Nef Elem Endtest A
Nef Elem Endtest A
Nef Elem Endtest A
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: <ohn an" 8ary have =ha$e> two chil"ren. 1 (imon ________ =not *e> at wor- yester"ay. I ________ =*uy> a new car last wee-. # 8y sister ________ =listen> to music at the moment. & We ________ =not ha$e> a holi"ay next year. ) Where ________ =*e> he yester"ay mornin'? + ________ you e$er ________ =*rea-> your le'? / I ________ =not *e> to ?rance. Is it nice?
Example: ,he Antarctic is the col"est place in the worl". A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say 1 ,here arent any animals in the Antarctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say 2o people li$e in the Antarctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say # ,here arent any *uil"in's in the Antarctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say & It is usually 703 "e'rees in the Antarctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say ) ,he sea in the Arctic is often froCen. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say + ,here arent any sea animals in the Arctic. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say / In Dreenlan", people "ont wor- in winter. A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say 0 ,here arent any roa"s in Dreenlan". A ,rue B ?alse ; Boesnt say 1 In Dreenlan" in <une its li'ht all the time.
%R#T#"G %nswer the 1uestions. )rite 2!23! words for each 1uestion.
1 Whats your fa$ourite "ay of the wee-? Why? Bescri*e a 'oo" frien" of yours. # Bescri*e your *est holi"ay. 9ritin, total 8eadin, and 9ritin, total 10 25
1 At the moment, 5elen has a @o* in ________. A sales B art ; "esi'n In 5elens opinion, a sales persons @o* is ________. A more interestin' than a "esi'ners B *etter pai" than a "esi'ners ; easier than a "esi'ners # 5elen usually wor-s ________. A at home B in a colle'e ; in an office & In her @o*, 5elen has *een to ________. A a lot of countries B some countries ; no countries ) In the future, 5elen hopes that she is 'oin' to *e ________. A famous B *etter pai" ; marrie" 5
2 3isten to five speakers. .atch them to the 1uestions they are answering.
(pea-er 1 (pea-er (pea-er # (pea-er & (pea-er ) A What are your fa$ourite types of music? B What time "o you 'et up at the wee-en"? ; Where "i" you 'o for your holi"ays last summer? B Whats the *est *oo- you$e e$er rea"? E What are you 'oin' to "o when you lea$e school? 5 :istenin, total 10