
2 ProFile handles the identification options separately so you name inside your options package folder.
can save these in the Windows™ registry as user-specific set-
6 Highlight your new options package and click [Save]. ProFile
tings OR in an options package available for sharing. Under
stores the current ProFile configuration from the Windows reg-
Options > Environment, the identification options are: preparer
istry of the workstation into the selected options package.
name, email, preparer initials, partner initials and discounter
or trustee information. In the EFILE options, EDI transmitter 7 If you have more than one options package with different con-
fields are also stored in the registry or an options package. figuration in each, highlight a package and click [Load] to use
Select this feature when you want to use the same identifica- the settings in that package.
tion at all workstations in the company.

To modify an existing options package, first [Load] that package. Make your configuration changes. Then, return to Options Administra-
tion and [Save] the options package. If you forget to save your latest changes, you will lose them when ProFile reloads the older options
package the next time you start the program.

If you take the time to configure one workstation with all the sharing features, you can then create an options package from the config-
ured workstation. Save your entire configuration into the options package. If you have used UNC file pathways, you can simply load this
options package at your remaining workstations to complete network configuration.

ProFile updates may add new configuration options. Your configuration will show the default setting for the new option, even if you use an
options package. If an existing option changes (for example, if we modify a CRA print set from Options > Form selection to reflect new fil-
ing requirements), version release notes will advise you that the change is one you will need to make in your options package.

Tip: Include your options package folder in your regular back-up routine. If you ever need to restore all your
settings, you will save time.

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