Rapid Hypnotic Induction
Rapid Hypnotic Induction
Rapid Hypnotic Induction
The roots of hypnosis can be traced in ancient time. The Greeks had ‘sleep temples’ where
patients visited for their ailments. The priests used to put them to sleep before giving healing
James Braid (1795-1860), a Scottish surgeon working in Manchester studied the phenomena and
provided a physiological explanation. He coined the term ‘hypnosis’ in 1843 and considered it as a
type of sleep.
James Easdaile (1818 - 1859), a colleague of James Braid, experimented with hypnotic anesthesia
while serving the British East India Company in Calcutta, India. His success resulted in lowering
the surgical mortality rate to less than 5 percent in over 300 surgical operations.
Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893), a leading neurologist and head of the neurological clinic at the
Saltpetiere in Paris, used hypnosis to treat hysteria. He concluded that hypnosis was an induced
Hippolyte Bernheim (1837-1919), a professor of medicine at the University of Nancy regarded
hypnosis as a special form of sleep where the subject's attention is focused upon the suggestions
made by the hypnotist. He emphasized the psychological nature of hypnosis.
Breuer and Freud practiced age regression through hypnosis to treat hysterical symptoms during
1893-1895. They formulated their theory of unconscious determinants of symptoms. Sigmund
Freud abandoned hypnosis and capitalized on free association.
For the first three decades of the 20th Century, interest in hypnosis remained in decline, which was
revived by Clark L. Hull, whose 1933 book entitled “Hypnosis and suggestibility: An experimental
approach” was instrumental in rekindling interest in the topic. This renewal of interest was short-
lived. Hull was forced to abandon the study of hypnosis and to turn his attention to learning theory.
During World War II army psychiatrists successfully applied hypnotic techniques for treating
“traumatic neurosis”. Serious laboratory investigations of hypnosis began in 1950s with the
development of hypnotizability scales (Hilgard, 1965).
Milton Erickson (1932-1974), a psychiatrist pioneered the art of indirect suggestion in hypnosis. He
is considered to be the father of modern hypnosis. His methods bypassed the conscious mind
through the use of both verbal and nonverbal pacing techniques including metaphor, confusion,
and many others. He immensely influenced the practice of contemporary hypnotherapy.
Hypnosis was officially recognized as a legitimate tool for therapeutic applications by British
Medical Association in 1955 and American Medical Association in 1958. A division of the American
Psychological Association (Division 30) is involved in the investigation and application of hypnosis
in clinical and other areas.
Definition of Hypnosis:
The term hypnosis is associated with numerous misconceptions in common mass and lay
professionals as well.
1. Hypnosis is a type of sleep: The Greek root of the term ‘hypnos’ means
sleep. It has produced the most prevalent misconception. An individual under
hypnosis is not asleep. The EEG pattern of hypnotized individual reflects
alertness. Also one can not establish a dialogue with an individual while
asleep which is a routine under hypnosis.
2. The ability to hypnotize is achieved through ‘Sadhna’: Some people
believe that a hypnotist has to practice ‘tratak’ or ‘mantra siddhi’ to acquire
the power to hypnotize. Hypnosis occurs naturally in everyday life while one is
engrossed in a novel, movie and other routine activities. In a formal clinical
set up it is induced through suggestions. No ‘Sadhna’ is required. Any person
acquainted with the principles and procedures of hypnosis can induce it
through suggestions.
3. A hypnotized person can be persuaded to perform any
criminal/immoral act: The depiction of hypnosis in media and movies has
created a widespread notion that an individual can be made to perform
criminal or immoral acts through hypnosis. Since the person under hypnosis
remains alert through out the procedure, he can not accept any instruction
which violates his moral code.
4. An individual under hypnosis looses all the awareness of
surroundings: Some persons may exit the hypnosis with a wrong feeling
that nothing has happened to them since they were well aware of everything
happening around them. Probably they expect an experience similar to ‘coma’
or generalized anesthesia.
5. A hypnotized individual may get struck and fail to exit: It is impossible.
If an individual is left as such without formal termination, either he shall come
out of it spontaneously or pass into natural sleep.
6. Hypnosis is dangerous: Hypnosis by itself is safe. Instead there are some
contra-indications of the procedure like paranoid disorder in which the patient
may misinterpret the procedure.
7. Only weak-minded people can be hypnotized: The experience of
hypnosis depends on the hypnotizability, a trait, which is normally distributed.
Therefore, some persons are easily hypnotizable and others require
considerable repeated efforts.
8. One can be made to reveal his secrets: As the individual under hypnosis
remain aware of himself and surroundings he can choose what to reveal and
what to conceal. It never happens that he discloses any secret information
unknowingly despite the deepest level of hypnosis.
Hypnotizability is a trait which varies across individuals. The peak hypnotizability is found in late
childhood which gradually decreases throughout adulthood. The assessment of hypnotizability is a
helpful starting point for the use of hypnosis in treatment (Spiegel and Spiegel, 1987).
Hypnotizability is assessed through standardized scales. For example, Stanford Hypnotic
Susceptibility Scales (Hilgard, 1965; Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1959; 1962); Hypnotic Induction
Profile Spiegel and Spiegel, 1987), Stanford Hypnotic Clinical Scale (Hilgard and Hilgard, 1975).
This is an essential part in the whole process which follows gathering of background information
and assessments. Rapport is to be established. Subject’s concept of hypnosis is elicited. The
misconceptions are corrected and he is reassured. It is to be stressed that hypnosis is a
collaborative endeavor; nothing can be performed against his will. He will remain in a state of
relaxed alertness and hear the therapist’s voice throughout.
Hypnosis can be performed either in sitting or lying posture. The couch or bed should be
comfortable. Pillow can be used as per the comfort of the subject. The place need be distraction
free particularly the sudden sources of noise like telephone ring have to be avoided. No alarm
clock should be present near the ears of the subject. Bright light should not fall directly on the eyes.
If there are mosquitoes, a repellent is a must. The subject need be explicitly enquired about toilet
needs. Hypnosis is not usually performed as a challenge to demonstrate the power of hypnotist.
Have an observer be present while hypnotizing a person of opposite gender.
Assessment of Suggestibility:
Suggestibility is one of the three main factors of hypnosis. Simple clinical test of suggestibility can
be run to have an approximate idea about the subject’s capacity to experience hypnosis.
Ask the subject to sit comfortably on the chair and rest his hands on the arm of
the chair. Tell him to hold a pen or similar object gently between index and
middle finger of either hand and close his eyes. Give suggestions that his
fingers are becoming loose and light, the gap between fingers is widening. The
grip is loosening. Repeat the suggestions a few times. The actual widening and
drop indicates suggestibility.
There are numerous methods for hypnotic induction. The interested reader is referred to an
excellent resource “Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy: Selected Papers of Milton H.
Erickson” by Erickson (1967). The RHI incorporates components of three classes of hypnotic
induction procedures – eye fixation, relaxation and confusion. The script for RHI method is as
Be calm, quiet and comfortable. Concentrate on my voice. Whatever I say that
will occur naturally and spontaneously. You do not have to speak or node.
Keep your eyes open. You may choose any point slightly above the eye level
to stare on. Mentally inspect your body. Let all the tension and tightness in the
body be released. Allow few moments to adjust your body. Now gently focus
on your abdomen. With inhale it rises and on exhalation it shrinks … be aware
of your legs … both the legs are loose and light … focus on your arms and
hands … both the arms and hands are loose and light … visualize your
abdomen … inside and outside it is loose and light … focus on your chest … it
is loose and light … visualize your back … relaxation is spreading in lower and
upper back … focus on your neck … both back and front side of neck is loose
and light … focus inside your mouth … everything inside mouth is loose and
light … focus on your face … the face is loose and light … your eyes are
becoming very light … lighter and lighter … after a few moments your eyes
shall shut down automatically … your forehead is loose and light … your head
is loose and light. (if eyes are not closed yet) … your eyes have become
extremely light … I shall count five to one in reversed order … at the count of
one the eyes will be closed automatically … five … four … three … two …
three … four… ONE. (In some relatively less hypnotizable subjects quick
repetition of instructions may be required).
• Now imagine that it is a night time … look at the sky … innumerable stars
blinking in the sky … full moon shining in the sky … with passage of time your
are passing deeper and deeper into sleep … (60 seconds pause).
• Now I shall count five to one … whatever I say let it happen naturally and
spontaneously … Five … with every breath you are going deeper and deeper
into sleep … Four … your depth of sleep is increasing ten times … Three …
you shall continue to hear my voice throughout … you will come back in a
better than before condition when I ask you to do so … Two … in future,
whenever, I count five to one you shall instantly pass into deepest level of
sleep … One … with passage of time you shall continue to go deeper and
deeper into sleep.
There are two ways to assess the depth of hypnosis – subjective and objective:
• Ask the subject what is the depth of your sleep – light, medium or deep.
• Ask the subject to imagine a 12 point scale where One indicates very mild
sleep and 12 is the deepest level of sleep. Let him rate the depth of his sleep
on this scale.
Chertok (1966, P. 102) provided following objective symptoms of various depths of hypnosis:
• Partial amnesia
• Posthypnotic anesthesia
• Personality changes
Medium Trance • Simple posthypnotic suggestions
• Kinesthetic delusions, complete amnesia
Utilization of Hypnosis:
Termination of Hypnosis:
It is necessary to formally terminate the hypnosis. The sample termination instructions are
described below:
Now it is time to come back to the normal state of awareness … in a few
moments your mind will be prepared … when you feel prepared let me know …
I shall count One to Five upward … at the count of Five you shall be back to
the normal awareness in a better than before condition … there shall be no ill
effects or signs of discomfort … One … your complete body is coming back to
the normal state of awareness … Two … your mind is coming back completely
to the normal state of awareness … Three … your body is back … Four …
your mind is 100% back to the normal and alert level … Five … your body and
mind are back perfectly in a better than before condition.
A few subjects may report headache, heaviness, pain or weakness after termination. In such
cases, repetition of termination instructions may be needed. Reverse any instruction such as
lightness or analgesia induced during hypnosis. Counting coupled with instructions for termination
may be used freely. If the symptoms still persist, tell him to sleep for a few hours, the symptoms will
Contra-indications of Hypnotherapy: