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NVP Program Handbook

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Novi Pompon Handbook

Mission The purpose of the Novi Pompon Program is to promote teamwork, sportsmanship, passion, a healthy lifestyle, confidence, and school spirit. The Novi Pompon Team will promote friendship between teammates, fellow Novi athletes and students, and with the schools which we compete. As a Novi athlete you hold the distinct honor of representing your school and your community with pride! The Novi Pompon Program aims to build leaders and young adults of character who display integrity, courtesy, humility, indomitable spirit, perseverance, and a commitment to hard work. Academics Athletes will be required to turn in copies of their progress reports and final grades by predetermined dates. Athletes may be required to turn in weekly signed progress reports. All team members are student athletes. Your education must be your top priority. If you are struggling in any class please see your coach as well as your teacher. Your coaches and teachers cannot help support you if they do not know you are struggling. It is expected that Pompon team members are passing all of classes. Attendance

Excused Absences o Attendance is crucial for a teams success. However, coaches understand there are times when absences will be unavoidable. o For an absence to be excused the team members coach must be notified at least 24 hours in advance. o The student athlete must inform the coach of the absence herself. Having a teammate, parent, or friend inform the coach is not acceptable. o Academic absences will be excused without penalty. As courtesy to your coach and team please notify your coach at least 24 hours in advance. o Excused absences will be held to a minimum at coaches discretion. If excused absences are excessive, consequences will apply. Excessive absences may result in dismissal from the program. o Practice cannot be missed the two weeks before a competition! Unexcused Absences o If the athletes coach does not know about an absence 24 hours in advance the absence will be unexcused, regardless of the reason. o Fabricating (with deceitful intent) an excused absence will result in immediate expulsion from the team. o Consequences for unexcused absences may include; Penalty practices Benched at a performance Alternate team member status Dismissal from the team Illness and Cancellations

Novi Pompon Handbook

o If the team member is not contagious it is requested that they attend practice to watch from the sideline. o A doctors note may be required. o If school is closed due to an environmental circumstance, the coach will notify athletes about practice as information becomes available. Commitment Pompon season is from May 2014 - February 2015. Being a part of the Novi Pompon Program may prevent students from participating in other sports or activities. It is common that family vacations, trips, summer camps, etc. are scheduled around the pompon calendar of events. This is in particular reference to summer camp, the three major competitions in which we compete, and during the two weeks of practices prior to any of the aforementioned events. Novi Pompon also performs at Novi High School football and basketball games. A schedule of these, and all other performances, will be provided as the season continues. It is incredibly important that pompon team members attend all practices. It is expected that attendance is exemplary and absences are infrequent. Absences may result in removal from the team. Each situation will be judged individually and is at the discretion of the coach and athletic director. Number of practices per week and hours per day will depend on the time of year. Consequences Members are expected to be attentive and cooperative when attending practice, games, camp, competitions, etc. Continued disruptions may result in removal from the activity and/or stamina activities. Consequences for failing to meet the behavior expectations of the Novi Pompon Program will be fair and appropriate to the situation. Each situation will be judged individually. Since all situations cannot be foreseen and outlined, each will be dealt with in a manner decided upon by the coaching staff, with the athletic director, and with Novi High School administration if necessary. If it is in the best interest of the team, a team member may be removed from the squad. Expectations Team members are expected to be dressed and ready for practices, games, performances, and activities, at start time. o Athletic attire, including tennis shoes, is required at every practice. o Practice poms should be brought to every practice. o Hair must be secured. If at a performance, hair and make-up must meet the team standard set by the coaching staff. Uniforms are the property of Novi Community School District and must be maintained by each athlete. If uniforms are lost or damaged, the athlete to whom the uniform was issued must pay for the cost of replacement or repairs. Positive attitudes are a must! Negative actions will result in disciplinary action. All members of the pompon program will be required to attend private sessions at Mid-American Studio. Failure to attend the required number of sessions by the required date will result in disciplinary action.

Novi Pompon Handbook

All athletes must respect all members of the coaching staff, teammates, Novi staff, guests, opposing teams, and officials. Cell phones will not be allowed during practice, games, or at competitions. Parents are welcome to contact the coach in case of an emergency. Any athlete who does not behave in an appropriate manner to be representing Novi High School and the community (including illegal use of alcohol or other substances, smoking, disrespectful behavior, public displays of affection, insubordination, or any other behavior deemed inappropriate) will be dismissed from the program. Public criticism (including social media) of MAPP officials, fellow and opposing team members, coaches and opposing coaches, spectators, or opposing support groups is unethical and will not be tolerated. A good athletic reputation is not established overnight; it is the result of hard work by team members, coaches, and parents. Concerns should be brought to the appropriate coach. Do not contact Mid-American Pompon in regards to competition results. Final decisions (including practice procedures, program decisions, coaching staffs creative process, music selection, routine themes, choreography, hair styling and costume/uniform selection, performances, fundraisers, events, etc.) are to be determined by the coaching staff.

Parent Expectations The Novi Pompon Program exists partially on the support and cooperation from the families involved. Parent support and assistance is much appreciated! At the beginning of each season parents/family members will be expected to sign up for at least one team responsibility. Failure to do so will result in a consequence. o These team responsibilities may include the following; booster participation, working a concession event, assisting with fundraisers, assisting with banquet or picnic, etc. If you have a question, conflict, or idea please follow the following steps: o Step 1: Contact your student-athletes coach as soon as the question of conflict arises. Inappropriate times to contact coaches: Immediately before, immediately after, or during competitions or games. Immediately before, immediately after, or during practices without prior arrangements. In a public setting (such as at a Novi High School athletic event, community event, etc.) Appropriate ways to approach coaches: Phone or email coach to discuss issue or ask questions Phone or email coach to set up a time for an appointment if issue is more than a quick question Please refrain from calling the coaches after 8pm o Step 2: If you do not feel as though your issue was handled correctly at that level, please make an appointment to see the head coach of the sport (Coach Jacquie St.Antoine or Coach Colleen OBrien). o Step 3: If you do not feel as though your issue was handled correctly at that level, please make an appointment to see the athletic director, Brian Gordon. Please note, skipping steps in the chain of command will result in confusion and you will be directed to go back to the beginning. We welcome the opportunity to discuss our program with you in a positive and respectful way!

Novi Pompon Handbook

Performance Standards It is ultimately the responsibility of the individual athlete to have choreography knowledge and varsity-level or junior varsity-level skills. Being a member of the Novi Pompon Program at the varsity or junior varsity level does not guarantee participation in camp, high kick, regional, or state routines. If a pompon team member does not meet the performance standard for any given competition or performance, they will be removed from the routine. In the event a team member does not meet the team average, they will be given a seat as an alternate. Alternates must still participate in team activities and practices and purchase uniform pieces. It is expected that this team member still attends the event in full uniform. Social Media All members of the Novi Pompon Program and their families will abide by the Novi Pompon Social Media Policy. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. Please refer to the Novi Pompon Program Social Media Policy for more specific information. Spring Sports Pompon team members are encouraged to participate in spring sports. It is understood that spring athletics may conflict with camp preparation. Those athletes participating in spring athletics are expected to attend as many pompon team practices as possible. This includes coming to pompon practice after another spring practice. It is ultimately the athletes responsibility to learn choreography with the help of the coaches, team captains, and teammates. Failure to learn choreography and perform it at a varsity or junior varsity level will result in removal from the MAPP camp competition routine.

By signing and returning one copy of the handbook that you received you are acknowledging that the student-athlete and her family have discussed and understand the rules and expectations associated with being a member of the Novi Pompon Program. Any questions should be addressed to Varsity Head Coaches, Jacquie St.Antoine and Colleen OBrien, and will be answered in a timely manner. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Athlete Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date

Novi Pompon Team Costs Camp Season

Novi Pompon Handbook

Mid-American Pom Camp Fee: $393 Bus Transportation to Camp Fee: TBD Camp Clothing: TBD Novi Logo Tee: approximately $20 Black Pants: TBD White and Black Cougars: $38 each Boycut Briefs: $10 Novi Pompon Practice Bag (optional): TBD Pom Picnic: TBD High Kick Season Novi Athletics Sports Team Fee: $175 Warm-Up: TBD Costume: TBD Spirit Wear/High Kick Tee: TBD MAPP High Kick Competition Tee (optional): $20 Regional/States Season MAPP Competition Tee (optional): $20 Bodyliner: $30 Winter Workshop/Camp: TBD Banquet: TBD Additional Various Costs Team Dinners Team Outings Socks Window Decals Pom Sister/Fire-Up Activities

Social Media Policy

Novi Pompon Handbook

The Novi Pompon Program objects to postings on social media sites which are offensive or are in violation of Novi High School policies. Student-athletes are considered representatives of Novi High School and the community and their participation in social media forums is subject to scrutiny. The conduct of student-athletes on these sites reflects upon the reputation of the Novi Pompon Program, athletics department, and Novi High School as a whole. In light of this, the Novi Pompon Program has an interest in ensuring that the conduct of student-athletes on social media sites is appropriate and permissible. The Novi Pompon Program wishes to build a reputation that is one of integrity, courtesy, humility, positivity, and good sportsmanship. Our actions, both in person and online, should reflect these ideals. Any posting on a social media site which is offensive, in violation of the Novi Pompon Program and Novi High School policies is prohibited and may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined below. 1. Public criticism of the Novi Pompon Program, MAPP officials, fellow and opposing team members, coaches and opposing coaches, spectators, parent volunteers, Novi High School staff, or opposing support groups is unethical and will not be tolerated via social media of any kind This includes, but is not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, SnapChat and YouTube. 2. Cyber-bullying will not be tolerated. If a team member is treating a teammate in an unacceptable manner, we ask that you report this behavior to a coach. This includes private communication such as personal or direct messages, text messages, etc. 3. In the event that a student-athletes social media account is found to be in violation of the policy either through (a) a review of the student-athletes social media page by an athletics department staff member or (b) a posting which is otherwise brought to the attention of the athletics department and/or Pompon Program, the Novi Pompon Program reserves the right to impose discipline which may include one or more of the following: A conference with the student athlete; A conference with the student athlete and a parent; A conference with the student athlete, a parent, and the Novi High School Athletic Director; A suspension from competition/performance; A suspension from all team activities; Removing the student-athlete from the team. 4. The severity of the discipline will be based on the seriousness of the infraction and whether there have been previous offenses by the student-athlete. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have reviewed the Novi Pompon Program Social Media Policy. You acknowledge that your social media activities reflect upon the reputation of the athletics department, Novi High School, and community as a whole. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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