Practical - 8: To Study The Term Software Maintenance. Explain Its Characteristics and Side Effects

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Aim: To study the term software maintenance. Explain its characteristics and side effects.
. Software maintenance in software engineering is the modification of a software product after delivery to correct faults, to improve performance or other attributes. In software engineering, software maintenance is the process of enhancing and optimizing deployed software (software release), as well as remedying defects. Software maintenance is one of the phases in the software development process, and follows deployment of the software into the field. The software maintenance phase involves changes to the software in order to correct defects and deficiencies found during field usage as well as the addition of new functionality to improve the software's usability and applicability.

Need for maintenance

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In order to: Correct errors Correct requirements and design flaws Improve the design Make enhancements Interface with other systems Convert to use other hardware Migrate legacy systems Retire systems Major aspects Maintaining control over the system's day-to-day functions Maintaining control over system modification Perfecting existing acceptable functions Preventing system performance from degrading to unacceptable levels.


In order to answer this question we need to consider what happens when the system is delivered to the users. The users operate the system and may find things wrong with it, or identify things they would like to see added to it. Via management feedback the maintainer makes the approved corrections or improvements and the improved system is delivered to the users. The cycle then repeats itself, thus perpetuating the loop of maintenance and extending the life of the product. In most cases the maintenance phase ends up being the longest process of the entire life cycle, and so far outweighs the development phase in terms of time and cost.

Fig 8.1 The Maintenance Lifecycle

Types of Software Maintenance: In order for a software system to remain useful in its environment it may be necessary to carry out a wide range of maintenance activities upon it. Swanson (1976) was one of the first to examine what really happens during maintenance and was able to identify three different categories of maintenance activity. 1. Corrective Changes necessitated by actual errors (defects or residual "bugs") in a system are termed corrective maintenance. These defects manifest themselves when the system does not operate as it was designed or advertised to do. A defect or bug can result from design errors, logic errors and coding errors. Design errors occur when for example changes made to the software are incorrect, incomplete, wrongly communicated or the change request misunderstood. Logic errors result from invalid tests and


conclusions, incorrect implementation of design specification, faulty logic flow or incomplete test data. Coding errors are caused by incorrect implementation of detailed logic design and incorrect use of the source code logic. Defects are also caused by data processing errors and system performance errors. All these errors, sometimes called residual errors or bugs prevent the software from conforming to its agreed specification. In the event of a system failure due to an error, actions are taken to restore operation of the software system. The approach here is to locate the original specifications in order to determine what the system was originally designed to do. However, due to pressure from management, maintenance personnel sometimes resort to emergency fixes known as patching. The ad hoc nature of this approach often gives rise to a range of problems that include increased program complexity and unforeseen ripple effects. Increased program complexity usually arises from degeneration of program structure which makes the program increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to comprehend. This state of affairs can be referred to as the spaghetti syndrome or software fatigue. Unforeseen ripple effects imply a change to one part of a program may affect other sections in an unpredictable fashion. This is often due to lack of time to carry out a thorough impact analysis before effecting the change. Corrective maintenance has been estimated to account for 20% of all maintenance activities.

2. Adaptive Any effort that is initiated as a result of changes in the environment in which a software system must operate is termed adaptive change. Adaptive change is a change driven by the need to accommodate modifications in the environment of the software system, without which the system would become increasingly less useful until it became obsolete. The term environment in this context refers to all the conditions and influences which act from outside upon the system, for example business rules, government policies, work patterns, software and hardware operating platforms. A change to the whole or part of this environment will warrant a corresponding modification of the software. Unfortunately, with this type of maintenance the user does not see a direct change in the operation of the system, but the software maintainer must expend resources to effect the change. This task is estimated to consume about 25% of the total maintenance activity.


3. Perfective The third widely accepted task is that of perfective maintenance. This is actually the most common type of maintenance encompassing enhancements both to the function and the efficiency of the code and includes all changes, insertions, deletions, modifications, extensions, and enhancements made to a system to meet the evolving and/or expanding needs of the user. A successful piece of software tends to be subjected to a succession of changes resulting in an increase in its requirements. This is based on the premise that as the software becomes useful, the users tend to experiment with new cases beyond the scope for which it was initially developed. Expansion in requirements can take the form of enhancement of existing system functionality or improvement in computational efficiency. As the program continues to grow with each enhancement the system evolves from an averagesized program of average maintainability to a very large program that offers great resistance to modification. Perfective maintenance is by far the largest consumer of maintenance resources, estimates of around 50% are not uncommon. 4. Preventive The long-term effect of corrective, adaptive and perfective change is expressed in Lehman's law of increasing entropy: As a large program is continuously changed, its complexity, which reflects deteriorating structure, increases unless work is done to maintain or reduce it. (Lehman 1985).

Figure 8.2 The Relationship between the different types of software change.


Software maintenance process: 1. The implementation process contains software preparation and transition activities, such as the conception and creation of the maintenance plan; the preparation for handling problems identified during development; and the follow-up on product configuration management. 2. The problem and modification analysis process, which is executed once the application has become the responsibility of the maintenance group. The maintenance programmer must analyze each request, confirm it (by reproducing the situation) and check its validity, investigate it and propose a solution, document the request and the solution proposal, and finally, obtain all the required authorizations to apply the modifications. 3. The process considering the implementation of the modification itself. 4. The process acceptance of the modification, by confirming the modified work with the individual who submitted the request in order to make sure the modification provided a solution. 5. The migration process (platform migration, for example) is exceptional, and is not part of daily maintenance tasks. If the software must be ported to another platform without any change in functionality, this process will be used and a maintenance project team is likely to be assigned to this task. 6. Finally, the last maintenance process, also an event which does not occur on a daily basis, is the retirement of a piece of software.

Characteristics of software maintenance: Software is often the single largest cost item in a computer-based application. Though software is a product, it is different from other physical products. Software costs are concentrated in engineering (analysis and design) and not in production. Cost of software is not dependent on volume of production. Software does not wear out (in the physical sense). Software has no replacement (spare) parts. Software maintenance is a difficult problem and is very different from hardware (physical product) maintenance. Most softwares are custom-built. Many legal issues are involved (e.g. intellectual property rights, liability).


Side effects of software maintenance:

Any error or undesirable behavior that occurs as a result of modifications to a system Coding side-effects (inadvertent removal of vital code, changes in semantics of code,unexpected changes in execution path)

Data side-effects (changes in data structures render older data invalid or incomplete, changes in global constants, changes in data ranges)

Documentation side-effects (forgetting to document code or data structure changes, changes not reflected in user manuals or interface)

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