ISS Performing The Past 2014
ISS Performing The Past 2014
ISS Performing The Past 2014
Course details
Course level
Undergraduate Also suitable for anybody interested in museums or considering a career or further study in the heritage sector. The Performing the Past Summer School is for students who want to explore the theoretical and practical challenges which face living history interpreters. This course will include the opportunity to explore: forms and theories of live interpretation, identifying best practice, philosophy behind best practice, understanding the visitor, period posture and stance, using unconventional performance spaces, visitor inclusion, interpretatively useful research, practical character development and practical devising. On campus you will have access to the Museum of Rural Lifes social history collections, collections of rare books, photographs and films. Trips to Historical Royal Palace sites will enable you to deliver site-specific live interpretation performance where history happened.
Course benefits
This course gives you an overview of the theory, philosophy and practice behind good delivery of live, costumed interpretation. By exposure to world renowned sites you will learn how different professionals approach visitors in their daily practice, in a variety of environments. You will also get to put your knowledge into practice. The course culminates in students delivering live interpretation presentations in a range of heritage sites.
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