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Personal Awareness Impact Report: For Evan Example Style: Sample Style (Communicator)

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Personal Awareness Impact Report

for Evan Example Style: Sample Style (Communicator)

Your report uses the DISC Personality System. The DISC Personality System is the universal language of behavior. Research has shown that behavioral characteristics can be grouped together in four major groups called personality styles. People with similar styles tend to exhibit specific behavioral characteristics common to that style. All people share these four styles in varying degrees of intensity. The acronym DISC stands for the four personality styles represented by the letters: D = Dominant, Driver I = Influencing, Inspiring S = Steady, Stable C = Correct, Compliant

Knowledge of the DISC System empowers you to understand yourself, family members, coworkers,and friends, in a profound way. Understanding personality styles helps you become a better communicator, minimize or prevent conflicts, appreciate the differences in others and, positively influence those around you.

In the course of daily life, you can observe personality styles in action because you interact with each style, to varying degrees, everyday. As you think about your family members, friends and coworkers, you will discover different personalities unfold before your eyes.

Do you know someone who is assertive, to the point, and wants the bottom line? Some people are forceful, direct, and strongwilled. This is the D Style

Do you have any friends who are great communicators and friendly to everyone they meet? Some people are optimistic, friendly, and talkative. This is the I Style

Do you have any family members who are good listeners and great team players? Some people are steady, patient, loyal, and practical. This is the S Style

Have you ever worked with someone who enjoys details and is thorough in all activities? Some people are precise, sensitive, and analytical. This is the C Style

The chart below helps put the four dimensions of the personality into perspective.
D = Dominant Seeks Strengths Control Administration Leadership Determination I = Influencing Recognition Persuading Enthusiasm Entertaining S = Steady Acceptance Listening Teamwork Follow-Through C = Compliant Accuracy Planning Systems Orchestration


Impatient Insensitive Poor Listener Innefficiency Indecision Decisive

Lack of Detail Short Attention Low Follow-Through Routines Complexity Spontaneous

Oversensitive Slow to Begin Dislikes Change Insensitivity Impatience Conferring

Perfectionist Critical Unrespoonsive Disorganization Impropriety Methodical



Because human personality is comprised of varying intensities of the four personality styles, the DISC graph helps make the personality style more visual. The DISC graph plots the intensity of each of the four styles. All points above the midline are stronger intensities, while points below the midline are lesser intensities of DISC characteristics. It is possible to look at a DISC graph and instantly know the personality and behavioral characteristics of an individual.

Below are examples and explanations of your three DISC graphs.

8 4 0 -4 -8 D I S C

8 4 0 -4 -8

8 4 0 -4 -8 D I S C

8 4 0 -4 -8

8 4 0 -4 -8 D I S C

8 4 0 -4 -8

DISC graph 1 represents your public self (the mask)

This graph displays the you others see. It reflects how you perceive the demands of your environment, and your perception of how you believe others expect you to behave.

DISC graph 2 represents your private self (the core)

This graph displays your instinctive response to pressure, and identifies how you are most likely to respond when stress or tension are present. This would be your instinctive reaction.

DISC graph 3 represents your perceived self (the mirror)

This graph displays the manner in which you perceive your typical behavior. It could be refered to as your self perception. although at times you may be unaware of the behavior you use with other people, this graph shows your typical approach.

understanding your style
Evan Example is identified by the keyword Sample Style.
Enthuasiastic Evan Example, as an Sample Style, is enthusiastic and optimistic, preferring to accomplish goals through people. Sample Styles love being around people they create a party wherever they are by means of an outgoing personality! Evan Example does not like to work alone, but would rather be with people when working on projects. a Sample Styles focus and attention span is not as great as they would like so they prefer high energy projects that allow rapid movement from one thing to the next without delay. Sample Styles are articulate in their communication skills; in fact, this is probably one of the strengths for which they are most noted. Evan Example has the ability to motivate and encourage with their words and is probably known as an inspirational individual. When pressure is applied to focus strictly on tasks, Sample Styles may tend to become inaccurate and even somewhat disorganized. They will do what is necessary to complete a task and to look good since they have a strong desire to please. Since Sample Styles have a strong aversion to rejection, they aim for social recognition and fear the loss of that acceptance. They make friends easily and seek favorable environments in which to function. They may need a manager or supervisor to provide clear time frames on projects and they prefer a participative management style that is built around a strong relationship. Inspiring and stimulating, Sample Styles use their enthusiasm to generate an environment that is friendly and team oriented. They tend to be one who both feels and displays emotion, and many of their decisions may be driven by emotions. This may cause them to appear inconsistent in their beliefs and decisions. a Sample Style has the ability to use their positive people skills to bring unity to groups and between people. Evan Example is inspiring and tends to look for the collective good instead of the obstacles. Evan Example prefers to work through problems by analyzing things that worked in the past. This is someone who is able to lead, if necessary, but usually prefers to wait and see if another person volunteers first. Evan Example is willing to follow another person's lead if they display adequate ability and if Evan Example has confidence in their ability. Relationships play a key role in Evan Examples life. This is a very trusting individual and Evan Example enjoys making new friends and developing new relationships. This person often finds them self involved in many things at once and loves social functions. Evan Example enjoys encouraging others and people see them as a person who frequently inspires others. Evan Example takes a flexible approach in dealings with others and is willing to pursue different avenues to maintain good relationships. While patient and will not usually rush, Evan Example is not afraid to actively seek new solutions if previous methods do not fit the current situation. Evan Example will usually test ideas against proven standards in an effort to be inventive. Evan Example can be very creative as he/she identifies new solutions to problems. An original and creative thinker, Evan Example acts in a rational way to make sure desired results are achieved in an orderly manner while not afraid to "break the mold" if that appears to be the key to a solution. Ideal Environment Practical procedures few conflicts Freedom from controls and details Forum to express ideas and be creative Trusting, optimistic Persuasive, talkative Impulsive, emotional

General Characteristics

Flattery, praise, popularity, acceptance A friendly environment Fredom from many rules and regulations Other people to handle details Motivated By

Communication Tips
relating to others

Your I plotted above the midline, your style is identified by the keyword Sample Style.
This next section uses adjectives to describe where your DISC styles are approximately plotted on your graph. These descriptive words correlate as a rough approximation to the values of your graph.

D -- Measures how decisive, authoritative and direct you typically are. Words that may describe the intensity of your D are:
* MILD Gentle or kind in disposition; not severe or harsh * QUIET Not easily excited or disturbed; quiet disposition * DEPENDENT Influenced, controlled by others * MODEST Not forward, but shy and reserved

I -- Measures how talkative, persuasive, and interactive you typically are. Words that may describe the intensity of your I are:
* ENTHUSIASTIC Inspirational; visionary; intense * GREGARIOUS Fond of the company of others; sociable * PERSUASIVE Having the power to persuade; influencing * EMOTIONAL Easily aroused to emotion; quick to weep or show anger

The only way to change is by changing your understanding.

-Anthony DeMello

S -- Measures your desire for security, peace and your ability to be a team player. Words that may describe the intensity of your S are:
* MOBILE Movable; showing emotional changes in expression * OUTGOING Expansive; sociable; gregarious * ALERT Watchful; vigilant; ready; active; nimble * EAGER Keenly desiring; wanting very much; impatient or anxious

C -- Measures your desire for structure, organization and details. Words that may describe the intensity of your C are:
* BOLD Open, not afraid to share thoughts and feelings * DETERMINED Obstinate, unmoving, persistent

Communication Tips
how you communicate with other
How You Communicate with Others
Please return to the Communicating section of this report and review the communicating DO and DO NOT sections for your specific style. Reviewing your own communication preferences can be an eye-opening experience or simply confirmation for what you already know to be true. Either way, you have your communication characteristics in writing. This information is powerful when shared between colleagues, friends, and family. Others may now realize that some approaches do not work for your style, while other ones are received well by you. Equally important is that you now see that THE WAY YOU SAY SOMETHING can be as important as WHAT IS SAID. Unfortunately, we all have a tendency to communicate in the manner that we like to hear something, instead of the method another person prefers. Your style is predominately an I style, which means that you prefer receiving information that stresses the EXPERIENCE. But, when transferring that same information to a client or coworker, you may need to translate that into giving them precise facts, or just the end result, or how they are a part of the solution and we need to work as a team. This next section of the report deals with how your style communicates with the other three dominant styles. Certain styles have a natural tendency to communicate well, while certain other styles seem to be speaking different languages all together. Since you are already adept at speaking your native language, we will examine how to best communicate and relate to the other three dominant languages people will be using. This next section is particularly useful for a dominant I style as you may have the tendency be more vocal but less focused on results or details as others around you.

Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so is he.

-Publilius Syros

The Compatibility of Your Behavioral Style

The I and the D styles normally get along pretty well in relationships since the I is a great encourager to the D. In work tasks, the I may feel the D is too demanding and too task oriented at times. Two I styles get along extremely well in personal relationships. They are very social and like to try new experiences. Two Is working together may have a tendency to miss deadlines and not complete tasks with attention to detail. The I and the S style get along well in the work environment since the S will serve as support for the I in making sure tasks stay on track. In relationships the I may want to be more socially oriented while the S would prefer to spend more quality time with less people and outside activities. The I and the C work well together as their strengths tend to complement one another. In relationships there can sometimes be conflicts as the I is much more socially motivated and impulsive than the C.

Communication Tips
compatibility of your behavioral style

How the I Can Enhance Interaction with Each Style I with D

I's tend to view D's as argumentative, dictatorial, arrogant, domineering, nervous and hasty. As an I, you are likely to resent the D telling you what to do. It will frustrate you when they don't notice your ideas. Since you are used to being able to talk your way into or out of confrontations; you will likely be surprised when you find out that your charm does not bring a favorable response from the High D. Relationship Tip: To make this relationship work, you must have direct communication. Deal with issues in a straightforward manner. Work at negotiating commitments and goals on an equal basis. Focus on tasks and issues, not people and personalities. Point out specific accomplishments.

I with I
I's enjoy relationships with other I's ... thoroughly. You will see each other as stimulating, charismatic, outgoing and optimistic; relating well to each other and developing relationships quickly. You will both tend to mix business and pleasure, and strive to impress one another; possibly even competing for recognition. Relationship Tip: Maximizing relationships between I's is not difficult; it's controlling them that will require effort. Be friendly, complimentary; acknowledge each other's accomplishments. Listen sincerely instead of planning what you want to say next.

Communication works for those who work at it.

-John Powell

I with S
You will see High S's as passive, nonchalant, apathetic, possessive and non-demonstrative. But you'll also find them accepting, and willing to enter into relationships if you can slow down the pace; even though you'll tend to become frustrated when the S doesn't express their thoughts and feelings like you want them to. You can be a motivator and encourager to S's. Relationship Tip: Slow down; be more easygoing. Show them sincere appreciation and you'll find friendships with S's very rewarding; they'll stick with you. Above all, don't be pushy.

I with C
I's view C's as overly dependent, evasive, defensive, too focused on details, too cautious and worrisome. The natural interaction between you will strain the relationship and require work. You'll focus on people; they'll see the facts. You'll be optimistic; they'll seem pessimistic. You'll look at the big picture; they'll see only details. You'll want to make a decision; they'll frequently want to gather a little more data first. Relationship Tip: Present your facts clearly, and don't exaggerate details and numbers. Prepare well for a discussion with a C. Expect them to express doubts and need time to evaluate data before making a decision. Remove any potential threats, making their decisions easier. Write notes often.


Communication Tips Worksheet

Changes in your graphs indicate your coping methods. The human personality is profoundly influenced by changes in our environment. Typically, people change significantly from graph one to graph two as a result of stressors or environmental changes. Recognizing the differences or changes between these two graphs helps us understand our instinctive coping mechanism, and indicates how to better adapt in the future. Instructions: Each of your graphs illuminates different aspects of your personality. A closer look at those changes reveals valuable insights. Please refer to both graphs (if necessary, reference data throughout your profile). Compare the D, I, S, and C points on graphs one and two. Finally, read the analysis of your answers, and consider how your environment affects your decisions, motivations, actions and verbal messages.

D Changes:
Compare graphs 1 and 2. When you look at graph 2, is your D higher or lower than the D in graph 1? Consider how high or low the letter moves. A higher value indicates someone who desires more control in stressful situations. If the D goes up considerably, you can become very controlling when you become stressed. A lower value indicates someone who desires less control in stressful situations. If the D goes down considerably, you may want someone else to lead you and you will follow.

The basic building block of good communication is the feeling that every human being is unique and valuable.

I Changes:
Compare graphs 1 and 2. When you look at graph 2, is your I higher or lower than the I in graph 1? Consider how high or low the letter moves. A higher value indicates someone who desires more social influence in stressful situations. If the I goes up considerably, you may try to use your communication skills to smooth things out. A lower value indicates someone who desires less social influence in stressful situations. If the I goes down considerably, you rely less on verbal means to come to a resolution.

S Changes:
Compare graphs 1 and 2. When you look at graph 2, is your S higher or lower than the S in graph 1? Consider how high or low the letter moves. A higher value indicates someone who desires a more secure environment in stressful situations. If the S goes up considerably, you may tend to avoid any conflict and wait until a more favorable environment is available before making any changes. A lower value indicates someone who desires a less secure environment in stressful situations. If the S goes down considerably, you become more impulsive in your decision-making.

C Changes:
Compare graphs 1 and 2. When you look at graph 2, is your C higher or lower than the C in graph 1? Consider how high or low the letter moves. A higher value indicates someone who desires more information before making a decision in stressful situations. If the C goes up considerably, you will probably not want to make a decision until you have significantly more information. A lower value indicates someone who desires less information before making decisions in stressful situations. If the C goes down considerably, you may make decisions based more on gut feelings. Which one of your points makes the most dramatic move up or down? What does that tell you about how you react to pressure? How could your coping method help or hinder you in making decisions? How can you use this information to help you see possible blind spots in your reaction to pressure?

with the sample style

Remember, a Sample Style may want:

* Social esteem and acceptance, freedom from details and control, people to talk to, positive working conditions, recognition for abilities, opportunity to motivate and influence others

Greatest fear:
* Rejection

When conversing with Evan Example, a Sample Style, DO:

* Build a favorable, friendly environment * Give opportunity for them to verbalize about ideas, people and their intuition * Assist them in developing ways to transfer talk into action * Allow time for stimulating, sociable activities * Submit details in writing * Create incentives for following through on tasks

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.

-Alfred Lord Tennyson

When conversing with Evan Example, a Sample Style, DO NOT:

* Eliminate social time * Do all the talking * Ignore their ideas or accomplishments * Tell them what to do

While analyzing information, Evan Example, a Sample Style may:

* Lose concentration * Miss important facts and details * Interrupt * Be creative in problem solving

Motivational Characteristics:
* Motivating Goals: Social approval, prestige, recognition, to be trusted * Evaluates Others by: Their verbal communication skills * Influences Others by: Verbal persuasion, praise and favors * Value to Team: Optimistic, able to promote projects, confident, accomplishes goals through people, enthusiastic * Overuses: Optimism, flattery, talking * Reaction to Pressure: Expresses feelings; may become careless and disorganized * Greatest Fears: Loss of social approval, conflict * Areas for Improvement: Establish time frames; follow through on projects; control emotions, listen to others

with the sample style

Value to the group:

* Creative problem solver * Great encourager and motivator of others * Positive sense of humor * Negotiates conflicts, peace maker

Sample Styles possess these positive characteristics in groups:

* Instinctive people orientation * Participative managers who influence and inspire * Motivates the team, enthusiastic * Spontaneous and agreeable * Responds well to the unexpected * Creates an atmosphere of well-being * Provides direction and leadership * Expresses ideas well * Works well with other people, is accepting of others * Makes good spokespersons * Will offer opinions * Persuasive * Has a positive attitude and good sense of humor * Accomplishes goals through people * Strong in brainstorming sessions

You can have brilliant ideas, but if you cant get them across, your ideas wont get you anywhere.
-Lee Iacocca

Personal growth areas for Sample Styles:

* Weigh the pros and cons before making a decision, be less impulsive * Be more results oriented * Exercise control over your actions, words and emotions * Focus more on details, facts and following through on tasks * Remember to slow down your pace for other team members * Talk less, listen more

Power DISC


your strengths in leadership

Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader cant get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesnt even matter.
-Gilbert Amelio

INFLUENCING - Well Developed

You are the "go to" person when a leader is needed. Others see your strengths and know that you possess wonderful managerial insight. Many people are willing to follow you because of your charisma and enthusiasm. While sometimes seeming a bit aggressive, your fairness and people skills soon have others remembering you want the best for all involved.

You probably put people ahead of tasks; but when you start falling behind, you get moving and take care of what is at hand. You may wait till the last minute, but you usually pick up the pace and meet the deadlines that are necessary for success. PROCESSING - Good You can take an idea or a project and follow through from start to finish. While you prefer changing roles and responsibilities, you will stick to a routine that is necessary to fulfill a need.

You tend to follow through on specific details that have been relayed to you as important. In new areas you may not see the importance of certain portions of the work that require more precision and review. Try using new strategies such as note taking, repetition of the goal, and asking for clarity.

CREATING - Well Developed

You are very unique in that you have the combination of tremendous people skills and orientation to detail. You can articulate well in many different areas. You use your communication skills to make sure that each area of a project will get done in the proper order and manner. High-quality work is a standard you maintain in all you do.

You are a strong, steady worker who wants to do quality work. Sometimes you may begin to look at other alternatives to completing a project when the going starts getting rough. Remember not to quit nor lose focus on what you have started.

RELATING - Well Developed

You are a naturally friendly and caring individual who is very approachable. Others feel very comfortable coming to you and you make friends very easily. You are frequently called on when there is a need to network with others to get a project done.

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