Section - 7 Water Treatment Plant

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FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited!

Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. '




'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. 2



(ECTIO* 1 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " (ECTIO* 1 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # /!-!-2E*ER'L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $ "!/!- 2eneral !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. 3


Please re3er MOM &t4 "#--%--.5 (6o7e 6lari3i6ation issued 89 Fi6:tner vide e- ail dated %!9!-. and 6on3ir ed during t:e 8id eeting :eld at 2IL5 ':ura Centre5 MUMB'I on /%t: (e7te 8er "--.! (6:e e s:all 8e as 7er t:e dra;ing nu 8er4 <--0<$.-M--/-5 RContents + ,ig:lig:ts4
'.& !-te. t.e-t/e0t 1l-0t2 /!/ Mo3e o4 o1e.-t5o02 /!/!/ /!/!" /!" Bidder s:all 6onsider anuall9 6ontrolled ;ater treat ent 7lant!

Please re3er t:e o7eration 7:iloso7:9 atta6:ed ;it: C=I anne>ure!

!-te. t.e-t/e0t 1l-0t 6c(e/e2 7Ple-6e .e4e. D!8 NO2 #&%"# $%M%&'&9 Rev2 R': /!"!/ /!"!" /!"!# /!"!< Pretreat ent 7lant ? UF ? RO ? MB! RO :as to 8e designed ;it: a>i u re6over9 (It is to 8e noted t:at 8idder to ensure 0$@ ini u re6over9)! UF and RO 6an 8e ">$-@ 8anAs and 8ot: ;orAing! UF ;it: 897ass arrange ent! Bidder a9 :ave to 6onsider set o3 e 8rane s7are 8ased on :is 7ast e>7erien6e to ensure trou8le 3ree o7eration o3 t:e 7lant 3or t;o 9ears! MB ;ill 8e ">/-- @ (/B?/()! 'll 7u 7s and 8lo;ers ;ill :ave ">/--@ (/B?/() s6:e e5 e>6e7t RO ,ig: 7ressure 7u 7s! For RO ,ig: 7ressure 7u 7s 8idder a9 6onsider #>$-@ ("B?/() ea6: 7u 7 ust suit t:e




'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. #

reCuire ent o3 one strea s7e6i3ied)! /!"!0 /!"!% /!"!9 /!"!//!"!// /!"!/" /!"!/# /!"!/< /!"!/$ /!"!/. /!# !TP l-b2 /!#!/ /!#!"

(i!e!5 $-@) (Unless and ot:er;ise

">/--@ Ra; ;ater :97o 6:loride dosing s9ste ! ">/--@ Cir6ulating ;ater gas 6:lorination s9ste ! Pota8le ;ater tanA /(ervi6e ;ater tanA /#

- RCC Constru6tion! - RCC Constru6tion! a3ter 7retreat ent 7lant (Be3ore ini u 6a7a6it9 o3 /$

">/--@ de6:lorination s9ste t:e UF odule)!

(u77l9 o3 '6id storage tanA s:all 8e ;it: # !

(u77l9 o3 da9 tanAs 3or a6id 3or t:e 7ro7osed BTP 3or MB regeneration! (u77l9 o3 alAali storage tanA to :old #- da9s reCuire ent o3 6:e i6als ;it: ini u 6a7a6it9 o3 /$ #! (u77l9 o3 da9 tanAs 3or alAali solution 3or t:e 7ro7osed BTP 3or MB regeneration! C:e i6al unloading = Trans3er 7u 7s (">/--@ ea6:)!

BTP La8 = la8 instru ents not in s6o7e o3 su77l9 o3 6ontra6tor! Modi3i6ation in t:e e>isting &M 7lant 6ontrol roo to a66o odate t:e 7ro7osed 6ontrol and annun6iation 7anel5 and ot:er related to 7ro7osed 7lant!

/!< /!$ /!.

*eutraliDation 7it ;it: trans3er 7u 7s! E33luent treat ent 7lant ;it: guarded 7ond! Bidder to envisage RO 3or redu6ing net ;ater reCuire ent 89 eans o3 re6overing t:e ;ater 3ro treated e33luent and routing t:e 7er eate ;ater to 7er eate ;ater tanA o3 BTP (To ensure less t:en /$@ ;ater is leaving as e33luent)!



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No.


ReEe6ts 3ro 3inal ;aste ;ater re6over9 RO 6an 8e routed to a 7it and 3ro t:ere t:e sa e 6an 8e routed to &ust su77ression s9ste and as: Cuen6:ing area!

(o3tener 7lant is not a77li6a8le! Re aining s9ste s des6ri8ed 8elo; ;:i6:ever in t:e s6o7e o3 su77l9 o3 CO*TR'CTOR s:all 8e re3erred 3or t:e 8etter 6lari3i6ation! Pre-treat ent s9ste ;ill re ain sa e!
/!-!8ENERA* T:e 8idder6ontra6tors are reCuested to note t:at onl9 t:e aEor eCui7 ent are entioned in t:is se6tion! 'n9 ot:er eCui7 ent + s9ste not s7e6i3i6all9 entioned 8elo; 8ut entioned else;:ere in t:e s7e6i3i6ations and an9 ot:er eCui7 ent + s9ste essential 3or s oot: and e33i6ient 3un6tioning o3 t:e s9ste s:all 8e 6onsidered in t:e s6o7e o3 t:e 8idder6ontra6tor at no e>tra 6ost! /!/!T:is s7e6i3i6ation 6overs t:e te6:ni6al as7e6ts o3 design5 anu3a6ture5 testing at ;orAs and trans7ortation to site5 su7ervision o3 ere6tion5 testing and 6o issioning o3 # anual (o3tening Plant 6onsisting o3 " strea s5 ea6: o3 /" +: (*et out7ut) as ini u 7lant 6a7a6it9 e>6luding regeneration s9ste 6onsu 7tion and au>iliaries and anual &M Plant 6onsisting o3 " strea s5 ea6: o3 /$ #+: (*et out7ut) as ini u 7lant 6a7a6it9 e>6luding regeneration s9ste 6onsu 7tion and au>iliaries as detailed in t:e s6o7e o3 ;orA given under t:is s7e6i3i6ation! T(e 6t-te3 4lo; .-te6 -.e o0 t(e b-656 o4 co0t50uou6 o1e.-t5o0 o4 bot( 6t.e-/6 -03 t(e /505/u/ .e<u5.e3! T:e 6a7a6ities as stated a8ove are ini u and s:all 8e adeCuate to eet t:e reCuire ents o3 total 7lant aAe u7 ;ater reCuire ents o3 " > "# MB (7lus 0!$ @VBO) T:e a77ro7riate 6a7a6it9 8reaA do;n is as under4 (i) (ii) /" /$
# #

+:r ( net out7ut ) ea6: - (o3t ;ater + :r ( net out7ut ) ea6: - &M ;ater! eet t:e 6leaning reCuire ent o3

Ca7a6it9 o3 so3tening 7lant s:all also 8e su33i6ient to t;o nos! o3 air 6ooled 6ondenser /!"!-

(u77l9 and servi6es s:all 8e rendered in 6on3or it9 ;it: 7roven design 7rin6i7les5 taAing into a66ount t:e 6urrent te6:nolog9! T:e reCuire ents o3 t:e 6ontra6t ust 8e 3ul3illed in its entiret9! T:e su77l9 and servi6es s:all 8e rendered in6lusive o3 all a77lian6es and inter6onne6ting arrange ents ;it: ot:er su77lies needed 3or 7ro7er and relia8le 6ontinuous o7eration and 3or satis3a6tor9 aintenan6e and re7air! P*ANT DESCRIPTION
'M( )M* + MEC, "%--.-"--./0-/--"--.



FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. $

Flo; s6:e e 4a) 8) M2F 1 (o3tener - (B(T 1(BTP ((o3tening 7lant) Ta7 o33 a3ter 3ilter 1 ('C 1 &2T- (B' - MB 1 &MBT- &MTP (&M 7lant)


8e0e.-l T(e 3e65=0 c.5te.5- > 3e65=0 ;-te. -0-l?656 o4 t(e DM Pl-0t 56 -6 /e0t5o0e3 50 t(56 co0t.-ct 61ec545c-t5o0! T:e 3eed ;ater is taAen 3ro ra; ;ater reservoir! ReCuisite 'lu are added!T:e 6:lorinated ra; ;ater s:all t:en 8e suita8l9 7re-treated 7rior to 3eeding to t:e &M or (o3tener unit! T:e 7re Treat ent se6tion s:all 6onsist o3 C:e i6al dosing and Multi grade 3ilters ( M2F )! T:e sili6a = tur8idit9 level in t:e 3eed ;ater s:all 8e redu6ed 89 3iltration! T:e 3ilters s:all 8e 8a6A ;as:ed a3ter "- :ours o3 servi6e 696le! (&uring 3ilter 8a6A;as:5 t:e &M 7lant and (o3tening 7lant ;ill 8e out o3 servi6e ode and stand89 s:all 8e taAen into servi6e)! T:e 3iltered ;ater s:all t:en 8e de-6:lorinated ;it: ACF or 89 stand-89 (odiu eta-8i-sul3ite dosing! T:e de-6:lorinated ;ater is t:en 7assed to so3tener and &M strea ! T:e so3tening 7lant 6onsists o3 (o3tener e>6:anger (sodiu 8ased ione>6:anger)5 so3t ;ater storage tanA and so3t ;ater trans3er 7u 7 sets 3or 6ooling ;ater 696le aAe-u7! T:e &e ineralisation 7lant 6onsists o3 RO Plant (trong '6id Cation E>6:anger5 &egasser5 &egassed Bater TanA5 (trong Base 'nion E>6:anger5 Mi>ed Bed E>6:anger5 &M ;ater storage tanA and &M ;ater trans3er 7u 7 sets! T:e outlet Cualit9 o3 &M ;ater ;ill 6orres7ond to 8oiler aAe-u7 ;ater Cualit9 reCuire ent! Material of construction for piping and valves for Softener and DM stream shall be considered in SS.


SCOPE OF !OR@ 8e0e.-l T:e s6o7e o3 ;orA 6overed in t:is s7e6i3i6ation 3or (o3tener and &M 7lant and its au>iliaries s:all in6lude 8ut not li ited to t:e design5 3a8ri6ation5 anu3a6ture and asse 8l95 testing and ins7e6tion at anu3a6turerFs ;orAs5 7ainting5 7a6Aing = trans7ortation to site o3 t:e ite s listed 8elo;!



Sco1e o4 6u11l?


'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. "

7+533e.Co0t.-cto. to 0ote t(-t c-1-c5t? o4 5035v53u-l e<u51/e0t 6(-ll co..e61o03 to t(e .e<u5.e/e0t o4 2 x 232 M! 71lu6 ". AV!O: TPP9 u0le66 ot(e.;56e 6t-te3: a) 8) 6) Ra; ;ater reservoir 6a7a6it9 is #--#

Ra; ;ater 7u 7s 4 Gt9! and 6a7a6it9 o3 ra; ;ater 7u 7s reCuired s:all 8e as entioned in ;ater s9ste ! 'lu dosing s9ste 4 T;o ( " ) nos! solution 7re7aration 6u dosing tanAs ;it: otorised agitators :olding /-@ o3 solution 3or dosing u7to #- g+l and t;o nos! (/B ? /() dosing 7u 7sets! Multi grade 3ilter 4 " > /--@ 6a7a6it9 (Bot: ;orAing)! 'ir s6ouring 8lo;er 4 " > /-- @ (/B?/() 6a7a6it9 8lo;er ;it: suita8le 6a7a6it9 and :ead5 6atering to 8ot: M2F = MB units! Ba6A ;as: ;ater storage tanA 4 One (/) no! tanA in RCC 6onstru6tion siDed 3or :andling 8a6A;as: reCuire ent o3 M2F 7er da9 7lus "-@ argin! Ba6A;as: ;ater 7u 7s 4 " > /--@ (/B?/() 6a7a6it9 8a6A;as: ;it: 7u 7s siDed to serve 8a6A;as:ing o3 all 3ilter units! Activated Carbon Filter 4 " > /--@ 6a7a6it9 (Bot: ;orAing) 3or de6:lorination! Dechlorination system : T o !") nos. of solution preparation cum dosing tan#s ith motorised agitators holding $% of sodium sulphate or Sodium meta&bi& sulfite solution and t o !'( ) 'S) dosing pumpsets. !stand by unit). (o3tener 4 " > /--@(/B?/() 6a7a6it9! One no! so3t Per eate ;ater storage tanA RCC *ear 'u>! 6ooling To;er area o3 "$- # 6a7a6it9 ;it: internal e7o>9 7aint! T;o nos! (/B ? /() o3 Per eateso3tened ;ater trans3er 7u 7s to 6ooling to;er 3ore8a9! MOC o3 7u 7 s:all 8e ((-#/.! (alt &ilution TanA 4 One no! tanA 3or (o3tner regeneration! T:e 6a7a6it9 o3 tanAs s:all 8e /"$@ o3 t:e reCuire ent 3or one 6o 7lete regeneration!

d) e) 3) g) :) i)

i) E) A) l) ) n) o)

(alt (aturator 4 one no! (RCC )all internals5 7i7e ;orAs level instru ent s:all 8e 89 done! (trong a6id 6ation e>6:anger 4 / > /--@ 6a7a6it9! &egasser to;er 4 One no! (/B)5 :aving 6a7a6it9 as 7er &M 7lant gross out7ut reCuire ent!


'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. B

7) C) r) s) t) u) v) ;)

&egassed ;ater 7u 7s 4 T;o (") nos! (/B ? /() o3 suita8le 6a7a6it9 and :ead to 8e o7erated O* + OFF 6ontrol ode! &egasser 8lo;ers 4 T;o nos!5(/B ? /() o3 suita8le 6a7a6it9! &egassed ;ater tanA 4 One no! (/B)5 :aving 6a7a6it9 eCuivalent to /$-@ o3 degassed ;ater reCuired 3or regeneration! (trong 8ase anion e>6:anger 4 / > /--@ 6a7a6it9! Mi>ed 8ed e>6:anger 4 / > /--@ 6a7a6it9! 'ir s6ouring 8lo;er4 T;o ( " ) nos! (/B ? /() o3 suita8le 6a7a6it9 and :ead5 6atering to 8ot: 3ilters = MB units! '6id unloading 7u 7 4 " > /--@ (/B?/() o3 6a7a6it9 %

+:r and suita8le :ead!

BulA a6id ( ,CL ) storage tanA 4 One ( / ) no! 8ulA a6id storage tanA :aving 6a7a6it9 eCuivalent o3 #- da9s+ "$ # ;:i6:ever is :ig:er o3 reCuire ent serving 8ot: RO 8lo6A and MB unit! '6id easuring tanAs 4 One ( / ) no ! ea6: 3or RO5 MB unit and *-7it! T:e 6a7a6it9 o3 tanAs s:all 8e /"-@ o3 t:e reCuire ent 3or one 6o 7lete regeneration! Causti6 (*aO,) storage tanA 4 One no! 6austi6 storage tanA o3 #- da9s 6a7a6it9 or "$ # ;:i6:ever is :ig:er! Causti6 unloading 7u 7s 4 " > /--@ (/B?/() o3 6a7a6it9 % #+:r ;it: suita8le :ead! Contra6tor s:all aAe suita8le arrange ent to trans3er t:e alAali+ a6id 3ro t:e e>isting trans3er 7u 7s! Causti6 dilution tanAs 4 One no! ea6: 3or (o3tening 7lant5 MB = *eutralisation reCuire ent 7rovided ;it: otorised agitator! T:e 6a7a6it9 o3 tanAs s:all 8e /"-@ o3 one regeneration reCuire ent MB 3eed 7u 7 4 " > /--@ (/B?/() 6a7a6it9 ;it: adeCuate Mi>ed 8ed e>6:anger 4 " > /--@ (Bot: ;orAing) 6a7a6it9! &M ;ater storage tanA 4 T;o (") nos! &M ;ater storage tanAs5 ea6: o3 /-6a7a6it9 (MOC s:all 8e 6ar8on steel ;it: e7o>9 internal 7aint) ea6:!


9) D)


88) 66) dd) ee)



&M ;ater trans3er 7u 7s 4 # > /--@ ("B ? /() 6a7a6it95 3or 7o;er 7lant ;ater aAe-u7! Ea6: 7u 7 s:all 8e suita8le 3or / > "$ MB TPP! Material O3 Constru6tion o3 7u 7 s:all 8e ((-#/. and 7i7ing = 7i7e 3ittings 3or &M trans3er 7u 7 3ro su6tion (&M storage tanA) u7to 6onne6ting noDDles 3or ,ot;ell s:all 8e o3 ((-#-<!


'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. C


Mor7:oline dosing s9ste 4 One no! or7:oline solution tanA and t;o nos! (/B?/() or7:oline dosing 7u 7s! T:e tanA s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: otorised agitator Regeneration ;ater 7u 7s 4 " > /--@ (/B?/() 6a7a6it9 ;it: suita8le 6a7a6it9 and :ead! E33luent dis7osal 7u 7s 4 T;o ( " ) nos! ( / B ? / ( ) :oriDontal sel3 7ri ing 7u 7s o3 suita8le 6a7a6it9 and :ead to dis7ose neutralised ;aste ;ater in " :rs! Baste e33luent neutralising s9ste 4 Co 7lete s9ste ;it: all ne6essar9 eCui7 ent in6luding ;aste ;ater inlet 7uddle 7i7e and isolation valves to *-7it re6ir6ulation internal 7i7es = valves and ne6essar9 instru entation 3or 7, 6ontrol and eEe6tor s9ste 3or 7ri ing t:e e33luent dis7osal 7u 7s! 'll tanAs s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: 7er anent ladder ;it: FRP resin 6oat!

gg) ::)





'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. '&


Ot:ers4 'll inter6onne6ting 7i7ing5 valves = 3ittings! EEe6tors! Resin and edia (resin) tra7s!

Pi7e su77orts! (a3et9 s:o;er = e9e ;as: unit!

) Ele6tri6al and C=I as 7er reCuire ent indi6ated se7aratel9! nn) Co on Fa6ilities

'll t:e BTP eCui7 ent + vessels + e>6:angers s:all 8e :oused ;it:in a 8uilding! 'll 3rontal + inter6onne6ting 7i7e ;orA + valves + 3ittings + resin tra7s and a66essories integral to t:e 7lant! 'll 7uddle 7i7e ;it: 3langes 3or all RCC tanAs and 7its s:all 8e su77lied 89 (u77lierContra6tor! Ori3i6e etering V not6: 8oards 3or e>6:angers + 3ilter units ;it: a77ro7riate arAings s:all 8e su77lied 89 (u77lierContra6tor! Ion e>6:angers + 3ilters s:all 8e su77lied ;it: resin + 3iltering internals5 ;ater distri8ution and drain s9ste ! aterial5 all

Co on 7orta8le ladder o3 alu iniu 6onstru6tion 3or usage in BTP area and 7er anent ladder (M( FRP ;it: resin 6oated) ;it: 6o on 7lat3or 3or a6id = 6austi6 storage tanA! 'll o7erating 7lat3or s5 ladders5 :andrails5 7i7e su77ort stru6ture 3or all eCui7 ent in (u77lierContra6tor s6o7e5 6o 7lete in all res7e6ts! T:e 7i7e su77orts s:all 8e taAen 3ro 8uilding roo3! Foundation 8olts5 nuts (o3 non 6orroding aterial 3or a6id + alAali + 6:e i6als)5 gasAets5 and 8lind 3langes5 at all ter inal 7oints5 ass 6on6reting o3 8otto dis:ed ends o3 Pressure Vessels! Painting as 7er 7ainting s7e6i3i6ation! 'n9 ot:er eCui7 ent + a66essor9 + 6o 7onent ne6essar9 3or t:e e33e6tive and e33i6ient o7eration o3 t:e 7lant to eet t:e guaranteed 7er3or an6e!

T;o no o3! sa3et9 s:o;er and e9e ;as: eCui7 ent ;it: one no lo6ated near t:e 6:e i6al :andling area and one inside t:e 8uilding!


'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. ''

T:e lig:tning 7rote6tion o3 t:e stru6tures = tanAs ;it: ne6essar9 6ondu6tors5 eart: ele6trodes s:all 8e 7rovided as 7er t:e reCuire ents o3 I( "#-9! 'll a8ove ground eCui7 ent s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: t;o 7oints to 6onne6t eart: 7ads + eart:ing ;ire! 'C drive otors 3or all 7u 7s + 8lo;ers agitators (as a77li6a8le) et6! ;it: 8ase 7late and 6ou7ling5 6ou7ling guard et6 3or t:e eCui7 ent! 'll instru ents viD! 7ressure gauges5 3lo; indi6ators5 trans itters5 3lo; totalisers5instru ent 3or easuring dissolved CO" in outlet o3 degasser5 6ondu6tivit9 anal9sers5 indi6ators5 trans itters5 level gauges5 7, anal9ser indi6ators5 trans itters5 densit9 indi6ators level alar s5 7ressure s;it6:es5 6ontrol valves5 on-o33 valves et6! as reCuired! Control = Instru entation as 7er relevant s7e6i3i6ation! 'll inter6onne6ting 6ontrol 6a8ling 8et;een 3ield instru ent = 6ontrol 7o;er 6a8les and 7anels5 tu8ing + 7i7ing as reCuired 6o 7lete ;it: 6a8le tra9s5 tu8e + 7i7e tra9s5 Eun6tion 8o>es5 6a8le glands and ot:er a66essories as reCuired! 'll ere6tion :ard;are as reCuired! 'll tanAs s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: 7er anent ladder ;it: FRP resin 6oat! Co on 7i7ing :eader s9ste 3or &M aAe-u7 ;ater a3ter &M trans3er 7u 7s5 so3t aAe-u7 ;ater a3ter so3t ;ater trans3er 7u 7s5 e33luent ;ater et6! s:all 8e 7rovided! *e6essar9 isolation arrange ents s:all 8e 7rovided 3or ea6: s9ste so t:at aintenan6e o3 eCui7 ent related to one / > "# MB unit is 7ossi8le during s:utdo;n ;:en se6ond unit is running! 'll lining in BTP Plant area (*eutralisation 7it5 e33luent 7it5 drains inside &M 7lant5 various a6id + alAalies tanAs5 drains5 tanA Her8 ;alls = 6olle6tion 7its et6! ;:erever lining reCuired!) are to 8e done ;it: PP2 lining instead o3 e7o>9 7ainting+a6id tiles as 7er s7e6i3i6ations given 8elo;4 I PP2 lining o3 " t:i6A Pol9 Pro79lene 2lass+s:eet 3i>ed ;it: /!$ tA! 3i8re rein3or6ed 7lasti6+ad:esive 89 3usion ;elding and testing 89 s7arA testing a6:ine!I #!#!Sco1e o4 6e.v5ce6 i! ii! iii!

(u8 ission o3 all inter3a6e data reCuired 3or design = engineering o3 s9ste s ;:i6: are in6luded in t:e s6o7e o3 su77l9 o3 su77lier6ontra6tor! (u8 ission o3 all ne6essar9 6ivil design and detailed dra;ing! Pre7aration o3 7ro6ess design 7a6Aage 6onsisting o3 a) RO(' 6al6ulations!


'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. '2

8) 6) d) e) 3) g) :) i) iv!

P = I diagra ECui7 ent list = line list Instru ent = eCui7 ent data s:eets Interlo6A logi6 diagra ECui7 ent la9out Ele6tri6al single line diagra Control s9ste Motor = Ele6tri6al load list ;it: ;riteu7 and 6o 7lete details

&etailed &esign = Engineering o3 all 6o 7onents in6luding ele6tri6al5 instru entation5 e6:ani6al and rotating eCui7 ent5 7i7ing5 vessels5 et6! along ;it: stage ;ise s:o7 testing = 3inal ins7e6tion 6o 7lete in all res7e6t! (u8 ission o3 dra;ings+do6u ents+literature to Client+Consultant 3or Revie; + Te6:ni6al audit! Ordering + su77l9 o3 all 7lant! aterial5 eCui7 ent5 instru entation et6 reCuired 3or t:e

v! vi! vii! viii!

Fa8ri6ation and asse 8l9 at s:o7! 'll ;orAs to 8e 6arried out 89 (u77lierContra6tor s:all 8e su8Ee6t to ins7e6tion 89 O;ner + Consultant! T:e ;orA s:all 8e 6arried out as 7er a77li6a8le s7e6i3i6ations5 6odes o3 7ra6ti6e5 dra;ings and instru6tions o3 O;ner + O;nerJs Consultant! Contra6tor s:all 7rovide ne6essar9 3a6ilities5 instru ents5 7ersonnel et6!5 3or 6arr9ing out t:e ins7e6tion as a8ove and s:all 6o 7l9 ;it: t:e instru6tions given! O;ner reserves t:e rig:t to visit and ins7e6t (u77lierContra6torJs ;orAs and ;orA at site at an9 ti e during t:e e>e6ution o3 t:e Eo8! Ins7e6tion = testing s:all 8e 6arried out as 7er t:e a77roved Cualit9 assuran6e 7lan! Pa6Aing5 3or;arding and trans7ort + s:i7 ent 3ro t:e ProEe6t site! C:e6Aing o3 inter3a6e 7oints! Testing5 Co issioning5 and Per3or an6e 2uarantee tests! (u77lierContra6tor ;orAs to

i>! >! >i! >ii!


Training o3 7ersonnel Pre7aration = su8 ission o3 O = M anual!



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. '3


Co06u/-ble6 First 3ill o3 all lu8ri6ants and 6onsu a8les5 as reCuired s:all 8e in t:e s6o7e o3 (u77lierContra6tor u7to su66ess3ul 6o issioning! (7e6i3i6ations in6luding 8rand na es and Cuantities o3 lu8ri6ants reCuired 3or nor al o7eration are to 8e su8 itted 89 (u77lierContra6tor!


S1-.e6 P-.t6 a) Co//5665o050= S1-.e6 Contra6tor s:all su77l9 6o issioning s7ares along ;it: t:e eCui7 ent 3or re7la6e ent o3 da aged or unservi6ea8le ones during t:e e>e6ution o3 t:e 7roEe6t at site5 to avoid dela9 in t:e ProEe6t (6:edule! O;ner reserves t:e rig:t to retain an9 unutilised 6o issioning s7ares! 8) M-03-to.? S1-.e6 Contra6tor s:all su77l9 Mandator9 s7ares as a77li6a8le to 6o 7lete RO 7lant as 7er en6losed anne>! C=I = ele6tri6al s7ares s:all 8e as 7er reCuire ent o3 C=I and ele6tri6al se6tion! 6) Reco//e03e3 S1-.e6 (e7arate list o3 re6o ended s7are 7arts 3or " 9ears trou8le 3ree o7eration s:all 8e 3urnis:ed 89 (u77lierContra6tor! List s:all :ave ite ;ise 7ri6e list valid 3or " 9ears 3ro t:e date o3 LOI!


S1ec5-l Tool6 > T-cDle6 (u77lierContra6tor s:all in6lude su77l9 o3 one 6o 7lete set o3 all s7e6ial tools5 ta6Ale5 et6! reCuired 3or ere6tion = aintenan6e o3 t:e 7lant! It s:all 8e neatl9 7a6Aed in 8o>es and t:e 8o>es s:all 8e suita8l9 identi3ia8le! ' 6o 7lete list o3 s7e6ial tools and ta6Ales s:all 8e in6luded in t:e o33er! (7e6ial tools and a77lian6es not listed 8ut 3ound to 8e ne6essar9 3or ere6tion = aintenan6e o3 t:e ;orAs s:all 8e dee ed to 8e in6luded in t:e 6ontra6t 7ri6e = s:all 8e su77lied 89 (u77lierContra6tor! (u77lierContra6tor s:all su77l9 to Client5 along ;it: ea6: ite o3 s7e6ial tools = ta6Ales5 t:ree 6o7ies o3 t:e Manu3a6turerFs Instru6tions Catalogue!


(7e6ial tools and ta6Ales s:all 8e as 7er eCui7 ent

anu3a6turerJs re6o



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. '#


SPECIFIC REE,IREMENTS a) 2ross 6a7a6it9 o3 t:e MB unit s:all 8e siDed 6orres7onding to net reCuire ent indi6ated in6luding regeneration! T:e i>ed 8ed unit s:all 8e designed 3or one regeneration a3ter ever9 0 da9s o3 o7eration 3or < :rs! T:e a6id + alAali :andling s9ste s5 dilution and easuring tanAs s:all 8e lo6ated near t:e storage tanAs! T:e to7 level o3 a6id + alAali dilution and easuring tanAs s:all 8e 8elo; t:e 8otto o3 storage tanAs! T:e storage tanAs s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: 6at ladder ;it: guards! Mini u t:i6Aness o3 7ressure vessels s:all 8e . ini u o3 " !


6) d) e) 3) g) :) i) E) A) l) ) n) o) $!-!FORMT9-P REV-B (MUM)

For 7ressure vessels a

6orrosion allo;an6e s:all 8e 7rovided!

C:e i6al dosing 7u 7s s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: (( #/. strainer! BulA a6id = alAali storage tanAs s:all 8e siDed to :old #- da9s reCuire ent o3 6:e i6als ;it: ini u 6a7a6it9 o3 "$ # ea6:! Contra6tor to 3urnis: all ne6essar9 instru ents in6luding level indi6ators5 lo; level s;it6:es 3or all tanAs! Contra6tor to in6lude t:e 7ri ing arrange ent 3or ;aste dis7osal 7u 7! &M Plant s:all 8e designed to 7rovide s7e6i3ied outlet ;ater Cualit9! ini u 6:e i6al 6onsu 7tion 3or t:e 3ro t:e outline o3

T:e a>i u allo;a8le noise level s:all 8e %$ dB at / res7e6tive eCui7 ent!

Contra6tor to 7rovide sig:t glass in t:e 7ri ing line 3or t:e e33luent dis7osal 7u 7! '77roved Cualit9 assuran6e 7lan o3 Client s:all 8e 3ollo;ed 89 Contra6tor! Ere6tion and Co issioning!

'll Ele6tri6al ECui7 ent! Co 7lete Instru entation = 6ontrol!




'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. '

'll 6:e i6als = 6onsu a8les s:all 8e given 89 (u77lierContra6tor 3or 0" :ours availa8ilit9 7eriod 3ro 6o issioning! In addition to 6o 7lian6e ;it: t:e reCuire ents o3 t:e (7e6i3i6ation5 (u77lierContra6tor s:all eet t:e s7e6i3i6 guarantees o3 7er3or an6e as reCuired and as stated in t:e (6:edule o3 2uaranteed &ata! 'll tests s:all 8e 6arried out in a66ordan6e ;it: t:e relevant international standards5 unless ot:er;ise s7e6i3ied or a77roved 89 Client! $!"!Pe.4o./-0ce 8u-.-0tee6 a) The Complete *+ ,lant = its au>iliaries s:all o7erate sa3el95 relia8l95 and ;it:out undue aintenan6e or o7erator attention+intervention! 2uarantees s:all 8e su6: as 6an 8e et in ever9da9 o7eration under all s7e6i3ied o7erating 6onditions! 'll guarantee 3igures s:all 8e realisa8le in ever9da9 o7eration under all anti6i7ated o7erating 6onditions! T:e aEor eCui7 ent anu3a6turer s:all 8e t:e guarantor!

8) 6) d)

(u77lierContra6tor s:all note t:e 7rovisions o3 t:e 6lauses on tests as outlined in t:e s7e6i3i6ation 3or IIns7e6tion and TestingI! Per3or an6e test ;ill 8e 6arried out ;it:in t:e a77ro7riate ti e 7eriod as s7e6i3ied! T:e 7er3or an6e test result o3 t:e RO Plant = its au>iliaries s:all 8e 6orre6ted to t:e design 6onditions to esta8lis: an Ias ne; and 6leanI 7er3or an6e! Pe.4o./-0ce =u-.-0tee6 1e0-lt? co6t6 6(-ll be 50 t(e 4o./ o4 l5<u53-te3 3-/-=e6. 8u-.-0tee Te6t P.oce3u.e In 6ondu6ting t:e 7lant 7er3or an6e tests5 t:e 7lant s:all 8e o7erated 89 ClientFs sta33 under t:e dire6tion and res7onsi8ilit9 o3 (u77lierContra6torFs re7resentative and to t:e utual satis3a6tion o3 t:e 7arties 6on6erned5 8ut under t:e general su7ervision o3 (u77lierContra6tor!

e: 4:


So4te0e. > DM 1l-0t i! (u77lied s:all su8 it t:e design 6al6ulation 3or arriving at t:e no! o3 e 8ranes and 7ressure tu8e arrange ent to 6lient 89 3ollo;ing anu3a6turers + 8est engineering 7ra6ti6es! T:e 6:e i6al 6onsu 7tion s:all 8e as 7er guaranteed data! ii! (u77lierContra6tor s:all su8 it t:e design 6al6ulations 3or arriving at t:e reCuired Cuantit9 o3 resin 3or ea6: e>6:anger5 su77orted 89 resin 6:ara6teristi6 data used in t:e 6al6ulations! (u77lierContra6tor s:all taAe into a66ount derating 3a6tor o3 /-@ ;:ile de6iding t:e use3ul Cuantit9 o3 resin! ' derating 3a6tor o3 #-@ s:all 8e 6onsidered 3or resin used 3or MB



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. '$

unit! '3ter in6luding t:e a8ove argins and ot:er additions su6: as ini u resin Cuantit95 t:e 6:e i6al 6onsu 7tion s:all 8e 6al6ulated! T:e Cuantit9 o3 resin5 and regeneration 6:e i6al 6onsu 7tion s:all 8e as 7er t:e I2uaranteed &ataI! iii! Be3ore 6o en6e ent o3 tests5 (u77lierContra6tor a9 i3 so desired 89 :i 5 8ring t:e MB resins to t:e 3ull9 regenerated 6ondition 89 6arr9ing out dou8le regeneration5 t:at is5 t;o 6onse6utive regenerations! *o ot:er dou8le regeneration ;ill 8e 7er itted during t:e 6a7a6it9 test 7eriod! Mini u si> (.) runs s:all 8e 6arried out 3or esta8lis:ing t:e guaranteed values o3 treated ;ater ;it: regard to Cualit9 (stage;ise) and 6a7a6it9 as ;ell as 3or esta8lis:ing t:e guaranteed values 3or 6:e i6al 6onsu 7tion5 6ontinuous 7o;er 6onsu 7tion et6! O3 t:ese si> test runs5 a ini u o3 t:ree (#) 6onse6utive test results s:all eet t:e guaranteed values! For Mi>ed Bed a ini u o3 (#) t:ree test runs s:all 8e 6ondu6ted and all t:e results s:all eet t:e guaranteed values!



S,+MISSION OF TEST PROCED,RES T:e (u77lierContra6tor s:all su8 it 3or a77roval o0e /o0t(6 7rior to testing5 detailed test 7ro6edures 3or eCui7 ent5 su8-s9ste s and 6o 7lete s9ste s 6overed under t:is Order! T:ese 7ro6edures s:all in6lude details o3 all 7er3or an6e tests eit:er 6ondu6ted in t:e anu3a6turerFs ;orAs or at site! &etailed lists s:all 8e 7rovided ;:i6: s:all s7e6i39 a77li6a8le 6odes5 3un6tional and ot:er tests to 8e 6arried out on ea6: ite o3 eCui7 ent5 ea6: su8-s9ste and ea6: 6o 7lete s9ste ! T:e lists s:all 8e su77le ented ;it: logi6 diagra to s:o; t:e 6orre6t 7lant 3un6tioning reCuire ents toget:er ;it: s9ste 3lo; diagra s s:o;ing all 7oints o3 easure ent 3or 8ot: 3un6tional and 7er3or an6e tests! T:e 7ro6edures5 lists5 logi6 diagra s and 3lo; diagra s toget:er ;it: test results s:all 8e 6orrelated and 7resented as a single 8ound do6u ent to 3or a 6o 7re:ensive set o3 test 7ro6edures and re6ords o3 t:e tests 6ondu6ted on t:e 7lant!


DESI8N AND CONSTR,CTION OF PIPE > FITTIN8S 8e0e.-l 'll 7i7ing s:all 8e designed5 3a8ri6ated and tested in a66ordan6e ;it: t:e '77roved (tandards5 Pi7ing Materials (7e6i3i6ation as 7er t:e s7e6i3i6ation! 'll 7i7es su8Ee6t to 6orrosion ;:i6: are un;ra77ed5 unlagged and e>ternal to t:e 8uilding5 in addition to t:e nor al design ;all t:i6Aness5 s:all :ave an additional 6orrosion allo;an6e su33i6ient to ensure a ini u servi6e li3e o3 "- 9ears!



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. '"

T:e velo6it9 o3 3lo; in 7i7es s:all not generall9 e>6eed t:e 3ollo;ing values unless ot:er;ise s7e6i3i6all9 entioned! !-te. l50e6 Bater &is6:arge lines Bater su6tion lines //6 /!- to "!" -!. to -!9



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. 'B


P51e M-te.5-l6 Instru ent tu8ing s:all 8e o3 stainless steel #/. 3or all 7ressures! Pi7e 6onne6tions a3ter t:e isolating valves a9 8e 89 eans o3 6o 7ression t97e 6ou7lings to t:e a77roval o3 t:e Client! (teel ade 89 '6id Besse er 7ro6ess are not a66e7ta8le! Fittings ade 3ro 8lo6A 3orgings and a6:ined to reCuired di ensions are not a66e7ta8le!


+e036 -03 F5tt50=6 B:erever 7ossi8le5 7i7e 3ittings su6: as 8ends and tees5 s:all 8e to standard di ensions! 'll 3langed Eoints s:all siDe onl9! 'll 3langes s:all 8e ;as:ers and nuts! eet t:e reCuire ents o3 '*(I B /.!$! 'll 3asteners s:all 8e in

a6:ined on t:e edge and s7ot 3a6ed at t:e 8a6A to re6eive 8olts5 ust 8e o3 serrated 3inis:! BlanA 3langes are

For :ig: 7ressure servi6es 3lange 3a6es to 8e solid steel and a6:ined all over!

Flanges :aving 7ressure ratings less t:an /- 8ar g s:all not 8e used! 'll 3lange Eointing aterial unless s7e6i3ied s:all 8e a77roved! 0!/!< I061ect5o0 > Te6t50= 'll 7i7es and 3ittings s:all 8e su8Ee6ted to t:e tests as indi6ated in t:e 6orres7onding 7i7e+3ittings 6lass! Tests s:all 8e 6ondu6ted at (u77lierContra6tor+(u8 (u77lierContra6torJs ;orAs 6on3or ing to t:e relevant standards in t:e 7resen6e o3 Client+Consultant and all test 6erti3i6ates s:all 8e su8 itted to Client+Consultant 3or a77roval 8e3ore des7at6: o3 aterial! ,9drostati6 test 7ressure s:all 8e as 7er relevant s7e6i3i6ation! Material test 6erti3i6ates 3or 6:e i6al and e6:ani6al 7ro7erties ;it: :eat nu 8ers (;:ere a77li6a8le)5 radiogra7:9 re7orts (;:ere a77li6a8le) :9dro test re7orts et6! s:all 8e su8 itted 3or a77roval o3 Client+FI 7rior to des7at6:! %!-!%!/!%!/!/

TECHNICA* SPECIFICATION FOR VA*VES I0te0t o4 S1ec545c-t5o0 T:is se6tion o3 t:e s7e6i3i6ation 6overs t:e reCuire ents o3 valves 3or various s9ste o3 t:e 7lant! Co3e6 > St-03-.36



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. 'C


T:e su77l9 anu3a6ture5 ins7e6tion5 testing and 7er3or an6e o3 valves s:all 6o 7l9 ;it: all 6urrentl9 a77li6a8le statutes5 regulations and sa3et9 6odes in t:e lo6alit9 ;:ere t:e eCui7 ent ;ill 8e installed! T:e eCui7 ent s:all also 6on3or t:e latest a77li6a8le standards! *ot:ing in t:is s7e6i3i6ation s:all 8e 6onstrued to relieve t:e (u77lierContra6tor o3 t:is res7onsi8ilit9! Latest edition o3 design 6odes and standards s:all 8e 6onsidered as reCuire ents. De65=0 -03 Co06t.uct5o0 Fe-tu.e6 (u77lierContra6tor s:all sele6t valves5 and a66essories5 ;:i6: are suita8le 3or t:e o7erating 6onditions o3 t:e s9ste s! Valves and a66essories ;:i6: are o3 a si ilar inter6:angea8le ;it: one anot:er! aAe5 siDe and t97e s:all 8e ini u

%!"!" %!#!%!#!/ %!#!" %!#!# %!#!< %!#!$

'll valve 8odies s:all 8e o3 t:e sa e no inal siDe as t:e adEa6ent 7i7ing5 unless ot:er;ise reCuired! ,and;:eels s:all 8e o3 7ainted nor al standard t97e and o3 s7oAed 6onstru6tion ;it: s oot: 3inis:ed s7oAes and ri s! (7indles 3or all valves lo6ated outdoors s:all :ave ;eat:er7roo3 7rote6tion on s7indle 8earings and guards! Valve ste s:all 8e 3orged or 3ro a 3orged rolled 8ar! Casting 3or ste is not a66e7ta8le! 'll valves s:all 8e designed to ;it:stand a :9drostati6 7ressure test 3or tig:tness and e6:ani6al strengt: as 7er a77li6a8le standards! For :andling :eav9 valves (or 7art o3 valves)5 e9e 8olts5 lugs et6 s:all 8e 7rovided! 'll valves s:all 8e arranged so t:at t:e :and ;:eel oves in a 6lo6A;ise dire6tion to 6lose t:e valve! T:e 3a6e o3 ea6: :and ;:eel s:all 8e 6learl9 arAed ;it: t:e ;ords FOPE*F and FCLO(EF and s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: an arro; to indi6ate t:e dire6tion 3or o7ening! Valves o3 siDes $- *B and a8ove s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: 7osition indi6ators! 'll 3langed valves s:all :ave 3langes integral ;it: t:e valve 8od9! 'll t:e valves s:all 8e o3 CI dia7:rag t97e! 'll t:e valves 3or 6orrosive servi6e s:all 8e ru88er lined + e8onite lined to a t:i6Aness o3 ini u # ! T:e aterial o3 6onstru6tion o3 dia7:rag s:all 8e as 3ollo;s4

%!#!. %!#!0 %!#!%

%!#!9 %!#!/%!#!//


a! 8!

Rein3or6ed natural ru88er 3or ;ater servi6e! Rein3or6ed neo7rene ru88er 3or :andling ;eaA 6:e i6als


'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. 2&


Te3lon ;it: 8a6Aing 3or severe 6:e i6als and solvents!

*eedle valves s:all 8e used in sa 7ling lines and 3or instru ent isolation!



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. 2'


Te6t6 -03 I061ect5o0 'll valves s:all 8e su8Ee6ted to tests! Tests s:all 8e 6ondu6ted at (u77lierContra6tor + (u8(u77lierContra6torJs ;orAs ;itnessed 89 t:e Client+Consultant and 6on3or ing to t:e relevant standards and all test 6erti3i6ates s:all 8e su8 itted 3or a77roval o3 Client+FI 8e3ore des7at6: o3 aterial! 'll valves s:all 8e tested :9drostati6all9 3or strengt:5 tig:tness o3 seats and tig:tness o3 8a6Aseating at 7ressure s7e6i3ied in t:e standards! Pro6edure 3or testing t:e tig:tness o3 seats o3 valves s:all 8e as 3ollo;s! T:e valves s:all 8e su8Ee6ted to 6it9 ;ater 7ressure to or a ini u o3 "!%/" Hg+6 K (<- 7sig)! T:e 7ressure s:all t:en 8e in6reased to t:e s7e6i3ied seat test 7ressure! Valves s:all t:en 8e 6ra6Aed o7en at t:is 7ressure to deter ine t:e tig:tness o3 t:e seat ring in t:e 8od9! 2ate valves s:all 8e tested on 8ot: sides o3 t:e dis6 and glo8e valves s:all 8e tested under t:e dis6! +O*TS AND N,TS 'll 8olts and nuts s:all 6on3or di ensionall9 and 8e t:readed in a66ordan6e ;it: t:e '77roved (tandards and s:all 8e in siDe onl9! B:ere t:ere is a risA o3 6orrosion5 studs and 8olts are to 8e 3inis:ed 3lus: ;it: t:e sur3a6e o3 t:e nuts ot:er;ise a a>i u o3 /!$ 6o 7lete t:reads s:all 7rotrude! T:e use o3 slotted s6re;s s:all 8e avoided5 :e>agon so6Aet s6re;s o3 re6ess t97e :eads 8eing 7re3erred! B:en 6onne6ting 7i7e;orA to 3ittings studs s:all not 8e used e>6e7t ;it: t:e ClientFs a77roval! B:ere 3itted 8olts are used t:e9 s:all 8e adeCuatel9 arAed to ensure 6orre6t asse 8l9 and t:e 3itted 7ortion s:all 8e not less t:an < in dia eter larger t:an t:e t:readed dia eter! T:e9 s:all 8e driving 3it in t:e rea ed :oles t:e9 o66u79! 'll ;as:ers s:all 8e in6luded under t:is Order5 in6luding lo6Aing devi6es and anti vi8ration arrange ents5 ;:i6: s:all 8e su8Ee6t to t:e a77roval o3 t:e Client! Ta7er ;as:ers s:all 8e 3itted ;:ere ne6essar9! I3 8olts are to 8e tig:tened under :eat or 89 e6:ani6al e>tension5 one set o3 t:e ne6essar9 eCui7 ent s:all 8e 7rovided under t:is Order and retained at site 3or ea6: unit!




!E*DIN8 8e0e.-l 'll ;elding 7er3or ed in 7ursuan6e o3 t:is Order s:all 6on3or (tandards! to t:e '77roved



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. 22

T:e (u77lierContra6tor s:all s:o; t:at t:e 7ro7osed ;elding s7e6i3i6ations and standards 6on3or to t:e reCuire ents o3 t:e design 6odes ado7ted 3or t:e relevant 7ortion o3 t:e ;orA! B:ere t:ere is 6on3li6t 8et;een Codes and (tandards t:e Client s:all de6ide ;:i6: s:all 7revail! /-!"!!el350= Tec(05<ue6 (ingle sided 8utt ;eld Eoints (in lo; allo9 steel and :ig: 9ield steel) s:all 8e designed to :ave t:e root run ade 89 t:e 2as Tungsten 'r6 Belding 7ro6ess! For 8utt ;elded Eoints t:e 3ollo;ing te6:niCues are a66e7ta8le! i! ii! iii! (:ielded Metal ar6 ;elding ;it: argon root-run (:ielded Metal ar6 ;elding ;it: 6onsu a8le insert in root 3used 89 argon ar6! (e i-auto ati6 or auto ati6 ;elding ;it: argon root-run!

Beld Eoint 7re7arations s:all 8e in a66ordan6e ;it: '(ME (e6!VIII &iv!/ as a77li6a8le or an eCuivalent or su7erior a77roved standard and to t:e ClientFs a77roval! Belding s9 8ols s:all 8e to an9 '77roved (tandard! //!-!CONTRO* AND INSTR,MENTATION FOR RO P*ANT Full9 auto ated RO 7lant and se i auto ated &M 7lant s:all 8e o7erated and 6ontrolled 3ro ain &C( in 6entral 6ontrol roo and also 3ro lo6al o7erator station lo6ated in ;ater treat ent 7lant 6ontrol roo ! *e6essar9 :ard;are5 so3t;are5 dotatri> 7rinter and 3urniture s:all 8e su77lied along ;it: &C( at ;ater treat ent 7lant lo6al 6ontrol roo ! //!/!SYSTEM REE,IREMENT T:is 6lause 6overs te6:ni6al reCuire ents o3 t:e 6ontrol and instru entation (C=I) 3or t:e sa3e5 relia8le5 6ontinuous and satis3a6tor9 o7eration o3 3ull9 auto ati6 o7erated RO 7lant and se i auto ati6 &M 7lant envisaged 3or t:e su8Ee6t 7roEe6t! (6o7e o3 t:e (u77lierContra6tor in6ludes su77l95 su7ervision o3 installation and 6o issioning su66ess3ull9 6o 7lete 6ontrol and instru entation s9ste in6luding t:e su77l9 o3 all 3ield ounted instru ents5 6ontrol valve5 O*+OFF valve5 anal9sers5 all inter6onne6ting 6a8les5 6a8le tra9s5 instru ent ere6tion :ard;ares instru ent eart:ing et6! as reCuired 3or t:e satis3a6tor9 o7eration o3 t:e RO 7lant! Control and instru entation s9ste reCuire ent s7e6i3ied :erein is onl9 a ini u L :o;ever (u77lierContra6tor s:all in6lude and su77l9 all ot:er s9ste 5 instru ents and :ard;ares as reCuired 3or t:e relia8le and 6ontinuous o7eration o3 t:e RO 7lant in a 3ull9 auto ated ode and &M 7lant in a se i auto ated ode ;it:out an9 additional 6ost to t:e 6lient!



'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. 23

'll instru ents su77lied 89 t:e (u77lierContra6tor s:all 8e 3ull9 6ali8rated and s:all 8e su77lied ;it: 6ali8ration 6erti3i6ates tra6ea8le to national standards! (u77lierContra6tor s:all also 6arr9out 3ield 6ali8ration and generate ne6essar9 do6u ents! It is not t:e intention o3 t:is s7e6i3i6ation to s7e6i39 6o 7letel9 :erein all t:e details o3 design and 6onstru6tion o3 instru ents + s9ste ! ,o;ever it s:all 6on3or in all res7e6ts to :ig: standards o3 design5 engineering and ;orA ans:i7 and s:all 8e 6a7a8le o3 7er3or ing in 6ontinuous 6o er6ial o7eration u7to (u77lierContra6torJs guarantee in a anner a66e7ta8le to O;ner ;:o ;ill inter7ret t:e eaning o3 dra;ing and s7e6i3i6ation and s:all :ave t:e 7o;er to reEe6t an9 ;orA or aterials ;:i6: in :is Eudge ent5 are not in 3ull a66ordan6e ;it: t:e reCuire ents o3 t:e s9ste ! //!/!/ Follo;ing instru ents s:all 8e su77lied as For all 3ilters! a) 8) Pressure gauges at Inlet = outlet o3 ea6: 3ilter! Tur8ine 3lo; trans itter and totaliser at t:e inlet o3 ea6: 3ilter! ini u 3or t:e 7lant!

For all trans3er + 3eed 7u 7s a) 8) Pressure gauge on t:e dis6:arge o3 ea6: 7u 7! Lo; Pressure s;it6: on t:e 6o on dis6:arge :eader!

For all storage tanAs a) 8) Float = 8oard t97e level indi6ator ;:ere tanA :eig:t M " ;:ere tanA :eig:t N " eters! Level s;it6: :ig: = lo; lo;! eters5 Level gauge

For all 8lo;ers a) a For all dosing s9ste a) 8) 6) d)


Pressure gauge on t:e dis6:arge o3 ea6: 8lo;er!

Level indi6ator! Level s;it6: :ig: = lo; lo;! Pressure gauge on t:e dis6:arge o3 ea6: 7u 7! ORP anal9Der and trans itter at outlet o3 sodiu sul7:ite dosing!

For all eEe6tors


'M( )M* + MEC,


FICHTNER Consulting Engineers ( India ) Private Li ited! Subject ADITYA CEMENT EPC TENDERCONTRACT SPECIFICATION "# $%PM%SPC%"&&%&&' FOR 2 x 23 2 M! TPP R&R' Doc. No. Rev. Vol. / Sec. II / " S(eet No. 2#

a) Varia8le area 3lo;

eter at regeneration ;ater inlet!

8) &ensit9 anal9Der at t:e outlet o3 eEe6tor For ion e>6:angers a) 8) 6) d) Pressure gauges at inlet and outlet o3 ea6: e>6:anger! Tur8ine 3lo; eter + totaliser at t:e outlet!

7, anal9ser at outlet o3 MB e>6:angers! Condu6tivit9 anal9Der at t:e outlet o3 MB e>6:angers!

For all s9ste s Control valves and O*+OFF valves reCuired 3or 3ull9 auto ati6 RO 7lant and se i auto ati6 &M 7lant s:all 8e su77lied as reCuired! (tandard instru entation5 as reCuired 3or t:e 6o 7lete 7lant! T:e 8asi6 o7eration o3 t:e 7lant s:all 8e in anual ode 3or so3tener and 3or &M 7lant! 'll t:e anal9ser trans itter s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: lo6al indi6ator ! (i ilarl9 all t:e tur8ine 3lo; trans itter s:all 8e 7rovided ;it: lo6al indi6ator ;:i6: ;ill 8e a8le to dis7la9 3lo; rate and totalised 3lo;!



'M( )M* + MEC,


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