Environmental Sanitation
Environmental Sanitation
Environmental Sanitation
The Code on Sanitation of the Philippines Presidential Decree No. 856- promulgated on December 23, 1975 by Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos Objective: Improvement of the way the Filipinos live by directing health services towards the protection and promotion of the health of the people. Consolidation of previously disparate sanitary laws into a single volume to cope with modern standards of sanitation. General provisions : The DOH shall: Promote and preserve the health of the people Extend health services, develop public health programs and raise standards of individuals and communities
The DOH Secretary shall: Promulgate the rules and regulations for proper implementation of the provisions of the Code Issue permits to establishments via the local health officers
WATER SUPPLY protect drinking water from contamination No washing of clothes or bathing within 25 meters from any source of drinking water No deep or shallow well constructed within 25 m from any source of pollution No radioactive substances stored within 25 m from any well or water source No physical connection between the distribution system and any other water supply No booster pump
Potable water/safe drinking water water that is free of microorganisms or disease-producing bacteria. Water should not possess undesirable taste, odor, color, radioactive materials, turbidity or chemicals. Sources of Water Supply: Level I (point source) protected well or developed spring without distribution system, generally adaptable for rural areas, serves around 15 households. Level II (communal faucet) composed of a source, a reservoir, piped distribution network and communal faucets, serves 4 to 6 households.
Level III (waterworks system or individual house connections) system with source, a reservoir, a piped distribution system and household taps suited for densely populated urban areas.
FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS An establishment where food or drinks are manufactured, processed, stored, sold or served. No person or entity shall operate a food establishment shall operate without securing a permit from the local health office. All foods must be procured from sources under sanitary and veterinary supervision Proper cooking and cleaning of meat and fish and use of pasteurized milk Storage of perishable goods at 7 degrees or less Cooked food kept not lower than 60 degrees C Ventilation, lighting, space Locker and change room for employees Handwashing basins Rooms used for the preparation, storage, handling or sale of food must be used exclusively for this purpose The floors, walls, and ceilings must be made of non-corrosive, durable, smooth surfaced, nonabsorbent, light colored and easy to clean materials There must be provisions for: vermin control, toilet and washing facilities, refuse disposal storage, utensil storage, dry and refrigeration storage All food handlers must have a health certificate from the local health office
LOCAL HEALTH OFFICERS Conduct inspection and evaluation of food establishments at least every 6 months Revoke permits of those establishments deemed unsanitary or unhealthy and noncompliant after 2 notices of violations Enforce the provisions of the Code through periodic inspections Bakeries must always keep their trucks and carts clean Dairies must not use products from infected cows Iceplants must use potable water Ambulant vendors shall sell only bottled food and drinks , biscuits and confectioneries. They are prohibited from selling food that requires utensils
MARKETS AND ABBATOIRS Public markets must have: Suitable location Good water supply Accessible drainage Durable construction Sanitation facilities No living quarters Enforced through periodic inspections
Abbatoirs- facility used in the slaughter of food animals for human consumption Only healthy animals shall be slaughtered Adequate supply of potable water Efficient drainage and solid waste disposal system
Public Laundry Suitable site, with washing and drying facilities and durable construction Appropriate storing and labeling of laundry supplies and clean and sanitary trucks and facilities Disinfect hospital laundry by exposure to hot water or other such means of disinfection Protect laundered articles by packing prior delivery
School Sanitation and Health Services Health Services for Schools: Periodic physical exams and immunization Medical treatment for common emergencies and dental treatment Guidance counselors Dissecting rooms with good ventilation and lighting Secure storage Standard laboratory measures
Industrial Hygiene DOH Secretary : Issues guidelines on maximum concentration of atmospheric contaminants and other such hazards; control of radioactive materials; reduction of noise and pollution. The employers: provide and maintain in good condition of all protective equipment; inform employees of job hazards; minimize noise; periodically test the hearing of its employees The employees: conform to the protective measures and use the equipment provided them properly.
Personal Protective Equipment Provided whenever substances, radiations or mechanical irritants are encountered in a manner capable of causing pathological change or injury or impairment of functions of any part of the body Include respiratory protector shall be fitted to worker when necessary X-ray film badges or pocket desimeters should be worn
Public swimming or bathing places Rules on sanitary practices for bathers and for employees Adequate number of personnel for rescue Signs for hazard warnings must be conspicuously posted Standards on toilets and dressing rooms, quality of water Inspection and examination for infectious diseases
Rest areas, bus terminals, bus stops and service stations Adequate space to prevent overcrowding Adequate ventilation , Safe and adequate water supply. There should be proper waste, refuse and sewage disposal. Adequate and clean restrooms. Waiting sheds that can accommodate minimum of 30 persons Constructed of concrete with enough sitting facilities.
Camps and picnic grounds Not subject to flooding and must be well drained Adequate lighting, space, ventilation, water supply, sanitary facilities, refuse cans with tightfitting cover and sewage disposal Clean and well-maintained grounds Vermin control
Dancing schools, dance halls, and Night Clubs These places must be kept clean and sanitary at all times There must be adequate potable water and toilet facilities for patrons No private rooms or rooms for public use other than lavatory, dressing room, bar and kitchen All employees must have health certificate from the local health office Proper storage and handling of food and drinks
Tonsorial and Beauty Establishments Include barber shops, beauty parlors, hairdressing and manicuring and figure and slandering salons Handwash required before servicing customers Wear clean working garments No smoking or eating while working Clean and disinfect tolls before and after use Supply customers with fresh towels, drapes, etc. Precaution for customers with dermatoses
Massage clinics and Sauna Bath establishments Clean, sanitary, well-lit and ventilated premises Handwashing and clean working garments for employees All massage personnel must have certified training All personnel must have health certificate Provision of clean towels, soap, bathing facilities for patrons Thorough bath before massage
Hotels, Motels, and Apartments, Boarding and Tenement Houses and condominiums Clean and sanitary premises at all times with adequate water supply, periodic insect and vermin control measures, separate quarters for animals and pets Employees must have health certificate For hotels and motels: proper storage and food preparation, cleaning of bathrooms before the room is rented for occupancy For condo: Site near places of work, school, police station and clinics, accessible to public transport and parking Playgrounds Refuse disposal Efficient lifts
Port, Airport, Vessel and Aircraft Sanitation Potable drinking water and wholesome food Periodically inspected for cleanliness Have personnel and equipment for isolation and care of infected persons Vermin control and collection of water and food samples
Vermin control Vermin: group of insects or small animals such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, fleas, lice, bedbugs, mice and rats which are vectors of disease.
Vermin Control Measures Responsibility of owners/ administrators of buildings, residences, water or aircraft, ports, and other such places Local governments are in charge or vermin control in public places Sewage Collection and Disposal, Excreta Disposal and Drainage Approval of the Secretary is required in: Construction of toilets for houses or communal toilets Plans of sewage disposal systems Discharge of untreated effluents of septic tanks/ sewage plants into bodies of water Manufacture of septic tanks and methods of disposal of sludge
Septic tanks should be: Rectangular Concrete Not within 25 meters of any water source Effluent from septic tanks must be treated before discharge into a stream of water
City/municipal government must ensure and maintain a good drainage system for waste water from buildings and premises
Refuse Disposal Refuse- solid waste products consisting of garbage, rubbish, ashes, night soil, manure, dead animals, street sweepings and industrial wastes. Municipal collection service- means of refuse disposal Occupants of buildings and residences should have proper receptacles for refuse Throwing refuse into streets, sidewalks, yards or sparks and bodies of water is prohibited Streets shall be kept clean by residents Parks and public places shall be kept clean by the local government
Standard Color coding for refuse storage: Black non-biodegradable Green- biodegradable Yellow- infectious and pathological waste Red sharps
Nuisances and Offensive trades and Occupations Nuisance- anything that injures health, endanger life, offends the senses or produces discomfort to the community Types of nuisances a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Public or private premises maintained and used in a manner injurious to health Breeding places and harborages of vermin Animals and their carcasses which are injurious to health Accumulation of refuse Noxious matter or wastewater discharged improperly in the streets Animal stockade maintained in a manner injurious to health Excessive noise Illegal shanties in public and private properties
Pollution of Environment Sources: a) b) c) d) e) f) pesticides and heavy metals, noise caused by industry, land and air transport, building construction agricultural-fertilizers and chemical pesticides Biological-causative agents of intestinal infection radioactive materials non-ionizing radiation- laser beams or microwaves
Disposal of Dead Persons Unlawful to bury a dead persons remains in places other than designated cemeteries No burial grounds shall be within 50m from a source of water supply Death certificate issued either by the attending physician or by the mayor (in lieu of MD) is required for burial and must be forwarded to the office of the civil registrar within 48 hours of death Graves must be at least 1.5m deep The cost shall be borne by next of kin; if not, then by local government if death is due to violence or crime Local authorities must be notified Permission from the local fiscal must be obtained
Death due to dangerous communicable disease: Bury within 12 hours, no public wake, only adults at the funeral No embalmed remains shall remain unburied more than 48 hours after death Disinterment may be permitted: Death from non-dangerous communicable diseases: 3 years Death from dangerous communicable diseases : 5 years Funeral Establishments Must have sanitary permit Embalming rooms, concrete, can hold 5 bodies all at one time Good lighting and ventilation Table with marble slab and proper washing facilities Embalmers must wear rubber gloves
Who may perform embalming? Licensed persons (by DOH) Government and private physicians Who may perform autopsies? Health officers Medical officers of law agencies Members of medical staff of accredited hospitals ORGAN DONATION Written authorization signed by the donor in the presence of 2 witnesses-if married, even without his/her spouse consent If next of kin authorizes it after death Unclaimed remains may be used by medical schools and scientific institutions for studies and research
Local health officers: Provide enough land for municipal cemeteries and ensure their safety Apply appropriate measures in cases of death due to dangerous disease Keep records of death Issue permits to inter, disinter, transfer or donate bodies to medical schools
FINAL PROVISIONS Any person who violates the Code or interfere with an agent of the DOH in performing his/her duty in implementing this code shall be guilty of misdemeanor and punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 6 months or by a fine not exceeding P1,000 or both, depending upon the courts decision.