Peace Corps Eating Disorder Treatment Summary Form PC-262-8 (Initial Approval 08/2012
Peace Corps Eating Disorder Treatment Summary Form PC-262-8 (Initial Approval 08/2012
Peace Corps Eating Disorder Treatment Summary Form PC-262-8 (Initial Approval 08/2012
The individual below has applied to serve as a Peace Corps Volunteer and has reported a past or active eating disorder. This
form must be completed by the health care provider who has oversight and management of the condition.
Note to the Mental Health Professional: When answering the questions below, please consider that there are many assignments
where the Volunteer may be isolated and exposed to violence and crime, extreme poverty, or inequitable treatment. There may
be limited access to Western-trained mental health professionals and little support for existing or new eating disorder symptoms.
Please answer all questions or the form will be considered incomplete and returned to the applicant.
Burden Statement:
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 105 minutes per applicant and 60 minutes per mental health professional per
response. This estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions and completing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a
person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: FOIA Officer, Peace Corps, 1111 20th Street, NW,
Washington, DC, 20526 ATTN: PRA (0420 - 0550). Do not return the completed form to this address.
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Date Given
Date Resolved
Current Diagnosis
Axis I:
Axis II:
Axis III:
Axis IV:
Axis V:
Date remitted
Residual symptoms, if present: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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6. Course of Treatment:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dates if known
Psychiatric Hospitalizations _
h N/A _
If yes, describe:
Dates if known
h N/A
h N/A
h N/A
If yes, describe:
If yes, describe:
If yes, describe:
Risk of recurrence?
Risk of recurrence?
Risk of recurrence?
h None or unlikely
h None or unlikely
h None or unlikely
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9. Level of Functioning
Interpersonal (describe):
Work/Educational (describe):
Interpersonal (describe):
Work/Educational (describe):
10. Prognosis:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Risk of exacerbation or recurrence (please consider issues of isolation, different environments, lack of
structure and social support, and limited control over food)___________________________________________________________________________________________
12. What specific recommendations for eating disorder support do you have regarding the management of this
condition over the next three years? All recommendations will help the Peace Corps determine the appropriate
Volunteer placement_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Required: Current fasting comprehensive metabolic panel and thyroid function tests (TFTs)
B12, folate and iron, if applicable
Do you have any concerns that would prevent this applicant from completing 27 months of Peace Corps service without
disruption due to an eating disorder? NOTE: Peace Corps service may be in areas that are isolated or have limited access to
Western-trained providers and health care systems. Please check one box below.
h I have no concerns. This applicant, with regard to eating disorders, is healthy enough to complete 27 months of uninterrupted
Peace Corps service provided the above recommendations can be accommodated.
h I am unsure that the applicant can complete 27 months of uninterrupted Peace Corps service due to an eating disorder. I
recommend a period of stabilization for this condition and an updated assessment at a later date. (Describe and include
length of time for stabilization.)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
h I do not believe that this applicant is or will be able to complete 27 months of Peace Corps service without disruption due
to an eating disorder.
I certify this information is, in my opinion, an accurate representation of the baseline status of the applicants eating disorder.
Mental Health Professional Signature/Title_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mental Health Professional Name (Print)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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