Sample Fpgee Questions
Sample Fpgee Questions
Sample Fpgee Questions
has affinity but no effect 4. An antagonist that increase km but max no change ? competiti e antagonist !. "ugular ein distention and peripheral edema ? heart failure #. alginic acid ? increase iscosity $. can cause hemorrhage ? rat poison %. the most ariable drug administration route ? &. tuberculin route ? intradermal 1'. all can cause hyperkalemia except ? nitrate 11. in airborne isolation use ? n&! mask 12. pregnancy clinical study for 3 (ks (hat is the (eakness ? duration 13. an open label rct for 3 years and 12'' people (hat is the (eakness ? blindness 14. double-dummy technique may be used for ? blinding 15. calculate relative auc = ( auc drug / auc compared to ! ( dose compared / dose drug 1#. drug body conc . day 1 &' day 2 %! day 3 %' day 4 $! ? zero order 1$. in first order ) drug rate of elimination is proportional to ? drug conc. 1%. making the patient take a drug opposing his opinion called ? paternalism 1&. should not be gi en (ith antacids ? moxifloxacin * and all flouro+uinolone , 2'. minimum ca re+uirements ? - 12'' or - 1!'' . day 21. (hen blood release o2 on increased or decreased ph ? 22. the functional group in tigecycline that makes it broad ? * structure , 23. phemyl alanine structure ? missing group x ? carboxyl group
24. the substance that is least likely to be detected in a 24 h urine drugs test ? amphetamine .. * amphetamine is basic trapped in acidic urine , 2!. (hat happens in asthma patients ? increase lung capacity and olume but decrease fe (hy ? not able to exhale enough 2#. (hat is the interxn bet(een digoxin and amiodarone ? 2$. smoking induce cyp 1A2 (hen taking a drug that is a cyp 1A2 /012 345/ 678952: (hat (ill happen ? drug cl (ill decrease and drug conc (ill increase.
2%. (hen non cooked food that contain thiamines are consumed much ? berryberry 2&. on (hat mechanism does ethanol antagonize polyethylene glycol or methanol toxicity ? by competing on alcohol dehydrogenase thus decreasing toxic metabolite . 3'. (hen the drug is still in its patent * 2' years , and no other drug is allo(ed in the market (ith the same chemical ingredient ? pure monopoly 31. according to fda ; (hat is room temp ? 2' c 32. (hat factor is not included in guidelines for products packaging rules ? temp (hen deli ered . 33. (hat is the metal that catalyse the acti ity of AC1 ? <n 34. the li er has a large amounts of (hat itamin ? itamin a ) retinol 3!. (hat type of ginseng doesn=t produce ginsenoids ? 6iberian ginseng . 3#. a diabetic man on insulin is planning to start a religious 1 month fasting ? (hat do you recommend for his glucose control ? decrease morning dose and monitor fre+uently . 3$. the disease (here is no autoimmunity factor is ? type 2 >7 . 3%. t(o mirrot images molecules ? * not superimposable ? , enantiomers . to similar molecules ) not mirror images differ in only one substitute ? isosterism . 3&. the process of remo ing (ater from products by freezing then sublimation ? lyophilization. 4'. non sterile products that contain (ater should be used for ? 41. a hypertensi e (hith 0? and diabetis ) (ent to the pharmacy complaining congestion and (ant to choose a decongestant . (hat factor is the most important ? * 0/2 .. phenylphrine increase blood pressure , . 42. ascorbic acid in production is used as as ? antioxidant 43. algininc acid is used as ? increase iscosity 44. structure of tolbutamide ; then a patient has allergy of it then 4 structures and ask (hich of them he should not take ? 4!. structure of a thiazide asking (hat main side effect ? * the structure contain 6 , .. @08/861261/5A5/B . 4#. (hy it is so hard to make anti 05A drugs ? 4$. (hat is x ? alcohol dehydrogenase
4%. a drug that is an deri ed from a prostaglandin ; mesoprostol 4&. a drug that (ork by decreasing fat absorption from :4/ ? orlistat !'. ho( many kcal from !' ml from !C dextrose solution ? 51. human subjects participating in clinical research are consistent with the ethical principles put forth in the ? Declaration of Helsinki.