Raw at War

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Raw at War-Genesis of Secret Agencies in Ancient India Introduction Columnist Gp Capt SM HALI examines the historical capacity of Research

& Analysis Wing (RAW of In!ia to con!uct clan!estine operations "spionage# euphemistically calle! the secon! ol!est profession of the $orl! fin!s a mention in the In!ian %e!as# one of the most & if not the most & ancient of the human texts' References to espionage are also !iscerni(le in the ancient ci)ili*ations of "gypt# +a(ylon# Assyria# Greece an! China' ,he Chinese sage Sun ,*u is consi!ere! (y "uropean scholars to (e the first to stu!y an! analyse the $hole -uestion of espionage on scientific lines# an! to set it !o$n in a text (oo. /ing 0a# ,he Art of War' ,his )ie$ is# ho$e)er# not su(stantiate! (y cogent facts since there is ample proof of the greater anti-uity an! soun!ness of the system of Secret Ser)ices enunciate! (y the early In!ians' %aruna# one of the chief go!s of the %e!ic pantheon is consi!ere! to (e a forerunner of Secret Ser)ices' Magha# one of the most eru!ite an! luci! poets an! pragmatic thin.ers# une-ui)ocally asserte! that statecraft cannot exist $ithout the assistance of espionage' He $rites1& 2,he statecraft in $hich e)en a single step is not ta.en in contra)ention of the science of !an!aniti 3(i'e' the la$ of !an!a (the ro! 4 $hich pro)i!es !ecent li)ing (to the officers an! in $hich li(eral grants are gi)en in recognition of ser)ices ren!ere!# !oes not shine to a!)antage $ithout (the employment of spies# 5ust as the science of grammar !oes not shine $ithout /apasa +hasya (the intro!uctory portion of /atan5ali2s Maha(hasya # though it is pro)i!e! $ith 6yasa (a commentary of that name $hich strictly follo$s the $or!s of the Sutras (of /anini # a goo! )rtti (explanatory $or. an! an excellent +hasya (a!)ance $or. of explanation# !iscussion an! criticism 2' & (Sisupala & )a!ha# 7'887 Secret Agencies in ancient In!ia $ere not concei)e! of as an instrument of oppression (ut as a tool of go)ernance' Secret agents $ere consi!ere! as 2eyes of the .ing2' In!ian history illustrates that ancient In!ians ha! gaine! great expertise in this secret art' ,he techni-ues an! operational metho!s a!opte! (y them $ere highly a!)ance!# an! can (e usefully emulate! to!ay' 0rom the spasas of %aruna# the fore&runners of the mo!ern glo(e&trotting spies (the etymological affinity of the t$o terms is noticea(le to Chana.ya2s final manifestation of this art in the Arthasastra $hich is in fact a systematic co!ification of a $i!e )ariety of scattere! information copiously foun! in the "pics# & the Maha(harata an! the Ramayana & the /uranas an! literary $or.s of +hasa# 9ali!asa# Magha an! +ana: an! the ,amil Sangam literature# transcen!s unprece!ente! heights in this !iscipline' ,he )ision of the Arthashastra# is truly (reath ta.ing# its practical utility timeless an! the clarity of its exposition uni-ue' ,he techni-ues of manipulating pu(lic opinion an! creating

!isinformation# propoun!e! (y Chana.ya anticipate! mo!ern intelligence systems (y se)eral centuries' 6o $on!er then that the nearly 7;<< years ol! lessons in !eceit# guile# hypocrisy# machination# an! gore taught (y that Master strategist# Chana.ya alias 9autilya (literally meaning 2croo.e!2 $as a!opte! in toto (y In!ia an! its chief intelligence agency# the Research an! Analysis Wing (RAW ' While laying the foun!ation stone of RAW# In!ia2s late /rime Minister Mrs' In!ira Gan!hi appro)ingly -uote! Louis 0 Hallis# $hen she sai! that its o(5ecti)es shoul! (e the 2A(ility to get $hat one $ants (y $hate)er means1 elo-uence# reasone! arguments# (luff# tira!e# threat or coercion# as $ell as# (y arousing pity# annoying others# or ma.ing them uneasy2' RAW is (asically a Secret Ser)ice esta(lishe! to perform clan!estine operations (ase! on the Chana.yan principles of !eceit an! guile' It has successfully !esta(ilise! neigh(ouring countries# !isintegrate! in!epen!ent states an! (ac.e! the most notorious guerrilla organi*ations to achie)e its en!s' If it is compare! to other intelligence agencies of the region# it emerges as an aggressi)e# col!&(loo!e! an! ruthless institution# engage! in the most maca(re !ee!s' ,he organi*ation an! structure of RAW $ill (e !iscusse! in the secon! part of this paper' +ut to appreciate its $or.ing $e must# first examine the origin an! organi*ation of In!ia2s ancient secret agencies' =rigin an! =rgani*ation of Secret Agencies in Ancient In!ia ,he origin an! !e)elopment of Secret Agencies in ancient In!ia is lin.e! to the geopolitical con!itions of the times $hen In!ia $as !otte! $ith small states attempting to gra( each other2s territory an! $ealth' ,he art of espionage $as thoroughly mastere!# an! almost all ancient In!ian literary sources exhausti)ely !ealt $ith this system' Spying came to (e regar!e! as an in!ispensa(le feature an! integral part of an efficient a!ministration an! of a soun! foreign policy' It .ept the rulers poste! $ith the acti)ities# afflictions# an! operations of political a!)ersaries1 their !isloyal an! !isgruntle! elements# fifth columnists an! foreign agents in their mi!st# also the strength an! intentions of all foreign po$er' "spionage $as consi!ere! to (e as important an institution as !iplomacy# an! $as sought to (e go)erne! (y certain !efinite rules an! usages' In Chana.ya# the secret ser)ice !epartment (ecame a permanent feature of the state an! $as organise! in the most 2uninhi(ite! manner2' While Chana.ya presents a highly !e)elope! an! complicate! system of go)ernance inclu!ing an all&per)asi)e espionage system# references to it are foun! in pre&Mauryan literature# too' ,he Maha(harata refers to a mythological tra!ition on the origin of the !an!aniti an! the art of espionage# $hich $as han!e! !o$n from the past' It expoun!s 2+rahma# the creator# himself compose! a $or. comprising 8#<<#<<< chapters relating to !harma (religion # artha (economy # .ama (sexual !esire an! mo.sa (spiritual sal)ation & the four aspects of life'2 +rahma2s compilation# accor!ing to the Great "pic# inclu!e! su(5ects of (eha)iour to$ar!s counsellors# of spies# the in!ication of princes# of secret agents possesse! of !i)erse means# of en)oys# an! agents of other .in!s# conciliation# fomenting !iscor!# gifts an! chastisement: !eli(erations inclu!ing counsels for pro!ucing !isunion: the three .in!s of )ictory# first# that $hich ser)e! righteously# secon!ly# $hich $as $on (y $ealth# an!# thir!ly# the one o(taine! (y !eceitful

$ays: chastisement of t$o .in!s# namely# open an! secret: the !isor!er create! in the hostile troops: inspiring the enemy $ith fear: the means of $inning o)er persons resi!ing in the enemy territory: an! finally# the chastisement an! !estruction of those that are strong'2 6o other ci)ili*ation can claim such an anti-uity for the techni-ues of $ar# !iplomacy# intrigue an! espionage an! on such compulsi)e terms' In short# %aruna an! other !eities of the %e!ic pantheon hea)ily !epen!e! on their secret agents' Manu# 9aman!a.a# >a5na)al.ya an! Chana.ya# (esi!es the later !igest $riters# !eli(erate! on the art of espionage# $hile Chana.ya perfecte! the art an! recommen!e! the organisation of secret agencies in the most una(ashe! manner' /rofessor Ghoshal suggests that the Mauryas follo$e! the Arthasastra tra!ition in four respects# i'e' precautions in recruiting spies# country$i!e espionage# safeguar!s against false reports (y secret agents an! enlistment of the ser)ices of loose $omen' =rgani*ation ,he mo!est origin of secret agents in the form of %aruna2s spasas (rought a(out the imperati)e nee! for effecti)e an! )igorous espionage in an institutionali*e! form' ,he (lue&print on espionage prepare! (y Chana.ya has remaine! a mo!el for successi)e generations' %arious aspects of the organi*ation of a secret agency as !iscusse! in complete !etail in the Arthasastra are (riefly touche! upon here' ? Category of Agents' ,he Arthasastra mentions t$o $ings of 2secret ser)ice2# )i*' 2samstha2 an! 2sancara2' ,he agents (elonging to 2samstha2 $ere statione! in the "sta(lishment finance! (y the State# $hereas the 2sancaras2 mo)e! from place to place !epen!ing on professional re-uirements' ,he spymasters of the t$o $ings hea!e! their respecti)e ca!re of agents# an! controlle! their operations' ,he mem(ers of one group $ere not a$are of the existence of the other' ,his classification of Chana.ya has (een follo$e! in In!ia throughout the successi)e centuries' ? Recruitment of Secret Agents' A stu!y of Arthasastra# the Maha(harata# the Ramayana# the Manusmriti# 9aman!a.a an! Su.ra re)eals that there $as no fixe! source of recruitment of secret agents' Mo!ern intelligence ser)ices generally resort to three main sources of recruitment# the aca!emic $orl!# the arme! ser)ices an! the un!er&$orl!' ,his $as also the pattern follo$e! in ancient In!ia' ? ,raining' After recruitment# the secret agents $ere put through a rigorous training in the techni-ues of a!opting !isguises# changing appearances# science of signalling# secret $riting# !etection an! i!entification of criminals# manipulating pu(lic opinion an! creating !issensions in the enemy ran.s' ? Control an! Super)ision' ,he complicate!# comprehensi)e# all&per)asi)e an! u(i-uitous institution of spies in ancient In!ia necessitate! )ery close an! personal super)ision of the ruler or his most relia(le officers' It must ha)e (een !ifficult for the .ing to personally han!le the comprehensi)e an! complicate! !epartment of intelligence' Accor!ing to the Arthasastra# the !epartment of external affairs# $hich $as co)ering military intelligence $as manage! (y the

.ing $ith the help of his foreign minister an! the Comman!er&in&Chief' ,he agents !etaile! to co)er the senior officers of the central go)ernment certainly reporte! to the .ing !irectly' In the far&flung areas of extensi)e .ing!oms an! in )ie$ of poor means of communication# the action specially in times of $ar ha! to (e ta.en (y men on the spot an! not (y the .ing $ho may (e at a place far !istant from the fiel! of action' In foreign countries the spies $ere .ept un!er the control an! super)ision of am(assa!ors $ho scrutinise! their reports an! !irecte! intelligence operations' Accor!ing to Chana.ya# the institution of spies as an organi*ation !i! not function un!er a unifie! comman!' ,he spies an! secret agents $or.e! un!er their respecti)e hea!s of !epartment# an! also !irectly un!er the .ing' ,echni-ues of "spionage +efore !iscussing the $or.ing of RAW# it $oul! (e $orth$hile to (riefly examine some of the techni-ues of espionage employe! (y the ancient secret agencies of In!ia' ? Moti)ation an! Recruitment of Sources' Moti)ation of persons to cater intelligence is !irectly proportionate to their $ea.ness for sex an! money# (esi!es the (urning !esire of re)enge or insatia(le hunger for po$er' ,he Spymasters of ancient In!ia exploite! these $ea.nesses to their fullest a!)antage# an! e)en the mo!ern intelligence agencies hea)ily !epen! on these consi!erations' Chana.ya a!)ocate! that the $ea. shoul! (e su(5ugate! (y means of conciliation an! gifts# the strong (y means of !issension an! force' ? Selection an! Infiltration of ,argets' Chana.ya# in a )ery su(tle manner an! $ith an intimate .no$le!ge of human psychology# selecte! his targets in foreign lan!s !epen!ing on their $ea.nesses an! moti)ation' He a!)ise! secret agents to concentrate on targets1& ? Among those $ho are !issatisfie! $ith the rulers or ha! (een humiliate! or exile!: ? Who ha)e not (een compensate! for their expen!iture: ? ,hose $ho ha)e (een !epri)e! of their rightful inheritance to office: ? Whose $omen ha)e (een moleste! (y force: ? Who $ere $rongly imprisone!: ? Whose property ha! (een confiscate!: ? Who are prone to (lac.mail !ue to some $ea.ness' @ou(le&Agent =peration' A 2@ou(le&Agent2 is a spy $ho $or.s for the opposition $hile preten!ing loyalty to those $ho employ him' this techni-ue is an in!ispensa(le facet of agent& running an! $as extensi)ely practise! in ancient In!ia' Chana.ya suggeste! that secret agents shoul! not refuse pay from the targets for $or.ing $ith them as their employees' ,his $as to allay the misgi)ings on the part of the targets' 2@ou(le&Agents2 $ere use! for creating !issensions an! confusion among the confe!erates of the enemy' ,hey floate! false !ocuments# got them

sei*e! from the possession of the enemy2s army chiefs# an! thus $ea.ene! the enemy' 2@ou(le& Agents2 $ere use! to $inning o)er the confi!ence of their a!opte! masters (y sacrificing a fe$ expose!# treacherous# !isaffecte! or inefficient spies' ? /ayment of Sources "ncouragement of secret agents $ith money an! honour $as consi!ere! an imperati)e necessity' ,he sources $ere pai! (oth in cash an! .in!# (esi!es recei)ing extraor!inary courtesies an! fa)ours' It $as also recommen!e! that secret agents not only (e re$ar!e! for the 5o( !one (y them (ut# also# in the e)ent of repeate! mista.es# silent punishment&!eath&(e a$ar!e! to them' ? Communication of Intelligence Intelligence not properly an! promptly con)eye! an! $hich cannot (e acte! upon loses its )alue an! )ali!ity' +esi!es this# the Arthasastra# Maha(harata# Ramayana# 9aman!a.a an! 9athasaritasagara all recommen! the use of co!e! language an! signals' ? Interception of Mail Interception of messages# signals an! letters (y postal censorship: monitoring an! tapping telephones: an! (rea.ing co!es is the stan!ar! practice of mo!ern intelligence agencies' In the ancient perio!# since intelligence $as communicate! through pre& !etermine! signals an! $ith the assistance of pigeons# secret agents must ha)e ma!e ela(orate arrangements to intercept these messages' ? Assessment of Information' ,he Arthasastra cautions against the placing of reliance on agents $ithout proper corro(oration' It is repeate!ly emphasise! that all aspects of a report must (e gone through# inclu!ing the source of information# the mo!e of its collection an! the past performance of a source (efore it is accepte!' +riefing an! !e(riefing of secret agents $as an ela(orate exercise# an! they $ere traine! to (e precise# accurate an! truthful in reporting' ? Wor.ing An!er 2Co)er2' ,he institution of espionage in ancient In!ia# li.e mo!ern times# re-uire! secret agents to $or. un!er some .in! of 2co)er2 to preser)e secrecy' Chana.ya institutionali*e! the art of $or.ing un!er the most ingenious 2co)ers2' ,he most common !isguises recommen!e! (y him $ere those of ascetic# men!icant# merchant# artisan# $an!ering minstrel# artiste# coo.# (ar(er an! shampooer# (ath an! toilet atten!ant# !eaf# !um(# eunuch an! prostitute' Chana.ya recommen!s the use of $omen as effecti)e tools of espionage particularly those $ho $ere engage! in harlotry' ? Counter&Intelligence' A counter&intelligence operation is !irecte! at !isco)ering the i!entities an! metho!s of foreign spies an! intelligence officers $or.ing for the opposition' =ne of the most important !uties of the Secret Ser)ice in ancient In!ia $as to counteract the acti)ities of such agents operating $ithin the country' Chana.ya recommen!s that secret agents shoul! !isco)er foreign spies (y operating at the places of entertainment# concla)es of people# among (eggars# in gar!ens an! pu(lic places# an! the houses of prominent citi*ens' @isinformation an! @issension' Manipulation of pu(lic opinion is as important an o(5ect of the State to!ay as it $as in ancient In!ia' It is use! to create !isharmony an! !istrust among the enemy2s frien!s# ill&$ill among his allies# loss of confi!ence in their lea!ership an! !isruption (y psychological means his capacity an! $ill to fight' Chana.ya ha! perfecte! the techni-ue of

!isinformation an! highly eulogise! the use of !issension in enemy2s ran.s for $inning a (attle $ithout any military action' His $inning an extensi)e empire for his stu!ent Chan!ragupta Maurya $ithout fighting any mentiona(le (attle is a$eB# an! one may (e excuse! to a!!1 a!mirationB# inspiring feat# unparallele! in history' ,he Sans.rit Classical !rama Mu!ra.shasa has trie! to !epict it !ramatically (ut# at (est# has only partially succee!e!' ? Sa(otage' ,he techni-ue of sa(otage# $hich the political strategists consi!er as the penultimate means to )an-uish an a!)ersary# ha! (een greatly perfecte! in ancient In!ia' Secret practices for sa(otage $ere a!)ocate! (y Chana.ya to ensure )ictory' As a preface to sa(otage# he suggests the creation of an atmosphere congenial to arousing terror# fear# !emorali*ation# !isappointment an! loss of confi!ence among the enemy ran.s' /rior to launching a full&scale assault on the enemy fort# Chana.ya suggests implementation of secret measures to $ea.en its !efences not only physically (ut in all respects' ,hese inclu!e pre)ention of so$ing the fiel!s# !estruction of the stan!ing crops an! cutting of the enemy2s supply lines' He also a!)ises free an! uninhi(ite! use of poison in the articles use! (y the enemy' His !etaile! an! scientifically )ali! .no$le!ge of the su(5ect has earne! for him a place in Ara(ic me!ical literature# that .no$s him as I(n Shana- (son of Chana. ' Some of the secret stratagems a!)ocate! (y Chana.ya inclu!e the use of smo.e $ith properties seriously affecting the )ision# an!# arson or setting fires $ithin the enemy fort' ? ,he employment of %isa.anyas (/oison&!amsels ' Secret Agencies in ancient In!ia ha! perfecte! )ery ingenious techni-ues to su(ser)e the interests of their monarchs' +esi!es using the nascent technological a!)ancement a)aila(le to them# they exploite! human $ea.ness for sex to achie)e royal o(5ecti)es' %isa.anya is a uni-ue feature of the In!ian genius to poison the monarch' ,hese )enomous (eauties can (e classifie!# as follo$s1& ? A !amsel $hose (o!y is saturate! $ith gra!ual !oses of poison# an! $ho is li.ely to transmit poison from her (o!y to another person coming in contact $ith her: ? A $oman $ho treacherously capti)ates the heart of a person# an! then mixes poison in his foo! or !rin.: ? A girl $ho is# one $ay or the other# so much poisone! or infecte! $ith !isease that she is li.ely to con)ey her poison or !isease to the person coming in contact $ith her' A $oman suffering from %enereal !isease or# in the latest situation one suffering from Ai!s is a %isa.anya of this .in!' RAW A, WAR&II What is not possi(le (y !eployment of force is possi(le (y the use of stratagem',he (lac. co(ra $as !efeate! (y the stratagem of the cro$ an! the gol!en chain' && Chana.ya Intro!uction

,he first part of this article (riefly trace! out the history of secret ser)ices in ancient In!ia' Its chief progenitor $as Chana.ya# $hose classic# the Arthasastra# not only pro)i!es a fairly graphic account of the acti)ities of spies in the Mauryan an! post&Mauryan polity (ut lays the foun!ation for the 2statecraft2# guile an! unscrupulous practices a!)ocate! (y this master strategist' He goes on to recommen!# 2In the $or. of espionage# all metho!s are a!missi(le B snooping# lying# (ri(ing# poisoning# using $omen2s $iles an! the assassin2s .nife' ,o a $ea. .ing menace! (y strong neigh(ours# Chana.ya2s a!)ice $as to rely chiefly on spies an! $age $hat he !escri(e! as a 2(attle of intrigues2 (mantra yu!!ha an! 2secret $ars2 (.uta yu!!ha ' ,he spies# in or!er to achie)e their o(5ecti)e# $ere to practice all .in!s of frau!# artifice incen!iarism an! ro((ery' ,heir o(5ecti)e $as to !emorali*e the enemy2s troops (y circulating false ne$s# an! se!uce the allegiance of his minister an! comman!ers' ,he un!erlying i!ea seems to ha)e (een to .eep the strong neigh(our preoccupie! $ith !omestic trou(les thus ma.ing it impossi(le for him to launch a foreign expe!ition' 0rom the !ays of Chana.ya# the rules of (usiness of espionage ha)e not change!# at least the (asic principles remain as (efore' ,he !e)elopment of science an! technology has only gi)en fresh impetus an! tools to the art of spying' ")olution of RAW =rigins in the @irectorate of Intelligence +ureau# create! (y the Ra5 in 6o)em(er 8C7< B !uring the 9hilafat an! S$ara5 mo)ements B out of the ol! Criminal Intelligence @epartment (CI@ ' In 8CDD# sensing the political turmoil in the $orl! $hich e)entually le! to the Secon! Worl! War# the (ureau2s responsi(ilities $ere increase! to inclu!e the collection of intelligence along In!ia2s (or!ers' In 8CEF# after In!epen!ence# San5ee)i /illai too. o)er as the first In!ian @irector' Ha)ing (een !eplete! of traine! manpo$er (y the exit of the +ritish an! Muslims# /illai trie! to run the (ureau along MI ; lines' Although in 8CEC# /illai organi*e! a small foreign intelligence set&up# the inefficacy of it $as pro)e! (y the In!ian !e(acle in the In!o&China War of 8CG7# an! the cry of 2not enough intelligence a)aila(le2# $as ta.en up (y the In!ian Chief of Army Staff# General Chau!hry# after the 8CG; In!o&/a. $ar' It $as to$ar!s the en! of 8CGG an! the (eginning of 8CGF that the concept of a separate foreign intelligence agency (egan to ta.e concrete shape' In 8CGH# after In!ira Gan!hi ha! ta.en o)er# it $as !eci!e! that a full&fle!ge! secon! security ser)ice $as nee!e!' R' 6' 9ao# then a !eputy !irector of I+# su(mitte! a (lueprint for the ne$ agency' 9ao $as appointe! as the chief of In!ia2s first foreign intelligence agency name! as 2the Research an! Analysis Wing2 or RAW' RAW ta.es shape Ha)ing starte! hum(ly as a Wing of the main Intelligence +ureau $ith 7;< personnel an! an annual (u!get of Rs 7 crore ((y a rough estimate # in the early se)enties# its annual (u!get ha! risen to Rs D< crores $hile its personnel num(ere! se)eral thousan!' In 8CF8# 9ao ha! persua!e! the go)ernment to set up the A)iation Research Centre (ARC ' ,he ARC2s 5o( $as aerial reconnaissance' It replace! the In!ian Air 0orce2s ol! reconnaissance aircraft an! (y the mi!&F<s# RAW# through the ARC# ha! high -uality aerial pictures of the installations along the Chinese an! /a.istani (or!ers' +y 8CFG# 9ao ha! (een promote! to the ran. of a fullfle!ge! Secretary

responsi(le for Security an! reporting !irectly to the /rime Minister' His rise ha! raise! RAW to (ecome In!ia2s premier intelligence agency' RAW agents operate! in )irtually e)ery ma5or em(assy an! high commission' RAW2s o(5ecti)es ,he o(5ecti)es of RAW accor!ing to Aso.a Raina2s famous (oo. Insi!e RAW (%i.as /u(lishing House# 6e$ @elhi# 8CH8 ha)e (een1& ? ,o monitor the political an! military !e)elopments in all the a!5oining countries# $hich ha)e# !irect (earing on In!ia2s national security an! in the formulation of its foreign policy' ? Secon!ly# RAW $atche! the !e)elopment of international communism an! the schism (et$een the t$o communist giants# the So)iet Anion an! ,he Repu(lic of China' 0or as in other countries (oth the po$ers ha! !irect access to the Communist /arties in In!ia' ? ,hir!ly# the supply of military har!$are to /a.istan mostly from "uropean countries# the ASA an! China# $as of high priority' ? An! last (ut not the least# the presence of a large ethnic In!ian population in foreign countries# pro)i!e! a po$erful lo((y' ,hese countries coul! (ac. a fa)oura(le policy in international councils# moti)ate! (y the ethnic In!ian group' ,he =rgani*ation RAW has (een organi*e! on the lines of the CIA' ,he follo$ing chart (source1 Insi!e RAW (y Aso.a Raina signifies the organi*ation of RAW an! is self&explanatory' ,raining of RAW Agents Recruitment1 Initially# in!uction in RAW relie! primarily on traine! intelligence officers $ho $ere recruite! !irectly' ,hese (elonge! to the external $ing of I+' Ho$e)er# -uite a fe$ $ere ta.en from police an! other ser)ices to fill the ca!res of RAW o$ing to its su!!en expansion' Later RAW (egan recruiting promising fresh gra!uates from the Ani)ersities !irectly' ,he criteria for selection are fairly stringent' +asic ,raining1 +asic training commences $ith 2pep tal.s2 to (oost the morale of the ne$ recruit' ,his is a ten !ays2 phase in $hich the fresh in!uctee is familiari*e! $ith the $orl! of intelligence an! espionage an! alienate! from the spies of fiction' Common usages# technical 5argon an! classification of information are taught' Case stu!ies of other agencies li.e CIA# 9G+# Chinese Secret Agency an! ISI are presente! for stu!y' He is also taught that an intelligence organisation !oes not (asically i!entify a frien! from a foe# it is the country2s foreign policy that !o' /hase & II1 ,he fresh recruit2s training continues an! he is no$ poste! in some remote outpost# attache! to a 0iel! Intelligence +ureau (0I+ ' His training here lasts for a perio! of six months to a year' He is gi)en a first han! feeling of $hat it $as to (e out in the col!# in the !anger area

con!ucting clan!estine operation' @uring night exercises# un!er con!itions of a(solute realism# he is taught infiltration an! exfiltration' He is instructe! to a)oi! capture an! if caught# ho$ to face intensi)e interrogation: the art of reconnoiter# ma.ing contacts# an!# the numerous s.ills of operating an intelligence mission' At the en! of the fiel! training# the ne$ recruit is (rought (ac. to the School for final polishing' +efore his !eployment in the fiel!# he is gi)en exhausti)e training in the art of self&!efence# an intro!uction to martial arts an! the use of technical espionage !e)ices' He is also !rille! in )arious a!ministrati)e !isciplines so that he coul! ta.e his place in the foreign missions $ithout arousing suspicion' He is no$ rea!y to operate un!er the co)er of an "m(assy to gather information# set up his o$n net$or. of informers# moles or operati)es as the tas. may re-uire' 0unctions of RAW ,he functions of RAW )ary accor!ing to the target' Some functions for o(taining strategic intelligence are outline! (elo$1& Collection of Information1 "mphasis is lai! on o(taining information essential to In!ian interests' +oth o)ert an! co)ert means are a!opte!' Collection of Information 1 ,he )ast myria! of !ata is sifte! through# classifie! an! file!' ,he mo!ern computer net$or. in the 8D&storey (om(proof (uil!ing situate! at Lo!hi Roa!# 6e$ @elhi# is a great help' Aggressi)e Intelligence1 ,he primary mission of RAW inclu!es aggressi)e intelligence $hich comprise espionage# psychological $arfare# su()ersion# sa(otage# terrorism an! creating !issension# insurgency an!# ultimately# insurrection to !esta(ili*e the target country' Mo!us =peran!i 0oreign Missions1 0oreign Missions pro)i!e an i!eal co)er an! RAW centres in a target country are generally locate! insi!e the "m(assy premises' Multinationals1 RAW operati)es fin! goo! co)ers in Multinational organi*ations' 6G=s an! Cultural programmes are also popular screens to shiel! RAW acti)ities' Me!ia1 International me!ia centres can easily a(sor( RAW operati)es an! pro)i!e free!om of mo)ement' Colla(oration $ith other agencies1 RAW maintains acti)e colla(oration $ith other secret ser)ices to meet its en!s in a particular target country' Its contacts $ith 9G+ of the former So)iet Anion# 9HA@# the erst$hile Afghan agency# Mossa!# CIA an! MIG ha)e (een $ell&.no$n' A common interest (eing /a.istan2s 6uclear /rogramme' ,hir! Country ,echni-ue1 RAW has (een )ery acti)e in o(taining information an! operating through thir! countries li.e the Mi!!le "ast# Afghanistan# A9# Hong 9ong# Mayanmar an! Singapore'

Spotting an! Recruitment1 RAW operati)es are on the loo.out for local recruits to ser)e their en!s' Acting on the Chana.yan principles# they ten! to exploit human $ea.nesses for $ine# $omen an! $ealth# an!# at times resort to (lac.mail' Separatist ten!encies an! ethnic or sectarian sensiti)ities are also $ell&.no$n groun!s for manipulation' Arme! 0orces personnel remain a primary target' ,hose 5ournalists# intellectuals an! politicians har(ouring an! preaching goo!$ill an! (etter In!o&/a. relations also ma.e suita(le targets for ina!)ertent an! unconscious recruitment (y RAW agents' Ma5or successes of RAW Creation of +angla!esh1 ,he +angla!esh operation# (eginning $ith so$ing see!s of !issension# lea!ing to the Agartala Conspiracy# creation of Mu.ti +ahini an! un!er its co)er snea.ing into "ast /a.istan for guerrilla operations to (lo$ up (ri!ges an! other installations !amage! the morale of /a.istani troops an! In!ia $on the $ar e)en (efore the (attle (egan# than.s to RAW as its agents ha! infiltrate! e)ery noo. an! corner of erst$hile "ast /a.istan' ,he paragraph entitle!1 2RAW ta.es shape2# in the initial part of this article# amply !emonstrates the causal chain of e)ents' /lan to assassinate General Iia&ur&Rahman1 Accor!ing to the Septem(er 8H&7E# 8CHH issue of the $ee.ly Maga*ine Sun!ay (Calcutta # RAW $as on the )erge of assassinating +angla!esh2s /resi!ent General Iia&ur&Rahman ($ith Mrs Gan!hi2s appro)al $hen the Congress go)ernment fell' RAW (riefe! the ne$ /rime Minister Morar5i @esai a(out it $ho $as appalle! at the i!ea an! stoppe! the mur!er' General Iia continue! to rule +angla!esh for many more years' He $as assassinate! after In!ira Gan!hi returne! to po$er (ut RAW plea!s innocence' /oornima1 /ro5ect /oornima $as the name gi)en In!ia2s 6uclear /rogramme' ,he tas. to .eep it 2un!er tight $raps of security2 $as gi)en to RAW' ,his $as the first time that RAW $as in)ol)e! in a pro5ect insi!e In!ia' ,he rest is history as In!ia manage! to surprise the $orl! on 8H May# 8CFE (y !etonating a 8;&9iloton plutonium !e)ice at /o.haran' 9ahuta2s +lueprint1 Accor!ing to the Septem(er 8H&7E# 8CHH issue of the $ee.ly In!ian Maga*ine Sun!ay# RAW agents claim that in early 8CFH# they $ere on the )erge of o(taining the plans an! (lueprint for 9ahuta nuclear plant that $as (uilt to counter the /o.haran atomic (last# (ut the then In!ian /rime Minister Morar5i @esai not only refuse! to sanction the J 8<#<<< !eman!e! (y the RAW agent# (ut informe! /a.istan of the offer' Accor!ing to the report# /a.istanis caught an! eliminate! the RAW mole' It must (e note! that the author of 2Ham Kang 6ahin Hone @enge2 hel! the external affairs portfolio at that time' Si..im1 "ncircle! (y ,i(et# 6epal# +hutan an! West +engal in the "astern Himalayas# Si..im presente! a lucrati)e target to the In!ians' It $as rule! (y a Mahara5a' ,he In!ian Go)ernment ha! recogni*e! the title of Chogyal (@harma Ra5a for the Mahra5a of Si..im' After their .ill in "ast /a.istan# in 8CF7# RAW $as gi)en the green signal to go ahea! $ith the operation of

installing a pro&In!ian !emocratic go)ernment there' In less than three years# $ith the manipulation of RAW# Si..im (ecame the 77n! State of the In!ian Anion on April 7G# 8CF;' Mal!i)es1 ,o (ring the smaller In!epen!ent StatesLcountries in the In!ian sphere of influence $ith the use of RAW# the case of Mal!i)es ma.es an important example' In 6o)em(er 8CHH# the "ilam /eoples2 Li(eration 0ront comprising a(out 7<< ,amil secessionists on the pay roll of RAW $ere tas.e! to stage the !rama of an uprising on that peaceful islan!' At the re-uest of the /resi!ent of Mal!i)es# Mr Mamoon A(!ul Mayyum# In!ian Arme! 0orces 2-uelle!2 the insurgency engineere! (y themsel)es an! thus trie! to snea. into the a!ministrati)e mechanism of that peace&lo)ing country' =peration Chana.ya1 ,his $as the co!ename gi)en to the RAW operation in =ccupie! 9ashmir to create rifts among the )arious 9ashmiri Mu5ahi!een groups# suppress the uprising an! (ring the 9ashmiris un!er total In!ian su(5ugation' Accor!ing to ,ari- Ismail Sagar2s (oo. RAW# (Milli +oo. @epot# Lahore# 8CCF in 8CC8# RAW operati)es entere! the Srinagar %alley in the guise of free!om fighters' ,hey resorte! to loot# rape an! arson of 9ashmiri /un!it families to gi)e the popular non&communal uprising a (a! name' =peration Chana.ya gaine! momentum $hen Mossa! pro)i!e! its experience! 9atsas to train RAW operati)es' ,hey !i! gain initial successes (ut $hen later actions of =perations Chana.ya faile!# RAW commence! an intensi)e propagan!a to (lame ISI' Monitoring /a.istani ,elecommunication1 Ra$ operati)es (oast that at one time its monitoring complex ha! manage! to (rea. through /a.istani ,elecommunications an! $ere listening in to all telephonic con)ersations hel! (y important /a.istani lea!ers' RAW2s 0ailures Although RAW has ha! many successes# it has also committe! a num(er of (lun!ers' Some of these are !iscusse! (elo$1 /romulgation of "mergency1 Whereas the I+ @irector# A' Kayaram ha! a!)ise! Mrs In!ira Gan!hi against promulgating the "mergency# 9ao# Mrs Gan!hi2s han!pic.e! man an! RAW2s hea!# supporte! it' ,his pro)e! to (e a fatal mista.e' He continue! to fee! the /M reports of its popularity an! that no excesses $ere committe!' Ho$ !isastrous it pro)e! for 9ao2s (enefactor is a matter of history' =peration +lue Star1 ,his $as the co!ename gi)en to the storming of the holiest Si.h shrine# the Gol!en ,emple of Amritsar in 8CHE' Although it $as a !omestic matter an! I+2s concern# yet RAW $as pulle! in un!er the pretext of a foreign element2s (allege!ly /a.istani in)ol)ement' RAW faile! misera(ly as it coul! not assess the strength of +hin!ran$ale2s forces' What $as to (e a ; hours2 operation stretche! to ; !ays an! tan.s ha! to (e (rought in an! In!ian Army suffere! hea)y casualties' Altimately In!ira Gan!hi ha! to pay $ith her o$n life as she $as gunne! !o$n (y her Si.h (o!yguar! in retaliation to =peration +lue Star' 9ao# the /rime Minister2s Security A!)iser resigne! $ithin 7E hours of her assassination' 9ee us ne mere -atl .e (a2! Kafaa se tau(a#

HaaeN As *oo! pashemaan .aa pashemaan honaa' AhN ,he remorse of the one Who after finishing me# ,oo. the )o$ ne)er to (e cruel again' So soon !i! he repentN +ra)oN &&& Ghali( Mu5i(&ur&Rahman2s Assassination1 RAW operati)es claim that they ha! a!)ance information a(out Shai.h Mu5i(&ur&Rahman2s assassination (ut they faile! to pre)ent it' It is interesting to note that !espite its role in the creation of +angla!esh# RAW faile! to annex it' It $as a classic case of the cropping up of a !ou(le !ilemma1 >a. na shu! !o shu!' Mauritius1 Mrs Gan!hi $as so .een to see Sir See$oosagur Ramgoolam continue as the /rime Minister of Mauritius that RAW $as tas.e! to o)ersee his reelection campaign' @espite hea)y in)estments# RAW faile! (y a $i!e margin' Sri Lan.a1 Sri Lan.a ha! (een mar.e! for special attention after it ha! permitte! /a.istani aircraft to lan! for refuelling there after In!ia ha! stoppe! the o)er flight rights of /a.istani flights to an! (ac. from "ast /a.istan' Sri Lan.an /resi!ent Kunius Kay$ar!hene2s aim of turning his country into an Asian ,iger !i! not suit In!ia at all' Stung (y its failures in the In!ian /un5a(# RAW attempte! to ma.e up in Sri Lan.a' RAW starte! training militants to !esta(ili*e the /earl Islan! (ut in the (argain# such a monster $as unleashe! that e)en the lan!ing of In!ian troops as a peace.eeping force in Sri Lan.a faile! (a!ly' ")entually# Ra5i) Gan!hi (ecame a )ictim of the mu!!ling in Sri Lan.a' RAW seems to (e a congenital enemy of the Gan!hi family' Soft ,arget1 Iuhair 9ashmiri an! +rian Mac An!re$2s $ell&.no$n (oo. Soft ,arget (Kames Lorimer an! Comp'# /u(lishers# ,oronto# 8CCE pro)i!es !etails of RAW2s (otche! operations in Cana!a to malign the Si.hs there for their role in the 9halsa mo)ement an! ma.e them suspect in the eyes of the Cana!ian authorities' =n 7D Kune# 8CH; Air In!ia2s 0light 8H7 $as (lo$n up near Irelan! an! D7C innocent li)es $ere lost' =n the same !ay another explosion too. place at ,o.yo2s 6arita airport2s transit (aggage (uil!ing $here (aggage $as (eing transferre! from Cathay /acific 0light 6o C/ <<D to Air In!ia2s 0light D<8 $hich $as sche!ule! for +ang.o.' +oth aircraft $ere loa!e! $ith explosi)es from Cana!ian airports' 0light D<8 got sa)e! (ecause of a !elay in its !eparture' Initially RAW $as successful in pointing the finger at Cana!ian Si.hs (ut the Cana!ian authorities soon conclu!e! that it $as a RAW ploy' RAW2s /rimary ,arget1 /a.istan /a.istan remains RAW2s primary concern' It runs thousan!s of agents an! spen!s millions of rupees in its operations against /a.istan' It has ma!e a three&pronge! attac. against /a.istan in an attempt to !esta(ilise it1&

? /ropagan!a ? "spionage# an! ? Su()ersion RAW is totally committe! on all these three fronts an! is engage! in launching co)ert operations in consonance $ith In!ia2s hostile foreign policy' ,he Kain Commission Report# release! (y In!ia in 8CCF# ac.no$le!ges that RAW !i! sponsor the terrorist acti)ities of the Li(eration ,igers of ,amil "ilam (L,," in Sri Lan.a an! )iolent inter)ention in +angla!esh' All aspects of /a.istani acti)ities# economic# military# in!ustrial an! cultural recei)e a close scrutiny of RAW' It consi!ers Sin!h as the soft un!er&(elly of /a.istan an! has therefore ma!e it the prime target for sa(otage an! su()ersion' Asho. A +is$as# a @elhi&(ase! research scholar# in his recently compile! stu!y RAW & An Ano(structi)e Instrument of In!ia2s 0oreign /olicy# (as -uote! (y /a.istan =(ser)er in 2A RAW !eal for South Asia# <D May# 8CCH states that 2the aim of RAW is to .eep internal !istur(ances flaring up an! the ISI preoccupie! so that /a.istan can len! no $orth$hile resistance to In!ian !esigns in the region'2 He conclu!es# 2RAW o)er the years has a!mira(ly fulfille! its tas. of !esta(ili*ing target states through un(ri!le! export for terrorism' ,he 2In!ian @octrine2 spelt out a !ifficult an! onerous role of RAW' It goes to its cre!it that it has accomplishe! its assigne! o(5ecti)es' ,he In!ian go)ernment spelling out the tas. for RAW in this regar! has state!# 2/a.istan shoul! (e so !esta(ili*e! internally that it coul! not support the 29ashmir cause e)en morally# !iplomatically or politically2' 9eeping the si*e of /a.istan in )ie$# the tas. seems a !ifficult one for RAW' +ut it appears# RAW has ta.en it as a challenge an! is $or.ing assi!uously an! spee!ily to accomplish this tas.2' 6o $on!er# $ith the $ily Chana.ya as its mentor an! the machinations preache! in his Arthasastra as their (i(le# RAW is $ell e-uippe! to continue $aging its $ar of propagan!a# sa(otage an! su()ersion' It is for its prime target 2/a.istan2 to (e $ary of its maca(re game plan of continuing $ar (y 2other means2 an! continue exposing RAW2s heinous !esigns against us# $hich are a (latant# utter an! na.e! )iolation of all human )alues' An! not the least the people an! the lea!ership of In!ia: for as the great poet Ghali( sai!1 Hue tum !ost 5is.e# As .a !ushman asman .iyun ho With a frien! li.e you# Who nee!s a foeN

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