Standard 5 - Mini-Unit On Sherlock Holmes

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The key takeaways are that the lesson plan is for a mini-unit on Sherlock Holmes where students will analyze three adaptations of the short story 'A Scandal in Bohemia' and write a compare and contrast essay. They will look at similarities and differences in elements like characterization, settings, and the relationship between Holmes and Watson.

The overall lesson plan is for a mini-unit where 10th-12th grade students will analyze three adaptations of the Sherlock Holmes short story 'A Scandal in Bohemia' - the original text, a film adaptation starring Jeremy Brett, and a BBC TV adaptation starring Benedict Cumberbatch. The goal is for students to identify similarities and differences across the adaptations and write a 500-750 word compare and contrast essay analyzing author choices.

The standards addressed in the lesson are RL.11-12.3 (analyzing author choices in developing elements of a story), RL.11-12.7 (analyzing multiple interpretations of a story), and RL.11-12.9 (demonstrating knowledge of foundational 18th-19th century American works and how texts treat similar themes).

kaLle kalmes

SLudenL 1eachlng
Sprlng 2014
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1. ueLalled Lesson lan
2. ulscusslon CuesLlons on Lhe LexL A Scandal ln 8ohemla"
3. A Scandal ln 8ohemla" Compare and ConLrasL Lssay AsslgnmenL SheeL
4. A Scandal ln 8ohemla" Compare and ConLrasL Lssay 8ubrlc.

;%/,0"<#"1. =>?@ /%.#%.,%/A& ln Lhls mlnl-unlL, sLudenLs wlll work wlLh Lhree adapLaLlons of Lhe same
Sherlock Polmes sLory enLlLled A Scandal ln 8ohemla" ln order Lo analyze Lhe works for slmllarlLles and
dlfferences. 1hey wlll be asked Lo wrlLe a compare and conLrasL essay ln whlch Lhey creaLe an argumenL
answerlng why Lhe changes (or slmllarlLles) were made.

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8L.11-12.3. Analyze Lhe lmpacL of Lhe auLhor's cholces regardlng how Lo develop and relaLe
elemenLs of a sLory or drama (e.g. where a sLory ls seL, how Lhe acLlon ls ordered, how Lhe
characLers are lnLroduced and developed).
8L.11-12.7 Analyze mulLlple lnLerpreLaLlons of a sLory, drama, or poem (e.g., recorded or llve
producLlon of a play or recorded novel or poeLry), evaluaLlng how each verslon lnLerpreLs Lhe source
8L.11-12.9 uemonsLraLe knowledge of elghLeenLh-, nlneLeenLh- and early-LwenLleLh-cenLury
foundaLlonal works of Amerlcan llLeraLure, lncludlng how Lwo or more LexLs from Lhe same perlod
LreaL slmllar Lhemes or Loplcs.

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A Scandal ln 8ohemla" by ArLhur Conan uoyle
A Scandal ln 8ohemla" feaLurlng !eremy 8reLL
A Scandal ln 8elgravla" feaLurlng 8enedlcL CumberbaLch

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SLudenLs wlll analyze Lhree adapLaLlons of Lhe same sLory for Lhelr slmllarlLles and dlfferences.
SLudenLs wlll wrlLe a 300-730 word compare/conLrasL essay.
SLudenLs wlll analyze a LexL and fllm adapLaLlons for Lhe developmenL of Lhe elemenLs of flcLlon

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Why are changes made Lo a sLory ln dlfferenL adapLaLlons (of LhaL sLory)?
Pow can uslng graphlc organlzers Lo compare/conLrasL LexLs help me undersLand and
comprehend lnformaLlon LhaL l am readlng or dlscusslng?
Pow do l ldenLlfy slmllarlLles and dlfferences across Lhree sources?

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kaLle kalmes
SLudenL 1eachlng
Sprlng 2014
1he 88C adapLaLlon of Lhe sLory (feaLurlng 8enedlcL CumberbaLch) proves Lo be moLlvaLlon
because lL ls a popular show currenLly and sLudenLs have heard of lL.

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! re-AcLlvlLy = read A Scandal ln 8ohemla" by ArLhur Conan uoyle for PW
! uay 1
llnlsh readlng A Scandal ln 8ohemla"
Answer dlscusslon quesLlons (Appendlx A)
! uay 2
ulscusslon of A Scandal ln 8ohemla"
rompL wlLh quesLlons Lhen delve deeper lnLo Lhe sLory, especlally lLs connecLlons Lo Lhe
vlcLorlan Lra
! uay 3
We wlll now waLch an adapLaLlon enLlLled A Scandal ln 8ohemla" sLarrlng !eremy 8reLL.
1hls ls an older verslon and ls seL ln Lhe vlcLorlan Lra and very closely resembles Lhe orlglnal
o WaLch A Scandal ln 8ohemla" - hLLps://
! 1ell sLudenLs LhaL as Lhey waLch Lhey musL Lake noLes on Lhe
slmllarlLles/dlfferences beLween Lhe LexL and Lhls fllm adapLaLlon.
Pave sLudenLs draw a venn ulagram ln Lhelr noLebook, one slde ls
for Lhe LexL verslon A Scandal ln 8ohemla" and Lhe oLher ls for A
Scandal ln 8ohemla." 1hey musL Lakes noLes as we waLch because
dolng so wlll be very beneflclal Lo Lhem aL Lhe end of our fllm
! uay 4
llnlsh waLchlng A Scandal ln 8ohemla"
ulscusslon of:
o SlmllarlLles and dlfferences Lhe sLudenLs found
o 1helr general reacLlon Lo Lhls adapLaLlon
! uay 3
1ell sLudenLs LhaL we wlll now waLch our lasL adapLaLlon of Lhe sLory enLlLled: A Scandal ln
8elgravla" whlch ls a 88C 1v show adapLaLlon of Lhe show. reface wlLh synopsls of ploL llne
wlLh MorlarLy (Lhls eplsode ls season 2 eplsode 1).
o Pave sLudenLs draw a 3-way venn ulagram ln Lhelr noLebook, one slde ls for Lhe LexL
verslon A Scandal ln 8ohemla," one ls for Lhe fllm A Scandal ln 8ohemla" and Lhe
oLher ls for A Scandal ln 8elgravla." 1hey musL Lakes noLes as we waLch because
dolng so wlll be very beneflclal Lo Lhem aL Lhe end of our fllm vlewlng.
! uay 6
kaLle kalmes
SLudenL 1eachlng
Sprlng 2014
llnlsh A Scandal ln 8elgravla"
! uay 7
llnlsh A Scandal ln 8elgravla"
Pave sLudenLs [ournal. 1hls wlll be a Lhree sLep [ournal so glve Lhem each prompL one aL a
Llme. rompLs:
o Colng off of your venn ulagram, sLar Lhe Lhree slmllarlLles/dlfferences LhaL you
found were Lhe mosL lmporLanL
o CeL wlLh a parLner and share your Lop Lhree.
o As a group you wlll Lhen choose 2-3 slmllarlLles/dlfferences LhaL (collecLlvely) you
Lhlnk are Lhe mosL lmporLanL ones.
o As a parLner duo, wrlLe a paragraph ln whlch you explaln why you Lhlnk Lhose
changes were made. ?our answer CAnnC1 be LhaL Lhey made Lhe changes because
Lhey wanLed Lo make Lhe sLory modern. lnsLead, go uLLL8.
AfLer you've glven sLudenLs abouL 3-7 mlnuLes Lo wrlLe Lhelr paragraphs, compleLe a Sharlng
Whlp ln whlch sLudenLs wlll share Lhelr llsL of Lhe 2-3 mosL lmporLanL slmllarlLles/dlfferences
as well as Lhelr paragraph of reasonlng.
Pold a dlscusslon of Lhe fllm - delvlng for more slmllarlLles and dlfferences and Lhe
lmporLance of Lhose.
! uay 8
lnLroduce Compare/ConLrasL Lssay (Appendlx 8)
Cnce done revlewlng Lhe asslgnmenL sheeL, have sLudenLs do a bralnsLorm acLlvlLy.
o Pave sLudenLs draw a 3-way venn ulagram ln Lhelr noLebook. Cne ls for Lhe LexL A
Scandal ln 8ohemla," one ls for Lhe fllm A Scandal ln 8ohemla" and Lhe lasL clrcle ls
for A Scandal ln 8elgravla."
o 1hey musL now choose whlch prompL Lhey wlll wrlLe abouL for Lhelr essay.
o 8ralnsLorm as many slmllarlLles/dlfferences you can make beLween Lhe Lhree
adapLaLlons ln accordance wlLh Lhe prompL you selecLed.
o AfLer you have glven Lhem Llme Lo bralnsLorm, have Lhem sLarL Lo form a Lhesls LhaL
works Lo answer why." Some quesLlons Lo prompL Lhls Lhesls are as follows, and
should be posLed as sLudenLs begln Lo form Lhelr Lhesls sLaLemenLs:
! Why Lhey Lhlnk Lhose changes were made?
! WhaL was slgnlflcanL abouL Lhose changes?
! WhaL dld Lhey do Lo Lhe sLory?
! WhaL was Lhe purpose of maklng Lhose changes?
! uay 9
Lab Llme (compuLer Llme) Lo work on Lhelr compare/conLrasL essay
! uay 10
Lab Llme (compuLer Llme) Lo work on Lhelr compare/conLrasL essay
! uay 11
Compare/ConLrasL Lssay for A Scandal ln 8ohemla" ls due
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kaLle kalmes
SLudenL 1eachlng
Sprlng 2014
neLfllx lnsLanL SLreamlng AccounL
?ouLube access
CompuLer Lab Access

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Wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh prlnLouLs of asslgnmenL sheeL.
Wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh a prlnLed/pre-drawn venn ulagrams lf necessary.

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SLudenLs wlll wrlLe a compare/conLrasL essay ln whlch Lhey compare Lhe followlng Lhree adapLaLlons of
Lhe sLory A Scandal ln 8ohemla" by ArLhur Conan uoyle.
1he orlglnal LexL: A Scandal ln 8ohemla" by ArLhur Conan uoyle
1v show adapLaLlon: A Scandal ln 8ohemla" feaLurlng !eremy 8reLL
1v show adapLaLlon: A Scandal ln 8elgravla" feaLurlng 8enedlcL CumberbaLch
1hey wlll be responslble for chooslng one prompL Lo answer and glvlng Lhree supporLlng examples of
slmllarlLles or dlfferences as ldenLlfled ln Lhe Lhree adapLaLlons. 1hey wlll be expecLed Lo wrlLe a 300-730
word essay LhaL reflecLs Lhe slmllarlLles and dlfferences ln accordance wlLh Lhelr prompL and LhaL beglns
Lo form/supporL an argumenL on why Lhese changes (or noL changes) were made?
1. ldenLlfy Lhe slmllarlLles and dlfferences ln lrene Adler's characLerlzaLlon.
2. ldenLlfy Lhe slmllarlLles and dlfferences ln Sherlock Polmes' deducLlve reasonlng" abouL
people, evenLs, crlmes, eLc.
3. ldenLlfy Lhe slmllarlLles and dlfferences ln seLLlng (noL only Lhe larger seLLlng (Lngland)
buL Polmes and WaLson's personal space, where Lhey work eLc.).
4. ldenLlfy Lhe slmllarlLles and dlfferences ln Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Polmes and WaLson.
A sample of Lhe generlc" ouLllne for a compare and conLrasL essay are on Lhe asslgnmenL sheeL
(Appendlx 8)

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Wlll assess sLudenLs learnlng when l grade Lhelr compare/conLrasL essays.
A Scandal in Bohemia by Arthur Conan Doyle
Short Answer Questions & Summaries

Part 1
Create a one paragraph summary of this section then answer these questions.
1. In Holmes opinion, what are the characteristics of a keen observer?
2. Watson is not as keen as Holmes so why is he in the stories?
3. Holmes knows immediately that the visitor is the king of Bohemia. What details revealed this?
4. Why does the King of Bohemia not marry Irene Adler?

Part 2
Create a one paragraph summary of this section then answer these questions.
5. What does Holmes want Watson to do at Briony lodge?
6. What do you think Holmes will do with the photograph?
7. What two sorts of people does Sherlock Holmes disguise himself as and why?
8. What is Sherlock Holmes plan to get the photograph? Where does the plan succeed? Where does it

Part 3
Create a one paragraph summary of this section then answer these questions.
9. Why does Irene change her mind about sending the photograph to the Kings fiancee?
10. What fee does Sherlock Holmes ask from the King of Bohemia?
11. Why does Sherlock keep the picture of Irene?
12. Holmes doesnt have a very high opinion of women, why so?
A Scandal In Bohemia Compare/Contrast

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Writing Prompt:
Using the three adaptations of the Sherlock Holmes story entitled A Scandal in Bohemia that we have read and
watched in class, you will create an essay in which you identify the similarities and differences between the A
Scandal in Bohemia short story, the Scandal in Belgravia film, and the Jeremy Brett A Scandal in Bohemia

Some questions to think about when forming an argument (thesis statement):
What claim are you trying to make through the differences/similarities you bring to our attention?
Why do you think the adaptations were created as they were?
What themes do they address?

Write 500-750 words, double-spaced, using a readable font like Times New Roman, Courier, or Arial,
following MLA style.
Choose one prompt. Make sure that your writing answers the prompt directly. Do not, for example, ignore
the prompt and write about what you want.
Please avoid using first person I and second-person you. Also, use present-tense verbs (called the
literary present). For example, do not write Holmes went to Briony Lodge to find Ms. Adler. Instead,
write Holmes then goes to Briony Lodge to find Ms. Adler.
Cite the three versions in the following ways:
o (Doyle 4) for the short story, including a page number.
o (A Scandal in Bohemia) for the episode involving Jeremy Brett and David Burke.
o (A Scandal in Belgravia) for the BBC episode with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.
Make sure to write a clear thesis in your first paragraph. It should answer the prompt directly, and it should
give an ordered summary of the main points of your argument.
Back up your main points with specific references to the three stories.
Absolutely do not summarize the plot. Simply refer to events, characters, dialogue, etc. that help you
compare and contrast the pieces.
Be sure to proofread carefully for grammatical and punctuation errors.
Please see the document Writing Short Essays on the Shared Drive if you would like further advice on
writing essays.

Prompts (choose ONE of the following)
1. Identify the similarities and differences in Irene Adlers characterization.
2. Identify the similarities and differences in Sherlock Holmess deductive reasoning about people, events,
crimes etc.
3. Identify the similarities and differences in setting (not only the larger setting (England) but Holmes and
Watsons personal space, where they work etc.).
4. Identify the similarities and differences in the relationship between Holmes and Watson.

Create an outline for your compare-contrast essay
1. Introduction
a. State the subjects you are looking at
b. Explain your controlling idea; the thesis statement
2. Body
a. Discuss your comparison in an organized way your readers must be able to follow your thinking.
i. Point 1
A Scandal In Bohemia Compare/Contrast

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. =<&" &" >+,*< ?@ 5+&-*".
ii. Point 2
iii. Point 3
b. Make sure to use transitional phrases and clearly articulate and explain the similarities and
3. Conclusion
a. Summarize key points that support your these
b. Restate thesis
c. Leave audience with a final, insightful thought
"A Scanual in Bohemia"
Name: ________________________________________ Peiiou: _________________

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Focus anu
0iganization Bevelopment
of Iueas
6 Points
States with
claiity the
subjects unuei
ieason foi
compaiison is
cleaily stateu;
theie is a cleai
0tilizeu planning
stage anu
uevelopment to
foim iueas; essay
flows - contains
tiansitions as
well as
Piesents a cleai
thesis statement
that is suppoiteu
by theii
compaiisons anu
eviuence that
suppoits theii
anu thesis
cites coiiectly
Shows a stiong
commanu of
mechanics anu
4 Points
States with
subjects being
compaieu anu
ieason foi
subjects coulu
use moie
Ninoi mistakes
in oiganization
conclusion anu
Piesents a cleai
these statement
that is suppoiteu
by compaiisons
anu contiasts but
coulu use moie
eviuence but
exhibits minoi
eiiois in
Incluues minoi
eiiois in
mechanics anu
S Points
intiouuction to
subjects unuei
ieason foi
compaiison is
not obvious,
lack of
Lack of
conclusion anu
tiansitions neeu
Piesents a thesis
that is suppoiteu
by some points
but neeus fuithei
Limiteu textual
eiiois in
Shows a limiteu
contiol of
mechanics anu
2 Point
Fails to
subjects unuei
lacks ieason foi
anu connection
No cleai
uoes not incluue
conclusion oi
Lacks a cleai
thesis statement
anu suppoiting
compaiisons anu
No textual
eviuence; no
Exhibits majoi
pioblems with
mechanics anu

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