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Flake Elimination Toolkit

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Sinns Inner Circle: Second Edition

Phone Game 2.0 Transcript

Hey! Whats up guys? Sinn hereand today we have the second introductory version of Sinns Inner Circle CD of the Month. Were going to be looking at another interview I did back in the day and up grading some of that to reflect the kind of new discoveries and stuff that Ive made over the last couple of years since the last Phone Game CD was made. So this is: Phone Game 2.0. One of the things that you really have to realize first about Phone Game is that Phone Game is very different from real game, like in person. First of all you want to make the switch from being some guy she met at the club, being some guy she met during the day, being some guy she met online, whatever, to being a part of her day to day life. You want to make the switch from being someone she met who is trying to get her out, to just being someone she talks to a lot, like it becomes normal, thats a big, big part of phone game. So when youre doing that, the first key is that you dont act overly formal, thats something that a lot of people make the mistake of, Im sure every guy out there has had this conversation where you call up and youre like Hey! Whats up, its Dave from the Coffee Shop yesterday, remember I was wearing a blue shirt, we met, it was so nice to meet you know, what are you up to today? Thats what you want to avoid, because what youre doing is youre reminding her that youre kind of a stranger she doesnt have much of a history with you, youre kind of a new person in her life. Instead you want to assume rapport, and we will talk about that a little bit later on. So thats the overall frame on the phone. Now the phone can get you laid, it can get you dates, you can do a lot of different things on the phone, you can also mess up really bad on the phone. A lot of guys have a problem where theyre really, really, really nervous when they call girls on the phone, so what I recommend is you set a certain time when youre going to call, so maybe you set a time of like Tuesday at 7:00 pm youre going to call the girl, so what you want to do before that is you want to warm up, you want to call your friends, call people youre used to talking to, people where you have that good flowing state where you can talk a whole lot and youre comfortable and youre in that kind of a talkative mood. Because you dont want to just like save your one phone number and call it right away because youre making the chances that youre going to be nervous and mess things up much, much higher. So you always want to warm up when youre doing Phone Game. Ideally you want to have a lot of girls youre seeing, or youre in the process of setting up dates with, or in the process of getting them comfortable enough with you that they will meet up for a date, so you should have a lot of girls to talk to as you go out, you should get more Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 1

phone numbers. Your phone bill should go up, actually you should be making more calls. You should be spending more time on the phone to work on your Phone Game because Phone Game is one of those things where you actually can work on it. You can get a bunch of phone numbers, even ones that arent necessarily what we call solid phone numbers but call all your numbers. You dont want to throw away pussy, thats a really big thing. Call all your numbers, text, follow-up, be persistent. Like persistence is one of the things on the phone that really can help you a lot. You want to be persistent in a way thats not needy and not pushy. So you never want to use two forms of communication if the girl hasnt responded. What that means is lets say you text message a girl and she doesnt text you back, you dont call her later, you dont text her later, you leave it for the day, and the next day you can call back, or you can wait a day if you want to, or you do phone freeze, we will talk a little bit more about when we get to Phone Maintenance later on in this CD. So again, be persistent, but dont be needy, dont be pushy dont tell her you miss her, dont call fifty times a day, never make more than one attempt to contact without reciprocation. Now on the other hand of that, this is where guys get messed up because on the other hand, if a girl is reciprocating, then the more contact you have the better youre doing. I will oftentimes have fifty text messages a day back and forth with a girl who Im really getting along with. Why? Because shes responding, as long as shes responding and shes having fun and is flirty, youre good, and the more communication you have the better, because youre building positive points in the bank. Every time she has a positive reaction to some communication from you youre banking good points, so thats really, really important. Now lets get into actual phone stuff. The first part of the Phone Game structure that Im going to teach you guys today is setting up the phone call the right way. So I have a couple of different ideas about setting up phone calls the right way so that you have the best possible chance that: (a) shes going to pick up the call (b) shes going to be excited, and (c) shes actually going to want to meet up. So my first thing with that is before you get a phone number you want to get past a large qualification hoop, and a large qualification hoop is something thats blatantly qualifying, something like: Why are you special? Or, whats your best quality? Or what do you have going for you more than your looks? Something that really obviously shows that she likes you and that she wants you to like her; thats generally what we call a weigh point into comfort, phone numbers are going to be a lot more solid once youre in the technical comfort stage of an interaction, generally in my experience and the recording of approaches that Ive done in my own life, solid phone numbers tend to come between the 18 25 minute mark; so in my kind of experiments and stuff with 100 or 120 recorded approaches the solid phone numbers where I saw the girl again and actually met up with them came between 18 and 25-minute mark.

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So you want to make sure that you have gotten her to blatantly call by herself, and that youre somewhere around the 18 25 minute mark. Now in daytime approaches with girls with legitimate time constraints, you may have to get a phone number a little bit sooner than that, just know that if you do youre probably going to have more comfort building to be doing on the phone because she just doesnt have a long enough time period to evaluate you in order to see whether or not she wants to hang out with you. In fact that was a big turnaround in my Phone Game discoveries whereas when I was talking to this girl Margaret, and we had just slept together and I was debriefing her, and I said, When did you know that we were going to sleep together? and she said, Well the first time you talked to me on the phone. We talked like for two hours. We talked about everything, we had a really, really good conversation. She said that she knew she was comfortable enough on the phone with me that it wasnt going to be weird if we hung out, and then she knew that if we hung out we would eventually hook up. So that was enough for me to look at what I was doing on the phone and put a really big focus on making sure that the girl is comfortable with you to hang out. That its not weird, its not awkward, there are no long pauses, that no ones trying too hard, theres not an uneven conversational ratio, all sorts of things like that. You want to make sure that its fun and flirty and that it seems that you guys could talk for forever. But you want to follow some basic rules too, and well get to some of those basic rules a little later on. So first thing is, a large qualifier. The second thing is or move -- if you move the girl the phone number will generally be solid as well. So if you isolate a girl now again, 18 25 minutes in, but if you isolate a girl, or during the daytime you go on an instant date, whose phone numbers tend to be markedly, markedly more solid because movement is a big indicator of trust. I know that its outside of most guys realities and most of us would never ever think of it, but there are guys out there who would hurt, rape and kill women, so a girl who moves around somewhere and puts herself on a one and one situation with you is showing a decent amount of trust, and that means that shes probably going to pick up the phone as well, and that will make a phone number a little more solid. The next I want to talk about is the idea of setting up a date, what Mystery calls Time Bridging. The idea of setting up a date is really, really important because you want to have a time and place where youre going to see her again, this cuts down on your flaking. A lot of girls will give you their phone numbers to simply get rid of you. Every girl has caller-ID nowadays, were living in 2009, so she can give you a phone number that she never picks up and that will get rid of you, its in default and during interaction you walk off all excited and she forgets who you are and never picks up the phone number because she doesnt answer phone numbers that she doesnt know. By asking a girl to commit to a specific time and place you are now weeding out the girls whore probably going to flake on you. because if a girl goes, Oh, I dont know, I cant or doesnt suggest a backup plan, or doesnt make some sort of obvious effort to want to hang out another time of do the same activity or a different activity, then you know that that was going to be a flake anyway. So what I do is I always set up the same date; Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 3

I have three or four of them, one of them is actually the dinner thing that I got from Future, where I will tell them that once a week me and some friends of mine go to a part of town weve never been to, and eat at a restaurant weve never eaten at, which is something I like to do, and she seems like shed be a cool addition to the group. Now later on there isnt a group, and you dont actually have to do what you say youre going to do on the date that you set up. The idea is really just to get locked down compliance and see if shes actually willing to meet up with you or not. So I always do something like that or Ill talk about a concert or a comedy show I want to go to, any general activity, I usually use one of those three and then Ill set a time and a date, Ill be like, Yes, next Wednesday, like at 9:00 what are you doing? And if shes like, Oh, well I have plans, Im like, Cool, no big deal. Then Id wait to see if shes going to say, what about another time, or what about another place, this that or the other. So setting up a date will really, really help your flaking and really, really help you to get solid phone numbers. Next one is Nicknames. Nicknames are really good things because they separate you from every other guy out there. Contrary to popular belief and what would make our make egos feel good, girls give out their phone numbers a lot. If a girl is in a club and you get her phone number, shes probably giving it out to two or three other guys especially if shes hot. So instead, we want to have a nickname, I like things like Princess, Dork, Kitten, or descriptions of how they are, like if a girl is really, really feisty and like shes in law school, I call her Miss Lawyer. Miss and Missy in front of any description are good nicknames because they just set you apart and theyre real easy. Again, theres nothing amazing about giving girls nicknames but again, it separates you from the other guys who are calling her, so that at least she has an idea of who you are when you call later. As opposed to having to do thewho are you, or this that or the other, that a lot of guys, when theyre new will get sometimes especially if the girl was drinking, or something like that. Next thing, is Callback Humor, so callback humor is a really big thing for getting things set up. Generally Ill do a lot of the same kind of callback humor. One of the ones I like to do is love-hate which is basically where you and the girl have a really combative interaction and again, sometimes you have to provoke this out of girls, but you want to get to the point where you saying that you hate her is like you saying I like you; and you actually wouldnt say it with the exact same tonality. Ill always do things like, You suck for being this cool, or I hate you. Or I call girls when I get this thing going, and I go, Well I was really feeling like my self-esteem was way dangerously high so I figured Id talk to someone who actually doesnt like me, and you run an inside joke as if neither of you like each other, but you keep talking and you keep touching, and you keep making out, and dating, etc. and thats something you can even have for a whole relationship and its something that I really like to have with my interactions. Another thing is Answering Questions: like this will be something random, Ill say something like, Who was in that 80s movie Breakfast Club? Like Who was the actress in that, it wasnt Molly Ringwal, the other girl, the gothic girl because she kind of reminds Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 4

me of you? Or something like that, and then when you call back later you can give the answer. You can be like, Oh, so I looked it up on IMDB and it turns out Sometimes you dont even start off with that when I call them back, Id be like, Hey Miss Lawyer, so I was on IMDB today and it turns out the girl who was in Breakfast Club was I think was Ally Sheedy (Im not sure if thats actually right or not). Ive seen Breakfast Club a lot of times but Im bad with actor and actress names, but I think it was Ally Sheedy, but anyway, you can use any of those questions, its not really call the callback humor, but its something that again points out the fact that you guys had a connection you had a conversation and you remember the details of the conversation, she should remember the details of the conversation if you did a good job, so it should all be good. Another thing Ill do is role plays, like Ill say things like shes my sexy secretary, or like, I guess what they do for a living, the girl, and Id be like youre a naughty nurse, and then Ill call her up and Id be like, Nurse, so we need to talk about your outfit, because right now its a little tame, Im not going to lie, like Ive seen enough 80s porn movies to know what I should be getting with a naughty nurse, and really you may have lied to me; and any role play can be, again, a good way to differentiate yourself from the 90,000 other guys who are probably calling her. So thats a little bit of what to do before you actually call or text. Now the first part of the structure that I want to get into now is establishing contact through text, thats a really big thing because thats what is called a ping. What you want to do with a ping is you just want to see is this the phone number that this girl is going to answer and actually pick up and respond to, so your pings dont need to be anything crazy, they just need to be something with a little bit of intrigue that if the girl is interested and its a phone number she picks up and shes going to text back to. Most of the times Id do this within 2 4 hours of meeting the girl regardless of the situation; I meet at a strip club, 2 4 hours later I text her a text ping. If I meet a girl during the daytime 2 4 hours later; you meet a girl late at night at the club, 2 4 hours later. You always want to ping because you want to make sure that youre dealing with real phone numbers and that youre dealing with phone numbers that shes going to pick up and that shes going to want to answer. So Ill give you guys a few text pings, the first one comes credit to my friend Debonair Dave out in New York and it is: Hey Nickname, Princess, Kitten, Muffin, whatever, do you speak text, smiley-face, your name and your name being your actual name (person who is listening to this CD). Thats probably my favorite one, its cute, its funny, its interesting, it gets a response. The girl can extrapolate more on it, like some girls will be like, Im fluent in text, and I find that its a great medium to share my feelings; and then you can get into a whole kind of back and forth there, but you dont need to get into a back and forth, if she responds, yes, youve got a good phone number, no need to do anything else. Another one I like is the make or break question, so based on something we were talking about earlier, Ill ask a follow-up-related question. So for example, I was talking to a girl yesterday about Gabriel Garcia Marquez who wrote One Hundred Years of Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 5

Solitude, and we were talking about novels and writers and stuff, and so I texted her like 2 4 hours later with, Okay, make or break question, favorite American novel, and she texted back that it was The Great Gatsby, which is weird because thats not that cool a book, but anyway, shes taught so, and its all good and shes in laws school. Im meeting a lot of lawyers right now, and a lot of wannabe law school people. So thats another one, make or break question. It could be anything though, make or break question like, Smores or Cheezits? I think thats something Ross Jeffries was doing for a while. Make or break question like, Beach or snow? Anything that is kind of funny, quirky question, preferably related to the conversation you guys were having, or at least an offshoot tangent of that, and something that she can text back. And the last one is, Hi Matt, random place and something reminded me of you. I mean again, its an obvious open loop, like sometimes girls will call you out for doing stuff like that but they will respond because psychologically, open loops are extremely powerful and despite the fact that we dont want to fall into them, we do anyway. So Id say something like, Hey! Im at the mall and I totally just saw something that reminded me of you, and girls will go like, Okay, I buy it, what is it? And then you just make something. Up. Sometimes you dont even have to answer. Thats another good thing. So next thing is, you establish contact through text within the first 2 4 hours, then call the next day. Theres a lot of debate out there, when cold approach call the next day. With social circle you can wait a little bit longer, with online you can wait a little bit longer, with various other ways of meeting girls you can wait a little bit longer. With cold approach where she doesnt know you from anything, and you met her at a club or a bar or on the street, or wherever, call as soon as possible because you want to make sure that you strike while the iron is hot. Like thats a really, really important thing to do, you know she meets a lot of guys especially if shes an attractive girl, and you dont want to let that connection that you have with the girl kind of dissipate because the more it does the worst off youre going to do with getting her out and stuff like that. So call the next day. Structure of the call, we talked a little about this stuff earlier. So Im going to call and say, Hey NicknameHey Princess, Kitten What I got recently that I really liked, it was from this book The Shallow Man and it was a character called the Cat-Suit Feminist, so a lot of the times Ill explain to girls that are really kind of strong and outspoken and independent which are the type of girls that I happen to like, that theyre like Cat-Suit Feminist because while theyre like really attractive, they also really stand up for themselves and are strong, independent women; and thats really an attractive combination, plus I get to imagine them in a cat suit, and thats how I say it to girls in real life, and so thats one Ive been using for a little while now. Thats another good thing that you text or call, you can go, I have the perfect description of youI think people dont think of, like how to describe things well enough, and youre a cat-suit feminist because youre Then you can give the description that I just gave because its brilliant.

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Then Callback Humor like after nickname, Ill throw some callback humor in there, a role play, some love-hate, some unanswered questions, then Id go into a story that happened to me that day, that may or may not have actually happened to me that day, it may have happened to me a couple weeks ago, but you want to have something to go into right away, preferably thats funny, you can use other peoples material. For a while I was using the story that actually did happen to me, its called The Jim Fart Story. Then Matador started teaching it, and I was like fuck that, I dont want to be associated with anything that guy teaches, so the Jim Fart story which actually did happen to me in San Diego years, and years ago at the San Diego State gym: I was working out and there was this girl that I just kind of said Hi to every now and then. Like we didnt know each others names or anything, but we just would smile and say Hi to each other, so wed work in occasionally, and we were working in; and I did a set, she did a set, and on her second set she let out the loudest fart ever and I couldnt help but laugh at her. So the way I use that is Ill call girls and I go, Oh, my God, the funniest thing happened today, call me back. Or after I used the nickname and a role play Id say, Oh my God the funniest thing happened today, and Id go into that story, or a story that happened to me more recently, but again it doesnt have to be great. I think funny, awkward, anything thats like relationship-wise. Right now Im telling a story about how my female friend, just read the rules and is convinced that if she makes guys wait for 30 days that theyre actually going to marry her because its part of her getting married in 2009 plan, which is a little ridiculous. So Ive been talking to girls a lot about that. But again, if youre living an interesting life, interesting, funny things happen to you. If one interesting funny thing has ever happened to you, you can say it happened today, because again for the first part of the interaction before things go sexual it is a little bit of a game, and there are some creative liberties that you can take. So dont be afraid to do that. The next thing I want to talk about is Assuming Rapport: Assuming rapport is really important, you dont want to talk like youre a stranger, so instead you want to talk to her like you talk to your best friend. So when you call your best friend, you dont generally be like, ask a bunch of background information, you dont generally ask what theyre doing that day, you just talk like, at a comfortable level because you dont need to do that stuff anymore. Youre past that point, you guys know that youre on the same page that youre friends etc. so you can kind of bypass the formalities; and thats what you want to do, you want to bypass all the formalities and not act stiff. In psychology they call it the act as if principle; so you want to act as if this is a conversation with someone youre really comfortable talking to, that you enjoy talking to, that youre excited and youre looking forward to, and then just assume that the two of you are friends. Like everything that you do, act like youd be doing that with a friend. If something comes into your mind that you wouldnt do with a friend, that would be like trying to impress a girl, like trying to tell some DHV story or something like that, then dont do it because you want to treat her like a friend that youre attracted to, and thats basically the overall idea of assuming rapport. Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 7

The next thing you want to do and when you assume rapport you tease, you shoot the shit, you have multiple conversational threads, you dont get stuck on one conversational thread, youre not afraid to change the subject, youre not afraid to talk about things that are interesting to you. Youre not worried about what the other person is thinking. Those are some elements of assuming rapport as well. After you do the nickname callback humor and possibly a story, some assumed rapport stuff, you want to start talking about Plans, because now its time to start initiating the talks of when are you guys going to meet up, and like I said before you can do a lot of stuff on the phone. You can build comfort you can go sexual, you can escalate, you can even have phone sex, and text sex a lot of the times fairly quickly with the girls you meet in clubs, even bars, even daytime stuff, but at the same time the goal is to get her out. The overall goal in addition to making her comfortable and showing her that you guys can hang out and have fun and that it wont be awkward. is to get her to meet up so you can actually initiate a sexual relationship, and ultimately a relationship. So you want to start talking about things that youre doing, people youre hanging out with, again, this doesnt have to be cool stuff, you dont just sit there and go, Oh, weve got bottle service this night or that night. Or, Oh, you know Im hanging out with this celebrity or that celebrity, Im friends with Jamie Fox, you dont have any of that stuff, but instead you want to just talk about the things that youre doing. Now the problem here is that a lot of guys out there listening to this are not living exciting lives so they dont have things to talk about, stop doing that, get online and find interesting things that you would be excited to go to and that you would want to go to with a girl and start talking about those plans and actually going through with them. If you like live music start going to shows, if you like comedy shows, start going to comedy shows, if you like art, go the art gallery openings and exhibits, if you like food, start going to different various types of restaurants and stuff, if you like anythingif you like yoga, start going to yoga classes; if you like outdoors and stuff start going to that, but dont be afraid to start talking about the things youre going to be doing and the people youre hanging out with. One of the questions that girls always ask themselves when theyre meeting someone or when theyre talking to someone, and when theyre quote-unquote talking to someone, which is what girls say when youre in the kind of phone game phase as us pickup artists call it, but the idea is, theyre thinking: What would my life be like if I was this guys girlfriend? I dont care if the girl is not looking for a boyfriend, I dont care what she says, shes thought that in every single time when shes been talking with someone, and so we want to paint that picture and show her that shed be living a fun, exciting life and that hanging out with us is really cool, and we will always be doing something different and awesome and with good people. So you want to talk about your friends, again, this is where you want to build your friends up, you dont want to insult your friends, your friends are awesome, theyre the coolest people you know, they never do anything lame or stupid, even if they have bad characteristics you still love them and you can explain why theyre cool to people, what you like about people; again the skill of being able to describe what you like is Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 8

immensely important with women, so talk about your plans, just go: Oh my God, Im so excited because this week Im going to this comedy show, Im going to this art exhibit, or Im going to go down to the beach with some friends, and Im hanging out with this person, or that person, because I like to call this the phone showdown because in my mind on every first phone call, its like: doodledoodledo, whos going to ask what the other person is doing first? Because women do tend to have better social skills than men and they do get socialized more and theyre used to being on the phone more, theyre not that much better, and what that means, that at some point one of the two of you is going to ask the other one what theyre going to be doing that night. Now we dont want to be the first ones that ask that. Thats why we talk about plans for later on in the week so that the girl can be like, Oh, what are you doing tonight? And then you can actually start to go for a date, but you want to challenge her. You dont want to just be super-easy when it comes to going for a date, I used to do that, I used to say things like, Well, hanging out with you of course, and that can work, if its really on and the girl really likes you and theres a really good vibe on the phone, then that can definitely work, but for the most part, Im going to challenge her. Im going to go, Well I was thinking about doing this thing but actually, you know, it might be something that youd be into, Im not quite sure though. Are you like really adventurous? Or like, How do you handle your alcohol? Or, Would you consider yourself open-minded? Or, Do you like new experiences, Ill ask hard, challenging, qualifying questions. Ill also do things like Brad Ps Swedish Assistant routine. Ill say things like, Well I dont know, you do seem really cool, but Ill still need to have my Swedish Assistant check you out. Or, Yeah, I mean any girl who Im going to date, there is a lot of candidates out there and so I have to have my Swedish Assistant kind of give you the 1 through 10 checklist, and I want to set that frame early when Im going for meet ups with girls because I want to set the frame that I am screening them, theyre not screening me, thats really important. So Ill do that a lot, Ill also do a lot of callback humor, theres a girl Im now dating now who is from Canada, so I made jokes about her being like an illegal alien, and Id be like, Yes, you know, I kind of like you and all, but I really think we should get together to discuss your immigration status because I dont now if Im comfortable with someone whos here in the country illegally, so we should discuss this ad nauseum, or Ill say something like, You know, Im not really like 100% sure about how much I dislike you, so I think we need to get together and talk about some of these issues, Ill add it to the agenda; and Ill use that challenge or Ill call back the Bard Ps Assistant Routine, where I go, Yeah, well I think you definitely need to meet Hans because we need to see if youre like a for real candidate, of if, you know, youre just one of the many people who are undatable in society today, its very sad; and you reward with the date, you word it around the challenge. So like I said, meet up to discuss immigration status, meet up to discuss all the various ways that I dont like you, meet up so that you get evaluated, and then theyre going to say like, What are we going to do, and you go, Well its a surprise; Ive had this idea for a really long time, but I actually wasnt sure that I needed, like its kind of a quirky thing, so I needed to find a girl who is like really cool enough to go through with this, and I think you might be, Im not sure yet, but Im pretty sure that it Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 9

would be kind of fun with you, and if it isnt I can always fake a cellphone call. Again thats just a release because youre giving a big compliment. The next thing is Set Up Logistics: You set up logistics, you go, Meet me at the corner of the two streets you live on, and then I also like to at that point give additional things for her to do that are kind of distracting like, make sure that you wear a blue skirt and cute shoes, or bring a six-pack of Coke and some laundry detergent. Or, Hey, can you stop by and pick up like a bunch of rubber bands? Anything weird that seems like its going to be related to the date, they dont actually need to be related to the date but theyre things to be ambiguous and to keep her wondering about what the hell you guys are going to do. So again, meet up at the corner of my place and another street, bring this, that or the other. Next thing, Voicemail: so a lot of the times I actually prefer to get a voicemail because it lets me know how much she likes me. If a girl calls back really quickly like within the next few hours, then you know that its really on, shes really, really interested because girls do not call back within 2 hours to guys they just met if theyre not interested. I often will say girls with boyfriends dont call back within two hours, Like some girls will say they have boyfriends and then they call you back in like 10 minutes, and you go, yeah, hes probably not really a boyfriend if youre calling me back in 10 minutes. So if you get a voicemail I will leave 1 of 3 or 4 different voicemails in the beginning. The first one is a hook message, this is something that everyones heard in the annals of time, its just Hey Princess, like the funniest thing happened to me today, call me back, and Ill actually leave my number and my name the first time because you never know. Another one that a guy named Hollywood came up with, this is generally my default if Im playing phone tag a lot with the girl, Ill just say, Hey its me, Im in and out all day, you can try to catch me if not Ill call you later. I like that one because it takes the power back like you are the one who is going to be calling youre not waiting around for her to call you back. I will only tell girls to call me back once, and then never again, because you dont want to be like guys who are like, Call me back call me back call me back it just reminds her that shes not calling you back, so dont do that. The last one Ill leave, Ill just go Hey Princess, phone tag, youre it, and that just cutesy and funny, its a nice little one to leave when you dont know what to say, so thats basically the first call, setting up logistics so the structure goes: Start with a nickname, use callback humor, a role play, love-hate, answer a question that was unanswered in your initial interaction, tell a story about your day, assume rapport, talk about exciting plans, challenge her and then reward her passing of the challenge with a date and keep it a surprise, you know, keep her off balance, make it ambiguous so shes not sure what shes coming to. Set up logistics so she knows how to get to your place or where youre meeting, if you live out in the Boonies, which you guys should all move, it really makes your game much, much easier to be close to your dating spot, and thats basically it, so thats my phone structure. It goes from nickname to setting up logistics. Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 10

Now that weve talked about Voicemails, now I want to talk about what to do if theyre not calling or texting back. So the first thing to do is ignore it and wait a day. So you text a girl and she doesnt text you back, you then want to wait till the next day and move up the intimacy scale. In my opinion the intimacy scale goes like this: In-person is obviously the most intimate, followed by actual telephone voice to voice contact, followed by text messages, followed by emails, followed by Instant Messenger and then MySpace, Face Book, those kinds of social networking sites. You want to be aware of when girls are responding to higher levels of intimacy with lower levels of intimacy because that is a bad sign, for example if you call a girl and she texts you back, thats not a good thing, if you text a girl and she calls you that is a good thing, we always want to be striving to go up the intimacy scale to get in person as much as possible, because thats where you can actually physically escalate and start a sexual relationship, so be aware of that. So if they dont text back, I will move up the intimacy scale the next day. Ill wait a day and then call. Now if they dont call back, Ill go into my kind of phone freeze-out stuff. Now the phone is one place where I will advocate using freeze-outs because it really does send a message when you like a girl a lot and youre sending her good communication and shes not responding, or shes not responding fast enough, and then she gets nothing from you the next day, she gets radio silence. It really does change the patterns of communication, because she realizes that she needs to communicate with you more if she wants to actually have some sort of relationship. So the first thing, Ill do is Ill teasingly call them out on it, with text messages. So if a girl is taking a really long time, or if she doesnt respond to text messages, Ill send a message like, Youve failed the text message reflex test, Or, Youre the worst texterback ever, Im putting you on text probation.; just something to teasingly call her out on it so she knows that Im noticing, and it is annoying to me and I want to have her text back more. Then Id go to phone freeze-out. So phone freeze-out pretty simple, the first thing is, lets say I call a girl today, its a Monday, and she doesnt call me back. I will not call her Tuesday, Ill call Wednesday. Lets she doesnt call me back again, then I wont call her Thursday, I wont call Friday, I will call her Saturday, and you add another day, until its a week between calls and at that point youre basically in damage control anyway. But thats a really good way if shes interested, shell get the message and youre not going to be needy, youre not going to come off like youre overly pursing her, or shes the only female phone number in your phone that you can call, or anything like that. So thats a big part of the overall idea of Phone Game, is knowing when to call, and thats a good basic structure. Now the last thing I want to talk about the idea of Phone Maintenance. Once youve already got her on the date, once you have her in your kind of dating circle, you guys have hung out a couple times, maybe you have had sex, maybe you havent, what do you do to maintain the good communication on the phone. The first thing is how often do you call her? Remember that girls will respond to the roles that you put them in, if you call a girl everyday and you treat her like shes your girlfriend, then youre going to end up with a girlfriend, and get the where is this going talk really quickly. Whereas if you call her once every 2 3 days then shes going to get the idea that its not that Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 11

serious. Dont act like its serious if its not, because youre only going to be creating drama and problems for yourself, and I dont know about you guys, but Im a drama-free zone, I dont deal. So one of the things for maintaining phone maintenance and keeping things fun is that you use a lot of intrigueso these are just things you can do once maybe a week, or once maybe in every two weeks, just to keep things spicy and fun, Ill give you guys some text messages you can send that are just intriguing and fun for girls. The first one is, I met your twin last night, thats the Savoy one, that one is great. It always gets a response, if a girl stops text me or calling back, thats a really good one to use to get a response. Another one that I got from Scott the Don, it is: Stop talking about memy ears are burning, thats a really good one. Another one I like, Hi, you just popped into my head and I wanted to say hiand stay out of my head, those are all really good ones. Another one is, Im spending way too much time thinking about youyou suck, what kind of Ninja magic are you using on me. All of those are good. I had a really weird dream about you is another good one, you can say that one on the phone or text it. Another good thing to do is what I call coquetting is all about injecting sexuality but being completely in control of it, like youre teasing her sexually, so the image I always think of is like a stripper pulling a guy in by his tie and pushing him out with her heels. You know you get really, really close and then you dont quite get it. So with coquetting, Ill call girls and talk about dressing them up in some weird outfit, you know. Or, if theyre going to the beach, you go Hold on, Im just enjoying the mental image of you in a bikini, give me a second here. Or, Im just enjoying the mental image of you dressed up as a sexy secretary, hold onalright now Im back. Thats really just some fun little things where you inject some sexuality, show youre interested in her and a non-creepy way. Another thing Ill do is Ill use the word inappropriate a lot. Like anything that she does Ill misinterpret sexually, and Id just be like, You just gave me a really inappropriate thought, but I dont know you well enough to say that. Open loops like thats inappropriate, or wow that was a dirty thought, or I cant tell you what I just thought, all that kind of stuff is really, really, good. Another one, Ill say things like, What am I going to do with you? Ill be like, I have ideas but theyre really not okay yet or, Were not quite there yet. So all those things are ways that you can inject sexuality in without being creepy, without being needy or weird, or doing anything thats going to freak her out, but keeps you in control. Shows that youre willing to go sexual, you know, all of that sort of stuff. Another thing I like to do is, I like to do Good Morning and Good Night text. Not everyday because it sends the wrong message if you do that everyday, but if you do it like a couple of times a week, like maybe 2 or 3 times a week, it really is like of a nice sweet thing that you can do to keep in contact with the girls that youre dating. Another thing that I want to talk about is compliments, so Im actually going to read some of my real life compliments off of my phone to give you guys a feel for how my Text Game goes. So these are all early texts with girls that I actually ended up sleeping with, so as soon as my I-Phone turns on we will have some text for you guys. So here Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 12

we go, this one is with a girl who we do a lot of love-hate stuff, so its pretty good but Im looking for the actual compliments that I was giving her earlier in the kind of thing. This one is a girl who I slept with who is a tall German girl, and shes really kind of pretty cute, heres one, it went; Good Morning, I have really great news, which is something that I do a lot, a little open loop. And shes like, Good Morning, jump in the air, what is the great news. Because earlier I had told her, this is something I do a lot too, is Ill frame how they have to respond, when I call or text, Ill go, When I call or text you, youve have to be really, really excited like jump up in the air like you just won the lottery. So I go, Good job on the air jump! The good news is that you guys got a text from me (smiley face) Then shes like: Ha, ha, ha, ha, shes like, Congratulations. So we started talking about my sisters and my brothers, and none of that stuff thats interesting, and then Im like yeah, I like two of the three of them, one of this is older than my dad though, kind of weird. Such a nice day, Im off to the beach, jealous? And shes like, Of course Im jealousIve got a full schedule today, no fun. Sad day for you, you can entertain yourself by sending me sweet and/or sexy text messages. Thats another big thing Ill do, Ill give the girl tasks, like when theyre meeting up for the date, Ill tell them to bring this, that or the other, Ill tell them to wear this, that or the other, Ill also tell them they can entertain themselves by sending me text messages, or Ill tell them I expect a really sweet text message, or I expect a joke, or I expect something interesting. She goes, That will be nice entertainment but Im not in the mood yet for sexy text (smiley face)I also have to concentrate on my studies, so lets meet up on Saturday or so. And I actually was out of town, and I go, Would love to but Im in Las Vegas, how about Monday? Shes like, Ah, nice enjoyMonday I cant, Tuesday or Friday. Tuesday works perfect I actually have a surprise we can go on Tuesday. Like I talked about we always have a surprise. She goes, Okay perfect, what is ityou cant do that, Im too curious but at the same time I love surprises I go, Ill never tell. You can keep guessing all weekend though and Ill kill you if youre warm. She goes, Ha, ha, is it something in [ ] area? And Im like, Yes it is. Shes like All right Im just going to let you surprise me, see you on Tuesday. And then after we had slept together I texted her and told her that my bed smells Oh Im sorry, this is before we slept together, I texted her and that she just popped into my head now and I just want to say hiand stay out of my head. She goes, I think theres nothing wrong with that.

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And I go, Yeah, I bet and I use an emoticon with a stick-out-your-tongue face. Then I text her again and I go, Yeah, I cant stop thinking about you, you must have used some sort of weird Ninja magic on meIm onto it though, Im not going to let this slide. She goes, Ha, ha, nice, Ninja magic, too funnymy roommate is going to use that line next time hes hitting on a girl. And I go, Ha, ha, Im awesome. Im getting on my flight home now. And she goes, Have a safe flight back. Then I test her again and I was like, Im so bored entertain me. And she goes, Lo, you need some more Ninja magic. And I go, Yupyoure my anti-boredom news, save me please, sweet and (too early to tell you youre sexy, not sexy but wholesome (her name). She goes, You are too funny. And I go, Yes, its true and flattery will get you everywhere. For your surprise meet me tomorrow at (where I live), and wear a comfy shoes and a skirt. She goes, Comfy shoes and a skirt, what do you have planned? I only have minis. I say, Okay, ditch the comfy shoes then, skirt integral to the plan; you may also want to bring a camera if you have one. She goes, Sure, Ill bring my camshould it be a somewhat fancy outfit? Youve really made me curious now. And you go, Good, it will be fun. And again so those are some of the compliments in there where I tell her shes sweet and its too early to tell her shes sexy, so entirely wholesome, that was again, because earlier she had told me she wasnt from ready for sexy text. So you back off but you still keep the idea of sexuality on there so that she doesnt lose the sexual tension. Another thing to think about is the idea of Phone Dates, thats something I got from Future. Phone Dates are awesome because they are things you can do when you cant actually be with the girl. So lets say that shes going to the beach with some friends. Ill go, Awesome, lets be on a phone date to the beach. Id be like, Youre going to the beach, Im going to go do whatever Im going to go do. Lets say Im going to lay out by my pool, or Im going to go to the beach too, or Im going to go take a yoga class, So were on a phone date, so I expect updates at least once an hour, and what Ill do if she doesnt send any update, Id be like, Update, and Id talk about what Im doing, Your turn. Your turn, your serve, like up to you, like the defense rests, those are all things that I use to prompt responses because they will let her know that I am expecting her response, which puts a lot of social pressure on her to actually respond as opposed to just ignore it, because if we have a back and forth then shes got to continue with that because Ive put all of the onus and all the pressure on her. All right, so the last thing I want to talk about is Call Scheduling, which is the idea that you want to call at different times. You dont want her to get used to talking to you late at night or early in the morning, you want to vary it up so that shes not really 100% sure, Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 14

and that goes for everything. That goes for text messages, that goes for returning phone calls; you want to be unpredictable. So generally I have a 15-minute rule with texting. So lets say I text a girl, and she texts back like 3 hours later, then I will wait 15 20 minutes and then text her back. Im not going to text like right away, but Im not going to wait 3 or 4 hours either. Now sometimes I will wait 3 or 4 hours just because its really on and I want to kind of make her wait, or you know, shes been taking a really, really long time, or Im just legitimately busy. But for the most part Ill wait like 15 minutes. Then sometimes Ill text back like right away. If you can tell, shes just like around her phone or something, or shes like, Oh just got this, Ill text back within a few minutes. But you always want to be unpredictable. Same thing with calling, especially when youre calling in the beginning stages, you want to switch it around, maybe call her once on her lunch break, maybe call her once during dinner, or maybe call her once like a little bit late, dont call after like 10:00 or 11:00 at night unless youre really sure that shes into you, otherwise because it can just be kind of rude. But you know, 9:00, 9:30. Call at times where you think she would be home and not doing anything, you know, or in the car like 6:00, 6:30 if she works a day job; or 4:00 or 5:00 in the afternoon if shes a college student. Different times and stuff like that especially when youre maintaining, you want to get used to calling at different times, and calling just to chat, calling just to talk for half an hour or so. You generally will need to do a few half an hour maintenance calls a week with girls youre seeing, where you just talk about things youre doing, and you just act like you guys are on a date together but youre on the phone. So that really wraps up Phone Game 2.0. I want to really quickly go back through everything again so that you guys really have a detailed understanding of how to set up dates, get girls on the phone, get them from the phone into real life, and then maintain that. So lets go quickly over everything. First thing, most important thing is the set up, get past the large qualifying hoop and/or move the girl. Ideally, and move the girl, move the girl and then get through a large qualifying hoop. Set up a date, dont just say lets hang out sometime, give me your phone number, dont just say, How can we continue this conversation? Specific times, specific place, specific activity. Next, use nicknames, callback humor, inside jokes, and unanswered questions. Use those in your initial pickup because all four of those tools will really help you on the phone. Next, thing, establish contact through text. Send a pingWhen? In the first 2 4 hours after you met her, no sooner than 2 hours, no later than 4 hours. Then call the next day, make sure that youre always moving up the intimacy scale. One of the things that my buddy Captain Jack does is when he meets a girl in a bar or a club, hell do what is called drunk and lonely texting, where hell text like within half an hour, or after the girl leaves or something, and hell be like, Hey sexy, where are you at?. He gets a lot of single lays from that because if shes out she doesnt have the stigma of her friends knowing because shes already gotten dropped off at home, or shes driven home, or shes in the car by herself. Then she can now, come over, or have you come Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 15

over and nobody knows about it so, be sure to establish that contact through text especially at night because you can actually get laid from doing it. Call the next day, move up the intimacy scale. The structure of the call, first thing, nickname, you set up your nicknames for a reason, you want to differentiate yourself from other guys: Princess, Dork, Brat, Flake, Munchkin, Night Munchkin, description, anything like that. Miss-description. Callback Humor: your love-hate, your answering the unanswered questions, using role plays, continuing the role play, sometimes you can even call up and be like, you know honey, I was talking to the divorce lawyer today, and they were saying, that you think youre going to get the kids, and there is no waylike youre not getting the kids. Then after Callback Humor, go into a story about your day, it can be something that actually happened to you, it can be something that happened to you months ago, it can be a professional script, but have something youre going to talk about preferably thats funny. Then assume rapport, you know, let tangents happen, dont ask the basic questions, like What did you do today? What are you doing tonight? But talk to her as if shes youre friend. Talk about your exciting plans that youre going to do this week, all the things that youre looking forward to do. Having a life really does help you a lot here, then wait for her to lose the showdown. Remember the showdown is who is going to ask What are you doing tonight? first. After that you want to challenge her. Challenge her with something that is going to make her prove herself to you, Brad Ps Swedish Assistant, Im not sure about you yet, your immigration status, all the things we need to discuss about how much I dont like you. theres a hearing determining why youre so cute; anything like that, it doesnt have to be a bad thing but you challenge her, and then you reward her with a date, you want to reward it around the challenge, thats really, really, really important. Use surprises, tell her you have a plan and that shes cool enough that you think you could actually do this and enjoy it with her. Then set up logistics, get her to come meet you at your place, thats huge for dating. Just tell her, dont go asking, just go: this is what were doing meet me at such and such a street. Talk about voicemails, the hook voicemail, Im in and out all day, and the phone-tag one, all three of those are really solid and will help you in the initial stages. Weve talked about what to do if they dont text or call back, you teasingly call them out on it and then you use phone freeze-outs. We talked about Phone Maintenance, using intrigue, keeping things interesting and exciting. We talked about coquetting, and injecting sexuality, we talked about things like good mornings, good nights, I read off some compliments and a real live text meet up from beginning to end with the meet up with that girl. We talked about phone dates and call scheduling, so thats everything you really need to know to take you from getting a phone number to getting the girl to meet up in real life which will be the subject of another interview series down the line. So will next talk about dates at some point and Sinns of Attraction Inc. www.sinnsofattraction.com 16

what to do once youve gotten the girl on a date, to begin a sexual relationship and start moving towards what you want from her and the relationship. So this has been the Second Edition of Sinns Inner Circle, hope everyone out there is enjoying it and I will talk to you guys next month. Good luck and I hope you all have the success you deserve for yourselvesBye.

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