Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation
Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation
Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation
Dede Kusmana, MD, PhD, FACC Professor of Cardiology Head of Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of ndonesia !ational Cardiovascular Center
ncidence of Cardiovascular disease highly correlated "ith prevalence of ris# factors $hyperlipidemia, hypertension, dia%etes, smo#ing, o%esity, sedentary lifestyle, &p$a', fi%rinogen, homocystein, Chlamydia, H(Pilory infection')* )$+hi%ly UF* ,Hu%ungan #adar homosistein plasma dengan asam folat dan vitamin - serum penderita penya#it 0antung #oroner di 1+* 2antung Harapan Kita3 $4esis'*FKU 5.678''* $9otto A, Po"nall H* ,Manualof lipid
disorders3* -altimore: ;illiam < ;il#ins5 .666* p*=>(??@'* $-erlinder 2A, !ava% M, Fogelman AM, Fran#s 2+, Demer &&, Ad"ards PA, et al* ,Atherosclerosis: -asic mechanism, oBidation, inflamantion and genetics3* Circulation .66@56.:/C77(6='
Subject Man eneral population Worker ,octor, emplo)ee Stu+ent %' %1 )o eneral population eneral population !"#$$ * !'#( -.#& '" '1#1 '-#1 Woman %#"& * * * !#! '#1 -#!
+tudy in 2a#arta revealed : Prevalence of hypertension "as lo"er in heavy physical activity $./*>D' compare to moderate $CC*7D' or lo" $C?*/D' group $pE>*>>?', Hypercholesterolemia $.?*/D : @>*7D : ?=*>D' $pE>*>>>?'*
non(regular eBercise $//*8D', not eBercise $@7*?D' $pE>*>@
&ieba'er# Ris( factor intervention moderate physical e)ercise delayed atherosclerosis process. (*+CC, !!,#-"% .ambrecht,R # /nd'rance e)ercise improved 'ltra str'ct're of s(eletal m'scle on heart fail're patient.(*+CC !!0#-!% 1pataro . 2eta +nalysis from " st'dies ( n 3 4.44 s'b5ects, n 3 -.4 , f cont%, sho6ed physical e)ercise blood press're red'ction on hypertension 7 18P decreased -9 mm.g, and D8P -" mm.g, in mild hypertension - 4 mm.g and -" mm.g respectively.(2ed 1ci 1port /)erc !! %
Sudden death
CV Death Stro e
Ventricular dilatation
!VH Endothelial dysfunction RIS" #AC$%R hy&ercholesterolemia' blood &ressure' Diabetes' smo ing' thrombosis' fibrinogen Congestive heart failure
Pathophysiology Atherosclerosis
Endothelial dysfunction :
Monocyte &ipid*+luster
" , (01
Ross R, NEngl J Med34 !"###$ %&usis 'J, Nature 4 ( !)
Monocyte transmigration
Media Elastic lamin Internal External
Lipid core
Libby P. Circulation 1995;91:2 !!"2 5#.
Tiss$e%Factor Procoa#$lant
>hrombosis of a Disr'pted +theroma, the Ca'se of 2ost +c'te Coronary 1yndromes, Res'lts from7
$ea%enin& o'
Adhesion molecules TNF-a
+ A%-,
I A%-,
Serum amyloid-A
!i&o&rotein )a* $otal Homocysteine $otal Cholesterol )$C* #ibrinogen t+,A antigen $C-HD! ratio CR, CR, ( $C-HD! ratio
%oderate -isk4 56akarta Score 0 - " 8 e9g,normal 3eight, either one of ;ypertension St ,, cholesterol : 01< mg=dl , sugar : 0## mg=dl, no smoking, age 2#, average physical fitness 5.> %ets8
ounsel to lo3er the risk profile through risk factor modification , drugs -etest at one year If still moderate, reapeat every one year depend on E&ercise E ? result 5&ositive .high ris , negative @moderate risk
High Ris / )0a arta Score 1 2* e3g' obese, ;ypertension St 0 , cholesterol : 01< mg=dl, sugar : 0## mg=dl, smoking, age 2#, lo3 physical fitness 5 7 2 %ets8
ounsel to lo3er the risk through modification risk factor9 !rugs , depend on E&ercise E ? result 5positive @high risk, negative.moderate ris 8 -etest at one year
,ositive Re&eat to 4 5ee s' if still &ositive &erform Dobutamine stres test or $halium or MSC$
oronary arteriography
'2' 3uidelines
1mo(ing Cessation Lipid 2anagement Physical activity Beight management +spirinCother +ntithrombotic agents +C/ inhibitors 8eta bloc(ers 8lood press're control Diabetes 2anagement 1tro(e 1pecific7 +trial =ibrillation 2anagement, Dr'g and +lcohol +b'se 2anagement
>abel =a(tor Risi(o ;ndependen Dtama Pero(o( .ipertensi Pening(atan (adar (olesterol ser'm total (dan LDL% ?adar (olesterol .DL ser'm rendah Diabetes 2ellit's Dsia lan5't