JESUS OLÓFIN ÁLÁ, Was Initiated in Yorubaland Into IFÁ

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JESUS, The Christ = OLFIN L, was Initiated in Yorubaland into IF

23 de noviembre de 2011 a la(s) 11:41

Ogb, at, sre, wrwfn. OLFIN gb , BABA ODDW gb , RNML L gb ! May You Have Long Life, with the Spiritual Blessing of If Od wr Wfn (Who Opens the Divine Portal of the Grace of OLDMAR), May the Blessing of OLFIN (Concious Manifestation of GOD), Baba ODDW, and RNML L be upon you! Alfia se a ni May the Peace be with You! GB DN OLFIN = The Family of OLOFINS Secret Teachings given by baba Oduduwa through his Elegun (medium) and the Teachings of Egun Tata G, a spirit Emissary of Oduduwa. JESUS, The Christ = OLFIN L, was Initiated in Yorubaland into IF Baba Oduduwa: Christ is a Title that means the anointed by the Holy Spirit, anointed by the Divine Power. Christ is ONE, and many Christ existed in many traditions around the Planet; Hindu, Yoruba, etc. There are many things written, but few of them can compare with the Reality. The Catholic Religion has Angels and Saints in their Cult, and Christ is the Son of God in the Catholic Tradition. Within the (Esoteric) Yoruba Tradition, Christ is known as OLFIN ALA, the Smallest Son of OLFIN (the Conscious Manifestation of God). The First Son of OLFIN was OLFIN L (The Spirit Essence of Purity). What image do we have of Jesus? The image is one of a Compassionate person, Why? All the Divine Beings dont need anything from the Earthly Beings. The Divine knows and recognize its Power. Christ or Yeshua, there are many things written about him. What we know as Christ in reality is not as people portray him. In Reality JESUS was a Furious being, Terrible, Why? No one knows in Truth how he is, only those 16 Major Spirits know the truth about him, and know him. Those who we call Apostles didnt really know him. Christ is a Marvelous, and is an Enormous Being, but however he is a terrible being, he is Terribly Powerful. The use of (the word) terrible here refers not to the malignant aspect, but Terrible here is focus to his WRATH. The True name of Jesus was YOSEF, and he in reality is the smallest Son of OLFIN. Christ is the one who decided to Sacrifice himself for Humankind, he is Eternal and Divine, and by been a Divine Being, people had to Pay a very High Price for shedding his Blood. That is why there is so much blood shedding in those lands of Israel, Palestine, and still more bloodshed to come in that area. No one truthfully knows his true physical form, no one knows many of the real Jewish Secrets. NOTE: Based on the Teaching giving by Baba Oddw and one of his Emissary Spirits, TATA G, Jesus travel to different lands to seek for knowledge, and he was initiated in different Traditions. He went to Egypt, Persia, India, Himalayas, and also people didnt that he also went to Africa and specially to Yorubaland and there he was Initiated into IF priesthood.

EGUN TATA G Teaching: Jesus name was mixup with his father name, Jesus real name was Yosef and his father name was Jesus (Yeshua). Jesus (Yosef) went to Yorubaland, he was consulted with the 16 Cowries Shell of the Sh tradition, he came with 16 Cowries shell mouths up (Mrindnlgn), that is a sign that the person who is Consulting the Oracle is a SON of OLFIN (God), so they took him right away to be Initiated into IF. Also he received other initiations of other African Traditions specially the NGANGA Initiation of Ancestor Worship of Warrior Spirits. When Jesus was in the Catacombs he performed diferents spiritual practices of African origin (he also did the Bakinya or Rayamiento (Scratch) Ceremony to his inner disciples), also did Egyptian spiritual practices. When he left this world he became a High Spiritual Power, he is very close in Spiritual Hierarchy to Baba Oddw. BABA ODUDUWA on the Daughter of Jesus: The know character in the New Testament, Jesus, he only had a daughter, and she died as a Virgin. This woman was of dark color, later people worship her as the Black Virgin, and now a days people (Gypsies specially) worship her as SAINT SARAH KALI, they call her the VIRGIN of the GYPSIES, she is venerated in the south of France, and Rumania. She is depicted as a Black Virgin. Another teaching Oduduwa gave Why you said that he has not satiated his Thirts of Blood? When he (Jesus) did his EBO (Sacrifice), when he shed his Blood in that land (ISRAEL), He also wanted an EBO (a Sacrifice), so Big a Sacrifice he wanted to also be made, that even today still they are paying with blood in that area of ISRAEL, to this they are condemn the people you know as ISRAEL. This is due to the EBO EJE (Blood Sacrifice) and until they pay the same value of the Blood that Jesus shed, the bloodshed wont stop. Imagine how much the Blood is worth, but not of a regular human, but the blood of a Divinity (RSh). This is what you should aspire to reach, to become Divine (as an RSh level).

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