Why Capitalist Bankers Funded The Russian Revolution

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Why Capitalist Bankers funded the Russian Revolution.

When Leon Trotsky was in New York in 1917, he received word to return to Russia at one to help bring off the Bolshevik seizure of power. The Rockerfellers gave him 10 000 dollars in cash for his journey, procured a special passport for him from President Wilson and sent Lincoln Steffens to safeguard him on the journey. Trotsky continued on his way to Russia and became Lenin Chief deputy in the extermination of Russian Citizens; he also organised the Red Army with the help of Wall Street lawyer Thomas Thatcher. Frank. P. Walsh testified before a U.S. commission that the Rockerfeller foundation was a cloak for the Rockefeller plan to lead organised labor into slavery. Marx's Jewish revolutionary program of 1848 became a reality in the Soviet regime under the leadership, through 1918 and 1919 of the trio Lenin, Stalin and Sverdlov, a Jewish State was in the making - one of the Zionist dreams has come true. The five - pointed red star of Zion was adopted as the insignia of the Jewish Soviets and has since been made the Matiunal emblem. And according to Marx's precepts, in the new created State Jews were given all opportunities for advancement before Gentiles interests for advancement were even so much thought of. All the Jewish-Marxian ambitions were amply satisfied under Lenins oligarchy, while the submerged non-Jewish population of 98.3 percent - Think of it! ' ever since that time has been deprived of all opportunities of Journalistic - as well as political - representation! The proletarian revolution for which the Russian worker had been so deceitful urged to fight, never became a reality. Instead it has witnessed a Jewish domination from the very first day of the revolution. The nationalisation of all Russian property was started under Lenin with the simultaneous confiscation of all private bank deposits, Jewelry, gold and silver and all other articles of values, for instance, art and stamp collections, books and so on. This enactment at one stroke enabled, the Jewish under world to strip Gentiles Russia bare of all its portable valuables. The Jews thereby were given full opportunity of looting all the nations monetary resources. Therefore the Russian revolution was a strictly Jewish revolution, and in no sense a workers revolt. Says a report from the Jewsectia of 1919, Defend Magazine: Kansas, of January 1939. P 6. Features another attestment from the Jew H: Herman of New York, made in 1917. ''The Russian Revolution was made by the Jews, we have created secret societies, planned the Reign of Terror. The Revolution succeeded by our conniving propaganda and our mass assassinations in order to form a government truly ours'' The allimportant authority for enforcing the new Soviet Laws, by which the Jewish revolutionaries, were to interpret their concepts of Social order, during the following transitional period, was placed in the hands of a military cabinet of eight of which five were Jews, wish Trotsky at the head. Victor Marsden, Russian correspondent of the London pose: '' At the present (1918) all Bolshevik Commisars are Jews, all the aggitation for the glorious revolution both in 1905 and in 1917 was worked out by the Jews. These Jews have stripped Russia bare off all portable property. The Jews today are the only people in petrogad able to walk steadily; they have food, no one else has. Indeed, the Jews have all been well fed, and never was a Jew seen in the Queues for food. Yet they come in ever increasing numbers from all parts of Russia - and even from England and America - and all are well fed. Communist charkov M. Cohen April 12 1919: ''Without exaggeration, it may be said that the great Russian Revolution was indeed accomplished by the hands of the Jews.'' ''The Communist are Jews and Russia is entirely administered by them.'' Clare Sheridan This is the truth about the Russian revolution. The problem with black intellectuals is that they don't think. Black intellectuals don't take time out to study Afrikan problems and that is the reason we have

not been able to solve them. Marxism is irrelevant to the Afrikan struggle. We need to come up with our own ideologies, theories and a way of life. Black liberation is our responsibility. Vuka Darkie. The book 200 Years together ( Russia and the Jews) by Alexander Solzhenitsyn was banned and still is banned in Russia. It exposed the truth about the Russian revolution. o o
Alexander Dawood They're up to their same dirty tricks in Kiev. 13 hours ago Like 6Unlike Share You, Zeer Nehanda Black Power, Sydney Dhlamini, Khaya Phangani and 15 others like this.

Tsepo Phokeng Karl Marx is a product of Moses Hess. That man was a fraud. 13 hours ago Like 2

Mandlenkosi Ka Phangwa Source? 13 hours ago Like

Tinabubuya Tidde McBlow Malikongwa Now I realise that just as in all the animals that had a real say in the management of Animal Farm were pigs, all those Russian Revolution leaders were Jews. 13 hours ago Like

Tsepo Phokeng @ Mandla, a book called 200 Years together (Russia and the Jews) by Alexander Solzenitsyn or New World order by Eustice Mullins. Download his Secrets of the Federal Reserve as well. 13 hours ago Like 1

Sydney Dhlamini Mandla you have just been provided and ocean of sources on the status update itself! 13 hours ago Like 1

Khaya Phangani The problem with the so called Afrikan intellectuals is in essence they are trained to mimic ideologies developed elsewhere for different reasons and not to develop their own ideologies that will respond to their different

circumstances, that is why we are always fed crap everyday called intellectual debate, in Afrika there will never be any revolutionary change brought by these parrots 13 hours ago Like 2

Kokoi Ferro Thus Malema is a jewish agent, as was the ANC, DA and other Afrikaner nationalists... where are the Marxian black slaves when you need them the most. watch how they claim: "Marx was good jew, and a revolutionary", lol 13 hours ago Like 2

Kokoi Ferro all "revolutionary" movements were designed, by and controlled by world jewry. earlier on today, in defense of Marx, I was blocked from commenting on a particular post, lol... #slaves 13 hours ago Like

Muzi Zwane You got to read this article The Rapes of Russian Women by Red Army,he he he yoh how the writers were forbidden to publish stories related to rapes and the revolution. 12 hours ago Like

Ndugu Maziwa Did Malema make that statement? @ Tsepo thanks for the knowledge. I been studied this so called revolution and never went beyond the main screen to see who was who. @ Kyaha that was a very true statement in we mimic those ideologies weren't meant for us. Yes the intellectuals should sit down and write our own manifesto for our cause and purpose. 12 hours ago Like

Ndugu Maziwa So all those that Stalin killed were non jews ? 12 hours ago Like 1

Thabo Ntoni Was Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin Jews kanti? Wow. 12 hours ago Like

Kokoi Ferro Yes, all played for the same team, which currently rules the world through the UN. 12 hours ago Like

Tsepo Phokeng The article Says the Jews dominate Russia, the Article never said Stalin was a Jew, however, I would not be surprised if they were. These are facts, if you guys still doubt do your own research. I got more than 5 books that back up these facts. One was written by Moses Hess himself. I still say none of these systems are relevant to the Afrikan struggle. I am watching a movie, I won't argue with Marxist. 12 hours ago Like 1

Kokoi Ferro Blacks who protect and promote their ideologies are self hating slaves, and useful idiots in the eyes of the creators of such systems. 12 hours ago Like

Tsepo Phokeng It is time blacks accepted the fact that we are oppressed because we are black. We die in mines because we are black, we are slaves because we are black, we die for water because we are black, we own less than 13% of our country because we are black and we are the only workers in this country because we are black. Right now black students are burning schools because their education system suck. Have you guys ever seen white people burn down schools? How many white people went on strike for a better wages since 1994? How many white people were evicted from their homes? Nah guys it is time we accepted the fact that we have no friends and we are suffering because we are black. Black capitalism is a myth, those rich fools don't even own the means of production and their money is regulated by white banks. If white people decided that the rand has no value tommorow all these so called black capitalist would go broke in less than 2 seconds. I am watching a movie. This is a useless discussion. ''We are not communist, socialist or catholics, we are Afrikan nationalist.'' - Patrice Lumumba ''They say are struggle is a class struggle and not a race one, let them go to Van Tonder in the Freestate and tell him that.'' - Steve Biko ''I study Marxism for the sake of studying theory, we can not apply Marxism to the Afrikan struggle.'' Amil Cabral 11 hours ago Edited Like 4

Ndugu Maziwa Very true indeed Tsepo . No need in worrying about the past when we need to be correcting the present to better our future. Ase 11 hours ago Like

Kokoi Ferro "Some call it Marxism I call it Judaism." (The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).

11 hours ago Like

Ronny Gerald Gumbo Thats y Klaus futchs stole nuclear bomb secreats for Stalin & ws by The British on espionage charges... 11 hours ago Like

Njabulo Mkhululi Matshikiza Well falsification of history with black vomit wil never deter us from fighting capitalism whether it comes delivered by Jews,whites ,Indians or even Africans,u can continue to invent legends n tales about the proletarian revolution simply bcoz u cannot truthfully n honestly advocate African capitalism but by lies n innuendos which r meant to blacken the proletarian movement as evil. what a nice tale u can tell to 6 year old kids who never read any history. it is amazin what u claim when the imperialists did all they can to destroy Soviet Socialist Russia from infancy ,n she had to fend off destuction from imperialism n Lenin was taught in imperialist countries like a monster n hated even today. but why should we waste precious time with legends n tales when the black government using both black n white police is killing our people with impunity.Being an African doesn't guarantee the fact that u r revolutionary. why dnt u read Nkrumah's Class Struggle in Africa,then against u r not seeking truth but only concerned with secreting Black evil vomit. we r watching,go on 9 hours ago Like

Raymond Simon Damn.. 8 hours ago Like

Kokoi Ferro There you go, a slave on a rampage defending his handlers, and seeing himself through the analysis of white men #psycho 5 hours ago Like 2

Ndugu Maziwa Thats why it was stated that we need our own manifesto instead of going off someone elses thought process. Yeah the central committee needs to put the ideologies together to put all of us in place for the betterment of our future. Reading another book about the past will only keep our thought process rooted in the past . Its 2014 and times are different and we need another unification process. So succumbing to Nkrumah's class struggle is what was needed in those times. Right now we need capital land and know how to conquer the white black red yellow and brown who are against what we stand for. And no i'm not talking about integration. Not my symbol of justice. NO COMPROMISE 4 hours ago Like 1

Tello Allie Mofokeng Hee! banna

3 hours ago Like

Sydney Dhlamini Njabulo please read the update on this post(wall) again, and this time much slower! I fail to understand what is it you missed there!?!?! 3 hours ago Like

Kokoi Ferro @Syd, Njabulo is an evolutionary (not revolutionary), he's graduated from slave to friend of the actual enemy. long essay, but no degree of sense in his attempts. 3 hours ago Like

Tsepo Phokeng @ Njabulo, do your own research. Whenever you tell Christians the truth about the bible they tell you that you are a satanic and they will not stop fighting evil. Whenever you tell Marxist the truth about Marxism they tell you it is propaganda and that they will not stop fighting Capitalism. These facts were written by people who took part in the Russian Revolution, where were you? Why did Trotsky have a fall out with Stalin? Are you telling me Stalin never murdered 40 million people and that is just a lie made up by the West? Are you telling me Mao Tse Tsung never murdered more than 60 million people and that those are just lies made up by the West? Who is part of this proletariat? The last time I checked only blacks are at the bottom, nobody else so please man open your eyes your God Marx was a fraud. The capitalist system is the old Roman slave system. By periodically changing the name of this system from Capitalism to socialist, communism to fascism they fool ignorant people like you into thinking that there is revolutionary change taking place but when you study the system you realise that in every single country on this planet Jews are at the top and blacks are at the bottom. Jews then make you celebrate heroes and leaders that have never changed anything really - heroes like Cabral, Nkrumah and Du Bois. These leaders had the whole project wrong but Afrikans still love them. You people get mad whenever the truth is told about the Afrikan struggle. Njabulo tell me, what has changed in Afrika since the Berlin conference? Are our countries not more colonised now than they were back then? Open your eyes man. Fuck all these isms man and fuck Karl Marx. Now do your own research, I dare you to prove me wrong. Eish Darkie. 2 hours ago Edited Like 5

Sipho Petro Mnisi Ahaaa those who cant stand the truth will disagree.. 2 hours ago Like

Mokgethi J Makokwe III the rape, theft and misappropriation of de world's resources (largely Afrikan resources) by the white race led by de fake jews was largely achieved thru BLACK mass murder. de aim is to exercise a hegemony on world finances and ipso facto politics in order to annihilate de black race. this combo of rape, theft, misappropriation and mass murder of de black race is called Capitalism. now because these devils knew sooner or later niggers were gon revolt against all of de above listed atrocities, de very same fake jews

conceptualized Marxism onstensibly as de tool to annihilate Capitalism. de truth is dat de enemy creates problems and creates solutions for us. but de black problematic is not primarily Capitalism but de struggle to preserve ourselves as a dying race. de same can be said wit WHITE CONTROLLED apartheid and wit WHITE CONTROLLED elections and parliamentary politics. de enemy created de ANC, and now de enemy has created de EFF as an ostensible solution to de black problematic. but de real problem is not de ANC but WHITE SUPREMACY which survives on black suffering! thus, Kokoi Ferro is spot: de EFF, DA and ANC and all Marxists are jewish Capitalist/Imperialist paid agents who want to derail de black struggle! about an hour ago Edited Like 3

Kokoi Ferro @ The III, you know how the chief Marxist, Andile the philistine hijacked SNI, and corrupted its revollutionary impetus and anal fucked the revo' through homosexual fuckery with My-dilema's EFF. these goons never learn and aren't ready to be free! They read, but never understand, hence their selective application. fuck Black converts! about an hour ago Like

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