Chapter 3 HRM
Chapter 3 HRM
Chapter 3 HRM
Chapter 3
Strategic Management
e"ecuting the organi(ations mission by matching its capabilities $ith the demands of its en#ironment
Strategic 'lan
balance its internal strengths and $ea)nesses $ith its e"ternal opportunities and threats to maintain a competiti#e ad#antage o#er the long% term
,opyright - ./00 1orling 2indersley 3&ndia4 '#t 5td Authori(ed adaptation from the 6nited States edition of Human Resource Management, 0.7e
FIGURE 38 Relationships mong Strategies in M!ltiple"#!siness Firms
,opyright - ./00 1orling 2indersley 3&ndia4 '#t 5td Authori(ed adaptation from the 6nited States edition of Human Resource Management, 0.7e
Types of Strategies Types of Strategies 3continued4 Achie#ing Strategic 8it The 98it: 'oint of +ie$ 3'orter4 consists of the idea that each departments strategy needs to fit the parent businesss competiti#e aims
goals and ob;ecti#es in order to impro#e business performance and de#elop organi(ational cultures that foster inno#ation and fle"ibility
formulating and e"ecuting HR systems<HR policies and acti#ities<that produce the employee competencies and beha#iors that the company needs to achie#e its strategic aims
FIGURE 3$ %in&ing Compan'"(i)e an) *R Strategies
,opyright - ./00 1orling 2indersley 3&ndia4 '#t 5td Authori(ed adaptation from the 6nited States edition of Human Resource Management, 0.7e
Source: Adapted from 9,reating a Strategy Map,: Ra#i Tangri, Team=Team,HR>SA5&S com 3+/
,opyright - ./00 1orling 2indersley 3&ndia4 '#t 5td Authori(ed adaptation from the 6nited States edition of Human Resource Management, 0.7e
Source: Adapted from *rian *ec)er et al , The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance 3*oston: Har#ard *usiness School 'ress, .//04, p 0. 3+5
The HR Scorecard
,reating an HR Scorecard
9metrics: the firm uses to measure HR acti#ities Measures the employee beha#iors resulting from these acti#ities Measures the strategically rele#ant organi(ational outcomes of those employee beha#iors
FIGURE 3+/ Simple 1al!e Chain -or 2The *otel Paris3 Fi4e Sample *R Metrics
Simple 1al!e Chain -or 2The *otel Paris3
,opyright - ./00 1orling 2indersley 3&ndia4 '#t 5td Authori(ed adaptation from the 6nited States edition of Human Resource Management, 0.7e
2!> T!RMS
strategic plan strategic management #ision mission S@OT analysis strategy strategic control competiti#e ad#antage strategic human resource management HR Scorecard metrics #alue chain analysis