Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Chitkara University, Punjab, India Dept. of Mechanical Engg., PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, UT, India
including aeronautics, components and systems where materials are required to retain high strength and high wear resistance even after continuous exposure to extremely high temperatures. II. Superalloys Superalloys are important in high-temperature applications; they are also known as heat-resistant or as high-temperature alloys. They are extremely useful in gas turbine, space vehicles, aircraft, nuclear reactors, submarine, petrochemical equipments. There are three classes of superalloys: nickel-based, cobalt-based, and iron-based. The super alloys are used for turbine and compressor section of the jet engines, the only materials to retain high strength even after continuous exposure to extremely high temperatures. Due to these properties the machining of these alloys are difficult. New and alternate method of machining propelled research to develop and use new processes of machining which promoted the use of EDM process. The process is widely accepted by the researchers to machine the superalloys. III. EDM of Superalloys A. Nickel-Based Alloys The area of early research was focused on the study of fatigue life. Jeelani and Collons [3] investigated on the fatigue life of Inconel 718 and concluded that the fatigue life of the specimens machined using EDM decreased slightly as compared with that of the virgin material. The micro-hardness and roughness of the machined surfaces increased marginally, producing a hard recast layer. Later the EDM process was used to study the response parameters such as MRR, EWR, SR and recast layer. Hastelloy-X was investigated under the various EDM conditions and analyzed in terms of surface integrity by Kang and Kim [4]. The parameter which was varied in the study was pulse on-time. The results demonstrated that MRR and EWR behaved nonlinearly with respect to the pulse duration, whereas the morphological and metallurgical features showed rather a constant trend of change by the pulse duration. The pulse-on time also affected the number of micro-cracks and the thickness of AMZ (altered material zone). Wang et al. [5] explored the feasibility of removing the recast layer (RCL) using etching and mechanical grinding for Ni-based superalloy materials by means of EDM. The experiment was conducted using L18 orthogonal arrays and the results proved that a positive polarity process could create a thicker recast layer than negative polarity. L9 orthogonal arrays were also used in the experiments and the results proved that the corrosive made up of phosphoric acid and hydrochloric acid under proper temperature could significantly enhance the recast layer removal rate for Inconel 718 alloy. The micro-hardness test of recast layer and base material proved that corrosion using phosphoric acid and hydrochloric acid could only damage the structure of the recast layer and that base material hardness would not be damaged at all. Rajesh et al. [6] investigated the surface integrity evaluation issues while machining Inconel 718 through EDM. The distinctive morphology of the machined surface (recast layer) was due the enormous amount of heat discharge during sparking that causes melting and vaporization of the material, followed by swift cooling.
Abstract Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a widely accepted process for machining of superalloys. The application of these alloys has expanded, to many areas including aerospace, jet engines, rocket engines, nuclear and petroleum plants. The novel properties of the alloys include the ability to retain high strength even after long and continuous exposures to extremely high temperatures with excellent surface stability. The response characteristics such as MRR, EWR, SR, white layer thickness, micro-hardness and surface integrity of workpiece have been reported in the literature. The effects of parameter such as current, pulse duration, voltage are among the important ones addressed. Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT) mixed in the dielectric medium are important upcoming areas for analyzing the surface characteristics. The modeling techniques such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach and response surface methodology are offered in order to understand machining induced surface properties. Comprehensive and systematic modeling approach on the process physics and industrial applications are the research areas which need further investigations. The paper presents a review on the electrical discharge machining of superalloys and future applications. Keywords Electrical Discharge Machining, Material Removal Rate (MRR), Electrode Wear Rate (EWR), Surface Roughness (SR), Superalloys I. Introduction The history of EDM goes as far back as the 1770s when it was discovered by an English scientist Joseph Priestly the erosive effect of electrical discharge. The full advantage of electrical discharge machining was taken after 1943 when two Russian scientists, B.R. and N.I. Lazarenko at the Moscow University learned how the erosive effects of the technique could be controlled and used for metal machining as presented by Lazarenko [1]. The destructive effect was analyzed and a controlled process of electrical discharge machining of materials was developed. The control of gap and pulse times between the electrode and workpiece by the RC (resistancecapacitance) relaxation circuit was introduced in 1950s, which also provided a simple servo control circuit and later stage RC circuit was widely used as the model for successive developments in EDM technology. Electrical discharge machining began to be viable techniques in the mid 1970s. Computer Numerical Control (CNC) in EDM was introduced in 1980s, which brought out remarkable advancement in improving the efficiency of the machining operation. Due to regular process improvements, EDM machines have become so stable that these can be operated for long duration of time under monitoring by an adaptive control system. This process enables machining of any material, which is electrically conductive, irrespective of its hardness, shape or strength as demonstrated by Abu Zeid [2]. The continuous improvement of EDM capabilities have since then been sought by the manufacturing sector yielding economic benefits and generating applied research interests instead of basic research in EDM. The review presented in this paper is on the EDMing of superalloys widely used in many applications
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Surface quality was deteriorated at high pulse current and pulse on-time. Bharti et al. [7] investigated the machining characteristics of Inconel 718 during die-sinking electric discharge machining process with copper as tool electrode. Discharge current and pulse on-time were identified as common influencing parameters for MRR, SR and TWR. Duty cycle and tool electrode lift time were found the least influential parameters. Rajesha et al. [8] planned the experiments as per Taguchis L18 orthogonal array and trials were carried out in a CNC-EDM machine with 99.9 % pure copper tool having tubular section; commercial grade kerosene was used as dielectric fluid. The effect of process parameters pulse current, pulse on-time, gap control and flushing pressure on MRR was investigated while machining Inconel 718. It was concluded that the pulse current is the most significant parameter in the process, followed by pulse on-time and pulse off-time. Kristian [9] in his study on IN 100mod Ni-base alloy, used two different qualities of electrode Poco AF5 and Poco EDM3 and tested in a 23 factorial test with two levels of discharge current and pulse duration. The results demonstrated that EDM3 graphite performs very well giving significantly higher MRR than AF5, with acceptable relative electrode wear. The AF5 gives significantly lower electrode wear and MRR. Hewidy et al. [10] in their work highlighted mathematical models for correlating the inter-relationships of various WireEDM machining parameters of Inconel 601 material such as: peak current, duty factor, wire tension and water pressure on the MRR, wear ratio and SR. The process has proved its adequacy to machine the material under acceptable volumetric material removal rate of 8 mm3/min and surface finish (Ra) less than 1 m. The volumetric metal removal rate and surface roughness both increases with increase in peak current has been established based on the response surface methodology (RSM). Newton et al. [11] conducted an experimental investigation to determine the main wire-EDM parameters which contribute to recast layer formation in Inconel 718. It was established that average recast layer thickness increased primarily with energy per spark, peak discharge current, and pulse duration. The range of parameters tested, the recast layer was observed to be between 5 and 9 m in average thickness, which was highly variable in nature. The recast material was found to possess in-plane tensile residual stresses, as well as lower hardness and elastic modulus than the bulk material. Ramakrishnan and Karunamoorthy [12] described the development of ANN models and the multi-response optimization technique to predict and select the best cutting parameters for the wire electrodischarge machining (WEDM) process of Inconel 718. On the other hand, Aspinwall et al. [13] developed 3D topographic maps of workpiece surfaces, micro-structural and micro-hardness depth profile data of Inconel 718. Average recast thickness is <11 m. Several trim passes show no significant change in workpiece microhardness variation with cracking confined to the recast layer. Muthu Kumar et al. [14] demonstrated optimization of WEDM process parameters of Incoloy 800 super alloy with multiple performance characteristics and concluded that the Grey-Taguchi Method is most ideal and suitable for the parametric optimization of the Wire-Cut EDM process, when using the multiple performance characteristics such as MRR, SR and kerf width. Bai [15] investigated the effects of the electrical discharge alloying (EDA) process with Al-Mo composite electrode on improving the high temperature oxidation resistance of the Ni-based superalloy Haynes 230. The oxidation resistance of the specimen alloyed with positive electrode polarity is better than that of the unalloyed
superalloy, and the effective temperature of oxidation resistance of the alloyed layer was achieved to 1100 C. Conversely, the oxidation resistance of the other EDA specimen alloyed with negative electrode polarity was even worse than that of the unalloyed superalloy. In their previous work Bai et al. [16] presented the EDA process of the superalloy Haynes 230 with aluminum and molybdenum, and the alloying effects of different EDA conditions have also been determined and compared. Suitable experiment conditions can help to form an aluminum-rich layer on the surface of the superalloy. Klocke et al. [17] investigated the influence of powder suspended dielectrics on the recast layer of Inconel 718 EDMed surface. They reported that a physical property of the powder additives plays an important role in changing the recast layer composition and morphology. Kumar et al. [18] realized the potential of graphite powder as additive in enhancing machining capabilities of Additive mixed EDM on Inconel 718 and found that addition of graphite powder enhances machining rate appreciably. Machining rate is improved by 26.85% with 12g/l of fine graphite at best parametric setting. Prabhu and Vinayagam [19] carried out the EDM process on Inconel 825 with carbon nano tube (CNT) mixed with dielectric fluid for analyzing the surface characteristics. Atomic force microscope (AFM) analysis using CNT improves the surface characteristics like surface morphology, surface roughness and micro cracks from micro level to nano level. Kuppan et al. [20] carried out experimental investigation of small deep hole drilling of Inconel 718 using the EDM process and revealed that MRR is more influenced by peak current, duty factor and electrode rotation, whereas depth average surface roughness is strongly influenced by peak current and pulse on-time. To achieve better surface finish low value of pulse on-time to be selected. An increase in electrode speed leads to increase in MRR whereas depth average surface roughness decreases to minimum value (between 200 to 300 rpm) and then increases. Better surface integrity was achieved by moderate values of amperage. Bozdana et al. [21] presented a comparative experimental study on machining and surface characteristics of through and blind holes (1 mm) produced on aerospace alloys of Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718 by fast hole rotary EDM process using tubular hollow copper and brass electrodes. It was revealed that the achievement of desirable MRR and EW values and acceptable topography of machined surfaces were dependent upon the appropriate selection of tool electrode material and the choice of making through/blind hole. The brass electrode has provided a superior MRR for the production of through and blind holes on IN 718 and Ti 64 test pieces as compared with copper electrode. Yilmaz and Okka [22] presented a comparative experimental investigation of EDM fast hole drilling of Inconel 718 and Ti-6Al-4V by using single and multi-channel tubular electrodes made of brass and copper materials. The experimental results revealed that the single-channel electrode has comparatively better material removal rates and lower electrode wear ratio and multi-channel electrodes produce better surfaces than single channel electrodes for both aerospace alloys. Micro-structural changes while drilling operations for both types of electrodes result in an annealing effect on Inconel 718 and a tempering effect on Ti-6Al-4V alloy. In addition, multi-channel electrodes produce comparatively lower hardness values. Arun Muthu et al. [23] performed machining of Inconel 800 using aluminium electrode in conventional as well as a magnetic force assisted EDM. The machining characteristics including SR, EWR and MRR were evaluated and on comparison; a magnetic forceassisted EDM was significant process with high efficiency and high quality of machined surfaces.
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1. Titanium-Based Alloys In spite of many studies on fast EDM hole drilling, the research on making of small-size holes on aerospace alloys is limited. Asokan et al. [24] analysed the effect of EDM parameters on deep hole drilling of titanium alloy using copper electrode. Pradhan et al. [25] studied the optimization of EDM hole drilling parameters on Ti-6Al-4V using brass electrode. Lin et al. [26] carried out an experimental investigation of the machining characteristics of titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) using a combination process of EDM with ultrasonic machining (USM). Parameters such as dielectric type, abrasive size, concentration of abrasive in the dielectric fluid, discharge peak current and pulse duration were changed to explore their effect on the MRR, EWR, relative electrode wear ratio (REWR), SR and thickness of the recast layer. Experimental results concluded that the combination EDM/USM process can increase the MRR and decrease the thickness of the recast layer. In addition, the discharge waveform analysis proved that the combination EDM/USM process can dramatically reduce abnormal discharge, thus improving the discharge efficiency. Chow et al. [27] studied the addition of aluminium or silicon carbide powder in the dielectric fluid which affects the machining criteria such as increase in MRR and improvement in surface finish for micro-slit machining of titanium alloy. Kibria et al. [28] addressed the issues of micro-EDM utilizing different types of dielectrics such as kerosene, deionized water, boron carbide (B4C) powder suspended kerosene, and deionized water to explore the influence of these dielectrics on the performance criteria such as MRR, TWR, overcut, diameteral variance at entry and exit hole and surface integrity during machining of titanium alloy (Ti-6Al4V). The experimental results revealed that MRR and TWR are higher using deionized water than kerosene. Also, when suspended particles, i.e., boron carbide-mixed dielectrics are used, MRR is found to increase with deionized water, but TWR decreases with kerosene dielectric. Caydas and Hascalik [29] in their study selected Ti alloy as work material while carrying out die-sinking EDM, pulse current was found the most important factor effecting the both electrode wear and white layer thickness, while pulse off-time has no significant effect on both responses. Hascalik and Caydas [30] investigated the influence of sinking EDM parameters on machining of Ti-6Al-4V using graphite, copper and aluminium electrodes. Krishna Mohan Rao et al. [31] carried out EDM on Ti-6Al-4V to measure surface roughness by varying the peak current and voltage. Surface finish reduces tremendously when current increases at constant voltage. Fonda et al. [32] used EDM technology to machine titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V to investigate the effect of Ti-6Al-4Vs thermal and electrical properties on the EDM productivity. In their study, temperature measurements has been taken for workpieces with various duty factors to clarify the essential causes of difficulty in machining titanium alloys and observed the optimal duty factor in terms of productivity and quality. Bhattacharyya et al. [33] carried out modeling and analysis of EDMed job surface integrity. In addition, due to intense heat generation in the EDM process, white layer is formed on the machined surface. Abdulkareem et al. [34] studied the cooling effect of copper electrode on the die-sinking of electrical discharge machining of titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V). It was possible to reduce electrode wear ratio up to 27% by electrode cooling. Surface roughness was also reduced while machining with electrode cooling. Kao et al. [35] presented an improvement of 15% on EWR, 12% on MRR, and 19% on SR while carrying out optimization of the EDM parameters on machining Ti-6Al-4V
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with multiple quality characteristics. Khan et al. [36] proposed an ANN models for the prediction of surface roughness on Ti-15-3 alloy in EDM process. The research depicted that the surface roughness increases as peak current increases whilst SR decreases as increase of pulse off-time. Strsk et al. [37] performed EDM with a high peak current (29 A) on Ti-6Al-4V alloy in order to impose surface roughness and modify the chemical composition of the surface. Investigation revealed a martensitic surface layer and subsurface heat affected zone (HAZ) with carbon enriched remnants on the material surface. In order to improve the machining performance such as higher MRR and better surface finish, ultrasonic vibration has been incorporated in micro-EDM for machining deep and small holes on titanium alloys by Zhao et al. [38]. Pradhan and Bhattacharyya [39] studied the improvement in micro-hole machining accuracy by polarity changing technique for micro-electrode discharge machining on Ti-6Al-4V. Pradhan et al. [40] carried out investigation of electrodischarge micro-machining of titanium super alloy it was seen that machining performances are affected mostly by the peak current and pulse on-time. An in-depth study was made to examine the influence of various process parameters on the white layer and surface topography through SEM micrographs of machined micro-hole. Ho et al. [41] studied the use of powder metallurgy (PM) compacted electrodes for electrical discharge surface alloying/modification of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The PM electrodes produced greater alloying than the solid electrode. Gu et al. [42] studied the feasibility of machining Ti-6Al-4V with a bundled electrode and its effect on EDM performance was compared experimentally using a solid die-sinking electrode. The results explain the high performance of the EDM process with a bundled electrode by through the use of multi-hole inner flushing to efficiently remove molten material from the inter-electrode gap and through the improved ability to apply a higher peak current. IV. Conclusion The past two decades has seen the increasing use of EDM on superalloys. The process has resulted in a significant improvement in complex machining problems in difficult-to-cut alloys. The following specific conclusions can be drawn from the published research work on EDM of superalloys in this review. 1. The application of EDM process in the machining of nickel base and titanium base alloys has addressed the surface integrity, metallurgical states and topological parameters. Many features still need to be addressed for the positive impact of the process on the industry. 2. The use of electrode material in the machining process of superalloys was limited to only few where as there is a scope for using powder metallurgy and composite electrodes for better results in material transfer. 3. The research as surface modification using powders in dielectric is the another area of importance to be studied, as so far the use of only Gr, Al, SiC and B4C powders has been reported other material powders can also be tried. 4. Various research works has been carried out considering the effect of discharge current and pulse duration where as there is a need to study the pulse off-time also for considering white layer and surface topography. 5. Literature lacks the mechanism of material transfer from electrode surface and powder suspended in dielectric medium to the surface of work piece. 6. There is scope of research on supperalloys using hybrid
EDM as only ultrasonic and magnetic force assisted electric discharge machining have been reported so far. References [1] Lazarenko B.R.,To invert the effect of wear on electric power contacts, Dissertation of the All-Union Institute for Electro Technique in Moscow/CCCP, Russian, 1943. [2] Abu Zeid O.A.,On the effect of electro discharge machining parameters on the fatigue life of AISI D6 tool steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 2732, 1997. [3] Jeelani S., Collins M.R.,Effect of electric discharge machining on the fatigue life of Inconel 718, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 10(2), pp. 121-126, 1988. [4] Kang S.H., Kim D.E.,Investigation of EDM Characteristics of Nickel-based Heat Resistant Alloy, KSME International Journal, Vol. 17(10), pp. 1475-1484, 2003. [5] Wang C.C., Chow H.M., Yang L.D., Lu C.T.,Recast layer removal after electrical discharge machining via Taguchi analysis: A feasibility study, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 209, pp. 4134-4140, 2009. [6] Rajesh S., Patnaik P.K., Sharma A.K., Kumar P.,Surface integrity evaluation of electro discharge machined Inconel 718, Proceedings of the 3rd International 24th AIMTDR Conference, pp. 259-264, 2010. [7] Bharti P.S., Maheshwari S., Sharma C.,Experimental investigation of Inconel 718 during die-sinking electric discharge machining, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(11), pp. 6464-6473, 2010. [8] Rajesha S., Sharma A.K., Kumar P.,An approach to optimisation of process parameters while EDMing Inconel 718 using Taguchis orthogonal array, International Journal of Production Quality Engineering, Vol. 2(1), pp. 19-26, 2011. [9] Kristen L.A.,Performance of two graphite electrode qualitied in EDM of seal slots in a jet engine turbine vane, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 149, pp. 152-156, 2004. [10] Hewidy M.S., El-Taweel T.A., El-Safty M.F.,Modelling the machining parameters of wire electrical discharge machining of Inconel 601 using RSM, Journal of Material Processing Technology, Vol. 169, pp. 328-336, 2005. [11] Newton T.R., Melkote S.N., Watkins T.R., Trejo R.M., Reister L.,Investigation of the effect of process parameters on the formation and characteristics of recast layer in wire-EDM of Inconel 718, Materials science and engineering, Vol. (A) 513-514, pp. 208-215, 2009. [12] Ramakrishnan R., Karunamoorthy L.,Modeling and multi-response optimization of Inconel 718 on machining of CNCWEDM process, Journal of Material Processing Technology, Vol. 207 (1-3), pp. 343-349, 2008. [13] Aspinwall D.K., Soo S.L., Berrisford, A.E., Walder G., Workpiece surface roughness and integrity after WEDM of Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 718 using damage generator technology, Annals of CIRP, Manufactuing Technology, Vol. 57, pp. 187-190, 2008. [14] Muthu Kumar V., Suresh Babu A., Venkataswamy R., Raajenthiren M.,Optimization of the WEDM parameters on machining Incoloy 800 super alloy with multiple quality characteristics, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technolology, Vol. 2 (6), pp. 1538-1547, 2010.
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