Bookbinding Tutorial Copyrighted1
Bookbinding Tutorial Copyrighted1
Bookbinding Tutorial Copyrighted1
A Bookbinding Tutorial
By Bley Hack,
Japanese stab bindings are simple and fun to make, and
are great for journals, sketchbooks, scrapbooks, and guest
books. They make unique, one of a kind gifts too!
Gather all your materials before you start to work. Make sure you have a space where
you can cut using a utility knife; an old piece of plywood makes a good cutting and work
Book board, available from art supply stores (enough to cut two covers, the size
of the book you want)
PVA glue (available from art supply stores)
Utility knife
T-square or metal ruler
Glue brush (I like to buy cheap brushes on sale, then I can throw them away when
they get nasty)
A container to pour small amounts of glue into (an old sour cream container or the
Drill, such as a Dremel tool, OR an awl
Decorative paper for the covers and optional endpapers
1/16 inch ribbon to coordinate with the cover paper
Large yarn darning needle
Any miscellaneous papers you may want to decorate the cover with
Paper for the inside pages of your book, however many you may want
Step 1: Prepare the front and back covers
Using your ruler, mark your book board to the correct size of the book you want to make;
my book measures 6 x 4 inches. With the straight edge of your ruler and utility
knife, cut the two pieces of book board to the correct size. N.B. Book board is very
dense, you will have to score it many times to cut all the way through.
With the two cover pieces in the correct size laying landscape style, measure one inch in
from the left edge of both boards.
Again, with your straight edge and utility knife, cut off the inch sections from both
boards; you will end up with something like this:
Take out your decorative paper, and cut it to rectangles that are 2 inches wider in each
dimension than your book board. These two pieces of decorative paper will cover your
book board. Center the book board on the decorative paper so you know where you want
to glue. The small one inch section should be spaced approximately 1/8-1/4 inch from
the larger section.
Get your glue ready: pour some glue into your throw-away container and have your brush
on hand. Starting with the larger section of book board first, spread glue with your brush
all over the surface.
Once both pieces are covered in glue, carefully invert and center them onto the wrong
side of the decorative paper, making sure you leave a 1/8-1/4 inch space between the two
Now, youre ready to cut the corners: using a small piece of scrap book board, hold this
diagonally across the corner. Using the utility knife and the scrap book board as the
straight edge, cut the triangles off all four corners. This is an easy way to make sure you
dont cut off too much.
Now, your cover should look something like this:
It is helpful at this point to turn the cover over, and make sure there are no air bubbles
apparent in the cover paper. J ust press them out with your fingers. PVA is a very good
glue, and most decorative papers will dry without air bubbles, but its always good to
Starting with the two short sides, spread glue onto the cover paper, and glue around the
book board.
Then, glue the two long edges.
Now, youre almost finished with your first cover. If you chose decorative paper for your
endpapers (the inside cover paper), then cut it to fit the inside cover. Otherwise, you can
always use the paper you will use for the pages, and cut it to size.
Glue it over the inside of the cover, covering up the unfinished book board:
Now repeat the directions for all of step one to finish the back cover.
Step 2: Prepare the endpapers and pages
This step is easy: simply cut the paper for your pages to the same size as your covers
MINUS - inch. If you are doing decorative endpapers (these are the first and last
pages in your book), then cut them to the same size as your inside pages.
Step 3: Drill your holes to prepare for binding
Now, take your stack of inside pages, with endpapers on the top and bottom, if desired,
and turn them portrait style, so one of the short ends is facing you. Measure inch in
towards the middle, and draw a line across the short end:
Next, make four marks, evenly spaced down the short side, centered on the line that
youve just drawn, inch from the edge:
Now, using your drill, or awl, drill through all layers of paper, to make four holes. These
holes will be used for the binding.
Take the top sheet from the pages youve just drilled, and use it as a guide to mark where
the holes should go on both covers. Holes should be marked on the edge of the covers
with the one inch book board section. Then drill holes in the two covers:
Sandwich the pages between the two covers, lining up the holes.
Youre ready to bind!
Step 4: Sewing the binding
First, cut a length of ribbon, at least one yard long, longer if you want, you can always cut
off the extra. Thread a needle onto one of end of the ribbon.
Holding your book in one hand, put the needle through the hole that is second from the
left. Pull the ribbon through, leaving a few inches of ribbon at the end.
Now, wrap the ribbon AROUND the spine, to re-enter the hole youve just been through.
Pull the ribbon through until snug.
From the side where the needle is, enter the next hole, second from the right:
Then, wrap the ribbon around the spine, as before, and re-enter the same hole:
Now the needle is on the other side of the book. Enter the right most hole:
As before, wrap the ribbon around the spine, and re-enter the right hole from the same
side as before:
Now, wrap the ribbon around the right EDGE of the spine, and re-enter the right hole, yet
Now the needle will be on the other side; turn the book over, and travel with the ribbon to
the next hole:
The needle will be on the opposite side, turn the book over, and enter the next hole, the
hole we started in:
By now, youre getting the hang of this binding. Travel with the ribbon to the next hole,
the only hole we havent been through yet.
Once again, wrap the ribbon around the spine, and re-enter the last hole. Then again,
wrap the ribbon around the side EDGE of the spine, and re-enter the same hole, as on the
previous edge:
Now, flip the book over, and make a square knot to tie off the loose ends:
Remember to leave at least 3 inches at the ends of the ribbon, ribbon is somewhat
slippery, and may come loose at your knot. Tie the ends into a bow if you like. Or add
beads to the ribbon ends; they can be extra decoration.
Now, you can decorate the cover with other decorative papers, or just leave it plain. Use
the ribbon ends for decoration or not; the possibilities are endless. Here is how I finished
And the decorative endpapers
Congratulations! Youve finished your one of a kind Japanese stab
bound book. These books are great for journals, sketchbooks,
scrapbooks, or guest books. Play around with different materials, you
can also use fabric for covers, and various other things for the binding.
Try other ribbons, or yarn, raffia, anything that you can thread!
Heres an example of an African themed book using the same
Please contact, with any questions or pictures
of your finished creations!