Qualified PC Workstations For Avid Media Composer V5.0, Avid Newscutter V9.0, Avid Assist 2.5, and Avid Instinct 2.5

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Qualified PC Workstations for Avid Media Composer v5.0, Avid NewsCutter v9.0, Avid Assist 2.5, and Avid nstin!t 2.5
Qualified Workstation "ummar# Avid "oftware $nl# Avid Nitris %&' Avid Mo(o %&' Avid Mo(o Mo(o "% or Adrenaline Avid )nit# MN *t+ernet Avid )nit# MN ,i-re Avid )nit# "" Avid Assist or Avid nstin!t Notes

HP z800

Dual 2.93 ua! Core "#$$%0& 'r Dual 2.(( ua! core "#$$$0& ()* +emor, -.i!ia /ua!ro 0#1800

4e uires +e!ia Com5oser 6ersion 3.$.1 "minimum& or -e7sCutter %.$.1 "minimum& 8!renaline an! +ojo9SD: su55ort re uires an a!!itional ;391b car! "StarTech P<#;391*3& 2 2 2 23 2 2 2 2 86i! +ojo "analog& is not su55orte! Su55orts .ista (1 =in!o7s #P 32 SP3 su55orte! for +e!ia Com5oser 61.0 "minimum& or -e7sCutter 8.0 "minimum&> 9 0or configuration !etails see the configuration gui!elines

HP z100

Single 2.93 ua! Core "=3$10& 'r Single 3.0( ua! core "=3$$0& ()* +emor, -.i!ia /ua!ro 0#3800

4e uires +e!ia Com5oser 6ersion 3.$.1 "minimum& or -e7sCutter %.$.1 "minimum& 8!renaline an! +ojo9SD: su55ort re uires an a!!itional ;391b car! "StarTech P<#;391*3& 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 86i! +ojo "analog& is not su55orte! Su55orts .ista (1 =in!o7s #P 32 SP3 su55orte! for +e!ia Com5oser 61.0 "minimum& or -e7sCutter 8.0 "minimum&> 9 0or configuration !etails see the configuration gui!elines

Dell T$$00

Dual 2.93 ua! Core "#$$%0& .ista (1 ()* +emor, -.i!ia /ua!ro 0#1800 2 2 2 +ojo9SD: onl, 2 2 2

4e uires +e!ia Com5oser 6ersion 3.$.1 "minimum& or -e7sCutter %.$.1 "minimum& +ojo9SD: su55ort re uires an a!!itional ;391b car! "StarTech P<#;391*3& .ista (1 'nl, 9 0or configuration !etails see the configuration gui!elines

?5!ate! 85ril (th@ 20;0

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Qualified Workstation "ummar# Avid "oftware $nl# Avid Nitris %&' Avid Mo(o %&' Avid Mo(o Mo(o "% or Adrenaline Avid )nit# MN *t+ernet Avid )nit# MN ,i-re Avid )nit# "" Avid Assist or Avid nstin!t Notes

Dell T3$00

Single 2.93 ua! Core "#3$10& .ista (1 ()* +emor, -.i!ia /ua!ro 0#3800 2 2 2 +ojo9SD: onl, 2 2 2

4e uires +e!ia Com5oser 6ersion 3.$.1 "minimum& or -e7sCutter %.$.1 "minimum& +ojo9SD: su55ort re uires an a!!itional ;391b car! "StarTech P<#;391*3& .ista (1 'nl, 9 0or configuration !etails see the configuration gui!elines

HP A78(00

3.00 )Hz Dual /ua!9Core

Su55orts -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# 3%00 4e uires +C 63 or -C 6% soft7are 4e uires se5arate :<<<9;391 car! "0=2329 0(@ HP 5art number P99%8& for D-8 connections. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4e uires 1)* s,stem 48+ .ista <thernet +- or :S:S connections 7ith 8!renaline re uires :ntel Pro;000 PT car! 9 0or configuration !etails see the configuration gui!elines

Dell T$100

2.$0 u5 to 3.;( )Hz Dual /ua! Core 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Su55orts -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# 3%00 4e uires +C 63 or -C 6% soft7are 9 0or configuration !etails see the configuration gui!elines 9 4e uires e!itor release 2.%B(.% or greater. 9 Su55orts the -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# ;$00@ 3$00@ 3%00 9 4e uires se5arate :<<<9;391 car! "0=23290(@ HP 5art number P99%8& for D-8 connections. 9 4e uires 1)* s,stem 48+@ configure! as 1 se5arate ;)* D:++s. 9 0or configuration !etails see the configuration gui!elines

HP A78100

2.33@ 2.(( )Hz or 3.00 )Hz Dual /ua!9Core #eon

?5!ate! 85ril (th@ 20;0

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Qualified Workstation "ummar# Avid "oftware $nl# Avid Nitris %&' Avid Mo(o %&' Avid Mo(o Mo(o "% or Adrenaline Avid )nit# MN *t+ernet Avid )nit# MN ,i-re Avid )nit# "" Avid Assist or Avid nstin!t Notes

HP A78100

2.(( )Hz or 3.00 )Hz Dual Dual9Core #eon

9 4e uires e!itor release 2.2.;0B(.2.;0 or greater. 9 Su55orts the -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# ;$00@ 3$00@ 3%00 9 4e uires 8TT' ?C1D SCS: car! for local SCS: 9 D-AHD ca5ture not su55orte! on +ojo D# 9 0or configuration !etails see the configuration gui!elines

HP A71(00

3.00 )Hz Core 2 Duo 2 2 2 2 2 2

9 4e uires e!itor release A.% or greater. 9 Su55orts the -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# $%0 on soft7are onl, s,stems. D-AHD ca5ture not su55orte! on +ojo D# 9 0or configuration !etails see the configuration gui!elines

Dell T3100

2.33 or 2.(( )Hz Core 2 Duo 2 2 2 2 2 2

9 4e uires e!itor release A.% or greater. 9 Su55orts the -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# $%0 on soft7are onl, s,stems. 9 Su55orts -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# 3%00 9 D-AHD ca5ture not su55orte! on +ojo D#

D86i! +ojo D# an! 86i! -itris D# re uire +e!ia Com5oser 63.0 or abo6e or -e7sCutter 6%.0 or abo6e. 3 86i! +ojo SD: an! 86i! 8!renaline re uire +e!ia Com5oser 61.0 or abo6e or -e7sCustter 68.0 or abo6e. 0or more information@ see HP z800Bz100 su55ort for =in!o7s #P 32 an! 86i! D-8 har!7areE29001$F 86i! +ojo "8nalog& is not su55orte!. > =in!o7s #P configurations re uire SP3 an! a +icrosoft hotfiA for the ;391b car! !escribe! abo6e to function 5ro5erl, 7ith 86i! 8!renaline an! 86i! +ojo SD: har!7are. The card must be installed prior to installing the hotfix. The hotfiA ma, be !o7nloa!e! fromG htt5GBBsu55ort.microsoft.comBhotfiABH*HotfiA.as5AIJbnumK9$$108LJblnKen9us D=hen u5gra!ing to +e!ia Com5oser 6$.0 from 61.0.3 or earlier@ or to -e7scutter 9.0 from 6%.0.3 or earlier@ ,ou must u5!ate ,our 8TT' !ri6ers for !irect9attache! 86i! storage. The, can be foun! in the ?tilities fol!er once the a55lication is installe!. The, can also be foun! hereG 8TT' Dri6ers for +e!ia Com5oser an! S,m5hon, 1.0.1 an! Higher an! -e7scutter 8.0.1 an! HigherE31(139F

?5!ate! 85ril (th@ 20;0

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Qualified PC Note-ooks for Avid Media Composer, Avid NewsCutter, Avid Assist and Avid nstin!t
Qualified Workstation "ummar# Avid "oftware $nl# Avid Mo(o %&' Avid Mo(o or Mo(o "% Avid )nit# MN *t+ernet Avid )nit# MN ,i-re Avid )nit# "" Avid Assist or Avid nstin!t Notes

/ua! Core :% /820 ";@%3 )Hz& HP <lite*ooJ 8$107 +obile =orJstation -.:D:8 0# ;800m 8)* 48+

4e uires +C 6$ or -C 69 soft7are or higher. Su55orts =in % (1 Professional@ .ista (1 Professional@ an! #P 32 Professional DD +ojo SD: re uires =in!o7s % (19bit Professional onl, an! an a!!9in 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar!G D,neA 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar! a!a5ter car! "5art number is D#9<C0=& Startech 2 5ort <A5ressCar!B31mm fire7ire a!a5ter 9 ;A;391a B ;A;391b car! "5art number is <C;391;8;*&


+ojo SD: 7ill not 7orJ 7ith =in!o7s .ista or =in!o7s #P 329bit Dell Precision +($00 +obile =orJstation /ua! Core :% #920 -.:D:8 0# 3800m 1)* 48+ DD +ojo SD: re uires =in!o7s % (19bit Professional onl, an! an a!!9in 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar!G 4e uires +C 6$ or -C 69 soft7are or higher. Su55orts =in % (1 Professional@ .ista (1 Professional@ an! #P 32 Professional

. . .'' . .

D,neA 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar! a!a5ter car! "5art number is D#9<C0=& Startech 2 5ort <A5ressCar!B31mm fire7ire a!a5ter 9 ;A;391a B ;A;391b car! "5art number is <C;391;8;*&

+ojo SD: 7ill not 7orJ 7ith =in!o7s .ista or =in!o7s #P 329bit

?5!ate! 85ril (th@ 20;0

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Qualified Workstation "ummar# Avid "oftware $nl# Avid Mo(o %&' Avid Mo(o or Mo(o "% Avid )nit# MN *t+ernet Avid )nit# MN ,i-re Avid )nit# "" Avid Assist or Avid nstin!t Notes

HP <lite*ooJ 8$307 +obile =orJstation

2.$3 )Hz "T9100& or 3.0( )Hz "#9;00& Core 2 Duo 5rocessor 1 )* 800 +Hz DD42 SD48+ -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# %%0+ gra5hics 2$0 )* %200 r5m S8T8 :: Dri6e . . .'' . . 2

4e uires +C 63 or -C 6% soft7are or higher. 0or +ojo SD: su55ort !isable ?S* Cegac, Su55ort in the s,stem *:'S DD +ojo an! +ojo SD: re uire .ista *usiness 32 an! an a!!9in 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar!G D,neA 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar! a!a5ter car! "5art number is D#9<C0=& Startech 2 5ort <A5ressCar!B31mm fire7ire a!a5ter 9 ;A;391a B ;A;391b car! "5art number is <C;391;8;*&

HP <lite*ooJ 8%307 +obile =orJstation

2.$3 )Hz "T9100& or 3.0( )Hz "#9;00& Core 2 Duo 5rocessor 1 )* 800 +Hz DD42 SD48+ -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# 2%00+ or 3%00+ gra5hics ;(0 )* %200 r5m S8T8 :: Dri6e

4e uires +C 63 or -C 6% soft7are or higher. 0or +ojo SD: su55ort !isable ?S* Cegac, Su55ort in the s,stem *:'S DD +ojo an! +ojo SD: re uire .ista *usiness 32 an! an a!!9in 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar!G . . .'' . . 2 D,neA 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar! a!a5ter car! "5art number is D#9<C0=& Startech 2 5ort <A5ressCar!B31mm fire7ire a!a5ter 9 ;A;391a B ;A;391b car! "5art number is <C;391;8;*&

DreamColor mo!els are su55orte! Dell Precision +(100 +obile =orJstation 2.$3 )Hz "T9100& or 3.0( )Hz "#9;00& Core 2 Duo 5rocessor 1 )* DD439;0(( SD48+ -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# 2%00+ or 3%00+ gra5hics ;(0 )* %200 r5m S8T8 :: Dri6e 4e uires +C 63 or -C 6% soft7are or higher.

. . .'' . . 2

Mou must run the 8+< registr, file before using the 86i! a55lications. This is a6ailable on the 86i! Hno7le!ge Center

DD +ojo an! +ojo SD: re uire .ista *usiness 32 an! an a!!9in 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar!G D,neA 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar! a!a5ter car! "5art number is D#9<C0=& Startech 2 5ort <A5ressCar!B31mm fire7ire a!a5ter 9 ;A;391a B ;A;391b car! "5art number is <C;391;8;*&

?5!ate! 85ril (th@ 20;0

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Qualified Workstation "ummar# Avid "oftware $nl# Avid Mo(o %&' Avid Mo(o or Mo(o "% Avid )nit# MN *t+ernet Avid )nit# MN ,i-re Avid )nit# "" Avid Assist or Avid nstin!t Notes

HP Com5a 8$;07 +obile =orJstation

2.20 )Hz Core 2 Duo 5rocessor@ 1+* C2 Cache@ 800+hz 0S*@ 2 )* ((% +Hz DD42 SD48+@ -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# $%0+ gra5hics@ 7ith u5 to 2$(+*@ 80 )* %200 r5m S8T8 2.1 )Hz Core 2 Duo 5rocessor@ 1+* C2 Cache@ 800+hz 0S*@ 2 )* ((% +Hz DD42 SD48+@ -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# ;(00+ gra5hics@ 7ith 2$(+*@ 80 )* %200 r5m S8T8 2.1 )Hz Core 2 Duo 5rocessor@ 1+* C2 Cache@ 800+hz 0S*@ 2 )* ((% +Hz DD42 SD48+@ -.:D:8 /ua!ro 0# ;(00+ gra5hics@ 7ith 2$(+*@ 80 )* %200 r5m S8T8

9 4e uires 86i! e!itor 6ersion A.% or higher 9 -o full screen 5la, 9 DocJing station re uire! for +ojo D# "PC:e onl, a6ailable on !ocJing station&

HP Com5a 8%;07 +obile =orJstation

9 4e uires 86i! e!itor 6ersion A.% or higher 9 -o full screen 5la, 9 DocJing station re uire! for +ojo D# "PC:e onl, a6ailable on !ocJing station&

Dell Precision +(300 +obile =orJstation

9 -o full screen 5la,bacJ . . . . . 2

D+ojo D# re uires +e!ia Com5oser 63.0 or abo6e@ -e7sCutter 6%.0 or abo6e DConnecting +ojo D# to a la5to5 re uires an 86i! PC:9eA5ress ; lane a!a5ter DD-AHD ca5ture not su55orte! on +ojo D# on notebooJs D-itris D# is not su55orte! on notebooJs D-otebooJs su55ort .ista 32 an! (1 an! =in!o7s #P eAce5t 7here other7ise note!. "continue! on neAt 5age& DD+ojo an! +ojo SD: is onl, su55orte! on the HP 8%307 an! HP 8$307 =orJbooJs 7ith .ista *usiness 32@ an! on the HP 8$107 an! Dell +($00 7ith =in!o7s % (1@ an! one of the t7o a55ro6e! 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar!sG D,neA 0ire7ire 800 <A5ressCar! a!a5ter car! "5art number is D#9<C0=& Startech 2 5ort <A5ressCar!B31mm fire7ire a!a5ter 9 ;A;391a B ;A;391b car! "5art number is <C;391;8;*&

?5!ate! 85ril (th@ 20;0

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Minimum s#stem re/uirements for Media Composer "oftware

$peratin0 "#stem1

+icrosoft =in!o7s #P 329bit <!ition 7ith Ser6ice PacJ 3 'r +icrosoft =in!o7s .ista (19bit <!ition 7ith Ser6ice PacJ 2 'r =in!o7s % (19bit Professional

Pro!essors1 :ntel Core 2 Duo 2.33 )Hz "#stem Memor#1 2)* of 48+ o -ote ;G :f 7orJing 7ith com5leA se uences@ "multi5le effectsBstreams& or com5resse! HD resolutions 1 )* of 48+ is recommen!e!.

-ote 2G .ista an! =in!o7s % re uire 1 )* of 48+

2rap+i!s Card1 -.i!ia /ua!ro 0# $(0 or higher o -ote ;G 'nl, -6i!ia car!s are su55orte! o -ote 2G 0ull Screen 5la, feature re uires a minimum of ;28+* of gra5hics memor, nternal 3ard %rive1 10)* minimum har! !isJ !ri6e o -ote ;G 8n, me!ia !ri6es nee! to be %2004P+ or greater $pti!al %rive1 D.D ca5able !ri6e re uire! for 5ro!uct installation

?5!ate! 85ril (th@ 20;0

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