Ques Tion Ra NK Answer Posted By: Question Submitted By:: Jitendera Sinha
Ques Tion Ra NK Answer Posted By: Question Submitted By:: Jitendera Sinha
Ques Tion Ra NK Answer Posted By: Question Submitted By:: Jitendera Sinha
Ra nk
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Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
router>en router#config terminal router(config)#router eigrp 10 router(config-router)#network ALL Interview .com
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Ans wer
hi If you gurs are thinking that i am wromg for that answer then please make the correct answer i think some guys are not able to under stand the problem what i am trying to ask i am asking tha if we want to implemnt eigrp on router and if i want to no include the address then what wiil we do that is what should be comad for implemning that i know some of guy thinking that in eigrp no wild mask can be implemetded but my dear frinds it is poosible to make wild mask entry in the eigrp
Jitendera sinha,it
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Ques tion
A banana plantation is located next to a desert. The plantation owner has 3000 bananas that he wants to transport to the market by camel, across a 1000 kilometre stretch of desert. The owner has only one camel, which carries a maximum of 1000 bananas at any moment in time, and eats one banana every kilometre it travels. What is the largest number of bananas that can be delivered at the market?
Ra nk
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Ans wer
Hehehehehe... gud question. No answer from me... i m very weak in this type of tricky question... Porbabilty & possibility, Permutation & Combination weak hai mera.
Ans wer
Hi this is not applicable for the your ccna syllabus but it is very usefull for the ccna exams becoz it msked you more treaky to solve the networking issue in limted time in exams. In real world you only get the less time aprox 5 min to solve the issue so this type of problem increase your menatl ability to solve the network issue and shain it is not permutaions and combinations this is simple mide freak try it self
Ans wer
533.1/3 banana
Ans wer
0, as camel eats 1 banana per KM. camel can carry max 1000 bananas. market is 1000KM away so camel eats 1*1000=1000 bananas. on each trip he will carry 0 banana at the market. to come back from market to desert owner has to buy 1000 bananas for camel. so it requires 6000 bananas for 3 trips.
Ques Though New IP Header in Tunnel mode & Original IP tion Header in Question Submitted By :: Shahin
Ra nk
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Why Authentication Header (AH) is not compatible with the network that using NAT??????
Ra nk
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Jitendera Sinha
IPv6). tunnel or transport------tunel /\ / \ / \ tunel transport | | | | protect all data pkt protect only data portion now why it is not compatible with nat nat is mechanism. to hide your personal ip sometime theoretically it is a mechanism to convert private ip to public ip ______________________________________________________ _____ ******* The IPsec Authentication Header (AH) is a case in point. AH runs the entire IP packet, including invariant header fields like source and destination address, through a message digest algorithm to produce a keyed hash. This hash is used by the recipient to authenticate the packet. If any field in the original IP packet is modified, authentication will fail and the recipient will discard the packet. AH is intended to prevent unauthorized modification, source spoofing, and manin-the-middle attacks. But NAT, by definition, \ modifies IP packets. Ergo, AH + NAT cannot work. In the nat Ip filed is modified so some time Ah is not compatible with nat i am again saying SOME time. Thanku Hope this will help to understand you the concepts. Jitendera sinha
Ques tion
what is the difference between client mode and server mode of vtp and what is the diffrence betwwen tarnsparent mode and server mode
Ra nk
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Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM , BHEL I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
Client mode : Accepts,generates, Forwards vtp messages. ALL Interview .com
At clientmode you cannot create VLAN's Server mode: Accepts,generates, Forwards vtp messages. Default VTP mode of every Cisco Switch is Server mode At Server mode you can create VLAN's Transperent Mode : In Cisco switch you cannot disable VTP, but you can neglect the VTP Messages by Enabling Transperent Mode. Transperent Mode is the mode in which you can Create VLAN's, But these Vlan informatation will not be sent to other switch as done in Server and Client mode
Ans wer
hi naveen are you confirmed about the transparent mode.i also reply that but this is wrong In transparent mode switch act like a hub and it simply allow to pass the data within them self
Ans wer
In server mode we can change vlans modify and delete and also the information is synchorized and information is saved in nvram in client mode we cannot create modify, delete vlans information is synchronized and not saved in nvram in tranperent mode we can change ,modify and delete , information is not synchornized and is saved in nv ram
Ans wer
Client mode : Accepts,generates, Forwards vtp messages. At clientmode you cannot create VLAN's Server mode: Accepts,generates, Forwards vtp messages. Default VTP mode of every Cisco Switch is At Server mode you can create VLAN's Transperent Mode : In Cisco switch you cannot disable VTP, but you can neglect the VTP Messages by Enabling Transperent Mode. Transperent Mode is the mode in
Kiran K. Khadke
which you can Create VLAN's, But these Vlan informatation will not be sent to other switch as done in Server and Client mode
Ans wer
in server mode in vtp we can create delet , modified new and existing vlan in client mode we cant do it it only recivee vlan detail from server mode. camparly in transever mode it dose not take part in modification creation vlans , it simply take vlan detail and transfer to other switch .......
Tatyasah eb
Ans wer
We run vtp over trunk links also known as tagged links. VTP (Vlan Trunking Protocol but this is not a purely trunking protocol it is Vlan Replication Protocol). It has three default modes: 1. Server: In this mode we can create, delete, modify any vlan/vlan data. We can delete vlan.dat etc. 2. Client: In this mode we can only use the services of vlans but we can not create/modify/delete any vlan. 3. Transparent: In this mode the switch can forward the vlan from server to client etc. This feature is available only in VTP V2. In case of V1, we have to create server configuration again when any Transparent Switch comes between the network. NOTE: In the case of Server we can create default vlan 11005, also known as Standard Vlans. In the case of Transparent we can create vlan 1-4096 (valid range 1-4094) also known as Extended Vlans. Brijesh [email protected]
Ques tion
there is three mode of vtp let there are three switch s1 in server mode s2 in transparent mede and s3 in clint mode then will that tranparnt mode going to effect the network if yes then how and if no then what it will do
Ra nk
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Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
yes because in transparent mode information is not synchorized ALL Interview .com
Ans wer
No..........it does not make effect it simply transfer vlan detail frm server to client according to its revission no.
Tatyasah eb
Ques tion
what is vtp there is three question regatding vpn but i know it is not conserned with that
Ra nk
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Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
vtp stands fo r virtual trunking protocol ALL Interview .com
Ans wer
vtp stands for VLAN trunking protocol. it have the three modes 1--User mode. 2--Server mode 3--Transparent mode.
Ques can we configure multiple as on single router using tion eigrp Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
Yes we can configure multiple AS on a single router using EIGRP. For each AS, EIGRP maintains separate set of information table, such as Neighbor table, Topology table & Routing table. EIGRP also maintains separate set of information table, such as Neighbor table, Topology table & Routing table for each Routed Protocol (IP, IPX & Apple talk).
Ra nk
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what is the distance betwwen link stae routing protocl and distance vector
Ra nk
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Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
Difference between Distance Vector & Link-state Protocol are as followsa) Distance vector protocol uses distance or hop count as its metric to determine its best path to particular destination, where as link-state protocol using current congestion, cost as well as speed to determine its best path to particular destination. ALL Interview .com
b) Distance vector protocol works by using Bellman ford algorithm where as link-state protocol using Dijkstra algorithm. c) Distance vector protocol sends update using broadcast, where as link-state protocol sends updates using multicast. d) Distance vector protocol sends periodic updates after a regular interval, where as link-state protocol sends updates if there is any changes in the network. Note: Link-state protocol (Such as OSPF) sends entire database after every 30 min. e)Distance vector protocol sends it best route to other router, where as link state protocol sends its links to other routers. f) Distance vector protocol is a classfull protocol i.e. doesn't sends subnet mask information along with routing updates, where as link state protocol is a classless protocol, i.e. sends subnet mask information along with routing updates. g) Distance vector protocol doesn't support VLSM & CIDR where as link-state protocol support VLSM & CIDR. Thats all about difference between DV & LS. If anyone knows somemore points thn plzzzzzz include...!!!
Ans wer
shain your answer is correct but what about the second para of that question it is a completely theoretical answer. write down any where what i am writing here in the link state routing protocol the router send its routing table to only its link router.in another way which is directly connected to it where ever in the distance vector whole routing table is delivered to the all router in the network. that is broad cast to all router
Jitendera Sina
it is the best answer in any interview because its contain all information which you wrote above and i am agin saying to all of the student who are prepairing for the interview/ccna plz try to give the answer what ever some one is given or not or it is wrong or wright do not be affredd so say what you think this might be possible that here u could be wrong but it is better to be wrong here instead of in interview panel
Ans wer
Distance-vector routing protocols advertise routes to neighbors, but a link-state routing protocol advertises a list of its connections.
Jitu, i m not agree with u, the concept u wrote above. Go through "CCNP BSCI Official Exam Certification Guide, Fourth Edition Page 106".....
Ans wer
ha ha I know u never be aggry with me but you may be wright but as far as my knowledge is concern i am wright but i will go through that book you also look in ccna todd lamle book i didn't remember page number right now but i think the topic is in the start of the book in chapter in which routing protocol started Please have a look or issme gussa kane ki koi baat nahi hai.mai galat ho saktha hun.its may be possible
Ans wer
along with documentation. hehehe.. Don't think i m angry plzzzzzzzzzzz. If my point of view hurt u thn i m xtremly srryyy for dat. I may be wrong lets take a look on respective books...!!
Ques what is the difference between eigrp and ospf tion Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
EIGRP - Useful in Cisco-only networks of basically any size. EIGRP is an extremely robust and efficient protocol that suits nearly any need other than inter-organization routing. OSPF - Useful everywhere. It's standardized, so it's not limited to a particular vendor. Most appropriate in large multi-vendor networks. It has a higher CPU load than EIGRP does, and it requires more granular control from an administration perspective.
Ra nk
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Manikan dan
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EIGRP * stands for Enhansed interior gateway routing protocol. * Eigrp is the Distance Vector Routing Protocol. * Eigrp is the classfull routing protocol. OSPF * OSPF stands for open shortest path first routing protocol. * OSPF is the link state routing protocol. * Ospf is the Classless routing protocol.
stp which protocol is used for detrming root port Ques In root tion bridge ,forwarding port and blocking port
Ra nk
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Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) is used. ALL Interview .com
Ques what is stp. tion Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
Spanning TRee protocols
Ra nk
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Ans wer
Hi Mr.Guest.... Yahan pe kisi ko nehi pata STP stands for Spanning Tree protocol. Thank u very much for such anticipated answer. Keep it Up..!!!
Ans wer
Spanning tree protocol is layer 2 protocol .while we connect between 2 swiches by a two trunk link a loop occur .stp used to avoid loop by blocking a link though its calculation still permitting reduntant connection
tion the ip
address and mac address why we are not using mac address instead of ip address
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Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
ip address is a 32 bit address which contain 4 octects separated by a dots mac address is a 48 bit address which can be configured on a nic card default in nework communication both are important with out one the other cannot be communicated if we are using ip addres to communicate means internally we use arp protocol to find out the mac address then only we can communicate ALL Interview .com
Ans wer
Hi Anil you make your best but not fully correct this is partial and you are touching only the boundary of that answers ip address is used for network identifictaion.where as mac address is used for the node identification. In any network that is either it is lan or wan ip address is defined for only the network identification i am giving here the example i think by this i hope that you can understand you have yours postal address that contain your name your father name your street name your district your state and your postal code so in this example your name and your street is your node(mac) address where you leave and your sate and district are the the network address that is ip how-: let if i am posting any thing to you by India post then what is the process at first the people will see from which state it concern it will send to that state now in that state people see that in which district so it will send to your district then from there it will reach to you same concepts with the ip address and mac address.
Hope this will help you Thank you jitendera kumar sinha
Ans wer
Thank to jitendera kumar sinha (clear example) First we want to know clear idea of ip and mac address Differences between of ip add and mac add It IP address, as IP number, or merely as IP is a code made up of numbers separated by three dots that identifies a particular computer on the Internet. These addresses are actually 32-bit binary numbers, consisting of the two subaddresses (identifiers) mentioned above which, respectively, identify the network and the host to the network, with an imaginary boundary separating the two. An IP address is, as such, generally shown as 4 octets of numbers from 0-255 represented in decimal form instead of binary form. A MAC (or Machine Access Control) address is best thought of as a unique serial number assigned to every network interface on every device. And by unique, I do mean unique; no two network cards anywhere should have the same MAC address. MAC and IP addresses are both key components to network, but they serve different purposes, and are visible in very different ways.
Jagadies h
what is bgp, and what its attributes (thanks to sahin he sende me notes)
Ques tion Please try to give answer it will help you in future.
after giving the answer most of them i am selected foro\ 2nd round
Ra nk
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of interview thanks
Question Submitted By :: Jitendera Sinha This Interview Question Asked @ IBM I also faced this Question!! Ans wer
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the core routing protocol of the Internet. It maintains a table of IP networks or 'prefixes' which designate ... he attributes that are commonly used in the Cisco Implementation of BGP are as follows: WELL-KNOWN, MANDATORY AS-path: A list of the Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers that a route passes through to reach the destination. As the update passes through an AS the AS number is inserted at the beginning of the list. The AS-path attribute has a reverse-order list of AS passed through to get to the destination. Next-hop: The next-hop address that is used to reach the destination. Origin: Indicates how BGP learned a particular route. There are three possible types -- IGP (route is internal to the AS), EGP (learned via EBGP), or Incomplete (origin unknown or learned in a different way). WELL-KNOWN, DISCRETIONARY Local Preference: Defines the preferred exit point from the local AS for a specific route. Atomic Aggregate: Set if a router advertises an aggregate causes path attribute information to be lost. OPTIONAL, TRANSITIVE Aggregator: Specifies the router ID and AS of the router that originated an aggregate prefix. Used in conjunction with the atomic aggregate attribute. Community: Used to group routes that share common ALL Interview .com
Jagadies h
properties so that policies can be applied at the group level. OPTIONAL, NON-TRANSITIVE Multi-exit-discriminator (MED): Indicates the preferred path into an AS to external neighbors when multiple paths exist. A list of path attributes is contained in BGP update messages. The attribute is variable length and consists of three fields: Attribute type consisting of a 1-byte attribute flags field and a 1-byte attribute code field, Attribute length field that is 1 or 2 bytes, and a variable length attribute value field. The attribute type codes used by Cisco are: 1-origin, 2-AS-path, 3-Next-hop, 4-MED, 5Local preference, 6-Atomic aggregate, 7-aggregator, 8community, 9-originator-ID, and 10-cluster list. This article discussed the BGP attributes with the intent of preparing you for those confusing questions on the BSCN or BSCI exams. Hopefully, there is no more confusion on the various attributes that are used in the Cisco implementation of BGP.
are the job opportunities i will get once i Ques What complete tion my CCNA certification.
Ra nk
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Ans wer
i am partially agree with the shain.but as you completed your ccna you have to get small job then in this job period you should try to learn more version of networking look i am a B.tech guy and i am also completed ccna but one i have stared my carrier with 3500/00 per month now i am getting more then that(dont want to disclose it) becoz in that shot of period i used to learn more about the networking and practical knowledge is more valuable then the theoretical knowledge so get the correct base you can find job then after getting exposure company calls you directly Thanks