Mayur Chauhan: Working Experience

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MAYUR CHAUHAN Mobile. No: +91-8866465550 Email-id: mayur.chauhan@rocke mail.


!ein" a commi ed eam #layer$ %an o be a #ar o& a reno%ned or"ani'a ion$ o con ribu e o%ard( he "ro% h o& he )r"ani'a ion$ ba(ed on my e*#er i(e and o &ur her my #er(onal ca#abili ie( by learnin" &rom he ne% e*#o(ure %i hin he ( ruc ured &rame%ork o& he or"ani'a ion .


+orked %i h ELGI Equipments LT a( an En"ineer- ,hannel -ale(. .+i h e&&ec &rom 10 h J!nu!"# $%&&/. 0ole include( !u(ine(( "ro% h$ 1ncrea(e marke (hare$ 1m#ro2e -ale( #er&ormance$ !u(ine(( "ained &rom com#e i ion$ ,u( omer (a i(&ac ion 3ob 4oca ion .1n El"i E5ui#men ( 4 d./ !ho#al .6rom 3anuary 7011 o -e# ember 7011/ !aroda .6rom )c ober 7011 o 3une 7017/ 8hmedabad .6rom 3uly 7017 o May 7019/

JOB Resp'nsi(i)ities *In B+'p!) +!n,)in- .est M!,+#! P"!,es+ /'" !)) "e0ip"'0!tin1 s0"e. !i" 0'mp"ess'"s up t' &%%+p2

Sales planning, generate inquiries, handling dealer network to achieve annual target. Follow up for the dispatches,technical & commercial data in terms of non standard items with HO Coimbatore. 6oreca( &or he u#comin" order(. Submit offers through tenders in BHEL, Bhopal, co-ordinate with BHEL & company in terms of any technical or commercial deviation, follow up for the payment as the company directly dealing with the corporate customers. Review of the dealer on quarterly basis, get idea about market potential, competitors from dealer. Coordinate with service department in case of machine malfunction at customers end. Follow up for the payment, Form C, Form H Form I collection.

JOB Resp'nsi(i)ities *In B!"',! +!n,)in- 3'ut+ Gu4!"!t 5/"'m An!n, t' An6)es+.!"7 /'" 30"e. Ai" 0'mp"ess'"s up t' &%%+p2

Sales planning, generate inquiries, handling dealer network to achieve annual target. OEM development. 6oreca( &or u#comin" order(. Handle key accounts Follow up for the dispatches, technical & commercial data in terms of non standard items with HO Coimbatore. Review of the dealer on quarterly basis, get idea about market potential, competitors from dealer. Coordinate with service department in case of machine malfunction at customers end. Follow up for the payment, Form C, Form H, Form I collection.

JOB Resp'nsi(i)ities *In A+me,!(!, +!n,)in- N'"t+ Gu4!"!t /'" "e0ip"'0!tin- 1 s0"e. Ai" C'mp"ess'"s upt' &%%+p2

Sales planning, generate inquiries, handling dealer network to achieve annual target. Handled Key Accounts. )EM de2elo#men . 6oreca( &or u#comin" order(. Follow up for the dispatches, technical & commercial data in terms of non standard items with HO Coimbatore. Get idea about market potential, competitors from dealer. Coordinate with service department in case of machine malfunction at customers end. Follow up for the payment, Form C, Form H, Form I collection

Currently working %i h H'e"(i-e" In,i! P8t LT a( a re(iden

a##lica ion (ale( En"ineer- . .%i h e&&ec &rom 19 h M!# $%&9/. 0ole include( !u(ine(( "ro% h$ 1ncrea(e marke (hare$ 1m#ro2e -ale( #er&ormance$ !u(ine(( "ained &rom com#e i ion$ ,u( omer (a i(&ac ion

JOB Resp'nsi(i)ities *B!se, in J!mn!-!" +!n,)in- 3!u"!s+t"! 1 Kut0+ "e-i'n2 :andlin" key accoun ( .0eliance 1ndu( rie( 4 d$ E((ar )il 4 d $ ;-6, 4 d$ 166,) 4 d/ 6ind ou ne% #ro(#ec ($ "enera in" ne% en5uirie(. ,ollec in" echnical da a$ o#era in" #arame er( o& :i"h #re((ure reci#roca in" ;a( < air com#re((or( runnin" a cu( omer(= #lace. 6ind ou %he her cu( omer i( &acin" #roblem( in "a( com#re((or and rea(on( &or he (ame> i& he #roblem( are due o com#re((or 2al2e( or due o rin"( and #ackin"( $ hen #ro#o(e :oerbi"er 2al2e( $ rin"( and #ackin"( #roduc ( and collec he com#re((or 2al2e( and rin"( < #ackin" dimen(ion( &or re2am#in" and re ro&i in" #ur#o(e and (end he (ame o he en"ineerin" de#ar men .

,oordina in" be %een he ,u( omer and En"ineerin" de#ar men in erm( o& any de2ia ion in o#era in" da a < dimen(ion(. -ubmi in" he o&&er$ &ollo% u# &or ?urcha(e )rder. 6ollo% u# &or deli2ery a& er recei# o& ?). ,oordina e %i h cu( omer and en"ineerin" eam a he ime o& re2am#in" and re ro&i in". 6ollo% u# &or he #aymen $ , @ &orm(.

E UCATIONAL :UALI;ICATION M!8 .Marke in"/$ #a((ed in 8#ril$ 7010 &rom ;uAara Bni2er(i y .;uAara / !E .Mechanical/$ #a((ed in May$ 7008 &rom :emchandracharya Nor h ;uAara Bni2er(i y$ ?a an .;uAara /. :-, .-cience/ #a((ed in 8#ril$ 7004 &rom ;-E!$ ;andhina"ar --, .En"li(h/ #a((ed in 8#ril$ 7007 &rom ;-E!$ ;andhina"ar

COMPUTER 3KILL3 )#era in" -y( em: +indo%( 98C7000CD?C700E Micro(o& )&&ice 7009$ 700E$ 7010 PROJECT3 3umme" Inte"ns+ip P"'4e0t < F4o"i( ic( Mana"emen G a ;odreA < !oyace M&". 4 d$ 8hmedabad &rom May 7009 3uly 7009 durin" M!8 #ro"ram 7008 @ 7010.


PROJECT < F?erce# ion o& 8hmedabadi #eo#le o%ard( Ha a Nano ,arG durin" M!8 #ro"ram 7008 @ 7010.

VOCATIONAL TRAINING Haken rainin" &rom )N;, 8hmedabad .15 day(/ durin" I11 -em.$ !.E. .Mechanical/. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIE3 +on &ir( #ri'e in ?o( er ?re(en a ion E2en held a 19 h No2ember$ 7008 a -3?1!M .6ormerly N1,M/$ ;andhina"ar ?ar ici#a ed in FHechno 8(#ire J0EG$ a na ional le2el echnical e2en a Ii(h%akarma ;o2 . En"".,olle"e. ?ar ici#a ed in FD#load =0EG$ a na ional le2el echnical e2en a 4K,E$ 8hmedabad. PER3ONAL IN;ORMATION

M!"it!) 3t!tus = !te '/ Bi"t+ = L!n-u!-es Kn'.n N!ti'n!)it# -

Bnmarried 74 h 8u"u( 198E En"li(h$ :indi$ ;uAara i 1ndian

1 hereby declare ha all in&orma ion "i2en i( rue and correc o be( o& my kno%led"e and belie&.

!te< %>?%@?$%&@ P)!0e< A+me,!(!,


*M!#u" C+!u+!n2

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