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Topic 1: Apologise and Explain Why You Can't Meet

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Topic 1: Apologise and explain why you cant meet Dear Tom, As scheduled you are leaving for

Vietnam tomorrow, arent you? Hope you have a comfortable flight and welcome to our country. Tom, m sorry for not being able to meet you at the airport. Though have tried to arrange the time, there is a new arrival order of my company re!uired to be handled before tomorrow. ve boo"ed a ta#i to pic" you up from the airport and arrange a hotel room for you. $rea"fast and lunch will be served at the hotel. m seeing you around % pm tomorrow. After that we are going for dinner and then ta"ing a wal" around the ancient part of Hanoi. As soon as you arrive at the airport, give me either a message or a call to my cell phone. &ee you soon 'ours (guyen )han Topic 2: Describer your ideal house? f would be given a chance, would li"e to live in a villa in hilly area surrounded by a!uatic life because i love the cool bree*e and the very peaceful ambiance of living on a mountainous area. Another reason why would li"e to live in it because li"e to live in a place, where noise pollution is far from my residence. The palace of my dream would be composed of a large gym, swimming pool and a movie theatre.&imply, am a health conscious person, and don+t have much time to go to gym or ,oing an e#ercise class. &o, weighing up the pros and cons of living in an apartment located in a mountainous area is that there is less population, which is "nown to be environment friendly for all inhibantants. Topic 3: Write about your typical day at wor ! "about 12# words$ -sually in the morning, wa"e up at . am, open up the window and then go to the bathroom. After that put clothes to wor" and usually have a !uic" brea"fast on the way to wor". The first thing do when get to wor" is to chec" my email, and read my letters and then answer them. Typical activities do at wor" generally include / listening to customer re!uirements to ma"e a sale, ma"ing a cold call to arrange meetings with potential customers to prospect for new business and negotiating the terms of an agreement and closing sales. And then after couple hours go to lunch. After 0 hours for brea"ing time come bac" and wor" for another couple hours. And then leave wor" about five thirty and go home. n the evening, usually go to gym or go to playing football. Tonight sometimes hang out with my friends to drin" something li"e coffee, beer, wine1 After that usually watching movie or listening music and then go to bed. $efore sleeping always thing about what did to day and what need to do tomorrow.

4. Do you think teenager should work? why (not). Answer 1: 2e can see many youngsters wor" while they are studying at school. They have several reasons for doing that. 3any are forced to find a ,ob either for funding their own education or helping their family economy. 4n the other hand, there are also some teenagers who have willingness for getting e#periences by wor"ing. However, if can choose my position, against the idea that states teenagers should wor" part time ,ob. 5irst, there is no enough time for self6study and doing homewor". Though they have remaining time, they will get tired since a full day of studying then wor"ing. 7onse!uently, they are hard to concentrate in doing their responsibility as a student. &econd, teenagers should use their free time loo"ing for their passion and talent. That is the best time for them to try a lot of activities and find out their potencies. 5or instance, they may ta"e some lessons such as music lesson, dancing class, drawing, sports, and other s"ills. Additionally, those "ind of e#tracurricular activities get them more using right brain, which is balancing them from school. Third, it is so important to grow up with sufficient family time. am very sure that the best education system begins at home. &ocial s"ills, values and characters are most developed and influenced by family. 3oreover, bad lifestyle, habits and world view have much potential to destroy teenagers by now. f teenagers grow up with family love and protection, believe many bad things can be prevented. Those are my reason why am not supporting teenagers to wor" part time ,ob. 8ven though there are some advantages by wor"ing, we have more developmental and psychological reason for their age. 2e should support them, in early age, to be mature and getting them to their passion to live their life to the fullest. Answer 2 2e can see many youngsters wor" while they are studying at school. They have several reasons for doing that. 3any are forced to find a ,ob either for funding their own education or helping their family economy. 4n the other hand, there are also some teenagers who have willingness for getting e#periences by wor"ing. However, if can choose my position, against the idea that states teenagers should wor" part time ,ob. 5irst, there is no enough time for self6study and doing homewor". Though they have remaining time, they will get tired since a full day of studying then wor"ing. 7onse!uently, they are hard to concentrate in doing their responsibility as a student. &econd, teenagers should use their free time to loo"ing for their passion and talent. Thirdly, it is important to grow up with sufficient family time. m very sure that the best education system begins at home. f teenagers grow up with family love and protection, believe many bad things can be prevented.

T%&'( ): Write a passage about an important city in our country "about 12# words$ Hanoi, which is the capital of Vietnam and also its second largest city, has a long history of culture and development. &ituated in the north6east of Vietnam, it has a population of more than %.9 million people and covers an area of about :.:;; s!uare "m. Throughout the thousand years of its eventful history, Hanoi still preserves many ancient architectural wor"s including the 4ld <uarter and over %== pagodas and temples. Visitors from every corner of the world can en,oy many historical and beautiful places such as &word >a"e, 2est >a"e, the Temple of >iterature, 4ne )illar )agoda, etc. They can also visit Ho 7hi 3inh+ s 3ausoleum and many beautiful ancient streets, where people can buy some hand6made and traditional products. The best thing about Hanoi is the peaceful atmosphere and friendly people. Visiting Hanoi, visitors can en,oy the peace of daily life where people wor" hard to earn living, schoolgirls go to school in ao dai. Hanoi is not only the political and commercial center of Vietnam but it is also the cultural heart of our country. Topic *: Write about your hobby: ?&ome people have their hobbies, while another are not. 5or me hobby is very important, in sport, li"e football, because football is one of the best sport in the world. love it due to ma"es me strong, helthy and fairplay. >i"es another sports, playing football ma"es me strong, because in this sport can run, ,ump, "ic" and another phisycal activity which connecting with our body, of course all of activities ma"e my body becomes strong. $esides being strong, playing football also ma"es me healthy, it means healthy inside and outside, or another hand can say fresh outside and beauty inside, in this reason can do any thing, can easy for thin"ing and can en,oy my life as well. 3ost importantly, playing football ma"es me fairplay in matching or another activity, fairplay can impact to may life, can understand what people do, always appreciate what they are saying eventhough their comment different from with me. 5inally we can share information each other. n short, playing football is my hobby, it is very important and interesting for me, because this sport ma"es me strong, healthy and fairplay. do hope that ndonesian people love this sport, while some how are not@ Topic 1#: T+ programmes today? Th,y ch-a 2e are living in the time of advanced technology , especially informatics. &o we are en,oying its progress, one of them is TV programme .than"s to the development of science and technology, TV programmes to day are various and affluent. TV programmes are now produced to meet the need of all people, all ages. 5or e#ample, $ibi for children, H$4 for film lovers, discovery for adults, football for sport6lover1besides, the !uality of TV programmes are now improved to attract more viewers. However, some TV programmes are not good for children when there is too much violence, some TV programmes are too e#pensive for the Vietnamme or have too many commercial.

Topic .: /n0orgettable holidays Answer 1: th,y ch-a >ast year, had an unforgettable holiday, however,it was not a got one. 5rom the start, it was really an unluc"y holiday when our flight delayed for : hours because of bad weather, when we reached out hotel, we had a big argument with the ta#i6driver because he overcharged us. 2e had boo"ed our hotel rooms. n advance, but we came we had to wait for some hours before we had our rooms. >uc"ily, the hotel staff was friendly and helpful and food was really delicious Answer 2: went to Da>at for my last holiday. 3y friend went there with me by his car went with my friend by his car. 2e stayed in Da>at at five stars hotel aboutfor there days. 2e were sightseeing visit somewhere, for e#ample )rem waterfall, grapevines, $ao Dais summer palace, Valley of love. 2e too" a lot of beautiful photographs. 2e also buy something for souvenir souvenies such as paint picture, handbag, clothes, coach, 1 n Da >at, there are lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, or delicious wild games, so we could en,oy them too much. 2e spent about :milions dong. That was my first time came there and recogni*ed Da >at is really the destination for couples. Topic 1: Write about some things exciting you li e to do 0or relaxing! &ince young, my parents have always brought me to the library to borrow boo"s. At first, thought reading was boring. However, soon learnt to love reading. The first boo"s read were fairytales. still remember those delightful tales li"e ?3eA vBCng nhaD@ and ?EioC laAnh FGDu muDa@. 4ne thing li"e about fairytales is that the "ind6hearted always get rewarded in the end. (ow prefer boo"s on adventures and mysteries. 4nce a fortnight, will visit the library to get some boo"s to read. always find it difficult to put down a boo" once start reading it. Heading has improved my passion about history, culture of Vietnam. also gain a lot of general "nowledge, especially from reading non6fiction boo"s. li"e reading boo"s on sub,ect that am interested in li"e dogs, horses and outer space. Heading also provides a world where we can e#perience things which we may never in real life. 5or e#ample, may not have the chance to travel under ground. However, reading TI HoaDis ?DJC meDn phiJu lKu "yC@ tells me what it is li"e to stay under ground. Therefore, thin" reading is both fun and beneficial. Topic 2: 3ow to ma e your li0e happier? Th,y ch-a A happy life is what everyone wants but not everyone has. $ecame a happy life is decided by many factors. 5irst of all, we will be happy when we are pleased with what we have. 'ou dont have to try very much to have more. &econdly we will happier when we have more friends. 2hen we are happy or sorrow, we will have some6one to share. Thirdly we will be happier when we believe in our future because if we are not optimistic, it is difficult for us to wor" or to live. n conclusion, our life will be happier than"s to many other things, not ,ust materials and money.

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