Nef Elem Endtest A

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Name ____________________________ Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentences.
Example: Are you from Italy? 1 We ________ British, were American. !Whats that? !Its ________ i"entity car". # ________ your teacher li$e in %on"on? & I usually 'et up late ________ (un"ays. ) I ________ sin', *ut I can play the 'uitar. + ,his *a's ________. %oo-. Its 'ot my name on it. / Is ________ any mil- in the fri"'e? 0 Im taller ________ my *rother. 1 !Woul" you li-e to fly a plane? !2o, I ________. 13 I har"ly ________ watch ,4 at the wee-en". 11 ________ were a lot of people at the cinema last ni'ht. 1 Its the ________ interestin' *oo- I$e e$er rea". 1# !5ow much coffee "o you "rin-? !6uite a ________. 1& !Whats the time? !Its half ________ three. 1) ,hey ________ li-e the film 7 they left after 13 minutes. 1+ I spo-e to him on the phone ten minutes ________. 8

2 Underline the correct form.

Example: 8y father work 9 works in a *an-. 1 (hes my childrens 9 childrens teacher. I have always 9 I always have *rea-fast at home. # ,heyre beautiful flowers 9 flowers beautiful. & I "ont li-e get up 9 getting up early. ) We "ont ha$e some 9 any money. + :lease "ri$e careful 9 carefully. ,he weathers *a". / ;an we meet on 9 in 8on"ay e$enin'? 0 8y fathers doctor 9 a doctor. 1 I ha$e a lot of 9 a lot *rothers an" sisters. 13 !Is that his um*rella? !2o, its ours 9 our. 5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: <ohn an" 8ary have =ha$e> two chil"ren. 1 (imon ________ =not *e> at wor- yester"ay. I ________ =*uy> a new car last wee-. # 8y sister ________ =listen> to music at the moment. & We ________ =not ha$e> a holi"ay next year. ) Where ________ =*e> he yester"ay mornin'? + ________ you e$er ________ =*rea-> your le'? / I ________ =not *e> to ?rance. Is it nice?

Name ____________________________ Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

0 1 13 11 1 1# 1& ,hey ________ =not "ri$e> to %on"on 7 they 'ot the train. ________ she ________ =ha$e> a party next wee-? Who ________ =*e> the three 'reatest politicians of the twentieth century? 5e has an exam tomorrow, so he ________ =stu"y> now. (he ________ =not li-e> writin' postcar"s. 5ow often ________ you ________ =use> your mo*ile? Emma ________ =write> him a letter two "ays a'o. 7 Grammar total 20

VOCABU AR! Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: We 'o to the supermarket e$ery (atur"ay mornin'. 1 I sometimes ha$e an e________ for *rea-fast. I must *uy a new w________. Im always late for wor-. # I 'a$e my *rother a w________ for his *irth"ay last year. 5e often loses his money. & I usually ha$e s________ for lunch. I lo$e *rea". ) I want to write somethin' 7 can I *orrow your p________, please? + I ha$e a c________ at home *ut I "ont use it $ery often. I chec- my emails at wor-. / I was late for wor- *ecause the b________ was late. 0 I rea" the n________ e$ery "ay. 1 (hes listenin' to the news on the r________. 13 I rea" two b________ when I was on holi"ay last summer. 5

! "ick # $ %& '& or C to complete the sentences.

Example: ;an I use my cre"it ____, please? A wallet B car" ; money 1 8y sister wor-s in an office. (hes a ________. A *uil"er B musician ; receptionist I wor- for a newspaper. Im a ________. A @ournalist B politician ; lawyer # 8y mothers *rother is my ________. A 'ran"father B nephew ; uncle & ,he opposite of expensive is ________. A safe B cheap ; empty ) We eat in the ________. A *athroom B *e"room ; "inin' room + Aou can *uy foo" at a ________. A pharmacy B mar-et ; post office / I nee" some ________ for this letter, please. A -eys B stamps ; coins 0 8y *rothers "au'hter is my ________.

Name ____________________________ Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

A 'ran""au'hter B sister ; niece 1 8y fathers a ________. 5e flies all o$er the worl". A pilot B *uil"er ; nurse 13 ,he opposite of safe is ________. A "an'erous B "ifficult ; "ifferent 5

( )hat is the ne*t word+

Example: one, two, three 1 ten, twenty, ________ 8on"ay, ,ues"ay, ________ # <uly, Au'ust, ________ & thir", fourth, ________ ) ei'ht hun"re", nine hun"re", ________ + sprin', summer, ________ 3

, Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: (he walks to wor- e$ery "ay. 1 Bo you ha$e a li'hter or some m________? Whats your m________ phone num*er? # ,his is my i________ car". & Bo you want to c________ a taxi? ) After wor- she g________ to the 'ym. + A c________ is a place where you can *uy me"icine. / 5e s________ for ei'ht hours a ni'ht. 0 ,he opposite of tall is s________. 1 If you *rea- your le' you ha$e to 'o to h________. 13 I d________ a 4ol-swa'en. 11 I always w________ up early. 1 Aour sons "au'hter is your g________. 1# (he often t________ *y plane. 1& I usually c________ "inner at 0.33. 7 Vocabulary total 20

PRO"U"C#AT#O" - .atch the words with the same sounds.

*eautiful lea$e frien" see @uice *rea-fast sai" slow phone thought water wet

Name ____________________________ Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

Example: re" friend said wall shoe home tree re" 1 # ) / 1 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ & + 0 13 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 5

/ Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: coffee 1 healthy tomatoes # *eautiful & a''ressi$e ) summer + completely / $e'eta*les 0 en'ineer 1 *ehin" 13 politician 5 Pronunciation total Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 10 50

Name ____________________________ Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test Readin$ and %ritin$ A

REA&#"G 1 0ead the te*t and tick # $ %& '& or C.

T'e fro(en e)tremes of t'e eart'

T e !rctic in t e nort and t e !ntarctic in t e sout are at o""osite ends o# t e "lanet, but t ey are similar in many $ays% &ot are lands o# ice and sno$, $ ere t e tem"erature in $inter can be so lo$ t at your s'in can #ree(e in seconds ) it can be as lo$ as )80*C% Very #e$ animals are able to sur+i+e t ese conditions, but t ere are some bot in t e nort and in t e sout % T e !rctic as more "lants and animals t an t e !ntarctic, includin, "olar bears, t e lar,est bear in t e $orld% -n t e sout t ere are no land animals because o# t e e.treme cold, but t ere are "en,uins and ot er sea animals t at li+e on or near t e coast ) alt ou, bot in t e nort and t e sout t e sea is #ro(en #or muc o# t e year% /ne di##erence bet$een t e !rctic and t e !ntarctic is t e uman "o"ulation% -n "arts o# t e !rctic t ere are to$ns and +illa,es ) Greenland, #or"le, t e lar,est island in t e $orld, as a "o"ulation o# 55,000 "eo"le% 0any o# t ese "eo"le $or' in #is in,% T ey a+e a di##icult li#e% T ere aren1t many roads bet$een to$ns and +illa,es, so "eo"le tra+el by sno$mobile or $it do,s% 2rom No+ember to 3anuary it1s dar' #or 24 ours a day, but #rom 0ay to 3uly t ere are 24 ours o# dayli, t% -n t e !ntarctic t ere are no normal to$ns and +illa,es% /nly scientists li+e t ere all year round, in s"ecial buildin,s called 5stations1% T ey study t e sea animals and learn about t e istory o# t e $orld1s climate by studyin, t e $eat er and t e ice% -t1s a ard "lace to li+e, es"ecially in $inter, but many o# t em lo+e it t ere and return a,ain and a,ain%

Example: ,he Antarctic is the col"est place in the worl". A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say 1 ,here arent any animals in the Antarctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say 2o people li$e in the Antarctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say # ,here arent any *uil"in's in the Antarctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say & It is usually 703 "e'rees in the Antarctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say ) ,he sea in the Arctic is often froCen. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say + ,here arent any sea animals in the Arctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say / In Dreenlan", people "ont wor- in winter. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say 0 ,here arent any roa"s in Dreenlan". A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say 1 In Dreenlan" in <une its li'ht all the time.

Name ____________________________ Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test Readin$ and %ritin$ A

A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say 6

2 )rite the Arctic or the Antarctic.

Example: Its at the (outh :ole. the Antarctic 1 ,here arent many roa"s. ___________ (ome lan" animals li$e here. ___________ # ?ew people li$e here all the time. ___________ & :eople use "o's to help them tra$el. ___________ ) In <une its li'ht for & hours a "ay. ___________ + ,here are some towns an" $illa'es here. ___________ 7 8eadin, total 15

%R#T#"G %nswer the 1uestions. )rite 2!23! words for each 1uestion.
1 Whats your fa$ourite "ay of the wee-? Why? Bescri*e a 'oo" frien" of yours. # Bescri*e your *est holi"ay. 9ritin, total 8eadin, and 9ritin, total 10 25

Name ____________________________ Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test istenin$ and *+ea,in$ A

#*TE"#"G 1 3isten to the conversation. "ick # $ %& '& or C.
Example: 5elens full name is ________. A 5elen E. ;astle B 5elen 5ar"castle ; 5elen Ar"castle

1 At the moment, 5elen has a @o* in ________. A sales B art ; "esi'n In 5elens opinion, a sales persons @o* is ________. A more interestin' than a "esi'ners B *etter pai" than a "esi'ners ; easier than a "esi'ners # 5elen usually wor-s ________. A at home B in a colle'e ; in an office & In her @o*, 5elen has *een to ________. A a lot of countries B some countries ; no countries ) In the future, 5elen hopes that she is 'oin' to *e ________. A famous B *etter pai" ; marrie" 5

2 3isten to five speakers. .atch them to the 1uestions they are answering.
(pea-er 1 (pea-er (pea-er # (pea-er & (pea-er ) A What are your fa$ourite types of music? B What time "o you 'et up at the wee-en"? ; Where "i" you 'o for your holi"ays last summer? B Whats the *est *oo- you$e e$er rea"? E What are you 'oin' to "o when you lea$e school? 5 :istenin, total 10

*PEA-#"G 1 %sk your partner these 1uestions.

1 Where "o you li$e? Whats your @o*? # Where were you *orn? & What "o you "o in your free time? ) Where "i" you 'o for your last holi"ay? + 5a$e you e$er $isite" a $ery hot place? Where? When? / What music "o you li-e? 0 What are you 'oin' to "o next wee-en"?

4ow answer your partners 1uestions.

Name ____________________________ Class ____________________________

End-of-course Test istenin$ and *+ea,in$ A

2 0ead the information and answer your partners 1uestions.
'e*hill 5ummer festival Elm Dro$e :ar(atur"ay 1#th Au'ust ,en *an"s ?i$e B<s Acoustic tent .33 p.m. till 11.33 p.m. ?oo" from roun" the worl" %icense" *ar open until 11.33 p.m. F1)

3 4ow ask your partner these 1uestions about a restaurant.

G What 9 name 9 restaurant G What 9 -in" 9 foo"? G Where? G 9 open 9 e$ery "ay? G What time 9 open 9 (atur"ay? ;"ea'in, total :istenin, and ;"ea'in, total 15 25

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