Kushagra Khare Address:-: Current Job Profile in Shree Cement
Kushagra Khare Address:-: Current Job Profile in Shree Cement
Kushagra Khare Address:-: Current Job Profile in Shree Cement
0o ,o%k ,ith 1ull con2iction an) moti2ation to achi&2& long t&%m o3-&cti2& o1 constantl4 l&a%ning n&, skills an) 5&%s5&cti2&s. 0o cont%i3ut& th& g%o,th o1 th& com5an4 an) h&l5ing c%&at& som& a)2anc&m&nt 6 o55o%tuniti&s.
: S!ree Cemen" L#m#"ed : Ass#s"an" mana%er &S#n'e O'"( )**+, : $e-e.opmen" / Pro'ess
Cu%%&ntl4 ,o%king in S!ree Cemen" L#m#"ed as Ass#s"an" mana%er (D&2&lo5m&nt 7 8%oc&ss) i)&nti14 2ia3l& %&n&,a3l& &n&%g4 $ou%c&s to l&ss&n th& count%49s )&5&n)&nc& on In)ian c&m&nt an) achi&2& &n2i%onm&ntal goals 6 cost %&)uction st%at&gi&s an) &n&%g4 sa2ing.
8%oc&ss &ngin&&%ing an) o5timization 6 .&con1igu%ations En&%g4 au)it an) manag&m&nt (nal4sis o1 t&chnical com5a%ati2& stat&m&nt o1 co%& &:ui5m&nt $tu)4 o1 2a%ious t&chnical o11&% 6 t&chnical s5&ci1ication o1 all &:ui5m&nt 8%oc&ss &ngin&&%ing o1 c&m&nt 5%o-&cts sta%ting 1%om conc&5t stag& to th& commissioning o1 th& 5lant. 8%oc&ss &ngin&&%ing acti2iti&s lik& 5lant conc&5t s4st&m7machin&%4 an) sizing o1 2a%ious &:ui5m&nt. Commissioning an) $ta3ilization o1 5%oc&ss. 1inalization* s&l&ction o1
Calculation o1 kiln loa)ing 6 cool&% &11ici&nc4 &tc. (nal4sis o1 co%& &:ui5m&nt o1 2a%ious o11&% $tu)4 o1 )i11&%&nt t45& o1 o11&% 6 &2aluat& 3asis on 5o,&%* g%in)a3ilit4* an) $5. <&at consum5tion. (ll t45& o1 calculation a3out Com5%&sso%* =an* 8um5 6 cooling to,&%. Commissioning o1 ou% n&, unit-I> at .($. Engin&&%* o%)&%ing 6 &?&cution o1 ou% n&, unt at .($. Doing %&gula% &n&%g4 au)it 6 also a m&m3&% o1 ou% &n&%g4 c&ll Co-o%)inat& ,ith 8(0 6 CDM 5%o-&cts.
@5&%ation o1 IAC kiln (1000 t5)) su55li&) 34 =Asmi)th ,ith o5&%ating s4st&m o1 (++. @5&%ation o1 3all mills 1o% %a, m&al* coal mill an) c&m&nt g%in)ing. Commissioning o1 C&m&nt mill (3all mill)* m&)ia cha%ging an) calculation o1 3all mills. $u5&%2ision )u%ing 5%oc&ss maint&nanc& -o3s in ma-o% shut )o,n.
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BIRLA CORPORATION LI?ITE$ UNIT: SATNA CE?ENT 4ORKS@ SATNA &?(P(, Grad<a"e Tra#nee En%#neer &GET, &Pro'ess ) $u5&%2ising 5%oc&ss 5a%am&t&% o1 Ciln +all Mill* .a, Mill* Coal Mill 6 Cool&%. Maint&nanc& o1 E.$.8.* +.D.C. CDCA@'E* 8.E<E(0E.
AUALIBICATION $ETAILS Pro1ess#ona. A<a.#1#'a"#on: EBa'!e.or o1 En%#neer#n% #n C!em#'a. En%#neer#n%C 1%om Ins"#"<"e o1 "e'!no.o% @
G<r< G!as# $as Un#-ers#" &C(G(,@ )**=( &Cen"ra. <n#-ers#" o1 Ind#a,@ B#.asp<r
I h&%&34 )&cla%& that th& in1o%mation gi2&n a3o2& is co%%&ct to th& 3&st o1 m4 kno,l&)g&. In cas& an4 &%%o% o% omission is 1oun) at a lat&% )at&* I shall 3& lia3l& 1o% cons&:u&nc&s a%ising out o1 it.