Artistic Typography in Metropolis
Artistic Typography in Metropolis
Artistic Typography in Metropolis
By Callie Leuck
If Metropolis was meant to be an art film, it thin transitions that are especially apparent in the
would be a shame to overlook using font and following letters:
typography artistically. Since Fritz Lang’s 1927
film Metropolis was a silent film, the written word
played a large role in story comprehension.
This article will investigate the use of font and Figure 2: Letters from intertitles
typography in Metropolis, specifically artistic The thick/thin transitions and the stylized
use. It will specifically focus on the design of serifs give the font an artistic feel. Intertitles are
the intertitles used for dialogue and narration important in silent film—Metropolis particularly
throughout the film but will also briefly touch would be very difficult to understand without
upon in-story writing such as notes, numbers, and the on-screen narration and dialogue. Therefore,
labels. it becomes necessary to give the audience
Intertitles are the black screens with white text information through text, and that text should be
that display dialogue or narration in silent films. both appealing and readable.
Because the technology to attach sound to film had It is somewhat curious that the font chosen for
not been developed in 1927, film was very different the Metropolis intertitles is so artistically stylized,
than it is today. given that the storyline is about a futuristic city,
Actors used more extreme gestures and facial and not a more straight-lined, austere font;
expressions than in movies today. Necessary however, Metropolis was not created as a science
information was conveyed to the audience through fiction film, which is a genre it inspired, but as an
means of the intertitles. As a result, the font and art film, so it makes sense to use the intertitles
typography could play a large role in the film. artistically as well.
It is not only the intertitles that are in an artistic
style: numbers and text in the film’s city use the
same—or at least a very similar—stylized font.
Metropolis. Dir. Fritz Lang. Writ. Thea Von Harbou. Perfs.
Gustav Fröhlich, Brigitte Helm. Purdue Convocations & The
Long Center Theatre Organ Society, Sept. 18, 2009.