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Minutes of The Second Official UPCSC Meeting

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OFFICE OF THE STUDENT COUNCIL University of the Philippines Cebu Room 165, Arts and Sciences Building Minutes of the Meeting Last April 1, 2014, the University of the Philippines Cebu Student Council 2014-2015 conducted its 2nd official meeting at the Student Council Office. The meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM with 9 members present. The presiding officer of the meeting was the Student Council Chairperson, Ms. April Dyan Gumanao. The following were present in the meeting 1. April Dyan Gumanao (Chairperson) 2. France Kevin Degamo (Vice-Chairperson) 3. Angel Rose Trocio (Councilor) 4. Chatch Calderon (Councilor) 5. Christine Meriz (4th Year Representative) 6. Carmen Jonahville Matarlo (3rd Year Representative) 7. Justine Raphael Luis Balane (3rd Year Representative) 8. Patrick Byron Gattoc (2nd Year Representative) 9. Hannah Lois Tidalgo (2nd Year Representative) The following were absent in the meeting 1. Vince Francis Dingding (Councilor) 2. Darl Octa Henessa Santos (Councilor) 3. Cristine Hellery Libres (4th Year Representative) 4. Narlyn Dura (Fine Arts Representative) 5. Damsel Mondido (Fine Arts Representative) 6. Dan Clever Gigantone (UNISO Chairperson) I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting called to order at 6:10 PM. Quorum was established. II. AGENDA After the quorum was reached, the meeting was called to order and Chairperson Gumanao presented the following agenda: 1. Business Arising a. Approval of Minutes b. NUSP Orientation 2. Selection of SC Adviser 3. Summer Enrollment 4. Updating of Task 5. Org Matters 6. OSR Memo A motion to approve the order of the agenda was raised by Representative Gattoc and was duly seconded by Representative Matarlo. A. BUSINESS ARISING i. Approval of Minutes

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Acting Secretary-General and Representative Matarlo presented the minutes of the first official meeting of the student council dated March 18, 2014 to the body. Chairperson Gumanao requested the body to read the minutes one by one. After reading the minutes, Representative Tidalgo requested the Acting Secretary General to correct her family name from Tedalgo to Tidalgo. Representative Meriz also requested to use Meriz as her family name instead of Codera since legal records use Meriz over Codera. Vice-Chairpeson Degamo added the word during the GASC after the word established in line 171 of the Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the first official meeting of UP Cebu Student Council was raised by Councilor Trocio and was duly seconded by Representative Balane. NUSP Orientation Mr. Jun Marr Denila, the former chairperson of the UP Cebu Student Council and the chairperson of the National Union of Students of the Philippines Cebu Chapter, spearheaded the orientation. Mr. Denila showed a video presentation about NUSP, and gave the presentation proper thereafter which mainly pointed out the history, the principles, and the campaigns of NUSP. After Denilas talk, Chairperson Gumanao opened the floor for questions and manifestations. Councilor Calderon asked Denila regarding the benefits of the council if they would be a member of NUSP. Denila replied that it is more of a duty of the council to further lead the struggle towards a nationalist, scientific, and mass-oriented education. Denila added that there could be a lot of media publicity, and that could be beneficial. Councilor Trocio complimented that through these alliances we could further bring out pro-student campaigns. Vice-Chairperson Degamo manifested that the National Union of the Students of the Philippines is a good avenue to vent out the issues faced by different schools and together work to A motion to reaffirm the membership of UP Cebu Student Council was raised by Vice-Chairperson Degamo and was duly seconded by Representative Gattoc. (See Appendix 1 for the copy of the resolution.) Councilor Calderon questioned if the meeting was on quorum. Chairperson Gumanao iterated that the meeting was on order since quorum was established. Councilor Calderon then suggested that the council should also be oriented to the Student Council Alliance of the Philippines (SCAP). Chairperson

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Gumanao reminded the body that the council has reaffirmed its membership to the National Union of Students of the Philippines, but is still open to such orientation. B. SELECTION OF SC ADVISER Chairperson Gumanao asked Representative Gattoc, Representative Matarlo, Councilor Santos, and Representative Meriz for updates regarding the nominees for the SC Adviser. Representative Gattoc talked with Prof. Phoebe Zoe Maria Sanchez and has reported to the body that she is more than willing to accept the post as the adviser of SC. Representative Matarlo expressed the decline of Mr. Chito Patino since Patino said that he will not be regular next semester. In behalf of Councilor Santos, Chairperson Gumanao told the body that Dr. Anatacio Almocera is positive with the offer of the Student Council provided that the council would include him in the planning of the activities. Representative Meriz also told the decline of Prof. Jason Nieva. Meriz told the body that at first, Nieva would think of it. But Nieva eventually turned down the offer. Chairperson Gumanao then asked the body to choose as consensus. The body then decided to have Almocera as the Student Council Adviser and Sanchez as the Student Council Co-Adviser. Councilor Trocio explained why a tenured faculty is ideal for the SC Adviser post. Councilor Trocio said that some pertinent documents handled by the Student Council can only be signed by a tenured faculty such as cash advance forms and alike. Representative Balane was tasked by Chairperson Gumanao to write the letter of acceptance for the SC Adviser which will also be sent to the Office of the Student Affairs. C. SUMMER ENROLLMENT Chairperson Gumanao announced that the enrollment for the summer term will be on April 14 and 15. Chairperson Gumanao then added that the student council should also conduct its enrollment assistance during the enrollment. Councilor Calderon suggested that there should be a point person for the enrollment assistance of SC. Councilor Trocio volunteered to spearhead the summer term enrollment assistance of SC. She will also organize the shifting the student council officers during the enrollment assistance.

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Representative Matarlo, Representative Meriz, and Representative Tidalgo were tasked to collect information regarding the class offerings this summer from the Office of the College Secretary and Registrar. Representative Gattoc was tasked to create publicity materials and to post the announcements regarding the summer enrollment to the social media accounts of SC. D. UPDATING OF TASK i. Publicity Material for House Rules Representative Gattoc was tasked during the last SC meeting to make a publicity material for the approved house rules on SC Room Use and Storage. Representative Gattoc presented the publicity material to the body for recognition. Chairperson Gumanao then permitted Representative Gattoc to upload the publicity material to the social media accounts of SC. ii. Wifi Codes Councilor Dingding, through a text message sent to Councilor Trocio, said Ms. Famador, the Computer Services Unit coordinator, is not always present in her office. With this, Ms. Famador asked the SC for a list of those who have received their wifi codes. iii. Sold Drinks to Handuraw Pizza Chairperson Gumanao commended Councilor Calderon for having disposed the cases of San Miguel Beer to Handuraw Pizza Gorordo. These San Miguel Beer Cases where sponsored by San Miguel Corporation to the UP Cebu Student Council for UP Cookout 2013. E. ORG MATTERS Chairperson Gumanao announced that there will be an Organizations Assembly this coming April 8, 2014, 1:00 PM, at the UP Cebu ILC-AVR. Chairperson Gumanao also expressed that the Student Council should encourage every school organization, recognized or not recognized, to send representatives to the said meeting. The Organizations Assembly will tackle important organization matters such as pending org resolutions. Vice-Chairperson Degamo assigned organizations to each student council officer. The student council officer should exhaust all means to make sure that a representative will be sent by the organization/s assigned to them to the Organizations Assembly. Vice-Chairperson Degamo added that all student council officers must share all the publicity material of SC on Facebook as to reach the broadest number of stakeholders as possible. Representative Gattoc was again tasked to create a publicity material to be posted on the social media accounts of SC. F. OSR MEMO

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Chairperson Gumanao relayed the memorandum released by the Office of the Student Regent dated March 26, 2014 regarding the nominations for the Student Regent post. She added that the Office of the Student Regent asks all UP System Student Councils to conduct an orientation about the Student Regent Nomination and Selection process in cooperation with Katipunan ng Sangguniang Mag-aaral sa UP (KASAMA sa UP). Chairperson Gumanao suggested having it with the Organizations Assembly, having the orientation as the last agenda of the assembly. Chairperson Gumanao pointed out that since it is hard to organize the students at this point of the academic year (summer vacation), It is but feasible to have it together with the Organizations Assembly. Chairperson Gumanao aslo encouraged the student council officers to share the link of the OSR Memo from the Facebook page of SC. III. ADJOURNMENT OF THE MEETING Motion to adjourn the meeting was raised by Councilor Trocio and was seconded by Representative Matarlo. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM.

Prepared by:

PATRICK BYRON G. GATTOC 2nd Year Representative Acting Secretary General

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Resolution 2014-02 A RESOLUTION TO REAFFIRM MEMBERSHIP OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES CEBU STUDENT COUNCIL (UPCSC) TO THE NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS OF THE PHILIPPINES (NUSP) Proposed by: UP Cebu Student Council 2014-2015 WHEREAS, the National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP) is a patriotic, democratic, progressive nation-wide alliance of student councils/governments/unions committed to the advancement of the students democratic rights and welfare. WHEREAS, the NUSP has been consistently at the forefront of the students struggle for their rights and welfare and in solidarity with the Filipino peoples struggle for genui ne freedom and democracy since its establishment in 1957. WHEREAS, the NUSP seeks to unite all students in the country through their mandated representative student councils, governments and unions in the struggle for the fundamental right to education and lead them in their struggle for a nationalist, scientific and mass oriented system of education, to fight for an education for genuine national development and free from any imperialist control. WHEREAS, the UP Cebu Student Council (UPCSC) is one of the founding members of NUSP in Cebu. WHEREAS, the UPCSC continues to be at the forefront of the students and the masses in forwarding their rights and welfare, similar to the core principles of the NUSP. WHEREAS, the UPCSC A.Y. 2013-2014 reaffirmed its membership to the NUSP through Resolution 2013- 01 to further strengthen and unite the advancement of our rights and welfare. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the UPCSC reaffirm its membership to the NUSP for A.Y. 20142015. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the UPCSC will actively participate and unite with the NUSP in forwarding the rights and welfare of students and the masses. THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the UPCSC do no adhere to other alliances contrary to the NUSP.

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Adopted during the Second Official Meeting of the UP Cebu Student Council 2014-2015 at the SC Room (AS 165), Arts and Sciences Building, University of the Philippines Cebu, April 1, 2014.

Approved: APRIL DYAN GUMANAO Chairperson UP Cebu Student Council 2014-2015

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