Ancient Egyptian Writing and Hieroglyphs
Ancient Egyptian Writing and Hieroglyphs
Ancient Egyptian Writing and Hieroglyphs
The Egyptians began to form a pictographic written language about 5000 years
ago, which they continued to use for more than 3500 years, until about 400 AD.
Eventually, the pictures they used to represent words came to represent sounds.
These symbols, hieroglyphs, or "sacred inscriptions" were adapted for use in
everyday life, in addition to their important religious/mystical identity.
For many years, the earliest known hieroglyphic inscription was the Narmer
Palette, found during excavations at Hierakonpolis (modern Kawm al-Ahmar)
in the 1890s, which has been dated to c.3200 BC. However recent
archaeological findings reveal that symbols on Gerzean pottery, c.4000 BC,
resemble the traditional hieroglyph forms [citation needed]. Also in 1998 a
German archeological team under Gunter Dreyer excavating at Abydos
(modern Umm el-Qa'ab) uncovered tomb U-j, which belonged to a Predynastic
ruler, and they recovered three hundred clay labels inscribed with proto-
hieroglyphics dating to the Naqada IIIA period, circa 33rd century BC.
Egyptologists refer to Egyptian writing as hieroglyphs, today standing as the
world's earliest known writing system. The hieroglyphic script was partly
syllabic, partly ideographic. Hieratic is a cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphs
and was first used during the First Dynasty (c. 2925 BC c. 2775 BC). The term
Demotic, in the context of Egypt, came to refer to both the script and the
language that followed the Late Ancient Egyptian stage, i.e. from the Nubian
25th dynasty until its marginalization by the Greek Koine in the early centuries
After the conquest of Amr ibn al-A'as in the 7th century AD, the [[ Egypt, as
evidenced by the Edwin Smith and Ebers papyri. The roots of the Scientific
method may be traced back to the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians are
also credited with devising the world's earliest known alphabet, decimal system
and complex mathematical formularizations, in the form of the Moscow and
Rhind Mathematical Papyri. An awareness of the golden ratio seems to be
reflected in many constructions, such as the Egyptian pyramids.
Most people refer to hieroglyphs when they speak about Egyptian writing. It is
a common misconception that the hieroglyphs are pictures that represent ideas
instead of the sounds of the language. While the shapes of the hieroglyphs are
indeed taken from real (or imaginary) objects, most of them are used for their
phonetic value. Take, e.g., the hieroglyph representing a house. It can be used
to write the word pr (vowels unknown) which means 'house'.
The same hieroglyph is used for the word prj 'to come out' due to the similarity
in pronunciation. To leave no doubt as to which word was actually meant, the
Egyptian scribe would add a pair of walking legs underneath the house to
clarify that prj and not pr was meant here.
To further clarify the pronunciation, the hieroglyph for mouth (ro) is typically
added in between the house and the walking legs, so that the whole
combination encodes the word prj like this: "Word that sounds like a word for
house which ends in an r and is related to walking => to come out".
Hieroglyphic writing is thus an intricate mixture of phonetic and semantic
components.Apart from the hieroglyphs, hieratic (a cursive version of
hieroglyphic writing) and demotic (even more cursive and abbreviated) were
employed in Egypt's 3,000-year history of hieroglyphic writing.
As Egypt became part of the Greek and (later) the Roman empire, the
hieroglyphic writing system was replaced by the Greek alphabet used first to
write magical and later Christian manuscripts (Coptic). A few extra characters
had to be added to represent sounds of the Egyptian language which did not
exist in the Greek pronunciation of the time (like, e.g. the "f"). These characters
were taken from demotic.
Hieroglyphic usage
Hieroglyphic syntax
• horizontal, left-to-right
• horizontal, right-to-left
• vertical, facing left-to-right
• vertical, facing right-left
Until recently, given the time span we are talking about, the decipherment of
hieroglyphic was hampered because those attempting to decipher the
hieroglyphs assigned emotional meanings to the actual symbols used. For
example, some people believed that the hieroglyph for son, a goose, was
chosen because geese love their sons above all other animals. This hieroglyph
was chosen, though, simply because the word for goose once had the same
sound as the word for son. A further impediment was the lack of
complementary material, that is to say material of the same work written in
close proximity to another translation.
Athanasius Kircher, a student of Coptic, developed the notion that this last
stage of Egyptian could be related to the earlier Egyptian stages. Because he
was not able to transliterate or translate hieroglyphic he could not prove this
However, in 1799 when the discovery of the Rosetta Stone occurred, scholars
finally had an example of hieroglyphic, demotic and Ancient Greek that they
were all reasonably certain were the translations of the same passage. In
hieroglyphic, the name of the King or Pharaoh and gods' names are often
placed within a circle called a cartouche.
Jean-France Champollion
Modern-day Resources
For the film "Stargate", Egyptologist Stuart Tyson Smith was commissioned to
develop a constructed language to simulate the tongue of ancient Egyptians
living alone on another planet for millennia.
cobra J, as in jelly
water N, as in none