Butt Et Al (2003) - Using Functional Grammar

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Using Functional Grammar

An Explorer's Guide Second Edition

David But: Rhondda Fahey Susan Feez Sue Spinks Colin Yallop

National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research Macquarie University

Published and distributed by the National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research Macquarie University Sydney NSW 2109 Using functional grammar: An explorer's guide. 2nd ed. Bibliography. Includes index. ISBN 1 S640S5S0 9 I. English language - Grammar, 2, Fvinctionalisin (Linguistics). .3. Interpersonal relations. 4. Discourse analysis. 1. Butt, David, 1950-. II. National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research (Australia),

Acknowledgments Preface How to use this book 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book

MACQLIARIE Macquarie University 2000 First edition printed 1994 Reprinted with revisions 1996 Reprinted with corrections 1997 Reprinted, 1998, 1999 Second edition: Reprinted with corrections 2001, 2003 All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. The publisher would like to thank the following for permission Co reproduce copyright material: Board of Studies NSW for material on pp9, 11-13, 218-20, 222-3, 225-6, 234-5, 241, 243, adapted and reprinted from English K-6 syllabus Board of Studies NSW, 1998 and English K-6 modules Board of Studies NSW, 1998 Federation Press for the right to reproduce an extract on pi 74, from Mtilw: What the High Court said (Butt, P J and R D Engleson, 1993) The Macquarie Dictionary Library Pty Ltd for the right to reproduce the following definitions: adjective, adverb, article, conjunction, noun, preposition, pronoun, verb on p27, from the Macquarie dictionary: Second edition, 1997 News Limited and the authors for the reprinting and adaptation on pp229-3I, 294-6 of the article 'City bartered by giant hailstones' (Georgina Safe and Matt Price) in The Australian, 15 April, 1999 Georgina Safe and Matt Price Phoenix Education for text adapted on pj 79, from Creatine writing skills: Uteraiy and media text types- (H de Silva Joyce and S Fcez 2000). The National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research (NCELTR) is a Commonwealth Government Key Centre of Research and Teaching established at Macquarie University in 1988, The National Centre forms part of the Linguistics discipline at Macquarie University. NCELTR's Key Centre activities are funded by the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, DTP 2nd edition: Helen La very Printed by: Robert Burton Printers

Towards a functional grammar How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings How speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further How speakers organise their message: Exploring textual meanings Patterns of clause combination Exploring context Exploring text Functional grammar and language education



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Further explorations Appendices Appendix A: Summary of metalanguage for each analysis Appendix B: Meaning patterns across a text Appendix C: Prepositional phrase (and adverbial group) help sheet Appendix D: Templates for summarising experiential meanings Appendix E: Templates for summarising interpersonal meanings Appendix F: Templates for summarising textual meanings of Theme Appendix G: Template for for exploring nominal group structures Appendix H: Sample text analysis: News story text Appendix I: The structure of the Nursery Tale Answers to exercises Bibliography

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The systemic functional grammar which is explored in this book originated with Michael Halliday. His ideas were gathered together in his An introduction to functional (grammar {2nd edition, 1994. London: Edward Arnold), which remains the most important teaching document for this theory of grammar. Others such as Ruqaiya Hasan, Christian Match lessen and James Robert Martin have explored Halliday's ideas and carried the theory further. This book has no such pretensions. Rather it is an introduction to the Introduction. We hope that it encourages people to read Halliday and Hasan, then Martin and Matthiessen. It necessarily simplifies and leaves out the harder parts of the grammar without dumbing down the parts it includes. Michael Halliday has also underlined the links between learning language, learning through language and learning about language. This book now includes some reflections on these connections directed especially to those involved in language education and TESOL, but it is written for everyone who puzzles over the patterns of language and their place in the system as a whole, The writing of this book has been very much a team effort - in fact the efforts of a community of linguisty at Macqiiarie University over a considerable period of time. A significant debt goes back to those who set up the context for our work, in particular, our teachers and supervisors: Professors Arthur Delbridge, Michael Halliday, Ruqaiya Hasan and Jim Martin. Also part of the community effort are the many colleagues who have offered advice and encouragement over the many years of development of this textbook. Special thanks must go to Professor Chris Candlin for his support and for writing such an enthusiastic preface to the book. In addition to colleagues, we need to thank the several generations of linguistics students at Macqiiarie University who have offered constructive criticism along the way as each new edition (published initially as course notes and since 1995 in book form) was tested in our teaching program. We also want to express our thanks to the children (some of them now young adults) who have allowed us to use their texts; to our editor and designer; and to our families and friends. And finally each one of us would like to thank the other four for the unfailing friendship, generosity and support which has meant that, at the end of a long and sometimes difficult process, we are still all friends as well as colleagues. David Butt Rhondda Fahey Susan Feez Sue Spinks Colin Yallop February 2000

This is a book which aims to defuse controversy and chart an exploration. Its subject matter, Grammar, is one on which pretty well everyone has strong views, even if they haven't had very much direct and thoughtful contact themselves with any of its various meanings. Grammar simply is a topic which incites an enormous amount of active and sharp debate. For a subject which hasn't been highlighted in schools, except in a few places, for a long time, it is curious that it's rarely absent from the newspapers. There are two main reasons for this: the first is that for many people (and not only those in authority), grammar is seen as a type of selection test - being good at it (whatever 'good' and 'it' mean) is regarded as a form of educational quality control exercise, serving to separate the linguistic sheep from the linguistic goats. The second is that it's a kind of mystery, full of arcane terms which hardly anyone understands, but the mastery of which is seen to be good for you, like cod liver oil, or part of growing up. You get inducted into it. On both counts, grammar is everyone's property; it is not directly linked with effective context-sensitive communication and everyone has a strongly-held view on what grammar is. In both cases its effect is pretty alienating. So, if we want to turn that perception around, the first obvious place to begin is to unpack the metaphor of grammar and set out what these meanings might be. To do that, though, we need to place our study of grammar in a broader framework of language and understanding, and to reaffirm from the start that grammar as a means of explaining the significant and functional patterning of words in the making of meaning can't be wished away. After all, if language was just a random collection of words, you couldn't acquire it, you couldn't learn it and you'd be imprisoned in the here and now because you couldn't talk about what was, what might be and what will be. You couldn't express someone else's point of view any more than your own and you couldn't evaluate what someone else had said. You couldn't construct complete and coherent texts. You couldn't distinguish one type of writing or speaking from another. You'd be in a 'me Tarzan~you Jane' situation, swinging from the wordtrees, pointing at things with little labels on them to try to make your partner understand. Grammar frees you from the shackles of vocabulary in that sense, so we had better work out how these conventional patternings liberate rather than imprison us. In a sense, I've already given the game away. I've introduced the idea of grammar as language patterning and by that implied some system that allows principled choices to be made. What we say or write is always a matter of exercising these choices, designing our texts with some purpose in mind. I've also implied, by using the metaphor of patterning, that the patterns don't have to have the same dimensions. You can talk about the grammar patterns of clauses and you can talk about the grammar patterns of whole texts. It's all a matter of perspective, but it's crucial to agree what the focus is. Make sure that whoever you're talking to about grammar, you're talking about the same view of grammar. Not doing that is most of the problem. So, there are two central points to make: grammar is a matter of meaningful, flexible but patterned choice and


Using Functional Qrammar



grammar is not just a matter of labelling classes of words - it's a purposeful, constructive and above all social enterprise. Given this focus on patterns for meaning, a good way to start is with whole texts, not just words on a plate, to get a sense of how texts are structured, varied and how they are built up of clauses, themselves the product of careful, conditioned co-selections of vocabulary. If you start from texts, then you begin with the main point. Grammar is about communicative purposes, it is always contextualised to the particular social participants (writers/readers and speakers/hearers). It's about turning words into messages, and it's always negotiable (the meanings, that is). To see how flexible the patterns are take a look at the poems of Dylan Thomas, the plays of Shakespeare, the lyrics of the Rolling Stones or your favourite TV ad. The point is that grammar is not random and if you master the patterning potential, you can always say what you mean and write what you intend to get across, and anyone else who shares the code can get a handle on what you had in mind. The sky's the limit (almost).That is why in this book of explorations and maps of the wonderful world of grammar, you will keep on coming up against words like choice, function, system, context, (and even goings-on). That makes a refreshing change from breaking your head on some anonymous rules. So, this isn't a revolutionary little red book and it isn't a set of rules for the blind following of. It isn't about knocking down 'traditional' grammar' (whatever that is) and it isn't about thrusting a new model down your throats. What it does is to explain what you can learn to mean if you have a bag of appropriately selected words, a set of patterns and a sense and a skill of just how you can weave from them a texture of messages which will be just what your audiences need and can understand. (Of course, it also helps to have something worth saying or writing, but then grammar can't do everything, though it can make it appear very effective). It will show you how factors outside a text (purposes, audiences, the nature of the subject-matter) all have an effect on the choices that you are ultimately going to make. The people who have written diis book know what they're talking about. They've been teaching functional grammar for years to all shapes and sizes of people (and not only school and university students you'd be surprised how many teachers, lawyers, business people, writers are aching to get a handle on a functional, user-friendly model of grammar). Look no further! They know their readership, What die book does is to start where you might be, by asking those questions which will allow you to build up your own metaphor of grammar. Whatever your starting point is, you're going to be engaged by questions and by tasks, so that by the time you've been at it a while, you'll be as much of an analyst of what the authors write as of what you yourself write subsequently. Sharpening up your self-editing skills is a bonus by-product of buying this book. Don't read every page, don't always read the pages in order. Learn to dodge around. Go for the parts that interest you or speak to the problems and issues that are on your mind. You'll find that the authors have packed the text with examples and that the argument is very clear. The book is very well designed

and laid out, so it's not going to be a hard map to follow. You might well try walking the pages with a friend; it's a good way of realising quickly that if you want to talk to someone about language and its grammatical patterns, it gets pretty tricky if you don't have a language in which to talk about language. You'll need a code and this book offers you one that anyone can work with. Above all, remember what 1 wrote at the beginning: grammar is a loaded weapon and you'd better handle it gingerly while you're getting the knack. It's there to solve problems, not create them. The authors don't make any apology for the power of the weapon. Grammar is the main means by which we can be creative, systematic and purposeful in our communication. It makes sense to take it seriously, to talk and write about it, to share our understandings of it around, and to become very conscious indeed of its power to shape what we want to mean. Seen like that, grammar isn't a selection device, it's not a debilitating arid enslaving process, it's not a magical mystery tour - it's what it's always been - the only way we have of achieving, through effective use of language, what we can all be. This book is both a map and a guidebook that will help you chart your journey to permit your own consistent explorations of your language and your culture, and if you're a language educator, look no further: the basis for your language curriculum is hidden inside! Professor Christopher N Candlin Centre for English Language Education and Communication Research Department of English City University of Hong Kong and Adjunct Professor of Linguistics Macquarie University, Sydney

How to use this book

When we wrote the first edition of this book, we were writing for people just beginning to study functional grammar. In fact, the first edition was a published version of teaching materials developed over many years for students in our first year program. These students included budding teachers, lawyers, journalists, translators, editors and literary analysts. Their interests were reflected in the texts and exercises we chose, This second edition of the book has an extra focus. At the end of each chapter there is a section titled 'Implications for language teaching', which is especially directed at language educators and their students. These sections re-examine the grammar from the perspective of first and second language education, offering focused reflections and exercises. The final chapter of the hook is an 'applied' chapter specifically directed at language teachers. In the first instance, not everyone will want to do alt the exercises. Some readers may finish each chapter before the final 'implications' section; others will be most interested in this section. Finally, of course, we hope all readers wilt return to all sections of each chapter, seeing the grammar as both analysis and application, The audience of this book, then, will be everyone who wants to explore language in general, and English in particular, from a functional perspective. All readers will be undertaking this exploration because they are interested in language and how it works in context. This book offers a beginner's guide to such exploration, but we hope that our readers will become excited enough about language study and the usefulness of this model to take the journey much further. The second edition of Using functional grammar is the set text for distance-teaching units jointly developed for the Master of Applied Linguistics (Macquarie University, Sydney) and the TESOL module of the Master of Education (The Open University, UK). For further information on these courses, contact: The Call Centre, The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, England Telephone: +44 (0) 1908 653231 Website: http://soe.open.ac.uk Linguistics Distance Learning Office Deptartment of Linguistics Macquarie University, Sydney 2109, Australia Telephone: +61 2 9850 9243 Website: www.ling.mq.edu.au

Using Functional Qrammar

Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book This introductory chapter attempts to provide, in the most general way, a philosophical underpinning for the tools of grammatical analysis that Using Functional Grammar explores. Our grammatical analysis will be functional in the sense that we will account for each element in the language by describing how it functions. As readers you will bring your own language experiences to this book; some of you will have formal training in other grammars and some will never have studied grammar before; some will be teachers in a wide variety of subjects and schools, others will be students, mums or dads. We can't emphasise strongly enough that all your previous language experiences are valuable as you begin this exploration of functional grammar. As you work through the book, we hope you will come to share our view that functional grammar is not a set of rules but a set of resources for describing, interpreting and making meaning. Being able to see the relationship between the often unconscious language choices each of us make all the time and the intricate social lives we lead is one of the most exciting language experiences for students and teachers.

Welcome on board!

The influence of context

Quite early in life, perhaps as young as three years old, we become aware that the language that surrounds us is not always the same but that it changes according to different situations. As we hear people using language to talk about what is going on and to interact with one another we notice that their language changes along with what they are talking about and who they are talking to. As our experience widens, we may also realise that spoken language is subtly different from written language, and even that there are subsets within the larger spoken and written varieties. When we notice just how the changes occur and the reasons for the changes, we are taking a functional view of language and in this sense we all do functional linguistics. As adult speakers and writers or" English we have a finely tuned ability to use appropriate language at different times and for different purposes. We are aware, if only subconsciously, that language choice is influenced by certain aspects of the context in which it is used. We know that the English used in a sermon would not do for a love letter, and the English of a game of cards is not exactly the same as the English of a cat food advertisement. This discrimination has been built up from our accumulated experiences of different situations and the language choices made within them. Using the same, often subconscious, knowledge, we are usually able to deduce the context of the language we hear or read, and can classify it quite finely; distinguishing, for instance, between a general warning, mild reprimand or serious chastisement. Our ability to discriminate and classify language experiences comes about because we have ourselves experienced how English works in different contexts and we recognise and reproduce appropriate language when the situation arises and contexts recur. Most people don't think very much about the different 'Englishes' they use, probably because they've always kept them in separate context-specific compartments. However, those linguists who take a functional view of language are supremely interested in what makes one piece of language different from another. In this book we guide our readers from an intuitive knowledge of the functional basis of language to a fully aware appreciation of functional grammar by introducing techniques and appropriate vocabulary to explore English texts and to describe their contextual features.

Texts in contexts
A good place to start is to say more precisely what functional linguists mean by TEXT. A text is a piece of language in use; that is, 'language that is functional' (Halliday and Hasan 1985). A text's length is not important and it can be either spoken or written. What is important is that a text is a harmonious collection of meanings appropriate to its context. This unity of purpose gives a text both texture and structure. Texture comes from the way the meanings in the text fit coherently with each other - in much the same way as the threads of a piece of fabric or carpet are woven together to make a whole. Structure refers to the way that most pieces of language in use will contain certain obligatory structural elements appropriate to their purpose and context. Actually, a text always occurs in two contexts, one within the other. This is represented visually in Figure 1.1. The outer context around a text is known as the CONTEXT OF CULTURE. When you think of the differences in forms of address, in ceremonies, in politeness and in significant activities between one culture and another, you get some idea of the importance of context of culture in shaping meanings. The context of culture is sometimes described as the sum of all the meanings it is possible to mean in that particular culture. Within the context of culture, speakers and writers use language in many more specific contexts or situations. Each of these is an inner context, which functional linguists call the CONTEXT OF SITUATION. The combination of context of culture and context of situation results in the differences and similarities between one piece of language and another. The spoken texts accompanying vegetable shopping, for example, would be quite different in a North American supermarket from those in a Pacific island

Using Functional Qrammar

Ideas and philosophy undcrpinnmg this book

marketplace, and both context of culture and context of situation would be implicated in the differences. The barter and trading of the island market place simply don't occur within the context of culture of the supermarket conglomerate and this cultural difference will influence aspects of the buying context of situation.

Field, Tenor and Mode

In very general terms, we can define field, tenor and mode as follows: Field: what is to be talked or written about; the long and short term goals of the text; Tenor: the relationship between the speaker and hearer (or, of course, writer and reader); Mode: the kind of text that is being made, When you think about these parameters of context of situation you will realise that only one of the three needs to be different to create a substantially different text. Imagine the differences between a job application letter and a letter to a friend about your hopes of getting the job, and then compare the letter to a friend with a conersation with the same friend on the same topic. All three texts are about a job application (field) and two of them are made in the form of a letter (mode). What particularly makes the two letters different is the difference in the relationships between writer and reader (tenor),

o Text i

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Figure 1.1; Text in context Context of situation is a useful term to cover the things going on in the world outside the rext that make the text what it is. These are the extralinguistic features of a text which are given substance in the words and grammatical patterns that speakers and writers use consciously or subconsciously to construct texts of different varieties, and that their audience uses to classify and interpret. Although at first it may seem astonishing, the situational differences between texts can, in fact, be accounted for by just three aspects of the context. Systemic functional linguists refer to these three aspects, or parameters, of the context of situation as FIELD, TENOR, and MODE OF DISCOURSE. We see this represented visually in Figure 1.2.

Functions of language
The three parameters of context of situation affect our language choices precisely because they reflect the three main functions of language. Language seems to have evolved for three major purposes. These are; to talk about what is happening, what will happen, and what has happened * * to interact and/or to express a point of view to turn the output of the previous two functions into a coherent whole. Halliday, who originated and refined systemic functional grammar and who has written about it in An introduction to functional gramnw.r (1994), calls these main functions the ideational (experiential and logical), interpersonal, and textual metafunctions. Each of these functions is defined in the following paragraphs. While these definitions are more formal ways of describing the metafunctions than the simple definitions above, they are basically describing the same thing. The IDEATIONAL metafunction uses language to represent experience. There are two parts to this representation: experiential meanings encode the experiences and logical meanings show the relationships between them. Experiential meanings are discussed in Chapter 3. Logical meanings are not fully discussed in this book although you will find some mention of them in Chapter 2 and a simplified discussion of the connections between clauses in Chapter 7. The INTERPERSONAL metafunction uses language to encode interaction, to show how defensible we find our propositions, to encode ideas about obligation and inclination and to express our attitudes. Chapters 4 and 5 explore the analysis and description of interpersonal meanings,

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Figure 1.2: Parameters of context of situation

Using Functional Qrammar

Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book

The TEXTUAL metahinction uses language to organise our experiential, logical and inter^ personal meanings into a coherent and, in the case of written and spoken language) linear whole. Chapter 6 explores the analysis and description of textual meanings,
Extralinguistic levels -

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It is central to any study of language that the words we use and the way we organise them carry, or more technically encode^ meanings. In the systemic functional approach to language study, each sentence encodes not just one but three meanings simultaneously, and these meanings are related to the three different and very baste functions of language. Throughout the book we will be looking first at one kind of meaning and then another, always remembering that after dissecting each different meaning separately we will combine them again. By Chapter 8, when we return to context of situation, we will have at our disposal the grammatical tools for a full contextual analysis and description.

realised in CONTENT LEVELS Semantics (systems of meanings) realised in Lexicogrammar (systems of wordings systems of signing) Linguistic levels realised in EXPRESSION LEVEL Phonology (systems of sounds) Gestures Graphology (systems of writing}

Levels of language
When we take a recording of a spoken text or a similarly disembodied written text and make some accurate pronouncements about its context of situation, or when we ourselves fabricate a text which constructs recognisable relationships and purposes, we are demonstrating the fundamental relationship between context and language - that the extralinguistic levels of context are REALISED in the meanings of a text. Linguists often think of language as a series of levels or strata and use the term REALISATION to describe the relationship between levels. Figure 1.3 is a diagrammatic representation of the way the levels are related by realisation. Reading from the top of the diagram downwards, the extralinguistic contexts are realised in the content level of our language, and the content is given form in the expression.

Figure 1.3: Levels of language

The expression level of language

Of course there are different ways of expressing the lexicogrammar which realises our meanings. At the expression level we make choices from systems of sounds (PHONOLOGY), systems of gesture (the phonology of signed languages) and systems of writing (GRAPHOLOGY).

The content level of language

The content level of language is more accurately two levels, the second realising the first. We could think of the first level as systems of meanings that are realised in the second level - the systems of wordings. (In the case of signed languages, such as Auslan, ASL or BSL, meanings are realised in systems of signing.) More technically, we refer to systems of meanings as SEMANTICS and systems of wordings or signing as LEXICOGRAMMAR, which simply means words and the way they are arranged. The notion of system is important because it refers to the whole potential of language at each level. Clearly, systems of meanings include experiential, interpersonal and textual systems and this hook mainly focuses on the ways each of them is realised at the lexicogrammatical level.

Finding a metalanguage
Systemic functional grammar is a way of describing lexical and grammatical choices from the systems of wording so that we are always aware of how language is being used to realise meaning. Obviously we need some specialised vocabulary to describe and write about texts, just as musicians need a specialised vocabulary to describe and write about musical sounds or geographers need a specialised vocabulary to talk about how the earth's surface is differentiated. The problems that arise if we try to do without technical terms are amusingly illustrated in an excerpt from Lewis Carroll's poem 'The hunting of the snark* (next page).

Using Functional (grammar

Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book

The hunting of the snark

He had bought a large map represcnting the sea, Without the least vestige of lard: And the crew were much pleased when they found it to be A map they could all understand. 'What's the use ofMercaior's North Poles and Equators, Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?' So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply 'They are merely conventional signs'.' 'Other maps are such shapes, with their islands and capes'. But we've got our brave Captain to thank' (So the crew would protest) 'that he's brought us the best A perfect and absolute blank!' Lewis Carroll

W h e n texts share the same context of situation to a greater or lesser extent, they will share the same experiential, interpersonal and textual meanings and so they belong to the same register. We can talk about a register of cat food advertisements or a register of doctor-patient interviews because we know the same general meanings will be realised in texts produced in these contexts. We can even talk about a register of teacher talk because, although the lesson contents will be different, the texts will realise the same purposes and relationships. Because texts belonging to the same register have meanings in common, they also share patterns of lexicogrammar. This knowledge is very useful for creating our own texts; it is easier to produce a text of a certain type when you know the grammatical patterns to use.

When texts share the same general purpose in the culture, they will often share the same obligatory and optional structural elements and so they belong to the same genre or text type. Of course it's much easier to produce an appropriate text when you know its structure, and for this reason awareness of text types is now part of the curriculum in some schools. O n e primary school syllabus document is based on a set of text types which fulfil specific social purposes. The text types are used to specify what students should be able to achieve with language if they are to meet the stated outcomes of the syllabus. The document begins in the extralinguistic context with a set of purposes for using language (see Figure 1.4).
Purposes for using language Text types

A specialised language allows us to explore texts by describing how different elements function to realise experiential, interpersonal and textual meanings. W h e n our specialised language becomes our tool for analysing the lexicogrammar and meanings of texts, it opens up opportunities for comparing texts with each other. Indeed, tntertextual comparison can not go very far without a specialised vocabulary to tease out the differences and similarities between texts. This specialised descriptive language is known as a METALANGUAGE and the investigation and comparison of texts is often known as STYLISTICS. Stylistics is not just for literary texts. We can use our metalanguage to compare any texts we choose; for example, scientific or literary, written or spoken. We can investigate why one teacher seems to get the message across better than another, we can interpret advertisements as well as lyrics, we can compare newspaper stories, define the style of an individual barrister, or uncover similarities between authors of the same period.


to tell what happened, to document a sequence of events and evaluate their significance in some way to construct a pattern of events with a problematic and/or unexpected outcome that entertains and instructs the reader or listener to tell how to do something to present information about something to tell how and why things occur to argue a case to look at more than one side of an issue; to explore various perspectives before coming to an informed decision




Text types: Registers and genres

In general, texts which have the same sorts of meanings and/or the same structural elements are said to belong to tire same TEXT TYPE. In particular, texts with meanings in common are said to belong to the same REGISTER and texts with obligatory structural elements in common are said to belong to the same GENRE.


Figure 1.4: Adapted from English K-6 syllables 1998 Board of Studies NSW


Using Functional Qrammar

Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book


The social purposes for using language listed in this table are necessarily very general, and are certainly n o t exhaustive. Teachers working with this syllabus will select examples of text types to reflect the learning needs and goals of the particular students they are teaching. Different social purposes will produce texts with distinct structural elements, each of which contributes to the a c h i e v e m e n t of the text's purpose. Some texts are a combination of several text types, but the following texts are fairly straightforward examples of each type. The structural elements are marked in the left-hand column. You will notice that certain structural elements are missing in some of these texts. This is because they are real texts written by fairly young children, some of whom speak English as a second language. These particular texts have been selected for two reasons. The first is a very pragmatic one: texts produced by young learners are short and because we are concerned with whole texts rather than isolated fragments of language, it is important that we are able to explore grammar in the context of whole texts. Longer texts would be beyond the scope of a book of this size to explore in a comprehensive way. In addition, young learners use meanings and grammatical structures that are comparatively easy, for those of us exploring functional grammar for the first time, to manage. The second reason for our selection is perhaps more significant for those of us who work in language education. In the early years of schooling young learners are building foundation knowledge about language and its use. This foundation knowledge becomes the basis for their future development in language and literacy. It is in texts such as these that language educators can see what underpins English language development at all levels,

Narrative: Josephine's text

Structural elements Orientation information about who
and where Text One day a monster came out of my hot water pipe.

Complication events that constitute a problem or crisis evaluation of the problem Resolution w information about how problem was resolved and normal events resumed Coda

1 was very frightened. 1 called my mum and she came and saw the Floogleboogy and ran outside.

1 wanted to make friends with it and give it a name so 1 called it a Floogieboogy and that night it came to bed with me.

personal evaluation

And 1 found that a Floogleboogy snores very loud indeed and mum was too frightened to come and kiss me goodnight.

Procedure: How to catch a wave

Structural elements Goal Text How to catch a wave
Here's some advice for kids who are just learning to surf.

Recount: Caitlin's text

Structural elements Orientation information about who she tried to do a backward roll and she um like her neck clicked or something and um she was taken to hospital in an ambulance and I had to write down what happened because I was in her group Text There's this girl in my class ...


Use a light, small, fibreglass board with a legrope and a wetsuit if it's cold, Find a safe, uncrowded spot on the beach. The water should be not too choppy so that you will get a clean ride. Don't go out too far if you haven't surfed before. Wait until you see a small wave then lie on your surf board. When the wave is close, start paddling furiously. If you are more experienced, you could try kneeling on the board once you are on the wave. The most important thing is to keep your balance or else you will end up falling off the board!

Steps (in sequence)

Record of events i n the order in w h i c h they occurred Reorientation rounding off the sequence of events Coda personal evaluation

I've done that before and it doesn't hurt that much. I think she's over-reacting just a bit

'How to catch a wave'; English K-6 modules 1998: 312 Board of Studies NSW


Using Functional Qrammar

Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book


Information report: Pelicans

Structural elements General Statement * identification and classification Description information organised in bundles (appearance, habitat, behaviour etc) Text Pelicans Pelicans are part of the Bird family.

Exposition: Cars should be banned

Structural elements Statement of position Text Cars should be banned in the city Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents, First, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and 'triggers' off asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them. Second, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. And third, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone. Reinforcement of statement of position In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

Pelicans have a big bill with a pouch. Most Pelicans have white body feathers. All Pelicans have short legs. Most Pelicans have webbed feet. Most Pelicans live around the coast. Pelicans eat crustaceans, crabs, fish and shrimps. Pelicans fly with their head back. Pelicans lay Iwo, three or four white eggs. They take thirty-five days to hatch.

Preview of arguments

Arguments (supported by evidence)

'Pelicans': English K-6 modules 1998: 135 Board of Studies NSW

Explanation: Susan's text

Structural elements Identifying statement Text How hail is formed Hail is rain or snow which has frozen into round pellets. Sometimes in storms strong air currents force raindrops upwards into clouds of freezing water. When the raindrops begin to freeze into round peilets they become heavier and start to fall. As they fall back into the air currents, they are forced upwards again into the freezing clouds. This coats the pellets in another layer of ice. The pellets continue to bounce up into the freezing cloud to be coated in more layers of ice and down into the air current until they become too heavy for the air current. They then fall to earth as hailstones.

Cars should be banned in the city': English K-6 modules 1998: 312 Board of Studies NSW

Explanation sequence the phases of the process in the order in which they occur

Discussion: Homework
Structural elements Issue Text Homework I think we should have homework because it helps us to learn and revise our work. Arguments for Homework helps people who aren't very smart to remember what they have learned. Homework is really good because it helps with our education, Arguments against I think we shouldn't have homework because I like to go out after school to a restaurant or the movies. Sometimes homework is boring and not important. I think homework is bad because I like to play and discuss things with my family.

'Homework': English IC6 modules 1998: 151 Board of Studies NSW

Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book U Using Functional Qrammar


Each of the texts featured on pages 10-13 has a general structure which it shares with other texts of the same type. In each case the writers have also made characteristic grammatical choices. As we will need grammatical metalanguage before we can explore these choices, we will return to this topic in Chapter 9-

Implications for language teaching

For language teachers the most important concept introduced in this chapter is that learning language is more than learning vocabulary and grammar. Learning a language involves learning' how to use the language in a way that makes sense to other people who sneak the language. In other words it is about making meaning with that language. Chapter 1 introduces us to a way of thinking about, and describing, how we use language to make meaning. We are asked to think about language in terms of units called TEXTS. A text is not described in terms of language fragments such as sentences or words, but in terms or a whole, harmonious collection of meanings that has unity of purpose. The words and structures encode the meanings in a text. These meanings are given their harmony and unity through two design features - texture and structure. The metaphor of a piece of woven fabric or carpet is used to describe texture because meanings are woven together in a text to create harmony and unity. At the same time, however, the meanings in a text are configured in such a way that the text has a structure - a kind of architecture with a unifying, structural shape - through which the text achieves its purpose. Once we take a functional view of language, we begin to think about language as a process of making meanings, weaving these meanings together coherently and shaping them into purposeful wholes, or texts. The task of language education thus becomes one of supporting language learners so they can participate in this process effectively.

To sum up
People sometimes think that 'learning a language' is a simple matter of learning vocabulary and grammar, but anyone who has visited a country where an unfamiliar language is spoken can tell you this is only part of the story. Our everyday lives are conducted in situations that are part of our context of culture and, to a large extent, these situations are familiar - which is partly how we recognise and understand other people's meanings - because we share the same cultural knowledge. Whenever we speak or write we make selections from the entire lexical and grammatical system of English to produce appropriate meanings for the field, tenor and mode of a context of situation, When we first operate in a second language we may know the words but not the appropriate contexts; we really only understand other speakers when we share, not only words and grammar hut also which words and which grammatical choices are appropriate for a situation.

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1 Why do we need a metalanguage? 2 What differences and similarities can you find among a. a recipe b. a curriculum vitae

What approach will he usedfryteachers who think about language as text?

Teachers who think about language as text are most likely to design activities in which students work with the language of whole authentic texts. They are less inclined to design classroom activities in which students work with unconnected language fragments, for instance activities with sets of unrelated sentences winch they are asked to change into the past tense or make plural. Teachers with a background in functional grammar are also less likely to design activities in which students have to learn the dictionary definitions of sets of unrelated words separate from the texts in which these words are LLsed. Instead they ate more likely to design activities in which students work with the language of whole authentic texts.

c. a joke d. an essay written in the last year of secondary school

e. the news on the radio 3 Find four examples of texts you have heard or read in the last week. What can you say about their context?

Is it enough to teach language from the perspectives of whole texts alone?

In this chapter we discuss the concept of language as text and the relationship between texts and the contexts in which they are used. In a functional approach to language a

16 Using Functional Qrammar text is seen as 'a harmonious set of meanings appropriate to its context'. In other words, a text emerges from a context. In this chapter context is described from two perspectives: from the perspective of the general culture in which the text is being used, and from the perspective of the specific social situation in which the text is being used. The combination of these two contexts accounts for the differences and similarities between different pieces of language. Teachers who accept that context and text depend on each other in this way will teach students how to investigate the context of the texts they encounter and how to use knowledge of context to work with texts more effectively.

Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book


having explored the mode of a situation, teachers can identify words and structures for organising these meanings into a text in that particular context (textual meanings). As well as describing the varieties of language needed in different contexts of situation, teachers can also identify texts which share the same kinds of meanings; that is, the same register. These texts will become the basis for activities in which students transfer what they have already learned about language use from one text to other texts which share the same or a similar register. Once teachers have explored the contexts of situation relevant to their students' learning needs and goals, they are able to describe the different varieties of language their students need to control in order to achieve these goals. Teachers can then design courses based on these language varieties. Teachers can also help students build strategies for recognising and analysing varieties of language appropriate to different contexts, strategies that guarantee meaningful language learning will continue long after formal classes have ended. In addition, teachers can show students how to recognise texts which share the same kinds of meanings. In this way students can transfer knowledge about language use from one context to related contexts. The second tool introduced in this chapter for managing the relationship between text and context allows us to explore the link between structure and social purpose. The structures of texts reflect the general purposes language is used for in the culture in which the target language is used. For example, different text structures are used in English to: " tell stories persuade people to a point of view

Wlxat approach will be used by teachers who think about language as text in context?
If we accept that understanding the context is essential for understanding a text completely, then students must be able to explore the social and cultural world of the communities who use the language they are trying to control. In this way students will learn to use the target language in culturally and socially relevant, appropriate and purposeful ways. They will also learn how variation in context accounts for variation in language use.

How can teachers explore the complex relationship between text and context?
In this chapter we are given two tools to explore the relationship between text and context in a systematic way: the first allows us to describe how a context of situation is reflected in the variety of language used in that situation and the second allows us to explore the link between structure and social purpose. The three aspects of the context of situation field, tenor and mode - are configured in different ways from one context of situation to the next. These different configurations account for the differences between the language used in one context and the language used in another. Teachers can use field, tenor and mode to describe the variety of language which is likely to occur in any context of situation in which their students need to use the target language. Using these descriptions, teachers can identify the meanings, words and structures which are possible, or even probable, in that context. More specifically: having explored the field of a situation, teachers can identify words and structures for making meanings about experience in that situation (experiential meanings) " having explored the tenor of the situation, teachers can identify words and structures for building relationships and expressing points of view in that context (interpersonal meanings)

give instructions

explain things. Texts exemplifying these structures are found on pages 10-13. Texts that share the same general social purpose in the culture share the same underlying structural pattern, or the same genre. W h e n students are introduced to the structural patterns of different genres, they build a rich repertoire of text elements. This repertoire becomes the basis for constructing whole texts that are sensitive to the demands of the culture and, therefore, effective in the culture. As students gain confidence and expertise with different text patterns, they are able to adapt, combine and customise these patterns to meet individual and complex purposes. Knowledge of register makes it possible for learners to vary the language used within generic text patterns in order to meet the specific demands of immediate situations.

How can teachers find their way around this complex terrain?
This chapter presents us with a rich and detailed picture of language that offers teachers both opportunities and challenges. Language is described in terms of:


Using Functional Qrammar whole texts

Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book


" the contexts of its use, both cultural contexts and immediate social situations * the systematic (inks between text and context. When we explore a new terrain, we are less likely to lose our way if we have a map. It is also useful to know the names and characteristics of the features of the landscape so we can recognise them and understand how they relate to other features of the landscape, in this chapter we have been given a complex 'map* of language and context that is designed in layers, or leveb, not unlike the levels of many computer games. The most abstract and general layer of the map is the context of culture and the most concrete layer is the expression level of language (see Figure 1.3). Functional linguists are able to describe systematically what it is possible to do with language at each level of this map. In other words, they can describe the potential of each layer of language. Language users tap this potential every time they choose to use a sound or a word, every time they structure words into grammatical patterns to make meaning, and every time they weave and shape meanings into a text in a context. The more teachers know about the potential of each layer, the more they can draw students' attention to salient language features and patterns. The more students know about the potential of each layer, the more conscious, strategic and effective their language choices will be. Functional linguists use a specialised language, or metalanguage, to describe the potential for making meaning of each layer of the language-in-context map. This specialised language makes it possible to: describe what language does analyse how language does what it does compare and contrast language use from text to text and from context to context. This specialised language offers teachers an opportunity to build a rich and detailed body of knowledge about language and its use, a body of knowledge that can greatly enrich professional expertise. Teachers can use this metalanguage to bring to their own and their students' consciousness key features and patterns of language. In other words the metalanguage provides a common language which teachers and students can use to talk to each other about language and how it works. A rich metalanguage, such as the one introduced in this book, also offers teachers the foil owing challenges: it takes time and effort to learn this specialised language. It takes considerable professional judgement to decide how much of this specialised language to share with students in order to achieve optimum learning outcomes. We will return to these challenges in the final chapter. In the meantime, the exploration continues.

Further reading
In The functional analysis of English: A Hallidayan approach (Bloor and Bloor 1995) there is an entertaining political allegory written to persuade the reader of the value of a specialised and technical metalanguage (pl3). Rutherford (1987) in his hook Second language grammar: Learning and teaching introduces the idea of'grammatical consciousness-raising'.

Identify a text which is a good example of the type of text you would like your students to be able to use effectively. The text could be spoken or written. Examine your chosen text using the following questions as a guide. 1 What can you say about the field of this text? (What is the text about?) 2 What can you say about die tenor? (What is the relationship between the speaker and hearer or writer and reader?) 3 What can you say about the mode? (What kind of text is being made, eg face-to-face interaction, book, letter, essay, telephone call, email?) 4 What words and structures in the text gave you clues about each of the above aspects of the context of situation? (This is a preliminary activity only. Just answer with your first impressions, As you continue with your exploration of language through this book, you will learn more detailed and precise ways of recognising the words and structures which put the context of situation in the text.) 5 What activities do you currently design for your students so they learn how to use words and structures like these? 6 How could you extend these activities so your students will learn how to use these words and structures in whole texts in context? 7 What is the overall social purpose of this text? For example, does it tell a story, discuss an issue, organise a body of information or give instructions? 8 How does the beginning of the text contribute to this purpose? 9 How does the middle of the text contribute to this purpose? 10 How does the end of the text contribute to this purpose? 11 What activities do you design for your students so they learn how to construct texts of this type now? 12 How could you extend these activities so students learn how the text structure relates to the text's OVBIBII purpose?


Using Functional Qrammar

13 What kinds ol learning activities could you design to assist your students to explore the context of culture and context of situation of this text? 14 What text might you sequence next in your teaching program and why? You might choose this next text because it: has the same overall purpose but gives students the opportunity to achieve this purpose in a different context of situation has the same field but gives students the opportunity to work with a different tenor and mode is different only in terms of field so that the students have the opportunity to use this type of text in a different subject area.

Towards a functional grammar

Notions of grammar Building on traditional grammar Towards a functional grammar Clauses and their constituent parts

Discussing... Implications for language teaching


Using Functional Qrammar

Did you see car new Alice's? Saw you Alice's new car? Did see you Alice's car new?

Towards a functional grammar


What speakers of English know, by virtue of being speakers of English, is not just how to put specific words together to create sentences, but how to follow and exploit some very general smaller patterns of language that regularly occur within sentences, as component parts - or CONSTITUENTS - of sentences. Alice's new car illustrates a general pattern for expressions such as:
Harry's old typewriter Mother's dusty books My sister's lifelong ambition Someone's dirty shoes

Notions of grammar
One of the firs: things we need to do in our exploration of a functional aproach to grammar is to explore what we mean by the term .grammar. To many people the term signifies a fairly rigid set of rules for speaking and writing, the breaking of which will mark you out as uneducated, unsophisticated or even uncouth. Once upon a time you could n o t finish school in most parts of the English-speaking world without having learned at least a little of this type of grammar. Nowadays many people have had little or no instruction in anything called grammar, bur still a kind of mystical importance surrounds the way we talk about grammar. Some people apologise for their written English, explaining that they have never been taught grammar properly; others say that grammar is too technical and difficult for them to handle; still others feel that if they had learnt a foreign language they might have grasped grammar. Even those who have been taught something called grammar in school may have gained the impression that it is indeed a mysterious art in which you learn special terms (such as verb and dame) and master obscure rules to eradicate such errors as the split infinitive. It is true that 'grammar 1 can mean s o m e t h i n g like a grammar book or a set of grammatical rules, particularly rules that people will keep breaking unless they are firmly taught them. But there is another sense in which 'grammar' means something like the way in which a language is organised. In this second sense all of us have a command of grammar, even if we speak only one language and have never consciously learned any grammatical rules or terms. This point is not always readily accepted in English-speaking countries, partly because of an educational tradition of concentrating on only some parts of the language. In speaking English, we all follow rules of grammar, hut this rarely, if ever, attracts much attention. Since rule may keep reminding us of rules set out in a book, let's drop that word and think instead of patterns of language - and in particular of regular patterns. We all arrange words in certain patterns to construct sentences and, if we grew up speaking English, we don't need format training in identifying, for example, which of the following is modern English usage:
Did you see Alice's new car? Did you Alice's new car see?

Our first example also points to a fundamental distinction in English between statements and questions, a distinction that is achieved by patterned wording as the following examples demonstrate:
Statement You saw You heard She laughed You work Bill paints They ski Carla's working He was laughing They'll write Denis can hear I should stay

Did you see? Did you hear? Did she laugh? Do you work? Does Bill paint? Do they ski? Is Carla working? Was he laughing? Will they write? Can Denis hear? Should I stay?

These patterns of language can be described as part of English grammar - they are part of how we express ourselves in English. Other languages may or may not have similar patterns. In some languages, for example, the wording of A/ice's new car may be equivalent to the new car of Alice. Interestingly, few languages turn out to have a pattern that matches the English question pattern represented by Did you seel In many languages the question pattern is simply a reversal of rhe corresponding statement; that is, Saw you7. In fact this was once the pattern in English too but it has been replaced. In 16th century English we do find patterns like:
Know ye what I have done to you? Died he not in his bed?

while more modern equivalents would be:

o you know what I have done to you? Didn't he die in his bed?


Using Functional Qrammar

Towards a functional grammar


Grammar as taught in schools in the past often had little or nothing to say about patterns like these, and in a way this was understandable since most of us learned the patterns quite unconsciously before going to school. What was taught as grammar was often directed towards understanding and learning the patterns of other languages, especially Latin. (A grammar school was a school that taught Latin grammar.) That was also understandable, given the importance of Latin in the educational system of the time. It was unfortunate, however, that English grammar tended to be judged in the light of Latin grammar. In general, grammarians and teachers fostered the idea that you needed to learn special rules to be able to speak English properly - or more particularly to be able to produce elegant written English. In some instances they actually tried to make English conform to Latin patterns. Thus, many people even today have an uneasy feeling that the way they normally use English cannot be quite right and that they need to remember and apply artificial rules to their written English. Even more demoralising is the notion held by many speakers of English, native as well as non-native, that their spoken language is somehow faulty or improper. The grammatical conventions of face-to-face spoken language and those that apply to formal writing are different in many ways. The grammar teaching of the past tended to obscure this fact, with the result that all too often people - especially those whose spoken variety of English was not that of the dominant middle class-became ashamed of the way they spoke as well as the way they wrote.

The Collins Cobuild English grammar was published fifteen years later. Compiled by a team of linguists working at the University of Birmingham in Britain, this grammar has strong links to the Bank of English - a computer database (corpus) of English texts, both spoken and written, which seeks to monitor the way in which English is actually used in the modern world. In their introduction the editors make this point (1990: v): People who study and use a language are mainly interested in how they can do things with the language - how they can malie meanings, get attention to their problems and interests, influence their friends and colleagues and create a rich social life for themselves. They are only interested in the grammatical structure of the language as a means to getting things done. A grammar which puts together the patterns of the language and. ike things }ou can do with, them is called a functional grammar, Michael Halliday, whose functional approach to grammar description underpins Using functional grammar, was a consultant to the Birmingham editorial team, and many of the ideas about language use and grammar choices that are reflected in the Collins Cobuild English grammar are shared by grammarians who use Halliday's theory of systemic functional grammar description. It is important to remember that all functional approaches to grammar description and grammar teaching are firmly steeped in earlier traditions, building on the past not rejecting it. We explain this approach below, with particular reference to systemic functional grammar,

Functional approaches to grammar description and pedagogy

A functional approach to grammar description and teaching can help alleviate the irrational feelings of shame identified above, at the same time as it empowers people to look closely at, and feel comfortable about, analysing their own choices and those of others around them. There have been several initiatives in the direction of a functional approach to grammar over the last three decades. Systemic functional linguistics, the approach presented in this book, is one of the most recent - and we would argue one of the most systematically developed - of these initiatives. However, many of the readers of this book will be familiar with other functional grammar initiatives. Communicative grammars and corpus-based grammars, in particular, are pedagogical grammars claiming a functional approach that have had considerable relevance for English language teachers around the world. We will just mention two such grammars in passing. In the preface to A communicative grammar of English, Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik (1975: 10) describe their book as: A communicative grammar of English is a new kind of grammar. In writing it, we have assumed that studying grammar ,., makes most sense if one starts with the question 'How can I use grammar to communicate.'". Thus the main part of the book is devoted to the USES of grammar, rather than to grammatical STRUCTURE.

Continuing classical and rehetorical traditions of grammar description

Systemic functional linguists have sometimes been accused of rejecting the strengths of traditional approaches to grammar and to text description. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, many of the concepts and goals of systemic functional linguistics incorporate ideas about linguistic philosophy that have carried over from some of the intellectual pre-occupations of the classical world. In particular: the concern for turning the study of language back to the applications of speaking, writing, and interpretation * the treatment of words and grammar as part of a more general study of discourse * the classification of different registers (or text types) according to the different purposes involved and the different resources used to affect the audience - namely, through patltos (emotions), logos (reasoning), or ethos (personal character) the integration of the basic notions of grammar and rhetoric - for example transitivity, mood, modality, theme/rheme, finiteness, tense, voice.


Using Functional Qrammar

Towards a functional grammar


A major concern of linguistic philosophy since classical times has been the consistent. separation of function and class labels. Continuing this tradition, systemic functional linguists seek to avoid the contradictions inherent in such grammatical descriptions as SVO; that is, Subject (a functional label), Verb (a class label), Object {a functional label). The challenge for text linguistics is to explain how a community, a social network, or even two people make use of language across changing contexts, changing social memberships and changing modes {from speech to writing, for example). In the classical tradition the rhetoric of Attic Greek sets out to prepare citizens for public debate and for die evaluation of knowledge. How different is this in education today we might ask. Clearly the modes have multiplied (think of the screen and email) but the critical goals of the study of discourse have remained the same. The crucial difference today, in the context of a language like English (so different from the inflecting forms of Greek and Latin), is that all the concepts of traditional grammar and rhetoric need to be thought through in the specific conditions of English and in the specific registers of a new (once unimaginable) technology. Systemic functional linguistics is a proposal for language description that is consistent with this aim. A dynamic theory, it is itself changing in order to address the changing patterns by which meaning is made.

ADJECTIVE one of the major word classes in many languages, comprising words that typically modify a noim. ADVERB one of the major parts of speech comprising words used to modify or limit a verb, a verbal noun (also, in Latin, English and some other languages, an adjective or another adverb), or an adverbial phrase or clause. NOUN (in most languages) one of the major form classes, or 'parts of speech', comprising words denoting persons, places, things, and such other words as show similar grammatical behaviour, as English friend, city, desk, whiteness, virtue. VERB one of the major form classes, or 'parts of speech', comprising words which express the occurrence of an action, existence of a state, and the like, and such other words as show similar grammatical behaviour, as English discover, remember, write, be.

ARTICLE a. a word whose function is to determine the syntactic scope of the noun with which it is associated. b. (in English) any of the determiners the, a or an. CONJUNCTION a. (in some languages) one of the major form classes, or 'parts of speech', comprising words used to link together words, phrases, clauses or sentences, b. such a word, as English and or but. PREPOSITION (in some languages) one of the major form classes, or 'parts of speech', comprising words placed before nouns to indicate their relation to other words or their function in the sentence. By, to, in, from are prepositions in English. PRONOUN (in many languages) one of the major form classes, or 'parts of speech', comprising words used as substitutes for nouns.

Building on traditional grammar

If you have had any formal training in grammar, back in primary school for example, you will already be familiar with some grammatical terminology. You may, for instance, have divided a sentence up in terms of its subject and predicate, you may know something about person and tense, and you may be familiar with most of the following words:
adjective article adverb conjunction noun preposition verb pronoun

Figure 2.1: Technical definitions of traditional grammar terms Macquarie dictionary (1997) If you think of a noun as a naming word, a word that denotes a person, place or thing, it is obvious that the names of concrete, seeable, touchable objects are nouns: tree, cat, desk, shop, town, teacher, Mary. But your dictionary (or maybe your own linguistic sensitivity) will tell you that the words contrivance, emotion, classification, emergence, and difficulty are also nouns. In what ways are die concepts expressed by these words object-like? What qualities are shared by tree and emergence that allow us to classify each as a noun? Doesn't emergence describe a happening or event? How then can it denote a thing? Similarly, if you were taught that a verb is a doing word, then you will have no trouble identifying the verb in the following sentence: Most birds build nests m trees. What most birds do is build. But there is no 'doing' word in the following sentence from a wellknown song: I am woman. Here the speaker is expressing being rather than dning, and the verb in the sentence is am, which those with some knowledge of traditional

In traditional grammatical terminology, these are known as parts of speech. You are probably able to suggest useful working definitions for some of them (for example, a noun is a naming word, a verb is a doing word, an adverb adds to the meaning of a verb, a conjunction is a joining word, a pronoun stands in for a noun and so on). Now let's, for a moment, look at some rather more technical definitions of these terms. Figure 2.1 contains some definitions from the Macquarie dictionary (1997). Grammatical terms like diose in Figure 2.1 are called CLASS terms - they allow us to classify words according to the way they are normally used in the roles they usually play in language. But how useful, and indeed how accurate, is such classification in any quest to describe and explore the grammar of a language?


Using Functional Qrammar

Towards a functional grammar


grammar will recognise as the first person, present tense form of the verb to be, It is interesting to note that not all languages express being (existence of a state according to the Macquarie dictionary definition of verb) by way of a verb. In Indonesian, for example, it is normal to say mereka masih di rumah 'they are still at home' (literally: they still at home). In this book we will be making a distinction, in functional terms, between doing, being, and scrying, thinking, and feeling kinds of verbs (see under Clauses as processes in Chapter 3), Let's now explore some other problems with traditional grammar terminology. First, compare these four sentences:
1 2 3 4 Bathurst is a town in the country. Bathurst is a country\owr\. My cousin has bought a town house in Bathurst. Stop here (or a real Bathurst experience.

From the examples above, it should be clear that the old classification of words is useful only up to a point. Functional grammarians do not reject, discard or replace the terminology of traditional grammar but, to capture what goes on in language, build on and refine the notions of traditional grammar in several ways. The first way is to recognise that words have functions as well as class and that how a word functions can tell us much more than any description of words in terms of class can about the piece of language, where it occurs, the person who chose to use it in that function, and the culture that surrounds the person and the message. This refinement from word class to word function leads to another refinement of traditional grammar, the RANK SCALE.

Towards a functional grammar; The rank scale

If language cannot be fully explained by labelling words according to their class, if we need to take account of functions as well as classes, then we also need to look beyond mere words. Language is much more than a stringing together of words; we need to be able to analyse and describe patterns of language at several different levels. Just as some scientists look at slides through microscopes with varying degrees of magnification, recognising units at different levels, such as molecule, cell and organism, so linguists look at language at various levels or on various scales. Michael Halliday in An introduction to functional grammar (1994) describes language in terms of a RANK SCALE. This concept of a rank scale is very important for an understanding of how a system as intricate as human language works. We present it here, with a brief explanation, and will return to the idea at key points in the book.

Bathurst, town and country are all nouns in sentence 1. But what about country in sentence 2, town in sentence 3 and, indeed, Bathhurst in sentence 4? We could say these words are still nouns in terms of CLASS, but in terms of FUNCTION they are playing a different role. In sentences 2, 3 and 4, each of these words plays the role we expect an adjective to play, that is as a describing word to provide additional information about a noun. So Bathurst in ... a real Bathurst experience belongs to the class noun, but it functions to provide information about another noun - experience. Usually when a noun acts as if it is an adjective, we apply the functional label CLASSIFIER, but more about that in the next chapter. Mow look at the following pair of sentences:
1 2 The swallows come to our valley in early spring and we know the warm weather is not far behind. The coming of the swallows in early spring brings a promise of warm weather not far behind.

clause complex clause RANK SCALE group or phrase word morpheme

The swallows do something in early spring and what they do is expressed in each case by the English word come {coming), In sentence 1, come is clearly a doing word and is also clearly functioning in the way we expect verbs to function. However, in sentence 2, the word coming looks like a doing word (verb) but is functioning in one of the ways we would expect of a noun; that is, it is preceded by the definite article the, and is itself doing something: The coming ... brings a promise ... In other words, it is acting like a thing rather than a happening or event. Another telling example of the problem with traditional grammar terms is the highly colloquial Shakespearian riposte to an argumentative adversary: But me no buts In this expression but, a word we would normally think of as a conjunction, is used first as an imperative verb and then as a plural noun.

The units at each rank are made up of one or more units of the rank below. The highest rank is the CLAUSE COMPLEX and is made up of one or more clauses, (Obviously clause complexes join together to make paragraphs, and paragraphs make up texts, but these are rhetorical and semantic units rather than grammatical or syntactic units,)
A clause complex A clause A group or phrase A word consists of consists of consists of consists of one or more clauses one or more groups or phrases one or more words one or more morphemes


Using Functional Qrammar

Towards a functional grammar


Clause complex is probably a term that needs some explanation. You may already have some ideas about words combining into phrases, phrases into clauses and clauses into SENTENCES. The term sentence is a bit of a problem word in language studies as it has not always been used consistently by linguists in the past. It really relates to a pattern of language that occurs in written texts.
A sentence is a piece of written language that in English conventionally begins with a capital letter and ends at the next following full stop.

Text 1 has three clause complexes; the first and third consist of one clause only while the second consists of four clauses working together. We have used this second clause complex in Table 2.1 to explore the different levels of the rank scale. Table 2.1: Levels of the rank scale
CLAUSE COMPLEX When the national economy is growing fast, many economic analysts will claim that interest rates should rise to prevent a situation of boom and bust, 1 2 3 4 When the national economy is growing fast many economic analysts will claim that interest rates should rise to prevent a situation of boom and bust. is growing will claim should rise to prevent growing rates situation fast when


Spoken language is not divided into sentences, although we often think and talk about it in those terms as the following statements illustrate:
He never lets me finish a sentence! What age does a child begin to talk in full sentences?

the nationa I economy many economic analysts interest rates a situation of boom and bust WORDS (incomplete list) national economic analysis MORPHEMES (incomplete list) nation econom grow situ-at(e)

Spoken language obviously predates written language - both in terms of human history and in terms of the personal history of any individual - yet prescriptive grammars and grammarians of English in the past have had a tendency to treat spoken forms as if they were imitations or reflections of written forms, as if the written form should be taken as the standard to follow when speaking. This tendency is perhaps understandable when you consider that our culture has been literate for a long time, that writing is such an important part or our lives, and that grammarians of the past based their observations almost exclusively on written texts, However, there are significant differences between the grammatical norms for speaking and writing, as more recent linguistic research - especially in the latter part of this century - has demonstrated. Since we need a systematic approach that will cover language description for either spoken or written texts, we use the term clause complex as an umbrella term for the patterns of language at the level above clause, remembering that in written texts a clause complex often corresponds to a sentence.
A clause complex is a language structure that consists of one clause working by itself, or a group of clauses that work together through some kind of logical relationship (see Chapter 7).

claim interest

-al -ic

claim interest -ion

Tahle 2.1 demonstrates the fact that a unit can consist of one or more lower-level units (just as an organism can consist of a single cell or many cells, or a building may consist of one room or many rooms). In English, for example, many words are single morpheme words (grow, the, claim, rate, interest, nation, many, you, finger, ticket, mother), while others can be analysed into two or more morphemes (growing, rates, national, situation, fingertips, progressing, forgettable, unforgettable, backpack, backpacker, baclipackers). At word level in our analysis we can recognise words from some classes of traditional grammar such as adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs. At group level the picture is somewhat different. Functional grammar recognises the nominal group, verbal group, adverbial group, conjunction group, preposition group, and just one kind of phrase die prepositional phrase, which consists of a preposition and a nominal group. All other traditional classes are subsumed into these groups with pronouns, adjectives and articles all being considered within normal nominal group structure. Remember that a group consists of one or more words, so a verbal group may have just one word like eats (not in this text), or a main verb and several auxiliaries like is growing, should rise, will claim, or triight have been going to be caught (this last not in this text).

Now let's use a text to explore die different levels on the rank scale using Text 1.

Mr Harper's call for a rise in interest rates should not surprise us. When the national economy is growing fast, many economic analysts will claim that interest rates should rise to prevent a situation of boom and bust. Oi greater surprise are his optimistic long-term projections for growth in the Australian manufacturing sector.


Using Functional Qrammar

Towards a functioned grammar


A morphological aside
In this hook we will focus mainly on the ranks of clause complex, clause, and group or phrase. However, morphemes are part of the rank scale and since the word MORPHEME may be an unfamiliar term a brief discussion of morphemes seems useful at this stage. Morpheme derives from the Greek word morprie, meaning form. In linguistics it is the traditional term to describe the most basic building blocks (in terms of meaning) of a grammatical system. A morpheme has been defined as 'the minimal linguistic sign, a grammatical unit that is an arbitrary union of a sound and a meaning and that cannot be further analysed' (Fromkin, Rodman, Collins and Blair 1990: 124). Every word is made up of one or more morphemes, and this is so no matter what language you are looking at, The division of words into morphemes must not be confused with the division of words into SYLLABLES, which is a phonological division rather than a grammatical one. Some words of more than one syllable are single-morpheme words {interest, nation, ticket, mother, finger, pocket), while some words of only one syllable are made up of two morphemes (rates, boys, things, tried, speaks). Sometimes the phonological division into syllables does coincide with the grammatical division into morphemes {backpack, blackbird, friendly), but there are many words where it does not (fingered, pockets, oysters). In Table 2.2 we analyse some examples of morphemes. Note diat where a morpheme has a hyphen mark (-) before or after it, it means that the morpheme is a BOUND morpheme; that is, it cannot function by itself, but rather is attached to a root word to alter its status in some way, for instance to show tense as with -ed or to mark a plural noun as with -s. Table 2.2: Division of words into morphemes
one morpheme

progressing as two morphemes), but someone with a knowledge of the Latin root of this word may very well want to call progress two morphemes because diey ascribe meaning to the Latin suffix pro- and compare progress with other words like congress, regress and egress. The division of English words into morphemes is therefore not always absolute but often depends on our depth of historical linguistic knowledge. For most people progress will rightly be one morpheme, but for some it will equally rightly be two.

Clauses and their constituent parts

CLAUSE is one of those words that plays several different roles in our language. It is a technical term in the language of law and legal documents, for example:
A new clause has been written into the contract.

Clause 5(a) of Regulation 6 states that... It is also a technical term in linguistics and it is this sense that concerns us here. Some of you will already have a fairly clear idea about what a clause is; others may have vague memories about adjectival clauses, noun clauses, adverbial clauses - even perhaps finite clauses - from excursions into grammar in the past. In the following chapters we hope to expand your knowledge of what a clause is and finetune whatever working definition you bring with you. In all human languages so far studied, the clause is the fundamental meaning structure in our linguistic communication with each other. As anyone who has ever tried to learn another language will know only too well, a dictionary is not a sufficient resource on its own, as words alone are not enough. To communicate effectively we need to know something about how die syntax of the language works; in other words we have to be able to combine words into meaningful message structures, and the most fundamental message structure in any language - in terms of a message that has any sort of completeness about it - is a clause. An understanding of what a clause is and how to know one when you see it, is essential for both understanding and exploring the workings of the English grammatical system. So we need to spend a little time looking at some clauses and testing our reactions to clause constituency - how would we break any one clause up into its discrete units or component parts. For this task we will use seven-year-old Josephine's text, which she wrote for a second class composition assignment. We will first of all break the text into clauses, and then, in Table 2.3, look more closely at some of the clauses to see what their constituent parts might be.

nation rates oystersgrowing tried backpack progressing fingertips backpacker unforgettable

claim interest

rate ticket

you mother

tell finger

two morphemes

= = = = = = =

rate + -s oyster + -s grow + -ing try + -ed back + pack progress + -ing finger + tip + -s back + pack + -er un- + forget(t) + -able

three morphemes

The word progress illustrates another interesting aspect of morphology (the study of morphemes). In Table 2.2 we have treated progress as a single morpheme (thus


Using Functional

Qrammar a monster

Towards a functional grammar 35

out of my hot water pipe

Text 2: Josephine's text

One day a monster came out of my hot water pipe. I was very frightened. I cafled my mum and she came and saw the Floogleboogy and ran outside. I wanted to make friends with if and give it a name and so I called it a Floogleboogy and that night it came to bed with me. And I found that a Floogleboogy snores very loud indeed and mum was too frightened to come and kiss me goodnight.

One day






Clauses 2, 3 and 8 each have three constituents:

was ng vg
very frightened


Table 2.3: Clauses from Josephine's text*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
One day a monster came out of my hot water pipe. I was very frightened, I called my mum and she came and saw the Floogleboogy and ran outside. I wanted to make friends with it

9 10 11 12 13 14

and give it a name and so I called it a Floogleboogy and that night it came to bed with me. And I found out that a Floogleboogy snores very loud indeed and mum was too frightened to come and kiss me goodnight.


my mum




to make


with it




*Note on division into clauses You might not agree with this division of the text into clauses. As so often in language description, things are never black and white, and there are several possible 'right' answers here. For instance you might want to call clauses 7 and 8, I warned w ma]< friends with it, one clause not two. Or you might feel clause 14 is actually two clauses: and m rim was too frightened and w come and kins me goodnight. Then again, you might want to coma and kiss me goodnight to be two clauses: to come; and and

(to) kiss me goodnight. We have made clause 14 one clause because we ate treating too frightened m came and kiss me goodnight as a single constituent part of the clause in that it represents a description of what mum was. Compare: Mum twis happy; Mum was frightened; Mum was too frightened to come and kiss me goodnight. Exploring such problem areas in grammatical description is one of the fun things about language studies, and one of the skills we hope you will gain from using this hook.

You might feel that Clause 8 has only two constituents where the phrase to ma!<e friends acts as a verb, synonymous with befriend:
to make friends with

And if you disagreed with our division of Clauses 7 and 8 in Table 2.3, seeing them as one clause i wanted to make friends with it, then your clause has four constituents;
wanted to make friends with it

The constituents of clauses in Josephine's text

In our analysis of Text 2, the following abbreviations are used to label the constituents of the clauses;
ng vg conj g advg pp = = = = = nominal group verbal group conjunction group adverbial group prepositional phrase

or three constituents;
wanted to make friends with

As you can see, the division of texrs into clauses and clauses into their constituent parts is not always straightforward. The last clause we will look at from Josephine's text is Clause 11. It appears to have six constituents:
that night

it ng


to bed

with me

Clause 1 is a complete sentence: recalling our rank scale, it is a one-clause, clause complex. It has four discrete units or constituents and these are labelled according to the class of the group or phrase.







Using Functional Qrammar

Towards a functional grammar


One of these constituents (mid) is rather different to any of the others we have been looking at. Most of our clause constituents can be seen as expressions of our experience in terms of the things, events and happenings of our world, as well as the circumstances under which those events and happenings occur. The word and, however, is a conjunction and does not function as an expression of experience in terms of things and events and circumstances. In Clause 11 it is functioning as a linking device that allows us to express some kind of logical relationship between clauses rather than within one clause. For this reason we will leave such words out of our constituent analysis of clauses, but come back to them in Chapters 6 and 7. As we have suggested, the clauses of English typically express our experience of the world in terms of things and events and the various circumstances that surround those events, but it is the event that is central to way we express our experience. According to Halliday (1994: 106) 'Our most powerful impression of experience is that it consists of "goings-on" - happening, doing, sensing, meaning, and being and becoming'. These 'goings-on' are the events or processes of our experience, and expression of PROCESS or event is the fundamental constituent of a clause. In traditional grammar terms, every clause must have a verb. In our functional model of grammar, the one obligatory constituent of a clause is the Process, expressed by a verbal group which is essentially realised by a nucleus or head word that belongs to the class verb. Remembering the principles of the rank scale, this verbal group expression of process may consist of one word, for example snores: A Fioogleboogy snores very loud indeed or several words, for example might have been snoring:
The Fioogleboogy might have been snoring all night

but not very helpful. We need to look at the way the thirteen words are patterned into smaller groupings in the clause design, each grouping fulfilling a different function:
The furious child frantically advg chased our neighbour's cat up and down the street




p p

We can test the validity of this constituent break down of the clause in a number of ways. Try changing the word order of the clause, presenting the same information while not changing any of the words. There are several possibilities and all involve changing the position of one or both of the following boxed constituents:
frantically up and down the street

Two possibilities are:

Frantically the furious child chased our neighbour's cat up and down the street Up and down the street the furious child chased our neighbour's cat frantically

If we move anything else around we either get a pattern that is not the norm for English:
Chased the furious child our neighbour's cat frantically up and down the street or we get a different message:

Our neighbour's cat frantically chased the furious child up and down the street

unless we also make certain adjustments to two of the constituent groupings;

Our neighbour's cat was chased frantically up and down the street by the furious child

Some clauses will also have constituents that tell us who the PARTICIPANTS in the Process are, and under what CIRCUMSTANCE the process takes place. Now it's time to test your own reactions to clause constituency. Try your hand on the following clauses. Don't worry too much about attaching labels to the constituent parts for the moment, but just look for what seem to be the natural groupings of words within the clause structures. To get you started we have underlined the process (verbal group) constituent:
1 The furious child frantically chased our neighbour's cat up and down the street 2 Pigs might fly 3 crawling cautiously through the undergrowth 4 QQ you want some more coffee? 5 Stop! 6 protected from the wind on three sides ...

A further simple test of clause constituent break down is to see what questions about the message are answered by the different constituents. So, in our example clause: the furious child answers the question who did the chasing? frantically tells us something about how the chasing was done. our neighbour's cat tells us who had the chasing done to it. up and down the street tells us where the chasing happened.

The rank scale and logical meanings

As we've pointed out, a clause complex consists of one or more clauses. When there is more than one clause, the two or more clauses are joined in some sort of logical relation. In Chapter 7 we look in a general way at patterns of clause combination but do not go into all the finer details of clause combinations as set out in Halliday's system (1994: Chapter 7). One of the general principles we do need to appreciate, however, is that sometimes the clauses will be of equal value, while at other times one clause will be dependent on another. Here students of traditional grammar will be remembering

Remember that, according to our rank scale, a clause is made up of one or more groups or phrases. We could, of course, say about Clause 1 above that the clause comprises thirteen words, and that those words are thus the constituents of the clause. This is true


Using Functional Qrammar

Towards a functional grammar


principal and subordinate clauses. The terminology preferred in this book is independent and dependent (see Chapter 7), but many of the principles you are familiar with will be the same. Conjunctions (and some punctuation devices) express the logical relationships between clauses in a clause complex. For example, clauses joined by and, but, or, that is, or even a comma, colon, or semi-colon, are of equal value in the clause complex. But clauses beginning with although, because, since, if will always be dependent, even when they come at the beginning of the clause complex, This notion of complexing, where two or more elements are joined in some sort of logical relationship, can also apply at lower ranks in the rank scale. At group level, two or more nominal groups can join to make a single clause constituent; two or more verbal groups to make a single clause constituent and so on. Here are some examples:
The lion and the unicorn ng complex ng 1 + ng 2 were fighting for the crown

the nominal group are different ways of referring to the same entity. That is why we used + between the parts of the group complex in the first two examples, and = between the nominal groups in the last example. In the following chapters you will learn more about the clause, its constituent elements and its three separate but simultaneous functions. In preparation for this, the last section of this chapter gives a general overview of the three basic functions of language discussed briefly in Chapter 1.

Functions of language
As we saw in Chapter 1, there are three broad functions of language that are central to the way the grammar works in the language system:
1 Language has a representational function - we use it to encode our experience of the world; it conveys a picture of reality. Thus it allows us to encode meanings of experience which realise field of discourse (EXPERIENTIAL MEANINGS). Language has an interpersonal function we use it to encode interaction and show how defensible we find our propositions. Thus it allows us to encode meanings of attitudes, interaction and relationships which realise tenor ot discourse (INTERPERSONAL MEANINGS). Language has a textual function - we use it to organise our experiential and interpersonal meanings into a linear and coherent whole. Thus, it allows us to encode meanings of text development which realise mode of discourse (TEXTUAL MEANINGS).



The answer to the question 'Who were fighting?' is The lion and the unicorn', so the two nominal groups join together to make one nominal group complex as a single clause constituent,
The wolf huffed and puffed vg complex vg 1 + vg 2

Notice that language encodes all three of these kinds of meanings simultaneously. If you say to someone:
The high school students put on a noisy protest.


If we ask what the wolf did, the answer is huffed and puffed as one action, so the two verbal groups join together to make one verbal group complex as a single clause constituent.
Bill, my gardener, ng complex ng 1 = ng 2 is weeding the rose garden

you are simultaneously representing or describing something, interacting with someone (whoever you are talking to) by telling them something, and organising the linear flow of your message. Each of these aspects of your utterance is achieved through all the linguistic or grammatical options at your disposal. Firstly, you could have said, for instance:
The high school students protested noisily. or

High school students organised a noisy protest. vg

and in each case you would have been saying something slightly different. You would have represented a slightly different reality. More on this in Chapter 3. Secondly, you could have said, for instance:

If we ask who is weeding the rose garden, the complete answer is Bill, my gardener, so the two nominal groups join together to make one nominal group complex as a single clause constituent. This example is rather different from the previous two - here, instead of two different entities being added to make a group complex, the two parts of

The high school students put on a noisy protest, didn't they? or Did the high school students protest noisily?


Using Functional Qrammar

Towards a functional grammar


in which case your interpersonal meaning would be different. You would be seeking confirmation or asking for information rather than telling or stating. For more on this see Chapter ^. And thirdly, you could have said:
A noisy protest was what the high school students organised. A noisy protest was organised by high school students.

Implications for language teachers

In contrast to thinking about grammar in terms of rules which prescribe the way language is structured, in this chapter we have been asked to think about grammar as a way of describing regular language pattern.? and the functions these patterns achieve. Some teachers might he uncomfortable with letting go of the idea of grammar rules. Many of their teaching techniques may focus on grammar rules which prescribe 'correct' language use. Other teachers may be equally surprised that they are being asked to think about grammar at all! Their teaching techniques may focus on immersing their students in language as communication. They may believe that learning grammar will prevent their students from using the language fluently and communicatively. The material in this chapter is of most help to teachers who would like to find a middle way between teaching prescriptive grammar rules and teaching no grammar at all. If teachers think about grammar as a way of describing language in terms of pattern and function, they are inclined to develop teaching techniques that draw students' attention to the regular grammatical patterns which make language use functional in its context.

In this case you have conveyed a different textual meaning by organising the message differently, These last possibilities could be the predicted version in certain contexts, The first might be your choice if the context had already included a discussion of certain groups organising some kind of gathering, and you wanted to emphasise what kind of gathering the students had organised. The second example is in fact the passive voice version of our previous example: High school students organised, a noisy protest. This version allows you to thematise the protest rather than the protesters. In other words, the textual function has to do particularly with the flow of information and points of departure. More on this in Chapter 6.

What do teachers want for their students?

1 Give two or three English words to illustrate each of the traditional classes of words mentioned in this chapter: adjective, adverb, article, conjunction, noun, preposition, pronoun, verb. If you are uncertain of these terms, check their dictionary definitions again. 2 Find some examples of your own to illustrate the rank scale from clause complex to morpheme. First copy out your sentence (clause complex) then set out your rank scale like the example in Table 2.1. 3 Divide the following clauses into their constituent groups. a. Pigs might fly b. crawling cautiously through the undergrowth c. Do you want some more coffee? d. Stop e. protected from ths wind on three sides ... f. Nexl week the committee will announce the winner of the competition g. The three wise men of Gotham went to sea in a bowl.

Teachers who focus on rules and accuracy want their students to reach an accepted and valued standard of language use. This approach, however, may obscure the variation which occurs in real-life language use; it might even imply that some variations are substandard. It may also obscure the fact that every language learner progresses via an interlanguage towards increasingly effective use of the target language, and that the 'errors' learners make during this process reveal important information about how language learning progresses. Teachers who focus on communication and avoid teaching grammar want their students to be able to communicate with ease without being burdened with rules and standards. This approach, however, may lead to students being stranded in their interlanguage. They may not be able to use the varieties of language they need, for example, to apply successfully for employment, to write about technical or abstract concepts, to argue their case effectively or to negotiate a delicate personal or business dilemma. Most language teachers want their students to be both accurate and fluent users of English, but they are faced with an educational paradox. If they demand students use English on the basis of the prescribed rules of traditional grammar, students may be unaware of the variety of language use available to them, and teachers may be unaware of die actual progress students are making with authentic language use. If, on the other hand, teachers expect students to use English without any knowledge of English grammar, students may not have the knowledge they need to use language in a variety of ways and this may restrict the progress students are able to make,


Using Functional Qrammar

Towards a functional grammar


What we have learned in this chapter suggests that one way of resolving this paradox might be to: think about grammar in tenns of pattern and function work with the grammar of whole texts in context.

What do teachers need to know in order to teach about the grammar of whole texts?
In this chapter the traditional view of grammar has been extended in the following four ways: 1 A set of functional labels builds on and enriches the traditional set of class labels. 2 A rank scale allows for a more detailed exploration of clause structure. 3 The constituent parts of the clause can be described in terms of the way each contributes functionally to the message of the clause. 4 The three meanings made simultaneously in clauses are revealed by exploring clause constituents and the way these constituents are organised to reflect the context of situation. Now let's look at each of these from the perspective of language education. Firstly, we are told not to abandon what we already know about grammar - for example the familiar traditional grammar labels for the parts of speech. These labels describe elements of language in terms of their class or, in other words, in terms of what they are. We are shown, however, that identifying parts of speech alone is not enough if we are to describe consistently and fully the grammatical work of words and structures. So next we are shown how these terms can be built on and enriched with a second set of labels which identify what a word does; chat is, its function. This second set of labels extends the metalanguage available to those who teach and study language, allowing them to talk about both the forms that language elements take and the work that language elements do. Next we are introduced to a series of grammatical units in a rank scale. This scale opens up the structure of the English clause allowing us to examine comprehensively and systematically how the parts of a clause are organised. At each rank, functional linguists are able to describe how words are organised into patterns in order to achieve the different functions within clauses. These descriptions reveal the potential for meaningmaking available at each grammatical rank. Using knowledge based on the rank scale, students can structure language patterns at all levels (morpheme, word, group, phrase, clause and clause complex) and strategically organise and integrate all these patterns as they structure clauses. A particularly useful by-product of the rank scale is that students no longer need to talk about spoken language in terms of the sentence - a unit which has never been very compatible with spoken language.

As well as thinking about the clause in terms of its ranks, we are asked to think about the clause as 'a meaningful message structure' with each constituent part playing a functional role in the message. This idea suggests that instead of giving students the rule Ever}' clause must have a verb, teachers might mote usefully show students how an event takes the central role in constructing the message of a clause. From this starting point, classroom activities can be designed in which students explore: how to break a clause down into its parts the structure and functional role of each clause part how the parts combine into clauses around the central event how clauses are combined into clause complexes.

These activities can be designed using the language of real-life texts that are relevant to the students' learning goals. We are shown how to test whether we have effectively broken a clause down into its constituent parts. This is done by working out the question each part answers about the message. Students can use these questions to guide them as they explore die structures and meanings found in different types of clauses. This idea will be explored further in Chapter 3. Finally, we are shown how every clause makes three kinds of meanings at once, depending on the constituent parts we choose and how we choose to organise these parts. Every clause (1) represents experience, (2) interacts with someone and (3) organises the message so it makes sense. We know from Chapter 1 that these three kinds of meaning systematically reflect the context of situation. If students know how to choose and structure the parts of a clause to make each of these kinds of meaning effectively and functionally, they will control the full meaning potential of the English clause in whole texts across a variety of contexts. In the following chapters we will be introduced to different ways of exploring the structure of the English clause to reveal how each of the three kinds of meanings is made in the clause. In addition we will explore the potential different types of clause constituents have for making each of these kinds of meaning,

Further reading
Chapter 2 of The functional analysis of English: A Hallidayan approach (Bloor and Bloor 1995) explores class and function labels in some detail. de Silva Joyce and Burns (1999) in Focus on grammar answer the question 'What is grammar?' In Chapter 1 and in Chapter 2 they explore different views of grammar and provide an historical account of the way our views about language standards have changed over time. In Chapter 3 they review the different ways grammar has been used in language teaching.


Using FwKtional Qrammar

1 How would you describe your approach to the teaching of grammar at present? For example: You are concerned with developing accurate, standard English based on fixed grammatical rules. You are concerned with developing fluent communication rather than grammatical accuracy. You try to combine teaching about grammar and structural accuracy with teaching which develops fluent communication. 2 How might the Ideas about language presented in this chapter influence your approach to the teaching of grammar? Use the following text and the questions that follow to explore this question. There's this girl in my class she tried to do a backward roll and she urn like her neck clicked or something and urn she was taken to hospital in an ambulance and I had to write down what happened because I was in her group I've done that before and it doesn't hurt that much. I think she's over-reacting just a bit a. Break the clauses in this text into their constituent parts. b. Identify whether each constituent is a word, group or phrase. c. What question about the message of the clause does each of these constituents answer? d. . Design an activity based on a whoie text which would reveal to students how clauses, phrases and groups are structured. You can use one of the texts in Chapter 1 or you can USB a text that is relevant to your students (choose a short text). e. Design an activity that would teach students how to work out the questions about the message each of the constituents of a clause answers.

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experientiaS meanings

The experiential function

Implications for language teaching


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers represent the worUt Exploring experiential meanings


From Chapter 1 Language has anexperiential function, so it has exper/entfa/meanings. We use tha experiential function to encode our experience of the world; that is, we use it to convey a picture of reality.

Figure 3.1 may be helpful in understanding the experiential function of language. In this diagram PROCESS, realised by a verbal group, is shown as the centre of a clausal solar system. PARTICIPANTS, realised by nominal groups or preposition phrases, revolve around the Process and can inter-act with it through a variety of PARTICIPANT ROLES. Further out ate the CIRCUMSTANCES of human experience (the whys and whens and wherefores), realised by adverbial groups, prepositional phrases and, occasionally, by nominal groups functioning as if they were adverbs. At the outer edge we find the CONJUNCTION GROUPS, not so much a part of this solar system as linking mechanisms ready to help join die various systems (clauses) together in a variety of logical relationships. The three concentric rings in Figure 3.1 represent the part of die language system that Chapter 3 will explore; the outer edge - the linkages between clauses - will be addressed in Chapter 7-

A landscape of human experience

In Chapters 1 and 2 we introduced you to the notion that language simultaneously performs three functions (experiential, interpersonal and textual). In this chapter we are concerned with the EXPERIENTIAL function; Chapters 4 and 5 will deal with the INTERPERSONAL function, and Chapter 6 with the TEXTUAL function. Our language builds up pictures of reality - in terms of the things (which as a general term covers people and places as well as concrete and abstract things) and events and circumstances - that form the landscape of our human experience. As we indicated in Chapter 2, these three general categories of human experience (things, events and circumstances) typically occur together in CLAUSES, with the pivotal element of the clause being the expression of event, or PROCESS. In any gathering of functional grammarians, someone is sure to pose the question: Who does what to whvn\ under what circumstances! It has become something of a standing joke, but is a neat and brief way of explaining the experiential function of language.

Metalanguage for discussing language as experience

In describing the experiential function of language we must first have a set of terms to show how the clause can be broken down into three functional constituents: PARTICIPANT, PROCESS and CIRCUMSTANCE. The Participant constituent can be further described in terms of various participant roles such as ACTOR, AGENT, GOAL, CARRIER, SAYER. The Process divides into three basic process types; MATERIAL, RELATIONAL and PROJECTING. There is also a metalanguage that allows us to show finer functional distinctions within the Circumstance constituent. Other grammatical terms you will find in this and subsequent chapters include labels for the groups and phrases of our rank scale: NOMINAL GROUP, VERBAL GROUP, ADVERBIAL GROUP and PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE. As we look more closely at the structure of the groups and phrases, various function labels such as EPITHET, CLASSIFIER, THING and EVENT will also be introduced.

^ a nominal





a as



Conjunction groups joining this clause to other clauses in the same clause complex

Verbal group

Figure 3.1: Patterns of experience in the clause

At this stage we should make clear an important point about the terminology that we will be introducing in the following chapters. You will notice throughout that some terms are always spelled with an initial capital (Actor, Goal, Epithet, Subject, Finite), while others are not capitalised unless they are at the beginning of a sentence (clause, clause complex, declarative mood, embedded clause). The convention we are following is to capitalise function labels and to use lower case for other labels and for the more general grammatical terminology. There are some terms that may be used either as function labels or as more general terms, in which case the presence or absence of an initial capital will indicate the difference (P/participant, P/process, T/thing, E/event). For further reading on labelling as well as other issues arising from a movement from more traditional descriptions of grammar towards the systemic functional approach, see Halliday (1994: Chapter 2).


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers represent the WWU^0hringexpeviential



Packaging experience
It is important to realise that the way we express ourselves is not rigidly determined by an external reality or by universal rules of logic. Suppose, for instance, that you want to draw someone's attention to the fact that a certain shop closes at six o'clock. You might say:
The shop closes at six

Clause constituency in the experiential function

Most English clauses have a constituent structure that can be described functionally in terms of PARTICIPANT, PROCESS and CIRCUMSTANCE, with Process being the essential ingredient. Thus the following clauses all have the structure Participant + Process: Participant
The chair The water The horse He The President The truth

collapsed evaporated




sneezed arrived will be revealed

But you don't have to present closing as a Process; you could say: The shop's closing time Participant is Process six Participant

Some clauses have the structure Participant + Process + Participant: Imagine looking at a view or a landscape and wanting to describe what you see. You might want to calk about the sun setting. You could express the setting as a Process: The sun is setting Participant Process Participant
The water The horse She The Premier Your expression of anger

damaged kicked remembered congratulated must have convinced

the carpet

his name them all the waverers

However, you could also talk about the sun setting in terms of the sun's location. In other words, you could express the setting as Circumstance: The sun is on the horizon Participant Process Circumstance

Some clauses have the structure Participant + Process + Circumstance: Participant The chair The President The judicial system

Process collapsed arrived works might come

Circumstance under him by train slowly as early as last year Participant + Circumstance: Circumstance on the ankle warmly

You might want to treat this event as a thing {Participant} rather than as a Process, as in:
The sunset 's blinding me




Some clauses have the structure Participant + Process Participant Process

bit thanked

him her

It would be difficult to argue that any one way of talking about the sunset is more objective or correct than any other, In fact, given what we know about the movement of the earth relative to the sun, it is just as easy to argue that all of them are inaccurate, as it is to argue that all of them are legitimate (in terms of our perception). Similarly, loving or hating can be things or events. "We cannot appeal to any natural criterion to determine that for us as we see in the following examples. Participant
The dog All the world Hate Love Our greatest need

The dog I

must have hated loves is is is

that storm a lover a destructive passion a many-splendoured thing love

Some clauses have only one constituent, the obligatory Process. Reminding ourselves about the rank scale, we find something interesting about the following examples. In each case we have a clause comptex made up of one clause, which in turn is made up of one group, which consists of one word, which comprises one morpheme: Process
Stop! Hide! Run!


Using Functioned Qrammar

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings The doing verbs can be subdivided into:
Projected clause that it was his birthday the VCR wasn't working


Some clauses project another clause:

Participant She Chris Process remembered said

1 Processes like arrived, collapsed, works, looked, and bit that encode experiences in the external, material world. These are to do with doing and happening and are known as MATERIAL processes. 2 Processes like sneezed, watched, sang that encode physiological or psychological behaviour (often the doing equivalent of a mental or even a verbal process). They lie somewhere between material and mental or verbal processes and are known as BEHAVIOURAL processes. The projecting verbs can be subdivided into: 1 Processes like enjoyed, remembered and overheard that encode experiences in the inner world of consciousness. These are to do with thinking, wanting, perceiving and emoting and are known as MENTAL processes and, as we have seen, they have the potential to project what is known, remembered or overheard as direct or indirect thoughts. Alternatively, they may use an appropriate nominal group to sum up what is thought or perceived or wanted or liked.

Participant The manager

Process told

Participant the staff

Projected clause that the company was now

making a profit

But all of this needs a much closer analysis. We will begin by looking at Process.

Clauses as processes
Processes in English, vis we suggested in Chapter 2, are expressions of happening, doing, being, saying and thinking. A Process is realised in the grammar by means of a verbal group, which is either one word, belonging to the class verb, or a group of words with a class verb word as the head or nucleus of the group. Thus the words in the box below are all verbal groups with the class verb word jump as head. But more about this later. Verbal groups with jump as head
jump will jump can jump ought to jump might be about to jump

2 Processes like told and said that encode the experiences of bringing the inner world outside by speaking. These are to do with saying and asking, and are known as VERBAL processes. Like mental processes they have the potential to project the words of the speaker in direct or indirect speech, or they may use an appropriate nominal group to sum up what has been said. The last group, the being verbs, can first be subdivided into: 1 Processes like are, was, were, the function of which is to set up the existence of a sole Participant. These processes are almost always preceded hy there. They are known as EXISTENTIAL processes.

In the lists of Processes, Participants and Circumstances on the previous two pages, we have shown that verbal groups realise processes En experiential meanings. Perhaps, like us, you had a primary school teacher who described verbs as doing words. These good people were only partly right. If we look at the lists more closely, we can see that not all processes encode doing. Rather, they fall into three basic process types (although they can properly be subdivided into more and more subtypes). We could begin the division into three groups by recognising that some verbs are indeed, doing words and describe actions and happenings in the outside, material world. A second group can be thought of as projecting processes and might be described as thinking, feeling or saying words. These words are more to do with the inner world of cognition, perception, emotion and desire and have the potential for projecting our inner world as thought or speech so that it can be apprehended hy others. A third group of verbs can be described simply as being words, The first two groups, the doing processes and projecting processes, can he subdivided in the following ways:

2 Processes like are, was, were, seemed, have, became, felt, belongs to, the function of which is to encode relationships of being and having between two Participants. This group, known as RELATIONAL processes, has to do with the attributes of class membership or with specific identity. These relational processes can then be further subdivided. Those whose function is to ascribe an attribute are known as RELATIONAL ATTRIBUTIVE processes and those whose function is Co identify are known as RELATIONAL IDENTIFYING processes. The differences among process types have consequences in the wording of clauses. For example, material processes generally distinguish between what is happening now and what is habitual:
He is building a house fat present) He builds houses (for a llvinrj)

But this distinction is not made with all process types. For example, it is usual to say: I don't believe you and not:
I am not believing you


Using Functional Cjframmar

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings Mother Actor The dog Actor made Process: material ' was chasing Process: material a fruit cake Goal the cat Goal


The differences among the different process types may also result from the way a particular verb is functioning in a particular clause. The English verb feel, for example, can function as a material, a mental or a relational process depending on its relationship with the other elements in die clause or clause complex:
I felt the wood and decided it needed more sanding i felt that I was at a crossroads In my life I felt tired material process (doing) mental process (thinking) relational process (a kind of being)

This draws our attention to a point that can not be stressed too strongly: that, rather than thinking of particular verbs as always giving expression to one process type, we should think about how a particular verb is functioning in its context. Each process type has its own set of participant roles. This means that once the process type has been identified, the function labels for the participant roles fall into place easily. Moreover, the function labels for participants in each process are fairly transparent: when the process is material, the Doer is known as Actor, when mental, the Doer is Senser, when verbal, the Doer is Sayer, and, when behavioural, the Doer is Behaver. We will now look at each process type and its participant roles in more detail.

In English, material processes with a Goal can be either active, as shown above, or passive as shown below:
The cricket ball was caught by Theo

Goal The fruit cake Goal

The cat

Process: material
was made

by mother

Process: material
was being chased

by the dog


Process: material


Process types and participant roles

Material processes
Material processes construe doing; they answer the question 'What did X do?' or 'What happened?' Potential participant roles are: ACTOR (or Doer of the process), a GOAL (or Thing affected by the process), a RANGE (or Thing unaffected by the process), a BENEFICJARY of the process. Material processes with Actor as the sole participant Joan arrived Actor

The passive construction presents the Actor and Goal in reverse order to the active construction. The Actor of a passive clause is often described as the Agent rather than the Actor. The passive construction allows the possibility of omitting the Agent altogether (the so-called 'agentless passive'): The cricket ball was caught Goal The fruit cake Goal Process; material was made Process: material has been made Process: material

Process: material An error

at noon

The army Actor

Goal Circumstance

Process: material
Process: material

Material processes with an Actor and a Goal:

Theo caught the cricket ball


Process: material


Agentless passives are one way in English of 'losing' the Actor of a process. Whenever you encounter one, it is worthwhile asking just why the Actor has been omitted - is it because nobody knows who did the action, or because everybody knows, or because it is unimportant, or because the writer is purposely not mentioning it for some reason? For example, if you saw a headline 'Man was murdered' (or more likely just 'Man murdered'), it could be that no-one knows yet who did the murder. And if, on the following day, the headline reads 'Suspect arrested', there is no need for the writer to mention who did the arresting because everybody knows that it was done by the police. But if the next headline reads 'Suspect shot', it might be because the writer does

How speakers represent the world: ExpUxingexper^ 54 Using Functional (grammar Behavioural processes with a conscious Behaver and with personification not w a n t to draw your attention to who did it. It's always worth asking with an agenr.less passive! Material processes with Beneficiary
posted a fetter to a friend The cat sleeps

The woman Behaver

laughed Process: behavioural

on the back veranda


Process: material

my friend

Beneficiary: Recipient
a letter

Phyllis and Jim

Process: behavioural

the sunset

The architect

Process: material

Beneficiary: Recipient
a house tor his mother



Process: behavioural

bitter tears


Process: material


Beneficiary: Client


The volcano

Process: behavioural


The participant role Beneficiary may be subdivided into Recipient, the one who receives the outcome of the process, or Client, the one for whom the process is done. All delicate distinctions make the roles more transparent but Client is such a rare Participant role that you may find that Beneficiary is sufficient. Material processes with Range
Jackson is climbing the fence


Process: behavioural (personification)

Mental processes
Mental processes encode the inner world of cognition, perception, Inclination or liking/disliking (known as affea). Potential participant roles are: SENSER (or Doer of the process) which must be realised by a human or at least conscious participant; and a PHENOMENON, realised by a nominal group or embedded clause summing up what is thought, wanted, perceived or liked/disliked. Alternatively, the mental process may project a separate ranked clause. All of these possibilities are i t o a t e d below. No that where a ranked clause is projected, the clause containing the mental process will be the projecting clause and the other will be a projected clause and can contain any process type.


Process: material

some research


Process: material


These two examples of the participant role Range show that it can be something separate from and unaffected by the process or, as in the second example, it can he more like an extension of the process. In fact, in the second example the verb is fairly empty and gets the bulk of its experiential meaning from the Range.

Mental process with nominal group

In this set the more delicate divisions of mental processes are identified. There may be times when you choose to show this delicacy and others when you simply identify the process as mental:
Annie knows the answer

Behavioural processes
Behavioural processes construe physiological or psychological behaviour. The main participant, the BEHAVER, is generally a conscious being and, if it is not, the clause is considered to be personification. These processes are often the doing version of a mental or even a verbal process. Sometimes there is a Range-like Participant known as BEHAVIOUR, which extends the process; sometimes, especially with relation to those most closely related to mental processes, the Range is a separate entity somewhat like a Phenomenon.


Process: mental: cognition likes Process: mental: affect





Using Functional (grammar

Austin Sense r Henry Senser hears Process: mental: perception wants Process: mental: inclination the ice-cream truck Phenomenon an ice-cream Phenomenon

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings object of the talk), and VERBIAGE (which corresponds to Phenomenon in a mental process and sums up what is said in one nominal group or embedded clause). A verbal process will most often project what is said in a separate ranked clause. All of these possibilities are illustrated below. Note that where a ranked clause is projected, the clause containing the verbal process will be the projecting clause and the other clause will be a projected clause and can contain any process type. Verbal process with nominal group
[[what she wants]] Phenomenon [[the ice-cream truck coming]] Phenomenon She Sayer said Process: verbal her piece Verbiage


Mental process with embedded clause

Annie Senser Austin Senser knows Process: mental: cognirion hears Process: mental: perception

Verbal process with embedded clause Chris Sayer said Process: verbal [[ what he had to say ]] Verbiage

The double square brackets mark a so-called 'embedded clause'. See pages 72ff for further explanation. Mental process projecting direct thought as a separate clause 'Why am I tired?' she wondered Projected clause
1 Senser She Senser Senser thought, Process: mental wondered, Process: mental Process: mental
'He looks ridiculous.'

Verbal process projecting direct speech as a separate clause

She Sayer They Sayer said Process: verbal asked, Process; verbal
'I am tired.'

Projected clause
'Where are you going?'

Projected clause

Projected clause
Verbal process projecting indirect speec
Why am I tired?'

She Sayer 1 Sayer

said Process: verbal asked Process: verbal

that she was tired

Projected clause

Projected clause
where he was going

Mental process projecting indirect thought as a separate clause She wonderedwhy she was tired
Senser Hanne Senser Process: mental wanted Process: mental

Projected clause

Projected clause
Jim to go

Verbal process with Receiver Isabella told

Sayer Process: verbal

the secret

to her best friend

Projected clause



Verbal processes Verbal processes construe saying. Potential participant roles are: SAYER (Doer of the process), RECEIVER (addressee of the speech), TARGET (the participant which is the

Verbal process with Target Marcus Antortius praised

Sayer Process: verbal

Julius Caesar



Usitig Functional Qrammar

Hmv speakers represent the world-. Exploring experieirtid n^amngs^ 59

That bookcase seems a fine piece of furniture

It's probably worth mentioning that this last example is controversial; some linguists prefer to think of verbs like 'praise' and 'criticise' as behavioural processes.


Process: relational


Existential processes
Because the function of existential processes is to construe being as simple existence, there is only one participant known as the EXISTENT. Existential processes are typically preceded by there and occur at the beginning of a text or where the text is moving into a new phase: Once upon a time there were four children Process: existential

In contrast to attributive processes, relational identifying processes set up an identity, role or meaning. They have been called 'the engine room' or 'power-house' of semiosis. In fact they perform two separate functions and have two sets of labels. The first function is the one which provides a new identity. If someone asks W W B m? office? they are looking for the identity of their office, and the question and answer contain an identifying process. Whether it comes first or last in the clause, the nominal group about which the question is asked is labelled IDENTIFIED and the new identity, the answer to the question, is the IDENTIFIER. These function labels are often abbreviated to IFD and IFR:
Your office to the room on the left


Process: existential

a strange smell

Existent a bit of a problem Existent

several difficulties

Identified (IFD)

Process: relational identifying

Identifier (lFR)

's been Process: existential

The room on the right

your office
Process: relational identifying Identified (IFD)

Identifier (lFR)

Process: existential


Relational processes
The main characteristic of relational processes is that they relate a participant to its identity or description. Thus, within relational processes there are two main types: RELATIONAL ATTRIBUTIVE, which relate a participant to its general characteristics or description; and RELATIONAL IDENTIFYING, which relate a participant to its identity, role or meaning. In relational attributive clauses the participant carrying the characteristics or attributes is known as the CARRIER and the characteristic is known as ATTRIBUTE. The Attribute is typically an indefinite nominal group or a nominal group with an adjective as Head. Besides the different forms of the verb be, other verbs which relate a Carrier to an Attribute may include seem, look, appear, remain, feel: Their office is sumptuous

The second function of relational identifying processes accounts for the title powei house of semiosis*. This function allows us to take any form and identify its function and, conversely, to take any function and identify its form. In other words, we take some token and give it a new value, or some value and give its token. Not surprisingly, the participant roles for thus function are: TOKEN, the form; and VALUE, the function, t is the function by which we give new Value to a known Token or supply a Token for a known Value. If all this sounds rather abstract, there is a foolproof way for sorting out w h i c i Participant is Token and which is Value. Although the most common relational process is be, which has no passive voice, other verbs that can relate a Token and its Value include mean, spell, express, play, act, show and represent, which do have passive forms. When one of these verbs is in the active voice, the order of the clause will be Token, process, Value; but when the verb is passive, the order is Value, process, Token. In contrast to relational attributive processes, the Participants in identifying processes are typically definite or filled by a proper noun. Compare these examples: John is a leader CarTier

Carrier That bookcase Carrier

Process: relational looks Process: relational

very heavy

Process: relational attributive

the leader



Process: relational identifying

Val ue


Using Functional Qrammur

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings The analysis into Token and Value sits alongside the analysis into Identified and Identifier. This double analysis is shown below for the answer to the question Which is nry office?
The room on the right is (represents) your office


Another difference between attributive and identifying processes will become clearer when we reach the discussion of interpersonal meanings but it won't hurt to mention it now. No matter what order an attributive clause takes, the Carrier is always the Subject, But in identifying clauses, the first participant is the Subject whether it is Identified or Identifier, Token or Value. The following are some examples of Token and Value where both participant roles are filled by nominal groups.
The room on the right is (represents) your office


Process; relational identifying


Your office

is (is represented by)

the room on the right

Your office

Process: relational identifying

the room on the right


Process: relational identifying


(is represented by)


Process: relational identifying

acts (represents)

the heroine of the story

There is one more point to mention concerning relational identifying processes, namely that the participant roles may be filled by embedded (rankshifted) clauses. We don't expect you to know what these are yet but they'll he discussed later in this chapter and in Chapter 7, Here is an example with embedded clause enclosed in double square brackets:
[[ What I really want ]] is (is represented by) a good cup of tea

The heroine of the story

Process: relational identifying

is acted by (is represented by)



Process: relational identifying



Process: relational identifying

spells (represents)


dog Value D-O-G Token


Token Dog Value

A red light

Process: relational identifying is spelt (is represented by) Process: relational identifying
means (signifies) (represents)

There is more to relational processes than we have discussed so far. The relationships in our set of examples belong to the set of relational processes known as intensive, but there are other sets known as circumstantial and possessive. All we will do here is give one example of relational attributive circumstantial, relational identifying circumstantial, relational attributive possessive, and relational identifying possessive processes. For further examples and discussion of relational processes you may like to read Halliday (1994; 119-138). While looking at the following examples, bear in mind that we can distinguish attributive from identifying processes because the former are about a general category or class and the latter are definite. Relational attributive circumstantial
The house was on a hill

Carrier Value

Process: relational attributive circumstantial

Attribute: Circumstance

Token 'Stop' Value

Process: relational identifying is signified by {is represented by) Process; relational identifying

Relational identifying circumstantial

a red light Token
My favourite place is at the beach


Process: relational identifying circumstantial



Using Functional Qrammar

HOMJ speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings Table 3.1 (continued) a beautiful dog Attribute: Possessed Process type Domain Restrictions Participants


Relational attributive possessive

Maya Canier: Possessor has Process; relational: attributive: possessive

Function: to construe saying bringing the inside outside: saying something none anyone/thing can say NB: inanimate saying is close to identifying Sayer Verbiage Receiver Target = = = = doer said said to said about

Relational identifying possessive That golden retriever Value: Possessed is owned by Process: relational: identifying: identifying: possessive Gordon Token: Possessor

Table 3.1 provides a summary of the process types and participant roles we have been discussing in this chapter. Table 3.1 Summary of process types and participant roles Process type Material Function: to construe the material world of doing Behavioural Function: to construe conscious behaviour physiological and psychological behaviour: the doing version of mental or verbal processes needs consciousness Behtiver = doer Behaviour/Range = done outside none activities DOING ANYONE/THING something can do Actor Goal Range Beneficiary = = = = doer affected not affected to/for Domain Restrictions Participants

Existential Function: to construe existence introduce existence of new Participants none Existent

Relational Attributive Function; to construe relationships of description Relational Identifying Function: to construe relationships of identification and equation to decode known meanings and encode new meanings none Identified = that which is to be identified Identifier = the new identity Token = form Value = function or role Token represents Value Value is represented by Token to characterise or assign membership to a class none Carrier = tiling described Attribute = description

Mental Function; to construe and may project the inner world of consciousness inside activities thinking, knowing, liking wanting, perceiving needs consciousness and human characteristics Senser = doer Phenomenon = thing known, liked/disliked, wanted, perceived

Returning to Figure 3.1 at the beginning of this chapter, we see that a process is at the centre of the world of experience in the orbital diagram. Surrounding that process is an inner orbit of participant roles that answer the questions Who? Which? What? To whom? For whom? about the process. This may give the audience sufficient information for


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings Circumstances you would expect to find in a biography, a car manual or a travel guide. Table 3.2 lists the type of questions different Circumstances answer about a process and gives examples for each. Table 3.2 Examples of questions answered by different Circumstances
Type of Circumstance


some speakers or writers' purposes, but others may want to fill in more details by telling the audience where, or when or how or why or with whom or as what the process occurred. Sometimes speakers/writers will provide this information in a separate clause or clauses. But very often such circumstantial information is within the clause itself, using a prepositional phrase, an adverbial group, or even a nominal group. Any piece of circumstantial information about the process within its own clause is called

Answers the question How long? How far? How many times? Where? When? If what?

Examples (for) two hours (for) two miles five times a week in the yard after dinner In case of rain in spite of rain in the absence of fine weather because of the rain for a rest with a friend as well as Henry instead of Michael about suffering as a clown

As we have already said, Circumstances function to illuminate the process in some way. They may, among other things, locate the Process in time or space, suggest how the Process occurs, or offer information about the cause of the Process:
Thing The team The Premier My mother-in-law Harry The child Event practised arrived lives was walking was sleeping signed plays suffers had to sing

in the morning at the end of the meeting in Perth along the road soundly with a gold pen brilliantly from chronic lower back pain for my supper



Claudia My father


Why? What for? With whom? And who else? But not who? What about? What as?


Of course, a message can contain more than one Circumstance:

Participant Charles The Premier Process sings arrived Circumstance every week at ten Circumstance in a choral group in a rented limousine


And Circumstances are rather more mobile than Participants and Processes in English. Compare the positions of every weekend and suddenly in the following examples:
She works at the service station every weekend She works every weekend at the service station Every weekend she works at the service station Suddenly the driver braked The driver suddenly braked The driver braked suddenly

means quality comparison


How? What with? How? What like? According to whom?

by car with a stick quietly like a trooper to Mary according to Luke

This mobility can be used for specific purposes that will be dealt with more fully when we look at the textual function of language in Chapter 6, Once you have recognised a Circumstance, you may want to use its proper function label or you may prefer to label it according to the question it answers. In either case what we are always interested in are the types of Circumstance used in a text and how they help us to understand the purpose of a text. You may like to consider what


Using Functional Qrammar Premodification

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings


The structure of Participants, Processes and Circumstances

We have seen how clauses as expressions of the experiential function of language are combinations of smaller experiential groups patterned to signify who did what to whom under what circumstances. The constituent groups of the clause may be expressed by one word or may themselves have a complex internal structure (whether one word or several words, they are called groups). Thus, our experience is structured by our language into sequences of manageable bundles, each with a distinct outline.

DEICT1CS which point to, or in some way select, the noun functioning as Thing. Deictics include: for example: a articles ^ > the demonstratives this, that, these, those possessives my. her, their, my father's a few non-specific pointers some, both, all NUMERATES which tell how many of the Thing there are or in what order they occur. Numerates include: for example: cardinal numbers one, three, a thousand ordinal numbers first, second, third, last EPITHETS which describe a quality of a Thing. Epithets include: for example: actives young, red, dirty, exciting, disgusting, wonderful CLASSIFIERS which establish the Thing as a member of a class. These may be: for example: adjectives Australian, financial, public nouns acting as classifier cedar tree, car pool _

The Participants in a process are realised inthe grammar by


the Processes themselves by


the Circumstances by

Let us now explore what might seem the most straightforward of" our three models of experience, namely die notion of a PARTICIPANT. A participant can be a person, a place or a n object (this is the notion of 'thingness'), and in the grammar of a clause t h e participant is most commonly realised by a NOMINAL GROUP. A t the nucleus of the nominal group structure is the word that most generally represents the thingness concept that is being talked about, typically a noun or pronoun. We call this nucleus the HEAD of the nominal group; that is the THING element in the nominal group structure. S o m e t i m e s this single word is all t h a t is needed to signify t h e concept under discussion, for example when we say 'trees are beautiful' or 'beer tastes bitter'. But we often want to be specific in some way, for example by pinning down some trees as 'those trees' or by qualifying them as 'those trees on the hill'. So the Thing may stand alone or be preceded and/or followed by other words in the group which modify it in some way. In other words, we can h a v e premodification hefore t h e T h i n g a n d postmodification after it. The whole bundle forms the experiential meaning structure which we call the nominal group.

T h e premodification can he functionally divided into several parts. You w,U notice that the four broad groups reflect the structure of premodification in a nominal group In English we put these elements in the order; Deictic Numerative Epithet Classifier. This means we say: an old limber house n o t a timber old house those two magnificent cedar trees those cedar magnificent two trees There are other constraints and possibilities as well. For instance, it is unusual to have more than one Deictic, but not at all uncommon to have more than one Epithet or Classifier: a large ferocious guard dog (two Epithets: large, ferocious) a new white imported sports car (two Classifiers: imported, sports) Epithets can usually be intensified by the word very, Classifiers cannot. So, we can talk of a very old timber house, but not (normally) of an oU ver? amber house. There are two further points about premodification we need to examine. The first_is that the boundaries between these four groups are not watertight. The word public, for instance, is commonly a Classifier in nominal groups such as a public servant or public support, but you can also use public in a way that is more like an Epithet, as m a very Public occasion or a aery public display of emotion. So we shouldn't think that every word can be labelled once and for all without considering its function in context.


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings Table 3.3 Some example nominal groups Deictic Numerative


The second point is that we can actually keep refining these categories. For example, we could distinguish between Epithets expressing si2e (big, small) and colour {red, white), noting that the former typically precede the latter {a big red car) and that it seems more normal to intensify size (a very big dog) than colour (a very brown dog). However, in this discussion we'll confine ourselves to the four basic categories. Pos [modification Postmodification functions to qualify the Thing in more detail. It is functionally labelled as QUALIFIER and it gives more detail about the Thing by means of a clause or prepositional phrase. As the clause or prepositional phrase is functioning as a Qualifier within a group, it is said to be embedded in that group and has no independent status as a. phrase or clause. Here are examples of nominal groups containing Qualifiers (the Qualifiers are in bold type):
the house on the hill snow on Mount Kosciusko the car that came hurtling down the road the iall woman who parks her car outside number 16

Epithet long


Thing weeds dog guide

in my garden

the my
the hitchiker's that

to the galaxy

extremely dangerous



that we took last summer


We will now look at the way PROCESS is realised in the grammar of the English clause. Here verbal groups model the experience of eventness in English - whatever is happening, acting, doing, sensing, saying, or simply being. As with the nominal group, the verbal group may consist of one word or of a group of words. Just as the Head of a nominal group (which expresses thingness in English) typically involves a noun or pronoun, the word at the heart of die verbal group (which expresses eventness) most generally represents the concept of eventness. This is typically a member of the word class verb, and is known as the Event in the verbal group structure. The Event is thus the central verb and signifies the activity taking place. In an English verbal group, the Event may stand alone or be preceded by other words in the group. The Event is shown in bold in the examples below: Participant Nominal Group
The string The cat My car The other team The premises

In fact, the Qualifier is by far the most intricate part of a nominal group, and it can be extremely complex. Take the following example:
the desk which you bought at that shop near the bakery which sells those cakes your father Eikes

All of this is a nominal group. Its Head is desk and everything after that is qualifying the desk. But there are Qualifiers within Qualifiers here. We could show the structure like this, where each Qualifier is on a new line. the desk
which you bought at that shop near the bakery which sells those cakes your falhBr likes

1 rocess Verbal Group Event

broke has been sleeping was being towed might have been slacking could have been being watched

Or we could show the nesting like this:

the desk [[ which you bought at that shop [ near the bakery [[ that sells those cakes [[ your father likes ]] ]] ] ]]

The convention here is to use a pair of double square brackets [[...]] for a clause Qualifier and a paiT of single square brackets [.,,] for a prepositional phrase Qualifier. In the example above, you read the pairs of brackets from the outside in. So:
everything after desk qualifies the desk, \[ which you ... father likes ]]; everything after shop qualifies the shop, [ near... father likes ]; everything after bakery qualifies the bakery, [[ which sells... father likes ]]; and the last embedded clause qualifies the cakes [[ your father Eikes ]]

The elements that precede the Event itself are a quite limited set of forms known as auxiliary verbs or auxiliaries. They express aspects of the event such as: Location in time (tense) will eat, did eat Completeness or continuousness of the event (aspect) has eaten, was eating The speaker's judgment of the certainty of the may eat, must have eaten event (modality) Active or passive (voice) was eaten (by someone)


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers represent the world; Exploring experiential meanings The Postmodifier in the adverbial group is similar to the Qualifier in the nominal group in both structure and function. Structurally it may be an embedded clause or, less commonly, a prepositional phrase, and it functions to extend the definition of the Head word in the group or to pin down its meaning more specifically. However, unlike the nominal group, as you'll notice from the examples above, there is often a structural relationship between the Pre- and Postmodifiers in the adverbial group, for example so ... that, as ... as.


The first auxiliary in the verbal group is sometimes called the FINITE, because of its special role in the grammar of English. Note, for example, tkat it is the Finite that is echoed in tag questions:
Your car was being towed at the time, wasn't it?

and that it is the Finite that moves position to make the difference between a question and a statement:
Your car was bBing towed at the time Was your car being towed at the time?

The auxiliary verh(s) and the main Event verb are sometimes separated in the word patterning of the English clause. In each of the following examples there is just one Process realised by a verbal group, but in each case there is an adverb functioning as circumstance intervening in the linear structure of the verbal group. The verbal groups are in bold type:
I can clearly remember They seem to have totally lost the plot They must have been completely confused by your directions

Prepositions! phrases The prepositional phrase has the structure PREPOSITION + NOMINAL CROUP. The nominal group may be quite simple:
Preposition in on at N o m i n a l group the morning Wednesdays home

or may contain embedding: Preposition Nominal group

in on under the house [[ that had been their home for 20 years J that fateful Wednesday [[ which changed their lives ]] the flag [[ that fluttered bravely in the breeze and that seemed to them a symbol of their endeavour ]]

The functions of auxiliary verbs in general, and the role of the Finite in particular, relate much more to the interpersonal aspect of grammar than to the experiential. They will therefore be dealt with more fully in Chapters 4 and 5.

Circumstances are realised by adverbial groups, prepositional phrases and even by nominal groups. We will look at the structures of each of these in turn. Adverbial group The adverbial group, like any other group, can be one word or several. It has an internal structure that allows some premodification and post modification as demonstrated in the following list:
fairly very ever so so as as quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly [[ that we couldn't catch him ]] quickly [[as she could]] quickly [as possible]

Remember that a prepositional phrase can serve not only as Circumstance in a clause but also as Qualifier within a nominal group or as Postmodifier in an adverbial group. Notice that inside the prepositional phrases in these examples there are four other prepositional phrases, three of them within the one overarching prepositional phrase structure:
for 20 years in the breeze to them of their endeavour

Nominal groups Finally, there are some groups of words that function as Circumstance but do not appear to fit the pattern of either adverbial group or prepositional phrase. For example:
all week six months later all the time many times three weeks ago some time recently home a different

At the head of the adverbial group is an adverb. This may be premodifted by some kind of 1NTENSIFIER (a word that modifies the meaning of the head adverb). Words like quite, so, very, too, all too are among the common Premodifiers of adverbial groups.

Some of these look like, and indeed are, nominal groups (all week, many times, home), others seem to be adverbial groups with premodification by a nominal group instead of


Using Functional Qrammar

Hoiu speakers represent the world; Exploring experiential meanings


by an intensifier of some kind (three weela ago, aomd time recently). What is important here is to be able to recognise a Circumstance element of a clause by its function; that is, the role it is playing in conveying the meaning of the message. Compare, for instance, the function of the word home in the following two messages:
Home is a cave in the hills The troops are coming home

In the examples above the prepositional phrase is said to he embedded or rank shifted embedded because it is now inside a clause constituent element, and rank shifted because it is lower in rank than when it functions as Circumstance; that is, it now functions merely as part of a clause constituent rather than as the clause constituent itself. Sometimes an utterance may be ambiguous if it is not clear at which rank a prepositional phrase is functioning. Consider for example the following clause: Did you hear about the accident in the factory? The speaker may mean to ask whether it was in the factory that you heard about the accident. In this case in the factory is intended as Circumstance within the clause, designed to locate the Process did hear. But if the speaker is asking whether you heard about the accident which took place in the factory, then in the factory describes or limits accident and is a Qualifier in the nominal group accident in the factory.

In the first of these clauses, home is a nominal group functioning as Thing; in the second it is functioning as Circumstance.

Structures within structures

The patterning of meaning in the experiential function of English offers many examples of structures within structures. Each structure has its own function. Take as an example the following sentence incorporating one of the prepositional phrases discussed above:
They stood under the flag that fluttered bravely in the breeze and that seemed to them a symbol of

Experiential meanings and clause constituency

If you have been dividing clauses into their constituent parts and labelling them with class labels before you examine experiential meanings, you may have noticed that not all clause constituents figure in the experiential analysis. Conjunction groups, for instance, are only relevant in the textual analysis and when you are examining how clauses fit together in clause complexes- They should therefore be omitted from your experiential analysis. Similarly, some prepositional phrases and adverbial groups are important for interpersonal and textual meanings but will not figure in your experiential analysis. To help you sort out the various functions of prepositional phrases and adverbial groups a help list is included as Appendix A. The following analysis of a clause shows the constituency and what is relevant for the experiential analysis.
And actually the monster probably burped after his meal

their endeavour. This has the structure Participant + Process + Circumstance, where the Location Circumstance is realised by the prepositional phrase under the flag that fluttered bravely in the breeze and that seemed to them a symbol of their endeavour. The prepositional phrase has the expected structure, preposition (under) + nominal group (the flag [[that fluttered bravely in the breeze and that seemed to them a symbol of their endeavour]}). Now notice that this nominal group has two embedded clauses functioning as equal status Qualifiers of the Thing - it is a flag [[that fluttered bravely in the breeze]], and a flag [[that seemed to them a symbol of their endeavour]]. Inside each embedded clause there is a prepositional phrase functioning as Circumstance in the clause structure. In the breeze tells us where and by what means the flag fluttered; to them tells us for whom die flag was symbolic. The second of these embedded clauses has a Participant realised by the nominal group a symbol of their endeavour with the prepositional phrase of their endeavour functioning as Qualifier. An important point to remember is that when a prepositional phrase functions as a Circumstance, it is acting in its own right as a consituent of its clause: Participant
They The accident

cbnstitiienfcy'.; ^efcient&T"


adv g

ng Behaver

adv g


prep phrase

Process: Circ: Behav When

work occurred

in the factory in the factory

We now return to die idea that clause patterning is a variable model of experience. Consider a clause like this:
Excessive consumption of alcohol is a major cause of motor vehicle accidents

But as Qualifier inside a nominal group, the prepositional phrase becomes part of the description of the Thing. In the following examples the relevant nominal groups realise a Participant constituent of a clause;
Participant The workers in the factory The accident in the factory Process were meeting is being investigated Circumstance yesterday

If you were to ask what events or processes are important in this message, you might think of drinking too much alcohol or heavy drinking causing accidents or drivers having


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings When the event is realised in a verbal group it is congruent with experience, but when we turn the event into a noun expressing a participant role, the event lias become an object and the language is no longer congruent with our experience. We have made an experiential shift and, because we are functional grammarians who regard all choices as meaningful, we look for some reasons for the shiftOne explanation is that we want to freeze that event in time and make it an object that participates in a different sort of process. Furthermore, as we saw in our discussion of nominal group stmcture, turning an event into a noun offers opportunities to point out, count, describe, classify and specify further and further. Another reason for the repackaging lies in the shift from spoken to written language or from one register to another. You could compare the spoken language used during a scientific experiment, taking place in primary or secondary school, at university or in the workplace, with the nominaltsed language used to write up the research. You can read more about ideational (experiential) grammatical metaphor in Halliday (1994: Chapter 10).


accidents or even cars hitting people or other cars. Yet none of these events is presented here as a Process. The only Process here is the simple relation is; the clause is actually structured as something is something, and all of the potential events and happenings are packaged not as Processes, but as Participants. The process of drinking is presented here as a Participant (consumption); the process of causing is packaged as a major cause, another Participant structure; and so on. If you try rewording this clause to bring out the events as Processes you might come up with clauses like these:
People who drink too much alcohol and drive often cause motor vehicle accidents If you drink too much alcohol when you drive your car, you are likely to have an accident Motor vehicle drivers often have accidents because they have been drinking too much alcohol

If you reflect on these possibilities you realise that the paraphrases are not identical in meaning, that each attempt at rewording brings different aspects of the message into prominence, and in some cases changes the mess-age substantially. Does major cause actually mean the same as causes a lot of accidents or often causes accidents or even increases the risk of an accidentl In other words, the packaging expressed through the clause is part of the way in which we represent or model what is going on, what is at stake, what we take to be reality. The particular phenomenon illustrated by the Participant excessive consumption of alcohol and a major cause of motor vehicle accidents is known as NOMINALISATION, Through nominalisation, events and even entire clauses are repackaged as Participants, Other examples of nominalisation are: Clause Thing
The plane leaves at 9.00 She wrote this poem Repackaged as Repackaged as The plane's 9.00 departure Her writing of this poem

lo sum up
English speakers and writers manipulate the experiential meanings of their language in order to encode their experiences of the world around them. Every clause in English can be seen in the experiential function to be made up of combinations of Participants) and Circumstance(s) revolving around the obligatory Process. But within this seemingly narrow framework there are almost endless possibilities as to how we encode our experience. Just what part of our experience goes into which constituent part of the clause structure is by no means fixed, and will vary widely from speaker to speaker, writer to writer, and situation to situation. If you want to find out more about language as experience read Chapters 5 and 6 in Halliday (1994) After you have analysed a text clause by clause you will want to sort out the various process types used by the speaker or writer. This wilt help you to see just what kind of a world has been constructed, a world of doing or being or thinking or saying. You will want to know what nominal groups are selected as Actor, Senser, Carrier or Token, You will want to know, for example, which material processes have Goals and which do not. You wilt want to know how the speaker/writer constructs nominal groups so that you can identify how the world of experience has been constructed in the text. You will ask whether the nominal groups are abstract or concrete, whether they are people or animals and in what field of experience they belong. In Appendices D (Templates for summarising experiential meanings) and G (Template for exploring nominal group structures) there are some charts to help you in your investigation.

Functional grammarians sometimes call nominalisation an ideational or experiential grammatical metaphor. Like the more familiar lexical metaphors, grammatical metaphors represent a shift or transference of meaning. Lexical metaphors often do this using relational processes which, as we said earlier in this chapter, can be used to describe or define. We can tell that the clause is metaphorical because the truth would be impossible or incongruent.
The giri was tiny The girl was a doll possible or congruent meaning incongruent or metaphoric meaning.

The occurence of shifts of meaning from the congruent to the incongruent create lexical metaphors. Similar shifts from congruent to incongruent meanings also occur in the grammar. We've already seen this shift in the example The volcano slept in the discussion of behavioural processes on page 55. This clause is incongruent because behavioural processes require a conscious Senser (which a volcano clearly is not) and this shift into personification is an experiential grammatical metaphor. In fact, any mismatch of processes and participants is a shift in experiential meanings, and this is what happens in nominal isat tons.


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings


Implications for language teachers

1 Create clauses of your own that have the following patterns; a. Participant Process Circumstance b. Participant Circumstance Process c. Circumstance Participant Process 2 Identify the Participants, Processes, Circumstances in these clauses: a. Harry loves the bush b. In the aftermath of Christmas festivities I left c. Mr Bird wiped his tea wet lips on the back of his hand d. The King was walking on the terrace 3 Label the constituents in these nominal groups: a. a small gnome in the garden b. three tall gum trees c. clear water cascading over the rocks d. that big guard dog that lives over there 4 Create nominal groups to fit these patterns: a. Deictic Epithet Epithet Thing b. Numerative Thing Qualifier c. Epithet Classifier Thing Qualifier 5 List each Circumstance in the following passage and indicate whether it is an adverbial group or prepositional phrase. He pushed his chair back angrily and strode from the room. The other members of the committee watched him in silence. The president waited for a few seconds, then smiled reassuringly. She calmly sorted her notes and turned to the secretary. 6 Of what type is each Process in the following passage? I was driving down the Buchan to Orbost road on my way to another cave when I noticed a dark cleft in a cliff near the top of a hill. I thought there must be a dry cave, so I abandoned my previous plans and headed across the paddocks up to the cliff. Outside the cave was a rockshelter with a roof that had been blackened by the smoke of many cajmpfires. A short rocky passage led into a dimly lit inner cavern with a high cathedral-like roof. I had feared that there would be a rock-strewn floor; instead the earth was soft and dry, perfect for prehistoric and indeed modern campers.

This chapter describes the potential of the English clause to make meaning about human experience. It also describes how each speaker represents their experience differently by 'packaging it in different ways, in other words, by choosing different clause constituents,


is knowledge of experiential grammar useful to teachers?

The value of describing language in terms of experiential grammar is that it makes it possible for teachers to introduce students explicitly and systematically to the array of choices available for making meanings about human experience in an English clause, These choices include: the types of Process which can b e a t the centre of an English clause the Participant roles which can be related to each process type the types of Circumstances which can illuminate processes. A study of these choices reveals how meaning, function and structure are interrelatedAs students explore the functions of each of these choices in authentic language, they are exploring experiential meaning and the structures which express experiential meaning. T h e structure of the clause itself can be described in terms of the potential 'slots' it has available for making experiential meaning. The Process slot must be filled for a clause to come into being, then one, two or even three Participants can be added and one or more Circumstances. The choices we make to fill these slots are motivated by: the purpose we are using the text to achieve

the field of the immediate situation, Each of the possible 'slots' in the clause can be described in terms of its meaning potential and in terms of the structures which can realise that potential. For example, the event or Process slot in the clause has the potential to achieve a material, relational or projecting function. Verbal groups are the structures which realise this potential, Distinguishing between different types of Processes draws attention to structural patterns in the clause which may otherwise be considered by some students as arbitrary rather than related to meaning and function. Often in language classrooms the first examples of English clauses which students meet are built around material processes. T h e structures of these clauses, and of the verbal groups which realise material processes, tend to be held up as the norm. As a result, the structures of clauses built around relational and projecting processes can seem somehow 'irregular' and 'difficult'. If students are aware from the beginning that there are different types of clauses

7 B

Using Functional Qrammar


How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings

saw the desk which you bought at that shop near the bakery which sells those cakes your father likes


making different types of meaning, the differences in structure will be revealed as functional. Verbs expressing mental processes are an interesting example of how an apparently arbitrary 'rule' of English grammar appears to be functionally motivated when viewed in terms of experiential meaning. In standard dialects of English, verbs expressing a mental process are less likely than those expressing a material process to be used in a continuous form. Consider the following clauses:
I'm finishing now. (material process) [Compare: I finish now.] (think that H's time to finish now. (mental process) [ Compare: I'm thinking that it's time to finish now, I

Participant .



Second, a clause (traditionally known a noun clause) can take up the meaning potential of a participant slot inside another clause, thus becoming a constituent of that clause:
[[ What I really want ]] is a good cup of tea




How does knowledge about experiential grammar help language learners?

Language learning activities designed around the categories of Process, Participant and Circumstance and their different sub-categories have been very effective. In these activities colour and shape are sometimes used to symbolise and reinforce the metalanguage (Williams, in press). In some teaching contexts, time or syllabus constraints make using the metalanguage for these categories impossible. In all teaching contexts, however, these categories provide language teachers with many ideas for experiential probe questions that students can use as they explore English clauses in whole texts. The following are examples of experiential questions that can be used to probe the structures of a clause: What is die process (or verb)? What work is it doing? Is it telling about a material or physical action, or is it relating (ie identifying or describing), saying or sensing? Who or what is doing the action, relating, saying or sensing? Who or what is being done to or related to, said/said to or sensed? Is the saying or sensing clause projecting another clause? Is this clause direct (or quoted) speech or is it indirect (or reported) speech? Is this clause direct (or quoted) thought or is it indirect (or reported) thought?

The section on nominalisation at the end of this chapter introduced you to grammatical metaphor, a process in which there is a shifting in the alignment between a meaning and its grammatical expression. In the case of nominalisation, the metaphor occurs because a phenomenon which we experience in real life as an event and which might more 'naturally' be expressed in language as a Process (for example the verb drink) - is instead expressed in language as a Participant (for example, the noun consumption). Understanding the way nominalisation works and how it impacts on clause structure is important knowledge for students working with written English.

How can knowledge of experiential grammar enhance teaching programs?

As we have seen, the experiential grammar we choose when we produce texts is motivated by: * the purpose we are achieving with die text * the field of the immediate context of situation. Language teaching activities can be designed which draw students' attention to how both these aspects of context find their way into the clauses of a text. Experiential grammar and text structure In Chapter 1 we were told that the structure of a text is related to its overall purpose. In fact, the structure of a text emerges from the way words and grammar structures are used as die text unfolds. Students can undertake activities that explore the way words and structures expressing experiential meanings contribute to the structure and purpose of different types of texts. In Narratives, students might look: * in the Orientation for - existential processes which introduce people, places and things into the story

When, where, how, why, with whom or what, for how long has all this been going on?

If we ask students to search for the answers to these questions in real texts in context, we will reveal many of the structural patterns language learners are aiming to control, including some of the structures that are especially challenging for students of English. Probing for experiential meaning, for instance, can show two things. First, the way that an extremely long and complex noun group with one or more clauses in the Qualifier remains a single functional unit within the clause, only filling the meaning potential of one slot:

80 -

Using Functional Qretnrmar Circumstances which set the story in a time and place relational processes used to identify and describe the characters material processes which introduce the typical action of the characters sequences of material processes which keep the action going verbal processes to slow the action down while projecting what characters are saying relational and mental processes to freeze the action, build suspense, reveal the characters' thoughts and feelings and evaluate what is happening relational processes that reveal die message of the story. -

How speakers represent the uiorldt Exploring experiential meanings


these nouns become the Thing in a nominal group so the event or process can be quantified, classified, described and/or evaluated the nominal group based on the nominalisation takes a Participant role in the clause .

in the Complication for

use relational processes to identify, describe, classify and define use relational processes in clauses where the actual events have been encoded as Patticipants and can no longer be represented as Processes use Circumstances to enhance precision and to identify conditions or constraints.

in the Resolution and/or Coda for -

This kind of exploration builds knowledge about the grammar patterns which typically structure different types of texts. Students can consciously and strategically draw on this knowledge as they structure their own texts. Experiential grammar and field Being able to control the expression of field through experiential grammar greatly enhances students' ability to manage:

T h e way experiential grammar represents field is also important for working with literary texts and for creative writing. In language programs that focus on literary texts, students can investigate how writers use experiential grammar to build a story world for their readers and to develop the characters in their stories, Students can investigate how, for example: Circumstances are used to set the story in a time and place existential processes are used to introduce the reader to people, places and things in the story world relational processes are used to identify and describe characters nominal groups expressing Participant roles are used to reveal tlie qualities of the characters material processes are used to reveal what happens in the story world projecting processes are used to reveal the inner world of the characters " the writer uses experiential grammar to blend two fields in the same story (eg an everyday world and a fantasy world, a real world and a dream world, a domestic world and a specialised world). Whether students are learning the language of everyday contexts, a specialist discipline or literary texts, an exploration of the field helps them to build vocabulary which is relevant to the course content and to their learning needs and goals.

the language of specialised academic disciplines

the imaginary worlds of literature and creative writing strategic and relevant vocabulary building. Studying a specialised discipline is all about learning how to perceive and experience the world in a new way. For those who are learning English in order to study within a specialised discipline, it is essential to be able to manage the expression of field through experiential grammar. In everyday contexts grammatical structures encode specific, everyday experiences of the world. In specialised academic discipitnes experience is analysed and organised in generalised, systematic and technical ways. If students are to manage specialised varieties of English, they must manage the relevant grammar necessary to encode generalised, systematic and technical knowledge in a specific discipline. For example, to produce the language of disciplines related to the sciences, students must: select technical, rather than everyday, words and put these words into groups, phrases, clauses and clause complexes which encode the specialised relationships of the subject they are studying choose Participants which represent general categories, concepts and processes rather dian specific people and things use nominalisacioii so that events and series of events are encoded as (often technical) nouns

Using experiential grammar to build, a critical response to text

Experiential grammar is also useful for helping students to respond critically to the texts they encounter. The words and structures chosen by producers of texts reveal how they perceive and experience what is going on in the world. A n exploration of experiential grammar therefore reveals a great deal about the worldview expressed in a text. The following are examples of activities that can help students to explore the worldview expressed in die experiential grammar of a news story: Students consider the incident on which the news story is based. They think about all the events which might have constituted or contributed to this incident or


Using Functional Qrammar happened as a result of this incident. They rhen note how these events are represented in the story as Processes:
Are there any events which are not represented in the story at all? Why might this be so? What effect does this have on the reader's perception of the incident?

Umv speakers represent the uwld: Exploring experiential tiarttngs_83 _ in terms of family relationships (eg wife, mother, brother, son) or community role
(eg mayor, doctor, builder, artist). How does the selection of words affect the reader's perception of the incident and the people involved in it?

Students note how the journalist represents events in terms of material, relational or projecting processes:
Is the news story mostly representing actions, relating identities and descriptions or projecting people's words and thoughts? Are people's words and thoughts quoted directly or reported indirectly? What effect does the representation of events in the grammatical structures have on the reader's perception of the incident?

Students note whether die Circumstances illuminate the Processes largely in terms of, for example, time, place, manner or cause and the effect this has on the readers perception of the incident.

Students consider all the people who might have a stake in the events of the news story. They then note who are represented in Participant roles in the news story and who are not.
Why are some people represented and others not? What effect does this have on the reader's perception of Ihe incident?

> Students identify the type of Participant roles used for different categories of people revealing, for example: which people are represented as Actor (ie people who do things) and what these people get to do which people are represented as Sayer (ie people whose words are listened to) and what these people get to say

1 Identify a good example of a type of text you would like your students to be able to use - effectively. The text might be spoken or written. If you wish, you may choose one of the texts in Chapter 1. Look lor patterns of experiential grammar which: - contribute to the structure and purpose of the whole text - build the field of the immediate situation . Relate what you have discovered about the experiential grammar of the text to your students' learning needs and goals. 2 Use what you have discovered about the experiential grammar of the text to design activities which support your students' progress towards their learning goals. These activities might draw your students' attention to: . the purpose and structure of the text as revealed in experiential grammar . the nature of the field (eg Is it an everyday or technical field? Is it a literary field or . combination of fields?) how the field is represented In the vocabulary and grammatical structures of the text the worldview represented in the experiential grammar of the text.

which people are represented as Senser (ie people whose thoughts and feelings are revealed) and which of their thoughts and feelings are revealed - which people are represented as Goal (ie people who have things done to them) and what these people have done to them - which people are represented as Receiver (ie people who are spoken to) and what these people have said to them which people are represented as Phenomenon (ie people who are projected into the text by someone else's thoughts) and how these people are projected the way Relational Processes are used to identify and describe different people

How does the way people are represented in the grammatical structures affect the reader's perception of the incident and the people involved in it?

Students note the words used inside the nominal groups expressing the Participant roles. This investigation reveals at a more delicate level how different people are represented in the text. For example, students might note whether certain types of people are represented: - with words which have a positive or a negative feel (eg chief executive or boss, guerilla or freedom fighter)


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Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings


Qiving and demanding information

From Chapter 1 Language has an interpersonal function, so it has interpersonal meanings, We use language to encode our interaction.

Demanding and giving information are meanings at the semantic level which are most often realised at the Iexicogrammatical level by asking questions or making statements. Certain contexts will motivate these meanings in a text. In a lecture, for example, we expect that most of the clauses will be giving information. The same is the case in a recount, an information report or a discussion. In a law court transcript, however, we expect that information will be demanded by a barrister and given by a witness or defendant. Likewise, in classrooms, teachers often check what pupils know by demanding information and, hence, there will be sequences of questions and statements. Text 1, a Year 3 Social Studies text, is a good example of exchanging information.
Text 1: Mike's text Demand information Demand information

If we see people talking together, we may wonder what they are talking about. This experiential aspect of their talk is, of course, realised in die lexicogrammai- of Participants, Process and Circumstance as we discussed in Chapter 3. But speakers do more than talk about experience; they also use language to interact with language and to express interpersonal meanings. In this chapter and the next, the focus is on the lexicogrammarical resources available to realise these interpersonal meanings. Interpersonal meanings cover two main areas: one concerns the type of interaction taking place and the kind of commodity being exchanged, and the other concerns rhe way speakers take a position in their messages. We wilt discuss the former in this chapter and the latter in Chapter 5.




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Interacting with language

One of the most basic interactive distinctions concerns the kind of commodity being exchanged; that is, the difference between using language to exchange information and using it to exchange goods and services. A second distinction concerns the type of interaction taking place; that is, the difference between demanding and giving. In other words, we can demand information or we can give it and we can demand goods and services or give them. These interpersonal meanings from the semantic level of language are realised in the wordings of the Iexicogrammatical level (refer to Figure 1.3 on page 7). h is important to remember that there is not a one-to-one relationship between semantics and lexicogrammar. What someone says may look like demanding or giving information but could be an oblique way of demanding goods and services. For example, we recognise that if someone says, 'Are you thirsty?', or 'It must be afternoon tea time'! they may actually be asking us to make the tea. Nevertheless, there are predictable and straightforward ways to create meanings in the lexicogrammar and we will see in our observations of die following texts that the most usual way of giving information is a statement, the most usual way of demanding information is a question and the most usual way of demanding goods and services is a command or order. There is, however, no linguistically straightforward way of giving goods and services.



Give information

Give information

Another good example of the exchange of information is the nursery rhyme below (Text 2).
Text 2

Demand information: Give information: Demand information: Cive information: Give information (dependent clause); Give information:

How many mites to Babylon? Three score miles and ten. Can I get there by candlelight? Yes, and back again. If your heels are nimble and light, You may get there by candlelight.


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings


Demanding goods and services

In contrast to the exchange of information, the exchange of goods and services involves using language to get things done, either by offering to do them ourselves or ordering someone else to do them. Demanding goods and services are meanings at the semantic level which are most often realised at the lexicogrammatical level by giving orders or instructions. Certain contexts where power or knowledge is unevenly distributed motivate the giving of orders and instructions. Procedural texts commonly contain a number of orders. Although these are not really authoritative demands, they are presented to us as orders which are to be obeyed if we want to achieve the intended results.
Text 3
To Government House from Circular Quay 'Demand' service 'Demand' service 'Demand' service 'Demand' service 'Demand' service 'Demand' service Give information From Circular Quay, follow the waterfront for a short distance then cross the road and go up the Moore Stairs cross Macquarie Street and enter the park opposite walk some distance to the right towards the Conservatorium you will then find yourself at the Government House gates

The Finite
In our discussion of clause constituents we saw that a verbal group is made up of one or more words. Whereas experientially the EVENT is the most important part of the verbal group, it is the Finite which is the focus for the expression of interpersonal meanings. The Finite is that part of the verbal group which encodes primary tense or the speaker's opinion. Thus, the Finite has two main interpersonal roles in the verbal group - it can be a sign of TIME in relation to the speaker, or a MODAL sign of the speaker's opinion. If we were looking for experiential meanings we would decode all the following verbal groups (underlined) as encoding the material process eat:
1 2 3 4 5 The three little kittens soon ate up the pie Jack Sprat could eat no fat The pig was not eaten Why is he eating the pie? You will eat strawberries, sugar and cream

The Finites in the clauses, however, are quite different, for instance: the time (tense) of Clauses 1 and 3 is in the past; in Clause 3 there is a separate word was to tell us this, but in Clause 1 the pastness of die activity is mapped on to die single word ate, making this word a double sign - for the process itself and for the Finite telling the time of the process. In Clause 4 the separate Finite is is the first word in the verbal group, signifying present tense; and in Clause 5 the separate Finite will tells us that the Event will take place some time after the talk about it. Whether an Event has occurred, is presently occurring, or is yet to take place is obviously very important if we are to argue about a clause, and in die next chapter we will be exploring the notion of arguability. With this in mind, we notice diat in Clause I the definiteness of the clause has been moderated by the speaker's opinion about jack Sprat's ability to eat fat so that the debate rests not on whether or not he did but whether or not he could, Finites that encode the speaker's opinion rather than tense are known as MODAL FINITES. The argument of Clause 3 is a negative one - the pig was not eaten. All English clauses have either positive or negative POLARITY, but only negative polarity is shown - positive polarity is assumed unless negativity is marked. So now let's look at die five clauses again with just the Finite and negative polarity underlined:
1 2 3 4 5 The three little kittens soon (Finite past) ajs up the pie Jack Sprat could eat no fat The pig was not eaten Why js he eating the pie? You w l eat strawberries, sugar and cream

Metalanguage for discussing language as interaction

The metalanguage of interaction Finite Subject Mood Modal Finite Polarity Residue Predicator Complement. Adjunct Vocative Person declarative mood interrogative mood imperative mood

In our exploration of the experiential function, we found that the crucial meanings were the relationship between the groups and phrases functioning as the Process, the Participants in the process, and the Circumstances, For interpersonal meanings the crucial relationship is between grammatical functions. The two grammatical features that carry the main burden of interpersonal meanings are the SUBJECT and the FINITE. They combine to make the MOOD of the clause. By the end of this chapter, we will see that the order of Subject and Finite is a grammatical sign of the kind of exchange taking place. We will begin our exploration by examining the grammatical resources to express interaction.

Where the Finite is mapped on to the same word as the Event, we regard the word as two separate signs and draw a line through its centre, marking one side as Finite and tense, and the other as Predicator.


Using Functional Qrammar

he/she/it Subject

How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings



There is a way to double check that we have identified the Finite correctly. If the verbal group contains more than one word, the Finite will be the first word in the verbal group but, if the verbal group is only one word, a Finite signifying tense as well as the Event itself, will be mapped on to that one word:
1 The three little kittens soon gte up the pie

Finite (present)

Finite + (past) 2 Jack Sprat could Finite + (modal) 3 The pig was not Finite (past)
4 Why he


This overt marking of the relationship is repeated in all verbal groups where part of the verb to he is the Finite:
He The buns was were Finite (past) walking eaten Predicator


no fat


eaten Predicator


the dumplings?

Finite + (present)
5 You


Whether or not it is overtly signalled by changes in the verbal group, the relationship between the Subject and Finite is what counts. It is such a strong bond that it intersects normal group boundaries so that the nominal group functioning as Subject and the Finite from the verbal group function together as the Mood (or Mood Block) of the message, leaving any other auxiliary verbs and the process itself as Predicator in the less important Residue of the clause. We'll define these terms properly after a discussion of Mood.
He The buns was were walking eaten

will Finite (future)

eat Predicator

strawberries, sugar and cream

Subject Mood Block

Finite (past)

Predicator Residue

The Subject and SubjecuFinite relationship

The nominal group which interacts most closely with the Finite is known as the SUBJECT. The strong interaction between this and the Finite is a fundamental relationship in English grammar. The significance of the Subject-Finite relation can sometimes be seen in the effect of the Subject on the Finite. When the nominal group in the Subject role changes, from singular to plural or from first person (I, we) to third person {she, the team, they), the Finite may reflect the change in its form. The verb to be signals the Subject-Finite relation most strongly:
Subject Finite (present)

The MOOD or MOOD BLOCK is the name given to the Subject and Finite plus the polarity (plus, as we shall discover in the next chapter, any other modality). One way to test a message for its Mood Block is to add a brief check, or MOOD TAG, to the message, as if we are checking that we have understood the message. After a message like: Jack Sprat could eat no fat, we add a tag: could fie? The tag we add will contain the Subject and Finite in the reverse order from the original clause. So, once we have constructed the Mood tag, we can return to the original message to identity the Mood Block, and the separate Subject and Finite within it become very obvious. The Subject is the whole nominal group referenced by the pronoun in the Mood tag and the Finite is that part of the verbal group which occurs in the Mood tag. Where the Finite is mapped onto the same word as the process itself, adding a Mood tag will sh ow us whether the Finite is past or present. In the case of the three little kittens ate up their pie, we add a tag didn't tliey? This demonstrates that the Subject of the message is the whole nominal group referenced by they, so the Subject is, of course, the three little kittens. Because did is past tense, the Finite is past,

you/we/they Subject

Finite (present)


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings


The following clauses show an interpersonal analysis including the Mood tag check to find Subject and Finite. Note that the + symbol next to the Finite indicates positive polarity and the - indicates negative polarity, Other parts of the interpersonal analysis are also labelled and will be discussed directly below,
They Subject Finite + (present) open Predicator on Friday, Adjunct don't Finite they? Subject Mood tag the film, Predicator Complement Residue swum Predicator there, Adjunct Residue sign Predicator the script, Complement Residue won't Finite hadn't Finite didn't Finite you? Subject Mood tag he? Subject Mood tag she? Subject Mood tag

The Predicator, Compleraent(s) and Adjunct(s) make up the Residue of a clause.

Extra elements
Especially in spoken language, speakers may add a direct address of some kind as in; Andrew, did you borrow my stapler? Hey, Alex, you've left your keys over here! Elements like these, which directly address someone, are known by the traditional grammatical term VOCATIVES. They are additional to the clause structure and, although they are labelled in the interpersonal analysis, do not form part of the Mood Block or Residue.

Mood Block You Subject Finite + (past) liked


Mood Block He Subject had Finite + (past)

In describing interaction we are never very far away from the interactants themselves, the speaker as I or wet and the addressee as jou. As speakers and addressees interact in conversation they take up different roles - the speaker of one clause becomes the addressee of the next as, in turn, the first addressee becomes the next speaker. The traditional way of describing the interactants is first person (singular: J, me, my; plural: <we, us, our) and second person (singular and plural: you, your). Third person is the persons and things spoken about. In English first person plural may either include or exclude the addressee, so grammarians refer to inclusive or exclusive we. Although person is not a labelled part of our interpersonal analysis, any investigation must be concerned with the interplay of first and second person and whether the addressee is included in first person plural pronouns. The identity of J and you, and the expression of solidarity or distance by inclusive or exclusive first person plural pronouns, are expressions of the relationship between speaker and addressee. These important realisations of the tenor of discourse will be discussed again in Chapter 8.

Mood Block The doctor Subject will Finite + (future)

Mood Block

The rest of the verbal group, including any other auxiliaries, is simply described as the Predicator because, as we shall discover in the next chapter, it is the basis for the predication, or validation, of the rest of the clause.

Adverbial groups, nominal groups and prepositional phrases that acted as Circumstances for the experiential meaning of a clause are now simply known as Adjuncts because they are added on to the interpersonal meanings.

Metalanguage for analysing and describing interaction

At the beginning of this chapter we drew on Halliday's discussion of exchange, which distinguishes the exchange of infotmation from the exchange of goods and services. In both types of exchange it is possible to demand or give. The Subject/Finite relationship becomes a sign of the interaction taking place in the discourse by establishing the message as statement, question, command. We will now look at each of these in greater detail.

Other nominal groups may be regarded as Complements because they complete the argument set up in the clause.


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings


Exchanging information
In the exchange of information, the Subject and Finite are both present or can be easily recovered from the preceeding text. The order of Subject and Finite in the Mood Block shows whether information is given or demanded. Giving information The Medea text (Text 4) is taken from a Year 12 English essay where, in the way of all such essays, the writer is presenting information to the reader. Speakers and writers giving information most normally make statements. In clauses giving information, the Subject precedes the Finite, and this configuration of the Mood Block is known as DECLARATIVE MOOD, In this text the Subject always preceeds the Finite, and the Finite, which is always present tense, is usually mapped on to the same word as the Event.
Text 4: The Medea text Medea is a strange and complex character. She is inexplicable because of the extremities of emotion she displays. Both her love and her hate are awesomely powerful, almost too powerful to be human. In the final scene, Euripides displays this by placing her in a blazing chariot above the stage. By this action, she is transformed into a quasi-divine figure. But, at the same time, she remains a savage and her barbarian qualities, her 'fierce, resentful spirit', continue to govern her actions and emotions.

Finite comes before the Subject, and this order is the signal of the INTERROGATIVE mood. For example:
_ l




"tntdrragatiy^:]ttioppi-:: Finite + '!< 'deilaand'-infpriflfttion (present)


Predicator Residue get



Mood Block Can mterrogattve-r: demand' rrtfortnatiofl-' Finite (modal) Subject

by candlelight?

Predicator Residue



Mood Block

In information-seeking questions, if the question word is Who?, Which, or What? functioning as Subject, then the Finite follows it. For example:
Who killed Cock Robin?

interrogative; mood, denaand" information:

WH- Subject

Finite + (past)

Predicator Residue taken Predicator Residue making Predicator Residue


Mood Block Who has Finite + (present)

my pen? Complement

In the final scene Adjunct ResBy this action declarative mood! irifprrnaitiohv' r- Adjunct Res.

Euripides Subject

displays Finite + (present) Predicator

this Complement

WH- Subject Interrogative mood derrtarid iinforniatiGh.

Mood Block What .interrogative defhaiiwt irjjformationWH- Subject was Finite + (past)

Mood Block she Subject is Finite + (present)

-idue transformed Predicator -idue intoaquasidrvine figure Adjunct

that noise? Complement

Mood Block

Mood Block

Otherwise, if the question word is not the Subject, or if any other question word is used, the sequence in the Mood Block is Finite followed by Subject. For example: Who interrogative mood WH- Complement . demartd information Resdid Finite + (past) you Subject

Predicator -idue

Demanding information Speakers demanding information normally ask questions. Sometimes they ask in polar interrogatives which expect a yes/no response. In a polar interrogative question the

Mood Block


Using Functional Qrammar Where

How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings


Finite + (present)

my little dog Subject

gone? Ptedicatot -idue

interrogative mood dem&nd information

WH- Adjunct Res-

As you can see, the clauses above remain declarative mood in spite of the reversal of Subject and Finite which more typically realises interrogative mood.

Mood Block

Exchanging goods and services

Demanding goods and services Speakers demanding goods or services may give orders or commands. In the most straightforward and easily recognised form of this type of exchange there is no apparent Subject or Finite, but speakers can, if they wish, make their demands more emphatic by adding a Subject or a Finite. These configurations of the Mood Block are known as

: -interrogative

didn't Finite (past)

she Subject

leave? Predicator -idue

mood demand information

WH- Adjunct Res-

Mood Block

How Interrogative mood demand information WH- Adjunct Res-

does Finite + (present)

Heidi Subject

know? Predicator -idue

Mood Block

If we add a Mood tag at the end of each message, the result is will you? or won't you? Because of this, some linguists would prefer to say that the Subject is the addressee (you) and that the Finite must contain some idea of futurity. O n the other hand, the suggestion that the Subject and/or Finite need not be present in the imperative highlights the difference between demanding information and demanding goods and services: Play squash! Complement

When interrogative mood. demand information WH- Adjunct Res-

will Finite + (present)

they Subject Mood

arrive? Predicator -idue

imperative mood demand goods and services'

N o Subject

No Finite


Mood Block Do play

Residue squash! Complement

There are exceptions to this typical realisation. In English the Finite may precede the Subject in exclamations or inverted declaratives, as shown in the following two examples (we'll find out what to do with never in the next chapter). In Chapter 5 we will investigate exceptions to this order in some other languages. Never declaT.ative;.mood ;giye information
: > ! . . ' "

imperative mood demand goods and services

N o Subject



Mood Block

Residue play squash! Complement

imperatiye mood . demand goods, and Services Subject N o Finite

had Finite

she Subject

seen Predicator Residue

such power [[invested in one woman]] Complement


Mood Block


Mood Adjunct

Mood Block

'Stuff and nonsense' :deelatative rhbod giverr^tmaUon:. Finite Mood

said Predicator Res-

Alice Subject Block

loudly Adjunct -idue

Remember that En English there is no one-to-one correspondence between meanings and the way they are encoded in the grammar. W e may also find a demand for goods and services encoded as a declarative or interrogative and in such cases the Subject/Finite follows the normal pattern of declarative or interrogative mood, for example;
I need to see your passport or Can I see your passport?


Using Functional Qrammar

Hmv speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings In conversation, in the real world or in the dialogues of plays and narratives, we demand information as well as give it, and we often give orders. The relative status of the interactants is often disclosed by just who demands the information in questions, or demands goods;,and services in orders. In Text 6, from a conversation between a mother and her child over afternoon tea, the mother demands goods and services and demands information, thus controlling both the activity and the flow of the conversation. By now you should be able to label the mood of each verbal group in this text.
Text 6: Conversation between mother and child Mother Ben, hop down please No, don't do that You'll break the plant Now, what did you do at kindy today? (I) Played (I) Had a drink What did you have a drink of? (I had) A drink of water And what did you have to eat? (I) Ate a 'nana Don't give your sandwich to the cat She's had her dinner


Giving goods and services Speakers who are offering goods and services do not have recourse to any special configuration of the Subject-Finite relationship, so this type of exchange does not have a special mood but is identified through the context of the message.
I 'II make the tea

declarative mood: give'goods and ; J .5ervi"Ces> .;"'"'" '''":





Mood Block Shall 1 Subject Mood Block make

Residue the tea? Complement

. tnteirrqgativ'e inodd giye.goodis and -, services':



Child: Mother: Child: Mother: Child: Mother:

Exchange in context
At the beginning of this chapter we talked about the ways in which certain contexts raise strong expectations about whether information or goods and services will be given or demanded. We can now return to an examination of texts to explore the meanings realised in their mood choices. Texts like the Year 12 essay on Medea (Text 4) are concerned with giving information. This meaning is realised in the writer's choice of declarative mood. On the other hand, speakers and writers of procedural texts usually select imperative mood because they are giving orders which should be followed to accomplish the task. In Text 5 the verbal groups in imperative mood are underlined.
Text 5: Recipe for Sticky Date Pudding Ingredients 200 g dates 1 cup water 60 g butter 2 eggs 190 g white sugar 190 g SR flour 1 tsp bicarb, soda 1/2 tsp vanilla essence Equipment small saucepan wooden spoon round or ring pan baking paper

To sum up
English speakers and writers manipulate the Subject-Finite relationship of Mood to indicate whether they are giving or demanding information or demanding goods and services. However, the relation between lexicogrammar and interpersonal meanings is not always straightforward information can be sought using the imperative and declarative moods as well the interrogative; and there is no 'normal' way of encoding an offer of goods and services. In spite of this, there are very few misunderstandings: listeners are perfectly able to distinguish a demand for goods and services mapped on to an interrogative from a genuine question.

Method Put dates and water in saucepan, and heal until jammy. Beat in the other ingredients. Line pan with greased baking paper. Bake at 19DC for 30 minutes. Serve with caramel sauce and cream,


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings


- ; i\

Implications for language teaching

This chapter describes the potential of the English clause to exchange meaning. It is this potential that makes it possible for us to use language to interact with each other. Specifically the chapter explores: the types of meanings we exchange when we use language to interact with each other (when exchanging information or goods and services) how we exchange these meanings (by giving or demanding them) the interpersonal grammar we use to exchange these meanings in these different ways,

' - " .

. - . _ ^ n



'. - - - . - . ' ' j . ^ v ^ . L *

"-;= ^





1 Add a Mood tag to each o{ the following clauses and then underline the Subject of each clause and circle' its Finite. a. The gardens are irrigated with recycled water b. Dr Foster went to Gloucester in a shower of rain c. But the pig would not jump over the fence d. On solemn festivals many people will visit the temples of the gods e.. The truth of the matter was becoming evident 2 Mark whether the mood of the following clauses is declarative, interrogative or imperative. Underline the Subject and circle the Finite and comment on the way they are ordered. a. Will you join the dance? b. This is a fine example of Goya's early style c. Why are you crying so? d. Stop that nonsense immediately e. Everybody must leave the theatre at once 3 Change the interpersonal meanings of the clauses in Exercise 2 by manipulating the Subject and Finite. 4 Find short texts where the main type of meaning is: a. demanding goods and services b. giving information c. giving and demanding information How Is the context of situation reflected in trie meanings and lexicogrammar of the texts?

How is knowledge of the interpersonal grammar of exchange useful to teachers and learners?
Knowledge of the interpersonal grammar of exchange makes it possible for teachers to introduce students explicitly and systematically to the grammar they can use to exchange meanings with others. Language teachers are already familiar with the grammar of the types of clauses discussed in this chapter; that is, declarative, interrogative and imperative. This chapter introduces the metalanguage for talking about the way the parts of these clauses function so we can interact with each other. In some texts, for example many written texts, only declarative clauses are used. Readers are not usually able to exchange meanings with writers in an interactive way, so this one-way grammar of declaration remains constant throughout the text (though electronic communication is changing this). Some writers, however, do include questions in their texts to encourage a kind of interaction in the reader's mind, although natuarally they don't expect to hear the reader's response. These questions are called rhetorical questions. (Have you noticed whether tihe authors of this book use rhetorical questions?) When we are exchanging meanings face-to-face in spoken interactions, the grammar of interaction is critical to the effectiveness of the texts we construct, We draw on this grammar from moment to moment as the interaction unfolds. Let us now consider how knowledge about grammar can assist language learners to manage spoken interactive texts more effectively, As we have been reminded in this chapter, the meanings we make when we interact that is when we are giving or demanding information or goods and services - are at the semantic level of the language map, while the patterns we use to realise these meanings at the level of lexicogrammar will not necessarily be aligned to these meanings. Students must initially learn to manage effectively the most straightforward grammatical realisations of the interpersonal meanings used in interactions. They need to understand that:


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings


the most straightforward way to demand information is to use interrogative clauses to ask questions the most straightforward way to give information is to use declarative clauses to make statements the most straightforward way to demand goods and services is to use imperatives to give instructions although there is no straightforward way to give goods and services, we often temper an interrogative or a declarative with a modal Finite in order to make offers. Students also need to learn how to respond in an exchaiige to each of tliese. In odier words they need to learn how to: respond to a question by, for example, giving or withholding information

possible for students to 'catch the ball' in an interaction as speakers toss meanings backwards and forwards. They can then either return the same meanings back into the flow of the interaction or they can introduce new meanings and take the interaction in a new direction. A t die expression level of English different intonation patterns are used with declarative, interrogative and imperative clause structures depending on the meaning being made. It is important that students learn the intonation patterns at the same time as they learn the grammatical patterns if they are to control the full interpersonal potential of spoken clauses in interactions. Manipulating the parts of the Mood Block is what keeps an exchange going. In fact quite lengthy exchanges can keep going with Mood Blocks alone, something which we hear in children's arguments and comedy routines. Have you ever heard children forget what they were arguing about? They can be so busy keeping the interpersonal meanings going, they forget the experiential meanings which began the argument in the first place! Text 7 is an extract from a transcript of a children's argument (the transcript of this conversation appears in full in the next chapter). The Mood Block is in bold to show how: the order of the Subject and Finite determines the type of exchange the Mood Block is tossed back and fotwards from one speaker's turn to the next the Mood Block keeps the interaction going even when the rest of the clause is left out (or ellipsed). Text 7: The Mars Bar argument
John; James: John; James: John: James: Where dfd (F) you (S) get that Mars Bar? Bill (S) gave (F) it to me at lunch time. No, he (S) didn't (F). Yes, he (S) did (F). He (S) did (F) not. Didt (F). interrogative declarative ellipsed declarative ellipsed declarative ellipsed declarative ellipsed declarative

respond to a s t a t e m e n t by, for example, acknowledging or contradicting the information respond to offers by, for example, accepting or declining.

respond to instructions by, for example, complying or not

In addition, they need to learn how to manage the exchange by: confirming, clarifying or checking what they have heard and asking for repetition or more information when necessary deflecting, contradicting or challenging meanings made by other speakers in the interaction. The Subject and Finite in the Mood Block are the pivotal elements of the clause that make all these types of interaction possible. The order of the Subject and Finite is the 'grammatical sign of the type of exchange taking place'. It determines whether the clause will be declarative, interrogative or imperative. The turns of an exchaiige are generated and sustained by the way speakers manipulate the Subject and Finite in clauses from one turn to the next. Teachers and students can use this knowledge to distinguish and manipulate the elements of the clause which are at stake whenever a speaker initiates an exchange or responds to someone else. They can also distinguish those elements that remain constant as the exchange unfolds. Often the constant elements are left out, or ellipsed. This moves the interaction along at a cracking pace, a pace that can be difficult for language learners to manage. In addition, knowing what to leave out of the clauses in an interaction can be just as difficult for language learners as knowing what to put in. The elements of the Mood Block are often small, especially if the Finite is an auxiliary verb and the Subject is expressed as a pronoun. It can be difficult for people learning English to hear the Mood Block in spoken language if they do not know to listen for it. It is very important that students are conscious of this element if they are to learn to interact effectively. Awareness of the Mood Block and the work it does makes it

The Mood Block accounts for some of the structural features of English which are most challenging for students aiming for accurate language use. These include: * subject-verb agreement (which reflects the interdependence of the Subject and Finite) * auxiliary verb * tense (expressed in the Finite) * Mood tags (based on the Subject and Finite) * negatives (an aspect of polarity) * modal verbs (which are usually the Finite in a clause) * contractions (which involve the Subject and Finite or the Finite and a negative)


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers interact with language; Exploring interpersonal meanings straightforward. For example they might even shift a demand for a service to a declarative clause (It's stuffy in here, isn't it?).


the way parts of clauses areellipsed in spoken language (Hot, isn't it? Yes, ids.) many dialectal and non-standard variations in structure (Ain't it the truth!). Understanding the function of the parts of the Mood Block in English helps students to understand, for example, that the morphological agreement between Subject and Finite is a reflection of the way their functional roles are intertwined in the Mood Block. Being aware of the structure of the Mood Block also helps students to explore the English tense system. For example, it helps students to understand the way the interpersonal meaning (Finite) and experiential meaning (Process) in a verb group can be fused in one word (eg runs) or teased apart in two or more words (eg is running) depending on the time of the event from the speaker's point of view. In summary, understanding the grammar of the Mood Block shows students that some of the apparently arbitrary rules of English grammar have a functional motivation. The grammar of the Mood Block is often manipulated in what may appear to the learner very small and apparently insignificant changes in morphemes or words. If students learn to control this grammar they are able to control many of the resources in English that allow speakers to finetune, in subtle yet powerful ways, the language they use to negotiate relationships with others. We will explore this aspect of interpersonal grammar further in the next chapter. We have already seen that students can begin working with the interpersonal meanings and grammar patterns which converge on the Mood Block by building a repertoire of the most straightforward ways of expressing meanings in an exchange. But being straightforward is not always the most useful way to interact in English, especially if we are asking people to give us something or do something for us; that is, if we are demanding goods or services. As students develop their knowledge of interpersonal grammar they will notice the way English speakers regularly finetune interpersonal meaning by shifting between structures that are straightforward ways of demanding or giving information or goods and services to those that are less straightforward. This is another example of grammatical metaphor, but in this case it is the alignment between interpersonal meaning and grammatical expression that shifts. This shift to less straightforward structures increases the interpersonal distance between the speaker and the person they are speaking to, which is often an expression of politeness. For example, in most social settings English speakers will rarely use the imperative (eg Open the door!) to demand goods and services. Instead they usually shift their demand to an interrogative based on a modal finite (Could you open the door? Would you mind opening the door?). We will explore modality in more detail in Chapter 5. The grammar of many of these shifts in expression is too complex for a beginner to unravel, but even beginners need to be able to express politeness in their exchanges so some of these 'shifted' expressions have to be learnt as whole 'gambits' at first. Students should also be aware that there are times when speakers of English are even less

How can knowledge of the interpersonal grammar of interaction enhance teaching programs?
The interpersonal grammar speakers choose as they interact, is motivated by the tenor of the immediate context of situation. Language teaching activities can be designed to draw students' attention to this aspect of context and how it finds its way into the clauses of an interaction. If teachers are aware of the functions of the clause parts that express interpersonal meaning, they will be able to help students analyse authentic interactions to discover how people use interpersonal grammar to take part in the interaction. Unfortunately, many of the dialogues in language teaching textbooks do not reflect the way people use language to interact in real life. A knowledge of interpersonal grammar helps teachers select the most authentic interactions for students to work while exploring the way speakers of English use this grammar. Teachers may also want to cany an audio or video recorder with them to capture authentic interactions. Some teachers even use their children's arguments, workplace negotiations, extracts from soap operas, or even the famous Monty Python Argument skit! Bear in mind, however, that teachers should seek the peimission of the participants before using a recorded interaction in the classroom. The interpersonal grammar of interaction and tenor Students can explore how the tenor of the context of situation is expressed in interactions by exploring what the grammar reveals about; the relative power of the people taking part (who does most of talking, who sliares the talking, who merely listens and acknowledges) the relative status of the people taking part (who does what when they talk - for example who initiates by demanding or giving information or instructing or offering and who merely responds; who has w shift the grammar the greatest interpersonal distance from the meaning) the level of personal involvement between the people taking part (For example: Do they see each other regularly? Do they have a strong emotional bond?). Learning how to build and maintain social relationships in interactions can be one of the most challenging aspects of acquiring a new language. Conscious knowledge of die interpersonal grammar of interactions makes it possible for students to explore interactions used in contexts of situation relevant to their learning needs and goals. For example, if students wish to gain employment in a particular workplace, an exploration of interactions that take place in that workplace, or similar workplaces, will reveal the most effective ways for the student to interact with management and fellow workers.


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings


Students might also think about the effect of interpersonal meanings on experiential meamngs m interactions. For example, students might investigate: what speakers talk about in different types of interactions * whether different relationships between speakers influence what the speakers talk about and how they talk about it. For example, the two speakers arguing about the Mars Bar (Text 7) are likely to be children who are brothers or schoolmates. In a work place employees do not argue like this with their manager about confectionery. They may, however, argue about work matters although they are likely to use grammatical metaphor to shift the interpersonal grammar away from the meaning and create some interpersonal distance. Teachers can also use their knowledge of interpersonal grammar to reflect on the way they interact and build relationships with their students in the classroom. Teachers are more powerful and have a higher status than students, so it seems 'natural' for them to dominate classroom interaction. Analysing typical classroom interactions can give teachers ,deas for making more space for student contributions in class and for building relationships with students which might lead to more effective learning outcomes. Using the grammar of interaction to build a critical response to text Systemic functional linguists have undertaken interesting research into the roles different types of people play in interactions. For example, they have used interpersonal grammar to analyse the different roles men and women play in casual conversation. Students might like to undertake small research tasks in which they analyse the different ways various types of people participate in interactions. They could, for example, explore interactions between young people and older people, men and women or adults and children. On the basis of their findings they might consider: who has the most power and status and who has the least power and status in different types of interaction how speakers can challenge or change relationships of power and status in different kinds or interactions.

If you want to read how systemic functional linguists use the grammar of exchange to analyse the way tenor is expressed En interaction, read Chapter 5 of Analysing casual conversation (Eggins and Slade 1997). For more about how.intonation patterns are mapped onto clause types, see In tempo: An English pronunciation course (Zawadzki 1994).

1 Locale, and if necessary,record and transcribea^ text ^ i c h i s a g o o d example of the type of interaction you wauirjtike your students to be able to take part in effectively. \ Look for patternspf!ln^!personalgrammar|hat answer the following questions: " ' - What types of meani ;"": ;{(hfdrmsti0irr>r;0q

:. - : WhatihterpersonaigrammarisusedtoexGhangettiesemeanings? ;; (declarative! interrogative; imperative) ' Relate:what:youhayediscpveredabput;the your students'learning needs and goals. 2 Use WHafyou;haTO discovered a ^ ; activities whicfrsup^^ : activitle^irijght draw^cur-i^ents'attention to: ''. '?. how!spea;kers -'initisite^ respond toahd manage meanings exchanged in an; interaction '..: :.: the order of Subject and :Firiitein declaralive, intefro'^tiv&'Bhd :Jmperat|veJdauses - ; ': * n b w t n e M ^ < ;^-^^x^\^^^e^s of the clauses in an sMiange^areflften ieftout 1 how the Mood Biocjt asrxiunts for many of the grammatical patterns that demand attention to detail if language use is to be accurate and relationships are to be '.' negotiated effectively ' :'..?. hoA ^eakera;$hift:th6 grammatiGat expression ol some of tlie meanings they exchange j.^:->:^=-""irtJSf^eiHeiirVtMiib^jp<i>lil^i^;\;;^^- /;/:iV?^ ;j::.\;\,;^_==^^:v^;!\:.::?j^:^^.^"::-o=^:-.=^-J;=.^-;=".-.--^.:;-.-=. ,.,;.,-.,/....,, .. hM^HeAreiatiVe-jiibwer'ind status of the speakers and their Involvement are expressed :- : inthevpcatiyfls:\ : ';;^:;:.- ; . howlhe relative p w e r ^ ." ."' inthe : :int0ractjpfi ; :: how the expression of tenor in the interaction influences the experiential meanings people make in interactions.

Further reading
For more about language as interaction, read Chapter 4 of An introduction to functional grammar: 2nd edition (Halliday 1994). Chapter 2 of Focus on speaking (Burns and Joyce, 1997: 17-38) is titled 'Producing and negotiating spoken language'. In this chapter the authors explore different types of spoken interactions that can be used in the classroom. Focus on speaking also includes transcripts of authentic spoken language as well as a whole chapter on classroom activities.


How speakers fake a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further

* The interpersonal function





Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further 111 whether the proposition is positive or negative. When speakers are definite about their propositions, the Finite encodes information about whether an Event has occurred is presently occurring, or is yet to occur. Text 1 is an example of an argument in a childs play For our discussion we have numbered the clauses (this is always a good idea when exploring texts because it makes reference easy). In Clause 2 James takes a definite positive stand while in Clause 3 John takes an equally definite negative position.

From Chapter 1 ^ ' We use ianguage;lo position ourselves (and our audience) to show how defensible we find our propositions, toWibode our ideas about obligation and inclination, and to express our attitudes.

Text 1 : Felicity's play Scene: A suburban garden. After school, John and James are having an argument, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 -j 1 12 13 Where did you get that Mars Bar? Bill gave it to me at lunch time. No, he didn't. Yes, he did. He did not. Did! . Did not. (8) I saw you take it from mum's secret hiding place, You did not. Yes, 1 did. It's mine anyway. I want one too. (crying) What's all this noise about? (14) If you can't play outside (15) without fighting, (16) come inside (17) and do your homework.

In the last chapter we discussed the interactions construed by different configurations of the Subject and Finite in the Mood Block. We noticed that the configuration of the Mood Block is a pattern in the lexicogrammar whereas what is being exchanged is a meaning in the semantics. Exchanging information operates quite differently from exchanging goods and services and what is at stake for argument or discussion in each type of exchange is therefoie understandably different. In each case the addressee can accept or reject the speaker's proposition or proposal but in the former it is the information that is up for discussion while in the latter it is the proposed action. In this chapter we explore the two main resources through which speakers take a position in their messages; adjustment of the Mood Block (the nub of die message available for argument or discussion) positive or negative appraisal of experiential meanings. Speakers can position themselves in an argument or discussion by taking a definite stand or by adjusting their stand to a position between a definite yes and an equally definite no. The main topics for discussion in this chapter are the speaker's resources for definiteness and adjustment (although we also explore meanings that are not available for argument ot discussion). We conclude by exploring the second resource available to speakers the attitudinal positioning by positive or negative appraisal of their experiential meanings. We will begin by separating the two main types of exchange - exchange of information and exchange of goods and services.

John: James: John: James: John: James: John: James: John: James: John: Mum:

We already know the metalanguage needed to discuss what's going on here. In Clauses 2 to 10 each boy is quite definite about what has happened, although they do not always need a full clause to say so. Clauses 2 and 8 each contain a complete proposition but in Clauses 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 the argument is maintained by the simple repetition of Subject, Finite and Polarity. In Clause 6 only the Finite is necessary to maintain the argument, If we want to disagree with a speaker's positive proposition, we simply add a negative such as not or n't into the Mood Block after the Finite. This gives the clause NEGATIVE POLARITY. If the original proposition was negative, we show our disagreement by changing the polarity of the message to positive:
Speaker 1: Speaker 2: (disagreeing) Speaker 1: Speaker 2: (disagreeing) Tom was beaten. Tom was not beaten! I haven't seen him. You have seen him!

Exchange of information
Taking a definite stand
Whenever speakers assert their propositions they put them up for agreement or disagreement by their hearers. In any discussion, argument or quarrel, it is the contents of the Mood Block which are at stake. This includes the Subject, the Finite and


Using Functional Qrammar Eating

beaten beaten

How speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings farther 113 an apple Complement

The analysis of the first exchange is:

Tom Tom was (positive polarity) was not (negative polarity)

Predicator Residue

Subject Mood Block

Finite (past)

Predicator Residue

In the examples above the second speaker repeats the whole clause of the first speaker while reversing the polarity. This sounds very emphatic. Normally we would not repeat an entire clause. It is enough to repeat the Subject and Finite. In most cases, the speaker would also substitute an appropriate pronoun for the nominal group filling the Subject slot, for example:
Speaker 1: Speaker 2: Your car's blocking the driveway. No, it isn't.

You may know the grammatical term infinitive. An infinitive verb is the most basic form of the verb which signifies the Event without specifying a Subject and without indicating any time or duration of the Event, An English infinitive such as to eat corresponds broadly with the Latin edire, the German essen and the French manger. While we can contest the proposition being made in a Finite clause, there can be no argument about die general idea to eat. Thus, one function of the Finite is to tie down the verb to its Subject so that the proposition in the clause is debatable or arguable. In English the infinitive (to) eat is non-finite, as are past and present participle forms such as eaten or eating when they are widiout a Subject and thus they are not open to debate or argument, nor tied to a relationship with the here and now. In the following clauses the verbal groups which include a Finite are underlined and those which are non-finite are in bold:
Going upstairs, I discovered my two cats, who had been missing for some time, disembowelling my lace cushion. The city having been well and truly sacked, the Visigoths retired to their own territory. To err is human; to forgive divine.

It's worth repeating that in any argument or quarrel about the information in a message, it is the relation between the Subject and Finite in the Mood Block which is at stake. It carries the argument and allows discussion. In fact it is not unusual to hear a quarrel reduced to an exchange of opposing Finites as it was in Text 1. Here is another example:
Mood Block Subject Finite

Speaker 1: Speaker 2: No Speaker 1: Oh yes Speaker 2: Speaker 1:

Hector Protector

wasn't wasl Wasn't Was!

dressed all in green

he he

Without a Finite, a clause has no clear-cut place in the arguability of things. It is difficult to argue with Going upstairs, or To err or to /orgive, or even with having been sacked. Each has an Event but not a real Finite or Subject and it is the Subject/Finite relation, die Mood, which allows discussion.

Adjusting one's standi probability, usuality, obligatwn, inclination, typicality and obviousness
Sometimes speakers want to signal that they are not definite about their messages, that is, they are looking for a position between a definite yes and a definite no. They do this by changing the configuration of the Mood Block in some way. Their range of options for doing this is known as MODALITY and it has its own metalanguage,
The metalanguage of adjustment Modality Modal Finite Mood Adjunct Interpersonal grammatical metaphor

Meanings that are not available for argument or discussion

If a clause does not have a Mood Block, there is nothing on which to base an argument. We are not talking about the clauses where the Subject-Finite relationship is ellipsed, that is omitted but recoverable from previous clauses, but about clauses that never had a Finite and are therefore non-finite clauses. Examples of non-finite clauses
Shaken at last out of his complacency

We use the term MODALITY to refer to all positioning by speakers about probability, usuality, typicality, obviousness, obligation and inclination. There are three ways of doing this: by a Modal Finite by an adverbial group or prepositional phrase, here known as Mood Adjunct with an interpersonal grammatical metaphor.

Predicator Residue




Using Functional Qrammar

Hmv speakers take a positUm: Exploring interpersonal meanings further The distinction between Finite expressing time and Finite expressing modality is not always as clear cut as we may have made it seem. Sometimes only the tone of voice and overall context indicate whether will and shall express future time or the speaker's determination - what we might call willpower. Can you distinguish futurity from certainty in the following clauses? Does it matter?
She I He shall will 'II have music wherever she goes win the race tomorrow come back again


Because any expression of modality affects the arguability of a proposition, Modal Finites, Mood Adjuncts and interpersonal grammatical metaphors all belong in the Mood Block. The kinds of modality we shall explore in most detail in this section are those which position speakers-between a definite yes and a definite no - whether this is possibly yes or possibly no (where the uncertainty is to do with probability) or sometimes yes and sometimes no (where the uncertainty is to do with usuality). Modals of obligation and inclination will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter. Modal Finites Let's go back to Felicity's play (Text 1) and imagine that Clause 2 now says; James: Bill might have given it to me at lunch time Here the Finite expressing past time has been replaced by a Modal Finite and James is now expressing an opinion about probability. Notice how this will change the subsequent argument ftom whether Bill did or didn't give James the Mars Bar to whether he might or might not have. The Modal Finite indicates that James has modified the force of the proposition from a definite polarity to the grey area between yes and no. All speakers and writers use the Finite to position themselves, and can choose whether to express time or opinion in their Finites just as they can choose positive or negative polarity. In the following examples, Finites expressing time are contrasted with Finites expressing modality. Examples of clauses with Finite expressing time
The dunce They I was will have going be staying been courting to school with us for six years

Mood Adjuncts In Chapter 3 we explored the way that experiential meanings are realised in the patterns of nominal groups, verbal groups, adverbial groups and prepositional phrases. But not all adverbial groups and prepositional phrases are relevant for the analysis of experiential meanings and any box diagrams underneath them are left blank. At this point we need to investigate whether they are realising the interpersonal meaning of modifying the argument expressed in the Mood Block. They may do this by expressing usuality, probability, typicality or obviousness. It may suit our purposes to be aware of these subcategories of modality, or it may be enough just to recognise modality without any more delicate analysis. In any case, without some metalanguage it is hard to provide a delicate analysis. For more details about modality, consult Halliday (1994; 82, 83). Here are some examples of Mood Adjuncts:
Georgie Porgie always kissed the girls

Subject Mood Block

The team

Subject Mood Block


Predicator Residue


Mood Adjunct (usuality)

Finite + (past)

Predicatot Residue




have beaten

the grandflnaiists

Examples of clauses with a Finite expressing modality of possibility or usuality For this illustration, the details of the Residue are not significant and have been omitted;
The child The cattle They I might could would will have fallen into the water have drowned during the storm go to the market see justice done

Subject Mood Block


Mood Adjunct (probability)

Finite (modal)

Predicator Residue






Subject Mood Block

Finite (modal): probability/usuality

Finite + (present) Mood




Mood Adjunct (usuality) Block




Using Functional Qrammar

The family generally has coffee after dinner

How speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further


Exchange of goods and services

Demands realised in declaratives with mo&ah of obligation
In Chapter 4 we noticed that the imperative mood is the most straightforward and easily recognised way of demanding goods and services and that imperatives may be positive or negative. In most positive imperatives there is no Subject and no Finite in the clause. In spite of this absence we still describe the verb in imperatives as a finite verb because we can recover the Subject and Finite in a Mood tag. What is interesting is that the Finite in the Mood tag always expresses modality rather than timer


Mood Adjunct (typicality)

Finite + (present)


Complement Residue


Mood Block
Of course the boy will play


Mood Adjunct (obviousness) Mood Block

Subject (future)

Finite + (future/modal)

Predicator Residue



the door

can't can

you? you?

Interpersonal grammatical metaphor

Sometimes we use a whole clause in a text to express our opinion of the proposition in a neighbouring clause. We are using the grammar metaphorically when we say, for example, I think when we mean probably; or, I believe when we mean almost certainly; or don't you think] when we mean definitely. The last example is a bit problematic: The Finite before the Subject shows that the speaker is demanding an agreement. It encodes both the speaker's demand for a yes response and the speaker's opinion. The best way of handling a modal grammatical metaphor in a detailed analysis is to analyse it twice, first as a separate clause and then as a Mood Adjunct within the clause it expresses an opinion about. But at this stage it's much more important to recognise it as a kind of modality than to analyse it in detail. Just as an ideational grammatical metaphor uses the experiental resources of the grammar to shift meaning, so interpersonal grammatical metaphors shift meaning from a separate mental process clause to an expression of modality in the projected clause. Take for example the following sentence: I think he's coming to the party. We would of course analyse this as a projecting clause (I think) followed by a projected clause (he's coming to the party). But now check what the Mood tag would be for this sentence, not Don't 1? but Isn't he! This suggests that what looks like a projecting clause is actually functioning as a Mood Adjunct within die second clause. Imagine this now being reworded as: Probably he's coming to the party. Mood Block

Predicator Residue


Finite (modal) Mood tag


What is at stake here is not the definiteness of a proposition but whether the addressee will do what has been asked in the proposal. If addressees do not wish to comply with the demand, their response takes up the Mood tag, arguing:
No, I won't can't (open the door)

Subject Mood Block

Finite (modal)



(usually ellipsed) Residue

Similarly, in an imperative with negative polarity, while there is a Finite in die Mood Block of die clause itself, it is not the same as the Finite in any added Mood tag:
Don't open the door, will you?

Finite (present) Mood Block

Predicator Residue


Finite (modal) Mood tag


Once again, if addressees do not wish to comply with the demand, they can argue by using the Finite in the Mood tag, not that in the original clause:
Yes I will (open the door)

Subject Mood Block

Finite + (modal)



(usually ellipsed) Residue


Using Functional Qrammar

Row speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further Would Can II


What is at stake is whether che addressee will or will not perform the demanded action. For some people and in some contexts the use of an imperative seems too bossy, not sufficiently polite or otherwise inappropriate. You might think of people and places when you yourself would not choose the imperative to demand goods and services but would choose something softer and more polite. For example, instead of an imperative, you could demand goods and services with an interrogative or with a declarative using a Modal Finite to express obligation, Up to this point we have only mentioned modality of probability, usuality, obviousness and typicality, which go by the collective name of MODAUSATION, but obligation can also be expressed through MODULATION. Perhaps using a declarative with a Modal Finite expressing obligation doesn't seem any less bossy to you but at least rather than ordering the addressee to do something, the speaker is putting forward an opinion about whether or not that something should be done. A declarative also allows speakers to suggest that persons other than the addressee should embark on some form of action. The following are clauses with a Finite expressing modality of obligation and necessity. For this illustration, the details of the Residue are not significant and have been omitted:
The author You All nonmembers She You should have to must ought need have checked her facts eat your dinner first be signed in to visit the dentist to go to the library

you ! Subject

I' Subject Mood Block

like carry do Predicator Residue

a chocolate? your case? that Complement

(modal: inclination)

Modality in context
The following three texts have different purposes. Text 2 (Cherie's text) is written by a primary school child after a session on how to write an exposition. She has been taught that this text type should include a point of view. Text 3 is from the conclusion of an investigative report. The writer knows that, after being objective about his purpose, methods and results in the body of the report, it is now appropriate to make recommendations. Text 4 is from a courtroom cross-examination in which the second speaker is trying to avoid giving definite answers. In each text we recognise that the speakers and writers are including their own opinions. This is a very useful device because it sometimes allows a speaker to stand apart from the action as if to say, 'Well, it's only my opinion. You don't have to agree with me. 1 could be persuaded otherwise'. In other situations, it allows a speaker to appear openly persuasive, or even downright bossy, about how the world could, or should, or ought to be arranged. We can see from Text 3 how useful modality is at the end of a discussion text because it allows the writer to conclude with an opinion or recommendation.
Text 2: Cherie's text

Subject Mood Block

Finite (modal: obligation) Residue

Offers realised in declaratives and interrogatives with modals of inclination

As we saw in Chapter 4, there is no special configuration of the Mood Block for offering a service. What is at stake here is whether the offer will be accepted or rejected and this may explain why there is no special form for giving goods and services as there is with demanding goods and services or giving or demanding information. Perhaps there is a need to save the face of the one who makes the offer and the one who may reject the offer? Indeed the three examples of offers below could possibly be mistaken fot demands or gifts of information. However, there are two pointers to the fact that they are offers - one in the making of the offer and the other in its reception; that is, the Finite in this type of exchange is usually a modal and, rather than a simple yes or no, the response is usually yes, please, if the offer is accepted, and no, thank you, if the offer is rejected:
fr cUL C-ktioUeA

Good, "Tecickgrf
. Hi. or~ Ofa &^0O ftW^t

UtorA cud a. ozaAiMi^pa^e.

a W /W* ^W_

IpEak urtfc a oOw- w<*t Oa-iM Mam can OaM^fand. ff #* ch&fan/* uwfaei hart cludfw thi uspk trust $wuM 6e joins. n&Qmwfaw&b w]}^ i tfuhA a %&d ipufar t ) W * IK***by C/urU,.


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further down, they are worth mentioning because of the exciting way different appraisal motifs build up patterns across a whole text. These patterns align speakers with listeners around a set of values to produce a sense of belonging and community. In other words, effective speakers and writers are able to spread appraisal meanings across a whole text so that the audience is drawn to a particular point of view or interpretation of the content which seems natural. Effective listeners and readers need to realise that they are being positioned by these patterns of meaning so that they can choose whether or not they wish to align themselves with them.


Text 3: From a discussion on the future of suburban estuaries In conclusion, estuarine waterways within an urban environment could add a special dimension to daily life. An expanse of safe water would provide additional opportunities lor recreation, These are values which ought to be preserved. Unfortunately, our social and community life is sometimes hostile to these values. While urban subdivision, traffic, refuse disposal and industry may all be essential parts of our daily life, we must pursue these activities without unnecessary environmental degradation. Different conflicting interests must be resolved so that our many, proper aspirations may be accommodated both now and in the future.

Text 4: Cross examination of Mr L Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker 1: 2: 1: 2: After that meeting with Mr S, when was the next time that you saw him? Approximately September or October or maybe November of 1976. Come, come, Mr L, can't you be more accurate than that? No, I can noL I think it was most likely the end of October,

Perhaps the most accessible appraisal motifs are lexical systems of GRADUATION (amplification), where the volume of a lexical item is turned up or down in positive or negative appraisal. We can think of graduation as options of FORCE and FOCUS - force adjusts the volume of gradable meanings while focus grades iingradable experiential meanings. As an example of force, we could change the verb walk, enriching it positively by choosing instead the verbs stroll or saunter, or by adding a Circumstancemanner: quality such as walk gracefully, or we could enrich it negatively by choosing shuffled or like a hippopotamus. As another option, if we were to take the adjective beautiful, already an enriched word, we could amplify its intensity by repeating it, as in:
The painting was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful or we could expand it w i t h synonyms as i n : The painting was beautiful, inspired, magnificent or we could premodify the adjective in some way as i n : tt was very beautiful or: It was bloody beautiful

The resource of APPRAISAL is one of the ways speakers position their audience. In other words, their choice of lexicogrammatical patterns influences the audience's personal reaction to the meanings in a text. We have only to think of the positive or negative spin put on the 'same information' by opposing sides of a debate to see how this positioning works. However, if the colour or flavour of the text is very strong, the audience may interpret the text as being very emotional, judgemental or critical, so lexicogrammatical resources for creating and interpreting appraisal and attitude are important tools in our exploration of text.
The metalanguage of appraisal Attitude, including judgement, affect and.appreciation Graduation, including force and focus Engagement

Focus, on the other hand, is concerned with blurring or sharpening. Examples are expressions like kind of woozy, a true friend, effectively signed his death warrant and pure folly. Some words, such as clean and dirty, have an experiential meaning as well as an interpersonal, attitudinal one and properly belong in our experiential analysis as well. But other words, such as splendid, lousy, fabidous and gross, are more often used simply to convey a positive or negative attitude. These Epithets, which map the subjective and interpersonal on to our modelling of experience, are examples of appraisal. In any analysis it is worth keeping track of who does the appraising, whether it is positive or negative, and what items are appraised. In the area of ATTITUDE appraisal resources include lexical items for judging people's behaviour in terms of social esteem and social sanction. Under the heading of social esteem, Martin includes lexical items for assessing normality and luck, capacity and dependability. Under the heading of social sanction are assessments of honesty and integrity or propriety.

Much recent work, notably by J R Martin (Christie and Martin 1997) and Peter White (www.grammatics.com/appraisal/), has focused on the different lexical and grammatical systems available to speakers and writers for including their emotions (affect), judgements of people's behaviour, and their appreciation of phenomena in the world, hi spoken texts, speakers can also position themselves by using such phonological systems as voice quality.

This recent work is a vast contribution to the way we understand texts, although its details are beyond the scope of this book. However, even though we are watering them


Using Functional Qrammar

Hon; speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further


Another of Martin's networks collects together the grammatical resources speakers use " to position themselves in relation to experiential meanings. This ENGAGEMENT system brings together items that we have met elsewhere in the grammar. For instance, Circumstances of angle (for example according to John) and Circumstances of abstract location (for example In Freud's psychoanalytical theory) allow writers to disclaim or distance themselves from the views expressed in the experiential meanings, One resource for appraisal particular to the interpersonal metafunction is the COMMENT ADJUNCT, which allows speakers to comment on experiential meanings. Because Comment Adjuncts represent the intrusion of a speaker into a clause, they are important enough to be included in the Mood Block even though they do not modify the argument in any way. The Comment Adjuncts in the first and third of the following examples express Attitude while that in the second expresses Engagement:
Unfortunately we can't come to the party

Comment Adjunct: those which comment on the experiential analysis but do not form part of it are known as Comment Adjuncts and are included in the Mood Block. Conjunctive Adjunct: those which form a connection or bridge to a previous clause are known as Conjunctive Adjuncts and are excluded from the experiential analysis and are labelled in the interpersonal analysis but excluded from the Mood Block and Residue. Appendix C contains a prepositional phrase and adverbial group help list.

Mapping experiential and interpersonal meanings on the same clause

Earlier chapters of this book have indicated that different metafunctions map different meanings on to a clause, so it is not suiprising that we use different metalanguage in analysing and describing the metafunctions. The metalanguage for the description of the experiential function focuses on the various possible combinations of Processes, Participants and Circumstances, while the metalanguage for the description of interpersonal meanings focuses on the Subject/Finite relationship, Mood and Comment Adjuncts in the Mood Block and the Predicator, Complement and ordinary Adjuncts that make up the Residue. Not every word in a clause will be relevant to the description of each function. In the following analysis we have also labelled the class of the basic clause constituents. And apart from that hopefully we might make it

Comment Adjunct Mood Block

The committee is


Finite (modal)

Predicator Residue




ati weekend

Subj ect Mood Block


Finite + (present)

Comment Adjunct

Predicator Residue


the missing puppy


be found

" . constituency ' conj experiential

prep phrase

adv g

ng Actor

vg Process: material

ng Range

Comment Adjunct Mood Block



Predicator Residue . .interpersonal Conjunctive Comment Adjunct Adjunct Mood Block

More about Adjuncts

In the metalanguage for interpersonal meanings, all adverbial groups and prepositional phrases that are not embedded are known as Adjuncts. In fact there are four different types of Adjunct: Adjunct: those prepositional phrases, adverbial groups and even nominal groups that realise Circumstance and those prepositional phrases that realise Participant in experiential meanings are known simply as Adjuncts and form part of the Residue for the interpersonal analysis. Mood Adjunct: those which are not relevant to the experiential analysis but modify the argument of a clause are known as Mood Adjuncts and are included in the Mood Block.

Pred Comp Subject Finite (modal) Residue


Using Functional Qrammar

although perhaps the pie was

How speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further eaten

by the dog


constituency experiential interpersonal

conj g

adv g

ng Goal

vg Process: material Finite + PredicatoT Residue

PP Actor Adjunct
1 ldenttfythefeysMspeakera "'Whatcany^ of situatidrt?'":' :--:--.-'.:.-:Speaker 1: And then at that time did you give him the gun? V Speakers:; It was probab|y about Itiat time. : ; ; . , / . Speaker 1: DidI'ybU haveikt that time some talk about the incident? Speaker 2: Yes,l think I'dict Speaker 1: And, at that time, was the man R still in the back room? Speaker 2: Yes, I think he was. Speaker 1: Perhaps I should ask you as a matter of .finality, were you in the lounge room when Mr R was escorted through the house? Speakers No sir, I don't think so, no. /;

Mood Adjunct


Mood Block


actually the monster probably

burped after his meal



adv g

ng Behaver

adv g

vg Process: behav

prep phrase Circurn; when

2 Take another look at the sample texttypes in Chapter 1. Pull put all examples of modality and appraisal in thesei texts';and describe each as delicately as you can. 3 Take a simple sentence such as The house is empty or She works in Newcastle arid consider all the ways you might modify the wording to play with the polarity, modalisation and modulation of what is being asserted. Think also about how statements like these might be modified by a Comment Adjunct or an Attitudinal Epithet. 4 Return to Text 4: (The Medea text) in Chapter 4 and explore the following questions. a. Which lexical items show the writer's appraisal of Medea? b. What kinds of adjustments are made in this text? eg polarity, non-Finite clauses, modality, appraisal c. How are these adjustments spread across the text? d. What position (or positions} is the writer taking? e. Is this position explicit or is it made to seem 'natural'? f. Do you agree with this position? 5 Redraft the text, readjusting the meanings so that the position the text takes is changed, What do you notice as you do this activity?


Conj Adj


Mood Adj Finite + Pred Adjunct Prob (past) Residue

Mood Block

To sum up
In Chapters 4 and 5 we have explored how interpersonal meanings express interaction and positioning. In Appendix E you will find charts for summarising your interpersonal analysis, which you will need to expand or contract for different types of text. If you are analysing dialogue, for example, you will want to include a column to identify each speaker and you may even want separate charts for different speakers. If you have studied conversation analysis, you may choose a more delicate way of charting interaction, such as whether the speaker initiates, continues or concludes a topic, whether a clause is a demand or a. response, and whether the response is the one the demander wanted. It's entirely up to you. We simply offer you some basic templates as tools to summarise the interpersonal meanings uncovered by your analysis.


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further understandable - and ultimately, more manageable and useable. In Chapter 9 we will explore a whole text approach to thinking about tense.


Implications for language teaching

This chapter sketches in an outline of the tich and complex language resources English speakers have for putting themselves into their language and adjusting the worldview, that is, the experiential meanings, they are making. These resources include: varying how definite the speaker is about experiential meanings through: - the tense and polarity of the Finite - making the meanings unavailable for argument in non-Finite clauses - finding ground between positive and negative with modality appraising experiential meanings.

In the Mood element a Finite with tense can be replaced by a MODAL FINITE if the speaker wants to adjust their perspective on the meanings in the clause to fall somewhere between absolute yes and absolute no. Many otherwise quite fluent speakers of English as a second or foreign language never quite master this area of English grammar and are thus denied the rich potential that Modal Finites have for tempering and finetuning exchanges. If they are not using Modal Finites effectively, speakers can seem either overemphatic or imprecise, even if that is not how they wish to be perceived. The information in this chapter makes it possible for teachers to map this ground for students, showing them how modality works when exchanging information (modalisation) and when exchanging goods and services (modulation). Putting meanings into NON-FINJTE clauses is a way of making meanings unavailable for argument or discussion, This resource is especially useful for students learning to write English for academic purposes. The grammar of non-Finite clauses, however, can be quite challenging for language learners. This,is especially so because these clauses always have to be combined with a main clause and, if the writer is not careful, this can lead to some infelicitous meaning combinations, for example:
Having been damaged in the rear, the driver eased his car gently off the road.

How is knowledge of the interpersonal grammar for taking a stand useful to teachers and learners?
Speakers of all languages want to be able to put themselves into the meanings they make with language. When we learn a new variety of our own language, for example when we first learn to write our own language, or when we learn a new language, we feel frustrated because it is so difficult to express exactly how we view things. We don't know how to make a meaning unavailable for argument, to hedge our bets when we want to, to turn the volume of what we are saying up or down or to reveal just a little bit of our point of view at a time. Students are usually given support with expressing experiential meanings and with some of the meanings of exchange. They have traditionally been taught how to add a negative to the Mood Block, but have rarely been shown, explicitly and systematically, how to express and finetune their own points of view, positions and opinions. In language teaching this has traditionally been an under-described area of the grammar and teachers have not had the resources to address it fully. If we want to infuse, temper, negotiate, constrain or challenge the experiential meanings in a message with our own point of view, it is the Mood Block which is in focus. Speakers of English use the Finite in the Mood Block to reveal: either - the time of the event from their point of view - whether they are positive or negative about the information in the clause or - the degree to which they are definite about the information in the clause

Another common error that language learners make is to write non-Finite sentence fragments. If language learners know the functions of non-Finite clauses, they are more likely to manage their use effectively, MOOD ADJUNCTS are also introduced in this chapter as an important aspect of modality in English. Students rarely find these words difficult to learn and often favour them over Modal Finites. It is important that students come to use these two aspects of the Mood element in a balanced way. This chapter also illustrates how modal meanings are often made in English by using grammatical metaphor. It is important that language learners understand this metaphorical shift if they are not to misinterpret or ignore it, and thus fail to recognise diat a meaning has been tempered or constrained. Interpersonal meaning may converge on the Mood Block, but students need to know that it also spreads out across other parts of the clause. As we make experiential meanings about the world, we are also appraising them. English has an array of resources which make it possible to appraise experiential meanings anywhere in the clause, This chapter shows how English speakers drop COMMENT ADJUNCTS into any part of the clause to show their attitude to experience. In addition, it shows how speakers and writers often incorporate attitude and point of view into words used to represent

In English tense gives the timing of an event in a clause from the point of view of the speaker. Tense in English is relative not absolute. The interplay of tense and aspect, which generates so many verb forms in English and which can be so confusing to language learners, is used to update and refine this timing as a text unfolds, often from one clause to the next. Armed with this information the language learner may still find the English tense system complex, but perhaps more meaningful and therefore more


Using Functional Qvammar

How speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further mental and verbal processes which attribute and report point of view (for example They believed ...)


experience. It is important that an exploration of these more scattered, but nevertheless systematic, interpersonal resources are included in a language education program. The expression of interpersonal meaning in English is a very complex area of grammar, and very hard to pin down. This complexity may be seen as a functional characteristic because, after all, the negotiation of our relationships with others and the expression of our points of" view are fluid and everchanging areas of our lives. We need a language resource which can refine and rework our interpersonal meanings to a very high degree of delicacy and with a great deal of flexibility.

Attitudinal Epithet (realised as adjectives like ugly, wonderful, courageous), Numerative (moretthan a million) and Thing {realised as nouns like saint, idiot) within a Participant or Circumstance. There are also experiential meanings that will have a predictable impact on particular audiences. For example, in the following clause: She rescued the child from the fire most people will think that the rescuer is courageous, even though this word is never used (or some people may think she was foolhardy). Students can highlight words in a text using shades of different colours, or different font styles, to reveal how interpersonal meanings for taking a position are graded from: positive to negative (happy * sad; honest ~* dishonest; good * bad) strong to weak (certainly -> perhaps; absolutely terrified - mildly anxious; abhor -* hate * dislike) the subjective to the objective (I thinlt -* the significance of) the explicit to the implicit (She uias courageous -* She resetted the child from the fire.) When teaching vocabulary, teachers usually present words to students in sets organised according to field. In other words, vocabulary is presented to help learners make experiential meanings. Students also need vocabulary for making interpersonal adjustments to their experiential meanings. New research by Martin and by White (cited in this chapter) provides teachers with ideas for organising vocabulary lists that help learners include and adjust point of view in their texts. For example, teachers might organise vocabulary in the following sets: lexical items for expressing attitude lexical items for responding emotionally (liappyhad; safejdangerous) ~ lexical items for judging people's behaviour in terms of its normality (unlucky, eccentric, unfashionable) dependability (brave, reliable, flighty, lazy), capacity (talented, strong, stupid), honesty (genuine, deceitful) OT integrity (saintly, unethical) lexical items for appreciating die aesthetics and value of phenomena (stunning, harmonious, insignificant) lexical items for grading point of view (slightly, a bit, somewhat, quite, very, a true friend). It is very important for students to experiment in the relative safety of the classroom with different ways of adjusting the position they are taking in their language. People outside the classroom are likely to be much more aware and understanding of the errors learners make with experiential meaning than they are of the errors learners make as they adjust that meaning inter-personally. -

How can knowledge of the interpersonal grammar for taking a position enhance teaching programs?
Most English speakers are unconscious of the nature of the interpersonal grammar for taking a position, even though they use this resource with such finesse everyday of their lives. It is, therefore, one of the most difficult areas of English to teach others. Exploring the interpersonal meanings of English clauses in terms of function will give students a feel for the way these tesources are used across different contexts. In this way learners are more likely to build a viable repertoire of workable language resources for making interpersonal meaning even while they are gaining control of the whole system. We saw how experiential meanings in the clause can be explored in terms of structure and how students can explore the different 'slots' of the clause in terms of their meaning potential, using WH- questions to probe for these meanings. In contrast, interpersonal meanings are often more usefully explored in terms of theit spread across the clauses of text. Coloured highlighters can be a very useful resource for revealing the stand a speaker or writer is taking towards the experiential meanings in a text. For example, students might use different colours to bring out the use of polarity, the two types of modality and different types of appraisal across the clauses of a text. Modals have always been given a great deal of attention in traditional language classrooms, but the functional description in this chapter provides the teacher with a comprehensive framework that captures all the grammatical expression of modality in terms of the way it is used rather dian in terms of the word class (for example verb or adverb) which expresses it. For instance students can explore the different ways English has of expressing modality (for example, must, should, probably, the possibility, I diinii) in order to increase their repertoire beyond the overused and inflexible maybe. Students can also explore the elements of experiential grammar that can be used to express point of view. These include: * mental processes (for example I think, 1 want) material and verbal processes (for example slammed instead of put, shrieked instead of said)


Using Functioned Qrammar

How speakers take a position: EatpWmg interpersonal meanings further


What other features of interpersonal grammar for taking a stand are useful in the classroom?
Taking a position and text structure The way speakers and writers adjust their point of view is spread across a text. This spread is aligned to the purpose and structure of the text. A speaker or writer can spread interpersonal meanings across a text to give it a patticular colour, flavour or perspective. If the colour or flavour of a text is very strong, the audience may interpret the text as being very emotional, judgemental or critical. For example we often interpret certain types of journalism as 'sensational' and in this case what we are responding to is the way the journalist has adjusted the expetiential meaning in order to spread a certain kind of interpersonal meaning across the text. Effective speakers and writers are able to spread explicit and implicit interpersonal meanings across texts so that the audience is drawn towards a particular point of view or interpretation of the content. This position may be interpreted as 'natural'. This is particularly true of stories and of texts which are structured to persuade. As the text unfolds, the impact of these meanings accumulates from stage to stage, until the desired Volume' is i-eached. The accumulated meanings can be capitalised on by the speaker or writer in the final stage of their text to enhance the achievement of the text's puipose. Talcing a stand and tenor We have already seen that expressions of tenor in grammar reveal the relative power and status of die people taking part and the level of their personal involvement. This is also true of the interpersonal meanings used to adjust experiential meanings in texts. At first these adjustments can be invisible to language learners and if they are not made explicit, learners are denied the language resources which make it possible to build solidarity, persuade or challenge in relationships which are important to them in the community, at work or in education. If language learners have the opportunity to explore the language resources used to make these adjustments, these resources become visible and potentially useable. Control of these resources can greatly ease a learner's entry into different communities of English speakers. Using an understanding of how speakers and writers take a stand to build a critical response to text Effective listeners and readers recognise that they are being positioned by die patterns of diffused interpersonal meanings layered over a text and they can choose whether they wish to align themselves with the speaker's or writer's position or not.

Language learners can be helped to develop this awareness by being shown how to look for expressions of point of view in the texts they are working with. They can note how these expressions of point of view adjust experiential meaning and how these meanings are spread over the structure of the text,

Further reading
For more on the uses of appraisal resources in education see Christie and Martin (1997). You can find out more about the appraisal resources of English in White (1998) [Online].

Identify a good example of a type of text you would like your students to be able to use effectively. You might like to choose a text in which the adjustment of experiential meanings is critical; for example, a text designed to persuade people to a particular point of view, or a hews story In: whic^iangijage is used to enhance the 'riewswqrtfijness' of ah event The text could be spdken;of written. If you a. .: Look fdf weirds and structures that adjust the experiential meanings interpersonally. :' .- Wbat.kindsof:adjustments are made in this text (eg polarity, non-Finite clauses, rti6cta|it^ apfpraisal j? : - How are these adjustments spread across the text? - What position (or poslttons) is th speaker/writer taking? " . V Is this position explicit OF is it made to seem'natural'? - Do you agree with this position? b. Redraft the text, readjusting the meanings so that the position the text takes is changed. What do you notice as you do this activity? c. ; Relate whatyou haye'discovered abputttve Interpersonal resources for taking a position :i toyour students': learhingiieexfeand goals. Use whatyqu havei discovered to design adivities that support your students'progress towards their learning goals/These activities might draw your students': attention to: theway theseinterpersonai meanings can be aligned to the purpose and structure oftexts the hatureof the tenor (eg Is the relationship between the people taking part equal or unequal? Is their level of involvement close or distant?) how the tenor is represented in the vocabulary and grammatical structures which jnterpersonally adjust the experiential meanings in the text the position taken in the text the interrelationship between experiential and interpersonal meaning.





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Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers organise their message: Exploring textual meanings

By the lion the unicorn Goal Subject was beaten all round the town Circumstance


From Chapter 1 Language has a textual function: so it has textual meanings.We useftto organise our experiential, and interpersonal meanings into a linear and coherent whole.

Agent Adjunct Res-

Process; material Finite (past)

tnterpeist :4efeJaTjatweimoodl., .^ve : information,

Predicator Complement -idue

Mood Block

The unicorn was


all round the town Circumstance

by the lion Actor/Agent Adjunct

'.experiential: ' To organise any text into a coherent whole, writers and spealcers need to keep their readers and listeners welt informed about where they are and where they are going. Fortunately there are grammatical resources to signpost the way through clauses, clause complexes and paragraphs, from the beginning to the end of a text. The first signpost must be at the beginning of a text, paragraph or clause: it tells readers and listeners what the speaker or writer has in mind as a starting point. The signposts realise our textual meanings. The four clauses analysed below are each signposted differently although they have the same experiential meaning. You will notice that in all four clauses the lion is Actor; the unicorn is Goal; and the Circumstance gives the same spatial information wherever it occurs. The interpersonal meanings of clauses 1 and 2 are the same; as are the interpersonal meanings of 3 and 4 - in the first two clauses, the lion is Subject as well as Actor while in the second two the unicorn is Subject as well as Goal. But each of the clauses is arranged in a different order. The lion experiential . . interpersonal declarative mood give information
Actor Subject beat Process: material Finite (past) Predicator Residue beat Process: material Predicator the unicorn Goal Complement the unicorn all round the town Circumstance Adjunct

Goal Subject

Process; material

.interpersonal declarative mood :giye. information

Finite Predicator Adjunct (past) Residue

Mood Block

Notice that in each clause the speaker has made different choices about how the first position in the clause should be filled. Because we know that all choices are meaningful, we need to ask what has motivated the change, so let us examine each one:
1 The lion 2 All round the town 3 By the lion 4 The unicorn beat the unicorn all round the town the lion beat the unicorn the unicom was beaten all round the town was beaten all round the town by the lion


The change in linear order changes our perspective about the concerns of the clause. As speakers of English, we interpret clause 1 as a message about the lion, clause 4 as a message about the unicorn. On the other hand, clause 2 is more likely to be part of a conversation about where various actions took place, and clause 3 is about the agency of the action. At this point you may also be wondering about the function of final elements in each clause. We will return to this at the end of the chapter.

Metalanguage for discussing the first element(s) in a clause

The metalanguage of first position Theme Rheme simple Theme multiple Theme iopicalTheme interpersonal Theme textual Theme

Mood Block

All round the town the lion

experiential . interpersonal. declarative mood give information

Circumstance Adjunct Res-


Subject Finite (past) Mood Block


What comes first in a clause expresses an important and separate kind of meaning. English speakers and writers use the first position in the clause to signal to their audience what the message is about. In English the first position in a clause contains textual meanings because it signposts the development of a text. To analyse and discuss textual meanings we need a simple and distinct metalanguage: we call the first element THEME and the rest of the clause RHEME.


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers organise their message: Exploring textual meanings

On the first day of Christmas On Sunday morning in a cottage in Fife Merrily, merrily AtStow-n-the-Wold In marble halls as white as milk my true love sent to me a partridge in a pear tree


In An introduction to functional grammar (1994: 38), Halliday characterises Theme as 'what the message is concerned with: the point of departure for what the speaker is going to say1. In other words, it functions as a starting point or signpost, that is, the frame the speaker has chosen for the message. Returning to our four clauses, we can apply Theme and Rheme categories to each one: Theme
The lion All round the town By the lion The unicorn

my love will come in

lived a man and his wife shall I live now the wind blows cold a golden apple doth appear

beat the unicorn all round the town the lion beat the unicorn the unicorn was beaten all round the town was beaten all round the town by the Iron



Identifying Theme
Topical Theme
Because the Theme is the starting point from which experiences are unfolded in a clause, it must include the whole of the first item in the experiential meanings. This means that the division between Theme and Rheme in a Finite clause always comes at tlie end of the first group or phrase relevant to the experiential function and meaning, whether this first element is Participant, Process or Circumstance. Because it is the place (Greek topos) where the experiences in the clause begin, this first element is known as the TOPICAL THEME. It is, of course, the whole nominal group, verbal group, adverbial group or prepositional phrase tilling the first Participant, Process or Circumstance slot that functions as topical Theme. When the Theme slot is filled by a nominal group, the Theme includes all premodification, postmodification, and even all group complexing. All of the nominal group is included in Theme in these examples:
The man in the moon The iion and the unicorn The man who came to dinner Little Brown Betty Robbin and Bobbin, two great Belly'd men Three wise men of Gotham came down too soon were fighting for the crown stayed (or breakfast lived at the Golden Can eat more Victuals went to sea in a bowl

A SIMPLE THEME, like those in the examples above, contains only an experiential or topical element. But in some clauses the topical Theme may he prefaced by interpersonal and/or textual elements. The Theme can then be subdivided into textual, interpersonal and topical elements and die clause is said to have MULTIPLE THEMES. If the topical Theme is the only Theme in a clause, there is no real need to label it as anything more than Theme.

Textual Theme
Quite often we preface our experiential meanings with a group or phrase whose function is to connect our message to the previous text. When we do this, we create a cohesive text with well-signposted connections between messages. Conjunctions are most likely to occur at the beginning of clauses and when they do they must be considered thematic. Even so, they do not fulfil the primary requirement of Theme which is to signal the point of departure for the experiences in the clause. We refer to these text-creating meanings as TEXTUAL THEMES in order to distinguish them from the experiential meanings in the topical Theme. Each of the following clauses begins with a textual Theme which connects its experiential meanings to the meanings of neighbouring clauses.
Nevertheless the pig the alternative Jill the prince the teacher would not was not an alluring one came tumbling after saw Cinderella turned it out

When And so


topical Rheme




Quite often, the first element in the experiences encoded in a clause is a Circumstance. In this case, whether the Circumstance slot is filled by an adverbial group or a prepositional phrase, the topical Theme again includes all premodification, postmodification and group complexing. The whole of the circumstance element is included in Theme in the following examples:

It is often possible to tell something about the purpose of a text by examining its textual Themes. In a simple narrative, such as 'The day I was lost' (Text 1) the main textual Themes are often and and then. In other text types, however, the textual Themes are likely to come from a different set of connecting words. In discussion text, for example, conjunctions such as if, although, unless, because, and in order to are likely


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers organise their message; Exploring textual meanings

T h e following examples have an interpersonal Theme combined w i t h a topical Theme: May Jennifer, Could Probably . we come the team they have some butter for the royal slice of bread? here have beaten the grand finalists? could


to introduce dependent clauses which enhance the argument. Other Conjunctive Adjuncts such as therefore, nevertheless, in addition, finally, and in conclusion may also be thematic if they are used at the beginning of a clause to signpost the development of the discussion. In the two following texts, the textual Themes are underlined. Notice how, even taken alone, the textual Themes are signposts to the purpose of the text.
Text 1 : The day I was lost (1) I went over to my friend's house (2) and I said (3) 'We'll go for a walk'. (4) And we went far away (5} and I said (6) 'I don't know our way home'. (7) And we kept on walking (8) and we were hungry. (9) And we saw a village {10) and we went (11) to talk to them (12) and. we said (13) We are hungry'. (14) And they gave us some food (15) and we thanked them (16) and WB went walking off. (17) And then we stopped (18) and sat down. (19) And then we saw a giant (20) and. I screamed (21)'Cooee'. H 3 % | % | || jv

interpersonal Theme

topical Rheme

Note that a distinction can be drawn between textual and interpersonal Themes that come at the beginning of clauses simply because the English language places them tn that position, and those where speakers and writers exercise a valid choice. Textually, we are constrained to put conjunctions at the beginning of English clauses but have more freedom about the placement of Conjunctive Adjuncts such as nevertheless, however, or in addition. Similar distinctions can be drawn with interpersonal Themes. Here the Finite-Subject order of interrogatives is set by the pattern of English clauses but speakers may exercise discretion about the placement of Vocatives and Mood and Comment Adjuncts such as probably, sometimes, dmnkfully and apparently. The WH- element at the beginning of a non-polar interrogative can also be considered an interpersonal Theme over whose placement we have little control. Unlike the Finite, this element also plays an important part in experiential meanings.

Text 2: Iain's text A good parallel in terms of qualitative research is the written survey method which poses questions and has a selection of answers from which to choose. Although problems can obviously arise when the respondent can not identify an adequale response from the selection, face-to-face informants will be able to respond in a way that is appropriate for them. However, it Is the depth-interview methodology that has been most criticised for its fack of reliability and validity.

The notion of markedness and its application to Theme: Typical Themes for different mood types
When linguists say that some state of affairs is UNMARKED, they mean it is the most expected, common and unremarkable case. Conversely, when they say that something is MARKED, they mean that it is unusual and should be noticed because of the way it stands out. Applying this concept to Theme, we can separate the typical and expected patterns from the atypical and unexpected. Because all choices are meaningful, when we find marked Themes we look for the purpose behind the speaker's patterning. The purpose may be to draw the addressee's attention to a particular group or phrase but more often it is to build a coherent text that is easy to follow. Because of the influence of Mood on the choice of Theme, our exploration of marked and unmarked Themes should look at each kind of interaction separately,

Interpersonal Theme
There are also times when we begin clauses with interpersonal meanings indicating the kind of interaction between speakers or the positions which they are taking. At these times, we are using INTERPERSONAL THEMES. The most common interpersonal Theme is the Finite in interrogative clauses where it precedes the Subject and immediately signals that the speaker Is demanding information. Other interpersonal Themes include initial Vocatives, and Mood and Comment Adjuncts. Once again, we do not consider the thematic potential of an English clause to be exhausted until we have reached the end of the topical Theme, so we look for the first experiential meaning before marking the division into Theme and Rheme.

Qiving information in declarative mood

The unmarked Theme for this mood has Actor (or Sayer, Behaver, Senser, Carrier or Identified), Subject and Theme all mapped onto the same nominal group. For example:


Using Functional Qrammar

The little dog laughed

How speakers organise their message: Exploring textual meanings Where the speaker requires specific information tn a WH-interrogative, the WH-word is the unmarked Theme and fuses interpersonal and experiential meanings;
goes there?


experiential mteipersonal textual

Actor/Behaver Subject Theme

Where the Goal, Subject and Theme are mapped onto the same nominal group, the Theme is said to be more marked:
The pig was eaten

experiential interpersonal textual

Actor Subject interpersonal topical Theme

experiential interpersonal textual Where the first group or phrase is Circumstance, the Theme is said to be even more marked and we look for the speaker's purpose for this choice:
Up street and down street each window 's made of glass

Where the Circumstance precedes the Finite or the Wl-1-word as the first element in the it takes up the full thematic potential and displaces the Finite or WH-word as theme: clause,
In the spnng shall

Actor Subject

go shearing?

experiential interpersonal textual

Circumstance Finite Theme (marked)

experiential interpersonal textual

Circumstance Adjunct Theme (marked)

Demanding goods and services in imperative mood


In this mood, the first position in the clause is most commonly filled by the process, so Process and Predicator as Theme is the unmarked pattern:
the kettle on!

Where the first group is Complement, the Theme is extremely marked, and once again we look for the reason for the choice.
Happy the bride [[ the sun shines on j]

experiential interpersonal textual

Process: material Predicator Theme

experiential interpersonal textual

Attribute Complement Theme (marked)

Any variation from this pattern is more marked, with Circumstance as Theme the most marked:
tidy your room!

Demanding information in interrogative mood

Where the speaker requires a yes/no answer in a polar interrogative, an unmarked Theme combines an interpersonal element (the Finite) with an experiential element and follows the pattern above where Actor, Subject and topical Theme are all mapped on to the same nominal group;
Are you
Actor Subject topical Theme going to Scarborough Fair?

experiential interpersonal textual

Actor Subject Theme (marked) Under no circumstances open the door

experiential interpersonal textual

Finite interpersonal Theme

experiential interpersonal textual

Circumstance Adjunct Theme (marked)

In every mood there is a cline in markedness from unmarked to most marked rather than any clear cut division.


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers organise their message: Exploring textual meanings


Extending the notion of Theme to clause complex, paragraph and text

At the level of clause complex die first clause can also be regarded as thematic. In the following example the entire first clause can be regarded as Theme for the second:

When she got there Theme

ihe cupboard was bare Rheme

In Cherie's text, a good teacher and the teacher are the predominant Themes, appearing in clauses 1, 2, 3 and 4. All children, which first appears in the Rheme of clause 1, becomes Theme in clauses 5 and 6. That, the Theme of clause 8, refers to the whole of the previous text. This thematic progression is illustrated in Figure 6.1. The only Theme which is at all unexpected is the existential there in clause 7, which breaks the well signposted progression of the text. Figure 6.1 shows how we could draw the patterns of thematic progression in Cherie's text.

Each paragraph may also be said to have a Theme: the first clause or the first clause complex signals what the paragraph is concerned with, the writer's point of departure for what will come next. This part of the paragraph is often called the topic sentence. Texts also have a point of departure - the first paragraph generally frames the rest of the text and introduces the main thrust of what is to follow.

Theme 1

Rheme 1 /Rheme 2 Rheme 3 Rheme 4 Rheme 5 Rheme 6 Rheme 7

Rheme 8

t Theme 2 t Theme 3 / t / Theme 4 /

Theme 5 Theme 6 Theme 7
Theme 8

Thematic progression
If the T h e m e is the signpost for a speaker or writer's point of departure, then each Rheme is the temporary destination. Usually die bit of the message that the writer or speaker considers interesting or important comes in the Rheme, While the first clause or clause complex in a text will probably contain all new meanings, the thematic choices for the following clauses should not be unexpected. They should be connected with ideas that we have already met in the Theme or Rheme of a clause not too far before. Because readers and addressees need to be reassured that they are following the development of the text, many texts are signposted by placing elements from the Rheme of one clause into the Theme of the next, or by repeating meanings from the Theme of one clause in the Theme of subsequent clauses. The following examples demonstrate different styles of thematic progression, Text 3: Cherie's text (first encountered in Chapter 5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 So If A good teacher He or she The teacher The teacher the children the children there That needs to be understanding to all children must also be fair and reasonable must work at a sensible pace and not one thing after another also needs to speak with a clear voice can understand have worked hard during the week should be some fun activities 's what I think a good teacher should be like

Figure 6.1: Thematic progression in Text 3 Similar patterns of t h e m a t i c progression occur in Texts 4 and 5, both from An introduction to phonology (Clark and Yallop: 1995).
Text 4 1 2 Phonetics and phonology Talking and listening to each other are concerned with speech - with the ways in which humans produce and hear speech. are so much part of human life often seem unremarkable.

3 that they Theme


In Text 4, humans produce and hear speech in the Rheme of clause 1 becomes talking and listening to each other in the Theme of clause 2 and they in the Theme of clause 3. The patterns of thematic progression in Text 4 are represented in Figure 6.2.
Theme 1 Theme 2

textual Theme

topical Rheme

Theme 3

Figure 6.2: Thematic progression in Text 4

1 W Texts

Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers organise their message. Exploring textual meanings 145

Text 6: Procedural text


is possible to distinguish three auditory dimensions or parameters of phonation: loudness, pitch, and a quality of sound that is some times called 'timbre'. is related to subglottal pressure. is the perceptual correlate of the frequency of vibration of the vocal folds. is determined by subglottal pressure and by laryngeal adjustments governing the length, tension and mass of the vocal folds themselves.

2 3 4

Perceived loudness Pitch The frequency

Mango salad Peel the mango and cut into 1 cm cubes. In fhe bowl from which vou will serve the saiad lightly beat t h i yoghurt until creamy. Add the chilli, salt and sugar. Put the mango on top of the yoghurt. Heat the oil in a little pan, andwheaM put in the mustard seeds. Ihgy. will start popping within seconds. Immediately put in the dried red chilli. AsJLdariIDS add the chopped shallots. Stir, andfry. unta the shallot is just browned. Pour quickly over the bowl of mango and yoghurt.! don't mix the salad together as it looks beautiful as is - the red chilli and black mustard seeds glisten on top of the luscious golden mango, which is in turn set off by the creamy yoghurt below.


Text 6 varies in its choice of Theme for the different clauses. Predictably, many begin with the Process; that is, the writer presents the next action as the.point of departure. Some messages, however, foreground the Circumstance, Then, after all the instructions have been presented, we find the expert presenting her own angle on the task. We could summarise the Themes in the Mango Salad text like this.
Textual Themes: and, and, and, until, as, as

In this text, three elements of phonation loudness, pitch and timbre are introduced in the Rheme of clause 1. The first of these (loudness) becomes Theme in clause 2, and the second {pitch) becomes Theme in clause 3. Frequency, part of the Rheme in clause 3, becomes Theme in clause 4- When the writers have finished the discussion of frequency, we should not be surprised to find timbre in thematic position - the path through a technical discussion has been well signposted. The patterns of thematic progression in Text 5 are represented in Figure 6.3.
Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3 Theme 4 / ^ r Rheme 1 Rheme 2 S* Rheme 3 Rheme 4

Topical Themes:
Process: Ciratmstance: Participant: Text 7: Recount text Dear M & D, Peel, cut, add, place, heat, stir, fry, pour In the bowl from which you will serve the salad, when hot, Immediately, As it darkens, until the shallot They, I, it, the red chilli and black mustard seeds, which

Figure 6.3: Thematic progression in Text 5

Thematic drift
A full grammatical analysis of any texr allows us to comment on the meanings the speaker/writer has accumulated. After we have divided any text into clauses and set out our analysis of transitivity, Mood and Theme, we should be able to notice these accumulated meanings emerging as overall patterns in the text. Text 6 is a procedure, although in the last sentence the writer has broken away from the conventional structure and included her own opinion. Text 7, a letter from a school camp, can be seen as a kind of recount even though the writer includes future events as he counts through his week's activities. In these two texts, the textual Themes have been set in italics and the topical Themes are underlined.

Tomorrow's an Barly rise because we failed our last inspection so tomorrow morning we have to get up at Sam to prepare the unit for 6am inspection. Yesterday was the Combined School Sports - fun to be in. 1 ran about 2.13, which wasn't too bad as it was my second race for the season. Today we walk up Mt Stirling. Then tomorrow we have 10 hours of orienteering. What funl I'd better get some sleep. love you both,

We can summarise the Themes in the school letter like this: Textual Themes: because, so, as, then Topical Themes:
Circumstance; Participant: tomorrow, tomorrow morning, yesterday, today, tomorrow we, I, which, it, I


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers organise their message: Exploring textual meanings

5 The dog takes a cat 6 The cat takes a mouse 7 The mouse takes the cheese

From this examination of thematic choices, we can see that the writer is concerned with time and with himself as Actor, both singularly and as part of a group. His textual Themes show concern with providing reasons for his actions. There is a template in Appendix F to help you summarise your analysis of Theme.

Analysis of clause 5
The dog takes a cat

Other textual meanings

This book is largely about analysing clauses into experiential, interpersonal and textual meanings. Eventually we put these meanings together so that we can talk about a text as a whole - its overall patterns of experiential meanings, overall patterns of interaction and opinion, and overall patterns of thematic drift and thematic progression. We can go on to investigate the relation between the lexicogrammar, meanings, context, and structure, and these are the focus of Chapters 8 and 9. However, it's worth noting here that there are other textual resources which are not limited to individual clauses. One relates to the text as a whole (cohesion) and the other to its division into information units (the organisation into Given and New information).

Actor Subject Theme

Process: material Finite Rheme Predicator

Goal Complement

, ,New

COHESION deals with devices that give a text texture. While it may appear that linguists have appropriated 'texture' from the field of textiles along with terms like 'ties', 'close knit', and 'weaving', in fact, 'text', 'texture', and 'textile' all come from the same Latin root meaning 'that which is woven', so it is entirely appropriate for linguists to talk about meanings being woven together and about lexical and grammatical ties between clauses as cohesive devices. Cohesive devices include the lexical devices of repetition, semantic relations, equivalence and semblance and the grammatical devices of reference, substitution and ellipsis (see pages 165 ff). Thematic progression from Theme to Rheme or from Theme to Theme is a structural expression of cohesion. You can read more about cohesion and information units in Halliday (1994: Chapters 8 and 9) and Halliday and Hasan (1985). It's possible to make a simple but effective diagram of the ties between clauses by listing elements with the same referent in columns or chains. Text 9, from Lewis Carroll's Through the looking-glass, is shown first as a block, then divided into clauses with different cohesive devices listed immediately after, then set out in lexical chains.
Text 9 So Alice got up and walked about - rather stiffly at first, as she was afraid that the crown might come off; but she comforted herself with the thought that there was no-one to see her, 'And if I really am a Queen,' she said as she sat down again, 'I shall be able to manage it quite well in time.'

Qiven and New information

A parallel textual system to Theme/Rheme is the organisation into Given and New information. Speakers divide their texts into infonnation units, each of which peaks with a change of pitch, or loudness, signalling what they think is the point of their message, that is, its NEW and exciting bit of information. Any other information in the unit is GIVEN. There is no necessary one-to-one relationship between a clause and an information unit, and speakers may foreground any element in a clause as New infermation. Nevertheless, the unmarked pattern is that Given information is included in the Theme of a clause and New information somewhere in the Rheme. Speakers and writers choose their Themes and their New information to guide their audience effectively through their texts. This choice influences the organisation of experiential and interpersonal meanings. One reason for passive clauses is thematic selection; another is to put the Actor as New information. We can see the patterns emerging in these lines from the nursery rhyme The fanner in the dell. We'll give the main narrative clauses in the rhyme and analyse just one clause.
Text 8: The farmer in the dell 1 The farmer takes a wife 2 The wife takes a child 3 The child takes a nurse 4 The nurse takes a dog

148 Text 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Using Functioned Qrammar in clauses So Alice got up and (she) walked about - rather stiffly at first as she was afraid [[ 3.1 that the crown might come off ]j But she comforted herself with the thought [[ 5.1 that there was no-one [[5.1.1 to see her ]] ]] 'And 6,7, 8 i shall be able to manage it quite well in time if I really am a Queen' she said as she sat down again

How speakers organise their message; Exploring textual meanings




crown Queen

In the following table various cohesive devices are separately listed. Notice also that, in one form or another, Alice is Theme for almost all the clauses.

Alice Al ice Alice sat down

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Conjunctions/ Conj. Adj


Repetition Alice

Pronominal reference


Sense rel ations Movement Royalty got up


she (Alice) she (Alice) she, herself, her (Alice) 1 (Alice) it (the crown) 1 (Alice) Alice

walked about rather stiffly the crown


The Alice chain is an identity chain of identical meanings passed from clause to clause using the proper noun Alice and the referential pronouns I, she, herself and her, each referring to Alice. The second chain is a similarity chain of Alice's movements. Quite possibly we could have included the crown's movement in Clause 3 in this chain. The third chain, which contains 'crown' and 'Queen' is another sernantically related similarity chain.



To sum up
By examining sequential and cumulative patterns of Theme, we can often discover the degree to which: the messages mesh widi an overarching purpose or concern the text exhibits a transparent design the speaker/writer anticipates the needs of the addressees (that is the hearer/reader should not be surprised by the choice of Theme as this would indicate that the progress or drift of the text is not well constructed). It is easy to apply the ideas of thematic progression and thematic drift to uncover any of the writer's points of departure for a text, but there are other benefits from this simple technique, especially when constructing our own texts. We can use the technique to ensure that topical Themes progress in an orderly, and even predictable, way - either by repeating the Theme or thematic pattern over several clauses or by incorporating the Rheme from one clause into the Theme of the next. We can also use textual Themes to make the connection between clauses clear. The resources are there in English for staying with a Theme or for bringing elements in or out of psychological focus.


she (Alice)

sat down

Lexical chains Lexical chains are an excellent way of exploring the main preoccupations of speakers and writers and the way their texts develop. In this analysis referential pronouns are replaced by their relevant nouns, and, if Alice 'really is a Queen', the Alice and Royal chains would combine in Clause 6. Chain 1: Alice Alice Aliice Chain 2 : Movement got up walked about rather stiffly Chain 3 : Royal


Using Functional (grammar

How speakers organise their message: Exploring textual meanings


Implications for language teaching

1 Construct three clauses, the first with Circumstance as topical Theme, the second with Process, the third with a pdst-mddififed n6iihinBl '"' Add a textual and interpersonal Theme to each of the three clauses you have just constructed. Divide each of the following clauses into Theme and Rheme. If there are multiple Themes, make further subdivision into textual, interpersonal and topical. a. Are you going to Scarborough Fair? b. Probably we're going tomorrow afternoon c. Remember me to one who lives there d. Because she was once a true love of mine

Textual meanings organise the richness of experiential meanings and the fluidity of interpersonal meanings into coherent, comprehensible language. This chapter uses the metaphor of signposting to describe the work of textual meanings in the grammar of English. Many language teachers are already familiar with the notion of signposts. The information in this chapter allows us to build on this notion in several ways. This chapter also introduces us to resources that contribute to a text's cohesion. We will consider cohesion from the perspective of language teaching in the section on texture in Chapter 9,

How is knowledge of the textual grammar of the message useful to language teachers and learners?
A focus on textual meanings can have startling and immediate results in the language classroom, particularly in the teaching of literacy. When students' texts are difficult to follow and it is hard to pinpoint exactly what they are talking or writing about, the problem often originates in the choice of Themes and the expression of Rhemes, In this chapter we are shown how organising meanings in English involves laying down language elements one after the other like railway tracks from the beginning to the end of the journey. In the clause, the Theme {the beginning of the journey) orients the reader to the experiential and interpersonal meanings in the text. It establishes what the meanings in the clause are concerned with and acts like a signpost to show where the meanings have come from and where they are going. Towards the end of the clause's journey, in the Rheme, is the 'point' of the clause (the destination of the journey) where the meanings have been heading. The beginning-end organisation of clause complexes, paragraphs and texts mirrors and draws on the beginning-end organisation of the clauses they contain. (A subtle Theme-Rheme organisation can also be glimpsed in groups and phrases.) Theme can also be thought of as an anchor that secures the clause to what has gone before so it is not set adrift aimlessly in the text. Thus, at the beginning of a clause, students must learn to orient listeners and readers both by introducing what the clause is concerned with and by making a link back into the context or the preceeding text to anchor the clause into the text. Similarly, in written texts, they must leam to use the topic sentence of a paragraph to anchor the paragraph to the introduction of the text. Once the Theme has oriented the listener or reader effectively, New information ntroduced in the Rheme is more likely to make sense. In written texts information 'ntroduced towards the end of the clause often 'flows' into the beginning of die next clause. When we draft long texts, for example spoken presentations or essays, it is important to organise the information so that it flows thematically through the whole te xt in such a way that the audience can follow the meaning from beginning to end.

4' Divide the following paragraph into clauses and identify the Themes. From an examination of the thematic choices and the Theme-Rheme patterns, make an assessment of the purpose and/or type of the text. During this summer of 1846, while her literary hopes were waning, an anxiety of another kind was increasing. Her father's eyesight had become seriously impaired by the progress of the cataract which was forming. He was nearly blind. He could grope his way about, and recognise the figures of those he knew well when they were placed against a strong light; but he could no longer see to read, and thus his eager appetite for knowledge and information of all kinds was severely balked, He continued to preach. Elizabeth GaskeM Cranford (1BB7)

Using Functional Qrammar Once language learners understand how the ordering of language elements works in English to orient the audience and to signpost and organise meanings, they have gained a powerful tool for managing the meanings of texts which are just beyond their current level of language proficiency. In other words, an understanding of Theme can increase the comprehensible input accessible to students, especially when they work with written language.

How speakers organise their messaget Exploring textual meanings


In genres organised by time, such as story genres, using sequencing conjunctions as textual Themes (eg and, and then, when, as, after, next) is the unmarked way of signposting the unfolding of events. Once students have mastered these unmarked signposts, they can learn to use marked topical Themes such as Circumstances and dependent clauses (eg After lunch ..., When I had finished with him ...) to highlight particular points of time in the unfolding of events. Similarly, in texts which instruct, explain or persuade, using sequencing conjunctions as textual Themes (eg first, second, next, finally) is the unmarked way of signposting the move from step to step, phase to phase, or argument to argument. But students also need to learn how to highlight salient points in a process or argument by using Circumstances and dependent clauses as topical Themes (eg Slowly ..., If the ice melts ..., For this reason ...). Marked Themes are the resource speakers and writers use to foreground, for example, manner, condition or cause. Careful and precise, even exact, use of marked Themes is often essential if a text is to achieve its purpose effectively, for example, a recipe, a scientific explanation or a legal argument. When they are being introduced to a new genre, student writers can be guided with skeleton texts based on the structural pattern of the genre. Teachers prepare skeleton texts by writing the first paragraph of the text followed by a topic sentence and a series of clause Themes for each subsequent paragraph. The clause Themes include marked Themes as needed to achieve the purpose of the text. The students then draft a text of their own around this organisational skeleton. The notion of Theme is particularly valuable in the teaching of reading, especially when student readers are working with information-rich texts in the subject areas of formal education. Students' attention can be drawn to each layer of Theme development one by one. Using a coloured highlighter, underlining, or a similar technique, students can uncover the way information is organised in the text by highlighting: * the first paragraph * the topic sentence of each paragraph * the Themes of the clauses. The first paragraph orients the reader to the text. The topic sentences orient the reader to each paragraph. The topical Themes of clauses signal what the text is concerned with (the gist of the text). Textual Themes and marked Themes signal structure and structural shifts as the text unfolds. Interpersonal Themes signal the kind of interaction taking place and die point of view of those interacting. Following a study of Themes in a text, students can look through the remainder of the paragraphs and clause Rhemes to discover the 'point' of the text; that is, where the text is heading. These meanings usually accumulate until they are drawn together in the final paragraph in order to conclude the text's purpose effectively. Students can use a different colour, font or underline style to uncover the way information accumulates and is drawn together as the text unfolds.

How can knowledge of the textual grammar of the message enhance language teaching programs?
For language learners to organise meanings effectively into clauses, clause complexes paragraphs and text, they need to make the beginning and the end of all units of language organisational focal points. They also need to know how to order words clause constituents, clauses and paragraphs within texts. When student writers struggling with basic clause structure write texts made of clauses which do not have an effective progression of topical Themes, the reader is not given any orientation to what the text is about nor any signposts to show where the information has come from and where it is going. When student writers introduce too many topical Themes unrelated to the thematic progression of the text, the reader easiy loses the thread. The quality of writing in workplace, business and academic bnghsn can be unproved dramatically if attention is given to the thematic progression of information in texts. If teachers use model texts to illustrate the basic patterns of thematic progression, students can apply these patterns to their own writing. Student writers also need to be able to control the use of textual Themes; that is, conjunctions and other connecting words and phrases. It is textual Themes that language teachers have traditionally called signposts because of the work they do in shaping and structuring texts. This work makes their use critical to the organisation ot texts which achieve their purpose effectively. Learning how to manage interpersonal Themes is important for those learning how to manage spoken interaction. What comes first in the Mood Block signals the type of clause chosen to exchange meanings. For this reason, learning to manage the relationship between Mood and Theme is central to effective participation in spoken interactions, whether the student is joining in the interaction or sustaining it Teachers can use their knowledge of Mood and Theme to prepare skeleton exchange outlines for students to use m guided practice activities and structured role plays. This chapter introduces the idea of markedness - a notion that is particularly useful in language education. Students usually focus at first on unmarked language patterns- that i is, on the expected way of structuring meaning in a particular clause. There is a point in /their development, however, when students need to consider how to make elements of a clause stand out from the background, or deviate from the unremarkable pattern when this is necessary for their text to achieve its puipose.


Using Functional Qrammar

155 Hou> speakers organise their message; Exploring textual meanings

The textual grammar of the message and text structure We have already seen how textual grammar is used to signpost the structure of different types of texts. In fact, the textual metafunction is often called the ENABLING metafunction because it enables experiential and interpersonal meanings to be organised so that they can be realised in whole texts that make sense to listeners and readers. There are several ways that students can explore the interplay between the textual grammar of the message and text structure. They can undertake activities that explore the way interpersonal meanings are organised in order to structure spoken interactions using their knowledge of the word order that constructs declarative, interrogative and imperative clauses. During these activities students can practise using intonation patterns to highlight the textual grammar of the message, for example, the New information in the Rhemes of their clauses. If learners undertake activities that explore the way Theme and Rhetne are used to organise experiential and interpersonal meanings in structuring written texts, they will notice that often a choice of Theme or a shift in thematic progression signals that a text has moved into the next stage. For example, in narratives, students might look: w in the Orientation for Circumstances of time and place as marked Themes or in the Rheme in order to set the story in a time and place in the Complication for time and sequence conjunctions as textual Themes to signpost unfolding events in a temporal sequence Circumstances of time as marked Themes to highlight an event in a temporal sequence a contrast conjunction (such as but) as texaial Theme to signal the complication or crisis point of the story -

recur at every level of longer texts. Just as Theme, or the beginning of a clause, orients the reader to the message in the clause, the same pattern can be seen in paragraphs and whole texts, even in sections and chapters of books. Generally a topic sentence orients a reader to what a paragraph will be about and is usually the first sentence in the paragraph. It tends to predict the Themes of the sentences in the paragraph. The last sentence in the paragraph 'sums up' what the paragraph is about. This is the concluding sentence. Similarly, the introductory paragraph of a whole text orients the reader to what the text will be about and predicts the topic sentences of each paragraph of the text, while the concluding paragraph sums up the point of the whole text. In this way information flows in 'waves' at each level of the whole text. In longer texts the same wave pattern moves on into the headings and conclusions of each section and into the introductory and concluding chapters. Being able to control the expression of mode through thematic progression greatly enhances students' ability to read and construct longer texts. The thematic pattern across a text is very useful for readers of texts because it can guide note-taking and summarising. A quick way to find out what a lengthy text is about before deciding whether to read it in detail, is to read the first paragraph, the headings, the topic sentences and the concluding paragraph. For writers, knowing how to organise information into wave patterns which flow through the text is a useful tool for planning and drafting texts. The textual grammar of the message and mode The mode of a context of situation relates to the distance in time and space between people who are communicating and how this influences the way they manage that communication. For example, if people are communicating at the same time and in the same place, they are probably face^to-face and using spoken language. If people are communicating at the same time but from different places, they might use the telephone or perhaps interactive electronic chat. If people want to capture their communication so someone can use it at a later time, they will put it into written language. The distance between the communication and the activity it is communicating about determines how much work the language has to do. If two people are sharing the same activity, there is a lot of contextual information which they can assume the other person is aware of and so diey do not have to put it into language. In addition, they can supplement what they are saying with intonation, gesture and facial expression. If the person listening does not understand something or loses track of what is being talked about, they can ask for clarification or repetition immediately. When we play sport, for example, we might use language to direct the ball or show our excitement at a goal, but there is no need to organise a description of the place or the people, a list of the rules or a recount of the game.

an interpersonal Theme (such as unfortunately) to signal the way the writer is evaluating the events of the Complication " in the Resolution fot a consequence conjunction (such as so) as textual Theme to signal a return to normality.

Notice how the name given to the first stage of the narrative pattern, Orientation, reflects the thematic work that is done with language at the beginning of stories written in this pattern. If students have exploted how patterns of Theme and Rheme enable the organisation of different types of texts, they can consciously and strategically draw on this knowtedge to organise their own texts more effectively. An understanding of thematic progression can be very useful for both study and work where students need to read and write longer texts such as textbooks, essays or reports. Patterns of thematic progression


Using Functional Qrammar

How speakers organise their message: Exploring textual meanings


When people are communicating about an activity at a distance, that is, in a different place or at a later time, the language will have to do a lot more work in order to reconstitute that activity for the audience. For example, if we are talking or writing about a sporting match that happened yesterday for people who were not there, we have to orient our audience to the time the game took place, the venue, the players, the spectators and the game so they are able to understand what we are telling them. As the distance in time and place between events and communication about them increases, the language has to do even more work. For someone learning a language this can be quite challenging. Many people will have had the experience of a small child suddenly starting to talk about something without orienting the listener to their topic or their purpose. In this situation most adults automatically ask questions which guide the child to supply the missing meanings. For example, the adult might ask Who did this happen to? that is, they are asking for a Participant in Theme position. If they ask When did this happen? they are asking for a Circumstance of time as marked Theme. Language teachers can guide students in the classroom in similar ways. Many problems in student writing occur because students either leave out or do not organise effectively the information the reader needs in order to reconstitute meaning at a distance. This meaning might be to do with a context which the reader does not share with the writer or it might relate to what is going on inside the writer's head as they reflect on an aspect of experience, One of the most effective ways to help student writers make meanings that bridge the distance between writer and reader is to give students opportunities to prepare a spoken language presentation of their material before they draft the written text. For example, if students are preparing to write a recount about a class excursion, the interim step would be for them to tell a group of people who did not go on the excursion what happened. This task will necessarily involve the students in organising their meanings so that the excursion is reconstituted through language for those who were not there. Being able to control the expression of mode through textual grammar greatly enhances students' ability to organise language to bridge the distance between themselves and their audience effectively, adjusting their language to manage, for example: * the difference between face-to-face spoken interaction and spoken interaction on the telephone * the difference between interactive spoken language in a shared context and written language for an audience who cannot provide any feedback and who have not shared the context or the activity. In fact, being able to control the expression of mode through textual grammar is critical to the development of the higher level literacies students need if they are to be successful in education and employment.

Using the textual grammar of the message to build a critical response to text Knowledge of textual grammar and thematic progression helps student readers and writers to develop the critical skills they need to evaluate the 'readability' of a written text - both theic own texts and those of others. Checking for effective thematic progression and drift in their own texts can be one of the earliest editing skills student writers are taught. Classroom activities can be designed in which students working in pairs and groups can use the metalanguage of Theme and thematic progression to discuss how to improve the organisation of their texts in order to improve signposting and information flow. Students can evaluate the thematic progression of a text, deciding whether: the Themes have provided an effective orientation for the reader in terms of topic and structure the accumulation of meanings at the end of clauses and paragraphs has culminated effectively in the final paragraph to give the text a clear point, In addition, when students encounter a text they find difficult to read, looking for Theme patterns will reveal: whether the difficulty lies in the signposting and information flow of the text itself how to navigate the text in order to manage its meanings more easily. Students might also explore how text organisation differs when we use different channels of communication, for example, face- to-face, telephone, email, electronic chat, letters, radio, television, newspaper or books. On the basis of their findings they might consider; the effect of different technologies on the way we organise our meanings the impact of new technologies on the meanings different groups of people are able to make how new technologies can be exploited most effectively and equitably.

Further reading
You can read more about cohesion arid information units in Chapters 8 and 9 of An introduction to functional grammar: 2nd edition (Halliday 1994)) and in Language, context and text: Aspects of language in a social semiotic perspective (Halliday and Hasan 1985). For a more detailed account of Theme read T h e structuring of information in written English text* (Fries 1992). For a detailed account of text progression, see Martin (1992, Chapter 6). For an account of how to use spoken language as an interim step to literacy for ESL learners see Gibbons (1991, 1998).



Using Functional Qrammar

For more detail on how teachers can use knowledge about the expression of mode in language to support literacy development see Hammond (1990a). For ideas about how to use intonation patterns to highlight the textual grammar of the message in effective ways, see Zawadzki (1994).




Patterns of clause combination

* Defining clause boundaries Clause types: - Independent - Dependent - Embedded - Interrupting



1 Identify a good example of a type of text you would like your students to be able to use effectively, the text might be spoken or written. If you wish, you may choose one of the texts in Chapter 1. a. Look for patterns of textual grammar and thematic progression which: contribute to the structure and purpose of the whole text build the mode of the immediate situation. b. Relate what you have discovered about the textual grammar and thematic progression of the text to your students' learning needs and goals. ; 2 Use what you have discovered about the textual grammar of the text to design activities that support your students' progress towards their learning goals, These activities might draw your students' attention to: the purpose and structure of the text as revealed in textual grammar and thematic progression the nature of the mode (eg What is the distance in time and space between those communicating? Is the .language part of a shared activity or does it have to reconstitute the activity for people who were not there?) how the mode is represented in the word order and markedness of the grammar of the text how weil the meanings In the text have been organised.


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Implications for language teaching






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Using Functional Qrammar Patterns o/c(oi*se combination 161

FrdniChaptete: The rank scale


constituting a type of subtle human architecture. In creating their own particular designs, speakers and writers select from the various possibilities in order to make their experience accessible to others.

Steps in a clause complex analysis

When we want to unravel the creator's design, the first step in a clause complex analysis is to define the clause boundaries and draw in the double lines. We need to use many of the grammatical concepts already presented in this book to describe where each clause begins and ends. Here is a useful procedure to follow;
Underline all verbal groups. Check that they are all functioning as Process in a clause. Look for the internal patterns of the clause in the experiential function: Participants Process, Circumstances. Look for the internal patterns of the clause in the interpersonal function: the Subject/Finite relationship. ' Try to identify the function of Bach clause in the clause complex.

t2TS ^ o ^ ^ ^ "[* *" ** ~ a l ^ < .

-orf, one or more words to a Z T ^ W ^ "' ^ " ^ ^

cl-se, one or more dauses to a S

clause complex clause group or phrase word morpheme


"* " " ^ ^

<* ^

4 5


T bin inf m e s s a g e sI n t 0 th: dl^^z^:z other rank, the clause comply '
is m a d e

In Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 we looked ar rh* m*. i groups and phrases create e x p e r i e n a l 1 F** ^ *dause ~ whe^ anse from the relationship of S ^ e K n f r e ^ "l ** ' " ^ ^ ' message are signalled through T W / R h m e /hoi 7 ^ T ^ ' * W of the ^ P level of the rank seal Tlooking * t I " e t h ^ ^ ^ We M p l r e the
Cali d a u s e l P nf f M



We will use Text 1, 'My Aunt', to walk you through these steps. The clause complex boundar.es coLnc.de with sentence boundar.es as is the case with most written texts 1 ne clause complex division appears under the text itself.
T e x t l : My Aunt I can clearly remember we used to visit an elderly aunt in Surry Hills. She lived in a tiny bed-sit wn , 7 S 3 t ? ! 6 " ? bUt ShS e n t 6 , 1 a i n e d h e r 9U8StS in s t ^ C o m e r s t o in tho e days wou d se I their broken biscurts for a fraction of the price of whole ones, and she always had a tin of broken Amctts milk arrowroot biscuits in the pantry. On hertiny two-ringed stove there was always a kettle boiling its head off. Unlocking her china cabinet, she would invite the one of us who was currently most in her favour to carry her precious china cups, saucer and plate settings to the table. I am still not sure whether I was more anxious in case I dropped one When she chose me, or was more jealous of my brother or sister when she didn't.


case one or more clauses.



of the

/ p i e X e s . As at every k below, in this

c: ?

a intric possibiIities o f



The notation convention fnr di -.~i nd to put three parallel 3 " ? 7 T ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ * 6 following examples of clause comple^ef ^ f * d a u s e C O m ^ * - - ^ w n in the
a b. a 4 Let's go down to the Tourist Office |j and ask for directions l\\ Before d,v,ng,nfo water, \\ always check the depth f|j The concert was excelled || because the lead singer was ill III The r a s t e r said \\ that he had been quoted out o L n t S

Clause complexes in Text 1 1 I can clearly remember we used to visit an elderly aunt in Surry Hills.

Defining the clause boundaries

Just as in biology one finds intricate patterns in <-,* - >


2 She lived in a tiny bed-sit and was not at all well off, but she entertained her guests in style. * 3 Corner stores in those days would sell their broken biscuits for a fraction of the price of whole ones, and she always had a tin of broken Arnotte milk arrowroot biscuits in the pantry. 4 On her tiny two-ringed stove there was always a kettle boiling its head off.


Using Functional Qrammar

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Patterns of clause combination

On her tiny two-ringed stove there was always a kettle boiling its head off. Unlocking her china cabinet she would Invite the one of us who wai currently most in her favour to carry her precious cup, saucer and plate settings to the table. I am still not sure whether I was more anxious In case I dropped one when she chose me or vras more jealous of my brother or sister when she didn't.


5 Unlocking her china cabinet, she would invite the one of us who was currently most in her favour to cany her precious cup, saucer and plate settings to the table. 6 I am still not sure whether 1 was more anxious in case I dropped one when she chose me, or was more jealous of my brother or sister when she didn't. Step J. Underline all verbal groups It is best to take a wide view of the possibilities and then cast out any that on closer inspection seem not to be functioning as Process in a clause pattern:
i c j o clearly remember we used to visit an elderly aunt in Surry Hills. She liyed in a tiny bed-sit and was not at all well off, but she entertained her guests in style. Corner stores in those days would sell their broken biscuits for a fraction ot the price of whole ones, and she always tad a tin of broken Arnotts milk arrowroot biscuits in the pantry. On her tiny two-ringed stove there M always a kettle boiling its head off. Unlocking her china cabinet, she would invite the one of us who was currently most in her favour to carry her precious china cups, saucer and plate settings to the table. I am stilt not sure whether I was more anxious in case I dropped one when she chose me, or was. more jealous of my brother or sister when she didn't.

Step 2. Check that the underlined words are all functioning as Process in a clause structure In this step we need to look at the environment of the underlined words to make sure that they are functioning as Process in a clause. In fact, one word is not: broken is twice functioning as Epithet in a nominal group, broken biscuits and broken Arnotts milk arrowroot biscuits. Once broken has been dropped we are left with nineteen verbal groups functioning as Processes in clause patterns. Note that can remember is one verbal group even though the two parts of the group are separated by clearly. Step 3. Look for the internal patterns of the clause in the experiential function Given that we appear to have nineteen Processes, we can hypothesise that we will find nineteen clauses. So our third step in defining the clause boundaries is to look for the experiential patterning of these nineteen clauses. As we need to look for the Participant and Circumstance patterns that surround each Process, we need to look closely at the nominal groups, the prepositional phrases and the adverbial groups and ask the kinds of questions about clause consituency diat we asked in Chapter 3. It could be a help to write out the clauses on separate lines, or at least to pencil in tentative boundaries. To help you we do both:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f can clearly remember we used to vlsft sn elderly aunt in Surry Hills. She lived in a tiny bed-sit and wag not at all well off but entertained her guests in style. Corner stores in those days would sell their broken biscuits for a fraction of the price of whole ones and she always tiad a tin of broken Arnotts milk arrowroot biscuits in the pantry.

I can clearly remember || we used to visit an elderly aunt in Surry Hills. Ill She lived in a tiny bed-sit II and was not at all well oft, || but she entertained her guests in style. HI Corner stores in those days would sell their broken biscuits for a fraction of the price of whole ones, 1 1 and she always h i d a tin of broken Arnotts milk arrowroot biscuits in the pantry. ||| On her tiny two-ringed stove there was always a kettle || boiling its head off. [|| Unlocking her china cabinet, J| she would invite the one of us 1 1 who aas currently most in her favour || to carry her precious china cups, saucer and plate settings to the table. ||| I am still not sure, || whether I jagg more anxious || in case I dropped one || when she chose me. || or was more jealous of my brother or sister || when she didn't. |||

At first glance this analysis may look reasonable, but a closer examination of nominal group structures in Clauses 8 and 11 indicates that it is not good enough, In Clause 8 the nominal group a kettle does not stop at the Thing (kettle) but is further defined by post-modification in the form of an embedded clause (boiling its head off). In the same way, the one of us in Clause 11 is further defined by the embedded clause, who was currently most in her favour. At this point we need to think back to the discussion about nominal group Qualifiers in Chapter 3 and remind ourselves that such embedded clauses are said to be rank shifted. Although they are certainly patterned as clauses, they do not operate at the clause rank on the rank scale, but have been rank shifted to do service within a nominal group (as Qualifier). As we saw in Chapter 3, embedded clauses can also function as Postmodifiers in adverbial groups (see pages 7071). There is another type of embedded or rank shifted clause, one that functions as nominal element in its own right. We will discuss this later in the chapter. Remember from Chapter 3 that the convention for marking out embedded clauses is a pair of double square brackets. When we combine this convention with our double and triple parallel lines, our passage will look like this:
I ean clearly remember || we used to visit an elderly aunt in Surry Hills. Ill She lived in a tiny bed-sit and aas not at all well off, II but she entertained her guests in style. ||| Comer stores in those days would sell their broken biscuits for a fraction of the price of whole ones, || and she always had a tin of broken Arnotts mtik arrowroot biscuits in the pantry. ||| On her tiny two-ringed stove there m&


Using Functional Qrammar

always a kettle [[ boiling its head off. ]] 11| Unlocking her china cabinet, || she would invite the one of us [[ who was currently most in her favour ]] || to cany her precious china cups, saucer and plate settings to the table. Ill I am still not sure, || whether I was more anxious || in case I dropped one || when she chose me, || or was more jealous of my brother or sister || when she didn't. Ill 13 14 15 16 17 whether / was more anxious in case / dropped one when she chose me or was more jealous of my brother or sister when she didn't.

Patterns of clause combination

1 6 B

We are thus left with seventeen clauses functioning at the clause rank.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I can clearly remember we used to visit an elderly aunt in Surry Hills. She lived in a tiny bed-sit and was not at all well off but enterlajped, her guests in style. Corner stores in those days would sell their broken biscuits for a fraction of the price of whole ones and she always had a tin of broken Arnotts milk arrowroot biscuits in the pantry. On her tiny two-ringed stove there was always a kettle [[ boiling its head off ]]. Unlocking her china cabinet she would invite the one of us [[ who was currently most in her favour ]] to carry her precious cup, saucer and plate settings to the table. I am still not sure whether I yvas. more anxious in case i dropped one when she chose me or was more jealous of my brother or sister when she didn't.

Clauses 9 and 11 do not have a either a Subject or a Finite, while Clauses 4, 5 and 16 each have a Finite but appear to have no Subject. Clauses 9 and 11 are non-finite clauses. In Clauses 4 and 5 the Subject is she which can be retrieved from Clause 3, English allowing the leaving out, or ellipsis, of the Subject element (and sometimes also the Finite element) under certain circumstances. Clause 16 is a similar case; here the subject I can be retrieved from Clause 13. When we can retrieve an ellipsed part of the clause from a previous clause, it is a good idea to put the ellipsed part back into the clause as we divide and number the clauses of the text. At the same time we should have a numbering system that identifies the separate clause complexes as well as the individual clauses. Following such a system, and putting the ellipsed text into bold block capitals preceded by a A , we would then have a picture of the text that looked like this: CI. C, I cl. 1 I can clearly remember cl. 2 we used to visit an elderly aunt in Surry Hills.

Step 4 Look for the internal patterns of the chuse in the interpersonal function In this step we look for the Subject/Finite relationship in each of our clauses. This will help to confirm the pattern recognition of the previous step and will also tell us which clauses are finite and which are non-finite. In the clauses set out below, the Subject is in italics and the Finite is in bold type. (Note: If the Finite is mapped onto the head of die verbal group in a one word verbal group, the whole word is bold).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /can clearly remember we used to visit an elderly aunt in Surry Hills. She lived in a tiny bed-sit and was not at all well off but entertained her guests in style. Corner stores in thosB days would sell their broken biscuits for a fraction of the price of whole ones and she always had a tin of broken Arnotts milk arrowroot biscuits in the pantry. On her tiny two-ringed stove there was always a kettle boiling its head off, Unlocking her china cabinet she would invite the one of us who was currently most in her favour to catty her precious cup, saucer and plate settings to the table. / am still not sure

Cl. C. II cl. 3 cl. 4 cl. 5 Cl. C. Ill cl. 6 cl. 7 Cl. C. IV cl. 8 Cl. C. V cl. 9 cl. 10 cl.ll Cl. C. VI cl. 12 cl.13 cl.14 cl.15 cl. 16 cl.17

She lived in a tiny bed-sit and ASHE was not at all well off but ASHE entertained her guests in style. Comer stores in those days would sell broken biscuits for a fraction of the price of whole ones and she always had a tin of broken Arnotts milk arrowroot biscuits in the pantry. On her tiny two-ringed stove there was always a kettle boiling its head off. Unlocking her china cabinet she would invite the one of us who was currently most in her favour to carry her precious cup, saucer and plate settings to the table. I am still not sure whether I was more anxious in case I dropped one when she chose me or A WHETHER l was more jealous of my brother or sister when she didn't.


Using- Functional Qrammar

1 2 Linguistics can be a fascinating pursuit

Patterns of clause combination


Step 5. Try to identify the function of each clause in its clause complex With the text now conveniently set out into clause complexes and clauses within the complexes, we can start to ask some questions ahout the ways in which the clauses relate to each other within their particular clause complex. Clauses 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 appear to be messages giving fairly straightforward information and in each case could stand alone as complete messages (allowing for retrieval of Subject where necessary). Clause 2 also looks to be a complete message in its own right, but in fact there is another common piece of English ellipsis here - the first sentence could also have been written I can ckarly remember that we used to visit... Remember is a verb like say, know, think, tell, believe and allows us to project messages. Here the projection is reported (or indirect) speech as opposed to direct speech (see Chapter 3). Clauses 9 and 11 offer circumstantial support for Clause 10. Clauses 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 all seem to be tied in some way to Clause 12 (i am still not sure)'. In fact what we have here are two parallel projected messages (I am not sure is very like J don't know which is a projecting process) comprising Clauses 13, 14, 15 as one group, and 16 and 17 as the second. Within the first group, Clause 14 offers circumstantial support for 13 while 15 offers circumstantial support for 14. In the second group, Clause 17 offers circumstantial support for Clause 16. Thus, Clauses 2, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 cannot stand alone to make independent messages; they are all tied in some kind of dependency pattern to other clauses, Clauses that can stand alone are known as INDEPENDENT CLAUSES, and clauses which function as supporters of other clauses are called DEPENDENT CLAUSES. So for our text we have:
independent clauses; 1,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8,10,12 dependent clauses: 2,9,11,13,14,15,16,

(Clause complex containing one clause)

He fumbled with the speargun |] and slid with It into the water

(Clause complex with two clauses, both independent, ellipsis of Subject in 2nd clause)
3 Night fell, |j the silence deepened 1 1 and the child huddled closer to the tree trunk for comfort

{Clause complex containing diree clauses, all independent) 4 As she looked down into it |j the auditorium seemed bigger than ever (Clause complex containing two clauses, the first dependent, the second independent) 5 While they listened II the bird song changed || moving suddenly into calls of alarm (Clause complex containing three clauses: dependent, independent, dependent) Notice in example 2 that there is no Participant structure functioning as Subject of the finite verbal group slid. It is a feature of English usage that the Subject and the Finite can be left out in subsequent clauses under certain conditions. Ellipsis of this type can occur when: the clauses are of the same type; that is, both (all) independent or both (all) dependent; and the Subject is the same for each clause. In such cases the Subjectless, and perhaps Finiteless, subsequent clauses are considered to be finite clauses, the receiver of the message being easily able to retrieve the Subject and Finite from the first clause. There are several examples of this grammatical phenomenon in the 'My Aunt' text (Text 1).

Clause types
Independent clauses
In earlier forays into the world of grammar you may have learnt to use the labels principal or mam for what we will call INDEPENDENT clauses. As noted above, independent clauses are clauses that can stand alone, or function independently of other messages. An independent clause is always Finite; that is, it contains a Subject and a verbal group with a Finite element (except where the Mood of the verb is imperative see Chapter 4). It may be linked in a clause complex with other independent clauses or with dependent clauses, or with various combinations of both, but if the clause complex contains just one clause, that clause is usually an independent clause. In the following examples of clause complexes, the independent clauses are in bold type:

Dependent clauses
If you have been used to the term principal clause for an independent clause, then you will probably remember the term subordinate clause as a label for the majority of clauses we call DEPENDENT clauses. Dependent clauses cannot stand alone but function to provide some kind of supportive information for other clauses. In this book we will look specifically at the dependent clauses which provide circumstantial information about other clauses and those which are projections from verbal and mental processes. Dependent clauses of the first type perform a very similar role in the clause complex to that performed by Circumstances in the clause itself. They can support the meaning of another clause by offering a condition, suggesting a cause, telling how, or by locating it in time or place. Dependent clauses of the second type are the kinds of messages that are full clause projections from projecting processes realised by verbal groups that express saying, thinking, reporting, believing and so on (see Chapter 3). The examples


Using Functional Qrctmmar

Patterns of clause combination


below ate all circumstantial dependent clauses; the issue of projection in clause complexes is explored later in the chapter. In the following clause complexes, the dependent clauses are in bold type:
1 The revellers scattered || when the bull charged across the field

In these next examples, embedded clauses functioning as Participant are in bold type. Notice how many are popular sayings or catch-cries: is a glass of water [[ What I really want ] Process Participant Participant
[[ What you see ]]

(Clause complex containing two clauses: one independent, one dependent)

2 When the whales return || the spirits of our ancestors will return also (Clause complex w i t h two clauses: one dependent, one independent) 3 Shaken at last out of his complacency, [I Richard watched warily II as Sally eased herself into the opening of the cave

3 I

is Process
am trying to do Process

[[ what you get ]]

[[ what you asked ]j

The last thing [[ we needed ]] Participant [[ Seeing ]]

[[ for you to wake the baby ]]

(Clause complex with three clauses: dependent, independent, dependent)

4 James won't be home tomorrow || because the ABC called || and offered him a job interview tomorrow morning

was Process
is Process was made

Participant [[ believing ]] Participant


[[ What the committee had in mind for the next function'

(Clause complex with three clauses: independent + two dependent linked by andt with ellipsis of Subject in second dependent clause)
5 Sometimes, if the nights are very w a r m , we tike to sleep outside

Participant Annie Participant

Process knows Process

[[ what she wants T J

(Clause complex with two clauses: an independent interrupted by dependent) Remember that, dependent clauses can be finite, as in the majority of the examples above, or non-finite, as in the first clause in example (3),


Notice that embedded clauses of this type, like any other type, can be finite (as in example 1, 2, 3 and 6); or non-finite (as in examples clause in 4 and 5).

Embedded clauses
Embedded clauses do not have the same status; that is, they are not at the same rank as independent or dependent clauses. Because they are doing service within a group, they are described as embedded. Look at the examples below:
Post-modification (Qualifier) NOMINAL GROUP The pistol shot [[ that started the First World War ]] Pos t -mod ific ation ADVERBIAL GROUP so quickly [[ that he could not catch them )]

Interrupting clauses
We should look just briefly at something else some clauses do inside a clause complex. Sometimes a writer or speaker will begin a clause and then interrupt the flow of that clause to insert another clause - usually one with a close relationship to the interrupted clause - returning to complete the original clause in due course. For example:
After three days, when all hope of reaching a settlement had had to be abandoned, the negotiators were packing their bags for home, She told them that, even if they had lodged the application on time, it would not have been successful.

A third type of embedded clause, which has not been mentioned so far, is a clause that is actually functioning as if it is a Thing in its own right, rather than as merely part of a thing structure (nominal group) as above. When this happens the embedded clause functions as Participant in the clause structure or as the nominal group constituent of a prepositional phrase, as in die following examples:
[[ When you see the wind gusting at 120 km/h ]] is the time to panic (Embedded clause as participant) The level of our dams are considerably below [[ where we would like them to be ]]

Let's look at a clause division of these clause complexes. Now, instead of our straight parallel lines to show the clause boundaries, or the double square brackets for an embedded clause, we use double chevrons ... to enclose the interrupting clause. Example 1
After three days, when all hope of reaching a settlement had had to be abandoned, the negotiators were packing their bags for home.

(Embedded clause as nominal group constituent of a prepositional phrase)

CI. 1 After three days cl. 2 the negotiators were packing their bags for home CI. 2 when all hope of reaching a settlement had had to be abandoned


Using Functional Qrammar They Senser hoped for Process: mental independent clause
'Come back here!'

Patterns of clause combination a sign Phenomenon


Example 2
She told them || t h a t , even if they had lodged the application on time , it would not have been successful.

CI. 1 CI. 2 CI. 3

She told them that << cl,3 >> it would not have been successful even if they had lodged the application on time


Mrs Jackson

Process: material


Process: verbal


Differences between embedded clauses and interrupting clauses Embedded clause

An emhedded clause is an intrinsic pan of another clause because it is either part of a group constituent of a clause (perhaps a Qualifier in a nominal group) or functioning as a group itself (see the examples above where a clause functions as a whole Participant in its own right). An embedded clause is not a ranked clause in a clause complex, but is shifted down a rank - whence 'rank shifted', the other label commonly applied to such clauses, Interrupting clause An intenupting clause, on the other hand, is a ranked clause; that is, a clause functioning at clause rank on our rank scale. As such it is a full partner in the clause complex, although it will usually be a dependent clause in the pattern of clause complex relationships. Thus ixi the first example above, the interrupting clause gives time-related circumstantial support for the independent clause that it interrupts. In the second example, Clause 3, the interrupting clause, gives conditional circumstantial evidence in support of Clause 2 (which it interrupts). Of course Clause 2 itself is actually a dependent clause, being an indirect speech projection from Clause 1 - the only independent clause in this clause complex. Sayer

independent clause 1
Their parents insisted that they

independent clause 2
should leave before dark

Process: verbal


Process: material dependent clause

that he


independent clause Sceptical observers Senser thought Process: mental independent clause

should resign


Process: material

dependent clause

The first two examples are one-clause clause complexes, each made up of one independent clause, hi each case the projection is completed by a nominal group within the clause. In the other examples the projection is by way of a separate clause. Notice that in. the third example (Come back here! cried Mrs Jaclison) the projected message is by way of direct speech. Here the direct speech clause is an independent clause; that is it has equal status with the clause that projected it, The situation is quite different in the fourth and fifth examples, however. Here the projected messages are reported (indirect) speech or thought and the resulting clauses are in a relationship of dependency with their projecting clauses.

Independence and dependence in projected clauses

Earlier in this chapter we looked at some examples of message expansion by way of dependent clauses that provide some kind of circumstantial support for an independent clause (or sometimes for another dependent clause). The same relationship of independence and dependence can be carried into an examination of projection (see Chapter 3 for projecting processes). The following examples give some idea of the range of possibilities:
He said a lot of nonsense

Ways of binding clauses

One of the most common ways clauses are bound to each other is through the use of CONJUNCTIONS. In Chapter 2, where we talked briefly about word classes, a conjunction was defined as a joining word. The function of a conjunction in joining clauses predicts the relationship between those clauses. And, but and or, for instance, join like with like so these conjunctions can join either independent or dependent clauses in a relationship that is called coordination:
The door was unlocked || and he opened it H and walked in quietly in his bare feet


Process: verbal independent clause


The first clause here is independent, so the other clauses joined by and are also independent.


Using Functional Qrammar

Patterns of clause combination


In the following example, the conjunction became begins three dependent clauses of cause joined by or. Because belongs to each of the three clauses but does not need to be expressed each time:
... because everyone is listening to music, j | or sleeping || or trying to sleep

clauses. In spite of this we regard them as three independent clauses with equal status in the clause complex. On the other hand, it is easy to see that in the clause complex:
They had to run'ffor their lives || because the fire had almost completely surrounded their position

In this next clause complex, two clauses joined by and function as Qualifier in a nominal group; they are thus both embedded clauses:
... a lovely place [[ where children and pets can play happily || and parents can relax ]]

the first clause is dominant (in this case independent) and the second subordinate (dependent). The second clause would still be subordinate even if the order of the clauses were reversed and it became the first clause:
Because the fire had almost completely surrounded their position, !l they had to run for their lives

Other conjunctions, known as subordinating conjunctions, function to link a subordinate (dependent) with a dominant clause which may be either independent or dependent. The choice of subordinating conjunction predicts the logical relationship between the two messages. For instance, if and although are conditional, when is temporal, and because introduces a reason. Subordinating conjunctions join clauses in relationships that we call SUBORDINATION. In the following examples the subordinate (dependent) clauses are in bold type and their logical function is shown in brackets:
1 2 3 4 5 We will all set out together || when everybody has arrived (temporal) Where you find a twisted old oak tree standing alone, (place) || there you will bury your lord with all honour As the river flows endlessly towards the sea (manner) || so my love for you goes on and on They had to run for their lives || because the fire had almost completely surrounded their position (cause) They thought ]| that they still had plenty of time (projection)

Like the Circumstance consituents of a clause, the circumstantial dependent clauses in a clause complex are fairly mobile. Whether a speaker or writer begins a message of the kind above with the independent clause or the dependent clause (or perhaps even allows the dependent clause to interrupt the flow of an independent clause) may reflect idiosyncratic elements of style, or may involve conscious manipulation of the Theme/Rheme structure of the clause complex. Questions of how best to move ideas through a text, that is, questions of thematic progression, will often motivate the choices made here (see Chapter 6). A final point to Temember is that a dependent clause can be subordinate to an independent clause or to another dependent clause. In the latter case the dominant clause in the sequence of two clauses is a dependent radier than an independent clause. It, in turn, is likely to be subordinate to a dominant independent clause:

We can't make it this trip || 2because we have to be home || 3 before the wet season begins

Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions make die relationship between clauses explicit. Where there is no conjunction the meaning is usually clear, although guess work is sometimes required. For instance we could see: I'm tired: you took the car as two independent clauses, each making a simple statement, but some contextual information could lead us to see the second clause as giving an implicit reason for the tiredness of the speaker, suggesting a relationship of subordination between the two clauses.

In the above example Clause 2 is subordinate to the dominant and independent Clause 1, Clause 3, on the other hand, is subordinate to Clause 2 (a dependent clause), which is thus dominant in the sequence Clause 2, Clause 3.

To sum up
At the top of the rank scale is the language structure we have called a clause complex. In most cases the sentences of written language equate with clause complexes. Clause complexes are made up of one or more clauses which relate to each other in various patterns of independence and dependence. Many dependent clauses function in their clause complex in similar ways to Circumstances in clause patterns; others will be projections arising from verbal and mental processes. Embedded clauses, on die other hand, do not take dieir place as full constituent partners in the clause complex structure. Embedded clauses are rankshifted in that they are functioning at the next rank down, not as clause but either as part of a group constituent structure of a clause (Qualifier in a nominal group; Postmodifier in an adverbial group), or as a constituent of tbe clause in their own right (embedded clause as Participant). For a fuller discussion of the kinds of relationships involved in the binding of clauses into clause complexes see Halliday (1994: Chapter 7).

A closer look at clause relationships

To close this chapter, we will show how relationships among clauses can be explored in a little more detail. We have seen how the meaning of a single clause can grow by expansion or projection with the increase taking the form of either an equal clause or a subordinate clause. But you may have felt that in the example of coordination that we used before, in the clause complex: The door was unlocked || and he opened it || and walked in quietly with his bare feet the second and third clauses were not entirely equal with the first. Here it helps to think of the first clause as the initiating clause and the orbers as the sequent or following


Using Functional Qrammar

Patterns of clause combination


Implications for language teaching

1 Construct three examples of an independent clause containing an embedded clause,

In this chapter we are given an overview of clause combining in English. In Chapter 6 we explored the work of conjunctions as textual Themes. In this chapter we explore the role of conjunction in clause combining.

2 ^Constractaclause:co>riple^ a. dependent clause + independent clause* independent clause b. independent clause + dependent clause + dependent clause c. non-finite dependent clause + independent clause + dependent clause. 3
: :J

How is knowledge of clause combining useful to language teachers and learners?

Combining clauses in English is challenging for language learners. Learners must, however, acquire the knowledge they need to combine clauses effectively if they are to be able to connect their messages and ideas in complex ways. For example, speakers o English combine clauses in order to express sequences in time, to explain, to indicate causes and consequences, to provide evidence in support of an argument, to compare or contrast. This chapter sets out the knowledge learners need if they are to master this key aspect of English grammar. In summary learners need to be able to: recognise clause boundaries understand the difference between the following types of clauses: - independent {with or without ellipsis) - dependent (both finite and non-finite) - interrupting - embedded (as a Post-modifier in a group or as a Participant in a clause) use a clause to expand another clause, for example, by adding circumstantial information add a projected clause to a projecting clause bind clauses with - coordinating and subordinating conjunctions - explicit and implicit conjunction. Although this chapter is about joining clauses structurally, the focus remains on meaning. The structural patterns for combining clauses in English are revealed an explained through the understandings about function developed over the previous chapters. Using this approach, teachers can explain clause combining and related structural features (for example, ellipsis, embedding, non-finite clauses or projection) in terms of function and meaning in whole texts. Teachers can draw students' attention to the different patterns of clause combination used in the varieties of language, or registers, relevant to their learning needs and goa s. Differences in patterns of clause combination are particularly noticeable between spoken and written varieties of language. In spoken language English speakers are more likely to link chains of independent clauses together using the conjunctions and, Am, so and but.

Write a brief text of four orfiveindependent clauses. Now fry to rewrite the text using - suboro1natirl^^ one clause complex.

From the following passages make a list of: a. the independent clauses ,' b. Jhe dependent clauses: c. the embedded clauses. 1 As you come into town,you will seeabig service station oh th e right sf ust beyq nd it is a n eld factory that's now being converted into an industrial museum. If you drive round the back of trie factory, you'll find a kind ot open shed that looks like an aircraft hangar. Droughts are extreme water shortages that lastfor a long time. Rain falls at different rates in different areas of Australia. Droughts occur when the average rainfall drops below what is expected for that area, and stays there for an extended time. What would be normal rainfall in Alice Springs would be drought in Sydney. There are more droughts in the interior areas of AustraJia than in the coastal areas. The inland areas have more dramatic changes in rainfall. Droughts from file past can be seen in Ihe rings made on trees as they grow wood each year. In wet years the layer of wood is thick, in dry years the layer of wood is thin. No-one can predict when droughts will occur in the future. Traumatic inflammation of the stomach results from the presence of a foreign body. This condition is not rare in cattle, because these animals have the habit of swallowing their feed without careful chewing, and so nails, screws, hairpins, ends of wire, and other metal objects may be swallowed unconsciously. Such objects gravitate to the second stomach where they may be caught in the folds of the lining mucous membrane, and in some Instances the wall of this organ is perforated. From this accident, chronic indigestion results. The symptoms include pain when getting up or lying down, pain when moving suddenly, and coughing. Until recent times, the political power to dispose of land in disregard of native title was exercised so as to expand the Crown's 'radical' title to absolute and exclusive ownership. But where that has not occurred, there is no reason to deny thelaw's protectionto indigenous citizens who can establish their entitlement to rights and interests which suirvived:thei Crown's ac^Uisitigri of sid^^relghty. tr^o^e riighfe eihd ihtereks rtiay how claini the protection of section 10{1) of the RaciSlVism0tlamA^i975,^h\cW^ss~ traditional native title holders the same immunity from legislative interference with their human right to own and inherit property as it gives to others in the community. {Butt and Eagleson, 1993, Maoo: What the High Court said; Federation Press)


Using Functional Qrammar

Patterns of clause combination


The following example is a spoken recount: Orientation There's this girl in my class... Ill
Record of events she tried to do a backward roll f| and she urn like her neck clicked or something II and um she was taken to hospital in an ambulance || and [ had to write down [[ what happened ]] || because I was in her group. Ill I've done that before || and it doesn't hurt that much. ||J I think || she's over-reacting just a bit.

Re-orientation Coda

Most of the circumstantial dependent clauses locate events in time (When we were all dressed and settled; As we thought and tried out ideas; As Megan tried to do it; After this happened). These clauses are placed in the Theme position of their clause complexes, and thus they,help frame the pattern through which a recount achieves its generic purpose of retelling a sequence of events. The dependent non-finite clause expressing contrast (instead of rolling on her shoulder) is not placed in Theme position where it would disrupt this pattern. The four non-finite dependent projections report what the teacher said (to put our sports uniforms on and go to the gym for a gym class; to make a series of stretches and different things that Imdtodo with gymnastics; not to push ottrselves to the limit; to breathe in and out). The writer uses this pattern of dependent projection to report how, as events unfolded, the teacher fulfilled her professional responsibilities. This clearly was why the writer was asked to retell, in writing, what happened. Knowing how to recombine the rambling chains of independent clauses in spoken language into the more crafted clause combinations of written language is essential for students developing skills in English literacy. This is not enough, however, if students are to manage the specialised, formal and abstract texts of higher education and skilled employment. As written texts become more specialised, formal and abstract, some clause combinations give way to increasingly compact constructions in which complex meanings are packaged into noun groups. Notice how, in this formal report about the accident in the gymnasium written for the school authorities the meanings have been packed into noun groups to create a very compact text:
Orientation At 10:15 am on Friday 23rd March there was an incident [[ in which a student sustained a minor injury ]]. Ill Record of events The student was participating In a gymnastics class U involving a series of floor exercises. ]] j | | During an attempt at backward rolls the student strained her neck slightly. |||

A recount retells events in a time sequence. Notice how the time sequence in this spoken recount is framed by the conjunction and adding the events together one after the other. This is the dominant, but not the only, clause combination pattern used in the text. The clause combinations that do not fit the dominant pattern are found towards the end of the text. In the re-orientation an embedded clause is a Participant (Verbiage) in an independent clause and a dependent clause adds a cause to an independent clause using the conjunction because. At the end of the recount, in the coda, the speaker projects her own thoughts about the incident. When the speaker writes down her recount for her teacher, however, she uses different patterns of clause combination. Notice how the clause combinations in the written version below introduce more complexity into the retelling of how the events unfolded:
Orientation The teacher told our class || to put our sports uniforms on || and go to the gym for a gym class. |||

Record of events When we were all dressed and settled, || she told us || to make a series of stretches and different things [[ that had to do with gymnastics ]]. ||| Next we got into groups of four || and had to make a sequence of rolis and tumbles. ||| The teacher told us specifically || not to push ourselves to the limit. Ill As we thought and tried out ideas, || I suggested backward roils. |[| I also demonstrated it. ||| As Megan tried to do it, || instead of rolling on her shoulder, || she rolled on her neck || and clicked it somehow. ||| Megan couldn't stand up or bend down || so she sat with her back straight. ||| The teacher told her || to breathe in and out. ||| She helped her as much [[as she could. ]] III Re-orientation After this happened, || Megan was taken to hospital 1 1 and the rest of our class got changed.


Following assessment of the injury by the supervising teacher H the student was taken to hospital, || where the injury was diagnosed as minor neck strain. ||| The medical officer on duty advised the student 1 1 that she would be fit [[ to return to school the next day ][. Ill

In the written recount traces of spoken language chains remain where the conjunctions and and so are used to add independent clauses together. In this version, however, the incident is not retold as one event added on to the next. The relationship between events is expressed in a more complex way. The writer achieves this by combining clauses so that some events are revealed as dependent on other events, either in terms of circumstance or in terms of projection.

The packaging of meanings into noun groups is achieved in two ways: embedding, in which clauses are used as Post-modifiers in noun groups
an incident [[ in which a student sustained a minor injury; ]] a gymnastics class E J involving a series of floor exercises; ]] fit [[ to return to school the next day ]]


Using Functional Qrammar

Patterns of clause combination


nominalisation, which shifts the expression of events from verbs to nouns so they can be packaged into noun groups:
as Megan tried to do i! she helped her as much as she.could -- an attempt at backward rolls > assessment of the injury

Combining clauses
Work out how the clauses have been combined in each of these examples. 1 Clause 1:y Clause 2: Clause 3: Combined clause: The branches dipped elegantly. The branches sighed knowingly. The branches brushed delicately against the trunk. The branches dipped and sighed elegantly, knowingly, brushing delicately against the trunk. The tree was strong. The tree was a gentle guardian. The tree waited like an elder from another time. The tree was a strong but gentle guardian, waiting like an elder from another time. The tree waited. The tree watched. The tree whispered its secrets to the breeze. The tree waited, watched, and whispered its secrets to the breeze. The tree waited. The tree watched. The tree whispered its secrets to the breeze. While the tree waited and watched, it whispered its secrets to the breeze. The tree waited. The tree watched, The tree whispered its secrets to the breeze. Waiting and watching, the tree whispered its secrets to the breeze.

Notice how, in these shifted expressions, the person involved in each event is no longer in the language. Students studying English for Academic Purposes or English for skilled or professional employment will need to learn how to package meanings into written language of this kind.

How can our knowledge of clause combining enhance language teaching programs?
Learners can explore clause combining from the perspective of a whole text in a number of ways. First students need to be able to recognise clause boundaries. The five steps for defining clause boundaries at the beginning of the chapter can be used as a basts for activities in which students explore clause boundaries. The steps would need to be adapted to die students' language level To explore clause combining effectively, students will also need to learn how to use different types of conjunction {such ss addition, sequence, cause, comparison) across different contexts of situation (spoken and written language, formal and informal language, everyday and specialised language and so on) for different social purposes (to tell stories, to instruct, to explain, to persuade etc). They will need to recognise how clauses are combined into different clause complex patterns of expansion and projection. This needs to be followed with opportunities for experimentation and practice. When teaching spoken language, the intonation patterns that map on to combined clauses also need to be introduced and practised. When teaching written language, punctuation associated with clause combining needs to be introduced and practised. This includes, for example, commas and quotation marks. There are many examples of clause combining exercises in English language teaching materials. It is always preferable to adapt these exercises to include clauses which relate to contexts of language use relevant to the students. Students also need opportunities to explore the patterns of clause combination in the texts types and contexts of situation relevant to their learning needs and goals. Figure 7.1 is a clause combining recognition exercise adapted from a secondary school writing textbook (de Silva Joyce and Feez, 2000: 90). This exercise was one of an extended series of exercises designed to develop students' ability to write literary descriptions.

Clause 1: Clause 2: Clause 3: Combined clause:

Clause 1: Clause 2: Clause 3: Combined clause: Clause 1: Clause 2: Clause 3; Combined clause:

Clause 1; Clause 2; Clause 3: Combined clause:

Figure 7.1: Clause combining recognition exercise

Further reading
For more tnfonnation on clause combining read Bloor and Bloor (1995: Chapters 8-10). A classroom teacher describes how she applied a functional understanding of conjunction to a dictagloss activity in Lukin (1995; 53-55).


Using Functional Qrammar

r.-f-''.::.' .*'::>. .':.--:"-^-.

\:-i-i: - W , *:&&:.-'

Exploring context
introducing... . A fuller description of contextual features based on lexicogrammatical patterns Discussing... * Implications for language teaching

ip?-:*i-s v.'.- v?'S..sr *.';.;,,?.: fc^:*--;^. *&$&* s&ogffl

1 Identify a good example of a type of text you would liKe your students to be able to use

l#ectiyely.,Tbete^':m^^ texts in Chapter 1.

2 3 4 5

: ..,;.:

Undertake a clause complex analysis usingthe five stepsJa Chapter 7. Use your analysis to look for patterns of clause combination across the text. Whatpatterns of combination te.raMo.-be used the most (eg independent, dependent, embedded, expansion, projection)? How does the use of these patterns contribute to the text achieving its purpose?

6 What do these patterns reveal to you about: ..... the text's structure and purpose; .:.:. .,..,,:,:,:.::^..^:;,:.,...
7 8 9 experiential meanings in the text interpersonal meanings: in the text textual meanings in the text? '

Relate what you have discovered about the clause combination in this text to your students' learning needs and goals. What do you think your studenis need to learn about clause combination in order to be able to use this text effectively? Use what you have discovered about clause combination in the text to design activities that support your students' progress towards their learning goals. These activities might draw your students' attention to: the purpose and structure of the text as revealed in the way the clauses are. combined at different stages of the text clause boundaries different types of clause (eg independent with or without ellipsis; dependent, both finite and non-finite; interrupting; embedded) using a clause to expand the meanings of another clause, for example, by adding circumstantial information using a clause to project another clause binding clauses with coordinating and subordinating conjunctions or explicit and implicit conjunction.


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring context



^ *

This chapter returns us to two fundamental questions about any text:

Extralinguistic levels -

What can W[e tell about the world outside language by exploring this text? % realised in
CONTENT LEVELS Semantics (systems of meanings) \ realised in

In this chapter we move from the patterns of lexicogramraar and semantics that have been the focus of earlier chapters towards a concern with interpreting the overall patterns of a text in order to see what they reveal about its context. To make this exciting step, we need to be comfortable with everything we have done so far. Appendices A and B provide two complementary charts that summarise the main Issues in the ptevious chapters and lead us to the next step in our discussion of context. Appendix A summarises the metalanguage for each part of our metafunctional analysis while Appendix B summarises the overall meaning patterns uncovered by our analysis. As we explore the relation between text and context, we will discover that the questions at the top of this chapter are essentially not two questions, but opposite sides of the same question. The relation between context and meanings is dynamic and reversible, with contexts being realised in texts and texts revealing contexts. This means that knowledge of the context allows us to make predictions about the lexicogramraar of a text. Conversely, grammatical analysis of the type we have been doing allows us to understand the context of a text's production because the sum of the meanings encoded in the lexicogrammar becomes the sign of the context. Of course, this is what we have been implying from the first time we introduced the now familiar diagram: Levels of language (Figure 8.1).

Lexicogrammar (systems of wordings systems of signing)

Linguistic levels

realised in

EXPRESSION LEVEL Phonology (systems of sounds) Gestures Graphology (systems of writing)

Figure 8.1: Levels of language

From context to text: From text to context

Imagine that you are constructing three texts in which the field of discourse - the description of the finals of an international tennis tournament in which you participated is constant. In the first text, you write a letter about the game to your closest friend, and, in the second, you phone him to discuss it. In these two, the tenor of discourse is also constant but the mode of discourse is different - the first text would be a written monologue and the second a spoken dialogue. We would expect that this vital difference would be reflected in tlie shape and lexicogrammatical choices of the two texts. In a third text, you have written a description of the match for your local, suburban newspaper. The field of discourse would be the same description of the tennis match and, like the first text, the mode would be written and monologic. But in this third text the tenor of discourse (the statuses and roles of the participants) would be different and the difference would be reflected in your description.

Metalanguage for exploring the relation between text and context

The metalanguage needed for our discussion was introduced in Chapter 1 where we said that context of situation motivates the meanings of texts in three main areas: Themetalanguageofcontext
Field of discourse

* * e fcld f ^ u m a n e x P e r i e n c e ^compassed by the text and its purpose in encompassing it

{field of discourse )

Tenor of discourse Mode of discourse

* the social relationship between the speaker or writer and the addressee (tenor of discourse) B the nature of the text itself and the role that language plays in it (mode of discourse).


Using Functional Qrammar



Now imagine the reverse situation, where instead of creating the texts you are the reader or addressee. The lexicogrammar of the texts provides you with clues about their context of situation. It almost goes witliout saying that it would be virtually impossible for you to produce or interpret the texts if you were not familiar with tennis matches, letter writing, telephones or suburban newspapers. Yet for many people in the world these situations would indeed be unfamiliar and the construction and interpretation of the three texts would be most unlikely. This kind of constraint means that contexts of situation always occur within the context of culture which encompasses the total of all the contexts of situation within that culture,

Questions about context

What activity is taking place? What in the text tells us this? Who is speaking? < * What m tKe text tells us this? Who is being spoken to? What sort of social distance is there between them? Is the relationship between them equal or unequal? What in the text teik us this? Are any items in the text positively or negatively appraised?

Interpreting context
Our concern with the underlying motivations of a text should not sound daunting; after all, we use our knowledge of context with every text we write or speak or hear or read. We can test our ability to do so using Text 1 and its accompanying questions. As you read it, bear in mind these transcription conventions: the clauses are numbered, extra information is given in upper case, and each dot in a series represents a pause of a few seconds.
Text 1: A simple ball game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 OK, Go over And gel the ball... Nowsitdown there... Sit down over there... Now roll it Roll it over to Tiffany And then shell push it back to you There you go (LAUGHTER) And back again (LAUGHTER) And back again (LAUGHTER) Oh not too hard (WARNING) You'll hurt her There you go (LAUGHTER) Oh! O.K., pick it up" And throw it... like that Oh (DISMAY) Go And get it j| | |: :* | % | | f | iif j |

What are the appraised motifs? Again, how do we know? Do we know precisely where the activity is taking place? How significant is this? Is the text interactive or not (is it a monologue or a dialogue)? Was this text originally spoken or written? How do we know this? How could we summarise the main tone or thrust of the text? Does language constitute the whole of the activity or is it helping some other activity along? Although the language of the text is all we have to work with, it provides enough information for us to answer all but one of the questions with some degree of certainty. If we then ask ourselves why this should be so, the answer is that we learn language in contexts and we can compare texts to our previous language experiences. Because we have heard language like this text many times before, we can slot it into our experience and come up with a fairly accurate assessment of what is being talked about, the purpose of the talk, the relationship between the participants, and the role of language in the interaction. The only unanswerable question is the precise location of the activity and, for this text, this is not really relevant. The exact location of the discourse in time and space is known as the MATERIAL SITUATIONAL SETTING and, except where it actually enters the text in some significant way, we generally keep it quite separate from the more important contextual features which we have been calling the context of situation. If you think the speaker is a kindergarten teacher, you may think that the material situational setting is a pre-school and that Tiffany is another child of the same age but you may be wondering why all the speech is addressed to the unnamed child. If you think the speaker is a mother, you probably think that the material situational setting is


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring context Participants Actor is shown in bold and Goal in italics.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
OK, Go over Andget'lf/ieoa//.,, Now sit down there... Sit down over there ... Now roll if Roll if over to Tiffany And then she'll push it back to you There you go (LAUGHTER) And back again (LAUGHTER) And back again (LAUGHTER) Oh not too hard (WARNING) You'll hurt her There you go (LAUGHTER) Oh! O.K., pick if up And throw if... like that Oh (DISMAY) Go And get if


a park or garden or a room at home and that Tiffany, propped up to participate in the game, is the younger sibling of the addressee. Whether it was a room or garden, whether the day was fine or wet, what the children were wearing, are all iiTelevant to the text. What we are really interested in here are the contextual features from the extralinguistic world that make the text what it is. We can define CONTEXT OF SITUATION as an abstraction made up" of the sum of the motivating features of the text's construction which make it what it is, what Hasan calls the 'motivational relevancies' (Hasan 1996a). Let's look more closely at the short text.

Investigating field
The main questions concern the experiential domain. What activity is taking place? What in the text tells us this? The experiential meanings of Processes, Participants and Circumstances provide the answer. Here are the major patterns uncovered by our analysis. Processes Material processes are in bold type.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 OK, Go over And get the bail... Now sit down there ... Sit down over there ... Now rolf it Roll it over to Tiffany And then she'll push it back to you There you go (LAUGHTER) And back again {LAUGHTER) And back again [LAUGHTER) Oh not too hard (WARNING) You'll hurt her There you go {LAUGHTER) Oh! O.K., pick it up And throw it... like that Oh (DISMAY) Go And get it

Summary of Participants The most common Actor is not shown in the clause. It is the addressee who is to perform the action, although Tiffany is also Actor in Clause 7. The most common Goal is the ball.

Place is underlined and Manner is in bold type,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 OK, Go over. And get the ball... Now sit down there... Sit down over there... Now roll it Roll ii over to Tiffany And then she'll push it back to you There you go (LAUGHTER) And back again (LAUGHTER) And basis again (LAUGHTER) Oh not too hard (WARNING) You'll hurt her There you go (LAUGHTER) Oh! O.K., pick it up. Andthrowit... likethat Ob(DI$MAY)Ga And get it

Summary of Processes Most processes are material. This pattern is so strong that it does not matter that we have not recovered roll or push in Clauses 9 and 10.


Using Functional Qrammar

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Oh not too hard (WARNING) You'll hurt her There you go {LAUGHTER} OhI O.K., pick it up And throw it ...like that Oh (DISMAY) Go And get it

Exploring context


Summary of Circumstances Most Circumstances answer the question Where? either about rolling the ball or directing the movements of the child. The Circumstances of manner refer to the child's actions. Summarising field We would have made an accurate assessment of the activity if we had said that the text concerns a simple ball game. To a large extent we gleaned this information about the field of discourse from the transitivity system of the clauses - the participants are largely concerned with positioning themselves and rolling and pushing and getting a ball. In other words, the experiential meanings combine as signs of the field of discourse.

Investigating tenor
This set of questions concerns the relationship between the speakers. Who is speaking? What in the text tells us this? Who is being spoken to? What sort of social distance is there between them? Is the relationship between them equal or unequal? What in the text tells us this? Are any items in the text positively or negatively appraised? What are die appraisal motifs? Again, how do we know?

Summary of mood Almost all the clauses in this text are imperative mood. Even the declarative clauses (7 and 12) contain some modality. The speaker demands goods and services and the other participants apparently comply, so the relationship is quite unequal. If we add this information to our conclusions about the field of discourse and our past experiences of similar activities, we can expect that a young child is being taught a simple ball game by a mother or teacher. The adult does all the talking and the children accept her instructions so the power and status is unequal. The adult also appraises the child's actions; There you go! (positive appraisal) Oh, not too hard! (negative appraisal) The adult even appraises a possible action to warn the child, though we could only be really sure about the adult's appraisal if we could see the accompanying facial expressions and gestures: You'll hurt her The relationship of adult and child seems very close and many things are taken for granted - the speech is familiar and elliptical - so the social distance between them is minimal. A summation of the roles of the participants and their relation to each other is known as the TENOR OF DISCOURSE and, to a large extent, comes from the interpersonal system of the clauses. In other words, the interpersonal meanings of die Mood system combine as signs of the tenor of discourse,

The interpersonal meanings in the text provide the answers. Here are the major patterns uncovered by our analysis. Mood In this text, declarative mood is underlined and imperative mood is in bold type.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OK, g over And get the ball... Now sit down there ... Sltdownoverthere... Now roll it Roll it over to Tiffany And then she'll push it back to you There you go (LAUGHTER} And back again (LAUGHTER} And back again {LAUGHTER}

Investigating mode
The next set of questions concerns tiie role of language in the text. Is the text interactive or not, that is, is it a monologue or a dialogue? Was this text originally spoken or written? How do we know this? Do the overall grammatical patterns of the text reveal a structural pattern that conforms to a recognisable text type? w How could we summarise the main tone or thrust of the text? Does language constitute the whole of the activity or is it helping some other activity along?


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring context
12 13 14 15 16 17 You'll hurt Tiffany There you go (LAUGHTER) Oh! OK, pick the ball up And throw the ball ...like that Oh (DISMAY) QQ and get the ball


The textual meanings, which organise our experiential and interpersonal meanings into a linear and coherent whole, provide some of the answers to these questions. Here are the major patterns uncovered by our analysis:

In this text, topical themes are underlined and textual themes are in bold type.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 OK, QQ over And get the ball... Now sit down there... Sit down over there,,. Now rojl it Roll it over to Tiffany And then she'll push it back to you Thereygu go {LAUGHTER} And back again (LAUGHTER) And back again [LAUGHTER) Oh nottoo hard (WARNING) You'll hurt her There you go (LAUGHTER) Oh! O.K.. pick it up And throw it... like that

Summary of Cohesion This is a highly cohesive text about a ball game. Notice the small italicised lexical set too hard and hurt, which realise negative Appraisal, and the repetition of There you go, which seems to realise positive Appraisal. The main conjunction and signals the sequential nature of the activity. Other patterns Text 1 is, in fact, taken from a tape-recording of a mother and child at play. Even if we were not told that the language was originally spoken, we could work it out from the simple language and the ellipsis. Of course, die text could have come from a novel or a play; that is, it could have been written to sound spoken, but in either of these cases there would be other clues. We never know the identity of you, nor the exact location of over there, just that they refer to people and places in the setting of the text. This helps us to conclude that language is helping the game along rather than constituting the whole activity. Where the role of language is ancillary, the material situational setting intrudes into the context of situation in some way, as it does here with the ball, but otherwise it is unimportant to the description. We can contrast this ancillary role with a lecture where the language does constitute the activity and the other things that go on in lectures, for instance, the overheads and the note-taking, are incidental. These conclusions about the language of the text tell us about the MODE OF DISCOURSE. In other words, the textual signs can be added together as signs of the mode of discourse.


And get It

Summary of Theme Most of the topical Themes are the Predicator in imperative clauses and she and you in the declaratives. Many of the clauses are Rheme only. The Predicator Themes reflect die procedural nature of the text. Cohesion In this text the pronouns are replaced by the nouns they reference and lexical sets of Participants and Processes in the ball game are underlined. Notice also, the repetition in Clauses 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 9 and 10, and that 1 and 2 are repeated in 16 and 17.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 OK, & over And get the bal|... Now sit down there... Sit down over there... Now roll the ball Roll the ball to Tiffany And then Tiffany will push the ball back to you There you go (LAUGHTER) And back again (LAilGHTFR) And back again (LAUGHTER) Oh no\ too hard (WARNING)

Writing up context of situation

The field, tenor and mode of discourse summarise the 'motivational relevancies' which drive the text and make up the context of situation. Our analytic description of context of situation will be set out under these three headings. As we have already discussed, the essentials of the analysis are found in meanings encoded in the lexicogrammar of the text, so we begin with the lexicogrammar and proceed towards our description of context of situation. Traditionally, the description is written in almost telegraphic notes. The challenge in writing it is to be delicate and particular enough to go from the description of context to a fair approximation of the text while at the same time being general and abstract enough to compare texts with similar contexts.


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring context


Further metalanguage for writing up the context of situation

Field The metalanguage for the telegraphic description of field of discourse, whose scope is the field of human experience and activity in the text, appears in the box on the left below.
The metalanguage of Field of discourse experiential domain short term goal long term goal

Mode The metalanguage for the telegraphic description of mode of discourse, whose scope is role of language in the text, appears in the box below.

Experiential domain is what the text is all about the Processes, Participants and Circumstances. Short term goal refers to the immediate purpose of the text's production. Long term goal is rather more abstract and refers to the text's place in the larger scheme of things.

'' Themetaiahguageof Mode: of discourse role of language type of interaction medim ,


Rok of language is either constitutive or ancillary. If language is ancillary to the text, it helps some o t h e r a c t : i v i t y > On the other hand, if language constitutes the text, it is the whole activity. ^ ^ illteractkm r e f e r s t 0 w h e t h e r the text is all spoken by one person {monologic) or whether b

rhetorical thrust

others participate [dwiogfc).

. ,

,,. ,


Tenor The metalanguage for the telegraphic description of tenor of discourse, whose scope is the relationship between the participants, their roles and status (both temporary and permanent) and their patterns of appraisal, appears in the box below.
The metalanguage of Tanor of discourse agentive or societal roles power and status social distance appraisal motffe

Medium refers to whether the text was originally spoken or written, or even signed. Patterns of cohesion and nominalisation allow us to make finer distinctions. Thus, we can often say that a text sounds written although it was spoken (for instance, a sermon or lecture) or written to sound spoken (for instance a television script). Channel refers to how the text was originally received and is either phonic or graphic or, in the case of a signed text, visual. Rhetorical thrust refers to the overall feeling of the text; for example instructional, persuasive, literary. The emergence of structural patterns as the text unfolds contributes to our decisions about rhetorical thrust, In the film industry, when a script writer is given a scenario, it will be detailed enough to create the text envisaged by the director. It will say what the text is about, who the characters are, enough about their personalities and the overall thrust of the text for the director's ideas to be realised in language. A contextual description of a text bears a close resemblance to a film scenario, but while the scenario allows a text to be created, a contextual description should allow a text to be re-created. The information under the formal headings of the description should be delicate and detailed enough to recreate something very close to the original. This is why functional grammarians speak of the dialectic relation between meanings and context; that is, the meanings display the context and the context is realised in the meanings.There are, in fact, functional grammarians presently engaged in computerised text generation programs using their delicate knowledge of text and context.

Agentive or societal roles are roles of the speaker and the addressee for example, mother/child, doctor/patient, teacher/pupil. Some people prefer to separate power and status while others consider them together. What you do probably depends on the specific text; normally they can be conflated, but you'd want to separate them if a high status person appears powerless and/or the person assuming power is of lower status,

In some languages, pronominal and even lexical choices are determined by the relative status of speaker and addressee. Status and power may be equal or hierarchic and temporary or permanent. Some pointers to an identification of status and power are mood choices by the speakers - that is, who gives the orders, who asks the questions, who makes the offers, who gives information - and the responses of the addressees that is, who remains silent, who agrees, contradicts, or refuses to participate. Social distance measures how well the participants know each other; whether they speak familiarly or distantly. Maximal social distance is used by speakers who have never met before, and minimal by those who interact on a familiar and frequent basis. It may be indicated by the levels of formality and objectivity in a text. It can be stretched by exclusive we. and minimised by inclusive we, and can be stretched by negative judgements and minimised by the solidarity of positive judgements.

From lexicogrammatical analysis to contextual description

With the grammatical analysis of the text on the previous pages and a set of contextual parameters which apply to any text, we are now in a position to write up the contextual description of this particular text, as you will see on the following pages.


Using Functional Qrammar M o d e of discourse Contextual description

FIELD OF DISCOURSE Commentary Lexicogrammatical analysis Textual meanings >
As a result of our analysis and knowledge of context of culture we can write up our description i:r^TTT'.,;,..;;;?:.r.r,i-..

Exploring context


Field of discourse
Lexicogrammatical analysis

(Zlotitextual descript ion MODE OF DISCOURSE rote of language ancillary type of interaction monologue medium spoken channel phonic rhetorical thrust procedural/rather bossy

Experiential meanings
process types mainly material go, get, roli, pick up, throw, push, sit participants Actor; me addressee, Tiffany Goal: the ball Circumstances place: over there manner: like that

Commentary Nonverbal compliance gives this text some dialogic qualities. Text now transcribed.

As a result of ouv analysts and knowledge of context of culture we can write up our description
r:v' - , ' . ' | . . ...!;.: ; . . ; . . f ; : . , . . - ~

experiential domain two children learning to roll a ball back and forth short-term goal teaching how to play the game gently long-term goal teaching reciprocity of interaction maintenance of family roles

Thematic choices topical Themes /, she, you go, get, roil, pick up, throw, push, sit textual Themes and, now, and fhen Cohesion lexical sets to do with 'bail game' repetition reference to ball and Tiffany ellipsis: in Clauses 9,10, and 11 Structural patterns fit with procedure

Tenor of discourse
Lexicogrammatical analysis
Interpersonal meanings Mood selections mainly imperative go, get, roll, pick up, throw, push, sit some declarative with probability/futurity will push, will hurt person selections 2nd=child addressee 3rd = other child, ball appraisal + praise for child's capacity from mother There you go - warning that child's action 'too hard' and could lead to 'hurting'sibling

Contextual description

Commentary The mother is the only speaker. Almost all the clauses in this text are in imperative mood the speaker demands action and the other participants apparently comply so the relationship between speakers is unequal. However, it does seem very close, and the speech is familiar and elliptical so the social distance is minimal,

As a result of our analysis and knowledge of context of culture we am write up our description
V * "-.

agentive or societal roles mother and children status unequal social distance minimal


Using Functional Qrammar

Entering context


A second descriptive analysis of context of situation

In this section we go through the same steps for another, rather different, text. In contrast to the detailed analysis of the previous text, we have often simply summarised the major patterns revealed by our analysis.
Text 2: Rugby notes Captain: P W Goth; Vice-captain: L P Ghenge (see team photograph elsewhere in this issue) The team was a powerful combination once it established its own pattern of play. It was unfortunate to play the top side, Mertons, first up. Although losing, the margin was small. The next game, against St Cuthberts, proved to be a torrid encounter with our forward pack crumbling in the remaining few minutes. Against Luscombe Grammar, quick, clean bali play enabled our back line to dominate and run in numerous tries. St Spirit's also proved to be little opposition, though poor goal-kicking and numerous dropped balls cost us many points in this game. After the term holidays the team played many of its remaining matches in windy, wet conditions. Against St Bedes, powerful running by the back line established an early superiority which was not to be lost. The following week we played a club side, Forrest Hill, and found it difficult to compete against a stronger, more mobile pack. Dry conditions against Seeton Grammar allowed our back line to play well again and dominate the game. Unfortunately, the final game against Geneva proved to be our worst for the season, with careless handling and concentration lapses costing us the game. If there is one thing to be remembered by the 1 st XV from this season, it is that the team played best when individual glory was sacrificed so that team achievement could be maximised. A champion team, not a team of champions, was the motivating spirit behind this School rugby team.

After the term holidays the team played many of its remaining matches in windy, wet conditions. Against St Bedes, powerful running by the back line established an early superiority which was not to be lost. The following week we played a club side, Forrest Hill, and found it difficult to compete against a stronger, more mobile pack. Dry conditions against Seeton Grammar allowed our back line to play well again and dominate the game. Unfortunately, the final game against Geneva proved to be our worst for the season, with careless handling and concentration lapses costing us Ihe game. If there is one thing to be remembered by the 1 st XV from this season, it is that the team played best when individual glory was sacrificed so that team achievement could be maximised. A champion team, not a team of champions, was the motivating spirit behind this School rugby team.

Summary of Processes Many processes are relational (was many times, proved to be three times). I h e mos frequent material processes are ployed and cost, but also notice the passive voice was sacrificed in the final paragraph. It is also in the last paragraph that we find the only projecting process, remembered. Something that is different from the rest of the text stands out, or is said to be foregrounded (Hasan 1985). When one part of the text is consistently foregrounded it becomes a focus of the text's meaning.

In this text, Actors are underlined, Carriers are in bold type and Tokens and Value are in italics.
The team was a powerful combination once ij established its own pattern of play. It was unfortunate to play the top side, Mertons, first up. Although losing, the margin was small. The next game, against St Cuthberts, proved to be a torrid encounter with our forward pack crumbling in the remaining few minutes. Against Luscombe Grammar, quick, clean ^JUtto enabled our back line to dominate and run in numerous tries. St Spirit's also proved to be little opposition, though poor ooal-kickina and numerous drooped bails cost us many points in this game. After the term holidays the team played many of its remaining matches in windy, wet conditions. Against St Bedes, powerful runnino hv the back line established an early superiority which was not to be lost. The following week we played a club side, Forrest Hill, and found it difficult to compete against a stronger, more mobile pack. Dry conditions anainst Seeton Grammar allowed ojJLbacJi line to play well again and dominate the game. Unfortunately, the final game against Geneva proved to be our worst for the season, with careless handling and concentration lapses costing us the game. If there is one thing [[ to be remembered by the 1 st XV ]] from this season, It is [[ that thetem played best whan individual glory was sacrificed so that team achievement could be maximised]]. A champion team, not a team of champions, was the motivating spirit behind this School rugby team.

Investigating field in experiential meanings


In tliis text, relational processes are underlined, material processes are in bold type and mental processes are in italics.
The team was a powerful combination once it established its own pattern of play. It was unfortunate to play the top side, Mertons, first up. Although losing, the margin wa small, The next game, against St Cuthberts, proved to be a torrid encounter with our forward pack crumbling in the remaining few minutes. Against Luscombe Grammar, quick, clean ball play enabled our back line to dominate and run in numerous tries. St Spirits also proved to be little opposition, though poor goal-kicking and numerous dropped balls cost us many points in this game.

Summary of Participants In the relational clauses the first participant is most often the team or the gome but is sometimes another school. In the final paragraph there is embedding on each side ot


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring context


the relational process {one thing to be remembered by the 1st XV from this season is that the team played best when individual glory was sacrificed so that team achievement could be maximised). The mental process (to be remembered) within the embedded clause is in the passive voice so the Senser looks like an Agent. The Actor in almost all the material clauses is the team which plays, dominates and competes against other school teams. It is interesting that this material process pattern only occurs when the team wins or when it meets the club side of older players that it is not really expected to defeat, There are not many nominalisations in this text; most of the action occurs congruently in the processes. So it is worth noting that all those events which are nominalised {poor goal-kicking, numerous dropped balls, careless handling and concentration lapses) allow the agency of the negatively appraised events to be ignored, A final point worth mentioning here is the Agent-less passive material processes was sacrificed, and could be maximised. The message of this clause is that playing as a team is more praiseworthy than individual giorv. In this last paragraph the only Actor/Agent is the I st XV team. Summary of Circumstances The Circumstances are to do with the temporal order of the matches (first up, after die term holidays, the following week and so on) or time within the matches (such as in the remaining/ew minutes) or the opposing teams (such as against St Bedes), Summary of time and modality Most of the text uses simple past tense but once again the first clause complex in the final paragraph is foregrounded by the use of the simple present tense.

to be lost. The following week we. played a club side, Forrest Hill, and found it difficult to compete against a stronger, more mobile pack. Dry conditions against Seeton Grammar allowed our back line to play well again and dominate the game. Unfortunately, the final game against Geneva proved to be our worst for the season, with careless handling and concentration lapses costing us the game. ? If there is one thing to be remembered by the 1 st XV from this season, it is that the team played best when individual glory was sacrificed so that team achievement could be maximised. A champion team, not a team of champions, was the motivating spirit behind this School rugby team.

The first person pronominals we, us and our, whose referent is the team, turn this from objective reporting into something more subjective. Summary of Appraisal Like other writers of similar texts, this writer is concerned with how good the team was, how well they played and how much luck came into the outcomes of the season. Not surprisingly, the main appraisal motifs are social judgements about tenacity (dominate, established its own pattern of play, crumbling and so on) capacity (quick, clean ball play, powerful running by the back line and so on) and normality (unfortunate, unfortunately). Even the weather seems to fit here as dry conditions produce good results and wet, windy conditions are unlucky. In the last paragraph the motif switches to social sanction as the writer moralises about school spirit. To a lesser extent appraisal resources of engagement and graduation combine with judgement. Thus the margin is small, the encounter is torrid, bad play costs us the game, and a game is the worst for the season.

Investigating mode in textual meanings


Investigating tenor in interpersonal meanings

Summary of mood All Finite clauses are declarative, giving information, Person selection
I n this text, first person is underlined; all other nominal groups are third person. The team was a powerful combination once it established its own pattern of play. It was unfortunate to play trie top side, Meitons, first up. Although losing, the margin was small. The next game, against St Cuthberts, proved to be a torrid encounter with QUI forward pack crumbling in the remaining few minutes. Against Luscombe Grammar, quick, clean ball play enabled our back line to dominate and run in numerous tries. St Spirit's also proved to be little opposition, though poor goal-kicking and numerous dropped balls cost us many points in this game. After the term holidays the team played many of its remaining matches in windy, wet conditions. Against St Bedes, powerful running by the back line established an early superiority which was not

In this text, unmarked topical Themes are underlined, marked topical Themes are in bold type and interpersonal Themes are in italics.
The team was a powerful combination once it established its own pattern of play. It was unfortunate to play the top side, Mertcns, first up. Although losing, the margin was small. The next game, against St Cuthberts, proved to be a torrid encounter with our forward pack crumbling in the remaining few minutes. Against Luscombe Grammar, quick, clean ball play enabled our back line to dominate and run in numerous tries. St Spirit's also proved to be little opposition, though poor goal-kicking and pumnmns dropped balls cost us many points in this game. After the term holidays the team played many of its remaining matches in windy, wet conditions, Against St Bedes, powerful running by the back line established an early superiority which was not to be lost. The following week we played a ciub side, Forrest Hill, and found it difficult to compete against a stronger, more mobile pack, pry conditions against Seeton Grammar allowed our back line to play well again and dominate the game. Unfortunately, the final game against Geneva proved to be our worst for the season, with careless handling and concentration lapses costing us the game.


Using Functional Qramtnat If there is one thing to be remembered by the 1st XV from this season, it is that the team played best when individual glory was sacrificed so that team achievement could be maximised. A champion team, not a team of champions, was the motivating spirit behind this School rugby team.

Exploring context


champion do not appear until the last paragraph, once again foregrounding that part of the text. A n o t h e r point to be considered here is the ease of interpreting t h e pronominal references and/ once again, we notice that we and it both refer to the school team.

Summary of Theme T h e only interpersonal T h e m e {unfortunately in the third paragraph) reveals the partisanship of the writer. It allows us to contextualise this recount in a school magazine rather than a local newspaper. The unmarked Themes relate in some way to the team and t h e i r opponents, with the possible exception of dry conditions against Seeton Grammar. Some of the marked Themes place the games in time or in terms of the opposition. The whole conditional clause, which could be seen as the marked Theme of the last paragraph, is quite didactic and signposts the inspirational moral of the text.

From lexicogrammatical analysis to contextual description: Text 2

As we did with Text 1, we will now present the contextual description for the text 'Rugby notes'.

Field of discourse
Lexicogrammatical analysis Experiential meanings As a result of process types our analysis and relational with Attributes; knowledge of relational identifying in last context of culture paragraph material we crtn write up ptay, dominate, run in, cost, our description compete participants the forward pack, the team, poor goat kicking and numerous, dropped balls (and so on); embedded clauses in last paragraph nominalisations avoid agency for mistakes Circumstances firsf up, against St Cuthberts, in the remaining few minutes, against Luscombe Grammar, after the term holidays, in wet, windy conditions against St Bedes, the next week etc time and modality* past until last paragraph Contextual description RELD OF DISCOURSE experiential domain school rugby matches

Collision A cohesion analysis provides information about how a text is constructed and where it changes direction. Although a complete analysts is part of the grammar beyond the scope of this book, we are already able to explore some of its techniques. O n e way of assessing cohesion is to look at the lexical sets of sense relations; that is, the words whose meanings are connected. Lexical sets to do with school are underlined, and sets to do with rugby matches are in bold type. The team was a powerful combination once it established its own pattern of play. It was unfortunate to play the top side, Merlons, first up. Although losing, the margin was small. The next game, against St Cuthberts, proved to be a torrid encounter with our forward pack crumbling in the remaining few minutes. Against Luscombe Grammar, quick, clean ball play enabled our back line to dominate and run in numerous tries. St Spirit's also proved to be little opposition, though poor goal-kicking and numerous dropped balls cost us many points in this game. After the term holidays the team played many of its remaining matches in windy, wet condilions. Against St Bedes. powerful running by the back line established an aariy superiority which was not to be lost. The following week we played a club side, Forrest Hill, and found it difficult to compete against a stronger, more mobile pack. Dry conditions against Seeton Grammar allowed our back line to play well again and dominate the game. Unfortunately, the final game against Geneva proved to be our worst for the season, with careless handling and concentration lapses costing us the game. If there is one thing to be remembered by the 1 st XV from this season, it is that the team played best when individual glory was sacrificed so that team achievement could be maximised. A champion team, not a team of champions, was the motivating spirit behind this School rugby team. Summary of cohesion From our analysis of the text, we can see that many of its meanings belong to a very few closely related sets to do with school and rugby. Words like remembered, glory, and


The first clause of the last paragraph has been foregrounded by the mental process, the use of short-term goal present tense and by recount of season's complex embedding games, minimising around an identifying losses and maximising victories relational process. This foregrounding long-term goal underlines the maintenance of team importance ol spirit and cooperative the long-term goal. activity


Using Functional Qrammar This is a very fuzzy area because it dissolves the boundary between experiential and interpersonal meanings. On the one hand, the primary tense and modality are an essential part of our interpersonal investigation into how speakers and writers take a position in their texts. O n the other hand, the time when activities take place is an essential part of our experiential investigation. This double reading reminds us that although our analysis separates experiential, interpersonal and textual meanings, they are, in fact, interdependent and enmeshed, recombining to make one total meaning realising the context of situation.

Exploring context


Mode of discourse
Lexicogrammatical analysis
Textual meanings Thematic choices unmarked topical Themes the team, the games, the opponents marked Themes time and opponents clause as Theme paragraph 1 - although losing paragraph 4: if there is one thing to be remembered by the 1st XV from this season cohesion: lexical sets and reference to schools and rugby; tight but with new lexical items in the final paragraph, structural patterns fit with recount until last paragraph

Contextual description

Commentary The rhetorical mode changes in the last paragraph from a simple recount to something more inspirational. The cohesion analysis also showed that this paragraph differed from the rest of the text.

Tenor of discourse
Lexicogrammatical analysis
Interpersonal meanings Mood selections declarative person selection we, us, our. This we seems exclusive, referring only to the players but it is also inclusive as the team represents the school. appraisal motif judgement of social esteem of team until last paragraph then social sanction of team spirit creates solidarity

Contextual description

As a result of our analysis and knowledge of context of culture we can write up our description

role of language constitutive type of interaction monologue medium written channel graphic rhetorical thrust recount then inspirational

Commentary In the last paragraph, the addressee appears to be the wider school community as well as the team. The relative status also changes in the last paragraph from equal to hierarchic,

As aresultof our analysis and knowledge of context of culture we can write up our description
I..V"...*';: :-"- - . . / i l l * '

agentive or societal roles captain or coach of team/members status equal social distance minimal

lo sum up
Because texts with enough common features in the field, tenor and mode of discourse will also have meanings in common, they are said to belong to the same REGISTER. Register can be defined as the way meanings vary consistently with the context of situation Or according to use. Thus, we might speak of a register of classroom teaching, a register of advertising or a register of baby talk since texts in each of these areas have things in common in field, tenor and mode of discourse. If we want to make our description more delicate, we can use field to distinguish between, for example, teaching science and teaching literature, or advertising p a t e n t medicines and advertising soft drinks. We can use field and tenor to differentiate between two advertisements for the same product in a medical journal and a popular women's m a g a z i n e . W e c a n e v e n use field, t e n o r a n d m o d e to d i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n advertisements for the same product in a variety of media, such as teenage magazines, radio and television.

204 Using Functional Qrammar Exploring context 205

At the same time, the metalanguage for describing context of situation heightens our Consciousness of linguistic diversity and binds together many of the strands we have discussed in this book. The same tools that describe a context of situation can be used to describe a writer's style or the similarities between writers of the same school or period. Experiential, interpersonal and textual meanings are realised in wordings that become accessible through phonology or writing. In our study of context we become aware of the dynamic relationship between die meanings we want to convey, the grammatical structures we use, and the context of situation that frames these meanings. Thus, when we know the field, tenor and mode of the context of situation of a text, we can predict the grammatical structure witb a great deal of certainty and, conversely, we can go from the grammatical structures to the context of situation. This is what we mean by the dynamic relation between text and context of situation. Whether we apply this dynamic to children's writing or creations of verbal art, we can still go behind the text to the meanings. By investigating the grammatical patterns in an objective way we can see how users of language create meanings and achieve intended effects. Our comparisons of the field, tenor and mode of discourse and of the patterns of experiential, interpersonal and textual signs which realise these meanings allow us to differentiate between movements, periods and ideologies as well as between genres and individual writers. Indeed, the patterns of patterns we discern in our analysis make the definition of style almost as simple as the description of a context of situation because both are artefacts of the functional diversity of language.

Implications for language education

At the end of each chapter we have looked at the different types of grammar experiential, interpersonal and textual - and discussed how a student's knowledge of these grammars allows them to control the related aspect of the context of situation. At the end of Chapter 3 we considered the kinds of meanings students are able to control once they can manage the expression of field through experiential grammar. At the end of Chapters 4 and 5 we considered the kinds of meanings students are able to control once they can manage the expression of tenor througb interpersonal grammar. At the end of Chapter 6 we considered the kinds of meanings students are able to control once they can manage die expression of mode through textual grammar. In this chapter we are shown what can be discovered about all three aspects of the context of situation when we use our knowledge of grammar and the metalanguage introduced in the book so far to explore the three metafunctions of a text simultaneously. This exploration generates a rich description of the way the context has motivated the text, its meanings and, therefore, its structural patterns. We are shown how 'the sum of meanings encoded in lexicogrammar become signs of the context'. The ability to explore language in this way makes it possible for language educators to understand different contexts of language use on the basis of the meanings in different texts. It also makes it possible for them to consider die language patterns that are likely to emerge in texts realising a particular context of situation, The reciprocal illumination of context and text allows language educators to target their teaching specifically to the particular needs of students by analysing the contexts of situation relevant to their students' needs and goals. Teaching language can thus become a much less hit-and-miss affair. In addition, students can be given portable knowledge about patterns of English they can apply strategically to a range of contexts of situation, rather than a set of arbitrary rules which may or may not be effective as contexts change. In this chapter our attention is also drawn to the fact that, to produce and interpret texts in a particular language, we need to be familiar with the contexts of situation which occur within the culture in which the language is used - in other words we need to be familiar with: what people talk about in the culture, that is the topics, subject matter and social activities which make up the experience of people living in that culture the kinds of roles and relationships people build with each other in that culture how people communicate in that culture, whether in spoken or written language using channels of communication such as face-to-face communication, telephone, electronic and print media, letters, and so on, If this information is incorporated systematically into language teaching programs, students build up language experience across a variety of contexts of situation, allowing

5 if.

1 List the attitudinal words in the Rugby text and discuss how they construct the point of view. 2 Write a contextual description of one or more of the following: a. Speaker 1: You know it's just not a constructive way to go about solving your problems, What are you?... You're fifteen now? Speaker 2: Next December. Speaker 1; You'll be fifteen in December. It won't be long before you're ... Only be a couple of years before you'll be appearing before the adult courts. You don't get any mileage out of this sort of behaviour once that happens. Ifs malicious damage and off to prison after that. Do you understand that? ... You're the one who'll suffer ultimately for it even though you might go away and laugh about this because it doesn't... er... touch you. I urge you to think about it. Very good. Thank you, Bennie. You can go ... Thank you, Mr Jones. b. c. d. e. Mike's text which you will find on page 87 The conversation between a mother and child on page 99 Iain's text on page 138 The Medea text on page 94.


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring context 207 be practical or effective to draw learners' attention to all these features. However, the descriptions do reveal the meanings that make the text what it is - whether a dialogue {mode) where one more skilled interactant is telling the other (tenor) how to play with a ball (field), or an article for a school newspaper (mode) that glorifies (tenor) a school rugby match (field). The challenging task for the teacher is to select from meaning-rich texts such as these the specific language features that match students' language development and that will trigger the next developmental step. We will return to this question in Chapter 10.

them to produce and interpret an increasing repertoire of language varieties. The set of questions used to interpret context in this chapter provide teachers with a useful framework for guiding students' exploration of the way different contexts of language use are expressed in the meanings and structures of different texts, Perhaps one of the most important distinctions made in this chapter is between context of situation and the material situational setting. Language educators have for a long time been used to establishing a material situational setting; that is a location in time and space, for the language they are teaching, for example At the railway station, In the restaurant or On the weekend. Some of the features of these material settings are significant for the texts that are used in these settings and some are not. Context of situation, however, is a more precise way of determining what features of a context make the text 'what it is' because it reveals the three general aspects of the context ( field, tenor and mode) which account for differences in lexicogrammatical patterns from text to text. Using these three general headings teachers and students can ask strategic questions about any context in which language is used in order to identify and categorise the extralinguistic features that motivate the patterns of the text and to ignore those extralinguistic features which have no impact on the text. Being able to account for the differences in language patterns from text to text within three general domains of context gives teachers a manageable yet comprehensive tool for: * selecting what language patterns to teach, within which texts and in which contexts * deciding how to present those language patterns and the texts they are part of in authentic contexts of language use * selecting which aspects of the context to draw learners' attention to

Identify a good example of a type of text you would like your students to be able Jo use effectively. The text might be spoken or written, If you wish, you may choose one of the texts you have already worked with in completing exercises in earlier chapters, ;EL Prepare a contextual, description of the text. ; b. What did you learn about the text and its context which you had not noticed before : completing this exercise? c. Use the description to select key features of.context and language use that you believe are relevant to the students' learning needs and goals. . d. How would you adapt the questions on pages 186,188, and 189 to guide your students as they work with this text?

deciding which aspects of the context to alter in order to reveal to learners how language patterns change systematically as the context changes, for example: - changing die field so the subject matter changes changing the tenor so a new role or relationship needs to be negotiated changing the mode so the text is spoken rather than written.

Where language education is occurring across the curriculum, students need to build a solid knowledge of the subject matter (the field) and its expression in language. For example, if learners are working in the discipline of science they will need to have many experiences with the material they are learning about - including opportunities for hands-on exploration and guided discussion that reveal the language scientists use to talk about the phenomenon they are studying. It is through these experiences that they will build the field knowledge on which their language use in that discipline can be based. "This chapter provides full contextual descriptions of two texts - one spoken and one written. These descriptions are very detailed and reveal the overall drift of the meanings in each text. There would be few language teaching situations where it would

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Using Functional Qrammar

3 and she um like her neck clicked or something 4 and um she was taken to hospital in an ambulance,

Exploring text


From Chapter i


But in the following example meaning depends on shared knowledge. Compare the use of the word she above with the use of the definite article trie in the next example.
On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains.

This chapter returns to the two fundamental characteristics of texts - texture and structure. ' Texture weaveVthfrrneanJngs of the "toft together ihlo one cohe r^ Text structure is the unifying structural shape that emerges fromthe configurations of meanings that make up;Jhe.texjtf.

This is the first clause in a text. In this case, the writer uses the definite article in die noun group the Blue Mountains because she presumes that the audience will share knowledge of the Blue Mountains she is referring to outside the text, In summary a text can be thought of as a collection of meanings woven together to make a textured 'fabric'. The clauses of the text can be thought of as cross-threads held together by down-threads, that is, by the strands of meaning running through the text creating die texture which holds the text together. Texts are unified wholes because the meanings in the clauses which make up the text are interdependent and interwoven. Texture is located on the map of levels of language (Figure 1.3 and 8.1) at the semantic, or meaning, level. This is because texture is concerned with the way meanings become text. In contrast the clause is located at the level of lexicogrammar. Texture is what ties together the meanings of individual clauses into strands of meaning which span a text. It is through texture that individual clauses are unified into a text, that is, into a cohesive whole unit of meaning. We have seen that there are three overall uses, or functions, of language; that is, we use language to make: ideational meanings, incorporating experiential and logical meanings interpersonal meanings textual meanings. We have also seen that these three functions are systematically related to the context of situation. We can think about the strands of meaning that hold clauses together and that give a text texture in terms of these functions, Strands of experiential meaning are expressed in LEXICAL CHAINS; that is, chains of words related by repetition, similar or opposite meanings, association, part/whole or composition relationships. The chain of words is in bold face in the following example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Here's some advice for kids [ who are just learning to surf ]. Use a light, small fibreglass board with a legrope and (use) a wetsuit if it's cold. Find a safe, uncrowded spot on the beach. The water should be not too choppy so that you will get a clean ride,

What is important is chat a text is a harmonious collection of meanings appropriate to its context. This unity of purpose gives a text both texture and structure. Texture comes from the way the meanings in the text fit coherently with each other - in much the same way as the threads of a piece of fabric or carpet are woven together to make a whole. Structure refers to the way that most pieces of language in use will contain certain obligatory structural elements appropriate to their purpose and context.

In Chapter 6 we began to explore some of die resources English speakers use to weave meanings together into cohesive, whole texts (pages 147-149). These resources give texts their TEXTURE. In this chapter we examine these resources more closely. You may have noticed that some of the resources used to produce cohesive texts have been introduced incidentally in several of the chapters exploring lexicogrammar. This is because the language elements that tie the meanings of a text together turn up in clauses as words and grammatical structures. As well as doing lexicogrammatical work at the level of the clause, these elements also stretch their meanings out beyond the boundaries of the clause. Texture emerges because a text has language elements that: tie meanings together from one clause to the next to make strands of meaning that run right through the text tie the strands of meaning in the text to the social context. Meanings in a text are tied together when, in order to make sense: a meaning in one clause depends on a meaning in another clause a meaning in the text depends on shared knowledge of the social context outside the text. Here is an example in which meaning in one clause depends on meaning in an earlier clause. The meaning of the word she in Clauses 2, 3 and 4 depends on the nominal group this girl in Clause 1.
1 There's this girt in my class... 2 she tried to do a backward roll


Using Functional Qrammax

1 2 3 Pelicans are part of the Bird family. Pelicans have a big bill with a pouch. Most pelicans have white body features.

Exploring text


Strands of logical meaning link clauses through different types of CONJUNCTION, including additive conjunction, sequence conjunction of time or importance, cause and effect conjunction and conjunction which links in meanings that exemplify, elaborate, compare, contrast or run counter to our expectations. In the following text the conjunctions are in bold face:
1 2 3 4 5 she tried to do a backward roll and she urn like her neck clicked or something and urn she was taken to hospital in an ambulance and I had to write down [[ what happened ]] because I was in her group.

4 All pelicarjs have short legs. 5 Most pelicans have webbed feet. 6 Most pelicans live around the coast. 7 Pelicans eat crustaceans, crabs, fish and shrimps. 8 Pelicans fly with their head back. 9 Pelicans lay two, three or four white eggs. 10 They take thirty-five days to hatch.

Strands of textual meaning keep track of people and things as the text unfolds using REFERENCE CHAINS of language elements such as pronouns, definite articles and demonstrative adjectives. Reference chains appear in bold in the following example:
1 2 3 4 There's this girl in my class... she tried to do a backward roll and she urn like her neck clicked or something and um she was taken to hospital in an ambulance.

Interpersonal meanings that contribute to texture include patterns of EXCHANGE STRUCTURE for organising speakers' turns into a cohesive and coherent conversation.
Question: Answer: Response: Counter response: Where did you get thai Mars Bar? Bill gave it to me at lunch time. No, he didn't Yes, he did.

Textual meanings that contribute to texture include the resources English speakers use to avoid unnecessary repetition, including: substitution * ellipsis, SUBSTITUTION is used to replace an unnecessary item with a minimal placeholder or a bridging word. In the following example the verb done and die pronoun that substitute for the event described in the earlier clauses:
1 2 3 she tried to do a backward roli and she um like her neck clicked or something I've done that before.

As we saw in Chapter 5, APPRAISAL spreads interpersonal meaning across the text to express the speaker's point of view and to influence the audience's point of view. A speaker's point of view can be spread over a text in lots of ways. These include the choice and number of attitude adjectives, the choice of particular types of content, amplifying or reducing intensity or quantity, choosing words that are colourful or that have a non-neutral value, the choice of tense, modal words, repetition and even different typographical features. In the following example expressions of appraisal are in bold face;

1 2 3

Hailstones the size of tennis balls smashed roofs, battered cars, and injured people across Sydney in a freak storm last night.

ELLIPSIS is used in order to leave out unnecessary items. In the example below repeating the verb use is not necessary so it is ellipsed:
1 2 3 Use a light, small fibreglass board with a legrope and (use) a wetsuit if it's cold.

A fuller explanation of cohesion can be found in HaUiday and Hasan (1976 and 1985), Halliday (1994). A very useful introduction to the notion of texture is Eggins (1994: Chapter 4).

Text structure
In this section we will explore the way text structure emerges from the configurations of meanings making up the text. The meanings of a text are configured to give the text a unifying 'architecture' or shape through which the text achieves its purpose. We have seen that the emergence of a structural pattern as a text unfolds contributes to our decisions about the rhetorical thrust of the text (page 193). The emergence of a recognisable structural pattern also makes it possible to compare the text with other texts of the same type.

In the next example, it is not necessary to repeat the noun hailstones.

1 Hailstones the size of tennis balls smashed roofs, 2 (hailstones) battered cars, 3 and (hailstones) injured people across Sydney in a freak storm last night.

In Chapter 6 we have seen how patterns of THEME contribute to texture by giving texts a 'backbone' of textual meaning:


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring text


Texts of the same type, that is, texts constructed to achieve the same general social purpose, tend to share comparable structural patterns. Some elements of these patterns may be obligatory if the text is to achieve its purpose successfully. Other structural elements are optional extras which can be used to finetune the text in different ways. In Chapter 1 we saw that comparable texts which achieve the same general social purpose, and which therefore draw on the same relatively stable structural pattern, are said to betong to the same GENRE. We are now going to discuss this idea in a little more detail. In real life, each text is a unique expression of its particular context, that is, its context of culture and its context of situation - the subject matter, the roles and relationships of those communicating and the mode of communication. It would be impossible to communicate, however, if each time we constructed a text we had to start from scratch. Instead we start each time with a cultural blueprint; in doing so we draw on our knowledge of the conventional text structures used to configure die meanings of our language and culture into whole texts. Some texts are more prototypical examples of the genre they belong to than others. If you are just beginning to use a particular text type, or if you want to achieve a very pragmatic purpose as efficiently as possible, it is more effective to stay close to the blueprint. Figure 1.4 in Chapter 1 lists the purposes for using language that a particular primary school syllabus document specified learners should be able to achieve in order to meet the stated outcomes of the school syllabus. These purposes are necessarily very general and teachers working within this syllabus environment will select examples of the text types to reflect the learning needs and goals of the particular students they are teaching. Chapter 1 introduced us to a set of texts produced by young learners widiin this syllabus environment. The texts exemplify some of the purposes identified in the syllabus. These sample texts were collected from across all the schools using the syllabus. Students in these schools include those who speak English as a second language. We are going to revisit the set of texts introduced in Chapter 1, this time combining what we now know about text structure, texture and lexicogrammar to describe the meanings in these texts. But, before we do this, we will reflect on some of the different perspectives on text types proposed by functional linguists.

accumulation of independent or dependent clauses, we can see that all of these patterns have consequences for the overall meaning, or in other words, 'structure' of the text. In the discussion of context in Chapter 8 we saw how to set out these patterns of wording as a contextual description, highlighting the relationship of probability between text structure and the grammar. This relationship is based on the meanings which the grammatical choices contribute to the text. Functional grammar assists us, then, in relating what in the context is motivating these choices message by message to the global purpose of the text. When linguists who study texts organise different types of texts into categories based on purpose and structure, they are said to be developing a 'theory' of genre. Functional linguists refer to differences in purpose and patterns of meaning between texts as variation in register, or functional variety. In this case 'functional' highlights the different place the text holds in the patterns of community behaviour. (Note: Functional linguists contrast register variation, that is, difference motivated by use, with dialect variation, which refers to different speech habits of users.) Functional linguists have detailed a number of ways for managing variation in whole texts, that is, for managing the description of text types. (These are summarised in Matthiessen 1993, Register in the round.) Hasan's (1996b) characterisation of children's nursery tales is the most complete account of how one might argue for the elements which make up a text type. Her account shunts systematically between three levels of linguistic description: a description of generic text structure a description of semantic criteria a description of the most likely selections of words and grammar. A fuller exploration of Hasan's account of nursery tale structure is included in Appendix I. In educational contexts a widely applied functional model was developed in Sydney based on the work of Martin (1993) and Rothery (1996). Their approach is built around an additional level on the 'map' of language and context. They propose a higher, more abstract level of genie aligned to the context of culture and separate from the level of register which they align with the context of situation. Genres are conceived of as 'goal-directed, staged activities' which can be expressed by different texts and registers. This approach is designed to accommodate both text type (similarity) and text variation (difference). In other words, while individual texts vary from situation to situation, genre descriptions attempt to capture the general meaning potential we select from when we use a text to achieve a social purpose in our culture. Genre pedagogy aims to make this resource for meaning available to students. Martin and Rothery's approach has proved very useful to teachers when it is tied to functional accounts of register and lexicogrammar. In the TESOL environment, for example, having distinct levels of genre and register makes cross-cultural comparisons

Text types - a second look at register and genre

As first set out in Chapter 1, a central reason for developing a functional grammar is to be able to relate the meaning in patterns of wording to the purposes which motivate the structuring of whole texts. Once a functional exploration of the grammar of a text has revealed, for example, patterns in the selection of Theme/Rheme or Process/Participant, shifts in Mood or modality, stretches of non-finite clauses, and changes in the


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring text


possible. It is also possible to compare similar social purposes (genres) and, at the same time examine the distinctive ways these might be varied linguistically (registers) across communities within the culture. Some very practical educational applications become possible when language variety (register) and purpose (genre) are considered separately, but there are also some problems with this model. If language and culture are conceived of separately, there is a danger that culture and purpose might appear to exist separately from the actual texts through which they are, in fact, realised. Texts and other symbolic behaviours are the culture. The evidence for a particular text's purpose ts found in the accumulating choices dispersed across the patterning of the text. To avoid the problems inherent in the separation of register and genre, it may be useful to conceive of genre descriptions as working approximations of the text structures that are possible in the culture.

We will explore the way this global distinction has been elaborated for teachers by examining sets of texts taken from documents supporting a primary English syllabus derived from Rothery and Martin's approach. We will use our knowledge of lexicogrammar and texture to examine how the dispersal of patterns of meaning across these texts appear to" coalesce into recognisable global text structures that reflect cultural purposes. As the English K~6 syllabus (Board of Studies NSW 1998: 66-7) reminds us, these '[t]ext types and their structures should not be seen as straitjackets but as starting points'. Once students have reached these starting points, they 'are in a better position to create and manipulate texts and combine elements in a purposeful way'.

An exploration of text types

First we will explore text types used at school to tell stories. Then we will explore text types used at school to present factual information. You have already met some of these texts in your journey through this book. As we progressively explore examples of different text types, we will pause occasionally to reflect on the way language varies from context to context within the conventions of the text types.

Using texts to achieve different social purposes

Despite the important theoretical issues raised by their model, Martin and Rothery's approach remains an adaptable framework for language teachers. Using this approach, Martin, Rothery and their colleagues have worked for many years with teachers to develop curriculum and materials in actual systems of education, for example, primary schools in NSW and the Adult Migrant English Program in Australia. This approach has helped make syllabus documents across a number of disciplines more explicit and organised. It remains important, however, for teachers to recognise that genre descrip' tions developed within this approach are working hypotheses about texts and language, not non-negotiable prescriptions or final statements, Some teachers find it useful to provide students initially with model texts that represent prototypical examples of genre descriptions. Once students can control prototypical examples, they are provided with contexts in which the global text descriptions need to be adapted or challenged. Martin and Rothery have used their model of genre to encapsulate text type and text difference to assist literacy teachers working in schools. They recognise the numerous and simultaneous functions that different texts achieve. For example, stories are used to chronicle the actions of heroes, reinforce community solidarity and values, give ancestral histories and explain religious concepts. Martin and Rothery, however, initiate their pedagogical model with an overarching distinction between story genres, which function to entertain, and factual texts. Rothery (1994: 84) describes this distinction in the following way:
What the story genres have in common is a social purpose to entertain. They achieve this by dealing with particular or unique events in which specific characters are involved and through meanings which make these events noteworthy in some way, A most important feature, one which ciearly distinguishes the story genres from factual ones, is that they highlight or foreground meanings which evaluate or give significance to the events depicted.

Telling stories
Following Rothery, we can use our knowledge of lexicogrammar and texture to explore how the language we use to tell stories about people and events is structured to be entertaining. Storytellers make their stories entertaining by evaluating the people and events in the story to show how they are significant. Different types of stories reveal the significance of people and events in different ways. Overview of story genres
Recount to tell what happened, to document a sequence of events and evaluate their significance in some way Narrative to construct a pattern of events with a problematic and/or unexpected outcome that entertains and instructs the reader or listener News story


to chronicle a newsworthy event

Telling stories: Recount A recount is a story genre which is used to tell what happened. "When we tell recounts we reveal the significance of the people and events in the story by sharing our personal feelings about them. Text 1 is spoken using the recount pattern. A schoolgirl told her sister the following story after her sister asked her what happened at school that day.
Text 1 Structural elements Orientation (obligatory) provides information about who Record of events (obligatory) w in the order in which they occurred Textual features reference out into context (this, my) Recount There's this girl in my class .

I "
3 n

Grammatical features
existential clause asserting the existence of a Participant


additive conjunction {and) to sequence events in time

she tried to do a backward roll

past tense material processes chain of declarative clauses combined by coordination only she (ie the girl) is predominant Theme; passive voice (was (a/ten) used to maintain Theme past tense modal Finite (had to) embedded clause as Participant/ Verbiage (what happened) past tense relational dependent clause

and she urn like her neck clicked reference chain {she) linking back or something to this girt and um she was taken to hospital in an ambulance

Reorientation (optional) * rounds off the sequence of events

additive and causal conjunction {and, because) reference out into context (1) reference linking Participant and events to self (/, that, it, she)

and I had to write down what happened because I was in her group

Coda (optional) * gives personal evaluation of the significance of the events

I've done that before and it doesnl hurt that much. I think she's overreacting just a bit.

different types of present tenses (have done, doesn't him, think, is over-re acting) mental processes (think, over'reacting) measuring words (that much, just a bit)

WmMz^W&%W^*W^^^:Text 2 is a n o t h e r story by a school s t u d e n t . T h i s t e x t is written using t h e r e c o u n t p a t t e r n .

Text 2
Structural elements Orientation provides information about who, where, when Textual features reference out to context {we, the Blue Mountains) back to Participant introduced in previous clause (David and Delia's house - it) Recount Our Trip to the Blue Mountains On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Delia's house. It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a tennis court. Grammatical features Circumstance as marked "Fheme (On Friday) to set the story in time Participants introduced in nominal groups (we, the Blue Mounfatro, a big garden with lots of colourful flowers, a tennis court) Circumstances to set the story in place (to the Blue Mountains, at David and Delia's home) relational clause to link the house (it) w'tth its description Record of events * in the order in which they occurred series of clauses in temporal sequence linked with additive and temporal conjunction (and, then) Blue Mountains lexical chain spans text (Three Sisters, scenic railway, antique shops, Scenic Skyway, cockatoos) reference chain (we) spans text progression of marked Themes to signpost text structure On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway, it was scary. Then Mummy and I went shopping with Delia, We went to some antique shops and I tried on some hats. On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos having a shower. Circumstances as marked Themes to extend the setting in time (On Saturday, On Sunday) Circumstances to extend the setting in place (on the scenic railway, to some antique shops, on the Scenic Skyway) pairs of declarative clauses combined using coordination only past tense material processes (went, tried on, rocked) in a sequence of events

Text 2 (continued) Structural e l e m e n t s Record of events (continued) Textual features


Grammatical features
past tense mental processes (saw) projecting P h e n o m e n o n in nominal groups (the Three Sisters, cockatoos having a shower) past tense relational process to evaluate a n event and give it significance {It was scary.)

Reorientation rounds off t h e sequence of events

T h e m a t i c progression culminates in marked T h e m e reference c h a i n culminates in we

In the afternoon we went home.

Circumstance as marked T h e m e ro bring t h e story full circle i n time {In ike afternoon) Circumstance to bring the story full circle in terms of place (home)

Text from English K-6 modules 1 9 9 8 ; 109>Board of Studies N S W

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In Text 3 a learner has adapted the recount pattern in order to chronicle an historical event.

Text 3
Structural elements Orientation * provides background information about who, where, when Textual features presentation of and reference to main character (Edward Hargraves, he) clauses linked with cause conjunction (became, to) beginning of lexical chains to build field (gold, goldfields)

The Discovery of Gold: Edward Hargraves Edward Hargraves came to Australia directly from the Californian goldfieids in 1850. He was sure that he could find gold in NSW because the land was so similar to the Sierra Nevada area in America. He went with John Lister to find gold near Bathurst. Lister had already found some before,

Grammatical features material processes (come, went, found) relational processes (was) mental process (was sure) clauses combined in different ways ie expansion arid projection, finite and non-finite dependent use of past tenses including past with complete/perfect aspect (had found) Circumstances of time and place (from the Catifomian goldfields, in 1850, in NSW, near Bathurst) technical terms (site, cradle instrument, gold nuggets) postmodified nominal groups (a small amount of gold, a cradle instrument that Hargraves had seen in California) sequence of past tense material processes (panned, set off, collect, stayed, worked)

Record of events in the order in which they occurred

series of clauses in temporal sequence linked with additive and cause conjunction (and, [in order] to) lexical chains continue {gold, reward, cradle instrument, gold nuggets)

Hargraves panned a small amount of gold and set off to Sydney to collect a reward. Lister stayed behind and worked the site with a cradle instrument that Hargraves had seen in California. It separates gold nuggets from sand.

>%-,..- - i - - ^

Textual features Recount
When Hargraves discovered gold he said, This is a memorable day in the history of NSW.! shall be a baronet, you will be knighted and my old horse will be stuffed and put in a glass case and sent to the British Museum.' Grammatical features past tense dependent time clause as marked Theme (When Hargraees discovered gold) past tense verbal process (said) projecting quoted speech present tense existential clause in quoted speech (This is a memorable day in the history of NSW.) future tense passive voice in quoted speech to maintain characters as Theme (will be knighted, will be stuffed and put. and sent...)

Text 3 (continued) Structural elements Statement of Significance * rounds off the sequence of events by evaluating their significance

Text from English K-6 modules 1998: 199 Board of StudiesNSW


How would you use language I contexts of use?


a re How would you ac pt the reco unt patte e use? these texts of lang


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How has the writei used languag

Do y ou think the oung writer has adap abou t an historical vent?


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le recount pattern s used in scho periment. It is also u ed when we rep the police or an insu ance company.
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f t

Telling stories: Narrative A narrative is a special kind of story that is valued very highly in English-speaking cultures. Narratives are structured to be entertaining and to teach cultural values. In narratives normal events are disrupted and language is used to build up suspense around the disruption so it reaches a crisis point. The way the characters in the story confront and resolve the crisis teaches the audience about ways of behaving which are valued in the culture. Text 4 is a narrative written by a young writer to capture the action of an after-school encounter. Text 4 Structural elements Orientation (obligatory) * to set up what is to follow by introducing who, where, when ie setting and narrator (I) Textual features reference - forward to foreshadow disruption to normal events (kail) Complication (obligatory) sequence of events disrupted creating a problem or crisis for for character/s character/s evaluate problematic events to give them significance out into context (I) time conjunction (when) Two twfts from my class decided to pick on me. They started yelling stupid names like spazzo, pigface etc. 1 didn't mind this. 1 also didn't mind Kelly punching me in the shoulder. What i did mind was that Kelly kept me occupied while Matthew (better known as Roberts) rode my bike around the cul de sac of the street. This was harmless. Narrative The Fight It all happened when 1 was walking home from school,


Grammatical features dependent rime clause (when 1 was walking home from school) with Circumstances of place (Jiome from school) to build setting past tenses with complete (happened) and incomplete (was walking) aspects clauses combined in different ways te expansion, projection, non-finite and finite dependent, embedded clauses as Participants Participants (two twits from my class, they, 1) predominant Theme sequence of past tense material processes (rode, kicked, jumped, took off) $

reference - tracking main characters (two (suits - cfie*y; I me; KellylMatthew - he) - referring back to sections of text (this) conjunction - series of clauses in temporal sequence (implicit, while., and, when)


Text 4 (continued) Structural elements Complication (obligatory) (continued) Textual features signalling crisis poinr (but) Narrative But, still riding, he kicked off my bag and jumped off the bike leaving it to fall. This made me sore, i gave in to mytemper.When Matthew saw this he took off. Grammatical features past tense verbal processes (started yelling) past tense mental processes (decided to, didn't mind, made me sore, gave in to my temper, saw) and past tense relational processes (was) to evaluate events, to slow down action and build up suspense sequence of past tense material processes in quick succession (chased, caught up, threw, missed, managed to escape, run)

appraisal - reperirion to build up suspense (I didn't mind) expressions of attitude (stupid, harmless, sore)


Resolution (obligatory) problems/crisis resolved and normal events resume

conjunction - causal (so) signalling beginning of resolution of crisis temporal sequence (when, finally, and)

So it was me and David Kelly to battle it out. 1 chased him around and around the street. When 1 finally caught up to him I threw punches galore. Most of them missed. Kelly managed to escape and run home. 1 think 1 was the victor, but if 1 was, 1 don't think it was worth it.

Coda (optional) shows how character/s have been changed by the events evaluates whole incident

conjunction - counter expectancy (but)

mental processes projecting thoughts (think) relational processes to evaluate (was) expressions of attitude (victor, worth it)

Text from English JC-6 modules 1998: 3 0 2 Board of Studies N S W



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Telling stories: News story News stories are told everyday in the mass media. Most people treat them as if they are objective reports about current events. For this reason they can be very influential. A close investigation of the language of news stories, however, reveals that, like all stories, the purpose of news stories is to entertain by showing how the events are significant.' The way journalists show events are significant is by structuring stories so the events seem 'newsworthy'. To portray events as newsworthy, journalists structure their news stories to highlight how the events have drsrupted the normal order of things. In narratives suspense is created by slowing down the action and gradually building up to the point of greatest disruption, the crisis point. In contrast, a news story begins with the crisis point, that is, it begins with the events the joumalisr thinks are the most disruptive. Journalists call the events they place at the beginning of their story the 'angle'of their story. Because the most disruptive events are placed first, events in a news story do not unfold in chronological order. Instead, the events selected as the most disruptive - the events in the Lead - become the nucleus of the story. The Lead is the centre of both the structure and the texture of a news story. A news story is structured by adding each new event to the story as if it were a satellite orbiting the main disruptive event. The staccato texture of a news story emerges because the cohesive ties in the satellites often link directly back to the nucleus without weaving through previous satellites. Journalists do not write in paragraphs. Instead they write in what they call 'pars', which in news stories are usually one or two sentences long. The nucleus-satellite structure of a news story makes it very easy for newspaper sub-editors to delete and add pars as they edit stories to fit into the available space on the pages of a newspaper. Text 5 is a news story about a natural disaster.

St. a 3




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Text 5
Structural elements Lead (obligatory) [headline + lead par] nucleus of story crisis point/'angle' Textual features core experiential meanings introduced (hailstones, Sydney, storm) concentration of amplified interpersonal meanings to highlight maximum distuptiori
(.battered, giant hcdktones, hailstones die si^e of tennis balk, smashed, injured, freak)

News story

Grammatical features truncated clause in headline two or mote clauses combined to maximise information in Lead sentence past tense material processes Circumstances of time, place and manner

Hailstones the size of tennis balls smashed roofs, battered cars and injured people across Sydney in a freak storm last night.

Lead Development (optional) recycles nucleus more than once, restating crisis in different terms each time each par like a 'satellite' orbiting the nucleus satellites ordered according to significance not chronology

cohesive ties reach back to nucleus ie lexical and reference chains, conjunction amplified interpersonal meanings less concentrated
(stranded, hit, torn off, aftermath, pummelling, flat-out)

two or more clauses combined in different ways to maximise information in each sentence many Participants are postmodified nominal groups to maximise information load (the Royal National Park at Sutherland, cars taking shelter in the Sydney airport tunnel, the aftermath of the 20-minute pitmmelling, people with head injuries and severe lacerations from huge chunks of ice) past tense material processes with complete and incomplete aspects shifts from passive to active voice to keep 'news' in Rheme position past tense verbal processes projecting reported and quoted speech

Satellites: 1 consequence of crisis

1 Thirty motorists were stranded in the Royal National Park at Sutherland and cars taking shelter in the Sydney airport tunnel caused major traffic problems. Some 30 sets of traffic lights went out after the hailstorm hit at 8pm.

I "

Text 5 (continued)
Structural elements
Lead Development (optional) (continued)

Textual features
2 description of crisis by authorities ie police

N e w s story Roofs were torn off houses in Caringbah, in Sydney's south, roads were flooded in North Manly, and cars were 'floating away' in the eastern suburb of Edgecliff in the aftermath of the20-minute pummelling, a police spokesperson said, 3 Ambulance crews were fiat-out attending to people with head injuries and severe lacerations from huge chunks of ice, and a driver was taken to Royai Prince Alfred Hospital after blinding hail caused him to swerve off the road and into a power pole at Marrickville, in Sydney's inner west. 4 The storm caused a power failure in Collaroy and along Oxford St, in the eastern suburb of Paddington. Many motorists sought refuge by parkingunder eaves on the footpath. 5 Chris Chambers suffered mild concussion when he was hit by a giant hailstone while walking 12m from his car into a Paddington hotel. The front and back windscreens on his $65,000 new model Alfa Romeo were smashed. 2

Grammatical features

I' 51 a.

consequence of crisis for emergency services

consequence of crisis for urban infrastructure

consequence of crisis for individual

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Text 5 (continued)
Structural elements
Lead Development (optional) (continued) T e x t u a l features

News story
6 'It was just huge' he said, blood pouring down his face as hotel staff provided medical treatment Hundreds of people emptied restaurants and cafes to witness the hailstorm, many gathering giant samples from the streets and footpaths. 'It sounded like a plane was about to crash,' Robyn Bradfield said. 'Then stones the size of golf balls - no, cricket balls started bouncing into the restaurant.' Ms Bradfield's partner, a doctor, was busy treating the injured.

Grammatical features

Wrap-up (optional) returns to normality

past tense material process w i t h incomplete aspect

Georgina Safe and Matt Price, The Australian, April 15, 1999

8 \ ~


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring text


Exploration of Text 5 In this text the journalists have used structure, texture and lexicogrammar to give the events in the story significance - that is to give the events in the story newsworthiness. Use the metalanguage for describing language which you have learned in this book to describe how the news story makes the events newsworthy. Typically in news stories journalists include lots of measurements, exact titles and proper names. This is because they are indisputable facts which give the story its ring of 'truth1 and reliability. Find all the measurements, exact titles and proper names in the news story. Describe the grammar of each, for example, a measurement might be a Numerative in a nominal group, Journalists also quote authority figures, such as the police and eyewitnesses, to make their version of what happened appear reliable. Find the 'satellites' in which authorities and eyewitnesses are reported or quoted. Describe the grammar of these reports and quotes, Do you think these are the exact words spoken by these people at the time? Like all stories, news stories 'teach' cultural values. Often they do this by making certain values seem 'natural'. What cultural values does the language of this news story 'teach'? Do you support those values? What information relating to the natural disaster is not revealed by this news story? Language teachers often use news stories in their teaching programs. Learners rarely have to write news stories in real life, but they do need to learn how to read them. What language features in this news story might be challenging for student readers? Writing activities can be based on the events in news stories. Try writing the following texts based on the news story about the hailstorm. - Pretend you are Chris Chambers and write a recount of your personal experience of the hailstorm - Explain how hail is foraied. What knowledge about text structure, texture and lexicogrammar do you need to complete these writing tasks effectively? The text structure and the amplified, colourful language of news stories influence the way we perceive current events. News stories lead us towards a particular point of view about these events which seems 'natural'. Exploring the structure, texture and lexicogrammar of news stories makes it possible for learners to become 'media literate' that is, to develop a critical orientation to the meanings which the mass media bombard us with every day. A full analysis of this story can be found in Appendix H.

Presenting factual information

As well as exploring the language we use to tell stories, we can also use our knowledge of lexicogrammar and texture to explore how we use language to present factual information. ') Factual texts enable people to take part in social life, for example, procedural texts show us how to do and make things. Factual texts play a particularly important role in formal education; for example, explanations reveal how and why things happen. The following description of factual texts is from English K>6 syllabus (Board of Studies NSW 1998: 67) from which many of the texts in this chapter are taken.
Factual texts are those that present information, ideas and issues in such a way astoinform, instruct, enlighten or persuade the reader or listener. [... ] Whether written or spoken, factual texts present their content from a particular perspective. However, the perspective or point of view of the writer or speaker may not be overtly stated. Factual texts may suppress the point of view in an attempt to appear objective. Although factual texts may purport to present accurate, objective information, they are not simply objective representations of reality. Rather, they are constructions of reality, created by a writer or speaker.

Overview of factual genres

Procedure Protocol Information report Explanation Exposition Discussion to teli how to do something to set out the conditions for behaviour to present information about something to tell how and why things occur to argue a case to look at more than one side of an issue; to explore various perspectives before coming to an informed decision

Giving instruction: Procedure Procedures are very common factual texts. They take us through a sequence of steps which enable us to achieve a goal. Text 6 is a procedure that outlines the steps you take if you want to 'catch a wave'.

Grammatical features non-finite clause as Participant relarional clause to foreshadow what the text is bringing into existence (Here's soma advice ...) clause as Qualifier in nominal group identifies audience (kids who are ptst learning to surf)

Structural elements Goal what is to be achieved Textual features cote experiential meanings introduced (kids, kaming, surf) Procedure How to catch a wave Here's some advice for kids who are just learning to surf.


lexical chain builds on surf (fibreglass board, kgrope, wetsuit)

Use a light, small,fibreglassboard with a legrope and a wetsuit if it's cold.

material ptocess (use) in imperative clause detailed nominal group with Qualifier dependent clause to give condition (if it's cold)

Steps * in. sequence

lexical chain continues (beach, water, ride, surfed, wave, surfboard, paddling, kneeling, balance., falling off)

Find a safe, uncrowded spot on the beach. The water should be not too choppy so that you will get a clean ride. Don't go out too far if you haven't surfed before.

series of material processes in imperative clauses (find, don'tgo, wait, lie, start, 07 kneeling); processes usually Theme modality used to make meanings stronger or weaker (should, will, could)

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Text 6 (continued) Structural elements Steps * in sequence (continued) Textual features conjuncrion - series of clauses sequenced in order actions must be carried out reason (so that) condition (if) time sequence (until, then, when) consequence (or else) Procedure Wait until you see a small wave then lie on your surfboard. When the wave is close, start paddling furiously. If you are more experienced, you could try kneeling on the board once you are on the wave. The most important thing is to keep your balance or else you will end up falling off the board! Grammatical features negative polarity (not, don't, haven't) independent and dependent clauses combined to add precision to imperative clauses in tetms of reason, condition, time sequence and consequence Circumstance of manner expressed by adverb (furiously) graded evaluation (not too choppy, most important) Theme position used to focus reader's attention (unmarked: imperative clauses; marked: When the wave ...,lfyou ..., The most important thing ...)

reference - out into the context (you)

'How to catch a wave': English K-6 modules 1 9 9 8 : 3 1 2 Board of Studies N S W

Giving instTuctioTts; Protocol The writer of Text 6 takes on the role of expert, telling less expert readers how to catch a wave. The writer does this by writing a series of sequenced steps that have to be carried out in that order if the goal is to be reached. In many procedures the steps are numbered. Sometimes, however, when the goal is a general state of affairs for example, safety or quiet - we give instructions for conditions that are designed to remain in place simultaneously. We can think of these conditions as protocol governing our behaviour. Often such conditions turn up as sets of rules. Text 7 is a set of rules a class of Year 1 school children agreed upon in order to make their classroom a good place to work. Text 7
Structural elements Goal Textual features Protocol Grammatical features nominal group with possessive showing ownership of the rules series of processes as Theme in imperative clauses: relational (be) material (put, sit) dependent clauses combined with independent clauses to add precision in terms of time (when) and purpose (to) independent clause added to independent clause to add an instruction (and) continuous aspect used in verbal group to show incompleteness (are talking and writing)

s s


1 M's rules
Theme position used to focus reader's attention on processes Reference - refers out of text to children in the class (you, your) Conjunction time (when) reason (to) adding an instruction (and)


Be quiet when others are talking and writing. Put your hand up to talk. Sit in your seat and put your hand up.


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Organising information: Information report An information report is a factual text used to organise and store information, particularly information in the fields of science and technology. Students at school are often expected to write information reports to display what they have learned. In Text 8 the young writer has gathered information about pelicans and organised it into a short text using the Information Report pattern. Text 8 Structural elements General Statement to identify and classify topic Textual features experiential meanings introduced (pelicans, birdfamily) Information report Pelicans Pelicans are part of the Bird family. Grammatical features general noun, ie text is about all pelicans (NB: a pelican or the pelican could also be used.) present tense relational process to identify and classify topic (are) Description describing appearance information organised in 'bundles'/subhead ings chain of lexical items relating to pelicans spans text; reflecting information 'bundles' describing behaviour The word pelicans is repeared in the Theme. Pelicans have a big bill with a pouch. Most Pelicans have white body feathers. Ail Pelicans have short legs. Most Pelicans have webbed feet. Most Pelicans live around the coast. Pelicans eat crustaceans, crabs, fish and shrimps. Pelicans fly with their head back. Pelicans lay two, three or four white eggs. They take thirty-five days to hatch, nominal groups to build information about the topic; Epithets (adjecdi^s) to add description (big, white, short, webbed); technical nouns (crustaceans) present tense relational processes ro describe appearance (have) behavioural processes (live, eat, fly, lay) Circumstances of place (around the coast) to describe habitat and manner to describe behaviour (with their head back)


'Pelicans': English K-6 modules 1998: 135 Board of Studies NSW



Explaining how and why: Explanation Explanations are factual text types used to explain how and why tilings happen. They are often used in the fields of science and technology. The writer of Text 9 has used the explanation pattern to explain how hail is formed. Text 9 Structural elements Identifying statement Textual features experiential meanings introduced (hail, rain, snow, frozen, round pellets) lexical chains relating to hail span text reference - chains span text (raindrops the raindrops they they they) refers to previous segment of rext (this as Theme) Explanation How hail is formed Hail is rain or snow which has frozen into round pellets. Sometimes in storms strong air currents force raindrops upwards into clouds of freezing water. When the raindrops begin to freeze into round pellets, they become heavier and start to fall. As they fall back into the air currents, they are forced upwards again into the freezing clouds. This coats the pellets in another layer of ice. The pellets continue to bounce up into the freezing cloud to be coated in more layers of ice and down into the air current, until they become too heavy for the air current. They then fall to earth as hailstones. Grammatical features present tense relational process identifying topic (is) detailed nominal group technical terms (air currents) sequence of material processes (force, freeze, fall, coats, bounce) phases expressed in verbal groups (begin to freeze, become, continue to bounce) use of passive so Goal can be Theme nominal groups build topic (strong air currents, clouds of freezing water, round pellets) clauses combined to express sequence in time dependent clauses as Theme focus reader's attention on sequence in time Circumstances of place (in storms, upwards, into the air currents, to earth)

Explanation sequence

conjunction - sequence (when, as, to, and, undl, then) Theme predominantly raindrops, pellets and related pronouns



Using Functioned Qrammar

Exploring text


Exploration of Texts 8 and 9 Do you think die young writer of Text 8 has written an effective information report? Why? Do you think the writer of Text 9 has written an effective explanation? Why? Compare Text 8 with Text 9. Use the metalanguage for talking about language use which you have learned in this book to describe how these two texts ate the same.

When we write to persuade, we craft oui text with all the linguistic resources we have at our disposal. The young writers of Texts 10 and 11 have exploited their textual and lexicogrammatieal skills to the utmost to argue their case. Persuading: Exposition An exposition is a factual text that is used to persuade people to a particular point of view. First the writer states a position and then constructs a series of arguments to support that position. The point of each argument is introduced then elaborated with supporting evidence. The young writer of Text 10 has used the exposition pattern to persuade the reader that cars should be banned from the city. The writer has gathered evidence to support a series of arguments.
Text 10
Structural elements Statement of position Exposition Cars should be banned in the city Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents. Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Argument 1 makes point and elaborates argument Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and 'triggers' off asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them. Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians In the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers. Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone. In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

Use the metalanguage for talking about language use which you have learned in this book to describe how these two texts are different. When we tell stories, we calk about specific people and about events which happened at a specific time. When we write information reports and explanations, we write about general categories and the way things always are and always happen. Use the metalanguage for talking about language use which you have learned in this book to describe the differences between language we use to talk about specific people, things and events and the language we use to write about things in general. If you were a teacher working with the writers of Texts 8 and 9, what knowledge about language would you include in a teaching program to support these young writers as they further develop their skill in writing information reports and explanations? How would you help students gather and organise the information about die subject matter they need to write these texts? Information reports and explanations represent and construct the world in ways which are valued in science and technology. They are also written to appear accurate. How might you test the accuracy of Text 8 or Text 9? What other ways are there to tepresent our experience of pelicans and hailstorms in text? How would these be valued in the scientific community?

Preview of arguments

Argument 2 makes point and elabotates argument

Argument 3 makes p o i n t and elaborates argument Reinforcement of Statement of Position

'Cars should be banned in the city'! English K-6 modules 1998: 254 Board of Studies NSW


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring text


Here are the textual and lexicogrammatical features which shape the structural pattern of Text 10, Reread the text noticing how the young writer has used the following textual and grammatical features to organise and shape the arguments. Textual features Core experiential meanings span the text in the following lexical chain (eg cars, city, pollution, road deaths, accidents, deadly gas, hit, die, our roads, killers). A related lexical chain is woven into Argument 1 (illness, bronchitis, lung cancer, asthma, illnesses, bad, die.). Another related lexical chain (city) is woven into Argument 2 {city, busy, pedestrians, cars, pedestrians, city, our roads). The word car is a repeated topical Theme throughout the text. In Argument 1 the word cars is Theme in the topic sentence. The Theme of the final sentence in Argument 1 (Some of these illnesses) flows on from Rheme of the previous sentence. In Argument 2 the Theme of the topic sentence {city) links back to the Statement of Position. The Theme of the second sentence in Argument 2 {pedestrian) flows on from the topic sentence. The Theme of the concluding sentence returns to cars. Reference is used to express solidarity {we), to refer out of the text to people in general {you) and to refer back to a whole section of text {the reasons listed), Conjunction is used to sequence arguments {firstly, secondly, third!)', in conclusion), add information {and, or) and give a condition {if}. Cause conjunction is found in verbal groups {create, causes, triggers off). Appraisal is used to position the reader in agreement with the writer (as uie all know) and to amplify meanings spread across text {banned, a lot of, most of, deadly, so bad that ..., very, everywhere, biggest). Grammatical features General nouns show that the text is about cars and car accidents in general (cars, road, deaths, accidents). The writer uses technical terms (gas, bronchitis, lung cancer, asthma, pedestrians) and nominalisations {pollution, deaths). A modal Finite expresses obligation (should). The writer exploits the full range of processes, including relational (create, causes, triggers off, contribute, are, is), behavioural {die, live), material {emit, wander, hit) and projecting {know, concentrate, talk). Information is packaged into nominal groups with detailed Qualifiers expressed as relative clauses (a deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer and 'triggers' off asthma, so bad diatpeople can die from them). The writer combines two independent clauses and uses a dependent clause to add circumstantial information to an independent clause. Re/lection In this text the young writer is just beginning to use the reference system to refer back to whole sections of text (eg the reasons listed). In Argument 2 the writer uses the

relative pronoun which to do this work {which causes them to die). In written English it is more effective to use the word this at the beginning of a new sentence to refer back to a section of text {eg This causes them to die.). The young writer is clearly ready to be given this grammatical information. What odher grammatical information is this young writer ready for? Persuading: Discussion A discussion is a factual text that explores different sides of an issue in order to reach an informed judgement or recommendation. A discussion shares many of the language features of an exposition. Like an exposition, a discussion has arguments, but the arguments are balanced for and against the issue. The young writer of Text 11 has used the discussion pattern to explore the arguments for and against doing homework. The writer has not yet learnt how to weigh up the for and against arguments in order to reach a final judgement or recommendation.
Text 11
Structural elements Issue Exposition

Homework I think we should have homework because il helps us (o learn and revise our work. Homework helps people who aren't very smart to remember what they have learned. Homework Is really good because It helps with our education.

Arguments for

Arguments against

I think we shouldn't have homework because I like to go out after school to a restaurant or the movies. Sometimes homework is boring and not important. I think homework is bad because I like to play and discuss things with my family.

'Homework': English K~6 modules 1998: 151 Board of Studies NSW Here are the textual and lexicogrammatical features which shape the structural pattern of Text 11. Reread the text noticing how the young writer has used the following textual and grammatical features to organise and shape her arguments. Textual features Core experiential meanings span the text in the following lexical chain (eg homework, ham, revise, work, remember, education, school),


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring text


The predominant topical Theme is homework. The interpersonal Theme I think is used three times to project the writer's opinion. Reference is used to express solidarity with reader (we, us, our) and to refer back to homework (it). The conjunction because is used to express cause. Appraisal spreads amplified meanings across the text (not very smart, really good, boring and not important, bad). Grammatical features The writer uses general nouns (homework, people, a restaurant, movies) and abstract nouns (education). Mental processes (I think) project the writer's opinions. Modal Finites (should, shouldn't) in the projected opinions express obligation. Negative polarity is added to the modal Finite in the clause complex which introduces the Arguments against. The writer uses relational processes (have, aren't, is), mental processes (learn and revise, remember, learned, lil<e) and material processes (helps, go, play). Information is packaged into a nominal group with Qualifiers expressed as a relative clause (people who aren't very smart). The writer uses dependent clause to add circumstantial information to independent clauses. The writer also uses projection. Reflection What further grammatical information do you think this young writer is ready for in order to write this type of text even more effectively? Exploration of Texts 10 and 11 Do you think the young writer of Text 10 has written an effective exposition? Why? Do you think the young writer of Text 11 has written an effective discussion? Why? Compare Text 10 with Text 11. Use the metalanguage for talking about language use which you have learned in this book to describe how these two texts are the same. Use the metalanguage for talking about language use which you have learned in this book to describe how these two texts are different.

* If you were a teacher working with the writers of Texts 10 and 11, what knowledge about language would you include in a teaching program to support these young writers as they further develop their skill in writing expositions and discussions? How wouldjou help students gather and organise the evidence they need to write these texts effectively? Expositions and discussions select and present atguments and evidence in ways which set up the reader to accept the position of the writer. How would you help your students to check the accuracy of evidence they read in expositions and discussions? For example, are there other perspectives on cars and homework, with supporting evidence, these young writers could have included in their texts? How might these young writers have presented their arguments to influence more effectively those in power in the school or community?

Combining generic structural patterns in texts

Most of the texts we have explored in this book were produced by young children. We have already noted that the reasons for using these texts are that: children's texts are short and less complicated so they are more manageable for people working with functional grammar for the first time children's texts reveal the foundations on which adult language use is built. As texts become longer and language use becomes more sophisticated in order to meet the demands of adult life in the community, higher education or employment, language users often combine structural patterns in order to achieve specialised and customised purposes. Often two or more structural patterns are combined in one text to modify or refine the purpose of the text. Here are two ways of combining structural patterns. Different structural patterns might be added together in the same text. For example, a recipe, while based on the genre of procedures, might begin with a description of what a completed dish looks and tastes like. A recipe for a souffle or sponge cake might include an explanation of the rising process. Alternatively the structural pattern of one genre might be embedded inside a structural element of a text which uses a different genre pattern. For example, the evidence inside an argument of an exposition or discussion can be presented as a recount or short information report, Reflection The journalists who wrote the news story about the Sydney hailstorm added the following satellite to their story. This satellite is structured as a recount. In other words, a recount structure was added to a news story:
Weather Bureau spokesman Evan Bathe said the thunderstorm hit Nowra and Wollongong, on the NSW south coast, and was expected to drift out to sea, but came inland, hitting Bundeena.

Use the metalanguage for talking about language use which you have learned in this book to describe how writers employ the textual resources of the language to construct arguments and insert evidence into persuasive texts.


Using Functional Qramrnar Exploring text 247

The storm then moved up to Sutherland Shire, in Sydney's south, wreaking extensive damage and on through Sydney's inner west and across the eastern suburbs, before heading to the northern beaches.

What is a text-based methodology?

Using a text-based approach, teachers collaborate with and support students as they gain increasing control oyer different types of texts. As cycles of teaching and learning unfold, teachers and students adopt a variety of roles. Initially teachers and students explore together the context in which language is to be used. For example, they might look at pictures, brainstorm ideas, go on excursions, do experiments or undertake research in order to build shared knowledge about this context as a basis for future learning. It is this phase of the cycle that gives students something to talk or write about. Then the teacher adopts the role of expert who apprentices students into the use of a particular type of text. Teachers design a series of structured teaching and learning activities to support students as they develop increasingly effective and independent skills with that type of text within the shared field, In these activities students work with model texts which exemplify effective use of the text type they are learning to control. In collaboration with the teacher and their peers, students use what they have learned to engage with and/or produce texts of the type they are studying. This phase of the cycle might begin with more activities to build up a new or related field of shared knowledge. Gradually, as learners demonstrate they can use texts of this type successfully on their own, the teacher withdraws support and the learners work more and more independently. Mastering the use of different types of text in this way provides students with a repertoire that lays the foundation for successful language use in more specialised contexts, for example outside the classroom or within specific subject areas. (We will revisit this approach to language teaching in Chapter 10.) Using functional grammar to teach about whole texts in context makes it possible to:

Describe the language features of this extract which make it a recount. - Describe die language features of this extract which reveal that it is part of a news story, - Find or think of other examples of texts in which different structural patterns have been combined in different ways.

[mplications for language education

iow does teaching about texts benefit language learners?
Irris chapter describes patterns of meaning in texts belonging to different genres. It emonstrates how we can combine our knowledge of grammar, texture and text .ructure to reveal the conventional language patterns that effective users of English pply to the texts they construct. These descriptions can be very useful tools for Lnguage learners as they investigate the meanings in texts and learn to control and lampulate texts in order to achieve different purposes with language. -owever, these descriptions are not rules about language use. They are more like uepnnts or prototypes which are useful starting points for exploring and constructing xts. leachers are able to use these blueprints to: talk to students explicitly about language and its use show students how to reflect on and investigate language use. the past language teaching has at times involved students in learning rules about .lated and disconnected words and structures unrelated to the language used in real =. Students were eft to integrate on their own these isolated fragments into whole its ot meaningful language use. language teachers understand how whole texts make meaning in context, they are e to design language teaching programs aligned to the language that students need use m real life. Language programs can be planned in terms of language 'wholes' or ts and the microelements of language, such as words and grammatical structures, i be taught m relation to these wholes. ny students of course, are unable to work on their own with whole stretches of guage. All they can manage are small fragments. For this reason an approach to guage teaching has been developed which allows students to work with the :ments of language they are able to manage while the teacher completes the picture LOW these fragments are incorporated in a whole text in the context of its use This roach has been called a genre-based or text-based methodology.

talk explicitly and systematically about the different elements of language and context and the meanings they make locate elements of language and context relative to each other on a 'map' of the whole system of language present language elements in a way that reveals how the elements relate to and depend on each other in the construction of whole texts in context " show students how to make conscious choices from the language system in order to construct texts effectively show students how to examine the language of texts in order to be aware of die value-laden meanings they make assess students' texts against principled and explicit assessment criteria,


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring text


Once students have mastered die basic text'type patterns, they can be encouraged to exploit these patterns in innovative and creative ways. In some genres, for example narrative, certain kinds of innovation and creativity are highly valued and will lead to greater success. At other times combining more than one pattern in a text is effective. For example, scientists and science students may be required to draw on procedure, recount and explanation patterns to write a laboratory report. A more detailed introduction to a genre-based approach to literacy teaching can be found in Rothery (1996).

Most patterns of text structure, or genres, have a default tense; that is, a tense which is ptedominant in texts of diat type. For example, the default tense for stories is the past simple tense (walked}. Sometimes storytellers want to include events that were not completed at the time an event in the story took place. They will then use the past continuous (was walking). At other times they will want to tell us that the event was completed before an event in the story. They will then use the past perfect (had walked). Sometimes storytellers use the present tense or future tense to create particular effects or to foreground particular events. When students are first learning to tell stories in spoken or written language, they can begin by learning to use the default past simple tense. Then, as they read and listen to the stories of others, their attention can be drawn to the way storytellers use different types of past tense, or even present or future tenses. For example, when we use spoken language to tell stories about what we have experienced, we often begin the Orientation with the present perfect (eg I've visited ...) to show that the events were completed at some unspecified time before the time of speaking. Then we continue to tell the story using past tenses to locate the events more specifically in time. The default tense of many of die genres of factual writing is the present simple, a tense we use when we want to talk about habitual events, that is, die way things always are or usually happen. This tense is sometimes called the universal, or timeless, present (eg Most Pelicans live around die coast:.). The imperative clauses of procedures, however, have no tense because they have no Finite in the clause. A more detailed discussion of tense in context can be found in Mathiessen (1996). Reflection Review the stories we have explored in this chapter. Notice whenever the storyteller does not use the default past simple tense. For each case think about why the storyteller moved away from the default at that stage of the story. When might a storyteller use the present tense or future tense in a story? Review each of the factual text types presented in this chapter. Find examples where the writers chose a tense other than the default. For each example think about why the writer moved away from the default at that stage of the text. How might an understanding of the default tense of genres help language learners use English verbs more effectively in their texts?

How can language learners explore tense in whole texts?

Managing tense in English verbal groups can be a significant challenge for language students. One useful way of exploring English verbal groups is through our knowledge of text structure and the language patterns that frame that structure. In Chapter 3 we discussed processes and the verbal groups that encode Processes. We saw that the English verbal group is always based on a central word class verb - the Event. Sometimes the Event stands alone in the vetbal group and sometimes it is preceded by other words. We saw how the elements we use in the verbal group depend on four aspects of the event itself. These are: its location in time relative to the time of speaking (tense) its completeness or continuousness (aspect) the speaker's judgement of the certainty of the event {modality) the use of active or passive voice. There are three tenses that we can encode in an English verbal group: post (before the time of speaking) a present (at the time of speaking) future (after the time of speaking). There are two aspects that we can encode in an English verbal group: perfect (complete) continuous (incomplete, continuing). Sometimes we use a simple tense, where neither of these two aspects is used. At other times these aspects are combined for an even more subtle effect. Some verbal groups with a modal verb can also include a second tense as well as aspect. In spoken English especially, combinations of modality, tense and aspect can be expressed in some quite complicated verbal group forms. For example:
They might have been going to finish walking before we arrived.

How might students develop a critical orientation to text structure?

Earlier in the chapter we foreshadowed problems that might emetge when generalised patterns of text structure and cultural purpose are described separately from the language varieties used in individual texts. To address these problems, educators have emphasised the importance of developing in students a critical orientation to the


Using Functional Qrammar

Exploring text


patterns of text structure they are learning. For example, some educators have been concerned that students might be using genre descriptions as fixed rules, following thezn uncritically even when the texts of that genre make meanings which reinforce questionable ways of doing things. Tliese educators point out that different types of texts make some meanings seem more 'natural' or valued than others. According to Hasan (1996c: 404-5) the problem is:
whether in learning discursive ability through genre-based pedagogy, one is also learning the ability to analyse and to challenge the desirability of the prevalent ways of being, doing and saying.

communication that have revolutionised our understanding of the mode of discourse. Where once we could only use the telephone if we wanted to interact immediately with someone who is distant geographically, we can now also use electronic communication modes such as email and interactive chat. As those who have begun to use diese technologies in recent years know, each new channel of communication generates new varieties of language. Electronic communication is also generating new varieties of muiti-modfli language. We have always combined word-based language widi other forms of meaning-making to create texts. For example: stories, in which visual images are an important element newspaper stories, which include headlines and photographs relevision news stories, which contain both vision and wotds theatre and cinema, which tell stories by combining words, actors, sets, costumes, movement, sound effects and music many of the procedures and protocols around us, for example, road signs, instructions on automatic teller and ticket machines, which combine symbols and words billboard advertisements, which use pictures, colours, shapes, layout and words to make meaning. In this book we have been exploring how to apply the functional model of language to the analysis of word-based language. The functional model is now also being developed to enable us to describe how multi-modal texts are constructed to make meaning, Today, technology makes it possible to combine previously incompatible modes of meaning-making into whole multi-modal texts. Recently the presenter of a radio program was heard to tell listeners that the roar of an endangered species of wolf could be found 'on a page'. This would have been a puzzling remark just a few years ago, but nowadays we know that the presenter was referring to a webpage which includes an audiorecording of uhe wolf's roar as part of an information report about this species of wolf. Increasingly, technology is making it possible for people to interweave words, visual images, video, animation, hot links and sound into dynamic texts that seem to break all the conventions. Students can use their knowledge of text structure to analyse just how multi-modal texts make use of the conventional patterns of, for example, information reports, stories or procedures. They can use their knowledge of lexicogrammar, texture and text structure to explore questions such as: Do the new electronically-designed multi-modal texts really modify and reshape the conventional patterns of text structure or are they just reproducing conventional - even banal - meanings in forms which so dazzle us that we lose our critical orientation? What are the most effective ways of using multi-modal texts to make meaning? Are we exploiting the full potential of multi-modal texts to make meaning?

Hasan's concern with text-based pedagogy is that it may lead to 'a tespect for convention which is not required to be tempered by analytical reflection' (1996c: 405). The challenge to language educators is to develop ways of incorporating 'reflection, enquiry and analysis' into teaching about the structural patterns of texts. A critical orientation encourages students to explore how the meanings in texts influence both rhemselves and others. Understanding how texts position their audience and promote, or make invisible, particular points of view enables students to evaluate the texts of others and to experiment with revealing and challenging different meanings and world views in their own texts. Knowledge about the stable patterns of texts used in formal education and dominant social institutions - including the variations on the patterns which are possible in these contexts - is a kind of 'cultural capital1. Not all students have equal access to this capital and those with reduced access are less likely to achieve successful educational and social outcomes. Often reduced access is a consequence of coming from a cultural background that does not match the dominant culture, for example, a non-English speaking background or a lower socio-economic background. Explicit teaching of text types is one way of increasing the cultural capital of all students regardless of background. Once these text patterns are made explicit, and their functions and purposes revealed, teachers and students are able to reflect consciously on the kinds of meanings and values which are expressed in these patterns. They are then in a position to choose whether they wish to conform to or change these meanings and, if so, how and in what contexts. In addition teachers and students can monitor how these patterns evolve as society evolves. As Cranny-Francis and Martin (1995: 17) put it: ... the genres used in society need to be taught explicitiy and comprehensively, so that students have access to their meanings, to their possible recombinations, and to their evolution, and so that students can themselves recognise the deficiencies within mainstream genres; for example, in terms of the meanings they do not make and the voices they do not raise.

Text structure and new literacies

As society evolves and new social activities and technologies emerge, we develop new language varieties to respond to the changing context of language use. Advances in technology, for example, have allowed us to construct and engage with texts through an increasing array of communication channels. This has resulted in forms of


Using Functional Qrammar

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An ability to analyse all forms of meaning-making functionally will become very valuable to teachers as new technologies rapidly expand what is possible in the construction of texts and push at the boundaries of our definition of literacy. Access to knowledge about multi-modal text construction will be critical for all students of all backgrounds as, already, it is becoming evident that the literacies embodied in these texts are the valued cultural capital of the future. A more detailed account of the grammar of visual design can be found in Kress and van Leeuwen (1996). An introduction to multimodal text construction can be found in ledema and Stenglin (2000), while another useful approach to the analysis of multimodal texts is O'Toole (1989).

Functional grammar and language education

* Implications for language teachers Discussing... Language learning Language teaching

1 Identify a text that is a good example of a type of text you would like your students to be stole to use effectively. The text might be spoken or written. If you wish, you may choose one of the texts you have already worked with to complete exercises in earlier chapters. a. Analyse the lexicogrammar and texture of the text to reveal how these resources give the text an architecture, or underlying structure. b. Does this text conform to one of the conventional patterns of text structure outlined in this chapter? c. Does the text adjust or modify one of these patterns, or does it combine two or more patterns? How does it do this? d. Is the text structured effectively? What could be done to the text structure for the text to achieve its purpose more effectively? 2 Use what you have discovered about text structure to design activities which support your students' progress towards their learning goals. These activities might explore: the purpose and structure of the text as revealed in texture and lexicogrammar the register of the text as revealed in expressions of field, tenor and mode - the way the text has conformed to or adjusted conventions of text structure ways the text might be edited for it to achieve its purpose more effectively the construction of other texts which use the same pattern the construction of texts which adapt the pattern, or even break the conventions ol the pattern. 3 You might like to repeat exercises 1 and 2 with a multimodal text which relates to your students' learning needs and goals.


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'sing Functional Qrammar Functional grammar and langitage education 255




What is going on inside the language of the text also has two levels: a a level ofcontent The layers of context shape the meanings in a text (semantics). A text's meanings are encoded in wordings (lexicogrammar). a level of expression Wordings are expressed as sounds. ,

At the end of Chapter 1 we said-

The map of language levels gives language teachers an overview of the terrain students are entering and coming to know as they learn a language. It also reveals how different parts of the terrain relate to each other,
^ ^ T T "^ ^te" I I ? '".situations that are part of T ^ * " " * * * P ^ how tfm Same c u l t J S T ^ ' selections from the entire lexical and

y - this is onry part of the s ^ Z ^ X T our context of culture and, to a large extent thesf X recognise and understand other ^ s ^ ! knowledge. Whenever we speak o^wS w 2 grammatical system of EnolishtonmrwTl

of a context o U J n ^ l t E S ^ t ^ * * " * * taw a n d S e but not the appropriate contexts; l e l Z ^ Z L Z l I T * m y k n o w t h e w o r d s only words and grammar but also v ^ J ^ ^ S F ^ ^ W h n We share > n o t rdS a n d wh!ch for a situation. grammatical choices are appropriate

From the overview, it is possible to zoom in closer to explore the potential of any layer of the terrain on the map in more detail. This hook has zoomed in to explore the content layer of lexicogrammar in considerable detail but, because lexicogrammar encodes meaning, it has also sketched in the meaning, or semantic, layer of content. And, because the extralinguistic layers of context shape meaning, these layers have also received attention too. Unfortunately exploring the concrete layer of language, expression, has largely been beyond the scope of this book, although we have touched on it incidentally whenever we pointed out the alignment between grammar patterns and intonation patterns. Let's now review the ideas our exploration of functional grammar has offered language s education so far.
Review of chapters

Language as a resource for making meaning

Throughout this book we have U ^ u t encoded m lexicogrammar (mirdings) unified into whole units of meaning < ttxB ) motivated by what is g o i n g o n i n t h e w o r l d ^

^ ^

Chapter 1 : Ideas and philosophy underpinning this book Learning language is learning how to make meaning by shaping it into whole unified texts in context, Context generates the meanings in texts in systematic ways. The meanings in texts illuminate the context. An understanding of the relationship between text and context helps teachers design courses in terms of the contexts in which their students need and want to use the language, A specialised language, or metalanguage, for describing how different elements of language make meaning helps teachers to explore and discuss language and language development wrth colleagues and students.

m a pfromabove, we see chl m e a n Z ^ l ? ^ T ' ~ * of ,eve b , each ,eve! findu^^^^"


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on in the w o r l d outside a



a genera/ level of culture an immediate level of situation.

Chapter 2: Towards a functional grammar A functional grammar encourages teachers to think about teaching grammar in terms of the functional patterns of the clause, how these are expressed and their potential for making meaning in whole texts. This is in contrast, for example, to some aanrach in ,hinh


Using Functional Qrammar

Functional grammar and language education


Chapter 2: Towards a functional grammar (continued) * The rank scale makes it possible (or teachers and students to explore clause structure at different levels. Teachers can reveal to students the full meaning potential of the clause by showing them how the clause encodes three kinds of meaning people make with language.

Now let's explore further how these ideas might influence language learning and teaching.

Teaming how to mean*

Making meaning in social contexts
Throughout this book we have been exploring language as a resource which we use to make meanings in order do things. The words and structures we choose to make meanings are motivated by the context in which we are using language. The exact location in time and space of language use (the material situational setting) is not the context which interests us because the material context is not the motivating force generating the language we use. What motivates and shapes our language use is the social context, that is, the experience of human beings (field), the relationships between human beings (tenor) and the role given to language by human beings (mode). In summary, through our exploration of functional grammar we have discovered that using a language is about making meaning in social contexts. Those of us who are teachers (or parents or students or anyone else concerned with education) are now in a position to think about how this discovery might influence the way we think about language learning (and, in fact, the way we think about learning in general). Let's begin by applying what we have discovered about language to language learning. If using a language is about making meaning in social contexts, then learning to use a language necessarily involves learning how to make meaning in that language in social contexts. In the next section we are going to explore this idea further before we consider its practical implications.

Chapter 3: How speakers represent the world: Exploring experiential meanings When students explore experiential meanings in clauses they are learning how to put their experience of the world into the clause. At the same time, they learn about clause structure in a meaningful and functional way.

Chapter 4: How speakers interact with language: Exploring interpersonal meanings When students explore the Mood Block in clauses, they are learning about how to take turns in an exchange in order to build fluent and effective dialogues with others.

' As students work with the Mood Block of the clause, many of the grammar patterns which are challenging for students in terms of structural accuracy can be addressed from the perspective ol meaning and function. Chapter 5: How speakers take a position: Exploring interpersonal meanings further * * When students explore tense and modality in the Mood Block, they are learning how to express their personal perspective on the world and their experience in it. While interpersonal meaning converges on the Mood Block of the clause, expressions of attitude are spread out across whole texts, Students can learn systematically how to manage these resources in order to take a position effectively.

Chapter 6: How speakers organise their message: Exploring textual meanings Learning how patterns of Theme and Rheme are used to signpost texts for listeners or readers can greatly benefit language development, especially in the area of literacy.

Chapter 7: Patterns of clause combination Students can learn how to combine English clauses effectively by understanding how the structural patterns for clause combining relate to meaning.

Meaning, learning and language development

Functional approaches to linguistics are often contrasted with linguistic theories which view language as a complex set of abstract rules. If you think of language as a system of rules, then you will think of language learning as a process of acquiring these rules. As you observe an individual's acquisition of the complex rules of language, you will think that this must be the result of an internal mental process related to the individual's cognitive capacity, Systemic functional linguistics, the linguistic theory which underpins this book, is part of a wider field of functional linguistics. All functional linguists are interested in what human beings do with language. But, Halliday, the architect of systemic functional linguistics, is not only interested in what human beings do with language. He also argues that language is organised the way it is because of what human beings do with it; or, in other words, because of the meanings they make with it. As a result, systemic

Chapter 8: Exploring context The patterns of interlocking meanings expressed in iexicogrammar realise the context in text. Understanding the way the context of language use is systematically related to the variety of language used provides teachers with a valuable tool for planning language teaching programs which meet the needs of particular groups of students In a precise and comprehensive way.

Chapter 9: Exploring text Understanding the way texts are textured and structured to be meaningful in their context of use provides teachers with a tool for exploring systematically and explicitly with students how the levels of meaning and Iexicogrammar work together in the creation of effective texts.


Using Functional Qramtnar

Functional grammar and language education


functional linguists are concerned with language, not so much as a psychological activity, but more as a social activity which varies according to the different uses people have for it. Learning language If you think of language as something human beings use to make meaning in order to do things in social contexts, you will think of language learning less as an internal psychological process and more as a process of learning how to make meaning in social contexts. As you observe an individual learning a language, you will be interested in social phenomena such as: the meanings the learner is trying to make with die language what the learner wants or needs to do with the language the social contexts in which the learner is using, or wants to use, the language. Making meaning and doing things with language in social contexts are all about interacting with other people. Halliday (1980) defines meaning as 'an interactive process, not something you do on your own1. Research by Halliday and his colleagues has revealed that it is precisely the process of interacting with others in order to organise experience into meanings which constitutes learning. The meanings which learners are able to make increase as their social experience widens. 'Learning how to mean' is how Halliday (1975) characterises the process a human child goes dirough to learn language. His research into his own child's language development is supported by subsequent research, for example, Painter (1984), and Oldenburg (1987). This research shows that a child's first meanings are a 'protolanguage' of sounds, gestures and words which are meaningful in interactions with immediate caregivers in shared contexts. In their responses to the protolanguage, caregivers intervene in the child's meaning-making by reformulating their language into adult language. Accumulated experiences of 'successful' meaning-making and contextualised intervention in shared contexts guide the child over time into the full adult language system. Researchers in this field continue to build our understanding of the ways children learn language, for example, Cloran (1989), Hasan (1989 and 1996d), Painter (1996) and Williams (1994). Halliday (1992: 19) describes all learning, not just language learning, as 'learning to mean and to expand one's meaning potential'. Furthermore, he describes language as 'the main instrument we have for interpreting and organizing our experience' and hence, 'the main instrument, or tool, for learning' (Halliday 1980). In recent decades educational psychology has at times focused its attention on learning as a 'natural' internal process. Some approaches to language teaching suggest that it is enough to place students in a rich environment and then to allow natural internal learning processes to operate without being impeded or distorted by intervention from the teacher. If students are unsuccessful in these rich environments, it appears to be because of limited cognitive capacity.

Language, teachers working within the framework of systemic functional linguistics are unlikely to think about language learning as a 'natural' internal process. Instead they see language learning as expanding the potential to make meaning and so they actively work to set up, the optimum social conditions for achieving this. As they set up these conditions, they are mindful of the Way that accumulated experiences of 'successful' meaning making combine with contextualised intervention to drive first language development. First language development is an informal process in which child and caregivers are interacting throughout the day and in all facets of the child's life. Teachers who are preparing formal learning environments, on the other hand, are working consciously and strategically to focus students' attention during class time on salient features of language use in order to widen their experience with language and to expand the meanings they can make with it in a systematic and comprehensive way. The goal of social interactions in formal learning environments is to guide language learners via developmental^ appropriate steps towards, for example, control of a new variety of the first language (such as the written language children encounter when they enter school) or the learning of a second or foreign language. To understand more about learning as social interaction, many educators - for example, the well-known American educator, Jerome Bruner (1986: Chapter 5) - have turned to the work of Vygotsky, a psychologist who worked in Russia in die 1920s and 1930s. Systemic functional linguists have found Vygotsky's work particularly helpful because it is also concerned with learning as a social process constructed through different kinds of social interaction and it foregrounds the role language plays in learning. At the time Vygotsky was developing his ideas about learning, behavioural psychology was suggesting that human beings learn by responding directly to environmental stimuli. Vygotsky rejected this idea. He argued that the way human beings experience the environment is 'mediated' dirough cultural and psychological 'tools'. Using these tools, we construct knowledge collaboratively with others in the same social context. Vygotsky identified language as the most important of these tools. Initially in the learning process, the 'tools' need to be outside us in the physical and social environment. In collaboration with 'more capable others' we progress through zones of proximal development to more abstract and complex use of such tools. As we gain control of these tools, we can use them independently as part of our own thinking and reflection. We may even reach the stage where we develop new tools for mediating experience and for contributing to what human beings know and understand (Vygotsky 1978). For teachers, two key ideas emerging from Vygotsky's theory, as interpreted for us by Bruner and others, are: * collaboration - in which the teacher and the learner share responsibility for functioning until the learner has the knowledge and skills to perform independently and with sole responsibility


Using Functional Qrammar

Functioned, grammar and language education


scaffolding - in which the teacher contributes explicitly what learners are not yet able to do or don't yet know, adjusting their contribution as learners become increasingly independent. Through collaboration and scaffolding, learners experience what it is like to participate in the 'whole' of what is being learnt - contributing what they can while the teacher takes responsibility for the rest. Through interaction with the teacher, learners have the opportunity to function, with support and guided practice, at a level beyond what they are able to do on their own. T h e teacher gradually withdraws support as the learners demonstrate that they are able to function independently. M u c h research into language and learning by systemic functional linguists has supported and expanded on Vygotsky's ideas (for example, Halliday, 1975; Painter, 1985 and 1996; Hasan, 1992b and 1995; Williams, 1995; Gibbons 1998).

of language itself can also contribute greatly to our ability to use it effectively, Halliday (1980) summarises what is involved in language learning by proposing that students are simultaneously: learning language learning through language learning about language.

If we combine Halliday's summary of what is involved in language learning with Vygotsky's ideas about learning as a collaborative and scaffolded social activity, we have a set of principles for incorporating the elements of a language program into a principled sequence of language teaching activities. These activities will be social interactions designed to guide students towards increasing control and independent use of the texts around which the course content is organised. In Chapter 9 we briefly introduced an approach to language teaching and learning based on the use of whole texts in context. This approach is designed to enable teachers to work collaboratively wirii students, supporting - or scaffolding - their use of whole texts while guiding them towards increasing independence and control. We are going to look at this approach below in more detail, but before we do, we will review the notion of metalanguage from the perspective of the language teacher.

Principles for selecting and sequencing language teaching content

We are now going to think about how we can use the ideas we have introduced so far about language and learning to plan teaching programs in language education. Halliday describes educational learning as an organised process in which learning to mean and the expansion of meaning potential take place systematically: Education, I take it, means enabling people to learn; not just to learn In the natural, commonsense ways in which we learn in our daily lives, but to learn in an organised, progressive and systematic manner according to some generally accepted principles about what people ought to know. (Halliday 1992: 1) Our exploration of functional grammar has spread out for us a whole map of language. It has also given us a set of principles and a metalanguage for thinking and talking about die different aspects of language and its use. Teachers can select from this array the content they wish to include in a teaching program. We have argued that learning a language is about learning how to mean in that language; we have identified the units of meaning in language as whole texts. This suggests that the content of a language program might usefully be organised around the teaching of whole texts in context. W h i c h texts and contexts to include in a teaching program will be determined after analysing what students need or want to do with the language they are learning. In our brief discussion of language and learning we have argued that at the same time as we learn to use language, language is also our most important learning 'tool'. In our detailed exploration of language in this book we have argued that studying the nature

A language for talking about language

In our exploration of functional grammar in this book we have encountered a large number of technical terms. This rich metalanguage provides teachers with both a valuable resource and a practical problem. If teachers are to use this metalanguage to guide their teaching, they first need to leam it, and this takes time. Teachers also have to decide how much of this metalanguage it is useful and helpful to share with students. T h e response to these challenges will vary from teacher to teacher and from class to class and will depend on the resources (including time) available to the teacher, the previous learning experiences of the students, as well as their age and developmental stage. A shared language for talking about language makes it possible for teachers and students to build collaboratively a systematic and comprehensive body of knowledge which can be applied to the study of language and its use. This shared language makes it possible for teachers to make clear and explicit statements about what students are expected to learn and what aspects of their language learning will be assessed to what standard at the end of a teaching program. This takes the guesswork out of assessment and eliminates the 'hidden' curriculum. In addition explicit statements about what is required of students are open to critique, review and renegotiation. A metalanguage shared by teachers is also a valuable tool for professional exchange and professional development. A functional approach can still be applied, even where teachers are required to use traditional grammatical terms to talk about language.


Using Functional Qrammar

Functional grammar and language education


Derewianka (1998) provides teachers with a systematic and functional description of English grammar using traditional terms. A useful discussion of the teaching of grammar in language and literacy programs can also be found in de Silva Joyce and Burns (1999). For a discussion of using grammar in child literacy development, see Williams (1999b).

written - spelling and punctuation, handwriting and keyboard skills, layout and presentation. Students work with language elements in relation to the whole texts of which the elements areJ a part. Where students are not yet able to manage the whole text, the teacher fills in what the student is not yet able to do. In this way the students experience what it is like to participate in the use of a whole unit of meaning in anticipation of the time they will be able to do it on their own. A methodology has been developed which enables teachers to address all these language elements in a cycle of teaching and learning. As the cycle unfolds, the teacher (in the role of expert), collaborates, interacts with and guides the student (in the role of apprentice) within a frame of experience they both share.

A text-based approach to language teaching

Over the last few decades language teaching has been organised at different times around, for example, grammar structures or lexical items, material settings or topics, functions or notions. Ur (1996: 178) has noted that increasingly these elements are combined into mixed syllabuses in order to be 'maximally comprehensive and helpful to teachers and learners'. A language teaching program organised around whole texts in context is really a type of 'mixed syllabus'. As we have seen, texts are whole units of meaning. The following elements of a language teaching program can be taught in relation to these wholes: * * elements at the level of context of culture: the purposes people in this culture achieve with language, the meanings people make with the language, how people achieve these purposes and make these meanings, how this aligns with other cultures * elements at the level of context of situation: field - working with everyday and general knowledge topics and the topics people talk about in casual conversation, researching the subject matter of educational disciplines or the workplace, strategies such as recognising gist and identifying topic shift tenor - strategies for managing different roles and relationships, including being polite, adjusting interpersonal distance and emotional intensity; classroom routines for monitoring student behaviour and guiding learning mode - strategies for managing different channels of communication, such as communicating face-to-face, using the telephone, writing letters and essays * macro-elements of text at the level of semantics: texture - the strands of meaning woven through texts to make them cohesive text structure - the structure of individual texts in terms of general text patterns; text stages or phases which achieve particular functions within whole texts, such as greeting, explaining and describing * micro-elements of text at the level of lexicogrammar (morphemes, words, phrases, groups and clauses) and how they are patterned within whole texts in context * elements at the level of expression: spoken - segmental (articulation of sounds), prosodic (patterns of stress, rhythm and intonation), paralinguistic (gesture, posture and facial expression)

Cycles of language teaching and learning

At the end of Chapter 2 we noted that most teachers want their students to be both accurate and fluent language users. In other words, teachers want their students to reach an accepted and valued standard of language use but at the same time they want them to communicate with ease and fluency. We suggested that teachers can, therefore, find themselves in the middle of an educational paradox. If learning activities focus only on 'correct' language use, there is the risk of limiting the language varieties students use. In addition, students' actual progress may be obscured. In activities concerned with accuracy students are often restricted to minimal responses. If learning activities focus only on communication without the teacher intervening to reveal patterns of structure and form, students may never learn effective use of the language varieties they need in order to achieve their learning goals. In communicative activities students can find themselves communicating only with other students, that is, with other novices, and thus they do not have the opportunity to work with models of effective or standard language use. One way of addressing this paradox is to design cycles of teaching and learning around the use of whole texts in context. These cycles take students through a range of learning activities which address both accurate and fluent language use. Through these activities teachers will: 1 provide social contexts and language learning activities in which learners use language for meaningful communication 2 intervene strategically so learners build their knowledge and skills explicitly, systematically and comprehensively, This cycle will include opportunities for students to work with models of effective language use. Interaction will be between teacher and students as well as between the students themselves.


Using Functional Qrammar

Functional grammar and language education


Such a cycle of teaching and learning has been designed by language educators as a 'means for giving all students the maximum opportunity to access the curriculum' (Rothery 1996: 99). The cycle comprises four different kinds of social interaction which support the learner's language development through a combination of: context exploration " explicit instruction guided practice and joint construction independent application of newly acquired knowledge. As learning progresses, the roles of teacher and students in the interaction shift between collaboration, direct teaching, strategic guidance and independent work. Here is a description of each of these four kinds of social interaction. Using the cycle of teaching and learning 1 Context exploration Students interact collaboratively with the teacher to build up a shared experience of the context of the texts they are learning to use. Activities might include hands-on experiences, research tasks, discovery learning and problem-solving activities, excursions and field trips. Through these activities students build four kinds of knowledge about the context of language use: relevant cultural knowledge, for example, about the text's purpose knowledge of the social activity and subject matter (field) knowledge about the roles and relationships of those communicating (tenor) knowledge about the means of communication and how it is used (mode). 2 Explicit instruction During explicit instruction the teacher directs the social interaction in the classroom. Students are introduced to model texts of the type they are learning to use. At first they are often only able to work with fragments of the language of the text. The teacher's task is to fill in the whole picture so students experience using the whole text in its context. The teacher focuses students' attention on the language of the text, explicitly and systematically showing learners how the meanings in the text are: shaped by the contexts in which they are used unified by texture and structure encoded in lexicogrammar Learners are also shown how the meanings encoded in lexicogrammar are expressed in sound (articulation, stress, rhythm and intonation) or in the surface features of writing (spelling, punctuation, handwriting/typing, layout and presentation).

A s students work with model texts, the teacher introduces a language for talking about language and how it works, in other words, a functional metalanguage. T h e terminology the teacher chooses to introduce will depend on the students' developmental stage and existing knowledge, as well as on the syllabus requirements of the teaching context. 3 Guided practice and joint construction Using the metalanguage learned in the explicit instruction phase, the teacher guides whole groups of students in jointly constructing a text of the type just modelled. First the students are provided with research strategies to guide t h e m as they build knowledge of the context of the text they plan to work with. Then, working from the basis of shared experience of the context and their knowledge of the language patterns of the text type, the students, with the teacher as guide, jointly construct the text, explicitly discussing and negotiating the meanings they are making as they go. For example, they might negotiate how much the text they are working with conforms to the patterns revealed in the model text and how much these patterns can be varied to customise this new text to its immediate context while still achieving its general purpose. The teacher intervenes as necessary, but begins to relinquish responsibility to the students as the students' own knowledge allows them to take over. 4 Independent application The students are now ready to plan and undertake their own research, if required, and to construct their own text. T h e teacher is always available as a resource for consultation or advice, hut equally students may consult and interact with their increasingly knowledgeable peers. At this stage the teacher only intervenes if needed. Students can enter and move through the interaction phases according to need. As they move through the cycle, they gradually approximate control of the different facets of the text type they are learning to use, including text structure and texture, grammar and vocabulary, the pronunciation of spoken texts and the surface features of written texts. Students are asked for direct contributions only when the teacher is sure they will be successful. Success is increased if the teacher and students are working together: * on the basis of shared knowledge * in an environment in which the routines are familiar * over an extended period of time. T h e teacher analyses student need and the demands of the curriculum to decide what texts the students wilt work with. The teacher also decides how students will progress through the phases of interaction by monitoring what they still need to learn in order to work with the text successfully. Often one complete cycle of interaction represents one unit of classroom work. Subsequent units of work build on what has already been learned.


Using Functional Qrammar

Functional grammar and language education


Matching language learning activities to the cycle of teaching and learning Each phase of social interaction in the cycle of teaching and learning is generated by different types of language learning activities. Activities for exploring context include: structured and scaffolded research tasks, including guided note-taking, focus questions, task-based exploration, problem-solving, graphic organisers the use of reference sources such as libraries, dictionaries, the Internet, the media excursions, field trips, guest speakers and interviews with people in the community brainstorming, discussions and opportunities to reveal relevant personal experience and points of view vocabulary development * * discovery learning, experiential learning, problem-solving, exploration and experimentation working with concrete and visual representations of subject matter such as models, pictures, drama, mime, video, concept maps, diagrams. Teaching strategies for explicit instruction include: establishing social contexts which generate a genuine need to use a text of the type being studied reading a model text out aloud or showing a video of a model spoken text, stopping at the end of each stage to ask students to predict what is going to happen next drawing students' attention strategically to language features in a model text which reveal the text's structure, texture, lexicogrammatical features and features of expression; or asking students to search or listen for these features providing activities at the level of meaning such as sorting texts, sequencing jumbled stages, using colours to highlight elements of text structure or texture, skeleton texts as the basis for guided text construction, drawing visual representations of text structure, paragraph-writing practice, dictogloss activities, barrier games/information gap activities, graphic organisers such as timelines, flow charts or matrix boxes to reveal how die meanings are shaped into the text's structure providing activities at the levels of lexicogrammar and expression, including sequencing jumbled words or groups, matching, colour-coding parts of clauses, learning the forms and structures of words and groups, vocabulary-building, pronunciation practice and spelling activities, cloze activities, multiple choice questions, grammar games, body grammar, fill-in-the-blank, substitution and transformation exercises, handwriting practice providing opportunities to evaluate the model text, to decide who the 'ideal' listener/reader is, to discuss how it might be improved or changed and to determine the effect of this text on readers or listeners giving learners opportunities to look for other examples of the text type to compare different choices made by writers/speakers when using the same text type

designing activities in which learners investigate the function and structures of artwork and other visual material accompanying or incorporated into the text, for example, illustrations, diagrams, tables, icons, video clips, use of borders, breakers and white space, layout or presentation style. Guided practice and joint construction activities include: activities which guide students' research as they investigate the context activities where the teacher acts as scribe while the whole class contributes to the construction of a text, discussing and negotiating the meanings as they go whole class reading of texts with accompanying guided exploration and discussion of context, meaning, lexicogrammar and expression problem-solving tasks in which different groups work on particular problems and return with suggestions to the joint construction activity discussing with learners whether a jointly constructed text exactly follows the structure of the model text or whether it departs from that structure to achieve a more specialised purpose conferencing activities to build drafting, editing and proof-reading skills for writing; or activities for building skills and strategies specific to reading, talking or listening as required when teaching writing, giving students opportunities to construct a similar text in spoken language first as a 'bridge' to literacy (Gibbons 1991: 30-34 and 1998). Teaching strategies for generating independent work include: mentoring and peer support replacing teacher support role play activities structured and staged project work display, performance or presentation of work to other classes or guests preparation of class books, videos, formal correspondence etc self and peer evaluation, for example, using checklists, selecting material for portfolios, class discussions revision and review sessions prepared and presented by the learners building links to subsequent units of work setting up contexts in which it is more effective to innovate and experiment with the text type and its patterns including combining it with other text types. Throughout the cycle of teaching and learning, the teacher monitors student progress. As necessary the teacher returns to more structured and supported activities until students are ready to undertake independent work again. When students are working independently, it is possible to assess what language learning they have achieved through participation in the cycle.

268 Using Functional Qrammar Language teachers will recognise many of the activities listed above. Many of them were first developed as part of other approaches to language teaching, for example, structural, situational, functional-notional, task-based or communicative approaches, Different activities are more effective for focusing student attention on different elements of language. Systematic knowledge about the way language is structured in terms of function makes it possible for teachers to incorporate the best elements of any language teaching approach into a principled sequence of teaching and learning, If you want to find out more about this cycle of teaching and learning, read Rothery (1996), Gray (1987), Hammond et al (1992) and Feez with Joyce (1998). Derewianka (1990) provides examples of activities which can be used to teach about texts.

Functional grammar and language education


Hood, Solomon and Burns (1996: 66-67) suggest the following steps as a basis for analysing written texts in order to establish their relevance and suitability for specific groups of learners. The steps are aligned to our map of language (Figure 1.3 and 8,1). Notice how try; metalanguage of functional grammar has been modified to make these steps accessible to a wider audience. 1 Consider the purpose and the context. "What kind of text is it? Who wrote it, for whom? What is it about? 2 Look at the overall organisation of the text.

Analysing need, monitoring progress and assessing achievement

Language educators working with functional grammar have found it to be a valuable tool for analysing texts in order to: establish their relevance to specific groups of students * assess student achievement in a comprehensive and systematic way. Understanding functional grammar helps teachers develop explicit criteria for designing language courses and for assessing student achievement. The criteria can be shared with students so they are clear about what is expected of them in a course and clear about how their performance is being monitored by the teacher. Such criteria also make it possible for students to monitor their own performance and to plan for future learning. Macken and Slade (1993: 205-6; 207) describe an effective approach to assessment in language education in the following terms:
... an effective language assessment program must be linguistically principled, explicit, criterion-referenced, and must inform different types of assessment... ... Shared criteria based on a sound knowledge of language and its varieties will enable teachers to reflect on the strengths and to diagnose weaknesses in the texts produced by their students,

Can you identify stages in the text (eg a beginning, a middle and an end stage)? Can you describe the function of each stage? 3 Consider how cohesive the text is and how cohesion is achieved. Are conjunctions used? Is cohesion achieved through reference backwards and forwards in the text by the use of pronouns? Do the choices of vocabulary throughout the text help to tie the text together? 4 Consider the significant grammatical features in the text, for example; Does the writer use mainly declaratives (statements), interrogatives (questions) or imperatives (commands)? Does the writer use modal verbs like could, would, may, must etc? Are there patterns in the use of types of verbs (ie action, mental, verbal, being or having verbs)? Are diere patterns in the choice of verb tenses? What is the percentage of multiple clause sentences? Are there patterns in theme, or what comes first in sentences or clauses? Does the writer use long noun groups? Does the writer use many prepositional phrases indicating the circumstances around events? 5 Consider the vocabulary choices in the text. Are technical words used or more everyday terms? Are there relatively few or many content words in the text? Are there a lot of descriptive words in the text? Do the choices of vocabulary carry strong feeling, emotion or judgement, or are they fairly neutral in this regard?

The texts and contexts teachers choose to include in language teaching programs depend on the needs and wants of students. Sometimes students need to meet the demands of a pre-determined syllabus; at other times teachers and students can negotiate their own teaching content. In both cases teachers analyse students' language learning needs prior to and at the beginning of the course of study in order to determine that the texts included in the course are appropriate and relevant. Diagnostic assessment determines the elements of language and context which will be the focus of the teaching program. These elements then become the basis for explicit assessment criteria. Teachers use the criteria to monitor student progress during a course and to assess student achievement at the end of the course.


Using Functional Qrammar jGl^^^dfelsj:

Functional grammar and language education 271

6 Consider the layout and script. Is the layout an important clue to the meaning of the text? Are some parts of the text emphasised in the layout? A principled assessment checklist can be designed on the basis of our map of language (Figure 1.3 and 8.1). Teachers can use such a checklist to assess students' ability to work with whole texts at each level of language, that is, in terras of: use of die text in context structural patterns of the language of the text {text structure, texture and lexicogrammar) expression (for example, pronunciation or spelling and handwriting). Here is an assessment checklist designed to assess texts written by beginning ESL students (Fees 1998: 131). Assessment checklist for texts written by beginning ESL students .Purpose an&atagihg. ', Has the purpose been achieved, even partially? Is the staging contributing to or detracting from the achievement of the purpose? * Is the text cohesive through the use of: - lexical sets, both to do with the field and the writer's attitude - conjunction - reference - distribution of information across paragraphs and clauses

Consider the learner's control of die following: - verb groups (verb forms, tense, voice, modals, number, agreement) - noun groups (plurals, articles, numeratives, describers, qualifiers) - prepositional phrases (use of prepositions with noun groups) - vocabulary sets related to field (specific/general, concrete/technical/abstract, nominalisations, describing words and phrases) and attitude (intensified words and phrases, expressions of modality, describing words and phrases) Consider the learner's control of: - spelling - punctuation - layout - script



Using an assessment checklist of this kind, teachers are able to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of a student's use of a particular type of text. This enables them to finetune their response to student need as language use develops through die course. It also enables the teacher to report in some detail what the student knows and can do with language at the end of a course. If you want to find more about how functional grammar has been applied to language assessment, read Derewianka (1992), Feez (1998), Macken and Slade (1993) and Rothery(1992).


Are noun groups, verb groups and prepositional phrases put together to construct effective single clause sentences? Consider: - use of declarative, interrogative and imperative forms - use of doing, thinking and speaking, feeling and perceiving, being and having processes (verb groups) and accompanying participants (noun groups) and circumstances (prepositional phrases) - use of theme/first position in the clause to establish what the message is concerned with and placement of the new information at the end of the clause

Teaching about text in and beyond the English-speaking world

In Chapter 9 we included a brief note about the difference between register variation and dialect variation (page 215). We noted that register variation is motivated by use, in contrast to dialect variation which refers to the different speech habits of users. In this book we have been concentrating on register variation. In other words, we have been concentrating on the way language varies according to the functions, or uses, we have for it. We have seen how the variety of language we use is shaped by what people


Using Functional Qrammar

Functional grammar and language education


are doing (field), who is taking part (tenor) and the role language is playing (mode). In our discussion of functional grammar and language education we have discussed how an understanding of the way language varies according to use might be translated into planning and implementing language teaching programs. When teachers plan a language teaching program, they also have to think about dialect variation. In this section we would like to introduce some of the issues associated with dialect variation which may impact on the design of language teaching programs. Halliday (1985: 44) describes a dialect as the variety of language you speak habitually because of the social group you belong to. For example, a particular dialect will be associated with people who come from a certain geographical region, people who belong to a particular social class or people of a particular age group. The dialect teachers use as the basis for a language teaching program, therefore, aligns students with a particular social group. In the field of English language teaching, dialect variation is most often thought of in geographic and regional terms. Students of English are often conscious that they are learning Australian English, British English, American English, Canadian English or New Zealand English. They may even be conscious of dialect variations within these very broad categories, for example, the English spoken in Scotland, Ireland or the Southern states of the USA. They may be less conscious, however, of the social class or age group associated with the dialect of English they are learning. Quite often communities assign different values to different dialects. Some dialects are considered more mainstream, more 'standard' or more prestigious than others. These values change over time and are often related to the socioeconomic status of the social groups associated with the dialect. Sometimes dialect variation can cause communication difficulties for those who speak more mainstream dialects of the language and this may also cause the dialect to be considered 'non-standard'. There are also associations between certain dialects and certain registers; for example, some students have to learn a new dialect of their first language in order to manage the registers of formal education in that language. Language teachers often find themselves at the centre of debates around language standards. Often the debate can be quite confusing, even misleading, especially when those involved in the debate are unable to separate their prejudices against particular dialects from their concerns about language functionality. British colonialism of earlier centuries and the spread of global communication in this century have resulted in the English language playing an important role in international communication. Recognisable dialects of English have emerged in regions where English is one of several mainstream languages, for example, the English spoken in India, Nigeria, Singapore and Hong Kong. At the end of the twentieth century we are reaching a time when people who speak English as a first language will be outnumbered by those who speak English as a second or foreign language. For this

reason, no doubt, new dialects of English are emerging in many parts of the world. English is also the common language of international aviation, of much academic and business communication, a large part of the entertainment industry and, so far, it is the most common^ language used in electronic communication. These uses have resulted in certain combinations of dialect and register variation of English having a global impact. The changing demographic of English language use around the world demands that language teachers think carefully about the tegisters and dialects of English they teach. The varieties they teach, as we have already noted, will reflect the learning needs and goals of students. It is also important, however, to consider the social impact their teaching might have on different communities of language users. For example, teachers need to consider whether their work is privileging some varieties of English over others, and why. They also need to consider the impact of their work on communities who speak languages other than English. If you want to find out more about English as a world language, read Crystal (1987), Graddol (1997) and Kachru and Nelson (1996).

To sum up
At the end of previous chapters and in this chapter we have discussed some of the ways functional grammar can be used by language teachers to improve language teaching and learning. The ideas presented in this book, however, are only a starting point. Language educators are constantly debating, developing and expanding the ways functional grammar is applied to teaching. It can be quite challenging to keep up with the debates and the developments - and certainly beyond the scope of this book. As you have discovered in your journey through the chapters in this book, functional grammar is a rich and detailed description of language and the way it is used. As you continue to explore functional grammar, you too will certainly think of new ways in which your increasing understanding of language can be applied to your own work and interests.


Using Functional Qrammar

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Further explorations
' . .:: : : :: . '

1 Review the list of text-based syllabus elements: a.--- Howdoyouinconwrateeach"^^ b. How do you address each of these elements for different groups of students, eg beginners, intermediate, advanced? c. Are there any of these elements that you do not address explicitly in your language teaching? d. Dp you thinkyou address each of these elements in an effective way in your language teaching? How might you address each of these elements more effectively? 2 Review the four kinds of social interaction in the cycle of teaching and learning suggested in this chapter a. Do you already use all these types of interaction in your classroom? b. How might you incorporate each of these types of classroom interaction into your language teaching? c. Do you think all of these interaction types are useful for all types of students and all macroskills (eg beginners, intermediate or advanced; listening and speaking; reading and writing)? d. Do you think there is a good balance of different types of interaction in your classroom? How might you improve that balance? 3 Review the steps for analysing a written text. Design a series of steps for analysing a spoken text, 4 Review the checklist for assessing beginning writing. Design a checklist for assessing another macroskill or level of language, eg speaking or academic writing. 5 Identity a good example of a type of text you would like your students to be able to use effectively. The text might be spoken or written. If you wish, you may choose one of the texts you have already worked with in earlier chapters: a. Describe the students and their language learning needs. b. Write a manageable set of language learning objectives relevant to these students, c. Analyse your chosen text to identify the elements of a course designed to achieve the language learning objectives. Identify elements at each level of the language map, that is, elements of context, elements of meaning and grammar, elements of expression. Modify the language learning objectives if necessary, d. Select and sequence a series of language learning activities which will guide students towards achievement of (he language learning objectives. Organise the activities in terms of context exploration, explicit instruction, guided practice and independent use, e. Prepare an assessment checklist which you can use to monitor student progress during the course and to assess student achievement at the end of the course. f. If possible, implement your program and evaluate its effectiveness. g. How wouid you modify your program to improve its effectiveness?

Those of us who teach grammar are often asked 'So what? Where can I go with all this academic knowledge of how my language works?' The answer is that what we have sought to teach is NOT merely an academic knowledge of language. We all live with our language every day, using it for hoth social and professional purposes. Human language is a powerful tool but also frequently a powerful weapon; we all use it to influence others, and in turn are often unknowingly influenced by other people's skilful handling of its functions. So there is a powerful pragmatic reason for knowing as much as we can about how our language system operates. The more we are able to articulate what is going on (linguistically) in a given situation, the more likely we are to notice when someone is using language to play power games with us, and the greater our chances of using language to suit our own ends. There is also a sense in which the study of grammar needs no justification: it is the study of how a particular language works, the study of the organisation of what is perhaps the most characteristic and central part of human activity. Seen in that light, grammar - and the larger field of linguistics - are legitimate areas of enquiry and research, just as biology and psychology, for example also seek to understand specific patterns in the world and our functioning within it. Some people may even enjoy grammar or grammatical analysis as an end in itself - just as some people enjoy crossword puzzles or mathematical problems or studying maps, not for any particular goal but for the pleasure of the activity. Many people, however, will think of grammar less as an end in itself than as a means to some other end. Some of the users of this book will be undertaking the task of grammar instruction in primary and secondary school systems; others will be teachers of English as a second or foreign language; yet others will be teaching beginner courses in functional grammar at university and college level. The question of how grammar should be taught in schools and universities is not a simple one. On the one hand, just as we might expect good teachers of biology or psychology to inspire their students with some sense of excitement or wonder at die intricacies of plant life or the workings of human perception, so we might expect that good teachers of grammar might leave their students with some sense of amazement and delight at the systems and structures of language. On the other hand, just as the serious biologist or psychologist cannot make enthusiasm an excuse for neglect of analytical detail and scientific rigour, so also grammar (both in its teaching and in its application) demands more than vague generalisations and impressionistic judgements. If we are to use grammatical analysis, we have to take some trouble to ensure we have something to use. The challenge for teachers - and for books such as this one! - is to try to do justice both to the exciting riches of language and to an adequate set of tools to explain and unlock those riches.


Using Functional QrammOr

Further explorations 277 But if that all sounds very serious, grammatical analysis is also creative and enjoyable. We hope that many of our readers will develop the same sense of fun we have in using our grammatical tools to analyse the discourse patterns of ourselves, our families, close friends and colleagues, newspaper columnists, advertisements etc. Whenever a group or linguists gather together socially, someone is sure to throw in a comment like'Just listen to that modality!' or 'Watch your interpersonal*!' or even 'What gives with all the agentless passives?1 This, of course, is a bunch of professionals having fun with shop talk, but we would hope that our readers might have gained some insights along the way about the many possibilities for a practical application, either social or professional, of grammatical analysis. This book is the map and the guidebook for your journey towards linguistic understandIng. Now it's over to you. Good luck in your own further explorations of your language and culture.

We know that many of you are, or intend to be, teachers in school systems where grammar instruction has recently made a comeback, or has taken a functional turn away from the more traditional approaches of the past. When your students (or their parents) ask you, as inevitably they will, what is the use of learning functional grammar, you could point out that people with a good working knowledge of how their own language functions are well equipped to understand texts of all kinds. For instance: they have very specific ways of describing why a particular literary text works or doesn't work for them they are less likely to be hoodwinked by the way advertisers, politicians, journalists etc, manipulate the functions of language in order to manipulate their audience response they are less likely to feel dominated by the language behaviour of their doctors, bosses, parents, childten, court officials or a whole host of other people who, consciously or not, are adept at establishing dominance through the language system. Those of you who teach students who are learning a second or foreign language may also be asked what is the use of functional gtammar. You could point out that the relationship between grammar and meaning and context is the key to mastering the target language accurately and fluently. A knowledge of the structures of the target language (accuracy) needs to combine with knowledge of how and when to link these structures together into real world texts that work within the target language's cultural contexts (fluency). Knowledge of grammar from a functional perspective will help second language learners to identify wliat people in a culture talk about - and how they talk about it - in their various contexts. For those of you who may be inspired to take your grammar study even further, there are many exciting possibilities in linguistic research and application. Professional linguists in Australia and other parts of the world are using grammatical analysis to explore many areas of human discourse. For instance, there is important linguistic and stylistic research going on in; language in the classroom language in the courtroom language in conflict resolution situations of several kinds language in hierarchical relationships like mother/child, doctor/patient, nurse/doctor analysis of'disordered'language the application of functional grammar to the analysis of literary texts, including work on children's literature analysis of student writing and the problems of student writers at various levels of education: primary, secondary, tertiary. Functional linguists are also applying the theory in a wider context: to intonation patterns as resources of spoken language; to systems in art, music, theology and theatre; to the description of other languages; and to translation studies.

type of analysis constituency

metalanguage nominal group (ng), verbal group (vg), adverbial group (adv g), conjunction group (conj g), preposition group (pg), prepositional phrase (pg) choose Process: Participants follow material: behavioural: mental: verbal: existential: relational attributive: relational identifying: Actor, Goal, Range, Beneficiary Behaver, Behaviour, Range Senser, Phenomenon Sayer, Verbiage, Receiver, Target Existent Carrier, Attribute Identified, Identifier; Token, Value choose Circumstance: Extent: time, place Location: time, place Manner: means, quality, complement Angle Role: Acco mpaniment: Cause: Contingency: Matter: Residue Comment Adjunct Finite: time polarity or modality Rheme interpersonal topical Predicator Complement Adjunct




experiential (transitivity)


interpersonal/: include:; mood and speech function : textual .

Mood Block Subject Mood Adjunct

Theme textual


relations between clauses in clause complex relations between groups in group complex links between clauses and ties between items in clauses interpersonal appraisal motifs of attitude (judgement), engagement and graduation

e6hesibh:: aprjraisfel

Appendix B
Meaning patterns across a text
Above and below the clause Logical meanings patterns of taxis across a text ( 0 between clauses (ii) between groups and phrases

Appendix C
Prepositional phrase (and adverbial group) help sheet
First identify the prepositional phrase based on this model:
preposition, group +: wmtnal group: ' oo" of "to /
. " a t

- Jhe":tabl&.- heffafher '- , ~.'"'y, vmy:ffieoti-"::U

. , . . " .-alii. :"';--'

Summarising patterns in clauses Experiential meanings processs types across a text patterns of Circumstances across a text patterns of Participant across a text (i) large choices like what ng is Actor/Senser/Goal/Beneficiary (ii) smaller choices like whether ngs are proper or common; abstract or concrete; animal, vegetable or mineral; young or old, male or female, ng or embedded clause, and so on patterns of tense across a text patterns of pre- and postmodification patterns of groups/phrases simplex o complex


' aresult

Questions 3, 4, 5 and 6 also apply to adverbial groups! Now ask:

Q1 Is it a Participant in the process? eg I posted the letter to a friend. He was bitten by a snake. Yes No Q2 GOTO Participant .. (seepage282)

ask the next question

Is it telling me about the Thing in a nominal group immediately before it? Yes No GOTO [ Qualifier. '''-:' (see page282)

Interpersonal meanings

mood choice and speech function across a text patterns of Subject choice patterns of primary tense patterns of modality patterns of polarity patterns of thematic drift patterns of thematic progression

ask the next question Q3


Does it make specific reference to the previous clause? eg because of that Yes NO GOTO Conjunctive; Adjunct:' ask the next question Q4 (see page 282)

Textual meanings


Does It make some comment on the experiential meanings of this clause? eg to my surprise Yes NO GO TO Comment Adjunct . (see page 282)

Summarising patterns that only emerge in the whole Cohesion Appraisal Structure the texture of a text lexicogrammatical ties across the text attitudmal motifs across the text realisation of generic structure potential

ask the next question Q5


Does it modify the polarity of the Mood Block in terms of probability, usuality, typicality, obviousness? Yes NO GOTO Mood Adjunct {see page 282)

ask the next question Q6


Is it telling me about the process in this clause? Yes NO GOTO ," 1 reuiffii ^mirjiiiaV^]ti]ttra^-::-::,;L(see page 282) Start again with Q1

SB 3:

:;C. . :


S-. B>. ,-, -jo.:: .



:K: :3i ..t -so



...n-.. :n....



n> r~

S g
cn T3 g 3 en T3



3, ffi Q.


(0 10 <D Q



W CT 3

-1 r-

01 CO

I PJ (0



si * m
S3. <
CD ni CD CO ~





8 EL

a 3

. T3

CD <' CD

3. ?}' T3

if ^

__, ^


.- CD
CD 0_


CD a to
X CD O 3
CD' 3

o' QI

3 O 0> 3 3 O CD

H Co

SL X 3 ^

_J "O H CO ^ J 1




= &

c? S
5* 3 3 C "a CO a O o



CD 3 CD X T3 CD CD =J CD ~*


<D' 2. 3

3" CO =T OI CD

2 SL

=v o
CO 3


3- 5' 3
3 CO

a. 3. ffl = a- 2


m CO

o ,2 m




c CD
3 CD T3


=r. < ~*
C D 5_

3 V <?



5? En





o 3
3 0)


N B : In each of these templates, the 'type' column may be used to differentiate independent and dependent clauses; the 'potential' column may be used for the person who is the addressee in imperative clauses or the implied Doer in non-finite clauses. D 1; Material process clauses




potential Actor Goal



Circumstance type

to c/>

D 2 : B ehavioi iral process . * clauses Cl# type Behaver Behaviour Other Range Circumstance type


D 3: Mental process clauses Cl# type Senser Phenomenon embedded clause as Phenomenon projected clause number Circumstance type

D 4 : Verbal process clauses

Cl# type


Verbiage or projected clause embedded clause number



Circumstance type


D 5 : Existential process clauses




Circumstance type

n 3

D 6: Relational attributive process clauses

Cl# type

Cam rier


Circumstance type

I "

^ J j f i j p f i ^ L <v;a&afoBwggaaafcaapaeMiMtwff wifvf^if>gjfi^ai^Mflajflfj


D 7: Relational identifying process clauses

Cl# type





Circumstance type


E 1; Prose texts Cl# Type Mood choice Type of Subject exchange Tense Finite past pres Modal Finite prob oblig abl MdAdj Com prob usual Adj Gram Met



IT ^*



I rn



E 2: Dialogic Clauses. Use a separate chart for each speaker Speaker Cl# Mood Type of Init Choice Exchange Con Response Subject P D N Modal Finite Tense Finite past pres fut prob oblig abl MdAdj Com prob usual Adj Gram pol Met

It's a matter of personal choice whether to list all clauses consecutively and use colour to distinguish speakers, or to insert a column to identify each speaker (eg by initials), or, as here, to have a separate page for each speaker. The init(iate), con(tinue), Response columns are just for dialogic texts and should show whether the speaker is initiating, continuing or responding. If responding, distinguish between P(referred), Discretionary), a n d N (dispreferred) responses. Remember that there are more Mood Adjuncts than there are space for on these charts so you may have to adapt the columns for each text. Embedded clauses are not usually analysed for interpersonal meanings but you may want to analyse them if there is modality.


textual Themes Cl# type cont

interpersonal Themes Mood Adjunct Comment Modal

topical Themes marked unmarked

conj'ion Conj'ive Vocative Finite Adjunct

r "O






NB: Although you may need to adapt this for different texts, you will find it provides a quick impression of the field of discourse. Deictic 1

Deictic 2


Epithet 1

Epithet 2

T Classifier



i r "O
re CD


Appendix H


Appendix H
Sample text analysis: News Story text (see also Chapter 9, page 233ff)

inland, hitting Bundeena. The storm then moved up to Sutherland Shire, in Sydney's south, wreaking extensive damage, and on through Sydney's inner west and across the eastern suburbs, before heading to the northern beaches.

division of text into clause complexes and clauses

Clause division of the text: News Story

NB 1: Where there is ellipsis and we need to retrieve part of the clause from a preceding one for a full analysis, the ellipsed constituents are set in block capitals after a A . The verbal group in each clause has been underlined, including the verbal groups in embedded clauses. cl. cl. cl. cl. cl. cl. CCD cl. cl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 City battered by giant hailstones

box diagram analyses for the three metafunctions of language charts of meanings showing the patterns of grammar in the text.

News story
{The Australian, April 15, 1999, Georgina Safe and Matt Price) CITY BATTERED BY GIANT HAILSTONES Hailstones the size of tennis balls smashed roofs, battered cars and injured people across Sydney in a freak storm last night. Thirty motorists were stranded in the Royal National Park at Sutherland and cars taking shelter in the Sydney airport tunnel caused major traffic problems. Some 30 sets of traffic lights went out after the hailstorm hit at 8pm. Roofs were torn off houses in Caringbah, in Sydney's south, roads were flooded in North Manly, and cars were 'floating away' in the eastern suburb of Edgecliff in the aftermath of the 20-minute pummelling, a police spokesperson said. Ambulance crews were flat-out attending to people with head injuries and severe lacerations from huge chunks of ice, and a driver was taken to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital after blinding hail caused him to swerve off the road and into a power pole at Marrickville, in Sydney's inner west. The storm caused a power failure in Collaroy and along Oxford St, in the eastern suburb of Paddington. Many motorists sought refuge by parking under eaves on the footpath. Chris Chambers suffered mild concussion when he was hit by a giant hailstone while walking 12m from his car into a Paddington hotel. The front and back windscreens on his $65,000 new model Alfa Romeo were smashed. 'It was just huge,' he said, blood pouring down his face as hotel staff provided medical treatment. Hundreds of people emptied restaurants and cafes to witness the hailstorm, many gathering giant samples from the streets and footpaths. 'It sounded like a plane was about to crash,' Robyn Bradfield said. 'Then stones the size of golf balls - no, cricket balls - started bouncing into the restaurant.' Ms Bradfield's partner, a doctor, was busy treating the injured. Weather Bureau spokesman Evan Bathe said the thunderstorm hit Nowra and WoUongong, on the NSW south coast, and was expected to drift out to sea, but came


Hailstones the she of tennis balls smashed roofs, THEY battered cars and ATHEY injured people across Sydney in a freak storm last night.*


Thirty motorists were stranded in the Royal National Park at Sutherland and cars [[ taking shelter in the Sydney airport tunnel ]] caused major traffic problems.**** Some 30 sets of traffic lights wenLojrt after the hailstorm HIT at 8pm. Roofs were torn off houses in Caringbah, in Sydney's south, roads were flooded in North Manly, and cars were 'floating away' in the eastern suburb of Edgecliff in the aftermath of the 20-minute pummelling, a police spokesperson sajd. Ambulance crews were flat-out attending to people with head injuries and severe lacerations from huge chunks of ice, and a driver was taken to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital after blinding hail caused him to swerve off the road and into a power pole at Marrickville, in Sydney's inner west.** The storm caused a power failure in Collaroy and along Oxford St, in the eastern suburb of Paddington.**** Many motorists sought refuge by parking under eaves on the footpath.****


cl. 9 cl. 10 cl. 11 cl. 12


cl, 13 cl. 14 cl. 15 cl. 16


cl. 17 cl. 18 cl. 19

296 CC 1

Using Functional Qrammar cl. 20 cl. 21 cl, 22 cl. 23 cl. cl. cl. cl. 24 25 26 27 Chris Chambers suffered mild concussion**** when he was hit by a giant hailstone while walking 12m from his car into a Paddington hotel. The front and back windscreens on his $65,000 new model Alfa Romeo were smashed. 'It was just huge,* he said, blood pouring down his face as hotel staff provided medical treatment. Hundreds of people emptied restaurants and cafes to witness the haitstotm, many gathering giant samples from the streets and footpaths. 'It sounded like a plane was about to crash.' Robyn Bradfield said. 'Then stones the size of golf balls-no, cricket balls started bouncing into the restaurant,' Ms Bradfield's partner, a doctor, was busy treating the injured. Weather Bureau spokesman Evan Bathe said the diunderstonn hit Nowra and Wollongong, on the NSW soudi coast, and A1T was expected to drift out to sea, *** but AIT came inland, hitting Bundeena. The storm then moved up to Sudierland Shire, in Sydney's south, <xx> and on through Sydney's inner west and across the eastern suburbs, wreaking extensive damage. before heading to the northern beaches.

Appendix H


Actor of the first part of the verbal group but now glossed as Initiator, and the second participant (him) is Actor of the second part of the verbal group. *** expected to drift can also be glossed as a complex verbal group, with hypotactic projection within the group (Halliday 1994: 287-91), The two verbs in the group have the same (ellipsed) Subject - the storm. But although die storm is the Actor of drift, it is not the Senser of expected, so this analysis does lose something of the underlying semantics of the clause. Expected is a passive voice mental process with the Senser not mentioned; to drift is a material process. The storm is part of the Phenomenon in the mental process and Actor of the (dominant) material process. ***# "rh ese clauses, variously analysed as material or mental, can also be analysed as relational attributive.



cl. 28 cl. 29 cl. 30 cl 31 cl. 32 cl. 33 cl. 34 cl. 35



cl. 36
CC P cl. 37

cl. cl. cl. cl.


38 39 40 41

cl. 42 cl. 43 cl. 44

* Note that the verbs of clauses 2, 3 and 4 all have a common Subject (liailstones the size of tennis balls) and that the three Circumstances at the end of cl.4 (across Sydney | in a freak storm \ last night) actually apply to all three clauses.
* * We have treated caused to swerve as a complex verbal group with hypotaxis

within die group (following Halliday 1994: 7). Here the Subject (the causer) is

(Appendix H: continued)

Clause division of the text: News story (continued) C C A cl. 1 City battered by giant hailstones Minor clause; a nominal group with embedded clause Qualifier? or an ellipsed clause: The city was/has been battered ...? C C B cl. 2 independent clause experiential interpersonal . : declarative, mood

Hailstones the size of tennis balls



Actor Subject Mood Block Theme

Ptocesss: material Finite: past + Predicator Residue Rheme

Goal Complement

. " textual cl. 3 independent clause experiential clause interpersonal declarative mood




Actor Subject Mood Block

Ptocesss: material Finite: past Predicator Residue

Goal Complement



Rhe me


Clause division of the text: News story (continued) cl. 4 independent clause experiential. and



across Sydney in a freak storm last night.


Processs: Material


Circ: Place Adjunct

Circ: Manner Adjunct

Circ: Time Adjunct

interpersonal declarative mood.


Finite: past +

Predicator Residue


Mood Block -textualTextual Theme CCC cl. 5 independent clause Topical Rheme

Thirty motorists



in the Royal National Park at Sutherland

interpersonal.. ; declarative mood:

Subject Mood Block Theme

Process: material Finite: past + Predicator Residue Rheme

Circumstance: place* Adjunct


N B : Unclear whether at Sutherland is a separate Circumstance of place here (with an adverbial function in the clause structure), or is a Qualifier of Royal National Park (adjectival in function - the analysis followed here).


Clause division of the text: News story (continued) cL 6 independent clause experiential interpersonal - declarative mood and cars [[takingshelter in the Sydney airport tunnel ]] Actor Subject Mood Block textual Textual Topi cat Theme CCD cl. 7 independent clause independent clause declarative Tiiood Rh eme

major traffic problems.

Process: material Finite: past Predicator Residue

Goal Complement

n 3



Some 30 sets of traffic lights


Actor Subject Mood Block

Processs: material Finite: past + Predicator Residue Rheme Adjunct


Th erne


Clause division of the text: News story (continued) cL 8 dependent clause experiential . .:: V interpersonal declarative mood after
the hailstorm

Process: material

at 8pm. Circumstance: time


Subject Mood Block

Textual Topical Theme

Finite: past +

Predicator Residue




C C E cl. 9 dependent clause (projected by cl. 12) expeiien



H u n

off houses Circumstance: place

in Caringbah, in Sydney's south


Process: material

Circumstance: place

interpersonal ; ^declarative mpod.

Subject Mood Block Theme

Finite: past +

Predicator Residue





Clause division of the text: News story (continued)

cl. 10 dependent clause (projected by cl.12)




In North Manly,




Process: material

Circumstance: place

interpersonal declarative inoodtextual cl. 11 dependent clause (projected by cl.12) experiential

Subject Mood Block Theme

Finite; past +

Predicator Residue Rheme






away Circ: place

in the eastern suburb of Edgecliff

in the aftermath of the 20-minute pummelling.


Process: material

Circ: place

Circ: cause + time?

interpersonal declarative; mood


Finite: past +

Predicator Residue




Mood Block


Textual Topical Theme Rheme


Clause division of the text: News story ((continued) cl. 12 a police spokesperson independent clause experiential mterperspiial - = declarative rriodd
Sayer Subject Mood Block Theme Rheme


Process: verbal Finite: past + Predicator Residue

C C F cl. 13 independent clause experiential; i .totietp-ersonal' declarative mood


Ambulance crews



Carrier Subject Mood Block Theme

Process:-relational (attributive) Finite: past + Predicator Residue Rheme

Attribute Complement

cl.14 dependent clause experiential '.:.-..'. interpersonal. ... .nori'fetite clause; rio Mood Block textual .. ."-'"'". -.' ."



people [ with head injuries and severe lacerations from huge chunks of ice j

Process: material Predicator Residue Rheme Adjunct

Goal Complement

i w

Clause division of the text: News story (continued) cl. 15 independent clause experiential; . interpersonal declarative mood

to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital


a driver

was Process: material Finite: past +

Circumstance: place Predicator Residue Adjunct

Subject Mood Block


Textual Topical Theme 1


off trie road and into a power pole at Marrickville, in Sydney's inner west.

cL 16 dependent clause experiential interpersonal declarative mood


blinding hail



to swerve

Initiator Subject

Process: Finite: past + Pred-

Actor Comp

material -icator

Circumstance complex: place 1 + place 2 Adjunct

Mood Block Res id ue textual Textual Topical Theme Rhe me



Clause division of the text: News story (continued) C C G cl. 17 independent clause experiential interpersonal declarative mood..
The storm caused a power failure in Collaroy and along Oxford St, in the eastern suburb of Paddington.

Actor Subject Mood Block Theme

Processs: material Finite: past + Predicator Res id ue Rh.erne

Goal Complement

Circumstance complex: place I + place 2 Adjunct

textual C C H cl. 18 independent clause experiential . interpe-rsonal declarative mood

Many motorists



Actor Subject Mood Block Theme

Processs: marerial Finite: past + Predicator Residue

Range Complement

.textual. - ."'


Clause division of the text: News story (continued) c[. 19 dependent clause experiential. ., interpersonal ', non'fihite clause: no Mood Block; textual Textual Trlerae C C I d 20 independent clause experiential. interpersonal declarative mood Rheme by parking Process: material Predicator Resid ue under eaves on the footpath. Circumstance Adjunct

Chris Chambers


mild concussion

Senser Subject Mood Block

Processs: mental Finite: past + Prediicator Residue Rhe me

Phenomenon Complement



Clause division of the text: News story {continued) cl. 21 dependent clause experiential interpersonal - . declarative mood. when he Goal Subject Mood Block Textual Theme cl. 22 dependent clause experiential interpersonal.- , .hori-fihtte-etause; n o Mood Block . t e x t u a l - ' - -Topical Rheme was Process: material Finite: past + Predicator Residue hit by a giant hailstone Actor/Agent Adjunct




12m from his car

into a Paddington hotel.


Clause division of the text: News story (continued) CCJ cl. 23

The front and back windscreens on his $65,000 new model Alfa Romeo were smashed. independent clause

experiential.-", interpersonal declarative- mood

Goal Subject Mood Block

Process: material Finite: past + Predicator Residue Rhenie

s3 a



C C K cL 24 independent clause (direct speech projection from cl. 25) experiential

'It Carrier

was Process: relational (attributive)

just huge,'


interpetsbtial : declarative m o o d

Subject Mood Block Theme

Finite: past +

Predicator Residue





Clause division of the text: News story (continued) cl. 25 independent clause experiential :; interpersonal: declarative he Saver Subject Mood Block Theme Rheme

Process: verbal Finite: past + Predicator Residue

textual. cL 16 dependent clause e^eriential :/-: inte non-finite clause:;..; a^'SubJect'. element .:but : nq;rHiite f sd '-'-." htjMogd B i d e t : - : .
textual ". . " :"..-. "."';.-.



down his face

Actor 'Subject'

Process: material Predicator Res id ue

Circumstance: place Adjunct



n 3

Clause division of the text; News story (continued) cl. 27 dependent clause as hotel staff experiential . interpersonal declarative mood textual Actor Subject Mood Block Textual Topical Theme CCL cl. 28 independent clause experiential interpersonal declarative tnood. textual Rheme


medical treatment

Process: material Finite: pasr + Predicator Residue

Goal/Range? Complement
3 o ** o 3

restaurants and cafes Goal Complement

Hundreds of people Actor Subject Mood Block Theme Rheme

emptied Process; material Finite: past + Predicator Residue

Clause division of the text; News story (continued) cl. 29 dependent clause to witness experiential interpersonal ndn-firiite clause: . no Mood Block textual cl. 30 dependent clause experiential.. interpersonal non-finite clause: a Subject' element butnoKntteVso.. no Mood Hock textual.. . Process: mental Predicator Residue Rheme many Actor 'Subject' gathering Process: material Predicator Residue

the hailstorm, Phenomenon Complement

giant samples

from the streets and footpaths.

Goal Complement

Circumsrance: place Adjunct




Clause division of the text: News story (continued) C 1 cl. 31 independent clause (direct speech projection from cl. 33) 'It experiential.^ interpersonal ilMnU "no Mood Block textual. cl. 32 dependent clause experiential . . interpersonal declarative mood textual : Phenomenon Subject Mood Block Theme like a plane Actor Subject Mood Block Textual Topical Theme Rheme was


Process: mental Finite: past + Predicator Residue

3 n



about to crash.'

Process: material Finite: past + Predicator Residue


T ^ H H T W -T^\3r>;YrflrtftirM3aMfr3'*Tai|*H ftr], n

Clause division of the text: News story (continued) cl. 33 independent clause Robyn Bradfield experiential^; ; intferpersernaT ^ declarative mood i textual Sayer Subject Mood Block Theme Rheme


Process: verbal Finite: past + Predicator Residue

C C N cl. 34 independent clause experiential interpersonal. .. declarative mood textual. -


stones the size of golf balls -- no, cricket balls Actor Subject Mood Block

started bouncino Process: material Finite: past + Predicator Residue

into the restaurant.' Circumstance: place Complement

Textual Theme

Topical Rheme


Clause division of the text: News story (continued) C C O c l 35

independent clause Ms Bradfield's partner, a doctor,

was Process; relational (attributive) Finite: past + Predicator Residue


experiential: interpersonal : declarative mood

Carrier Subject Mood Block

Attribute Complement


I "

textual cl. 36 dependent clause experiential; interpersQfial :; non-fin ite clauses no Mood: Block textual C C P cl. 37 independent clause experiential';. interpersonal -.':' declarative mood


the injured.



Process: material Predicator Residue

Goal Complement

Weather Bureau spokesman Evan Bathe


Sayer Subject Mood Block

Process: verbal Finite: past + Predicator Res id ue Rhe me



Clause division of the text: News story (continued)

cl. 38 dependent clause the thunderstorm

hit Process: material Finite: past Predicator Resid ue Rheme

Nowra and Wollongong, on the NSW south coast,

. eScperiential '-'-'-" interpersonal;: '/'declarative'-mood"' ;; .textual:.

Actor Subject Mood Block Theme

Goal Complement

cl. 39
dependent clause -experiential- ; interpersonal: ; .declarative. and


expected to drift

out to sea,


Process: material

Circumstance: place

Subject Mood Block Textual Topical Theme

N B : see note to this clause on page 297-

Finite: past +

Predicator Residue





Clause division of the text: News story (continued) cl. 40 A dependent clause but IT experiential .interpersonal declarative mood textual Actor Subject Mood Block Textual Topical Theme cl. 41 dependent clause experiential interpersonal non-finite clause; no Mood Block textual . . Rheme

came Process: material Finite: past + Predicator Residue

inland, Circumstance: place Adjunct


hitting Process: material Predicator Residue Rheme


Goal Complement

Clause division of the text: News story (continued) C C Q cl. 42 The storm then independent clause


up to Sutherland Shire, in Sydney's south, <xx> and on through Sydney's inner west and across the eastern suburbs,



Process: material

Circumstance complex: place 1 + place 2 + place 3 Adjunct

interpersonal declarative modct textual:' cl. 43 dependent clause experiential interpersonal ;. npn*finite clause: . no;Mciod Block textual-,-- -


Conj. Adj.

Finite: past + Predicator Residue

Mood Block Theme


extensive damage,

Process: material Predicator Residue Rheme

Goal/Range? Complement

n 3 ft.


Clause division of the text: News story (continued) cl. 44 dependent clause before heading experiential; , interpersonal non-finite clause: no Mrod Block textual
Textual Theme Process: material Predicator Residue

to the northern beaches.

Circumstance; place Adjunct


A note on the Circumstances of this text: Among the strong features of this text are the many Circumstances of place, hardly surprising given the item of news reported here. Some of these Circumstances presented interesting problems in the analysis: Firstly, we have treated the multi-faceted Circumstantial elements of clauses 16, 17 and 42 as Circumstance complexes, rather than as separate Circumstances. Thus for clause 42 we interpret the message as: the storm moved to place 1, then place 2, then place 3, all three places combining into a one Circumstance to express the range of the storm's movement. Similar interpretations apply to clauses 16 and 17. Secondly, we found a number of the clauses had Circumstantial elements of the type exemplified by the clause 9: Roofs were torn off houses in Caringbah, in Sydney's south. The comma here makes it unclear at first whether in Sydney's south is a separate Circumstance, or a Qualifier of Caringbah which is the analysis we have chosen to follow. It can of course be moved to the front of the clause, which would support the alternative analysis, but which we believe would change the writer's intended meaning. It could also be interpreted as an ellipsed comment clause. The number of these elements in the texts suggests the writers' need to pin the storm's path down very precisely; the comma allows the introduction of two new pieces of information within the one Circumstance. In clause 38 the same feature is present in the Goal.

Experiential meanings: material processes

Cl# type ind. Actor Hailstones the size of tennis balls THEY (hailstones)

(NB: type means independent or dependent clause; you may or may not want to use this information) potential Actor Goal
roofs Range


Circumstance type

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15


cars people extensive damage place; manner; time place

ind. THEY (hailstones)

ind. ind. ind. cars[[taking ... tunnel]] some 30 sets of traffic lights The hailstorm

thirty motorists major traffic problems

dep. dep. dep. dep. dep.

time roofs roads place; place place place; place; reason (ambulance crews)


a driver place


Experiential meanings: material processes (continued) Cl# 16

type Actor potential Actor Goal Range Recipient Circumstance type

dep. 1. (initiator) blinding hail 2. him ind. ind. dep. dep. a giant hailstone dep. ind. ind. hundreds of people dep. many dep. a plane ind. stones the size of golf halls no, cricket balls dep. (the doctor) the injured (he) the front and back windscreens on his $65,000 restaurants and cafes giant samples the storm many motorists (many motorists) he (Chris Chambers) a power failure refuge

(place 1 + place 2) (place 1 + place 2)

17 18 19 21 22 23 28 30 32 34 36


place; place



Experiential meanings: material processes (continued) Cl#

38 type Actor potential Actor

Goal Nowra and Wollongong, on the NSW south coast



Circumstance type

dep. the thunderstorm dep. IT (the storm) dep. IT (the storm) dep. ind. dep. dep. the storm (the storm) (the storm) (the storm)

39 40 41 42
43 44

place place Bundeena (place 1 + place 2 + place 3) extensive damage 1 extensive damage? place

Experiential meanings: mental processes

Cl# type Sensor Phenomenon Circumstance type

20 31

ind. ind.

Chris Chambers

mild concussion it (the storm)

Experiential meanings: verbal processes

Cl# type Sayer

12 25 33 37
indindind. inda police spokesperson he (Chris Chambers) Robyn Bradfield weather bureau spokesman Evan Bathe



Circumstance type

Experiential meanings: relational attributive processes

Ci# type ind. ind. indCarrier ambulance crews it (the storm) Ms Bradfield's partner, a doctor Attribute flat-out just huge busy Circumstance type

13 24 35

Interpersonal meanings


mood choice


Tense Finite past pres

Modal Finite

Mood Adjunct

Comment Adjunct



prob. oblig. ability

minor ind.

no mood declarative hailstones the size of tennis balls THEY (the hailstones) THEY (the hailstones) thirty motorists cars [[taking... tunnel]] some 30 sets of traffic lights the hailstorm roofs roads cars a police spokesperson ambulance crews / positive

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13

ind. ind. ind. ind. ind.

declarative declarative declarative declarative declarative

/ /

positive positive positive positive positive

/ /

dep. dep. dep. dep. ind. ind-

declarative declarative declarative declarative declarative declarative

positive positive positive positive positive positive



Interpersonal meanings (continued) Cl# type mood choice non-finite declarative declarative declarative declarative non-finite declarative declarative non-finite declarative the front and hack windscreens of his $65,000 Alfa Romeo it (the storm) he (Chris Chambers) blood / positive Chris Chambers he (Chris Chambers) / / positive positive a driver blinding hail the storm many motorists / / / / positive positive positive positive Subject Tense Finite past pres fut Modal Finite prob. obfig. ability Mood Adjunct Comment Adjunct polarity

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

dep. ind. dep. ind. ind. dep. ind. dep. dep. ind.

24 25 26

ind. ind dep.

declarative declarative non-finite

/ /

positive positive

Interpersonal meanings (continued) Cl# type mood choice declarative declarative non-finite non-finite declarative declarative declarative declarative declarative non-finite declarative declarative weather bureau spokesman Evan Bathe the thunderstorm / / positive positive many (of the people) it (the storm) a plane Robyn Bradfield stones the size of golf balls - no, cricket balls Ms Bradfield's partner a doctor / / / / / positive positive positive positive positive Subject Tense Finite past pres fut / / Modal Finite prob. oblig. ability Mood Adjunct Comment Adjunct polarity

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

dep. ind. dep. dep. ind. dep. ind. End. ind. dep. ind. dep.

hotel staff hundreds of people

positive positive

Appendix 1
The structure of the Nursery Tale
By reflecting on the unfolding structure of nursery tales (following the work of Hasan in the early 1980s (see Hasan 1996), we can best illustrate the way in which one must argue, linguistically, for what counts as a text type. In essence, a text type (a register or genre) has to be established by shunting between three different kinds of linguistic statement, namely, statements of text structure, statements concerning the meaning involved in identifying these elements of text structure {ie semantic criteria), and statements elucidating the kinds of choices of words and grammar which are most likely 'on call', given the meanings being negotiated. In what follows, some of the details of Hasan's description are slightly modified, but the method is strictly maintained. Typically, in Nursery tales, we find an opening stage in which the tale is oriented to time, place, and the persona. This opening, or Placement in text structure, has certain semantic requirements, or commonalities, across the genre. First of all, a character has to be singled out or 'particularised'. So too, the character's circumstances must involve 'distance in time' (nursery tales do not deal with our own domestic experiences, although they may do for animals for which 'domestic1 then becomes a source of strangeness). Furthermore, the impact coming with the Initiating Event requires that the Placement set up a habit or pattern of events that is disrupted by a new, strange event. This intruding event carries the narrative on through the Sequent Event. This in turn can be repeated until resolved, or partially resolved, with the Final Event, along with the possibility of comments of what we learn (Moral) or simply that the cycle of narrative has closed (Coda). For example, even in the direct wording which opens 'Henny Penny' (or 'Chicken Lickin' in America), 'One day while Henny Penny was strutting around the farmyard ...', the features discussed above are realised, albeit in a minimal or implicit fashion. In One day, we have the feature of temporal distance, in Henny Penny a persona is singled out or particularised, while the selection of was strutting implies typicality or habitude. Each of these features - Temporal Distance, Person Particutarisation and Habitude - are crucial or nuclear meanings to Placement. It is not the wording, however, but the semantic criteria which are crucial to the element Placement. This can be illustrated by moving to another tale in which the semantic features of Temporal Distance, Person Particularisation and Habitude are realised more explicitly and so in quite different wording. For example:
Once, long ago, in Russia, there lived a little boy named .... Each morning he took his little boat out on the river,,.

In this Placement, we can find the crucial meanings of Person Particulasization (realised by the grammatical feature of indefinite article, in a little boy named . , . ) ,


Using Functional Qrammar

Appendix I


Temporal Distance (realised in Once, long ago ...), and Habitude ( typically realised in the choice of re-iterative tense or temporal circumstances as in Each morning fie took his little boat..,), We can arrive at a description of the text structure, much in the same way as we work to build up a rigorous picture of grammatical structure, only here we are working on a different linguistic level. Placement Initiating Event Sequent Event

after the Coda. This is indicated by the dot which is placed between Moral and Coda. Note that both Moral and Coda are optional, since they appear in the curved brackets. The square brackets f ... ] indicate that the symbol preceding the square brackets affects the contents of the brackets equally. In other words, the preceding carat symbol indicates that Final Event must come before both Moral and Coda. The final symbol to be explained is the curved arrow ]^~^ which appears above Sequent Event. This indicates recursion, that is, that this Event can occur more than once. In describing the generic elements of a text, the nuclear or criterial meanings for each element need to be stated. This is because it is not any particular wording that defines the element. While the phrase Once upon a time may suggest to the reader that a nursery tale is coming, it is the semantic feature of Temporal Distance that is crucial, and not the wording, since the wording can be replaced by other wordings, so long as they realise the feature of Temporal Distance (ie One day ... or Once, long ago . . . ) . Figure 1.1 also illustrates how the description of an element, in this case Placement, needs to be built up through the three kinds of linguistic statement. Proposed text structure Semantic consistencies Lexicogrammatical possibilities. All text analysis demands the interrelation of these three kinds of statement. The statements need to be developed together, since each helps to clarify the others.

Final Event V FE FE FE



V (P)


V M M [(M)

C (C) (C)]




Text Structure Generic 'Move' on text stratum: Placement Meaning Semantic Stratum

Person Particularization Temporal Distance Habitude

Wording Lexicogrammatical Stratum

\^ 'Once upon a time' 'there was a. 'Each day Figure I.I

What this diagram (Figure 1.1) says is that a nursery tale has a number of elements of text structure. Some elements are obligatory, while others are optional (optional elements are placed within curved brackets, ie (...). The sequence in which elements must or can occur needs also to be expressed. The symbol A indicates elements in a fixed sequence. For example, the Final Event must follow the Sequent Event(s), which is indicated by placing the carat symbol - A _ between Sequent Event and Final Event. However, while the Moral and the Coda must come after the Final Event (as expressed in the description by Final Event A [ (Moral) (Coda) ]), in relation to each other, the Moral and Coda are not in a fixed order. In other words, the Moral can come before or

Answers to exercises


Answers to questions
Many of the exercises set in this book are really topics for class discussion, and it would be neither sensible nor in many cases possible for us to provide answers. Almost all the exercises for language teachers are designed so teachers can begin to apply what they have learnt about language to that particular teaching context. However, some of the exercise questions are of a more mechanical type and for those we offer our suggested answers. We hope the answers will prove useful to students and teachers alike, and that you wilt enjoy the challenge of the more discursive exercises. For these latter exercises 'correctness' is often less of an issue than is interpretation (always provided the more mechanical, lexicogrammatical analyses are sound). In our experience, a well guided and motivated group of analysts might very well come up with several different but valid insights.

and um word and woitd because word

she word who? I word who? I word who? Ve done group event? it word

was takeni group enent?

to hospital phrase where?

in an ambulance phrase how?

harl to write down group event? was word event? that word what?

f[ what happened 11 || [[ clause ]] what!

in her group III phrase where? before || word when? that much III group how?

word who? and word I word . wfio? she wotd who?

Chapter 1
All three questions are designed to encourage classroom discussion on the issues raised. You will be guided in these discussions by your teacher.

doesn't hurt group ewnr?

Chapter 2
I & 2 Questions 1 and 2 require you to do your own thinking and/or research which your teacher will then check. 3 a. Pigs might fly {two constituents) through the undergrowth some more coffee

think || group event? 's over-reacting group event? just a bit | group flow?

b- crawling cautiously (three constituents) c. d. Do ... want you (three constituents)

Chapter 3
There are obviously many correct answers to Question I. The point of the exercise is to practise applying the correct functional labels to clauses of your own designing. As a guide for readers working independently, we provide the following short list of possible clauses for each of the diree patterns. Participant The crowd Four white geese The four girls in the distance Participant The flood The day when we had to leave Circumstance In the distance Across rhe room Quietly Participant Harry Process reacted are swimming are camping Circumstance gradually finally Circumstance angrily in our dam near us Process subsided arrived

Stop (one constituent) NOTE: in terms of the rank scale this sentence is a clause complex consisting of one clause, consisting of one group, consisting of one word, consisting of one morpheme protected from the wind (three constituents) on three sides

e. f.

Next week the committee will announce the winner of the competition (four constituents) NOTE: the prepositional phrase of the competition is part of the last constituent - it functions to define the winner went to sea in a bowl

g. The three wise men of Gotham (four constituents) Exercises for language teachers 2 There ^ this girl word word group event? w/io? she word who? and word tried to do group event.' she word who?

Participant dogs their eyes a new age of reason Process loves

Process were barking met seemed to be emerging Participant the bush Participant I Process left

in my class ... ||| phrase where?

a backwatd roll J] group what? um like her neck group what? clicked or something || group event?

Circumstance In the aftermath of Christmas festivities c. Participant Mr Bird d. Participant The king Process wiped Process was walking

Participant his tea wet lips Circumstance on the terrace

Circumstance on the back of his hand


Using Functional


Answers to exercises Thing gnome Classifier gum Qualifier in the garden Thing trees 3 Qualifier that lives over there


Deictic a Numerative Three


Epithet small Epithet rail

b. c. d. e.

Epithet clear

Thing water Epithet big

Qualifier cascading over the rocks Classifier guard Thing clog

Subject followed by Finite - typical declarative pattern Finite ptecedes Subject in WH- questions as is typical of interrogative mood Simple (unmarked) imperative mood has no Subject or Finite Modahsed declarative where the pattern is Subject followed by Finite as usual for declarative mood.

d. Deictic that

There are several possible answers for each original clause here; we identify a few of the possibilities. a. Join the dance. (imperative) You wilt join the dance. (declarative) b. Is this a fine example of Goya's early style? (interrogative) c. You are crying. (declarative) Cry! (imperative) d. Could everybody stop that nonsense immediately? (interrogarive) e. Must everybody leave the theatre at once? (interrogative) Leave the theatre at once! (imperative)

T h e teacher will need to check student responses to this question, but for the benefit of independent readers we offer the following short list of possibilities. Deictic Those The Epithet shiny

Epithet green old

Thing leaves house

b, Numerative
eleven fifty c. Epithet tall green

Thing battles horses Classifier pine racing

Qualifier in the cellar galloping up the hil! Thing trees cars Qualifier growing in my garden of many kinds

adverbial group prepositional phrase back from the room angrily in silence for a few seconds reassuringly calmly to the secretary NOTE: of ihe committee is a prepositional phrase but it is part of the participant structure the other members of the committee, and so is not a Circumstance was driving noticed thought must be abandoned headed Chapter 4 Mood tag a. aren't they h. didn't he c. would it d. won't they wasn't it Mood tag interrogative declarative interrogative imperative declarative

You should be trying to bring to your work for this question all the concepts dealt with so far. Independent readers should read this chaptet (4) and Chapters 1 and 3 again and then check your work for this question against the material provided in those chapters.

material mental mental existential material material

was had been blackened led had feared would be was

existential material material/relational: attributive mental existential attributive

Chapter 5 1 & 2 Questions 1 and 2 are designed to foster class discussion of the various kinds of interpersonal meanings to be found in the respective texts. Discussion would need to focus very specifically on the language of the texts to answer the following key questions; What kind of Mood structutes are there? a Are there Modal Finites, Modal Adjuncts, Comment Adjuncts, Attitudinal Epithets or other specific expressions of the speakers' positions? 3 You should invent yout own simple sentences for this exercise. We have used the first of the example sentences in the question to demonstrate how to do this exercise. The house is empty polarity: modalisation: modulation: Comment Adjunct: Attitudinal Epithet Tlie house is not empty. The house is usually empty. The house ought to be empty. Sadly, the house is empty. The tragic house is empty,

Subject the gardens Dr Foster the pig many people the truth of the matter Subject you this you no Subject everybody Finite will is are no Finite must

Finite are went (past tense) would was

4 & 5 Questions 4 and 5 are intended for group discussion. The discussion should include among other things;' lexical itetns such as strange, complex, inexplicable, powerful, barbarian adjustments like awesomely, almost and quasi. You should also notice the dichotomies set up in the first clause by the complex nominal group strange and complex. The writet continues this by contrasting love and flare, human and non-human (quasi'divine), barbarian and (implicitly) civilised, and even by action on the stage (implicit) and action above the stage (explicit).

The Finite precedes the Subject as is typical of the interrogative mood.


Using Functional Qrammar textual Theme 7 * *9.


Answers to exercises


The writet's position is made to seem natural hy consistent selection of positive declarative mood without modal isation, combined with emotive lexical choices. Chapter 6 For the benefit of independent readers we offer some examples. topical Theme; Circumstance {bold type) From time to time management would change the shifts without warning. By the end of the week the boats were ready for their crew. topical Theme: Process (bold type) Enjoy your day at the races next week. Fill the tank slowly. topical Theme-, postmodified nominal group (bold type) That very ancient bicycle leaning against the wall is mine. The start of the race was delayed. Theme interpersonal obviously please certainly Rheme topical from time to time enjoy that very ancient bicycle leaning against the wall Rheme topical you we Remember she going to Scarborough 're going tomorrow me to one who lives there was once a true love of mine 3 management... your day .,. is ... 2

topical Theme they topical Theme he

Rheme were placed against a strong light; Rheme could no longer see to read, Rheme was severely balked.

textual theme kut textual Theme and thus topical Theme He

topical Theme his eager appetite for knowledge and information of all kinds Rheme continued to preach.


Chapter 7 1 & 2 For Questions 1 and 2 there are obviously many possible clauses; we offer a few examples for students to test dieir own selections. 1 a. The teacher gathered up all the children [[ whose work had not yet been assessed. ]] b. The horse [[ which can cope with a wet track ]] will be a good one to ride tomon-ow. c. There are many tourist attractions in the town [[ where I live ]]. a. dependent, independent, independent Although her voice was not what it had been, || the audience loved her j | and showed it by a standing ovation at the end of the concert. b. independent, dependent, dependent My assignment is going to be late || because I only started it last night || and there are not many relevant references left in the library. c. non-finite dependent, independent, dependent Taking all the evidence into account || we would have to say || that we are not so far impressed. Teachers will need to check student responses to Question 3, and to encourage class discussion of the issues involved in such an exercise. Here we provide the relevant analysis for the first text (a). Students should then apply the principles to as many of the other sample texts as they need in order to feel confident about the concepts. Teachers might like to provide alternative texts here, depending on the types of texts the class is used to working with, independent clauses you will see a big service station on the right f Just beyond it is an old factory [[ that's now being converted into an old industrial museum]]. you'll find a kind of open shed [[ that b o b like an aircraft hangar ]] NOTE that, because embedded clauses are part of the ranked clause in which they occur, you must include them in the three independent clauses here. Sentence two is a one-clause clause complex. dependent clauses As you come into town If you drive around the back of the factory embedded dowses that's now being converted into an old industrial museum that looks like an aircraft hangar

textual Because And But


Theme interpersonal Are Probably


Again, this question is designed to encourage class discussion, but for the benefit of individual users of the book we have divided the text into clauses (numbered) and provided a Theme/R-herae analysis. To answer die rest of the question, students would be advised to look primarily at the Theme choices and Thematic progression patterning in the independent clauses (*). *1. 2. *3. topical Theme Rheme During this summer of 1846 < < 2 an anxiety of another kind was increasing textual Theme while topical Theme her literary hopes Rheme were waning


topical Theme Her father's eyesight topical Theme He topical Theme he

Rheme had become seriously impaired by the progress of the cataract which was forming.

*4. " : 5.

Rheme was nearly blind Rheme could grope his way about

textual Theme topical Theme Rheme *6. and (he) (could) recognise the figures of those he knew well NOTE: the topical Theme is ellipsed in this clause and has to be retrieved from the previous clause.

Vsing Functional Qrammar Chapters 8, 9 and 10

Bloor, X and M Bloor 1995 The f, London: Arnold '
ltmCOonal fln

of English: A Halhdayan approach

Bruner,J1986.A 3Mfl lminds 1 p OSSI - WeMwifc

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mr ductmn


Poetics i ^ ^ ^ g ^ T / ,

and phonology: 2nd edition,

con5truct L

Cloran, C 1989. Learning through laneu R Hasan and j R Martin feds). Lan^''/ culture. Norwood, N J: Ablex VuU^Cat ^OMErWlvnnvr 1990. u j Cope B and M Kalantzis (eds) 1993 The t> writing. London: Falmet Press

^ of gender. In l * ***> ^ning

"' of literacy: A genre approach to teaclnng

Cranny-Francis, A and j R Martin 1995 <WriK

^^om:]ourmloftheEnglishTeaclKrs'AT^ l"f ; H W t o k n a genre*. Crystal, D 1987. The Cambridge e ^ / ^ T T " ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ 2 8 ' 3 ' ^ University Press *Jcfoj,eda o / ^ a g e , C a m b d d g e ; C a m b f l d g e Derewianka, B 1990. Ex^ormg W te, m , X1 Association " * * " " * Newtown: Primary English Teaching Derewianka, B 1992. Assessing oral k n p i 1 n , D ntinprimary classroorrxMnricull'S e r e w i a ^ (ed). ^ ^ & C Derewianka, B 1998. A w J ^ ^ ^ * ^ny t m K teac/ English Teaching Association ^ " ^ " ^ ^ Newtown: P r i m a r y de Silva Joyce, H and A Burns 1999. Focus m eoaa on University Smnmar. Sydney: NCELTR, Macquaifc de Silva Joyce H and S Feei 2000 Create , Sydney: P l l o e n i x Education ' ' " ^ skilk- ^ r y and nwfii tor t ^ .


Using Functioned Qrammar



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Using Functional Qrammar



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ACTOR, 47,52, 53,54,62, 191 textual function, 134, 135, 139, 140, H1,H6
ADJECTIVES, 2 6 , 2 7

COHESION, 147,190,191, 200-1



IDEATIONAL METAFUNCTION, 5 see also experiential meanings; logical meanings iDENTIFIED, 59, 60, 63 IDENTIFIER, 59, 60, 63 IMPERATIVE MOOD, 97, 141, 188 INDEPENDENT APPLICATION, 265, 267 INDEPENDENT CLAUSES, 166-7, 176 INFINITIVE, 113 INFORMATION definite propositions, 110-1.2 exchanging, 94-7 no basis fot argument, 112 semantic level, 87 INFORMATION REPORT, 9, 10, 233, 238-9, 240 FNTENS1F1ER, 70 INTERPERSONAL DECLARATIVE MOOD, 134, 135 INTERPERSONAL INUNCTION, 46, 110 INTERPERSONAL GRAMMAR critical response to text, 130-1 teaching, 126-31 teaching value, 101-7 INTERPERSONAL GRAMMATICAL METAPHOR,

COMPLEMENT, 92, 123 COMPLEX1NG, 38 CONJUNCTION GROUP, 31, 46, 47 CONJUNCTIONS, 26, 27,38, 171,176,212
CONJUNCTIVE ADJUNCT, 1 2 3 , 1 3 8 , 1 3 9 CONSTITUENTS, 23 CONTENT LEVEL, 6, 183, 255

ADJUNCTS, 92,122-3, 127-8

ADVERBIAL GROUP, 31, 47, 66, 70 ADVERI1S, 26, 27 AGENT, 47, 53 AOENTJVE ROLES, see societal roles AGENTLESS PASSIVE, 53 APPRAISAL, 120-22 ARTICLES, 26,27 ATTITUDE, 121 ATTRIBUTE, 58, 61, 63

CONTEXT influence of, 2-3 intetpreting, 184-191 questions, 185-6 relation to text, 182-4 texts in, 3-5, 16 CONTEXT EXPLORATION, 264, 266 CONTEXT OF CULTURE, 3, 4, 183 CONTEXT OF SITUATION, 3-5, 16, 17, 183, 185, 186 descriptive analysis, 196 teaching, 205-7 wtiting, 191 CONTEXTUAL DESCRIPTION lexicogrammatical analysis, 193-5 CORPUS-BASED GRAMMAR, 24

clause constituency, 49, 73 structures within structures, 72-3 EXPERIENTIAL GRAMMAR, 80-1 critical response to text, 81-3 and field, 80 teaching value, 77-80 EXPERIENTIAL MEANINGS, 5, 39, 46, 134, 135, 204 clause constituency, 49, 73 investigating field, 196-8 mapping on the same clause, 123-4
EXPLANATION, 9,10, 233, 239, 240 EXPUCIT INSTRUCTION, 2 6 4 - 5 , 2 6 6 - 7

EXPOSITION, 9,10, 233,241-2

EXPRESSION LEVEL, 7 , 1 8 3 , 2 5 5 , 2 6 2

BEHAVER, 54, 55,62 BEHAVIOURAL PROCESSES, 51, 74 participant roles, 54-5, 62 BENEFICIARY, 52,54, 62 BOUND MORPHEME, 32

FIELD, 4, 5,16,188, 262, 272

FIELD OF DISCOURSE, 182, 183, 192, 194, 201

FINITE, 70,88,89-90,91,139
FINITE CLAUSE, 1 3 9 , 1 9 8 FOCUS, 121

INTERPERSONAL MEANINGS, 39, 134, 204, 213 investigating tenor, 198 mapping on the same clause, 123-4 INTERPERSONAL METAFUNCTION, 5, 39, 46, 88 INTERPERSONAL THEME, 138-9, 152, 153 INTERROGATIVE MOOD, 140-1 PNTERROGAT1VES, 118, 139 INTERRUPTING CLAUSES, 169-170 INVESTIGATING FIELD, 186-8, 196-8 INVESTIGATING MODE, 189-190 INVESTIGATING TENOR, 188, 196

CARRIER, 47, 58, 5 9 , 6 0 , 6 1 , 6 2 , 6 3

DECLARATIVE MOOD, 94, 139, 188 DECLARATIVES demands realised, 117-18 offers realised, 118 DEICTICS,67,69 DEMANDING INFORMATION, 94-5 DEPENDENT CLAUSES, 167-8 DIALECT VARIATION, 272 DIALECTS, 272, 273
DISCUSSION, 9,10, 233, 243

CARROLL, Lewis, 8, 147 CHANNEL, 193

CIRCUMSTANCES, 36, 47, 50, 55,61,63-5, 70-3,

FORCE, 121

GENRES, 8, 9, 17, 218-20 stoty, 221-37

123, 187,188,198 textual function, 134, 135,136,145, 156 types, 65


CLASSIFIERS, 28,47,67,69
CLAUSE BOUNDARIES, 1 6 0 - 1 CLAUSE COMBINING, TEACHING, 1 7 5 - 7 9 CLAUSE COMPLEX, 2 9 , 3 0 , 3 1 , 3 8 , 4 6

analysis, 161-66

ELLIPSIS, 216 EMBEDDED CLAUSES, 168-9, 170, 176 ENGAGEMENT, 122 EPITHETS, 47,67,69 EVENT, 27,36-7, 46,47, 64, 69-70, 89,111-13

CLAUSES, 29, 30,31,33-7, 38, 46, 262

binding, 171-3 constituents, 33-7, 47 non-finite, 112 as processes, 50-2 relationships, 172-3 types, 166-170

goods and services, 87, 88, 97-8, 117-23, 141 information, 86, 98-9

GOAL, 47,52, 53,54, 62,187 textual function, 134, 135, 140 GRADUATION, 121 GRAMMAR meaning of the term, 22 purpose of teaching, 275-6 research activities, 275 rules of, 22, 41 teaching, 24,31,41-3, 77-83 traditional, 26-9, 37 GRAMMATICAL METAPHOR, 74, 79 GRAPHOLOGY, 7 GROUPS, see phrases



debate on standards, 272 demographic of English usage, 271-2 functions, 5,39-40 learning, 258-9,263-8 levels, 6-7,183, 254, 255 and meaning, 254-5 teaching, 260-1, 263-8


Using Functional Qrammar MOOD TAG, 91

MORPHEMES, 29, 31,32-3, 262

Index PREPOSITION GROUP, 31 PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE, 31, 47, 71 PREPOSITIONS, 26, 27 PROCEDURE (giving instructions), 9, 10, 233-5, 236, 2 3 *


LANGUAGE TEACHING analysing need, 268 assessing achievement, 268, 270 monitoring progress, 268




NARRATIVE, 9, 10, 217, 224-7 NEGATIVE POLARITY, 111 NEW INFORMATION, 146, 151 NEWS STORY GENRE, 217, 228-32, 245 NOMINALGROUP, 31, 47, 66, 71-2 head, 66, 69
NOMINALISATION, 7 3 - 5 NON-FINITE CLAUSES, 1 1 2 , 1 2 7 NOUNS, 26, 27, 28 NUMERATIVES, 6 7 , 69

distinctions, 86 LEARNING LANGUAGE, 258-60 collaboration, 259 scaffolding, 260 LEXICAL CHAINS, 148-9,21] LEXICOGRAMMAR, 6, 7, 254, 255, 262 LEX1COGRAMMAT1CAL ANALYSIS contextual description, 193-5, 201-3 LOGICAL MEANINGS, 5, 37, 38 LONG TERM GOAL, 192 LOUDNESS, 144

PROCESS, 46, 47, 48,49, 50, 69-70, 74,123, 136,145,186 experiential meanings, 196-7 expression of, 36 types, 47, 51-2, 62-3

STORY GENRES, 217-32 STRUCTURE (TEXT), 3, 15, 17,213,262 critical orientation, 249-50 and new literacies, 250-2 STVUSTICS, 8 SUI3JECT, 60, 88 and subject-finite relationship, 90-1, 93, 123 textual function, 134, 135, 139, 140, 141 suRSTrrunoN, 212 SYLLABLES, 32 SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS, 257-8 approach to language study, 6, 7, 15 concepts and goals, 25 metalanguage, 7-8,18

MANNER, 187 MATERIAL PROCESSES, 47, 51, 52, 54, 190 participant roles, 52-4, 62 MATERIAL SITUATIONAL SETTING, 185 MEANING, IN SOCIAL CONTEXTS, 257 MEDIUM, 193 MENTAL PROCESSES, 52 participant roles, 55, 62 METALANGUAGE, 8, 261-2 of adjustment, 113 of appraisal, 12 of context, 182-3 of field of discourse, 192 of interaction, 88 of mode of discourse, 193 of position, 135 of tenor of discourse, 192 MODAL FINITES, 89, 113, 114-15, 118, 127 MODALISATION, 118 MODALITY, 113,114,198 in context, 119-20 MODALS OF INCLINATION, 118-19


QUALIFIER, 68, 69, 71, 72 QUESTIONS, 23

PARAPHRASES, 74 PARTICIPANT ROLES behavioural processes, 54-5, 62 existential processes, 51, 62, 63 material processes, 52-4, 62 mental processes, 55-6, 62, 63 relational processes, 58-62, 63 verbal processes, 56-8, 63
PARTICIPANTS, 36,47,48, 49, 50, 62, 66, 123,

RANGE, 52,54, 62 RANK SCALE, 29-31, 37-9, 160
REALISATION, 6, 7 RECEIVER, 5 6 , 5 7 , 6 3

TARGET, 56, 57, 63 TEACHERS approach to language teaching, 15-18
TENOR, 4, 5, 16, 130, 183,262,272
TENOR OF DISCOURSE, 1 8 2 , 1 8 3 , 192, 2 0 2

RECOUNT, 9,10, 221-4,245


MODE, 183, 193,262,272

MODE OF DISCOURSE, 4 , 5, 1 6 , 1 8 2 , 1 8 3 , 1 9 1 ,

195,203 MODULATION, 118 MOOD, 91-2,138, 139,144, 188-9, 198 MOOD ADJUNCT, 113, 115-16, 122, 127
MOOD BLOCK, 9 1 , 9 4 , 9 5 , 9 6 , 9 7 , 112,113,

136,145, 187 experiential meanings, 197-8 postmodi neat ion, 68-9, 70 premodification, 67-8, 70 PARTS OF SPEECH, 26 PASSIVES, 53 PEDAGOGICAL GRAMMARS, 24 PERSON, 93 selection, 198-9 PERSUADING, 241 PHENOMENON, 55,56, 62 PRONATION, 144 PHONOLOGY, 7 PHRASES, 29,30, 31,262 PITCH, 144 PLACE, 187

REFERENCE CHAINS, 212 REGISTER, 8, 9, 17,214-16 REGISTER VARIATION, 271 RELATIONAL PROCESSES, 47, 51, 52 attributive, 51, 58,61,62,63 identifying, 51, 59,60-1, 63 participant roles, 58-62, 63
RESIDUE, 93, 123

RHEME, 135,136, 139,142, 143,144, 146, 147,151,153, 154, 190 RHETORICAL THRUST, 193

SAYER, 47,56, 57, 63

122, 123


SEMANTICS, 6, 255 SENSER, 55, 56,62 SENTENCE, 30 constituents of, 23 SHORT TERM COAL, 192 SOCIAL CONTEXT, MAKING MEANING, 257

TEXT combining generic structural patterns, 245 in context, 3-5, 16 description, 3, 15 relation to context, 182-4 and social purposes, 216-17 structure, 130, 213-14 teaching, 15-18, 246-52, 262-3 tense in whole, 248-9 TEXT TYPES, 8-14, 214-16, 217 TEXT-BASED METHODOLOGY, 247, 262-3 TEXTUAL FUNCTION, 46, 134 TEXTUAL GRAMMAR critical response to text, 157 message and mode, 155 message and text structure, 154-5 teaching, 151-7 TEXTUAL MEANINGS, 39, 134, 135, 204 investigating mode, 199-201 TEXTUAL METAFUNCTIONS, 5, 6, 39, 46 TEXTUAL THEMES, 137, 145, 153, 190
TEXTURE, 3, 15,210-11,262


Using Functional Grammar


THEME, 135, 136,139, 140,141,142,143,147, 151,154,155,156,190,199,212 identifying, 136-9 markedness, 139-41, 152 THING, 27,36,46,47,64,69,74 TIMBRE, 144 TIME, 198 TOKEN, 59, 60,61,62,63 TOPICAL THEME, 136,137, 139, 145,152,153, 190,199-200


VALUE, 59,60,61, 62, 63
VERBAL GROUP, 3 1 , 47, 50, 6 6 VERBAL PROCESSES, 51

participant roles, 56-8, 63

VERBIAGE, 57, 63

VERBS, 26, 27,51-2


93,138, 139



WORDS, 29,31,262

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