The New Meaning of Educational Change: Michael Fullan
The New Meaning of Educational Change: Michael Fullan
The New Meaning of Educational Change: Michael Fullan
This substantially rewritten edition of a bestseller about the principalship captures, with exceptional clarity, the essence of what school leaders and those who support them should know and do to make a difference for students. Ken Leithwood, OISE/University of Toronto The new edition of Whats Worth Fighting For in the Principalship? promises much and delivers more. Fullan continues to provide the leadership needed to accelerate school improvement efforts around the globe. Thomas J. Sergiovanni, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas I wish I had access to these insights during my own turbulent years as a school principal. Roland S. Barth, Founding Director, The Principals Center, Harvard Graduate School of Education Valuable philosophical guidelines that strengthen our resolve and create a new mindset to direct our actions. Educational Leadership (praise for the rst edition) World-renowned for his expert advice on school change, Michael Fullan has completely revised and updated this classic work written directly to principals. In the years since publication of the rst edition, policymakers and school reformers have pointed increasingly to the school principal as the most important agent of needed change in our schools. Along with this recognition, principals are now expected to do even more within their already overloaded schedules. With a sense of urgency that will spur principals into action, this second edition is more targeted, more specic, and provides more concrete examples from the eld to reveal a new agenda for school leaders. Michael Fullan incisively characterizes the current state of the principalship and recommends 6 practical, powerful Action Guidelines for principals, and 6 Guidelines for Systems, all geared towards dramatically increasing the impact of the principal on school success.
80 pp./Paper, $15.95/978-0-8077-4833-6 US: Teachers College Press, CA: Guidance Centre, AU/NZ: Australian Council for Educational Leaders, Other Countries: McGraw-Hill,
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to the Premier of Ontario and to the Minister of Education. He is Professor Emeritus at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Recognized as an international authority on educational reform, he is engaged in training, consulting, and evaluating change projects around the world. His books have been translated into many languages. An expert in tri-level reform (school, district, state), his ideas can be found at
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